Jedi Encounters

By Mike Wolf

Published on Jul 10, 2004


Jedi Encounters: The Force Divided.

Part One. By Mike Wolf

Required note: This story contains graphic written descriptions of sex involving mainly lesbian relations but may contain other heterosexual or other wise later on. If you are under eighteen or this kind of story is illegal for you to read then please don't read it. The author holds no responsibility if you choose to read on and get in trouble for it.

Legal Note: All characters belonging to Lucas Arts, George Lucas, or any of the other star wars affiliates are owned by them and are used without permission in this story. If this is a problem then let me know and I will not use them again. This story also makes or gives no assumptions about these characters orientations and in no way relates to the actors that portrayed the characters in the movies, games, etc.

Story Note: This is a fairly long story involving the characters of the Star Wars universe, I plan on releasing it in parts and would very much like feedback rather it be criticism or helpful hints or what ever. I will respond to all emails granted I have the time and they are well written, what I mean by that is I don't want, "This sucks or you blow big wookie chunks." as an email. The story itself is based on a group of characters I made up and revolves around there struggle with the dark side. This is not meant to be something you can get your quick fix off of, but if that's what you're looking for then by all means read on. For everyone else I hope it provides both mental stimulation as well as the other kind, thank you for reading.

History Note: This story takes place sometime after Luke Skywalker marries Mara Jade and the Solo's have their children. Also I haven't read all the books so if there are mistakes in the story like someone being alive that's dead then forgive my ignorance.

Chapter One: Leaving the mistress.

After pondering her dream for a while Lena stood and dropped the blanket she had wrapped around herself. She could feel it was time to fulfill her duties to her mistress so she climbed up on her lap and kissed her sweetly. Her Mistress smiled then asked, "You had that dream again didn't you my dear?"

Lena just nodded before sliding down and kissing her mistresses neck. But Luaxanna her mistress, stopped her and pulled her back up, "Why have you stopped me Mistress?"

"We need to talk my dear." She said as she pulled Lena close to her and held her tight against her body.

Lena rested her head on Luaxanna's shoulder as she asked, "About what Mistress?"

Luaxanna smiled and rubbed Lena's back, "About your dream of course, my dear."

Lena pulled back a little and looked into her eyes, "It's just the same dream I've had for the last several nights it doesn't mean anything."

"But it does my dear, it has great meaning to you and where you will be going after you leave me." Luaxanna explained.

"Leave you Mistress, I have no desire to do that." Lena lied.

"But you do, I've seen you browsing through the listings for ships on numerous occasions. Also I still remember the day when I met you in that bar on Tantooine and you told me about your desires and what you most wanted to do after you got some credits. Don't you remember that day, it's only been a year you know." Luaxanna explained as she continued to hold the very naked Lena against her equally naked body.

In truth, that day and the dream was all Lena could think about for the last several days and now that they were heading back to Tantooine it seemed to dominate her mind. It was a little over one year ago from now that Lena had been in one of the bars on Tantooine. She had been working on cargo ships ever since she had left her ant and uncle when she was seventeen.

The cargo ship was in orbit around Tantooine and she was down planet side relaxing in the bar when Luaxanna had come in. The tall tan skinned woman seemed to survey the entire bar until her eyes stopped on Lena. Lena who had been studding the different species that called the republic home couldn't remember if she had seen this tall woman's kind before. She looked like a human woman except that she was at least seven foot six in height and had tan colored skin.

Luaxanna walked up to her table and asked to sit down, Lena agreed secretly hoping that this woman wanted to do more then just talk. What she really wanted was far more then Lena could ever have imagined. The tall tan lady with long jet black hair ordered a drink then as she got it she asked in a mater of fact manner if Lena was interested in women.

Lena nodded her head and said in a very sexy tone, "Never been with a man to tell you the truth."

That was true, Angelina had in fact never desired a man after that day with Luna in the shop. She did however have many relations with other females since that day. This news excited the tall tan lady very much as her large nipples were clearly pressing against the thin fabric top she was wearing.

"Glad to hear that, but before we head off to some hotel for the night or something like that I have a job offer if you're willing to listen." Luaxanna had asked.

Lena smiled and took a sip of her drink then had said, "Well I'm not a prostitute if that's what you're going to ask and I already have a job on a cargo ship. By the way what's you name?"

The tall lady didn't seem too offended, "Luaxanna's my name and yours?"

"Well it depends on who's asking, Lena to my friends and Angelina to everyone else." Lena had said in a tougher voice, the many years of being with her uncle and ant and working on the cargo ship had toughened her finally and dissolved all her shyness.

"Well I hope to be able to call you Lena one day but for now Angelina will do. Anyway, the job I wish to offer you isn't one of a prostitute but rather a partner." Luaxanna said.

Angelina sat up and uncrossed her legs, "A partner? I find it interesting that you first ask me if I like women then you offer me a business partnership. So I wonder what kind of business this is."

Luaxanna sighed, "This is why I don't like basic, so many of your words have more then one meaning. What I meant was, I would like you to be my sexual partner, basically you travel with me on my ship while I make my cargo runs and we make love."

Lena smiled and recrossed her legs, "Sounds like a prostitute to me, that is if you're paying me for this."

Luaxanna frowned, "Well I suppose if you want to be crude then yes this job is like a prostitute but let me explain further before you make your judgment."

Lena leaned forward, "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere, I'm just trying to be careful. You do know there are groups out there that trick women into signing contracts for performing positions then before they know it they are turned into slaves."

Luaxanna leaned forward as well, "Yes I have heard of such things happening but I doubt that the people doing that are women."

"That would be why I'm still listening and haven't left the table yet." Lena said as she allowed her foot to brush against Luaxanna's leg.

Luaxanna smiled again, "Well alright I forgive your bluntness then." Lena smiled back and leaned forward some more as she rubbed her leg against Luaxanna's.

"Thank you, now I do believe you were going to explain your offer."

"Yes I was, so here it is. Like I said before, you ride with me on my ship while I make cargo runs and while were traveling we have lots of wonderful sex. Here is why it's different then a prostitute. I am a Trivexian, a race you probably haven't heard of before right?" Luaxanna asked and Lena shook her head no as her foot moved up Luaxanna's leg.

