Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Nov 25, 2015



In my `dangerous' white bikini I found him in the sun on the after deck speaking to Eric and Malee lower down on the fantail. I slipped my arms around him caressing that taut brown chest.

"Ah Fay has arrived... I hope!"

I laughed against his back, "You'd better not hope for anyone else," accompanied by some tickling. He spun about, scooping me up we headed towards the saloon. I waved those folks on the fantail. Malee gaily yelled something which sounded like `enjoy.'

The good part after a sweet morning kiss was food! Coffee, fruit and toasted buttered French bread.

At the dock we wished Eric and Malee good luck with family visiting. I was sure he would WOW her people.

Nara hugged me, "Thank you Fay. I had fun! Aaron is nice."

Her cheeks got kissed, "He is a nice man." The very one joined us, "Dinner tonight?" Nara's smile told me it'll be a yes.

"Kavnu's picking me up in the AM to go out to his old rail yard and then to the office." I hoped Aaron would see all he wanted.

Lek and Siri were at his car, "You two take care of each other!' Siri slid up against me, quietly, "We are getting serious!" I kissed a soft cheek and wished her joy.

Now I had to get ready for my next trip. USA! Land of my birth. But first some touristy things with Andrea.


A busy week began well, Eric and Malee at my office Monday morning with great news. Malee's family really liked Eric. Her parents especially did. Her mother was worried about Malee living in London so far away but had been mollified by their obvious happiness. They expressed a willingness to travel frequently and host her parents often.

So the visit ended with the ladies gathering to start planning the wedding. Eric had a funny grin, "I think we're in for SOME show!"

Malee squeezed him, "I will keep them from going too far. A nice wedding, simple and fun! We will just have a lot of people around."

They took off for some alone time!

Andrea joined me on the office terrace, "Well, I've been to a couple of big weddings and they can be fun but most are obnoxious."

I had no experience but it looked like I was in for it.

Kwang came out with coffees! Very welcome too! Andrea liked both my hires. I liked that they learned quickly and didn't need to be babysat.

Andrea sat out under the umbrella with her newly encased MacBook Air. Bin had sent it over on my request from iStudio. Clear like ours.

I worked the phones and email laying the groundwork for my next trip. Philippines, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. A long two plus weeks away from Bangkok!

Kavnu called, he and Aaron were at his old rail Yard but coming into town. Did we want to meet for lunch? I said I'd call Wo and have him deliver to my office and we could inaugurate my dining room. Done!

Aaron was impressed with how the two rail yards they had visited had been wired, his system had some track on berms too so it was a good experience. After lunch down to visit Eve's domain to see it all working!

He thanked me for asking Nara, "She's a lot of fun, a good tour guide, cute too!" We laughed.

After lunch I called Reg. "What about software that can stream video from public transit vehicles to a central server via 4G? It could be compressed for storage but could be real-time viewed. Beyond the control of the vehicle operator. Could it have audio? And GPS data. Or sensors mounted on utility poles for tracking and 4G signal boost?

No on-board data saving!"

I liked it not needing to be off loaded or picked up. All digital. One controller for many cameras per vehicle. Could plug in to vehicle computer systems for data. Oh yes lots of fun!

That got us going for a while. Reg got Jared and Douglas in on the conferencing software. We kicked it around, they liked it. Douglas said he'd get on to a friend in mass transit in New York with a few questions we decided on. Wait and see.

Jian emailed me my e-tickets for the USA trip but handed me a folder with them printed just in case. Boarding passes would go into iPhone Wallet.

Rak called to tell me they had sent out my special handkerchiefs! He laughed, "Let me know what feedback you get!" A big thank you to him.

Cho rounded us up for a dinner at his favorite French restaurant! No escargot for me! The Vichyssoise was delightful! A very nice poached fish with new potatoes and asparagus! I skipped dessert but went for cheese and fruit and coffee with Amaretto. Yes!

We planned several days of sightseeing with Andrea, all around Bangkok. A trip to Korat taking the train so we could see the countryside then a car to Cho's house on the northern edge of the Sankambeng Hills. He owned a thousand acres of forest a lot of it in Phayung/rosewood trees, north of Thap Lan National Park. Cho uses his security service to protect the trees from illegal logging only doing controlled cutting to maintain the forest. Sumate had been in charge in Korat before coming to work as Thet's number two in Bangkok.

We would host Alice and Tadeo at the forest house overnight and enjoy some quiet. I'd been in Korat hadn't seen anything but a rail yard and the inside of a whore house. Now I would see a bit of the city and countryside with Cho and Andrea. Ting and Jian would be along for a visit with his family so we'd have a nice party.

Palaces, museums, gorgeous gardens, Andrea and I wandered through Bangkok. I was just as much the tourist as her. Several impromptu lunches at small cafés were great! My Thai worked like a charm, buying, ordering, thanks to Kiet! Another benefit of having our Kiet around the house.

Each day we took the time for sex! Jian and Andrea! They enjoyed each other, learning about their lives with the pleasure of the coupling thrown in! We three always doing it together, such fun it was.

Lying together naked we cooked up a trip for Jian and Ting to London to meet up with Cho and me after our travels to the US and Glaa's first American race. Bare ass searching the web for flight times. I would pass on suggestions to Cho's travel company. OH YES! We're going to have a time!

Dad Keren came over with a friend of his from the Ministry of Commerce. Mr. Wattna, slender with a nice face and graying hair, longer than most, wanted to talk about a new role for Cho and me. We were to be economic advisors to the government?

He saw it as an ambassadorial type situation. We would be ourselves, role models for Thai business and culture in what we do. Speak to trade groups occasionally and attend some trade shows. He understood my multi-national persona but he knew from Dad of my engagement to Cho and that would link me to Thailand forever.

Beyond doing a few duties each year which wouldn't interfere with our lives very much we would have diplomatic passports. Oh a new toy! Well we weren't planning on committing any offenses to try skip out on so...

The discussion didn't get very involved but we liked Wattna. He asked us to come to the ministry for a visit and sign on the dotted line. Cho gave me one of his grins, "Shall we be `diplomats'?"

I said why not we were certainly going to travel and if our efforts also helped Thailand it would be a way for us to so show our affection for our country. Good! Wattna was pleased. We'd visit the ministry after the Korat trip.

Dad's smile, "You two are a wonderful advertisement!"

"But I don't do soap," popped out as I shook Wattna's hand.

Everyone laughed, Wattna with a big smile "You never have to worry about that. No products just ideals!"

The train trip to Korat was nice! We were on an express which had only a few stops. The conductor did a bit of fawning over us but Cho gently got him back to work. The weather was clear; I got to see more countryside than from the car on the way to the Korat rail yard. At the station Sumate's replacement, Preecha met us with several Land Rovers.

Ting took us to meet his family for a few hours. It was my first time. His parents were very polite and warm, I felt welcome. Ting's mother loved our engagement rings. Jian and I standing on either side of her for a few pics with her holding our ring hands.

I could see she really liked Jian. Ting, Jian and Andrea went with Ting's parents onto the terrace. I knew he would tell them what would happen. Cho's arms around me from behind as we watched from a distance.

Suddenly Ting's mom threw her arms about Andrea. Big Hug! His dad hugged him, Jian and Andrea! For us it was an obvious pantomime. I got squeezed, a kiss on my neck, "Well I guess that went over well!"

Ting waved us over, lots more hugging. Cho like a second son enjoyed their happiness.

Some homemade beer for a toast. Good stuff! Ting's dad was quite the brewer!

They were going to come to Bangkok after our return from London and stay with us for a couple of days or so.

Alice and Tadeo came over. We piled into the Land Rovers for the drive to Cho's forest house. New scenery for us English ladies. Cho pointing out things for Andrea and me. Then we were in the forest. Enclosed by trees sometimes blotting out the sun we wound up the side of a hill. A gate and guard house in a small clearing the road passed through. Then an open area and the HOUSE!

Beautiful, glowing red/brown wood. Stairs went up from the drive to a large entry room going clear through to another doorway and a wide terrace that is partially covered wrapping around the entire back and sides of the house facing north. The view was out over the forest towards the huge valley that Korat sat in.

Each side of the house had a second and third floor rising up like big square turrets; there were four bedrooms on the second floors and a sitting room above with a 360degree balcony. The east tower was where the master suite was. Each bedroom level had two big shared bathrooms each with a large walk-in wood shower like our house in Bangkok. You left the central hall by stairs curving up on each side to the bedrooms then a spiral stair to the top level.

The main level had a large living room with sofas, chairs and two huge window seats filled with cushions on either side of the big floor to ceiling glass doors. The back walls away from the windows were bookcases built-in reaching nearly to the ceiling with glass doors and ladders that slid on rollers. Books, statues, framed pictures and other small ornaments filled the shelves. Local weavings many with animal imagery hung around splashing colours from the walls.

The kitchen was below the dining room with a staircase connecting them. The house staff lived in bungalows near the kitchen side. Security had two for offices and living.

Everything made of the glorious reddish wood!

There was a bungalow in the forest about a mile in; Cho said we would go there on another trip.

A games room was under the big living room with a connecting stair. Billiard table! A stereo system was down there that had speakers throughout the main floor and terrace.

From the terrace you could go down to the gardens which were all native flowering plants. Cho holding me tight as I tried to take in the riot of colour and shapes that cascaded down a gentle slope to a tiled sitting area beside a large oval pond.

"You like?" It was so quiet in my ear accompanied by a squeeze.

"Cho, it's like a fairy palace!"

"You're my Princess, so welcome to your Palace!"

I buried my face in his neck, strong arms keeping me snug against him. Tears of pure joy!

Cho pulled out a handkerchief, one of the ones I had made. His initials in one corner Fay in the opposite. "Dear thank you for the gift! It is made to order for you!"

I was laughing by then. I was spun around as Cho turned turned turned turned...

Finally a bit dizzy back on my feet we were joined by the others.

Andrea and Jian were ecstatic, praising the house. Alice and Tadeo looked a bit glassy-eyed. Ting gave me a hug, "You like it? Years ago Cho shared his ideas which sounded like a dream then the wild man went off and had it built!"

I kissed his cheeks, "It's so wonderful. Did you contribute?"

"Ah only in spirit except for the garden I said it should be only local flora."

"The colours are phenomenal! Do you know the plants?"

I was promised a guided tour tomorrow!

Two couples lived fulltime at the house. A cook and her husband who did all the maintenance, a housekeeper whose partner was the gardener. They were very nice, pleased to see us all. The gardener said he would enjoy hosting us for a garden tour tomorrow. Done.

Dinner began with fak tong gang ka ti, a pumpkin coconut soup, very tasty. Several vegetable dishes, fish cakes with a peanut honey glaze! Yum! Wonderful roti but Amporn's cooking was still my golden example.

On the terrace in the dying light another Cho surprise... Amaretto! Espresso!

Our suite occupied what would have been two of the east tower's bedrooms, an enormous bed covered in netting like old style four posters. Our bathroom was private to the suite. A large dressing room with big closets and built in vanity.

Across the hall were Ting and Jian, beside them Andrea. They would share the other bathroom. Alice and Tadeo were in the west tower.

Upstairs in the common sitting room on the balcony watching the sun come up Cho's arms wound around me, "Love, its pleasant isn't it?"

He got kissed!! "So nice! Quite a secret!"

"Not secret but there just hadn't been opportunity. Now you know so we can come, you can see the forest; learn a few of ITS secrets!"


I hesitated, "Cho you own a lot of property here and now in England... Lots of businesses, too... the Railroad..." I ran out of gas not knowing how to ask or should I...

He turned me around to face him, smiling, dark eyes on mine, "How about a bit over twenty billion? Would that be ok?"

Twenty billion? Twenty billion what... I was kissed before I could say anything, "Something over twenty billion £'s give or take a fifty million."

I did a little faint, we laughed. I hugged and kissed this wonderful man!

Cho said he inherited about £400 million and the banks and the Railroad. He maintained a low profile doing everything with corporations, "So I am mostly unknown. I just worked building businesses, acquiring ones I liked for their potential, increasing the size and scale of the Railroad and banks. It became easy to make more money, it accumulated. I don't want to ever be crude about money. Until you I hadn't spent that much on living. I was comfortable. I bought a few toys like the boats, etc... Now I want to live more with you. We both own homes we love, you are moving up in your career, I have perhaps thirty or so businesses I really like and keep a tight hand in. When we start our family we will both pull back some but we like doing what we do so ..."

I stroked his face, "I just want to be with you. Here for sure! But everywhere together. When we go back to Saratoga please come with me to Washington also?" Cho squeezed me, "Yes I want to meet Gerald!" We went hand in hand to the kitchen for grub. Coffee and Patongos and salapaos!!

White cuffed short shorts, navy blue cutoff polo shirt, navy and white sandals made my outfit for garden exploring. We ladies had two nice men as escorts. We got to smell, feel and taste a few of the marvelous flowers. Shrubs, vines, beds all bright with colour, interesting shapes. I met a few insects too. The birds held back but I'd seen many from the terrace with a salapao in hand.

The gardener kept bees so the house was well supplied with honey for the table and cooking. They used the gardens and the forest for the nectar to build their honeycombs. His vegetable garden was several acres providing most of the cook's produce needs along with much of the spices and herbs.

Cho had wanted the estate to be as self-supporting as possible. The house was built from local timber culled from the forest as part of his conservation plan. So like him to make something wonderful and useful together.

Going into the forest would wait for another visit and the proper clothes and preparation. I anticipated the joys and intrigue of it.

I was impressed with this part of Cho as I was with ALL the rest. He always put considerable thought into what he did whether it was a big or small project.

Cho got a text from Glaa's trainer in Saratoga. He'd breezed at the Saratoga track, 5f 59:2 6f 1:10.1!! My big FAST man!! Cruising!!

The trainer said a sports writer from Daily Racing Form/DRF.com wanted to interview Cho. Laughing, Cho texted back he'd have to come to Thailand's backwoods! Or wait until before the Sanford when Glaa would race. But those numbers put Glaa on the map for now.

Alice holding my hand in the evening as we looked out over the dark forest, "Fay, I never hoped to escape that place now being here with Tadeo and you it's like a rebirth. The pain is gone but I won't forget!"

We hugged, "I not forgetting either! At least it is over, no more, no trials! Done!"

We turned back to the big room full of friends and lovers, Tadeo and Cho claimed us.

Ting lifted his glass, "To life old and new, to friends old and new, to love old and new!"

Cheers! Cheers! Loud and clear from us all!

Sitting in the dark on the tower balcony, quiet, stillness! A quiet voice, "Dear want some hugs?" I leaned back with open arms, a warm naked Andrea. We kissed.

"I'm off to dreamland. This is a wonderful place. Thank you for all of it!"

More kisses, a cute butt got patted, "Off with you." A last kiss.

Alone again just thinking back to the first night at that loud bar, how I almost missed out by leaving without knowing Jian. A last drink? Seems like a close call. I was crying now... Oh shit what I might have been denied by fate. Fickle fate smiled but...

Inside me feelings I wasn't going to push away...I hugged my knees, tight!

Cho found me tears running down my cheeks...He gathered me close. Warm, I felt safe... I told him my thoughts, my nascent ideas. His lips on my ear, "Fay, we will."

Shit! Simple words! My tears came again, Cho, my everything, My Magic Man, assured, his powers tempered by intelligence but his vision clear and strong.

Once more Cho proved to me I was the luckiest girl.

Cho wanted us to stay later the next day. Up in the east tower us two looking out the sun warming the forest, "In daylight what you said last evening hasn't gone away. We will!"

I didn't cry just held tight.

Alice and Tadeo were driven home to Korat with a promise of more visits from us.

Cho had a larger helicopter come to pick us up for the return journey near the highway where the Land Rovers could park away from the forest. We got spectacular view of his property from above. The house really looked like a palace. It glowed in the bright sun!

