Jakes Chance


Published on Jan 24, 2008


I do not know the sexuality of any of the persons/characters in this story. It is all part of my warped little mind. If you are to young. move on.. if Homosexuality offends you.. move on... it this kind of material is not allowed in your state, country or city. then please move on.

Jakes Chance Chapter 5

I woke the next morning to my cell phone ringing. I groggily answered it. "Hello?"

The voice on the other end asked "Did I wake you?"

"Yeah but thats ok. What are you doing up so early Jake? And why are you calling me so early?" I asked.

"Couldn't sleep.. plus I was excited about taking you around Hollywood and L.A. Today."

"Jake how could you be excited?? you live here, you see the area all the time."

"But you don't.. you don't know what you are in for. Thats what makes it exciting for me."

"Ok... well since I am up..... what time are you coming over? I asked.

"I will be there in about three minutes."

"What?? why three minutes?" I said a little to loudly.

He laughed and said "I have coffee as a peace offering, plus I have some bagels and cream cheese.

"I will leave the door unlocked. Come on in and make yourself at home. I am going to jump into the shower really quick."

"Ok Chance, see you in a few."

"See you then." I said and hung up.

I brushed my teeth and jumped into the shower trying to hurry so that Jake wouldn't have to sit around and wait for me. I guess I wasn't fast enough. I heard "Your" and screamed like a little girl. I opened the shower curtain and said "you scared the shit outta me Jake." He was laughing so hard he couldn't speak. "You go ahead and laugh, at least I wasn't dressed so I don't have to worry about changing my underwear."

He set the coffee down on the counter and jumped up sitting on the other side.

I shut the shower curtain and continued my shower. "Sorry im not ready" I said "but I wasn't expecting my date to pick me up until about ten."

I heard him choke on his coffee as he sputtered out "Date" Now I was laughing, I answered with "I'm kidding Jake. So where are you taking me today anyway?"

"I thought we could check out Malibu and then hit Hollywood."

"Arn't you worried about being seen, spotted or mobbed?"

"Nope.. the only people who will care are the people taking the pictures." he said like it was no big deal.

I shut the shower off, opened the shower curtain and grabbed a towel and dried off. Jake was staring at me with a slight smile on his face. "What??? why are you looking at me like that?" I asked

"well.. Ummm.." he stammered.

"Come on Jake spit it out."

"I think your a great guy.. I have had a great time hanging out with you since you've been here."


"And what Chance?" he asked confused.

"I don't know... I'm waiting for the and, Or the but to fall."

"There isn't an and or but. Your funny, crazy at times and you couldn't care less that If i was a celebrity or not. I'm glad that we met and it makes me happier that I can call you one of my friends. I can call you one of my friends cant I?" He asked.

"I would like to think that you would consider me one of your friends." I said and added "I consider you one of mine. I don't know about you but friends are not easy to come by." I walked out of the bathroom and proceeded to put the clothes on that I had laid out. Jake again stood there and watched me. I put on some sneakers and asked "Are you ready?

"Yep. Shall we?" He asked.

"We shall." I replied

We headed out to his car and drove to Malibu. Jake pointed out what stars owned what houses. What the house looked like on the inside and why he had been at the house. From Malibu we headed into Hollywood. Jake was right when he said I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Wow.. talk about a different world. I have to say I would have never suspected that such a diverse group of human beings could live in such a small area. We stopped and had lunch at of all places Pizza hut. After we ordered and the waiter brought back our drinks I looked at Jake and said "Thanks for doing all of this for me Jake. I really appreciate you taking the time to take me to all of these places."

"Its no problem Chance, Plus as I said before I'm glad we met and have become fast friends."

"I agree." I said and held my beer up as a toast and said "to friends, family and love. May we find all mentioned and never be without them."

"Here here." He said smiling.

We sat talking the whole time while eating the pizza. His cell phone went off, he pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the caller id and then looked up at me. "Its Sean, I'll call him back later." he said as he started putting his phone away while it still rang.

"Go ahead and answer it Jake." the conversation on his side was "Yeah.. pause.. Ok.. pause..I don't know.. Hold on a second and I will ask. Sean wants to know if you and I want to have dinner tonight and then hit a club?"

"You can go, I don't really like going to clubs, plus we have to get up early to head to the Ellen show tomorrow."

"Thanks for the offer Sean, but I think we will pass. I forgot were getting up early to go to the Ellen Show." He paused and added "Thanks for the offer though." and hung up.

"Jake you could have gone. If you have other plans or you want to do something else just let me know its really not a big deal."

"I don't want to go out with Sean by myself actually."

"whys that?" I asked curious.

"The last time I went out with him, he got a little too drunk and started hitting on me."

"I could see why that wouldn't be very comfortable for you then."