"Not surprising since very few of our people leave our home planet, which is on the galactic rim. Now the reason we don't leave is because of our problem."

Angelina's foot stopped its upward climb, "What kind of problem?"

"Well to put it bluntly, we have to have sex at least four times a day to stay healthy. If we go without sex for more then a couple days we grow old and die." Luaxanna explained.

"You're kidding right?" Angelina asked dumbfounded.

Luaxanna shook her head, "No I'm afraid not, you see when we have sex our body's regenerate themselves returning us to our ideal age. The process starts at twenty standard years old, our puberty age, we will live for thousands of years as long as we continue to have sex. It is both a blessing and a curse for us and the reason most of us stay at home, since few people we meet can keep us alive with the sex we need. On our planet the women for the most part walk around naked and have sex with who ever they pass, after many thousands of years of this our people grew very inward and distrusting of outsiders especially males. Yet another reason most of my people remain on our planet." Angelina's foot dropped to the floor long enough for her to slip her boot off before it returned to Luaxanna's thigh.

"Alright say I believe all this which is fairly farfetched, tell me about the males on your world. You haven't mentioned them at all except to say that you don't trust males of other species."

Luaxanna slipped her sandal off and caressed Lena's leg, "Well our males are not spoke of often and when they are it is usually not kind. You see it was them that caused us to become what we are today, many thousands of years ago we existed in harmony with our men. We lived for millennia with our male partners having sex every hundred years or so when it was time to have children. Then one dark day a great male scientist came home to find his partner having sex with another woman. In those days it was a great insult to have sex purely for pleasure and for him to find his wife with another woman having pleasurable sex was more then he could stand. So he stormed out of his house and went to his lab, there he studied for years in secret. When he emerged again he released a toxin into the air, which spread around the planet infecting all the women, the infection modified our DNA linking sex with our bodies natural regeneration cycle as well as boosting our sexual desire a thousand fold. Suddenly all our women found themselves desiring sex so badly that they were forcing themselves on there partners. However the scientists curse backfired on all males since the curse linked our regeneration with lesbian sex only. Soon women all over the planet were seeking sex from other women, any who tried to resist grew old and either died or gave up and had sex with another women. Then as the cause of this curse was discovered and linked with a man our female run government turned on all men and banished them to live alone on our sister planet. There they would stay until they were needed to produce children, so it is now that all male Trivexian's live alone on there planet only to come over to ours when we need one of them to have children."

Angelina had to think about that a bit, "Well granted there are some men that I don't like that much but banishing all men for the actions of just one man, isn't that a little harsh?"

Luaxanna nodded, "Yes it was but it was the will of our government at the time, a thousand years ago or so we tried to rectify it though. We sent a group of ambassadors over to the male planet, as it had come to be known. They offered to bring all the males back over and reincorporate them into our society. But the males had grown to hate us so much that they rejected the offer, they agreed to continue providing us with children as long as they got to keep the male ones. Otherwise they wanted nothing to do with us, I guess the idea that any relationship they would have with a female would end with her having sex with another women was too much for them to bear. In any case we gave up and so did they so now we live in peace on our separate worlds, the women forming life partnerships with other women and the men turned into loaners."

Angelina's foot crept higher brushing against the hem of the short skirt Luaxanna was wearing, "Has anyone tried to cure this curse?"

Luaxanna nodded again, "Countless have tried but so complex was the curse that no one has been able to figure it out even in all these years. The scientist who started it, took all his research and left the planet before he was discovered. The only thing they found in his lab was a message cursing all women apparently he figured the curse would kill most of us off, I guess he didn't realize how easily we would give up our old traditions."

Lena's toes played with the hem on her skirt, "So if you live for thousands of years, couldn't this scientist still be alive?"

"It is possible, but hard to say since most of us die either in accidents or by the hands of some of our more dangerous wild life. I think the oldest of our people is around three thousand years old. But some of our people have been known to live for well over six thousand years."

Lena raised an eyebrow, "So if you don't die in an accident or by animals then what kills your people?"

"Well since the curse came about the most common cause of our deaths is growing so tired of sex that we just give up. Especially in our women that try to stick with just a single partner there whole lives." Luaxanna explained as she slipped her foot over and rested it on Lena's crouch. Lena's black skintight pants were growing very soaked now as Luaxanna caressed and played.

"So if you don't mind me asking, how old are... you?" Lena asked stifling a moan.

"Quite young at just four hundred years, but I plan on living as long as possible. Which is why I'm out here in space, I find it quite exciting to meet as many new partners as I can and explore all their different ways of having sex. The only reason I run cargo is to make money, which I use to keep my ship fueled and maintained otherwise I would just travel around meeting women."

Lena was now on the verge of coming, Luaxanna was so good with just her foot. "So I guess I understand ... the job now. Mmm I more or less keep you alive by having sex with you ... but how long will I be doing this for and is there more then one women serving you?"

Luaxanna smiled at how Lena was squirming under her ministrations, "Well I usually keep partners around for no more then a year, since most species grow tired of pleasuring me several times every day after one year. As for others, there is one who remains on my ship with me. She is as close to a life partner as I'll ever come, but you do not need to have sex with her unless you desire it. But she will be having sex with me on occasion especially if you grow tired, I leave it up to you if you want to help her when she wants to have sex with me." Luaxanna explained.

"Mmm alright but who is she?"

"Just someone who was in need of help, I provided her help and she rewarded me with her service."

"She's a slave?" Lena asked bringing herself down a little.

"No not at all, she stays with me of her own free will. It's just that she is a special case, one that we can't discuss here. But if you accept my offer then we can talk about it on my ship."

"I'm ohh ... still thinking about it especially since you haven't mentioned how much you're going to be paying me." Lena said as she forced herself down while trying to return the favor.

"Mmm I usually give my partners thirty percent of my profits but if you're as special as I think you are then maybe you'll get forty." Luaxanna replied between her own slight moans.

Then Lena stood up suddenly and walked around the table surprising Luaxanna a little, she sat down in her lap facing her as she swung her legs around the back of Luaxanna's chair.

"Guess I'll have to prove I'm worth it then." Lena said as she kissed the beautiful Trivexian.

"A little crowded in here for this isn't it." Luaxanna said as she pulled away slightly.

