Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Jun 27, 2006


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 22 < or My Bangkok Days 22 >

The evening closed in around us we sat in the golden circle of the light enjoying ourselves Ting had many funny doctor stories he told them with pretend accents several about Londoners when he did his residence at University College Hospital. He had us all holding our sides from laughing so much Jian almost slipped off her seat.

"Hey all ... we should get ready to go," Cho broke in before Ting could start another story, "Ladies to the back guest room Ting with me."

Once we were alone Jian kissed me, "Fay he is so nice we are having fun."

We hugged I started to fix my face Jian touched my breasts, "Fay they are showing very nice are they yet tender?"

"Oh yes I am used to it I rather like the touch it reminds me I am still changing."

In the mirror I saw a sexy slim girl light brown hair green eyes the outfit giving me sleek sophisticated look Phil Martin was long gone now!

We met the men at the door Cho's beautiful black car ready we sped away toward this new club a long night ahead.

The Ice Rink was in the main hotel district a long line of people snaked away down the block from the door as we drove up the driver stopped right in front.

Cho climbed out helped me to the curb Jian was led by Ting neon tubes around the door lit the street brightly the gate was opened for us we walked in a man in a vivid blue suit greeted Cho.

The main room was shaped like an Olympic ice rink waist high wall around the oval dance floor wide openings at the narrow ends two smaller doorways from walled off booths opposite each at the center the floor was opaque panels lit from below pulsing lights a huge rotating mirrored ball above the center.

There were tiers of tables rising upwards all around flashing lights climbed the walls to arc over the dance floor the DJ booth was high above on one side.

The vivid blue man escorted us to one of the booths it was separated from the tiers by a wall that had a small door for service access small glowing lights dotted the tables throughout creating little centers of illumination.

The music was loud incessant 70's 80's dance tunes the floor a large swaying crowd brightly dressed woman suited men all on the same beat.

Cho leaned close to my ear, "Want to boogie!"

I turned to him we kissed I could vaguely hear Jian cheering us on when we broke I pressed my cheek to his, "I love you Cho!"

Why here why now it seemed silly I had felt a rush of warmth just from his voice in my ear I didn't want to be pushy I guess my voicing my feelings were what Cho wanted to hear.

His lips caressed my ear, "Fay I feel that way about you right in here," his hand patted his stomach.

"Come let's dance Ting please order two Cosmopolitans for us," Cho yelled out as he pulled me along.

Cho led me onto the floor the lights flashing the music the bodies we got lost in it for several numbers we swayed together like all the rest he spun me about drawing me back to him his arm around my waist we stepped out.

I loved being in his arms such a fine dancer a good lead knowing just how to get me to move helping out making each dance a pleasure.

We took a break our drinks were waiting for Jian and Ting were out dancing the Cosmo was delicious Cho slipped his arm around me the padded booth was comfortable he nuzzled my neck, "You like this dancing?"

I nodded I squeezed his waist with my arm difficult to talk we drank kissed cuddled Jian with Ting in tow returned she was flushed their hands clasped they both flopped down.

We all moved our faces close at Cho's urging, "A toast to us four to love to friends to fun times!"

We downed our drinks smiling shiny faces Jian grabbed my hand pressed her cheek to mine, "Fay I so happy with you being friends lovers enjoying tonight!"

We kissed hugging tightly fresh drinks arrived Ting asked me to dance he swung me out a hot number we fast walk-stepped around several couples following us Ting was good all the moves with less of the emotion that I loved in Cho. We quit after two numbers I was glad my outfit was so open the bolero jacket combined with the split skirt I could cool quickly although the air-conditioning had to be working at arctic levels it was barely keeping up.

Jian had been talking to Cho she made way for me between them I sipped at my Cosmo cold nice I reached over to Ting squeezed his hand thanking him he read my lips smiled made an anytime gesture.

I put my lips to Cho's ear, "Why an ice rink?"

He had a twinkle in his eye, "You own this place too don't you?"

He grinned, "Yes I enjoyed the dance clubs of disco I wanted one here as you can see it is a success. The ice rink came from a dream I had many years ago when I was at Yale I had enjoyed watching ice dancing on TV then I saw a competition in New Haven I had a recurring dream about being the first Olympic Gold Medal winner from Thailand in ice dancing.

I just thought to use the idea in the club not much ice here," he kissed me, "except in drinks."

