Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Apr 4, 2016



At home Cho told me the news from Terrance and Aylesha; we had ten cars and twelve drivers, two full time mechanics and a part-time one. Sam's law firm was using them and a few "good" clients. All going superbly so far. Great feedback!

Thet and Sumate came over, we talked on the terrace. The New York apartment building work was progressing. The construction work driving ahead. The roof demolition completed and the new exterior walls were framed. Inside walls were being moved, skylights in the kitchen. The ground floor apartments done and our elderly couple had been moved in.

Alma and Chet were quite happy. Dennis, the day security man, said Alma's daughter wanted to thank Cho for what he had done so next time we were in the city...

Sumate's team had wired the building along with the Leroy Street garage. Done and working properly. Thet followed up with a report on Harcourt House security. A few minor equipment glitches and some mistakes by staff all of which were dealt with by Carter.

That good fellow had let us know they were READY! So were we!!!


With Inmura and Miki's departure for Taipei our last guests were gone time to rev up Cho-Fay Air.

Packed, loaded on the helicopter, we were off. The big 767 sitting on the tarmac humming, it was ready too. We were airborne straight away. Roaring down the runway lifting off in a power climb due north.

Unbuckled I jumped into Cho's lap ASAP. Kissing! We were going before any guests arrived at Harcourt House. We wanted some time for us and to go over everything with Carter.

We would have a morning arrival so we ate dinner courtesy of Soka and Ban and soon retired to bed. My plastic `friend' shortly to be pensioned off was put to use. Cho was an expert by now. Such an expert!! After thirty minutes we were spent! I'd cum and he certainly had! Yum!

Warm, cuddled, a kiss on my shoulder and a quiet wish for us to ENJOY Christmas time.

Waking up to my iPhone, grabbed it quick to let Cho sleep. Washed, hair done, the end of my swept over hair curling under my chin now. Love it! Green skinny jeans, white long sleeved blouse, brown ankle boots, cloisonné parrot bracelet on my right, the wide hinged gold bracelet on the left.

Coffee, salapaos and fruit! Checking email on my iPad, Cho's head out of the cabin door, big smile. "I will be right out, coffee!"

Soka heard and set down a cup near mine as my man emerged. Skinny black jeans, canary yellow long sleeved cotton shirt snug to that muscular chest and black half boots. HhhhhMmmmm Must be catching! He laughed at my comment.

"Damn if they are not comfortable, I see why you like to wear them other than to show off those nice stems and cute butt!"

We laughed, I waved my legs and munched. Not too long from landing now.

I watched our approach to Chalgrove Airfield out the window, gray skies, not raining. We taxied off to park. I could see Prasert waiting, waving. We had loosened him up.

The Airfield folks did stop by to say hello again which was nice. Cho said they'd get an invitation to Harcourt House for a holiday visit.

Captain Kor came down the stairs with a woman dressed as flight crew. Mira was a new member of the 767 team; she had over five hundred hours in 767's. This had been her first trip with us! We spoke briefly; she was pretty almost my height, slender and looked very trim in her dark gray uniform. Kor said they'd be flying a lot bringing people to visit us from Thailand, Asia and America so more crew.

A new 767 to be added to the fleet quite soon!

They would be coming along behind us since the crew was going to be staying at Harcourt House from now on unless we were full up. Prasert had other drivers and cars ready.

We motored the short run to Harcourt House. I asked about accommodations for Mira onboard. Cho said after the holidays the lower crew compartment would be re-done to have women and men sides with separate sleeping, bathroom and showers. All the materials had been prepared. Until then she was to use one of the sleep seats in the main cabin. Kiss!

Wheels crunched on the gravel forecourt, the door opened, Carter. I took his hand, smiles. "I'm looking forward to the holidays here thanks for the hard work!"

Several fellows in black slacks and long sleeved black jumpers gathered our bags. I gave Carter a look, "Miss they are day fellows coming up from the village to do various things. We do have several women who are staying here for the time you are in residence.

Cho slipped an arm around me, "Carter has found some good local people, this visit will be a good test. We may want to keep several full time. If we do decide to open the the house for weddings then they will be a necessity."

I squeezed Carter's hand, "I'm off to see Carla!"

Cho laughed knowing it wouldn't be just to talk about food. `Ole hollow leg' was heard as I walked away. I wiggled one leg. Laughter.

I got coffee and a scone and was told the rumor was true she was making Christmas Stollen!!

"Now Miss you can't stand there and expect me to make right away."

I was giggling, "No, the scones will hold me a while."

Big smile! We talked dinners and teas. She had caterers from Abingdon on tap for serving and help with cooking some times. Sue came in with an arm load of carrots fresh from the ground with the mild weather so far we still had a lot in the ground. The gardeners were doing winter veggies as well.

Sue's smile, "Don't worry the horses have plenty."

We all laughed at that.

A text from Cho, Glaa arrived in Santa Anita. Pointing to San Felipe Stakes and then Santa Anita Derby to prep for Kentucky Derby!!! We'd stop in LA on the way home to Bangkok. Yea!

I grabbed a pair of wellies at the kitchen door. I slowly strolled down the roadway towards the stables looking around, seeing, hearing and smelling. Gregory knew how to run this place. It was a work environment but organized and cared for.

Thames came rushing out of the stable office, we had a nice reunion. That tail going a mile a minute, little woofs!

I saw Gregory, a huge smile, "Miss it great to see you!" I squeezed his hand as Andy popped out of the office.

"Miss I'm glad you're here. Pamela needs a ride! She's been cranky."

We laughed, "OK I'll do a quick visit and be back after noon to ride."

Thames stayed with me.

"Pamela... Pamela..." I spoke from outside her stall. There was rustling and a nicker; she thrust that lovely head out. When she saw me there was a loud nicker! I stroked her face, "Ah Pamela... We'll go for a ride soon."

Those big eyes! She rubbed her nose on me, got a big hug. Anthony smiling, "Miss she's been a handful lately."

I slipped my fingers through her silky mane, "Well I can take care of that!"

A kiss for her! I visited each of our horse family; the yearling unnamed was a bouncing happy colt. Scout, the buckskin quiet but he seemed pleased to have me there. Our two ladies in foal, Heather and Mandy to us, were in their paddock, I spoke to each caressing their faces and soft ears.

Gregory leaned on the gate, "The Doc's been here yesterday. They are doing well. Late spring for both probably."

My phone went off by the office, Andrea. "So they grabbed Jasmin? Well we'll let them give her management training and grab her back."

We giggled, "I think she'll be a good fit for them. Udorn and Kavnu liked her right away."

"Sad to see her go but the four you hired in Bangkok are hot! All four are burning up the track!"

"Good! Will their living in Bangkok be an issue?"

"No, a plane ride is a plane ride. Besides you're generating loads of work out there, so..."

`So girl when you coming down?"

"How about on the weekend?"

Good, I told her about the cache of film noir movies! I knew she enjoyed the old b&w films. That reminded me to call Daphne about when she and Declare might come down and for a number for their neighbors, Pam and Lenora they liked the old b&w's too.

"We can pretend to be Veronica Lake!"

We laughed; I gave her Prasert's office number to get a car.

Carla was making grilled cheese sandwiches! With some veggie soup! Cho and me in the breakfast room munching. He had a smile on that handsome, one of those `secret' smiles. I asked what's up? Knowing I'd be wasting my breath.

The smile just stayed put! Then the words business' California'???

I told him about the horses, he was pleased. My riding after lunch got a really nice smile!

"I've a secret for you. You could consider a swap later."

We laughed! I carried the tray into the kitchen where Sue relieved me of it. "Carla the soup is great! I'm up for more any day. Do you have any asiago or the like to sprinkle on top?"

The cheese was no trouble also she had parmesan! Done!

Upstairs I dressed for riding, black jodhpurs, tight like skin, low black boots, long sleeve white shirt under a silver gray bolero jacket. A small red string tie. The black Spanish equestrian hat style helmet. Black gloves. A black riding crop.

Going down the stairs I met Audra, one of the new housekeepers who lived in. Her eyes were big! I smiled.

I turned into the main hallway as Carter come from the Great Room. He stopped abruptly, "Miss Martin that is a wonderful outfit!"

I thanked him saying he'd see it plenty more! Cho was out front talking to the head gardener, I got a kiss! The gardener swept his hat off and bowed. He smiled, "Miss it seemed like the right thing to do."

I squeezed his hand, "Thank you Phillips! Very nice of you."

I waved goodbye striding off towards the stables. Andy had Pamela saddled, leg up and we were off.

I promised Dr. Sanporam and Cho I'd go easy! We worked our way through one pasture to a gate then out to the north towards the river. We loped softly getting our feet. I stopped to look at the boat again. It hadn't moved I need to bring it up to Cho. There was a flat upright panel in the stern, an out-board motor mount?

We turned north again going past where I'd found Thames and his mom. Oh, there was a small wooden marker where she was buried, I bent over Pamela's neck to read, `Here rests Thames mother' and the date. It had to be Andy!

We found a narrow path leading away from the river; we walked ahead a half a mile to where I believed the property boundary was. There was a field in fallow that showed previous year's plowing. We walked its edge. I saw a man, young-looking about seventy yards away. He waved which I returned. I steered Pamela that way.

I came up to where he was beside a small stake-backed truck, "Hello I'm Fay Martin from Harcourt House."

He was Daniel Fraser; this is his family's farm. He wanted me to meet his folks and pointed me to the house. He drove off that way, Pamela and I followed down between rows of fruit trees asleep for winter. We came out on a road right near the house. A woman about forty five or so in an apron and wellies waved me close.

I slipped down removing my glove, "Hello I'm Fay Martin from Harcourt House." Sarah Fraser.

"My husband's around here...Dan where's your dad?"

"He's coming."

"A cup of tea? It's made."

My yes had me tie Pamela to the fence; I stroked her face and followed Sarah. A homey kitchen with a big grate ready for lighting. Baking smells, wet wool smells and dog smells.

The dog was a setter who arrived a few seconds before Dan Senior. The son the followed the dad's likeness, sandy hair, blue eyes, red cheeks from being outdoors, a firm grip with a calloused hand.

"Good to meet ya! We'd heard of a new owner up there. If you don't mind me saying we'd all hope for some fresh blood!"

He winked at Sarah, "And you Miss are that!"

I laughed, Daniel the younger had been giving me looks, his cough made me laugh more.

Sarah broke the moment handing me a steaming mug with two sugars as I asked. Daniel Senior lit a pipe, "Miss the old owners didn't do anything even though they lived up there fulltime. They did things with their horses and ignored the neighbors."

I reassured them Cho, my fiancé, and I wouldn't be like that but we had interests and work around the globe so we weren't going to be at home here continuously. I told them I'd around as often as I could to ride and have friends visit.

I brought out my iPhone to show them snaps of Thames. Did they recognize the breed and colouring? No. He's with us if anyone asks. Done!

Daniel Senior looked askance at my phone ringing again, I'd ignored the others but this was Cho.

I told him where I was, he'd drive down.

"Sarah another mug? Two sugars also."

She smiled. In a few minutes Cho drove up with Rande. I made the introductions. Sarah gave me a look which got her a wink from me this time. While the guys talked she and I wandered out to the garden.

"Miss..." My hand on her arm, "Fay, please."

"Fay, Daniel did have some grievances with the old owner, some about property lines which aren't resolved but more, he felt it was their job to be more involved with the area and people. Sort of an old school thing I know but the lord of the manor had obligations to his people, it went both ways."

I could see the point, wealth had duties.

"Sarah, we are committed to this house and the area. We will have our people buy and hire locally if possible and we will participate in local life. Will be having an open house several times this Christmas season and hope you all will come and visit."

A teenage girl came out of the kitchen towards us, a Sarah look-alike, thick auburn hair, green eyes, willowy body. I was introduced to Anne, a quite cute fifteen year old. She was still at school. She liked my clothes, "That's your hat in the kitchen?"

I smiled, "I hate those things that make your head look like a coconut. A small conceit I admit."

Anne giggled; she didn't ride but thought them funny on some of her friends.

"We have two horses, Boxer and his sister Rosie. They're Shires!"

I was taken to see them. They were working horses used to plow certain fields because they could work on the slope better than a tractor. They were a local institution for pulling carts in special events and festivals.

Boxer was a handsome fellow, dark lovely coat, sweet natured. I was told Rosie was a bit feisty, the occasional bite. I let her smell my hands; she nuzzled that big nose on my shoulder. Nice! I slowly caressed her face and ears which were a bit hard to reach.

Anne was startled, "Wow! You have a gift!"

Back the kitchen, Anne told everyone about my taming Rosie. Daniel Senior had a knowing smile.

He and Cho had spoken about some of the same things voiced by Sarah. When I was prepared to leave he joined me, "Miss, Mr. Cho has been more interested and willing to talk in one meeting than those others were in ten years."

He was going to give me a leg up but paused, "You've something! I'm not sure just... I think you're a good'n' and we're damn glad you're here!"

Quite the speech, I gave him a hug and bounced into the saddle with his lift. Cho waved as Pamela cantered off between the tree rows. We went back around the other side close to the road. I was glad the cars and a large truck didn't faze her at all.

I thanked Andy for the marker over Thames mom. He blushed, "Miss how'd you know?"

I squeezed his shoulder, "It seemed like something you might do."

At the back entrance Carla asked me into the kitchen. Sue was doing trifle, strawberry chunks peeking out of the mixture bowl. "She's following the recipe that Mr. Cho liked! Strawberries this time."

I got a spoonful to taste and gave it thumbs up!

I told Carla what I knew about guests to this point. Andrea and Reg and Rona for the weekend. There'll be a big party of close friends from Bangkok in a few days. Some are big eaters like me. "I hope you will make some traditional English meals for them and keep me satisfied too." I started to count, ten! "We'll have our Seattle family folks and those from Singapore here before Christmas probably with my adoptive parents. They're eight. Maybe another couple."

"Carla we will make your life a bit uncertain with guests but I'm sure you will go with it."

"Miss, actually I'm looking forward to it. A bit of excitement and challenge. Sue here is going to learn about stollen but also do desserts of all kinds, sauces and baking! Mr. Carter and I have interviewed some local women to help us in here so we'll be ready!"

I hugged her, whispered, "Carla, I'm Fay, ok?" She smiled, "I'll try but..." A hand squeeze from me.

Cho was in Carter's office, in the doorway I asked about the Great Room Christmas tree. Carter had a huge grin, "Well, that is under control. I have one coming from that I am sure will please. Also one for down here."

Two thumbs up!!

I'd always put a small tree up at Basuto Road even if I was gone. It would dry out the needles would fall off and I'd apologize to Mrs. Blatchly every year. She'd tut-tut and say it was nothing.

I called Reg; they were coordinating with Andrea to share a car tomorrow! He said Helmut at MAN had a test unit of the video feed device on the road everyday working great! Yea! Did Helmut have a contact at Metro in Seattle? Reg would ask.

I emailed Jian about miscellaneous things and when she and Ting were coming this week. Everything was fine in Bangkok!

I tried Jasmin's cell not sure where she was at this point. She picked up, "I'm in London. I just met with Andrea and I'm at the guesthouse. Off to New York to sublet my place then LA to explain to the folks then Bangkok to get started. After a few weeks back to New York for anything I want to go to Bangkok..."

We were both laughing all through that recitation. "When are you leaving...Come down to Harcourt House for two days...we'll get you to the plane...Call Andrea, she and Reg and Rona are coming tomorrow for two days...Good...Call if you need anything."

I backed up to the kitchen to add Jasmin as a guest to Carla and let Carter know.

I went through the mail with Cho. My driving license!

"Don't you look cute?"

Argh! Does anyone look good in a photo like that?

He leaned back into a library sofa, "Daniel Fraser was treated badly by the previous owners. No not just from him but verified by Carter. We need to have the boundaries properly surveyed.

I wanted to ask if you minded riding geldings?...Well it's just that via Declare I'm going to take a few horses in, retired racers...they are seven year olds..."

"Cho we do need some more just for friends to ride. I want you to try Scout. He's a healthy boy, just needs some work to be happy. Were these fellows gelded before they raced? ...too bad but it shouldn't stop us...let's find out more on them from Adam."

We had the space and wherewithal to care for them and if they were okay for riding then we're winners!

We didn't `dress' for dinner. The dining room almost demanded it though with chandelier, big table and serving from the sideboard. I did have on nice blue slacks and a bright yellow jumper with blue cuffs and blue heels.

A very smooth fennel bulb and potato soup, grilled trout! Cho gave me big smiles as the trifle appeared. He really enjoyed his simple English dessert!!

We walked towards the stairs holding hands at the first step Cho swept me up. I was carried up the stairs one arm around his neck laughing myself silly. One slender body deposited on the big bed, a one big kiss! Cho slid over me I opened my legs and arms when our lips met I wrapped him up. MMMMMMMMMM

We kissed for a few minutes grinding on each other. Slowly each item of clothing was removed by Cho

Naked < with only my smile left. Cho beside the bed grinning. He did a slow strip each item tossed towards a chair, most of it made it there.

I reached out for cock! HHHHHHMMMMMM Such a tasty thing! I hurriedly wet the head so I could peel the foreskin back. Ah, the beauty! One hand full of balls the other wet, slippery sliding up and down, the mouth sucking! Cho climbed on to me feeding me the penis I adored.

He leaned back to caress my vagina, wet fingers did some exploring making me more wet. Cho lifted himself up then down his cock at my entryway. He rubbed me, bending to lick me and kiss me, carefully entering.

OH shit it felt good! Yes! "Cho it is so good! Love me good!

Cho showed incredible patience, stroking slowly working my new pussy, opening me. The first time he was all inside his balls on my skin I felt ecstasy! A physical and emotional high!

I held his face kissing kissing. We did good missionary for a few minutes, very nice too. Cho moved to scissor fuck me, my slender thigh tight to his chest his pelvis working away. He was showing control, fucking me so good but not going too hard.

My hands on him caressing each nipple, gentle pulls and twists, one arm around him holding on tight. I pulled him down for a lingering kiss.

I felt the burn in a new way lovely like my backside, different, incredible too. I was rotated again, a nice doggie position with his energetic thrusts my nipples rubbed and tugged sending lightning bolts through me. Damn I was getting fucked proper just thinking about it I had my first orgasm, a wave of tremendous heat flowing from my pussy across my belly to explode in my chest. My head swinging side to side.

"OH shit Cho Shit I'm cumming! Damn shit fuck..." Cho didn't slack off that cock connected to a mechanical pelvis. Gawd damn Gawd damn!

Suddenly I was over flat on my back Cho inside, balls on me... kissing... he started again. He got to see my eyes as I orgasmed again. The hips never let up, stroke after stroke filling me still not too hard.

His mouth on mine a passionate lip lock, short shoves, Cho came in me! My beginning fuck! OH SHIT!

Cho slowly stopped stroking and gave me his weight! So lovely holding him. I pushed some hair off my face, his eyes glittered, a long sweet kiss. His lips on my neck just pecking at me. My fingers in his hair down over those strong shoulders and taut back.

We gradually relaxed, softly pressed together. We could feel everything about each other.

It was a while before the night chill chased us under the covers. I went DOWN to kiss the magic cock! Sucking lightly on the shaft, tongue sliding over the head beneath the foreskin under the shaft my lips kissed their way to the balls. Each was licked and sucked in homage for what they gave me. I headed north leaving a damp trail the nipples rock hard, wet against mine when I lowered myself down onto him. I kissed that warm neck laying my head on his shoulder. Rest.

Cho's fingers caressing my scalp, "How do you feel? Not sore?"

"Exquisite!" A soft laugh.

Cho moved us to our sides him behind, arms warm around me, "Fay what was truly wonderful has been improved!"

I had a big grin in the low light, gripping those arms, "Cho you've made me feel so good."

I took one of those nice hands down to my pussy, strong fingers on me. "Yours!"

We knew there was a lifetime of sexual pleasure for us. We were well matched.

The light turned down after a quick wash, cuddled, kisses. Cho gently rotated me to spoon and sleep.

I bounded out of bed in a dash to pee Cho's laughter following me. Ack! Cold floor! I opened the cabinet door and sat do my business. A quick check of my new equipment, it felt good not hurting at all. I got the shower going, I was joined for that. We kissed and washed.

"So how is my pussy this morning?"

"Fabulous! A tiny bit sore as you would expect. READY for more!"

Cho hugged and squeezed, "Well I will be able to accommodate you my dear."

My arms around his neck, "Please don't forget my back passage way. I loved having you in there so much. You pleased me so many times."

Cho carried me to bed lying on top, "Fay I going to use all of you do not fear!"

Good! More the merrier.

Suddenly, out of the blue, I popped up naked as a jaybird, "What about decorations? I haven't asked Carter. Maybe we need a trip to Fortnum and Mason and Harrods's Christmas shops."

I dressed to ride, gray jodhpurs, white shirt, a black bolero jacket and a black tie. Gloves, crop, hat. Down the stairs to Carter's office.

He had a broad smile, "Miss we have everything but the garlands and other cut greenery which will come with the trees. I had the decorations out a month ago from storage to check them over. They are in excellent shape. The old owners didn't want anything put up ever. If you want some personal ones put on we'd love to do that."

"Also you should call Mr. Thorn at the Saint Thomas Primary School. He's the headmaster there. He has some news."

I dialed the number, "Miss Martin would I be imposing to ask you to visit us? We have something for you."

I said I would be there within the hour. He sounded quite excited.

I had the family Christmas decorations in a box at Basuto Road. Need to make a run down there? The Great Room tree would be here in two days.

I went to the garage, "Prasert could your car getting my friends today make a stop? ...Good...I'll setup it up...just a box about two feet by three feet...great!" I hugged him.

I called Mrs. Blatchly straight away, she knew which box and would have it ready. Thanks!! I asked her to come down to Harcourt House for a visit. She wanted to see it. Good! I'd arrange a car when she was ready.

Andy answered the stable office phone, Pamela would be ready in a few minutes and he could give me directions easy. I gobbled a strawberry scone walking down to the barn. I gave Andy my second one, smile!

A leg up and I was off. I called out for him to let Carter know where I was off to. A wave.

Pamela and I headed out front in a slow canter. I dialed Cho and told him what I was up to. He was laughing, "Please Miss Martin no Lady Godiva rides!" I slipped my iPhone into the inside pocket of my jacket.

I was still laughing over the Godiva thought as we crossed the Oxford Road. Not much traffic. The school was down the road on the east side near the north end of the village.

Pamela and I entered the gate, a boy in short gray trousers and navy blazer stared at us. I asked for Mr. Thorn. He didn't move, didn't say anything ...then BOOM he ran off. I was giggling over that when a middle-aged fellow emerged in a dark brown suit.

"Miss Martin?"

I slid down pulling off a glove and extended my hand, "Mr. Thorn I presume?"

He smiled, "You have a flair for the dramatic entrance."

I motioned over his shoulder, several dozen small faces mashed to the classroom windows they all disappeared when he turned. He was laughing now, "See!'

I mentioned that Cho's Godiva ride would have been more dramatic.

"Yes Miss and traumatic for the young males I believe!"

We liked each other; he was nice with that calm ability to command without yelling or inducing fear. Pamela was tied to the fence on the inside, a hug for her. We went in; I met his assistant and a few teachers. Doffed my hat and gloves. Was offered tea which I took since I hadn't had coffee yet just the scone.

Mr. Thorn gave me a tour. Neat and tidy, brightly lit and wonderful colours on the walls. In a First form room I met Miss Jones, a slight Welsh burr; she had organized the making of paper Christmas garlands. Red and white with green, silver and gold. A slender blonde girl came forward as spokesperson; Maeve presented the garlands to me as a gift to decorate Harcourt House.

I took her hand with the class around us, "Thank you all for the fine gift. I hope to see all of you up at the house as our guests. You'll be able to see your hard work again."

I was shown some of their other artwork, there were several watercolours of the banks of the Thames which amazed me. I asked Miss Jones, a smile, "They are Maeve's. She's quite talented for her age."

Another smile, "And a teacher's delight, so sweet and a leader. Even the lads don't mind her pushing them to do things."

I met a few other teachers and a class of Youngers who gave me several brightly coloured Christmas tree drawings.

Back Mr. Thorn's office I called to get a pickup of the gifts. Prasert said he'd come down now, he had nothing on. The garlands were carefully put in several large cardboard boxes, a smaller one for the tree drawings.

As I was to leave Mrs. Thorn arrived, she was a sweet faced local woman who'd moved back bringing her young teacher husband, they'd settled in. Their two children were out of the nest for now at university.

We stood by the door, the Thorn's and I, "I want you to know that everyone will be invited up to the house. We want to have a festive season; we'll have many guests, family and friends. Some from far places maybe they'd come down to talk to your students if you like. Some Americans, Thai, Chinese and Japanese. Maybe an Aussie or two."

Mr. Thorn thought it a wonderful idea. My hand was well shaken!

Outside Prasert arrived, the car was loaded. He did it like those boxes had the crown jewels! Nice!

As I wished the Thorn's a good day he said something like Daniel Senior yesterday about the manor house relationship. I asked them up to tea today if they were available, a big YES!

I went back in to Miss Jones' classroom and invited her if she was free. Another YES! Several of the students heard my offer and were big eyed at that and Maeve loved my outfit especially the hat.

Out front I called Carla to let her know of the additions and asked her to tell Carter. She was good with it apparently Carter leaned into her office to say we were going to do it on the terrace. Great!