Andrea and I readied for our trips but did a time out for a cuddle on a terrace lounge.

"Friend, Jian and I made love last night in your fairy palace! Ting was with us! It was pretty special in that big bed together."

I squeezed her, "Is your Hounslow place big enough to host them? Or do you want to stay at ours when they arrive?"

"I'm thinking of moving closer in. My promotion means I have a few more choices now. Your offer is great, I'd like to if it won't be a mess?"

"Cho and I probably won't be there for even a week and you guys will only need one bedroom," I was punched on my arm. "Also Jian hasn't made firm plans yet, so..."

We were invaded by my buddy. Jian flopped down on top then wiggled in between us. My fingers found some ticklish bits, Andrea the same. Poor Jian squirming and giggling.

Achara brought us some of Niran's fabled lassi's, mango! We left off tormenting Jian to sip. Sweet goodness!

Andrea's flight was forty minutes after mine. We shared the helicopter ride to Suvarnabhumi Airport after lots of kisses and hugs. Jian and Ting decided to be in London in ten days so we would have a few days overlap for fun. Hugs for Andrea before I boarded.

My first trip on Korean Air, I was in 2A on both flights, a Seoul leg and then to Atlanta.

Boeing 747 and 777! Nice cabin crew, comfy and quiet. I went for sleep mode on the Atlanta portion. Nice pajamas. Tucked in and asleep quickly.

By early morning over the Western U.S., I got breakfast and fitted up in pale yellow sleeveless linen dress, very pale yellow stockings and black heels. Black belt and Cho's onyx jewelry. Something new from my man, dangling onyx earrings that were a match to the rest!

At customs I was whisked through with my new Thai diplomatic passport. The car service fellow was ready and we were off to the STS Railroad corporate offices in downtown.

STS was a huge sprawling railroad with established scanning equipment. Their VP of Operations Ted wanted to see what we had to offer as they needed an upgrade. He was visibly pleased with what I could do on my iPad with the demo server in London. The added plus of being able to ask some questions of one of Douglas' staff via the conferencing APP had him almost heady.

"Fay, what I need is a dollar figure, time requirements, and date for execution. I will get George here to give you any technical info on our system as of now."

We shook hands, "Thanks for being here. This was a very valuable visit!"

George and I sat back looking at each other. He looked mid-forties, nice face, glasses, burly but not fat. He had gotten an eye-full of me at the beginning.

"What most concerns me is the data move! I'm sure you have experience with our software if you have done any transfers before."

We talked about it for forty-five minutes, broke for bathrooms and more coffee.

"Starbucks anywhere near?"

He laughed, "Sure on the side of the building, ground level. Let's go! I'm buying."

Fitted with an Amaretto venté latte under an umbrella, it was hot but Bangkok had seasoned me to tropical climes.

I conferenced in Jared at the end of his day on my iPad. George's face took on a pleased expression as he got more answers and really understood the skills we offered. The power of the iPad App to work on the server really got him.

Upstairs we stopped to see Ted and by then George was an advocate. Ted said the board would meet on Friday and he'd have the printouts from me ready and they'd get their first view. It would be a big project, many millions of £'s and high profile in America. STS was big across the whole Mid-Atlantic to the Mississippi River right down to Miami.

I told Ted we could to a tele-conference if they had an iPad. I gave him Conference APP talk; they had seen it but didn't know we owned it now. George `got it' when I described connecting an iPad to a TV via HDMI so the board could see. YES!

I texted Greg in Seattle to get a limited site license for STS' board meeting. Good to go.

George said he'd call if he had any more questions.

Ted rode down in the elevator with me to Peachtree Street, "Fay I think your offering is the best by far we`ve seen. You got George's attention like none other. Thanks again. Good flight."

In the car on the way to Hartsfield I called Eric. Freshly returned from Bangkok I gave him my take on STS. He well knew the scale of the project. "Damn we'll have folks there for months or more, three or more engineers. I hope Jared knows about Friday?"

I reassured him, mentioning Jared's conferencing in had truly impressed their tech guy with our ability to handle their business.

He laughed, "Did we have that bonus talk or what?" We both laughed when I said something about I'd be happy with France!

"Oh by the way, it looks like near the end of November for Malee and me. Her family has the bit in their teeth. They wanted to have the ceremony be mixed Buddhist Christian but I told them just Buddhist was fine. The location, etc... they and Malee would work out. I told Malee I wanted her, everything else was under her care."

"I bet you scored with that!"

Laughing we rang off. This STS deal would ramp up the pressure on London.

My American Airlines flight was running late so I updated the car service in Richmond. No problem.

Cho would land at JFK in a few hours! Same time zone!!

Jared texted, `U hving fun? George was gr8t! knos hs stuff'

`think sale is made'

`Andrea needs hire some folks!!!'

`dnt worry she'll cover ur butt'

Lots of smiley's!

At baggage claim in Richmond my car person was Mattie. She handled my things and me to her car. She'd be ready for me in the morning too.

I was dropped at the Jefferson Hotel in downtown. I'd stayed here more than twenty years ago with my parents. There was that most famous staircase that wasn't actually used in `Gone with the Wind.' My room was comfy and cool.

I went down to the mezzanine to eat. The restaurant décor was updated now to what might be called post-modern southern.

I was in a dark blue short-sleeved backless mid-thigh dress, matching stockings and shoes. The silver torque and Thang's teardrop and dangling inter-laced silver loop earrings. I gave the maître d' some pause.

I was seated at nice table and welcomed by Sydney. Handsome, dark skin, finely shaped head crowned with very white hair and a well-trimmed mustache, he looked a man comfortable with his work.

I got a Campari and soda. He smiled, "We aren't often asked for that."

I decided on a romaine salad with `lots of anchovies,' I caught the slight smile. A crab cake for starters and the ahi main course.

He could see I was looking up and down the menu, "Miss is there something you can't find?"

"Spoon bread?"

"Oh we don't offer that any more with new menu."

I told him how as a child I'd stayed here with the parents and loved the smooth buttery taste of the spoon bread. It had been over twenty years previously.

He had a broad smile now, "Miss it is an off the menu item for our older patrons. I will bring a serving on the side, will that be ok?"

My best MEGA-WATT smile, "Thank you Sydney! Wonderful!"

The next ninety minutes were so enjoyable. The food was excellent and Sydney was a polished attendant almost balletic in his charming service.

The spoon bread was equal to my memory!

A double espresso with a twist of lemon peel was a fitting end. It was the best meal experience I'd had at a restaurant since Le Colombier in Chelsea. It only missed Cho to be close to perfection.

When the coffee was served I asked Sydney how long he'd been there. Thirty years through several management changes, he was down to four nights now.

"I'm working toward retiring but I enjoy my work."

I said I was glad to have benefited from that. Wondering if he might have served me all those years ago. He said he hoped he had.

I stopped at the front desk to ask for a close pub for a nightcap. They recommended Joseph's which just across the street two doors down, quiet and well run.

I got a light sweater and crossed the road. I found it semi-dark, electronic with a touch of blues music that wasn't up loud. Moved towards the back to find a small booth, leather.

Sylvia showed a grin when I asked for espresso and Amaretto. "Rare but nice combo."

I sipped on both for a few minutes when someone stopped at the end of the booth. Sydney raised his cap, "Good evening again, miss."

I asked him to join me. Sylvia placed a neat double Wild Turkey near his hand.

Smiling, "Come here often?" His laughter was light, "A dead giveaway!"

He came over for one drink every night after work and then got the bus to Church Hill where he had a small house. A widower for five years, "When you're that much in love the parting is that much harder."

I laid my left hand on the table, "I'm recently engaged but our connection is so deep traveling apart is very hard. He's arriving in New York soon and I'll join him in a few days."

We talked a bit about families, his boys off in the world and a brother in New York owned a horse farm.

That got us going. I showed off my Glaa snaps. He was INTERESTED. "My only vice is playing the ponies. I don't bet much and never get carried away." Trips to Pimlico and New York to Belmont and Aqueduct.

I told him about Glaa shipping to run at Saratoga in the Sanford and Hopeful. His times astounded Sydney, "He breezed at 5f 59:2 6f 1:10.1???? My god that's fast."

His 1:59:9 for the mile and a quarter had him almost choke on the end of his drink. Sylvia came around pushing some blonde hair behind an ear, "Sydney?"

He waved he was okay but amazed at my horse's times. She looked me then him, I made a circular motion and she cocked her head. Sydney nodded.

"Something new?" He said he was a one drink fellow but tonight...

We talked more horses; his brother had been a groom/walker as a teenager at the Meadow Farm up in Doswell where Secretariat had been foaled. He learned the trade and got to see some magnificent history. He and his wife ran a horse training farm in Dutchess County in New York. They would meet to go to the tracks in the city.

"If I can make it happen would you like to see Glaa run? We'll be in a breeder's box but I don't know much else."

He gave the idea two thumbs up. I got his telephone number but I tried to be clear I was not in the know yet.

He smiled, "If it can happen fine. I'd get to see my brother and his missus too."

I texted Cho, he ought to be on the ground. Bang right back, he'd see what was up in the morning and a guest or three ought to be okay. LOVE! Sleep GOOD!!!!

Sydney and I clinked glasses. When we finished the drinks I walked with him across to his bus stop, ten minutes probably. We sat at the stop in the quiet.

"Miss, it..." "Sydney my name is Fay."

Fay, it was very nice to meet you. You are a real gentlewoman!'

My smile came out, "Sydney, you are a gentleman and it's been my pleasure. I hope to be able to give you good news tomorrow. Any problem taking a few days off?"

No they were very nice folks. The bus slid up, I offered my hand to Sydney a firm shake and a wink and smile.

I slept well, packed up and ready with Mattie at the curb. Down to the Kanawha Canal offices in the Shockoe Slip area. A nice older brick building that overlooked the canal. They wanted to return the canal to use at least for tourists and pleasure craft.

Elaine was the Chair of their board; we met her office with their tech person Jean-Pierre. The secretary had given me a very discreet but thorough look-over. My checked black and yellow sleeve-less dress mid-thigh over black stockings and black ankle boots may have been too much for her.

Elaine was very welcoming; I sensed my appearance was having the opposite effect on her. Coffees before we sat at her meeting table. They had received my info and had many questions. Jean-Pierre took the lead to make inquiries about the current state of our test in Holland. Brought out my iPad and conferenced in Reg. He gave a smashing intro and synopsis of what was now a tremendous success for our software and the Dutch hardware. None of the locks were now manned and no serious issues had arisen in either the software or hardware. The feature of masking the hardware in older looking exteriors raised their eye brows.

I could see Jean-Pierre's face as he held the iPad, when Reg brought in the lead Dutch engineer so easily he was hooked on that technology. I wanted him to really get that we could offer a rock-solid system for them not just whiz-bang.

After Reg was out I followed up with them both on what we considered to be a basic foundation on which our product needed to be built. That brought Jean-Pierre back to earth. We got into a technical discussion on networking, WiFi signal strengths and other connection issues. I tried to keep Elaine in with us pushing Jean-Pierre to explain more.

Later when she and I were alone I was thanked for my efforts, "Sometimes he forgets we need the technology but many of us don't need to know how it works. We need equipment to work with the fewest possible people involved and with solid performance."

I emailed her some product info sheets that Reg had commissioned that were in less jargon filled language. She printed several I suggested and I went over them with her.

At her suggestion we went to a seafood restaurant nearby for lunch. I got some canal history and her honest assessment of the condition of the canal beyond the Richmond area.

"We'll never open the whole original canal but to get back to the Shenandoah Valley area is a goal I believe we can achieve. The railroad on the old towpath is no impediment with motorized watercraft but there'll have to be a good deal of dredging before anything more that small outboards can make a trip."

Tourist boats making overnight runs had real appeal, fishing parties and just pleasure boating all could be possible and light freight. The deeply shaded banks would make nice hot weather hide-a-ways.

We liked each other, she knew I wouldn't talk over her head and we had a great system to offer. "It may be months before I can tell you anything since we'll have to make appeals for money to contributors and apply for grant money."

I let her know we would send along any info or video which could help their efforts.

"Elaine we don't have a schedule to keep on this. More users and testing will make it better and likely less expensive. So we are good to wait on you but we would like to do this project. It has potential for good."

She gave me a look, I tried to explain, "We try to get involved in projects that make money but return real value to the users." I told her about the Railroad in Bangkok, how we did make a good deal for both. They are modernizing at a fast pace, seeing immediate return on their investment. We got to do a serious `real world' test of new hardware and software. The same for the Dutch canal company and our local Dutch hardware partners.

She got it, "You see the canal like I do!" I nodded, "I believe so. An artery that can be useful and give pleasure. I admire it because I see that method every day with my fiancé. He strives to make money like most people but always manages to do so in a manner which creates value for many others."

It had been a good visit. Elaine said she'd keep in touch as their process ground forward. Good! She let me use her bathroom for a change to travel clothes, black skinny jeans, blood red cutoff sleeveless top, spike heeled ankle boots, I kept Cho's onyx bracelet and ring but added the dozen gold ring bracelets to my left arm. Elaine liked! Her secretary almost fell off her chair. HA!

Mattie was right out front, we slid over to the I95 freeway northbound to Washington. I texted Cho. He called me. My love text message had him laughing with my emoji mix.

Ringgold had a box for us at Saratoga with room for guests so I could greenlight Sydney. He was going to sit down with a DRF reporter later and if it was published he'd let me know. In meetings tomorrow about some deals and going to dinner at his lawyer's place. So maybe news for me. My... What... What... had no effect!

The drive up to Washington looked to be boring except I recognized the name Doswell on a sign.

"Mattie could we get off at Doswell for a stop?"

We cruised to a halt on the Virginia State Fairgrounds, wide open empty spaces. A nice fellow pointed down a road and motioned to Mattie where to stop.

I stood looking at a small boxy wooden building. An older man with paint can and brush gave me a smile, "Not many folks know to stop here."

I felt odd touching the wood of the foaling shed over forty years on from its most famous birth. `The Meadow' as a horse farm was long gone but Secretariat was immortal!

I felt very emotional, a wave rising inside up to my face. I stood there in the sun for a few minutes it was quiet just a low hum from a tubby bumble bee passing.

Turning to the car the man with the paint smiled, "Miss, it nice to see someone have a memory too." I gave his dark hand a squeeze, "I was also thinking of my horse Gwen, how much I loved her."

In the back of the car moving off I used one of Cho's handkerchiefs I'd given him that he'd lent me at the forest palace. The scent of him nearly gone.

The rest of the drive would have been boring except for a call from Eric.

"Fay, are you sitting? ...STS has given us a provisional OK! Their VP Ted called, he said he after he briefed the President and most of his Board of Directors and they wanted us to start planning. The final `real' okay he said was inevitable on Friday. Fay, your presentation and talk with George WOWed them."


"Fay it's the largest switch-over project we've ever done!"

"Eric it could be more if we can get their sensor upgrades too!"

I couldn't resist, "So does this mean I get France?"

We laughed for minutes, "I doubt Michael will give up on the whole country, maybe can can slice off the Riviera for you or would you rather Paris?"

We decided to conference in all the deputy MD's and changed over to our iPads. Jared and Douglas right away asked for more staff and office space, Reg too. Arthur wanted two more `Andrea's.'

Michael was firm against carving up France but offered Bulgaria which was `rudely' rebuffed by me, I allowed his adding Greece, Turkey and Italy might work.

Eric knew we weren't going to come down from the high easily and let us have a good laugh. We finally let it go as I reached the Potomac River crossing near the Pentagon.

Mattie had made good time, excellent driving which I made clear in a short call to her boss in Richmond. She gave me a great smile when I signed her paperwork.

