
By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jul 21, 2004



WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE

Dedicated to James Edward H---- of Redditch (Wormwood Scrubs c 1972)

GCutter66@aol.com ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered excepting flamers

man/youth/youth (21/17/17).



G. Cutter

I intended this bit of angst, pathos and drivel to be auto biographical but I had to change so many details to make it readable we'd best call it twenty four carat fiction and leave it at that.

Some time ago (a long time ago in fact) I spent time in Wormwood Scrubs, two years and one week to be exact. To the outlanders amongst you Wormwood Scrubs is one of the two all male prisons in London town. In my time it was reserved for first timers but the real baddies, the recidivists, were sent to Wandsworth which had a far stricter regime.

'Where's the sex?' The bloke at the back just shouted. Gimme time.

I'd left school early which meant fifteen and a bit in those days (going back a bit, eh?). As a street kid I got involved in some dirty stuff, renting, boy porno and worse. You may ask, what could be worse ..... don't!

Of course, the natural conclusion to this life of depravity and minor crime was that myself and the guy I worked for got captured. He got ten years and I, just having turned eighteen got off pretty lightly with three years of which I would finish up doing two. I was in shock as I went down the old stone stairs in the Old Bailey with the judge's sentence ringing in my ears. Three years for this, three years for that and another three years for sneering at him. It wasn't until I got to the cells that the screw (the warder) told me that the sentences were concurrent and not consecutive which meant that I'd do all the individual sentences at the same time.

I had two years or so to mull over the four or five little shitbags who had given the police far too explicit statements, them being thirteen and fourteen didn't help either.

I took to nick like the proverbial duck to water. The prison service had already started to turn a blind eye; cannabis was quite easy come by, home brew was being attempted in various blocks and homosexuality was rife and I mean really rife, it was fuckin' rampant. I soon tied up with a young guy my age and we were off on a mutual orgy of sex and ticking off calendars. I don't know which I enjoyed more, pencilling off a couple of days or scrunging up under the bed and shagging young Tony's Benton's bony bottom.

If you're still around Tony; Long time no see.

Such a long time ago, I really can't remember if it was Benton or Benson.

The only problem that got me down a bit was my piles. I know I was young to have full blown piles but the camping with the Scouts, wet tents and wetter bedding were probably a factor. Anyway, about a year or so into my term, just about at the half way mark I gave up and reported sick. The prison doctor told me that they'd rip them out in no time at all which cheered me up no end. The way he put it across I was going to finish up with an arsehole like a garage. Happy days.

Of course the one thing that kept me going is that I had salted away a goodly chunk of my illegal and immoral earnings and my mum had a stash as well so I wasn't going to have to panic around when I did eventually get out. My dad had told me that I wouldn't be welcome back at the family nest but that they would try and sort me out a flat or something nearer the time.

Right let's get on with it and stop waffling.

I went into hospital and had all the usual things done to me. Ritual starvation for twenty four hours, embarassing shaving by a po faced female screw and the bloody awful enemas. I thought my piles could get painful but when I eventually woke up I was in a world of hurt. The last time my arse had been so sore was when a fifteen year old with a dick like a donkey had done some posing with me and guess who played the bottom.

To make matters worse I was drugged up, in pain and what appeared to be a scarecrow was perched on the end of the bed. I had been shoved into an alcove by the way, away from the hoi poloi. This gangly person, once my eyes focussed turned out to be a boy in jim jams and dressing gown clearly a patient from the Boy's Wing. God could he talk. He sat down and fed me prison orange juice and extracted my life story in five nano seconds flat.

I dunno why I talked to him because I didn't normally broadcast my offences certainly not the statutory buggery ones. He let me know that he had no problems and that he was a much sought after prize in the Boy's Wing. I believed him, he was absolutely beautiful, at least to my sex starved eyes. I think on reflection he was talking to me because I was weak and disoriented, everyone else had fucked him off out of it. God, he did go on a bit.

Kids. I had him down for sixteen and a young one at that. You had to be sixteen in those days to do regular time although boys were well and truly segregated from the men for the obvious reasons. I found out that his name was James Edward H----, he was truly sixteen and he came from Redditch which I knew was up in the Midlands somewhere. He never stopped talking, he was gorgeous but what a fuckin' mouth. I loved him to death on the spot. I was still up on my drugs for the pain but he knew and he was enjoying himself. Teaser.

No mucking around in the prison hospital. I learned that I had four days in the ward, a further twenty four hours in a pre release ward and that was it. They pulled the sausage out late at night and left me suffering rather badly but Jimmy crept around in the dark ignoring the Night Nurse (who was quite a pleasant girl). He sat there and chatted for a couple of hours until a male nurse came on duty and broke it up.

Incidently, the sausage was just that. They stick this thing up your bum to stop the thing scabbing and closing up which was just as well. I never fancied crapping through the mouth, you'd be forever cleaning your teeth and nobody and I mean nobody would kiss you ever, ever, ever.

Just before he slipped back to his bed Jimmy said one thing: 'I like you Gary,' he grabbed my foot and shook it nearly giving me a heart attack.

'Yeah, you're O.K. Jimmy.' I settle for that, I didn't want to say too much with all the ears flapping in the darkness.

'Really like you,' he bent over and gave me the lightest of kisses and ran for his bed.

I was in shock. A sixteen year old criminal had kissed me. Going any further than that would be as easy as breaking out of Colditz. Small chance and no chance but life doesn't stop in prison. Apart from a rather sleepless night due to a ragingly sore bum I had a few pleasantly dreamy bits. Needless to say a naked Jimmy featured in most of them.

