Jeffs Bondage Gambit

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 1, 2022


As will be clear, Noah was accustomed to getting what he wanted. His work life hasn't been relevant to our story and it won't be, except to state that his sharp intellect, his creativity and his willingness to put in long hours were all looked upon favorably, and he was rewarded with better office space, better assistants, and just about anything he wanted. He had never hesitated about being out at the law firm, and there was more than one junior lawyer or legal assistant who wished that this powerful guy would take an interest in them. Noah never did. With jeff, he had someone who fulfilled almost all of his needs. ALMOST. John could fulfill the main one that jeff didn't, and Noah began to work on how he could get that need satisfied. jeff was absolutely and totally passive and submissive. Making jeff his bitch had not been a challenge to Noah at all. He liked jeff: very much. He liked his total willingness to do anything he wanted, he liked how cute and hot jeff looked when he was tied up, and the way he moaned, and begged, and squirmed. And of course, the way jeff responded when Noah fucked him, was priceless. There had been no "conquest" however: jeff sort of just rolled over the way he did at that gathering when Noah took him home for the first time. John, however, caught Noah's "eye" as someone who could in fact be conquered: and was ripe for the conquest. John insisted that he was "versatile." While he put out for Noah, he always reminded Noah that HE had been jeff's top, and while he was coy about what he did when he wasn't with Noah and jeff, word got back to Noah, via jeff and others, that when John went out, he almost never went home alone, and he topped any guy who left with him. It didn't surprise Noah. While he called jeff his "koala bear" because jeff reminded him of that cuddly critter a lot, John was much more the "surfer boy" type: his blond hair, his stature, his blue eyes, his smile: they all said "I'm in control." Noah made up his mind to fix that. He realized, in thinking about it, that the only times he had ever "had" John, was when jeff was with him too. He began thinking: "what if...." Now, he didn't want to lose jeff by "sleeping around" especially with John, but in the near future, jeff was going to be going to New England to visit his family and he would be there for about 5 days. "I WISH you could come Sir," he purred into Noah's armpit before he licked it clean, moaning from the act of licking and the fingers Noah had wrapped around his cock. Noah laughed. "Your folks probably aren't ready to hear something like 'Hi, I'm Noah and I'm fucking your son." jeff stopped washing Noah's pit immediately. "YOU'D NEVER SAY THAT WOULD YOU? " Noah laughed. He shrugged his shoulders. "Aren't we supposed to tell the truth?" "But... but...." jeff's voice was getting higher because Noah had just rolled him onto his back and was pulling on his fingers. That meant tickling. "How would you introduce me? HMMMMM?" Noah's fingers found jeff's pits and got to work. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. I'd tell them. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'd tell them you're my boyfriend. OH SHIT." Noah dug in harder. "BOYFRIEND? Not your TOPMAN? Not your DOM? Not your BUTTFUCKER." "NO. NO. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. PLEASE SIR PLEASE. THEY'RE OLD. THEY'RE CONSERVATIVE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA." Noah smiled and stopped. "They'd figure it out right away if they met me. You could always tell them you're dating a LAWyer" He bent down and kissed jeff. "Because you are." "Yes sir. Yes I am. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" He felt Noah's tongue slip down his throat. "Now, let's get something settled" Noah pulled out his tongue and pulled jeff's legs in the air. "This cock is not gonna take care of itself, and while you're gone, it's gonna dip into another ass or two." "But... but...." "Butt is right sugar. We forget who's in charge?" Noah began sliding into jeff. "No Sir. No. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH..." "Heh heh. It'll be fine. I'll practice so I can fuck you even better when you're back. " "OH SHIT IS THAT POSSIBLE? " jeff began to moan. He LOVED Noah's cock. "Everything can get better, boy. EVERYTHING."

John listened to the message on his cell phone. "It's Noah. jeff is gonna be away next week. I want you to stay over. We'll get better acquainted and ... establish our roles more clearly. Call me back."

John couldn't deny that his cock hardened when he heard that, but also... yes, he bottomed for Noah, and he had bottomed for other guys, occasionally, but.... he knew that Noah was not going to be versatile. And he had talked with jeff and knew how, well... demanding Noah could be. (And if Noah ever found out about the time that John and jeff had a "nooner" at the hotel near jeff's office....). So he ignored the call. Noah just smiled when he didn't hear from John. This was playing into his fantasies perfectly. He had called John well in advance, and that was his m.o. : Noah was not a last minute planner (John wasn't either ,but jeff was, and Noah delighted in punishing him for it), and by giving John all this notice, in Noah's mind, he now had leave to do what he planned to do. And that was... to "encourage" John to spend the week.

He knew John's favorite bars. And he knew John was very regular in his life: he went to the gym at the same hour, every week, and the same bar every night of the week. It would be easy to find him.

