
By moc.oohay@nem4nemyk

Published on Dec 23, 2020



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This story is essentially true (names altered and artistic license employed) and is intended for a mature audience. If you are under the legal age of consent in your jurisdiction, please do not read and leave now. The story contains profanity and references to gay sex. If this offends you, please leave and find something else to read. The author maintains all rights to the story. Please do not copy or use without written permission.

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It was winter, 1974 and I was in New York City on business, staying at the Hilton Hotel at 53rd and Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan. I was mid-level Manager for a major Mid-Western corporation headquartered in Chicago and I was in town to work with a contract agent. I'd worked a long hard day topped off by a business dinner and had just gotten back to the hotel around 10 PM.

To introduce myself. I was 33 years old and had always kept myself in great shape. I knew I was gay from the time I possessed conscious thought ... or at least I realized that I was "different" and knew that I needed to keep that a secret in order to protect myself. I swam competitively for 7 years and life guarded for a New York State Park during high school and college. Since then, I had kept up a solid daily workout routine wherever I was. Often times, straight co-workers who saw me working out in the company gym, pumping out 100 push-ups and 100 sits-ups with a 20 lb. weight behind my head said I had the body of an 18 year-old kid. I was 5' 8" tall and weighed a hard 140 lbs. with light brown hair worn over my ears, green eyes, great legs topped by a bubble butt, a smooth well-developed chest over a six pack of abs, a hairless body and a thick 7" cut cock. I always kept a good tan either by sun bathing in the summer months or going to the tanning salon.

I also had a very strong sex drive and a definite preference for black men, especially tall, thin masculine black men. I don't know why I had such a strong attraction to black men, I just always had. There were, perhaps, only a half dozen black kids at my high school of 1,000 students and not many more in college, but from the youngest of ages, I was mesmerized by black men and quietly lusted after them. I never acted on my impulses out of fear for my safety or fear of rejection, but when the opportunity availed itself, I would walk close to them or stand close behind them in lunch lines in high school and college and silently draw in deep breaths of their wonderfully unique masculine scent. In college, because all the sports teams used the same shower facilities and I was a swimmer, I occasionally got to see some of the black football and basketball players in the locker room and it nearly drove me crazy seeing their beautiful hard bodies and their huge cocks and balls. I would race back to my dorm room and jerk off with the most recent black fantasy in mind.

Back to my story.

As I entered the Hilton Hotel, I strode across the lobby to the front desk and requested the key to my room. Unlike today, when you get a magnetic key card or a digital key code, in those days you got an actual brass key attached to a large 2 inch by 4 inch oval plastic tag with your room number boldly inscribed thereon ... in this case, a green tag with the room number boldly embolized in white numbers. I asked if I had any messages and, after checking my box, the desk clerk advised I had none, and I walked to the elevator to go to my room, looking forward to a long hot shower and a good night's sleep.

After a few minutes wait, the elevator arrived from the garage floors underneath the lobby of the hotel and the doors opened to admit the few of us waiting. As I stepped in, my eyes quickly surveyed the other passengers already in the elevator and there, against the back wall of the elevator stood an incredibly handsome, tall, young, black boy ... and our eyes "met" for a nano-second as only other gay guys will understand ... that instant "gaydar" recognition of soulmates.

My heart rate doubled at the mere sight of him, but it only lasted a nano-second as one cannot get on an elevator and not turn around instantly and face the door, nor can a 33 year old white man stand and stare at a much younger black male without instantly drawing attention and suspicion of whatever motive. My mind raced; my heart raced ... what are the chances? Did he recognize in me what I recognized in him? Might he, regardless of his age and his race, be interested in me too? He appeared to be alone on the elevator, so was he alone in town or perhaps was he returning to the room of his parents? Was he even of legal age? It was hard to tell ... but he was very definitely very young and he was very definitely gorgeous.

Casting caution to the wind, and having only seconds to come up with some sort of plan, some sort of signal, that could only be recognized by him if he possessed similar impulses, I pulled my key from my suit jacket pocket, turned the side of the tag with the room number around facing out and placed my hands behind my back, as if impatient for the elevator to reach my floor. Upon reaching my floor, I had to step off without looking back, lest I arouse the suspicion of other passengers, and proceeded to my room, hoping against hope that he received, understood and was interested in my "signal".

Once in my room some time later, my heart rate flagged and I recognized reality. The ludicrous improbability of my absurd fantasy abated. I hung up my suit coat and began to pull off my clothes, anticipating a long, hot shower and then a good night's sleep. About the time I was pulling off my last sock, my room telephone rang! I had already dismissed the possibility fantasied in the elevator and I anticipated it had to be work related or perhaps from my best friend in Chicago looking after my apartment while I was away.

I lifted the receiver and said "Hello" waiting to learn who was calling to determine the direction of the conversation. The voice on the other end simply said, "Hello" ... and, not recognizing the voice, but still anticipating someone from work or from the NY agency or from my friend in Chicago, I said, "I'm sorry, who is this please?" And the voice said, "From the elevator" and my heart rate instantly doubled and my cock sprung to full attention.

Now, I wish I could just say I instantly invited him down without hesitation, but, all of a sudden, reality and paranoia kicked in and I had to evaluate multiple possibilities. I hadn't kept myself and my secret safe by being stupid for 3 decades:

Number #1 ... Was this gorgeous young man "bait", setting me up for an assault and robbery by others waiting behind his hotel room door? After all this was New York City (no offense, but anyone who is street smart in NYC will understand).