Suppose I'd better try and describe him. He was very good looking (at least to my eyes), around five feet ten I suppose and slender, shorter than me just, he probably came in around nine to ten stone which made him pretty skinny but I prefer slender. Fresh faced with dirty blonde unruly hair ..... doesn't tell you a lot does it. But he was so nice, he was pleasant. I know they're old fashioned words; nice and pleasant but they summed him up. Probably a weird way to sum up a baby burglar or whatever he was but that's me, so there. He had the most kissable of lips but they were unfortunately flapping in the breeze most of the time.

The next day I was hobbling around and Jimmy had gone into hyperdrive, he was being operated on. He had an ingrowing toenail which had gone septic for God's sake. The crunch came when he emerged from behind his curtain and he wanted the back of his operating gown securing. Of course one chump beat me to it and made the fatal mistake of lightly stroking Jimmy's bare bottom. The kid went off like a rocket. When the dust settled I got the second offer, I didn't stroke his bum I just admired the flawless white skin, the delicate curve ..... a boy's bottom made by God for worshiping. Gotta say I've been a boy lover and a total perv from an early age.

A nicely rounded bottom, a nice sized dick circumcised or not and a good body joining the two. Stick a nice face on the top of that lot and all you need is a good nature and willingness. Jimmy had the sweet nature and regretably I suspected I'd never find out about his willingness. One thing I had found out in our rather one sided conversations was that he was due for release in ten months, a month after me, now that was food for thought.

They put him out and they carted him off, he was back later in the day groggy and more or less passed out. I did the bed watch as he had for me. The operation had gone wrong, he hadn't sustained lasting damage but they'd taken around two hours when it should have been done in around thirty minutes. I spent most of the day by his bed tending him and then exchanging life stories again as he slowly returned to the land of the living. It was dark and only a couple of reading lights were on as I finally stood up to leave.


'Whassup, Jimbo?'

'Can you take my boxers off?'

I thought I was hearing things.

'I mean tug them down my legs and I'll kick them off.'

'You gotta be joking, Jim.' I looked at him in the gloom. The kid was mad. I really needed to get caught with my hands in a boy prisoner's bed, I'd be in solitary so quickly my feet wouldn't touch the ground.

'Come on, they're all asleep,' he wheedled. He was probably right, the greatest way to spend time in prison was to sleep it away.

'OK,' I mumbled. I was definitely iffy about this but I couldn't resist. I tried to block off most of the ward with my back, the duty nightnurse was no problem, she was up the far end studying for exams as she'd explained at great length. I reached under the bedding and grabbed his shorts and as he lifted his bum slid them down. I could feel his body heat and I was so tempted but I remembered the outburst of the morning.

'Feel it,' he whispered and grabbed my hand under the sheets.

Oh, my God. He placed my hand onto his groin and he was hard. I gave it a gentle squeeze, little Jimmy wasn't all that little where it counted. I pulled my hand away from temptation there was another two years facing me if this went any further.

'Aw, Gary,' he whined.

'You're gonna drop me right in the shit, you arsehole.' I stalked back to my bed. My bum was sore and I was disappointed in Jimmy, I thought he had a bit of sense at least. It was a bad night.

He was around at the crack of dawn hobbling like Pegleg the Pirate, the usual big grin on his face and a cup of tea in his hand.

'Here you go,' he gave me the mug and sat by the bed.

'I'd better get up,' I muttered and nodded a thanks for the tea.

'Sorry about last night,' he spoke quietly and looked at me earnestly. 'I do like you Mick. I'm sorry I don't want to get you into trouble.'

'OK. Jimbo. Just use you're pea sized brain now and then, OK?'

'O.K. Am I forgiven then?' He grinned at me with his chipmunk smile.

'I suppose,' I said grudgingly.

'How's your bum.'


He just laughed as he hobbled away. He'd be laughing the other side of his face if I trod on his toe. I had the rest of the day and I was changing wards after breakfast the next morning, I had to chat to young James.

The day wore on, I talked him out of assisting me with my salt bath which would have gone down a hoot. Pervy and a kid in the bathroom together and then we settled down to a desultory game of ludo in the afternoon. The rest of the ward which numbered around ten pre-ops and post-ops either snoozed or read.

'You know that you go out a month in front of me?' he looked at me with a grin, he'd just gotten a double six, then again it didn't matter the little sod was cheating anyway. Tell ya, never play any game in prison, everyone cheats as a matter of principal.

'Yeah,' I quoted the date which I can't recall for the moment.

'You going back with your parents?'

'Nah, my dad's getting me a place.'

'In the Smoke.'

'It'd better be.' I was a London boy born and bred, I couldn't imagine living anywhere other than London. History moves us all along but that was then and not now.

'Couldn't visit when I get out could I?'

'I'd really like that.' I looked at him. Like it, I'd love it, dunno if he knew or not but his first stop would be bed and then bed again.

'How we gonna fix it?'

'Easy if you're really on the up and up.'

'Yeah, I am,' he whispered urgently. 'I could stay down here a bit before going home. Stay with you.'

I didn't know if he was winding me up or just being an innocent although he hadn't struck me as being all that innocent.

'I meet you at nine o'clock on your release day and we take if from there.'

'OK.' He didn't seem to happy or too convinced.

'Also, I give you my parents phone number and address and you can write to them if there's any change ..... you know, if you get out earlier or even later.'

'Really.' This time the big grin was back.

'Really,' I said mockingly. 'I'll do that right now,' I went to my bed and grabbed a pencil and paper.

'I'll memorise this lot,' he waved the paper about when I'd written the details. 'What sort of place you getting?' He was off, another disjointed conversation another chatting marathon. I hoped the hell he didn't keep yakking if I ever got him into bed.