I was booked overnight at the Watergate, the people were nice and the small suite in many shades of gray relaxing. In honor of Cho I asked for a good French restaurant. The concierge mentioned two, 1789' and The Champignon D'Or' both nearby in Georgetown. She booked me at the latter.

I changed to my black backless long sleeved mini-dress, thigh high black stockings and black spike heels. Silver jewelry and the cute little short black leather jacket. I added a pair of black linen gloves. Hair behaved, the curved end brushing my chin.

In the lobby a fellow walked into a plant watching me stride across the floor. I heard chortling sounds from the concierge's desk; she recovered to get the doorman to call up a cab for me.

Le Champignon D'Or was narrow but deep. Warm browns and muted rich yellows until you saw the bar, above it like a giant umbrella was a golden mushroom. Its namesake!

Gerald met me at the Maître D's desk, he clearly approved of my `look!' My answer to his "was I indeed solo tonight" question had me escorted to a booth at the back opposite the bar. "This is the house table and I would be honored if you would join me here. I am Gerald, the owner."

I was seated in the big horseshoe shaped booth in the middle, Gerald sat beside me. My Campari was perfect. He asked if he could order for me and did I have any limitations. My no meat or fowl and I'm not the escargot type brought a smile, "Ah you have come to the right place, my dear!"

As he left to do our order I got a text from Sunny in Seattle. She was over the moon about her gift. Wonderful! Beautiful! The best EVER! And more was still flowing as Gerald returned. I showed him the snaps I took before her castle was boxed. His smile was quite charming, "You have taste, the Gifts are very sophisticated, perfect for a young woman starting out on her life."

He got it! I finally got Sunny to leave off thanking me and to enjoy her birthday.

We toasted to a twelve year old in Seattle with Tattinger's! Ah tiny bubbles.

Calamari! Finely breaded, melted in my mouth. A light onion soup with pearl barley followed by a grilled rainbow trout, pureed potatoes and braised broccoli and mushrooms. A very nice white Bordeaux.

Gerald was a good conversationalist; we talked food, politics, my work, his work and the city. Kay sent me some pics of Sunny wearing the pendant and ring. The ring was a bit big but no worry. The green stone was wonderful on Sunny's skin tone. Gerald hadn't married and was an only child so no family' like this. I told him how I got this family' which gripped him.

"A wonderful story that seems quite appropriate for you."

He got his cheek kissed!

I had watched him as a slender dark-haired waiter had served us and other close tables, I motioned with my head. He smiled, "Antonio!" Warmth in that word.

"We met when he applied for work ten years ago. He was an experienced waiter and was an immediate success with clientele. Only after several months did we take time to really talk, we liked each other. We are both immigrants enjoying America. He moved in with me upstairs a few months later. He is a minority partner now with a stake in our working life and in me."

I kissed his cheek once more, "Beautiful!"

I told him about Cho. I hadn't gone on for long when he squeezed my hand, his eyes a bit wet, "I hear it in your voice!"

I had to pull out Cho's handkerchief after that. There was a nice chuckle when I explained it. A bigger one while I told him about all the others.

"My dear you make men comfortable in your presence. A combination of your being intelligent and beautiful but not aloof. A hint of sassy, too."

I laughed, "Thanks! My boss knows that last bit well."

I told Gerald about the STS deal without naming them and how I tried to bargain to get France. He slapped his leg laughing out loud.

Antonio came over; Gerald asked him sit for a moment. He thought we had known each other seeing how well we got on. Gerald excused himself, Antonio smiling, "You have charmed him. It is not easy, he has some French...how you say...stand back from people."

I told him what Gerald has said about me, his face opened in a big smile, "Good, stay talk to him I like this! What else can I bring you?"

Espresso and Amaretto coming up! Huge smile.

Gerald slid in beside me, "Has Antonio asked about afters?"

I told him, he moved to the big golden mushroom to speak to the man there.

"Please try something with me and you can of course get your Amaretto if it doesn't please you."

The snifter was large in my small hand, warm, gingerbread hints and fruit with a tang of tobacco. Bizarre but Gerald said my nose was very good. I took in the aroma in no hurry. Gerald watched me, "Fay you are correct, it is cognac to savor. Remy Martin Louis XIII. It is older than even me."

I smiled, "Gerald, you're not `that' old."

Antonio at the end of the table laughed, "Ah the lady has you there!"

I sipped, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Cognac wasn't my thing but I knew I had to get some for Cho!

The warmth of the liqueur eased down my throat, spreading even to my toes. Gerald's smile, "I see you feel it."

Talk died away as we enjoyed our drink. Antonio put a small plate near me. Laced wrapped white chocolate shaped like a tear with a sharp knife. He sliced a small piece. It liquefied on my tongue. It was magical with the cognac.

"A young couple nearby makes it. The most pure delicious white chocolate on earth."

I resisted my natural impulse to grab it and gobble. Antonio trusted me with the knife with a smile, "Yes, I too want to pounce on it!"

I sliced a few more small pieces but had to stop it was so rich. "Gerald has anyone over-dosed on this?"

We laughed, "No cases reported to me but I assume it may be possible."

It was late, I needed to go but Antonio had no more tables and he was funny combined with Gerald who freely admitted he had been brought somewhat out of his shell by Antonio.

No payment would be accepted nor matter what I said. Gerald only required I return with Cho. I readily agreed.

I kissed them both at the door while the cab waited. At the Watergate I left a note for the concierge that the restaurant choice had been spectacular.

Snuggled in bed my phone against my cheek telling Cho about my dinner and listening to his at the Greenwich Village home of his New York lawyer Sam and his wife Sadie. Sadie was a gourmet cook!

Mine was more glamorous, upscale, his was Bavarian German. Spätzle, sweet red cabbage and sauerbraten.

There'd be a car at Newark to pick me up and bring to the hotel in mid-town Manhattan.

Dinner in Little Italy, a short walk in Battery Park, who knows!

It was to be a muggy day in Washington, dark blue sleeveless dress, stockings and heels the same. Thang's tear on one wrist, Karla and Michael's torque on the other. Packed, bags with the concierge.

Cab to the Corps of Engineers, I asked to go down to Constitution Avenue. White House on one side the Washington Monument on the right. Felt nice to see them, then Capitol Building. Majestic. The city where I was born. Center of power!

Andrew met me at security. Passport as ID. Funny, I had no driver's license as Fay. Maybe the London lawyers had it?

The Intracoastal Waterway folks were glad to see me. They admitted to drooling over the video I'd sent from the Dutch trials. I handled over a thumb drive with newer video. We watched on a big screen. I plugged my iPad in via HDMI and Apple's Digital AV Adapter and conferenced in Reg. Once again my buddy was great. He knew it cold!

Andrew made it clear they wanted our software/hardware combination but there were issues. What if anything was made in America? I told much of the Dutch equipment had American origin and the same completed parts ready for install could be bought here. Any installation here by the Dutch company would be the same as they had seen in the trials.

I had been prepared for that!

The software was entirely written in London, we do have network and hardware engineers who are US Citizens available to work on the project. It of course was a multi-year venture so things could change. All of which Andrew made sure was noted by his folks.

Andrew gave me a short course in getting money approved by the Congress. Committees, sub-committees, The House of Representatives then the Senate had to debate and finally if all goes well vote on it.

It could be a year in the making.

I expected that, they got my `we'll only get better' speech.

So far this trip showed that no matter how motivated a potential client was a business could be nimble and non-profits and public agencies not.

Car service picked me up and a quick stop at the Watergate, we were off to Washington National Airport. United Airlines was on time. Short flight to Newark. The driver Cho arranged was waiting. We got clear of the airport quickly. Onto the Pulaski Skyway to the Holland Tunnel. Out onto to Hudson Street we swung over to 6th Avenue up to mid-town at 46th Street. The hotel was midway between 6th Avenue and 5Th.

The porter took charge of my bags; I was quickly handed over to an assistant manager to be escorted to the suite. Up on the seventh floor she used a key card to open the elevator door.

I stepped out into a large room with a high ceiling that extended all the way to rear of the building ending in large glass doors to a big balcony. My bags were in the dressing room; I was given a key card and welcomed. Any questions please ask! Mr. Cho left word he was still in a meeting downtown and would return as soon as.

I changed to black short shorts, blood red silk sleeveless cutoff top, and black spike heeled ankle boots. The brief case with my MacBook Air emptied on the desk beside Cho's. I took the iPad, iPhone and a small black bag. At their concierge desk I asked about a coffee shop. Starbucks two doors down on the left. Please inform Cho when he arrived I'd be there.

The Starbucks was all wood, floors and walls. Looked like the original bits of the building they incorporated into their decor. OH yes scones! I got a blueberry and strawberry, and a venté almond latte.

I spread out on a table in the front window, reading, web surfing and a bit of people watching. It began to fill up slowly, no free tables. A young Chinese woman politely asked if she could share with me. No problem. I de-cluttered the table.

She had a luscious looking muffin, I was tempted but dinner in Little Italy...

Yi was a graduate student at Columbia in American Literature doing her dissertation on Hemingway and the Machismo Male syndrome. Oh some punctured egos ahead!

We talked books, all kinds. She admired Orwell's clean style, YES! So we discussed his essays.

We were talking for a while before someone loomed over the table...Cho! I jumped up into his wide spread arms...KISS!

I didn't let go easily. I introduced Yi, she had this WOW look on her face!

Cho said he needed a coffee, me? Yi? He got me another, smaller latte, one for himself. And Yi. "Change of dinner plans because of some good news. We're having dinner with Sadie and Sam at their place."

"She's cooking two nights in a row? Do we need to do anything?"

Sadie said it wasn't a problem for her. Cho said we needed to take a walk after dinner to a place not too far from them.

I gave Yi my email; she would send a copy of her dissertation when it was completed. She asked if I'd read it over and comment? I felt honored! If you stuck a finger in Hemingway's eye you were good with me.

In the suite I was going to change but Cho said not to because it was just a friends' dinner.

He put on shorts and a polo shirt that I couldn't remember. `I have some clothes here.'

What? Do you keep this suite? Nooooo! He owned the hotel; this was his New York address. Was this the WHAT...? No that was something else entirely.

We walked to the Subway for a downtown `F' train to Washington Square station. We wandered east to Washington Square Park to the center. Folks sitting around the circle sunning in the early evening. South to Sullivan Street to Sam and Sadie.

Sam had been Cho's New York lawyer for some years, property stuff. He helped the purchase of the mid-town hotel and others, now more property.

They were in their mid-late thirties with twins who were now six. Nice place with a shady terrace and daylight basement apartment for their au-pair. Big kitchen, Sadie's work space. She wrote cookbooks, farmhouse French and Italian and easy to cook for Italian and French and Spanish and now German. Some meat recipes but trending now to fish and vegetarian.

Sam, tall blonde blue eyes and thin which was amazing with Sadie making so much great food. Harvard law and partner in a mid-size firm with a stellar reputation which did mostly real estate work.

Sadie, my size in brown hair, very bright green eyes, pixie cut hair feathered. The kids were fraternal twins, a blonde and blue girl and brown and green boy; cute! We got to meet them but an early night for them, tomorrow big day trip with friends, so the au-pair herded them off to bed.

The guys got scotch, I passed. Parked on a stool after Sadie said she had it all under control. My hand around a nice Abruzzi red, fruity-earthy! I told her some about Amporn's feeding us so well and my dinner last night in Washington. Her eyes widening with my description. Gerald not accepting any money didn't surprise her, "Pride and enjoying your enjoying. The mark of a restauranteur."

"Well I promised to return with Cho but I have to get Cho some of that cognac!"

Tonight was Italian since I was missing a Little Italy trip. Vegetable antipasto, her bruschetta slender bread slices with barely grilled tomatoes and asiago, eggplant lasagna, lovely warm basil bread. More Abruzzi red! Sadie could COOK!! It was delish!

They had a cozy dining area on the terrace under a classic spreading elm, deep shade. There were toasts about a new purchase by Cho which we were to visit later. "It's only a few blocks west. We'll stretch our legs."

West two blocks to Minetta Street. A six floor building in gray stone. Quiet street off Bleecker Street and 6th Avenue. The entry was street level all in black marble, NICE! Twelve apartments with a big basement where each tenant had a locker and a superintendent's flat and HVAC equipment.

A really nice European cage style lift, the stairs wound up around the elaborate lift cage. There were three vacancies, a top floor and both first floor apartments. We stood in the lobby as Cho explained the previous owner hadn't leased those to make it more attractive to a buyer.

"We are going to rehab these two right away, new flooring, windows and all new appliances. The tenants on Six now will move into one of these, they are an older couple who are ready to dispense with using the lift. The entire Sixth Floor will be renovated into one apartment for us!"

MMMM A big kiss! We rode up me thinking of Paris in the lift, "All the other tenants will get new appliances and other work done, too."

The lift and HVAC were newly refurbished; almost re-built from the ground up. The exterior had been re-done along with the parking area.

Cho described some of what he wanted: part of the roof in the southwest corner would be removed to create a terrace giving off from the master suite and living room. The exterior walls would remain with the nice stone leaving the big window spaces with slender wrought iron grill, floor to ceiling glass doors put in giving access to the new open space. Rooms for kids and guests, big skylights in the kitchen in the northeast corner, lots more.

All the common spaces would be done over and new security added. The superintendent's flat would be the maintenance and security office.

Back at Sadie and Sam's we had another toast to our new home in New York. We caught a cab on 6th Avenue to go north.

I was naked in my lover's arms kissing and kissing "Fay Fay..." We flopped on to the bed me on top kissing my way down Cho's torso heading for my prize!

MMMMMMMMMMMM Dessert!! I eagerly got his cock wet, sucking licking I wanted that warm slick cockhead to come out and play! AH the helmet emerged wet and gorgeous! Cho had a huge intake of breath as I clamped my mouth on him!

"Fay suck me ready me for your pussy!" I did as requested sucking and slurping! I was turned so Cho could get me wet. It wasn't long before I was on my back legs spread in his strong hands; he lined up and eased into me.

Yessssss! "Oh Cho so good!" I loved his balls against me! I tightened to give him a squeeze, "Fuck me! Fuck!"

He drew out one long smooth stroke buried that fabulous prick in me. Back and forth he built up a wonderful burning feel in me. I lifted up for a kiss, I got my arms around him holding tight as his pelvis became a jack hammer pounding me.

Shit! It was so good! How did I ever live before this?

Stroke after stroke my pussyass opened and then closed to resist his drawing out. We were the two-backed monster of love!

Ahhhhhhhh I was rotated over to my right side as Cho straddled my leg to scissor fuck me. My left hand slid over his hip to grab his ass. Tight muscles flexing as he stabbed forward, we kissed again he licked down to my left breast tugging the nipple ring twisting it gently it sent bolts of pleasure into me!

OH shit Cho really picked up the pace "Fay I'm close!"

My guts were all hot it swirled around and flowed up my chest smacking me in the face with incredible heat! Cho fucking so fast now short shoves then his first spurt!

Shit yes I loved his cock pulsing sperm into my pussyass the twitch of the shaft in my hole was awesome! Four times!

I was holding him hard against my body our lips pressed together tongues sliding over and under. My right hand slid up his back to grip his hair I didn't want to stop kissing.

Cho released my leg I wrapped it around his back as he lay over me, "Cho..." I couldn't say anything else. I moved my other leg sliding around his left like a little snake. A handful of hair and a few fingers moving slowly between Cho's shoulder blades.

I loved his weight on me. Kissing his neck hearing low murmurs of love in my ear!

I eased my right hand down the taut back muscles heading for the ass, bingo!

Cho laughed, "Fay kiss me!" I was willing! We did so for a minute before crawling under the bed covers. Snuggled face to face, more kissing. Cho slowly turned me around to spoon reaching to turn off the light, "Good night my love!"