Number #2 ... Could this be a set up by work colleagues from the home office in Chicago that suspected my sexual orientation, were jealous of my position, and were determined to destroy my career (my company was as homophobic as all other corporations in the 1970s and knowledge of my orientation would have spelled disaster). Admittedly, given the casual nature of our meeting in the elevator, this was a long shot, but my paranoia had to consider it.

Number #3 ... Could this gorgeous boy be a thief destined to rob me himself once I was in a compromising position?

Number #4 ... Could this be real? Could a handsome young black boy just simply be attracted to a 33 year old white male? That seemed about as likely as possibilities #1 or #3 but my horny lust overcame the other possibilities and, weighing all factors against one another, I asked him to give me 30 minutes to get ready and then come to my room. He said he'd see me in half an hour and I hung up the phone.

Ok, so I'd eliminated the possibility of any henchmen hiding behind his hotel room door as I wasn't going there and I would be able to see if anyone else came with him to mine. It was unlikely jealous cohorts from Chicago could have pulled off an entrapment; they weren't that smart and the circumstances of our meeting were just too absurd to believe they could have been orchestrated. That left the last possibility that he might be a thief ... so, just to be sure, I gathered up my wallet, jewelry, watch, cash, etc. and took them to the lobby desk and had the clerk lock them in a lock box at the front desk (yea, they used to do that too!). Then I raced back to my room to ready myself.

I really "get off" by giving ultimate pleasure to whomever I am with ... it is their pleasure that brings the greatest enjoyment to me so I am always determined to be ready for whatever it is that turns on my partner. The more they moan and groan, cry out and plead, squirm and wiggle, kiss and cuddle, thrust in and draw out, and scream when they cum, the greater my pleasure too.

I love to bottom but will gladly top if that is what my partner desires. So, I quickly gave myself a Fleet Enema just in case he was interested in topping me and then I pressed a couple of finger-tip scoops of Vaseline deep into my cavity to pre-lubricate myself so that if the action moved in that direction, we would not have to interrupt it for lubrication. Then I jumped in the shower for a thorough cleaning followed by brushing my teeth and adding a tiny spot of sweet Musk Oil behind my ears and on either side of my groin. I routinely "manscape" and had already shaved my balls, scrotum, perineum and anus smooth.

I no more than finished and, exactly on the dot, half an hour after his call, there was a soft knock at my door. I peered through the peephole of the entrance door to be sure he was alone and he was. Damn he was so fucking fine! Was I dreaming? Was this real?

With nothing more than a white hotel towel tucked in around my slim waist, I opened the door and admitted him. He was even more beautiful up close ... really close. As soon as I had closed the door and secured it with the double lock, including the sling latch that would defeat even a maid's master key, I turned to find him only inches from me, slightly towering over me at six feet compared to my 5'8" height. Without saying anything, he took my face in his slender hands and slowly, gently drew me into a passionate kiss ... open mouthed, his tongue slowly searching, wrestling my tongue, his sweet saliva mixing with my own. My heart throbbed, any previous concerns vanished and I simply melted into his passionate kiss.

After what seemed an eternity, he paused and leaned slightly back, his hands still holding my face, forcing me to look deeply into his dark brown eyes, only inches away, and he softly said, "Hello, I'm Jerimiah. I'm a freshman student from Rochester, NY in town to see a friend off to Europe. I just turned 18 last week and I have to head home to Rochester tomorrow. I thought you were hot when you stepped onto the elevator, but sending me that subtle signal with your hotel key was just too clever to ignore." He smiled seductively ... his luscious lips parting to show brilliant white teeth, and then he mischievously pushed the tip of his wet pink tongue out of the corner of his mouth and slowly curled it up.

As he spoke those words, he reached down with his left hand and gently tugged the towel loose from my waist ... the towel dropped to the floor and my cock sprang straight up, hard and dripping pre-cum. Jerimiah slowly looked me up and down and said, "I thought you were hot in a three-piece suit, but you are much hotter without it", as he stroked my cock and balls. "Would you please be my daddy tonight?" I took his handsome face in my hands now and gently kissed him saying, "I'm Jon, Jerimiah ... and I'd love to be your daddy tonight, and your lover too."

I dropped my hands to his waist and slowly pulled his tank top T up his magnificent torso and over his head ... he stood patiently still as I then loosened his belt, unzipped his fly and dropped his trousers to the floor and, much to my glee, he was commando, his incredible cut cock, slowly coming to life, dangled 6 inches flaccid over low hanging balls in a totally hairless scrotum about 4 inches below his groin. His balls were the size of golf balls, the left one hanging lower than the right. His cock was a thing of beauty, slightly darker than the rest of his magnificent cocoa colored body with a slightly pointed head and a large cum hole promising a huge load if properly pleased.

His skin was flawless and hairless, save for slight pubs above his cock and sparse underarm pits. His face could have competed with any run-way fashion model with a square jaw, voluptuous lips, long, curly, black eye lashes around almond shaped eyes and short, well-groomed hair and tiny ears. He stood 6 feet tall and weighed 155 lbs. ... zero body fat. His muscles were long and lean, lithe and strong, like a track and field athlete, although it was all genetically natural ... and he had an ass to die for ... like two cantaloupes competing for the same space ... high, round and pressed tightly together ... the most gorgeous ass I'd ever seen and it gave me an instant tongue hard on!

Kneeling below him, I gently drew his right shoe and sock off and then lifted his bare foot out of his trousers that were pooled around his feet on the floor ... damn, even his feet were beautiful with long, graceful, brown toes, perfectly symmetrical and expertly pedicured. I then removed the left shoe and sock from his size 12 foot and freed it also from his pooled trousers. Now entirely naked, I looked up to relish the magnificent sight of my elevator boy and what a sight he was ... simply perfect in every way. Michelangelo would have spent his entire lifetime sculpting statues of this boy in every pose possible to capture his exquisite beauty. How could I be this lucky!