Noah figured that John would be on the watch for him, at least for the first day of jeff's travels. He was right. John did go out, but he was not really "there," and people knew it. Several asked what was bugging him, and when one guy touched him he jumped and began trying to get away before he realized: false alarm. It was the second day, when John's guard was down, that Noah made his move. First, he decided to freak John out a little. He knew where John's office was located, and he took a position across the street, just hanging out. John left his office every day at 5:30, and at 5:33: he could have SWORN he saw Noah. Then a bus drove past, and the guy was gone. "SHIT. He's got me freaked out," John thought. Still, he went home, had a quick dinner, and changed for the bars: tight jeans, a form fitting shirt, his black leather jacket, the reflector sun glasses that jeff loved so much. He headed out. He looked around. No Noah. He began to relax, got himself a beer, and began to mingle. He was on his third beer when he felt the firm hand on his shoulder. "You didn't return my call, bitch." The guy John was chatting up made a shocked face. "I thought... I thought.... you told me you were a top." "He's NOT." Noah answered. "He's my BITCH, stepping out on me. Right, bitchboi?" Again, John's cock hardened. Noah wasn't letting up on the pressure on John's shoulder. Noah was also well known at the bar and, if he was claiming John, well.. he couldn't count on any help. "I... I guess I didn't understand the message, I...." "UNDERSTAND THIS MESSAGE MANCUNT. HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." Noah dangled a set of handcuffs in front of John. "Oh, is it gonna be fun making you take the sub walk of shame." John gave a look, was about to protest, then resignedly put his hands behind his back. Nathan began to laugh. "GOOD. You're making my work much easier. " He did not cuff John, but he put his hand on the back of John's neck, and he wasn't gentle. "LET'S GO. You're calling in sick tomorrow. That's all you need to know right now." "BUT.. BUT... " John began to protest and Noah squeezed his neck harder. "Maybe I WILL use the cuffs. AND a gag. " "No, no. PLEASE. I'll behave." Noah laughed again. "Too bad." He dropped his hand from John's neck to his ass, and almost purred. "SO FUCKING HOT. MOVE."