Pamela and I set off home. A bus driver stopped for us so it was easy to cross the Oxford Road again. I waved to him. We followed the road passing all the neat and well cared for houses then turned onto the Harcourt House road picking up the pace to a gallop before skirting the house to the stables. Anthony took Pamela for a clean-up and food. I played with Thames, so frisky. I wore him down a bit we cuddled in the weak sun on a bench. Andy came by and I asked him to get a saddle on Scout in two hours or so. I got a thumbs up!

Cho called to me from the office door, "Security? Any issues for you? Anything regarding the stables from Gregory? Please let me know, Thet is coming with Reyna. Then one more thing, what about security when you ride? On the property shouldn't be a problem but off like today? Please consider it, Okay?'

He got a kiss in response. Seemed like that satisfied him that I'd think on it.

Reg called they were about thirty minutes away. OK! Carla was getting a bit of food ready for us. Tea would be a bit late, I wanted to show our town guests around some and talk before.

Cho sat with me in the Great Room looking at the boxes of garlands and Christmas tree drawings. My idea was to put the drawings on heavy paper to stand up on a sideboard. The garlands on the banisters up the main stairs and the landing, there was enough. The colours would stand out against the greenery garland that Carter had coming. Carter thought that wonderful. I reached out with my fist a gigantic smile from him as we fist bumped. Cho hugged me.

He smiled at my descriptions of the children's faces in the window of the school when I arrived. Cho was glad I'd extended the invitation, "We have some bridges to build here damn if the previous folks did not screw things up."

I parked in his lap, a kiss, "So far we've been welcome!'

"More than being nice which I am sure we are going to be there is the matter of fairness. I did look at the property deed and maps. We have to have a survey done. I think that Fraser is actually working some ground we own. If that is way it turns out I suggest we give it over to him. It can not be more than half an acre or so."

I was fine with that! "Or we can get some `fruit of the earth' as a fee." Cho laughed at that!

Prasert gave us the heads up; we greeted our guests at the door.

Rona with a big belly came into my arms, "You are doing the whole pregnant mother blooming thing!"

She laughed, "Well today is a good day. Damn if you don't look cute Miss Horsewoman!"

I twirled around, Andrea grabbed me.

Andrea's bump was showing nicely. All's well with them both!

Hugging with Reg, "Where our fearless leader? Has he checked in from the wild North?"

We'd both gotten a few emails but not much. It was good though, Eric and Malee needed the time together! Reg could easily run things.

Jasmin looked beautiful in black slacks and red long sleeved top, I hugged her, "I hope these guys haven't been giving you a hard time about the job!"

A nice smile, "Only Andrea about not getting to know me better."

I herded us all to the breakfast room for a snack. The newcomers were definitely up for it. I'd only a scone and a cup of tea so far today! Carla had more of that great veggie soup with asiago and parmesan to sprinkle on top. Big buttered slices of her dark bread and platters of cheese and fruit! She hit all my buttons!!

I walked with Reg in the garden, "Fay there has been large purchases of shares in The Company by a Swiss holding company. I've got someone looking in to it but there are a number of blocks floating which if bought could give the buyer more than fifty percent control. Eric knows but there's little we can do."

We discussed the possibilities until... I stopped dead...Cho? I lead Reg in to find Cho. He saw us coming, pointing towards the office, I walked one hand in his the other in Reg's. "Sit."

A large grin, "I expected you two would talk about The Company stock buying issue when you got together. One of my holding companies is acquiring the blocks of stock and I will have over sixty percent by the end of today. Now what are my intentions..." He could see my look..."I want to make money!" I laughed at that, Reg had a smile too..."I want to expand the board's diversity without enlarging it, you two and Eric are to join the board along with me. I have sounded out Kanda without going into many specifics, she's willing."

He leaned back, "With some investment The Company's growth can be bolstered and reaching out to other technologies can be enhanced. Fay your idea about the software being used for water projects was an instant success, partly because of Eric's grasping the idea and pushing ...and Reg your technical knowledge became the underpinning. The same for the streaming video from public transit device."

I sat in his lap battling my eyelashes, "Honey can you spare a few million for an idea?"

I broke them both up. "Well in a more restrained way you are close. I see the sensor technology The Company already has going into other areas especially joined with miniaturization. AND low cost! AND just how small could the transit device become with pinhole cameras? The size of a deck of cards?"

Cho squeezed me, "You again... wanted to hire outside Europe. What happened?... You got three local folks right away, Janine could count but she was educated in America. You see... success came immediately. A big breakthrough for building staff!"

Reg weighed in, "So we go on as usual the way we are structured?"

Cho boosted me up, he gestured towards Reg, "Your departments would get an increase in budgets for R&D. Larger staff I hope but you need to get with Andrea on that. Encourage ideas and who knows what might come. I would expect some ideas would never make money but could have a knock-on effect in others that sort thing. Your division's goal isn't making money but prepare the ground for that to happen."

He stood up gathered me in his arms, a kiss, "Run go get the others. I want to make a few more things clear without saying it too many times."

We moved to the library for more room, Cho stood in front of us, "When I met this beautiful lady I only knew of The Company as a contractor for the Railroad. As we developed a relationship I withdrew from the Railroad board asking Thoi to be Chairman in my stead. Jasmin you will meet Thoi, a very old friend, he is still on the board.

As I watched what Fay did and how she was doing her job so well..." blushes from me..."I became intrigued with The Company. Always being the businessman I liked what I saw. When Fay gave Eric ideas she was taken seriously right away that was a key to me. Eric and I have had discussions..." turning Reg and I..."Eric knows about the stock purchasing and has known all along..."he looked right at me..."He chose to make the personnel moves like you and Reg and the others becoming an Deputy MD's by himself, I was not involved in stock buying then. Eric wanted to make his structural changes for some time and when he was elevated to MD it was possible. It was those moves and the work of you and Reg that moved me to start acquiring The Company."

He sat down in one of the big leather chairs I sat on him, a kiss. "Now to address Fay..." I leaned back on the soft chair arm to see his face..."I held off saying anything about this so you would not worry about appearances that is why Eric has been in on it all. You have done your work and according to Eric and he has told you already it has been spectacular." More blushing. "I see Michael has been doing quite well in a more congested market."

"Now...What I want my investment to do is make money, gain market share, make great products and..." pointing at Andrea this time..."Create an atmosphere that fosters a diverse workforce, that are treated with upmost care, encouraged to innovate, and challenge assumptions. To show them that their work can benefit them there will be a stock sharing plan for all. And a good deal more!"

Cho laughed, "Andrea I am going to stretch you!"

We all laughed as she stroked her belly full of Jian's child, "That's part of it too. We have a young group; so we must go past any government mandates for parental leave. Let them all know we have their back on any health issue. There is so much I am only skimming the surface now. It will be years of work!"

"Also just I have another surprise, Eric and Malee will be here..." a glance at the Piaget I bought him in Seattle..."in about an hour. Questions will be entertained then." A cheer!

"Ah Jasmin, how do you fit in? Well the Railroad with The Company's assistance will become a technology testbed. We are going to have some fun I hope!"

We, at my suggestion, headed for the loo and then COFFEE! My opinion was seconded!

I slipped my arm through Jasmin's, "See we're all one family. No worries about choosing the Railroad." There was a happy but somewhat dazed look.

"Fay things have been moving pretty fast..."

"True but once you settle a bit it will come into focus I'm sure."

I called the stable office, "Gregory, I asked Andy to saddle Scout but let's put a hold on that. Things happening up here...Yes, good things...Thank you!"

I decided not to change and got in line for coffee. "Carla, maybe we should have two of these? Or ...?"

"Miss...Fay... it's a good machine, I don't know if there are faster ones. I'll look into it." I squeezed her shoulder.

Our driver who picked Eric and Malee up at Oxford train station called in his ETA. Cho and I were at the front door as the car crunched up the drive. Eric bounced out to shake hands with Cho I gathered Malee in a big hug, "Fay I am so happy!" Big squeeze!

Eric held my hand like when he first met Fay at Suvarnabhumi Airport, smiling I did the same turn, "Cho where did you get this English country girl? I remember a sophisticated woman!" I got a very big embrace.

Back in the library, hands full of coffee and tea cups we sat back. At first just looking at each other, Cho took the bull by the horns, "So I have given them the picture, we will have to do it for Arthur, Jared, Douglas and Michael, no matter. Since we are here maybe have them come up early in the week? Then we need to have a companywide meeting soon, that is your baby."

Eric was all for that, "Yes soonest! You will have to declare your purchase of the shares so before it's public is best."

I piped up, "Eric, invite them up for dinner and an overnight. We can have them driven up and back so they won't have to worry over that..." I turned to Cho, he was nodding..."Or the train is an easy pick up."

Eric emailed Jodie, his PA, so she could start it going first thing Monday morning. I found Carter and gave him the news. I was told no problem.

Cho-Fay Air was to leave in the morning for Bangkok to get Jian and Ting and all my `crew' and their significant others! They'd all be here when the tree went up, our first party of the season.

I had emailed Dad and Phailin to ask when they are here, would they like to talk to the students at St. Thomas School, I also emailed Chao and Millie to ask the same, reminding her to bring any riding things and that we had a store close by to fill any gaps.

Malee surrounded me, "Dear, your `Forest Palace' was wonderful! We had two great days of quiet and beauty. The staff was all very nice and the food..." she squeezed her waist. Her description their time in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire was delightful, seeing Eric's uncle was nice he was quite funny in a droll way and the countryside was glorious. "So I might be repeating myself, we are going to try for children right away. Maybe ten or twelve..." Then a burst of laughter from us both!

Eric overheard the last part, he put his arms around us, "No maybe only six though." Malee with rolled eyes, "Hey buddy you are going to get two!" We all laughed hugging.

Eric said something about doing nappies but it was lost in Malee's saying `nurse Nurse NURSE!'

I changed to a navy blue frock with long sleeves and navy heels and stockings before our school guests arrived. Cho smiled, "Ah lady of the house you look very nice!" A kiss which I made last a bit.

The Thorn's and Miss Jones joined us at tea time. I gave them a short tour of the main floor of the house; none had ever been here before. That had Cho shaking his head.

I told them what we had planned for the students contributions which they really appreciated.

Tea was outside! Ah a large selection of sweet things! I cornered Mr. Thorn with tea and a cucumber sandwich, "What prompted the making of garlands if relations with the town had been so bad?"

He looked a bit uncomfortable and hesitant, I answered my own question with a question, "You spoke to Mr. Carter?"

He nodded yes, I patted his hand, "Don't worry I'm quite happy with the result." That brought the smile back.

Miss Jones said she needed little pushing, it was a simple but good project. Maeve had gotten them all organized into teams. Everyone benefited from it. Good!

Our friends mingled well with the town folk, I could see Mrs. Thorn talking with Rona and Andrea. I could easily guess babies were the topic.

Eric and I parked on a bench, "Fay I'm sure you understood why Cho didn't include you in our talk about the buying of The Company."

I patted his arm, "I love and trust Cho to always have my best interests at heart. Being on the board will be an odd thing at least to start. I'm the chairperson of the Chanthira Foundation so..."

I gave Eric a brief précis of what it meant to me and Cho. He hugged me, "Sounds involving..."

"Don't worry my concerns have been expressed to Cho and he ignored me completely!"

We both laughed.

After our school guests had departed I ran upstairs calling Andy, "Please saddle Scout I'm coming!" Quick change into riding clothes and a run to the stables. I passed Carter I asked him to tell Cho where I was headed.

Scout was ready, he seemed keyed up. Andy gave me a hand up, I steered Scout into the large close-in paddock. We went slowly to start around the parameter gradually picking up the pace but still just a canter. He moved very smoothly, responsive to command and I thought happy. Since darkness was coming I asked him for speed. The circuits were quicker, fence posts flying by! Scout slowed as I wanted. Good Boy!!

We walked through the gate Cho was holding open with a huge grin, "Well?"

`Cho he's good, very good! You'll enjoy riding him."

Anthony took the bridle as I dropped off, "Take good care of him, he earned it."

Anthony's big smile told me it would be done!

Cho pulled me close, "You looked special out there. You two moving smoothly!"

I got a nice kiss, as we walked by the office we were ambushed by Thames! The little guy got scooped up by me and the spotted tummy played with much to his delight! He was all waving legs and tongue! Cho helped me torment his little body. When I put him down he ran around woofing and rubbing on our legs. Circles, lots of circles. A happy puppy!

Only his dinner call got him to calm down. Gregory was laughing as Thames tucked into his grub.

We had a real dinner party tonight. I put on a new dress, cornflower blue and soft white vertically striped dress, long sleeves, full skirt at mid-thigh. Stockings the same as the blue in the dress and white heels with blue bands down the sides to the toe. Gold Jewelry! Wrists neck and ears!

The table looked better with eight folks around it but big open space remained. Carla's first real big dinner for us. A light antipasto of olives, tomatoes and artichoke hearts started off. Grilled polenta in a red sauce which was smooth and rich, garlic and olive pieces swimming. Slender fettucine tossed in oil, onion, and cut plum tomato sauce with asiago. Plump and lightly crispy Italian loaves nice and hot!

Carter's contribution was several bottles Masciarelli Villa Gemma Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, lovely, strong, smooth, fruity. I got my nose working, vanilla, cocoa, some sweet berries! So nice!

I was on Cho's right as he sat at the head of the table, a foot nudge... A quick smile, he stood, "Friends, welcome to Harcourt House our home!" ...A cheer! "A toast to LOVE wherever and whenever you find it, grip it hard and do not let go!" Cheers! Cheers!

I looked around the table, smiles as we drank! A smiling Andrea looked me with a hand on her tummy, she and Rona just sipped a tiny bit.

Boy did I eat! When it was cleared away Sue and Carter came in with a wheeled cart. Tiramisu! Sue used Carla's sponge cake; it was her sauce holding it together! It looked almost too good to eat. I will skip over how I forked it in.

Carter's part was magic with the tiramisu, a Vin Santo from Tuscany, Blanco dell'Empolese! A beautiful amber colour, dry, delicate, very nice!

After that dinner I went down to Carla and hugged and thanked her. Sue too for the lovely tiramisu. Carter was supervising clear the dining room, he got my thanks and we did fist bumps! Laughter!

Cho got us together in the games room where the big flat screen TV had been moved. Couches and chairs set for a movie. Andrea and Rona, Malee and Jasmin huddled with me, a debate! We decided on `Asphalt Jungle' enough cops and robbers drama with a cracking good story; it would keep the guys interested!

Cho shared his Remy Martin Louis XIII cognac with Reg and Eric! Our preggers ladies went for sparkling water, Malee and Jasmin joined me for Amaretto. Espresso!

Cho and I had a big leather chair as Dix Handley beat a stick-up rap and Doc Riedenschneider was on the loose! Mostly men except for a `tough' girl played by Jean Hagen and the luminous Marilyn Monroe! I don't think I'd ever seen someone sit on a couch like her!

A hard times and hard people story with terrific acting. I was really into it, tense. Cho was a great movie companion, holding me, warm, quiet. I jumped when Dix shot the double-crosser; Cho just let his arms slip around me snugly.

I didn't cry about the ending but felt bad for "Doll" being alone.

Kissing and hugging goodnight to everyone at the door of their rooms. Cho carried me into ours!

"What should I do with my miscellaneous Mr. Plastic dicks? Bury them?" I was looking at the last one in the series.

"No, put them in a drawer, every now and then you will find one when looking for something else and it will be a memory!"

Sweet! I liked that! A big kiss for my man!!!

My naked skin met his! HHHHHMMMMM Warm! On my back Cho beside me we kissed and petted for a while. Nice peaceful touching. Then Cho softly kissed me, turned me around, he pressed that body on me. "Goodnight Dear! It was a nice day!"

It had! New friends and house guests!

I was up early. Riding clothes on! A soft kiss for Cho, a mumbled `enjoy your ride' from the under the covers. I walked down to the kitchen, fired up the espresso machine. Hunted down the scones from yesterday. Out the door sipping coffee and munching.

Andy by the stable office, "Miss you're out early. I'll get Pamela ready!"

He dashed off I gave Thames some rubbing which he didn't mind.

Andy walked Pamela over, she looked bright eyed. A leg up and we were gone.

Today towards the south. After passing the fences we loped along crossing fields seeing no one. It was still our property then we were on someone else's land. Too early still for most folks.

We crossed a narrow road between trees out into another open field I could see a village ahead. A section of woods ended on my right so turned that way away from the village. There was a tree line beside a road we crossed that. I eased Pamela to a stop.

A huge group of buildings behind a fence. It looked some sort of factory but no chimneys. Loads of power lines around. I moved closer, Culham Science Centre' No Entry, Closed Government Property. Entry gate on Abingdon Road.' No welcome for us!

So we moved back towards the village passing north of it going towards a road busy with traffic. A sign said the Oxford Road so I knew where I was south of Nuneham Courtney. I followed it northward in a field crossed by a gated road into another field. I realized I could go back north the way I came by bearing left.

I approached a house with manicured grounds a boy was playing with a dog on the grass. I called to him, "Can we pass through?" A woman came from the side of the house waving me forward.

In jeans and a big jumper, short blonde hair, big smile, "Hi! I'm Gloria. That's Tom and Pete, I forget which is which." American accent.

I slid down to greet her. "Damn I like that hat!"

"I'm Fay Martin." I showed her it was a helmet and told her where I bought it. I put it back on.

"Honey you can ride through any time. Where are you heading?"

I told Gloria I was just out for a morning ride, I hadn't come south from Harcourt House before. Ah she pricked up her ears at that.

"Well, we heard there were new folks up there. Come on a meet my husband, Andrew. He's out back at the stable."

I led Pamela, Gloria was a talker, "We've been here for four years now. A few horses just for our riding. Our daughter Kate, rides the most, she'll be sixteen in a week." Lots more...

Andrew was a medium sized blonde fellow, a nice smile, shook my hand with a rake in the other but let Gloria go on.

He did ask about our horses. I let on that Cho would be bringing in some racers from Bangkok for next year's racing which got some VERY wide eyes! I stroked Pamela's neck, she was my favorite.

I told them we would announce open house days and would welcome them.

Andrew had given me a good look over but surreptitiously. I was ok with that, when his eyes came back to mine he knew he was caught but I let it go. Gloria was curvy unlike me.

Their daughter came running out pulling on a jacket, "Hi! Saw you riding! I really like your clothes!"

I shook hands with Kate, "Come meet Dragon, he's mine!"

A palomino looking like eight plus years, handsome fellow. I told her Pamela was five. We chatted; Gloria didn't ride, mostly stayed away from Dragon who kicked her once. I told Kate as we walked to their property edge, "If you go through that tree line you'll see another that's the southern edge of Harcourt House. We'll be around until the first part of January so ride down. There'll be open house time but if you want to see the stables just ride up."

We hugged before I mounted. Pamela nickered, "Oh she wants to get on!"

Smiling, I said yes. "Take care." A wave and I urged Pamela on.

We started slowly but after the next tree line I kicked her into a higher gear! We rocked across the low grass; she kicked out big clumps of dirt. Lovely to be up on Pamela!!!

We kept it up for half a mile before rounding a bit of woods to see the lower paddock fences. We eased to a canter up to the the gate then a quick walk to where Andy was. A huge grin, "You two are quite the pair!"

I slid down throwing my arm over her neck for a hug; she was lightly lathered and sweating some.

Andy leading, "Come on now girl, time for a cool down and a wash up."

"Same for me Andy." He laughed; I gave Thames a hug, Gregory popped out, "The house has been looking for you."

I waved, "OK OK I'm on my way." His laugh followed me.

I stopped in the kitchen for a coffee, Sue was working with a local woman at the center table, "Miss please don't spoil the surprise!"

"No problem, I get coffee, I go away." Sue laughed saying she'd never want to prevent caffeine intake.

I stuck my head in Carla's door, "So are we having what for tea?"

"No Miss you aren't going to get an answer to that! I have my commission for Mr. Cho; you will have to see him.' Her face spilt by a grin. I waved and dashed off.

I didn't see anyone on the back stairs as I nipped up to shower and dress. Squeaky clean in green skinny jeans, black long sleeved t-shirt under a white blouse, black flat soled ankle boots and some gold on different parts of me.

I drifted down the main stairs I could hear talk in the Great Room. I detoured for more coffee, "Don't worry Sue I'm not looking!" She and her helper laughed at me.

I walked casually with my caffeine into the Great Room. "Lookie who's up!" That from Andrea.

Cho motioned me over, "So how far did you go?"

I told them all about my ride, the fenced Science Centre, meeting some neighbors and the nice gallop home! Cho's eyes on me were bright. He held open his arms I slipped in against him, big hug and kiss. Ooooohhhhh's and Aaaaahhhhh's from the peanut gallery!

Cho tugged me into the office, "I got some drawings from Kotro. Look!"

I knew I'd have to see them on paper not a computer screen to really appreciate them but I liked what he'd done. We both were in favour of #one and #three. Simple but surprisingly elegant shapes! I was nodding my head; Cho stopped me for a kiss.

"Also I have two property deals to discuss. Part of the area you rode today we have purchased, about four hundred and fifty acres, in runs along the river below the nuclear facility around the north edge of it then back to our current boundary."

Nuclear?? Cho smiled, "It is a government research lab that has done fusion energy work. Yes," with a hand up, `it is safe."

He pulled out a topo map from a drawer, "The other parcel is across the Thames, there is a small boat rental and storage and repair yard also fields south of that along the water, nearly two hundred acres."

I mentioned the boat tied up, Cho knew about it, the out-board motor was in a shed at the stables.

"There is another piece of land north of the boat yard that I am considering. It would add about forty more acres and over two thousand feet of Thames bank."

I sat looking at him, a smile, "Yes, a lot but it can mean our property could be self-sufficient in a great deal of food for us and the animals. A small herd of dairy cows, we could exchange the milk to a local dairy in return for cream, butter, etc... Hay for all year round, vegetable gardens even some green houses."

He would have gone except for my lips on his, strong arms pulling tight. I had tears for the first time in a while but he was prepared. A Cho Fay handkerchief appeared.

"Fay we are going to dig in deep here, OK?" I nodded!

I held his hand, "I want us to do things for the town and area but we need to be sure anything we do is valuable and doesn't intrude." Cho squeezed my hand.

I took Jasmin on a tour of the stables and gardens, the air had more of chill now so we bundled up. Wellies for our feet and mac's to keep warm. I found out she had ridden as a youngster but not for over ten years. I told her we had a couple of riding horses in Bangkok, she was welcome to go out to the stables. That got a big smile!

Jasmin delighted in meeting our crowd. Scout came to me in the paddock, he was playful bumping me. He circled around to give Jasmin a head push, I grabbed her to prevent a muddy end. We held on laughing.

Adam Declare called while were outside our pregnant mares paddock. We discussed the two geldings, they sounded fine and he would ship them from his place in western Oxfordshire so we'd see them after noon tomorrow. Done! Would he and Daphne come up for dinner tomorrow, stay over? I held on as he asked her. Can do! Great...drive or train...call with the arrival time we'll have a car there...easy...tomorrow!

I called Carla and then Carter, no problems. Yes! I called Cho, he didn't pick up because he was ten feet behind me. Yow! I was encircled by octopus arms!! He was fine with my invite; Adam had become a good friend.

After I was disentangled from my octopus I called Prasert to have a car ready go to Oxford tomorrow when I had the ETA for Adam and Daphne. It'll be morning.

After lunch everyone helped get the Great Room ready for the Christmas tree rising. We moved furniture back, covered everything with dust sheets, rolled up the big Persian rug and laid out the ornaments. My box from Basuto Road yielded family bits from which I choose some to go on the tree here and a few for the tree downstairs in the staff room. Carter had a company coming to erect the tree and do the lights and the decorations high up on the tree. Carter said over twenty five feet! A lot to decorate!

I got Cho upstairs after a package was delivered from Go Outdoors. Jodhpurs, a riding jacket and shirts, gloves, a helmet and low boots. It all fit pretty well except the shirts, he didn't like them so he'd use his own. Dressed we walked to the stables.

Andy had Pamela and Scout ready. "Now we're going to start out in the paddock..." I got a wry grin, "I know you said it had been a while."

We worked around as Cho got his seat, it didn't take long. He was comfortable on Scout. We jogged the parameter and slowly raised the tempo. After an hour he was galloping under control. Scout was a good boy, enjoying himself as was Cho.

We walked them out to the stable, Anthony took the bridles. "I'll take care of them. They had a good work!"

Cho had my hand, I got kissed! Nice! Softly in my ear, "That was great! He is a good horse to ride."

I hugged him, "You got your seat back pretty quick!"

Hand in hand we walked up to the house, Thames tagged along. He knew Carla would have a treat for a cute puppy. He scored!

In the shower Cho joked about leaving our guests to fend for themselves. I was holding his cock giving him the eye I only got a kiss, "Come on Fay."

Ah shit! We dressed in slacks and jumpers, me all black.

Reg came down the corridor, "The missus has been napping but getting up now. How was the horse thing?"

Laughing we went to the Great Room, all set for tomorrow. Carter very pleased!

"Food!" My mock plaintive cry. Cho and Eric assisting me towards tea!

We decided to go big on tea and have a movie night with big bowls of popcorn, piles of sweet treats and drinks!

Carla provided some great sandwiches and warm little cheese tarts! Yes! Sue brought in a big chocolate cake! Three levels, beautiful icing with red roses around the rim. Oh Man! I was ready for that!!!

I had Jasmin and Malee's hands, Andrea and Rona together as we walked the gardens. I told them I was considering emulating Hampton Court by building a maze, not of shrubs but movable walls that I could change. No one could go in without a cheat sheet; it would be sealed, so they could try their luck! Rona was up for that! She loved puzzles!

