Jedi Encounters

By Mike Wolf

Published on Aug 10, 2004


Jedi Encounters: The Force Divided.

Part: Four. By Mike Wolf

Required note: This story contains graphic written descriptions of sex involving mainly lesbian relations but may contain other heterosexual or other wise later on. If you are under eighteen or this kind of story is illegal for you to read then please don't read it. The author holds no responsibility if you choose to read on and get in trouble for it.

Legal Note: All characters belonging to Lucas Arts, George Lucas, or any of the other star wars affiliates are owned by them and are used without permission in this story. If this is a problem then let me know and I will not use them again. This story also makes or gives no assumptions about these characters orientations and in no way relates to the actors that portrayed the characters in the movies, games, etc.

Story Note: This is a fairly long story involving the characters of the Star Wars universe, I plan on releasing it in parts and would very much like feedback rather it be criticism or helpful hints or what ever. I will respond to all emails granted I have the time and they are well written, what I mean by that is I don't want, "This sucks or you blow big wookie chunks." as an email. The story itself is based on a group of characters I made up and revolves around there struggle with the dark side. This is not meant to be something you can get your quick fix off of, but if that's what you're looking for then by all means read on. For everyone else I hope it provides both mental stimulation as well as the other kind, thank you for reading.

Chapter Eight: The trip to Karthnat.

Lena and Luna stopped long enough to watch Luke begin Jenny's training, it was lightsaber on lightsaber training now so Luke asked for the belt Lena was still wearing and she gave it to Jenny. Luke seemingly anticipating this already had on the belt Mara had been wearing. They watched for a minute or so as Jenny warmed up but compared to Lena's display earlier this was rather dull. A few of the Light Sabers crew who had nothing to do stopped to watch but for the most part everyone went about there business, which was just fine with Jenny who did not want to look silly in front of a crowd.

Lena then took Luna's hand and pulled her away towards the Swan, "I forgot something when we were on the swan earlier."

Lena said as she dragged Luna towards the ship, which now had several people swarming around it and on it. It appeared the Captain had asked them to repair her as well because several technicians and droids were sealing up the holes in the hall. As Lena went up the ramp a young looking tech stopped her.

"You are the one who brought this ship in aren't you?" He asked to Lena then saluted Luna.

"Yes why?"

"Well we need a hyperdrive if were going to get this thing running again and the only ones we have are Star Destroyer sized or shuttle sized, we do have a few fighter sized ones but all of those are either too big or small for this ship. I see your ship over there however is the right size and I thought I'd take a chance and see if you'd have one." He explained.

"You are in luck I just replaced the Wolf Star's drive the other day with a newer one. The old one is still quite good and happens to be in my cargo hold, do not go inside however to get it, I'll get it out and set it by the Swan in a minute alright?" Lena asked.

"Sure thing Master Jedi." He said then left to do something else.

Lena turned to her lover and told her she would be back then she left to retrieve the hyperdrive.

Lena was careful not to look at the trio working on Cynthia as she entered the Wolf Star and walked back to the cargo hold. It took very little of her Jedi ability to lift the drive up and move it out of the cargo hold. A minute or so later she deposited the drive next to the swan and walked back up the boarding ramp to find Luna holding something in her hand. Lena walked up to her and Luna wrapped her arms around her as she slipped something over Lena's head.

"I believe that's what you were looking for isn't it. I found it in the cockpit under one of the seats, it must have been pulled off when they took her." Luna said and then Lena looked down and saw that it was indeed Luaxanna's crystal.

Lena held it to her chest and as she did the two crystals glow faded and they were once again black.

"You really care for her don't you?" Luna asked causing Lena to look up.

"Yes but no where near as much as I care for you." Lena replied.

"Listen don't worry about me being jealous Lena, like I already said I don't care as long as you are with me now and always. I was only curious about what happened besides just sex that made you so close?"

Lena smiled, "Do not worry I will never leave you." Lena paused for a second, "It is hard to say why I care for her so much, I suppose it is because she changed me. After working on the cargo ship I became a brash young woman who only cared about finding you, I was rude and hardly thought about how others cared. Then she came along and showed me what love was even though I cared too much for you to return it. She listened to my dreams and reassured me that I would find you one day, she also paid me enough so that I would be able to start searching for you when I left. She did all that and she knew I would eventually leave, even though I could tell she wanted me to stay so bad it was killing her. Then when the time came she let me go to find you and for that I thank her the most because if she had asked me to stay I'm afraid I might have and then I would not have found you. You see she changed me for the better and then let me come to you a better person, I guess in a way she was like the mother I never knew and that I guess is why I care for her."

Luna smiled her blue eyes twinkling, "That's a good reason to care for her in my book. Now let's go."

Lena pulled Luna close, "Are we going on that tour now?"

"You can have as much of a tour as you can get on the way to my quarters." Luna said wryly.

"Hmm sounds like the tour will be to long if you ask me but I'll just have to suffer." Lena shot back slyly.

Then they rushed out of the Swan and left the docking bay, Luna did keep her word as she pointed out a few things along the way but the tour ended promptly at the door to her quarters.

Inside the massive bedroom was of course a bed but this one was a lot different then any one Lena had seen before. At first glace Lena thought it was a huge platform with a blanket lying on it but then Luna pressed a button on the side of the bed and the blanket floated into the air.

"Is that your bed?" Lena asked.

"Yep, it's a rupulsor bed, it nullifies the ships gravity over the bed making you weightless then it uses mini repulsors to keep you in the air and on the bed. It's extremely comfortable and great for well I'm sure you can guess". Luna then jumped up and landed on the blanket in mid air.

"That's all wrong though." Lena said and Luna gave her a funny look.

"What's all wrong?"

Lena smiled wryly and Luna knew she was in trouble, Lena then held out her hand and Luna's clothes flew off her and piled up on the floor the whole process taking less then ten seconds.

"Hey, wow that's some trick I'd love to have you at a party, well maybe not." Luna exclaimed as she looked down and found she was buck-naked.

"There, much better."

"Hay it's your turn now Lena." Luna said as she held out her hand and Lena waited but nothing happened then she heard something rip.

"Uh I don't think your doi..."

"Shhh I'm trying to concentrate!" Luna exclaimed then she lost control and Lena's clothes split right down her front and back from her neck to her crotch.

Her ripped shirt and belt fell to the deck, her lightsabers and blaster clattering down with them. The only thing that remained was the legs to her pants still clinging to her legs, each with a portion of the top part of the pants attached.

Luna began to laugh even though she was trying to apologize, "I'm ... sorry I didn't mean too..."

"Sure you didn't now you're just going to have to pay the price." Lena said as she ripped the legs off and slipped off her boots, and then she jumped on the bed and strategically landed right in Luna's crotch.

Luna saw the frontal assault coming and closed her legs to prevent premature entry, however.

"Not so fast you will have to earn your prize." Luna said slyly.

"But this is your punishment for ripping my clothes." Lena replied back just as wryly.

"Then punish me up here I want you to go slow and make me suffer, I also just want you so please don't use the force this time. Don't get me wrong I love the pleasure but right now I just want you." Luna said as she pulled Lena up her body, which wasn't all that hard considering they were weightless.

"I'll try my love but it isn't easy to hold it back especially when I get down low." Lena explained.

"Please do I just want you for now then I want to take you and make you scream for more." Luna said with a broad smile.

"Alright then lets get to it before someone comes looking for us." Lena replied as she ground her hips into Luna's.

"Then hurry up and kiss me!" Luna exclaimed and Lena took her mouth without further ado.

This kiss was like the first time all over again for them as this was the first real time they had each other completely to themselves. No aunt's to barge in on them no worries about being caught in a bar not to mention that they were both completely naked this time and floating in air.

Lena and Luna both were growing very excited but Lena was having a hard time controlling her power, her lust was trying to drive her inherent power out but she continued to try desperately to keep it inside.

Lena gently spread Luna's legs with her own and Luna wrapped her legs around Lena's locking their bodies together. They stayed like that for almost ten minutes, kissing, playing, and rubbing until Lena couldn't take it anymore. She needed to move down, Luna's sex was calling her and she wasn't going to deny it. Lena slowly moved down kissing first at Luna's neck then licking slowly to her breast's relishing the unique taste of Luna's body. Luna was writhing in sweet anticipation as Lena worked her way to her nipples ever so slowly. Then Lena took one in her mouth, sucking, licking and caressing it softly, Luna let out a soft scream as Lena teased first one then the other nipple. Kissing around and in between her breasts as she switched nipples. Even Luna's head tails were flushed as Lena worked her magic on her breasts.

Lena then slowly began exploring, kissing, and licking each part of Luna's body as she slowly moved down. Finally reaching her prize she waited drinking in her smell.

"Oh please take me ... I've suffered enough!" Luna screamed between moans.

Lena was having a hard time controlling her power so in retaliation she was going to make her wait. So Lena began kissing all around her thighs and then right above her sex on her smooth hairless mons. Luna began shacking she was so worked up then she finally reached down and pushed Lena into her most sensitive area.

"You must have been lost because that's your prize now take it!" Luna screamed as she clamped her legs around Lena's head.

Lena let out a muffled reply and then went at it fearing she would smother if she didn't make Luna come soon. Lena slowly began licking and sucking for all she was worth, her tongue caressing each fold and then slipping inside then back out and up to her clit. Luna let out a massive moan as she reeled from the assault. Then her climax hit her like a ton of bricks and she shook in the anti-grav field as she slipped into her orgasm. Lena relished her taste as she continued to lick and suck Luna's sex until she pushed her into another orgasm. Only when Luna fell limp and feinted did Lena finally stop and crawl her way back up Luna's body.

'This bed is wonderful.' Lena thought as she laid right on top of Luna something that would have made it hard for Luna to breathe but since there was no gravity it remained as comfortable a position as it was pleasurable. That's where Lena remained until she drifted off to sleep with Luna still unconscious under her.

Some unknown time later Luna woke with a start bucking Lena off her then as soon as she remembered where she was she rolled over and right on top of Lena to return the favor.

"It's your turn now!" Luna exclaimed right before she kissed her lover.

Then she followed Lena's example to the letter slowly working her way down until she was forced into her sex. Lena was rewarded with a double orgasm, which released her power regardless of what her desires were. Suddenly Luna let out a moan right into Lena's still dripping crotch as she felt a quick climax and orgasm sweep over her body. Then as Lena joined her they both moaned and then fell silent as they fell into unconscious yet again.

It was over an hour later that Lena woke to the door chime ringing.

"Oh who could that be?" Luna said groggily as she pulled herself up and out of Lena's crotch.

"I'll go see I guess." Lena said as she slipped Luna off her and tried to work her way to the edge of the field, not an easy task considering there was nothing to hold onto.

"How are you supposed to get off this thing?" Lena finally asked.

"Well normally you switch it off by saying 'Bed Off.'" Luna replied and the bed beeped and then slowly let them down to the ground where Lena was finally able to get off.

As soon as she was though Luna said, "Bed On."

Luna then floated up into the air and as she did she pulled the blanket out from under her and wrapped it around herself. Lena however was quite naked and her clothes were ripped and on the floor.

"There's a robe in the closet over there." Luna said as she pointed to her closet.

Lena followed her finger to a small door and then walked over and it opened to reveal a large walk in closet. Lena stepped inside and looked around, there were tons of black dresses and clothes.

"You weren't kidding about loving black." Lena shouted from inside the closet.

"Better hurry I think there getting impatient, it's strange though can you feel there presence?" Luna asked.

