Jesse Wants a Taste

By NK-Writes

Published on Jun 19, 2024


Jesse Wants a Taste Chapter 1

Jesse Wants a Taste
Chapter 1 - Jacks, Spits, & Shoots

by NK-Writes

Don't need an intro or a recap? Jump to the start of the story.

This chapter includes two orgasms, teen/teen mutual masturbation, first time masturbation, minor foot fetish, discussion of foreskins and circumcision, cum tasting/fetish, and mentions of experimentation with oral sex (including between brothers)

The foot fetish serves a one-time plot purpose in this first chapter. You'll see what I mean.

Please only read this if it is legal, safe, and comfortable for you to do so where you currently live.


This is my first submission to Nifty! I'm excited to finally contribute to the site after enjoying it for so long.

This fictional story focuses on sexual activity between teen male characters. This story does not advocate for or condone adults sexualizing people who are under the age of consent. It is about memories of first times and wishes of what could have been, which for many LGBTQA* people focuses on their teen years. There will never be adult/teen sex or male/female sex in any chapters of this story.

Please consider making a donation to Nifty, which is a 503(c)(3) charitable organization in the United States. Nifty is more than an archive of queer literary erotica! It exists as a body of work that lets people know they are not alone in their identities and experiences when it comes to sex and sexuality.


Chapter 1 - Jacks, Spits, & Shoots

It all started on a regular, sunny Sunday afternoon.

That day I got a taste of something that would change my entire life.

I was hanging out in my third-floor bedroom in my grandparents' house in the suburbs. It was a tiny room. I had a full bed with its head just beneath my one window and one side of the bed pressed up against a wall. Beside the bed on the opposite side there was less than a foot of clear space between the bed and the wall to gain access to a closet with a sliding accordion door. There was enough room on the floor at the foot of the bed to squeeze in a board game between the bed and a TV stand that held a moderately-sized TV, a box of tissues, plus my video game console when I brought it with me from home.

It was a tiny room, but in some ways I liked it more than my much bigger bedroom at home. The third floor was a partially-converted attic, so it felt completely private and separate from the rest of the house. I even had my own bathroom with a shower right next to my room! At home I had to share a bathroom with my dad.

I stayed with my grandparents whenever my father was traveling for work or a conference. This weekend was his last big weekend of travel for the school year. He had already called to say he was on his way back and that he would pick me up in a few hours - just after dinner time.

I wasn't in any hurry to leave. I was sitting at the edge of the foot of my bed playing video games with my neighbor, Alex. Or, I guess I should say, my grandparents' neighbor. He didn't live directly next door to them, but on the block behind theirs. I could see a sliver of his bedroom window from the window above my bed.

Alex was 14, almost a year older than I was. He had two brothers - an older brother, Tony, who was 17, and a younger brother, Corey, who was 13.

Alex was only a few inches taller than me but he looked distinctly older. More teen than tween, in the months that I had known him he had quickly shed his baby fat and grew into a slightly stockier build. His freckled cheeks and straw-blond hair made him look like a boy from the cover of some retro mid-1900s adventure novel. I was much slighter than him, thin and on the short side, with dark brown hair that got wavy when I didn't get it trimmed. I hadn't hit my puberty growth spurt yet, and people often thought I was younger than I actually was.

Alex and I were in a weird in-between spot in the group of kids in this neighborhood, which is why we started hanging out with each other last year when his family moved in. They had moved so he could attend a better high school than the one in their old neighborhood. I think that was in part because his older brother Tony had hung out with a bad crowd at their old school. Even in this new neighborhood, Tony immediately fell in with a group of teenagers who would ride their bikes far afield to the nearby movie theatre, where they were reputed to smoke cigarettes and drink beers in the far reaches of the parking lot.

That sort of stuff didn't interest me at all. I was almost the exact same age as Alex's younger brother Corey, though Corey was placed a grade lower than me due to the birthday cutoff in our school district. He acted more like a kid than Alex or I. Corey was still part of the younger crowd who liked to run around outside in a big gang and play make-pretend games with each other.

Alex and I were deep into our teenage "we're too old for that" phase and had no interest in playing pretend (but still not quite old enough to want to loiter in parking lots smoking cigarettes). We mostly wanted to do "serious" teenage stuff like playing video games and board games and talking about TV shows with each other.

(So: really nothing all that serious.)

On that Sunday afternoon we were playing a fighting game, which was one of our favorite pastimes during my past few visits to my grandparents' house. It wasn't our favorite just because of the game itself. Alex and I had gotten in the habit of giving a "Truth or Dare" to whoever lost each match. It was never anything intimidating. The truths tended to be vaguely-embarrassing stuff like "have you ever eaten a booger?" or "what hand do you wipe with on the toilet?" The dares were nonsense like licking a doorknob or tossing our shoes out of the window into the back yard (and risking getting yelled at by my grandfather). We never got too far before either descending into giggles or being interrupted by one or both of our families calling us for dinner time.

However, this day was a little different. I couldn't figure out why. Alex seemed to be feeling a little more rambunctious than normal. Maybe it was because it was so warm outside so early in the season. I don't know. Or, at least, I didn't at the time. Spurred on by his mood, we kept daring each other to do slightly more physical stuff than usual, like smelling each other's armpits or giving the other a quick back rub.

As a result, I was starting to feel a mood of my own. Alex was in a tank top and short jean cutoffs with his socks and shoes kicked off. I couldn't help but glance occasionally at his big teenager feet, still slightly out of proportion to the rest of his growing body, and then slyly allow my eyes to follow the lines of his crossed legs up to the slight bulge in his cutoffs.

It seemed like he was packing MORE in there than I recalled noticing ever before. It was certainly more than I was packing.

I should mention here that I was really into other boys. Not romantically, at that point. I was just very interested in their bodies. I always had been, I guess. I had managed to get two friends let me briefly suck their dicks, but neither time was a sexual thing. It was just... the most personal thing of theirs I could put in my mouth? Which is actually kinda sexual, huh? I was a pretty naive kid, and I didn't know about the concept of oral sex at the time. I just sucked on them for a while and that was that.