Phillips joined us, he explained about the plantings for the winter and spring. I let it slip we would be married here maybe out in the garden depending on when we could get organized. He liked that, "Miss it will be wonderful in May. So many colours!"

Thinking it might end up being then just because of everything going on.

We all gathered in the library for flicks! Lovely popcorn smells!! Several bowls of candy! We let the men choose tonight. They decided on a relativity new one, not film noir. "Lives of Others" about East Berlin before the `Wall' came down. Engrossing character study, dark deeds by Stasi officers, cruelty and venality personified by policemen.

Cho and I tucked nicely in a big chair! Very quiet in my ear, "I love you like Dreyman!" I squirmed my butt back against him, a whisper, "Careful you might start something!" I was silently giggling making us vibrate a bit.

The ending didn't surprise me since Wiesler had always been a `gray' man grinding away until the music grabbed him temporarily.

Everyone enjoyed the movie and wanted more tomorrow!! I asked if I could choose for Sunday night two films and got OK's! Fritz Lang's M' and John Huston's The Maltese Falcon' were my choices! Big OK's!!

No phones in the room so when we came out there was news about Cho-Fay Air's trip with `the crew' it would depart tomorrow afternoon so we'd see them mid-day Monday our time. Thet and Reyna, Ku and Eve, Kavnu and Ni, Thang and Lawan, my lady Jian and Ting!!!

Andrea was staying over Monday to see Jian and Ting everybody else was headed up to town with Reg and Eric coming back for the meeting here supposedly Wednesday noon.

Everything was ready for our First Day of Christmas!

Ok bed time! Hugs and goodnights. I walked upstairs with Rona, "Honey, come and stay whenever you want we'll keep the room for you guys."

A hug as Reg caught up to us, "its fine with me I'll know your being looked after and you're done with work anyway. It's an excuse for me to work remotely as they'll have to get used to it." Done!

Cho lifted me up by my hips I had arms around his neck, "So dearest you want sex?"

He put me down with a grin, "As if you have to ask? Get those clothes OFF!"

We stripped laughing kissing pulling at slacks undies and tops! I was naked first I jumped on the bed jerking back the covers, diving under. Cho followed me under his warm body pressed against me lips locked. One big kiss before I dove down down for dick to eat!

HHHHHHMMMMMM! Lovely! I got him wet quickly tongue tip edging under the foreskin he was leaking his sweet pre-cum right away. Slurp! Hot skin of his cockhead on my lips! Sucking it in bouncing my nose in Cho's soft pubic hair. Up and down! I love doing this.

"Swing around Fay." Inverted I stuck my nose in those delightful warm balls!!

OH Shit! Cho's tongue did things, very nice things! AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Damn!

I begged to be fucked I wanted him on top of me. We stayed under the covers as that fab cock slid in! Shit! Shit! It just felt so fine!

Cho worked it slowly, gently but definitely fucking me good! Our lips met tongues playing, I licked his lips and teeth sliding in to be captured, suctioned! His hips never slacking in doing wonderful motions inside me.

So lovely to feel the cock inside! Each motion bringing the burn of pleasure to me. On my side with Cho against my back sliding back and forth. Giving me tingles!

"Cho let me ride you!" It almost sounded like a plea. We rolled over my knees on either side on him hands on that firm chest searching out the nipples. Got'em! He gasped as I worked each little nub my pelvis riding a horse movement a natural for me. I rode him. Flicking my hips back and forth, rising up to almost expose the cock then gliding down to mash our pubic bones together! Just the best!!! Cho moaning told me so!

The covers were down around Cho's legs, I leaned over, "You like," amid his moans my hips in his grip. "Fay go fast!" I did Cho took one then the other nipple ring! Shit! Shit! I orgasmed as he gave them a twist.

I kept riding hard as he stiffened I could feel his cum inside me his hips rising to keep me hard against him.

"Cho it's so good!" Another heated blast from my guts rose to my face as I squirmed at the end of his cock.

Strong hands holding my hips, "Fay..." He moved those hips up holding me at the top. I was slowly lowered by Cho pulling me down to his chest, a kiss. He hooked the covers pulled them over us, warm. My face in his neck a hand stroking through my hair.

MMMMMMMMMM I like this sex! We half dozed for a short time, "Fay let us wash and sleep."

AEayyyeayy... the bathroom tile was COLD! The wash was quick I dove back into the warm bed waiting. Cho rolled me onto my back resting himself on top, "Boy that riding is paying off!" I giggled kissing him. Sweet to lie like this! We cuddled talking about Christmas then spooned we drifted off easily.

Sunday morning! I was lacing my boots when Cho came into my dressing room, "Fay not so long a ride this morning ok? We can go together later." He got agreement and a kiss.

Black, gray and red tie! I waved to Carter as I dashed through the back hallway out and down the lane to the stables loaded with scones. Charlie, Carla's son waved with a grin. Andy had my girl ready!

Pamela and I slipped out to the south again. We headed towards the Culham Science Centre once more for a look at what Cho purchased. A gentle canter then some speed until we got near the wire fence.

I rode west towards the river, we passed through a belt of trees on a pathway then the river bank was near. A head of us was another rider, a young woman very close to the edge. I closed up giving the bank some space, it was muddy, sloppy.

It was the girl Kate, I urged her after hellos to ease back from the edge. She tried to turn, a mistake, her horse Dragon lost his footing...they glissaded down into the water. I grabbed my phone and pressed our Panic App!

I was off Pamela she moved up the path, good girl. Jacket and hat off I went to the edge. Kate was near chest deep, near her Dragon's legs were thrashing in the shallow water but his head wasn't up.

"Get out! Get my jacket on!"

I waded away from the kicking legs towards Dragon's head. The reins must be caught. I got to his head...I went under...damn cold...can't see anything...he was panicked... a submerged log...fumbling...a big branch...hands sliding...I found the reins...a loop snagged...all by feel...I jerked it free and pulled up...Dragon's head cleared the water with me holding on!!! Sputtering, spitting both of us...he didn't try to run thankfully...the two of us gasping breaths...his eyes were wild...staring into mine...my hold on the reins reassured him...I touched his face slowly wiping mud from away his nostrils and eyes...I had chills but waited for him to be quiet...standing still...very still...he shook himself...GOOD!

I kept the reins tight and rested my hand on his neck...his eyes focused on me...I gently stroked his neck...I felt he had calmed down enough to move.

I backed up to the bank and very slowly led Dragon out of the water.

"Kate, walk up the path, take Pamela's reins and go through the trees to the open space."

She was shivering but did as I said. I followed with a much calmer Dragon. He was a bit unsteady but followed me. She passed my iPhone over, I looked at the panic app, it was blinking...they were responding.

I told her to look north over fields for someone coming. I used my handkerchief to get mud from Dragon's face; he was standing quietly letting me care for him.

Kate had gone about fifty yards, "There's someone driving this way!"

I held Dragon's reins again so he wouldn't be spooked, he leaned against me, I put an arm over his withers stroking him slowly.

Two Range Rovers approached, "Kate take Pamela's reins please!"

The Rovers stopped without coming too close Cho exploded out but my raised hand got him to go easy. Reg and Eric with Cho, some of the Security guys in the other one.

Blankets! Cho brought some to me for Dragon, we used two for him. Cho gave me his mac' and Kate got a mac' over her shoulders. We arranged ourselves to return to the stables. Reg gave me a leg up onto Pamela and I led Dragon. The others took Kate ahead, "Get her in some of my jeans and a jumper!"

I walked Pamela quickly Dragon needed to be warmed up some. His head was up and eyes were looking good. At the stables finally, seemed hours not minutes, Gregory and Anthony went to work on him. Andy handled Pamela. She got a big kiss from me, a sweet low nicker.

"Andy a big treat for her. I'll be back soon." Cho sat me in a cart drove me to the back door. I left my soaking boots there. I ran upstairs yelling out to my friends I'd be back! Adam and Daphne had arrived!

A quick hot shower with Cho and nice towel dry, good rubbing of all of me!

Green skinny jeans, bulky white jumper, brown ankle boots.

I gave Cho the story as we washed and dressed. In his arms, "You are quite the tough one! Many times over!" I held his face, a lingering kiss!

We checked on Kate, she was in a pair of my jeans, a bit big and the jumper Aileen lent me. Some of my heavy socks and slippers, too big!! I hugged her, "Dragon's ok, he's being taken care off, don't worry!"

Her tears came now, Cho handed me a handkerchief, I held her tightly.

"Kate what's your house phone number?"

Cho made the call. I walked her to the breakfast room. Coffee!! We got her a hot chocolate.

I gave my friends the low-down. I saw Eric looking at me, wheels turning; I'd wait on what he'd say. They were nice to Kate who got warmed scones with piles of butter and a second chocolate.

Adam took my hand, "You're a horsewoman! Gallant!"

I sat back on the banquette Cho beside me. He hadn't said a critical word only concerned I was ok but I did expect something later. I just wanted it to be over and done. No such luck when Kate's parents, Andrew and Gloria arrived.

I used my phone to call Gregory from a corner, Dragon was ok! He was warm, eaten some oats with honey, curried, combed and in a stall with a big blanket snapped around him. Some leg protectors on for warmth. A few small scrapes, a couple of bruises, breathing ok. I relayed that to Kate and her folks.

I was thanked and thanked and thanked and...Don't be a shit Fay!!! They took Kate home, I told them we'd keep Dragon overnight since our Vet was coming up tomorrow. Good!

I was beside Eric, "You do live dangerously!" I looked at him, he smiled, "It's brilliant you keep your head and get things done in tough spots! It is an admirable trait." I knew he wasn't BS'ing me and squeezed his hand.

Things calmed down, Carla asked if I was hungry, "How about some scrambled eggs and a hot scone?" She smiled, "Can do!"

OK, I was done with excitement for this trip! Let's get Christmas started! Shit!!

I leaned against the centre table in the kitchen getting more coffee watching Carla make my food. Daphne's arm around my waist, "Well Fay, you got Christmas off with a bang!" We laughed I knew she would make light of it.

Dill, thyme, pepper! A steaming plate with a scone dripping with butter was parked in front of me in the breakfast room! I dug in, Cho's hand gently stroking my back his eyes bright!

A full stomach, warm jacket and Cho! We walked down to the stables. Pamela was her happy self, loud hellos! Andy said Dragon would be fine! A strong fellow but whether he'd ever want to go near the river again...

We went into the stall with him; Dragon gave me a nicker and nose push. I petted him, caressing his face and soft ears. He pressed against me as Cho stroked him.

The black yearling was working with Gregory, we watched him school the youngster. We moved to the paddock where the ladies were. They had a relaxed way with each other I admired. Cho behind me, arms around, quietly in my ear, "Fay, you are my warrior princess! Do not change!"

He let me turn, a big embrace, a kiss, "Thank you!" I stroked his face, "I know you worry but..." Fingers on my lips. A huge smile!

"Fay I trust you to do the right thing!" My eyes were wet. Ah, a Cho Fay handkerchief appeared for me! We stood there for a while, the ladies close to the fence beside us, low nickers, peaceful.

I felt very happy walking back, a warm hand in mine. Relax some maybe?

There was tension in the games room as a cutthroat game of Monopoly was in progress. No way was I going there. It looked like Reg was doing the best.

Cho uncovered the billiard table, a cute grin, "One hand?"

We knocked the balls around exchanging shots; he got me to try a few tough ones. Pretty successfully too! Adam and Daphne joined us. It was girls against the guys. Adam broke nothing fell. Daphne was up she wasn't a player but willing to take instruction. No luck. Cho took over he dropped a couple then it was me. I ran the table sliding the eight ball between two of their balls down the table. A nice finish.

They stayed for Adam to give her a few pointers, she gave me a grin.

We found Malee in the library looking at a collection of old cartoon books I hadn't seen. Walt Kelly!!! My dad loved him from our time in America. Pogo!!!!! That unassuming possum and his friend's lives in Okefenokee Swamp was a warm memory shared with Dad. I had so few of those.

Damn there was a big pile, Malee pointed to a cabinet behind a big chair I hadn't gotten to yet. She dropped a pencil from her coloured pencil set it had rolled over there, "I was nosy!"

We laughed, "Glad you were. Let's see your picture."

She was colouring a peacock, "It gives me quiet time." It was quite beautiful. Malee smiled, "Well I am just filling in the spaces."

Nice though! It wasn't me but I could see it would be restful, meditative.

Jasmin on her stomach surrounded by a leather couch had an atlas looking at maps and info about Thailand with her iPod blasting `The Naked and Famous' straight into her ears!

Gregory called; the van with the retired racing boys was here. Cho and I jumped into wellies with Adam and Daphne. The two boys were clearly happy to be out of the van! I could understand. A handsome pair, a bay and a gray. They were led to a paddock to loosen up. I leaned on the fence looking. They looked fine.

The non-Monopoly folks gathered for food. Carla had a cream of celery soup, nice! Assorted sandwiches and fruit.

I had a mug of soup talking with Carla about dinner tomorrow before the tree lighting. My crew' from Bangkok would be here. There'd be roast beef, pan browned potatoes, green beans, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. Cod cakes with red pepper aioli for us non-meat eaters. I told her I as in for a big hunk' of Yorkshire pudding and potatoes! Laughter all around.

Sue was baking cookies, a variety with several special ones dipped in chocolate. MMMMMM

I had asked about fruit cake months ago, it was time consuming so Carla had with Carter's okay ordered some. They were from a U.S. company in Texas called Collin Street Bakery. Highly recommended! We'll see. I was more interested in stollen! Sue and Carla got the message. A lot more laughter.

I was watching the Monopoly game with a hand full of cookies, munching. I appeared to drain the enthusiasm from the game by eating. I giggled as the game broke up in a rush for food. Reg's last comments were about who owed him money.

We looked in at the basement room being fixed up for a gym. A stair climbing machine, treadmill and a universal weight lifting thing. No sunlight but it was warm and dry with plenty of room to move about and seats along two walls. It would be ready next week for everyone to use.

Later Cho and I rode over to where Kate had gone in. We left Pamela and Scout tied well up from the river bank. This was certainly within the property boundary now that Cho had purchased the extra acreage and we needed to do something about the path. "Fay we are going to mark it `off limits' and get a crew out here to make a proper new path along the edge of the trees," finger pointing, "up away from the edge."

Me nodding as Cho called Security. We'd hire a local company to do the work but our security guys drove out with rope and signs to block the path for now at its beginning by the woods edge.

We rode by the Culham Science Centre fence, Cho got a look. A guard patrolling drove up, we talked through the fence. He was pleased we let him know about the path since some folks from the Centre took walks around the area. He asked if walking on our property would be a problem. Cho reassured him it was fine as long as they were respectful of the land.

Our Security fellows were done so we rode home. A nice gallop side by side for a half mile or so. Pamela was a faster than Scout but who cared! We loved it.

We checked in on Dragon, he was quiet, a few nickers and a carrot.

We were going to do a BIG tea again today and lots of treats for the movie time later!

Movies! Everybody got their food of choice and drinks. Snuggled into the couches and big chairs. Cho and me on a couch with Malee and Eric, us girls in the middle.

`M' one of greatest flics of all time. Peter Lorre in a superb performance, a creepy role. Two slices of life in Nineteen Twenties Berlin, criminals and cops. Fritz Lang's fine movie is so believable. I could feel Malee jump several times as the action spiked!

We took a break afterwards, loo and more treats! Carla `nuked' bags of popcorn and there was a fresh bowl of candy!

The Maltese Falcon' more twisted with the handsome Humphrey Bogart being a sleuth! Peter Lorre a few years after M' skinny playing a total different role and great again! Mary Astor and Sydney Greenstreet wonderful as antagonists lusting after a valuable statuette.

Sam Spade an unforgettable character! Classic Hollywood!

It was late when Sam kissed off Ruth and gave her to the cops. I waved goodnight to everyone as Cho carried me up the stairs again! I loved it!

Deposited on the bed I suddenly had a jaw breaking yawn. "Oh Cho it isn't company I'm keeping!" I was giggling now. He flattened me; I was reduced to a pancake under him, a recipient of a blizzard of kisses!!!

We lay there laughing and hugging. Cho helped me undress; naked we melted together that warm soft cock going down my ass crack. I wiggled back against him. My neck survived several suction attacks as the octopus arms surrounded me. We were laughing.

"Fay I am proud of you! What you did today was splendid for your bravery and selflessness." A huge squeeze!! "Sleep now my love!"

I always obey Cho!!

I slipped from the covers, damn damn cold bathroom floor. We have to do something about this!! In my dressing room I dove into riding clothes, gray and black, the second pair of low boots. I needed to check out my soaked ones. Hat, gloves, crop. Down the stairs, the house quiet. Fired up the espresso machine and warmed two scones.

Gray skies, not very cold, no rain for two days. Thames met me on the road woofing tail wagging! He got a nibble of a scone; Andy got the second one and an empty coffee cup. Pamela shaking her fine head, "Ready?" A loud nicker!

We were walking down the lane to the south again. Past the fencing we picked up the pace a bit, warming us both up. We came over the low rise and could see the Culham Science Centre. I checked the ropes and signs at the dangerous path, all okay. We followed the trees on our right with Science Centre fencing uphill off to the left as we moved down closer to the river.

Cho said the property ended at the train tracks which I could see ahead. Pamela and I stopped fifty yards from the tracks a narrow band of trees beside them. There was a path under some high tension wires going west towards the river we slowly followed it.

The woods closed in around us but it was a clear path plenty wide enough. I could see the water and stopped. I slid down and tied Pamela and walked to the river bank. The foliage came to the water's edge but the ground solid. Across the river were some kinds of fruit or nut trees in rows then open space.

I walked back to Pamela and remounted. Out from the woods we cantered across the open spaces heading east turning north along the trees. They thinned out and there was a track we followed to more open space and the river's edge once more. A small island in the Thames on our side of the main channel of the river, a big ornate but not old house on the far shore. I'll have to ask about the island.

I turned north again and we galloped across the fields. I leaned down close to Pamela's neck. I could see Harcourt House to the right on the rise; we passed it and then turned for home near where the boat yard was opposite. Gregory watched us approach with a big grin. "I saw you two down by the river zooming you were too."

I was laughing rubbing Pamela's neck, "We had fun!"

Andy came out with Thames as escort; he took my girl after a big hug for her. I captured Thames and abused his belly. A wiggle worm with tiny woofs and a wagging tail. He was settling in as a stable dog, friendly with everyone and alert.

I checked my wet boots, mostly dry but... Carter saw me, "Miss we'll get them in shape. Conrad, one of the village fellows, knows leather, does work on the tack for Gregory. I'll put him on it."

I was pleased giving Carter a fist bump!.

Re-fill on coffee! Carla had some of assistants in to start on food for the day. We were making lunch for the men putting up the tree and lights and the staff decorating it. We expected my `crew' midday and the dinner tonight. A busy day. I gave her a hug and grabbed another scone "We should talk about all the cooking sometime soon." She nodded! I got out of the way!

The fellows putting up the tree were covering the floor with cardboard, wood planks and canvas. They were bringing in some aerial work devices on wheels to lift the tree and be able to decorate the upper areas. I went out front, the tree was wrapped up lying on the grass, the garland greens were laid out in rows. It was a big bugger, Carter said twenty five feet. Biggest Christmas ever for me!

Shower and dress after a kiss and hug in Cho's office. MMMMMMMM

Bright blue skinny jeans, white cotton shirt with a yellow knitted waistcoat. Brown ankle boots and GOLD jewelry!!

Rona said I looked like an elf?

Well I had to say goodbye to her and Malee for two weeks or so. Their guys would be back Wednesday for the management meeting with Cho. Andrea was staying over to see Jian and Ting.

Jasmin was invited back with my `We'll get you up on horse next time.' She'd be dropped at Heathrow first.

Coffee! I watched the men working on the tree! It was inside and the base was on. They knew their business!

Eric and I talked about the water projects on my patch. Overnight emails. Two completed, two near. All functioning as advertised!! Ramon from Manila had visited two, enroute home; he would be in touch soon!

I said my goodbyes out front as folks piled into Prasert's cars! Eric's sotto voce, "Take Care!"

He and Reg would shepherd the others up on the train Wednesday morning. Prasert was a busy man now up to London, trips to Oxford and over to Chalgrove. He'd hired several drivers for the season.

Dusit and Kwang were doing great! They handled routine things and kept in touch with me. Good the kids didn't need much supervision!!! Team Bangkok!!

The tree was up. WOW!! Tall! Wonderful smell of a noble fir!! Beautiful limbs spreading out. I loved it. Cho holding me with a huge smile! Carter looking very pleased. One aerial platform waiting for me to choose the top ornament. A white dove with extended wings!!

Cho and Andrea gave me two thumbs up. I thought it more expressive than the gold star. Up it went. They secured it as we stepped back to look. It was right!!

The lights were next. We backed out to let them get on.

Dr. Crawford had arrived so I went down to the stables with Adam who'd originally recommended him. He checked Dragon first, "He doesn't seem to be the worse for it. Gregory has done the right things for him." Fist bump with Gregory.

The doc checked the others, the newcomers he'd seen before at Declare's. They were in fine shape. Our ladies he'd seen last week both A-OK!

"You know I think Pamela's blooming, she looks so bright eyed." I was so happy to have her!!

He accepted a lunch invite. Carla delivered another tasty soup, creamy mushroom! Rich, big chunks of mushroom!! Cho, Andrea, Adam and I did our best, eating away, a second bowl for me and Daphne! The doc praised her soup!

He and Adam sat to talk other horses.

A Security fellow came into the breakfast room with a message Cho-Fay Air was on approach to Chalgrove!!! My "crew!!" I sent him on to Carter.

We checked in on the tree, lights were on and Carter was supervising the placing of decorations on the upper half. "Miss we'll be ready for yours in an hour or so."

I gave him one of my best smiles! Andrea holding my hand, "Hey buddy, this is some tree! We could camp out under it." We laughed, Cho leaned over with a `what' look, I told him.

"Sleeping bags! Don't we have some?" Lots more laughter.

Cho's phone rang, plane on the ground and off-loading. Prasert had cars waiting!

I checked in with Carla, all was well! She and her help would be ready for the big dinner!!! Sue had asked me to keep a secret about her dessert so I didn't even ask what it was.

Carter had men waiting for the cars; we walked out as they were crunching up the drive. Andrea clutching my hand, excited to see Jian and Ting!

My buddy came out like a bolt of lightning into my arms and Andrea's too!! Ting was a bit more dignified but he and Cho hugged big! I gave him a squeeze, "Glad you two are here!"

I got a kiss, "I like the cool air. Will we have snow?" I hadn't seen a weather report but I'd ask Carter he'd know.

Lawan, so cute in a jacket with a hood holding Thang's hand. Hugs!!! Turning, there was Kavnu and Ni! Hugs Hugs!! Eve was in Cho's arms with Ku wrapped around them. Reyna holding fast to Thet's arm, we smiled then hugged. I kissed Thet's cheek, "So nice to have you both back! I've a horse for you to ride. Did you bring your riding clothes...Okay, no problem. Good but we need a trip to Go Outdoors for a helmet!"

I finally got to hold Eve and Ku. Their smiles told the story, "We are doing so well! I have hardly been sick and look how we're growing!!!" A nice belly now!

I let Eve know I'd be going up to London later in the week so she'd be welcome to come." It was a go!!

We all trooped inside, Carter had everything under control! I introduced Adam and Daphne to my `crew,' Big Smiles! Daphne gave me a wink. I knew she'd want the low down.

We stopped so they could see the tree, a work in progress. Cho and I would ceremoniously light it tonight after dinner with everyone present, guests and staff.

I led us upstairs so one and all could see their rooms and do any changing or just shedding of outerwear. Then down to the breakfast room for snacks and hot drinks.

Carter's weather report, no snow right away but there a possibility for Christmas!! I actually wasn't a fan of the stuff, cold and wet but it would be fine for our friends! A Charles Dickens kind of Christmas. `A Christmas Carol' time! Gawd! Give it a rest Fay!

The festooned greens on the banister and landing balustrade looked very nice with the St. Thomas School children's paper garland on top. I was sure they'd be pleased! Carter and I did fist bumps. It seemed to make him laugh that I liked to do it with him!

I joined Cho and our friends as I choose an ornament from my family collection to put on the tree. It was a bunch of grapes of my great great grandfather's made of some kind of metal I didn't recognize from the eighteen eighties. It was about one hundred and twenty five years old. I hooked it to a limb in the front at my eye level.

I had a surprise for my `crew' and friends and Cho. I had a hand-blown glass ball for each couple with their names and Happy Christmas 2016! Andrea, Jian and Ting also had one for the three of them. I handed each pair their gift and they hung them on the tree. I had tears giving ours to Cho to put up. He hung it and gave me a handkerchief and a huge kiss!

In the background Nat King Cole was singing Christmas songs in his way with that smoky voice. Thrilling to hear, giving me little chills. Carter did me proud arranging that. He was embarrassed when I held out a glass ball to him with our best wishes for him and the entire staff. He got Carla to hang it after a nice thank you on behalf of all.

The kitchen folks rushed back to continue creating dinner knowing we'd have the tree lighting later.

I grabbed Reyna and PJ to run down to Go Outdoors. I didn't need to replace my wet boots since Carter's fellow Conrad had done a remarkable job caring for them but a few other things. I drove a Range Rover, it wasn't far. Reyna got another pair of jodhpurs and a helmet and gloves. I got gloves, socks, a scarf and a new jacket. I tried some shirts for Cho to exchange for the ones he didn't like maybe I'd have better luck with these and a jacket. Fingers crossed.

