Janes Suspension

By earn me

Published on Mar 21, 2016


CAUTION!!! Adult story with extreme sexual situations. Not suitable for anyone underage, of age or over age.

(lesbian bdsm extreme insertions)

"May I PLEASE ask that you continue this story and if you would consider the possibility of adding a new dimension as the story unfolds?"

"To ruin her anal sphincter, to stretch her anus further and further open until pelvic distortion takes place and even wider if possible taken to impossible limits. Her anus sphincter muscle will be useless, thus allowing the most massive of gapes after."

"May I ask are you ok with having her anal hole stretched to such widths that her pelvic moves due to the sheer size of the dildos and speculums."

----------------------------By request-------------------

Suspended 2a

No, it wasn't rising so much as rotating backwards, the whole frame rotating backwards. In so doing some of the pressure was taken off my butt, not so much weight pressing against the dildos. I could feel the chains, running from the nipple clamps to the weights, slide along the sides of my body. Once I was horizontal the frame came to a stop, I was resting on a back support that extended to just onto my buttocks, my legs dangling off the end. The blindfold was removed but the gag and earplugs left in place.

I shut my eyes against a shaft of light that illuminated my body. As I adjusted to the light I could see my body reflected in an overhead mirror, but all was darkness beyond the light. My hair was plastered to my head, my nipples, tugged out from my small breasts, were pulled to the side a good two inches. My belly was stretched over the two dildos running through my body. I could actually see the different widths of the anal dildo protruding under my flesh. The dildo in my pussy ran along the other dildo for an inch or so then angled off to the right. My legs were fairly widely separated so the bases of the dildos were visible pressed tightly against my crotch.

I laid there staring at my body. I couldn't help having some concerns. Is my pelvis stretched, as it would be if giving birth? Is my anus ruined, the muscles permanently stretched? Would I need surgery to repair any damage? Is it over? Despite my concerns I was content. The pain of my nipples, the ache between my legs, the difficulty in breathing as the deeply imbedded dildos pressed against my lungs were a small price to pay. I was exhausted, in pain, and relishing it all. This is what I lived for, to be taken to extremes that I could not control.

A hand appeared in the mirror and removed the clamp on one nipple, then another hand did the same for the other. There was a brief rush of intense hurt when the clamps were removed, quickly replaced by delicious pain as the hands each grasped a nipple, pulled hard and twisted. I was enthralled by how far they stretched from my chest. My areole, not just my nipples pulled completely away from my breasts.

Next, the hands appeared at the bar that held the dildos and released them, and the bar began to move away. I knew who one of the people was that were changing things, but not the other. They each took hold of one of my legs, pulled them out and up and held them up so I was exposed more. One hand took hold of the dildo in my pussy and began to withdraw it. I could see it sliding through my abdomen, appearing from under my ribs. It scraped along my clitoris as it emerged, massaging it wonderfully. It slid out with ease, the last half rushing out to drop onto the floor.

The one in my anus did not leave willingly. I could see the hand grasping it whiten with effort as it tried to remove it. At this point I was experiencing very little sensation, more like a general awareness of something going on besides the aching that naturally would be present following that much abuse. Eventually it started to emerge but with great reluctance. It was an extremely slow exit, but one I could feel more than the other dildo. After it had emerged about two inches it began to feel as if my insides were being sucked out with it. I could see the slow downward movement in my belly and my eyes flickered back and forth between my abdomen and my anus. A few more inches and the head had still not emerged from under my ribs. It was becoming apparent that not only did it feel like my insides were moving down as the dildo left, but they clearly were. A tight red ring was sliding out that encircled the dildo. I watched fascinated as it grew, extending farther out my body.

When the thickest part exited I had expected my anal ring to collapse around the next, more narrow stage. After all, the second nine inch length was an inch and a half thinner. Instead that smooth, red, fleshy sleeve around the dildo continued, as thick as it was when wrapped tightly around the five inch part of the dildo. My ass was prolapsing as the dildo came out and maintained a diameter of at least six inches. It protruded about five or six inches from my ass at this point, still not diminishing in width. I watched transfixed. Why hadn't my anal ring collapsed yet? Was it in fact permanently stretched open?

The head of the dildo had now slid out from beneath my ribs. I could breathe easily, my lungs no longer compressed. It was emerging more easily now and with greater speed. Eventually it emerged and dropped heavily to the floor. I looked at my ass partially in delight, partially in horror. There was a thick tube of angry red flesh jutting out from my ass about six inches, six inches thick as well. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I didn't know what to do. I wondered if I should try to suck it back inside or not do anything and see what would happen.

