James Francos Mark

By BS Archer

Published on Feb 24, 2012


James Franco's Mark Chapter 2

I do not know the celebrities in this story or have any clue about if they prefer woman or men.

If you are under age or happen to live in an area that doesnt allow such material then please click the x at the top right hand corner.

I slowly opened my eyes looking around the dark room not fully understanding where I was. A hand laying across my abdomen slowly slid lower wrapping itself around my incredibly stiff piss hard on. I smiled to myself, moved the hand and slowly got out of bed. I had no idea if James was awake, still sleeping or just looking for something warm to hang onto. I did my business, washed up and headed back to the bed. I laid down and pulled the covers up over myself and James. James slowly slid his way to the warmth of my body snuggling into me. I could feel his hard cock pressed against my thigh. I smiled to myself and fell back to sleep.

Quite a few hours later I felt the bed move and slowly turned my head and opened my eyes. I watched James' cute tight white ass walk into the bathroom. I rolled onto my side facing the bathroom watching him pee. He shook it a few times and then a few more.

"They say if you shake it more than two times then you're really just playing with it."

"They can say what they want." Walking back into the bedroom he was smiling at me and finished with "You gotta do what you gotta do when it feels good." He crawled back into bed and laid next to me with a cute smile on his face. He moved closer and rolled onto his side and putting his hand back onto my stomach with his head on my arm and shoulder.

"You know I'm not gonna be your pillow all day."

"Why not.. its not like you have better things to do." He countered.

"I do too..." I said in mock seriousness trying to think of something important I had to do or go see. Shit nothing was coming to mind.

Laughing he asked "Nothing huh?"

"You're an ass" I shrugged my shoulders and added "Nope... not a damn thing."

"I don't have anything planned either."

"What?? how can you not have anything planned? You have hearts to break, weed to smoke and movies to make. Actor, Director and writer James Franco always has something to do." I paused, was about to start again when James playfully started to pull on my treasure trail. I backed away in pain pleading "Okay.. Ok.. OOKK.. I'm done. No more.. I promise." I laid back down and got comfortable and asked "You hungry?

"Yeah I could eat something. What are you hungry for?"

"Something filling, Sweet, Hot and meaty sounds good to me. Are You game?"

He rolled over onto his back while pushing the cover down "Eat away."

I wrinkled up my nose with a disgusted look on my face saying "I was thinking more like Denny's or McDonald's. Not Francos salami."

"Yeah but its hot, meaty and eventually gives you tons for protein."

"I guess I will have to take your word for it." I got up and walked into the bathroom naked and started the shower. As I waited for the shower to warm up I brushed my teeth and shaved. I got in the shower and started soaping up when James slipped into the shower with me.

"You okay?"

"Yea I'm fine, why?"

"I thought maybe I crossed the line." He said with a frown on his face.

"Not sure what line that would be James, since we jerked off together last night and then this morning you were holding onto my hard on. I would say Not at all. Believe me I wanted to jump your bones about ten minutes after I met you."

"I was not holding onto your hard on this morning?"

"Whatever!!... You were awake and we both know it." He didn't say anything, he just continued to soap himself up while I washed my hair. We both got out of the shower at the same time and dried off. I walked back into the bedroom and threw my suitcase onto the bed and pulled out some boxer briefs and slipped them on. I turned and looked at James standing there still naked giving me a dirty look.


"It sure would be nice to have some boxer briefs to put on."

I pulled another pair out of my suitcase throwing them at him saying "Here ya go ya big baby." He slipped them on and proceeded to get dressed. I threw on some shorts and a t- shirt and slipped on some cross trainers. I grabbed my wallet and we headed out of the room.

We stepped into the elevator heading for the lobby. James turned to me "I have a thing tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go?"

"What kind of thing?" I asked suspicious.

"A college friend of mine is having a party. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

"What kind of Party? It isn't a Keg or a Bong party... is it?"

"NO.. that's not how I would want our first date to be." He said turning red.

"Date? you want to go out on a date with me?... tonight?"

"Why do you seem so shocked? You're a great guy Mark. You're sweet, funny and just an all around fun guy to be around, and it doesn't hurt that you're fucking hot."

"Wow!" was the only thing that I could say.

"Does that mean you'll think about it?"

I stood acting like I was thinking about it when I blurted out "Fuck that... I don't need to think about it. Hell yes I will go." He turned and smiled at me and then moved close and kissed me full and hard on the lips. We pulled away from each other as the bell dinged on the elevator indicating we were at the ground floor. "So what will I need to wear to this party?"

"Its a small get together with friends. You could wear what you have on right now if you wanted." I heard some mumbling but didn't catch exactly what he had said, so I asked "What did you say?