I bought a pair of gloves for Kate; she'd lost one at the river bank. Only yesterday?

I called Kate's house, I would bring Dragon home in a short while. She was ok and happy about her horse. Reyna dressed to join me.

We got her up on Scout. She been going to classes in Bangkok and felt secure enough to go the short way with me.

I led Dragon alongside Pamela. We trooped across the fields a slow pace. I could see Kate waiting at the tree line. She hugged Dragon and took his reins. Andrew and Gloria came out with Tom. At least I knew he wasn't Pete now.

Reyna was intro'd and she handed me the gloves I bought for Kate. Tears! I hugged her. Andrew asked about the vet fee, I told him Dr. Crawford was coming anyway so not to worry about it.

"You know Miss Martin..." Fay..." Fay the previous folks up at the hall were obnoxious. They didn't like Kate to ride on their property."

I told him what Cho said about the walkers from the Science Centre, `be respectful of the land' and we had no problem. I let him know that we had purchased all the property between his and Harcourt House's old boundary. He gave a low whistle, "So we're neighbors for real."

He gave Reyna and I a leg up. We waved, `We'll look forward to seeing you soon. Oh, we've blocked the path to the river for now until work is done." Andrew waved his thanks!

Reyna smiled, "So what is the story?"

I gave her a synopsis of events. She stopped Scout looking at me, "I am not surprised! You are an amazing girl."

I shushed that, "I'm just living my life. Now what about your body?"

She said the hormones had made her feel odd sometimes and she had some emotional moments but Thet was so good. He cared for her, they were good together. "I saw Dr. Sanporam. He has a plan for me and we are working on it."

I reached over to grasp her hand, squeeze! Then I urged Pamela! She was off like a shot we galloped across the field looped back around behind Reyna and rocketed up beside her. She was laughing, "I hope to do that!"

"You will, just keep working." We roared off again Pamela loving the run! We joined up again at the fence line.

Anthony took over at the barn, smiling, "Miss, I watched you two. Pamela enjoys her run."

Laughing, "We both do! Terrific fun!"

Reyna and Thames were having a reunion. I saw a flash down the walkway from Pamela's stall. Anthony saw my look.

"It's a tabby tom who has been doing some mousing in the hay. He's here now for a week or more."

At the office Gregory said the cat was fine with him if he worked the mice. "I've given him some milk to encourage him to stay around. We'll see."

No problems with Thames or the horses so far. Okay fine!

After the ride I was cornered by Cho in my dressing room! Eek! Grabbed by the octopus again! Squeezed and kissed!

"You laid out my clothes?"

I pled guilty, to a long sleeve red shirt and a sexy black tailored suit. "What are you wearing?" I said he'd have to wait. Okay!

We showered! Fun playing, teasing each other! Cho dried my hair some before I styled it. I was keeping it swept over curling under my chin.

The red tight pants with five buttons at the ankle. Black ankle boots with the spike heel. The white silk jumper with red cuffs and scoop neckline outlined in red. A red silk bra and panty set, sexy, small under all that! Golden lapis lazuli bracelet and ring on the right, a double strand gold necklace, the triple intertwined bracelet on the left and quad rings of gold earrings. Red toes, nails and lips! RED! Patou's Joy' on me in several interesting places from a bottle that had mysteriously' appeared!

In the mirror...YES! Cho knocked, "Come in!" He stopped dead! He went a bit squinty eyed, "No! Be very happy!"

I put out my hand, "Fay, I do not think you have ever been more beautiful or desirable! I am honored to escort you to our party!!!"

I told him I was the one honored! He did look so hot in black with the red shirt against his rich skin tone!!!

I took his arm and we descended I really felt like a fairy princess. Charlie, Carla's boy, was taking pictures. "I asked him to, he's quite a good photographer." Whispered in my ear.

We entered the Great Room to cheers! I was amazed! All our friends so attractively dressed up for the dinner party. Lovely faces, gorgeous men and women.

The tree dominating the space not yet lit, the big fireplace blazing. Tatinger's pressed into my hand. Ting's voice, "Everyone a toast to our hosts! Damn if they do not look the proverbial million dollars!"

Another big cheer, laughter and clinking of glass! Cho crossed arms with me; we drank a sip looking deep into loving eyes.

Cho saluted all our friends, thanking them for coming to this first Christmas of joy for us!

I was holding Jian's hand looking into those eyes so well remembered, A red cocktail dress, long sleeves but no back. That lovely warm skin showing.

"Fay, this is a dream is it not?" I hugged my buddy, a kiss!

"No, not a dream or mirage! We are here all together having survived trouble and overcome barriers. Only Cho means more to me than you!" A fierce hug! Glistening eyes. Ting joined us, a kiss for us both.

My glass filled as a few more toasts were offered. Adam had a beaming face, "Fay, I haven't said anything like this for many years but it is a pleasure to know you now as you and to count you and Cho as friends!" I hugged this enigmatic man who was the only person in the room to have known me as Phil except Jian and that was just a few hours.

Cho was next to me, they clasped hands smiling, "Cho you're a lucky man!" We laughed loudly!

I had an arm around Eve's waist, "Hey girl you are expanding since lunch!"

We giggled a sweet kiss and a whisper, "Do you remember what I said to you in the bedroom at Basuto Road?"

I nodded, "Fay, I feel it stronger than ever. You have given me a chance at a life so different..." I squeezed her, "love...I love you!" We stood there embracing tightly.

I felt someone against my back, Eve said, "My other love!" Ku's arms around us. A threesome.

Eve's fingers on my belly, "Food! All this club soda makes me hungry!" Laughing we made our way to the fare Carla laid out. I got some caviar and smoked salmon.

Lawan's slender bod beside me, I popped a black Greek olive into her mouth. She liked it. A white dress, sleeveless with a short jacket over, a tiny gorgeous green hummingbird pin on the right lapel. Nice lines for her figure.

She and Thang were working hard and enjoying themselves, "My piles of documents have gone down some, I have a new assistant who is quite good. Thang is mostly working in Bangkok right now so we have time together!"

"So where is the big lug?" Lawan pointed Thang was looking at the St. Thomas kid's Christmas tree paintings on a sideboard. I told her about them and the garland. I got a hip bump, "You two are settling in?"

I had to agree but we still had so much else going on. Ni came over, "Fay I love this outfit!" We three talked clothes and men always good sources for conversation!

I saw Daphne smiling my way and took her off to the library. We kissed, `Damn girl you look so hot!" I laughed at that since she was in a silver dress which left so little to the imagination. A wandering hand found a nipple ring, her eyes lit up.

"Yes I love these! When do I get to suck them?" We agreed on her return in two weeks we'd make time for sex not forgetting Sara. Pam and Lenora were coming with them for a day or so...

I said stay...she giggled, "Yes ma'am!" Laughing I found Jian. She was up for some fun too. Her little hand inside Daphne's top, "Yes..." looking at me, "something could be done with these two little pears."

Daphne was squirming a bit and giggling, I was behind Jian working on her titties getting that cute tush pushed backed. We stopped for now, kisses. Jian started to tell Daphne about our fun on Cho-Fay Air I kissed them departing.

I hugged Kavnu, "Fay, I heard about your little adventure with a horse. I was not surprised by it though. You are very brave!" A cheek kiss!

"I didn't have a choice really. Doing nothing wasn't an option." He squeezed my hand, a big smile.

"You and Ni are doing well?"

A vigorous head nod, "The boys spent their school holiday with us. We had so much fun. Ni plays football with us, she's quite good, makes me work hard!" Laughing told Kavnu of my mental image of the petite programmer bent over a hot keyboard then kicking a football with her man and kids! Yea!

We started to pair up for dinner, Cho and I led. I sat on Cho's right again, the table still only half full. Those who ate meat got the full English dinner, me and Jian a couple others had the fish cakes instead of the beef. Carla told me the gravy was vegetarian so my Yorkshire pudding had some!

For our friends from Bangkok this was a food experience. Chateaux de Chambrun, Lalande de Pomerol, Bordeaux was VERY nice. A red that wasn't too fruity great with the beef and fish. MMMMMMM This one needed repeating. I raised my glass towards Carter, he got it.

Cho rose without my urging, "A toast to friends! It is our pleasure," he extended his hand to me, I rose, "have you all here together a long way from Bangkok physically but not in our hearts!"

Acclaim and a drink! Then from me, "Enjoy!" Cheers!

I could see some red faces from the rich food and wine and the room was warm with the lights and candles. Adam looked across to me; I tipped my glass towards him. A huge smile!

I did remind everyone that the dessert was a mystery known only to the kitchen staff; Cho mentioned they had an excellent way with desserts! The trifle was a pleasant memory!

The table was cleared and Carla and Sue came in with the cart: cherries jubilee! Everyone was ready! Sue's work looked wonderful. There was vanilla ice cream on a small custard tart covered with the cherries. Carter and Sue set them on fire!! The kirschwasser was consumed by the flame.

As we dug in Carter and Kelly served each who wanted it a glass of Amontillado Hidalgo Jeres-Xeres sherry. HHHHHMMMMM Dry, tart, great with the very sweet dessert.

I felt stuffed and happy! I scanned the crowd seeing in their faces the same. I knew Carter was going to put out some port and other `after' drinks with some little space fillers, chocolates, etc... in the Great Room for the tree ceremony. I asked everyone to head that way. I went to the terrace doors to welcome our staff. All the kitchen folks, servers, stable and garden staffers!!

Led them to the Great Room! I joined Cho near the tree where the lights were wired to a switch.

"Welcome! At this special time of the year we want to say we appreciate having each and every one of you here... Friends and Harcourt House family! This is going to be the beginning of a new tradition for this house..." Cho pulled me close ..."we hope will last for a very long time!"

He tripped the switch, dazzling lights!!! The tree was spectacular!! The lights were very bright bouncing off the glass ornaments going a thousand directions. OOOOHHHHH's and AAAAHHHH's

We stepped out to be able to see it better; I kissed Cho, a whispered thank you! A big hug!! Standing with one arm around Cho the other Jian. Ting had her tight against him, he leaned over, "Fay can you stop time? I do not want this to end!"

I poked him with my fingers shaking my head, "My super powers do not extend that far!"

I turned to see Prasert; he was staring at the tree. "You like it?"

"Miss it is so beautiful! Like something from a story."

He was doing so well, he liked his apartment over the garage, he could cook or join the other staff. His English had improved so much with all the reading he was doing. I had a Christmas gift of books for him!

Cho-Fay Air crew were with us. They were in mufti and seemed to be enjoying the spectacle. Kor as leader thanked us for having them. I took Mira's hand welcoming them all to Christmas at Harcourt House and our extended family.

I got some plain water to sip. I saw Charlie still taking pictures, "Charlie take break, eat something."

"Mr. Cho wanted pics, so I'm on it."

I laughed, "Okay, he would understand you having a break though."

He got a coke and a plate of goodies. Good!

Adam stood beside me, "Your parents would have enjoyed this. They loved Christmas."

It was a sore point for me not having seen them for Christmas so many times but now wasn't the time to bitch about it. I smiled and clinked my water to his port glass.

Eve gathered me into her arms, her eyes misty "Is it wrong of me to want to make love with you again?"

I kissed her, "No, I think about all of you and how I enjoyed the sex, closeness, the camaraderie of us! It is a fine memory. I'm not dead, sex drive is actually greater."

I whispered in Eve's ear about Daphne and Sara, their friends. What Daphne talked with me about earlier, Jian's fondling her titties which had Eve giggling.

"That Jian, so forward!" We laughed out loud as Ku approached. Eve pulled her close and repeated everything. Ku's eyes widened. She kissed me, "We have not done anything...Oh you nibbled a nipple once!"

I kissed her pretty face again, "Yes, it was brief but nice." A thought came in, rested, grew, and blossomed!

I was winding down, Cho sensed it. "We can leave allowing everyone to choose their own time, Carter will manage the staff." We did go around saying our goodnights together.

At the stairs I was kissed, "Miss Martin how about a ride?" He got me up a step, turned around; I climbed on his back, legs held tightly. Cho piggy-backed me up! My arms around him, kisses for his neck! In our suite he backed up and dropped me on the bed. I pulled him close my face on his belly squeezing him.

"Naked!" I heard the command! I jumped up, ran to my dressing room, stripped off and grabbed a black silk dressing gown! At the bedroom door I leaned against the door jamb, I slid the robe off one shoulder, "Steve can you whistle?"

It broke Cho up!!!! He opened his naked body arms wide I dashed against him flinging the robe aside!!! KISSING!!!

Cho cupped my little butt, lifting we ended on the bed me flat under him!! We kissed for a while, chewing lips in a most delectable way. Oh shit I yawned...Cho had a wry grin, "No NO it isn't you!!! More kisses!!"

Cho was laughing at me, "I am tired too."

We kissed some more his warm smooth body gently rubbing me.

Cho nuzzled my neck, "I very much like your scent. Who was the smart fellow that thought to buy it for you?"

My giggling shook us. "Some intelligent fellow who leaves gifts on lady's dressing tables."

My back against him, soft breath on my neck, "Sleep well Princess!"

Living with my `Prince' how could I be anything else!

It was still dark, damn that cold tile floor. I peed and jumped into riding clothes. In the breakfast room I put a note about a `ladies only' meeting in my dressing room after breakfast. A quick coffee and scone loading, I walked to the stables.

Andy was up, had Pamela ready with the able assistance of happy Thames wiggling around. Andy loved my delivery of a scone each morning. My girl nickered and we took off. `North' I yelled back to Andy, a wave.

Down through the connecting road between paddocks we heading towards the low area by the river. I worked around the grassy area just looking about at the conditions of the ground before heading in the direction of the Fraser's farm. I crossed the property line going towards the Thames. We galloped softly passing hedgerows and a farm house where a woman gestured. I turned Pamela and approached.

"You're from the House?"

I slid down removing a glove, "Hello I'm Fay Martin. Yes Harcourt House."

"We've heard a few things about the new owners...all good by the way."

We laughed. "Well I hope it stays that way! No we're not like the previous folks we wouldn't be hold-up in there."

She had a curvy figure, rosy cheeks and a nice smile, "Oh damn..."she covered her mouth ..."don't mind my language, I'm Deanna Radley."

"Don't worry I know all the best swear words in several languages."

I was offered tea but declined saying I wanted to go on a bit but I might stop by on my ride home. She was good with that.

Back on Pamela we moved on northward. A village was ahead. We passed a tree line then through a gap in the hedge to an asphalt road onto what was marked as Church Road. It wound around row houses with back gardens and semi-detached houses. Still early so not many folks were about. The Kings Arms pub by the river, not open but we did walk close to take a look. Pamela was quiet and easy on the streets. We followed Church Road about half a mile to the eponymous church. It looked Norman. We went in the gate and stopped. I slid down looping Pam's reins over a tree branch, a stone said the church dated from Twelfth Century. Late Norman. It wasn't large; my guess was there hadn't been a great deal of Victorian `improvements' made to it. All the better.

I looked at a few of the headstones, interestingly a few Radley's; none of the stones were new near the entry or the south side of the church.

Turning back to Pamela a man entered the gate; he seemed a bit amazed to see a horse standing there.

I introduced myself; he was the vicar, Rev. Michael Lone.

"Ah you're from Harcourt House." I agreed with that. "So a new breeze is blowing as the rumors have it?"

"Sorry I can't speak to rumor but my fiancé and I are going to be different from the previous owners."

"Mr. Thorn has spoken to me; I'm the church representative on the St. Thomas School board."

He gave me a look, "Miss Martin you will certainly enliven things riding about visiting like this. I hope to see you again."

We shook hands, he watched as I mounted and waved. I steered Pamela back down Church Road the way we had come a short distance to a dirt road. Down that some three hundred feet I could see open fields, the road continued as a berm between cultivated fields. I set Pamela for speed, we soared down the track it debouched onto a wide field, I could see the Radley house again.

I pulled up at the edge of their yard, Pamela's hoof beats brought out Mrs. Radley and a florid man presumably the Mr. Radley. We exchanged greetings; I slid down, Pamela's breathing eased down. She did stamp her front right so I knew she wanted more.

In a pleasantly bright kitchen I took a cup of tea. Mr. Radley in his wooly socks the muddy boots at the door was well spoken and interested in the doings of the `hall.' I laughed and said that we weren't Downton Abbey. They both laughed with me on that!

An echo of other conversations about the disinterestedness of the previous ones at the `hall' was made.

"Miss we aren't trying to go back to the Seventeenth Century but for us on the land we'd like to think the largest landowner had more than their own interests at heart."

I reassured them as I had the others we were intending to become part of the community, to do `our bit.'

"My work takes me to many places in Asia, the Pacific and North and South America, our principal home now is in Bangkok with other places in Thailand. But we have a house in Fulham and one in Hampshire, also New York so we are global. We will have a year-round presence here for the horses and racing and if this Christmas is any yardstick we'll be here for the holidays each year."

We chatted about local doings before I took my leave. Mr. Radley gave me a leg up, "Miss thanks so much for stopping. The news is good."

We shook, "Please tell your friends about us and come up to the House when we open it."

They'd be proud to come.

I urged Pamela to a soft clippy-clop to warm up; we went down a tree line then picked up speed crossing a long slender stretch of grass. We were flying, clumps of earth being tossed by Pamela's hooves. We at speed for nearly three quarters of a mile then slowly wound down passing through the Fraser's place by the river. A pause at Thames' mother's grave and a brisk walk up to the fences and slowly to the stables.

Andy was waiting, big smile, "Miss you girls really enjoy yourselves. I watched you with the binoculars galloping before the Fraser's, like a streak!"

I slid down handing Pamela to him, "I'm lucky my girl loves to run!'

My hand on her face, those big eyes, she knew! She knew I loved being with her! A hug and she went off with Andy for some TLC!

Thames arrived with Gregory, woofs and wags around our legs looking up at the tabby in his arms.

"Miss, this is Sebastian our mouser. Turns out he likes folks as you can see."

My gloved hand caressing some soft fur, he was in the office during the night, "On my chair when I opened the door. I think he wants a steady job. So can I hire him?"

We laughed, "We have to have him vetted by Security first!"

More laughter, Anthony popped his head out of a door, "Miss, I've seen him work so I can give him a reference."

"Ok! He's in." I waved goodbye heading up the road. A more muddy than usual so boots outside, stocking feet getting a coffee re-up. I wanted to check on the staff Christmas tree. It was up and lighted. Carter was sipping tea at the head of the table. I sat beside him, "Miss, the ornaments will go on as each person comes in they will add one or two. You first."

He had a box of ornaments from my Basuto Road cache for me. I choose very old glass one shaped like a railroad lantern, Red. I also but up a red and white painted spiral tear drop one with a very long slender neck from my grandmother's family.

Carter said he liked them both, simple craftsmanship! Fist bumps!!

Upstairs in the breakfast room there were a few blurry-eyed folks. I told the ladies I was going to wash so...

I ran upstairs in stocking feet quietly Cho wasn't in bed! Damn I'd loved to have pounced! Too bad. I jumped into the shower. In the black silk dressing gown I welcomed all the ladies into my dressing room.

I stood at the bedroom door end; they clustered in the chairs and window seat. I stepped forward letting the robe slide off my shoulders to the floor. Aaaahhhh's and Oooohhhh's like last night when the lights went on!

I held my arms out; Jian dropped her robe and embraced me. Kiss!

I stepped to each, Andrea second, her baby bump so cute. The sexy Lawan, petite stunner Ni, tall slender Reyna and the pale but sensual Daphne. Last Eve and Ku holding each other's naked bods, I kissed each. We all held hands, "Ladies, this is a very exclusive club I hope you all be happy to be members of for a long time!" Yeas!

I caressed each sex softly, promises of much more! I suggested a meeting in Bangkok and a `ladies only' trip to the Phuket beach house. More loud Yeas! Sun, sand and sex! Everybody was IN!

I climbed into a cute silk bra and panty set, black. Black jeans tight! The long sleeved cutoff top in red with tiny white birds up the arms. Black ankle boots with the solid sole. Various gold bits on various parts of me. Again Patou's Joy.

The others dressed with me and scattered to rooms for final clothes. Went down to see the tree. I stood at the doors to the Great Room the lights and reflections from the ornaments made it glitter. Refractions on the walls, flashes on the paintings and windows enhanced the effect.

Cho joined me from his office, arms around, we hugged and kissed. A cheer from behind as some of the ladies were descending the stairs stopped to watch us. I held Cho's hand up with mine!

We went for coffee! I got a plate of cookies too! Email and texting with assorted folk. Andrea texted from upstairs she was going to stay another night since she'd have to be back tomorrow anyway. I sent a load of smileys.

Kwang texted there had been a short interruption in the internet, over now. The Security folks were finding out why. Everything else was good. Dusit would be sending possible itineraries for my next travel to review.

Text from Eric, all management folks were coming so...I sent back, `we have enough booze!' ...received, big checks and thumbs up's! ...arrival about 0930 in Oxford... Done!

I gave the news to Carter and Carla, no worries! Prasert was doing something under the hood of a car with a helper but the Thai expletives led me to believe it wasn't going how he liked. He started to apologize for the language remembering my new facility with Thai. I told him sometimes my patience is tried too far, a big grin! Did he need some help with the maintenance? Maybe we should find a part-time mechanic just for here? I got a yes.

He was ready for the pickups in Oxford tomorrow!

I gave Reyna a heads up about riding this afternoon, she was ready!

Some wedding stuff, I reviewed ideas from Alia in Bangkok. She'd gotten to drive up to the Forest Palace and walked the grounds. The wedding party in the garden with the main persons on the terrace area by the oval pond. The monks on the grass nearby with Cho and I and our `bests.' Other guests be standing around us and up the pathways to the house. I told her the ceremony would be Buddhist but brief so those that had to stand wouldn't be there long. Notes about how to use the terraces and rooms on the first floor for the reception. She had spoken to the staff there, our cook was ready and several catering firms suggested. I sent it to the wireless printer I put in the office, Cho could look whenever. He texted he saw it. A dozen kissing smileys were sent back!

As far as wedding planning, Cassandra would be here Monday morning. Prasert was on for the pickup in Oxford.

Mr. Thorn called, could I come down for a talk about some school activities? Yes after lunch. Done!

I texted Gregory please saddle Scout & Guy 4 abt 1' ... they'll b ready'

Time to try out one of the geldings, Guy de Maupassant, the gray. Reyna and I walked down after eating; I told her we were going into the village. It would a slow pace, a nice outing.

Scout's eyes were bright, he was ready. Guy also seemed happy to be under tack again. I stroked his face, neck and mane, speaking softly. He nickered, scraping his hooves, ready!

We were up and off. Around the house to the drive walking, talking. Reyna was comfortable on Scout. Guy easily responded, sure-footed. By the time we got to the Oxford Road I felt Guy would be good for guests to ride but the noise and traffic would be a test.

We followed the road on the west side until we were nearly opposite the school. A nice fellow in a lorry stopped for us to cross. Inside the gate we stopped, a teacher saw us coming and alerted Mr. Thorn.

"Ah, Miss Martin, welcome! It is quite nice for you to visit and come this way."

A few faces at the windows again which he got a laugh about. I intro'd Reyna as my friend from Bangkok. I had asked her on the way down if she would talk to a class about Thailand and Bangkok. She had recovered her self-confidence working in a public role at the Red Cross, she was good with it.

I had called ahead to the school to suggest it; Mr. Thorn thought it splendid for the First Form.

At the school door Reyna was escorted to the class and Mr. Thorn and I talked school activities. There was an entertainment evening with the school choir singing and several students playing their instruments. The Youngers were doing the Christmas play and there was a fund-raiser to add a classroom and some storage.

I leaned back in the chair, "how about for the fund-raiser `We' offer to match donations pound for pound? So you'll be so to speak halfway home before you start?"

Mr. Thorn's eyes were WIDE open, "Miss Martin that is very generous. We have building estimates already if you'd like..."

"No, let's say between us and your board up to ten thousand £'s. Do your figures include tables and chairs and the like? Well our donation should put you over for that. So whatever you raise we'll match and then some further for help with the furnishings if needed."

He shook my hand with both of his, a huge smile, "There's definitely a new breeze blowin' down the hill from the Hall! Thank you so much! Should we consider putting your names..."

I smiled now, "Mr. Thorn, it isn't about making a mark but being part of the community. Cho and I have been successful, we wish to give back to those communities we live in."

I gave him a precis of the Chanthira Foundation plans in Thailand, how were going to build clinics to serve a population that needed basic health care.

"There's another small reason, Cho and I are starting a family and you might one day have our children spending time with you."

He liked that! The idea of children from Harcourt House attending here rather than being is some `public' boarding school...

We went down to Miss Jones' class; Reyna was standing beside a world map her fingers making motions. We watched through the glass, the children were paying close attention, rapt.

I felt good inside about Reyna, she was living her life very well now, happy with Thet and work! She had not just changed but progressed!

Reyna saw us and waved me in. Asking me to show some of the places I had been to this year. I described my travels without detail but the trips around the world fascinated them. I told them some had been made to watch Glaa race and how it was wonderful to see him run. Of course also to win!

I had Maeve's attention, bright shining eyes. She asked to meet my horse out front thinking would be Glaa; I told her he was in California training for next year's racing. I did show them some snaps of him. Miss Jones let the class come out front to meet Scout and Guy. Maeve stroked Guy's face softly, he was quiet, a low nicker. I told Maeve that meant he was happy which pleased her no end.