I couldn't help but laugh he was creative lucky talented a savvy businessman my lover what a combination he squeezed me, "You like this don't you the place being with me," my nods were very vigorous, "good we will be together!"

I looked over at Jian she was talking to Ting like us they had to be close to be heard her lips touching his ear he was listening one arm around her tiny waist they were comfortable with each other.

"Cho does Ting know about Jian?"

"Yes I told him when you mentioned Jian's concern about being up front he has had a kathoey as lover once in the past he said."

Vivid blue man came by bowing he spoke briefly in Cho's ear several nods later he left Cho waved us close again, "Tonight there is a contest it should be great fun we have been asked to join in judging."

A dozen couples moved onto the floor they were handsome pairs young Thais prosperous good looking well dressed the DJ set them off with a Donna Summer tune. It was great to watch they moved through the steps fast feet nice motion we had to help eliminate six couples then four the final judging would be done by a small group other dancers.

Watching the couples swirl in the pulsing light was magical my head was spinning Cho nudged me, "Ok which ones?"

I motioned him to choose he grinned nodded wrote down some numbers he and Ting conferred passing their list to the vivid blue suit man.

The first round done Cho ordered more drinks which didn't help my head I wasn't driving though.

The dancers were back fewer I tried to focus Cho's arm around my waist tightened, "You must help!"

One pair was so beautiful the girl a willow wand figure petite sexy stylist her partner handsome in black slender hips easy motion, "Number twelve," I blurted out. They were so lovely ABBA's "Dancing Queen" bouncing them across the floor.

Cho smiled, "Me too!"

I leaned against him a bit drunk on Cosmo's high on my attraction to this man dizzy I wanted to be with him I wanted his cock his touch. Cho's arm cinched firmly roundabout me his breath warm, "Fay kiss me!"

We held the kiss forever it seemed tongues sliding lips groping Cho's fingers gripping me we had to stop vivid blue wanted our picks.

Jian's head was on Ting's shoulder her eyes closed his arm tight at her waist they looked great.

Our part of the contest was over so we could sit back Cho's whispered in my ear that we would go after the contest, "More dancing at the hall."

Some air would be welcome doing a foxtrot in Cho's arms world be very nice.

The final pairs were off my favorites twirling about to another Donna Summer tune "Last Dance". I cheered them on, "Go twelve!"

Jian laughed squeezing my hand mouthing, "Go Go," with me.

As Donna's tune died out the judges did their scribbling everybody waited the two pairs bright shining faces expectant vivid blue man asked Cho to award the prizes.

"Number Twelve" came from the DJ's microphone huge applause the winners went to the runners-up to hug and shake hands Cho stepped out of our booth vivid blue handed him the second place trophy a very beautiful etched glass bowl the pair was amazed at the prize many thank you's. Number twelve were called over Cho gave the lady some flowers and their prize a large exquisite vase was held up by the man. The loud applause filled the club it was a marvelous scene many happy people.

Cho slid in next to me, "The prizes were very nice so lovely."

Cho's smile gave it away, "You picked them, right?"

He nodded nudged me motioned to Ting they were ready too we climbed out of the booth vivid blue bowed led the way out the car at the door scooped us up.

"Can we have the windows down some?" I begged everybody laughed.

Ting pressed the buttons fresh warm air flowed in we all breathed it in moist lightly scented from the flowering trees above us.

I leaned into the cushions next to Jian we held hands looking across at our men, "Your love shows," Jian whispered. Tight grip on her hand we were cheek to cheek.

"Ting wants you! I'm almost jealous!" I whispered back.

Jian kissed my temple, "You will never lose my love!"

The drive was over too soon the brightly lit dance hall shining the gate opened for us we crossed the foyer four abreast holding hands the round tuxedo man bowed us to the reserved table.

Cho pulled me into a foxtrot after telling a waiter, "Taittinger!"

A Viennese waltz followed we danced several before heading back to the table Ting and Jian had glided past us on occasion.

The waiter was standing ready to open the wine.

The pop was delicate the bubbles went up my nose after a whispered mention of love mmmmm dry nice I could get used to this wine.

Jian tugged Ting over to share the big bottle we toasted ourselves.