"Yea but no one really cares, that's what's good and bad about these kinds of places." Angelina said as she cupped one of Luaxanna's large round breasts.

"I guess your right." Luaxanna replied as she slid her hands inside the grey skintight top Lena was wearing and fondled her medium sized firm teardrop shaped breasts.

"Now relax and keep your hands occupied while I show you why I'm worth forty percent." Lena said as she leaned back, her back now rested against the table and her own hands full of Luaxanna's breasts.

Angelina had first noticed that she had a special power over girls when she made out with Luna but she really didn't understand what it was or how to control it until she had a few more experiences with women. Now she could control her power to a fairly high degree and use it to pleasure a woman just by being close to her. Which is what she did, Luaxanna suddenly tilted her head back as she felt the unmistakable feeling of a woman's mouth on her vagina. The feeling was so intense and so real that she could have sworn someone was down there between her legs, Lena never liking to be left out was pleasuring herself in the same way. Then Luaxanna slipped Lena's shirt up and pulled her forward mashing their bodies together. She took her mouth in a very passionate kiss; there tongues fighting each other desperately as there pleasures began peaking. Lena decided it was time to really pore on the power and so she wrapped her arms around the much taller Luaxanna mashing their bodies even harder together.

Then she used all the mental power she had left and assaulted them both, Luaxanna let out a muffled moan loud enough to be heard over the music causing a couple people to look over but they returned to there drinks after seeing what was happening. Except for one person in a dark robe with a hood that covered his face in shadow, he sat there silently in a far corner watching the couple closely. In fact he had been watching Lena ever since she had entered the bar an hour ago. But neither of the lovers noticed this as they felt pure bliss sweep over them as they slipped into very powerful orgasms.

As they slipped into unconsciousness the dark robed man relaxed back into his chair slipping into the darkness of the corner. But after ten minutes or so he noticed a particularly shifty Rodian heading towards the still sleeping couple. He watched the alien nab Lena's purse hanging off her chair and head for the door but in an unperceivable flash he was at the door of the club and blocked the Rodian's escape. "I do not think that purse goes with your outfit." The stranger in the robe said, the bug eyed green alien looked at him curiously for a second then replied in his own language. "No it does not I better put it back." The hooded man waved the alien off and returned to his corner unnoticed by the rest of the bars patrons. The alien did as he said and returned the purse to Lena's chair then swiftly left the bar.

Ten or more minute's later Lena and Luaxanna woke together and Luaxanna wasted no time in telling Lena she was worth fifty percent. So they left together and headed to Luaxanna's ship the Swan, it was an old Corellian freighter like the Millennium falcon but it was in much better shape yet not quite as fast. There as Lena remembered it she had told Luaxanna about how she was saving up to buy a ship so she could search for Luna and this mysterious Jedi academy she had mentioned. Luaxanna rewarded her with some information that she had heard about the academy being on a small planet called Yavin four but it was only a rumor she had heard. Then Lena met Cynthia, Luaxanna's other partner and found out why Luaxanna had been reluctant to talk about her in public.

Lena found out that although Cynthia looked like a perfectly shaped human girl with large breasts and long blond hair. She was actually a droid or rather a synthetic human, created years ago by a company who wanted to run a pleasure planet with low overhead costs. The republic lawmakers however did not like the idea of droids looking like humans so they outlawed them and had any existing ones destroyed. But some like Cynthia managed to escape their destruction and hide out either on ships leaving the planet or by shacking up with a less then reputable person who could get them away from the republic. Cynthia had taken the latter route and after the long years of forced slavery and abuse she had finally decided she had had enough and escaped. But the crime lord who had been abusing her decided he would hunt her down and expose her for whom she really was.

That was where and when she had met Luaxanna who happened to be looking for a new partner. Cynthia agreed quickly and they left that planet together, it was only a year later when Luaxanna suggested that Cynthia move on that she found out the truth herself. Cynthia begged her to let her stay onboard since she didn't dare leave for the fear that she would eventually be discovered. Luaxanna although a little miffed that she had been deceived decided that it would be all right to let her stay. Since it did give her a little security incase she failed to find a new partner. Over the many long years together Luaxanna helped Cynthia act more human as well as upgrade some of her aging parts. Now unless you were told about her secret only a detailed scan would reveal who she was and eventually even Luaxanna began to believe she was human. Although unknown to all of them a Jedi would be able to tell who she was by feeling the force around her.

Lena then agreed to sign on with Luaxanna and she soon quit her job with the cargo ship. As they left Tantooine Lena began her duties to the 'Mistress' something she picked up from Cynthia. The next year was spent in an almost constant state of bliss for the threesome. Although Lena discovered she could not affect Cynthia with her mental powers she was still able to bring her to a raging orgasm by normal means. At first though she wondered if it was a real orgasm or just something that had been programmed into her. Then she asked and found out it was real since Cynthia had been designed to act and feel every emotion a human felt which is why the republic really outlawed them.

"Synthetic Humans are a danger to society, they feel emotions like pleasure and pain as well as jealously. There droid like strength makes them the real danger however, just imagine what would happen if a Synthetic became jealous of a lover and killed them."

Those were the words of one politician and everyone believed him even though his facts were very skewed. Since Cynthia was no stronger then a normal woman and although she did feel pleasure and pain she was not programmed to feel jealousy. In any case they enjoyed each other's company on many trips around the galaxy, Luaxanna benefiting the most by Lena's extraordinary ability. She actually believed Lena had pushed her back even farther then her prime, causing her body to boost its regeneration two fold.

But now a year later she was saying it was time for Lena to go and although Lena herself wanted to go she did not want to leave her mistress either.

"Things have changed now Mistress, when I first met you I had no idea how much I would enjoy being around you and with you." Lena replied and Luaxanna pulled her close again mashing them together, she did it mostly because she did not want Lena to see her cry.

"I have enjoyed these times as well my dear but all good things must come to an end some day. Your destiny lies down the path set forth in your dreams, you must pursue it my dear or forever it will haunt your sleep. I fear that if you did stay you would only become bitter and resentful towards me, something I definitely do not wish for."

Angelina knew she spoke the truth but still she had to say, "I could never resent you my Mistress."

