Jedi Encounters

By Mike Wolf

Published on Aug 3, 2004


Jedi Encounters: The Force Divided.

Part Three. By Mike Wolf

Required note: This story contains graphic written descriptions of sex involving mainly lesbian relations but may contain other heterosexual or other wise later on. If you are under eighteen or this kind of story is illegal for you to read then please don't read it. The author holds no responsibility if you choose to read on and get in trouble for it.

Legal Note: All characters belonging to Lucas Arts, George Lucas, or any of the other star wars affiliates are owned by them and are used without permission in this story. If this is a problem then let me know and I will not use them again. This story also makes or gives no assumptions about these characters orientations and in no way relates to the actors that portrayed the characters in the movies, games, etc.

Story Note: This is a fairly long story involving the characters of the Star Wars universe, I plan on releasing it in parts and would very much like feedback rather it be criticism or helpful hints or what ever. I will respond to all emails granted I have the time and they are well written, what I mean by that is I don't want, "This sucks or you blow big wookie chunks." as an email. The story itself is based on a group of characters I made up and revolves around there struggle with the dark side. This is not meant to be something you can get your quick fix off of, but if that's what you're looking for then by all means read on. For everyone else I hope it provides both mental stimulation as well as the other kind, thank you for reading.

Chapter Five: Leaving Coruscant in a blaze of blaster fire?

As they got outside Lena was horrified as she desperately looked around the dark city for the Wolf Star, which was nowhere in sight.

"Oh no someone's hit her." Lena cried.

But Luke tapped her on the shoulder and pointed up as she followed his finger she saw the massive Wolf Star hanging right above their heads. Even though the Star was not as big as the Swan she was still much wider then the street they were on and several smaller speeders and other ships were zipping by her wing way to close. Then as she caught a brake in the traffic Star drifted down and extended her ramp onto the street. Luke pulled the two girls along and they all jumped onto the ramp and ran up it to the already open airlock. Star was already closing the ramp and heading for space as Lena and the rest passed through the airlock and into the ship.

Just then a blast rocked the ship and Star exclaimed, "That little hut slug of a ship just shot me, returning fire." Star exclaimed just before Lena heard the auto lasers let off a few volleys.

"Wait Star don't shoot back we can't afford an incident right now." Lena yelled as she ran to the cockpit.

"Sorry Master Lena, oh no there contacting us. It's the Republic guard, I'm going to be scraped now for sure!" Star cried.

"Connect me to there Captain, I will handle this Star." Master Skywalker replied.

"Yes sir Master Skywalker." Star replied to the amazement of both Lena and Luna.

"Your connected Master." Star said a second later, just as they all piled into the cockpit.

A very gruff officer appeared on the screen as Luke sat in the pilot's chair, "I do not know who you think you are but firing on a republic vessel is grounds for imprisonment. So if you don't bring your ship down immediately I will be forced to destroy you."

Luke remained quite calm, his words however were quite harsh, "Captain this is General Skywalker I also have Admiral Luna here with me. I do believe you fired on our ship first, granted we may have caused a little ruckus down below I do not believe we committed a crime dire enough to be fired on. As for why we fired back, our ships auto lasers were just responding to your attack so if anyone is at fault it is you. So I suggest you fly off before our ships computer decides to continue firing, if that is not enough incentive I'm sure Admiral Luna's ship in orbit can provide even more. Not to mention my sisters reaction if she found out one of the republic guards fired on a vessel for a minor traffic problem for which we had a very good reason for creating."

The Captain's face was growing whiter and whiter as Luke spoke then as Luke finished the Captain saluted crisply. "I'm sorry General and Admiral I had no idea it was you I will not let it happen again."

"That's no excuse Captain, now leave and you can expect I will be talking to your superiors upon my return." Skywalker said as he closed the comm.

"Thank you Master Skywalker." Star said quite relieved.

"Don't mention it but next time maybe you should let us decide who to fire on, alright?" He asked.

"You have my word Master, I just got a little excited is all." Star admitted.

"I understand, but now that you can talk back I expect you to have a little more self control all right?" He pressed.

"Yes Master I'll do my best." She responded with a very dejected tone.

Lena and Luna just stood there transfixed, wondering how this ship and Master Skywalker knew each other.

"Excuse me Master Skywalker but have you met my ship before?" Lena asked.

"Yes many years ago but like I said she could not speak then, I had to read her responses off the display or get them through your droid R6." He responded as he swiveled the pilots around to face them.

"How do you know her though?" Lena asked hoping to get answers R6 or Star would not give.

"Will they not tell you?" He asked with a narrow gaze.

"No they keep telling me there Previous Master wanted me to fit some kind of parameters before they would tell me anything about were they came from or how they came to me. All I know is that it was a woman Jedi with an apprentice that stole the ship after the Jedi died. That much R6 leaked out on accident over several different conversations." Lena replied.

"Well then I will not explain it either, but I will have to have a private talk with R6 to see what these parameters are and in fact how many of them you have met so far." Luke said as he got up to leave.

"Good luck getting anything out of R6, but in any case please tell me Master what harm can it do and what's the big secret anyway?" Lena begged.

"I'm sorry Lena I can not tell you right now, I promise you will know when you are ready. The information you desire can harm both you and Luna right now and that is something that must not happen. You see your fates are linked together just like your love for each other. I cannot and will not jeopardize either just to give you some needless information. If you think I'm being unfair to just you then ask Luna to explain her past. Oh and R6 will tell me all he knows if he knows what's good for him." The old master said before he turned and left leaving the two girls stunned, then they heard him say hello to Jenny and ask R6 to follow him.

"Better call the Light Saber and make sure my wife made it on board as well as relay them our heading. Stay in the cockpit until I return I do not want you two hearing what R6 and I are about to discuss. That goes for you too Jenny, I'm sorry but this isn't for your ears either." The Master yelled at Luna and Lena then asked Jenny to join them which she did a second later.

Lena looked at Luna, "About your past?"

Luna just shook her head, "My parents are dead, and that's all I know except that they left me the Light Saber when they died. I asked just like you did and he gave me the same response, 'You will find out when you are ready.'"

Jenny looked at both of them questioningly, "What's this all about?"

They both looked at the red head with expressions of utter shock. "We do not know?" They said together.

"Well I assume you must be Luna, I'm glad Lena found you she was so desperate earlier." Jenny asked.

"Yes I'm Luna and I'm sorry for running out on you like that it's just that I well I wanted to find Lena. It wasn't because of anything you had done or asked." Luna explained.

"It's alright I understand now, seeing you two together I realize how much you care for each other." Jenny replied as she looked at the couple holding each other. They only then realized they were holding each other and released each other and blushed profusely.

"The heading, were already out of the atmosphere!" Luke yelled down the corridor again.

Lena suddenly became aware of the glowing crystal and the ach in her stomach again.

"Oh god Luaxanna we have to find her." Lena exclaimed as she jumped into the pilot's chair. "Star where were they when you lost contact with them?" Lena asked.

Star responded by bringing up a star chart, "They were heading along the Corellian Run towards Corellia itself according to there ships computer but we were not connected long enough for me to get an exact position from the computer or by triangulation. I'm sorry Master the best we can do is follow the Hyperspace route, given there ships top speed we could narrow the search area down if we call Tantooine control and get there exact departure time." Star responded apologetically.

Lena looked at the star chart with the Corellian run highlighted then she held her finger out and pressed the screen just slightly off the route.

"There's no need to call them Star, Luaxanna is right here." Lena said with absolute certainty.

"Are you sure Master that point is off the route by several light years and in the middle of no where?" Star asked.

"Yes I'm sure, this crystal is telling me that is where she is. Now let's move out before we loose her." Lena said as she clutched the crystal.

"Yes of course Master I'm sorry I questioned you, it will just take me a second to plot a course. Fortunately I have extensive records of that space and if you wish we can go off the main Hyperspace routes and save at least five hours. It is slightly more dangerous but I know I can handle it Master." Star replied excitedly at getting to use her extensive skills.

"Yes please do that Star, anything you can do to get us there faster you have my complete approval for." Lena replied desperately.

"Great Master, we'll be in position to make the jump in two minutes." Star said.

"Excellent now call Luna's ship the Light Saber for me alright?"

"Yes Master just a second... There done." Star said as the screen switched from the star chart to the Captain of the Light Saber.

The Mon Calamarian looked quite puzzled for a minute then he guessed, "Are you Lena?"

"Yes Captain I'm Lena and I have Luna right here with me." Lena said as Luna leaned down next to her.

"Oh yes now I see you Admiral, it's nice to meet you as well Miss Lena. I assume you are calling me to give me the coordinates of your friend's ship." He asked.

"Yes Captain we have a Hyperspace route plotted, Star transmit our route to the Light Saber now." Lena ordered.

"Yes Master transmitting now." After a short pause someone off screen on the Light Saber's bridge yelled that they had received the route.

"I do not wish to question the Admiral but that course is plotted off the main routes are you certain you wish to take it? If you fly through a planet not much will be left of you to save your friends."

"If I may Captain, I know that space quite well, the route I've plotted is very safe. Just follow it to the letter and you'll be fine." Star responded.

"Whom am I speaking to if I may ask?" The Captain said as he looked at the screen in front of him carefully.

"That was my ships Computer Captain, she is very smart so you can trust her. But if you want to stick to the main routes then go ahead, but we are going the fastest way possible." Lena explained.

"She speaks for me as well Captain I do ask however if the Jade Saber has made it onboard yet?" Luna inquired.

A second passed then Mara Jade Skywalker appeared on the screen, "I'm here Luna, and I'll assume you have my husband on board your ship?"

"Yes Master Skywalker is with us Master Jade." Luna responded.

"I noticed that you managed to cause a little stir on the planet when you were leaving I hope he had nothing to do with it." Mara asked.

"No Master Jade it was my fault." Star responded for them.

"Star it's interesting to hear you have a voice now but not surprising. You really should be more careful though in whom you choose to fire at." Mara scolded her.

"Yes I know Master Skywalker told me the same thing." Star responded very disappointedly.

"Anyway Captain, if Star has plotted that course then it is more then safe. She is probably the most experienced computer you will find in the entire galaxy." Mara said as she turned to the Captain.

"It matters not to me, if the Admiral is taking that course then we will follow her to our doom if necessary." The Mon Calamarian responded proudly.

"Thank you Captain but I do not expect you to die for me, just follow us and keep a lock on our signal if we disappear then you will know to stop before you run into anything. Until I return you will follow Master Jade's orders if you have any further concerns." Luna ordered.