The frame I was suspended on began to rotate up. My back lost its support and my weight once again began to be taken up by my arms. As I rose to a vertical position I could see myself in a mirror placed in front of me. The light was shining directly on just me, the rest of the room in dark shadow. I hung with my legs still spread to the side a bit, the red prolapsed mass hanging between my legs.

The bar that had held the dildos emerged out of the darkness. This time there was only one thing affixed to it. Perhaps it was a short stool of some kind. Certainly it was wide enough to sit on. It came up until the tip of the stool was just beneath my prolapsed anus, then stopped. Hands appeared again, placing clamps on my inner pussy lips. The chains dangling from the clamps were drawn tightly to the side, almost parallel with the angle of my legs and fastened somewhere out of sight.

Once again the bar started to rise and it made contact with the prolapse hanging out of my ass. I was somewhat surprised that I could feel it touching my flesh, for some reason thinking that there would be no sense of touch to that internal flesh. My mind was having difficulty accepting the fact that the stool was thicker than my prolapsed flesh. That meant it was well over six inches in diameter. I don't think it was nine inches across, it had to be less than that, but not by much., so around eight inches. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, I knew I couldn't take that much, my mind spun through the possibilities. I decided that it was either designed to push the prolapse back inside me or was actually a stool to rest on. That was what I hoped it was.

I could see myself sitting on it, getting some respite for my arms. I thought this was a good thing, what with my pussy lips clamped. Jane, for it was she whose hands I recognized, liked to keep me nearly immobile by clamping my inner pussy lips, but usually with my nipples secured also. So I waited for them to clamp my nipples, in fact I was looking forward to it. It has always been my way to enjoy anything being stretched, to test my limits, wanting to go beyond what I thought I could do.

I glanced at the stool, wishing it would rise faster, but figuring that the bar had only one speed. My arms were starting to ache from bearing my weight, a little relief would be nice.

Hands appeared again, with clamps, for my nipples, just so I thought. They were a little tender from before, but not that bad, more of a good glow that accentuated the sensation of the clamps. But they were being a little mean this time, thankfully. They laid the sides of the clamps against my chest when they put them on, this way, when they were pulled by the chains attached to them, it would twist and bend my nipples when they were stretched out straight away from my body. A nice little touch. The chains were pulled tight and affixed somewhere out of my vision. I was pretty sure that a beating of some kind was coming. I guessed it was going to be the cane as I was held by my bonds fairly securely. It could be a single tail, but most likely not a flogger.

I still couldn't hear anything and my mouth was still ball gagged. In my reflection in the mirror I could see how wet my body had become by the drool seeping out of my mouth. My jaws ached a bit, but not too much. All in all I was ready for the next round.

The stool was almost flat across the top, maybe slightly domed, and was doing a good job of pushing my prolapse back inside me. It was squished a bit, the part remaining outside my ass flattening out as it was shoved back up into my body, but now was only about two inches long, the distance from the top of the stool to my ass hole. I hung there, watching, waiting.

I knew I would get no warning before the first stroke hit me. I thought it would be from behind. With my ears plugged I wouldn't be able to hear it coming., or see it out of the darkness. As my breasts were pretty well flattened by the clamps pulling them down and to the sides, they were out. Sitting on the stool ruled out my pussy. It could be across the thighs, but I was pretty sure it would be my back or buttocks. Buttocks most likely if it was the cane.

The stool had now risen enough to push the prolapse fully back inside my body and it was a relief to be able to straddle it and rest my weight. I was happy to get the strain off my arms. I was just about to shift my weight off my pussy where the stool was hitting me when something touched me from behind and I jumped, at least as best as I could. The chains clamping off my nipples and inner pussy lips brought me up short with jolts that radiated pain. At first I couldn't figure out what had startled me because it was such a soft touch. Then I realized it was a pair of hands gently pushing me forward a couple of inches, reseating me on the stool. It was gestures like this that softened my heart as I realized they cared for me. I sank my weight back down on the stool, comfortably seated, waiting for the first blow to strike. And waited. As time passed my anticipation increased, growing a bit antsy, starting to involuntarily tense up. Knowing when that cane lashed across my body I was going to explode in pain, I reminded myself how tightly I was clamped off.