A half hour later, they were in Noah's apartment. John was back in the chair where Noah had tied him up the first time, tied in exactly the same position: hands behind his back, a rope around his midsection, and his legs untied, but spread. Noah sat opposite him, just smiling as John adjusted to the bondage. "Ok, you've got me tied up. Now just fuck me. That's what you want." Noah leered. "It's what you want too John." He slipped off his sneaker and moved his foot up to John's crotch and gently rubbed it. He heard John moan, and the soft "fuck" slip out of his mouth. "You're pretty hard in there. My foot didn't do it." "THERE WERE LOTS OF HOT GUYS AT THAT BAR. I'M THINKING ABOUT THEM." "None were hotter than you, and you know it." "Yeah, I do. I'm a hot top," John spat back. "Not anymore," was all Noah said, as he brought down his foot, and stood up. "I don't fucking understand , Noah. You've got jeff. Why are you doing this to me?" He lost sight of Noah as he walked behind him, but John felt Noah's chin rest on his neck. "You ever go hunting, John?" "NO. It's cruel. " "Ha ha. You're thinking of a different form of hunting than I am, John. " He paused. "Think of me as a predator. Think of jeff as prey. What animals come to mind?" John felt Noah's hands press on his shoulders, and then a hand slip to his shirt to unbutton it. He sucked in air. He knew those fingers were going for his nipples. "I don't know, a.... a rabbit?" He felt the fingers close on his left nipple. "Yes, that's a good one. Think of me as a wolf, and jeff as a rabbit. It was no contest. " "Wolves don't share either. Except with other wolves," John answered, trying to stay composed as Noah worked on his nipples. "Well, if you WERE a wolf, you're not anymore, John. At least not to me. To me, you are more.... challenging prey than a rabbit. More like a stag, or an animal that can mount some fight." He squeezed John's nipple tighter. "But the wolf always wins, if the prey doesn't get away." "I'm not like Jeff. I WILL NOT give up the way he did." "Yes you are, and yes you will, stud. It'll take longer, but... " Noah's mouth covered John's ear. "I will have TWO subs." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You can fuck me but... I won't submit." "Yes. You will." Noah whispered. Now, each hand was on one of John's nipples. "You know you're gonna get fucked tonight, don't you john?" "NNNNNNNNNNNG. Yeah, I do. I knew the minute you walked in the bar. You came for me." "And here you are. All tied up, moaning, and ready to get FUCKED. Just like a good bottom and a GREAT sub." John pushed at the ropes, and he heard Noah growl. "Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Only time you're getting untied, is so I can move you to the bed and tie you there." He paused and whispered. "You want it john, don't you, blond boy?" At first john didn't answer. He was trying to pretend the nipple play wasn't turning him on, and that his cock wasn't hard as a rock. He was trying to pretend he didn't find Noah sexy as hell, or that his dominant attitude was getting him hotter, and hotter. "Yes. Yes. I want it. I want to get fucked by you." john sagged when he finished. A big sigh of relief came out of him. "Just the way I tie down jeff. Only tighter. Because he doesn't resist. You will. IF I let you." A strong hand lifted john over to the bed. Noah covered john's ear with his mouth again. "No use fighting it john. Just get yourself on the bed. Face up. I want you to SEE the man who's going to be your new DOM. Your new MASTER." His wrists bound, his legs spread, john was helpless. And hard. He felt Nathan's strong hands open his shirt completely. "WHAT a beautiful chest. Just a dusting of hair. Such tasty nipples too." His mouth moved to john's tits and began to chew. "OH GOD. DID JEFF TELL YOU....." A high pitched whine came out of john's mouth. "Nope. You did. Ha ha. I figured it out. " john watched as Noah stripped down. He had seen him naked before, but never as hard as he was. "Move your head to your side, boy. I want that neck. Good thing you're not going to work tomorrow, stud. People would wonder about the hickey you're about to get. " john's moans were loud and insistent as Noah worked on his neck and ear. Every few seconds he whispered something like "bleached blond BITCH." or "hunky CUNT" into john's ear. He didn't respond at first, but then, john began to respond "OH YEAH." He felt the strong fingers get to the button on his jeans, and then spring open each one of the buttons on his fly. He saw Noah pulling off the jeans. "You wanna get moist, baby cakes?" He pushed john's knees into the air, and Noah's head disappeared into the space between john's legs. "OH SHIT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH GOD. FEELS SO GOOD. " Noah finished and ran his finger around john's now sensitive hole. "OH, is this gonna be SWEET. Consider this the first step of your... conquest." He moved in and his cock took john's ass. They both realized at the same time that this was the first time Noah had fucked john without jeff there. "YOU'RE SO THICK. SO LONG. IT HURTS.... IT HURTS...." john wailed "You gonna tell me jeff is tougher than you, stud? I'll tell him ." john gritted his teeth and choked out. "Is that all you got pinky cock?" Noah responded with something a LOT thicker and a LOT longer than a pinky. "I'm gonna find that prostate john boy. And you're gonna be calling for more than the Waltons when I do." "john boy." No one had called john that since... high school. But then again, no one had taken charge the way Noah did. Noah slid his cock back and forth, enjoying john's ass. "SO TIGHT. Reminds me of jeff when I took him the first time, cuntboy. You didn't do much damage." "You bastard," john thought, and then rolled his eyes as Noah probed deeper. "DAMN I'm glad I'm gonna have you for five days, because... I can't hold this anymore.... BOTTOM" The lashings of hot jizz filled john's ass. His own cock was rigid. He wanted to grab it and get some release. His bonds stopped that. "I bet you wanna cum, stud. Don't you?" "Yes.. Yes. Please. Can I....." Noah said and did nothing. He just lay there and smiled, occasionally running a finger up and down john's dick. "Please. May I cum, SIR?" john bucked his hips at the Sir and Noah smiled. "Yes, you may ... BOTTOM. Enjoy it. It'll be the last time for the next week." He began milking john slowly, because he loved the sounds john made as he got closer, and closer. And then.... "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" john came like Old Faithful. It spilled everywhere and he was moaning and laughing and crying. "GOOD BOY. We're gonna have to have a jizz contest between you and jeff. For now though... " Noah grabbed a clean rag and got john rubbed off. Then he reached to the side table. "Not for five days. You'll cum again when jeff is back." Noah locked the chastity cage he had pulled out of the table on john's cock. "Oh, you are gonna be a magnificent sub, john boy. Just magnificent. And... jeff may be a total sub, but he's a competitive fucker." He grinned. He pulled out his phone and turned it to speaker. "SIR. I didn't expect to hear from you." john heard jeff's voice. "Yes, jeff. I called because I want to show you something. I think you'll recognize it." He moved the phone to john's locked dick and sent the photo. "Sir.. Is that..." "Ha ha ha. Yeah, it is." He sent a picture of john bound to the bed. "In your absence, he will be my sub. And when you come back, you will BOTH be my boys. " He paused. "I wonder how many interesting games we can make of that." "Yes sir. You're creative." jeff began thinking immediately. He didn't want to lose Noah, especially to john, but he wondered as well: did he REALLY break john?" Noah smiled. "Tomorrow, bottom boy john, you get stuff from your apartment for the week. And you come back. Because if you don't.... It may be a while before you jerk off - certainly more than five days." "yes sir," was all john could answer. "He slept wrapped in Noah's arms that night. The next morning, john couldn't remember when he had had a better night's sleep.

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