James Francos Mark

By BS Archer

Published on Mar 22, 2012


This story is complete fiction. I do not know the sexual orientation of anyone in this story living or otherwise.

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James Frano's Mark Chapter 3

I pulled James back against me and hugged him tighter. We laid like that for a few minutes until James said "I gotta piss like a race horse!!" Laughing I released him. He jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I heard a full heavy stream start as I grabbed his pillow hugging it to me. I heard the toilet flush and the tap turn on as James washed his hands. I closed my eyes trying to fall back asleep as James crawled in behind me. I was just dozing off when he stuck his cold ass hands on my back. I flew out of bed.. okay.. ok. I rolled out of bed landing on the floor with a huge thud. I was laughing as James looked over the side of the bed. The look on his face was of sheer terror until he saw that I was laughing. I started laughing harder as he laughed with me. He got up and off of the bed bringing a pillow with him and laid down next to me. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me then slowly moved in and kissed me. The kiss then turned hotter and hotter, until his tongue was fighting with my tongue for space in my mouth. He pulled away and smiled shyly putting his head under my chin. "That was awesome James." I said trying to catch my breath.

"I really like you Mark."

"That's sweet James, I really like you too."

He looked up at me. I could see him trying to form the words when he said "No.. I mean.. Umm.. I really really like you."

I could see the fear in his eyes as he waited for me to say something so I leaned down, kissed him, then said "That's awesome studly since I really really like you too." I looked down and into his eyes as a tear slowly slid down his cheek. I reached down and wiped it away asking "You okay?"

I wiped another tear away as he said "Yeah I'm good. I'm really happy that you feel the same way. I never thought that I would meet someone like you. I was beginning to give up hope." The only thing I could do was smile and give him the biggest bear hug that I could. We laid on the floor for quite a while just talking about what was next for him career wise. I was asking and he was telling me about making films, about other actors and how they really are off the set, good and bad. My stomach started to rumble. I released James, got up and grabbed the hotel phone. I looked back asking "What do you want from room service?"

"I see what I want...." He said walking up behind me grabbing me around the waste.

"You don't want anything to eat?" I asked shocked. He got down on his knees, pushed me forward and kissed my right and then left ass cheek. He pulled back and said "I found what I want to eat."

"You're impossible." I said shaking my head. I picked up the phone and ordered us breakfast. As soon as I hung up James was all over me. He Pushed me even further forward and started to kiss his way to my hole. I moaned out "James we shouldn't be doing this." I lowered my head and moaned again "James.. come on stop." He made his was to my hole and started to slowly lick around it. He started to push his tongue in as I moaned louder "Yeah James.. do it.. stick your tongue in me." I panted out "But we have to stop." I said pulling away from him. I turned around and saw the disappointment on his face, and the hard on sticking out between his legs.

"Why'd you stop me?" he asked shocked.

"It felt great James, but..... I'm really not ready to go there yet." I ran my hand down my chest and grabbed onto my erection saying "But you can feast on this if you would like?" I said wiggling my eyebrows up and down suggestively. James had me in his mouth and cumming before room service knocked on the door. We sat quietly talking as we ate.

"When and what day are you flying out?"

"Saturday at Two." I said watching his expression.

"That sucks, I was hoping we could spend more time together."

"I wish we could, but I cannot take anymore time off of work. I'm really sorry James." James lowered his head. I reached over and lifted his chin saying "None of this. I don't leave until Saturday. Lets make the best of it." I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. I pulled the newspaper off of the table, opened it up and started looking at the entertainment section. As I was reading an article on celebrities I started laughing really hard. James looked over the top of the book he was reading and asked "What has you laughing so hard?"

"It seems that Mr James Franco is dating a model."

"Whats so funny about that?

"Are you?"

"Of course I am." He shrugged.

"Would you care to explain?"

"Well damn Mark look at you, you look like you should be modeling. You're the only model I would want to date."

Laughing hard I replied "See.. I knew you were full of shit."

"Not at all... you're one sexy bitch."

I rolled my eyes at him and continued to read the paper. A little while later I asked "So Mr Franco... what are your plans for the day?"

"Not a dang thing.. I want to hang with you as much as possible. Did you have anything you want to do?"

"Empire State Building at night. They say its beautiful to see the city all lit up."