Still waiting, comfortably sitting on the stool, I realized my feet were leaving the floor as that bar continued to rise. I thought this was kind of odd. The bindings around my ankles were growing a bit tight, as were the chains attached to the clamps. My pussy lips were starting to get stretched out. Usually they would hang below my pussy only about an inch and a half but now they were at two inches. Ten minutes later and my thighs were getting stretched, my nipples elongated out almost as far as when they had the five pound weights attached, the stool was starting to press hard against my ass and was pushing my legs further apart and my lips were stretched far out from my cunt.

When I felt the hand on my butt cheeks I barely reacted, or rather I was unable to react very much. I was pretty much bound into position. The hand was trying to worm its way between the stool seat and my butt. I realized it was slippery. What was this about? Then the hand was in front, sliding past my pussy and between my ass and the stool, rubbing in some kind of lube. All I could see in the mirror was a glistening hand and forearm.

I realized that they were thinking that the stool was actually a dildo. It didn't resemble a dildo in any way! It looked like an upside down trash can. The sides narrowly sloping out from the eight inch base, about a foot tall, this was in no way a dildo. I tried screaming at them but only muffled garbled sounds were going past the ball gag.

Inexorably it was being pushed against my bottom. My legs were stretched further, the muscles in my thighs prominent as long cords running from crotch to knee. My pussy lips were approaching four inches, although it was hard to be sure as they were bending around the edge of the stool. The clamps around my nipples had slipped a little so it wasn't so bad there, they were less than three inches long. Worst of all though was the pressure on my ass hole. That little bit of lube had allowed my flesh to slip on the top of the stool. It felt like my body was being pushed inside my pelvis, but my ass hole was not opening. This was really stretching my inner thighs.

A few more minutes and the pain was becoming more intense. Then THWACK! A flogger slashed across my back. This was one with thin rubbery like lashes that really dug into the flesh, not one of those broad lashed ones you can barely feel. My body jerked forward, at most an inch of so, all it could considering my bindings, but enough to momentarily yank my nipples until I thought they were going to be ripped off. Immediately after my back was struck I saw a hand emerge from the darkness in front of me. In her hand was the probe from a tenns unit and she touched it on my clit. I recoiled back, desperately tugging on my clamped cunt lips.

Thwack! Zap! Thwack! Zap! Over and over I was hit, sometimes alternately, sometimes in unison, my body wrenching against my bonds. Finally! I was in a place I knew and loved. A place of submission and pain. My thoughts no longer on that stool like dildo but rather on the familiar and joyous sensation of being used for someone else's sadistic nature. I reveled in my beating, letting myself become lost in subspace. The flogger played up and down my back, spreading the beating over a broad area. Sometimes I would be struck on my thighs or on the little bit of my crotch that was exposed, but mostly from behind. The tenns unit though always shocked directly on my clit. My bladder gave way and I peed, spraying all over as I was mashed on the dildo. My breathing became deeper as I became sexually excited, succumbing to the best aphrodisiac, pain.

I had zeroed in on the beating to such an extent that the dildo had started to spread my anal ring, just a touch, but a little. Now I was brought back to the pressure on my anus, the beating retreating into the background. I began to feel my ass hole sliding open on the dildo. My pelvis was surely expanding, spreading open as if in childbirth, it had to be!

My body and senses were betraying me, yielding to the sexual urges I was now feeling. I was deserting common sense. My brain tried to reason with my body. Did I want my ass hole destroyed? Did I want a huge gaping hole instead of an anus? It didn't matter, I knew only one mistress, my sexual desire. Yes I wanted to be just a hole to be penetrated in the most obscenely possible way. I wanted my body to be stretched open, beaten, used.

I started to try and work my ass hole on the dildo. The clamps attached to my nipples and cunt lips slid off, rasping over my flesh, then letting that flesh rebound back as they came off. I could see my nipples in the mirror, they had been stretched over four inches long, but now were hanging off my breasts, looking like two soft little cocks, arcing out and down, two inches long. I could see nothing now of my cunt lips, they were being dragged inside my body by the immense dildo pressing into my pelvis. Nothing had yielded to the incredible pressure yet, but I was giving way. As it drove harder against my crotch, seeking an opening into my body, my anus spread further. My anal ring sliding further towards the edge of the dildo, creeping closer and closer to the edge. My legs had stretched as far as they could and the joints would have to separate to grow any longer. I knew though that my body would yield to that dildo before that would happen.

I was at peace now, in a place I knew. I drifted through the wonder of ultimate sexual fulfillment, riding the intensity of the sensations pounding my body. When I felt my anal ring slip over the edges of the dildo, and it began to truly enter my body, I just smiled. I knew those watching me understood. All reason had left me and I was totally giving myself to the sensations coursing through my body.