The next day I went to the recovery ward for a couple of day, I understand Jimmy was being returned to his Wing. We bumped into one another a couple of times purely by chance and little was said. It's difficult if you're being escorted to some appointment or another and however the screws want to keep a lid on things with certain easing of the rules there were still some right wankers amongst them.

For the remaining ten months I just pined like a lovesick fool. I obviously couldn't gaze at a picture but I made up a postcard sized thingy which had a white J.E.H. outlined on black, on a background of red just like a little flag ....... now is that sad, or what? I was still fucking with Tony Benton (or Benson) but my skinny (sorry, slender) Jimmy was my heart's desire. I just hoped that he felt half as much for me. I dunno, I might never ever see him again.

My release day came up and my parents collected me, my dad had got me a flat a couple of streets away and it had rough and ready furniture but it was enough. I was off again, a new life, blah, blah. Naturally enough I got my money sorted out, took a couple of days off and went on the sniff. In the two years I'd been away things had changed. The Obscene Publications Squad had been disbanded due to corruption in high places and better still the law had been relaxed. I refreshed a couple of old contacts and I was back in business only this time it was mail order, no home produced stuff at all. By the time Jimmy was due for release I had an old banger (it wasn't too bad actually), I had the flat as I liked it and I was earning decent dosh basically just shopping around gay porn as before. No kids in tow this time. If I shacked up with anything under age, rent boy or not there would be no photographic proof, no silly 'souvenirs' to hang me.

I was really worried about Jimmy, no letter to the parents no indication of what was happening at all. I just prayed that they hadn't decided to ship him out to a local nick nearer to where he lived.

I had the date engraved on my mind and was parked in the road a respectable distance from the forbidding main gate of HMP Wormwood Scubs on the dot.

Dots must have been in fashion. As the bell rung the hour, on the dot three bodies were more or less hurled through the postern all clutching the standard carrier bags and mementoes of a wasted life. Painting by numbers was the great hobby, that and trying to keep dirty minded villains out of your trousers of course. Two of the bodies were immediately collected leaving one poor soul looking lost and dejected. My favourite mouth ..... I beeped the horn long and loud and drove a little nearer.

To say my heart leapt would be an understatement. I think I was as relieved as he was. His little face literally split in the biggest grin in the world as he recognised me and made a beeline for the car.

'Mickeee.' The poor little bugger was nearly in tears.

'It's OK, Jimbo. All over now.'

Rougy toughy Mick really did have a lump in his throat. Not that sort of lump you dirty people, the emotional one.

I got him settled into the car which seemed to impress him and away we went. He talked non stop all the way back to Paddington so no change there. I heard of all his trials and tribulations in great detail until I told him to shut the fuck up in the nicest possible way. He just sat there grinning oggling the passing people and the traffic. I knew the feeling. Unless you've done time you don't really know what I'm talking about but it's a sort of a lost feeling. Something like; where do we go from here. The control and regimentation had gone and nothing is there to replace it unless you're married or you have close family. I was more or less on my own apart from my dad's guidance and Jimmy seemed to be a sort of castaway. I needed to know what his plans were, if any.

'I bet you want a nice bath, something to eat and just lounge about for the day.' I looked at him from the corner of my eye.

'How'd you know?'

'Been there, seen it got the bloody t-shirt.'

'Right,' he giggled. 'We can talk about old days,' he said quite innocently.

'I can think of better things to do.'

'Sure you can,' he gave a giggle and squeezed my knee. Jeez, we were off and running already. 'You said you were getting your own place.....' he prompted.

'Yeah, I've got a nice flat. Bloody great lounge, nice bathroom, small kitchen and a bedroom.'

'Just one bedroom?'

'Just one bed,' I grinned back at him.

'Sounds good,' he looked at me and smiled. 'How long are you gonna let me stay?'

'For as long as you like, Jimbo. But you've gotta fit in with me, I can't work around you.'

'Fair enough,' he replied quietly for him. 'Nice bath, something to eat and bed for a while.'

'Sounds good.'

'Got the t-shirt, etc etc.' He giggled.

'T-shirts are OK as long as they're being used as jimjams.'

'Dirty sod,' he laughed. 'How's your bum?'

'How's your toe?'

More giggles, we were getting on fine.

We got home and trucked all his gear up the stairs. I lived on the top floor of a three story block between Star Street and Praed Street not too far from the big hospital, St Mary's and Paddington Station. I had access to the flat roof so it was handy for sunbathing as well. The flat wasn't all that big but it was cheap and my dad was lucky to get it for me. It suited me down to the ground, having mouthy Jimbo stopping over was a bonus.

'Cuppa first,' I flung open the door and ushered Jimbo inside.

'Hello there, Mr Cutter.' It was my nosey old neighbour.

'Hi,' I thought I'd better introduce Jim otherwise she'd be thinking he was a burglar of something. Mind you that's what he was, an apprentice burglar and not very good at it. 'Hi, there Mrs Marsh, meet Jimbo, my cousin, he's staying with me and looking for work.'

I saw Jimmy's face glow as he shook hands with the old dear and made all the right sounds. We finally got shot of her, got in and relaxed. He lurked in the kitchen as I made a couple of mugs of tea with a big silly grin on his face. I knew the feeling, it was so good to be free.

'Here, Jimbo.'

'Yeah,' he was looking out of the kitchen window at the street below.

'You remember the night I came out of the op and you kissed me?'

'Sorta,' he went bright red.

'Sorta,' I mocked him and pulled him in close. 'Now we do it for real.' I held his slender hips and brought my face to his. He looked at me with a glazed look in his eyes and opened his mouth as my lips met his.