I asked Mr. Thorn about Maeve, she was from a broken home. Her father was raising her after an unpleasant period with her mother after the divorce. She was very bright, a good artist which I knew. I said she spoke well and was curious.

Her father was a mechanic and small time inventor, who'd never made much money although working steady. He was protective of Maeve. His name was Gerry, he worked for a car service just north on the Oxford Road. They lived off Baldon Lane going towards Marsh Baldon in a cottage and his workshop.

Would he let her come up to Harcourt House to meet the horses? Mr. Thorn wasn't sure did I want him to ask?

"No it should come from me. I'll give it a go later."

Reyna came along with a small crowd of First Formers big smiles.

Back up on our horses we turned left out the gate waving goodbye. I took us behind the school into a field then south when we got to Baldon Lane we followed it the right to the Oxford Road. We crossed no traffic. There was an open field we rode through, turning right we heading back to the House drive. I told Reyna I was going to gallop Guy a bit.

Guy responded to the urging! ZOOM!! Quick acceleration as we moved uphill between trees across the grass in front of the house down the slope to the north end connecting road by the paddocks. Damn he could run! I eased him back when we cleared the riverside end of the paddocks and turned up the road to the stables. Reyna was coming in at the other end. She was laughing, "You two were like a rocket!"

Gregory came out, "How was Guy?"

"Calm, responds well, not jittery around cars and he can RUN!"

Reyna laughed, "He can do that!"

I was patting his neck, letting him know I enjoyed the ride. "Andy, he did great! TLC!"

We did fist bumps! Reyna handed over Scout who had such an easy way of going, great for any rider. I went to the stall of the other gelding, the bay named Chesapeake, they'd shortened it to Chess. I asked Anthony to saddle him, he deserved some time too.

In the larger close-in paddock we started slowly making circles. I picked up the pace when I felt him loosen up. Soon I could feel his power as the fences posts whizzed by. I slowed him and went to the gate. Reyna had been watching opened it for us and we headed north downhill. I once again asked for speed.

Chess's response was fabulous! He was faster than Pamela and Guy to accelerate, long strides when he was released! We covered a lot of ground rapidly, through the Fraser's me waving to Young Dan. A faint `Go!' from him.

We were at the Radley's very quickly! I pulled up when I saw Mr. Radley, "Damn Miss you two were moving!"

I was laughing, happy, "Mr. Radley, WOW! This is Chesapeake, he used to be a racer but he's retired with us."

"Well I can see that in him. Nice lines. Sorry he's a gelding."

"Me too but there's many years of riding pleasure in this body." I was patting his neck, stroking his mane.

"Miss you do make me feel happy just watching you fly around."

I thanked him and turned back. First a clippy-clop then speed! Shit! Chess has a lot under that hood. I could dream I was on Shadowfax! We pranced up the road to the stables; Cho was there with a huge grin.

"Gregory called when you took off, I watched from the house with binoculars. Quite a show!"

I slid down into his arms, "Oh Cho he's a runner for sure! Fast and controlled, breathing right, he was well trained!"

I turned to hug Chess, rubbing his neck, "Great run Chess!! Andy lots of TLC for him too."

Andy's grin was big, "Don't you worry Miss!"

Cho led Reyna and I up to the house around to the terrace. Cheers! The Crew had been there with Cho to watch Chess run passing several binoculars around. I was so happy about the ride, glad my friends had seen it.

Lots of hugs and congratulations although I really didn't do anything. It was nice though!!

Cho said TEA! "Get yourself washed up!"

Reyna and I dashed upstairs! A quick shower, into a blue dress, mid-thigh, short sleeves and a matching cardigan with white piping. Blue heels and gold jewelry!! I small dab of Patou's Joy on my neck and wrists for Cho!

Reyna held my hand as we entered the Great Room! Tea and Christmas tree! MMMMM Sue had done some lovely cookies, scones...AND the fruit cake from Texas!! I gobbled several little salmon paste thingies...sipped my tea and piled a plate with cookies and several pieces of fruit cake!! Jian pointed this out to Eve and Ku who both knew my capabilities when it came to eating!!

Cho smiling at me distracted me and he grabbed several cookies. I was too loaded down to to chase him. I did get a kiss as payment!

The fruit cake was terrific! Moist, rich, SWEET, just like it was made at home!! More!!!

I hooked Cho with a look, "I just gave away about ten thousand £'s!" He laughed, "Tell me!"

I gave him the deal which got me a hug and kiss, "Matching is good, real encouragement for everyone. You are right if we are here for an extended period it would be perfect to send our children there! What is the phrase...YES! It would be `spot on.'"

I was relieved of my tea and goodies for a good kiss and hug. Oh my I liked this, spend lots of money and be applauded and kissed!! Deal!

Cho and Adam had spent hours talking horses and business in regard to politics. On a sofa with Adam I got some, "The Tories look to stay a while despite some ridiculous austerity policies which might fool the man in the street but no serious observer. A lot of hurt for a great many to lower some taxes for those who don't need lower taxes. It's difficult to defend. Off my soapbox."

A big grin, "We were kicking around property and business taxes. Cho has an accountancy slash tax firm that has a mandate from him to pay the appropriate tax, no fudging. Easiest thing I believe, it hurts sometimes but I hate skullduggery about taxes, it's so debasing for both sides. His investments will actually lower some tax, odd as that sounds."

I sipped, "Those same tax folks are doing mine too. I've a big bump in salary and next year bonuses and Board fees. HM Revenue and Customs will get a big check from me too. I have a footprint in America now with Cho, so..."

We laughed; I moved the topic to horses. I gave Adam my take on Guy and Chess and that other retired racers would be welcome but not all geldings. He was glad I'd ridden them both. Chess' turn of speed pleased me he could see that, "I may have two or three other possibilities but if you aren't going to get into breeding the geldings may be better for you."

I'd think about it but it was unlikely we'd look for studs with `retirees' so he may be right but I encouraged him to look around. "In the late winter Cho is shipping in a few young ones to ready for racing here. More stables and a training track will start construction after the holidays so we should be ready."

Adam's smile, "This is so gratifying to see. More owners racing and training. The horsey set that whinges about hunting' bores me shitless! Racing and equestrian trials as the Yanks call it eventing' really test the skill of rider and horse." Adam laughed, "I've nothing against foxes."

We both smiled at that bot mot.

"Things could be interesting in America. Cho is going to ship Hansa to Sam and Beverly's place in New York. She's full sister to Glaa, she'll be a two year old. A precocious one!"

Adam loved that; he'd be looking forward to her training period reports. If all went well we'd point Saratoga in the summer for her first start.

"Glaa's dam is in foal with another colt and his sire has two others coming. Very busy!"

I was pulled away by some of the Crew, Lawan leading, "We have to do baby showers but when and where?"

"How about we do both Eve and Andrea at the beach house get together? We'll be alone, no men. Even the security will be female, I promise. And let's have them in on it so we don't have to do any hiding of the plans? Okay?"

Clapping of hands with the chorus of Yeas! We gathered everyone; I held Daphne's hand, "You and Sara!" A salacious wink!

Andrea and Eve were GOOD with it! I'd do the planning with Jian.

Cho pulled me into the office like there was something important he needed to tell. He pulled me close inside the door KISS KISS KISS!!! Better than tea biscuits anytime!

"You look very nice My Dear and smell very nice also!"

Snuggled into his neck. Arms wound around each other. Still!

Dinner was an Indian buffet. Samosa's, pakoras, dal, aloo gobi, two different rice dishes, several paneers!! Curried veggies! Naan! Salads and fruit. Newcastle's to soothe the tongue. Quite a feast.

Turned out one of the local ladies helping Carla was was from Lucknow, married to a former squaddie. She was the lead on the dinner. I asked Carter to have her come up for a thank you which did overwhelm her a bit. Carla hugged her. We were all pleased and she knew it. That was the point!

On the terrace with Cho, a mac' thrown over my shoulders, "I wanted to tell you before tomorrow. It is official we own sixty eight percent of the stock in The Company. The current by-laws have two thirds as the power point for any board changes. So you are in with Reg, Eric and I. Kanda gave her okay earlier today with the proviso she may have to do long distance meetings."

My hand in his I reached up for a kiss, "Do you know which board members will go?"

We discussed it for a few minutes more then joined the others. They were laughing about the pickup football game they'd had. Thang, Kavnu, Thet and Ni versus the stable and garden staff. Not really a game as they only used one goal and swapped attacking but it had been fun. Anthony had been goalie for both sides as he was for his local team.

Ni had scored from a Thet ball played through, nice finish low in the corner! I could see she was thrilled.

In the dark curled up, a warm hand between my legs, "You are doing okay with the riding?"

Yes! I hadn't had any issues. Quietly, "Please fuck me Sir!"

It might have worked except for all the laughter! We giggled, kissed and spooned. That hand came back, one of mine over it. So warm, so welcome!

More curses from me about the cold tile floor but I was the one to blame as I'd done NOTHING! Into riding clothes FAST! The house still asleep, espresso machine made it's grinding noises and spit out hot strong brown stuff. I nuked two scones. Off down the road to the barns.

Andy readied Pamela. Damn she looked great! I passed on the second scone to him with a wink. A leg up. I steered Pamela out to the north again. Down the slope fast walking in the level field where the training track would go we burst into a gallop.

The feel of her power under me was always a wonder. Such strength!

The Fraser's were up; I waved to the two Daniels as we sped past. Mrs. Radley called to stop for tea on the way back; I did a wave to her. We rocked on. I aimed us to the berm we'd come down the other day from the church.

I eased Pamela as the end of the berm approached; we walked down the lane to Church Rd. Right, we crossed the field east of the church. Pretty quiet so it was easy to go along the Henley Road to a crossover of the A4074. There was the auto place where Maeve's dad Gerry worked.

They were surprised as we walked into the yard. I laughed and asked for a check of my tyres. The small crowd of men had a good chuckle and Gerry stepped up when I asked to speak to Maeve's dad.

Medium height, medium looks, sort of ordinary but nice. I slid down holding Pamela. "My I call you Gerry?"

He agreed. "Surely Miss. You're the one she's been talking about."

I agreed. "We wondered if Maeve could come up to the house to meet our horses. She'd seemed quite interested. Also if you had a mind to talk to our driver, car manager person about some work. He needs some help. I don't think it'd be fulltime but he's the better judge."

Gerry eyes came up to mine, my face open and flushed from the ride. He smiled, "I think Maeve would enjoy seeing your horses, it is certainly fine with me. Did you mean after school or..."

I said anytime. We'd see she got some tea and cakes. He smiled at that, "Well the cakes will go over well I'm sure."

"The man for you to speak to is Prasert. He's our regular driver. I think you should talk to Carter and Gregory about the other vehicles as the stable folks aren't mechanics." I gave him Prasert's cell number with a `he's around a lot right now.' Or just come up with Maeve if it worked out.

Gerry gave me a leg up, "I was nice to meet you Gerry. Tell Maeve to come up when she can."

We waved as I turned Pamela for home. Traffic was a bit more now but we took it easy crossing the bridge over the A4074. The slow pace continued until we were back in the lane to the berm off Church Rd.

I leaned over Pamela's neck, "Ready to run girl?" A loud nicker and we were off. Soaring down the lane onto the berm. The feeling of the cold air rushing by as she flew along the dirt road gave me a thrill! When we debouched into the long field I urged her on. A new gear, Pamela was going... faster than ever! Chess' would be put to it to keep up. Pamela amazed me with this run to the Radley's.

Her hoof beats brought out Mrs. Radley as we eased into her yard. "Welcome!"

We laughed; I slid down and walked Pamela a bit talking with Deanna. I let Pamela rip at some grass with Mr. Radley's blessing, "God I hate to mow, go on girl!"

Warm tea mug and fire! I asked about their name. "Yes Miss there's been Radley's about here for centuries. We've bits of land and farmed for a while. Our oldest is farming on a nice piece of land just the other side of Oxford, cows and veggies and kids. The other son is in London but he's coming back here. He likes the city but there's a grandchild on the way. They want their babes to be brought up in the country. So they'll live with us."

I could see Deanna was happy about that, "Miss it'll be nice to have little ones around!

Turned out Mr. Radley was on the St. Thomas School board so he kidded me about the donation for the new classroom. "Damn! I and the others are glad you've moved in. We need a bit of a kick in the pants but don't make it just money, which is needed, get involved."

I told them about Reyna's small bit yesterday and mine. And that some of the other guests coming would do the same.

"That's it; we need the little ones to know about the world and not all from the telly or internet. A grand idea my dear!"

After tea and a very NICE raisin muffin Pamela and I were off. We walked a bit, then a slow canter then speed! Pamela's muscles flexed against my legs, I was low on her neck as we passed the Fraser's place. She was in full flight again crossing the lower grassy land; I eased her down by the road to the stables we were smartly walking. Greeted first by Thames' little woofs, Gregory's head out of the office, "Miss, how are you two today?"

I gave him our story which raised eyebrows, "Well that's an adventure. Pam's a runner truly. ANDY!"

The very same popped up, teeth showing, "Miss I you coming home, she looked as fast as Chess yesterday."

"I think Pamela extended herself today. Please see if she has any issues. Some muscles were really used."

Andy promised! I gave Thames some body work which he delighted in, scampering around me, woofing happily. He came with me to the house, Carla outside; she spotted us and got a treat for him.

I got coffee and went up to the breakfast room to see who's up. Bam! I was jumped by Jian. No coffee spilled but it was close. A huge hug and kiss!

"Fay you look so special riding and sexy in these clothes. They show off your body!!"

She and Ting were going up to London today to check in on their new home across Basuto Rd. from ours. The night at ours and then back if all was well. I waved to them as the car moved away. Cho's arm around me, The Company folks would be here soon, so... A butt pat sent me to the showers!

Reyna and Thet, Ni and Kavnu, Thang and Lawan were going into Oxford with Daphne for a tour and shopping! Tea at a little place Daphne knew that served a `high tea' in the old manner!

Black skinny jeans, red long sleeved top with black polka dots and black ankle boots, gold bits on me! Cho, Andrea and I were out front to greet our guests. Reg, Jared, Arthur, Michael and Douglas with Eric climbed out of the cars. Handshakes and hugs!

In the library we had tea and goodies to start. Parked in big chairs and on sofas Cho got started. He explained why he began to acquire The Company, a few looks my direction. Cho laughed, then told them about withdrawing from the Board of Directors of the Railroad after meeting me. He went through seeing what we were doing and liking our work. Once Eric was in charge greater interest in purchasing a controlling amount of shares.

Now, there'd be board changes and an infusion of money for R&D and personnel but the current management arrangements would be preserved. Motioning to Michael and I, Cho said when our local staff became overloaded or rather before, we would consider sub-regional offices or `under'-regional managers.

Reg's department will see the largest amount of money right away and a big smile, "as it has been already put to Andrea there'll be pressure to expand our employment base!"

She held up her clasped hands waving them back and forth. We all laughed, Andrea did say that hiring in the provinces needed to continue to help London. Michael asked me for my list of interview questions. Thumbs up!

"We need to listen to our people for ideas, trends and skills we can use to make our business better Let your folks know we value them and their ideas."

Cho smiled, "Plenty of these things are simple, commonplace but we get out of the habit of listening. Eric's listening was a prime motivator to me. Let all of you pass it on!"

Eric went over budgets and The Company had purchased the headquarters building and will occupy the whole thing except for an office for Cho until we broke for lunch.

Carla served a Tuscan white bean and garlic soup! It smelled so good!! Toasted bread covered in cheese, olives and assorted cut veggies with a sour cream dip. Cut fruit and cheese! Yummy!

I buttonholed Cho and later Carter about Gerry and Maeve. Carter didn't know him but a good mechanic is always good to talk to about the multiple things around the house. Cho was up for any and all contact with the local people!

We met again for some nuts and bolts things and for us to contribute to a message to be sent to all employees explaining the ownership arrangements and what to expect. I winked at Cho who put out his hand, I slipped into his lap. There were smiles all around at us. I was happy he did it!

Upstairs changing to ride, Cho's head in my dressing room door, "Cold enough for extras underneath?"

I advised not. OK! This time I was in black with an electric blue tie on my white shirt. Michael came prepared as I had suggested, he joined us looking very proper. He was amazed at my outfit; the hat/helmet threw him!

We got him up on Scout, Cho on Guy and Chess was hoof scraping when he was saddled. He had very bright eyes, nickering!

Up, I led us out and down the road going north. I kept the pace moderate. We waved to Dan Senior as we crossed the Fraser's near the river. After that I got Chess to open up some easily putting some space between us. I rushed by the Radley's heading straight towards Sandford, Chess moving fast but well within himself. I pulled at the edge of the asphalt road walking him in circles waiting. Cho had an enormous grin, "Damn he does go!"

"I didn't ask him there's more in here!" I was patting his neck as Michael arrived. We walked along Church Rd. I pointed out the pub, the Kings Arms. We stopped, tied the boys to a railing and went in. We made a minor bit of excitement upon entering. The guys got pints of bitters, I passed. Just looking around, I went out to see the lock in action. A narrow barge was exiting going north. They should get our technology!

I got a call from Gregory that Maeve had arrived to visit. "Please introduce her to the horses and we will be back in a little while."

He said call Carter. Gerry had come up with his daughter to talk about doing at least part-time work for us. Carter liked him and he had excellent references. He wasn't working full-time now so...From me, "If you have work let him get stuck in!"

Carter laughed, "Yes Miss Gregory and I'll find something."

I let Cho know, his arm around my waist, "Do-gooder!" We both laughed!!

The men finished their beers and we headed back. I left them far back as Chess was asked, he delivered the speed I expected. I paused at the Radley's for them to catch up. Mr. Radley, I didn't know his first name and Deanna were pleased to meet Cho. We chatted briefly; I told them we had a date to meet Maeve. I could see Mr. Radley's eye as he turned towards me and a thumbs up. Cho promised to return to talk.

We thundered off, Chess carrying me away at speed. I waited in the field we were turning into a training track. Cho rode the parameter, "This is good! Not much grading! It should not take much time."

I could see Maeve with Sebastian on the bench outside the office, Thames was off with Anthony. She came over as I slid down.

"I saw you coming very fast then you stopped down there."

I told her about what was to be built down there. I introduced Cho and Michael. She got to meet our three horses. I went with her to Pamela's stall; she had seen her but now came in with me. We shared giving Pam a carrot. Maeve got a kick out of that. Stroking Pamela's face, hearing a nicker thrilled her!

We walked up to the house for some cookies meeting her dad in the kitchen. We munched on cookies and had tea in the breakfast room.

Maeve liked animals, forever feeding birds and squirrels her dad said. No live-in pets though. "Our cottage is too small for us,' smiling, he'd had dogs as a child missed it sometimes.

"She's welcome to come up here to visit our crowd,' I turned to Maeve, "But you need to do what the staff asks for your safety, Okay?"

She vigorously nodded with a mouthful cookie. Gerry gave Maeve a look she chewed quickly and swallowed, "Yes Dad I will!" Settled!

We filled the dining table pretty good tonight. My crew, Adam and Daphne and The Company folks. For the first time Cho was at the head of the table and me at the foot. Not fancy but a nice long sleeved black frock, black stockings and heels with a whole lot silver things on wrists, fingers and neck!

Very nice rustic Italian dinner from Carla! Minestrone, good warm way to start. Lots of bread and butter. Vegetarian manicotti in a thick tomato sauce, garlicy! Lovely cheese stuffing! A Sue special angel food cake! Two layers a carroty icing! She did little horses on the top of each piece!! Espresso and afters in the Great Room.

We sat around talking, sipping beside that wonderful tree. It was marvelous to smell and watch it glitter!!

Carter leaned over next to me, "Miss several boxes arrived today. I have them put aside in my office for you." We smiled, fist bumps. A co-conspirator in Christmas surprises for Cho!

Before bed I went to pee, a rug in the bathroom! From each door, in front of the sinks but away from the shower and tub. Cho must have heard my cursing! Naked I exploded into the room he was waiting though; I was scooped up for a kiss and hug!!!

Under the covers we kissed more and explored. I went deep for dick. Wow! I found one HhhhhMmmmm tasty thing! I had my tongue working on the foreskin I wanted it to reveal my prize! Pre-cum! Damn it's so sweet. Cho was holding up the covers watching me eat his cock.

"Fay you are so good at that!"

Praise! I loved this penis so it was easy.

I licked the shaft getting it ready for my hand, my small hand around the tube, piston and cylinder! The balls were next; I sucked each for a few minutes thoroughly wetting them rubbing my nose and lips over them as the hand worked on the cock!

I went to sucking on the cock deep and hard, Cho didn't let it go on for long as we twisted to sixty-nine!!!

Shit he did such nice things to my pussy, that tongue...MAGIC!!! A few minutes then on my back giggling, "Fuck me! I want you!" Cho was laughing, "You do not sound sure!"

I slid him inside me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa YES! YES! We kissed, "Cho love me good!!"

A master at work, he was very controlled in using his penis. Deep strokes so nice...Cho lifted my left leg, half turning Shit he was IN! I arched up for a kiss one arm around his neck I stayed bent his hips flicking the cock in!! Oh the man!!

"Turn over baby!" Cho lifted my hips, a straight doggie firm hands holding my waist the cock giving me thrills...my first orgasm.

SHIT SHIT CHO!!! I know I was loud but the heat washed over me...Cho held as he non-stop fucked me. I was eased flat he did push-ups driving the prick with long strokes, powerful strokes.

The covers slid away as Cho lifted me up, laid back grinning I climbed aboard guiding that lovely thing back inside.

"Go on horsewoman ride me!!" OH YES! Hands on his shoulders, hips rising and falling then scooting back and forth. His fingers went to my rigid nipples, little pulls and twists on my rings...I had my second orgasm driving my sex down onto that cock.

I was stiff, impaled as those stunning feelings went over me again!!! Cho had the cutest wicked grin, "Go on now ride me girl!!"

Damn this was enjoyable! I squeezed my thighs on his and took off like I was on Chess, gripping him with my vagina! It didn't take long after that for Cho to cum. He arced up gripping my hips holding tight and still on him!! The pulsing cock felt wonderful, each spasm, I could feel them!

We were `locked' like that for a few minutes I gradually laid over him. Our heaving chests together! Smiles and soft kisses! A chill came quickly we gathered the bed covers over us lying face to face pressing on each other. I caressed that face with fingers, lips, nose, a bit of tongue.

Cho laughed, held me tight, "So did I do as you asked?"

"Oh Sir I feel so good!"

We laughed a lot. "I feel special! Cho wants to fuck me!" More laughter.

There was a quick wash; I thanked him for the bathroom rug!! Kisses!

Spooning Cho crossed his arms around me squeezing lightly, my neck kissed. Sleep.

MMMMMM Nice rugs! No freezing feet this morning!! I zoomed through dressing and dashed down the stairs, Coffee and scones, out the door. I was met by Thames half way down; he got a bit of my scone but no coffee, too young!

Andy had Pamela ready! I swapped her reins for a scone. Andy was good with it! Leg up. We walked out down the road heading south. Andy knew which way I was going.

We went down by the river, nothing moving! Some fog but thin along the water. We had a good gallop down to where I'd seen the island which failed to ask Cho about. The ugly house across the river was lit up but all fuzzy in the gloom.

Round about we passed through scattered trees on an old road to the big open fields. Directly south now heading for the Culham Sci Centre the grass passing under Pamela's hooves quickly. We went under the power lines at the southern end of the Centre's boundary. I stopped to look at the old hanger now some kind of business thing, big bugger. We skirted the fence heading east cutting through several tree lines to see Clifton Hampden again.

Staying clear of the village we bent around a spinney going to the north. Passing Kate's house I didn't see anyone, it was still early. I asked Pamela, she responded willingly. Damn it was nice to be out here riding with her. I enjoyed her effort!

No much wind, cold but after a good run we throttled back to cross a second tree line, I caught a blue flash through the trees. Certainly not natural.

We wheeled around to look, a tent in the bush not far in from the field's edge. I stopped and called out. A second time and a head appeared knit hat not easy to identify male or female. I called for them to come over to the field.

It was a man not too tall, slim, clothes not meant for camping. Scruffy face, dank hair.

"Hello... Why are you camped here?"

He didn't seem to be afraid but no answer. "This land isn't a camping site; please explain why you are here?"

I sensed he had decided I was going to cause him trouble, tenseness then he jumped forward. He was too far and too slow. Pamela went forward at my urging scaring him with her bulk. I wheeled around him he tried to dodge but got bumped, knocked off his feet. I backed away now pulling out my phone. The panic app again for a GPS data send and called Security. Gave them the info.

The fellow was sitting there head between his knees, dejection, not crying but not trying to run. I remained a careful distance but moving about to keep Pamela loose. The Range Rovers arrived, three this time. Cho too but the Security guys were on point now.

Cho stood beside me to get the story. A Security man came over, "He has a simple but beat up tent, clothes, food. No evidence of a fire. No one else."

I slid down walking with Cho over to the fellow sitting there. Security shook their heads when Cho asked if he'd said anything.

Cho leaned down, "Can you tell me why you are camping here?"


Cho had them collect his things, bring him up the house to the Security offices, get him some food then try to talk to him.

Cho gave me a leg up, "Home now Okay?"

I gave him a salute which got me a shake of that gorgeous head. I urged Pamela into a slow trot. We slowly built up speed. She was soaring once more as we neared low pasture before the fences. Eased up she pranced up the road, happy girl! We were greeted by woofs from Thames. I liked that Pamela didn't mind the little fellow. I slid off and rubbed Thames for a few minutes.