"That's an awesome idea. Why don't we do this... Dinner, the Empire State Building and then hit a club."

"Sounds good to me. What time shall we leave?"

"I will call and make reservations for dinner at 8. I think we should leave at 6 for the Empire."

"Sounds awesome James. I cannot wait." We continued to sit and talk, taking the time to really get to know each other. As I was asking James about his condo I yawned.

"You tired?"

"Yep, I am a little tired... someone kept me up last night snoring. Just when I thought I was about to fall asleep the snoring would start again."

"I do not snore."

"HA!!! just like you don't drool." I said laughing at him.

"Well okay, if you say I do, then I'm sure I do. No one else has ever said anything about me snoring."

"They probably don't want to upset you.. after all you're a Huge Star plus a triple threat Actor, Director and Writer."

"Lets not forget about a huge pot smoker!" He said rolling his eyes. "Have I smoked any weed since we have been together?" He asked.

"Nope not a single Joint, bowl, pipe or bong." I replied. I sat and continued to read the paper as James read his book.

"Hey Mark?

"Yes James?"

"Lets go lay down... I'm kinda tired too." I got up and held out my hand for him to take. I walked him into the bedroom, laid down and held my arms open wide welcoming James to lay down with me. As soon as his head hit my shoulder he was fast asleep. I shut my eyes and soon followed him in to dream land.

I woke a little over four hours later to find that I was the only one in the bed. I called out "James?" he didn't answer. I got up and used the bathroom and walked into the sitting room noticing a note on the table.


Went home to get some clothes and a few other things for tonight. Sorry I couldn't be there when you woke. I will bring back with some coffee and something special for you. See you in a bit.....


"Yours??" I said out loud.

"Yes, yours." I heard from behind me.

"What does that mean?"

"Well.. I've been thinking about this a lot. I want to be "Yours" I know how I feel about you, and I hope you feel the same way about me."

"You mean... that you want to kiss me every time you look at me? That you want to rip off my clothes when i have clothes on that is? That when you look into my eyes you get this feeling that the only thing you want to do I make me happy? That when you first saw me you knew that this was someone that you had to get to know? That when you first shook my hand the feeling that traveled through your hand and the rest of your body left you fully aware that I was someone that would have a major impact on your life. That I could potentially be your soul mate? You mean those kinds of things?"

"Nope!! Actually I was thinking that I really don't want to date anyone else at this point and time. I think it should just be you and me." He walked over to me and hugged me around the waist and continued "There is something very special about you. I have no intention of messing anything up that we could potentially have. So what do you think?"

"James... seriously think about this. I live in Missouri, you live in New York and LA or LA and New York. Maybe you can enlighten me on how this is going to work three thousand miles away from each other."

He shrugged it off saying "We'll figure something out."

At that moment my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller id, smiled and pushed the button saying "Hey whats up?"

"Just checking up on your happy traveling ass. Where the hell are you?"

"In New York. I'll be home on Saturday. Why do you miss me?" The look I was getting from James was quite interesting.

"Of course I miss you.. after all you are my best friend."

"Well my best friend wouldn't be missing me if she would have come on the trip as planned."

"Yea yeah. Stop being a hateful bitch.. you know why I couldn't go."

"Wanna do lunch on Sunday?" I asked.

"Sounds good. How has the trip been?"

"Beautiful.. interesting.. fun.. interesting and beautiful."

James broke in asking "Who are you talking to?"

"My best friend Christy." I answered.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" she asked "OH MY GOD.. you have a guy in your room? Who is it and whats his name?"

"His name is James." I replied laughing.

"You dirty dog. Let me talk to him!"

"Hell no.. I will not subject him to your perverted ways"

"HA.. if he's with you... then he's already perverted."

"Okay you have me there. Hold on."

I held out the phone to James saying "She wants to talk to you." He had a timid look on his face. "Shes harmless." I reassured him. James took the phone "Hello?" I heard... "We met on the plane back to the states." ... "Depends on your definition of sleeping together." ... "No we haven't had sex... well not anal sex anyway." ... " I'm an actor" ... "No not well known, no." ... "I've done a few movies." ... "127 hours was the last movie that was released." ... "Thanks Christy, it was good talking to you too. Okay here's Mark." Smiling he handed the phone back to me.