I really wanted THAT with Alex. I had wanted it ever since I first spotted him after he got dragged into playing water guns versus water balloons with Corey and the younger neighborhood kids on a scorching hot day last summer just after his family moved in. I was sitting on my grandparent's porch reading a book, and as they battled past us Alex spotted me and called out to ask if I wanted to join in. I looked down at his golden hair and how his t-shirt was drenched and clinging to his body and quickly dropped my book and ran down the stairs to engage in their very soggy battle.

Over the past year of occasional visits to my grandparents' house I had grown to really enjoy Alex's company. Even though he was a VERY SERIOUS TEENAGER now (but not really), he was still kind and playful, unlike his brooding and too-cool older brother. There was something magnetically affable about him that made me want to be close to him.

One part of him, in particular.

Unfortunately, I only got to see Alex when my dad was on a work trip. Our recent video game Truth or Dare sessions were as far as I managed to push things. And, as I said, they had been pretty tame before today.

As I barely edged Alex out of a win, I immediately demanded "Truth or Dare!?" from across the foot of my bed.

He replied without a moment of hesitation "Dare," he said, grinning widely as if challenging me to really test him with this one.

This was my chance to escalate things. I surreptitiously traced the line from his bare foot to his crotch with my eyes again and said, "lick my foot."

"What? Ew, Jesse!" Alex replied with a laugh.

I propped my own bare foot up on the bed beside him. "Lick my foot, heel to toe."

I didn't care one bit about getting my foot licked. Or being licked at all. I just wanted him to dare me to lick him somewhere in retaliation and I felt like he might be in a rowdy enough mood for it. This sort of thing had worked for me once before with one of my other friends, so I was giving it another try. What can I say - I was thirteen, I didn't have a lot of slick moves!

Alex took a moment to consider my dare. Together we had established a house rule that you could skip out on any truth or a dare you didn't like and we wouldn't repeat the same one, but then you absolutely had to do whatever was asked on the next turn. As Alex skeptically examined my foot, I suspected he was busy contemplating what worse things I could ask him to do the next time around if he turned down this challenge.

(To be fair, so was I!)

"Okay," he said hesitantly, "but, first go rinse your foot off in the shower and then hop back here. I don't want to get a bunch of dirt or carpet fuzz getting in my mouth."

"Deal," I said. Careful not to appear over-eager, I walked out of my room (even though I wanted to sprint) and into my bathroom right next to it in the hall. The frames of the two doors literally butted up against each other. Buzzing with excitement, I turned on the spray of the shower, rinsed my foot thoroughly under the water, and dried it with a bath towel. Then, I hopped back to my room on my other foot and plopped back onto my bed. I propped my still slightly-damp foot back up onto it and wiggled my toes.

"Weirdo," Alex giggled at me. Then, he leaned down with his face towards the sole of my foot and licked it from bottom to top. But, it wasn't just a quick perfunctory lick like I imagined he would give me. He kind of traced the tip of his tongue around in a wavy path that began at the center of my heel and worked its way up to the base of my big toe. Intentionally or not, he even leaned in a bit and let his nose brush against my toes on the way up.

It made me feel... SOMETHING. A queasy mix of giddiness, excitement, and something else I couldn't quite name at the time. Plus, with him hunched down with his eyes (and tongue) on my foot, I could stare directly at his crotch without any risk of being caught.

"Okay, done," he said, sitting back up in a cross-legged position and grabbing the game controller to continue our game as if nothing unusual or thrilling had just happened. I tried to tamp down my sudden swell of feelings and grabbed my controller to select my next character.

I put up a decent fight in the next round of best-2-out-of-3. Alex beat me in the first match just before time ran out, but I quickly finished him in the second match. As the counter to begin the third match counted down, I considered my strategy. Did I really want to win? No! I wanted Alex to give me a dare! As a result, I was careful to use fewer special moves in the final match so I would be sure to lose, but not so few that Alex would notice I was throwing the game.

"Alright, Jesse: truth or dare?" Alex asked with a smirk as the dust was still rising around my defeated character on the screen.

"I suppose I owe you a dare, eh?" I said with a smile as I felt those giddy feelings swelling inside me again.

Alex averted his eyes from me for a second and looked up at the ceiling, like he was trying to recall something. I was afraid that my foot-licking freaked him out too much or something. But, a moment later it Alex propped his bare foot up onto the bed. "Suck on my big toe," he said, wiggling it invitingly. "Like you're sucking on a lollipop. For fifteen seconds."

"Will you rinse it off first?" I asked, trying to hide my excitement at putting a part of his body in my mouth by mirroring his concern from my prior dare. This is exactly what I wanted. Or, at least, a first step towards exactly what I wanted.

"Sure," he said. I was delighted to see that Alex bolted off to the bathroom with a lot more zip in his step than I showed on my trip a few minutes ago. Hopefully that meant he was fully into our game and wouldn't need any convincing from me other than escalating our dares. I heard the water running, and then it turned off. Nothing happened for a long beat, and I heard the repeated thumps of him hopping back to my room. He hopped through the door and past me to sit back in his spot on the bed closer to the wall. Just as I did a few minutes before, he swung one leg up and propped his freshly-washed foot up onto my bed with a grin.

I made a big show of leaning over and grasping his foot with both hands. It was the first time I had ever touched him like this - skin on skin. Even our back-rub dares earlier in the game had been delivered through our shirts. His foot was definitely bigger than mine. I cupped it from either side with my hands like it was a warm mug. Then, half pulling his foot up to my face and half lowering my mouth to meet it, I slid my lips around his toe.

It was a fine toe with a trimmed nail. It was still soft on the bottom since we weren't into the summer season of bare feet on asphalt of the pool deck.

And I sucked - as lasciviously as I could imagine at the time. I was fully pretending his toe was his penis, tucked inside that curiously-larger-than-before bulge in his shorts.