The warmth of his incredible body filled the space between us beckoning me closer and the intoxicating, sweet, sexy smell of teen-age boy heavily blended with testosterone filled the room. Still kneeling, I pressed slightly on his knees to indicate he should take a couple steps backward to the king size bed in the middle of the room. He did so, sitting on the edge of the bed, his heavy balls resting over the edge of the mattress in their low hanging, hairless scrotum. His magnificent black 9" cut cock, now completely hard, was staring at the ceiling, deliciously wet and shining with prodigious amounts of pre-cum slowly sliding down the entire length of it.

I was really tempted to start by pleasing his beautiful feet due to their close proximity, but that could wait for later. I didn't know how much experience this boy might have had had, what his limits were, or what his predilections might be, but I wanted to instantly "curl his toes" in anticipation of what was to come. So, I simply leaned forward and instantly deep throated his entire 9" cock to its base in one swift movement and then teased the head of his cock with my throat muscles as I savored the honey sweet taste of his voluminous pre-cum ... god I love that stuff!

Jerimiah abandoned his previous soft-spoken self and loudly shrieked, "OHHHH, FUCK!!!" as both his hands lightly grasped my face, not to interfere, but to express the ultimate pleasure of his cock lodged so deeply in my hot, wet throat, the muscles of my throat gently milking the head of its sweet essence. Both of his feet came off the floor, his heels joining his ass on the edge of the bed ... his long, graceful thighs on either side of my face ... using the leverage of his feet and the power of his beautiful ass ... slightly pressing upward to keep his cock deeply embedded in that wonderful place he'd never before experienced.

I am a very experienced cock sucker and I had taken bigger cocks, including half a dozen over 12" long and of modest girth, but I'd never seen or swallowed a more perfect cock than his ... nor one as beautiful and so perfectly proportioned ... 9" of steel hard, black, smooth cock with perfect girth and an arrow shaped head built for penetrating a willing throat. I joined Jerimiah in Nirvana, relishing the moment, with each of us on our own pleasure plateau.

After a few minutes, I dislodged Jerimiah's cock from my throat and began the slow, steady praising of his magnificent cock ... alternatively swiveling my tongue around and around the sensitive head eliciting more pre-cum and then suddenly swallowing him to his short pubes, my nose pressed firmly against his groin, his cock deep in my throat. Every time I swallowed him, his powerful ass pressed upward forcing his prick into my opening throat and he moaned and groaned in pleasure, pleading, "Suck me daddy! Dear god, please suck my fucking cock! I love it, daddy!"

It was apparent that he wasn't going to last long at this rate. After all, he was only 18 and full of teenage boy cum. As I edged him toward climax, his cock would swell even harder and his balls would start to move up in their sack ... so, I'd stop to hold him off climaxing, giving him only gentle licks as he pleaded, "Oh, daddy, I need to cum. Please, I haven't cum in five days traveling with my straight friend. I gotta blow this huge load! Please, daddy, make me cum!"

I figured, considering his young age, there would be lots more where the first load came from and I really wanted that first load in my mouth where I could taste every last drop, expecting it to be incredible both in volume and in taste.

So, I returned first to the tongue tease of the head of his cock and then suddenly swallowed it to the hilt into my throat ... his beautiful black cock swelled and turned to steel, his big balls yanked up against his body, and Jerimiah screamed out, "Jesus fucking Christ, daddy, I'm cumming, I'm cumming! Take all my boy cum, daddy! Eat my jizz! Fuuccckkkk!!!" ... I pulled up slightly to receive it in my mouth rather than my throat and he exploded with the biggest blast of cum I had ever been blessed with ... as I swallowed it, I instantly pulled up to the tip of the head again, swirled my tongue around quickly and then drove right back down to the hilt to give him the full pleasure of my tight throat and then quickly retreated a couple of inches to receive his next offering and that second blast completely filled my mouth "Fuck Daddy, Fuck" ... it was so deliciously slimy and sweet ... and I repeated the process three more times, swallowing each time to make room for the next incredible blast of his sweet juices. Jerimiah, squealed and squirmed on each prodigious shot of cum, his powerful ass and legs driving his cock up into my waiting mouth, his hands delicately holding my face ... and I must admit, I moaned and groaned to receive every delicious blast from my beautiful boy's big black balls. It was the greatest feeding of boy jizz I had ever received, bar none. I was absolutely dizzy with pleasure for the pleasure I had given this magnificent boy. But I had only just begun.

Jerimiah relaxed slightly after emptying five shots of cum into my mouth, his heels relaxing back to the floor, his long, warm, brown, hairless thighs pressed along my sides, his round ass still on the edge of the bed, his big balls settling back down into his low hanging scrotum. He took a couple of deep breaths and said, "Oh, daddy, that was fucking incredible. I've never cum like that before!"

I kept his beautiful cock in my mouth, very gently suckling it to milk out every delicious, sweet drop. Temporarily, Jerimiah's cock relaxed ... not to a flaccid state, but to a softer 7" state as he gently began to stoke my head, running his long brown fingers lovingly through my hair, and gradually, after about 5 minutes, his cock began to stir once again and it wasn't long after that that he was totally steel hard again. Gentle suckling brought forth the prodigious pre-cum I had come to expect, and I stood up, pressing his hips and ass toward the head of the bed and he slid fully onto the mattress with me following.