"You son of a bitch. I cannot believe you've had sex with James Franco." Laughing she asked "Is he hung?"

"I'm not even going to answer that."

"Come on you have to tell me."

"I am not telling you any such thing."

"Damn Mark hes so friggin hot. I cannot believe you .. I wanna hear everything when you get back." She paused and then said "You and James Franco, who the hell would have thought."

"Not me.. that's for sure. Okay I gotta go. I will see you on Sunday."

"Where are you going? Are you and James going to have hot man sex again?"

"Bye Christy." I said laughing and hung up.

"Shes quite the character."

"She sure is. Shes one of the nicest people that you would ever want to meet. I love her like a younger sister."

"What was she asking you.. when you replied with "I am not going to answer that"

"She wanted to know if you were hung" I answered laughing.

"Holy shit. Seriously.. she asked you that?"

"Of course, that's Christy."

"Your not going to tell her are you?"

"What? that your not hung? NO I'm not going to lie." He walked over and jumped on me. He started to tickle me saying "You better not tell her I'm not hung."

I gasped out "I said! I'm not going to LIE and tell her you're not hung! I'm not going to tell her anything. Well... except.... I'm very happy with what has been offered, very very happy actually." He leaned down and kissed me. I reached up and grabbed his package feeling him up. He moaned into my mouth "Don't start something that you're not going to finish."

"I will finish it. When we get back tonight."

"Promise?" he asked hopeful.

"I promise."

The view from the Empire state building was Awesome to say the least. James hung his arm over my shoulder while we were looking at the city all lit up. "Its so beautiful." I whispered.

"It is isn't it. It looks like a totally different city in the dark. Its really nice being here with someone that you really like."

"I agree totally." I answered pushing him back into a dark corner of the building kissing him hard and quick. I laid my hand against the bulge in his slacks and slowly stroked. "I cannot wait for the view of you laying on the bed naked with your hard on pointing to the ceiling" I kissed him again and walked away.

"You're so evil!!" he said smiling at me adjusting himself.

Dinner was awesome. A little expensive for my taste. I have never been one to go out and spend five hundred dollars on a meal for two people. I about hit the roof when he told me how much it was. "James! that's ridiculous. We could have gone for pizza and a beer as far as I care. Spending that much money is just wasteful." I looked at his face and could tell that I hurt his feelings... so I back peddled again. "I'm sorry. I need to learn when to keep my mouth shut.. Thank you so much for dinner. It was awesome. I appreciate you bringing me here and spending that much money on me." I moved forward and grabbed his hand to show that I was sincere while placing my foot on his groin. I slowly started moving my toes back and forth causing him to push back against my foot.

Smirking I said "Thank you James, you're very sweet."

"Think we should get out of here?" He asked.

"Sounds good to me... Lets go." I got out and moved to the exit and walked out into the fresh night air. James walked up behind me, giving me in a bear hug and ground his crotch into my ass. "You are going to get it when we get back to the hotel."

"With this?" I asked reaching back and grabbing his rock hard cock.

"Yep.. that and more."

"Sounds good, lets go. I'm ready if you are."

"Really? You really wanna head back and??" He asked raising his eyebrows up and down numerous times.

Chucking I replied "Yes James. I want to go back to the hotel and have mind blowing sex with you."

"Fuck yeah.. were outta here." he exclaimed very excited. Within minutes James had hailed a cab. We cuddled and kissed the whole trip back. My hand was busy caressing his chest, stomach and on down. When I started to manipulate his crotch he whispered in my ear "You better stop.. I'm so horned up I may explode in my pants."

"That's not a bad thing." I whispered back.

"Maybe not, but I'm not walking into the hotel with cum seeping through my slacks." I stopped caressing him as the cab pulled up to the hotel and we got out. James paid the cab as I walked through the front doors and headed toward the elevators. I pushed the button and waited for James. As the bell dinged indicating that the elevator had arrived James walked up. We walked into the elevator and rode it to my floor constantly eying each other . Arriving at my floor I opened the door and held it for James. He walked in with me following, I didn't get five feet from the door when James was on me. Kissing me hard while grinding his crotch against mine. "God you have me so fucking horny." I pushed him toward the bedroom door as I said "I sure the hell hope I have enough condoms and lube."