Andy pointed towards the office. Ah, Sebastian has a friend. A cute looking short hair orange and white tabby sitting beside him, "Boy or girl?"

Andy laughed, "I'm not going to try to find out thank you Miss. No bleeding for me!"

I went over but they moved off, Okay...no sense in forcing it.

I waved to Gregory and walked up to the house. More coffee! In the breakfast room, "More adventures?" From Eric.

"Not much just a camper." I found Cho on the phone in the office, a finger up so I leaned on the door jamb. He was off, "The fellow hasn't said anything, may be food and heat will help."

The Company folks would be off shortly, Andrea too. Up in her room we kissed, "Fay I can't believe how happy I'm now. No feeling of strain even from the pressure of work. Ting called last night, the building is going so well. We can move in before the baby is born and get all prepared! My sister is coming up so she can meet Jian and Ting."

"Where at yours? Do you have a shoehorn?" We laughed.

"No Jian and Ting will be at yours we'll meet there."

Eve is coming up with me on Friday and we'll stay over one night. The Crew' is leaving Sunday. So it'll be empty around here for a few days. You can come down whenever you want."

A big hug! One of Carter's fellows got her bags.

On the forecourt we said goodbyes. We'd see most everyone multiple times before the holidays were over. Cho's arm around me as the cars crunched out.

I washed up and put on some red skinny jeans and a white jumper and black ankle boots. The lapis lazuli set and the triple entwined bracelets. The gold ankh around my neck. `Joy'

I asked Cho if I should try to talk to the woods camper. He asked me to wait since I did have a confrontation with him. Okay!

Laptop out, coffee and a plate of Sue's cookies. Email and travel prep and presentation updates. In the library, quiet, just me tapping away.

I sat with the Walt Kelly cartoon books for a while. He was a satirist with a wicked pen sometimes. He surely didn't like nixon! Who could? But he never drew him only reference was as a figure always out of view!

Pogo such a lovely fellow!!!! Nice and generous to all and sundry.

I went rummaging behind the chair where Malee had found the Pogo books. There were Asterix books! Almost two dozen!! Numbers one through twenty one! And George Herriman's Krazy Kat!!!! The granddaddy of newspaper cartoonists! The astonishing range of Krazy Kat's adventures and personas was so wonderful!! My dad was a fan. I had Herriman books at Basuto Road from Dad, nicely bound, handsome books!

Cho found me sitting on the floor. I showed them to him but he had never been exposed to anything like this. To enjoy them some context was needed for Pogo but Krazy Kat was a wild thing! I put them back no forgetting this collection!!

We sat to talk about my work for a while. I had reports from the water projects to review and client reviews of the process and finished product too. I would do some during travel tomorrow.

After lunch the Security team leader Thomas joined us to consider our camper. He had eaten and washed and spoken. He was jobless and pushed out by his girlfriend a few months back. Not a domestic dispute, he guessed there was someone else. He had been scrounging around getting food here and there and camping in different places.

I inquired, `Did we know anything about him other than that? What kind of work? Other family? Was he from around here?'

Thomas said he would ask. Thomas had a somewhat local background, "There's not a lot of social service agencies right near here. He'd have to go into Oxford or Abingdon. He said he'd try to find out about the fellow's geography to see where he might have tried to get help.

Ok for now. Cho looked at me, I got it, the camper wasn't a puppy.

I packed a bag for tomorrow's early departure.

All the girls met in the library for a movie. I suggested a comedy romance? Okay! `The Crimson Pirate'

A Burt Lancaster period piece about Caribbean pirates and evil Spanish overlords. Vivid Technicolor and lots of action, swords fights, pretty ladies and acrobatics with many fine views of Burt's splendid body! A wild fun movie!

Stuffed with popcorn and candy we lay about after laughing about how over the top much of it was but entertaining!! No movie tonight though we were going out to dinner, Carla gets a break.

Reyna and I dressed up for a ride, Cho was on his phone, sad face, maybe he'd catch up with us. Anthony had Scout and Chess ready. I told Anthony that we'd be in close to the north. I wanted Reyna to work on her handling and other bits. She clearly liked riding; the lessons in Bangkok had given her confidence. Our rides so far hadn't been very strenuous so today it is skills. She worked hard using her body and Scout until I gave them a break.

"Keeping doing those things I'm going to take this boy for a run and come back to you."

I urged Chess northward; he was warmed up so asking him was good. Speed! Yea! We whizzed across the Fraser's, Anne waving. We crossed onto the Radley's place before turning for home. I slowed near the Fraser's house, Anne was still there. We chatted for a few minutes. I rejoined Reyna, Cho had come down on Guy.

He was helping her as I approached. I leaned for a kiss, "So you two have a nice run?"

"Chess and Guy need to run, it's been their lives. It's what we should do for them."

Cho got a call, "the camper asked to speak with us."

We handed over our boys to Anthony and Andy. Sebastian let me pick him up, no issues but I could see it wasn't his favorite thing. I deposited him on the bench where there was some sun left. The little ginger cat was next to the fence, not running but not looking to close the distance. Fine!

We changed; I thought it better to be in ordinary clothes than riding attire. A black and red tartan skirt, white long sleeved shirt and a black cardigan sweater, black heels. Some gold, not too much.

His name was Francis, he'd been in banking, moving up when the 2008 recession hit. The bank retrenched then failed. Not only was he out of a job but other banks weren't hiring or didn't want someone from his bank. He tried some other avenues but there wasn't anything going.

He ended unloading trucks at a warehouse in London's northern suburbs, poor money, no benefits, not right for him but... His family life slid away as his partner' became shrill and demeaning about his earnings. She did hair' so had a steady income.

Then he surmised she had met someone else and worked to get him out. She had a sharp tongue and used it. He'd left three months ago; he called it `escape.' Mostly sleeping rough since, getting harder as the cold moved in.

He apologized for being aggressive this morning towards me; he said frustration and fear made him act out of character. As for camping in our woods it had been so quiet and empty. He hadn't lit a fire or anything. A man near Old Baldon had given him a big bag of chemical heat packets after asking him to leave his property. Those had kept him warm enough, hardly I thought.

Cho asked him what he did for the bank. He'd been in financial analysis for a division which supported the banks' mergers and acquisition department. He'd created spreadsheets and documents that buttressed or contested company's claims about their financial soundness.

I could see wheels turning in Cho's head, Ah a puppy for him! I was silent. I gave Cho's cheek a kiss, a big smile too.

I gathered the folks for a dinner out in Oxford, drinks at the Varsity Club to start. A very sleek LITTLE Black Dress' snug to all my bits, thigh highs in deep black, black stilettos, silver jewelry. A black leather jacket cut at the waist sleeves folded back, black leather opera gloves! Red nails and lips! RED! Joy' in a few places! I was a SIGHT according to Cho. Jian's eyes were BIG when she saw me, "Fay oh my!"

The Varsity Club was a bit crowded as the light rain kept folks off the roof garden. Then a short drive to Brassiere Blanc. French for Cho! But me too!

A Campari to start, then the Trempettes with more olives I shared with Lawan, Ni and Kavnu and I split an Anchovies Appetiser with Cho.

Main course I went for Maman Blanc's salad, roast hake fillet!!! Very well done. The fish was perfectly cooked!

Afters, well they nice choices but I decided on the Normandy apple tart and a share of a Fromage plate for three with Cho and Thet. Yes! Amaretto and espresso!!! I sniffed Cho's Calvados Vincent, very nice bouquet.

A nice night out. I was snuggled against Lawan on the drive home, warm, full of food! Cho was in the other car, the last thing I heard was something about a game of poker before the car door closed. Not me!

The `guys' were in the game room, seemed to be settled in. I kissed Cho goodnight. I walked upstairs with Lawan, big hug!

I slipped into bed, alone for a change but happy Cho and the guys were having some time together. Even though most of them worked for him they were good men to be friendly with!

I was awake early, Cho had come in late kissed me, slid against by back and I went back to sleep in his arms. I washed and dressed for the run up to London. Black mid-thigh skirt with black stockings and ankle boots. White long sleeved blouse and red cardigan. Silver jewelry and a black bag with a silver clasp closure.

Eve in a very nice expecting' dress, navy with white cuffs and navy tights and heels. We looked quite professional! Prasert had a big smile holding the door. We rolled out making soft crunching sounds. Cho had been funny when I tried to say goodbye, he was under the covers, I had to root around to get a kiss. I also got a be safe' and a smile like sunlight!!

PJ and Shira were in the jump seats, both playing with an update to our Panic App provided by Ni and her coders. At Harcourt House the Security team had already placed sensors and GPS boosters on the added property to the south and across the river. The iPhone tracking was good for within one foot now making the App very accurate. Our `camper' Francis' foray into the woods wouldn't be possible now without setting off a sensor.

Eve and I chatted a bit then I started reading some reports from the water and scanning projects and Eve did email with her assistant Tono. I called Aileen, she and Sue would be down to Harcourt House Tuesday for a few days. Horses! I called Adam Declare after seeing his email, "Yes we have the space...Cho's onboard...I'm going back Saturday early afternoon...I don't have a start date for the track but it'll be soon if I know Cho...yes both of you in Bangkok...golf is Cho's domain...he was buried in bed when I left."

Eve sitting there in the car my hand on her tummy a beatific smile, "Fay I haven't been sick much only a few times and those not a big deal. It's an amazing process my body is doing new things..." she leaned over, "boy do I pee more!" We giggled squeezing hands.

At The Company office I swiped in to be greeted by Karla coming up from the canteen with a latte. Cute slacks and red jumper looking quite happy. A hug and kiss, I told her I'd come up and annoy her later. Eve went to the server folks offices they had plans for some `things' so look out! PJ took Shira up to Administration for an ID badge.

Jodie, Eric's PA said go in, huge smile. Eric typing, "Sit Sit!"

He punched the email to send, "We have a company-wide meeting for next Thursday morning. Planning to have about sixty percent or more here in the city the rest on a video feed. Cho will be introduced; he will do the explanations with all the management team contributing about their departments."

Okay fine! "I've reviewed the project reports from my area, they are uniformly great! The water projects are amazing given the newness of it all. Like the original Dutch one they work as advertised with the software improvements even better!"

We talked about the scanner ventures, the collaboration with MAN on the video device and other bits. We walked to the canteen for coffee at the door he was surprised by a notice about cookies at tea-time. A grin, "You call Fortnum and Mason?"

I pled guilty as the canteen manager waved, she was laughing about the banner, "It's great! We've enough for several days!" I got a hug!

Charlotte, Arthur's PA, bounced out from her chair for a hug! She steered me into his office. Arthur came around the desk to sit with me in the guest chairs. "We've warehoused parts for the water projects in the US and our supplier is positioned for quick delivery of more. Reg's stressing the use of `generic' equipment makes a huge difference in the supply train. I'm sure Andrea will tell you, your four trainees are over at the Dutch project and will be back in..." a look at his watch, "in two hours. Go talk to her."

I was holding his hand, "Fay you've made a massive impact on The Company in just about every sphere! Now with Cho coming in we have more opportunities!' A cheek kissed, "You two and Eric are moving us to a much much higher profile, we will see more business...a sharply upwards trajectory..."

I had my arm around him, "If there is underlying concern in some minds...Cho and Eric know about too much too soon and are on guard about it!" He got it!

Andrea was coming from the loo when I reached her door, "That's as predicted, more peeing!" Wry grin!

"Your four are at the top of the class with Jasmin's departure. From this group we've only had one to drop out and that for health reasons. We haven't severed connections but done a sort of un-paid leave giving her a chance to return if possible."

I let her know Kwang had placed ads in journals and select newspapers in the US and would co-ordinate the inflow of CV's, etc... with Dusit and Jian and make a plan for interviews. Maybe Andrea could go to the U.S. and join me? She was up for that!!!

I wanted to have a selection of possibles to interview around the days I'd be in California to watch Glaa race, early March and early April.

Eve texted she was going to lunch with the server folks. Okay! Michael and Karla were going out for a `secret' mission?? She'd tell later!

Reg and I walked around to the Churchill Arms. They were going down to Harcourt House for Christmas Day doings Rona's last outing! We settled in for EATING! We shared half dozen dishes, very tasty but my dear Amporn is better!!!

I called Cho sitting in the guest chair in Michael's, "What did you do with Francis? I forgot about him."

He was in one of the bed-sit apartments for staff near the stables with a pile of folders from Cho. My man gave him some company info to review like he did at the bank and report to Cho about it. Cho had already rejected buying the company but set it up as a test. AND no Francis wasn't a puppy!!

My laughing didn't make him defensive, well maybe just a little bit. He laughed, "No sense in not testing is there?"

I had to agree and promised not to go overboard with my teasing which got me a `Yeah Sure' response. It was so lovely to banter with him. Damn this being in love was quite special!!!

He casually mentioned that a second Boeing 767 300er XL had been delivered as planned; it had the same extra-long range and STOL capabilities. It has a different interior, no office and four suites; larger lounge seating and all the seats are First Class sleepers plus the male/female accommodations for flight crew on the deck below. Newer engines with more thrust but quieter! Okay, I'm good with that!

I told him Adam was having some horses sent over tomorrow; they were to arrive in late afternoon when I'd be back. Another retiree and a mare.

I spent time with the Mac APP team going over feedback I'd received and my own ideas. Afterwards I sat with Karla, she showed me her wrist with a bandage?? She and Michael had each other's initials tattooed there. She had started hormones, I gave her my sage advice on what to expect.

They were going to move in together soon, Michael's place would be fixed up some for them. She'd met his parents, who didn't know her status yet, all went well though, nice people.

Eve and I took the Tube home with Andrea. PJ and Shira with us. Prasert had a key and had dropped our bags. He'd be by in the morning to take us shopping then to Harcourt House. We stopped by the Indian restaurant for a takeaway I'd called in. They were happy to see me again!

It was nice to walk in the neighborhood, getting quite dark as we got home.

Jian and Ting where there already! We ate in the kitchen spreading out the food on the counters; Jian did the Newcastle pouring for us, Eve, Andrea, Shira and PJ had Cokes. We were talking shop and sex and Ku and Cho and babies and Ting and Jian's new home and other weighty matters.

Andrea's sister had been in town had liked them both; there had been a hilarious evening meal full of fun.

I tugged Eve into our room, a kiss, "You're in here with me."

Andrea and Jian and Ting were in the other big bedroom. Shira and PJ had the small ones.

A very fine smile, HUG! We stripped and snuggled, talking about how she and Ku fit so well despite their different backgrounds. "It's something that makes us mesh, we think alike so sometimes we finish each other's thoughts. Scary but quite wonderful for us. She's teaching me Thai so I hope to catch up to you!"

I mentioned the love' thing, we laughed. A sweet kiss. I stroked her growing tummy; I put my ear to it, quiet. Eyes locked, we knew that the love' word was for us too. Eve whispered the big word `FAMILY,' true, we had become that.

I was behind Eve to spoon. I was asleep quickly, warm and happy.

I did coffee and warmed the rolls and cut fruit before the others trooped down. Nice to kiss each one a `good morning' and squeeze into the eating nook. All dressed and packed we walked over the road to the apartment building, in their apartment all the demolition was done and the new walls and things were going in! The cutout to the roof was finished with the stairs up to a work/storage room that opened onto the newly fenced flat area. A great place for summer gatherings and for the kids!

In spring the replacement of all the buildings windows would begin and new appliances for each tenant would follow, common areas getting spruced up and the lifts updated. The building wasn't gorgeous but functional and in the right place!!

Prasert had just arrived as we walked back to mine; he had a larger car for the six of us. I was itching to see Cho being away was hard, traveling was hard! We dropped Andrea at hers in Hounslow then on to Harcourt House skipping the shopping.

Cho was waiting at the door with Carter. I got a big kiss! Eve too from Ku!

Timing excellent, lunch! Big thick toasted cheese sandwiches with a nifty potato salad. Little red potatoes boiled skin on mixed with hard boiled eggs, black olives, sliced red onion and a yoghurt olive oil sauce. Some pepper and dill. Nice!

We changed to riding attire and walked down to the stables as Declare's shipment was about fifteen minutes out. Thames woofed around us, Cho giving him a rub. I sat on the bench by the office with Sebastian, his ginger friend sitting on a barrel five feet away. Gregory said it was a girl and she'd had milk with her buddy this morning. Settling in? We were Okay with that!

I told Pamela we'd go out soon; I got two loud nickers of approval as I stroked her face. Hug!

The van rolled in slowly; there was an exclamation from within. Sounded a bit peeved. The first one out was a tall black stallion, magnificent lines, straight back legs and full chest. A small star on his forehead. He was the one complaining. Anthony had a good hold on this restive fellow. I let him smell my hands, he allowed me to lightly caress his nose. He stood calmly as I ran my fingers through a silky mane, his name was Rebellion1789. Odd but not uncommon for owners to give horses ridiculous names. `Rebel' it would be. I took the lead from Anthony; Rebel walked with me to the big paddock where I let him off to have a run. He dashed off tail flying! GOOD!

The mare was a brown, a deep rich brown. She was sleek with a braided mane and a flashy tail! A beauty!

Two good ones...the driver brought out a third about the size of a Shetland pony. He smiled saying this was Iris. A dusky light brown with dark mane and tail. A sweet face with big brown eyes! A doll! Cho and I looked at each other.

The driver gave me an envelope, a note from Declare, `Fay and Cho, this is Iris. She's two and has a gentle demeanor. We hope your children will become riders with Iris as their starter! Love from Daphne and I.'

So nice! My tears came, Cho bailing me out with a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

I pulled my phone out of the jacket inside pocket, "Adam, they're all handsome but Iris...Yes you've got me in tears ...Joy! ...of course...soon!!"

We stood in the weak sunlight Cho's arms around me from behind watching the three newbies wander around the two paddocks. Rebel was high stepping glad to be free of the van. Gregory brought over the details, Cho asked him to read them.

Rebel was six and a half, he had successfully raced for three years then had a ligament issue in his right front that wouldn't heal properly and was retired finishing fifteen races, winning nine, placed in six. His dam and granddame were quite good runners, on his sire's side were several very successful racers all born and bred in England. The ligament wouldn't stop his running but wouldn't hold up under the stress of training and racing.

`Mahogany' was the brown mare's name; she was four. She had Secretariat's blood in both sides of her pedigree, very strong in her dam's via Terlingua, several times. Her sire's great granddame was Weekend Surprise Secretariat's daughter, who also had Secretariat's dam SomethingRoyal on both sides. WOW! Such roots!!

I could see Gregory's eyes; he was excited having these two in the barn. A whisper in my ear, "Maybe our first breeding pair here."

Andy had saddled Guy and Pamela for us. On Pamela I watched Rebel stretching his legs; damn he was a handsome devil. Iris was standing facing the sun eyes closed gathering warmth.

We rode south down the hill. Going easy enjoy the air and view, Cho had a huge grin, my What? What? ... Had us pull up close so I could get a kiss. Nice anytime!!

I steered us towards the river island. Cho said it was ours; usually dry according to the records no connection to river bank though. My laughing suggestion we build a minor `folly' on it got rolled eyeballs. Okay!

Away from the water we picked up the pace on the gentle rise towards the Culham Sci Centre. We checked the rope barrier and signs; Cho said some folks would be out Monday to begin work on the path. We rode near the Sci Centre fence; I waved to a security fellow. We stopped. Cho asked for the name and phone number of their security chief so Thet could liaise with him since our properties abutted one another now. He texted it on to Thet.

Going east we rode near where Kate lived, her dad Andrew came out. We shook hands. We asked about Kate and Dragon, they were great! Cho told him Thet would call to talk about the property and mentioned Francis' camping stunt which couldn't be repeated.

After turning for home I urged Pamela, she was ready, ZOOM! Cho caught off guard had to try a catch-up. Guy was fast but Pamela out ran him to the lower slope where I eased her back. We were laughing walking them for a cool down around the track location.

Up the road Thames was the greeter, woofs and wiggling. One happy puppy! So many people to hug and make over him! Sebastian was on a fence post, I gently stroked his fur. A soft little man. His ginger girlfriend came out under the fence to sit near my foot. I leaned over and said `Hi!' Not reaching out yet, she gave me a grave cat-look then stepped forward to rub my boot. I took off a glove letting her smell me. Okay! I scratched her head.

Cho behind me, "You are earning that diplomatic passport!"

"Tess, let's call her Tess?"

Cho was fine with it. Anthony laughed, "Miss, she's warming to you."

By that time Tess was half sitting on my boot, licking a hind leg, immobilizing me. Gregory came out with two small bowls of milk, `not too much just a treat' they raced over to him! Happy little tongues lapping away.

Carla was laying out tea as we passed through, quick wash up, a little red frock in heavy cotton with little white stars on the bodice. Black spiked ankle boots just to keep the image!

Sue made crumpets MMMMMMM Cream!!! Olive pâté sandwiches were very good!! Little cheese cubes!! Sue's let go several varieties of chocolate dipped shortbread cookies!!! I was a piggy! It was all so good! Heavy destruction of treats by my crew who were well known for that!

I sat beside Thet on a sofa in the Great Room, tea and plate of cookies. Thet was offered and took two of the shortbread ones!! I asked about the Culham Sci Centre, he was to meet the Security fellow in an hour or so. He was coming here, Andrew, Kate's dad was also.

He would explain the sensor system now that it is expanded over the new property and give them contact info. He said they'd know the Security detail's capabilities, training and weapons. They'd get to see the office downstairs.

If the nuclear protection security service wanted they could get a feed from the Panic App, up to them.

Cho and I met the Culham Sci Centre security head, gray hair, ex-military, good shape, seemed nice. Cho and Thet took him and Andrew off to Cho's office to talk.

The crew gathered for a flic! We watched Them' a great little Sci-Fi b&w about ants warped by atomic bomb testing in the U.S. southwestern desert. Somewhat overwrought but classic of the genre! The actor who became famous on TV as Matt Dillion from Gunsmoke, James Arness, was the lead. Much better role than to be a fried vegetable Thing!' Other great character actors! James Whitmore!!! Edmund Gwenn!! Crisp b&w dvd!

After dinner we went around helping folks pack up. Sad to see them go but having the Crew here for the start of Christmas was great! Jian and Ting would be back, Thet and Reyna too.

I teared up out front doing the goodbyes in the morning, funny Thang lent me a handkerchief, a Thang-Fay one. I couldn't cry after that! Waving and waving as the cars pulled out for Chalgrove.

The big jet made a pass over Harcourt House after takeoff. I was in the fields north of the house on Pamela, more waving!

I climbed into Cho's lap in the office, "I had a dream last night. A Gwen dream!" Cho's eyes on mine, "We had been cornered by the King's soldiers but escaped when she jumped a hedge. They couldn't clear it so we got away."

I got a big squeeze, "I think the hedge was a row of azaleas down the slope from the Hampshire house!" We laughed a kiss and squeeze! Cho had a grin.

"Francis is going to give me his report, want to sit in?"

"Would I be Okay or a distraction for him?"

"Stay, it would be good."

Francis had clean clothes, a suit, pressed and neat. We sat in the office for his presentation. He started with a bit of a stutter but settled down. He gave us a clear view of his process and conclusions. He doubted the proposed acquisition would ever make money and would require a large cash infusion to gain any momentum.

When he was done a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead Cho shook his hand as did I. Cho took the lead, "Thank you for a clear and detailed analysis. Your conclusion seems entirely warranted."

I looked at Cho, he got it.

"Francis I hope you will not be upset with us but based on another analysis I had rejected this deal already.'

Francis' eyes opened wide but a slight smile on his lips, "Sir I did wonder but ..."

"But you an excellent job, in fact finding several reasons to reject it that were different from the others. You doing this is appreciated especially given the conditions."

Cho reached out to me, "Francis would you work for us? You would be based here for the time being but I am opening an office in London. It would a shared space with The Company where Fay works."

Francis tilted his head, I laughed, "It's complicated but there has been some acquisition going on."

We all laughed at that. Cho said our primary home was in Bangkok and he would have to travel since not everything can be done on the web yet. Francis said he had no children or close family, parents were dead so...

Not `good' but good for being free. Cho told him that the job offer was contingent on a background check; Francis said he had no fear of that. Done!

We talked about other things he could do. What about the little apartment he was in now? Fine, he didn't need much in that way; the other staff had been very welcoming; it was nice to walk around the grounds and stables seeing things going on. The food was very good.

Cho said if he was indeed hired he would get an advance for purchasing things he might need, clothes, etc... Francis was now our happy camper!

Cho let me in on the meeting with the Culham security fellow and Andrew. They'd appreciated being told about the sensor system and what it could do. Anyone walking for exercise onto the property would trip a sensor; the cameras would pick them up. The location of the sensor hit would give some idea of who they might be. Andrew knew it was ok for Kate to ride around.

We'd work on the inevitable kinks. Our Panic APP would go on their security officers' phones after they vetted it. We were good with that! Andrew asked to join in on that and Cho and Security had agreed. We'd put sensors and GPS boosters around their property no charge. Andrew had enquired why no cost, Thomas our Security fellow said it would enhance our coverage. Okay!

We had a big tea before the St. Thomas School Christmas play down in the village.

A navy blue twill long sleeved dress with a matching belt mid-thigh and a high collar, navy stockings and heels. Navy purse. Gold jewelry, lapis lazuli set and the triple intertwined bracelets. The double-breasted zipper front navy blue pea coat and blue gloves, nice not too fancy.

The younger ones were doing a Nativity play which diverged some from the original but they were cute and funny. Only a few gaffes that were passed over quickly. Bright shining faces for sure! The crowd gave them a big applause!