We faced one another on the king-sized bed and Jerimiah leaned into me and over me for a long open mouth kiss, our tongues wrestling not for dominance but just for the pleasure of touching and tasting one another's saliva mingled with the remnants of his sweet cum. As he gently licked my eye lids, he stroked my face with one hand while grasping my 7" rock hard cock with the other he whispered, "God, Daddy, you are so fucking hot. Can I please stay the night with you?" And I whispered back, "Of course you can, my beautiful, sexy boy. I wouldn't have it any other way!"

That began a long, slow, incredibly romantic make out session of open mouth kissing and fawning over one another's bodies, each of us taking turns being on top and then on bottom as our hands grazed one another's heads, faces, torsos, backs, arms, asses and cocks.

Ultimately, Jerimiah whispered, "Daddy, I just have to suck your beautiful cock!" and he slid down my torso and took my throbbing dick into his warm, moist mouth and I nearly blew right there. The sight of this gorgeous, young black boy with his beautiful brown lips wrapped around my thick, white cock was absolutely mesmerizing and he was curling my toes with the sensations his tongue was delivering to my cock. He hadn't quite learned to deep throat yet, but he was certainly trying and frankly I didn't care ... the fact that he was thoroughly enjoying himself suckling my hot cock was electrifying for me.

Jerimiah's cock was rock hard and dripping pre-cum like he hadn't come in a month so I twisted myself around to allow him access to my cock while I took his to the hilt in a 69 position. He came off my cock long enough to moan a grateful, "Holy fuck, daddy! Suck my big black cock!" and I did. I slid underneath him and brought him on top so that I could allow him to deep throat fuck me himself at the pace he wanted. The angle was great for me to take him to the hilt and I wanted him to be in control for now. He brought his knees up to a position on either side of my head so he could just arch his back slightly and rock that gorgeous round black ass forward and drive his long hard cock deep into my mouth and throat, his low hanging balls and scrotum draping over my nose and coming to rest on my eyes on each stroke. God, I loved it as he twisted ever so slightly and changed his tempo, driving his cock deep into my throat, moaning on every stroke around my hot cock still lodged in his mouth, his saliva running down my dick, wetting my scrotum and balls. We both could have cum this way in minutes, but I had other lessons to teach my sweet black boy.

Using the excuse that I didn't want to cum just yet and that greater pleasures were yet to be enjoyed, I turned around and reengaged in a passionate open mouth make out session. Damn, I loved this boy's saliva, almost as much as his cum! I ultimately figured his young teenage balls had had time to recharge, and I began my slow move down his svelte torso with my fingers, tongue and mouth. From his face down his long, graceful neck to his dark brown nipples that got hard with my suckling and brought forth a shudder and moans of pleasure from Jerimiah's lips, "God, what you do to me, daddy! Please don't stop!" And I didn't ... continuing across his fantastic six pack of abs over the warmest, smoothest skin I'd ever traversed to his "innie" belly button that I probed with the tip of my tongue.

And then, ever so slowly I consumed his lower abdomen ... lightly moving my tongue over that incredible triangle of smooth skin below his navel, bisected by his slight treasure trail leading down to his magnificent cocoa colored cock. While that was my ultimate target, it was not my immediate goal.

After a few luscious licks, I continued down his long, lean, hairless right thigh, leaving a wet trail of saliva as I traveled along, lifting his knee and lingering behind his knee with my tongue ... and then continued down his lanky calf to his ankle every curve of which I caressed with my tongue and lips ... then my goal ... his beautiful size 12 foot with those long, delicate, brown toes. Jerimiah was clearly enjoying my adoration of his body but, I'm certain, unsure where this was going, having never experienced it before.

Then I took his big toe into my mouth and suckled it like it was his cock as I massaged his foot in my hands and he moaned out an, "Oh, Fuck" which I took as my signal to proceed and I continued sucking his big toe. Then I moved to take all four of his other toes into my mouth using my tongue to pry between each one, caressing them one and all, eliciting a, "Jesus fucking Christ" from Jerimiah feeling sensations he'd never felt before. With a final suck of his big toe, I retraced my pathway back to his cock and, after a few licks and a couple of deep throats, I began my journey down his left thigh ... to his knee ... to his ankle ... to his toes and bestowed the same treatment to his beautiful left foot as well. Before I left his left foot, I brought his right foot back up and took the big toes from both feet into my mouth and suckled them together as my hands stroked the length of his long, lean legs.

When I again reached his groin, I deep throated his cock a few times, feasting on the prodigious pre-cum and then I abandoned his cock and allowed my tongue to slide down his long, hanging scrotum to his enormous, smooth black balls ... gently licking, swirling my tongue around them, each in turn, then taking one after the other into my mouth and gently caressing them with my tongue. Jerimiah moaned his approval as I urged his balls to produce more and more of the sweet cum I desperately wanted more of ... but my prize was further on.

As I suckled Jerimiah's phenomenal scrotum and balls, I drew both his feet up so his knees were fully bent, his feet on either side of my head as I sucked his balls ... and then I began to dig deeper ... underneath and behind his scrotum ... deeper and deeper along his perineum to my ultimate prize ... the one I'd dreamed about the second his trousers hit the floor ... his incredible ass. As my hot, wet tongue moved further and further back, Jerimiah instinctively realized my intent and, although he'd never experienced it before, he pressed his feet down, raising his hips off the bed, allowing me more and deeper access. When I had gotten as far as I could, I gently placed my hands behind his long thighs and lifted them, rocking him backwards, bringing his exquisite smooth brown rosebud into view. God, it was beautiful ... flawless ... so smooth, hairless and a darker shade of brown ... Jerimiah, I knew, was replete with excited anticipation ... wondering if I was really going to go there ... and I didn't disappoint.