"Slightly it's like they have force ability but not really." Lena replied as she finally found a robe and put it on.

"Yea that's kind of what I feel it's strange and not normal, I wonder who it is?" Luna said groggily.

"Only one way to find out I guess." Lena said as she appeared out of the closet wearing a black silk robe.

"Better take your sabers I don't like the feel of it." Luna replied.

"Were on your ship remember, besides can't you feel Master Skywalker out there too." Lena said.

"Yea but he seems nervous and there are ways onto any ship without being noticed so just take them for my piece of mind." Luna replied sternly.

At that Lena shrugged her shoulders and held out her hands and drew her sabers off her ripped belt. They flew over and landed in her hands before she walked over to the door and pressed the button to open it.

The doors slid open and Lena was assaulted by a set of flying arms, she was almost smothered as someone hugged her so tight she almost burst.

"Oh Mistress Lena, you saved me and are risking your life to save the Mistress, I can't thank you enough." Someone wailed into Lena's ear.

"Is that you Cynthia, let me go for a second so I can breath." Lena said as she pushed her back.

"Oh I'm sorry Mistress I was just so excited to hear that it was you that rescued me and had me repaired. Then I found out about Luaxanna and how we were going to save her and I just had to come see you." Cynthia rattled off through her tears.

"Hold on a second Cynthia the last time I saw you, you were laying on a workbench being repaired. So just give me a second to process this alright?" Lena asked.

"I'm sorry it's just..." Cynthia said as she cried, but someone behind her cleared his throat.

Lena looked around Cynthia to see Master Skywalker, "Master?"

"Yes, sorry for the intrusion. I tried to convince her to wait but she wouldn't have it so I brought her here. Besides I wanted to give you something I think you will need." Luke said as he gently slid Cynthia to the side and handed Lena a small bundle of clothes.

Lena accepted the bundle and opened it to see they were a set of Jedi robes.

"Those are the robes of a Jedi Master, at least the way they use to wear them long ago. Now it seems like Jedi prefer their own style of clothes, but I can't say much can I? Well anyway there you go, wear them or not it's your choice. Either way you are officially a Jedi Master now and will be recognized as such if you wear those robes. I will take my leave of you now, I trust I can leave Cynthia here." Luke said as he bowed then turned and quickly departed.

Lena yelled a hasty thank you, to him as he disappeared around a corner.

The robes were similar to Luna's, very unassuming. There was a set of cream- colored pants and top and then a long flowing brown robe with a hood. Along with a brown belt and a pair of black boots to top it off. Cynthia's sobs drew Lena's attention off the clothes and she took her arm and pulled her inside so the door would close.

Lena then walked over and laid her new clothes on a chair along with her sabers before she went back over to Cynthia and had a good look at her. She was wearing an orange mechanics jump suit that really didn't look good on her but other then that she looked like the Cynthia Lena remembered, except for the black hair that was.

"How do you like your hair color?" Lena asked and Cynthia looked up shocked for a moment.

"Huh what do you mean?" She asked surprised and Lena pointed to the mirror on the wall.

Cynthia walked over still sobbing and looked into it and then turned around to look at the long main of jet-black hair down her back.

"It's different but I like it, I guess I really didn't see that it had changed until now. I remember them explaining how they covered me with human skin using your DNA as a template but I really wasn't paying attention. I just wanted to know about Luaxanna and you." Cynthia admitted as she wiped at her tears.

"How does it feel? Any different?" Lena asked trying to distract her from Luaxanna.

"Well I don't know it's hard to describe, it's softer and warmer and feels better but somehow less precise. I'm a little paler colored as well I guess but that doesn't matter, I'm just glad I'm alive and we're going to rescue the mistress." Cynthia said as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Well I think you look good and it seems you have acquired some of my inherent force power just in what DNA of mine you have. I do not think you could control the force but it does give me a good idea." Lena said as she held out her hand.

Cynthia turned around to look at Lena then she fell to her knees as Lena pleasured her.

"Ohh my is that what you could do to Luaxanna, my word I ohh... was missing out on so much ohh..." Cynthia moaned as she clutched at her breasts through the rough jump suit.

Cynthia was powerless against Lena's abilities and she came quickly with Luna walking up naked to stand behind Lena as she added the final bit of pleasure.

"Sorry I had to try, she had felt so left out before." Lena whispered to Luna.

"No problem I think she needed it anyway she was about to soak the floor with tears." Luna whispered back.

Cynthia moaned for a second then with energy only a droid would have she slowly climbed back to her feet to see Luna.

"Is that you Solonie? No you're taller and older, you must be Luna?" Cynthia said like she hadn't just been moaning on the floor in orgasm.

"Yes I'm Luna, it's good to see you fully functional again. I am worried about my sister however, didn't anyone tell you she had been captured too?" Luna asked.

"Yes I'm sorry I guess they did but I get so absent circuited when I'm flustered." Cynthia replied apologetically.

"Absent minded Cynthia, remember you're a human now. No one probably even a Jedi will be able to tell otherwise so you truly need to forget you're a droid." Lena explained.

"Yes I guess you're right, it will be nice not to have to worry about hidden scanners and frisky droids." Cynthia said as she wiped more tears from her eyes.

"I'm sorry about how R6 talked to you right before well you were attacked. Oh god I'm sorry I forgot, I'm really sorry but we had to download some of your memory to find out where Luaxanna was. But I was the only one who watched it, I'm really sorry." Lena was the one apologizing this time.

"Don't be sorry Lena I would gladly give my life if it would help to find Luaxanna so having my memory invaded is nothing." Cynthia replied as she ran over and hugged Lena again, catching Luna as well.

"Alright were all sorry about allot of stuff but can you release us Cynthia?" Luna said as she stifled a cough, Cynthia let them go then cried some more.

It took several long minutes to fully calm her down, but finally Lena and Luna managed it. But now they were all tired so after stripping Cynthia and admiring her patch of black pubic hair to go along with her new hair, they laid her down on the grav field and then joined her. Cynthia powered down and Lena and Luna held each other as they all drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Nine: History revealed and change in leadership.

Lena opened her eyes to find herself on the Bridge of the Light Saber though she was not sure how she had got there. She had fallen asleep in the bedroom just a minute ago. 'Maybe I was sleepwalking, but I'm fully dressed in my new robes how can this be?' Lena thought to herself. But she knew the battle at Karthnat was close at hand so she didn't have time to be confused so she walked over to ask the Captain how much longer they had until they reached Karthnat. But as she got to his command chair she saw something she did not expect, there was a dark robed woman sitting in his seat.

The woman was clad from head to foot in the dark robes wore a mask that covered all but her gray eyes. Lena looked around to find the Captain or the rest of the bridge crew to ask them who this woman was but to her surprise the crew wasn't anywhere to be found. Instead men and women in dark uniforms unlike anything Lena had seen the republic personnel wear had replaced them.

Lena turned back to the dark robed woman in the Captain's chair and asked, "Who are you and what are you doing in the Captain's chair?"

But she did not respond, she didn't even flinch or show any signs that she had heard Lena at all.

Lena then walked in front of the woman and said, "I'm talking to you, who are you and what are you doing aboard Luna's ship?" But still the woman did not respond she just remained motionless staring seemingly right through Lena. "I don't know who you are miss but you better speak up, I'm a member of the Jedi order and you are trespassing aboard my friends ship. Tell me now what you are doing here or I will remove you from this ship!" Lena ordered and this seemed to stir the woman because she stood up almost bumping right into Lena who had to step back several paces.

The dark warrior then reached for something under her robes and to Lena's horror she drew out a pair of light sabers just like Lena's. Lena realizing now that this was a dark Jedi, force drew her own blades and prepared for battle. But instead of attacking the dark Jedi turned towards the door and spoke.

"Why have you come, can you not let me live with my darkness Luna?"

Lena upon hearing that exclaimed "What?" Just then a dark uniformed man walked literally right through Lena as if she was a ghost, he then stood behind the woman and saluted. Lena was beyond confused now, 'What is this, a dream or am I dead, what does it all mean?'

Lena was most disturbed though by what the dark uniformed man said, "Lord Darkhammer I do not know how they managed it sir but somehow two Jedi have invaded the Dark Saber."

Lena's head spun, 'Lord Darkhammer how can that be?'

"Do you think I'm ignorant Commander, I knew they were here long before your pitiful troops ever did, now be gone." The dark Jedi said in a voice that chilled Lena to her bones, it was so familiar yet not, she could not explain it.

Then Load Darkhammer flicked her hand and the commander flew back, Lena went to catch him but he went right through her as before. He then hit the deck and slid until he impacted the forward bulkhead where he lay unconscious or dead Lena did not know as her Jedi senses seemed to have taken there leave of her for the moment.

Just then the doors to the bridge opened and to Lena's joy it was Luna although older then she was now. She was wearing her Jedi robes and following her was another Jedi, a male Twi'Lek with light green skin.

"Can you not leave me in peace Luna, why must you insist on trying to turn me back." Lord Darkhammer said to the new comers.

Then Luna spoke though her voice sounded different, "Because Taristra you are not evil and I will save you from yourself."

'I've never told Luna my middle name and why would she call this Lord Darkhammer by it?' Lena thought as she rushed to great Luna but as she got there and stopped Luna walked right through her just like the commander had done.

Lena turned to see her advancing on the dark lord her lightsaber still hanging from her belt. Darkhammer then reached up and slid her hood back and dropped her mask, Lena nearly fainted for the person behind it was her, although older.

"Luna you must realize by now my slip to the dark side is complete, you need not look farther then the dead commander over there to see that." Lena's older self exclaimed harshly.

"You know he isn't dead as well as I Taristra, are you trying to fool me or yourself into believing you are evil." Luna exclaimed back.

"I am evil pure and simple, there is nothing you or anyone else can do to turn me back. Now go or I will be forced to strike you down where you stand." The dark lord that was the apparent older version of Lena exclaimed.

"You can no more strike me then my apprentice can, you do not have it in you for deep down you still care for me." Luna replied and in response Lord Darkhammer activated her lightsabers.

"You put to much trust in me Luna!" Darkhammer replied as she raised her sabers.

"Strike me down then, I will not fight back, I can go on no longer without you so if you will not turn back then take my life and end my suffering." Luna said as she held out her arms in utter pacification.

The Dark lord's hands seemed to tremble as she held her sabers above her head poised to strike, the twin red blades humming evilly in her hands.

"I can not strike you my love I never could but I beg of you to leave I can not go back I have committed far too many atrocities to be forgiven." The Dark lord said as she lowered her sabers and deactivated them.

"Every one can be forgiven please just come with us and leave this ship." Luna begged but as she did seemingly out of nowhere a dark figure leaped and struck the unarmed Luna down with a pair of violet sabers.

Both the Dark lord and Lena screamed "No!" but it was too late.

The halved body of Luna then seemed to evaporate into nothingness on the floor with the hooded dark figure standing over the empty clothes.

"You are week Taristra you should have killed her long ago, I am ashamed to have ever called you master. Now you will die along with your petty Luna and her pathetic apprentice and then I will be the Dark lord!" The Dark woman spat in a completely evil voice.

Luna's apprentice leapt forward attacking the dark Jedi but she easily threw him aside and charged the Dark lord who erupted in what could only be called pure rage. Her eye's glowed red as she charged the dark Jedi, the bridge crew fled as the dark warriors began battling. Force lighting streaked across the deck burning panels and any crew unlucky enough to get in the way. Lena hardly noticed the battle as she fell over the area where Luna had disappeared, now all that remained were her cut clothes.