Mr. Thorn took the stage afterwards thanking the kids for a fine effort and had some school messages. He spoke about the new classroom fundraiser and what the various events were to support it and announced our willingness to match pound by pound any monies raised. There was a loud cheer, Cho's hand shaken and back pounded. I got my cheeks kissed and hand wrung.

Mr. Thorn had us come onto the stage; Cho spoke for a few minutes about our joining the community. While we wouldn't be here year round we hoped to contribute to the village and surrounding area in many ways. He pulled me next to him, telling them I'd lived in Hampshire as a child and owned a home in Froyle so while not local'...Laughter from the crowd... I had some appreciation for the land hereabouts.

Cho said the House would be open for Christmas visits, we hoped to see everyone! More cheering!

I was at the back of the room with several parents chatting, PJ whispered Cho was going to the pub briefly and would see me back at home. I saw Gerry and Maeve; I got a hug from her. Gerry said he'd be at the House tomorrow to talk with Gregory about some repair work. Good!

The school choir show was this Saturday right here. We'd `be here' to some of the parents questions.

Outside I told PJ to send the car to the pub for Cho and we'd walk home. There was a chill but it was clear. Gloves and coat were good. PJ had trench coat, looking quite dapper! He laughed about that.

I said some goodnights as we walked across the Oxford Road and down the streets. The bed and breakfast was lit up and I asked for the owner. A sprightly blonde about fifty came out. I introduced myself and asked about possibly having our aircraft crew stay with her when we expected an overflow crowd.

She'd be delight to have them, I got a rate card and best wishes and welcome!

At the House, Carter took my coat, "Something warm? Hot chocolate?"

I vigorously nodded, "and cookies? In the library?"

"Of course!"

PJ had a wide grin.

A few minutes later I was in jeans and jumper sitting on the floor by the back cabinet going through the cartoon books. Treasures!!

Cho found me later crossed-legged, munching with Krazy Kat on my lap. I was laughing as Krazy in his trans' persona pursued his love' interest Ignatz mouse. Coconino County home to the bizarre and the occasionally sane was maybe the first place being "gender fluid" was possible. It was for Krazy!!

I was looking at a thrown brick arcing across the page when Cho said hello. He sat next to me, kiss! A bit of beer taste, "So how were the guys in the boozer?"

We laughed! "I think Rande might have thrown them some being a teetotaler but I had a pint. The men are Okay, some comments like those of Radley and Fraser. The fact I was sipping a pint with them made the point that things were different now."

"Good, so do you have to wander down at opening time every day?" I was giggling to beat the band then, Cho's fingers going around me tickling only added to it.

I reversed myself, dropped my head in his lap, running my fingers through his dark hair, smiles. I got a nice kiss; big strong MAN pulled me up into that lap, arms surrounding me. HHHHHMMMMM

A few more kisses!! Bed time. I deposited my dishes in the kitchen Oooops I was lifted spun about and dropped into Cho's arms! I looped one arm around his neck, kissing as he carried me up the stairs.

Warm, naked, we cuddled, "In the morning come find me after your ride to talk, Okay?" I nodded, got kissed, turned into a spoon. Sleep!

Sue was in the kitchen working when I went through early. We chatted as I made my usual coffee and heated scones. She was making dough that had to chill for hours before being rolled.

I took a good sniff of the clear crisp morning air; the sun was breaking through low on the horizon. Andy swapped Pamela's reins for a warm scone and empty coffee cup. A leg up, Pamela was ready; we stepped brightly down the road. Heading south at a slow canter building up after crossing the first tree line. I urged Pamela, she easily accelerated. We had a nice gallop before slowing for a road then we passed the Culham Sci Centre on the right heading for Clifton Hampden. The village on our left straggled along the Oxford Road and then was bisected by the Abingdon Road. A nice lorry driver stopped for us. He waved saying we looked `pretty good' Pamela took that as I did, I returned the wave.

On a narrow track we reached High Street on the other side we carefully crossed an older bridge over the Thames to turn off into a field behind the Barley Mow pub. There were a dozen or so caravans along the river we crossed the road and galloped across the near field. A low hedge Pamela cleared effortlessly; we jogged across a wide brown area ahead an island of green ahead. A big house, not old, jutted up from a group of trees. Deciding I'd gone far enough today I steered clear of the house turning north and west back towards the bridge.

Back at the Abingdon Road the traffic was greater as everyone woke up and got going for the day. We had to wait for an opening...finally...we crossed safely. We cantered along past the Sci Centre then Pamela eagerly picked up the pace again for a good gallop ending in the low pasture.

I hadn't seen anyone after the village, empty space.

Our official greeter Thames did the honors which brought out Anthony I slid down hugging Pamela around her neck. She would get the royal treatment from Anthony. Big smile!

I was a bit surprised by Tess coming right up to me. She got some nice scratching behind soft ears.

Fresh coffee and one for Cho I parked my butt in an office chair looking expectant. I got a smile for the java re-fill.

"Francis got an excellent background report so he is with us now. He is coming up now so please stay..." Cho saw I was going to leave..."I think he can be of use to you too. Check your email, something from Sheila. I got copied but I have not opened it, you first."

Francis sat down when Cho told he was hired, relief on his face. "Francis both of us will use your analytical skills, the projects will be from different companies but mine will be paying. So you need to go to the security office and fill-in some forms, get an ID..."

He looked up, Cho inquired with a look, "I'd like to get a haircut before we take pictures."

Cho told him the security office had secure communications with Bangkok so setting up his payroll account could be done immediately, "They will give you cash for any expenses and a bank account will be setup with an associated credit/debit card for direct deposit. When you are down there ask to call Sanjara my PA in Bangkok, she will get everything expedited."

We shook hands, he was beaming! Before I went to clean up I gave Cho one of my nearly patented top quality kisses! I got my butt swatted lightly after a comment about stray puppies.

Downstairs sitting Carter's office with Carla we discussed the upcoming guests and open house days which I will say they seemed to relish the idea. We also cleared away any impediments to permanent staff; I wanted them both to have what they needed to care for the house and staff. "We are committed to feeding everyone three good meals and a sound roof over their heads, we will spend what it takes."

Just Carter and I looking at each other, we both smiled, "I speak for the staff, you and Mr. Cho choosing to live here has changed everything about how we all feel about the House. I'm sure you see the upbeat attitudes..." He slowed to a stop.

"Carter, we love this place. You will get to see sides of us that are not on view ordinarily and when our little ones come here... Well, Cho feels like me about this country and country living...Our family is going to dig in here. Even if I'm in Brazil I will be thinking about this house...Our friends will come down from London to visit when we're not here to take advantage of what the House offers. I anticipate you won't be bored."

He laughed, "Miss I know to entertain myself with the needs of the House!"

We laughed, I stood up and put out my arms, we hugged. Then I stuck out my fist, he bumped and we laughed even more.

Cho and I rode north in the afternoon he on Guy me on Rebel. Rebel was restive, happy to run and fast! He easily outran Guy but to be fair Cho's weight a disadvantage. Rebel had that same long stride and good breathing that Chess showed. We went to the lock at Sandford before turning back. We made short hello stops at the Radley's and Fraser's then stopped at the training track site. Surveyors were working to layout the track and check the property line between us and the Fraser's! The crew chief said he'd have a report on the property line for Cho in two days. Good.

Before dinner I sat in the library with my MacBook reading Sheila's report. Well written, dense with facts but readable. She charted past growth through to where it was now, the beginning of the tide going out. China's opaque government and banking could not hide the weakness of their economy, labour trouble or persistent bank loan defaults. The government interference had created a monstrous catalog of bad debt weighing on the entire economy but hardly mentioned by any official documents. `One Child' rule biting them in the butt now, labour costs going up with a shortage and demand for better pay and extras.

Those countries relying on continued purchases of raw materials by China were already seeing some effects of a slowdown of buying. Infrastructure projects designed to increase delivery of commodities for China all now had to be re-evaluated, many likely to be scrapped.

It was a good read, not pleasant from The Company's standpoint though with many South Pacific Ocean area and Indian Ocean firms pulling their necks in.

Sheila had an addendum regarding geo-political issues especially China's ambitions in the South China Sea. The militarization of previously uninhabited island groups and demands for no aircraft or ships pass close by. Possible oil deposits were the obvious goal but China lacks the essential tools for extraction in a hostile locale which are commonplace in western oil companies which would not likely share without considerable concessions by the Chinese over production and control of the process. Such concessions were very probably not forthcoming. Which meant the Chinese would go forward without the technical skills needed and an environmental disaster should be prepared for.

I sent the report onto Eric. Cho came in with a Campari for me and a scotch for him. We smiled from those comfy big leather chairs. He was impressed, "Anything more about Sheila and Miki getting together?"

I hadn't heard but I was going to follow up tomorrow morning. We discussed Sheila's report and its implications. We were quite involved when Carter entered neither of us saw him, a slight throat clearing. We laughed; Carter had a smile, "Dinner."

We rose, Cho extended his arm and we followed Carter. We talked of our upcoming visitors Aileen and Sue until the weekend then Chao and Millie! Lots of horse stuff!! I told Cho about this morning's ramble, all he said was be careful.

A quiet night eased into a deep sleep...

`Damn those soldiers they were staying close on our trail through the fields! I decided to risk going through the swamp, Gwen was sure-footed going over the tussocks and the muck. I couldn't hear the pursuit now; the thin mist gave us cover. We knew the marsh the soldiers didn't and were wary. An hour to cross the marsh brought us out on hard ground at the edge of the forest. Gwen was strong so I kept up the pace to put as much distance between us and the pursuit. A long roundabout way to our hideout. My wonderful Gwen had saved us by being brave and hardy. A deserved brushing and comb, a warm blanket and food. I sat quietly wrapped in a blanket watching her eat, happy sounds. An apple came afterwards, such a loud crunch. A hug before I went to get food.'

My iPhone broke in. I grabbed it. Cho wasn't disturbed. I was saying thanks to him silently for the bathroom runners! Dressing room, staring at myself in the big mirror. There was a pink blush in my cheeks which I couldn't have done better with makeup, slender, toned, my legs never looked better... The idea of `exercise' appalled me! Riding! Too perfect for words!!

Completed dressing, another look...Damn! A bit exotic for these parts! YEA!!!

Powered up the coffee machine, two warm scones wrapped in a napkin. Striding down the road to the stables. I saw Andy lead Pamela out, picture perfect in the dim light. I shared my scones, "Miss there's a lot of mist in low lying areas."

I thanked him, a leg up, Pamela nickered. Down the road going south, I called out to Andy pointing, he waved back acknowledging. We jogged along to get warm after the second tree line I urged my buddy to go. Pamela ready zoomed off! We had a hard gallop up the slowing rising land to the Culham Sci Centre and to the railroad tracks. I dismounted to lead Pamela across, mounted once more I asked her again. Happy to run we stayed by the river on our right. Some kind of serpentine racing track, bikes maybe, wide open fields with low hedges. Pamela soared over each like Pegasus without breaking stride. Some kind of large house and out buildings came up on our left; we steered to the right towards the water.

A river canal lock, I dismounted. A man seemed shocked to see us, at my inquiry he said it was fine to walk over. I led Pamela slowly, she wasn't disturbed by the water sounds, on the eyot a man was fishing. He almost fell off his stool, "Miss..."

I assured him we were passing through. "You must be the new Miss from the House?"

I admitted to that and shook his hand. "Any luck?"

He showed me one brown trout, nice size. "An entrée?"

He smiled, "Yes I need its mate for me and the missus."

I let him get on. Pamela was a jewel, not stirring a hair as we crossed on the top of the weir. Now on the west side turned north, we paused. There was a nice meadow, Abbey Meadow, pleasant! A note to return. Another bridge very narrow to walk over but Pamela was a pro! There was open space beside an office park we cantered through the grass. Sophos software headquarters! Wow I'd forgotten they were in Abingdon. Good anti-virus software, I'd recommended it to some clients.

I chose not to stop for there was a ways to go but put it on my list of to-dos! A shallow mere to the right near the river bank we rode past quickly. We had to pick our way through some broken ground before the railroad tracks. We crossed both of us walking into the grove of fruit trees I'd seen from across the river.

A long stretch of grass Pamela blazed across clumps of dirt sent flying, the ugly house we'd seen from the other bank was screened by a tree line, a place to avoid. A turn left we skirted that house and another before turning back right. In an open field than went off north for several thousand feet, I knew this was what Cho had bought for us. I rubbed Pamela's neck, "Another run?"

A nicker, one hoof scraped at the dirt. Yes, we were off. Pamela like Gwen had stamina; she ran hard slicing the field dead in half longways. At the end passing through trees we came upon the boat dock and storage. I walked her into the yard, a fellow stepped out of building on the left, he was taken aback.

"Hello, its ok."

"I'm sorry Miss we haven't had a visitor like you. Can I help you?"

I slipped off a glove and extended my hand down, "I'm Miss Fay Martin."

A light bulb, "Oh Miss you and Mr. Cho are our new owners. I'm Dennis."

"Yes, neither of us has been here before. I'm passing through. Did you do any work for the previous owners of the House?"

"No, they had a cutter we saw a few times but they never stopped by.'

"If I had it brought down could you give it a look over, see if we can use it this spring?"

"Oh gladly! I could get one of our fellows to tow it down whenever you decide no need for anything elaborate."

"Fine please do that and call the House when you have some ideas about it."

He seemed quite pleased to be of use and nice.

We walked back the way we came in up the road turning north once more to cross another field Cho had added to the property. A slow build up to speed until the clear ground ran out. We followed a slowly curving dirt track through trees to another grassy area. Pamela happy cantered through that to a bridge. I walked her over to another eyot and up to the Sandford Lock from the west for once.

The lock was closed so we strode across the top to the open area next to the Kings Arms pub. Back on Church Road we headed south winding past the houses to the opening in the border hedge. Once more started slowly getting warm then speed. A long ride but Pamela had iron in her legs. We flew across the Radley's, no one to be seen and a wave from the Young Dan Fraser. Then we walked up our back road to the stables.

Andy was standing there a massive grin, "Miss you two are a pair! I saw you across the river! Gregory was shocked when I told him!"

"Andy, Pamela has done me proud today! Your very best for her! I'll be back after lunch to check on her I pushed her today!"

I hugged her, a big kiss! Pamela let out a loud nicker.

"Miss I swear she wants to go again."

Cho was reading the newspaper in the sunlit breakfast room, the picture of blooming health and my sex god! He burst out laughing at that!

`Gregory gave me a report on you. Across the river?"

I needed coffee, once that was taken care of I gave him the complete trip. I ended up in his lap, kissed and squeezed. Eyes looking into mine, "Security?"

I let him know I'd felt totally safe. Only a few interactions at that hour and I encountered no traffic since there were no roads to cross. I'd checked my phone and had a strong signal most all the way.

I mentioned the boat, Cho agreed with me. Done!

I leaned into his chest, I whispered my dream. His arms tightened around me. I stroked his cheek drawing him into a kiss which lasted. I was loath to stop... I pushed my face into his neck; a strong arm held me close the other fished out his handkerchief...

I wiped my eyes, "You Sir are an unlucky fellow...it would appear you have fallen in love with me and my odd ways."

I had to run to escape those tickling fingers; I made it to the Great Room where I was cornered. I swooned into his arms laughing. We stood there squeezing and laughing. At the other end by the Christmas tree was Audra cleaning, we waved. She had a big smile.

I dashed upstairs for a wash up and change. Aileen and Sue were to be here soon. And I wanted to check with Carter about the Thursday tea time open house. Ah, the school choir was Saturday afternoon! Better check on that. Chao and Millie's Friday arrival and Mrs. Blatchly for a visit near Christmas and... All running through my head as the water poured down. And miscellaneous work things...

Red skinny jeans, a white long sleeved top, little red birds in flight across my titties! Black spike heeled ankle boots! Gold bangles! `Joy' in all the right places!

I walked down for more coffee as Carter sent a DHL fellow down to Security to sign for an envelope. I chatted with him about our day trip up to London Thursday. We'd be back for tea with our local friends!

Carla and I talked food while I got my coffee. Francis came through going to Security. A smile. I was still there when he reappeared looking very pleased. He had a credit card now with money in the bank. He looked good, a neat haircut and slacks and jumper.

"Francis, how about you come with Cho and me Thursday? Meet some folks and see the building where the office will be."

He was up for that! Early I said. Be back for open house tea. Okay!

I called Sheila in Australia, she and Miki had talked several times and had come to an agreement on collaborating. I told her about Francis' ability to crunch numbers and Excel wizardry and he was working for Cho and me. She'd call Miki. I asked about whether she and Alex could get to Bangkok to get on a Cho-Fay Air flight to Chalgrove. I used the `nuclear option' word ... horses. There was a gasp over the air I went right into what riding I'd been doing...I knew the bait was a luscious plump fly...she asked when...I gave her the dates I had for other folks coming...it was quiet on the line.

"Fay I want to..."

"Find out if it can happen at all... the `when' may be flexible...I was going to ask Inmura and Miki since he has to sign contracts with The Company, he could do that in London and..."

She got it, we left it that she'd talk to Alex. A crossed–fingered wish!

Inmura laughed about the signing thing but was taken aback by the offer of a jet stopping in Osaka for them. I explained it would be flying by so to speak. He laughed at that, he was certain Miki would be thrilled with the chance to visit London again and meet Sheila maybe. I told him I'd get the details to him ASAP. Yea!

Carter and Carla were prepared for the Thursday tea. The Abingdon caterers will be here to help with the food and serving, refills, etc... Cho had to do the meet the new Company but we would be back to greet our guests.

Cho pulled me into the office as I whizzed by... The meeting with the Culham security fellow and Andrew, we hadn't caught up on that yet. Their officers now had our Panic App on their phones! Same for Andrew's family.

All the data, video, etc...was to be held on OS X Servers in our basement maintained by our Security. We'd have regular meetings with them. Good!

Aileen and Sue! We hugged out front, Cho got some squeeze. I pulled them to the Great Room to see the Christmas tree!

"WOW! It's the biggest I've ever seen!"

Sue seconded that, "Amazing!" I lifted a gift box from a sideboard, they opened it. A glass ball like the others with their names and the year! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh's! Kisses! They hung it up!

The four of us holding hands looking at the tree, it was nice getting to know Aileen all over as Fay, quite nice to have Sue part of it like Cho!

Lunch in the breakfast room, one of Carla's soups, potato leek with big chunks! A very flavourful dark bread, nice especially with the good local butter. Several cheeses and fruit. Some soft apple cider! A great find by Carla.

Cho got a call he wanted so I walked to the stables with Aileen and Sue. They got to meet all the new ones since they were here last. I looked in on Pamela. She looked wonderful, nickers and head butts, high spirits. Andy said she was great, no issues, he'd check on her later to see if she stiffened up at all.

The girls loved Rebel's look, the glossy Mahogany was an oooooohhhhhh moment. "She's splendid!" Sue really liked her. I told them we may breed her to Rebel and gave them their abbreviated pedigrees. Even across the Atlantic the name Secretariat rings out! They both were very impressed. Me too!

They were up for a ride, brought their gear! We chatted about Rose and Matthew walking up to the house. Both doing great and will come up with them Christmas week for an overnight.

Email from Kenneth who'd done the water project in Sydney, New South Wales thanking me for recommending him to lead the New Zealand North Island job. I replied no problem, he'd done so well! He was happy to be part of The Company!!

Cho decided to join us for a ride, dressed and booted we were in a line abreast going down the road to the stables when it hit me...I stopped... laughing...They looked at me..."It struck me as funny...here we are...four of us walking along like gunfighters in an old western movie."

They started laughing too. I had my arms around Cho, Aileen and Sue hugging us all laughing!

"Okay come on..." Cho gave Andy his iPhone to help as cameraman.

We went back up the road a bit to start over...sounded good but I couldn't stop giggling! Cho tried a proven method, KISS!

After a bit of that I calmed down and we managed to get the shot of four stern-faced toughies walking towards destiny!! We clustered around the phone to look. Funny! Charlie had come out to see the doings and said he could clean up the video...maybe add some titles..." Cho emailed it to him and said go!

I checked in with Pamela only to be greeted by a LOUD nicker! She was ready to go but not this time. Gregory said she was in excellent shape!

We mounted up, I was on Rebel, he did some hoof scrapes, ready!! Cho on Guy, Aileen on Chess and Sue on Scout! Cho got Charlie to shoot some video of us from behind riding four abreast down the road past the paddocks!

As we walked down the hill I gave Cho the gist of my talks to Sheila and Inmura. I got a kiss and a fist bump!!

Cho showed the girls the training track area cute pink ribboned stakes all around marking the layout. A grass track surrounding a second one of dirt. Nothing else was needed so the work would begin next week, it would be ready for spring training.

We rode north going at a moderate clip, some waves to Sarah Fraser and Mr. Radley as we went past at a higher speed. Rebel out distanced the others although Chess wasn't far behind. Scout kept up with Guy because of Sue's lower weight. We walked through Sandford along Church Road to the church. We stopped in the play field next door to tie our horses. I led us to the church door, inside it was a bit dim but you could see some Victorian changes but the essential Norman was there. Dr. Lone, the vicar, come in from a side door. He greeted us, I did the introductions. He was quite pleased to meet Cho.

I asked about the Victorian interior changes which he explained had been somewhat reversed about thirty years ago in a restoration. A few burial markers inside were very old dating to Tudor times and before.

Dr. Lone thanked us for the St. Thomas School fundraiser help, he said "Mr. Thorn had been bowled over by you young lady. A wonderful thing."

Back up I took us down the dirt track off Church Road, I gave them a description of what was ahead and that I would go slow then ask for speed. I could see fire in Aileen's eyes!! A nice trot until the berm then I asked Rebel, he went!! Down the berm until it debouched into the grassy field I sensed Chess being close but Rebel urged turned on his considerable jets. Damn he was the best pure runner of all.

We covered a lot of ground quickly I eased him off at the Fraser's. Aileen wasn't close but well ahead of the others who were running abreast. She had a wild happy face, "Fay Chess runs but your Rebel...WHOOOO!"

Sarah and Anne waved a clear call "Tea?" Sue and Cho came up and we all agreed on a break. Dan Senior and his ladies greeted us, introductions done. Tea provided in their cozy kitchen, the fire welcome! Younger Dan joined us; I could see he was admiring all us females in tight jodhpurs, cute boy!

Anne's school in Abingdon was having a Christmas pageant this weekend with a medieval flair. She said come over, there'd be dancing and crafts and food! 10 `til 6!

Cho told Dan Senior that we'd have the survey tomorrow and he'd call to talk.

We did a slow trot home. Andy and Anthony were waiting with their assistants Thames, Sebastian and Tess. Tess came right over for some head and ear scratching which started some purring! She had sweet purr noise. I got a few minutes before a rapid head turn by Sebastian, he took off down the stall row, Tess followed. Business?

We washed up and met for tea in the Great Room. Red skinny jeans and a blue jumper with white cuffs and collar, a reindeer on the front in white, Brown ankle boots!

Christmas tree lit up and the fireplace blazing! They loved the tree and the names of all our friends! And them hanging theirs. I told them there was one for Rose and Matthew too! Big smile from Aileen.

I led off with attacking the tea table! Some lovely sandwiches, salmon & cucumber! Warm crumpets!! Cookies, where I dove in! Cho laughing, kidding me! I got a few kisses in between bites.

Carter had Christmas music playing in the background, nice traditional songs, Holly and the Ivy type. Us girls occupied a sofa, Cho had a call. We chatted weddings; the vicar in Froyle wasn't keen on same sex marriage so they'd look elsewhere. I told them what we were doing and that Ting and Jian would be married here with us in our second. I got down on one knee, "Would you two please be married here?"

It took a while for the laughter to end. They looked at each other and said yes together!

Cho was happy to hear the news! I said I'd asked Francis to come Thursday which got a thumbs up from Cho. The girls were going to ride while we went up to the city. Cho squeezed me, whispered `helicopter' into my ear. I rotated my head almost like an owl, he was nodding. More whispers, we had permission to use a landing pad at the Thai Consular office near to The Company offices.

Guest schedule for next week was Thayer and Sondra and the three Collingwood's. Lots of horse talk and riding. The week of Christmas the family Keren would be with us, all branches. The plan is for a Cho-Fay Air 767 to pick up Dad and Phailin in Bangkok with Somsak and Tona in from Singapore then fly to Seattle for Kay, Greg and kids. We'd asked Thoi and Kanda but they weren't sure because of something Thoi was doing. They had time to decide though.

Reg and Rona, Eric and Malee would be here with the Keren mob!

Week after maybe the Australians and Inmura and Miki. Certainly Declare and Daphne would be back maybe Lorena and Pam. Oh, maybe Aaron and his boss Tony and wife Angie?

Maybe we should have a plane go get them in Sydney with Alex and Sheila, then Osaka? I must ask Cho!

We watched a movie after dinner, `Laura.' Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney in a suspense/murder thriller with some plot twists! Marvelous acting by all!! Vincent Price as a dandy? A classic!! We all enjoyed it!

Cho knocked on my dressing room door, "Talk?" We sat in the window seat, me looking expectant.

"Nothing serious! I have asked Klahan and Prasert to pick up Chao and Millie Friday morning so you don't have to worry about that. Some of our next week guests might want to stay over a night in London so we should let Mrs. Blatchly know?" A raised eyebrow! A head nod from me as my bare toes rubbed his leg.

"Like Miki? See some places from her LSE days?"

Oh I got it! "AND Ting and Jian are coming back with the Keren crowd!"