Rak the store owner came by with his date she was very lovely Rak introduced us she was stiff I caught Rak's eye he gave me a nod so I knew this was the jealous one she tried to make over Cho he was very polite nothing more Rak smiled asking if I would like to dance. Off we went, "I am so bad I had to bring her over after what I told you today."

"I am glad that we can entertain you."

He checked my face before laughing, "It's ok Rak I love little absurdities like this she's the loser with that attitude is she good in bed?"

That stopped him for a second he got the drift smiling, "As a matter of fact YES quite skilled nearly clinical unfortunately."

We left off talking until the dance was over his lovely lady was sitting drinking champagne not talking to anyone.

Rak gathered her smiling said his goodbyes.

A nice older couple I had met there before came over the lady still very beautiful she smiled to me took my hand, "You look lovely dancing!"

The color went to my cheeks I thanked her offered her a seat she sat close, "Do you want to marry this wild man?" she leaned over to ask.

Right to the point!

"I think I'd be better as a lover!"

She gave me a mock shocked look that went to a smile; "Well I do not think he is a father person, too lively wanting to go about."

She squeezed my hand we shared some champagne her husband and Cho were in some discussion, "I believe my husband wants to sell some property to Cho along the river they never stop thinking about business."

Her shrug told the whole story.

They appeared to agree on something the older man shaking hands with Cho he came over to me asking to dance. I gave him my best smile we went onto the floor as a waltz began for a man around seventy he moved very smoothly I enjoyed the waltz tremendously.

He delivered my hand to Ting at the end I was swept off into a fast two-step, "Fay you look great dancing. I am very happy to be here with you, Cho and especially Jian. We fit together well I hope she will see me again."

"Ting no secrets being told Jian likes you a lot."

He grinned, "I feel that but ... well we haven't been able to talk much I want to know her more, I only want the time to do that."

"She will want too also so ask her!"

I slipped into the chair beside Jian at our table she took my hand, "Cho went with the old couple he will be back soon."

Ting refilled our glasses he sat close to Jian an arm snaking around her waist.

"I'm going to the ladies." Jian made a move to accompany me, "No you stay I'll be right back."

The ladies was crowded I waited for a stall a middle aged woman spoke to me rather abruptly, "You are here with Cho yes?"

I agreed, not interested in a conversation with her I did not add anything to my yes.

She was looking me over a bit of a sneer at the lips I could see some other comment coming but was spared by an open stall. I got rid of the Cosmo's and Taittinger fixed myself she was gone I began to repair any damaged at the mirror a uniformed attendant offered me a cloth she was somewhat bent over age or care I thanked her dropped many bahts in her bowl. She gave me a wide smile the nasty woman came up behind me, "You don't need to do that they will only expect it from everyone!"

I looked at her shook my head turning away when I really wanted to give her a kick.

Cho was alone we kissed, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, are the others dancing?"

"No Ting is talking to a cousin over there ... You gather your things and I will get them."

We all climbed into the car heading to Cho's and the boat to go up river.

The boat was ready we shoved off right after our bags were on board it was late already after three in the morning.

We all said our good nights and separated into pairs for some sleep Cho walked me to the bow wrapped me in his arms, "Before bed kiss here!"

We joined in a lovely soft embrace with a tender kiss.

I knelt down on the deck pressing my face to Cho's sex soft in his pants I nuzzled it through the fabric mmmm it was stirring waking up my mouth closed on the lump.

Cho's breathing quickened, "Fay let us move inside."

He pulled me up a quick kiss we stood beside the bed kissing I was trying to strip him fast he was laughing making it harder well I would make him harder kneeling I captured the cock.

"Oohh Fay not to rough!"

I gave him a wicked laugh; "I have you in my power now!"

He was giggling as I played with his belly ass cheeks running my nails lightly down his thighs a nicely rising penis in hand I closed my mouth down on it he tried to move tangled his feet still in the trousers Boom fell flat on his back on the bed.

I pounced on him grabbing the cock going for a nipple too. I popped him back in my mouth sucking right down to his hair oh yes such a nice dick tastes great feels so warm I sucked it down back up down hard burying my nose against his pubic mound.

Cho gripped my head held me down fine with me I slipped my tongue out to his balls slopping wetness on them. He let me up I dove on the balls pressing my nose between them mmmm such a fine musk I do love how Thai men smell. Left hand jacking his cock tongue working the balls I reached up with my right to pull the left nipple Cho jumped, "aahh Fay you are so good!"