Lena then screamed herself and ignited her sabers and leapt in one bound to the dark Jedi and cut her through. But nothing happened, the dark pair just continued to fight around the bridge. Lena tried cutting her down again and nothing, she couldn't touch her, rage began to bubble inside her as she tried to cut the dark Jedi again and again. But the battle just continued then the dark apprentice used one massive force push and threw the dark lord back. As she did she leapt forward passing the dark lord in flight and as she landed she turned and cleaved the dark lord in three pieces.

Just before she breathed her last the dark lord whispered, "I'll see you soon my love." Then her body evaporated as Luna's had.

"Weak to the bitter end, to think she could have been redeemed even after all she has done." The new Dark lord spat then right through the stunned Lena, Luna's apprentice leapt and although the Dark Lord saw him at the last second she could not avoid his blade entirely.

He missed her head but managed to cleave off her left arm at the elbow, the dark lord screamed for a second but still fought with her other saber. Luna's apprentice was clearly at an advantage now though as she kept backing off. Then in what seemed like a last minute burst of strength the dark lord let loose a massive wave of lighting and the Jedi yelled as he writhed in agony but she could not hold him for long and he dropped to the deck and she fled the bridge leaving him coughing and gasping.

Lena ran after the dark Jedi following her down corridor after corridor, she passed stunned troopers who looked at her severed arm in shock as she passed. She jumped in an elevator and pressed the button for the docking level. Lena could do nothing but glare at the Jedi for even though her sabers were still lit she could not harm her anymore then she already was. Finally Lena gave up and put her sabers away, she could do nothing.

As the elevator opened the Dark Lord fled through it with Lena close on her heels then she turned into the docking bay and to Lena's surprise the Wolf Star was there. The Dark Lord ran over and up her ramp, Lena tried to follow her but something pushed her back and she fell to the deck.

By the time she got to her feet the ramp was already up and Lena could not get to the panel to activate it. Something held her where she was and for several minutes the Wolf Star remained where she was then finally the ship hovered up and out the already open doors.

Then a booming voice came over the speakers, "This is your first and final warning crew of the Dark Saber. I am a great Jedi warrior and I have taken control of this vessel. Leave now or I will slay you all one by one, which is if you have any oxygen to fight back since I have deactivated the oxygen generators. Flee if you have the time or stay and die like your Master!"

This brought Lena out of her rage for hearing Luna's apprentice speak of killing an entire ships worth of people was unbelievable. Then Lena's grief returned and she dropped to the deck even as troops began to run into the docking bay desperately searching for a way off the ship.

Then a sickeningly evil but familiar voice spoke, "What are you doing here, you pathetic excuse for a Jedi?"

At first Lena did not even look up for she believed this to be some horrible nightmare but then the voice spoke again, "I'm speaking to you Angelina, why have you come to this place to witness this are you seeking some kind of answers."

Lena looked up and a horror unlike any other befell her, a Dark Jedi stood before her clothed in black carrying a pair of lit sabers one violet and one red. But what most horrified her was the face of the Jedi, it was her as she is now. It was like looking into a mirror and seeing your reflection, the only difference was her eyes, which were gray and evil. Lena's own blue eyes were blood shot from her crying but she was certain of what she saw.

"Wh... Who ... are you?" Lena stuttered as she climbed to her feet.

The Dark reflection laughed a horrid laugh that sent chill's to Lena's bones. "Hasn't that fool Skywalker told you anything about your past and your future?"

Lena shook her head, "No all he has told me is that I am destined to face a dark Jedi of immense power and skill and that it is my destiny to fall to the dark side."

The dark reflection laughed again, "Then are you so stupid that you can't figure it out, the Jedi you are to face is I ... or rather yourself. For you are destined to fall to the dark side and destroy all who love you!"

Lena cried, "No!..." Then everything went black.

All of the sudden Lena shot straight up in bed gasping, it took several seconds for her to realize she was back in the real world in her own time. Now in the room she remembered falling asleep in but as she desperately looked around for her companions she could not find them. Then she looked at the clock and saw why they would be gone, there was only a couple hours left until they dropped out of hyperspace into the Karthnat system.

Lena threw on her new robes and sabers and ran out of the room, she had to talk to Master Skywalker. She was going to head to the bridge but then she felt he was not there so she followed her feelings and they eventually led her to the docking level and inside the bay where the Jade Saber was docked. There she found Luke looking over his ship with his wife Mara.

"Master I need to speak with you." Lena called to him, Luke looked away from the ship to Lena as she ran up breathlessly.

"Yes Lena what is it?" He asked calmly.

"Master I just had some kind of dream or vision I don't understand it please I need your help!" Lena cried drawing Mara's attention as well.

"Calm down Lena and relax remember a Jedi is always calm." Luke stated very coolly and Lena looked at the older Master and it shook her slightly as she realized how frantic she was.

"Your right Master I will slow down, but can you help me with this dream?" She asked allot calmer this time.

"I may be able to, but let us sit first and relax you are too worked up to analyze anything rationally." Luke said then he sat right there and folded his legs as if he were going to meditate.

Lena could not believe that but seeing that he was not going to help her if she didn't join him she went ahead a sat down as well. Mara seeing he had it handled went off to do something else.

For several minutes Luke said nothing he just sat there with his eyes closed, Lena copied him but she could not relax.

Finally Luke said, "Look for your inner peace and let go of your emotions or I will not be able to help you at all. Remember I once said you were deserving of the title Master please do not make me resend that."

Lena looked at him sternly for a minute then realizing again that there was no way around it she closed her eyes and concentrated. It took her at least ten minutes but she finally managed to rid herself of all her emotions and reach the calm state she had so easily found when she first battled Mara and Luke.

"Much better, now without losing your calm remember the vision and tell me about it. As you do reflect on it don't just relay it to me, think about what you saw rationally and emotionless and then maybe the answers you seek will present themselves to you." Luke said calmly.

Lena then took a deep breath and started relaying the dream to the great master and every once in a while he would interrupt.

"Tell me about this Dark Lord the one who looked like you but older. Who do you think she is or was?" Luke asked and Lena thought hard about it, the vision of her removing the mask played over and over in her mind.

Then the answer seemed to come to her from out of nowhere, "At first I believed it was I sometime in the future but somehow I know now that it was my mother."

"Correct and what about the older version of Luna?"

The answers seemed to come to Lena now so easily, "It was Enchantay Luna, my Luna's mother."

"Correct again, see how when you are calm everything becomes clearer. As I told you not long ago, you should listen to your master. Now continue and I expect you to tell me the answers you seek without further prompting from me." Luke instructed then went silent.

Lena concentrated and then began were she left off, "As I said my mothers apprentice whose name is ... Selkata had slain Luna's mother and my mother then, Luna's apprentice caught Darth Selkata off guard and removed her left arm. Luna's apprentice Vokath was his name, continued attacking until Selkata got him with some force lightening and left the bridge. I followed her but when she got to the Wolf Star I found I could not follow her inside. This I see now was caused by well ... I cannot say who caused it but who ever she was she looked just like me and clamed to be me. Although she was pure evil, I could feel it inside her like a plague. I'm sorry master I do not know who she is, it feels like she is blocking the answer from me. But if she is me then how could I block the answer from myself? I do not understand Master I am sorry." Lena relayed apologetically.

Luke then opened his eyes, "It is alright Lena, the answer is being blocked from you by her and since you do not know your past it is understandable that you can not find the answer. But you must try for I can not tell you the answer, all I can tell you is to look inside yourself."

Lena sat there for a long time meditating on the vision and everything she could remember of her life. Then a very brief vision came to her, one of her mother holding two infants one seemed to have a light around it and the other darkness. The baby of light had crystal clear blue eyes and was crying as she was handed to Lena's aunt. The other baby had cold gray eyes and remained silent and with Lena's mother.

"She is my identical twin sister Taristra, named after our mother for she was most like her. I was given my mothers middle name as my first for I was the exact opposite of her and my sister whose middle name is my first name." Lena exclaimed.

"Very good that is something worthy of a great master, to see a vision of your very infancy. Now that you have worked out the basic facts I will fill in what you do not know even though I believe you could work them out yourself eventually. But first we must wait for Luna who I summoned earlier, she should be entering the bay any minute now." Luke praised Lena.

"Summoned through the force right master?" Lena realized now.

"Yes I called to her a few minutes ago, it is time for you both to learn your complete pasts for good or evil." Then as if on cue Luna walked through the hanger doors and ran over.

"You summoned me Master?" Luna asked then spotting Lena she exclaimed, "Lena I'm glad your awake, you were so soundly sleeping we could not even wake you so I had to just leave you to your rest." Luna said as she sat down next to Lena.

Lena smiled for a brief second then her face turned grim, "I had a vision, a terrible vision in fact." Luna looked at her seeing the graveness in her face and words.

"I see, was it of Luaxanna?"

"No her vision was of your pasts, but before she relays it to you I think I better start with a history lesion." Luke answered for Lena.

"Do we have time Master we are fast approaching Karthnat?" Luna asked.

"We will make time, besides Karthnat no longer concerns me. We will be victorious at Karthnat it is where we will have to go after it that is worrying me the most. Things have been made clearer since the dark shadow over Karthnat has left but where it has gone and what it did while on Karthnat is of grave concern. Anyway I was going to start a history lesion so listen up for I am about to tell you how I came to be a Jedi." Luke said and after ignoring there questioning stares he began with how his father had been a child born of the force, with no father and a mother that was later killed. A force child Luke called him, then he continued on briefly outlining the battles and darkness that consumed his father then he went on to himself and how he had come to be a Jedi.

Luke took several long breaths before continuing, "There now that you know my history I will tell you yours and how it relates to mine. To start with, many years ago a young woman came to me. This was not long after the battle at Endor, when I was still a brash young Jedi with little control and knowledge under my belt. Anyway this woman was Lena's mother Taristra, I could tell she had enormous force potential inside her and so could she. Taristra had indeed sot me out in the hopes I would train her in the ways of the force. At first I didn't want to undertake such a challenge when I myself was so new to the Jedi but she would not let me ignore her so finally I relented. To my surprise she took to the training with a zeal I could not believe. Soon she even began besting me in certain skills, especially with regards to lightsabers. She like you already know Lena, was the first Jedi I had seen that could wield two sabers, and like you her skill with them was amazing. I soon found myself outmatched and although I do not like to admit it, in love. Yes I cared for your mother greatly and she relished the attention but always remained just out of reach. That disappointed me severely since she was well much like you are today Lena, I hope Mara didn't hear that?" Luke said as he looked around the docking bay.

After not seeing his wife and calming the giggles the girls acquired he continued, "Now as time progressed I began receiving more people looking for training, some were not even capable of becoming a Jedi so they were turned away but many had great potential and I could not deny them training. So I started taking on student after student quickly becoming overwhelmed, so after there initial training I started passing them off to Taristra to train further, which she did with zeal like everything else in her life. That is how she met Luna's mother Enchantay, the pair hit it off immediately. They were like two kids, I have to admit I was a little jealous but that's maybe why I eventually fell myself but that's beside the point."

Luna Interrupted, "So you're saying that Lena's mother and my mother were in love?"

"It was not mere chance that drew you two together, you are your mother's daughters. Practically identical in every way to them, for me it is like looking through a window into the past when I see you two. Now without more interruptions I will continue." Luke scolded and the girls just nodded.