"Its a small get together with friends. You could wear..." I cut him off and asked "After that what did you say?

"Oh nothing." He said looking around sheepishly.

"James.. come on, what did you say?"

"Or nothing.." He started laughing and added "Or you could make me happy and wear nothing!"

"I cannot imagine your friends would appreciate that."

"Who cares what they want."

"You're impossible Mr Franco." I walked away from him heading to the Denny's down the street. We walked in and waited to be seated. Once they finally seated us and handed us menus we browsed until I decided on on the Ultimate Omelet and James decided to have the All American Slam. We sat drinking coffee and talking about the plans for the day. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started scrolling through the internet looking for Broadway shows. I found wicked and looked for a seat at the two o'clock show. I barely heard "Mark?" I continued to try and find a seat when I heard "Mark??!!"

"Yeah?" I asked looking up,

"What are you doing?"

"Oh.. Sorry. I wanted to go see Wicked while I'm in town. I was just trying to see if they had any seats left for the show at Two."

"Did you find any?"

"Yeah, they have one. Way way way in the back. I don't think I'm going to go. I'll check later and see if they have anything before I leave."

He was staring at me smiling. "What?" I asked but he continued to smile at me not saying anything. "What!!?..." I asked again.

"You're just too cute." He sat up closer to the table and asked "Tell me about your Family."

"OHHH.. there's a story." I responded laughing. He sat waiting for me to start talking. "Okay here goes. I'm the youngest of four boys. My oldest brother Rob is six years older than I am. Then its Stan who is five years older. Then Billy who is a year older than me. We were always in trouble." I said laughing. "We use to play soccer, baseball and football in the house. We broke just about everything that my mom owned... Mind you we didn't own much so there wasn't much to break." I paused and went on. "My mom divorced my dad when I was two and we moved to the Seattle area. We lived in a low income housing complex called Springwood. It wasn't the nicest place to live or grow up but at that time it was a roof over our heads. At points there were drug deals, murders and beatings all around us. Its funny when I think back to those times. I really didn't even know we were poor. We were so use to doing without stuff that it was natural for us to go without." I looked down trying to push all the bad memories away. I shut my eyes, took a deep breath and continued on. "We moved from Seattle to Nebraska back to Seattle back to Nebraska and ended up settling in Seattle.

If it wasn't for my grandma and grandpa we would have gone with out food most months and clothes a lot of the time. They were our saving grace through all that chaos." The waiter walked up placing my plate in front of me and set James's in front of him. I kept looking at James willing the tear in my eyes to go away.

"You okay?" he asked with concern in his voice.

I finally looked back up and into his eyes. "I'm fine." I sighed. "I haven't thought or talked about this stuff for a long time. I guess it was hitting me harder than I thought it would."

He reached over and patted my hand "Lets eat and talk about happier things then." We picked up our forks and dug in. I sat back at one point and just watched him eat. He had a slight smile on his face. I just watched him.

I paid the bill... He wasn't happy that I paid but I'm sure he would get over it. We left Denny's full and happy. As we were walking the streets I stopped at one point looking in the window of an upscale jewelry shop. James walked up next to me staring at the display with me. "Which one do you like?" He asked. I pointed out the one that I thought was the nicest looking ring. It was a wide band and had diamonds on the outside of both sides and sapphires covering all around the middle of the ring. It was really a nice looking ring. I turned and walked away from the store front onto the next shop.

James walked up to me asking "What are you doing the rest of the day?"

"Actually I'm kinda tired. I think I'm going to go back to the hotel and just lay around and maybe nap a little. What are your plans?"

"I need to head back to my place and get a few things done. I need to check in with my agent and my mom?"

"Aww.. that's sweet." I said giving him a bad time.

He walked me back to the hotel and we said our goodbyes promising to call or text each other later in the day. I opened the door to my room and started stripping my clothes off as I walked into the bedroom. I laid down on the bed thinking about James and fell asleep.

I woke in the late afternoon having to empty my bladder. I walked back into the room noticing that my cell phone was blinking. I walked over, picked it up and saw that I had a text message from James it said "I'm really sorry but I will need to cancel tonight. Something else came up. I will call you later tonight if not tomorrow." I was a little disappointed but I understand things do come up. Hmmm.. What should I do then? Out loud I said "New York at night!!" I redressed and caught a taxi outside the hotel. "Times Square Please!" I told the driver. We speed along the Manhattan streets heading to Times Square. I paid, got out of the Taxi to the amazing lights and hustle and bustle of Times Square. I walked the area for hours just window shopping and people watching. At one point I sat on a bench eating popcorn and watched people pass by the Apple store.