"Yes Admiral at your command, Nav officer prepare to make the jump to light speed and lock our trackers on there ship." The Captain ordered as he turned to someone off screen.

"Lena we are in position now should I activate our hyperdrive?" Star asked.

"Yes and we'll see you on the other side Captain." Lena said as she signed off the comm. and pulled the hyperspace levers back herself.

Before he disappeared the Captain saluted and wised them luck. Then the stars around them streaked brilliantly and they were gone. The Light Saber was right behind them but she was falling behind quickly as the Wolf Star went to full power.

Chapter Six: Training day.

A few minutes later Luke returned to the cockpit to find Lena and Luna sitting in the pilots and copilots seats with Jenny sitting on one of the fold out jump seats attached to the wall. Lena went to stand but he waved her back down as he unfolded the other jump seat on the other side of the cockpit.

"No need to get up I'm going to set here, this is your ship after all."

"Thank you Master." Lena said as she sat back down and then swiveled the Pilots seat to face Master Skywalker.

Luna followed suit and swiveled her chair to face Luke, Jenny not wanting to be left out turned in her jump seat to face Luke as well.

"So are we all set?" He asked as everyone looked at him intently.

"Yes Master we are heading to the spot Lena directed us to, she apparently has one half of a force crystal that is directing her to where her friend is. Your wife also made it on board the Light Saber and they are following at their best possible speed." Luna reported.

"Thank you Luna, now Lena may I see that crystal?" Luke said as he pointed to the still glowing crystal around Lena's neck.

"I'm sorry master I can't remove it, it won't let me." Lena replied as she picked it up and held it out.

"I am aware of that just lean a little closer so I can hold it." He asked.

Lena did as she was told and Luke grasped the Crystal and held it with his eyes closed for some time.

"Hmm yes your position you gave on the location of the other half of the crystal is correct." He finally said then he dropped the crystal letting it fall back around Lena's neck.

"Don't you mean were Luaxanna is Master?" Lena asked noting the very careful words he chose.

"No what I said was what I meant, the crystal is there but it is no longer around Luaxanna's neck. If you listen closely you too will hear the force telling you such, which is why even now your stomach churns."

Lena's heart sank at hearing what he said, she hoped it was not true but as she closed her eyes she could hear the crystals pull confirming it was alone on the deck of the Swan. Lena began to cry as her worst fears were confirmed.

"What should we do master?" Luna asked.

"There is nothing to do but continue on to the location the crystal has indicated in the hope that we may find out some clue as to what happened to its owner." Luke replied solemnly.

"Can you not see what has happened to her Master?" Luna asked.

"I can see vague images Luna but I have no personal ties to Luaxanna so it is difficult to see her fate with any clarity. What I can see tells me she is alive but where she is or what has happened I can not say since much darkness is around her." Luke said as he looked off into space.

Lena sat up suddenly, "Master I would like you to train me now, if it will help me see Luaxanna or help rescue her I must do what ever I can."

Luke nodded slowly, "Very well but do not set your hopes too high Lena, being a Jedi doesn't mean you become all seeing and all powerful. Even a master such as Yoda couldn't see with much more clarity then I and he had eight hundred years to perfect his skills under the best Jedi Masters ever to live in this galaxy. Also if you undertake the training you will have to be very mindful of your temper. You still wonder why I let your uncle drag you away that day six years ago. It still angers you even now to think about it but as Luna told you earlier, you are much calmer now then you were back then. The experiences you have had since we left you that day have shaped your destiny as well as curbed your temper. That is why I let you be dragged off and why I did not allow Luna to find you until now. You see I have watched you closely much to the dismay of my wife who has been quite lonely these past six years. But that's beside the point, for it was I who stopped that Rodian from stealing your purse back on Tantooine when you first met Luaxanna and I who made sure those cargo ships captain's kept you off there records. I was also the one who got Jenny's bag and your credits from the Mandalorian Manger and eventually turned him into the authorities. So you see Lena, you and Luna were never truly apart, but keep this point in mind. I had nothing to do with you two finding each other now, it was completely the will of the force that brought you together on this day. I could not have interfered in it even if I had wanted to, which I didn't for I knew it was the right time." Luke paused to give the three intently listing girl's time to process the information. R6 had even rolled in to listen to the conversation, needless to say Star had been listing the whole time as well.

"Well that being said, do you still wish to train with me even though I have admitted to being a conniving old codger who has been medaling in your whole life?" Luke asked jovially.

"My whole life? You're not going to tell me you had my parents leave me with my ant and uncle, are you?" Lena finally asked causing Luke to sigh.

"I knew I should have left out the whole life part. But to answer your question, no I had nothing to do with that but I do approve of the decision. Because of it you have a much higher respect for life then you would have if you had not spent that time with your ant and uncle. Remember what stopped you from blasting that Mandalorian."

Luke paused again and R6 interjected, "Please Master Skywalker do not tell her anymore you are close to revealing to her the information I was asked to keep hidden until she was ready."

"I will tell her what I wish when I wish it R6 but you do not need to worry for I am done for now. Besides I have already told you I approved of your parameters and agreed that when she meets them it will be all right to reveal her past to both her and Luna. So you need not concern yourself with what I say to her." Luke said to the very worried little Droid.

Lena however still had many questions but she had to admit that the sole reason she had not fried that Mandalorian was because of her memories of her uncle. He had blasted someone right in front of her not a year after she had met Luna, from then on she had realized what a terrible and evil thing it was to take another life.

"I may not have liked or understood your reasoning at the time for leaving me with them Master but I think I understand now that you have explained it." Lena said as she pulled her blaster out of its holster and laid it on the control panel as if it was something to be feared.

"I'm glad you do, but do not throw a nice blaster like that away for one bad memory. As you can see I still carry one as well as my lightsaber, although I carry it mostly from old habits I had long ago. It still may come in useful one day if something ever happens to my lightsaber." Luke said as he opened his dark cloak to show them his old blaster and light saber dangling off his belt.

Lena felt a little reassured at seeing the Master Jedi's blaster so she picked up her own and slid it back into its holster.

"Now that you have been satisfied with a few facts and a little information, will you answer my previous question?" Luke asked.

"Uh oh right about if I still wanted to train under you, right?" Lena asked and Luke nodded.

"Yes of course, I wish to understand this power I feel inside me regardless of my past or your conniving old codger ways." Lena said with a smile causing Luke to laugh then Luna joined in and finally Lena.

Only R6 who was incapable of laughter and Jenny who was just confused didn't laugh at the joke. Star however laughed right along with them until they all stopped a second or two later.

"Now seriously if you are ready then we will begin but I should also ask Jenny if she wishes to join in on the training as well." Luke said as he turned to Jenny whose face acquired a mixture of horror and confusion about being asked anything in this very strange conversation.

"Huh?" She managed after several minutes of silence.

"It's quite simple my dear, you have force ability just like Lena. Albeit nowhere near as powerful as hers or Luna's you are still much higher then the average persons and higher then the lowest Jedi I have ever trained. So I'm asking you if you want to become a Jedi, although after this adventure is over I will ask you to train with my wife or another one of the Jedi since a lot of my time will be required to train Lena and continue Luna's training." Luke explained but Jenny still looked quite horrified.

"Huh?" she repeated.

"Never heard of the Jedi I guess?" Luke asked knowing full well what the answer was since he could read her mind.

"Only rumors and old wives tales, uh Master." Jenny replied as she shook her head slowly.

Luke spent several long minutes explaining the Jedi order to her and an intently listening Lena. Luna however returned to the controls watching their progress as well as the Light Sabers progress as she steadily fell further and further behind.

After some time Jenny agreed to train with Lena to become a Jedi to everyone's great relief. But then as Lena and Jenny stood to begin there training right away Luke said, "Hold on a second, it's late and I know you're anxious to begin but you will not accomplish anything while you're all about ready to starve and drop over from lack of sleep and energy."

Lena and Jenny looked at each other and they realized they both looked extremely tired and just then there stomachs let out several loud growls. Luna giggled then her own stomach growled at being reminded of food.

"That goes for you too Luna, so I want you three to go back and get something to eat and then go to sleep. I wouldn't mind something to eat as well but I can fix it for myself if you do not see fit to bring me anything before you crash. By the way I will sleep here in the cockpit so you girls can have the bedroom but I expect sleep and no playing from all three of you or no training tomorrow understand? I can't stand students who fall asleep in the middle of a lesion so you better get lots of it." Luke said as he stood up and directed the three women out of the cockpit.

"Yes Master." They responded sleepily as they tromped slowly out and down the corridor.

A few minutes later R6 came in with a sandwich and handed it to the Jedi master along with a glass of water.

"Master Lena fixed this for you Master Skywalker and she told me to remind you that the Rec. room has a couch to sleep on if you will not take her bed." R6 reported.

"Tell her thank you for the sandwich and water and that I will keep the couch in mind." Luke said as he dug into the sandwich.

"Yes Master I will tell her and have a pleasant evening." R6 replied before turning around and rolling off. Luke yelled thank you to the droid as he sped down the corridor.

After finishing there own sandwiches the three girls crammed into the double bed after stripping. Lena and Luna faced each other and Jenny snuggled up to Lena's back with Luna's permission of course. It took them less then a second to fall asleep after pulling the covers up and before either of the three knew it the alarm was beeping.

"What's happening Star have we reached the coordinates already, I thought we just went to sleep?" Lena asked groggily.

"No we are still over six hours away from the coordinates Master. However Master Skywalker has asked me to wake you after you had exactly eight hours sleep and not a second longer. Since you fell asleep exactly eight hours ago I have just set off the alarm." Star explained.

"Alright I guess I didn't realize it's been that long, tell him we'll be right out after we shower." Lena replied.

"He has already told me to tell you to make it a quick shower Master." Star explained apologetically.

"Very well you can tell him we'll be out in five minutes." She grumbled as she realized that meant no bath.

"Yes Master oh sorry I mean, yes Lena." Star corrected herself.

"Getting better." Lena said as she disentangled herself from Luna and Jenny who were still waking.

"Thank you Master I'm trying, darn it I mean. Thank you Lena I'm going to try even harder." Star replied hastily.

Lena drug Luna out of bed and into the shower with her more out of time saving then for fun. Next Jenny took her turn while the other two dressed, Lena put on a pair of grey pants and a black skintight top along with her black boots and belt with blaster and communicator attached. Luna having no other clothes of her own besides the dress Lena had given her, which was inappropriate for training, put her robes back on.