He paused another moment to collect his thoughts, "Well anyway your mother and Luna's soon grew tired of training Jedi at the academy, then after seeing me fall and come back to the light they realized they needed to leave and see the galaxy. So they had the Wolf Star constructed and as soon as she was complete they left. I did not like loosing the two most promising Jedi I had but that is the way of life and the force. Well to continue, they explored many worlds together even finding new Jedi which they sent on to the academy. But then something terrible happened, Taristra learned that her mother and her wife had been captured and killed by some gangsters. Well being the brash Jedi she was she went to find the gangsters and to her destruction she found them. They were not gangsters after all they were a band of Jedi who she had trained at the academy. They too had left seeking adventure but had been lured to the dark side by greed and power. Taristra tried to bring them back to the light but they would only attack her, they would not listen. Finally she left them to contact me for council but they set a trap for her and Enchantay and managed to injure Taristra and capture Luna's mother. They knew they could never best Taristra or turn her with out Enchantay so they took her to their base leaving Lena's mother wounded. After she came to and realized Enchantay was gone she erupted with rage unlike any before had seen. The dark Jedi's goal was to turn her, which they did, but instead of a powerful warrior leader they got an executioner. I'm sorry to tell you this Lena but your mother killed every single one of them, there ends were far more gruesome then you would want to imagine. She found Enchantay in there dungeon weak and underfed but unharmed for the most part, the Jedi had tried to turn her but like Luna here her mother was pure light there was nothing that could turn her."

Luke paused again to reflect, "After that day Taristra continued to slip further and further into the darkness. Even Enchantay's love could not halt her fall, but even in her darkness Taristra still cared for Enchantay so much that she could not stand her to see what she was becoming so she made way for Yavin four under the pretense that she was seeking my aid. But then along the way something nether of them expected or even imagined was possible happened. They became pregnant, both of them with no man around."

"We have no fathers!?" Luna and Lena exclaimed together.

Luke sighed, "That's correct, like my father you both were children of the force but let me finish then you can ask questions. So continuing, Luna saw this as a gift meant to save Taristra but in reality it hardened Taristra's resolve to leave Enchantay on Yavin four because she feared that if Enchantay's baby was around her she too may fall. Taristra knew Enchantay would never fall but her own child and Enchantay's she was not sure of so she made with all speed to Yavin four and as soon as she touched down and tricked Enchantay out of the Wolf Star she left. Well this of course devastated Enchantay but she became more determined then ever to turn Taristra back. But I could not let her leave with a child on the way so I made her stay at least until she gave birth, which begrudgingly she did. I occupied her with an apprentice who she trained well, maybe a little to well but I cannot say. After the nine months were up and you Luna were born she settled some but she never gave up on Taristra. Eventually she even received a message that Lena had been left on Coruscant with her aunt and uncle in the hopes that seeing such evil relatives would bind Lena to the light. Enchantay wanted of course to retrieve Lena but I asked her to honor Taristra's wishes for now, because they held the wisdom of someone who knew the dark side all to well."

Luke paused once more, "At that time we did not know however that Taristra had twins. She did not see fit to inform us of the other child, the reasoning behind that was because she could sense in the infant the immense darkness that dwelled in her second child. She did not want this child's darkness to taint her good child, such was her love for you Lena. She could not end the child's life though even in mercy for the darkness her daughter would be bound to her whole life. So instead she raised her desperately trying to bring some light into her but she could never manage it. Soon however both Taristra and Enchantay became lonely and although they still cared for each other they sought companionship with others. Taristra met a Jedi female already on the dark path and took her both as a lover and student. Enchantay had fleeting encounters with her apprentice but it was something she did not take to even though her apprentice did. He loved her even though she was still in love with Taristra. This of course is how your younger sister was born Luna. But over time Enchantay began to seek Taristra much to her apprentice's dismay and eventually they found her but only to loose her again. Then again and again until finally I sent them out to stop Taristra for good since her evil was spreading too far and that was where Lena's vision began. So I will let her relay it to you now and then I will continue."

Luke waited while Lena relayed the vision in great detail to Luna who was both shocked and horrified to hear how her mother had died and what had happed to Lena's mother. Then she was taken back farther by Lena telling her about how the twin sister Lena never knew she had, had visited her in her vision.

"So Lena's mother's apprentice Selkata is the Dark lord now and Lena's sister is her apprentice and Lena has to face them both. Also what happened to my sisters father the man I thought was my father?" Luna asked.

"No that's not right, Selkata is dead killed by my sister's hand not to many years after that day. Your sister's father is also dead, he was killed by my sister as well. He ... he turned that day and hunted Selkata using her own ship but what he found was Taristra who struck him down like he was nothing." Lena's head fell into her hands as she had that revelation.

Luke was nodding gravely, "That's correct, it was ten years ago now when Lena's vision occurred and for two years Vokath searched for Darth Selkata. I tried desperately to turn him off that path but he wouldn't listen. On the third year after that day, Selkata was destroyed by her apprentice, your sister even at fourteen easily slew Selkata. I then tried to convince Vokath that Selkata was dead, killed by her apprentice but even that didn't stop him. I was however able to convince him to leave the Light Saber in my care and give it to Luna if something happened to him. I did this not because I wished for him to go to his doom but only because I feared what Lena's sister would do with a ship such as this. She has none of the morals your mother had Lena I can't even imagine how many worlds would have been decimated by this ship had it fallen into her hands. In any case after many long years of searching he found the Wolf Star on Tantooine."

Luke paused again, "That was four years ago and before you say anything, yes I know you thought he was dead over six years ago. I told you that because I didn't want you to know he had turned and was hunting down Lena's sister to kill her. Well there you go more conniving on my part but were running very short on time now so I will finish this story. Well Vokath confronted Taristra and found out quickly that I had not been lying about her killing Selkata or how powerful she was. Lena's sister could have turned him to her cause but she did not see the reason for she was so powerful she did not need any help. So he was destroyed and after that Taristra took his shuttle, which was equipped with a stealth generator, the device they used to get on board the saber years earlier. The generator proved very valuable and after selling the Wolf Star on Tantooine she used the generator to board a Republic ship and well you can guess. I do not know how she managed to find one of the few super star destroyers still in use by the republic, I guess by torturing many Republic soldiers. So in the end she still managed to get a hold of a super star destroyer but so far she has not used it to its deadly potential. But I fear it won't be long for in fact I believe that when we get to Karthnat were going to find it deserted for the most part and what ships and slavers there will already be dead or working for Taristra."

Words could not express the horror that had appeared on both Luna's and Lena's faces, even Mara who had been listening in from behind a crate let out a loud gasp.

Luke looked around at the crate and nodded, "Do not worry however for she is not there, I can see that much so do not fear that we are flying head long into a battle with another super star destroyer. We surly could not win if indeed the slavers have been turned and there fleet incorporated into Taristra's. But I do fear that we will eventually need to face her and I know we will need a fleet of our own at that time. When this will be I can not say but not long that is certain, because if we wait she will only grow stronger."

Luke relayed before standing up and walking over to the crate and then disappearing behind it. After a minute he reappeared with a red faced Mara, then he rejoined the girls but did not sit prompting them to stand. Luna stood but Lena remained seated.

"What should we do now Master?" Luna asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I am not the one to ask, I pass this mission onto Lena now, it is her who will decide our course from now on. She is the only one that will know when she is ready to face her sister. But I will say one final thing, we must not forget about Luaxanna just because we have more pressing matters. Now that said I will inform R6 for you that you have met the requirements Taristra your mother gave him. He will be most relieved that he no longer needs to lie to you, he had said it was your mothers apprentice but in fact as you have heard it was your sister who sold them to Gregory. It is fortunate however that she never learned R6 controlled your mother's vast fortune." Master Skywalker said as he looked at Lena who seemed deep in concentration.

Finally Lena stood, "We will continue on to Karthnat and determine what evil my sister has wrought there as well as save all those imprisoned there including Luaxanna. Now Master I will ask you to tell me how many credits I inherited, R6 would not tell me when I asked before."

Luke nodded his agreement, "Your decision agrees with me however I stand by what I said before, in fact the Jade saber, my wife, and I will follow your orders now. To answer your question, your mother had a vast fortune before she turned and more so after, now before you begin to worry about how she acquired it, don't for however she did is of no concern now. Just know that you can use it to make things right that were once wronged. So that said I can not give you the exact credit amount, for that you can ask R6 but if I guessed I would say around a hundred billion credits." Luke relayed calmly.

"A hundred billion that's enough to buy this ship several times over!" Luna exclaimed.

"Lena's mother did not steel this ship she bought it so as you can see she used her credits. Lena's sister however has very few credits and instead relies on her power to get what she wants making her much more deadly." Luke said.

Lena nodded through all this then calmly spoke, "Luna I will need to contact the Corellian Ship yards as soon as possible. The Mon Callimarian yards would also be helpful, I would also like you to have one of the crew look into any ships currently for sale that are large enough and modern enough to battle a large fleet."

Luna looked at Lena questioningly, "Do we really need that many ships and what about the Republic surely they will aid us?"

"My sister has amassed a larger fleet then just a Super Star Destroyer and a couple frigates. The time she has spent not pillaging worlds has been spent on acquiring a fleet and now I fear it numbers around twenty to thirty large capital ships. The republic may send us a couple ships but nowhere near the number we will need. They will not believe us on the size of my sister's fleet, they do not believe that it is possible to gather such a fleet without them knowing. Besides they do not trust the Jedi and after the last wars with the dark side they will desperately try to avoid anything that sounds like another dark war." Lena explained calmly to the onlookers and every one except Luke and Lena looked shocked.

"Lena is our leader now and I have full confidence that she is making the right decisions for now she sees through the darkness. Her eyes have finally cleared and the force flows through her with clarity as well as power. Master Lena, Mara and I will find you crews for your ships, we have many friends and they will not hesitate to aid us in this time of great peril. My friend General Solo and his wife, my sister will be the first to join us in this as well as many others." Luke said and Lena nodded.

"Thank you Master and thank your friends and family for without them we will not stand a chance." Lena said as her face took on a seriousness Luna had not seen before.

Luna then stood at attention, "I will issue your orders Master Lena and they will be followed to the letter, I will go to the bridge immediately."

Luna went to leave but Lena grabbed her hand, "I will join you."

Luna looked into her eyes and the Lena she knew had returned but there was a sadness that lay behind them. Luna smiled and then gripped Lena's hand tight leading them out of the docking bay with Luke and Mara close behind.

Chapter Ten: Karthnat.

As the group walked on the bridge the Captain stood and saluted the Admiral, "Admiral we are approaching Karthnat, we will drop out of hyperspace in ten minutes. We will drop out right in orbit and our laser cannons will make quick work of their Ion cannons before they even have a chance to charge them."

"Very good Captain but you are telling the wrong person, I am but the admiral of this ship. You need to address our new Fleet Admiral Lena she has my full support." Luna replied as she saluted the Captain then Lena.

"She has the full backing of the Jedi Order as well Captain and as soon as I make a few calls she will have more then that. Though I doubt the Republic will officially back us." Luke said.

"It appears I have missed some important conversation, but I will not question the admiral or the will of the Jedi for both are above me and far wiser I'm afraid. Now Fleet Admiral I give you control of this ship and her crew as Admiral Luna has, please give us your orders." The Captain said as he turned and saluted Lena.

"Thank you Captain but you do not give yourself enough credit, as for your orders. You are the captain of this ship and your battle plan is acceptable to me, after you destroy the planetary guns you will no longer find any significant resistance. Once the guns are destroyed I will lead a team consisting of Master Skywalker and Master Jade in there ship and Admiral Luna and myself in mine. I ask that two small complements of volunteer elite troops be gathered to join us in capturing the slavers base. There will not be much resistance however so we need to take care not to get too aggressive." Lena ordered.