This was exactly how the path to dick-sucking with my neighbor from home got started. His was the second dick I had sucked, and he was the only boy so far who had sucked on mine. What I had figured out from the first one I sucked (and confirmed with my neighbor) was that for some boys a dick isn't too different from a toe or any other body part. One is in shoes all day, one is in underwear all day. One gets sweaty and smelly, one has pee come out of it and can also be smelly. In a silly game like Truth or Dare it wasn't really a big jump from foot to dick if you framed things the right way. ESPECIALLY when your partner was in a peculiar sort of mood, like Alex was in that day.

(Maybe that's why I had a little bit of a foot fetish, at this point? I'd see another boy's bare foot and in my head it was kind of the same thing as seeing his penis. They were both somewhat ticklish private parts that were often covered up. I didn't have that feeling about girls, although I also liked girls. They just didn't have anything private I wanted to put into my mouth.)

Of course, all of my assumed rules about what body parts other guys would be willing to suck were about to change with the onset of puberty ... but I didn't know that yet. Although, I was about to find out.

I remembered how the fat head of my neighbor-from-home's penis once felt so plump and soft on my tongue, and I pretended the soft bottom of Alex's toe was the glans. I chanced a look up at Alex's face as I sucked, and he definitely saw me looking. He kind of shifted his butt around on the bed and made those familiar boy motions of readjusting his underwear through his shorts as nonchalantly as possible, even though every other boy in the world would know exactly what he was doing.

I noticed neither of us were actually counting to fifteen seconds. I wanted to keep going. What if this was the only chance to have some part of Alex in my mouth?! But, I also didn't want to make it so weird that we couldn't continue to escalate our game of dares. His toe was not the only thing I wanted in my mouth.

I decided I had gone on as long as I could justify without making things weird, and with one final lick of my tongue across the bottom of his toe I pulled off with a deliberate suck and an audible pop. I sat back up and looked him in the eye.

"How did it feel?" I said, pushing my luck a little bit further.

"Kinda good," he said. He made a move to pick up his controller to start another round, and then he paused. He looked like he was lost deep in thought.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" Alex said tentatively, as he haltingly thumbed the controller through character selection.

"Are you sure you don't want to wait for me to ask you a 'Truth'?" I replied with a laugh, feeling giddy after getting to suck on Alex's toe. "Don't want to waste giving me good intel for free, right?"

He guffawed at this. If any tension had begun to mount in that moment, I had cut through it and put him at ease.

"No. It's... it's just really weird and you sucking on my toe made me think of it. Or, maybe it made me think of getting you to suck on my toe. But, it's... it's definitely weird. If I tell you, you have to promise it's a secret, okay? Like, REALLY promise."

He had certainly piqued my curiosity. What exactly had my sucking on his toe reminded him of that could be so important?

"Sure. Of course." I tried to make my voice as solemn and serious as I could. "I double-pinky swear," I said, offering up both of my pinkies to him. Even boys who think they're too old for kid stuff still have some youthful habits.

Alex put his controller down on the floor and took hold of both of my pinkies with his own pinkies briefly to seal our agreement and then pulled his hands back.

"Okay. So, a couple of days ago I had just fallen asleep in my bunk..." I hadn't been to his house, but I knew from past chats that he and Corey shared a bedroom with bunk beds, and that his was the bottom because Corey was younger and thought the top was more exciting. "...and I started to wake up because I felt something sort of strange. Like, kinda like I might wet the bed but... it felt GOOD, too. I was confused, so I woke all the way up and noticed that my underwear were pulled down, and Corey..."

He trailed off. I loved where this was going, but I willed myself to stay silent and not grin maniacally.

"...Corey was sucking on my dick."

YES. This was the best day ever! I stayed as calm as possible and tried to reply in a normal way that someone who didn't also want to suck his dick might reply.

"Wow," I said, trying to make the word sound more confused than excited. "What did you do?"

Alex seemed encouraged by my bland, non-judgmental reply to his confession. He rushed forward in the telling.

"Dude, it felt so good. He was kind of doing what you were doing on my toe, but on my dick head, and it was amazing. Tony is always talking about what girls in his class might give him a blowjob. Of course I had thought about it while jacking, but I never thought I'd get one any time soon! And... not from my brother." Alex gave something between a frown and a wince as he said this. "After just a few seconds of being awake I was really afraid I might shoot, so I just pretended to roll over on my stomach. Or, I mean, I did roll over onto my stomach, but I pretended I was doing it in my sleep, and then he left me alone and went back up to his bunk."

This was a lot of information and I didn't know how to process all of it. At the time I wasn't sure what Alex meant about "blowjobs" (in my naivete I hadn't connected that occasionally-heard term to my own zeal for dick sucking), jacking, or shooting. Despite my fascination with boys and their cocks, I hadn't fully hit puberty yet and only knew the broad strokes (heh) of sex ed. But, I was over the moon to hear he liked having his dick sucked. Corey had done half the work for me! I just had to get Alex past whatever hesitations he had about Corey being the one doing the sucking.

"Hmm," I said, trying to sound like I was seriously contemplating his situation but also had no knowledge, experience, or interest in sucking dicks whatsoever. "I bet it would feel really cool. But..." I was struggling with how much of my own ignorance I wanted to reveal here. Alex was just my every-few-weekends play buddy - sex had never come up between us before. "...why were you so worried? About, uh... shooting, I mean?"

"I dunno. Like, in his mouth, you know? If he didn't expect it? I don't think Corey even knows about that yet. It felt wrong."

I was flummoxed. What was Alex talking about? "You mean... peeing?" I asked, gingerly.

Alex looked at me as though I had just asked him the most ridiculous question in the world - like, as if I had asked if he liked video games or potato chips or something else thuddingly obvious. Something utterly goofy.

"You know. Shooting cum. Like..." he lowered his voice as if my grandparents might hear him over the blaring television in the kitchen two floors below us, "like when a guy fucks a girl."

"Oh, you mean like when a man and woman have sex. He uses his penis in the woman's vagina to deliver sperm to her egg so they can conceive a baby." I recited this matter-of-factly, as if by rote. My dad had always talked plainly and in scientific terms about sex with me. I was feeling proud that I picked up what Alex was talking about from context clues.