Lena did offer to let her wear some of her clothes but she said it was alight since the robes were a symbol of her status as a Jedi. Besides they were mostly still clean since she had only worn them part of the day yesterday. After Jenny got out of the shower she pulled a pair of black loose pants with a grey stripe on each leg and a dark green short- sleeved top out of her bag and after putting some new underwear on she got dressed. Finally exactly four minutes and thirty seconds after Lena had told Star they would be five minutes they exited the bedroom to find Luke looking at the clock in the Rec. room.

"Ahh made it just in time." He said as he turned to face them.

Lena looked through her sleep clogged eyes in amazement at the now completely empty Rec. room. Apparently Luke had been busy all night moving the furniture somewhere else in the ship.

"Where's all my furniture Master?" Lena asked as she rubbed her eyes.

Luke cocked his head, "Star did you forget to tell her what you can do?" He asked.

"Uh sorry Master it never came up." She admitted.

"What never came up?" Lena asked very puzzled.

"Your furniture is still here it's just below the decking, you see the Jedi who had this ship built had this room made specifically so she could train in it as well as live in it. You see you just ask Star to lower or raise the furniture or you can press that button over there. However I would not do it now since you three are standing over where the table comes up." Luke explained as he pointed to a button on the wall then to a panel under there feet.

Lena looked down and she could see the outlines of the furniture all around the room.

"I guess this ship is full of many surprises." Luna said as she stepped off the area where the table used to be.

"You have no idea." Luke said as he walked over to the wall and pressed another button.

To the three's utter shock a work bench and console slid out of the wall and an array of small blasters dropped down from the ceiling and sprang out of the walls. As they looked around they realized that at least twenty-five small fully pivoting blasters had appeared in the room. Then to top it all off two round training droids shot out of the ceiling through two ports that had opened.

"Bet she didn't tell you about these either." Luke asked.

"Must have slipped her circuits." Lena said, as she looked around at all the hardware.

"Not surprising since this had to do with her old Master, but you already knew she was a Jedi so it won't hurt telling you about her training equipment. Besides these will help me train you a little faster and we are short on time." Luke explained.

"Train me with blasters?" Lena asked shocked.

"Yep but don't worry they are low powered models, they still sting like heck though believe me I know." Luke said as he unconsciously rubbed his arms. "But I'm getting ahead of myself, first you two need lightsabers. Normally there is much training before you are allowed to wield such a weapon but we are short on time as I said so I feel it is worth the risk. Now I will not give you a saber like Luna's, or mine. You must construct it just as we did, only then can you call it truly your own."

Lena and Jenny looked at him for a second quite confused but he paid little attention to them as he pressed a button on the console retracting the blasters and droids. Then he pressed another button and a truck slid out of the wall and opened.

"Fortunately the previous owner saw fit to leave us more then enough parts and crystals to construct several lightsabers." Luke said as he indicated the trunk.

Lena and Jenny walked over to the trunk and saw many brightly colored crystals and parts inside it.

"Now choose wisely for not only the style but even the very color of the crystal you choose indicates the kind of Jedi you are." Luke explained as he let the girls look over the equipment.

Luna however having already constructed her blue lightsaber went to leave the rec./training room but Luke cleared his throat stopping her in her tracks.

"Just where do you think you're going Luna?" He asked.

"To the Cockpit Master." She replied innocently.

"I believe your apprentice Lena will require your help, I can't train them both you know." Luke chided her, Luna knew he had trained twenty Jedi at once before but she didn't care for he had called Lena her apprentice which meant she had advanced enough to help train someone herself.

"Besides you can use the practice as well, especially if it gets as hairy as I think it will in the upcoming days." Then the master walked over to Luna and whispered to her, "Do not tell them but I saw more then I let on, I still can not locate Luaxanna but I know she is in some kind of prison amongst many guards all heavily armed. It came to me last night while I was meditating, I am afraid I will have to get involved in this where I had hoped to let Lena and yourself solve this one. Me helping you will not further your training but I will not stand around and let you all run head long into a suicide mission either. Now I repeat do not tell them what I said, I will do so when the time is right. For now it will only serve to distract Lena from her training, I only told you so you would train hard with them to prepare just as I myself will train." Luke whispered as his face took on a very grave look that made him look quite old and tired.

Luna just nodded weakly for now she had a secret to keep from her beloved Lena as well as some harsh training to look forward to.

The two apprentices had completely missed everything Luke had told Luna as they looked over the very powerful crystal and parts in the trunk. Then Lena felt two particularly powerful crystals calling her and she picked them both up, for a moment they glowed in her hands. One was bright green and the other was bright blue, then Jenny held up two crystals as well, but both of hers glowed yellow. Next after setting the crystals down they picked up parts that seemed to speak to them, Lena seamed to be gathering twice as many as Jenny but she couldn't help it they just felt right. Then they both stood and carried their items to the workbench and set them down.

"Uh Master I believe were finished choosing but tell me something are we suppose to have different parts and crystals." Lena asked. To which Luke turned around from Luna who he was still whispering to.

"Like I said each lightsaber is as individual as the Jedi who wields it so yes you probably will have a different crystal then Jenny. Maybe even slightly different parts as well, the force directs you to choose the right ones so just go with your instincts." He explained but as he was about ready to turn back to Luna, Lena asked hesitantly.

"Yes but are we suppose to have two crystals and vastly different parts?"

That definitely caught Luke's attention and he walked over to investigate with Luna close behind.

As Luke got to the bench he asked, "Let me see the crystals you have chosen, hold them up so I can see them glow."

The two girls picked up there crystals and Luke looked at them closely then he moved over to Jenny first.

"Very interesting, I will start with Jenny's since her choice is easer to explain. First of all a normal lightsaber has but a single crystal in it, a few like Luna's and mine have three, one to give it it's color and shape and the two smaller ones give it different properties. You however have chosen two colored crystals and by the look of your parts I would venture that you are going to make a single double bladed saber. A weapon as deadly to your enemies as yourself if you wield it improperly, now do not worry I can instruct you how to use it properly even though I have encountered it only a few times before. Your color of saber is not a surprise to me however, judging by your feelings I expected that you would choose yellow. Now on to Lena who has twice surprised me, not something that has happened in a long time." Luke explained to Jenny before moving on to Lena.

"You see Lena has two color crystals as well however she has two different colors. I am at a complete lose on how to explain that, but it can mean only one thing. She has chosen to walk two paths, those of a consoler and a guardian. Jenny's color is that of a sentinel by the way. Something else puzzles me as well, you have enough parts to make one long and one short lightsaber. This is most peculiar since I have rarely seen a Jedi decide to wield two light sabers at once, ages and ages ago it use to be common but I venture to guess that even back then they were not of two different colors. I am most curious to see which color ends up in the long saber since it will most likely be your dominant path. But it will be up to you to learn to wield them properly and although I will guide you as best I can down the two paths chosen I can not help you completely since I cannot explain how it is you can walk two paths. You must be cautious Lena, very cautious not only for your safety when wielding two lightsabers but for this strange path you have chosen for it is never good to be divided." Luke explained as he paced holding his chin.

"I'm sorry Master I can put one back if you want me too?" Lena asked.

"Can you I doubt it, like your necklace your crystals have chosen you just as much as you have chosen them and you will find it very difficult to put one back." He replied and watched as Lena did in fact try to put one then the other crystal back but to no avail, her hand just wouldn't let go of them. "You see the force has directed you down these paths and it will not be swayed since it was in fact your inner conscious that told you which crystals were right for you. Now I'm going to retrieve another box from the wall, as before choose what feels right but do not choose any if you don't feel anything." Luke said as he pushed a button drawing the first trunk back into the wall and then another button extending a small trunk next to where the first one had been.

The girls tentatively looked inside it not wanting to be called different again. But as they gazed over the crystals they were drawn to several, which they collected. Each girl sat four crystals on the bench before Luke pushed the button drawing the trunk back in.

"Jenny you have chosen two pairs of fairly common power crystals not too unexpected considering your saber. Lena on the other hand has surprised me yet again by choosing four very unique crystals. One in fact isn't even a crystal it's a pearl from a Krayt Dragon's stomach, a creature that lives on Tantooine. I truly do not know how the previous owner of this ship even managed to get one of those. To tell you the truth I don't want to know for killing a Krayt Dragon is said to be near impossible. But such was the nature of the previous owner of this ship, right R6?" Luke asked after his whimsical rant.

"I can not say Master." The little R6 replied.

"See what I mean." Luke said as he crossed his arms.

Lena and Jenny just looked at him quite confused for several seconds then Lena finally asked, "So what does all that mean Master?"

To which Luke just shrugged his shoulders, "Not much really I was just trying to add a little levity to the situation but as usual my old Jedi humor has escaped such young ears and minds."

Lena didn't know what to think of the older Master now, 'Is he nuts or just so wise that everything he says escapes my understanding.' She thought to herself.

"Now that is the real question isn't it Lena?" Luke replied.

"What?" Lena said almost dropping the Krayt Dragon pearl she was holding.

"You didn't think I knew as much as I did with out being able to read your thoughts now did you?" Luke asked.

"I suppose not Master I'm sorry for what I thought." She replied weakly.

"Now don't be sorry your thoughts are your own and you have your rights to them. Besides what you thought was a very valid question, one to which you will have to determine the answer for yourself." Luke riddled out.

"I believe I already know the answer Master." Lena replied back.

"Well good I'm glad that's settled, now build your lightsaber or sabers as you see fit. Nether Luna nor I will offer any further assistance to you until you are done and although your sabers are so vastly different I don't see how you could even help each other I will still warn you not to do so alright?" They both nodded weakly to Luke. "Great now begin and bring them to me when you're done so I can inspect them before you activate them. I do that only because we are on a ship and your sabers are well very unique." Luke added as they turned to try and build their lightsabers in silence.

Luke activated a few of the wall and ceiling blasters and one drone and set about taking turns with Luna practicing there own saber techniques. Between all the whooshing sabers and blaster bolts Lena and Jenny were finding it difficult to concentrate on what they were doing. Little did they realize that is exactly what Luke wanted, since he knew that one who thought about the construction to much always failed in setting the crystals right.

An hour had passed leaving them a little under five hours before they got to the coordinates. When to their amazement they both had taken their pile of parts and crystals and turned them into three sabers. Luke sensing they were done, went over to look over both of their shoulders.

"Very good now let me see them please." He asked and they picked them up and then handed the three blades to him carefully.