"As you wish Admiral, Commander begin gathering volunteers to accompany the admiral's in the base assault." The Captain ordered.

"Yes sir!" The commander said as he saluted then left swiftly.

Then the Captain sat down, "I know that I am a mere Captain and I do not wish to question either Admiral Luna's or your decisions but maybe you could enlighten me Admiral as to what caused all these changes? I am still a republic officer and I have a duty to carry out there wishes and polices so it pains me slightly to hear that we may be going against there wishes but I would like to hear the full account before I judge."

The captain asked and Lena nodded, "I understand Captain and I will do my best to enlighten you in the time we have."

Lena spent the next several minutes explaining what had transpired this morning and the Captain nodded gravely through her explanation. Luna however spent the time gathering crew to locate ships for there fleet. Luke was busy making his call to the Solo's while Mara tried a few of her friends and acquaintances.

Then the Nav. Officer yelled out, "Dropping out of hyperspace in one minute."

"Alright Admiral I see now that we face a destiny far graver then any before and although I will try, I like you doubt the republic will aid us much. I will do my best however and maybe with the Solo's and Master Skywalker behind me we will at least get a couple star destroyers and a few troops. But what ever the republic says I and this crew will follow you Master Jedi." The Captain said as the hyperdrive engines shut down and they were thrown back into normal space.

Karthnat loomed in the windows of the massive super star destroyer as they dropped right into orbit of the blue green planet.

"Contact them lets see if they'll surrender." The Captain said to the comm. officer.

"Sir, they were excepting us apparently." The Lt. commander said just as a bolt from a planetary laser cannon rocked the ship.

"Sir there on Comm." The officer reported as the screen flashed to life in front of the captain.

On the screen was a Hutt with a bunch of Gamorrian guards standing behind him.

"This is Fargunga the Hutt and I have been given strict orders by our new master Lord Darkhammer that you are to be destroyed." The tan colored slug like sentient gurgled.

Hutt ease was one of the few languages Lena understood besides basic, due mainly to her years on cargo ships with people that spoke it.

"I have never seen a Hutt who would bow before anyone even a Dark Lord of the Sith." Lena said as she stepped into the view.

"Ah so it is true, you do look just like the Dark Lord who I bow to only because a fool would resist one so powerful." Fargunga replied coolly.

"How many troops did you loose before you realized that, Hutt?" Lena shot back.

"Two battalions of Gamorrian's and many droids, but that is none of your concern Jedi." The Hutt spat.

"Well we do not wish you to loose more than you have to my sister either by death or her capturing them so just surrender or you will loose what few men you have left." Lena ordered.

"I do not doubt your threat Jedi but defying the Dark Lord is a fate far worse then death. Besides she has already taken the slave you are trying to rescue, so just leave and search for your sister." The Hutt shot back.

Lena stepped back slightly then she glared at the Hutt, "Tell me whom she took."

Lena asked with the full power of the force and the Hutt seemed to tremble for a second as if he was going to resist Lena's mental urge to divulge his secrets.

"I do not know why I'm telling you this but it was a Twi'Lek slave named Solonie, she was brought in with another woman of a strange race we have not encountered before." The Hutt said reluctantly and Luna let out a gasp and began to cry.

"About this other woman?" Lena asked and the Hutt visibly shook again trying to resist Lena's mental power.

"She's ahh is still here but if your thinking of rescuing her you're probably to late since she aged very quickly after we captured her. We do not understand this, we tried to get her to explain but she resisted our questioning." The Hutt replied.

"You will release her and all your slaves to us now Hutt!" Lena ordered and although he shook again he resisted this time for his fear of the dark lord outweighed even Lena's power.

"I can not, you will have to take them by force, now perish!" The Hutt said as one of his underlings closed the comm.

The Lt. commander turned around, "They're firing with all their batteries now Captain." Just as he said that several bursts hit the ship causing the lights to flash.

"Return fire before those Ion cannons break through our new shields." The Captain yelled.

"Yes Sir." He replied as the weapons officer commenced firing.

"That's our cue Captain, we'll head out now and with luck we can help you with the planetary guns." Lena said as she ran over and took Luna's hand.

"You have your orders Master and may the force be with you." Lena said to Luke.

"Yes sir, we'll see you on the surface." He replied before he and Mara followed them off the bridge.

"Good luck admirals and Master Skywalker!" The Captain Yelled to them as they left.

Luke and Mara split off as they got to the docking level to head to the Jade Saber while Lena and Luna headed to the Wolf Star. As they got to her they saw the Bridge Commander standing in front of about twelve men in heavy armor carrying a vast array of weapons.

"Commander Johnston reporting for special ops with my team, I have assigned Lt. Commander Farina and her troop to the Jade Saber, Admirals." He saluted.

"Thank you all for volunteering, now I want to keep this as non violent as possible but I do not expect you to hold back. All I'm saying is that if they surrender, let them, alright?" Lena ordered.

"Yes Admiral." They all replied.

"Good now get on board we're heading out!" Lena exclaimed and they all saluted then piled up the boarding ramp.

Just as Lena was about to run up herself Cynthia came running down the ramp of the Swan, "Trooper Cynthia reporting for duty Mist... I mean Admiral Lena."

Lena looked over and was stunned to see her wearing a full array of what was definitely Mandalorian battle armor, she was not wearing the helmet however. In her hands was a massive weapon that looked as deadly as Cynthia in that armor.

"What's that?" Lena asked as she pointed to the gun.

"This is old Betsy as Luaxanna calls it, it was a gift from a Mandalorian along with this armor. The gun itself is a heavy assault repeater capable of rapid suppression fire. I would offer the services of the Swan as well but unfortunately they were not able to complete the repairs in time." Cynthia said as she ran up.

"That's alright Cynthia, the Wolf Star and the Jade Saber will be enough. But are you sure you want to come I do not know how Luaxanna is fairing besides I'd hate to loose you again." Lena asked.

"I'm coming regardless of how she is doing, I will not stand around and let you face these thugs without me. I will not be taken by surprise again you can count on that, I'm even wearing an extra remote battery pack so I can use my shields longer. Now let's go we don't have much time, BATTLE MODE engaged!" Cynthia yelled as she walked around Lena and boarded the Wolf Star.

"Guess there's no stopping her." Luna said to a surprised Lena.

"No and from what I saw of her earlier venture into battle mode I wouldn't worry about her being able to take care of herself."

"Wonder how she can carry all that gear though?" Luna asked.

"Must be her battle mode because normally she's just as strong as a normal girl." Lena guessed, and then another round of fire hit the shields and that got Lena moving again.

They ran onboard the Wolf Star and past the group of troopers sitting on the floor of the Rec room looking at the well outfitted Cynthia in awe. Lena and Luna then ran into the Cockpit to find Jenny at the helm with R6 plugged into the wall.

"We're ready for take off Lena." Jenny said as she jumped out of the pilot's chair and let Lena and Luna pass her to take the pilots and copilots seats. Jenny then strapped herself into the jump seat and Star said.

"Do you want me to fly us Master Lena?"

"No I got it Star, no offense to you but I can use the force to anticipate." Lena explained.

"No problem Master I am well aware of the Jedi's abilities and may I just say I'm pleased to have one as skilled as you at my controls." Star replied but then the Commander came in.

"I'm sorry Admirals but I have looked all over and I can't find the turret controls could you help me in my ignorance."

"My turrets are fully automated Commander, thank you but I can handle them myself." Star replied to the surprised Commander.

"Don't ask commander it's a long story, just go back and relax as best you can until we get planet side." Lena said and he saluted.

"Yes sirs as you wish." He said somewhat questioningly but departed nonetheless.

"Master Lena the Jade Saber is ready and is waiting your orders." R6 said.

"Good tell them were leaving now and that they are to follow us." Lena replied.

"Yes Master." He replied.

Then Lena pulled up the repulsers and they floated into the air and backed out of the docking bay. Just as they got out though, the ship took a hit.

"Lena we have X-Wing fighters closing in fast, they must have expected us." Luna said as she looked at the sensors.

"Star I trust you can handle them." Lena said as she dove for the planet dodging lasers.

"With pleasure Master, opening fire." The massive auto cannons started lying off volley after volley. "Wow the new ones you bought that I asked that nice engineer to put on for me sure are powerful." Star exclaimed as a fighter exploded right in front of them.

"The Jade Saber is following and returning fire as well Master." R6 reported.

"Good now scan the planet and get me the location of the Ion cannons, and then find the prison." Lena asked just as she rolled to avoid a blast from the very Ion cannon's she had asked about.

"Never mind I've found them, just work on the Prison." She added.

"Got It Master, it's about ten kilometers to the south of the cannons. We can safely fire our torpedoes without risk to the prison." R6 replied.

"Star you heard him." Lena said.

"Woo Hoo!" Star exclaimed as she let loose four torpedoes which streaked ahead of them and into the atmosphere.

Seconds passed by and then four clear explosions burst to life.

"Cannons still operating at fifty percent, firing another volley." Star reported as she let another four torpedoes go.

This time however an X-Wing caught them with his lasers exploding them just as they punched into the atmosphere. His act of heroism was cut short as he was caught by Star with a full round from her laser cannons. Then she let yet another round of torpedoes go. No one offered to sacrifice themselves this time if there were indeed any fighters left between Star and the Jade Saber. The Light Saber also focused its weapons on the Ion cannons and in combination with the torpedoes the Ion Cannon's exploded leaving a large crater in the earth. The Wolf Star then plunged head long into the atmosphere with the Jade Saber a close second.

There were a couple fighters left but the Light Saber cleaned them up along with the rest of the planetary Lasers. As they approached the prison a few smaller turrets came to life but Lena easily avoided them and Star did a good job of blasting them. Then Lena brought her down swiftly to the landing pad with the Jade Saber right behind them.

Lena brought the Wolf Star down softly on the pad but just as she did a large group of Gamorrians and battle droids emerged from inside the prison and begun to lay down a surprising amount of suppression fire. Before Lena could say anything however Star took care of them leaving a large smoking black area across the landing pad.

"Sorry Master Lena I guess I got carried away there." Star apologized a little too late.

"It's alright Star just try to be more ahh forgiving next time." Lena replied as she sprang up to leave with Jenny and Luna close behind her.

"You sure you're ready for this Jenny?" Lena asked as they got to the training/rec room.

"Master Skywalker has prepared me well Master Lena, I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Jenny replied as she drew her saber.

"Very well then." Lena said then she turned to the assembled troops.

"Alright every one listen up!" She ordered and the assembled group stood at attention waiting for her orders. "We're about to head out, so Commander I want you and your troops behind Luna, Jenny, and myself. We will provide cover for you and your troops and you will provide the firepower. Remember I said no unnecessary force but in the same token I want each of you to come home so don't be afraid to shoot back. Now if I should fall or be separated then Luna will be in charge followed by Jenny and then the commander. Cynthia here also seems to know a little about fighting so be sure to listen to what she has to say. Now if you're ready then let us not delay any longer for our friends are in great danger!" Lena rallied the troops.

"Yea!" They all screamed as they activated their personal shielding and weapons.

"Great now lets move out!" Lena yelled back as she ran down the ramp followed closely by the other two Jedi and then Cynthia and the rest of the troops.