As soon as the dildo began to enter me the pressure was eased from my legs. Internally it seemed I could hear my pelvis separating, the bones spreading as the elasticity in my pubis allowed this great penetration.

The shocking from the tenns unit had stopped. The flogger would strike at odd moments. I waited and watched the advance of the dildo into my body. I saw my ass accept it, drawing in parts of my body as it penetrated me. Almost leisurely I could see my pussy slowly being drawn into my anus, the lips the last to enter. The dildo was now over two thirds inside me. My belly was expanding as it penetrated, my hips spreading apart. I could see my hips growing in size before my eyes, incredible! All the delicious sweet pain was concentrated in the center of my body and I knew this was what I existed for. If they wanted to give me any more I could take it, in fact I welcomed it. I felt my body spreading further, almost as if I had no bounds. I was opened beyond the size of a human head entering me, past the size of a leg, the thickness of two legs stretching me open. My belly grew, a huge swollen abdomen. I could only think, Fuck Me! Fuck MEEE! FUUUUCKKKK MMMEEEEE!!!! I wanted that huge dildo to start pumping in and out, ravaging me like none had ever been before.

It was almost there, only an inch to go and it would disappear inside my body. My body was trying to convulse in an orgasm, but it couldn't. As excited as I was, there was no room for an orgasm. My ass and my pelvis were too stretched to convulse. Internally I was screaming for release, but there was none. I wanted to feel convulsions washing through my body, my pussy pulsing, spewing out moisture, my clitoris throbbing, but I couldn't. My genitals had been drawn inside my body with the penetration of the dildo.

The bottom of the dildo was almost inside me. I watched as it seemed to pause before disappearing inside. Then with a rush it was in. My cunt spilled out, the lips flapping, my anus closing over the bottom edge but gaping open six or seven inches. It was inside me! It continued to advance for another two inches, then stopped. It still held me above the floor, but the rising of the bar had stopped. Now hands appeared, and as they disconnected the dildo, and the bar began to lower, I rode it down until my feet touched the floor. Then I was hanging from my arms, as my legs could not support me.

Hands were at the top of the frame releasing me from the cuffs around my wrists. I sunk exhausted to my knees, then fell off to the side. Jane was there, wrapping her arms around me, cradling me. Our friend Sara was with her. Together they helped me up, held me until my legs began to work and I could support myself. I was unsteady, but standing on my own. I couldn't quite close my legs but I was able to take a few tentative steps. Sara came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my chest, stroking my dangling nipples. Jane removed the ball gag and ear plugs and pressed her mouth against mine, sliding her tongue into my mouth. We kissed passionately.

Suddenly she jerked back and took her hand and slammed it against my clit. I would have collapsed if Sara hadn't held me up. Over and over Jane pounded my clit, stopping sometimes to roughly stroke it. My legs were shaking, I was gasping for breath as she attacked my cunt. I wanted to cum, tried with desperation to, but still couldn't. My body was writhing as I tried for release, but I couldn't. I had added my hands to Jane's in ransacking my pussy. Savagely I clawed at my cunt, but I couldn't orgasm.

Then it stopped. Sara grabbed my arms, Jane drew away, and I sagged back against Sara, trembling uncontrollably in frustration. Jane soothed me with her quiet voice, stroking my hair, holding my face until I quieted. I could stand again but was drowning with need. My pussy was screaming at me, my ass hole stretched widely open, my belly heavy with the mass of dildo inside.

I was told to go to my hands and knees, which I did. There were some sounds, a chain dragging, then it was being connected to the dildo visible through my gaping anal ring. Then a clanking sound I knew so well. The same sound when I was suspended by my breasts or arms. This time though I was going to be hung by a dildo deep inside my body. My ass began to lift and I braced my hands on the floor. I was lifted higher, now almost all my weight taken up by the dildo, my hands coming off the floor. My legs splayed out, sore inner thighs protesting, before cuffs were placed around my ankles and they were lifted up. I hung there, dangling, supported from within my anus. My ankles just kept my legs vertically up, but didn't support any of my weight. My wrists were cuffed, my arms pulled down and loosely locked there. I was suspended spread-eagled from the frame, with all my weight taken up by the dildo.