Sitting on the counter in the sunny little kitchen, "Can we go to Katz?"

"Ah that's a good idea."

"You bet!"

"But no fake orgasms ok?" I agreed.

I knew before the cab dropped us on Houston Street what I wanted. Lox, cream cheese and poppy seed bagels! A couple of scrambled eggs! Coffee!

Cho was smiling as I ordered; he went for a big veggie omelet, rye toast and coffee.

We held hands on the table top big smiles, I leaned over, "My pussy feels very good this morning. Thank you!"

He laughed, "I was sure you would say something! I am pleased to have been of assistance to you Ma'am!"

Sipping hot coffee looking into his eyes, "Fay, Ringgold has a guest house for us. It's on the property of his patron where we already have a party invitation. So if I understand, you want to go to Albany and then on to Saratoga?"

"Well Glaa's race is Saturday and Albany is tomorrow afternoon, so why come back to the city? If the guest house is free?"

He would make sure of it. "The DRF interview will be in tomorrow's edition, it may be up on their website. Nothing special all the questions you'd expect about the proverbial `dark horse' appearing."

Cho didn't seem impressed by it; I'd wait to read it.

I told him Sydney would come up to his brother's place in Dutchess County and they'd drive up to Saratoga Saturday morning.

Jian's email made me miss her so much. She was missing Andrea. We'd all be together in a few days. Nothing going on in the office she couldn't handle.

Packing in the morning was easy with a bit of help from one of the staff. All in the car and off upstate.

This was all new country to me. Over the George Washington Bridge, I was getting a geography lesson in all the places with his name. Up river to the New York State Thruway then a long stretch to Albany.

We arrived at 200 Southern Blvd. bang on time. Cho was going into Albany and be back to get me. Kiss!

Roger's welcome was warm.

"We have high hopes after seeing your video!"

I went through my intro, we watched Reg's latest video from Holland, and they were riveted. Knowing that there could ways to disguise the new equipment was a plus for some locations.

New York State operated the largest canal system in America and I tried to emphasize how we could get people out of control rooms and into the open air interacting with boaters.

Doing the same with fewer employees held their attention too but their questions told me they weren't looking to this as a way to reduce staff.

I brought Reg in; he handled several questions with his usual style, dead on!

Roger with his network guy sat with me after over coffee. "Fay, we LIKE!"

Taylor and I talked the technical aspects of the connections across their system. He seemed quite satisfied; pointing out to Roger that they were in good shape and little new network would be needed.

I fished out my iPad and connected to London. They got to watch me work on a virtual machine test server for the software. "This where we are going in terms of usability and simplicity. What we want to provide is power to do the work with minimal fuss."

Roger was more upbeat about getting the money than Andrew at the Intracoastal Waterways had been. I told him the same that we were continuously improving the software and hardware and that The Company was expanding our capacity around the world.

Roger caught a call so Taylor escorted me, "Fay I really like your software and the iPad App for control is slick."

We stopped in an alcove; "Beyond the `it'll get better' bit we do see an order of magnitude improvement by the turn of the year. The code behind it is written to allow us flexibility to customize it extensively."

Taylor walked me to the car where Cho was standing iPhone in hand, Bluetooth in ear, talking. He paused to be introduced. Taylor's last comment `they'd stay in close touch' ringing out with his enthusiastic handshake.

It wasn't too far up the highway to Saratoga and our host. Thayer's home was a sprawling compound east of the race grounds across the freeway. The guest house was in a small grove of oaks beyond the main house.

The guest house had a main room, a tiny but equipped kitchen and a large bedroom with a bath/dressing room. A small maid's room for our driver, Terrance, a nice, private room.

The Sanford was Saturday afternoon so we'd have a day in hand. Friday night Thayer was hosting a party we were invited to, cocktail party dress.

A slender young woman knocked, inviting us up to the main house for drinks. "I'm Sondra, dad sent me over to ask if you weren't too tired to come up for a drink. Just follow the white path to the gate you'll see us."

Oh, dress..." She held out her arms to show off a small pair of shorts and crop top on a light body. I gave her a thumbs up.

Andrea called; she was ready for Ting and Jian! She'd come over to ours when they flew in.

Black cuffed short shorts, canary yellow sleeveless cutoff top, black spike heeled ankle boots, black onyx on finger, wrist and ears! Gold rings up my left arm. Cho in slacks and Hawaiian shirt, flowers and parrots. Lots of blue shades! He looked so hot! The colours were perfect for him.

Up the white path, through the gate we could see a terrace with folks milling about. I spotted Sondra who gave my outfit two thumbs up, laughing, "Wow! Glad you came prepared."

We met our host, her dad, Thayer. Tall, slender, silver gray hair swept back, tanned but not over cooked. He welcomed us warmly, "I watched Glaa's breeze! A thing of beauty! Other horsemen there had a collective gasp as the big boy when by." He had a wide grin, "It was something not seen often enough."

Campari and soda in hand I wandered a bit with Sondra. She introduced me around with the title of Glaa's owner, not wholly true but close. I enjoyed the comments by the many horse people. Seemed like they were eager to see what might happen in the Sanford.

I was leaning against the railing with Sondra, "Can I be nosy?" She asked about my scar when I said yes. Funny so few people did.

I gave her a very brief bit of the tale enough so she knew it was revenge for my participation in the end of a criminal enterprise. Just some tidbits about industrial espionage and a honeypot trap that ensnared the villains.

She was rapt, "Wow! Bad guys! You helped get them." I did point out I paid some for the excitement.

"Yes I see but an adventure! I've never had one, dull I guess."

"I think you need to be careful picking adventures but I didn't have much choice. And don't leave home without pocket handkerchiefs."

She looked up then you could see it cross her face, "OH, Bilbo! I get it!" She clapped her hands.

I took Cho's out of my small black bag and showed her, "I've gotten emotional on a few occasions with friends and Cho. I had these made as a gag and love gift."

Thayer came by to collect us, "Come eat a bit. Cho said you haven't since this morning."

I chose some nice looking grilled shrimp, quarters of cheese quesadillas, a grain salad with tomatoes and some coffee. I needed a bit of warmth. Cho's arms slipped around me, PERFECT heat source. He nibbled from my plate talking with Thayer. It appeared Glaa's breeze had set tongues wagging.

I got one of Thayer's staff to make a plate of food for Terrance, our driver; Sondra helped carry some other bits. Terrance was lounging; he started to get up, "No relax. Here's something for you. I didn't know if you would go out or..." He had a big smile. I told him there were more drinks in the kitchen fridge.

Sondra showed me a bit of their spread. I got to meet Chevron, her horse, a handsome nine year old bay stallion. "He's sweet and loves to run but is protective."

I didn't tear up as Gwen flashed alive in memory, Sondra noticed I tightened up. I told her about Gwen, she got it. "Did you want to ride? We've a very polite boy named Artis who's good with riders."

My `I've no clothes' didn't deter her, "You're my size borrow some to go for a morning ride."

In Sondra's room I got a pair of jodhpurs, good fit and long sleeve shirt for under the jacket. I'd never ridden with any headgear so I passed. We'd meet at the barn at seven, ride and eat breakfast at hers after.

Cho sitting on the bed watching me put it all on again with a grin, "Just go easy, ok? I am not interested in peeling you off the ground."

It was better when I got naked, jumping on him! We laughed and tickled near to tears. In the dark he again admonished me about being careful.

It was `hard' to be serious with a cock down my ass crack!

I know I had a smile on my face as I fell asleep.

Dressed up at seven, a sleepy kiss from Cho, I covered him up.

Sondra's Artis was a nice boy. We had a nice gentle ride around their grounds, seeing the horses out for early morning exercises, a few baths and lots of grooming. A bit of a romp on their track before heading back. We turned the boys over to a groom and hoofed it to her kitchen.

Their cook made eggs, potatoes, toast and lots of coffee! We had a great time riding and talking. I could see she was thinking about me as an older sibling. She wanted to impress but also inveigle. Funny, I didn't mind. It was almost an academic thing. A distance. Sondra was cute and obviously smart but naïve. When she said `dull' I knew it really meant inexperienced. She was groping for those life experiences.

Her mother was in California after the divorce; Thayer parked Sondra in strict private girls' school. Sondra was only a month past her graduation, bored at home.

After a shower Cho scooped me up for a trip to the raceway barns to visit Glaa. He'd done a soft gallop, had a bath and breakfast. MMM Sounds like me.

I stroked his neck, a low nicker, "Big fast man! You go and set them all on their ears tomorrow!" He gave me several nods. I slid my fingers through that silky mane. Cho lightly rubbed his nose smiling at me.

Ringgold was outside of the stall, "Damn if he isn't a looker too!"

Glaa gave out a loud nicker, we all laughed, "The fellow knows," from Ringgold.

I gave Glaa a hug and slipped along the walkway towards the car. Terrance, our driver, waiting, "Miss, they say he hasn't been beaten?"

I gave him Glaa's history and recent workout times. "Would it be wrong for me to make a bet on him?"

I grinned, "Well I wouldn't think so, I'm certainly going to. He's made me a tidy amount so far." Terrance and I did knuckles. He smiled and rubbed his hands.

On the way back to Thayer's a call from Ted in Atlanta, "Fay, the Board confirmed it you have the contact for the server upgrade." YEAH! "We do want to discuss upgrading our sensors too and the Board agreed. You are the ones we want to do that but after the servers are done." Great!

I called Eric, he was very pleased, "A whole lot of planning and work ahead. Good thing Andrea is finding us new folks!" We'd talk more when I landed in London.

For Thayer's Pre-race cocktail party I went in all black. Backless long sleeved mini-dress, thigh highs, tanned leg showing, spiked heeled ankle boots. Cho's lovely onyx set and the gold ankh at my neck. Blood red nails and lips!

Sondra had asked what I intended to wear so it was no surprise to see her all in black. Cute dress, tight to her slender body with full skirt a few inches above those knees, heels and a half dozen black beaded bracelets on her left wrist. Red nails and lips too.

Cho and I were introduced around by Thayer, the new kids with a hot prospect. I could see Cho's face smiling but the squeeze of my hand let me know it was all ridiculous. We laughed in a private moment.

Most of the crowd was older; Sondra led me over to a corner where the `youth' congregated. Twenty-somethings mostly, some obvious hipster rich-kids, assorted others. I was too old for this group but too young for the other. I slipped away soon hunting Cho.

His hand in mine, we found a quiet corner for a hug and kiss. "This is like my hobnobbing with The Company board with a few teeny-boppers thrown in."

Cho's laugh gripping my guts as always, such a warm vibrato causing my body to act as a tuning fork. I got another kiss.

I used his loaned handkerchief to erase my lipstick from his brown cheek; I repaired myself before we forged out to mingle again.

We didn't stay late. Cozy in bed, tight, loads of kisses, rubbing naked flesh and laughing. An easy drift to sleep spooned in front of Cho.

Sun was out in the cool air as Terrance drove us over to Ballston Spa for breakfast. We had Ringgold's advice `go to Good Morning Café.'

Veggie hash, dill potatoes, rye toast and coffee!!! Fabulous!!!

When we sat, I drew Terrance with us, "Sit and order anything! We are going to eat up so should you."

His smile said it all. Three steaming coffee cups! Re-filled as we waited for the food!

Terrance had been a hack driver before going over to limos. He liked the longer term rather than the wham bam of a taxi. He was a smooth driver. I could see his temperament fitting in better.

He bet the ponies but like Sydney a careful bettor. Not flashy, enjoying the sport. He didn't bet on other sports.

Dressing for the track with Cho's relaxed watching, `it's fun to see you put it all on.'

A new dress unworn, aquamarine sleeveless with stockings a darker shade and heels the same as the dress. A wide brim hat in white straw and a ribbon the same as my stockings. Lapis lazuli set, a dozen gold rings on my scarred left. Pale red lips and nails.

Cho's blue suit fit like a glove showing off that body amazingly well. An ever so white shirt and a muted crimson tie. Scrumptious!

Sydney had directions to Thayer's. They arrived right on time. Cho was introduced and we met his brother Samuel and his missus Beverly. Sam was a bit smaller than Sydney, dark with the same white hair. Beverly a cute brunette with bright green eyes and freckles accentuated by a life in the sun. She had more leg than torso, a rider's body.

I had made coffee and we picked up some baked things so a little nibbling took place.

Sam and Beverly had gone in together twenty five years earlier training horses. Their place in Dutchess County had an excellent reputation something I got from Thayer when we told him about our guests, "They're good horse people!"

Terrance toted us all to the raceway. A busy place, crowds wandering about. The guys went off to consider a few bets; Cho knew I wanted £1,000 on Glaa's nose. Beverly sat with me in the box, she didn't bet.

"I'm glad Sam and Sydney enjoy a bit of a wager, they always keep it small just having a small thrill."

The opening line on the Sanford had Glaa at 7-1. Hhhmmm! I texted Cho `would it be wrong to go to £5,000?'

A smiley, `no' Done!

I filled in Beverly on Glaa. We strolled some stretching our legs as the races continued. She'd met Sam when he was training for her dad in Virginia. She was doing dressage and Sam had made a comment to her about her hands.

"I'd just placed third, I was PO'd thinking I was better. His comment jolted me. The next few weeks as I trained it kept coming back so I tried his suggestion. It made me more comfortable and Chalky, my horse, seemed to respond better. The next meet I won. It had been the smoothest performance of my life."

She was shaking her head, "Dad wasn't happy. Sam shouldn't have that kind of insight. He was fine as a horse trainer but..."

We stopped at a railing, "It wasn't really a color of his skin thing but more about `place' if you get me."

"Yes, I think your father had his hierarchies pretty firmly arranged."

"OH yes. Dad liked things to be as they were, changes weren't welcome."

Thinking of my parents, I wasn't ever so sure of anything except Father's job had priority.

"Chalky had a hoof issue which I got Sam to look at. He has horse intuition. After he looked at the hoof and changed the shoe, it was fine. I did a short ride, all good. We were in the stall together leaning on Chalky's white flank, we kissed. Now then I was an eighteen year old, naïve about lots of things but not black white issues. That was part of Virginia."

The sun on her face popped the freckles, "We kissed some, held each other but it didn't go further. I found out later Sam hadn't ever done anything with a girl."

I smiled, "It's nice though. Cho and I connected on a dance floor, our first date."

"I went off to Westhampton College, 600 young ladies and four hour drive. I only saw Sam on visits home but we always connected. We were a go slow romance.

Before I graduated Dad sent Sam packing after he got out of place again over a health issue with a mare. Sam was right and the mare was saved in a mess after foaling but Dad couldn't forgive Sam's raised voice. When I came home he was gone. A disaster!

I gave Dad a ration of shit he didn't like. The boys in the barn knew where Sam was, they had been unsettled since his departure. I drove overnight to a farm in Kentucky and found Sam.

He was rooming with a groom and his family so I got a motel room and we lost our virginities there. I was amazed about Sam's, he was cool though. We found ourselves nicely matched.

Back at home Dad was furious but I'd come into Granny's money, he couldn't touch me. Through one of Dad's friends we found our place in Dutchess County, moved in and slowly built up our business."

I was proud to hear their success story, a big hug.

Loudspeaker called the race that was two before the Sanford so we boogied back to the box stopping for the loo and wine. The boys had just arrived. The one before Glaa's was a great race, two fillies battling to the wire in a photo finish. Two beauties!

Then the bell for the Sanford. The post parade for the Sanford, we watched Glaa walking along calmly.

Loading went well. Then the holding of breath ...boom the gate was open.

All 10 broke clean. Bunched up, then they started to separate. Glaa was next to last but started to improve right away by the turn for home he was on the outside of three a length from the leaders.

Cho had one hand, Beverly the other! Squeezing!