Luaxanna wiped the tears from her eyes then pushed Lena back, "Angelina if you need any more proof that we are not meant for each other then why do you call me Mistress."

"I do not know Luaxanna it's just what Cynthia calls you and it seams to fit you fairly well." Lena explained.

"Cynthia calls me that because she is a pleasure droid, I tried for years to get her to call me by my name or something less possessive but it is too engrained in her programming." Luaxanna explained.

"I did not know that it displeased you Luaxanna, if I had known I would not have kept calling you Mistress." Lena explained back.

"It does not displease me to be called Mistress in fact it actually excites me, but the point I'm making is that even after all this time you do not call me your lover. Can you even say it now? I have a feeling that if you did you would get a sickening feeling in your stomach like you have betrayed someone, someone like Luna who you still desire so much that it dominates your dreams."

Lena hearing the harsh truth looked to the side as the tears began to fall, "I uh do lov... um ... your right I can't say it, I do still feel a bond with Luna. But what if she has moved on already what if I never find her or what if she is dead?"

"I can not say what will happen when you find her but I know you will. Even someone as inept in the ways of the force as I, knows that it flows through you with a great strength and power and the force would not mislead you. These dreams are your guide you must follow them and let them take you were they will and only then can you truly be at peace." Luaxanna explained.

"I know you are right Luaxanna my Mistress but a large part of me has a great fear that leaving your side is very dangerous for both of us. I cannot explain this fear any further but I just know that something terrible will happen after I leave." Lena said with many tears.

"That may be so, but sometimes terrible things must happen in order for us to progress. But for now do not worry about it, for I have a gift for you if you would climb down for a second." Luaxanna said.

"A gift but you have already given me so much I could not accept more." Lena begged but Luaxanna gently pushed her back and she reluctantly stood and waited while Luaxanna got up and left the cockpit.

Lena followed her through the round corridors to Luaxanna's room where she bent down to retrieve something from a trunk. Cynthia was lying on the bed regenerating. Luaxanna had installed a remote power terminal in her some time ago so she didn't have to plug herself in like some droids, instead she could just lie almost anywhere on the ship and sleep and she would regenerate her power. However the activity near her stirred her sleep and she groggily got up to see what was happening. Luaxanna then closed the trunk and stood back up, she was holding a pair of matching necklaces. Each one consisted of a heavy gold chain with a black crystal dangling off it. Luaxanna slipped the chain over Lena's head and positioned the crystal at the base of Lena's neck. Finally she put the matching one on herself, after looking at the crystal a little closer Lena noticed that they were not exactly alike. Rather they were mirror images, like they were once one stone split in two.

"These crystals my dear Lena are not worth much in the way of credits but they are very powerful. You see they are linked together for once they were one stone, now separate but not separate either. Exactly how these stones work I do not know but for years we have mined them on our home planet and once split we give one half to someone who is going on a long journey and keep the other half. If ever either of us are in great need of the others help the stones will begin to glow and some unknown force will call to the person telling them where to go to find the other stone. I know they work for the very stone you are wearing once belonged to my old life partner who did not wish to come with me on my adventures into space. One day many many years ago my stone began to glow with a violent fury, it drew me not back home but rather to an unknown planet far from home. There I found her unfortunately too late, how she had come to that planet I do not know and may never know. Maybe she had come looking for me and been captured by someone or just got lost, but it was clear she perished from lack of sex. After I took her home and buried her in our tradition I kept the stone because I knew one day somehow I would find another to give it to." Luaxanna explained.

"I can't accept something as precious as this, you should give it to Cynthia." Lena said as she tried to remove the necklace, but something told her to leave it on. It was not as if she could not have removed it but rather something was telling her not too.

"Cynthia my dear does not need one since she will always be at my side. Also as you can tell now the stones have spoken to you, I made the right choice. If you had not deserved the necklace you would have easily been able to remove it but now something is telling you to leave it on. I feel the same force instructing me when I try to remove mine." Luaxanna explained as she tried to lift the necklace up but she stopped as well.

"I do not know what to say Luaxanna, other then thank you. I must say now though that some of the fear of leaving has left me, like a great weight has left my shoulders. Now I feel that I can leave without as much worry as I had before." Lena said as she hugged Luaxanna.

"You see my dear everything works out in the end." Luaxanna replied as she held Lena close.

They remained like that for several minutes then Cynthia began sobbing, "I knew this day would come sometime but I certainly didn't want it too. Darn my programmers why couldn't they have left out sadness as well as jealously."

Luaxanna then let go of Lena and walked over to the bed where Cynthia was sleeping and sat next to her and hugged her. "My dear Cynthia you always get too attached to my other partners." Luaxanna said as she tried to comfort her.

"I know but Mistress Lena is different she makes you feel so good and even I enjoy her immensely even though she can't use her powers on me."

Lena walked over and sat on the other side of Cynthia, "I wish I could affect you as much as our Mistress but maybe some day I will be able to."

"We'll probably never see you again like all the others." She sobbed quite loudly that time.

"Cynthia I will see you and Luaxanna again I know it, besides I'm not leaving yet. We still have all of today and part of tomorrow before we get to Tantooine to practice pleasuring you."

Lena said with a rye smile and Luaxanna caught on, "Yes we do indeed, but I get her lower half first since I'm the Mistress after all."

Then the two women on either side of Cynthia pushed her back onto the bed and then Luaxanna slipped onto the floor and spread her legs while Lena crawled on top of her.

"No you must not pleasure me first the Mistress deserves that honor, please stop..." Cynthia begged but Lena cut her off as she kissed her.

Luaxanna pressed her face into Cynthia's sex and began lavishing it with her tongue, first licking up and then down and inside before circling her clit. Lena's kissing and her moans in between muffled any protests she was giving now. Luaxanna so enjoyed the taste of her sex even though it was synthetic, Cynthia was so sweet yet she had the familiar tartness as well. Being a droid and making love to one did have its advantages since she could easily perform two actions at once even while being pleasured. Lena was the one who benefited from this as Cynthia slipped her hand between them and slipped her middle finger inside her swollen slit. Her finger penetrated Lena's labia and slid gently inside her dripping passage, Lena moaned softly as she kissed Cynthia passionately. Her mind drifted automatically to her mistress on the floor and before she knew it Luaxanna was moaning into Cynthia's sex as her power enveloped her.