I smeared his pre-cum all over the cock brought my fingers to taste it how did I ever get this far in life without a steady diet of this delicious stuff!

"Fay come up here I want to be inside you!"

I stood up wiggled out of my clothes as fast as could be Cho took out the lube reaching for my pussyass he got me wet, "Now my beauty on your knees!"

Cho mounted me quick hands at my hips his entrance was easy smooth WELCOME!!!

"Damn your pussy is so good," Cho stroked in balls slapping my pussycheeks.

My body was made for this hard cock sliding in firm man's hands holding me the elemental power of the prick dominating me using my flesh aahhh I loved it.

Cho caressed my hips then down my thighs as he continued to thrust in rotating his body behind me.

"YYEEESSS do it Cho my pussy is yours pound me please."

This man could fuck his prick powered into me rapidly he kept changing the angles then slowing down his hands roamed over my body, "Ooohhh Cho my breasts are sore not too much there."

The hormones were doing their work I was softer a bit more rounded my boobs very definitely popping out sore very tender.

He kissed me between the shoulder blades, "Sorry baby!"

He half rolled me into a scissors scooting up parting my legs widely, "Time to go in deeper!"

Aaaahhhh yes hard cock that's what I needed Cho leaned over me, "I am going to come soon then we can rest maybe I take you again."

I squeezed my pussy down on him giving more friction to his thrusts, "Ah ah oh Cho fuck me screw me!"

He smiled down, "Nice language you want more of my cock?"

I couldn't answer too involved with receiving his cock trying to give him my pussy.

I bit into the pillow as my heat began to rise from my gut flooding me like hot lava Cho drove on my orgasm exploded upwards the blood rushing to my chest my face flushing red oh so close to fainting.

Cho's body was like a blur his prick a hammer in my pussy burning I loved it he grabbed my waist the upright leg held hard to his chest his orgasm hit.

He thrust forward I pressed toward him his cock pulsed that lovely cum into me shot after shot, "Fay Fay so good oh my dearest so good!"

He was rigid my hands holding onto his arms as he started to relax I pulled him down onto me wrapping my arms around him.

"Oh my man you are so good to me!"

We kissed passion cooling kisses of love I stroked his back my face against his neck his cock had slipped from me I could feel the wetness on my thighs his juices were just seeping from me slowly.

A perfect way to end the night.

"Cho let me suck you please."

He rolled off me a big grin on that handsome face propping himself up on the pillows he opened his thighs I slid on my belly to his cock it lay soft wet a gentle arc of flesh. My tongue lifted it mmmm I slid down gulping the lovely member we tasted great I raised my eyes to Cho his face was blissful I felt wonderful to have been able to do that for my man.

Softly sucking enjoying his penis so close to him I wanted to sleep with him in my mouth tonight.

I was tired drifting with Cho's cock I laid my head on his thigh easing myself flat on my belly pulling the sheet over us.

I awoke my nose in Cho's pubic hair he was snoring lightly his soft cock against my chin I stuffed it back in my mouth dozing off again.

The bed jumped I was tossed upwards flopping back on Cho's belly, "Morning you two!"

A second chorus, "Morning everybody time to get up!"

Ting and Jian had joined us, "No more bouncing!" Cho exclaimed, "We did not sleep enough!"

Jian pulled the sheet down I felt her naked body slid over me, "Oooof! Jian it is too much weight," Cho had us both on his belly, "Now Ting not you too stop it!"

We all laughed Jian's cock was down my pussy crack Ting lay next to Cho he had a very nice slender shape little hair nice muscles uncut beauty soft brown skin.

Ting ruffled Cho's hair, "Let us all get up we are hungry the boat is anchored we can swim."

Jian rolled off onto Ting kissing his belly looking over at me a smile, "My breakfast is here."

She kissed Ting's cock it leaped up she engulfed it I moved down to do the same Cho's fingers in my hair holding me we sucked side by side for a few minutes before Ting said, "We need food too so come on."

Cho said robes only for now I was bundled into pale pink silk nice hibiscus on the back down the companionway to the fantail oh yes fruit yummy crepes juice my pills down the hatch. We lay back on the cushions in the sun I was nursing a big cappuccino Cho's arms around from behind Ting had Jian in his lap she looked like a cream fed cat curled up contented.

"Cho can we swim to give the kids their gifts?"