First he examined the single long slender tube of Jenny's with the two ends before handing it back to her. Then he held the sabers Lena had made, one slightly longer then the other. Before he returned them as well and said, "They both look excellent, quite skilled work for a first try. Now um Lena go over to the middle of the room and activate yours, needles to say make sure the ends are pointed away from you and us. Jenny you wait for her to finish then I'll let you have a go alright?" They both nodded there agreement then Lena slowly walked to the middle of the room.

Lena carefully held the sabers, the long one in her right dominant hand and the short one in her left hand. Then making sure they were not pointed at herself or anyone else she pressed the activation switches. The two sabers hummed to life in her hands, the right long one blazed a brilliant blue and the left, which was about a foot shorter, was green.

"Blue for Guardian is dominant, same as Luna's saber. It's nice to know at least one thing you predict comes true, however I still did not expect the green Counselor one in her left hand. Mine is green of course but I just can't imagine two different colors in a Jedi." Luke said but Lena was only vaguely listing, as the glowing sabers seemed to call to her begging her to wield them.

Lena graceful twisted them around in the air listing to the sounds they made as they swooshed near each other. Then something made her think to flip on the training program and as she thought it the training program did just that. Suddenly the room was filled with blaster fire, not just from the couple Luke had turned on earlier but all of the small turrets and drones. Luke and Luna had both activated their sabers in response and R6 activated his energy shield, Jenny was the only one left out since she had no desire to try out her untested saber with so many others already on.

As Luke and Luna watched however they became aware that there sabers were not needed for all the fire was directed at Lena and she was deflecting every blast. Not only was she deflecting them but she was also deflecting them away from the others with a skill only matched by a highly trained Jedi. Soon her skill increased to the point where every blast bounced back to the blaster that shot it. This did not damage the little turrets but they were programmed to shut down if that occurred so after just a minute Lena had deactivated all of the twenty-five turrets and two droids. Leaving the room silent again except for her sabers which remained on and humming.

"Now you see it takes a powerful Jedi to wield two sabers and an even more powerful one to wield two sabers of two different colors and it appears we have such a Jedi here." Luke stated calmly although he was probably the only calm one besides R6.

"Now Lena I believe its Jenny's turn but I trust you will not use the force or any other means to activate the training program for her. For I fear she is not ready for such an extensive regimen." Luke said as he waved for her to join him.

Lena deactivated her sabers and took a deep breath steadying herself after such exertion. Finally she clipped the two sabers on either side of her belt and joined Master Skywalker. He did not even look at her as he stepped around her to stand beside Jenny.

"There you go Jenny it's your turn now and do not worry I will make sure they remain off. Just make sure you keep both ends pointed clear of yourself and the ship and we'll be fine." Jenny looked terrified but she did as he asked and walked to the center of the room. There she held out the dual bladed saber level with the deck and tentatively activated it. Two long yellow blades erupted from each end and glowed steady then she twisted it around tentatively before deactivating it.

"Very good Jenny!" Luke exclaimed trying to build up her confidence after they witnessed Lena put on a show he wasn't sure he could even manage. "Now Jenny I want you and Luna to go back into the bedroom and shut the door. Luna, begin teaching her the basics of how to harness the force, no lightsabers just the basics alright?"

Luna nodded weakly, "Yes Master." Luna then took Jenny by the hand and led her off to the bedroom.

"R6 please go visit with Star in the Cockpit and remain there until I call you no mater what you hear, understood?" Luke ordered.

"Yes Master Skywalker, however I will remind you that her recent display completed one of my parameters." R6 added.

"Yes I'm well aware of that fact now go." He replied as R6 slowly rolled out and into the cockpit.

After several long minutes of excruciating silence Lena finally said something, "I'm sorry Master I did not even realize I could turn on that program with the force."

Luke smiled, "Again you apologize for something you do not need to."

"But I could have hurt you guys with how reckless I was being, aren't you even angry?" Lena asked almost pleading.

"Hurt yourself maybe but not us, Star would have shut the program down if it had jeopardized yours or our safety. Luna and I can easily deflect a few blasters or stray lightsaber swings even having to protect Jenny at the same time. So you see the only person who could have been injured was you by your own lightsabers. Oh and I never get angry by the way, that is a trait of the dark side." Luke explained calmly.

"Then why did you ask everyone to leave I thought you were going to punish or yell at me." Lena asked hesitantly.

"Two more traits of the dark side Lena, besides why would I punish you for an expert show of lightsaber prowess." Luke asked back.

"Then why..."

"Because I simply wanted to continue with your training. You see R6 and Luna are distractions and Jenny is that as well as far too much below your level to keep up so I sent them away to free your mind. For now you are going to do the same exercise except you're going to be blindfolded." To that Lena went wide-eyed.


"Yes however I will go easy on you to start with, just one saber and one droid to begin with then we'll move up to blasters and another droid then two sabers and finally to the program you just completed. How long and how many hits you take will depend on how easily you open your mind to the force. But I have great confidence in your abilities and I doubt it will take more then and hour." Luke explained as he produced a thick looking black blindfold from inside his robe and handed it to Lena.

Lena eyed the blindfold with much trepidation before she slowly tied it around her eyes.

To both Luke's and Lena's surprise, she picked up on this new training very quickly. She hardly felt more then a couple blaster stings before she was deflecting them with as much ease as she had before. Less then a half hour later Lena was done, she had worked through the entire routine twice. Once with a single lightsaber and again with both her sabers, not a single shot hit her.

"I can't believe how far you have progressed Lena, it is unheard of to master such a routine is such a short time." Luke commented as he accepted the blindfold back.

"Is that good Master?" Lena asked.

"Yes and no Lena, it is excellent that you have mastered it but not that you did it so quickly. For one who acquires a skill so quick often wields it with overconfidence." Master Skywalker replied.

"I am far from overconfident Master." Lena said as she fidgeted.

"Yes I know but still you must be wary for there are things I have not told you that you may soon discover. I must let you discover them on your own and choose your path at that time, be it for good or evil, Light or Dark. I will say this, always remember who you are fighting for and why, never let your emotions influence your actions." He said as he drew his saber causing Lena to step off to the side of the room. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I thought you were going to practice Master?" Lena asked.

"I am but we are done with blasters, we are going to practice against each other." He then tossed Lena a shielding belt before strapping one around himself. "These belts will protect against a single direct lightsaber hit, no more. But I expect you not hit me of your own skill. I will not hit you so your belt is for your protection against yourself." Luke explained as he activated his belt then waited for Lena to do the same. "Now I would hope that this skill is never needed but you will learn none the less how to fight lightsaber to lightsaber." Luke explained as he came at Lena who activated her sabers in response. The air was filled with sizzling sabers as Lena crossed her own two sabers capturing Luke's overhead swing.

Then the fight was on, Luke kept coming at Lena with more and more ferocity but she matched every swing. Her mastery of using both sabers was hard for the old Master to get around but she didn't get any opportunities either.

"Good let the force flow through you, anticipate don't react. Feel my presence, anticipate my attacks, reacting only to what you see is a mistake." Luke explained as he continued the fight.

Luna and Jenny hearing the commotion came out to see the Master and student locked in what appeared to be a deadly battle. Then unknown to Lena, Luke activated the training program and several blaster shots zipped towards Lena but she deflected them out of instinct with her short saber while she continued the battle with Luke. Soon the room was filled with blaster bolts and Lena began sweating as she used every ounce of strength and skill she had to keep up.

"Very good Lena, however the dark side has many ways other then sabers and blasters." Luke exclaimed as he continued his deadly assault seemingly quite calm.

Lena did not know what he was planning but it was not good because she felt a sudden darkness creep over him and his eyes seemed to grow dim. Then out of nowhere one of the galley dishes hit her square in the back. Lena cried out in pain for a second then again as two blasters caught her, but she recovered only a split second before Luke's lightsaber nearly took her head off.

"You are not using the force properly Lena, feel my actions know what I am doing. You're sweating, why? Look at me I am not, the force provides you your power not your pitiful muscles. Start using it like a real Jedi and strike me if you can." Luke exclaimed in a wicked tone causing Lena to grow angry with him causing her to come at him with even more force then before.

"Your letting your emotions control your actions you are further blinding yourself to the power of the force. Only a weak dark Jedi allows themselves to be controlled by anger." Luke exclaimed in an even wickeder tone.

Lena's rage began to fill her mind and she began swinging wildly, she hardly noticed the plate smacking her on her back again.

"Weak Lena your skills are failing you, I will win now for sure." Luke said and as he did he held out his left hand while deflecting Lena's feeble attacks.

Suddenly Lena was enveloped with pain as lighting shot from the Jedi Masters fingers. She screamed in agony causing Luna to draw her own saber ready to attack her own Master for causing her lover such pain. Then Luke's hand moved from Lena to the wall panel and he used the force to reprogram the blasters target.

Suddenly as Lena lay on the decking she had a horrible feeling right in the pit of her stomach, he was aiming all the blasters at Luna. Lena jumped up and crossed the distance in one split second jump. Just as she got in front of Luna all the blasters fired at once. No Jedi could deflect them all and a good percentage hit her shield then a few more broke through and hit her body. She clutched her chest as she fell to the decking on her knees.

Luna looked horrified first at Lena then at her Master, she couldn't stand it anymore and she leapt forward her lightsaber drawn and leveled at Luke. Luke however pushed her back with the force with such ease that she fell to the decking next to Lena her lightsaber clanking down at Luke's feet, then something inside Lena snapped.

Lena leapt to her feet rage filling her mind, her lightsabers drawn as she jumped at Luke. He tried to blow her back but the force push didn't even affect her, so he once again took up a defense against her attacks. But this time she was much more skilled, more so then even Luke had expected. He had to turn on the blasters again to occupy her short saber, but her attacks were both controlled and deadly and he was having a hard time managing. So he let go of the hate inside himself and returned to the light only then was he able to deal with her. He used the force to pull Luna's saber off the decking and into his left hand, now wielding two long sabers in the calmness of a great Jedi Master he easily dealt with Lena who was still attacking with rage and anger.

Just as he thought he had the situation under control again he was caught completely off guard as she held out her hand and pushed him back against the bulkhead. She then ripped the two lightsabers from his hands and they fell to the decking with a pair of loud clangs. She was on him in an instant, her long saber ready to behead him.

"Strike me down in anger and the hate will consume you Lena, let the anger rise inside you and your fall to the dark side will be complete. It is your destiny Lena to become a dark Jedi, strike me down now and fulfill your destiny!" Luke screamed to Lena in a mocking laughter.

Then as she raised her arm to do as he said Luna screamed, "No Lena please!"

The words caught the rage filled Lena off guard and as she remembered her love for Luna the saber fell to the deck and deactivated followed shortly by her other saber. Then she fell to her knees and began to cry, Luna ran over and held her tightly as Luke got to his feet.

