Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Mar 30, 2019



In the Great Room we had a gathering of all the non-golfers. Coffee or tea, lots of sweet things and talk about all sorts. They all got reports from 21st Century Fox so I didn't go into much there but rather informed them about the pending Trump items.

They knew it was very hush-hush, their PA's grinning knowing how bad/nasty this was. There was some astonishment about the level of depravity. Fox News digging was going to get the whole story all we had to do was wait.

I held back on the south Thailand story until it had some real work done on it.

Carter2 announced luncheon. Crab bisque, grilled salmon on focaccia, mushroom risotto, steamed mixed vegetables under a cream sauce, bread and a delicious white Burgundy. A vanilla custard topped with strawberries.

Good food and light chatter. Afterwards the golfers returned and cleaned up. We gathered in the Library to connect with William.


We had our Board of Directors meeting, did a collection of things for the lawyers, miscellaneous Board votes, etc... discussed issues, made a few decisions on bonuses for Fox TV folks, the board gave a formal thank you to Cho and I for our leadership and decided that we should continue.

The direction of the company was where we wanted to go and everyone was pleased that there was a healthy profit! Under ours and Bill's leadership 21st Century Fox made more from July 1 to now than it had made all of last year! Huge!

The stock price for the Class `B' shares had risen when the M*******************'s had dumped their shares on the market. They might have hoped to depress the value but they managed quite the opposite. We bought a huge amount right away at the lowest price!!!

The non-voting share price had also gained quite quickly, more than forty five percent before the class B' dump! So those of us who bought in had very healthy profits! We sold high' using the money to buy the class `B' shares when the M*****************'s sold.

Some fancy footwork by Cho made it possible. He had been carefully watching the markets thinking the M***************'s would sell since they had no hope of regaining power. He used all our money from the non-voting share sale to buy class B' shares. Our personal portfolio now had over thirty percent of the class B' shares.

All of the investors were kept up to date by Cho and some bought the non-voting shares as we sold adding to their profits. In short, we were all very happy!

Regine had arrived with a few folks and they gave us all a presentation of the social media programs to come. They would work to build and reinforce our new image. They had all the new TV faces on twitter, some also on instagram to boost their shows. There would be a sustained use of pictures and video in all media culled from Fox sources.

Then on the Fox Entertainment side, a lot of snaps and video to promote the shows and actors. For some shows the actors and directors would take part in various `Cons' around the world that linked to our shows, getting our folks out in public with fans. The conventions were easy to do with plenty of opportunities for video and snaps of interaction with fans.

The meeting ended with William wishing us all a wonderful New Year!

In the Great Room we celebrated with Taittinger's! Toasts and thanks! Snacks arrived! We grazed and I sat next to Cho. He got the abbreviated report on the drone which brought smiles and a few out loud laughs.

I got some caviar and little salmon things. Sitting with Hélène and Daria. Jaidee against my leg. They were kidding me about being out front still.

"Well, it's not like you all are giving us much choice."

They laughed, Daria nudged me, "We're both too old! Besides you two are a great couple now with kids! The perfect ones!"

I mentioned that so far my being transgendered didn't seem to have made much impression. I gave them the tale of Glory the BBC presenter.

Hélène looking at me, "She came here and didn't know that? Well, she must not be up to much."

I could only shrug!

Pam and Cindy joined us. The girls together. Daria asked what sex Pam's little one was. Abigail was a good name!! Daria had an aunt Abigail, "If she is any guide... there's not been a nicer person on the planet."

A good reference. Pam hoped she be a smashing girl. They hugged.

The Twins! Tha and Ellie brought them in. Hélène got Chani and Daria had her arms out for Charlie. The Twins had big smiles, happy faces. They had on sailor suits looking quite cute. Our ladies had fun, the Twins were their normal gregarious selves.

Cindy and Pam got them before a few men wandered over. Mike got Chani from Cindy. Our girl mesmerized him! Mac sitting there with Charlie both of them grinning!

So much fun to see the Twins win over a room! Everyone paid attention even the PA's.

We dressed for tonight's dinner. Almost everyone would be leaving afterwards so a bit of a show.

A classic little black dress, snug to my body, sleeveless, well above mid-thigh. Black thigh highs leaving a swath of skin showing above and black stilettos below. Silver bits and long black gloves up to my biceps.

Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes applied. I like this scent. I needed to ask Cho more about it.

Walking down with Cindy who was in a sexy midnight blue mini-dress. She squeezing my hand, "Damn, you look so hot! You'll melt the men down!"