The turn was amazing! Glaa was asked by the jockey and delivered. He accelerated sweeping around all horses to be clear as the stretch opened in front of him. His jockey was still, whip cocked, hand riding. Maybe he was just holding on for dear life as Glaa roared down the straightaway like an express train.

He parted company from the others moving alone in an ever expanding lead. He was a blur. My Big Fast Man! He crossed the finish line in full flight even as the jockey stood in the irons Glaa swept on to the turn. Finally halfway down the back stretch the jockey and an out rider got Glaa to slow to a halt.

The crowd had been silent as Glaa raced past the finish nine lengths clear, then a pause as they took in what they'd witnessed. WOW! A thunderclap of cheering and applause. Yelling out!

Cho squeezing me, "Brave indeed."

In his ear, "He's a Big Fast Man!"

The tote board showed 1:21:94. In all the noise Sydney leaned over, "He's tied the track record for this race." His eyes were wide and bright. I hugged him.

Cho and I met the trainer outside the winner's circle, He was hyped, Ringgold beside him looked shell-shocked, "Damn I knew he was hot but that last furlong, it was his fastest."

After the winner's ceremony, we had lots of handshakes and congratulations. Glaa was a `real' horse now. At the barn My Big Fast Man got a huge hug, I pressed my face to his. He was wound up but calm with me. We got out of the way so the walker and groom could work.

Out in the sun were reporters, DRF, ESPN, New York Times and more. I stepped back to join Sydney, Sam and Beverly. She grabbed my hand. Cho and the trainer talked to the press.

Ringgold came over to me, "Fay, when we met in London, Cho was confident of Glaa's skills, after this..."

I took Ring's hand, "Ring, he's My Big Fast Man! If he stays healthy quite a future right?"

He had to mop his face, nodding in agreement, "The sky's the limit for sure."

I huddled with our guests as they totaled up their winnings. Sydney had been up a few hundred before Glaa's race, he'd put a grand on the nose. The odds had shifted to 8-1 by start time so he was now a big winner.

Me too! Cho had put my £5,000 on Glaa's nose.

Sam and Beverly, well Sam, had put two hundred on Glaa to win and another hundred to place. He had a nice sum.

I waited with Beverly until our men got it straight for collecting the winnings. I had to sign for mine; it was over $50,000.00 so the tax people wanted to know. We all signed a lot that day.

Ringgold and I got a drink talking about the point system for entry to the Kentucky Derby. He said why not, Glaa had earned a few today, think big.

I saw Terrance, he waved his tickets, "It was a special race in more ways than just the wonder of that stretch drive. I'm gonna make my biggest ever money!" I kissed his cheek.

Near the car I saw Thayer and Sondra they were excited for us. Thayer shaking Cho's hand, "Remarkable! A rare feat, I'm glad to have seen it."

That night after dinner I told Sondra she should come out to Bangkok, see something totally different. She'd have to get Thayer on board. Cho had listened to me and agreed before I asked her. So we'll see.

We were off to the city in the morning but Thayer told us the cottage was ours for the weekend of the Hopeful Stakes in September.

Sondra whispered she was going to talk to him Monday after two of his horses run on Sunday, a mood thing.

Terrance as bright as the sun in the morning with his winnings in a pocket. "It was my best day at a track. I won't change my betting though, no big head." We all laughed at that.

A quick stop at the barn to see Glaa. He was sweet I got a nuzzling, he got hugged and kissed. I told we'd there for his next race. The groom passed me a few mints he liked, Chomp!

Cho leaned on me as the car rolled on towards the city, "I am considering starting a small scale car service in the city like the one in Bangkok. Drivers who are tested, screened and trained to our standards with security skills too. Not armed though. Like London we are going to be around more I want a dependable service to use and share with close friends."

I motioned towards Terrance on the other side of the barrier. Cho smiled, he did want to ask him to manage it or at least be our primary driver. He was checked out before we got in the car and it got Cho thinking.

I paused for a second, "What did you mean about London and cars?"

Cho's smile, "I bought the company Prasert has been driving for. He works for us now and is very happy about it. The car service will still do work for our embassy and associated government offices but we are in control now."

I slipped an arm around his neck seeking a kiss which was generously provided. Mmmmm!!

We both did email for a while. Ting and Jian ready to go Wednesday, Andrea packed some things for her nights at ours. Our seats on British Air confirmed. Email to Aileen letting her know when we'd be at the Hampshire house.

We stopped in Tarrytown for lunch at the Striped Bass. Great seafood!

Cho asked Terrance about the car service. He was interested but not as a full time manager, "I like to drive, I'm not ready to stop."

Cho told him what we were looking for and we'd want him to drive us when we are in town. Do training and development, and more. We can hire a manager but we wanted him involved. His eyes widened when Cho told him there was a piece of the pie for him.

I told him some about what I do and he'd be needed to drive me around the northeast on occasion. He was up for it. Unmarried and no kids, ready to go!

Cho asked him about recommending drivers and other crew, we needed to find a location in lower Manhattan somewhat near the new building. Terrance was rubbing his hands in anticipation. Cho would put Sam to work on the property and emailed him when we were back in the car. `Just be patient' were Cho's last words. Terrance solemnly shook our hands.

Cho took me upstairs to the suite where I got a surprise, Sumate. We three sat on the balcony so I could get the story. I had been followed loosely this whole trip as an exercise for our security operating outside of Thailand. Since they had my schedule trying new methods and taking a few risks to test ideas had been ok.

Sumate was a bit embarrassed, "You lost us all in Virginia. You were on the I-95 then you weren't! We had to fall back on your schedule to pick you up at the Potomac River crossing before you got to the Watergate."

I had a laugh, "Well you need to account for emotional moments. I admit you couldn't have ever predicted this though. We got off in Doswell to visit what's left of The Meadow Farm. I stood in the sun with my hand on an old wooden building for a few minutes."

Cho squeezed my hand, "You also thought of Gwen?"

I nodded not allowing the emotion to overcome me now, "Yes, as the sun warmed me my thoughts were of two horses."

The exercise was over, all our men were returning to Bangkok. At the elevator I took Sumate's hand, just a smile.

"We are trying to learn from some hard lessons to be active in defense of ourselves everywhere." Cho holding me tight, warm skin on mine, "I don't want to lose you."

My fingers in his hair, stroking gently, "But remember not to grasp too tightly that can hurt."

A kiss told me he knew, spooned, we slept.

I got packing help again from a staffer and was ready for British Air. Laid out black clothes: skinny jeans, long sleeve cutoff cotton top, Nordstrom ankle boots. Red nails done, black onyx jewelry and a new piece from Cho, three slender gold bracelets intertwined close to my wrist. Simple but beautiful!

Lift off for London; we held hands over the barrier between the seats. Quiet flight, sleepy time for me, Cho on his laptop.

Klahan and Prasert our welcome crew! Swept out of Heathrow and on to home!

A warm evening, I shucked the jeans for my black cuffed short shorts for our walk to the White Horse to eat. Newcastle's! We went for a ploughman's plate without the bangers. Cheese, fruit and good bread.

My legs got a few stares which as usual made Cho laugh. A bit of shopping ending a quiet stroll home. After we put things away I was boosted over a strong shoulder, tush patted and hiked upstairs. Cho flopped me on the bed and dove on. I started tickling and got it in return. We were lying there laughing our heads off.

A very nice kiss, "You need to get some riding horses. Let's talk to Declare, a few for Nuneham Courtenay and New York."

"New York?"

Another kiss, "I had a talk with Sam and Beverly. I am going to put some money in their farm. It will expand as a base in America for our horses. More land, a desirable piece of property beside it will be purchased soon. More barns and staff. BUT I am only going to take a minority position. I want them in charge."

Our family kept growing in so many ways.

Cho wrapped around me, "Fay, Glaa's success will raise our profile in America. If he continues to succeed we will have more media types around. They can't be controlled; they like to pry into things, so we will face some close scrutiny."

I got it! Cho had my back as I had his.

Short sleeve shirt dress in sunflower yellow with a wide navy blue belt, navy stockings and heels. Lapis lazuli set on my right and Thang's tear on the left with my pearl. Navy pocketbook, case with MacBook and iPad. Off to the office.

The Tube was crowded but my sendoff kiss from Cho making it not matter. Out at Notting Hill Gate I stopped to look down towards the Bayswater Road, busy bustling London. I found comfort in being here.

I got a bear hug from Reg. Rona was doing well only coming in to work three days a week now. We'd lunch together today.

Michael was in Italy, Eric to be in later after meetings with some government types. I sat with Reg, Jared and Douglas to go over sending new folks out to Bangkok. Andrea joined us, I told them I'd set Jian to work on local recruiting. Not just in Thailand.

Andrea had many new field people in the pipeline. They looked good in the skills department; they had to learn our stuff. Jared wanted several of his newbies to go to Bangkok right away and he had moved a couple of people from the Windows team to the Mac side. Douglas' coders and support folks were going full out with help from outside coders like Ni. With supervision, Ni was more or less in charge of completing the client training web site. She had several other outside coders working with her.

We got Michael conferenced in. He was doing well but not at my scale yet. He would be though so watch out! He had us laughing. He wanted some training in Bangkok for some of his clients too. The pressure was on in London so Bangkok was a better choice. Jared said he could send someone soon when newbies went.

I got Jodie, Eric's PA, ready to contact Cho's property management guy with a list of housing needs.

At a break I called the Colonel I met in the Tube. Set lunch for Thursday at the Levant Restaurant in Wigmore Street, 1300 hours. Cho was on board.

Rona called asking us to dinner!! Cho would pick up Reg, Andrea and I on the way.

I was leaning against Andrea the two of us watching Rona in the kitchen. She was laughing, "You can't do much to help. I've been home for hours so it's mostly done."

I could feel Andrea's fingers start creeping around my waist then a lightning swoop to my boobs. I was giggling trying to reach back for some part of Andrea. Rona with spoon seeing our struggle an amused look on her face.

"Rona don't you just love these little rings," Andrea tried a hand under my top but had to defend herself when my hand got into her pants. We hugged chuckling Rona kissed us both, "Now behave a bit."

Wrong tactics as we turned on her, she could only cry out she was the cook and if...

We left off, holding on in a happy trio giggling. This had been presaged by Andrea's tale of planned motherhood with Jian. Rona had held her face for a kiss and heartfelt wish she should succeed. Oh and by the way have fun!

The guys downstairs with the trains missed the fun! Good thing they'd dragged Prasert down with or he'd been sitting in the kitchen.

We eventually helped Rona. Lovely fish cakes in Hollandaise, baked veggies with asiago and parmesan, Rona's special white bread and Northhamptonshire butter from her friend. Stewed cinnamon pears!

The guys went back the trains while Rona got the skinny on Andrea and Jian who she would see tomorrow at ours.

Andrea came home with us, she had a cute smile sitting in the big guest room, "Funny I'm nervous." A kissed her, pushing back some hair, "Hey girl, you are doing what you want and need, they are too."

We were waiting at the curb when Prasert delivered Jian and Ting in the morning, hugs & kisses. Cho's hug with Ting was so warm and happy, something said about being together again in England. Upstairs Jian pulled Andrea close, a nice passionate kiss!

Andrea joined Jian and me to hop the Tube to Notting Hill, "I've got so much work with YOU," finger pointing, "doing all that sales shit!"

We all laughed, I grabbed the finger, kissed it, "Let's go!"

It was a warm day, so I did green skinny jeans wide brown belt with big gold X, cutoff white polo shirt, brown leather sandals the dozen gold rings on my left and the new triple intertwined gold bands from Cho on the right.

Jian so happy to be free of that cast, straight leg jeans, sleeveless blue top and espadrilles with big heels.

Andrea did a skirt in navy blue and a white blouse with French Tri-colours splashed around. We swung our arms holding hands walking to the Tube.

I introduced Jian around the office; she already knew all those who made the trip to Bangkok. The two of us borrowed Michael's office. Later we went up to Karla's, she and Jian got to meet and greet.

I went into Eric's, got a nice hug and we sat to talk over my US trip.

"Well we knew US government isn't going to move fast so it's a future thing. The STS railroad is very nice. Their job is going to be complex and resource heavy for a time but we can do it along with your other projects."

Reg joined us, "I have a small consulting firm on a subcontract to assist our people with the New Zealand and Australian water projects. They have expertise with the hardware and were recommended by the Dutch."

Jared and Douglas joined us just when Arthur and Andrea arrived. We were all talking humans. Opening up The Company's employment opportunities had netted many new people. Some were already on board doing basic training here; Andrea had talked with Eve and scheduled the first group for Bangkok.

We would be ready for the installs on my turf and Michael's also with the more advanced newbies going out with experienced network engineers.

The Company was surging but the growth was under control. Eric was happy and our Board too!

Eric and I spent some time going over my next month or so. The SRS would take me out of Company travel mode until the early fall trip. Not that I'd not be working, "Just don't overdo, be careful. I want a healthy you!"

Malee was negotiating with her family about wedding details, Eric with his hands up, "I'm staying out of it. Malee promised it wouldn't go over the top."

He took my hand, "What about you and Cho?"

My smile probably said it all, "We haven't sat down to think about. On the move and other worries. We'll do something soon to get a start. There's Jian and Ting too."

We looked across at each other, "Our boy Glaa blew their doors off in Saratoga on Saturday. Tied the track record! There's another thing!"

"Here's something for you two to think on that Cho and I wanted to put out there. We don't know where you guys are going for a honeymoon but Cho has a house...more like...to me at least...a fairy palace in the northeast near Korat. He took us there before I left for the US. We thought you might like to spend a day or two there. It has staff and is away from everything but digital things, it's connected."

I pulled up the snaps stored on my iPad. Even a few blurry ones from the helicopter. The palace spoke for itself. Eric eyes widened as he skimmed through them.

"It's only a few hours from Bangkok."

He loved the idea; I said I'd send some of the snaps to Malee. "You think about it. Let us know."

I told him we were going to Cho's new property in Oxfordshire and then on to my Hampshire home. Then flying out Monday evening.

My planned trip after the SRS was in the calendar, there were possible hydro projects and railway upgrades in each country. Eric said the idea for 4G cameras and data on buses was for tomorrow mornings meeting agenda. Douglas had encouraging news from his New York friend.

Jian and Andrea had spent a long time with all the Personnel folks talking hiring, especially interviewing of possible new people in Bangkok and Asia. Andrea did insist that anyone be totally comfortable with written and spoken English.

"We don't have much choice especially as they might have to work in other parts of the world besides their home country. We won't hire for certain countries only. We have to have the flexibility. And we can't afford translations into other languages for all our docs."

I reminded her about Lawan being available for some work but she was right that wasn't meant for wholesale translations.

Jian's smile, she pointed out it's probably not going to be important since most people who we might be interested in will have had to learn English just to read info to get to be even remotely qualified. High fives for that!

In the evening we all gathered in our garden, Newcastle's poured, toasts to us all. Our Indian take-away delivered the food, we plowed in! MMMMMMMMM!!

Outside the guest room I kissed our three friends, "Sleep well!"

Cho slowly disrobed me, his hands gliding over my skin, "Fay, you are so desirable! Lovely body!" I pressed fully on his warm skin, "Cho, same to you!" We laughed as I was lifted and placed on my back covered by him. Kissing!!

We snuggled under the covers my fingers surrounding the cock I loved. I licked my way down to it! MMMMMMMM!!! Soft with a hint of growth! Tonguing the warm shaft, slipping into the foreskin, wetting it all. I eased the skin back so the helmeted guy could come out.

Ah! Sweetness! Cho's pre-cum so tasty! He began to firm up as I slurping it in! Down until my nose was mashed into soft pubic hair. Tongue slipping out to flick over those hot balls.

Gawd what a treat! Sucking cock! I loved being between his thighs. I lifted a leg so his little puckered hole could have some attention; my hands remained behind on the now hard cock and lovely testicles!