'Micky,' he mumbled as my tongue slipped between his parted lips. God he was good. His tongue explored my mouth as I tasted him and attacked his tonsils. That was one good kiss. The feel of his soft buns in my hands was rather pleasant as well.

'That was nice,' I whispered as we finally parted. 'You're hard you dirty little perv.' I could feel his erection pressing against mine as we swayed and went for another kiss. The whistling kettle ended that one.

'Let's relax,' I fixed the teas and we wandered into my so called lounge. We bustled about for a while getting rid of his coat and more or less slinging his collection of junk into the bedrom and then it was shoes off and relaxerooni time.

'I'm tired,' he gave a theatrical yawn and stretched his arms above his head.


The big toothy grin again. 'It is getting on a bit.'

'It's eleven o'clcock in the morning,' I laughed. 'First thing for you is to have a bath and get rid of that prison stink.'

'I don't stink.' he looked all hurt.

'You won't after I've given you a nice soapy bath.'

'Shurrup,' he grinned. 'I gotta an ache.'

'Excellent,' I laughed. We weren't going to get much done today. Thank God I had a load of grub in the fridge, in fact, I had enough stuff to stay in the flat for a month which sounded a pretty good idea to me.

'When did you last have sex or a wank?' he looked at me intently. Now that's what they normally called a conversation stopper.

'Couple of days ago,' I looked at him over the rim of my mug. 'I've been saving it for you.'

Good ol' Micky, say it as it is.'

'I've really got the hots for you,' I admitted. 'I have since I met you in that hospital.'

'I got more than the hots.' he looked into his cup avoiding my eyes.

'Don't get mushy,' I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and he snuggled in closer. 'We can talk later. Just relax and make most of the day, it should be a bit special after all.'

'It will be,' his hand drifted into my lap and he gently felt the outline of my semi hard penis within my thin khakis. 'I want that,' his voice was barely a whisper.

'You gotta tell me,' I kissed the side of his face. 'How much did you do in nick?'

'Sex you mean?'


'I had one of the heavy lads looking after me, he settled for a wank and a blow now and then. He kept the others off my back.'

'Good for him,' I replied maybe a little jealously.

He chuckled. 'A boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.'

'All over now,' we slid down onto my big sofa and snogged. God, I was in heaven, a year of waiting and he was with me, at that moment in time and space I really felt like things couldn't get any better. Of course they could, we were going to bond just like superglue.

'I better have this bath,' he finally muttered. 'Gotta tell you something though.'

'What's that, Jim.'

'I'm not a bitch you know. I ain't a fuck toy, I ain't a rent boy either.'


'I ain't the only one who gets fucked around here.' He buried his face in my sweatshirt and I could see his ears were bright red.

'Come on, Jimmy,' I pulled him up and gazed into his eyes. 'Equal partners. You can do anything you want with me and you don't have to do anything you don't want to, OK.'

'So we can shag each other,' he grinned right back on form again.

'One way of putting it I suppose,' I laughed and kissed him forcing him back flat on the sofa. I ground my hips against his and I could feel our stiffies pressing against each other through our trousers. 'Let's get in that bathroom and get some clothes off,' I croaked. I was very seriously in heat and I fancied my boy was good and ready.

'Last one in's a poof,' he caught me by surprise and wriggled from under me and made a dash for the bathroom with me right on his tail, his delicious tail that is. Needless to say we both got jammed in the door.

I grabbed him and stuck my tongue down his throat yet again. 'So, we're both poofs,' I said as we broke apart.

'Whatever,' he laughed and sat on the toilet and began to take his shoes and socks off. It was party time.

I sat on the edge of the bath and fed it foam as it filled, naturally enough I also watched the strip show Jimmy was putting on for me. He stopped at his pants and sat there in his briefs with his erection plainly visible and looked at me shyly. 'Get undressed.'

'You're the one bathing.'

'You're the one who's gonna get soaked,' he grinned. 'Anyway, I wanna see what I'm getting for lunch.'

'Me.' I stood and gave him my version of the strip show. he just sat there and took it all in positively drooling when I finally dropped my trousers and stood there with my raging hardon clearly visible within my own tight briefs.

'Wow, that's a biggy,' he laughed and fondled himself. 'Micky's gotta big dicky.' Told you, he really was like a kid at times, although I knew that he was now seventeen and nearly legal (at that time). 'We'll take them off together,' he husked and I felt his warm naked flesh against mine for the first time. He hooked his fingers into the rear of my briefs and I did exactly the same. We saw each other totally naked for the very first time in that steamy old bathroom as both pairs of briefs came down like a pair of ensigns at sunset. Our two erections said hello to each other and kissed. It was great fun, I handled his smooth tight buns and he draped his arms around my body and hugged me so tightly.

'I was scared you weren't going to meet me,' he breathed hotly on my breast.

'It's all over now, Jimmy,' I hugged his warm body. God, I wanted this youth-child so badly it hurt. 'Have your bath and we'll go to bed.

'Good,' he said simply and pulling apart stepped into the bath with his respectably sized penis waving in the breeze. I don't like to blat on about penis size but it's pretty mandatory in stories like this. Jimmy was uncircumcised and probably came in at the national average of six inches which wasn't bad for a kid just gone seventeen. I was bigger than him, I was around seven inches and was also uncircumcised. O.K.? That's the gory details, on with the story.