He gave me another quizzical look.

"Yeah, but... you know he doesn't just DELIVER the sperm in her, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, when a guy fucks a girl," he definitely took some perverse delight in saying it in that specific vulgar way, which wasn't his usual way of talking. "They keep doing it until it feels really good for him, and then he cums and shoots his sperm into her. It's the best part. Just like jerking off."

Now it was my turn to give him a quizzical look.

I guess I had never thought about the idea that the sperm "delivery" wasn't just this brief, perfunctory thing that happened as an incidental by-product of penis-in-vagina sex. That's the way it worked for animals, based on what I had read about reproduction.

My dad had explained that sex should always be something people agree on and it should feel good. And, of course, I had also seen TV shows and movies with PG-13 sex scenes in them. I understood in an abstract way that sex could be a lot of fun, yet, in all of my learning about sex and reading about reproduction and my sucking of two whole dicks, I had never come across the idea that all that feel-good fun was directly linked to sperm delivery and that it was a singular, pleasurable event.

Alex must have read the confusion on my face. "Oh, man. You don't jerk off yet, do you?" Alex paused. "You know, like... jacking? Mas-tur-bating," he said, sounding it out slowly. It wasn't in a mean way, but more like it being a word he never had to say out loud to another person before.

"You mean playing with yourself?" I replied. I had completely let my guard down at this point. I had even briefly forgotten about wanting to suck his dick! I was completely enveloped in this totally frank conversation about the things our dicks could do. It sounded like he was talking about playing with his dick, and I certainly did that too. It was my favorite fidget toy!

At this juncture I noticed the familiar sight of Alex adjusting his underwear beneath his shorts again. Suddenly, it all came crashing together in my head. Alex was old enough that his body was ready for sex, his penis was getting bigger just like his feet, and his big dick had probably been hard this whole time! Right there in front of me in my bed this teenager had a hard dick, probably from thinking all day about his brother sucking it earlier that week and then talking about it with me.

Alex saw me seeing him adjusting himself.

"Look, you don't have an older brother," he said, self-consciously pulling his hand away from his crotch, "so I guess you don't overhear this stuff all the time, and your dad hasn't talked to you about it yet..."

I interrupted him. "My dad gave me the whole sex talk. I know all about sperm and eggs and periods and how sex feels good and all that."

"Right, but you don't know about how to make your own dick feel good."

"I play with it sometimes," I shot back insistently, feeling more than a little defensive. I felt like I was coming off like a little kid - like how Alex thought about Corey.

Alex abruptly got up from the bed, crossing in front of me to walk the short distance to my bedroom door. I was afraid for a moment that he was storming out of the room in frustration. Instead, he closed the door and locked it. We'd lock it sometimes when one of my grandparents was being super annoying and interrupting our games over and over again. I wouldn't get in trouble about it or anything. If they came all the way up to the third floor to talk to me they'd just keep knocking until we unlocked it.

Then, Alex turned to face me, with his back to the door.

"Look, I already told you my brother sucked my dick. So, think of that as my round of 'Truth' and this is my 'Dare' back to you, okay?"

"Sure," I said, my eyes wide at this sudden development. "Fine. I trust you."

Please let him dare me to suck his dick. Please.

"I dare you to pull down your pants and play with your dick."

"What?!" I had not been expecting that.

"Show me how you play with yourself. And, uh, I'll try to explain if you are really jerking off. Because, dude, you've gotta try it, it feels so good."

At this point my own dick was rock hard and I would've done anything he asked. I started by pulling down my own shorts, revealing a firm point jutting against the fabric of my underwear, but stopped before peeling down the elastic of my briefs. As excited as I was to get dick-fiddling instructions from Alex, I wanted to get something else out of this, too.

"Okay, but you have to take off your pants... and underwear, too," I said. "You don't have to play with yourself. That's MY dare to do. I just think it's only fair if I'm going to get naked you do it too." I paused. "Put some skin in the game," I said with a smirk.

"Fine," he grinned back at me, "I've had my boner stuck in the corner of my underwear this whole time. I know you saw me trying to fix it," he laughed. "I partly dared you to suck my toe just so I would have a reason to run to the bathroom to adjust my dick while I rinsed my foot off for you, but then you sucking on my toe made me hard and now it's stuck again."

We both cracked up at this. Even before they're fully into puberty, every guy knows about needing to adjust his underwear due to an unfortunate shift in dick position. We might not have been on a level playing field about everything in this conversation, but I had the sense that Alex and I were on the same side. Neither one of us was trying to put one over on the other any more with truths or dares. Now we were doing this thing together. I really did trust him.

I slid down my briefs and my erect penis popped out. It was still on the slimmer side, just like me, but it was impossible to ignore that it had gotten a bit longer and more substantial these past few months. I had grown a few initial dark hairs above it, which were already beginning to curl. Alex had his pants around his ankles but he looked up before he got his briefs down and now it was his turn to pause his stripping, as I had a moment before.

"What's on your penis?"

I looked down at my rigid member, thinking maybe it had some fuzz stuck to it or something. It looked just like it looked sometimes in the morning when it made it impossible to pee - ultra-hard and jutting straight out from my body.

But, I had a feeling I knew what he meant.

"Oh, you must be circumcised," I told him.


Now it was my turn to know more about something than Alex did! Both of the boys I had sucked before were circumcised, as was any guy I saw out of the corner of my eye in the pool changing room. So was my dad, by his own account. I had never seen another intact foreskin in person. Or anywhere, except in an anatomy-for-kids book my dad showed me. Long before my dad told me about sex, he explained to me that I still had my foreskin and a lot of guys didn't, him included. He said that I could decide I didn't want it at any point and we'd get it taken care of.

I couldn't imagine not wanting it. I loved being uncircumcised. It took all of an extra five seconds to rinse beneath my foreskin in the shower, and that rinsing had the added bonus of feeling good. It was also a big factor in my playing with myself to this point. I'd draw the skin up around the head as far as it would go and fidget it around between my fingers while drifting off at night.