"Maybe the dinghy would be drier? You can wear a bikini in any case."

I swatted his hand, "I don't want to just wear skimpy bikinis you know!"

Everybody laughed Cho hugged me, "We will go to shore in the dinghy in a little while you can swim back if you want it will safely long past the hour since breakfast."

He was thinking of me so nice to realize that simple things people do for each can mean a great deal. Also I liked his indirect way of making his point we had similar thought processes.

Cho slid his right hand inside my robe gently cupping my left breast his thumb very tenderly caressed my nipple moving the ring giving me little jolts of pleasure I rested my head on his chest mmmmm so nice!

Jian's moan opened my eyes Ting's hand was under her robe moving slowly up then down I grinned at him he gave me a thumbs up sign.

Cho stirred me up, "Let us dress and go ashore."

His wonderful hand left my breast he led me to the stateroom I wrapped him in a big hug, "Cho that was a really nice."

I opened his robe knelt kissing my way down his cock was soft with a fine curve it was showing interest my tongue went to work I traced a wet line through his pubic hair to the root I licked around him lifting him against his belly the balls exposed. MMMMM I sucked one then the other back to the first slurping them into my mouth an excellent size for me tasty musky Cho liked it he was hard. Moving to the piece-de-resistance I slurped it down to the base back up down for more my nose crushed to his skin each time the cock head popping into my throat.

My tongue lashed along each side underneath fine bold veins sticking out tongue tip flicking his frenum ooohhh I loved this his pre-cum was flowing so sweet I licked it all up.

"Fay finish baby!"

I sucked down the whole thing holding his balls making a tight tube with my mouth lots of wetness fast movement then slow nibbling the underside my left forefinger wet began to probe Cho's anus he pressed forward deeper.

I was IN to the second knuckle hot tight Cho loved it he wouldn't last long now I pushed the rest of the finger in as my lips hit the root of his cock again he started to jerk groaning, "Oh Fay yesssss!"

I wiggled my finger up inside him sucking very hard the first three inches of him his orgasm blasted a large dollop of cum to the back of my mouth then a second a third more shots less explosive his hands gripping my head close nose to the bone.

He wavered I held on as he stumbled back to fall on the bed we stayed connected together all that cum in my belly Cho laid there chest heaving he lifted his head a shiteating grin, "Thank you FAY!"

I smiled around his cock my tongue gliding around that wonderful penis he jerked with excited pain as I slurped over the head.

"Fay stop now we did to dress."

I slid off him kissing the cock head, "You don't hear anything from Jian or Ting do you? I think they have been busy too!"

More cock kisses licked it like a lollipop I pressed my face to him nuzzling the cock balls his warm strong thighs Cho pulled me up onto him we kissed, "Get your skimpiest bikini on," he whacked my pussycheeks with both hands.

"Yeow! You're rough huh!"

My hand slid between us capturing the penis Cho was laughing, "Okay I surrender."

We lay together laughing for some time I jumped up dashed to the bathroom for a quick wash slithered into a black bikini a little bit of support in the top very little of everything bottom Cho had navy blue Speedo his package looking plump sexy.

On the fantail the Ting Jian team was cuddling the steward had gotten out our gifts for the kids and the girl's mom the dinghy was loaded we shoved off.

Cho took the oars he was good at it whisking us to the beach in no time at all he gallantly lifted me out to the sand dry footed the boys were there to greet us shouting joyfully when the footballs came out. The guys went off to where their goal was setup to play. Jian came with me to the girl's house she met us at the door I knelt down to greet her mother had shy smile when I was led in. Through Jian I presented my gifts the little girl's eyes were huge as the doll was opened she cradled it close to her a tremendous smile on that small face. I bowed to her mother giving her the gift of the lantern and extra fuel Jian helped me setup it up showing the mother how to use it telling her would be very bright.

I sat with the girl in my lap I held Jian's hand, "Please tell her that this doll is to be the sister to the one she has now they could trade clothes be a family."

Jian squeezed my hand explaining to the girl I caught her mother's look she knew that I had given it some thought she was very happy for her daughter.

Jian kissed my cheek, "Fay you do surprise me many times."

I got another kiss from the girl big wet eyes Boy I liked this such a simple thing made me so happy made me happy for this little family.