Apparently the opposition had taken the hint and had surrendered the landing pad, as no one was there to oppose them. Luke and his troops along with Mara piled out of the saber about the same time as Lena did.

"We'll take the north wing!" Lena yelled to him as they ran for the doors that were blown completely open by Stars earlier volley.

"Alright I'll keep an eye out for your friend but I do not doubt your path." Luke yelled back as he and his company took the left corridor that headed south.

Lena, Luna, and Jenny took the right followed closely by Cynthia and the troopers. As they reached the end of the corridor and made a left through a set of large blast doors they were greeted by a fray of blaster fire.

The three Jedi easily began deflecting the blasts right back at the battle droids firing them. Lena especially was accurate however and many droids feel on there first shot. The troopers fired back expertly around the Jedi and whooshing lightsabers, Cynthia pushed between Lena and Jenny and opened fire with the heavy repeater. Lena couldn't imagine where the burst of fire was coming from until she looked over and saw Cynthia.

Between the Jedi and Cynthia the droids were soon decimated but that was not the end of the fight as a mixture of Gamorrian's and various other thugs charged. The troopers and Cynthia cut down a few but there were too many to be handled by blasters alone. So the axe and vibroblade wielding thugs met the Jedi head on, a vibroblade would stand against a saber but the skill of their wielders was far less then first-class so many thugs fell armless or dead before the Jedi as they pushed into the prison.

Many doors and paths lay to the left or right but Lena continued to lead them down the main hall, she was following the force and to her the path was clear. Finally they made it to a large elevator and Lena ordered half the troopers in and she followed them along with Luna, Leaving Cynthia and Jenny with the rest. She then read the chart on the wall and selected the detention level, which made sense as well as felt right. "Level five!" Lena yelled to Jenny as the doors to the elevator closed.

The ride down seemed exceptionally long even though it was only a few levels down from where they started. As the doors finally opened they were greeted by yet more blaster fire from both automated turrets and droids.

"This prison is certainly not for the comfort of the inmates." Luna said as she bounced back several blaster bolts.

Lena then gave a short yell as she leapt forward severing several turrets from their bases. She then threw her short saber severing the others that Luna had not taken care off, the troopers watched in amazement as the saber severed the turrets then returned to her hand. Several of the battle droids seeing this dropped their rifles and held their hands up. The troopers piling out of the elevator mowed down the ones that persisted in fighting.

Finally the last trooper was out and sent the elevator back up for the rest of the company. Lena held the hall rounding up the droids that had surrendered while they waited for Jenny's company to make it down to their level. After they arrived and filed out of the elevator Lena instructed them to hold this position as well as their prisoners while they went on ahead and released the captives.

Lena led the group down the corridor signaling for the troopers to release the captives as they went. Which they did instructing the various potential slaves to head down the corridor with there hands up until they met the other half of Lena's company. There were many different races of sentient aliens in the prison but most common was Twi'Lek females who were highly sot after as slaves. There were a few Wookies which thankfully understood Basic even though they could not speak it. They did however make quite a ruckus about putting there hands up but after Lena spoke to them they decided it was for the best. Lena was probably a little too terse with them but she was more concerned with Luaxanna's safety then anything.

As fate would have it they came to the last door and Lena allowed her finger to hover over the button for several seconds as she fought with her emotions. She as a Jedi knew the person on the other side of the door was still alive but fading fast, but her human emotions kept trying to tell her otherwise. Finally she pushed the button unlocking the door and as it slid open, she was horrified to see a gray old lady lying on the bed at the far end of the room. Luna looked in then gasped as she saw Luaxanna.

"Close the door behind me and don't open it until I tell you alright?" Lena asked and Luna just nodded then closed the door as Lena walked inside.

The old lady lying on the rickety old bed looked so close to death that Lena wasn't even sure she was still breathing. Luaxanna took no notice of her or even opened her eyes as Lena approached and looked at her in her tattered clothes that apparently the guards had thrown on her. Lena had to close her eyes to hold back the tears as she extended her hands and used her power hoping desperately that it wasn't too late. It took several tense minutes in which Lena thought for sure she was gone before she started stirring. Then as if she had been caught in some kind of temporal rift, Luaxanna began to regress, her hair blackened and her skin changed from a pale gray to her normal tan color. Then she let out a long raspy moan as Lena continued with more hope and vigor until Luaxanna finally sat up with a start braking Lena's concentration.

Luaxanna looked around as her eyes cleared and finally focused on Lena kneeling at her bedside. Then she mouthed several words but nothing came out, finally she coughed and sputtered for a second then spoke.

"Is that you Lena, my word you look different." She said hoarsely.

"Yes of course it's me did you think I would ignore your crystals call." Lena cried as she slipped the second crystal off her neck and slid it over Luaxanna's head.

"I wondered for a long time if you did but since it was gone when I woke and I did not know where it had fallen, I lost allot of hope then. But you are here now and are safe, but the door is still closed. They didn't capture you as well did they?" Luaxanna realized as she became more aware of her surroundings.

"No my friend Luna is outside along with several republic troopers. Cynthia is also out there waiting for you, I'm sure you can imagine how worried she is." Lena replied.

"She's alive? Those pigs told me they had scraped her and left her on the Swan when they blew it up." Luaxanna said as she tried to get to her feet.

"They thought they had killed her and blew up the Swan but we found both still pretty much intact and have made repairs to the pair." Lena said as she helped Luaxanna to her feet and then wrapped her own robe around her and tied it.

Lena then helped her over to the door and rapped on it several times until Luna opened it and after gasping again she helped Lena carry Luaxanna out of the cell to Cynthia who was already running over to help.

"Is that you Cynthia, your hair is different and you're a little paler?" Luaxanna asked.

"Yes, it's a long story that will have to wait until we get back to the ship." Cynthia replied surprising both Lena and Luaxanna who expected her to break down balling.

"Yes the story can wait but not for long since we're done here, now Cynthia you take Luaxanna, Jenny, the troopers, and the other slaves back to the Wolf Star. Luna and I are going up to have a chat with our Hutt friend." Lena ordered.

"No! Jenny can take Luaxanna and the others back, I'm coming with you." Cynthia replied sternly.

"What?" Lena asked surprised that she had talked back, something she had never done before.

"I'm coming with you, you will need fire support. Not even a Jedi such as yourself can break into a secured compound without a little firepower to back you up." Cynthia exclaimed just as sternly as before.

"She's right, I could never have imagined you would have become a Jedi so quickly but even if you are you still will need someone with a blaster." Luaxanna said as she levered herself out of Lena and Cynthia's grasp to stand on her own.

"Fine I can see I'm not going to win this even though Luna and I are more then capable of handling ourselves. Commander!" Lena replied then yelled at the man down a couple cells.

"Yes admiral?" He replied as he ran over.

"Take the company and escort Luaxanna and the other slaves back to the Wolf Star, Jenny will provide cover for you as well. You will have to call down a shuttle when it's safe, we'll never fit them all onboard the Wolf Star. We're heading up to the top to deal with the Hutt and his friends." Lena ordered and although the Commander looked at her questioningly he replied.

"Yes Sir."

Then he led Luaxanna and the troopers back down the hall to where Jenny was holding the elevator. Luaxanna gave one final wave goodbye before disappearing in the distance. Lena waved back then turned to head down to the other end of the corridor with the others in tow.

As Lena got to the smaller elevator at the other end of the corridor she ran into yet more turrets but between her and Luna reflecting back there own blasts and Cynthia's barrage of fire the turrets didn't last long. Unfortunately the elevator was in lock down mode, but using her force ability she decoded the security panel and turned the elevator back on. Then like he was standing next to her, Lena heard Master Skywalker's voice in her head.

"Lena we've rescued all the slaves on this side but no Luaxanna, I trust you have had better luck?"

Lena concentrated and called back to him as they piled onto the elevator.

"Yes we found her and she's doing alright now, I sent her and the other slaves back to the Wolf Star with the Commander and Jenny. They're going to call a shuttle down to take the slaves back aboard the Light Saber. Luna, Cynthia, and I are heading up to have a little chat with the Hutt to see if we can't get some more useful information out of him."

There was a long pause then he replied, "Very well but be careful, I know you are the leader now but I must warn you never to let Luna stray from your side. Also Hutt's are extremely strong willed so you may find it difficult to question him. They also have traps so be wary, I know from experience on the truth of both of those things." Luke replied.

"I understand Master and thank you, we will be very careful." Lena said back.

"You were talking to Master Skywalker?" Luna asked.

"Yes, he has freed the other slaves and wishes us luck as well as caution." Lena relayed.

Then the elevator opened on the top level, as well as a hail of blaster fire. Lena and Luna pushed out of the elevator reflecting blast after blast like it was nothing. Cynthia emerged next and although a couple shots hit her shields she still pushed out mowing down guards and turrets with her repeater. Then a Gamorrian came at Luna from behind but Lena felt the attack coming and the green piggish alien went sailing through the air and impacted the wall with such force that the metal paneling caved in. Then three more came right for Lena and she held out her hand and all there axes were pulled out of there hands and clambered to the floor at Lena's feet. That did not seem to detour the guards as they continued to rush Lena but her second wave pushed them back through the air and right into another group of guards knocking them all senseless.

Cynthia took care of the remaining guards and turrets as they came to a massive set of blast doors. Lena looked at the wall for a panel but it was clear that the only way to open these doors was from the other side. Not being able to see the controls was a problem even for a Jedi so she decided to use a more basic approach, brute force.

"Stand aside!" Lena yelled as she stood in front of the massive doors, Luna and Cynthia nodded then stood a ways off to the side.

Lena then held out her hand and concentrated, for several seconds the doors remained closed tight. But then a long grumbling moan was heard coming from the doors and Lena dug deeper drawing on even more of her power. The doors then began vibrating violently straining under her power, then with a tremendous explosion the doors ripped out of the wall and flew on either side of Lena until they slammed against the wall caving it in several feet. A few of the guards regained consciousness in time to see that but as they did they quickly realized the folly of attacking Lena again and ran away as fast as possible.

On the other side of the blast doors were a set of regular thin metal doors which would have been easy for Lena to rip off there tracks but she decided a more impressive display would be better so she ignited her sabers again and made several cuts around the door which quickly feel into the room beyond. Another small contingent of guards was inside the entrance area but they didn't seem like they were in any mood to fight as they held up their hands and ran out of the room screaming and squealing. Lena let them pass although she kept a weary eye on them until they were out of sight. Finally she entered the first room followed by Cynthia and Luna, another set of doors greeted them at the other end of the room. These doors however were thicker then the last set yet not as thick as the blast doors, upon them was the Hutt's name and his slavers insignia. Just as Lena was about to slice the controls the doors opened for her, as they did she realized whom the one who welcomed them inside was.

Lena was standing almost face to face with a Dark Jedi. The Jedi was clothed from head to toe in black robes. It appeared to be a man but with the mask and robes it was difficult to tell.

But as the dark one spoke it became clear that it was a man, a man with a voice Lena had heard before, "You have angered my Master, Jedi and for that you will pay."

Lena was still holding her lit sabers but she did not raise them even though the Dark Jedi raised his single red saber.

"It would be advisable for you to put up your guard Jedi!" He threatened but still Lena did not raise her sabers, then to Luna's dismay she actually shut them off and clipped them to her belt.

"You are even more foolish then I thought if you believe I won't attack just because you're unarmed." He spat.

"Then why are you wasting words babbling to me?" Lena replied calmly.

This seemed to anger the man greatly, "Because I didn't want you to die believing you had a chance."