The Master retrieved his own saber first and clipped it to his belt then he picked up Luna's and brought it over to her. He sat it next to Lena's on the deck as he said, "I'm sorry Lena for what I showed you but that is the way of the dark side and what I said was true. It is your destiny to fall to the dark side just as it was mine. Many years ago I was once turned to the dark path but only by the sacrifice of my loved ones was I turned back to the light. Now you can see why I wear a dark robe, it is a reminder to me of the darkness inside me threatening to consume me at every turn. Know now that all during that exercise I was in complete control and I would not have harmed either Luna or yourself. But if you are to face your destiny as I once did then you will be faced with this challenge again and at that time everything will be at stake. Not just your life or that of Luna's but the very fate of this galaxy. You see you are the most powerful Jedi ever born and your path will rule the destiny of us all, so choose wisely." He explained then stood up to walk away.

"I choose to quit then if this is what I must face." Lena exclaimed through her tears.

"Quite you may, but if you do forever will the darkness consume this galaxy." A voice unfamiliar to everyone except Luke said in a haunting tone.

Lena looked up to see a shimmering blue figure standing before her. The small alien with big ears was holding a walking stick and had on very shabby looking robes.

"If you will not listen to me then maybe you will listen to Yoda for he was my master." Luke said as he turned back to look at the ancient master.

"Yes listen to Master Luke you should, he is very wise if not a little strange. Very powerful he is but not as powerful as you or the Dark Jedi you are destined to face. For that Dark Jedi is linked to you as you are to Luna, this dark Jedi could and will eventually destroy Master Skywalker if you do not stop her. Then an age of darkness unlike any before would consume this universe, pain and suffering would be commonplace. Lena maybe most importantly of all, your love for Luna would be dead for you and her would be destroyed." Yoda said in calm words.

"Master Yoda is correct Lena, I cannot face this Dark Jedi for you. I would only be destroyed, as would Luna and any other Jedi alive today." Luke added gravely.

"Any Jedi alive ever." Yoda corrected, and then he faded away into nothingness leaving Lena and Luna to both ponder their fates in utter confusion.

Finally Master Skywalker said, "No more will I train you today Lena, go with Luna into the bedroom and shut the door as I had her and Jenny do before. There I advise you to work with Luna on any abilities you have not already mastered. But if you wish to rest then do so but keep in mind your destiny draws nearer as we speak. Now Jenny you and I will begin working on your lightsaber skills now that Luna has helped you to discover some of your force abilities." Master Skywalker said to Lena then turned to a very frightened Jenny. "Do not fear Jenny I will not ask as much of you as I did Lena for although you have a part to play in this it is not as large as Lena's and Luna's parts." Luke reassured her.

Lena and Luna then slowly collected their sabers and stood still quite exhausted, without speaking more they left the room and shut the door. After some time Luke convinced Jenny to begin her training.

Chapter Seven: Swan Found!

The few more hours left passed by with Luke training Jenny to use her saber, she was finally able to deflect most of the blasts blindfolded but several still hit her. Her progress was still exceptional for a Jedi having only a few hours training. But it was already clear she could never match Lena's skills or even Luna's for that matter.

The two girls in the bedroom did not feel like training anymore they were still sore and tired and filled with talk of destiny and many unanswered questions. So instead they slept restlessly holding each other until the alarm sounded once more.

"We have arrived at Master Lena's coordinates, dropping out of hyperspace in one minute." Star said to the whole ship.

Lena and Luna jumped up and ran out of the bedroom to find Master Skywalker and a still blindfolded Jenny practicing. He shut the program down then asked for the blindfold back before he went to follow the girls into the cockpit. As he and Jenny walked into the cockpit and took their seats on the two jump seats they watched Lena and Luna scanning the controls.

Star moved the levers up bringing them back into normal space. "Lena I have a ship on my sensors which appears to be the same configuration as the swan should I set an intercept course?"

"Yes Star go ahead, maximum sub light speed." Lena replied.

"Yes Lena right away! ETA five minutes to intercept, scanning surrounding space for additional vessels." After a minute Star added, "No other vessels within this sector, I do however read a residual Ion trial. This trail does not conform to that of the Swan's ion engines, in fact I do not believe she even had time to activate them. Since I can detect no conforming Ion trails except that of the mystery ship."

"Star can you determine the course of the other ship?" Lena asked.

After a second she responded, "I can tell they entered normal space from hyperspace about the same place we did and followed nearly our exact course to the Swan. After that it appears they headed off and reentered hyperspace in the general direction of Tantooine but I can not be more specific then that because the trail has degraded too much." Star reported.

"Do the best you can to filter it out Star, hopefully either you can or we will find something on the swan to help us determine where they headed." Luke replied.

"I will do my best Master." Star added.

Four minutes later the Wolf Star slowed and stopped above a very dead looking swan.

"Oh my..." Star exclaimed before her words died off.

"What is it Star?" Lena asked desperately.

"I have just completed a detailed scan of the Swan and I found..." She paused again.

"Please Star tell us!" Lena pleaded.

"I'm sorry Master I do not know how to tell you this but I will try." She paused again then continued, "The Swan has lost all atmosphere and gravity, she is floating dead in space. I can detect several organic bodies on board, all dead. There are at least six bodies of unknown species on the Swan, I can't determine more then that from here. The seventh body however I can confirm, do you wish me to master?" Star asked solemnly causing Lena's heart to sink into her stomach.

"Yes Star go ahead." Lena finally said and after a pause Star continued.

"The seventh body is that of Cynthia, Master and she is offli... Err dead Master." Star stuttered as she almost let her secret slip.

"It is alright Star if she is dead then her secret is pointless to keep." Lena said between her tears.

"She may not be completely destroyed master I can still detect a residual power signature inside her. It may still be possible to bring her back online." Star said with some hope.

"Then what are we waiting for Star bring us in and lock onto the Swan with our tractor beams. I will board the swan in an EVA suit." Lena exclaimed.

"Yes Master locking on now, bringing the swan into docking position."

"You will not be going alone!" Luna added.

"Or you either. Now Jenny you remain here incase someone tries to board the Wolf Star. I'm sure you can handle any intruders but if there are too many lead them into the training room and Star will give them a real hard time!" Luke added and Jenny nodded confidently.

He then led them out and into the cargo hold where the three EVA suits were stored. By the time they got the bulky suits on and strapped their sabers to the outside of their suits Star had docked with the Swan.

"Docking operation complete Lena, I have no way to pressurize the swan however so you will have to board her one at a time through the lower airlock." Star explained.

"Thank you Star." Lena replied through the communicator built into her EVA suit.

Then they trudged into the main corridor and Luke stopped them above a panel in the floor, he pressed a button mounted on the wall and the panel slid open to reveal the airlock. He pressed another button and the lock opened and then he crawled down inside it.

"Wait for me to call you before you come down."

The two girls heard over the speakers in their suits as he pressed the button closing the airlock above his head. He then pressed the depressurization button and after confirming it the air began to slowly hiss out. The light flashed red as the lock reached vacuum and he opened the lower door.

Luke climbed down the ladder into the docking tube and finally onto the airlock of the swan. He pressed the button to open the lock but it didn't respond so he flipped open a panel and pulled the manual release for the door. It clicked and clunked but remained closed so he had to use the force to open it, sliding it effortlessly open. Then he let go of the ladder and drifted down to the next door and repeated the procedure. The process was very disturbing for the old Master for the Swan was so similar to his best friend and brother in laws ship. He almost wished Han was here to help him but he knew he would not like to see even this ship in such a state.

When Luke finally got the door open and dropped down inside the Swan, he landed right on the body of a very stiff Gamorrian. After a brief pause he moved off the piggish body and activated his magnetic boots locking him to the decking. Then he lifted the body with just a slight push of the force and moved it out of the way. Finally he called up to the girls, "It's clear you may proceed, together if you can fit."

He waited for several minutes as the Wolf Stars outer door closed and the lock pressurized then the girls pilled in together and waited for the door to close and the lock to depressurize. They opened the outer door and Lena let go of Luna's back and pushed off. She drifted down and landed in the Swan with some grace then moved over as Luna did the same. Once they were all assembled on the main deck of the Swan and they all had activated their magnetic boots Luke pointed out the dead Gamorrian.

"It's a Gamorrian slaver, that explains why they were attacked but unfortunately not a lot more since there are many planets and clans that run slaves."

Lena and Luna paused to look at the dead and frozen alien then they set out looking for the other bodies.

After some time Lena exclaimed, "Oh no!" Luna and Luke came running at the best speed that they could manage with magnetic boots on.

They found Lena standing in the cockpit over the face down body of a naked Cynthia. There was a large black chunk missing out of her back by her right shoulder where a blaster had hit her. Luke looked around and saw another Gamorrian lying close by still clutching a blaster. The blood trail leading along the deck made it clear that he had used the last bits of life he had to crawl over to where he could shoot Cynthia. By the angle of the wound in her back he guessed she was bending over something or someone who was now missing, when she had been caught off guard and shot from behind.

After a minute Luke spoke, "I found a total of six Gamorrian's on board, which explains the organic bodies. So it would appear that your friend and her new partner were probably taken away. It looks like whoever took them left a bomb in the engine room, they probably expected it to destroy the whole ship. Fortunately it only destroyed the engines and created a few small ruptures in the hull, which explains our lack of atmosphere and gravity. Now I would suggest we take Cynthia back aboard the Star and see what we can do for her. The Light Saber will be here anytime now and she can take care of the Swan."

"Yes Master." Lena said as she lifted the limp weightless body of Cynthia up and carried her out of the cockpit followed closely by Luke and Luna.

As they got to the airlock Luke said, "Let me take her up it will be easer for me."

Lena nodded and handed Cynthia's stiff body to her Master. He held her against himself and looked up, as he did he released the magnetic boots and used the force to push them up the tube and into the Star's waiting airlock. As the door closed under him and the atmosphere stabilized, gravity came back with a vengeance. Cynthia weighed no more then a normal girl her size but after being in weightlessness for almost an hour Luke felt like he was carrying a girl twice her weight. He pressed the open button for the upper door, and then let the force lift Cynthia up and through the open door. She remained hanging in mid air as Luke crawled up through the airlock to see Jenny standing there looking at Cynthia.

"She's a droid?" Jenny asked.

"Yes she's a pleasure droid created long ago and since outlawed by the republic for no good reason. Since they were outlawed these droids have had to live in fear of being caught and destroyed for no other reason then that they looked too human." Luke explained as he floated Cynthia over to the workbench and laid her down face first onto it.