James was in the bedroom in a flash. I walked in a few moments later to find him laying on the bed with a seductive look on his face. moving to the end of the bed I began taking my jacket off and threw it onto the chair next to the bed. I kicked off my shoes and then proceeded to unbutton my shirt and let it fall to the floor. I unbutton my pants and slowly lowered my zipper letting them fall to the floor. I stood before James in just my boxer briefs.

Smiling he said "Don't stop now. Take the rest of it off. Its not like I haven't seen what you have to offer. And god Mark... I sure do like the way you look... and what you have to offer." He got off of the bed and walked up to me hooking his thumbs into the waistband of my boxer briefs and slowly peeled them off of me.

"I feel a lot under dressed here Mr Franco. Maybe you need to get rid of some of the clothes that you have on." He quickly shed all of his clothes.

"Much better." I said looking him up and down "I love the way that you look also... and what you have to offer is totally awesome sexy." I moved closer to him pushing him backward until his calves where against the bed. I pushed harder until he gently feel onto the bed with me following. We played tonsil hockey as I ground my crotch into his. I heard him moan softly as I moved up and slightly to the side and took his beautiful, hard penis into my hand and slowly stroked it up and down. I moved down the bed until I was level with his cock. I looked up at James for approval. He smiled and nodded his head and then said "You're so fucking sexy."

I moved in and slowly licked from his testicles to the tip of his cock. He moaned loudly from the sensation I was giving him. I licked around the head and slowly lowered my mouth over the tip. I heard a heavy intake of breath from him. I started playing with his testicles rolling them around in my hand As James opened his legs wider for easier access. "James?" I asked.


"I want you!"

"I want you too Mark!"

"No... I want you to fuck me." He immediately sat up asking "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am.. I've wanted this ever since we first met."

He kissed me hard "I would love to."

I pointed to the bedside table "Everything is in the drawer." He grabbed the bottle of lube and condoms and made the next hour the best experience of my life. I could definitely tell that James has had lots of Anal experience by the way that he made sure every part of my hole was touched by his hard cock. I knew that I would be sore and walking a little funny the next day.

We ended up using all the condoms and lube. I wasn't the only one walking funny the next day.

We slept in late due to all of our sexual activity. I was the first to wake and unwrap myself from his octopus like arms. I went in and peed, washed my hands and brushed my teeth. I walked back into the room to see that James was still sleeping. I stood watching him sleep for a few minutes before I moved out of the room. I sat down on the sofa smiling to myself as I thought about the last few days.

The next few days flew by as James and I spent every waking moment together exploring New York. Friday night was again a long night of hot passionate sex. I felt a constant nagging in the back of my mind that things were about to change back to my normal boring life. Especially since I was leaving in the morning. Missing James was going to be a given, but I hoped beyond hope that we would somehow stay in touch. I wasn't so sure that this was going to happen since I lived in the middle of the country. I laid watching him sleep before sleep finally claimed me also.

I woke up on Saturday morning at 8 and started packing my belongings as James slept. A few hours later I walked over to him and sat down on the edge of the bed shaking him. "Hey lover boy.... James.... come on get up. I'm going to hop into the shower. I've packed almost all my stuff. I have to be at the airport at noon since my flight leaves at Two." I got up off of the bed and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. As I stepped into the shower my cell phone rang. I heard James say "Its Christy.. you want me to bring you the phone?"

"No.. go ahead and answer it and tell her I will call her back later please."

I then heard "Marks phone this is James. I'm sorry Mark cannot come to the phonen right now since we're having very hot man on man sex right now. Leave a message after the beep and the horny stud you are looking for will call you back...... BEEEEEP."

I laughed at his sense of humor. I couldn't hear Christy's response, however knowing her it would be something Nasty. A few seconds later I heard James laughing hard. I'm not sure that the two of them talking was such a good idea, especially since she knows a lot about me and the things that I've done that I'm not really proud of. As I continued to shower I could here him laughing and knew that I was probably in trouble. I would have to hurt her severely when I got back to Missouri or as I like to call it... Misery. I got out of the shower, dried off and walked back into the bedroom naked. I watched James watching my every move. I got dressed and finished packing everything while he continued to talk to her. I walked around the hotel room making sure that I wasn't forgetting anything. I sat down on the sofa waiting for James to get off of the phone. A few minutes later he walked into the sitting room naked saying "I can see why shes your best friend. Shes really funny, just like you."