"Then prove it, if you're as powerful a Jedi as you believe then strike me down, I am unarmed." Lena replied as calm as she was before.

"Fine I will." He shouted as he leapt for Lena, Luna tried to cross the distance to catch his saber but she couldn't move. Even Cynthia seemed to be frozen in place.

Then just as he came within inches of cutting Lena in two she raised her hand and he flew back somersaulting several times before he landed with a thump on the Hutt, who groaned and gurgled as he Jedi recovered quickly and jumped off the slimy slug.

For several seconds the dark warrior remained standing in front of the Hutt silent then he seemed to recover his composure.

"So you are as powerful as my master believed. But that matters not since I am far superior to you."

He then held his hand out flat and Luna squealed knowing what he was planning. But Lena did not budge and as the lighting flew from his hand she still remained motionless but as it hit her, the lighting split off and hit the walls around Lena without even hurting her. This infuriated the Dark Jedi even more and he clipped his saber to his belt and used both hands to assault Lena, finally Lena held up her right hand and the lighting seemed to bend right for it as if it was drawn towards her palm. His eyes flashed as he used all his force ability to try and get past her defense but still Lena just seemed to absorb the attack like it was nothing.

Finally breathless the Jedi stopped and then after several seconds he straightened up and held out his fist like he was trying to choke someone. Lena made no signs that what ever he was doing was working and after several seconds he fell to the floor completely out of breath.

"Your parlor tricks are no match for a Jedi of the light, come back to the light or you will eventually be destroyed by your own evil." Lena said calmly as if nothing had happened.

The Dark Jedi did not even seem to hear her as he gasped trying to catch his breath then he finally stood and drew his saber yet again.

"Your words fall on deaf ears Jedi for I have heard your speeches all too often. I unlike you like what I am and have no desire to go back to the light. So one of us will have to die today in order for either of us to leave. So who's it going to be? I won't be caught off guard by your tricks this time so you had better draw your sabers."

Lena did as he requested this time, "Very well but it does not need to be like this you can still come back."

His response was not verbal however as he charged instead. Lena calmly ignited her sabers and caught his blow easily, he then made several more and Lena just caught each one without even moving. His attacks soon became desperate and he became blinded by rage, then he saw an opening.

He jumped for Luna but Lena saw this and with two massive swings she trisected him. His body fell in pieces to the ground and to Luna's horror the mask fell off right as his head rolled too her feet. Behind the mask was a pale green Twi'Lek man that both Luna and Lena recognized.

The Twi'Lek was indeed the man Luna use to call father and was her sister's father.

"Vokath!" Luna exclaimed as she stared at the severed head. "I ... I thought you were dead long ago, why didn't you say something why did you do all this?" Luna cried as she fell to her knees.

Lena did not look for she had surmised who it was before he had even attacked. Instead Lena walked slowly towards the Hutt who looked as terrified as a Hutt ever could. But as Lena approached a warning rang out in her head like an alarm, suddenly she turned and using all her force power she could she ran back grabbing both Luna and Cynthia as she ran by and shot out of the entrance area. Just as she made it around the corner a massive explosion rang out and the whole building rumbled. Lena continued to run holding the stunned women in her arms as a massive fireball followed her.

As she came to the elevator she used the force to blow the doors off and luckily the elevator was not there, and she jumped right down the empty shaft. As she fell she hoisted Luna on her shoulder and drew her long saber which she ignited and drove the blade into the wall. The metal sparked and smoked as she held the saber into the wall creating a long gash down the shaft. The drag however slowed there decent enough so that when the top of the elevator came into view Lena was able to force throw her saber at the elevators roof and using an unheard of amount of control she sliced an opening in the roof and as her feet hit the roof they feel inside. She blew the doors open to the elevator and the wall all at the same time then caught her saber and leapt out into the detention area just as the explosion caught up with the elevator and blew it down the shaft. Lena had to duck dropping the two women as the fire ball flew over there heads scorching the back of Lena's robes.

Several long seconds passed by until Cynthia dropped old Betsy creating a loud clang then Luna screamed quite loud and long until her voice faded. Lena then stood but as she did there was a loud grumbling noise and the ceiling gave way, she quickly held up her hands using the force to hold it up but it seemed that more then one floor was resting on the ceiling because she was having difficulty holding it up.

"Hurry Luna take your saber and go into that cell and cut a hole in the exterior wall, I can't hold the ceiling up much longer." Luna looked at Lena for several seconds then she woke with a start and ran for the cell, she went to press the button but Lena blew the door open for her.

Luna then ran inside and ignited her saber and proceeded to slice four very hasty gashes into the metal. She called on all her ability's and pushed the wall section out and a rush of air nearly blew her off her feet as the section fell outside and air rushed out of the building.

Luna looked down and as was usual in this day she could not see the ground, the level five they were on was just the level five of this detention facility. There were hundreds of other levels to this building all housing different complexes. But before Luna could even think of what to do next she was picked up again and they were out the hole. Luna was looking backwards and was mortified to see the whole building collapsing behind them. Somehow Lena had her communicator in her hand and was yelling for Star, Luna didn't believe that Star would even still be alive since she was on the top of the building which was now collapsing and burning far below them as they plummeted towards the earth streaking through clouds.

Suddenly the communicator sprang to life, "I'm here Master are you still alive?"

"Yes but not for long if you don't hurry!" Lena screamed back.

There was a brief pause then, "Oh my word, I'll be right there master!" Star yelled back just as they broke through the clouds and saw the ground come into view.

The trees and dirt grew closer and closer then Lena heard the familiar wine of engines and Star burst out of the clouds flying as fast as she could towards them. As she came along side, Lena used the force to push them towards her and Luna and Cynthia grabbed onto the hall. Star then began to pull up but they were going so fast that she was having a lot of trouble managing it.

Lena could already feel the strain of drawing so heavily on the force that she wasn't sure if she could help but she tried. They began to turn upwards slightly quicker but it was still going to be close. Then two torpedoes shot out from the Wolf Star and plunged towards the ground. They hit a mere half second after launch and the explosion engulfed the bottom of the Wolf Star but the blast gave them the added push they needed and Star pulled out just a few feet from impacting the ground.

Several tense seconds passed with the wind whistling over the hull before any of them could breathe again, including Cynthia who needed to take in oxygen for her new skin.

Then all of a sudden Cynthia exclaimed, "Woo Hoo!"

To that Lena fell over backward from her sitting position and collapsed onto the hall. A minute or two later the hatch opened and a very white faced commander appeared out of it. Cynthia did not waist a beat and drug Luna and Lena over to him and he passed them down to someone before she handed him old Betsy and then let herself be passed down even though she was capable of climbing down the ladder herself.

The Commander closed the hatch and climbed down the ladder, Lena was already climbing shakily to her feet aided by one of the troopers. Luna remained where she had been sat against the wall, her hand turning white as she still held a death grip onto her unlit saber. Then she calmly clipped the saber to her belt and fainted, one of the troopers caught her as she started to slide over.

"Take her to the bedroom and lay her on the bed." Lena said as she steadied herself against a bulkhead.

"Yes sir the clammy faced trooper replied before lifting Luna up off the floor and carrying her the short distance to the bedroom.

"Cynthia, make sure she's ok and I believe you'll find someone else in the bedroom you've been looking for." Lena said with as much of a smile as she could manage, Cynthia nodded then picked up old Betsy and trotted off to the bedroom.

Lena then composed herself some and straightened her hair a little before walking down the corridor and into the Rec./Training room, which was filled with troopers and slaves. It looked like most of the slaves were the Wookies that had complained about raising their hands. There were a couple others but they were hard to spot amongst the mass of hair and armor.

"Commander can you give me a report, it looks like all our company made it on board but what about the other prisoners and what of the Jade Saber and her crew?" Lena asked.

The commander took a few seconds to compose himself then he relayed what had happened, "Luckily we had called the shuttle down on our way back up to the Wolf Star and it met us on the landing platform. We loaded as many prisoners onto it as possible then Master Skywalker loaded his company and as many slaves as he could take aboard the Jade Saber. The Wookies however did not wish to ride in any other ship but yours so we loaded them and a few others up and were waiting for you to return. Master Jenny and I were waiting on the landing platform when we felt the explosion, Star yelled for us to get in as fast as possible so we jumped on the ramp and she closed it just as she was blown off the landing platform. She recovered then began circling hoping you had somehow gotten out of the building. Then of course you called and from there I think you know what happened. Besides any of the slavers and other building personnel left in it when it collapsed there were no lives lost either from the Light Saber's personnel or the prisoners."

Hearing that Lena almost collapsed with relief. She thanked the Commander profusely then turned back to the throng of bodies.

Lena wanted to talk to Jenny and Star about the events that just unfolded but as she tried to weed her way through the crowd a particularly old looking Wookie stepped in her path and growled something to Lena. She was not prepared to talk with him mentally or physically but he made it clear he would be heard. So Lena calmed her mind and concentrated then asked him to repeat what he had said. The old Wookie growled and grunted again and Lena focused in on his mind since she did not know a word of Wookie. Eventually she began to hear his thoughts clearly after asking him to repeat himself once more.

"Great Jedi Lena we who have been imprisoned and taken from our home world by the evil Hutt have been freed by your exceptional bravery. Your deeds this day will forever be spoke of on Kashyyyk with honor and we who you saved swear our lives to you great Jedi. We horror your valor with the highest debt a Wookie can make, a Life Debt, from this day forward we will always be in your service." As the gray haired Wookie finished the others began to growl and hoot their agreement.

Lena couldn't believe what the Wookie had just said, she had heard a vague reference to Wookie life debts once or twice but she never thought she would be given one by a whole group of Wookie's let alone one. Lena had no desire to have a large group of massive hairy friends following her everywhere trying to save her life, but she got the definite impression that you weren't suppose to refuse.

She had to think about this carefully, "Great Elder you honor me with your pledge of a life debt and I would be honored to accept it. However I cannot for I am a Jedi and such things are not allowed, we must serve the light without thought of reward or compensation. I would like to make a request however, a great evil has befallen the galaxy. My sister a powerful dark Jedi has taken possession of a large fleet of ships and men and is planning on conquering the republic as well as many other planets. I cannot allow her to do this and so the request I would make in exchange for your life debt would be for you to serve on the fleet of ships I am building. I need many great warriors and crew to man my ships and I know that you would serve me with honor. When we have defeated my sister you and your friends can return home to your families."

The Elder seemed to give this great thought while the younger wookies were grumbling and growling amongst themselves.

After several long minutes the Elder lifted his head, "It is not usually honorable for one to refuse an offer of a life debt but I see the wisdom in your words. In most cases of refusal the wookie being refused would be shunned and exiled as a failure but in this instance I think it can be allowed. For even if a Jedi such as yourself could accept our pledge, it would not be in your best interest to have many lesser warriors following you. Therefore I will accept your exchange and join your fleet with a provision if you will allow it."

Lena nodded, "Name your provision and if it is within my power to grant I will."

"My provision is that you take us to our home planet Kashyyyk, there I will speak with our Chieftain and ask him to aid you in your mission. He is a far wiser Wookie then I and I know that he will grant you many great warriors and pilots for your ships. It will also please him that you seem to be doing this without the permission of the republic. For many years they have ignored the pleas of our people to put an end to the slavers but they would not listen or were to preoccupied by other matters to aid us. I have a feeling that you will be different and may even aid us, but if not at least it may get the republic to notice us." The elder growled.