"Look," I said to Alex, "this is a foreskin." I took my cock in one hand and eased the skin slightly forward over my head and then back again. It made me giggle a little as I thought about putting on a sort of penis puppet show for him.

I've never had a very clingy, long foreskin, even at that age. It doesn't roll up over my frenulum and piss slit unless I'm completely soft. It's more like a hoodie. When my penis starts to get even a little bit hard, my foreskin immediately retracts around my head so that it doesn't look all that different than a cut cock. I could retract it just as easily when I was soft, too. Maybe that's why I had never once gotten teased about my penis in the showers or anything. The only other time anyone had ever remarked on it was my old neighbor, right before he sucked it.

"It covers up the head of the penis a little bit, and I have to make sure it's not in the way when I pee, and I just rinse beneath it in the shower. A lot of boys have theirs cut off, and it's called getting 'circumcised', and you usually get it right after you are born, or like a week or two later if you are Jewish. A long time ago people thought it'd be harder to keep it clean with the skin on, but now we have running water and soap and whatever and it's no big deal but people do it anyway."

I caught my breath, realizing I had been rambling at Alex in my excitement to explain something about dicks that he didn't already know. More information about bodies gleaned from chats with my dad. He was pretty good at those sorts of chats.

"Huh," Alex said, as he wobbled back over to the bed with his pants around his ankles to sit down for a closer look. Happy to have an audience, I rolled my skin all the way back and as far down as it would go to entirely expose my head, and then pulled it forward as far as it would go, not quite covering all of it. I felt a warm rush of satisfaction from the motion, which just made me harder.

"Uh, are you going to..." I trailed off and gestured to Alex's briefs. They were red with black seams, and it was clear that his penis was caught up in the internal fabric of the fly from the awkward way they jutted out on one side. He stood back up and tugged his briefs carefully outward and then down to free his dick from the folds of the fly.

I was entranced by what he revealed. He was circumcised, as I guessed. His penis was bigger than mine, for sure. I'm not saying it was the outlandishly huge cock of a grown man, but it looked pretty big to me even on his somewhat stocky 14-year-old frame. It had to be a whole inch longer than mine, and it was more substantial around the shaft.

It was a whole fistful - and it would be a whole mouthful.

His dickhead was a bit slimmer and more bullet-shaped than my own glans, which made it look like his fatter dick tapered down to a point like a sharpened pencil. Mine was a uniform width from top to bottom... or, maybe my glans was even a little fatter than my shaft? The head of my dick looked exactly like Darth Vader's helmet - round with a swoosh down to the ridge in the back. If my dickhead were as slim as Alex's, I bet my foreskin wouldn't slip off of it right away!

I noted that Alex had more than just a few wisps of hair above his penis. He had a whole nest of slightly-golden pubes that were a little darker than the hair on his head, though they didn't curl as much as mine.

Below his pubes, Alex's dick wasn't just hard. It was throbbing. And it was right there. I could just lean over and slurp the whole thing into my mouth, and I already knew he would like it because he liked when his brother did it.

I never wanted to do anything so badly in my entire life. But, we still had some other business to attend to. Alex motioned for me to slide further over towards the wall and he sat back down on the bed with one knee propped up beside me and one leg dangling down, so his cock was completely exposed and still pointed right at me.

At any prior point in my life I would be cautious about staring right at it with such undisguised fascination; my whole strategy was to play it cool when it came to wanting to see and touch other guys. But Alex had already stared at mine long enough to notice my retracted foreskin, so it felt like fair game to give his penis my undivided attention.

"Wow," I said, "yours is big."

"Nah, not that big. I've seen Tony's, and I bet mine is gonna be seven inches by the time I'm his age, at least. Don't worry," he added, "yours will get bigger, too."

I was less worried about the getting bigger and more about him seeing Tony's, but I filed that fact away for later. I didn't have brothers, but it sounded like they all interacted with each other's penises more than I had ever contemplated.

"Okay, Alex. Explain this 'jerking off.'" To be silly, I bobbed my penis up and down to punctuate the words like a pair of air quotes. This cracked us both up again. We couldn't help it.

"Well, what do you do now?" he asked.

"Just what you saw me doing with my skin, basically. Moving it around a little on the head, which feels nice, or pulling it back sometimes."

"Hmm," Alex intoned thoughtfully. He paused, his mouth twisting cutely to one side while he pondered. "I don't have skin like you, but even if I did that doesn't look like how I do it. So, here's what you do," he said, miming along with his right hand as he spoke. "You make a fist around it, like holding onto the sides of the ladder in the pool. And, you sort of move it up and down. As he said this, he made the universal jerking-off hand motion, suddenly granting context to the gesture I had seen other boys make from time to time when teasing each other.

I moved my right hand back down to my penis. Touching it in front of Alex at his specific direction was so much more personal than just getting naked and fidgeting with my foreskin. This was incredibly different from my time with my neighbor at home.

I let my fist close around my cock. My foreskin was retracted again given how incredibly hard I was, and my index finger lined up just on top of it, below the back edge of my glans.

"And you just... jerk it," he said. "Up and down. Like you're pumping up the pressure in a water gun, sort of."

I tried to do what he said, but nothing happened. With my foreskin all bunched under my finger I didn't really have anything to jerk. I was just mashing the top edge of my finger and thumb against the ridge of my glans. It felt nice, since my dick was mega-hard, but at this point just about anything touching it would feel nice.

It seemed obvious this wasn't what Alex was talking about.

"No. Almost. It's more like..." he trailed off, trying to show me with his hand in the middle of the air for a moment before he put his hand on his own cock.

I was right: it was a fistful.

Alex placed his hand lower on his penis than I had my hand on mine. He seemed to grip it more loosely so that he was moving the skin of the shaft upward a little, and then he brushed his thumb and his index finger up over the head on the top of his stroke.

I tried to copy his movements, but my foreskin was in the way. Since Alex didn't have one, I didn't understand how I was supposed to incorporate it into my imitation of his jerking. Also, brushing my thumb and forefinger right over my sensitive head crossed the threshold from ticklish pleasure into an almost-painful hotness that made me shudder. I had never really played with my head directly without my foreskin before, and it was way too sensitive.

