Jamie at Thirteen

By moc.liamg@8991nnimlj

Published on Oct 26, 2018


Jamie at 13

Hey Nifty Peeps!!! I'm an English Major at a University in the Twin Cities. Last Spring semester, one of my writing Profs. asked us for a fictional short story that was based on personal experience. That's where the origins of this tale comes from, believe it or not. Needless to say, this is NOT the story I handed in for a grade. (But I do wonder if she might have liked it. Ha!) I'll let you guess which of the characters involved is basically me.

A decent chunk of this story is true...with some embellishment. Another good chunk of it is fantasy, fiction and wishful thinking. I enjoyed writing it in my free time, and I hope you enjoy it. I've never actually published any of my work before. I figured I'd give it a shot on here and see what folks think. SO, feedback will be appreciated. Hit me up at JLMinn1998@gmail.com

Oh yeah. The usual Nifty rules apply. So don't try this at home. (Wink) Be smart. Be discreet. Be generous & kind. Above all, always enjoy your experiences & experimentations with willing & enthusiastic partners AND protection.

Jamie at 13. Introduction.

Jamie was a nice kid. Everyone agreed to that. He was also a bundle of amusing contradictions. He could be painfully shy one moment, and then ridiculously outgoing the next. He was naive and rather sheltered, yet with a curiosity streak a mile wide.

Many folks nick-named him "Angel Boy." Partly because of his politeness & manners (To everyone's knowledge, the kid had never uttered a curse word in all of his life), but also due to his Scandinavian looks. He had medium blonde hair that turned shiny gold in the summer sun that hung is a wavy, shaggy fashion around his head and face, and bright green eyes.

He was 5'5, slightly tall for his age, with a gangly, yet relatively muscular body for a young teen. Like all Minnesota boys who grew up in lake country, he was part otter, and excelled in any and all water sports. He also loved his skateboard and BMX bike that he peddled constantly. This gave him a youthful 6-pack, a decent chest and legs that were surprisingly well defined. People also joked that his butt looked like someone had cut a globe in half and glued it to his backside.

The funny thing is that Jamie didn't really take all of that in. To him, he was just a brand new teenager who felt rather clueless about the big, old world. So he carried himself with an innocent awkwardness that made people not help but like him.

Jamie's family owned a small resort and restaurant in the Brainard chain of lakes area of Minnesota. It is deep in the heart of lake country. His family was well off, but never flaunted it. (That would be un-Minnesotan and wouldn't fit the Lutheran culture) His family lived off of a lake, with another cabin 20 miles away on a different lake. Jamie was allowed to stay out there by himself or with friends. He had earned the solid trust of his parents to be able to do that.

One reason he had done that was by helping in the restaurant or at the resort with all manner of odd jobs from the time he was 6. His parents didn't make him do it. He just liked working. It also gave him the chance to meet new people and hear their stories.

This area of Minnesota is a tourist Mecca year round, but even more so in the summer. Jamie was able to meet people from all over the world. His curiosity was never satisfied. He just loved to learn new things.

Jamie's birthday had been in early May. He turned 13. With the onset of puberty hitting just before he turned 12, Jamie felt confused most of the time with the physical changes he was going through. Spontaneous boners at random and awkward moments. Voice changes. The initial sexual awakenings...and discovering how to "Spank the Monkey." It was all a frightening, exciting, and beautiful mess. It was now June, with school ending this coming week.

Unbeknownst to him, this summer would change Jamie for ever.

Chapter 1. Cousin Eric

Jamie had finished swimming in the lake their house was situated on. He was getting dressed now for dinner. His dad had the grill going out back. Today was a celebration. Eric, Jamie's cousin was coming to town.

Eric wasn't a direct cousin. He was the son of Jamie's mother's cousin. Still, with the Scandinavian/Germanic heritage so prominent in Minnesota, the looks could often be freakishly similar. It didn't hurt that both families had been rather tight for ages.