The orgy continued until Cynthia popped and fell into her orgasm, her finger however was on autopilot and as she began circling Lena's clit, Lena exploded into her own orgasm. Luaxanna suddenly fell to the floor as the pleasures Lena was experiencing shot through her powers and erupted inside Luaxanna's body sending her into not one but two orgasms. Everyone lay spent for several hours until they slowly began coming too, Cynthia was the first of course and she rolled Lena off her and onto the bed then she helped her Mistress onto the bed before joining her. The bed was big enough for three people to sleep comfortably but they only need room for one as they cuddled up to Luaxanna and went to sleep again.

Finally several hours later they awoke again long enough to pleasure Luaxanna then after another couple hours rest Lena had her turn but Luaxanna got a fairly good orgasm out of it as well. Then after resting some more the two humanoids ate dinner and played a couple non-sexual games while Cynthia monitored there course and the ship then they went to bed for real this time.

The next day came early for Lena who was very excited now, even though she still had doubts about leaving her mistress she couldn't help but be excited about getting a ship. She had learned a few things about flying from the simulators on the cargo ship she had worked on but she received far better training from Cynthia and Luaxanna over the last year. She was already browsing the listing of ships available on Tantooine as she was fixing breakfast. Luaxanna came in groggily as she finished and accepted the plate Lena handed her.

"So have you found one yet?" Luaxanna asked as she started eating.

"Well there are a couple interesting ships for sale, a Corellian like the swan but that would take all my money, a smaller Corellian ship made for personal transport, an ancient cruiser of some kind, and a highly modified X-Wing."

Lena explained as she transferred the data to the holo-projector inset into the table. Holo's of the different ships appeared in front of Luaxanna and Lena, even Cynthia came over from her seat by the bulkhead to look.

Luaxanna reviewed the data with some interest, "Well my favorites are the two Corellian's."

Lena nodded, "Yes they are by far the best choices since the cruiser is barely operational and centuries old and the X-Wing is a one person fighter. Although I know Luna has her own ship I have no idea what it is so I might need more then one seat later on."

"Then you probably should get the smaller Corellian, the one called uh 'Wolf Star.' Strange name for a ship but you could always rename it I suppose. Besides you probably won't need anything as large as the Swan." Luaxanna said as she finished her breakfast.

"It is fairly expensive but I think you're right, it is a nice looking ship too." Lena commented.

The Wolf Star had a long angular central fuselage with wings on either side, which had, auto turrets mounted on the ends. According to the details provided it had a small galley, a single large sleeping area currently equipped with a double bed, a well furnished bathroom, a small cargo hold, a small central eating/rec. area and of course the cockpit. The cockpit had room to seat up to four people, two in the main seats and two on fold out jump seats.

"Better lock in an appointment to view her or she might get bought out from under you." Luaxanna replied.

"Good idea, alright I have locked down a time later on this afternoon." Lena said as she made the necessary arraignments.

Time seemed to drag on as they drew closer to Tantooine, except for the time Lena spent pleasing her Mistress. But finally it was time to get ready so Lena showered and got dressed. It felt almost strange to be wearing clothes again, she had been dressed over the last year but only long enough to help Luaxanna load or unload cargo or make deals. Now it was more final, she knew as she slipped her black boots on that she was going to be dressed now most of the time. She was wearing the same outfit she had on when she met Luaxanna a year ago, tight black pants and boots with a skintight grey top. She actually didn't have a lot of clothes and of the ones she had this outfit was her favorite.

As Lena finished packing her bag she noticed the white dress in it, the same dress Luna had bought her all those years ago. Now far too small for her to wear she just kept it as a reminder of that day she had shared with Luna. She stroked the dress for a minute then closed her bag and headed out of the room to the cockpit. Luaxanna and Cynthia were there making final preparations to land, they were both clothed as well.

After a few minutes they were granted permission to land and Cynthia sat the Swan down gently inside the docking bay. Several minutes later Cynthia was sobbing her last goodbyes to Lena and Luaxanna gave her a strong hug, "Remember your necklace and the stone on it alright Lena."

Lena reached up and held the stone for a moment then nodded, "Do you want to come with me while I look at the ship?" She finally asked.

"No my dear this is your decision alone to make and it is not my place to interfere with it. Just keep in mind we will be here if you need us, at least until tomorrow." Luaxanna replied.

Angelina began to cry as she stood on the boarding ramp of the swan looking at the two companions she had been with over the last year. Something told her though that she would see them again but somehow she also knew that it would not be under good circumstances. Unconsciously she played with the crystal around her neck again as she took one last look back before walking down the ramp leaving them behind for now.

Chapter Two: Finding her ship.

Lena walked out of the landing bay and onto the street she didn't have to go far since the dealer was just down the street from where the swan was docked. She headed off to the right passing some Jawas speaking in their excited clicks, they had a Bantha as well who was eating from a disgusting smelling food sack. Then she came to the doors leading to the ship dealer and as she stepped up to them they slid open and she walked inside.

Just inside the door was a small office with a desk and a fairly handsome looking man with red hair setting behind it.

"Hello miss you must be the one who came to look at the Wolf Star, I'm Gregory." He said as he stood to great her.

"Yes I'm Angelina but how did you know I was the one coming to look at the Wolf Star."

She asked and he stuttered for a second, "Well uh I haven't had that much business lately, thanks to a rather sharp drop in local gambling. But in any case you're here and you wish to buy a ship so if you're ready we can go out and look at her."

Angelina smiled, "Alright lets go take a look."

Gregory nodded and led Lena towards the door at the back of the office, as she stepped through it she first saw the Corellian cargo ship setting in the large hanger. It was the same model as the swan but it looked a little shabbier. Then they passed the X-Wing sitting next to it and finally they came to the Wolf Star, which was spotless. A far cry from the other ships, she was well maintained and even shined under the hanger lights.

"Well there she is, a real beauty isn't she?" He said as they walked over to the boarding ramp.

"Something strikes me now that I look at her, why is she cheaper then the Corellian cargo ship. In fact she is only a little more then that X-Wing, so tell me why that is?" Lena asked now quite suspicious.