We stayed for some tea small sweet cakes the little one tried out my name holding my hand with her tiny one hugging the doll with the other. Jian chatted with the mother her name was Kure the little girl Tani the father worked in a factory where he lived during the week coming home for a day.

Kure took my hand as she spoke Jian put her arm around me, "Kure wants to thank for the brighter lantern," the woman stroked Tani's hair, "most especially for the doll and clothes this is her only child she feels she is lonely."

Jian and I heading down to beach Tani holding my hand was carried both dolls against her chest smiling so sweetly. We could hear he shouts of the game long before seeing them Cho was passing down the pitch to a slender boy in red shorts he kicked it home for a goal big cheers hand slapping hugging Ting standing there breathing hard, "These kids have run me down!"

Jian gave him some mock sympathy which he replied to with a wave of his cute butt motioning for a kiss to be applied there. Jian made sure he knew she would comply later she and I headed for the beach with Tani she gave us big hugs kisses a few tears as we left to swim back to the ship we did it easy no hurry. The steward brought a couple of Bloody Mary's to the bow where we laid out the railing is high there so we doffed our tops the sun felt good on my new titties.

The dinghy bumped against the side the boys were back they joined us stretching along side me Cho sipped at my drink, "Mmmm that is good Ting you want one?"

They went aft I rolled over my face inches from Jian's, "So we haven't talk ... how is it with you two?"

"We like each other the sex is good he gives much pleasure our way of thinking is different not bad just not the same we seem to fit good not too serious."

I slid over kissed her, "Good not everyone has to be too much the same to be close."

Jian kissed me back, "I love you!"

Cho laid on my back Ting spread on Jian's belly, "Good Jian loves Fay I love Fay Ting my cousin has my love, " Ting broke in, "I love Cho," he kissed Jian, "You, I do not know yet, I can say I want you ... is that a start?"

Jian snaked her arms about his neck, "Yes that is a good place to begin."

I grasped Ting's arm laughing, "If you love Cho then we must love each other."

We all laughed Cho yelled out, "We all love each other!"

Laughter filled the air Ting kissed Jian's beautiful left breast, "I know I love the way our girls are built, Cho!"

Cho lifted up, "Roll back over Fay."

I moved onto my back Cho parted my legs laying on me once more, "Yes this is very good."

"We have our meeting tomorrow in the early afternoon. Can we snorkel tonight?"

Cho kissed me; "Of course we will sail back over night breakfast on board you can use the car to take you there OK?"

My ankles crossed behind Cho's back we kissed his hands were roaming I heard Jian moan Ting's hand was in her bikini bottoms going up down.

Cho's erection pressed into me rubbing me from belly to thigh Ting's mouth closed on Jian's cock her head tossed side to side he knew what to do, a gentle whisper, "I told you he had a kathoey as a lover."

Cho pulled my bottoms out of the way wet his fingers wet me kissing our tongues sliding around that erection was well-placed ooohhh yes he was entering me. Cho moved in balls to my walls the kissing continued the fucking commenced long smooth strokes yesssss this was the best he popped out then all in once again.

Ting's sucking was really hot Jian was losing it she grabbed his head, "Ting fuck me!"

He must have gotten her wet his cock disappeared in a flash their mouths linked like ours the four of us going to town out there in the sun. Cho was hammering me he was very excited gawd his testicles were bouncing off my pussycheeks like ping pong balls, "Oh shit fuck me Cho," I breathed into his ear.

The sounds of his body slapping mine seemed deafening Jian called out for more of Ting's cock.

Cho kissed my neck picking up the pace rapid thrusts he could really excite me when he rolled his hips finding such lovely angles for that wonderful cock, "aaahhh Cho so good!"

His smiling face above, "I want to cum in you are you ready?"

"Oh yes!"

He is a jackhammer now so fast my body is exploding with heat flashing up my chest smacking into my face I know I yelled something Cho kisses me as his orgasm begins a final blasting stab into me I can feel the first pulse of juice. We grip each other taut muscles his prick stabs me again gushing more cum then again he is rigid for a long time before collapsing atop me.

Ting has cum in Jian they are petting gently she exchanges a sweet I have just been fucked look with me I reach out for her hand we caress each others fingers palms.