"Chance... he really started hitting on me. Feeling me up.. groping, fondling... get the picture." he asked.

"Well yeah.. I now have that vision stuck in my brain. Thanks a lot." I said smiling.

"ANYWAY..." He said "We stopped talking for awhile after that. I wasn't sure I wanted a friend that could just molest me like that and not think anything about it. So needless to say I don't go anywhere with him alone if there is going to be alcohol."

"That makes sense to me Jake. I wouldn't want a friend like that either, and sure the hell wouldn't want to worry about being molested if he was drinking."

We finished our meal and Jake drove me through Beverly Hills. Playing tour guide. We stopped off at Jakes house as he wanted to make sure that they were actually working on the house today. He opened the gate and drove by slowly just looking in.

"I thought you were going in?" I asked.

"Nah.. I just wanted to make sure that they were here. The foreman and I had words last night." He looked over at me and added "They haven't worked on the house for the last few day. I told him that I wanted to see continued progress on it and not have them disappear for days at a time."

"I think you got your point across since there is at least ten vehicles at the house."

"Well.. I told him I would fire him and find someone else if the house didnt continue on the agreed upon schedule."

I gave him a shocked look and said "Dang.... you go boy.. you lay down the law. Give them the what for." in my best gangsta voice,

He started laughing and drove away from the house. Heading back to the Hotel.

I opened the door and walked over and flopped down on the bed. Jake did the same on the other bed.

"So what now? He asked.

"Not a dang thing." I responded. "I'm done.,. I'm toured out for today."

"Good" he said "So am I."

I closed my eyes and rested thinking about everything. I heard light snoring coming from the other bed. I got up and changed into some sweat shorts and a tee shirt and grabbed my book and laid back down on the bed to read. After about two hours I got up and stripped the bed back and looked over at Jake. He had curled up laying on his side facing me. I walked over and nudged him and said "Jake..."

"Yeah?" He moaned and turned onto his back.

"Are you staying here tonight or are you going home?" I asked.

"Is it ok if I just stay here?"

"Of course it is, you don't have to ask." I shook him awake again as I was coming out of the bathroom. " I'm going to bed. If you want something to sleep in go ahead and grab something out of my suitcase. Otherwise your own your own."

"Ok." he said as he rolled on to his side and off of the bed. He went in and used the bathroom and came back out and stripped down to his boxers. He looked over at me and asked "Do you mind if I sleep nude?'

"Hey buddy as long as I don't have to share the bed with you.. you can sleep however you want." he half smiled and slipped his boxers off and got into the bed.

I shut the light off and said "Night Jake."

"Night.. See you in the morning." was his response and a few minutes later I heard the light snoring again. I rolled over and fell asleep.

I woke to the sound of the alarm going off on my cell phone. I reached over and grabbed it and shut it off. I laid back down and looked over at Jake. He was still asleep laying on his back with all the covers pushed down to his feet. I picked up the other pillow laying on the bed and threw it at him hitting him in the face. He jerked awake trying to figure out what was happening. I tried not to laugh but couldn't help it. As he heard me giggling.

"What the hell.. why did you do that?"

"Well.. I didn't want to be the only one up." I paused "Ohhh thats right... I wasn't up by myself. It seems someone or something was up this morning. "

"ha ha ha.." he responded. "Its a natural thing."

"Natural yes.." I replied "But its not everyday that I get to spend time with Jake Gyllenhaal and Jake Gyllenhaal Junior."

He Just groaned and rolled over on his side facing away from me.

So I added "Or his naked white ass!"

I heard him mumble "My ass is not white?"

I got up and headed into the shower. I got out and got dressed and took the wet towel and snapped sleeping beauty on the ass with it saying "Get up!!! we need to get a move on.. we have to be at The Ellen show by seven." Jake got up and into the shower and dressed, Yes in some of my clothes in record time. We arrived at exactly seven. We had front row seats thanks to Jake. As soon as Ellen came out she saw Jake and danced her way over to him. She hugged him as he hugged her back. She danced her way onto the stage and started the show. Once a commercial came on she rushed over to us.

"What are you doing here Jake? Do you wanna be on the show?."

"No I'm ok here." He said and explained to her why he was at that show and introduced me to her. She had invited us back stage once the show was done. He told her that we had other plans but he would definitely come back and be on the show again. We said our goodbyes and left the studio. A little girl stopped Jake and asked for an autograph. Once that happened all hell broke lose and It took us at least two hours to reach the car because of all the autographs requested. I got in the drivers side and started the car and let Jake in the passenger side so that he could make his getaway.

I pulled out of the studio lot and asked "Which way?"

"Turn left here and then right Three blocks up." I did as I was told and then pulled over to the curb.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yes.. I just wasn't expecting all the autograph requests." he shrugged his shoulders and said " Did you want me to drive or did you want to drive us back to the Hotel?"