"Is it not feeling good?" Alex said, sounding a bit anxious, although he kept on sliding his hand up and down his penis while he spoke.

"Uh, kind of? It feels okay."

"Hmm. It should be better than 'okay'. Do you see how I am holding mine?" he asked, as if I wasn't already staring at every inch of his cock, trying to memorize every ridge and vein I could spot while they weren't obscured by his clenched fist.

He turned slightly to the side to give me a different angle on seeing his hand, so we were now pressed naked thigh to naked thigh. I continued trying to copy his motions on my own penis, but it just didn't seem to be doing anything. Either I held too tightly and mushed my fist against the edge of my glans, or I loosened up a bit but wound up rubbing my fingers uncomfortably over my head.

"Maybe it's your skin thing making it different?" he said, staring down at my efforts. "I dunno. It should be feeling really, really good by now. Are you SURE you're doing the same thing I'm doing?"

"I'm clearly not sure," I said, a little hotly. Despite the utter thrill of the situation, my erection was starting to soften a bit from the awkward feeling that I was doing something wrong - which was somehow more embarrassing than it being hard.

"Look, it's just like this," Alex said, and before I could react he turned towards me and reached his right hand across our bodies to brush my hand off of my penis and grip it for me.

There went my worries about not being hard enough - as soon as he touched me I was back to maximum hardness. It felt incredible to have his hand around my dick; different than getting briefly sucked, but in a way much better because he was holding me so firmly and with such purpose.

But, he wasn't doing anything all that different than I was when I was jerking it a moment ago.

(In retrospect, it was because Alex's cut wasn't all that tight. He had some wiggle room beneath his fist to slide his skin around on his steely hard shaft, but not so much that he had any to jerk up over his head. Plus, his head wasn't broader than his shaft, and it wasn't as sensitive as mine, so he could slide his fingers right over it on every jack with a light touch without changing the shape of his fist at all. We were both treating my uncut dick with my fat head and the skin retracted the same way as his cut dick, neither of us realizing if we just held it a bit lower and tighter I'd have tons of slack and we could be pushing the foreskin up over the head on every stroke.)

(More on that, later.)

Alex gave me several more jerks. I felt a new thrill surge through my body as he handled my dick... but it didn't really feel all that different from what I had been doing on my own.

After a few more seconds, Alex sighed in frustration at my non-reaction. "I'm sorry. I was really excited for you to feel it."

"It feels good," I said, maybe a little too fast. I didn't want him to take his hand away. "It's just that my head feels too tender. Maybe because the back part of it is usually covered by my foreskin? Like, I can't stand it if the head rubs right up against my underwear. I tried wearing boxers and I hated it. Or, if a hair gets stuck beneath my foreskin after my shower, it drives me crazy. It feels like I'm getting stabbed in the dick."

"Oh. Hmm." He paused his attempts to jerk my dick, but didn't take his hand away, twisting his mouth to one side again while he thought. "Sometimes if mine is feeling a little sore from jerking too much or too fast I spit on it."

"What?" I thought maybe this was another euphemism, like "shooting" or "cum."

"Watch," Alex said. He removed his fist from my dick and held it right in front of his mouth. He swished his mouth around a bit and spit right onto the circle formed by his thumb and forefinger. Then, he rubbed his thumb back and forth over his forefinger and his fingertips against his palm before returning it to my penis.

"How about now?" he asked, jerking his hand up and down in a steady chugging rhythm, not too fast.

Now I was definitely feeling something. Alex's spit relieved the friction between his fingers and my glans, letting his fingers slide up and over the edge in the back and the inside of his knuckle over my frenulum in the front. It also loosened his death grip on my pulled-back foreskin. While it still wasn't being used to its full potential in the jerking process, it was definitely moving up and down a bit as his fist pumped from the bottom of my cock to the top.

Each jerk felt great going up, but when he came down it felt AMAZING. Think about a spit-slicked fist wrapped around an uncut dick. Like, REALLY think about it. The inside of his forefinger rubbed right past my piss slit and over my frenulum on every jerk. Meanwhile, the fleshy pad of his thumb swiped downward over the top of my exposed head each time. As his slippery fist tugged my skin downward, the pad his thumb slipped down over the edge of my glans into the little pocket formed by the inside of my foreskin where it connected to my shaft. Then, his thumb would slide over that like a speed bump to continue down my dick.

Each time he stroked downward it sent an electric thrill through my body. It was the best feeling I had felt in my entire life to that point. I was speechless, panting, totally forgetting about his own thick cock right next to me, just watching his hand surge up and down over my hard penis. I felt warm all over, and then warm specifically in my crotch, and then I felt suddenly the sort of warmth I felt if I woke up on the verge of wetting the bed - the sort of rising, emerging warmth of the inside of my penis heating up.

"Uh, Alex. Alex," I said insistently, breathing hard, "I'm afraid I might pee."

"You're almost there," he said in a husky voice just beside my ear as he slightly sped up his strokes. "Don't worry about it. Just go with it." His hand was starting to dry up a little and tug against my head again. He noticed it and leaned over. For a breathless moment I thought he might be about to suck me, but instead he hocked a huge gob of spit right onto his fist as he reached the apex of his stroke and then pulled it down over my dick to spread the slick, warm wetness all over my erection.

I don't know if it was him leaning over or watching his warm spit hit my penis or the amazing downstroke it created... maybe it was all of it together, but it pushed me over the edge. My anus started clenching up like when I needed to squeeze in some pee long enough to make it to the bathroom, but it also sent a burst of pleasure up my taint to my penis with every pulse. I threw my head back and gasped in air as I experienced the first orgasm of my life.

Alex seemed to know to leave well enough alone once I started cumming. He gripped his fist firmly around my cock just under the head the way we had mistakenly been doing at the beginning, but this time he just squeezed again and again rather than jerking it.

I have no idea how long my orgasm lasted or how many times I pulsed. Honestly, it felt like my body had been transported into the middle of a star that was going supernova. I felt hot and cold and frozen in time, like I could record every possible detail - Alex's firm grip on my penis, his smooth thigh pressed against mine, his breath on my shoulder, the mildly sweaty boyish scent of him.