Sex with Cho is always intense powerful we both climax quickly strange it doesn't last all that long satisfying nonetheless I always feel so good he is so relaxed we are very comfortable with each other. I lowered my legs crossing my ankles with Cho we kissed for a while occasionally watching Ting as he went back to work to finish Jian his mouth pleasing her hips rising to meet each down movement his lips crushed against her smooth skin. She didn't hold on for long her cum splashed in his mouth across those talented lips one shot over his nose Ting sucked her back in giving her shocks of pleasure her moans of enjoyment were loud.

The four of us lay quietly after all that we fixed our bikini bottoms the Speedos back on Cho went aft for more drinks the steward appeared with a tray of snacks. An awning was rigged we sat in the shade to eat chilling out enjoying each others company Ting told a few of his now famous patient stories my stomach ached after two or three too much laughing.

Jian joined me for a swim we paddled lazily around the ship back on board sunning again Ting sits with us, "Cho is doing some work you want some more stories?"

Jian climbs on Ting her hand over his mouth, "No, no more you hurt my stomach I will have to put something in your mouth."

Ting cups her crotch, "Okay how about this?"

Jian grabs his cock outside his Speedo, "Yes let us go to bed."

They wave goodbye dashing for the door to the staterooms I lay back giggling they are doing well.

What about me the other girls my job the nasty brothers Cho all that ran through my head as the sun baked me more things pushed their way in but no complete solutions followed. I could imagine many endings since so much still had to happen it was all just bullshit I gave it up.

Cho was writing at the desk in the saloon I didn't bother him heading to the shower long hot shower a soft white halter-top blue short shorts sandals I was parked on the fantail with some magazines when Cho joined me, "So where are they?"

I gave him a wicked smile, "Hiding some salami!"

He paused then laughed, "Well they have twice as much to work with do they not."

My giggles were stopped by his kisses, "Work over?"

He nodded, "Early dinner so we can snorkel right as it is dark."

We cuddled for a while before the Ting Jian duo made it's appearance we kidded them how worn out they looked after so much napping.

Jian dropped beside me I got a big kiss, "He is so good I want to go back there for more," she whispered.

Ting was talking to Cho about an uncle, "Fay he likes to suck me his mouth is very good."

I squeezed her hand, "Enjoy!"

We gathered in the saloon dinner was laid out fragrant dishes of fish vegetables rice with different curry sauces I tried everything Cho watched me eat a huge grin on that face, "Do not get fat I will not love you!"

I did a pout until he kissed me then gave him an all's forgiven look.

Ting poked my side, "Cho there is very little meat on these bones she has a long way to go."

I loved how the four of us got along laughing teasing we had become a fine foursome so quickly.

As dusk settled down on us we prepared on the fantail for the night snorkeling Jian had never done any Ting was an old-timer he would lead her Cho helped me with the fins I returned the favor we splashed over side. Jian was funny flopping her feet she almost fell flat on her face Ting was there to catch her his strong arms around her they bumped masks I wondered if they were coming in or going back to the stateroom.

Cho helped me kid them Ting jumped in Jian slipped off the diving platform like a little seal sloooopp under she bobbed up waving us back from helping.

We headed out the water's phosphorescence all around Cho's hand pulled me along Ting shepherded Jian. The lights were spectacular changing moving we swam in lazy circles I stopped Cho he pulled his snorkel up after I did, "Cho what is the Thai name for this bay?"

"Aao Khamoht the bay of lights," we treaded water, "That is the local name I do not know what it is on maps."

"Aao Khamoht sounds nice," we kissed snorkels back we motored off again.

We aimed for the beach Ting had led Jian that way on the sand Jian was excited by the colours as I had been.

"Can we come back here again some time?"

Cho smiled, "Yes every week if you want."

Little Tani came down she sat beside me with the new doll I said, "Sawatdeekha" hello in Thai I got a big smile for my trouble. The boys we standing with Cho talking a mile a minute Ting leaned over, "Football!"

I laughed Jian joined for a walk to Tani's house to see the new lantern at work it was very bright Kure was sewing her face lit up when Tani led us in.

She stood with her arms out gesturing to me that the whole room was full of light I got another hug for my gift. Tea was served we talked funny though all via Jian our departure brought smiles no tears from Tani this time. She walked us to the beach giggled at Jian struggling to get on her fins more giggles when I helped her to the water we waved goodbye. Jian swam beside back to the ship slow enjoying the light show again. I got her on the platform with a big boost on her butt copping a feel she sputtered water laughing we got the fins off I climbed out the steward was waiting with towels we dried each other before flopping onto the fantail cushions.