"I'm glad that you like her. We've had each other laughing so hard that we both couldn't hardly speak or breathe. She truly is one of the best people I know."

James leaned down and kissed me as he said "I'm going to jump in the shower really quick so that we can get you to the airport on time."

"Oh.... you're going to go to the airport with me?" I asked shocked.

"Of course I am.... unless... you don't want me to go?.." he asked.

"James, of course I want you to go. I just wasn't sure you would want to put yourself out in the public like that."

"I couldn't give a shit. I'm going to the airport with you. I'm not going to let you go without seeing you off properly."

"OK. Go get in the shower.. were running out of time." James turned and hustled into the shower. He was back so fast that I wasn't sure if he even got wet. I Pulled both suitcases off of the bed and wheeled them over to the door.

James came walking out of the bedroom pulling his shirt on. He walked up wrapping his arms around me saying "I'm really going to miss you. I'm not sure that I will be able to do this when we reach the airport so...., I want you to know how much I have enjoyed this last week and how much I'm going to miss you. I want us to stay in touch... No that's not what I want... I want us to not loose touch with each other. I don't know what we have or what this is Mark... but I sure the hell am willing to see where this can or will go."

"I'm really going to miss you to.. This week has been amazing." I looked into James eyes and added. "I programmed into your phone my home phone number and my email address. You already have my cell phone. I don't want to loose touch with you either James. I truly hope that we can remain friends and see where else this will take us."

The ride to the airport was sad for James and I. I could tell that he didn't want me to leave and I sure the hell didn't want to go. I knew that I had no choice but to head back to my life. The life I was in right now wasn't where I had to be.. Its where I wanted to be, but not where I have to be. As we were getting closer to the airport I could tell that James was getting more anxious. I grabbed his hand asking "You okay?"

"Yes, I'm... well.. I just" I could see the moisture in his eyes as he looked down. He gathered his thoughts and then continued. "I ummm.. I don't want to loose you Mark.. I feel like if you fly off to Misery." he stopped and sighed as I wiped away a tear that was running down his face "That it will all be over.. and that's not what I want.. I have become really attached to you. Its not going to be the same without you here."

I pulled him over to me and hugged him for all that I was worth. I knew today was going to be hell for me but I sure didn't expect James to be taking it just as hard. I knew a few days ago that I was falling for him. I'm not going to say that it is love.. but it sure feels like it. "James... Please listen to me. I'm going to miss you just as much. My life has changed since you walked into it and I have no intention of letting you walk out of it now. I have come to really like you .. I have come to expect to see you when I wake up.. and when I fall asleep. Going home now is going to be a total let down compared to what weve had this last week. I want you to know that I will do everything in my power to make sure we stay connected." I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. The smile on his face was enough to tell me that he would be okay.

James helped me with my luggage and then walked me to the security check point. We stood face to face not saying anything except looking into each others eyes. I pulled him to me and kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. "Thank you for making my week in New York very special James.. you're a great guy and I promise I will talk to you soon."

Tears started streaming down his face as he said. "You better call me and let me know that you got home OK."

"Of course I will. You better call me and let me know that your OK."

"I will." he said wiping his face. He pulled me into a bone crushing hug and added "I think I'm falling in love with you Mark and you better not break my heart."

I pulled back and looked him in the eyes "Oh my god James are you serious?"

"I'm totally serious!"

"Studly, I couldn't and wouldn't ever break your heart."

"I do believe that, but what about the first part?" He asked.

"Actually, I think its great. I'm glad that you feel the same way."

James had the biggest smile on his face with the realization that he wasn't alone in the way that he felt. We finally released each other so that I could make my way to the security check point. I moved through it with no problems and started walking to the gate. I looked back and saw James standing watching me. I held up my hand and waved. He waved back and turned and walked off. As I walked to the gate I texted him saying "Keep your chin up studly." I boarded the plane and flew back to Misery.

Well heres Chapter 3. Let me know what you guys think. Good bad or otherwise.


Thanks Brent

Next: Chapter 4

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