He sat in the bath and I flitted about with a soapy sponge tending his shoulders and the front of his chest. He got the giggles when I started to play with his nipples, I think he was a bit surprised when they hardened up and went to sticky out mode but I soothed him by grasping his thick penis in the soapy water. He was so hard I was frightened that he was going to pop there and then. He just sat grinning like a loon all the time until I called time and squeezed a loaded sponge on his head.

'I got soap in my eyes,' he wailed. 'You prick.'

'Naughty, naughty,' I whispered and kissed him. 'Stand.'

Still whingeing he stood up in all his soapy glory his hardness sticking out like a lance. He was as blind as a bat with the foam in his eyes but I got into the bath and held his slippery frame and caressed his slick buns.

'You are so beautiful.' I handled his springy bum and held him tight.

'You're alright yourself,' he chuckled and peered at me with one eye. 'We gonna do the biz?'

This kid was ripe, he was seriously hot and he wanted it .... how could I refuse him. 'Let's get dried off, we gotta honeymoon to do.' That brought another round of giggles but we were on our way, we both knew what we wanted, we wanted each other ..... like now.

We rinsed off and he didn't stop moaning about the soap in his eyes until I slipped my tongue right down his throat and shut him up, we dried each other off and drifted into the bedroom with our damp towels draped around our waists.

'Nobody's going to come in?' he glanced nervously at the door as I guided him down onto the bed.

'Don't be silly, you're not in nick now.' I flathanded his still damp chest and dived onto his erection, his thick and now oozing cock for the first time. My very first mouthful of sweet Jimmy. I'll never forget it: His little gasp, the little whimpers as I ran my wet lips up and down his ivory white shaft and sucked his dark red blood gorged glans.

'I'll cum,' he threatened as I grasped his firm young bottom and took his boyhood as deep as I could. I could feel his nuts in his furry ballsac as tight as a drum and the heat and hardness of his young organ as it filled my mouth.

'Ooooooh,' he groaned and I felt him tense and shudder. His youthful cock seemed to swell within my mouth and then it pulsed. Hot splashes of his thick cum shot into the back of my mouth and I swallowed and gobbled not wanting to waste a drop. He held my head tightly and jetted more of his juicy spunk deep into my throat almost choking me until I got free and just held his slimy glans in my mouth and drained him dry. I ran my hand up his slippery shaft and extracted the very last drop licking it from his pee slit with a grin.


'I thought I'd died,' he smiled tiredly and looked at me with a lazy grin on his face silent for once. 'Now I'm tired.'

'Sleep then,' I cuddled his still damp body.

'No,' he looked at me and rolled onto his tummy and presented his flawless bottom. 'Do me this way first, we can do the frontal bit later,' he turned his head and looked at me. 'Fuck me, Micky.'

'Love you,' I leant over and kissed his smooth paleness, I tentatively ran my tongue from the bottom of his crack upto the base of his spine. He giggled and opened his legs. The tongue again, this time it forced it's way between his buns coating the inside of his cleft actually brushing against his sphincter. His little bum pushed up.

I suppose nearly everybody gets that feeling, you know the one. The one that tells you that where you are and what you were doing was right. So right that it was meant to be. I felt that with Jimmy, this wasn't a one off or a one night stand, I wanted to be with this boy. I wanted him with me for a long, long time, if not for ever. I felt that we were made for each other, I just hoped that he felt half of much as I did.

'Do it,' he grunted as my tongue squirreled away at his pucker. 'Do me, Micky.'

I placed my oozing glans at his back entrance and gently pushed. It was like slipping a hot knife through butter, I slipped in so easily with just the whisper of a wimper from my lover. I felt his hot flesh clamp on my cock as I slowly started to move to and fro sinking deeper and deeper into his tight boy's cunt.

'Yeah,' he hissed and pushed up onto me as I bottomed out with my seven inch hardness buried in his soft flesh. 'That's so nice,' he wriggled on me and craned his head around on the pillow. I pushed my belly into the small of his back and kissed him.

'I thought you were a virgin,' I gave a mock grumble.

'Gotta be joking,' he gave a dirty laugh and clamped on my fleshy spike. 'Fuck me hard, Mickyman, gentle next time.'

'Next time?'

'From the front, later,' he giggled again into the pillow and pushed his sweet bottom up as I began to slowly ride him to a climax.

He was good sex. I dunno how much he'd had in the past and I didn't want to know. One thing was for sure, neither of us were virgins and both us were enjoying what we were doing. What's wrong with that.

I gave him a hard fuck and slowed down at the end when he was pushing up and begging me to finish it. I blasted a record cum up his stern and he loved it. He was actually crying as I filled his sweet arse with my love juice. Thick creamy splats filling him and oozing out into his crack.

'Hey, you cum like a donkey,' he pushed up onto my wilting organ.

'Hee Haw,' I gave one final squishy thrust and slid free and cuddled his sweaty body to me. I was well and truly satisfied, I was in heaven.

We slept after that and probably didn't awake until late afternoon. Jimmy was laying there staring at the ceiling.

'Penny for them?'

'What,' he turned his head and kissed me on the jaw. 'Penny for what.'

'For your thoughts.'

'I was wondering how long you're gonna let me stay here.'

'As long as you like, as long as you keep legal, or pretty legal.'

'And as long as I shag?'

'That too,' I laughed. I then told him about the business I was in and if he wanted to help me out and at least earn his keep. He seemed interested and the moral aspect of peddling gay porn around didn't seem to faze him in any way. In fact, he seemed to see it as a way of life in the big city. He was over the moon at the thought of driving around Soho and even chatting to real live male prostitutes. He was an easy boy to please. He liked the flat, he liked the bed and he liked sex. I worked that one out myself, he was as hard as a rock.

I shuffled down the bed and took his swollen lump in my mouth for the second time.