In the Great Room I did receive an admiring welcome! Very nice and gentlemanly too. We all looked terrific. Cho in black, suit, shoes and shirt, deep black, silver horses at his cuffs!

Aperitifs! Bennet smiling beside Mac, "Fay, you always dress so well even went you are informal."

Mac laughed, "Your riding outfits are quite stylish much better than the traditional jackets and coconut hats."

We all laughed. "Mac, I hate those helmets too."

Dinner! The menu card in front of everyone's place was an Ellie winter scene. Vichyssoise followed by some delicious mushroom savories. The trout almandine very tasty, vegetable tarts in ceramic shells with Sue's extra flaky crust on top, potato rounds in a buttery garlic sauce, Maxine's ever so lightly crusty rolls and our local butter.

Carter poured the Bouchard Pere et Fils Chevalier Montrachet la Cabotte Grand Cru! Yes! Our wine enthusiasts recognized the quality of the bouquet right off, the taste sublime.

Before we got started Cho kissed my cheek, standing, "To all of you who believed the project would bring something better to pass and placed your trust in the market and us..." I stood, "...We salute you!"

Cheers all around. Mike stood up looking around for approval to respond, everyone waved him on.

"Cho, Fay, we..." his hand sweeping the table, "...honor your ideas and commitment to complete the job of ending the run of tawdry and false news that poisoned the minds of so many. Cheers!"

They all stood to cheer us.

Cho was quick with a Cho-Fay handkerchief for my tears.

He responded for us, "Thank you all. The day of the takeover was emotional for us. So much had happened last spring and we anticipated the birth of the Twins. To have it all crowned by success was... well quite otherworldly. We thank you for your support through it all."

I was holding Cho's hand tightly and smiling now.

Our dinner was served.

I was ready to calm down. Whew... Who knew toasts could be so emotional.

The food was a Carla triumph! Each part was excellent, the flavours, the aromas... tantalizing, the taste fully realized the buildup!

Gazing up and down the table was amazing! Lovely folks enjoying themselves. I lifted my wine glass to Carter who returned it with a broad smile and an `air' fist bump. Daria across from me followed the interchange and raised her glass to him.

When it time for dessert I had no idea what was coming. Turned out my knowing wouldn't have prepared me for how good it was. A piece of Bakewell Tart with a mini Bombe Glacée on either side. One mocha caramel, the other vanilla. The shells were white chocolate outlined in round shiny silver candies.

Everyone was looking around with big smiles. Carter2 poured the Blanco dell'Empolese, the delicious vin santo from Tuscany. Dry and light, the amber colour marvelous.

Ken was beside me, he leaned over, "Do you mind if we stayed for a few more weeks? I can't miss out out on any meals like this."

Laughing I gave him the name roll of all the other folks who wanted to stay. He was grinning.

"Well don't forget to ask us back!"

"You will be but...!" I motioned to Pam. They smiled!

Well-fed and happy the crowd moved slowly to the Great Room. The Twins joined us once more. We sipped afters and enjoyed the babies.

Very relaxed! We liked each other, the business was outside that.

Our departing friends were given a big send off by all the rest of us. Cho-Fay Air would carry them to New York and Los Angeles. Mac and Hélène staying overnight, they'd go up to their London homes in the morning. Lori and Shira with Pam and Ken to Basuto Road then back here for New Year's Eve!

My evening ended in putting a nightdress on Chani. Big yawns! Hugs and kisses. Her small hands holding me. I put her in her bed. Tha smiling, Charlie was down. A hug for our wonderful nurse!!

Cho patted my retreating butt in the morning as I slid out. Dressed and downstairs making breakfast for Jaidee who woofed at the door. He was quick with the bathroom again today. He sat by his bowl...waiting for the word. He got it and dove in.

Tessa doing the scones. The morning scone consumption had Sue and Maxine making them daily. Loaded, Jaidee ready, we were on the lane.

Scones given, horses mounted. Down the grassy way.

Tessa smiling as we crossed the last bit of the river to west side. Roy just arrived at the eyot as we passed over. He was doing great looking like the Michelin man.

We went under the railroad tracks on the dirt road heading towards Archie's place. Terry was out with cows, a wave, `hello.' We waved and greeted him.

When we reach Lower Radley Road a teenage boy came running from the front garden of the burglarized house.

"Miss... Miss..."

I stopped us. He was the son of the house, his dad asked him to keep watch as they knew I rode this way often.

"Could my dad talk to you?"

We steered to their garden entrance, the boy ran inside. A fellow emerged pulling on a coat.

"Miss Martin, we want to thank you for what you did for us."

Smiling, `We were being neighbors, not that much to it."