I jumped into his lap, kisses!! "Thet and Reyna, too!" Lots of kisses! I brought up the Australian pickup flight; Cho said it shouldn't be a problem. "You co-ordinate it." DONE!

I stood there letting Cho disrobe me...when naked he scooped me up for a kiss and transport to bed. He tossed his clothes and dove in with me!!

I slid under for cock!! FOUND IT!! Sucking Cho what a way to end the day!! I got him wet quickly `cause I wanted that lovely cockhead to come out and play! What a nice cock to co-operate with me, warm, wet, delicious! I tongued Cho's piss slit, he likes that the moans told me so! I got the whole cock wet before going down for those balls.

My right hand stroked his damp shaft as the tongue swirled around the balls. Sucking each into my mouth POPPING them out loudly. I dipped my left index finger into my mouth and applied it to Cho's tiny ribbed hole. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Boy that was a winner!! Sucking balls, stroking cock, finger anus the trifecta of going down! Cho's hips were moving then he turned and my pussy was licked! OH Shit! He knew what to do.

I sucked that wonderful cock in burying my nose in the wet balls. HHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMM So good. Cho laughed, "Okay Fay is to be fucked now!"

I was laughing so hard at that Cho spread me out my legs akimbo hands behind my knees I reached for that beauty and guided it to my opening.

Cho eased in! YES YES YES a slow slide before those wet balls slapped onto my skin. Damn I loved that feeling. Each stroke they rebounded off my flesh I was so turned on by Cho's smooth delivery of cock.

Each time he went to the cock root but not in a punishing way, just deliberate strokes. Balls smacking with a sexy sound. He leaned over for a kiss letting my legs wrap around him. OH that pelvis of his so strong muscular such stamina. One after another the strokes delivered burn and pleasure.

I was rotated over to my knees Cho close behind re-entering! A firm grip on my hips he resumed FUCKING me! Damn this doggie stuff is great too! His hands began to roam around, nipples were toyed with, rings tugged and twisted lightly sending bolts of pleasure through me. He never slackened in driving his cock inside me! The strokes heavenly!

He moved me flat getting up between my legs doing pushups into me. OH shit a whole new angle which felt so nice. More burn, good burn! Cho's cock pushed me over the edge, my orgasm came quick and Strong! The heat sweeping from my pussy up through my body.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "Fay my cock so good inside you when you cum! Such nice squeezing!"

He wasn't still; a marvelous penis slid back and forth giving me more pleasure!

Cho didn't let up more burn in his steady cock work then I felt his strokes shorten faster quicker. He was IN and cumming. Oh My Man! He pulsed cum inside me, I orgasmed again! I nearly fainted from the combination!

Cho was rigid for a short time he laid his weight on my back. HHHHHMMMMM His heaving chest slowed against me. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh So good! I feel so good! Cho kissed my neck and shoulders, rubbing his cheek on my back.

"Fay it is always... always so fine! You give me pleasure always!" He rested his chin over my shoulder. Cho used his foot to catch the bedcovers and slide them over us. Nice to be wrapped up with him.

After a quiet period he rolled me over. Kissing! Lots of kisses! I stroked his face, running my fingers slowly through his hair... tears started Cho kissed them away!

"Perfect!" He said it quietly in my ear but I could feel the intensity through my whole body. I held Cho's face for one long kiss.

I slid out for a fast wash then back into his arms. In our spoon, "Fay...love!" I squeezed his hands on my belly. We slipped into sleep.

Wednesday morning I was up early as usual, looking in the mirror, I was ready! Down the stairs, the house quiet. I fired up the espresso machine and got out two scones. With hands full of warm stuff walking down the road to the stables. Weak sun barely visible at the top of distant hills. Andy was ready for me so was Thames. I was woofed and rubbed on. Pamela nickered, ready too! A leg up Andy saw which way I was going as I waved.

South, a bit of a warm up then a nice trot across several fields and a good gallop up the rising area before the Sci Centre. We crossed the railroad tracks, past the serpentine dirt race track down along the river to the locks.

The lock worker saw us and waved with a smile. I called out `good morning' as I dismounted again to walk Pamela over to the eyot. The same fellow was fishing, two so far! He was pleased. We crossed the weir; I led Pamela to the footbridge. She was so calm!

We rode north on the west bank now to Barton Lane and crossed at the Sophos Building. We walked to the front entrance around the car barrier where I tied her to a tree. As I went to the front door I could see there was considerable interest in our arrival. Between Pamela and my clothes we were a bit alien to the surroundings.

I asked for Nate W. who I'd done some business with earlier in the year, "Please tell him it's Fay Martin of The Company. Thank you."

I'd arranged for several large sales of their software to clients so he should remember.

I was having a nice internal laugh at the folks gawking. Fortunately Nate was in and came down. He was a bit non-plussed but recovered quickly enough.

We sat in the lobby so I could keep an eye on Pamela; I gave him the just passing line then explained about Harcourt House. My ostensible reason for stopping was to ask about their software on Apple OX Servers. None yet, only for desktops but demand was rising and consideration being given. I pointed out our sales of OS X Server and iPad product was growing FAST moving to the top. A serious product needed for both!

I also mentioned the conferencing software from Greg's company now owned by The Company. Maybe a demo for him sometime? I gave him the contact info for the local rep.

We chatted a bit before I needed to leave. He was pleased I had stopped and he'd pass the request for OS X Server software up the chain of command.

Pamela was waiting quietly and didn't mind being intro'd to Nate. He gave me a leg up and as I walked away he thanked me again for coming.

We took off north crossing several fields avoiding houses until we were back on Harcourt property. In the long field Pamela went easily into a strong gallop. The ground flew by until we were at the boat yard. Dennis waved, he was going to get the cutter towed over this morning and we'd see what's up! Fine!

Another fast crossing of some of our land then on towards the Sandford lock. We walked over and went through the streets quickly to the south hedge. OFF! We zoomed across the Radley's, no one in sight then the Fraser's where Dan Senior called out a `good morning' to which I returned with a wave!

Up the back road to a waiting Anthony. I sat on the office bench with Gregory; Tess hopped into my lap and sat down while being rubbed. Gregory didn't know where either of the cats had come from but they were here fulltime now. Okay!

More coffee in Carla's domain, she was a smiling happy lady. Lots of cooking but that was her métier. She was damn good too! There was good news! She made one stollen ready for today's tea!!!! Big hug!!

I got a shower companion, nice to have my back scrubbed, turn about fair play ensued! Kissing took place too.

Dressed for shopping. Electric blue skinny jeans, bright yellow jumper, brown ankle boots, gold on my wrists and neck, `Joy' in several places!

Dark blue pea coat and gloves. Blue clutch purse. I drove, PJ smiling! An enigmatic grin. Aileen and Sue smiling too! What's up? Some giggling, they'd never seen me drive and... Thanks a lot!

In Abingdon we found a nifty used/consignment shop on the High Street, a brown fedora fit perfectly, the brim not too wide. Black linen gloves, nice! Saw some other things that appealed but not my size but the girls found a few things they liked. Sue got a cute mini-skirt, black denim with patches and newsboy cap, Aileen a floral scarf and low waisted jeans in a burnt orange. PJ kept the grin.

Good latte for the chill. We were going along the High Street and up side streets. Bumped into Seeney's Pet Supplies. Bought healthy treats for Thames and the cats and a chew toy too.

On to Oxford to meet Cho for lunch at Shanghai 30's at twelve thirty. Funny place, great food. Some traditional Chinese and their own wrinkles for other choices. A good meal with laughs, we had Thomas from our Security team with us, too much like Ting with funny stories! PJ and Rande sitting near, working.

Cho and Thomas had a meeting with Thames Valley police about security and whether our Panic App would interest them. Ni said it could be integrated into a `Three Nines' system.

They were used to some high profile folks being around, we didn't intend to become celebrities just neighbors albeit larger than most. A superintendent was going to visit our Security offices.

Cho told them the new head of Thailand's Security Police would be a visitor over Christmas did get their attention though. A past Justice Minister might come too... but none of this was being announced or played to the public at all. Private visits.

We learned later we were wrong; Dad Keren did plan to meet with MI5 chief in London, the new man meeting a colleague, no big hullabaloo.

No afternoon ride for me, work. Poo! Aileen and Sue did though; they ended up at the Kings Arms for a pint. Sweet!

Tea was enlivened by the first Christmas stollen. Damned good it was too. Carla and Sue both worked on it. Flaky, full of flavour with a lovely crunch of the candied fruit and nuts!!!! I got lots of powdered sugar on my lips and chin! I was a piggy! Carla smiling!!

We got reports of Glaa's training in Santa Anita, glowing, our boy was looking fine!! In three months the San Felipe Stakes, first start towards the Kentucky Derby. He was the frontrunner right now. We'd be there!

Movie time after dinner! We watched `Crossfire' a stunning film noir about anti-Semitism in Post World War Two America. Great roles wonderfully portrayed by great actors. Robert Mitchum, Robert Ryan, Robert Young!!! Also Gloria Grahame at her best! Tight script, atmospheric lighting and fine close-ups! A true classic almost unknown now. Too bad, one of those films which epitomized Hollywood quality which was so rare these days.

Lots of popcorn consumed.

We had an early departure so to bed without delay. Snuggled with a warm Cho couldn't be better way to end the day!

The helicopter was on the lawn, not very loud which was good. Francis with us on board. ZIP! It was fast little thing, chosen for the small landing pad. It was only fifteen minutes later we were dropping down onto the roof of the consulate.

We met the Consul, slender gray-haired fellow, he had met Cho before. He definitely liked my look, black mid-thigh long sleeved dress with scoop bodice, black stockings and heels, onyx jewelry, black pea coat and gloves.

We spoke in his office about an upcoming business leader's conference Wattna wanted us to try to get to. First week in January at Earl's Court Conference Centre. Okay! We'd be good for a day!

The Company offices were a few streets away. Rande led as we walked over there, PJ in the rear. I swiped us in, my giggling as always about the `Fay Martin' which was displayed.

Everyone was packed into the canteen in a semi-circle most had seats, quite the crowd! Video feed around the world. Eric welcomed us with Reg, Arthur, Douglas and Jared. Michael and I hugged. Cho knew how to work a crowd; he stepped forward to a considerable ovation which I gladly contributed.

Cho said it was nice to see everyone again albeit under different circumstances than a dinner party. Smiles all around. He gave one and all his reasons for acquiring The Company and what impact it would have for them.

The investment in R&D hit home for many, expanding resources and the ability to continue to grow with the financial strength. It was great to watch him give this speech appearing as it did to be off-the-cuff. I knew better, my thoughts and Eric's were there, Reg's technical contributions too. But the delivery was all Cho!!!

The gathering was captivated by him even I was laser-locked to him and his words. There was tremendous cheering when he finished. I stepped close to Cho taking his hand smiling up at his face. He leaned over to kiss me lightly which brought the house down again.

It took a few minutes for Eric to speak. He told of the changes to the Board of Directors saying he, Reg, me, Cho and Kanda were on the board now. Kanda was introduced via the Conferencing App from Bangkok on the screen behind us. Her smiling face huge, she could see us with tech help from Tono.

Eric pointed out the current management arrangements would stay, Achmed from the newly acquired remote controlled water devices install company was intro'd and everyone learned he and his counterpart, Emory would be reporting to Michael and me.

Arthur as the person in charge the physical plant let them know we now owned the whole building and there would some office re-arranging and expanding and that Cho would take part of the top floor.

As part of that with a wink from Cho, I intro'd Francis as the first member of Cho's team here so they'd all see him. He seemed quite pleased but shy about being recognized.

It ended with Eric saying that there'd be new faces and please make them welcome as part of our family. We still happily received any referrals to Personnel of talented technical folk to join us.

My four recruits all got hugs, big smiles, happy people. Their training nearly done, they'd soon be going out on jobs with veterans for on-site work. Ready to go!!!

Janine holding my hand, "Fay I have never been this challenged! College was a walk in the park compared. I'm sure I don't know enough but hot to get out there!"

She looked so good, blooming in fact. "Thanks again for extending yourself for me. I'm in a whole different life now!" Big kiss and hug!

Kei, Rang and Akai all hugged and kissed. They like Janine were eager to get to work, full of new knowledge. I pulled all four to the side, "I'd say this to any of your peers but you are mine,' my Bangkok Mafia'..." They laughed, "The training is a start, keep your eyes out for how tasks are done, be open to new ways to do things, look at a problem then step back from it for another look. The pressure to get things done will be there but don't short change the time for consideration of an alternate way to complete a task.'

I paused, "Evaluate the client's reps you work with, get them involved never let watch you do things, have them take ownership of the process with you."

I saw Andrea; she came over with my wave. I asked if all the trainees had time to sit for a video conference with Kavnu about leadership and co-operation. She thought it splendid and would co-ordinate with him hopefully for tomorrow their last day here. I texted right then to Kavnu... he was glad to to do it... I suggested linking in Tarek... I got a half dozen applause emoji's. I shared it all with Andrea... she'd pick up from there!

I slipped up on Karla from behind; she jumped ... Michael's hand steadying her! Hugs! Douglas had already told her two people were being hired for her team making eight. Going full blast ahead on the iOS app. They were coming down to Harcourt House the week after Christmas; they were going his parent's for the day.

I went around talking to folks; Cho had a large group with him. I could see his handsome face smiling; he appeared to be answering questions. I stood and watched him, gorgeous. Eric put his arm around me, "Fay... " a squeeze, ..."I know what he means to you it's the same although different for me...We're going to do a lot of good things as a team!"

We stayed together until Jodie, his PA, got his attention. I got a cheek kiss; I gazed over at my love again. Cho's head turned towards me, he still speaking but the words spoken to me by the `look' were special just for me. I rested my right hand on my heart!

Cho reached out his hand to me I walked over to take it as some of the people parted for me. We stood side by side holding hands. The discussion briefly paused came back now with me as a participant.

They asked simple questions and hard ones; we answered what we could and honestly told them all they would hear a lot more. One of Karla's coder team asked about family leave, his wife was close to giving birth. I told him and the group that The Company's personal leave would change to allow more time past any current government mandate. Smiles especially when I told them it wouldn't be just for pregnancies but other family illness or bereavement, and special occasions, etc...People needed time to get things done and we wanted them to have it. Plus increased use of remote computing would be allowed after some security changes were implemented. Huge smiles for that.

I asked PJ to get a table at the Churchill for us and the management team. He liked being beyond a bodyguard but when that role was important I didn't bother him, better still he recognized that.

We walked around for lunch; they'd gotten a big table for us in the Conservatory. I did the ordering. We had veggies, shrimp, fish, roti, many rice dishes, all shared around. I winked at Cho as he tried their Thai cooking. I said Amporn was best, he agreed!

I was next to Douglas, he gave me a side-glance, "Fay your presto-chango... not being flip but it was sudden... we've had a sea change too. I sensed a lack of commitment by the previous management for the Apple OS push. It was like they were willing to let it slide just to make more Windows Server sales. Jared was going a bit crazy. Then Eric and you and now Cho..."

I squeezed his hand, "I get it! You know their sloppy security attitude got me in trouble in Thailand but Reg's constant reminders to be aware had me recognize something was happening and act. One thing to make clear to your folks...Cho is in for the long haul...no messing about especially since several of us are now on the board."

He was smiling, "I get it! A lot of happy campers!"

At that I mentioned Francis' skills, "You're getting a mass of data back maybe he can help analyze it!"

Douglas and I talked to Francis on the walk back; he would take a look at the data and give an opinion. Good!

Cho, Francis, PJ, Rande and I hopped on board the helicopter. Zoomed, it was a nifty little thing! In fifteen minutes were were flaring for landing on the lawn east of Harcourt House. I was holding Cho's hand; Francis had a box of stuff from Douglas.

"Do you have enough room? ... Let's ask Carter straightaway!" We found that esteemed personage supervising the last bit of setup for `tea', he suggested looking at a room beside the exercise room downstairs, to the left. It has a window and miscellaneous bits of furniture.

We checked it out; it would suit with some re-arranging and a couple of good chairs. Francis was happy, "Move in!" He thanked me.

I ran all the way to the stables to see Pamela. We hadn't a ride today. Gregory said she'd showed no problems from our long rides. I got a LOUD nicker, she got the hug! I caressed her telling her I'd be down in the morning.

Brief stops to see all our crowd. Iris made small nicker sounds and devoured the mint I offered. Rebel stuck his nose in my face, got a kiss and hug, Guy and Chess happy boys in the paddock came over for some petting and sussed out I was carrying mints.

Everyone was doing splendidly! Thames wiggling around my legs, Sebastian and Tess in a sun spot on a hay bail.

I told Cho about Francis' new spot.

He grinning as we walked upstairs to change for the Open House tea which Carter was totally in control of! "What about puppies?"

I swatted his arm; Aileen and Sue were going out to ride laughing about us! At my dressing room door, "Me or conventional?"

I saw the eyeballs roll but the big grin told the story.

Navy coloured Hussar jacket with the elaborate gold braided frog hooks horizontal on the bodice, cut at my waist, a white shirt with wing collar and lace cuffs peeking out of the jacket sleeve, sky blue pants with bright yellow stripe down the outside seam, snug at the waist loose down to the ankles then buttoned close to my leg, black spike heeled ankle boots! Cho's triple intertwined gold bracelet to the left and the lapis lazuli set on the right. Gold strand earrings dangling! Soft rose red nails and lips and `Joy' strategically applied. My light brown hair in my usual swept over curve hung beautifully, just right!

I paused and dove into my jewelry box. I slipped on the sapphire ring. I held my hand up, the blue was gorgeous!

On the landing looking over, Cho at the foot of the stairs greeting the first guests. I made my entrance!

He turned, his eyes on me as he shook a hand... about twenty folks were in the hallway right then...they all watched me walk down to slip my left arm around Cho's waist, a huge smile...I extended my hand to the man who'd just shaken with Cho.

He was gobsmacked! YES!!! Big eyes everywhere! YES!!!

He was a farmer from near Marsh Baldon; I asked if he knew Gerry and Maeve which he did so we made a connection. I moved into the crowd speaking to everyone shaking hands. A blonde teenager, willowy, pretty, loved my outfit. We talked clothes, her fellow TOTALLY silent HUGE eyes! I squeezed her hand and his leading them into the Great Room.

The fire blazing, huge logs, the tea tables groaning with goodies by the glass doors and the tree dominating the space, Carter had traditional carols playing in the background.

The blonde girl getting some food gave me a wistful gaze, I got a chocolate dipped shortbread, a munch and to her quietly, "You could too someday!"

She did lift her eyes to mine,"Really?" I added for her to follow her dreams, "There will be bumps in the road but go with them."

Her eyes were glittery, a shy smile on a pretty face! The young fellow still quiet. Handsome!

I moved around the room talking, sipping tea, munching on various bits. I saw the lady from the B&B; she said Carter had contacted her for five rooms for our aircraft crew. She was pleased; I told her it would probably happen Christmas week too. A FIRM handshake!

Miss Jones with a shorter slender woman, strawberry blonde, gorgeous blue eyes, Anika, a fellow teacher I hadn't met at St. Thomas. I gave them a tour of the main floor. Anika asked if all the people serving worked all the time for us. I told her a few but most were from an Abingdon caterer, her `OH!' intrigued me. When Miss Jones went for more tea I asked about it, "I have a younger sister who needs work, she's steady but there's not much work here abouts but being a checker or the like. No future in that."

"Any special skills? Or Interests?" She was an excellent seamstress which does make her some money but no long term work. She has the patience of a saint with kids but doesn't want to teach.

I put out my hand; we went in search of Carter. Found him in the entry way smiling, talking to a couple coming in. I intro'd myself to them and welcomed them pointing the way to the Great Room. They stopped to sign our guestbook.

I got Carter to listen to Anika's sister's resume. "Can she come to see me we do have a fair amount of sewing which could mean many hours work. Anika was thrilled with what I'd done.

I reached into a hip pocket for a Cho-Fay handkerchief I'd borrowed from my man. She dried her eyes seeing the embroidered name and initials. I told her the story which charmed her.

"You are an unusual person, your outfit is smashing!"

Ah! Unusual! Yes that's me!

We walked back, I needed food! A young man from the caterer's helped me fill a plate and get a cup of tea. He did do some discreet staring which I found to be quite nice these days!

The Radley's had come, Deanna looked nice in a navy blue frock. Mr. Radley did seem a bit stuffed into a tweed suit; the colour was nice and woodsy. I managed to encourage him to loosen his tie when I was able to point to Cho in a sleek gray suit and light blue shirt, open collar, no tie.

I gave them a short tour also; they'd never been inside the house. So strange to me and to Cho, why bother to live anywhere near folk if you don't want to share or be social? The previous owners were daft!

Gerry and Maeve came into the Great Room with Cho, she saw me, a `WOW!' on her lips. She came over right away, "Oh Miss Martin, that is so cool!"

We chatted for a few minutes before I pointed her to the goodies.

Gerry was smiling, "She's a funny child! So smart! She likes you, thank you for being nice to her."

"Gerry, it's easy to be nice she is a sweet kid! She's welcome to come up here anytime as long as you approve and know..." He was nodding..."How goes it with repair work for us?"

He was working more here than the auto repair place, we had more jobs and... "You have a fine workshop, there's a variety of repairs to do which is a challenge. Your Prasert is a funny fellow, quite nice and knows his cars!"

He went after Maeve to the tables with my smiling blessing and a hint to find the shortbread! I continued to wander talking to as many as possible. I shook many hands; my clothes were mostly appreciated by the younger set although the mother of a friend of Maeve's thought I was `totally with it!'

A staffer from the caterer's touched my sleeve pointing toward Francis in the the doorway, I waved him in. At the food I gathered some cookies and urged him to do so. A smile, a plate! He asked if he could borrow me for a brief time... Okay!

Plates in hand with fresh tea we walked downstairs. He been looking at some of the data from Douglas, it was feedback and usage data pointing to several features we considered important to managing remotely. They were being missed by most users. They were in essence hiding in plain sight because we hadn't been clear about their power.

I was thrilled with this. A big handshake for Francis!! We could easily make all users aware of the features so they'd benefit! Even though it was Thursday after `working hours' I gave Francis Douglas' email.

In the Great Room I got Cho's hand and whispered Francis' find in general terms and got back `stray puppies can be good!' That had us both laughing! He was in a great mood, enjoying all the hubbub and having folks in to see the House!

The Thorn's had arrived. I gave them each a hug and welcomed them back. We talked for a few minutes; I let Mr. Thorn know we were bringing some guests from Taipei Saturday for the school choir event, `we should be four.'

At one point I was talking with several local fellows, they'd met Cho in the Nuneham Arms pub after the school play. They were the local' billiard buffs; I led them to the game room to see our table we'd taken over in the house sale. They liked the ornate legs which I didn't; I was more in tune with the modern look of our Brunswick Treviso in Bangkok. A game was mooted when found out I was a player.'

Eight ball. As the girl was allowed to break; I rolled in two high' balls from that. Perfectly dressed in slacks I worked the remaining high' balls down the hatches until the eight. I gave it a power slam into the corner! Done! I stood up smiling sweetly, they'd murmured about a wager before which I had discouraged to their evident relief now.

"Miss would you like to play for our side in Oxford on occasion?" I said I would but I wasn't around all year like the previous owners. My work and business interests took me traveling a great deal. They almost rubbed their hands together thinking of the winning wagers in the future if I played. I had a good laugh to myself.

Carter had been through the game room at one point; he had a smile as I joined him by the food. "Miss did you `wipe the floor' with them?"

We both laughed and did fist bumps!

Aileen and Sue came in after their ride, they cleaned up nice. That got laughs from them. Some food and tea and introductions. Aileen nudged me, "Where can I get an outfit like yours?"

I told her Mongkut but if she and Sue wanted to join the ladies only' trip to Phuket in February maybe we could find the same for her. I explained that all my crew' and Daphne, maybe Sara were going to the beach house, it was to be a sun, sex, a few drinks, swim and sun and sex... holiday! Her eyes were big, holding my hand, squeeze, she was up, had to ask Sue! She stopped, "Sex?"

I had my arm around her slender waist; I gave her a brief explanation about the `crew' and Cho's attitude about my being with them. And how Daphne and Sara fit. I told her on the QT about Andrea and Jian and Ting. I said we just share affection which sometimes becomes physical but our underlying relationships are not threatened. Sharing and how far was up to them if they came but they'd get an eyeful of naked girls of different types!!

She had a `fake' scandal look laughing, I waved Sue over and left them to discuss after a kiss each.

We had passed the high point and I could see the crowd had thinned. Cho joined me by the fireplace, we warmed our backsides. Rubbing shoulders, "Miss Martin that is one hell of an outfit!"

I giggled, "I've been waiting!"

My butt was toasty, hands too. Cho warmed up the front of me with a big hug and a kiss. Not long but sweet.

I heard a `who wouldn't' in the background which did make us both laugh. We spent some time at the door saying goodbyes. Mr. Thorn said he'd seen most of the locals. "You've struck a new chord with the village."

His wife kissed my cheek, thanking us saying it was an awesome beginning!

Carter joined us; he thought the numbers had been very good. I told him what Mr. Thorn said. A success! A start!

Carter went to dismantling everything with the caterers. He and I did fist bumps!! "Miss these few hours puts to shame the previous owners!"

Okay Cho and I were gods!! Well maybe just ordinary folk... Who liked to share!

Cho seconded it when I whispered in his ear whilst snuggled together in a chair in the library. By ourselves for the first time today. It had been a long eventful day.

Next: Chapter 43

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