"Well she is smaller then the cargo ship and even though the X-wing is older then either of them it has been upgraded many times and is probably more advanced then even the newer fighters." Gregory explained a little nervously.

"Cut the crap Gregory, this ship is faster, has better shields and weapons, newer, and certainly better maintained then the others." Lena said sternly as she looked around the ship.

"Alright I can tell you're a shrewd buyer and besides you would find out soon enough anyway." Greg said as he slowly approached the ship.

"So spit it out."

"Well this ship has somewhat of a history."

"What kind of history, it isn't stolen is it?" Lena asked harshly with a look that told Greg she wasn't about to accept some made up story.

"No, no that's not it. Well how it came to its previous owner is a mystery but she did have the proper papers so as far as I can tell it's perfectly legal. No the history I'm referring to is its previous owner and it's current resident." Greg replied as he looked up the loading ramp as if he was looking for someone.

"Resident, it isn't infested is it?" Lena asked her anger dissolving into disgust.

Greg walked away from the ramp and back towards Lena, "Not unless you call a R6 droid an infestation."

"An R6 unit, I would have thought you would have sold it or the previous owner would have taken it." Lena commented now totally confused.

"Why the previous owner didn't want him I do not know all she told me was that it went with the ship. It wasn't till after I bought the wolf and tried to remove the R6 that I found out I couldn't. You see I was going to stick him in the X-Wing over there since it requires one to fly but when I tried to get him off the ship he refused."

"Refused, you mean you could understand him?" Lena asked knowing most R6's just beeped.

"Oh yes I understood him, apparently one of his other owners had some desire to put a voice modulator in him, why they didn't know that all astromech droids are way to talkative I don't know. Anyway I was determined to remove him and have his memory wiped not to mention have the modulator removed so I could stuff him in the X-Wing and keep him quiet. So I got a droid stunner from the Jawas and was about to zap him when he warned me that blasting him and forcibly removing him from the ship would cause the ships computer to shut down. I didn't believe him but he convinced me to check it out, so I did and to my dismay I found that he was right. Apparently he and the computer are friends and have set up impenetrable safe guards on all the systems. Sure I could kill the little bugger droid and fry the computer but I would have to spend months replacing it and a whole lot of money out of my pocket." Greg explained in a little tirade.

Lena began to frown as she wondered what the other choices would yield, the X- Wing was too small but nice and agile. The cargo ship was old and too big not to mention to expensive. But maybe she could talk him down on its price since he was getting desperate for sales.

"Alright so the Wolf Star has a pesky droid who won't leave, what makes that so bad does he prevent you from flying it?" Lena asked.

"No he will let you fly her, the only thing he is adamant about is that you not take him off the ship." Greg replied.

"Alright then why can't you sell her?"

"Well it's the other problem?" Greg said with a lot of hesitation.

"Spit it out." Lena said as she crossed her arms.

"Well although I have never seen it, all of my previous buyers have told me that there is a ghost in the cockpit. Apparently a female ghost warns them that the ship is not for them, I thought it was the droid but he wasn't even in the cockpit at the time and there are no holo projectors on the bridge. Like I said, I have not seen it and I was even in the cockpit once when the buyer saw it. But that would be the real reason no one will buy the Wolf Star, so I just keep lowering the price hoping someone will endure everything for a great deal." Greg admitted finally like he was defeated.

Lena carefully looked up the ramp at the closed airlock almost expecting to see the droid or the ghost.

"Well given the other choices you have I guess I better at least look inside and see if I can see this ghost for myself." Lena said as she finally walked up the short ramp. Greg followed behind her as she pressed the button and waited for the airlock to slide open. After a second the lock slid open with a hiss and Lena stepped inside followed by Greg.

Lena looked around the spotless corridor leading into the dining and entertainment area as she slowly walked. As she got into the entertainment room she spotted the little R6 unit plugged into the wall at one end of the room. After a second he whirred to life and rolled over to great them.

"Hello Miss potential buyer and Greg." He added allot of contempt into pronouncing 'Greg'. "May I ask the young ladies name?" The little R6 unit continued.

"He always asks that of the ladies I think he's fond of human females if you ask me." Greg said under his breath.

"I heard that Greg, my reason for asking her, her name is my own." The R6 spat back putting even more contempt into 'Greg'.

"Well my little friend I will tell you mine but you must tell me yours first." Lena replied slyly.

"I am R6-D4, however I respond to R6 or D4 as well, Miss." He responded. "Alright R6 I'm Angelina, however I also respond to Lena but if you call me Angie I will turn you into a pile of circuits." Lena replied back.

"Angelina may I inquire as to what your full name is." R6 asked.

"He's never asked that before, usually he just blows you off after you tell him your name." Greg added.

"No one has given me the correct name yet." R6 replied.

"Well this is a mystery huh, anyway my full name is Angelina Darkhammer if it matters." Lena said.

The little R6 Unit beeped and spun at hearing Lena's name, "Thank the maker, the true master has finally come to take us away from Greg." Then he wheeled off and plugged himself back into the wall.

"What the..." Is all Greg could say.

"The true master huh?" Lena asked.

The little R6 unit then returned and the lights on the ship sprang to life and it began to hum like it was preparing to take off.

"Master the Wolf Star is as happy as I am that you have come finally, she says she is ready to leave as soon as you are." R6 said as he added another spin.

"Woah wait a second there R6 I haven't agreed to buy this ship yet." Lena said still quite confused.

"Regardless of rather you pay Greg or not this ship is yours and it will always be yours. Our previous master's apprentice kept us for a while then sold the Wolf Star to Greg against its will and the instructions of the master. The previous master always wanted you to have this ship should something happen to her."

Angelina's head was spinning, 'who would leave me a ship, I do not even know anyone that would...' Just as Lena thought it she remembered Luna and how she had a ship, but the droid said something happened to her.

"R6 who was your previous Master?" Lena asked hurriedly.

"I'm sorry but part of the instructions regarding this ship and who should have it after her death included not revealing that information to you." R6 replied solemnly.

"She's dead, please R6 tell me if it was my err... friend Luna, she's a blue Twi'Lek girl." Lena asked quite desperately.