Scrumptious! I ate ass, stroking his penis, more pre-cum to bathe the shaft. I licked back to the balls then a full mouth and some serious cock sucking!

HHHHMMMM Up and down, one hand caressing those balls, the other's fingers playing around the tiny wet hole. Slurp! I was really bobbing on Cho's cock. He was gripping the bedcovers lifting his hips to meet my down stroke.

My nose buried into his pubic hair with every meeting of our flesh. The moans were wonderful to hear. They grew louder as I picked up the pace. I wanted Cho cum!

I worked a slender finger into his back passage all sloppy with my saliva Cho groaned, "Fay, so good! Suck me I'm close!"

I went to work to do my man's bidding. Faster, faster my mouth moved over his cock. I hand the shaft in hand moving with my motions up and down adding a lot of friction!

OH Shit...Here it comes! Cho was rigid as his loads spurted into my mouth! My finger in the dark hole wiggled in more searching for a prostate!

He was volcanic! Huge cums shots I let it slide to my belly slurping more to hoover out all the good stuff. He was twitching in passion gripping the bed and my head. It was heavenly to be held tight on his cock!

I withdrew my finger to several loud sighs. I remained between those hard thighs with a mouthful of softening penis. Cho covered in sweat laid back his hand slipped off my head to slowly caress my shoulder, "Fay, I'll never get enough of that!"

That was a great thought! I wouldn't either!

Cho didn't move for a few minutes, I could feel his breathing slowing with my forehead on his pubic mound. Tasty cock still warm and safe in my mouth. Some fingers slid through my hair stopping the caress my scalp, "Fay come up here."

I reluctantly let go of the penis, kissing my way up to Cho's nipples which were given some attention. I could feel his twitches, I wasn't allowed to linger.

We kissed, "My love! You simply wear me out!"

I nuzzled into his warm neck, "You taste so good! Can we do more?"

I bounced with his laughter, "Not tonight! I need my rest after that!"

Cuddling was sweet. I could feel the wet soft cock on my pussy cheeks, strong arms around me, kisses on my neck and shoulders, "Sleep now."

I did as asked, drifting happily off.

Overcast, a bit of a chill, I felt like projecting a bright sun, white and yellow striped dress mid-thigh dress, pale yellow stockings and darker yellow heels, gold bracelet, and the onyx set. Black purse with my MacBook bag. White cardigan over my shoulders.

Jian in red, her fav. Sleek dress and heels. Andrea smiling at us, "You two!" Her dark blue dress was cute.

Off to the Tube. Cho would pick me up with Prasert for our lunch with the Colonel.

In Eric's conference room all the deputy MD's sat to talk. Michael had come in overnight but looked fresh, a nudge, "I had a few hours with Karla!"

We went over his new projects which looked very interesting, including a waterway in Italy.

Reg brought up the idea of the 4G bus links, "Yes we know buses have GPS tech but this is much more than that. We scoped it out and got input from several folks in America. They were enthusiastic as long as cost didn't go crazy. MAN, in Germany, was contacted. They definitely wanted a test. So..."

MAN had suggested Seattle as a test zone. Big bus network covering the city and adjacent county and they used MAN's equipment.

Reg said a prototype device was in the works. Good because it used off the shelf tech components with a simple housing. Attach to interior ceiling with a small hole through roof for aerial. Once it was tested we could have discussions with Metro in Seattle about test installs which MAN would support.

Cho picked me up with Prasert to meet the Colonel at the Levant Restaurant in Wigmore Street. We went down the alley to the door and entered into a beautiful piece of the near east. Wonderful stairs lit with lanterns down to see the Colonel waiting. I got a nice hug and Cho firm handshake. Settled in we found the menu to be filled with treats.

We got a table of fish and vegetarian dishes; the pita was `formidable!'

The Colonel had spent much time in Lebanon and surrounding places and never tired of the food. He was a good talker with great stories. We enjoyed the food and him.

Halfway through lunch after I had given him a bit about my work, "Fay, I do remember your father talking about his son but never a daughter?"

His eyes on my face I knew a wry smile was there. I gave his hand a squeeze launching into a sanitized version of my history drawing Cho in for support. The Colonel's face showed rapt attention which I knew boded well. At the end I hadn't eaten or drunk anything until I was done. Sipping some water I could see he understood, "Fay, it is a wonderful story. I'm glad you had Cho with you and the members of your extended family. A smile, "Life throws things at you from many directions. Odd to go down a road that appears to be straight and familiar only to find it becoming torturous filled with uncertainty. You have done wonderfully well I'm sure your father would approve!"

He reached across the table to grasp Cho's hand, "Congratulations on getting her! She's a wonderful girl, you two are quite stunning together!"

Cho face was a thing of beauty, "Colonel, I am a lucky man!"

I leaned over to hug him, tears starting. Cho's handkerchief appeared. I smiled as I wiped my eyes. I showed the Colonel the embroidery and gave him the history.

He laughed, "All those men should be deeply honored by your gift."

Finding the Colonel had been an avid horseman when younger segued us to Glaa, racing and the new place, Harcourt House, in Nuneham Courtenay. He got an invite to come down when the house was ready for visitors.

A smashing lunch! Great food at Levant! We'd be back! The Colonel was so nice! Upstairs on Wigmore Street we parted with hugs and he got some of my lipstick on his cheek. He brought a white handkerchief to deal with it as we laughed.

"It's been a while since I've had to do that!" He had Cho's hand, "Take of yourselves! You fit nicely."

Cho told him if he needed anything to call us. A last hug.

Prasert was there for us, the Colonel was going to the Ministry of Defense for a meeting. Hush Hush but even `old dogs have some use.'

At home we changed for a cocktail thingee at DeClare's. Sleeveless midnight blue mini dress with a sheer back, thigh high black stockings and spike heel ankle boots, black and gold jewelry from Cho. Who looked rather good in a dark blue suit and pale blue shirt, open at the neck. YES!

Ting was taking Jian and Andrea to Le Colombier in Chelsea for dinner. He too loved French food and we had spoken so highly of it.

Daphne at their dock in black with series of black beads of ever larger sizes inverted hanging between her breasts. Hug! "Sara's here somewhere, let her see you!' Adam took my hand making me twirl, "Fay, so nice! Keep her close Cho."

They shook hands while laughing, "Glaa made a splash! Read some in the press here. You're going to have to come out from the forest into the light a bit."

Cho ruefully acknowledged that as Sara came over. Cho took her hand, "Ready?"

Sara blushed which got a big laugh from Daphne, "Oh Cho keep at it!"

Sara was rescued, Daphne's arms around us, we plowed into the crowd. Campari in hand I found Des talking to a slender woman with big glasses. I was introduced, "Madeline, This is Fay Martin, an old friend. Fay, Madeline, a new and also dangerous colleague."

She tried to demur but I told her the context with Adam and she laughed, "Well, it does put me in good company."

Madeline looked to be about forty, slender, nice black dress, simple, sleeveless showing off nicely toned arms. Minimal jewelry. She liked the three strand braided gold bracelet from Cho. Des went for refills.

"Fay, Adam mentioned you once the other day. You work for The Company?"

We talked a bit about my work as Des returned, he was watching me unobtrusively.

She asked Des for a bite of something, he headed towards the food. "Fay, can you do lunch or such tomorrow?"

I told her we were going to Nuneham Courtenay and then on to Hampshire.

"It's just I wanted to talk away from a party gathering. Something serious but not in any way upsetting." Vague, odd but her attitude was earnest.

"Coffee somewhere in the morning?" She agreed right away. I texted her the Starbucks nearest to our address.

A bit unsettling, Cho's arms warmed me up. He pulled me over to where Daphne was with Adam. We all talked about maybe getting together next year in Kentucky if Glaa were to qualify for the Derby. Daphne said something about liking BIG hats.

I got to ask sotto voce, "Adam what's with Madeline?" His head came up, eyes on mine, "She asked you to do something?" I nodded, "Don't worry, leave it with me."

More disquiet but a firm squeeze of my waist, "It's not an issue to worry about."

Sara and I leaned over the railing upstairs looking at the water, "Fay you are so sexy. I want to be with you sometime? Please don't be upset! It's just a small crush."

I pulled her into a hug, "Well..." my fingers playing with her cute little tush, "Cho is also broad-minded." I gave her a wicked grin and kiss. I mentioned a few lovely people I indulged myself with.

Her hands cupped `my cute little tush', "I'm going to have my SRS next week, so when I come back there'll be something new to play with, ok?" We kissed a nice hint of passion.

Daphne came up; smiling her arms enveloped us, "Well my beauties, plotting something Daphne can join?" Sara said she offered me her crush and was accepted for future events.

"Good, Fay I can hardly keep my hands off you myself!" We all hugged and laughed out loud.

We were near leaving, Adam led me aside, "Forget the morning visit. Madeline was out of line."

"So what was so important? She a spook?"

Adam's eyes met mine, I knew it was so. "I would be an odd choice. Only...was it because I travel a lot?"

He squeezed my hand, "You got the idea and I won't fob you off. She was obtuse, over eager. To be straight...I'd like your impressions of places you go especially when you ever go to certain Asian countries but never anything official. Just as a friend. The Madeline's amongst us are too literal sometimes."

"Well since I'm unlikely to be exposed to any secrets I have no objections but how would you like the info delivered?"

Cho was talking with Sara and Daphne so I kept Adam's hand, "We can speak about it another time. Put it out of your mind for now."

I laughed, "Invisible ink? Is that what Madeline would use?"

Adam roared with laughter, we hugged. "I guess I don't have to worry about you!"

Prasert was rolling home as I took Cho's face, "Kiss me big guy!"

I got it and his smile, "You and Adam were thick?"

"I'll tell you in bed, ok? I'm hungry!"

Prasert was all smiles as he let us off near the White Horse. He was ready for the trip.

I found a table outside next to a goth couple, the girl gave me a looking over as Cho got Newcastle's' and ordered food. They were leaving; the girl leaned over as she passed, "Hot, Sexy Bitch!" We smiled.

Cho was amused, "Well I have to agree with that assessment!"

It difficult to drink my beer for a few minutes with my laughter.

A big cold salmon plate, bread and butter, and chips. Interesting combo but tasty.

Our house guests had their door closed when we arrived. I gave Cho a silent OOOOHHHH!

Naked pressed against him, face to face, warm cock on my skin, I told him about Madeline and Adam. I was kissed and petted which I whole-heartedly returned, "Fay, you'd look good in a trench coat and fedora."

Giggling, "I don't smoke though! Do you think it was a double bluff from Adam? Getting him into a position of being able to ask?"

Cho's hand was between my legs cupping my old sex, "Maybe but I would think..." as he caressed me, my arms around his neck, "he wouldn't need to be cute. He knows you. It seems Madeline made it easy for him though. Did she strike you as crude?"

"No. But I'm not around spooks much so maybe over eager to get something started?"

Cho's strong fingers made my body feel good! I was kissed and rolled over; he slid against me, "Sleep! Dream of green fields and your friend Gwen."

I held his hands around me and did as I was asked.

The sun came out for breakfast, Cho and I holding hands with each other and our coffee mugs. The rolls warming, fruit cut we waited for the `three' to arrive.

Andrea in a loaned robe leaned on me, a nice kiss, "Fay, I'm rather happy."

Cho rubbed her back as I stuck coffee in her hand, "What about the others?"

Her face was just a big smile, "I wore Jian out! Ting helped! They'll be down soon. I believe Ting had a request." We laughed, I invaded the robe, Andrea did the squirming. We were giggling robes open, skin to skin. Cho relieved us of mugs to prevent a mess. He was laughing patting our butts, "I better get the rolls out before they char."

We kissed and covered up but I got in a lingering pussy squeeze she didn't mind.

Sitting outside with coffee again, warm buttered rolls and several loud blackbirds having a discussion. We all laughed as Ting and Jian made their appearance, a bit bleary-eyed.

I opened my arms for my buddy. Sweet! Ting got a hug from Cho, "OK, eat up we need to be off soon. Prasert is always on time."

Upstairs in the hall Jian squeezed me, "Fay, it is so nice to be with Andrea and have Ting there. We make love with feeling. Only with you is it better."

Ah such a cutie pie, I gave her a BIG Kiss! "We'll be together again don't worry, friend!"

Washed, dressed, packed, ready! Skinny green jeans, brown belt with big X buckle, white cutoff polo shirt and brown ankle boots! Travel duds!

Jian and Andrea in blue jeans and red tops! Cute!

Prasert's cavernous trunk gobbled up our bags, we piled in! Up to the M4 then the M25, M40 was the long stretch, off at Milton Commons, through a couple of Milton's and Stadhampton and Little Baldon to the front gate of Harcourt House. The drive was an elongated `S' that ended in a pale gravel forecourt of something around half an acre.

The Palladian front in gray a bit darker than the original 16th century house looked good. The entry was up a short but wide staircase between columns, Doric, to the arched door of many glass panels.

The butler stood there at the open door, "Sir, Madam, I am Carter."

We smiled as he ushered us inside. Ting, Jian and Andrea followed. Inside the inner door we were in a grand hall, a wide staircase curved up from the left to a long gallery.

Carter gave Cho a brief account of the work that had been completed and what was in progress. We walked through to the back passing out onto a terrace that gave a view of the gardens that were close to the house. Green lawns and shrubbery, flower beds in bright yellows, blues and reds.

Cho suggested we wander while he spent some time with Carter on the construction.

I had Andrea's hand as we strode up the staircase to the gallery. The four of us looked into the bedrooms and small suites and found our way to the master suite. Beautiful windows looking out over the gardens we had already seen. The room was large but the bed took a big piece, a mahogany four poster with canopy and two large bedside table/cabinets. Cho's dressing room and one for me. Big closets and a small sitting area with windows. A built-in vanity with three mirrored sides, you sat in so the mirrors were around you. Access through a short hall to the bathroom.

Huge claw foot tub and beside it the new glass walled shower. It was large enough for four people. Two fine marble topped commodes flanking two nice free standing sinks with large mirrors. Two separate toilets with wood doors. Large arched windows a dozen panes each!

Everywhere the paint looked splendidly done, plaster well cared for, the moldings perfect. The hallway carpeting a rich red that worked well with the pale rose walls in some areas and dark royal blue carpet where there was pale yellow walls.

There were more rooms on the third floor that were laid out as children's rooms, nanny's quarters and what looked like a nurse's room and some possible servant's rooms. We went down by the rear stairs coming out in a hallway that led to the dining room one way and the library and games room the other. A covered table caught my eye but I didn't stop. The library shelves were full. I paused at several places to see what was on offer. Shakespeare, Bacon, Pepys, Dickens, Austen, Wells, Huxley, and Orwell!

We moved on to the great room, high ceiling like the entry. A massive fireplace with immense log holder to the side and tools. Large couches flanked it with many chairs and tables paired up near the long row of windows. In here there were paintings hanging, large country vistas, horses, hunting scenes, a grouping of winter views of Harcourt House and grounds. A few open places on the walls.

We found the dining room where Cho was. It was empty of furniture except for work benches, the floor covered in thick canvas and cardboard to protect the wood. Cho and Carter were leaning over some plans.

I got a hug and they showed me what they had been looking at: the kitchen. It was below us and ripped up at the moment. New floor, appliances, plumbing and heating, ventilation. The cook's office, butler's pantries, office, wine storage, etc... all being renovated. New wiring and lighting fixtures, the staff sitting and dining areas redone also.

We spent several hours in the house and the close in gardens and garages. Prasert was impressed with the garages, "Miss, they are quite nice, well equipped."

Ah, I felt Prasert was really looking forward to working for us. He seemed happy and relaxed.

We had all the staff homes, other buildings, floral gardens and kitchen garden to view tomorrow. Then the barns, stables and pastures.