"That's awful Master, I can't believe someone would destroy such a beautiful creation. That isn't why the ship was attacked was it?" Jenny asked.

"No this was an act of Gamorrian slavers I'm afraid. Now go get a blanket from the bedroom and cover her up. I'm going to go tell R6 to come in here and see what he can do for her."

Jenny nodded, "Yes Master right away."

"Luke to Lena and Luna." He said over the comm.

"Yes master were here." They responded together.

"Come on up now so we can decide on our next course of action." He replied into the helmet comm.

"Yes Master." They said in unison again.

Luke removed his helmet and called to R6, the little droid came wheeling into the training room at near top speed.

"R6 please see what you can do to bring Cynthia back online." Luke asked.

The little astromech beeped and then activated his repulsors lifting himself off the ground.

"I will try my best Master." He moaned at seeing the cold lifeless body of Cynthia.

"That is all that can be asked of you R6." He replied as he turned to walk back into the cargo hold.

Jenny appeared out of the bedroom carrying a blanket and ran in to cover Cynthia up. R6 instructed her to only cover Cynthia's lower half as he began work on the blaster hole in her back. Jenny nodded and covered her from the waist down with the blanket then left to help Lena and Luna out of the airlock.

Over another hour later R6 was still working on Cynthia with Luke's help while everyone else watched intently. They had decided that it would be best to try to get her back online and find out if she knew anything that would help. Then a very loud claxon blared to life across the ship.

"What the heck is that Star?" Lena yelled over the Siren.

"Warning master, warning a massive ship has just dropped out of hyperspace. My word super star destroyer class master, they will overtake us eminently. I am afraid they have captured or destroyed the Light Saber since right as she was about to come out of hyperspace this ship appeared!" Star said frantically and it seemed to frighten Jenny, Lena, and R6 but the others just sighed collectively.

"Star did you bother to scan the Light Saber before we left Coruscant?"

"No Master Luna." Star replied.

"Then scan this new ships registry." Luna stated and after a second Star came back on.

"Sorry Master Lena what I meant to say was that the Light Saber has arrived. Sorry for the confusion." Star said very apologetically then went completely silent.

Lena looked at Luna, "Your ships a Super Star destroyer?"

Luna nodded, "Yea my parents acquired her from a couple dark Jedi they defeated."

"You pay for the crew as well?" Lena asked in amazement.

"No they are republic soldiers, my parents knowing they could not run the ship by themselves, convinced the republic that if they provided a crew that they would provide there services as well as the ship to the republic. Well as long as the Jedi approved of the missions the republic asked them to perform."

"So that's how you became an Admiral?" Lena guessed.

"Yes, you see my parents needed a rank so that they could command the troops on the ship so they made them Admirals. So when I inherited the ship they made me an Admiral. It works out all right, I get paid for performing missions for the republic and in turn they provide me the troops to run my ship. On occasion when things like this come up I can use my ship and her crew to do my bidding as well. Sometimes when we have a conflict I let them take the Saber and I'll use the shuttles or one of the fighters onboard. So it all works out in the end."

"I see, well it sounds like you have a pretty good deal."

Luna nodded but then a strange chirping noise issued from the workbench area. They all looked over at the workbench but the noise died and then R6 floated back to the decking.

Lena stood up from the couch she had brought up out of the floor and walked over to look at Cynthia.

"What was that noise?" She asked as she examined the area they had been working on, it looked allot better but the patch of skin covering her frame was still missing.

"Master we tried our best but I'm sorry we just don't have the skills or parts to bring her back online." R6 replied.


"Well it appears that her skin is as much a part of her body as her power unit and due to the extensive damage from the cold of space and the blaster bolt she has lost to much sensory input to come back online. The sound you heard was her trying to reactivate but as soon as her processors detected the signal loss they shut her down again. We could try to forcibly bring her back online but she could overload in the attempt." Luke reported.

At that time Star came over the speakers, "Master Lena the Light Saber is asking us how they can help?"

Lena held her head she didn't know what to do, everything was happening so quickly.

"Tell them we'll tow the Swan into there docking bay so she can be searched thoroughly. We'll join them in there as well until we can figure out where to go from here." Lena finally replied, watching Master Skywalker as she did and he nodded approvingly.

"Very well Master releasing docking clamps and preparing to take the swan in tow. The Light Sabers Captain has cleared us to land in the main docking bay with the Swan." Star responded a second later.

"Now about Cynthia we need to decide what to do?" Luke pressed.

"I do not want to destroy her if there is a chance she can be rebuilt so tell me if that is possible." Lena asked sternly.

"There are ways to do it but they are illegal, you see it is possible to replace her skin but we would need a fairly large quantity. That is where the problem lies, for it is not illegal to buy enough for say a prosthetic hand like mine or even a leg but buying enough to cover an entire droid is illegal. Before you ask, no we can't buy it in small quantities and piece it together. Since it would cause the same feedback loops she is experiencing now." Luke replied.

"Then it is hopeless?" Lena asked as she hung her head.

"No like I said there are ways but none of them convenient or close at hand. The thing we really need to consider is it worth the risk of restarting her to find out any information she may have. But then it comes down to, is her life worth more then Luaxanna's?" Luke Explained.

Lena's head felt like it was going to explode, "Cynthia would gladly give her life to save Luaxanna but Luaxanna would not want us to throw away Cynthia's life to save hers."

"She is just a droid though." Luke pointed out.

"No she's not just a droid anymore, she may have started out that way but she is as human as you or I now. I will not take the chance of killing her just to save Luaxanna's life there must be another way." Lena exclaimed.

"That is the right decision and maybe there is another way, I just thought of. Normally it would not be right to invade her memory circuits but I think she would let us under these circumstances. R6 can you access her memory unit and download the last few hours before she went offline?"

Lena looked sternly at the wily Master, she had the distinct impression that what just happened was a test.

"Normally no Master since it would require cutting into her skin but since it all has to be replaced anyway I do not see a problem with doing it now." R6 responded.

"Let's do it then, we can download her memory and then maybe a solution will present itself on how to continue." Luke replied and R6 lifted himself back up and drew out a knifelike device.

Lena did not want to watch this so she turned away while R6 cut a small u shaped incision into the back of Cynthia's neck. Then Luke folded the piece of skin back and R6 extended his probe and plugged it into Cynthia's socket. He beeped and whirred for several minutes then he unplugged and floated down to the deck.

Lena turned back around and asked, "What did you find out R6?"

The little droid whirred for a minute then said, "Can't compute information, incompatible file structure, isolating files for download. Err Sorry Master I was overwhelmed for a second there, I am not capable of processing the information since it is littered with complex emotional sub routines. I will have to transfer the data to Star whose programming is very similar to Cynthia's." R6 then wheeled over to the computer socket mounted in the wall and connected into it. He beeped and whirred for a few minutes then unplugged from the wall and rolled back. "Star can you process the files I just transferred."

"Working on it, let me see, yes she does have quite a complex emotional sub routine but I think I can filter it out and give us some useable data. Give me a minute though I'm trying to dock the Swan right now and this will take allot of my memory to process." Star requested as she towed the Swan into the massive docking bay and set her down gently onto the blocks that were already positioned for the ship to rest on since her landing gear were up. Then Star released her and hovered over until she was far enough away as not to interfere with any work that might be done on the Swan. She lowered her own gear and then settled onto the deck. "Alright Master now I can work on the files, you may not disembark however because they depressurized the docking bay in order to allow a controlled pressurization of the Swan to preserve any evidence. Estimated time to one atmosphere, ten minutes which is about how long it will take me to process these files."

"Alright Star thank you and please hurry." Lena asked.

"Yes Master Lena I will do my best." Star Replied.

Several long minutes passed in silence then a bell chimed from the boarding ramp area.

"Are you done Star?" Lena asked but no response came back then the bell chimed again.

"I believe that bell is someone requesting to come aboard, Star is probably too busy processing to let them in." Luke replied as he went to check out the boarding ramp.

"I'll go Master." Lena said as she got up and walked past him.

A few minutes later Lena retuned with a very attractive red haired Jedi in a blue skin-tight jump suit.

"I may be a Jedi and can tolerate low atmospheres but you would think my husband at least would open the door for me in a timely manner." Mara exclaimed as she saw the solemn faced Luke standing next to Cynthia.

"I am sorry my dear, but it might have been prudent of you to contact us first." Luke replied as he slid the blanket up to Cynthia's head.

"I tried but it seems you are to busy doing something in here to respond to comm. signals as well. Oh I see it looks like you got a pleasure droid, hmm maybe I should leave you alone." Mara said as she walked over and examined Cynthia.

Luke went a little red faced as he remembered caring Cynthia up from the Swan. The three girls giggled at seeing their wise master being scolded by his wife.

"Hmm let's see who else we have here, Luna it's good to see you and Lena I'm glad to finally meet you. Now let's see it looks like I got some competition, another red haired Jedi. Where did you come from my dear?" Mara asked and Jenny stood up hesitantly.

"Coruscant Master."

Mara looked her up and down, "A double bladed lightsaber my word, may I see it?" The tall red head asked and Jenny unhooked it off her belt and handed it to her. Mara fingered the controls, "May I?" She asked and to that Jenny nodded and then stepped back.

The older red haired woman flicked the controls and the duel bladed yellow saber sprang to life. "Yellow the color of the sentinel, a Jedi who seeks to bring deceit to light by balancing the force and combat. Very nice and powerful, how many tries did it take?" Mara asked as she spun the perfectly balanced saber.

"I'm sorry Master?" Jenny asked confused.

"One." Luke responded for her.

"Very interesting, a single try was all that was required to set the crystals in this perfectly balanced saber." Mara said and then she motioned for Luna to get off the couch, which she did.

Mara then used the force to flick the wall switch for the couch and it slid into the floor and disappeared. Luke knowing full well what was coming backed to the edge of the room, the three young Jedi seeing the Master backing off copied him.

But then Mara turned to Lena, "Lena my dear, show me what my dear husband has taught you. Do not fear you will not harm me."

Luke faked a cough for he had not expected her to choose Lena, "Mara my dear be careful she is far better then a mere student."

"Do you not think I can see that Master Skywalker, my eyes have not failed to age yet. But very well we will use shield belts." Mara replied coyly then the drawer containing the belts opened and they flew over one wrapping it's self around her waist and another one fell into her open hand.

Mara tossed the belt to Lena but it was going to fall short of her hand, something Mara had done on purpose. But Lena caught it with the force and then pulled it towards her wrapping it around herself and activating it. Lena was just as surprised that she had managed that as Mara was.