'You don't get away that easy,' he ruffled my hair. 'Payback time.'

'Yes, massa,' I slipped back up the bed again and kissed him on his sweet lips. He slid his erection between my legs and rolled me onto my back.

'I've waited a year for this,' he breathed heavily and planted a kiss on my waiting lips. I could feel his slippery glans nudge at my hole as I raised my legs. 'Gonna fuck ya to death.'

'Big mouth,' I grinned and then winced as he pushed home. God, his dick was fat and as hard as a rock. He speared into my bum and no sooner was he in an inch or so he started fucking like a bloody sex starved rabbit. 'Take your time, Jimbo.'

He wasn't listening he was having fun and after a moment or so I got used to it. No doubt subsequent sessions would be a little less frantic. I guess that in prison he'd been so used to having been the passive partner especially with his juvenile heavy he was really enjoying himself now. He was a good bottom but he was all boy, my Jimbo.

'This is fantastic,' he kissed and nearly ate my lips off, he was well gone. Fantastic, I suppose it was, some loony tune seventeen year old working off a year's supressed urges and I was the bottom on the receiving end. I held his hips as he pumped and pulled him in tighter as I felt him near his climax. Yet again a super splat, dunno where he got it all from but I squirmed on his hot cock as he spurted and splashed into my body. He was one randy kid.

Of course that wasn't the end of it. We had a weekend which seemed to be spent between the bathroom and the bedroom, at the end of it we were like a pair of zombies.

Eventually we had to go out and earn. I introduced Jimmy to my token boss and he settled in quite comfortably. My production and deliveries increased as did my list of clients, we even bought a scooter for Jim which meant we were a two man distribution service and he took most of the Soho run, I settled for the outer boroughs.

I should think the change came after around three months. Not a long time but things were happening in the porn world. Computers had come into their own but more importantly people were going on line, we old fashioned purveyors would be out of business. Jim could see that and so could I, we needed a change of direction and there was only one way to go. In three years I'd come full circle, I'd done time for porn in the past and now I was contemplating having another go but this time it would be different. No sweating in stuffy dark rooms, no buggering about developing and printing ..... no, none of that. Just digital and video, put the processing and sales out to the big boys.

I talked to Jim about it and we decided to carry on with our deliveries, after all we were earning a good slice of the price but we had time for adventures. The very first one was to get out and about and do a set of stills of Jim and then some of myself (I wasn't that bloody ugly). We did this and made our first contact with our European tie in within a month. He was happy, he paid up, he wanted more, he wanted doubles, he wanted sex.

Back to the drawing board. A set of Jimmy wankies and a set of moi wankies. We drew the line at sex, at least I did, Jimbo was as keen as mustard ..... he wanted to be a star and he was good looking enough to make it.

Coming upto Christmas Jim was still with me and this was five months after his release, we'd got a ratty old basement studio and enticed a series of rent boys and other strays down there for picture taking. Our European contact Klaus, in Berlin was hassling me to double Jim up.he had the hots for Jim and any pix I sent of the boy he positively drooled over. He kept inviting us over and we were due to visit in the New Year. You realise we weren't Klaus' only suppliers but he did like his scruffy English kids and so, apparently, did the punters.

'That Klaus is bloody nutty on me doing doubles,' Jim wobbled on reading though the German's recent EMails.

'You're singles went down well, you got tons of fan mail.'

'That's 'cos I'm tasty,' he giggled. A full five months hadn't changed him one bit.

'Yeah, well is my tasty boy's gonna pair up, he's gonna pair up with something just as tasty.'

'Really,' he grinned. 'I thought you were keeping me for yourself.'

'I am,' I snogged his smooth neck. 'But I don't mind if you wanna have some fun.'

'And earn you money.'

'Earn us money, Jimbo. We're partners.'

'Yeah, whatever,' he smirked at me reading me like a book as usual. 'We've got that new kid this afternoon, the Sooty.'

'The coloured kid,' I corrected him. PC wasn't my Jimb's strong point. 'Basil's, hell of a name.'

'Have you met him?'

'No we've just chatted on the phone, he sounds like high class game.'

'What the fuck's that?' Jim laughed.

'A rent boy,' I replied. 'He sounded a bit camp, a bit of a cut above the rest.'

'Ah well, I suppose we'll find out,' Jim switched off the computer and stood up, I grabbed him and planted a kiss on his sweet lips, I still couldn't get enough of him, I was besotted with the dimwit.

We got our camera gear together and headed for the car. Basil had arranged to meet us at the end of the road where the studio was, in the pub in fact and I was quite excited. He'd be our first black model and he seemed keen enough to earn. He said that he'd done some modelling but that the work had dried up, he was now interested in dropping his standards a little as long as the money was good.

I told him that the money was good and that the standards were zilch. We took pictures of boys and that was naked boys, boys with hardons, boys cuming and boys flashing their puckers. He'd just laughed and said that he'd do his best. That was good enough for me.

It was a Thursday afternoon just after one and being early December the weather was shit. The pub was virtually empty and there was only one black person in it, a kid who looked to be well under age for pubs that is. He was sitting nursing what appeared to be a coke, he looked up and grinned, he had our descriptions so he was on pretty firm ground.

'Hi,' I walked over and Jim tailed me. 'You gotta be Basil.'

'You gotta be Mick and his friend Jim.'

I nodded, I'd noticed the emphasis that he'd put on the word friend, I wondered if Jim had.

'We going to have a drink?' Jim piped up, he seemed mesmerised by our coloured friend.