And then, as suddenly as it started and though it seemed like it would last forever, it was over. Alex could tell, because he gradually loosened his grip, though he still kept his fingers ringed as a scaffold around my deflating member.

"That's called an 'orgasm', or cumming," he said quietly, as if trying not to shatter something delicate. "Kinda hard to tell with all my spit, but I was watching pretty closely and I don't think you shot any sperm. I thought you would, since you have pubes, but don't worry - I didn't the first time I jerked off, either. I bet you will in the next few months, though."

That broke me out of my reverie and back into the moment to look down at Alex's crotch with its nest of golden-brown hair. Even though I wasn't hard anymore, my original mission here was never about me being hard. It was about seeing and maybe sucking Alex's cock. I could see it. I wasn't sure if sucking it would be taking things too far, but we were here naked from the waist down with him holding my limp dick in his fist. I felt like I had options I could explore.

"You're still hard," I said plainly.

"Oh, uh, yeah," he said, a little sheepishly. He had been absent-mindedly fiddling the head of his dick with his left hand while still supporting mine with his right. Apparently, dick-head-fiddling was universal, foreskin or not.

"Can I try on you?" I asked. It didn't seem like an offer someone who was rock hard and still clinging to my dick would turn down.

"Oh. Um... sure," he said.

Alex let go of me and I reached out my right hand to grip his rock hard penis beside me. It was much easier for me to do then it was for him to reach all the way across my body with his right hand.

In that moment, I felt like I had won some sort of amazing prize. I had Alex where I wanted him - which was wanting ME to play with HIS dick. Even though I had been desperate to know what jerking off was, it would have never occurred to me to ask him to do it for me! But, Alex knew exactly what jerking off was and how it felt, and now he wanted me to do it for him.

That meant there was nothing risky about it for me. No more cautious games of Truth or Dare with incremental progress starting from the toes and working my way up. I had direct access to the one part of Alex I desired the most.

I closed my fist around his thick dick and replicated the motion he had made on himself (and, initially, on my dry dick). It didn't feel too different from what I had been doing to myself from my perspective as the jerker, but clearly he was enjoying it more than I had because his head drifted back a little and his eyelids drooped a bit.

His dick looked even huger in comparison to my smaller hand than it did on its own. It filled the entire circle of my finger and thumb. It was so warm and hard, but also velvety soft. I could feel his pulse throbbing through it. I eased my hand up and down. I realized that I would need to constrict a bit more at the head than either of us had on mine to rub across his slimmer glans, which was an angry red compared to my dusky purple.

"Do you want me to... spit?" I said, leaning over a little to breathe it into his ear like he had to me.

"Yeah, sure," he said tentatively, his head still leaned back a bit. And then, a little more forcefully, "Do it."

Instead of bringing my fist to my face the way he had done the first time, I leaned over further so I was looking down right at his dick - maybe only seven or eight inches away. I could just duck right down and suck it! Instead, I mirrored Alex's move from just before I came and hocked a massive glob of spit right into the circle of my finger and thumb, with his red glans encircled in the middle like a bullseye.

I jerked my fist and the spit down and back up on his dick, spreading my saliva across his whole erection. I made it a point to let my thumb slip all the way across the top of his glans, and on the way down I tucked it into the spot just below his ridge, even though there was no hoodie of foreskin there. And, I hit that same spot again on the way up, which neither of us could really do on my dick on account of my foreskin bunching under it.

"Oo," he moaned, "ohmigosh, that felt so good."

I repeated the same motion and he panted his approval. He was still looking up into space while I jerked him. I kept my head lowered to his shoulder level so I could stare right at his hard dick every time it came peeking up through my fist. Every time I dragged my fist downward I made sure to hit the spot just beneath his ridge, and every time he let out an "oo" or a little gasp of an exhale. It felt like his dick was getting harder and harder in my fist.

"Uh, I'm almost there," he panted. "Can you keep going?" His voice sounded thick and deep in his throat. "It's going to shoot sperm. It's not pee, I promise. Okay?"

"Sure," I said, and in response Alex pulled up his shirt with his left hand so it was tucked under his chin. Honestly, I had entirely forgotten about the sperm part, and how this whole experience had begun with him not wanting to shoot in his little brother's mouth. Whatever it was, I feel like it would be worth getting it in my mouth if it meant I got to suck him, but for now I also wasn't going to miss out on my chance to see it happen firsthand.

I ever-so-slightly sped my jerking, but made sure to keep my grip firm and to keep hitting that spot beneath his glans. My head was so close to his body that I could almost lay my ear against his chest to hear his ragged breathing scrape in and out of his lungs.

I leaned down again, as close as I dared - close enough that little pops of spittle reflected up to my face from my squelching fist as I kept up my steady jerking rhythm. I pursed my lips and let out another stream of spit down into the center of my pistoning fist.

"Ohmygod. I'm gonna cum. Oh, oh... fuck. I'm gonna..."

I felt the pulses start to happen in Alex's dick the way they had in mine. I could see them happening just a few inches away from my face. His smooth ballsack compressed and his whole dick seemed to contract back and then surge forward like a snake launching towards its prey.

On the third pulse he shot. It was a little bolt of clear liquid that hit his stomach just above the belly button, followed by a much larger one that came with the next pulse. I leaned in closer and adjusted my grip to keep squeezing his dick the way he had done with mine. The third pulse hit me on my left cheek, which was angled down towards the ground. His cum felt warm and viscous as it began to drip down my skin. I moved my face a little and aimed his pulsing dick back at his belly. He gave out another pair of weaker shots that landed in his pubes as the pulses continued, and then the shots turned into a little dribble and the continuing pulses got weaker.

I kept my right hand squeezing his dick tightly, but I had another mission. I quickly brought my left hand to my cheek, wiped his big drip of sperm off with the edges of my fingers, and crammed them into my mouth. I had to know more about this stuff that he didn't want to shoot into his brother's mouth.