"Very well I will grant you this provision and I will add to my original offer, when we have defeated my sister we will return to Kashyyyk and I will do everything within my power to stop the slavers. I will even give your people one of our ships from the fleet we are amassing for full time protection." Lena offered.

"You are indeed a noble warrior to make such an offer and I can sense your words are not false, I do not believe however that our chieftain would accept the ship. Our people may have been forced to master space travel because of our many years of slavery but they still do not find it appealing. But that will be up to the chieftain to decide in the end, now let us celebrate!" The elder growled loudly and the others joined in creating quite an ear-shattering racket.

It took several minutes for the ruckus to die down enough for Lena to escape to the cockpit, something had been bothering her and she needed to find out what was happening. As Lena got into the cockpit she realized something really bad was happening because both Jenny and R6 were frantically working controls and panels. As Lena looked out of the cockpit windows she saw why, they were still inside the atmosphere. Not only were they not in space but also they were still just a few thousand meters above the ground.

"What's happening why aren't we climbing?" Lena asked as she jumped into the pilot's chair.

"Master I'm sorry but between the two explosions I lost two of my four sub light engines, with all the weight were carrying I can't even gain altitude let alone break out of the atmosphere." Star replied nervously as she circled trying desperately to gain altitude.

"Can we land?" Lena asked.

"If we don't do something soon we will be on the ground master but I wouldn't call it a landing."

Lena hung her head, it seemed the force was testing her at every corner. What was she to do, her body was still spent from her previous efforts how could she push herself farther without killing herself off.

Finally she looked up and said with determination, "Bring us down as best you can Star, I will do the rest."

"I will not master, your body is strained from your last severe uses of the force. Pushing yourself any harder will kill you and I will not allow that to happen even if it means sacrificing myself."

"I can handle it Star a Jedi's power flows from the force, our bodies are nothing the force is what gives us our power and why are you questioning me." Lena replied harshly.

"That is true Master but even Master Skywalker would admit that the amount of power you have channeled today is beyond anything a Jedi has ever done before. Channeling that kind of energy for as long as you have is what is causing you to tire and using the kind of power necessary to bring us down will strain your body to it's limits, you know this as well as I so we will find another way or I will bring us down even if it kills me." Star replied just as harshly, sounding surprisingly motherly.

Lena was about to argue back but Jenny cut her off, "Master Lena the Jade Saber is closing on us fast, there locking on to us with a tractor beam now."

As Jenny finished talking there was a jolt and then the nose of the Wolf Star rose as the Jade Saber strained to lift them into the atmosphere.

"Thought you could use some help." Luke's voice came over the comm.

"Yes as a matter of fact we could use a bit of help Master." Lena replied back quite relieved.

"That was some feat getting out of that building alive, I was afraid we had lost you." Luke added.

"It was challenging to say the least but with everyone's help we made it out." Lena replied as she thankfully watched the atmosphere thinning as they climbed.

"I think you are being modest Lena, but that is good in a Jedi. Now let's get you back to the Light Saber where you can tell me everything that happened alright?"

"Sure Master as long as we make it to the ship in one piece, the way things have been going today, that is uncertain." Lena replied sarcastically.

"Alright see you on the ship." He signed off.

Lena sat there for several minutes watching their slow accent into space then Star burst out, "Master we did it!"

Lena rolled her eyes, "Did what Star?"

"We got my engines back online, I thought my auto repair circuits had failed as well but they finally managed to get all of my engines back. I can now take us out of here at full power!" Star exclaimed.

"Alright tell the Jade Saber we can take it from here, and then I want to talk with you about what happened earlier." Lena replied.

"Yes Lena I just uhhh told them to release us. Now what was it you wanted to talk about, maybe how I managed to survive that massive explosion or my spectacular flying when I caught you?" Star asked sheepishly.

"You know what I want to talk about and I want some answers, I've met all the requirements your previous master gave you or should I say my mother Taristra gave you." Lena asked maybe a little too harshly.

Star did not respond for awhile, in fact she remained silent until they were almost to the Light Saber.

"Why is it you want to know these things Lena?" Star finally asked in a very undroid like fashion shocking both Lena and Jenny.

"Why because I want to know, I deserve to know. I mean I was locked away for over sixteen years with my evil aunt and uncle not even getting to see my mother let alone know who and what she was." Lena cried.

"I'm sure Master Skywalker informed you why you were left with your aunt and uncle. But yes you do deserve to know Lena but are you certain you wish to know." Star avoided responding to the question.

"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't, but if we're going to play this game then at least tell me how you knew I had been using the force to the degree I had. You couldn't have seen anything I had done surely." Lena asked exasperatedly.

"That is easer to answer, your mother, my creator installed a device that allows me to sense the currents in the force. I'm not saying I can use the force but I can see it being used and from what the sensor picked up I could tell that you had truly harnessed the force to your maximum. Besides I have many medical scanners and your vital signs even now show you are under severe stress."

"Alright but if you can detect people using the force then why did you ask if I was still alive?" Lena asked.

"I could see you were using the force to hold the building together but when it collapsed you quit using the force. For all I knew you had been caught in the collapse, all my regular sensors were obscured by the shock wave of the collapsing building so I could not see you until you called for me." Star explained honestly.

Lena thought about all that for a minute, "Alright fair enough, now maybe you can explain why you were willing to let everyone perish just to make sure I didn't die?"

"You should have listened more carefully to what I said. I only mentioned sacrificing myself for you and the rest of the people onboard. I could have brought us down and right before we crashed I could have diverted all the power I had left into the shields, that would have spared you and everyone else but the subsequent power surge would have killed me. But in reality if it had come down to you and the rest of these people I would have gladly sacrificed everyone onboard except for Luna to save you." Star explained.

"Your life and the others are not more valuable then Luna's and mine." Lena spat.

"In normal circumstances I might agree but most likely not, in any case these are not normal circumstances and if I had let you kill yourself to save us then it would be a waist for we would all die later on anyway. You would see that as well as I if you weren't so preoccupied with interrogating me." Star spat back.

"I can't believe I'm arguing with you, I think I liked you better when you did everything I said and called me Master." Lena yelled as she crossed her arms.

"Oh is that the way you like it, I thought you were a Jedi and valued everyone's opinion. Very well then MASTER you can keep your questions to yourself because I'm done answering them MASTER!" Star yelled back.

Lena almost wanted to hit the panel she was so angry, but then she began to realize what Star had said was true. Seeing her mother struck down so easily by her student then Selkata was struck down by her sister when she was still a child. How could anyone but her defeat her sister and if no one could how evil would her sister become. These thoughts softened Lena as Star brought them into the docking bay of the Light Saber.

"I'm sorry Star you were right, these are not normal circumstances. It's just that thinking about actually sacrificing so many people just for me is well disturbing." Lena apologized.

"If it did not disturb you then I would be worried, for one who will easily sacrifice others for the sake of themselves is more like your sister then a Jedi, master." Star replied as she brought them down next to the swan.

"I said I was sorry please don't go back to calling me master, my names Lena." She apologized again.

"I'll have to think about it master Lena." Star replied coyly.

"I'm sorry a hundred times over for ever yelling at you."

"Alright Lena I accept your apology, now was there something else you wanted to ask me?" Star finally accepted.

It took several minutes for Lena to remember why she had brought any of this up in the first place, "Well for starters can you tell me why my mother had you programmed the way you are? It's not that I mind it's just that it's not normal, there must have been a specific reason for it other then just so you could operate independently."

"Maybe I can explain that best." The voice was Stars but it did not come from the speaker's overhead, instead it came from behind Lena causing her to turn around.

In a mixture of horror and disbelief Lena found herself staring right at the ghostly image of her mother. She was just like the spirit of Yoda that had appeared before.

"Mother?" Lena finally choked out causing even Jenny who had been busy staring at the controls to turn around.

The very beautiful older version of Lena nodded, "Yes Lena I see you recognize me, I was a little disappointed that you did not recognize Stars voice as that of my own. Nonetheless it is good to see you again my daughter, it has been so long since I last saw you. I wish though that I could see you with my old eyes and touch you again but I cannot. Maybe that is for the best anyway I would not want my evil to corrupt you as it did everyone else around me."

Lena began to cry, "You were not evil mother."

"But I was my daughter, I do not remember those times as well as I once did but I know I committed many atrocities. I am ashamed to admit that I could fall so easily to the dark side when I had once been a great Jedi, but such is the lure of the dark side. It seeps into you like a disease then when you are at your weakest it strikes consuming your very soul, damming you to evil forever." Taristra said as she sat in one of the jump seats.

"You were redeemed at the end mother I saw it and I need no more proof then you being here to prove it." Lena cried.

"Yes I suppose at my bitter end I was redeemed but look at what my redemption cost. Enchantay died for what, to turn me back before I was slain trying to avenge her death. She did not deserve that nor did her apprentice deserve his fate, now don't go believing I blame you for that. He was far beyond ever being turned back, it was my failure that allowed him to be turned in the first place."

"It was not your failing Taristra it was his own, I talked with him on numerous occasions and he blamed nobody but himself. He knew that falling in love with someone who could never be truly in love with him was a mistake but he would not let go." Master Skywalker said as he walked into the room.

"It's good to see you again Luke, it's been even longer since I saw you last. But if that was truly the case then I would be guilty on two counts." Taristra said with definite sadness.

"My own fall was my fault alone as well, it was you and my other friends that brought me back if you recall." He added as he sat in the other seat.

Taristra smiled then took a very serious look, "I suppose but all this is accent history, we have more pressing maters to discuss. Lena to answer your question I designed and built this ship from scratch just for you, granted the Corellian yards built her but they did so to my specifications and designs. I alone constructed Star, I used my own brain wave patterns to program her. Why did I do all this for a child I didn't even have at the time, because I saw long ago the events that would transpire at this time. I knew I would fall eventually and die though I did not know why. I could see you and your sister and your eventual conflict. So I designed this ship and even R6 to aid you in finding your true path and destiny. My plans however were nearly discovered by your meddling sister who hated me and most of all you. I never told her about you but her skills as a Jedi emerged quickly and even without training she soon felt your presence like a needle in her conscience." Taristra paused letting her head fall to her chest.

"I am sorry Lena I should have killed her long ago but I couldn't, how can a mother kill her own daughter. Even when her daughter is as evil as her, now I have left not only her fate in your hands but also the fate of the entire galaxy. I understand if you hate me for all that I did and left to you but I didn't want you to end up like me or especially like her."

"I do not hate you mother how could I, I... I just wanted to have grown up with you like I was meant to. I don't care how things have turned out or how they would have turned out I just wanted to know you as you were." Lena cried.

"You honor me Lena but you should not since as I said you would be as evil as I if I had kept you. Either that or your sister would have killed you long before you could have defended yourself. I must warn you Lena, your sister is pure evil. I tried to turn her for years but she would not, her heart only holds blackness inside there is no light to be had in her. I believe now that she is everything you and Luna are not, she is the balancer to the force. You and Luna are light side Jedi with powers unheard of before and your sister is the Dark side equivalent. What I'm getting at is do not try to turn her she will only destroy you if you do. There is no other way then to destroy her, I know that as soon as you do the dark side will simply move to another champion but maybe you will have at least a few years of peace before that happens."

Lena nodded then she hung her head and remained like that for several minutes, silence filled the room as they waited for Lena to say something.

Chapter Eleven: Resurrection.

Still real busy, but I hope everyone really enjoys this part as I think it's one of the best parts to the whole story. I would still like feedback on this story especially if you have not already written me, to those that have been writing me, thank you and please continue.

Thank you, Mike Wolf

Next: Chapter 6

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