Jay is the Alpha

By ozzalone65

Published on Oct 9, 2023


This is a fictional story about Jay or Jordan or whatever is hame is based of what social media site you are in. Hot, muscled tattooed God with long hair and a mule dick. His info suggested he is straight, but talks suggest he is open to more.

This is a new (longer) story about this God. And as we have not met (yet), it is pure fiction. Hopes for that to change one day

Enjoy.. *****. *****. *****. *****. *****

Jay is the Alpha (Ruined for other Men (1)

As I see it. I think if I were to somehow look up the phrase 'Alpha male' online or the dictionary and such, the results would always point to him Jay. An image, a description. All signs of this term pulling towards this incredible man. Why the accolade on some guy that most people have no idea who he is. That I unless you are the lucky recipient of his attentions. Attentions I have had the greatest privilege to get in my recent years. Well as said, if you receive attention by this man God. If you have the luck to spend some time tossing about in the sack with him. Oh God the memory!. This is when you know that Jay is the one true alpha'. The opitime, the definition, the essence of the phrase. And my experience with him has left me in awe of him, in lust of him, and basically this stud if all studs has left me just about ruined for any other man. Because by far none other can compare to this super stud. How he looks, how he feels and how he leaves you feeling after taking you. Bliss, accomplishment (for taking his weapon) and just a sense of ease. And the fact that you have just experience sex with a human God. It's the most intense sensations His stunning face and body and sexual prowess not withstanding. His sexy voice as he talks you through the sexual experience. And that body. Let me tell you about this stunning man's body. He is tall and muscular. Bubble but and this arms, his body tattooed in many normal places. Arms, shoulders, chest and thighs. But then all seemed perfect and meant to be in his awesome body. Big chest and broad shoulders. I tell you he is utter perfection. Then there is that weapon. Oh my God to be in the presence of his awesome dick is a state of pleasure all its own. And this dude is big. Like the rest of him his cock is a very big thick snake that he uses with a power that is untouched by anyone. 9 plus inches of raw hard flesh.

And why am I talking so much about this God creature. Why am I tossing about words to his adoration, his worship. Well it's because I have had the bestowed pleasure of experiencing this man in all his raw power, his sexual brutality. Taking his Massive weapon in me and being bred by this stallion.

"Hmmf fuckk" I am moaning as I think of him

It all started when I was checking out my social media pages. Seeing what people had to say and adding a post of my own about the weekend with friends. A rare occasion for me to post something as I was not much of a social media butterfly. I was in it occasionally just to check out what people were up to. And it was after my post that the trail of desire began. One of my friends in social media pasted a comment about it. Then another and another. Then some other people I didn't even know were posting messages on my image. And for the most part I didn't care. Even if I didn't know them. For some where nice messages. A few from guys telling me I was cute. And some that said they would date me.

"What the..?" I questioned "Who are these people?"

I decided to check my settings as I was getting fat too many strangers on my page. That was when I noticed my privacy settings were off. Anyone could see and comment on my page. I then realized that I never recalled setting up my 'privacy controls' so that was easily the answer as to why people could see and comment on me without my being 'friends' with them. So I adjusted the privacy settings so that only friends could see my posts. But that didn't remove the messages. They were already there. I could not stop that. But at least I could halt further ones.

"Why had I never done that?" I said to myself "Someone could hack my page like that"

I then returned to the message. Clicking in each one and the. Deleting any that seemed odd or creepy. But that was when I came across one from some guy named Jordan. I looked at the message and it read like a pick up line. Something about 'good looking guy. Shame we have not crossed paths before'. I was a out to delete it too. As I was not interested in some rando' hook up based off my social media post. But then I looked at his Avatar image. The guy was pretty hot. Facial hair and long hair in his head. Striking face and sexy lips. And the image should the top of his chest and above. Some obvious tattoos were on his chest. They were cut off by the image. But you could tell his body was hot too. So before I deleted his message I decided to check out his page. But when I tried to open his page up I could not. It said page 'only available to friends'. So I could not see anything else. I pondered just ignoring his comment and deleting it all together. But as I stared at the guys striking looks I was intrigued. How can a guy this smoldering hot be wanting to talk to me. Joe ordinary. So I went back to his original message and decided to send this guy a reply.

"Hey man. Thanks for message" I said "I am sorry, but don't think we have met" "I went to your page but cannot see it"

I hoped that he would get the message back and then maybe we could talk or something one day. I wasn't sure he would get the message as I assumed that since I could not see his page that I could not send him a message. I was surprised when I received a friend request by the guy later that day. I clicked on it to confirm and then found I had access to his page. And to all his images and posts.

"Holy fuck me" I huffed as I perused his page.

I was now viewing his hotter than hot images. Bare chested and sexy as all fuck in every single image. And on one image in particular it suggested I go to another site he was in. It said for 'more adult rated material'. So if course I was very very curious as to what 'adult' material he had. I hit the link and found myself on an adult social media page. I had to join to see the '18 and over' material. So I did. Creating an account and the. Clicking back into his link once more. Here it said his name was 'Jay the Alpha'. So the curiosity was highly peaked now.

"Oh my fucking God!" I shouted out as I saw the smoldering hot Jordan naked....

*****. *****. *****. *****. ***** To be continued

Next: Chapter 6: Ruined for Other Men 2

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