As I rocked his thighs back to allow me access, my hot, wet tongue dove deeply into Jerimiah's most intimate spot ... he instantly screamed out, "Oh fuck daddy! That's incredible! Eat my ass daddy! Eat my fucking ass!" and I did exactly that. For the next fifteen minutes my tongue wiggled and pressed and wiggled some more into Jerimiah's most intimate entrance, relaxing his perfect asshole and exposing more and more of the smooth, tender, pink sheath inside ... and he moaned and groaned the entire time saying, "Oh, God, daddy, That's so fucking intense! Please don't stop! I love it, daddy! Eat my ass, daddy!".

Without my encouragement, Jerimiah was now pulling his long legs back with his knees on his shoulders to give me full access to his gorgeous ass and his hands were pawing at my head, pressing my tongue deeper into the warm depth of his ass. His asshole was twitching now ... in and out ... alternatively showing pink and brown ... in response to the probing of my tongue, my tongue as hard, if not as long as my cock. My saliva was running down Jerimiah's perineum and soaking his scrotum and balls as I slathered his hole with my tongue, probing as deeply as I could. We were both lost in lust!

In the heat of my feast, Jerimiah, skewering his ass onto my tongue, moaning with pleasure, said the magic words, "Fuck me, daddy! Please fuck me with your big fucking cock!". Although I relished his words, I worried whether he was ready for that. So, while I continued to lick and probe his sweet hole, I managed to mumble, "Are you sure, baby? Have you done that before?" to which he replied breathlessly, "No daddy, but I really, really want you to be my first. I really, really want your cock in me, daddy ... to fuck me and breed me! Please daddy, do it, please fuck me!"

Man, I could have died and gone to heaven right then and there and died a happy man, but I needed to give my beautiful black boy the greatest gift, the greatest experience, the greatest pleasure of a lifetime ... one that he would lovingly cherish and vividly remember ... every time he ever got fucked for the rest of his life, I wanted it to be MY cock in his body, MY cum in his ass, MY kisses on his lips, MY saliva in his mouth, MY fingers caressing his face!

One advantage of being a power bottom is knowing exactly how it feels ... and, therefore, how to top without causing pain or discomfort ... knowing just how to probe, how fast, how slow, how deep, how shallow to graze the prostate and generate the greatest pleasure on every stroke ... to deliver the greatest experience to another. For a truly memorable first-time experience as a bottom, it's half physical and half psychological ... you have to really, really WANT it to happen ... and it appeared that Jerimiah had already crossed that threshold and was deliriously desirous to accept the most intimate pleasure that can be experienced with another human being ... and I was to be the fortunate one to share it with him.

I continued to tongue fuck Jerimiah for another couple of minutes while he squirmed, winked his hole around my tongue and moaned, "Fuck me daddy, fuck me with your tongue, daddy! Fuck me with your cock, daddy! I want you so bad!".

I crept slowly up his torso to his lips, his long legs still bent with his knees on either side of his head and I began to gently kiss him fondly, caressing his face with my hands. My hard, hot, dripping cock was sliding slowly back and forth across his wet, slippery rosebud. I whispered into his exquisite little ears that daddy was going to take care of him ... daddy was going to fuck him ... slowly ... gently ... deeply ... daddy was going to make love to him ... to breed him ... and to make him mine!

Jerimiah was on the verge of desperation, his mind, his desire, his lust, his ass all begging for me to enter him and join us together as a single soul. My tongue left his lips and retraced its path back to his delicious rosebud as my right hand fetched out the tube of Vaseline that I had secreted underneath the pillow before jumping in the shower, being a proper Boy Scout.

I alternated between slathering his ass with my tongue and deep throating his magnificent cock, nearly coated with his pre-cum running down the length of it ... god it was delicious! As I sucked his cock, my Vaseline coated fingers began to swirl around the circumference of his rosebud ... very gently pressing the slippery salve around the smooth rim ... soon joined by my hot tongue again to push and probe it inside the smooth pink interior. Each time I deep throated his cock, my fingers pressed slightly deeper with more and more grease. My lips were coated with it, my tongue was slippery with it and his hot tight rosebud was relaxing and quivering with anticipation. I now had two highly greased fingers moving slowly in and out of him as Jerimiah trembled with anticipation, moaning, "Oh, daddy, please fuck me, please fuck me now! I need to feel your hot cock deep inside me! Please daddy!".

As I moved back up his torso to his waiting lips, I slathered up my 7" cock with grease and it slid gently across the hot twitching opening of Jerimiah's intimate entrance as my tongue entered his mouth in a passionate kiss. I gently broke the kiss to whisper in his ear, "Push out baby ... relax your sweet ass, and let daddy in." ... and then moved back to his lips and kissed him deeply as the pointed head of my cock slid into entry position. Jerimiah's pucker was twitching in anticipation, alternating between pushing out and sucking in, gently milking the tip of my cock, drizzling with pre-cum.