I looked up at an electronic billboard noticing it was after Eleven and decided that I needed to head back to the hotel again. I flagged down a taxi and asked them to take me back to the W. On the trip back to the hotel I leaned forward in the taxi and asked "I would like to go to a nice pub close to the W Hotel. Could you recommend something close?"

"Gramercy Tavern isn't that far from the "W". I could drop you off there if you would like?"

"Sounds great. Thank you very much." I paid for the ride and stood in front of the tavern admiring its old charm. I walked in, found a seat at the bar and ordered a Sprite. I looked around the Tavern admiring its beauty. It looked like all the wood trim was still in tact and looking as beautiful as the day it opened. I took a drink of the Sprite and people watched. I heard the door open and watched as a group of people entered the tavern laughing and talking. I turned back around facing the bartender and started asking questions about the bar and how long it had been open. We continued to talk in between him helping other customers. As I was paying my bill my cell phone beeped. Pulling it out of my pocket I opened it up and saw that I had a text message from James. I read the message and texted him back with "I'm at Gramcery Tavern Sitting at the bar. I'm just getting ready to head back to the hotel. Why Whats up?"

"Can I join you?"

"I was just going to leave. I'm heading back to the hotel if you want to meet me there instead." I texted back.

"I would rather meet you at Gramercy's" He advised.

I flipped my phone shut getting annoyed and said to no one. "What the fuck I told him I was just getting ready to leave." I texted back "Thanks anyway, but I'm going to head back to the hotel."

Someone was standing so close to me that they were leaning on my thigh. I turned to say something when I looked up and into a pair of beautiful brown eyes. I new immediately that it was James. "What the hell? How did you get here so fast?"

"I didn't. Remember the group that came in a little while ago?"

"Yes" I said confused.

"I was the last one in the group."

"Oh...." My mind went into overtime thinking... is that the only reason he texted me.... because he had seen me sitting at the bar? I knew I shouldn't be feeling this way, but I did. He invited me to a party and then backed out. But then hes here with a group of people. Was this the same group? They had been at the tavern for quite some time. How long had he sat over there with them before he noticed me. I needed to get away to think it through. "Oh. Okay." I said turning back to the bartender. A few minutes had passed when I turned back to James, I got off of the stool saying "It was good to see you again James. I hope you guys have a good night. I'm a little tired so I'm going to head back to the hotel." I turned away from him and walked out of the tavern into the cool night air thinking.... Was I being a dramatic dick?? did I have a right to even feel this way? What the fuck is wrong with me? Good God Mark pull it together. All this stuff was running through my head as I walked back to the hotel.

My cell phone rang once while I was walking but I ignored it. I walked into the hotel lobby, took the elevator to my floor and used the key card to enter the room. I climbed back into bed as my brain took me back through the last few days.

An hour or so later I sat up in bed seriously needing a drink. I got out of bed and went down to the hotel lobby and found the bar. I went in and ordered a rum and coke. Taking two gulps of the drink I tried to calm my nerves. I started beating myself up. I was being an idiot. I didn't really know James. Hell he didn't owe me anything and I didn't owe him anything. I probably just ruined any chance of a friendship or more. I pushed it aside downing the rest of my drink and ordering another one. I was on my way to feeling no pain when my cell phone rang again. I pulled it from my pocket and looked at the caller id "J Franco" it said. I shut the phone off and had another drink.

I knew he had walked into the bar, I could feel it. It was as if my body heat had turned up another degree. I took another drink and lowered my head embarrassed with the way I had acted. He walked up and sat on the stool next to me. At first he didn't say anything which made me feel even worse. A few minutes later, which seemed like hours he finally spoke "What did I do that has upset you so much that you're sitting here drinking? I knew you were upset when you left the tavern. I could tell by the way you were acting. But.." He paused. Then continued "I'm not sure what I did wrong?"

A single tear ran down my face. I wiped it away with the back of my hand and said "It wasn't you James, it was me." I paused trying to collect my thoughts. "In all honestly... I thought the only reason you texted me was because You had seen me. Then what kept coming to mind was that you guys were there a long time before you decided to text me. Did you only text me because you saw me? Would have you have texted me if I hadn't been there?. Oh my god.. And then I go and act like a total idiot and fucked everything up. You don't owe me anything James. I shouldn't have acted like that and I am truly sorry."

He turned his chair so that he was now facing me and said "I would never do that to one of my friends and I sure the hell wouldn't do that to you! Give me your phone." He demanded. I pulled the phone out of my pocket and turned it on. I handed it to him and waited. I heard him say "What the fuck.. I texted you three times before we came to the tavern." he pulled his phone out of his pocket and pushed it in front of my nose saying. "See look. I wanted you to join us."

"James its okay."