'Yeah, I'll get them.' I asked what Basil wanted and got told to call him Baz and that he was on straight Cokes, I got Jim one of his foul WKDs and myself a drop of Bells with loads of lemonade. Cameras and booze don't mix. After some small talk we trooped over to the studio and went down. The place we had rented was basically a clapped out basement but Jim and myself had decorated it out and it was just good enough. Jim chatted to Baz whilst I flashed up the heating and arranged lighting. The picture taking was easy with digitals although Jim handling the VCR was a bit of a joke. We normally managed to rescue around ten percent of what he produced.

I was curious about our Baz, he was carrying enough in the way of gold bracelts and necklaces to sink a bloody ship, he had a flash watch on and he was well dressed, not what we normally had in front of the camera. He was shorter than both of us although pretty well built with black curly hair probably a bit overlong but attractive all the same. He seemed to have a ready smile and that was what I liked in a model, Jim always looked like he was being tortured when I took shots of him.

'OK, lets cut to the chase, Baz.'

'Ok,' he took his outside coat off.

'If you just want to striptease from as you are now to naked.'

'Then what?'

'A few stiffies would be nice.'

'Yeah,' he grinned. 'Wankies?'

'Fanny shots?' I countered.

'I'm OK with that,' he grinned and stepped into the centre of the studio and away we went.

His performance was first class. He stripped off like a professional stripper. he got a hardon almost instantly, he even went doggy and flashed his ring, I meaning parting the cheeks, the works. Jim danced about with the VCR and wore it out, I exhausted our three digitals and that was it.

'Very well done,' I grinned, this kid was money in the bank. Klaus would be delighted. Jim selfconciously handed Baz a handtowel to wipe his creamy cum from his belly and hands.

I paid Baz the going rate, the rate I'd quoted and stuck a score on, I wasn't worried my return was safe enough with the stuff he'd produced.

'Cheers.' Baz tucked the money away, I thought he was going to be dead casual but he seemed overjoyed, perhaps he was hard up. 'I have friends who could do this.'

'Always keen to find new models,' I grinned at him. 'Good lookers that is, not dogs.'

'You think I'm good looking,' he looked at me archly.

'I do,' Jim blurted out and I looked at my boy. Shit, he had a crush on the black kid. It stuck out like a sore thumb or in Jim's case like pointy pants. The vision of Jim and Baz doing the dirty flashed in front of my eyes.

'Thank you,' Baz simpered like a right little queen.

'I should double you two up,' I shot over to the desk and grabbed some pictures and handed them to Baz, they were Jim's outdoor nudes.

'Oooh,' Baz giggled and studied Jim naked and Jim with stiffy, my Jim went bright red and disappeared to the toilet. 'I thought he was your boyfriend.' Baz whispered.

'He is,' I smiled. 'But we share.'

'Mmm.' Baz grinned. 'Why do I suspect that if I did doubles with your Jim that you might join in?'

'Probably because you're a pretty smart kid,' I laughed.

'When would you like to do these intimate doubles?' He left no doubt by what he meant when he said intimate.

'As soon as you like,' I looked at Jim as he returned, he'd probably just had a wank the oversexed little hooligan. 'I want to do them indoors on a proper bed not here.'

'That's 'all the way' stuff?' Baz was still determining fighting lines.

'Yeah,' I glanced at Jim. 'All the way. Blow and be blowed, fuck and be fucked.' I looked at Jim again. He had the option he could nod his head up and down or across. He gave a slight up and down nod and a soppy grin slid across his handsome face. My boy was up for it.

'Alright,' Baz started to clamber into his gear shoving his rehardening cock into his briefs. 'When do you fancy doing these pictures.'

'As soon as you like.'

'Tonight too early? I have a debt to pay out of this right now,' he rubbed his pocket with the money in it.'

'Tonight's fine,' I moved to the desk again and sorted out a pen and paper. I wrote down our address and handed it to him. 'Can you get to us or do you want collecting.'

'This is near to me,' he glanced at the paper . 'Around eight OK?'

'Eight's fine,' I looked at him. 'If it runs late you can always sleepover.'

'Three in a bed?' He gave a big watermelon grin.

'Sounded good to me.' I shrugged and Jim laughed.

'Sounds good to me too' Baz moved in between Jim and myself and suddenly reached out.

Jim and I stood perfectly still as Baz fondled us both. He released our crotches and stood back. 'Gotta rush,' he camped. 'Three in a bed sounds perfect,' he nodded a goodbye and he was gone clattering up the stairs like a herd of horses.

'Jeez,' Jim sighed. 'He's so bold.'

'Professional,' I laughed. 'Looks like you're in for some pretty meaty black cock tonight, my man.'

'You and me both,' he giggled. 'Don't forget the tight black bum.'

'Yeah,' I groaned. 'Duty really is a stern taskmaster.'

'You tart,' he laughed and switched on the kettle. 'Let's have a coffee, I'm fucked.

'Later you will be.'

'Yeah,' he giggled. 'Tell you what.'

'Go on.'

'His dick's a bit on the fat side,' he moved in. 'You might have to try and relax me this afternoon.'

'You're on,' I grabbed him in a bearhug and fondled his sweet buns. 'Hurry up with cofee and let's get home,' I kissed him on the nose and pushed him away.

We had nice sex in the late afternoon, we were used to each other and neither of us had anything to prove. I took him on his back and he rested his calves on my back as I made slow and sensual love to him, bringing him right on removing his hands everytime he tried to wank himself. I did a nice cum and he lay there looking at me with his dopey grin as I slowly moved in and out of his spunk filled love tunnel.

'I really do love you, Mickey.'

'I believe you,' I leant forward and kissed his sweet lips. 'I love you too, my little big mouth.'