As my tongue probed deeply into his mouth, my fingers caressing his face, the slippery head of my cock gently breached his entrance as he pushed out to greet me and Jerimiah moaned "Fuck Yes!" ... and, while I had intended to take my time penetrating him slowly, he had other ideas. He was so relaxed and so desperate to have my cock buried inside him, he wiggled his ass back and forth and used his back to push hard upwards and he impaled himself on my hard, hot cock several more inches moaning, "Fuck me, daddy, fuck me! I need you all the way inside of me!" So, I gently, but persistently pressed onward watching his exquisite face for any sign of discomfort, but there was none ... only bliss and joy and pleasure and sheer lust ... until my full 7" thick cock was completely buried in his beautiful, tight, black ass, twitching in anticipation. I gave him a few seconds to become accustomed to the fullness of my cock buried in him and then I fucked him ... deeply, slowly, gently ... being sure to graze his prostate on every stroke ... driving him to delirium as we passionately kissed and made out. "Oh, holy fuck, daddy! I love your cock in me. I love you fucking me! I love you daddy!" and I replied, with all sincerity, "And I love you too, my sweet, handsome, sexy boy! I love you too!", kissing him deeply.

Then I did the unexpected ... I slowly broke the kiss and brought my knees forward and sat up on my bended legs so I could watch my thick white cock, glistening with lubricant, slowly move in and out of my gorgeous black boy's tight ass. The color contrast was mesmerizing ... the feelings nothing short of ecstasy. Every slow, deliberate stroke was designed to bring the ultimate pleasure to us both ... with me pushing 7" of hard, white, slippery cock deep into my baby's intimate innards while Jerimiah pushed back to meet my every stroke, joined together in the most intimate, the most loving act possible.

Jerimiah's magnificent cock was absolutely drooling pre-cum as I lustfully watched our coupling so suddenly, I bent tightly over as my cock partially withdrew, keeping only the head of my fat cock inside his ass, and I swallowed half of Jerimiah's magnificent 9" cock into my mouth! Jerimiah screamed, "Holy fucking Christ! Oh, daddy, what the fuck are you doing to me?"

I kept only the head of his beautiful cock in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it, as my cock again penetrated him fast and hard, all the way to the pubes, eliciting near delirium from Jerimiah ... his knees were drawn up, his feet and toes curled ... he was tossing his head from side to side ... his eyes rolled back and fluttering ... moaning loudly, "Oh, daddy, daddy ... fuck me daddy, suck me daddy ... I can't stand it ... I love you so much ... dear God, fuck me ... breed me with your cum, daddy! I need it so bad!".

I kept up the rhythm for as long as I could ... alternately rocking ... driving my hard, hot cock deep into my sweet black boy as I came up to the head of his cock with my lips, my slippery right hand grasping and massaging the rest of his cock following my lips ... and then swallowing his cock deep in my mouth as my cock retreated out to the lips of his tight ass. In and out ... back and forth ... the dual sensation driving both of us to the edge.

Just to complete all possible pleasures, I ran my left hand gently up Jerimiah's smooth torso and penetrated his mouth with my index finger which he wildly sucked as his ass accepted the fullness of my cock and I alternatively swallowed his cock. The sensations were overwhelming and it didn't take but a minute more and I felt his cock begin to swell and turn to steel, his balls beginning their journey to the top of his scrotum and I knew what was cumming ... Jerimiah was cumming ... and I wanted to taste every drop. I had been holding off my own climax for several minutes by adjusting my rhythm and I was ready to join him in an instant. "Oh, fuck daddy, fuck ... I'm going to cum, daddy ... breed me, daddy, please fuck me hard and breed me, daddy!".

I timed Jerimiah's first blast when I was all the way down on his cock and it was an enormous blast, completely filling my mouth with sweet boy cum. "Oh, Jesus fuck" he cried out. I swallowed the huge load as my lips retreated to the tip of his cock and, as I swirled my tongue around the sensitive head of his magnificent cock to savor the flavor, I simultaneously drove my hot cock deep into my sweet black boy, my cock swelled hard and I blasted my first load of daddy cum deep within him ... feeling my cock swell up so hard and shoot hot cum deep in his ass, Jerimiah shouted, "Oh, daddy, fuck me, fuck me ... breed me, daddy!" ... and then we alternated ... as my cock withdrew to the entrance of his ass and my mouth once again swallowed his cock, he delivered his second sweet blast of boy juice ... "Swallow my jizz, daddy" ... and as I swallowed and withdrew my lips, I drove my cock deep into him again and delivered my second blast of daddy cum to my beautiful black boy "Oh, God, daddy ... fuck, I love you so much" ... again and again ... five shots each before our balls were sufficiently emptied and we could again breath normally.

I kept Jerimiah's last blast in my mouth and slowly moved up his body to meet his gaze once again. I slightly opened my mouth to show him my prize, inviting him to enjoy it too, if he wished and he didn't hesitate ... he grasped my head in his hands and drew me to his open mouth and his sweet precious seed flowed back and forth between us, first into his mouth and then into mine with the addition of his sweet saliva to his sweet jizz until we each swallow half the nectar. We continued making out for another five minutes before my cock softened and slipped from Jerimiah's young hot body, my white cum running slowly out and across his beautiful brown ass cheeks.

We lay there completely spent for several minutes, just cuddling, kissing and enjoying one another's closeness ... fingers touching, caressing, transmitting the unspoken emotions we each were feeling. Jerimiah confessed that he came from an upper middle-class family, was an only child and both parents were professionals who, because of their work demands, didn't spend much time with him ... a latch key kid since junior high school. He knew he was gay from an early age, but his parents were conservative and he had not yet confided in them that he was gay and he feared doing so. He had had a couple of gay experiences with friends during high school, but nothing past jerking one another off and sucking dick. He had looked forward to getting away from home and exploring his sexuality in college but so far, that hadn't happened either. His randomly assigned roommate in the dorm was straight and, while they became fast friends, he had not told his roommate he was gay for fear of rejection. It was that friend he traveled with to New York City to see off on a holiday trip to Europe.