Cho had arranged for all the staff to come to house at three o'clock for a meet and greet. Always a good speaker Cho was wonderful. He introduced us to them and told them we were looking forward to knowing them. Everyone was needed and more staff for especially for the horses would be engaged. Whatever arrangements there had been for time off, sick days, vacation would as is for right now. Cho went on, we had discussed this with Andrea, there was to be a health plan which would be free to them, the details to be finalized. That got a warm buzz going.

He told them our primary home was in Bangkok but my work and other homes were here in England. We would here for the racing and breeding. He had my hand, "We and our friends are starting families so when that happened the third floor would be in use. We will want to make riders of them."

After his thank you to them we mingled, introducing ourselves. The stable manager, Gregory, he told me Mr. DeClare wanted me to know he'd sent a gift. He had a nice smile in his weathered face, "A pretty chestnut mare named Pamela. Sweet natured, healthy and a good eater."

I called to Cho I was going with Gregory, he should follow.

I went with Gregory and a groom, who was his staff right now. He got me wellies at the back of the kitchen entrance. We hopped a small cart and sped off.

I stood at the stall door; oh my Pamela was a beauty, golden red chestnut. She came to me right away. I stroked her face softly, "Hello Pamela, I'm Fay."

A low nicker, she pushed against me, my fingers slipped through a soft mane. I stroked over her flank, "Pamela you want to run?" A louder nicker this time.

I saw Gregory, "Miss you have the way! She likes you already!"

We were talking at the door when Pamela gave me a hard nose push right out the door. I turned she had gone back and was nodding her head, laughing.

"Oh Miss you better get her out for a ride she's full of herself."

We were laughing. He had many saddles and other tack I would need, all looking good.

"We'll be back tomorrow morning. I give you a yell to get her ready."

Andy, the groom, gave me a carrot for Pamela. It went over a treat!

I was outside when Cho arrived. He stroked Pamela, saying nice things to her.

I stood holding his hand, "I'm in Adam's debt now!" Cho laughed, "Oh I think your sending Desmond over is an equaliser."

I laughed, "I doubt Des would be pleased with that!"

At the house we stopped at the cook's cottage, she'd very happy to do lunch and tea tomorrow. A buffet lunch was wonderful but tea. I told her of my scone, cookie, cake loves with Jian nodding away beside me. I did tell her we weren't big meat eaters, Jian and me not at all but Cho and Ting and Andrea did.

No problem, "I do very nice fish cakes with a mild horseradish and berry sauce which good for buffet." My eyes lit up.

Prasert and I conferred before we took off. I wanted a stop. A secret! He smiled, we shook on it.

I texted a THANK YOU to Adam for Pamela and that I'd ride her tomorrow. CHEERS! Came back with a big ENJOY! I knew where another bottle of that Remy Martin Louis XIII cognac had to go.

The sun was westering as we departed. We whizzed along to the Abingdon Road turning west through Clifton Hampden onto to Tolgate Road heading south. The others were doing wondering looks but Cho sat back smiling. He got kissed. At the B4016 a right to the curve where it's known as Church Street.

Prasert parked in front of the `George and Dragon' I asked everyone to wait by the car. Inside I went to the pub keeper. I told him we were the big car and wanted to drink and eat but a visit to the church yard first. I asked for a table for six, outside would be lovely. Then when we came back a selection of his beers to taste and platters of cheese, bread, butter, and any fruit he had. I put down four crisp pictures of Adam Smith as a starter.

"Miss, eighty £'s?"

I patted his hand and smiled.

Outside I led everyone to the side gate of the church yard. They followed me down a path towards the back through a small group of trees. I stepped off the path and rested my hand on a tombstone. It was warm from the sun.

Except for Cho who knew, they asked who Eric Arthur Blair was. I had a catch in my throat, Cho's arm around me, "It's George Orwell."

Then it was clear. Andrea pressed against me, "Love, you are funny about somethings but it's nice you think about such stuff."

Cho was `Johnny-on-the-spot' with a handkerchief. We stayed for a short time then to the pub.

Our host had a nice spread outside, good local cheese and bread, butter from his cousin, crisp apples cut in quarters, a bowl of shelled walnuts and a row of beers!

We tried them all. Sunny late afternoon with friends and food!

We motored south first on A34 then the A339 to Alton for shopping then up to Froyle. I gave Jian and Ting a tour of my house. They liked it. The thatched roof was a hit.

Aileen and Sara came down for drinks. We gave them a rundown on the Nuneham Courtenay house. I got to tell Aileen about Pamela, she loved the idea of her being there for me.

"I can lend you some jodhpurs." Deal! I walked back to the Reed's with them. Cho came along; he wanted to see Rose too.

Old Reed mucking about in the stable greeted us. Rose called she had hot tea. That brought everyone. I went to Aileen's room to try the jodhpurs. They fit well, "you're skinny like me." We hugged.

I modelled for Cho who liked. Rose and I stood shoulder to shoulder on their porch with tea cups in hand. "Dear, you turned out quite nicely. I was always worried about Phil; he was smart but not always realistic about the world. He lacked confidence."

I hip bumped her which made us both laugh, "I find myself doing more of that too, laughing. But I'm still emotional. I had tears today at George Orwell's grave."

"Oh never stop that. Some things really have meaning. I remember you reading his books almost twenty years ago. You were ten or so. You were totally absorbed."

We called Andrea, Jian and Ting to come up to the Reed's. Rose fed us all with our contributing the bread, butter and fruit dessert. We all sat around their big outdoor table gabbing away.

Aileen and Sue were planning a trip to visit us in Bangkok. Yea! I made sure that Rose and old Reed, gawd what is his first name, Matthew, know they would be welcome any time. We'd love to have them come up to Nuneham Courtenay.

Later we five sitting in the kitchen with a fire, coffee and Amaretto. I walked upstairs with Andrea, holding her, a big kiss, "See you in the morning. Remember we're leaving about eight...so" She giggled, "We'll be ready."

My hands around Jian's Beautiful face, a sweet kiss, a wicked smile. She laughed!

I held Cho's cock on my cheek lying under the covers, "We'll have to be cool about sex you know but I won't give kissing this lovely thing."

He pulled me up, "We will do what is right so you recover properly. I do not want any issues we can prevent."

I was up early, coffee made, rolls warming. Jian's robe open as we kissed and rubbed nakedness all over each other, laughing!

"Fay, is so sweet to have sex with Andrea. Thinking what we are doing I believe makes it better."

Happy for my friends. Cho kissed us both. I got breakfast laid out.

By eight Prasert has us on the road. Ninety minutes driving brought us to the drive entrance. In the house we looked about more, carefully examining the walls and fixtures, making notes for the construction guys.

I rummaged more in the library and tested the billiard table: excellent!

I called to the stables, Gregory saddled Pamela. I was dressed in ankle boots, jodhpurs, and a big cable knit jumper loaned by Aileen. Pamela was antsy, ready for a run. Andy, the groom, gave me a hand up. Pamela was quieter.

We walked out past the barns heading to a pasture Gregory said was good for an exercise ride. We walked a bit getting to know each other, then a slow canter. Pamela responded beautifully, what a lovely day in the sun with her. We picked up the pace gradually rising to a gallop across the end of the pasture.

We pulled up slowly to a walk and turned for the gate to the next field. We traversed each field, looked in at the hay covered ground, working our way back towards the house.

Cho came out when we got to the graveled forecourt.

He reached up for a kiss, "So did you girls enjoy yourselves?"

I gave him our itinerary and my impressions, "I'll be back for lunch in a few."

Pamela was happy; I could feel it in my legs. At her barn, I dropped off. Andy came out; he could see we had a good time. "Miss, I'll give her a bath and rub."

I caressed her face, "She earned it. A carrot or two please!"

He said it would be a pleasure. Gregory introduced me to the three other horses in residence; they would be leaving soon for their new home. A colt and two mares. Nice horses, sweet, happy to be stroked.

I broke in the new shower and changed back to jeans and crop top. Lunch on the terrace was a great. The cook, Carla, made her fish cakes which were very nice, the horseradish/berry sauce tremendous!

Standing at the top of the steps looking at the gardens, tea in hand, arm around Cho, "Adam is working on some horses for us. He has his eye on two mares who are in foal. Good bloodlines. The local vet is coming over shortly for a meet and greet. Adam knows him, he's says the doc is excellent."

Cho had the local internet provider coming too with several extended range WiFi routers. Would I deal with him on the setup? Yea!

Niran texted the first construction punch lists had been done for part of our house in Bangkok. Only small issues so far! Their cottage was done, they were very happy!

Dr. Crawford met us at the stables; he seemed nice and gave Pamela a going over. Healthy, nice skin, teeth excellent, an A+ for her. He had seen her a year earlier. He was fairly certain she was now five. He stayed to have a cup of tea with us. He'd known Adam DeClare for about thirty years.

A young fellow named Tennio from the internet provider arrived. I talked with him, they resell BT service. They would need to put in fiber optic cabling from a location about one mile away. Then we would get about 40Mb+ download with unlimited usage. Once in he could provide routers and cabling to all buildings we wanted. The main house to be covered with WiFi for the upstairs but cabled for the office Cho and I would share adjacent to the library. Cables out to the staff homes and stable office. Otherwise WiFi.

We could have ADSL for short term use running today, the fiber cable run in a week or so. WiFi in the main house and staff homes today too. Done.

He went to work. I told Carla what to expect for the internet. Her teenage son had big eyes which she dimmed some with `you will have time limits.' Gregory was very pleased; two of his suppliers would accept online orders. I told him he'd get a laptop.

I called Oxford Mac Solutions; they would deliver a MacBook Pro for Gregory, a iMac 27" for the kitchen and a second one for the office. I added an AppleTV. And software.

Oxford TV Sales was bringing a Panasonic 55" plasma TV in the morning, we'd setup in the library for now with the AppleTV connected.

I left the jodhpurs as Aileen said to keep them until I got some for me. The jumper and boots also became my first clothes here.

Tea! Carla did wonderful little sandwich bits and a mountain of small cakes and scones!! Jian was laughing as I dug in, "Fay, tea time is your favorite!"

They had a tour of the basement and upstairs courtesy of Carla while I was riding And Carter got the gardener to show them the areas near the house.

I was looking in on the kitchen, Carter came weaving between the work, "Carter is there anything you lack in your house? Or the others?"

We talked while walking up and outside then pausing by the tea table as I gauged his attitude towards the new owners and would he stay or not without being blunt. When I spoke to Cho a bit later he had formed the same opinion, Carter wanted to stay and had high hopes for us.

It was dark before we left that day. Prasert motored us to Hampshire. This time he joined us for dinner. Andrea and I did omelets, Cho was on bread. Ting got the fire going, a first for him in many years. Jian did the cutlery, etc... and poured Newcastle's! A demanding job! I added some quartered apples and a bowl of grapes. We were good!

Coffee and amaretto at the end.

Tomorrow Prasert would drop Cho and me at the house and take the others into Oxford. Andrea knew the town and promised a tour.

I used my MacBook to test the WiFi in different locations in the main house and outside. Good enough for now. Carla's son was beaming, "Oh Miss it's great!" I got the AppleTV working with the big screen TV and tested the iPad Apple HDMI adapter, works a charm!

I walked through the out buildings poking around, seeing what ever there was to see enroute to Pamela. Andy had her saddled and she was ready. A hand up and we were off. Walking to start we toured the opposite side of the house along the drive to cross a drainage ditch, no sweat! Pamela was sure-footed. Through a gate to a pasture deep in grass. We went carefully the grass above her knees. The fences beside the road were all in great shape, another gate, this area had been mowed so I kicked Pamela into a higher gear! Off!!

We made several speedy circuits of the pasture before heading to the next gate and an access road which took us back towards the stables. I rode slowly up to the house. Cho came out, "Ladies, you look mighty fine!"

He got kissed for that but really just because I wanted to! Lunch was ready so I rode Pamela back to her stall. Andy took over. Gregory came out to show me his order online with the new MacBook. A big wide smile.

Carla had some chilled strawberry soup and bread with cheese and fruit laid out. Tea again today and dinner also on the terrace. We were working her, she seemed very glad too.

I spent some time curled up in the library checking out the books and some very nice over-sized atlases. There was a DVD cache of b/w films of the 1940's and early 50's both European and Hollywood. Film noir mostly. Bogart, Veronica Lake, Peter Lorre, Asphalt Jungle, The Killers, Out of the Past, Brute Force, Call Northside 777, Jules Dassin's Thieves Highway and Du Rififi Chez les Hommes. I Walk Alone and M! Murderers Among Us, The Gunfighter and The Man Between! Loads more!

Here's many hours of watching pleasure for rainy nights!

Looking in more cabinets I unearthed a Sony DVD player to hook up to the TV. WOW! Ready!

I found myself in the semi-dark in a big leather chair seeing Burt Lancaster and Ava Gardiner together. Stunning! So many great actors, mostly forgotten, fill the screen with tremendous performances as `The Killers' played out.

Cho found me as Kitty set up Reardon to be killed; when it failed she went out the bathroom window. I paused; he slid into the chair pulling me on top, "Go!" I pressed play we watched Colfax die and Kitty cry!

He was thrilled to see the DVD cache, "I used to go to old movie houses that played these because they were unknown at home."

I held his face for a big kiss! Wow! Something else to share. "No more watching alone, I want in! Now tea!" He propelled me out of the chair, swung me over his shoulder and we marched off to eat.

I was yawning in the car, leaning on Cho I dozed off. He carried me upstairs to bed.

I felt great in the morning, sunshine, coffee, warm rolls and butter. I joined the birds in the garden, peaceful. Cho pulled me against him, kiss! We shared my mug and roll. Refills of both. My lap was occupied by Jian, sweetie.

She and Ting were going to our place in London today with Andrea. A big day of driving for Prasert. Us to Nuneham Courtenay then on to London, back for us in the late afternoon.

He didn't have to press there wasn't any schedule.

The threesome would do some London sightseeing and eating and sex! We would spend two more days at Harcourt House then to London.

Cho was happy with the WiFi at the new house. He'd been able to check all his interests and investments, et al. I did email with everybody. Dusit and Kwang were busy doing hotels for me and cars for the next trip. No hurry it was many weeks away but they were learning how I liked it done. We were connected and in touch. Excellent!

Reg let me know that he had made enquiries about a western Australia mining company I suggested might be able to use our software and equipment to monitor trucks. Also MAN had tested the 4G video & monitoring beta device on several models of bus that Seattle used. Good! So I should plan to approach Metro King County in a few months for a beta test series.

I asked Reg if he and Rona wanted to see Harcourt House? They could ride down with Prasert; stay over in Hampshire returning to the city with us. He'd check but sounded good!

Dr. Terry called she had a group meeting would be able to talk with them? Saturday afternoon in a conference room near her office. I would be up for an hour or so as we were going to a dinner that evening. Good!

Reg called, they were in. Prasert would pick them up at theirs. He would leave work just after noon.

As we waved goodbye in the forecourt Cho got a call. Moved aside to talk then put out his hand to me, "Fay, the first step is done. I have put £800million in a trust which I had setup years ago but done little with until now. It is named for my mother, the Chanthira Foundation. We will use it to begin the family health centers in Thailand."

My tearful wish at the forest palace. Cho!

My face on his chest, tears, gripping so tightly. He hand one arm free to wrap around me. We stood there for several minutes; a clean white initialed handkerchief was produced. Cho gently dabbed my eyes.

Carter came out to us, concerned. Cho let him it was joy on my part! I fixed my eye makeup and joined them in the dining room at the building plans. Mr. Niles, the main contractor, was nice; he needed some input on paint colours for the bedrooms and our suite. Cho pointed to me.

