Jakes Sol

By moc.loa@0821eoDnowKxeR

Published on May 22, 2007


Let's see. This is all fiction. I don't know any of the celebrities mentioned and do not know the sexuality of any of them (for sure). You shouldn't be reading this if you're not 18 or whatever the age restrictions in your state are. Blah blah. I've only written like two stories before, so hopefully you guys like this one too. Write feedback (a lot) to rexkwondoe1280@aol.com. ENJOY!


"Hey everyone, the grand opening is in 2 hours and I want this place spotless!" Chris shouted from the front of the room.

Chris was the manager of a new restaurant opening up in Los Angeles, and he being a friend of mine (and me and my friends being broke) gave us a job at the restaurant. It's a very ritzy kind of place. He christened it The Sol, which I think means sun in Spanish. He was also a friend of Jennifer Anniston's, who was going to be attending the grand opening with other celebrities.

"Chris! We've wiped every table and vacuumed every damn corner of this place...it's clean...I can see my reflection in the table Chris." Melanie groaned from across the room, sitting down on one of the chairs.

"Stop complaining Mel...we're making extra cash for this, get your lazy ass up." Reagan said, walking by carrying a stack of silver ware.

"Jeez Reagan, let me help you out." I said, taking half the stack from her.

"Thanks Peyton, good to know there are some people that can bare to get on their feet." Reagan said, shooting Mel a dirty look.

"Children, children, stop bickering...why can't you be adults like me?" Mason said, walking by and draping table cloths over the naked tables.

"Right, adults like you." Mel said, laughing and making air quotes. ==================================================== The restaurant had been open for about and hour now and all the guests were seated and the paparazzo were gone. It was strange seeing so many famous faces up close. A few of the celebrities were whiney assholes, but most of them were polite and really nice (and good-looking). Mel was a little star-struck and ended up choking on her words a few times. Like right now, at the "Gyllenhaal and Guests" table.

"Um....uh...order....I mean...can I have your....your..." she stuttered, her face getting paler and blanker as she went on.

I walked up to her (laughing my ass off) and whispered in her ear to go get a new section from Chris and I would take care of her section. I turned to the people seated at the table and took out my pen and pad.

"Hey, my name's Peyton, i'll be your new server tonight. Can I get you guys any drinks to start with?" I asked, making sure to look each of them in the eye (especially Jake).

"Can we all just get some water?" Maggie said, giving me a cute smile.

"Alright, and would you like an appetizers to warm up your stomachs?" I asked, looking up from my pad after writing down their drink order.

"What would you recommend?" Peter (Saarsgard) asked me.

"Well, seeing as i've only tried like 3 of them, i'd say...go with the calamari and steamed vegetables." I said, smiling at them.

"Alright, we'll take that." Jake said, collecting the menu's and handing them to me.

"Smart man." I said, laughing and walking away after writing the order down.

"Benny! Calamari and steamed vegetables!" I called out to the chef, handing him the order.

"Comin' right up!" he said, shouting from the kitchen.

"Peyton! There's a French woman out there who does not speak English and i'm about to pop a blood vessel...help!" Reagan said, coming in through the doors.

"Go get 'em Million-Dollar Man." Mason said, patting me on the back. ====================================================== "Alright, how's the calamari?" I asked Jake's table.

"It's great, you were completely right." Maggie said, giving me a smile.

"You doubted me?" I asked, laughing.

"Ah, never. We're ready to order if that's okay." Jake said, never breaking eye contact.

"Of course. What'll it be?" I asked, pulling out my pad and pen again. ====================================================== "How's everything going here?" I asked Jake's table.

"Everything's great...Jake pigged out and finished first...of course." Maggie said, giving her brother a smile.

"Yea thanks Maggie. Yea it was great, tell your manager he's got us as regulars." Jake said, laughing.

"Will do. Maybe i'll get a raise for getting him his first regulars." I said, laughing to myself.

"Too late...already got the first ones." Mel said, passing by carrying trays of trash in her hand.

"Hey Peyton! Get in here." Mason said, poking his head out of the doors to the back.

"I gotta go, do you guys want your check right away?" I asked.

"Yes please." Peter said, setting his fork down from his last bite.

"Alright, i'll get right on that." I said, rushing to the back. ============================================ "Here is your check, and i'll be right back to pick that up." I said, giving Jake the bill.

"Busy?" he asked.

"Excuse me?" I said, stopping and turning around.

"You're practically drenched in sweat." he said, smiling at me.

"Ah, well when no one else has any clue...you kind of got to do it by yourself." I said, laughing and the sweat stains on my shirt.

"Well you're good at it...and we really enjoyed the meal." Maggie said. ======================================================= "Hi...where'd everyone else go?" I asked Jake, noticing he was alone.

"Uh, Maggie and Peter went home to be together." Jake said.

"So they're making you pay all by yourself?" I asked, giving him a smile.

"Nah, Maggie left her credit card." he said, that incredible smile never leaving his face.

"Alright, let me just go run this through, and i'll be back shortly." I said, turning around and going towards the back. =============================================================================== ========= "Here you go Mr. Gyllenhaal, you're all set." I said, smiling up at him.

"Hey, are you busy after you work?" he asked me, putting his jacket on.

"No...no i'm not. Why?" I asked, cleaning up some of the plates and glasses onto a tray.

"Well, i've got nothing to do, and I have my sisters credit card." he said, smiling devilishly at me and waving the credit card in the air.

"Alright, well I get off in like 30 minutes, so i'll meet you at the entrance?" I said, looking him in those puppy dog eyes.

"Sounds like a plan." he said giving a playful wink and walking towards the entrance. ==================================================================

Hello! Alright, so that was part one. The other parts will be longer and better. Write feedback!!!!!! Bye!

Next: Chapter 2

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