"I really should not reveal anymore information then what I have already said but oh well for my new master I can say that the Previous Master was not a Twi'Lek girl blue or otherwise. My databanks mention such a girl with that name but more then that I do not even have access to, since the files were locked a few years back by the Previous Master." R6 explained to a much-relieved Lena.

Finding out that at least Luna wasn't confirmed dead comforted Lena quite a bit but it still left the mystery as to who left her such a nice ship. Then an idea came into her head, "R6 how do you know that I'm the right Angelina Darkhammer, there must be more then one in this galaxy."

R6 beeped and then rolled over to the wall socket and plugged himself in again, after several minutes he unplugged and rolled back over.

"Your DNA as scanned by the Wolf Star is consistent with the profile she has on record. Your appearance also matches expected parameters. Question: Did you grow up with your Ant Maria and Uncle Silev Crokharbor on Coruscant, level ninety, block ten, section c, house ninety one?" R6 asked and Angelina was just a little shocked.

"Yes I grew up at that address with Ant Maria and Uncle Silev."

"Then you are the correct Angelina Darkhammer. If the Previous Masters apprentice had not disabled the Wolf Star's autopilot we would have gone to that address to find you. Since then I have repaired her autopilot and installed safe guards to prevent further tampering. I also anticipated your desire to leave home so I did a records search of the Republic main frame and I found out that you moved out and left Coruscant. After contacting your Ant I found out that she did not know where you were and in her words"

R6 paused and then a recording of her Ant's unmistakable raspy voice played, 'If that little whore ever darkens my door again I will fry her with a blaster.'

"Given her response I fear you should not go back to them." R6 added in his voice.

"Well I guess that proves I'm the right Angelina since I will never forget that awful voice and you do not need to worry R6 I never plan on returning to there house ever!" Angelina said as she tried to repress the memories of her ant.

Gregory who had remained silent up until now decided it was his turn to talk, "You rotten little R6 unit, you've been hiding all this information from me all these years. I guess if Angelina had still been on Coruscant you'd have flown out of here and left me with a bill and no ship."

R6 beeped excitedly seemingly mocking Greg before he spoke in basic, "You where not in the Previous Masters instructions Greg so you were not given access to the information. You are correct however on one count, if I had found Angelina I would have told the Wolf Star and she would have flown us to Coruscant."

Greg sneered at the R6 unit, "Fat lot of crap you know droid, there's no way you would have got past my hanger doors. I have blast shielding on them as well as multiple security codes, this ship wasn't going anywhere."

R6 made another series of beeps that had a definite mocking tone to them, and then a load humming noise drifted up the loading ramp from outside the ship.

"Access codes for main hanger doors are, 3475, mommy, 4589, and uncle bill. You should not use an unsecured remote when opening your hanger if you do not want the codes broadcast to everyone. Additional, I provided you with misleading information on the power output of the main auto-turrets. They are actually capable of destroying this entire hanger including the blast-shielded doors. Also the Wolf Star has dual forward and a single aft torpedo launchers concealed behind moveable panels on the hull." R6 then made what defiantly sounded like a raspberry.

Greg was now beat red with anger and he leapt forward like he was going to strangle the little R6 unit but Angelina grabbed him before he got too close. It was lucky for Greg that she did because R6 produced a stunner out of his body that looked very effective at knocking people out.

"Why you evil little droid if she wasn't holding me back you would be scrap now." Greg spouted and R6 replied with several more mocking beeps and a very loud zap as he activated his stunner and a large bolt arced across it.

"Alright, alright you two settle down now." Angelina said as she pushed Greg back.

"As you wish master." R6 said and he drew his stunner back in, Greg remained silent still quite red and angry.

"So uh Gregory how long have you had this ship." Lena asked tentatively.

"Four years, four very long years of trying to get him off this ship!" Greg replied loudly.

"Can we go now master I grow tired of listening to him speak, his voice has grated my audio receptors for four years, three weeks, ten days, six hours, thirty nine minutes, and twenty seconds." R6 replied.

"Please Angelina buy this ship from me, I would give it to you since it was yours in the first place but it was sold to me legally and I've had to store it all this time. The price I'm asking is much less then even I paid for it, business has been slow lately or I would make it even less just please buy it I beg you." Greg begged Lena.

"Yes and next he'll tell you about his starving children forced to work for the Hutts, don't listen to him master he is just trying to cover up his shady business practices. A legitimate vendor would have investigated this ships origins closer before buying it." R6 said with a very board tone.

"My children are not starving but we don't have allot of money right now thanks to this ship partly. I did however do a great amount of research on this ship and according to the laws of the Republic, any ship left over after a person has died goes to either the person listed in the deceased's will or if there is no will the individual who found it. No will was attached to this ship in any records I could find so the lady that sold it to me had every right to do so. In fact she even had the ownership documents with her." Greg replied somewhat calmer but Lena could tell he was still simmering.

"Forged as I told you before, I watched her make them and even delete the will from the records." R6 replied.

"R6 units are not supposed to even be able to talk and since you've already admitted you lie why should I have believed what a nasty little droid said." Greg began edging toward R6 again.

"Because I was not lying about that, the previous master's apprentice did forge the ownership papers and deleted the will." R6 stated calmly.

Angelina had had about enough of there bickering, "Listen you two it is clear you are both right, Greg you bought the ship believing it to be a legal sale and R6 has a point about the ship belonging to me. But I'm still not sure I want this ship, I mean in all this confusion we still haven't found out about this ghost Greg mentioned." That quieted them down but only for a second.

"It probably was that little nerf herder." Greg scowled.

"I'm sorry master for involving you in our disagreement, however I have nothing to do with the apparition those other potential buyers saw. Although I have never been able to see it myself I believe from what the others have said that it is something called a force apparition. My previous master mentioned them to me a long time ago, they are the spirits of great Jedi masters so she said. Given the description of the apparition and her message I would assume that it is the spirit of my previous master warning away people who do not deserve this ship. I also believe the spirit is one of the reasons my Previous Masters apprentice sold the Wolf Star. I am a droid however and do not believe in such things that can not be computed, but for you master you only need step on the bridge to find out if you can see it, if indeed there is an it." R6 explained politely.

"You explain all that and then tell me you don't believe in it?" Lena asked puzzled.