"Yes I see what you mean Master." Mara replied as she switched her belt on.

Another tense minute passed then Mara waved for Lena to come at her, Lena went to take the sabers from her belt but found that they were already in her hands. She flicked the switches and the sabers glowed bright green and blue and she charged at Mara. The wise red haired Jedi was caught off guard seeing the different colors of Lena's sabers but only for a second. Still wielding Jenny's saber she caught both Lena's blades with it, they sparked and hissed as they ground together. Then the battle was on, Lena's sabers were just green and blue flashes. Jenny's double bladed saber twirled and twisted in Mara's hand gracefully blocking attack after attack but Lena was not trying as hard as she could and Mara knew it. So the cunning red head spun around Lena and began backing towards the boarding ramp. Lena followed her attacking as Mara walked backwards out of the room and into the corridor and finally down the ramp.

Suddenly Mara made a huge force jump backwards somersaulting in mid air, she landed in a large open area inside the landing bay. Lena didn't realize it but she jumped as well following Luke's wife. Their sabers met once more in a huge flash, Mara's own saber flew to her hand and she activated it. Now wielding a near unheard of three blades she started coming at Lena quite forcefully. Lena picked up her own pace matching Mara swing for swing hit for hit. Luke and the two other students along with R6 appeared on the ramp and walked down to the decking to watch the show.

As they continued fighting more and more of the Light Sabers crew appeared even the Captain was there watching the awesome spectacle that was a blaze of different colored lights. Mara even wielding three blades was soon becoming overwhelmed, Lena just kept getting better and better. Then Mara jumped back again, rebounding off the wall and shooting over to land on top of the Swan. But Lena had anticipated her move and as Mara landed she was met with Lena's sabers. Mara and Lena fought and jumped across the swan then suddenly Luke was there his green saber colliding with Lena's green saber as she fought him without even looking at him, she was still focused on Mara. But four sabers were too much for her so she willed Jenny's saber back to her and the force granted it. The dual bladed saber was ripped out of Mara's right hand and shut off in mid air before falling and clipping right onto Jenny's belt much to her utter shock.

Lena now divided her efforts between Luke and Mara the two daring masters fighting at near there maximum. Changes began to happen inside Lena as she fought, things became clear and calm. The world slowed, the Masters very rapid movements slowed to look like they were fighting in tar. Lena however was able to move normally, then sensing the change Luke went to his maximum and Mara as well. Catching Lena off guard but only for a moment.

The onlookers were stunned beyond words as the Jedi appeared to streak around the entire docking bay. One second they were in front of the Captain the next across the bay by the massive airlock. Luna and Jenny watched in amazement as well, Luna was a fairly accomplished Jedi herself. She had even been given the rank of Knight by Master Skywalker but even so she could only just keep up with them, she would have been long dead if it had been her in there.

Just then a massive sounding explosion went off from inside the battle. Suddenly Luke landed on his feet in front of Jenny and Luna, a millisecond later he caught Mara as she fell into his arms.

"Thank you honey I didn't expect she could throw us like that." Mara replied as he sat her on the deck.

"Neither did I." Is all the Master said as he straightened up and looked at Lena who was waiting for them calm as a lake in winter.

R6 rolled up hesitantly, "I do not wish to disturb you Master Skywalker but Star says she has finished compiling Cynthia's files and can show us a recording of her last few minutes."

Luke did not take his eyes off Lena, "Thank you R6 tell her we'll be there in a few minutes." R6 beeped and rolled back. "Lena we are done for now, please come over here." Luke yelled.

Lena shut off her sabers and clipped them to her belt and walked across the bay to where they were.

As she got there Luke asked, "Tell me, how do you feel?"

Lena looked at the decking for a second then said, "Calm."

Luke nodded, "Good now tell me, can you lift the swan with the force?"

Lena looked at the swan then at Luke, "The size or mass of the object is irrelevant."

Luke nodded, "Correct but prove it to me."

Lena looked back at the Swan and after a pause she held out her hand. A low murmur of disbelief passed through the gathered crew of the Light Saber then they fell dead silent as the Swan floated into the air. She turned as if she was going to take off but instead her landing gear extended and she sat back on the decking, finally the boarding ramp came down.

"More then I asked but very good Lena, now tell me why you can do that?" Luke asked.

Lena thought long and hard, "I do not know Master, I know it is the force but I do not know how the ability to wield it in such a manner came to me."

Luke nodded, "Yes indeed, well then there is nothing more I can teach you Lena." Luke said as he patted Lena on the shoulder.

"What? Master I still have much to learn." Lena replied shocked.

"Yes you do but all that you have to learn can not be learned from any Jedi including myself. Sure another Jedi can show you a few tricks that you may not have seen or thought of but all the skills you require you already have or will discover on your own. Now we must go inside the Wolf Star for she has a video for you to watch." Master Skywalker said as he turned and glided up the boarding ramp of the Wolf Star.

Several stunned seconds of silence passed then they all followed him, including the Captain who walked over as fast as his legs would carry him.

As they all gathered inside the Rec./Training room Star apologized to Mara and Lena for not responding then asked if they wanted her to play the video she had compiled.

"No only Lena will watch the video, she is the only one among us who has any right to see such an invasion of there privacy." Luke replied and Lena nodded approvingly although she no desire to witness the video either. The Captain seeing Cynthia's body nodded his agreement. "Now Lena go into the Cockpit and watch the video and then you can tell us where to go from here, in the mean time we'll talk with the Captain about how we may help Cynthia." Luke said and Lena nodded and then slowly walked to the Cockpit.

Lena sat in the pilot's chair and turned to the screen, "Alright Star, play the video for me."

"Yes Master I'm bringing it up now, I must warn you however that it is disturbing." Star said gravely.

"I figured as much." Lena said as she watched the screen flash off for a second then the video appeared.

The view was obviously through Cynthia's optic receptors as many information tags appeared around things in the cockpit where she was sitting in the pilot's seat. It was a little hard to watch with strings of text floating everywhere, Lena began to wonder how Cynthia could stand it.

It appeared to be a normal flight for all Lena could see through Cynthia's eyes, and then the comm. channel beeped. This had been the moment Lena had been dreading, it had to be Star calling them.

Sure enough Cynthia stated quite excitedly, "Its Lena's ship the Wolf Star calling us."

Then Cynthia turned and there was Luaxanna setting in her large plush chair behind Cynthia.

"She must be taking our separation really hard if she can't even go a few days without talking to me. I thought she would be so busy looking for Luna that she would forget about us, well anyway put her on." Luaxanna had said hurting Lena a little.

Then Cynthia turned back around and activated the comm. channel, a very tiny looking R6 appeared on the screen inside the cockpit of the Swan.

"Is that you R6?" Cynthia asked and he beeped several times in response and as he did a string of text appeared across the screen floating in mid air.

Lena realized that since she was watching a recording through a droids eyes who could understand all languages she was going to be able to understand what everyone was saying.

R6 apparently had come on to Cynthia since the text read, "Yes it is I Cynthia your shinny little R6, may I say that you are looking extremely well engineered today."

Cynthia giggled then a short string of feminine beeps issued from the tiny screen in the Swans cockpit. The text that appeared in front of Cynthia's eyes read, "You pig." That must have been Star Lena thought.

"Who was that R6?" Cynthia asked and the little droid issued another string of beeps and Lena read the text.

"Don't mind her, my exquisite combination of processors and sub routines, she is just the over talkative computer my old master built into the Wolf Star."

Then a very angry sounding Star spoke in basic, "You're going to find yourself floating in space you little tin can. I'm sorry for his rudeness Cynthia even though I'm sure you could not understand a single series of his beeps, since humans can't understand machine language! By the way I'm Star the computer onboard this ship, I would have loved to have spoken with you while you were onboard me earlier but someone who is going to get a blaster up his motivator hadn't installed or bought me a modulator at that time. Only through the kindness of my wise new Master Lena did I get such a wonderful gift."

"You didn't modify this video at all did you Star?" Lena asked and the video paused.

"Uh no Master Lena why would you think that?" Star said sheepishly.

"Just a hunch, anyway please continue." Lena replied.

The video continued to play and eventually Jenny came on and between her, R6, and Star they explained the situation to Luaxanna and Cynthia.

Luaxanna then said, "Well it sounds like Lena's been busy, is she there so I can speak with her?" Jenny shook her head and then explained that she was still out looking for Luna. "Oh well in any case Jenny I'm sorry to tell you that I already have a new partner, a very nice blue Twi'Lek girl named Solonie (So lon knee). She is so like the girl Lena described that I thought that it was Luna. Funny thing is she says she has a sister with Luna in her name, which is why I wanted to talk with Lena. Well anyway you are welcome to come stay aboard my ship if Lena won't let you stay with her but until Solonie's year is up I can't hire you I'm sorry." Luaxanna explained and Lena suddenly got a very horrible feeling right in the pit of her stomach.

'Could it be Luna's sister?' Lena wondered, Luna had never mentioned having a sister.

Then just as Jenny opened her mouth to tell Luaxanna something a loud explosion rocked the Swan.

"What the hell was that?" Luaxanna yelled and Cynthia screamed over the blaring sirens.

"An explosion has damaged our hyperdrive, we are dropping out of hyperspace." Cynthia responded as she reviewed the Swan's panels.

The comm. screen was fizzing and popping but Lena could make out Star asking them what happened. But before anyone could answer her someone from behind Cynthia yelled, "Intruders, intruders!"

Cynthia turned around and to Lena's utter shock, a very naked younger looking Luna ran into the cockpit.

"What intruders, where?" Luaxanna asked.

"There coming from the engine room and cargo hold at least eight Gamorrian's maybe more." Solonie screamed as she ran up and clung to Luaxanna who stood up and pulled her around behind her.

Lena noticed Luaxanna had pulled out her disrupter pistol, which was concealed inside her chair. Just then two ugly green Gamorrian's barged into the cockpit carrying axes. Luaxanna fired off two rapid shots and the piggish warrior's glowed red and squealed repulsively until they evaporated into nothingness. Then Cynthia dived for a wall panel and pulled out two blaster rifles and a pistol. She handed the pistol to Solonie and then she gripped a rifle in each hand.

But then a grenade rolled into the cockpit, Cynthia screamed "Grenade" and kicked it out but another rolled in and another to replace the one now clanking down the corridor. Instead of exploding the grenades erupted a greenish smoke and a warning flashed across Cynthia's eyes that read, "Sleeping gas!" Then she yelled the warning to the others but it was too late they collapsed on the deck unconscious. Cynthia began crying but then some victorious squeals issued from the corridor.