After a fashion, I suggested that we shower together to freshen up a bit and then get some rest. We climbed into the shower together and gently washed each other ... hands slowly exploring each inch of one another ... and as soap was rinsed away, our cocks began to rise again. Jerimiah held me tight from the back, our bodies in contact from head to foot ... his incredible black cock rising between my hairless thighs, his cocoa arms wrapped around my white torso, his chin resting on my right shoulder, his lips nibbling lightly on my ear as he whispered, "I love you daddy. I really, really love you!". I turned and faced him, taking his handsome brown face in my hands, looking deeply in those dark pools of eyes and said, "My sweet, handsome boy, I really, really love you too!" and I meant every word. There are many kinds of love, some take minutes to develop, some take years, but I really did love him and at that moment in time, he was the most important person in my life and I felt very, very deeply for him.

We stepped out of the shower and dried one another off with the thick white hotel towels and Jerimiah took my hand in his and led me back to the king-sized bed to cuddle and kiss. In spite of the late hour and the energy we had already expended, sleep eluded us as the raw attraction bloomed once again in our loins. This time, Jerimiah was taking the lead and swung his magnificent cocoa brown body on top, resting his upper weight on his elbows as he held my face in his hands and passionately kissed me open mouthed. "You're so fucking hot, daddy ... I can't tell you how much you turn me on! You're perfect ... I love your body ... I love your face ... and I love your thick hot cock!".

He knew by now that I loved his sweet saliva as it flowed from the tip of his tongue into my waiting mouth followed by his tongue to reach deep, wrestling my own. It was almost like he was constantly cumming in my mouth. "Do you like my sweet saliva daddy? Do you like me to let it drip slowly into your hot mouth?" To which I moaned, "You know I do, my sweet, sexy boy!" Damn, he was delicious ... his eyes never left mine ... conveying the love and joy we were giving one another. After a long make out session, and without saying a word, Jerimiah began to slide slowly down my torso toward my hard, leaking cock ... his body slithered down between my hairless white thighs that framed his gorgeous brown body. He took my cock in his mouth and suckled it and I squirmed with pleasure ... going deeper and deeper each time ... bumping against the back of his throat ... again and again and I was in heaven, when all of a sudden, his throat opened and my hard 7" cock slid all the way into his throat. He held it there for a few seconds to get accustomed to its size and girth and then, with his eyes slightly watering from the experience, he did it again. Pleased with himself, he now deep throated me on every thrust.

I thought that he wanted to suck me off and taste my cum but he had other ideas. He moved lower, licking my scrotum and balls. I didn't have a low hanging sack with which he was blessed, but my nuts were good sized and loose in the sack so he could gently take each one into his mouth and suckle them tenderly. And then, to my surprise, he moved beyond and began to move his tongue underneath my balls and across that tender pathway leading to my most intimate place. Would he go there? He was humming and moaning his enjoyment and I wasn't going to limit him in any way ... this was his moment and I was determined to do whatever necessary to bring him the most pleasure possible.

I slowly lifted my legs, knees to my shoulders to give him full access if that was what he wanted. I was squeaky clean and already pre lubricated inside so whatever he desired to do, I was ready. I am more a bottom than a top anyway, so the prospect of my gorgeous black boy wanting to fuck me exploded in my head ...god, I wanted him in me so bad, wanted to feel him impale me to the hilt of his enormous cocoa cock and fuck me all night ... to fuck the cum right out of me and finally to breed me deep and full ... to make love to me.

But my beautiful boy was determined to give as good as he got and as soon as I lifted my legs to give him access, he plunged his hot tongue into my tight rosebud ... it was so unexpected and so fucking electric I about lost it ... god, it felt so amazing ... he had been a good pupil and he dove right in for a feast on my most intimate spot ... twirling, twisting, thrusting his hot pick tongue around the rim and then into my slightly greased hole. My beautiful black boy maintained his tongue assault on my asshole for a long time, my hard cock responding by pouring pre-cum out on my lower abdomen where it pooled in my treasure trail, a long shiny line of slime connecting the pool to the head of my cock.

I was in heaven with the intense feelings he was giving me but I yearned for the main event, and finally, he asked, "Daddy, can I please fuck you? Your cock brought me such pleasure I want to do the same for you. I really want to feel what it's like to make love to you with my cock buried in your hot body! I want to cum in you and make you mine too!" Of course, that had been my fantasy ever since my eyes made contact with his in the elevator and I couldn't wait to feel him enter me and make me his. I had anticipated bottoming and I had pre-lubricated my love tunnel after my original shower, but I had under estimated just how big Jerimiah's cock was ... 9" long with the girth of a large banana ... but perfectly proportioned with an arrow head and tapered shaft so perhaps enough ... and then there was the prodigious amount of pre-cum he produced constantly ... that alone might be sufficient lubrication there was so much of the slippery stuff.

With a lust filled, raspy whisper, I pleaded with Jerimiah, "Dear God, my sweet, handsome, boy ... Yes ... Yes ... Please fuck me! I want to feel you deep inside me and I want to feel you fill me with your sweet boy juice!". Planting his knees next to my hips, Jerimiah leaned forward, laying his hot body on top of mine as my legs wrapped around his brown torso, my feet hooking together to hold him close. Our tongues again wrestled in a pool of saliva as the head of his huge cocoa cock drizzled streams of pre-cum into the entrance of my love chute. His tongue probed the depths of my mouth, while his hard cock probed my intimate trough as I flexed my anus in and out, suckling at the tip of his cock head, to milk more of the precious pre-cum from the head of his hot cock and without any real effort, I pushed back and sucked the head of his cock inside of me, "Jesus fucking Christ, daddy! Fuck!" he shouted as the smooth, tight, heat of my love canal wrapped around his cock head, squeezed tightly, and then I pushed out and relaxed to invite more of him inside. "Fuck me, baby ... fuck your daddy with your big black cock ... fuck the cum out of me and plant your seed!" I rasped.