We could hear the men coming across the water strong steady swimmers I wrapped a towel around my head held one open for Cho as he climbed aboard I rubbed him fiercely, "Mmmmm more the left Fay."

He got a smack on the left butt cheek a quick turn he swept he up off my feet dumped me on the cushions pinning me down, "Do you want to beat me? It will not work I would love it from you."

My arms corralled his neck I planted a big one right on the kisser.

We heard Jian yell something as she took off forward Ting in hot pursuit pulling up his Speedo as he ran trying not to fall over. Some vague sounds from the bow as the steward offered us a pale wine, "To us and our friends!"

I willing drank to that adding a "forever" in my thoughts.

I was pooped out yawning Cho stood up extended me his hand, "Bed time little one it has been a good day."

He pulled me into his arms a soft kiss he scooped me up carried me to the stateroom we didn't see anything of Ting or Jian. Cho stood me up beside the bed.

Cho removed my head towel gave me a quick dry rub of the damp areas the bikini disappeared into the bathroom a last stroke of the towel I was herded under the sheet. Cho kissed me, "I will be back soon."

I don't think I lasted even a minute some point later Cho was there next to me I woke needing to pee it was dark Cho was sleeping against me the ship was moving I went to the loo slid back in bed was off to snoozeland right away.

The sun rising woke me Cho snoring lightly tight to my back I found the pink hibiscus robe going aft the shoreline full of activity small boats a ferry trucks lots of cars on the roads many people up going about their daily lives.

The ever-present steward served an excellent cappuccino big cup two hands warm I sat on the fantail watching it all go by toasted baguette mango papaya a great breakfast. Ting came aft a bit bleary-eyed the steward like a magician delivered a Bloody Mary held with two hands sipped slowly there was an even slower transformation to a human like creature.

"What did you do last night?"

Ting spoke very softly, "Jian joined me for a few drinks she has the mythical hallow leg the Americans talk of."

"Where is she?"

"Sleeping like a baby."

He stuck out his tongue in response to my wicked little grin, "No sympathy?"

"What ... Jian forced you or where you trying to out do her?"

He waved at me finished his drink staggered forward as Cho came through the saloon, "Where is he going?"

"Nursing a hangover!"

"I saw them drinking Jian looked just fine."

"She is apparently sleeping like baby or so Ting says."

We laughed he joined me for breakfast, "You girls have the meeting then come back to the house, OK?"

"Yessir! Aye aye Captain Sir!"

I got my butt patted sliding past him blue short shorts little white blouse sandals ready to go Jian in a mini skirt wearing one of my halter-tops we were ready when the ship docked we piled into Cho's Mercedes for the drive to the restaurant.

Ni, Lawan, Eve, Jian, Me everyone except Reyna was there, "Where is she?"

"Something about a visitor she had to do then she would come."

We ordered lunch sharing what we had been up to what the brothers were doing it all seemed far away nothing really happening we chewed over what to along with lunch.

Jian was firm, "We all need to disappear from there leave Ang and Heng alone!"

I was for that the others decided it would be best now how to do it before they caught on everyone wanted to get the stuff out I wanted to save ourselves more stuff we could get later.

It wasn't a popular opinion even Jian wanted some things so we needed a way to get them away for a long period. I decided to ask Cho to find a way to do that.

We broke up the meeting without an answer outside there were a lot of vans crowding the road we started to go between when the rear doors open BLAM many men burst out grabbing me Jian the others I couldn't see a smelly hand covered my mouth I was tossed into one of the vans it was in motion right away.

I tried to twist around to free my arms a needle prick in my thigh nooooo

Blackness I nearly rose to the top before I was stuck again sinking back no time no light no movement

I drifted back from the black slowly I could move light striking my face a spinning fan above me nausea a bucket someone knew nothing to throw up my belly twisted in pain kneeling on a concrete floor.

I sat back against the bed post exhausted I was out for a while then carefully looking around going very slow I needed some water a sink I used the edge to pull myself up wavering I leaned to scoop water from the tap.

I splashed my face naked body dirty a chain between my legs I was linked to the bed by my rings.

Locked to the bed!

I staggered back looking at the chain yes no breaking it without tools I lay back on the bed wiped out drifted off once more.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 23

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