The text that came up read, "We have them now! We must hurry though, the slave frigate will be here to take them to Karthnat any minute." Lena's heart jumped as she read that, it was exactly what she needed.

Cynthia stopped crying and a message flashed across her eyes, "Entering severe battle mode must protect Mistress!" A blue energy field formed around her as she activated a shielding system Lena didn't even know about.

"You'll never get out of here alive!" Cynthia screamed down the corridor and she ran headlong into battle. She switched into a thermal viewing mode as the smoke was too thick in the corridor for even her optic receptors.

Lena watched as three glowing red and orange colored alien shapes began firing stun blasts at Cynthia. But they just bounced off her shields and she quickly dispatched those aliens with her rifles. Then she switched to an X-Ray mode and spotted the final three Gamorrian's setting the second bomb in the engine room. Cynthia crept down the corridors and then as the aliens turned there backs she sprang around the corner and sprayed them with at least six shots each. The skeletal looking pigs fell and thunked onto the deck. Then Cynthia looked around the ship and could find no more enemies, so a message came across her eyes "All targets eliminated switching to normal." The video switched back to normal colors and Cynthia began crying again as she ran back to the cockpit jumping over fallen Gamorrian's. As she got there she bent down over the two sleeping bodies dropping her blasters next to them.

"Oh Mistress please wake up!" She cried. Then the cockpit flashed red and the video feed died as Cynthia was hit.

Lena began to cry and for several minutes she could not stop, then feeling her lovers distress Luna came running into the cockpit.

"I know you're the only one supposed to see it but I couldn't help myself when I felt you crying." Luna said as she ran over to hold Lena.

Lena fell against her lover and held her tight for a while longer, and then she asked gravely. "Please do not tell me you have a sister named Solonie."

Luna pulled back shocked, "Yes she is my younger sister, why do you ask?"

Then Luna saw the horror in Lena's eyes and she understood, "She was Luaxanna's new partner." Lena nodded. "She isn't?" Luna asked tentatively.

Lena shook her head no, much to the relief of Luna who began crying heavily. Several more minutes later the two collected themselves and walked out to the training room where everyone was gathered around Cynthia. Lena didn't notice the two new additions at first due to the room being at near its capacity. But when she finally did she saw that one had on a white lab coat, an older looking female and the other a young brash man with orange grease stained coveralls on. Those two were examining Cynthia very closely, they had even taken the blanket off her and turned her over.

Master Skywalker turned to great Lena and asked, "So did the file contain any useful information?"

Lena nodded, "They were taken to Karthnat, Luaxanna and her new partner Solonie, Luna's sister."

The Captain turned around from Cynthia's body to look at Luna as he took in a gurgling gasp, then Jenny let out a little squeak from the couch.

"I'm so sorry Luna I forgot about what we had heard over the Comm. I was going to ask you if and when Lena found you but then well we were so busy." Jenny exclaimed as she rushed over to her side.

"I understand Jenny a lot has happened lately, it's not your fault." Luna said comforting the crying Jenny.

"Although I still don't understand why Star or shiny little R6 didn't tell us about Luna's sister?" Lena asked and hearing that R6 tried to escape but with so many legs in the way he couldn't.

"Uh well Master we uh well it wasn't certain that Solonie was Luna's sister and well the right time to ask never presented itself." R6 replied nervously.

"I am sorry as well Master I'm afraid my programming is at fault, I was worked up over everything and it slipped my circuits." Star responded.

"It doesn't matter we are still here and we still need to save them both." Luna interjected.

The Captain then nodded solemnly, "Yes but that may be difficult without a fleet." Lena and Luna looked at him.

"Why Captain?" Luna asked.

"Because Karthnat is the slavers world, heavily defended against attack it is. The republic has sought to shut them down for centuries but without proof that they were taking slaves illegally we could not attack." The Captain replied.

Luna looked hard at the Captain, "Well we have more then enough proof Captain what other problem is there?"

The Captain blinked his large eyes, "The problem Admiral is that the slavers usually have two frigates guarding the planet at all times and a third one when it is not out picking up slaves. I realize that a super star destroyer is a match for at least six frigates but when you consider the planetary Ion and laser cannons then we run into difficulties."

"So how long to assemble a fleet Captain?" Luna asked.

"Assuming we can get approval from the senate in a day then four to assemble a fleet of adequate size." He responded.

"We do not have that long Captain, Luaxanna will be dead by then." Lena shot back.

"I do not wish to question you Master Lena but how can you be certain." The Captain asked and Lena gave him a questioning stare.

"Thank you but I am a mere apprentice not a Master, but to answer your question. There are factors you are not aware of that will cause her death, I would say with some certainty that she will be dead by tomorrow night or early the next day." Lena replied.

"You speak too quickly Lena, granted you still have much to learn but anybody that has learned as much as you in the time provided has earned the title of Master. Do not let that go to your head though for even the greatest masters that came before us have fallen. I speak of matters though which are not of high importance, it is clear that we must head with all possible speed to Karthnat. For if there is any possibility that we can save her we must try. Besides Captain I am certain there are more lives then two on that planet to save." Luke stated shocking Lena and pretty much everyone gathered around.

Then Luna spoke, "Captain I agree with Master Skywalker we must do what we can, not just for my sister but for Luaxanna and all the others captured by these slavers."

The Captain saluted, "By the Admirals orders we will move out immediately, now I must go for we will need a plan if we are to have a chance. I also must ask the engineers to begin modifying our systems to protect against ion cannons."

Luna saluted back and the Captain hurried out of the Wolf Star.

Lena looked at Cynthia and then at the two new comers, "Have we found a way to repair Cynthia?"

Luke turned to the two new people, "This is the ships chief Surgeon Dr Thorinson and the Chief Robotics Technician Lieutenant Vanguard." They bowed in turn to Lena.

"They have come up with a rather interesting way of repairing her I believe you should hear." Luke said with a smile.

"Guess that's my cue." The Doctor said as she stepped over to Lena.

"Alright as Master Skywalker has stated already, without a large quantity of synthetic skin we will not be able to repair her in the normal way. But I have a revolutionary new process I've been testing for covering prosthetic limbs. In the past we grafted synthetic skin to the existing skin and robotic prosthesis. But now I have found a way to grow skin around the prostheses using the person's own DNA. On a person receiving a robotic arm for example I simply grow the skin around the new arm and graft it onto their existing skin. For your friend we will have to cover her whole body, there is another problem however. Normally the nerves and blood vessels in the new skin are simply attached to the existing skin and it functions just as the original skin did. But in your friend who has no heart to provide blood and synthetic nerves we run into problems." The doctor explained then the Technician stepped forward.

Lieutenant Vanguard cleared his throat, "That is where I come in, I will create an artificial circulatory system that will provide blood, oxygen, and nutrients to her skin as well as create a cross over for the natural to artificial nerve signals." Lena listened while nodding since most of this was over her head.

"Alright and what is the catch?" She asked.

"Well besides it being illegal to reactivate a droid of her kind there are two catches as you call them. One, she will no longer be able to operate in a vacuum or low atmosphere, because her skin needs oxygen to survive. Previously she could operate in a vacuum as long as there was not extreme cold or heat as there was when you found her. Two, there is a small possibility this operation could fail and she would be lost for good. There are advantages to consider however. One, she will look and feel more human. Two, she will gain a slight increase in skin response to stimuli like touch and temperature. However since the skin will be organic she will loose a little precision in determining pressure. Three, the skin will heal like any humans skin and she will bleed if cut therefore making her more realistic and not requiring repair work if injured." He paused for a minute and looked around nervously.

Then Vanguard spoke again, "Not that I will admit this if asked later but I can also add a sensor masker inside her body that will project a false image to all scanning equipment. So to everyone including other droids she will appear as human as you or I. She could even lie down on a medical table and receive a complete scan. The only way to tell her from you or I would be to cut her open."

Lena was nodding again, 'This all sounds good but I really wish they were asking Cynthia herself.' Lena thought.

"So how big a chance is there that this will fail?" Lena finally asked.

The Doctor looked up, "Around five percent give or take a couple."

Lena sat down on the couch next to Jenny as she mulled over all the facts, she felt the light saber make the jump to light speed as she continued to think.

"How long to get her up and running once you start?" She asked.

"I need two hours with her to install the parts." Vanguard responded.

"After he finishes I'll need four to grow the skin and her hair. But first I will need a donor DNA sample from someone of similar build and shape, I can't ask the crew so that leaves us three choices since I'm to old and the wrong shape as well." The doctor pointed to the three human women in the room.

"Don't look at me." Mara said immediately.

Jenny looked at Lena and then replied hesitantly, "I'll do it."

"No I will this is my decision even though I did not desire it to be, so it will be me. What does giving a sample involve?" Lena asked.

To which the Doc walked up and produced a small device from her pocket. The Doctor then touched it to Lena's arm and she felt a slight sting then the doc smiled, "Done."

"That wasn't bad, now she won't look like me will she?" Lena asked.

"No she'll still look like she does now but her hair of course will be your color but she can dye it blond if she wants. Other minor features may be slightly different but I can't say right now for sure." The doc replied and Lena realized what she meant.

Lena stood suddenly, "Alright go ahead and start and if possible make it sooner then six hours I would like her online before we get to Karthnat. After seeing what she did on the Swan I'm sure we could use her help."

The two officers nodded then Vanguard asked, "I would like to work on her here if possible, and I could use your droids help as well as your fairly knowledgeable computer. Besides if I started working on her in engineering the whole ship would know."

Lena nodded, "Very well go ahead but I have no desire to watch so I will take my leave."

"We'll have to move her to medical when he's done so if someone could find a cart to put her on and something to cover her up that would be helpful." The doctor asked.

"I'll take care of that." Mara replied as she left to find the items.

"We should continue our training Jenny, the docking bay will make an excellent place to practice." Luke said and after a second Jenny got up and followed the Master out.

"I'll show you around the Light Saber Lena, it'll be fun." Luna said as she took Lena's hand and pulled her out. Lena stopped long enough to get one last look at Cynthia before they carved her up then she left with Luna.

Chapter Eight: The trip to Karthnat.

Again I'm sorry it has taken awhile to get this part out but I Have been real busy, so in turn I have released three chapters this time. I hope everyone enjoys this part as much as the rest. I would still like feedback on this story especially if you have not already written me, to those that have been writing me, thank you and please continue.

Thank you, Mike Wolf

Next: Chapter 5

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