It was an interesting taste. Or, like, a non-taste? It was a little bit sweet in a bland, sugary way, but with a slightly bitter tang at the back of my tongue. I wasn't sure if I liked it, but I was so excited about having a taste of Alex in my mouth that I realized that my own spit-sticky dick had started to get hard again.

I finally leaned back out of Alex's space while still holding onto his penis and realized he wound up a bit of a mess. There were the initial shots that hit his chest, the smaller drops on his stomach and pubes, plus a little pool of cum on top of my fist that was now dripping down over my knuckles towards his bed of golden-brown pubes. I gingerly let go of him with my right hand and stood awkwardly with my pants around my knees to reach with my left hand to snag some tissues from the box on my TV stand. I used one tissue to wipe his cum off my right hand, and offered a second one to him as he came down from his own orgasmic moment.

"Hey, thanks," he said breathlessly, half about the tissue and half clearly about what we'd just done together. Or, more accurately, what I had done for him. "That was the best cum I've ever had," he said, still catching his breath as he wiped up the cum from his stomach.

I glowed with pride. "Me too," I replied, and we both giggled at the obvious joke. Just then, I heard the thump of footsteps on the staircase on the way up to the attic.

"Jesse, dinner's almost ready," my gran's voice echoed up from the stairwell, "should I put out a plate for Alex?"

We stared at each other like a pair of deer in each other's headlights, both still nude from the waist down, Alex still with a sticky patch on the bottom of his stomach and me with my cock still half as hard as it had been before.

"No thanks, Mrs. B," he hollered back. He would never call my gran by her first name, "I've got to get home for dinner."

With that, Alex quickly dabbed the tissue again across the gooiest remaining spots on his stomach and pulled his underwear and cutoffs up over his still-substantial half-hard dick. It no longer made such an obvious bulge in his shorts.

"Thanks a lot for showing me," I said. "And for telling me... that thing. It's all totally safe with me."

Alex smiled back at me.

"Thanks, Jesse. I don't know why I told you. There's just... there's no one else I could possibly tell! It was so weird. And I don't want to get Corey in trouble or anything."

"Sure," I said. "I get it." Little did Alex know how much I got it. In fact, I got it so much that I felt my dick continue to harden as it began to jut out from my body. I reached down and hurriedly pulled up my underwear before my excitement became obvious to Alex.

Alex's smile briefly disappeared from his handsome face, and for a moment I was afraid he was reacting to seeing my growing erection before I could stuff it into my underwear. It turned out he had something else on his mind.

"Why do you think he did it?" he asked quietly as he buttoned up his jean shorts. "Sucked me, I mean," he added, in an almost conspiratorial whisper.

I had what felt like a hundred potential answers to that question - maybe even more than I had ten minutes ago. But, instead I replied flatly, "Just curious, I guess? I don't suppose you could ask him."

"Naw," he replied, pulling on his discarded socks and sneakers. "Remember, he probably thinks I was asleep the entire time."

"Do you think..." I hesitated thoughtfully as I pulled my own shorts up from my ankles. "Do you think he might try it again?"

That gave him pause.

"I don't know. I guess it depends on why he wanted to try it? Honestly, it felt really good, even better than you jerking me," and then he quickly added, "but not as good as cumming felt, just now. But I don't know if my parents have had the sex talk with Corey and I don't think he picks up on all of Tony's sexual jokes like I do. And I would just feel weird about shooting in his mouth. And, you know, he's my brother."

I rolled this over in my head. I was fascinated by how nonchalant Alex was about another boy sucking him. He even thought it felt good! Was his only hesitation the potential shock of cumming in his brother's unsuspecting mouth? As an only child who just learned about cum a few minutes ago, I couldn't really comprehend that feeling. But, if that was the case, maybe Alex would be totally into me sucking him rather than Corey. And, I'd definitely be into trying to get him to cum in my mouth. I was intensely curious to taste more.

"Anyway, when are you going to be back here at your grandparents'?" There was a bit of excitement in Alex's voice, which thrilled me in return. It sounded like Alex was open to another session of... something. Even if we hadn't graduated right to me sucking his dick, this was as close as I had come since my neighbor-from-home moved away.

I wanted to come back tomorrow to play with Alex's dick some more, but that wasn't in the cards.

"My dad isn't supposed to go to another conference before the end of the school year," I said, grimacing partly out of my own disappointment but also to make a big display of that disappointment to Alex to let him know I was interested.

"Oh. Okay..." he said, sounding a bit deflated.

"But... wait!" I exclaimed, thinking farther ahead. "I am going to be here a bunch this summer. I'm not doing summer camp this year because we're going to the beach for two whole weeks in July, so I'm gonna stay with my grandparents every day while my dad is at work."

"Cool!" Alex replied. "We'll get to hang out all summer! My mom works for the school district, so she has off most of the summer and we just stay at home. I'll be around all the time. Oh, man, we're gonna get to play so many of your video games."

Just like that, we were back to teenage boy mode, all of the sex stuff behind us, even if my room did smell a bit like spit-soaked skin. I climbed onto my bed and crawled to the top of it to pull open the window that overlooked my grandparents' back yard. Across the yard and several houses to the right, I could just see the windows of Alex's bedroom. The room where he and Corey...

"Well, I'll see you in June, then, right?" Alex said to my back, snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Yeah!" I said as I clambered back off of my bed. "June. Cool."

We let the words hang in the air for a moment. With a smile, I thrust out my still sticky right hand to him and offered an extended pinky. Alex held out his now-dried right hand and linked his pinky with mine.

"See you then," Alex said, with a grin.


I hope you enjoyed my first ever submission to Nifty! I honestly cannot believe I am writing that sentence, but after enjoying so many stories here I finally felt like it was time to add my own.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about the story so far. Is this the end of Jesse's experiences with Alex? Spoilers: definitely not! I already know what happens next, so check back soon for another chapter.

You matter. Be safe out in the world. Always seek enthusiastic consent, practice safe(-r) sex, get tested, and know your status.

Until next time - NK-Writes


Next: Chapter 2

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