Electrodes were attached to my clit. I waited, gently swaying. The voltage was turned on and I jerked. Electricity pulsed, centered on my clitoris. I writhed, flinging my body with each pulse. I would be brought up short by the chain attached to the dildo. It jerked within my body, pushing my internal organs around, straining to rip out of my body but held tightly inside. I flailed against the electrical jolts, straining to orgasm but I couldn't. Eventually, after what seemed hours I couldn't take anymore. The writhing of my body slowed. Drops of sweat rolled slowly down my body and I could hear them pattering on the floor. The electricity stopped and I hung limply. Then it started again, higher stronger jolts this time, causing me to once again jerk my body viciously, fighting for release. My whole body trembling, aching, striving to be set free, to the throes of orgasm. But it didn't come and once again I stopped struggling in exhaustion. Another long pause, I had no idea how long, until they resumed shocking me, again with stronger jolts. This pattern seemed to go on endlessly until I could no longer respond to any stimuli. I was left to hang there, my body throbbing.

Finally I was lowered onto a table that had been rolled under me, placed on my hands and knees atop it. My wrists were brought down alongside my body and chained behind me. Straps were worked under my arm pits and made fast in front of me. The cuffs around my ankles were attached behind me, I was too exhausted to pay much attention. Other straps were placed around my thighs and attached in front of me. I heard the clanking sound again and the chain attached to the dildo began to tighten. The dildo was going to be pulled from me. Soon the straps attached in front of me tightened. Pressure was building on the dildo inside me. I was pulled back harder, my arms taking up more and more pressure. It began to stir within me, increasing pressure on my anal ring. My ass lips began to spread. More pressure, they began to retreat and be stretched back. More pressure, and then they slid over the end and several inches of the dildo rushed from my body. Now hands grasped the chain and with some ease withdrew the dildo until only a couple inches were lodged in my body.

A pause, then the dildo was pushed from behind as they threw their weight against the end of the dildo and attempted to push it back inside me. I was pushed a few inches along the table until my body tightened against the restraints from behind and the dildo began to slide back in. I could hear Jane and Sara groaning with the effort to get it back in. They were making progress though, as it slid slowly back inside and my ass ring closed around the end. Then it was hauled back out, a little easier this time, pushed back in, then out again. After a bit they were able to pull it out without using the chain. My anal ring seemed as if it were permanently stretched open. My pelvis yielding to them, the pelvic bones remaining expanded.

It was all I could do to stay on all fours. My body was desperate for rest. Sweat continued to pour off my body as my arm sand legs shook with fatigue. All I wanted to do was stop, get rest, sleep, be alone. They were able to run the dildo in and out fairly easily now. It began to change from trying to get my body to adopt to the size of the thing. As they worked it in and out, it changed. It started to become fucking. More rapidly they fucked me. Reluctantly, tiredly, absurdly, my body began to respond. I didn't understand how I could react to this. It was worse than giving birth every second. It was like being raped by a log, like being fisted by some malevolent giant with massive hands.

It didn't matter. I began to respond. My breathing grew deep and rapid. My pussy began to tingle. I began to thrust back at them, driving that thing harder into my body. I was moaning in pain and desire. I screamed at them to fuck me, fuck me hard, cursing them for being such wimps, for not giving me what I needed, had to have. I threw my body back and forth. They had stopped their motions, just holding it the best they could. I fucked that dildo with all I could, all I had. I felt it destroying me and I fucked harder. It tore my insides apart, expanding my ass to unheard of widths. I was driven by an unheard of lust as I drilled my body over and over onto it.

I pulled my body off it so I could feel it open me up anew, instead of just sliding on it. However they were unable to hold it firmly enough so I could ram it back in. Releasing me from my bonds, they stood it up on the table and I straddled it. I plunged my ass down on it but it wouldn't go back in. I slammed back down on it with all my weight and it went in. I rose up again and plunged back down, I slid down it until my buttocks were resting on the table. I fucked that thing until its size became insignificant. A froth was building up around my ass as I fucked it. Slamming back down on it I began to approach my orgasm. Frantically I fucked it. I clawed at my pussy, jamming one hand inside my cunt when the dildo was ripped from my ass, then quickly pulling my hand out before it reentered my ass. I fisted myself with one hand, clawed at my clit with the other, then slammed onto the dildo. As I approached the spot, the spot where my orgasm was inevitable, when I could slam my body over the edge, I left my hand in my cunt as I slammed my ass back onto the dildo. I slammed all the way down, my butt against the table, my hand trapped in my pussy. I repeated this a few times, grinding down harder and harder. Then, ripping my hand from my vagina, I slammed down one last time as I exploded with my long sought orgasm. As I came I sucked the dildo up into my body, collapsed onto my side, my hands scrabbling between my legs as my body convulsed in a massive orgasm.

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