Eric had graduated High School 2 years ago, and Jamie hadn't seen him since that last summer. He had gone off to college out in California somewhere, and worked out there during the summers. Eric's family lived in St. Paul, but maintained a cabin only 3 miles from Jamie's families cabin. As it turned out, Eric had gotten a job at a nearby resort and waterpark as a lifeguard. His family had agreed to let him use the cabin as his "Crib" for the summer. The family could only be up there on weekends, which Eric would spend working. To Eric, the college boy, this meant that it wouldn't "cramp his style."

Growing up, Jamie always looked up to Eric. Jamie had 2 older sisters, both in college, so Eric was a big brother to him. He didn't get to see him as often as he'd liked to, but when they were together people often mistook them for brothers.

"He should be here any minute," Said Jamie's Dad.

"This is gonna be soooooo cool!" exclaimed Jamie. "It's been way too long."

"Eric knows how much you've missed him."

"This is gonna be the best summer EVER!" Jamie replied.

Sure enough, within about 5 minutes, Eric and his SUV pulled into the front of the house. At the sound of the engine being turned off, Jamie sprinted from the back of the yard to the driveway. As Eric shut the door to his car, Jamie bolted to him and leapt onto his back.

"Gotcha, big booger!" he yelled.

Eric's body slumped into the side of the car with a little pain. He spun around, taking Jamie in his arms. He them proceeded to drop him to the ground and pinned him beneath himself. "Booger, huh?" Eric scowled.

Jamie wasn't sure if Eric was angry. "I'm sorry," he said. "Open your mouth," Eric ordered. Jamie did as ordered. Eric then got a big grin on his face. He spit the gum he had been chewing into Jamie's mouth, and smiled showing some teeth.

Jamie grinned back and began chewing the gum. It was an old game they used to play when they were younger. "It's really good to see you again," Jamie smiled. "You too, little booger," said Eric as he pulled Jamie off the ground and put his arms around him in a bear hug.

"Dang, kid! You dun growed up on me. Last time I saw you, you were a little runt."

"I grew 5 inches in 1 year," said Jamie as they walked to the backyard bbq.

"Not a little kid anymore, huh?"

"I'm still a kid...just taller."

Eric's days off were Monday's and Tuesdays. His work schedule varied according to the needs of the resort. Mostly he had evenings off. He took Jamie fishing almost every day of his first week backs . During those times, Jamie would pick his brain over all manner of stuff. Here was his role model who had been off in the real world of college.

What was California like? Have you seen any movie stars? What's college like? And so on. Yes, there were questions about girls, too. Eric tried to humor Jamie as much as he could, but he was rather vague when it came to certain sexual topics. He felt protective of Jamie, and it felt awkward to go into detail. Still, the two bonded solidly within the first week back.

To Jamie, it was like having a best friend as a Superhero. To Eric, it was like a having a crazed minion/pet who was goofy and a ball of energetic joy at the same time.

Eric did confide in Jamie that one of the reasons he had wanted to get the gig at the resort was because of the use of the cabin. He joked that he wanted to be the swinging college bachelor and hopefully get lucky with the local girls or those staying at the resort. He bragged that he had managed one tryst with one of the female lifeguards already.

Jamie blushed at that, but smiled. "Still such a innocent little boy, aren't you," joked Eric. "Bet you still don't cuss yet, do you?" "Naw," Jamie grinned as he stared down at his toes. "I'm just a baby in the woods."

To Jamie, Eric was as close to a super hero that he had known. Eric was 6'1, with blonde hair that was slightly curly. He also had royal blue. Sure, Jamie could get tanner in the sun than Eric and his fair skin, but Eric still achieved a golden hew.

Jamie would watch Eric as he fished while in his swim suit. Eric preferred brief style speedos while fishing, but had to wear longer shorts at work. The gold of his skin accentuated his muscular form. To say that Eric had an athletic build was an understatement. He had a well defined 8-pack, with a broad chest and veins that ran down his chest past his biceps. Jamie hoped that one day he would have Eric's body.

Little did he know...

Next: Chapter 2

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