And, slowly, Jerimiah's great, black snake of a cock slithered deeper inside me like a giant python with a single eye seeking the warmth and depth of my deep, dark tunnel until every inch of his incredible 9" cock was buried all the way to his short and curlies ... he held it there ... deep ... and began twitching it ... and I lost it! My thighs pulled him tight to my torso as my feet and toes curled into tight circles with the shock pleasure of his penetration and I hollered out, "Oh baby ... Fuck ... Your cock is so big ... Jesus ... It's fucking huge ... But I love it in me ... Please don't stop ... Please fuck me ... Fuck me, Baby ... Fuck me deep!"

Jerimiah took his time, slowly withdrawing his long, black snake until it was almost out and then his powerful cantaloupe ass and thighs pressed forward, once again driving it into the depths of my bowls. My head was spinning with his each and every stroke as we moaned into each other's mouths and with each penetration of my ass, his lower abdomen was rubbing up and down against my hard cock, slicked up with my own pre-cum and driving me crazy with the dual sensation of his cock in my ass and my cock slip fucking his stomach.

Having already cum twice, Jerimiah had staying power, giving me the fuck of a lifetime and we slow fucked for nearly an hour before the undeniable urges began to rise in us both. Suddenly his stoke quickened, my cock was sliding all over in the pool of pre-cum between our stomachs ... and then, he brought his face slightly away from mine, lovingly holding my gaze in his, and, anticipating my desire, he extended his tongue and "came" in my mouth by sticking out his long, pink tongue emitting a long thin stream of sweet saliva that flowed slowly into my mouth like ball juice, followed by his tongue reaching the back of my throat in a mad kiss and simultaneously, he drove his hard, hot cock to the hilt, held it there deep inside me as it swelled up hard as steel and I felt the first blast of his boy jizz fill my bowels! Jerimiah mumbled into my mouth, "Oh, dear God, daddy ... I'm fucking cumming ... I'm going to fill you up with my love juice, daddy ... I love you so much!", and I moaned into his mouth around dueling tongues, "I love you too my gorgeous young stud, I love you too! Fuck me, baby, fuck me deep and fill me with your sweet boy cum". Jerimiah continued to fuck my mouth with his tongue as he drove his cock deep into me time after time, blasting load after load deep within. Sometime between his half a dozen blasts, my own cock spewed my load between us cementing us together in one slippery, sexy mess. Never mind that this gorgeous sexy black boy had only just turned 18 ... I had never in my life been so completely and thoroughly consumed by love, lust and pleasure by anyone, before or since.

We lay there for a long time, physically spent but still emotionally engaged ... his great brown cock still lodged in my love tunnel ... just kissing and caressing one another with finger tips, enjoying the moment, not wanting it to end. His softening cock finally slipped from my rosebud and I had to squeeze tight to keep his enormous load of boy juice from coating the sheets. The night was escaping quickly but we would cherish every moment of its passing. We decided we better clean up again and get some rest so I went to the bathroom first as I couldn't hold my precious prize in forever and then we showered together again, fondly washing one another from head to toe ... then dried one another with those thick hotel towels and returned to bed. We spooned together on our left sides and I held my baby, Jerimiah, tight to my torso ... my cock against his ass ... my right leg over his left ... our feet touching, toes moving gently over toes, caressing ... our breathing became one ... our hearts beating in sync ... our heat blended together and sleep ultimately embraced us.

The sun rose far too quickly and reality beckoned ... as we lazily dragged ourselves out of our slumber, we clung to one another, caressing, kissing, cuddling ... not wanting our adventure to end ... we both knew it must, but our hearts and souls were now welded together at some deep, primal level. I was a mid-level manager for a mega corporation in Chicago, 15 years older than Jerimiah ... and white. Jerimiah was an 18-year-old student in Rochester, NY, on a scholarship, and gay but not out to either family or friends ... and black. His race was a definite turn on for me ... and mine for him ... but our differences could pose a serious problem for him with his conservative parents on many levels ... gay, age difference and race. It was too big a hurdle for the time.

As I pondered our differences and our dilemma, Olivia Newton-John's recently released hit song, "I Honestly Love You", came to mind; "... If we both were born, in another place and time, this moment might be ending in a kiss. But there you are with yours and here I am with mine, so I guess we'll just be leaving it at this. I love you. I honestly love you.".

Fate is fickle.

We showered and dressed, mostly in silence. I packed my bags and went with him to his room to pack his and then we left our bags with the concierge, checked out and I took Jerimiah for breakfast. We hardly ate, looking at one another across the table through misty eyes, relishing in the love and lust of the night's memories cast against the anticipation of imminent departure, in all probability, never to see one another again. Time, unfortunately, does not stand still and the sweeping hands of the clock and my departing flight from LaGuardia forced the moment upon us.

I walked Jerimiah back to the hotel lobby, collected his bags and then we strolled together to the elevator leading to the garage below where his car was parked. His fingers grazed mine as we waited for the elevator to arrive and when it did, his fingers clutched mine for a moment and then, resigned to fate, he boarded, turned to face me, smiled, winked and mouthed a kiss. That memory is burned deeply into my soul.

I knew from the moment that I saw him on that elevator the night before that I would think of him fondly every day of my life ... and, watching him disappear on that same elevator the next morning cemented a memory I have cherished every day of my life.

There will never be another Jerimiah.

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