'I can't help it if I'm a social person.'

'You can't be social if you go around trying to burgle people.'

'We're all entitled to make a mistake.....'

'You said you made about six mistakes, Daffy Duck,' I gave him one last prod and regretably slipped clear from his welcoming warmth. 'We'd better get ready for Baz.'

'Oi, bollocks to that,' he wrestled me over onto my back and got between my legs, did I mention some good food, loads of sex and he was geting bigger, all round bigger that is.

'I suppose you want to exercise that little noodle of yours,' I joked massaging his erection and bringing the gleaming end to my sphincter.

'Yeah,' he groaned and went silent as he gave a gentle push and entered what was now familiar territory. 'You are a good fuck.......'

'Shut up, Jimbo,' I broke in. 'Just pay the rent.'

'Right,' he grinned and started to pound away. I knew his routine by now, he went mad for a couple or three minutes and then settled down to a nice long and lazy fuck. He was good, my Jimmy. Just to give the ending away, he still is.

We hadn't really fixed a firm time with super stud Baz but he rolled up around eight, he seemed a bit shy at first but he was in good company, Jimmy was a nervous wreck, don't forget this was a first for him. I knew he didn't want to let me down and more importantly he didn't want to show himself up. No fear of that, in spite of his recent sex I could see he was showing well in his tan trousers. Even Baz noticed.

'Junior's keen,' Baz laughed.

'I've never fucked a sooty before.' If anybody could come out with a remark like that it had to be my bloody Jim.

'Jimmy,' I protested. 'For fuck's sake.'

Baz just laughed. 'I've been called worse, but just tell your Honky Kid I'm gonna fuck him ragged.'

Jimmy had the grace to apologise.

'Get in the bedroom, kiss and makeup and then strip each other,' I ushered them into the small bedroom and lined up the cameras. What I wanted to do was to fill the cameras, download them and then go for a second round. Don't forget we were still a bit primitive and all this was very experimental although we had achieved good results so far. This was my first attempt at a doubles session and anything could happen.

They were both awkward and seemed a bit embarassed at first but once they were naked and got into cuddling they relaxed, a lot of giggling and a lot of fucking arund but ther erections happened as I was sure they would. They were muttering away to each other presumably sorting out who was going to fuck whom but Baz got the ball roling by going down on Jimmy and taking the boy's cock into his mouth. With a bit of prompting Jimmy spun himself around and returned the favour giving me a series of excellent sixty niners, black on white as you might say.

'OK, girls.' I called a halt before someone shot their load. 'I want one to fuck the other ..... no cuming inside, I wanna see the juice on the fuckee's spine or belly.'

'Fuckee?' Jimmy giggled and even Baz laughed. 'Who's fucking who?'

'Upto you kids.' I put the camera down. 'I'm gonna make some coffee, you guys work it out.'

Five minutes late I returned with the coffee and we took a break.

'Who's doing who?' I asked casually.

'Baz is doing me first,' Jimmy flushed and Baz smirked. 'And then I'm doing him,' Jim added.

Jeez, Baz was so professional. After the coffee he manhandled Jimmy into a crouch and attacked Jim's pucker with his slippery tongue as Jimmy got more and more excited Baz slipped one finger into my boy and then moments later slid his dripping cock onto Jimmy's pucker. I took a couple of nice closeups and he gently pushed into Jimmy's beautiful white bottom. A nice slow fuck later which Jim seemed to enjoy and Baz slowly withdrew his gleaming shaft and rolled my boy onto his back. Jimmy raised his knees to his chest with a soppy grin on his face and Baz re-entered him for the final furlong.

'I'm cuming,' Baz grunted finally pulling free. A quick wank and he spurted a massive load of thick creamy cum over Jimbo's tight nuts and stiff cock.

'Wow,' Jimmy laughed out loud and smeared the slippery jism over his belly and chest until he was as shiny as if oiled. Baz lay alongside him looking well pleased with himself. 'I'm so hard,' Jimmy whined slowly wanking himself with a cum covered hand.

'Stay there,' Baz grinned taking charge. He straddled Jimmy with his relaxed cock waving in front of Jimmy's face and then reaching back held Jimmy's sizeable hardon upright and slowly sat on it and then started to bob up and down.

'Gawd, I've gone to heaven,' Jimmy giggled and tried to thrust up into Baz's tight arse.

I was taking pictures and literally nearly cuming in my pants. Two cameras completely full and one to go.

'Jeezus,' Baz groaned and wriggled about on Jimmy's hardness. 'Not bad for a honky.'

'Not bad for a sooty,' Jimmy giggled and thrust upwards. 'I'm gonna pop,' he graoned. Baz quickly slid off and lightly rested on Jimmy's thighs. Jimmy wanked furiously and surprisingly enough Baz (I should call him Duracell Baz) was also wanking his rehardened cock.

Brilliant a joint cum, they were like a pair of frantic rabbits, there was cum everywhere. Two final clicks and I put the camera down.

'All done you randy sods,' I grinned at them both, they both smiled back well pleased with themselves. They looked at each other and started to smear their joint cums over each other.

'I reckon he would fit in the middle,' Baz spoke to his partner in crime.

'Well he goes both ways,' Jimmy laughed. 'And there's two of us.'

'Pervs,' I looked down at my private little zebra crossing on the bed and started to kick my shoes off. 'Why not, you're both drained out anyway.'

'Don't bank on it,' they spoke like twins and started to laugh again, they were both stroking their spunk stained cocks back to life. Could be a hell of a night and I do like a challenge.


GCutter66@aol.com ..... comments etc. GCutter66@aol.com ... List of other work, etc.

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