"No its not okay Mark. I wanted you to come with us. I wanted us to go on THE DATE we had talked about and fucking technology screwed that all up. I'm so sorry that you felt that way."

I leaned over and put my hand on his thigh saying "I think I'm going to be sick." James had me up to the hotel room in no time, sitting on the bed with a garbage can in front of me. After a few minutes had passed I got up stripped off my clothes and made my way into the bathroom. I turned on the water and washed and dried my face. I looked in the mirror thinking... You look like shit. I walked back into the bedroom and laid down on the bed. James came over and sat beside me. I looked up at him and asked "Do you want to know why I don't drink that often?"

"Of course" He responded while rubbing my leg.

"Alcoholism runs through both sides of my family. My dad was a wife beating drunk. I never witnessed him ever beating my mom. However, I watched many times as he and his second wife would get drunk and it would always turn violent. The more they drank the louder it got and the more violent it would become. I hated every part of it. The few times I saw this was enough to scare me. So much so that when mom dropped my brothers and me off to stay the weekend and It started getting dark I started to get scared. So I ran, and then walked over six miles to get back to our house."

"Seriously?" he asked

"I'm totally serious. You will have to ask my mom about it some time. My dad and brothers freaked. They were out driving around looking for me. When I look back now they probably thought someone kidnapped me. Anyway, I made it back to our house eventually. I walked in the door and mom was asking all kinds of questions about how I got home and where was everyone else.. etc. I told her the story. She ended up calling my dads house to let him know I had walked home."

"Holy shit Mark...Was he mad?"

"Mad wasnt even half of it. He wanted to beat the shit out of me. Mom stepped in front of him as he was coming after me and threatened to call the police. She told him that if he touched me that he would never see any of us kids again. Pointing at me she said He left because of the way you and your wife act, you cannot blame him for that.. That's you're fault. And then she told him to get out again. He and my brothers turned and left and I stayed with mom." I took a breath and continued. "I hardly every drink because of him and the way he acted... I have vowed that I would never act that way and never turn into him. I saw what drinking did to him, Mom and us four boys and will never let that happen to me or my family."

James hugged me, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and asked "Did he ever hit you?"

Laughing I answered "Only once. He slapped me across the face when I was ten or eleven. I was telling him and his wife how bad it was most months with no food to eat and clothes that were falling apart. He became upset and started yelling at me asking me what he was supposed to do about it. I remained very calm and told him.. Pay your child support at least that would help... After all whats one hundred dollars a month for YOUR four kids. Or maybe buy us some food , anything would help." He slapped me very hard across the face." I stood up and walked back into the bathroom leaning against the door, Then continued "I got up off of the chair and squared up to him.. I was in his face yelling at him. If you ever touch me again! I will fucking kill you!! You hear me!! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!" I stared him down. It must have looked like I was going to kill him because he backed away and then paused, turned and walked away. I decided at that moment I wasn't going to let anyone beat on me, especially my worthless alcoholic piece of shit father. I never went back over to that house. Hell, I probably only saw him maybe four or five times after that."

James got up off the bed and came over and hugged me again saying "I'm so sorry Mark... I'm so sorry you had it so rough when you were young."

"Nah... At times it seemed bad.. but really we could have had it so much worse. In reality It's tame compared to a lot of peoples stories James. Its now a part of who I am.. its part of what formed me to become the person that I have had to be. It made me rely on and fend for myself. My story is nothing compared to some of my friends." I turned and walked further into the bathroom brushing my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom ready for bed. I slipped off my boxer briefs and crawled into bed. I looked at James and said "Your more than welcome to stay, but I understand if you choose not to. I really am sorry about tonight James."

"No need for sorry. It was totally a misunderstanding. I would love to stay if you're okay with it." I held the comforter and sheet up indicating for him to crawl in. James stripped down and slid in next to me naked as the day he was born. We both moved closer to each other at the exact same time. James put his arm around my waist and his head on my shoulder. We laid like this for a few minutes when I said "You better not drool on me Mr Franco."

"I don't drool." We started laughing as we snuggled in closer to each other and then slowly fell asleep.

As I slowly returned from the world of dreams I became aware that the front of my body was pressed very tightly to the back of James's very hot body. I laid there wondering if he was awake and if he could feel my hard cock pressed between his ass cheeks. He stretched out and slowly reached back and felt my rock hard cock. He looked over his shoulder saying "Now that's the way every gay man wants to wake up."

"What hard?" I inquired.

"Well that too.. but no, I was talking about a big fat cock nestled against your ass."

Thanks for reading.

Thats the end of Chapter 2. Please email me and tell me you're thoughts... good, bad or othewise. my email is jamesfrancosmark@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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