Laughing Mr. Niles and I took his colour charts upstairs; I wanted bold tones since the hallways were softer. We considered the light that would be in each room as I got to choose!!! Each would be a different colour. Our suite would get enormous light year round so I choose several shades of blue, dark and a bit lighter for the walls and ceiling.

Reds, greens, a lovely dusky pink, one smaller suite in yellow, bright and muted. I had fun; Mr. Niles seemed pleased I could make up my mind easily. I laughed, "Well if I don't like it we'll try again, right?"

"Miss you have the right attitude about walls." We got on fine. Cho was amazed we had it done so soon; glad I wasn't going to agonize over it.

"I should have expected you to make decisions quickly, a trademark."

Mr. Niles munched on a sandwich with us, "The building is quite sound and well laid out. Perhaps that Palladian front is a bit much." Cho and I had a laugh over that, we agreed but it didn't remove the charm of the place. Things don't stand still.

A call to Aileen got a big YES! I gave her the directions; they'd leave soon since nothing was on.

I went to the stables after lunch, Pamela was glad to see me. Andy said he would give her good workouts in my absence.

We floated out to the closest big pasture, walking its boundaries then picking up the pace to a canter. Pamela was so smooth accelerating. What a joy to ride. We whizzed around several times before I moved us through a gate to the next field. I kept my eyes open for the features of the land and the condition of the fences and gates. Down by the Thames we moved to a walk as I looked over the river banks, there was a small pier with a boat moored. About 25' built like a cutter with a mast lying down.

On the riverside near where our property ended I was looking north up stream watching some dark birds circling about three hundred feet away. I eased Pamela along the bank towards the birds. Several carrion crows were on the ground ripping at the body of a dead dog. They weren't happy with our intrusion but gave way to our size and my gestures of dismissal.

The dog had been a setter of some sort also a mother given the state of her nipples. Pamela snorted off to the right. I saw movement in the grass, a puppy looking like the dead mother, long hair, brown and white. Small, not old enough to be weaned. I called Cho.

He came down with Gregory and Andy in the Land Rover. I was holding the muddy puppy, he was mewling. Andy pulled a shovel from the Rover and quickly buried the mother deep enough. We had a look around for any more puppies; thirty minutes of searching produced no others. They took the puppy in the Rover, I followed on Pamela.

Carla managed a small feeding bottle and mixture she said worked for cats. I sat in the sun by the stable feeding the little man. He slurped it down! Andy fixed a warm spot in the stable office; the Dutch door bottom half closed would keep him in.

They didn't know who might own the mother and she hadn't a collar. Gregory would ask around and call the local vet. Cho said he stays here for now. Carla promised to feed him.

Not long after Prasert delivered Rona and Reg, we hugged and kissed in the forecourt. They were amazed at the house; I took Rona's hand for a tour. Reg and Cho stopped by a temp refrigerator outside the kitchen for Newcastle's first. I gave Rona a running commentary, upstairs I gave her the paint colours decided that morning.

My muddy clothes were with Carla for cleaning, the short shorts and crop top were leaving me a bit chilled so Reg's jacket from the car went on. We had tea on the terrace.

Carla's sandwiches went down easy; I had half an apple and a cup of tea standing on the edge of the close in garden with Rona. She wanted to meet Pamela and the puppy so we pulled on some wellies and clumped down.

Pamela liked Rona, smart girl! I thought after the pumpkin was born she should come to ride. She loved the offer. The puppy was awake, frisky. Cleaned up by Charlie, Carla's son, he had nice colouring and promised to be a fine fellow.

DeClare called, he managed to get a word in after my many thanks for Pamela, "So you're at the house? Good, there's a delivery coming. I just had word from my barn manager in Faringdon that the trailers should be with you shortly. No! You will just have to wait." He was laughing as we rang off.

Cho called, Aileen and Sue had arrived. He sent them down to the stables; they were immediately excited by my news of horses coming. Pamela seemed pleased to meet more folk. Sue was playing with the puppy that I had started calling Thames.

Andy called out there were vans coming in. Rona had her arm around me; Aileen squeezed a hand as a black yearling colt was led out of the first trailer, a handsome devil. A small white forehead star otherwise jet black. A gray mare, a beauty, in foal. Nice eyes!

Another mare in foal that was a bay, silky mane, happy to be out of the van. Lastly a colt, big, good-looking buckskin with a very dark mane and tail. He was frolicsome from being penned up in the trailer.

The ladies were let into a small paddock and the boys into a larger one. Gregory had a sheaf of papers from the lead driver. "The mares are both about four months or so out from foaling, the yearling just that born eleven and half months ago. The buckskin is just over twenty six months. I'll call Doc to come up for a look but they all seem fine. We can ask about the puppy too."

I asked him to have the Doc bring a harness and lead for the puppy and any food he'd recommend.

We went to the pasture where the boys were. The buckskin came to me right away, we talked, he liked to nose push at you. Aileen got a nose in her hair. The jet black one was shy but warmed up with a bit of work by Sue. The mares were quiet, nice ladies. They enjoyed the apples we shared with them.

I called DeClare, he was glad all were safe and I liked them, "But you can really thank Cho he paid. We'll come to yours for drinks, etc... Saturday before dinner, right?"

I said absolutely!

Reg and Cho with beers for Gregory and Andy, me and Aileen and Sue we toasted the new arrivals. Rona had an Orangina. Cho kissed me, "Adam and I discussed them and I went with his recommendations. The mares were sent to one of Adam's studs, an excellent bloodline on both sides. The buckskin is meant for me and others to ride. The yearling we may be able to race, his dam is quite good and the sire was successful on the tracks here about ten years back. So we'll see."

Gregory was pleased to have them in the barn. He really liked the look of the black yearling colt.

The vet looked our newbies over, all good. The puppy was fine he couldn't have been left alone for long. He brought milk replacement but said what Carla made up was good. He didn't know of anyone missing a setter marked like the little man but would post a note at his surgery. He stayed to have a Newcastle and a bit of the food.

We had a BBQ for us and staff done by a local company, bangers and mash, steaks and fish. Cho let the staff know that there was going to be men installing security equipment around the entire property. They would be around for weeks and be everywhere with cameras and more. They would need to learn the systems and follow some new rules but we hoped it would become routine quickly.

Rona and I leaning on each other in the car going home. Wow! I was really expanding the use of that word: home! Thailand, here, New York City and a nice email from Beverly about she and Sam wanted us to come up to their place. Now that Cho was involved she said we need to think about living space too.

Mrs. Pelletier had a cold buffet waiting for us with a nice potato leek soup warming. Great bread and a huge mug of soup! I was in the garden with Aileen, "We're making plans to go out to Bangkok in about two months, that OK?"

I assured her they'd be welcome and a lot of things should completed by then. "Me and most of the other construction." We laughed.

I cuddled with Rona on a bench, my hand under her top resting on their little girl. "Fay, everything is going fine with her. My doctor is pleased. I'm not a bit sick; I still have lots of energy, no big pains, all good!" A big hug!!!

Later a big hug for my man! "Cho the horses are wonderful. You and Adam have done us proud. Pamela and I are nicely suited. She's smart, playful and willing." Kisses!!

A soft cock on my cheek after many kisses, "We are going to be in a lot of airplanes, "a lick and cockhead kiss, "but not for a while after next week."

Cho eased me up that lovely penis damp against my butt, arms snaking around me, "May be we will have to get an aircraft for some flying. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Warm hands caressing me under the covers. Nice! Sleep.

A fine dream of me with Gwen and Pamela in a pasture running around, riding each and standing between them an arm over their withers.

Cho loved it! "You are sharing! That is always good."

We packed up and closed the house after cleaning up breakfast. Prasert's smile as he held the car door, "Miss, thank you for the Dickens. He is very different but I like the rhythm of his words." I squeezed his hand, "Good, there are quite a few books to read."

I was leaning hard on Cho holding one arm around my stomach, "You are funny. Prasert is another of your devotees." His laughter making me vibrate.

Rona and Reg laughing, "Ah, a cult."

We dropped Reg and Rona but we would see them again in a few hours. A note from the Threesome that they'd be back for drinks and dressing. I did a change to skinny black jeans, Nordstrom ankle boots, silk blood red cutoff top, Cho's black onyx set and the dozen gold rings on my left. Prasert drove me to Dr. Terry's Saturday meeting at a school near Holland Park.

A room of many kinds of people, transgendered, gay, genderqueer, straight and a couple of Dr. Terry's colleagues plus a group of business people from neighboring areas. I was intro'd as a pre-op transwoman. My `not for long' got laughs.

I told them a bit about my transition, all very cleaned up but focused more on how my Company had received me. How my world of tech folks accepted me and in fact acted as if I had always been like I am now. The demographics of The Company played well for me, young, well educated, upwardly mobile and willing to accept persons as they were based on skills not gender.

I made a strong point that by being open to me they had seen the value of further diversity and they were now benefitting from that with many new hires.

I did my best with the questions which for the main were good; an odd one got Dr. Terry up to respond. She dealt with their off topic issue herself.

I shook quite a few hands and enjoyed seeing so many folks. Dr. Terry was very pleased and asked me if would do it again when I was back in the city. I agreed.

Prasert took me along to Hyde Park Stables in Bathurst Mews for some clothes. I got several pairs of jodhpurs, a jacket, some shirts, crop and a couple of pairs of gloves. In boots, I got a tall pair and an ankle height pair. The staffer tried to give me chapter and verse on head gear. I yielded to get one; it didn't feel right to wear it though. Safety? I'd have to give I thought. I had everything shipped to Harcourt House.

At home a snack courtesy of Cho, a light omelet and toast by Mrs. Blatchly and her daughter, so there'd be something in my tummy before drinks. They had done a nice spread of canapés and the drinks were all laid out.

Reg and Rona, Adam and Daphne, Eric, Douglas and Sasha, Karla and Michael, Arthur and Andee, Jared and Tracy, Andrea with Jian and Ting all toasted to our good health and prosperity.

We mingled inside and out into the garden from the big windows. A few drinks then in cars to Orrery Restaurant in Marylebone.

We had all The Company folks together as we booked the entire place. Well over a hundred with spouses, significant others, etc... Only two people manning the overnight desk weren't with us. They had takeaway delivered courtesy of us.

French cuisine at its best. Delicious choices of starters and entries, a full bar and live music. The staff was wonderful, helping everyone to enjoy.

Eric's speech was short, first thanking Cho and me for the dinner and letting them know we would have even more work for all of them as we grow. Andrea told them all about the many new hires and where we were going with a new health initiative for everyone. Gym memberships would be paid and a swimming club was contracted allowing memberships there. Assorted other things to make life a bit nicer.

Reg gave an outline of the `new projects' successes and sales with Jared and Douglas following with their news on Mac Servers and iPad apps. Michael and I after them were just about sales and installs. We mentioned the Railroad in Bangkok would be hosting our new employees and trainees from clients starting next week. A few hands were raised of newbies and the staff heading out with them.

Adam nudged me, "You folks have a good group here."

I gave him a brief rundown on The Company and how I fit in. "It's different for me now doing the MD thing but its good so far. I will be out of commission for some weeks soon..."

Adam understood, "You'll have lots of help so take it easy. Where's Daphne? I lost her."

"I'll have a look around. Cho's motioning to you." Adam went over there as I scanned the room. I found Daphne talking with Jian at a corner table.

"You look conspiratorial?"

Laughing Jian pulled me down to share her chair, "We were talking about penises!" This set them both off giggling again. Daphne like Sara wanted one if only briefly but sadly it wasn't going to happen.

I told them I was quite happy to be getting rid of mine which got mock sad faces. We laughed and laughed.

I was sitting beside Karla, "Fay I have news. I'm starting hormones!" She got a big hug, "Michael and I talked a lot about my changes. He has kicked the ball to me but I know he wants me, so I feel safe making decisions." So good to hear how she was gaining in confidence. I gave her a rundown on my Dr. Terry talk.

Andrea and I wandered around some talking, hugging and kissing folks. "I have never felt better in my life. Being sexual with Jian is amazing. Ting's support in everything is so warm and welcome..." she started to tear up and I for once had a handkerchief for someone else. She was ok. "Jian has an appointment Tuesday at the sperm bank to leave some semen to mate with my eggs if the current method doesn't work." Andrea used the handkerchief again. I was holding her tight. Ting spotted us and checked us out. He left one of my handkerchiefs he'd received with Andrea. "I'll find Jian." I said terrace and he waved.

I sent Andrea up there and gathered Cho. We five holding each other had a separate toast. Cho kidded me about the handkerchief thing.

By eleven we were ready to go, Eric hugged me and Cho, thanking us for the party. We would talk in the office Monday. We would be leaving for Bangkok in the evening. Eric held me tight, "Take care, do what your doctor wants!" Smiles!

Back at ours we five all hugged, kissed goodnight. Cho lying on the bed watching me. "Is this that enthralling?"

He laughed, "Not what you are doing but that you are doing it." Naked I jumped on him, tickling. We rolled around a bit laughing and tearing up from tickling each other. I loved sliding over his nude smoothness grabbing that cute firm ass, pressing my skin to his! Cho got me from behind pinning my arms, kissing my neck, "Ok you win!"

I was giggling, "Yeah sure!"

I got some kissing and a hug. A nice cock on my butt in the dark. Sleep...

Coffee! Then warm buttered bread, half an apple, the garden, bird songs and Cho. The others dragged out. I chivvied them. Andrea and I to The Company, Cho was taking Jian and Ting sightseeing.

On the Tube a quite striking fellow gave me a GOOD look; dark hair and eyes, pale skin; black tight jeans, cut off tee under a black hoodie showing a six pack, boots. My bright blue cutoff top and red skinny jeans and brown ankle boots got his attention. I nudged Andrea, "Be subtle, try to see the pale black dressed fellow across the way."

She managed not to be too obvious, "What a face!"

Off at Notting Hill Gate we giggled about him and his staring at me. Why? I surely wasn't his type. Or did he even have one? Anyway he didn't try to chat me up.

We had a MD's meeting covering the whole gamut of Company issues. Andrea's recruiting was succeeding especially with referrals from staff and two tech recruiters. Eve was ready and accommodations prepared for first group of newbies to be off to Bangkok.

Kwang had placed the advertisements we prepared in specially chosen Far Eastern newspapers and on certain tech job web sites. So we wait. Andrea had put together questions for our use in interviewing any candidates.

I said my goodbyes afterwards. I'd be out of work for just a few days then able to work from home.

Packed and ready, I hugged Cho in the entry way, "Kiss?"

The warm smile, I got what I asked for.

Black jeans, top, shoes, jewelry but not mood. This had been quite a trip! A great deal in Atlanta with three possible others, Glaa's tremendous win and the new place and horses! I was itching to get back but I'd not be able to ride for a while.

Prasert and Klahan did their usual work of getting us to and through Heathrow with minimal fuss. Royal Orchid Lounge staff was nice as always and Thai Airways left on time.

We settled in for the long flight. I had the bed fixed right away, donned pajamas, kissed my love and conked out. More than eight hours sleeping, a new record for my flying. I awoke happy and hungry. They had some canapés and dinner coming soon.

I was fed and did a brush up. Pulled out `A Clergyman's Daughter,' knowing Orwell hadn't liked it very much and tried to end it being published. A sad bourgeois tale.

Cho had slept too but hunger had got him going sooner. Snacks tidied him over until dinner. We ate light though because Amporn was waiting for us!

PJ and Sumate were at the gate for us. A covered ride in the rain to the helicopter. We were met at the dock by security with umbrellas.

In our bedroom Cho pulled me close, sweet kisses in his strong arms. "Remember your schedule!"

Yes, I could eat dinner now but nothing after that except some water in the early morning when I do my bowel cleaning. YUCK!! I'd had to stop my hormones already.

Next: Chapter 40

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