"Doesn't matter, you just have to give me directions."

"Ok, Just continue straight on this road for about five miles and the hotel will be on the left hand side."

I merged back into traffic without any problems and drove us to the hotel. I got out and handed Jake his keys and asked "Are you coming in?"

"No, I'm going to head home."

"Did you want to come in and get your clothes or are you going to get them tomorrow.?"

"I'll just pick them up tomorrow if thats ok?"

"Tomorrows fine. I guess I will see you then." He said his goodbye and got into the vehicle and pulled out. I walked into the hotel went up to my room and took went to bed.

I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door. I looked at the clock and it was six thirty. I knew it was Jake without having to even look. I opened the door and asked "Do you get a hard on waking me up this early every morning?"

"No.. not really a hard on.. maybe a semi.. but not a hard on."

"Well as long as someone is getting a thrill out of it,.,. Thats all that matters."I said as I walked away from the door. He came in and shut the door behind him.

"Why arn't you up and dressed. Its going to take us a few hours to get to Huntington Beach."

"Jake its six thirty.. plus the concert doesn't start until seven tonight. I think we have plenty of time."

"Not once we go surfing and walk the beach."

"Surfing?" I asked puzzled.

"Yep were going to go surfing."

"Jake I don't know how to surf. I wouldn't have the first clue."

"Thats why I'm going to show you, so get ready and lets go." He turned back to me and added "Bring everything that you will need for tonight also. I already have a change of clothes in the car."

I went in and changed into shorts and a tee shirt and put on my flip flops. I walked back out and asked "Is this ok?'

"Of course.. lets get going."

I grabbed a change of clothes and the tickets for tonights concert and my camera. I wanted to get some pictures of Jake surfing.

We made it to Huntington Beach a little past ten. I was handed a wet suit. I held it in my hand as I watched Jake struggling to put his on. I stood there thinking there is no bloody way I am stuffing myself into this little thing. Jake finally got his on and zipped up and asked "what are you waiting for.. get that thing on."


"Come on Chance. I can tell you really don't want to do this. But I really want to show you how to surf." He pleaded with me.

"OK, FINE!!." I said. He smiled real wide. I proceeded to put the thing on. The only way to explain it is.. its like trying to put an extra small condom on an extra large penis. Its hurts and is really really tight.

We finally made it into the water. Jake was very patient with me. He told me what I needed to do and how I needed to do it. It turned out to be a lot of fun. We laughed a lot at me falling off the board constantly. I finally did make it up on the board and rode the wave for about.. ohhhh two seconds.. before falling head first into the water. After about four hours of us horsing around in the water and my failed attempts at surfing we finally decided enough was enough and packed up the surf boards and headed to the showers to rinse off the salt water.

I was standing under the water letting it run down my body as Jake was doing the same thing on the other side. I looked over at Jake and Happened to see someone standing about 25 yards away taking pictures of Jake.

The only thing I said was "You have company."

He turned and spotted them right away and looked back at me and said "I'm surprised it took them this long to find me."

"Lets get out of here Jake. Can we stop somewhere and get something to eat?"

"Yeah... There is this little Mexican Taco stand that has awesome food, we can grab something from them and then head to the stadium for the concert."

I packed everything up and got into the car and we headed to the Taco Stand. The food was awesome. To me it was true Mexican food. Not the stuff you get in the mid-west. Believe me there is a difference. Once we finished eating Jake pulled back out onto the road taking us in the direction of the concert hall. We changed clothes in the car.. it was a sight to see.. at points we were laughing so hard at each other trying to get dressed. That I didn't think we were going to make into the concert. I cant truly say that I'm glad that there wasn't any police around to arrest us for indecent exposure.

The seats for the concert were awesome, they were second row center. I love Wynonna and have seen her in concert many times. Jake had never seen her and surprisingly enough liked her a lot. We drove away from the arena madly talking about how great a concert she puts on.

I asked Jake a couple of times if he wanted me to drive but both times he said he was fine. By the time we got back to the hotel it was almost three in the morning. I thanked Jake for a great day and headed into the hotel as he drove home.

Jake didn't show up at six thirty the next morning. Actually when noon rolled around I gave him a call on his cell phone. It rang and rang and rang and then went to voice mail. I hung up and called right back. I rang three times and someone picked up groggily saying "Hello?"

"Hi I Jake around?"

"No hes still sleeping. Can I take a message?"

No.. actually yes.. could you tell him Chance called, and if he wants to call me back he will have to call me on my cell phone." I thanked him and hung up.

Ok there is Chapter 5...

I hope you liked it. Please email me at jakeschance@gmail.com with comments.

Thanks Brent

Next: Chapter 6

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