"I am a droid master, as I said I have been programmed not to believe in things that can not be computed or scanned. However as an astromech droid I am also required to provide you with information to the best of my ability and programming, which is why I gave you the information on the so called spirit." R6 Explained.

Angelina then remembered something he let slip, "So if these spirits are deceased Jedi masters and you thought that the spirit was your Previous Masters then that must mean she was a Jedi."

R6 sunk down on his rollers for a second, "Did this unit say that it must have malfunctioned, please disregard aforementioned ghost or spirit."

Lena walked over to stand right in front of R6. "Oh no you don't, give it up buddy I'm not that stupid. Now spit it out already."

R6 backed off, "Very well Master I can see you are very perceptive. I was not supposed to tell you my Previous Master was a Jedi, it was part of her final instructions that you not know that information at least until you are ready."

"Until I'm ready, what's that mean?" Lena asked and R6 backed off some more.

"Well master I have been given very specific instructions as to when I can reveal all my information to you. Logically that time should never come given the information I have but she was adamant that it would come so I will observe you and wait till the parameters have been met."

Lena was more confused then ever but she persisted, "Alright forget it, but if she was a Jedi then can you tell me about the Jedi. Like where the academy is or where I can find Master Skywalker or my friend Luna who is a Jedi."

R6 backed off even more till he bumped against the bulkhead, "All of the Information I have regarding the Jedi is locked until you meet the given parameters master."

Greg then seemed to beam and he walked over, "Well my brain is not locked up so I can tell you that I've heard that Jedi Master Skywalker is friends or is related to the Solo's that live on Coruscant. You may be able to ask them, that is if you can get an audience with them, they are very famous. No sense in trying to contact them by comm. though, you will have to try the more direct approach." Greg explained.

Angelina plopped her hands on her hips, "Well I have information from another source I can check out anyway. Coruscant however is sort of on the way to that other planet so we might as well stop there as long as I don't see my ant and uncle. I would also like to check out a place I once visited a while back."

R6 wheeled back over, "Great should I tell the Wolf Star we are ready to depart for Coruscant master?"

Angelina held her hands out, "No not yet I still haven't checked out the cockpit, I certainly don't want a haunted ship."

R6 then wheeled around and headed down one of the corridors, "This way then master, lets get it over with quickly so that we can leave." Lena and Greg followed after the little astromech as he led them into the cockpit.

The cockpit was small but seated the pilot and copilot comfortably and as far as Lena could tell there was no ghost in it.

"Well I can feel something different in here but it's a warm feeling not a cold one and I certainly do not see any ghosts." Lena said as she sat in the pilot's chair.

"Well then let us depart master as soon as I disembark Greg." R6 said.

"Hay what about my credits?" Greg asked a little desperately and somewhat annoyed at the R6 unit.

"Well I do somehow feel that I should have this ship, I can't explain it but it does make me feel like I've come home even though I never really had a home to speak of. All right I guess I will buy it, even though it is more then I wanted to spend this ship is worth it. You do deserve the money Gregory for docking the ship and taking care of her until I found her." Lena explained to a much relieved Greg.

R6 however made a very disgruntled noise, "If you insist on paying this man Master then save your credits. Hand me your banking pad Greg before I or the Master change our minds."

Greg looked quite weary but reluctantly he passed his banking computer pad to R6 who held it in a pincer he had produced from his body while he beeped and whirred for a minute then the pad beeped and R6 said.

"There take your pad back and you will see I deposited your current asking price and not a credit more into your account." Greg retrieved his pad and to his utter shock the device showed that his account had been credited.

"Are you telling me that you had the credits to pay for this ship all along?" Greg asked stunned.

"No they are the Masters credits, willed to her by my Previous Master. I would not have paid you a single credit if it was my decision but it is not, so hand over the forged papers and we'll be gone." R6 replied causing Greg to turn bright red again.

"Here you little maggot take the papers and good riddance. You already opened the door so as soon as I'm off the ship leave and never return. Angelina I am sorry, if I had know this was your ship I would have tried to contact you earlier. Thank you and I hope to see you again but just leave this ship and droid somewhere else alright." Greg said as he dropped a computer chip on the droids head and then waved goodbye to Angelina.

"Thank you Greg." Lena called to him as he stormed off the ship.

Lena then eyed the computer chip lying on the droids round head but as she went to reach for it R6 opened up a panel in his head and the chip disappeared inside.

"Sorry Master those forged papers would reveal too much information to you, do not worry I will create new ones for you that are legal and show you own the Wolf Star and myself of course."

Lena frowned, she knew those papers would have told her something and R6's attitude was really getting to her.

"R6 if I disassembled you I bet I could look at those papers and retrieve the rest of the information you're hiding." Lena said with a wicked smile causing R6 to roll back a little.

"Do as you desire master however I have been programmed to erase all my files if someone attempts to forcibly gain access to them."

Lena sighed, "I was only kidding R6 but it is a little annoying that you won't tell me anything. Especially how I came to own such a nice ship and a pesky R6."

"Again I apologize Master but my instructions from my Previous Master outweigh all other programming." R6 replied apologetically.

Lena swiveled the pilot's chair around to face the controls as she pondered everything that had happened. Then out of the window she noticed Gregory waving from the ground.

"Alright Gregory is out of the ship I guess we can leave." Lena said as she flipped the switch to close the boarding ramp.

"Very good master, are we heading to Coruscant now?" R6 asked as he plugged himself into the cockpits socket.

"No we're only going down the street for now, I want to talk with a friend. Besides I think we are going to need some supplies before we leave." Lena replied as she warmed up the repulsors.

"You are right Master I would not want you to starve. If I may ask what docking bay is your friend in?"

Lena thought about it for a second, "Uh E6 I believe, her ship is the Swan."

"E6 has a ship registered as the Swan, I have also booked us a space next to the Swan in bay E6 so you may fly us there at your convenience master or the Wolf Star can if you desire." R6 replied.

"Thank you R6, I believe I will fly her over there though." With that Lena lifted the Wolf Star off the ground and glided her out of Greg's shop.

Chapter Three: Coruscant.

To be continued in part two if I get some more feed back or maybe even if I don't, it's already written so only a click or two away. I hope you enjoyed this larger part of the story. The feedback I received so far was encouraging but I would like some more.

Thank you, Mike Wolf

Next: Chapter 3

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