"Well to us it was very important. Some of the items were very valuable in the monetary sense but larger in sentiment so getting them returned was wonderful. We are in your debt."

I leaned down to shake hands. Mr. Wilcox, Oscar. He nudged the boy, "Get your mum."

"We've been away to the `in-laws' in Bristol."

A blonde woman came out buttoning a coat over her robe, slender shorter than me. A blonde girl looking like her mother trailed behind her. I was intro'd to Mildred, Tommy and Paige.

Smiles and more thank yous. I told them we were pleased with the recovery of their things and wished them a happy New Year. We waved as our horses took us off up Hall Street.

Jerrold was coming out, he yelled out a `thank you' pointing down towards the Wilcox's. Closer he was very happy for them, we'd done a real good thing.

I waved and we moved on. Tessa's smile got me to ask.

"Well they really do want to thank you."

"Yes I see that but we're just doing what a neighbor should do. If someone needs help you try to provide it. I'm not dissing them."

"Fay, I see it because I've been around you a lot over the last five months or so. Other folks won't be able to see the pragmatist easily."

"Point taken."

We rode up through the woods to the bridge to the locks, over into town I turned us to the south back to the grass. Pamela wanted to run and she did! Miss Fleetfoot carried me rapidly across the grass by the river, up to the property line. I eased her then and we walked the rest of the way. Tessa and Con caught up.

Tessa's face showing her joy in the ride.

Cho was alone in the Breakfast Room so I dumped myself next to him. A look...

"Tessa pointed out to me after we met the Wilcox's, the family that was robbed, that I didn't accept their thanks very well. I agree. I know I am like that and I tell myself not to take the piss but... "

Cho eased me into his lap, a kiss.

"Dear One, you are funny about those sort of things... being thanked... funny enough it can be hard to take under some conditions. You feel like what we did wasn't anything special... just being good neighbors but not everyone has the resources... the position... or the inclination to help."

A kiss on my cheek, "You need to chill out. Most everyone wants to be nice, admittedly not all but most do and they are also thankful without seeking anything further."

I hugged Cho TIGHT!

"Okay, I see what you mean. I have to be more aware."

"How were you when Mr. Hardy thanked you for saving him?"

"Maybe I was different because it was me directly helping not sending someone else? Could that be it?"

"Possibly! The more personal link. So think that everything you do is you doing something which wouldn't have been done otherwise. What if you hadn't offered to send our Security to assist? The Robber would have had a second haul AND gotten clean away!"

I was with Cho now. More kisses! I gave him lots for being my friend!

Gil stuck her head in, "Twenty five minutes to wheels down from Australia!"

Yikes! I hurried to cleanup. Now I knew why Cho was dressed for golf!

A quickie shower, fixed the hair and jumped into a red silk bra and panty set. The Munro Ancient tartan skirt, black tights and ankle boots, white cotton long-sleeved shirt with the black wool jacket that had the big shiny buttons. Silver bits and `Joy'

Whoosh through all that! Dashing down the stairs to get fast cup of coffee. I grabbed a piece of toast too.

Mac and Hélène sent on their way with lots of thanks, hugs and kisses. A Prasert car would drop them at their homes in the capital.

My guy and I in the Great Room with Gil and Francis who our guests hadn't met yet.

The cars drove in to Cho and I waiting. With the wind blowing across the the open Forecourt we didn't linger outside after all the hugs and hellos. It was winter for Miki and Inmura but the Aussies had summer going strong down their way.

Sheila and Alex looked terrific! Aaron and Nara shining faces. Angie and Tony with tans and grins. Miki and Inmura... they looked splendid! Coats off! Carter2 opened the Great Room doors for us to the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh's! Hugs!

The four couples hung their ornaments! New this year was the one for Aaron and Nara married!

Tha texted she was coming down with the Twins for an outing!

Our babies holding court as new arrivals got to be intro'd. The newbies all loved seeing them. They got hugs and kisses from me and Cho before rolling out to get some fresh air. All bundled up, Tha with a knit hat, gloves and a big muffler!

They'd have lunch after going back upstairs.

The guys were going to go over to Oxford East. Golf, lunch and 19th Hole after.

We had a girls group catch-up by the Great Room fire. I hadn't seen Nara since her marriage in late summer in Bangkok and the others it was spring in Sydney.

Nara had news for everyone, she was pregnant! Too soon to know whether it was a boy or girl. All good so far! Looked like the first week of August as a due time. Cheers! We drank their health with coffee cups.

Sheila gave us her news... they decided since things were going well so they'd try for kids too. Excellent. I suggested they prepare their puppies for some competition! Laughing!

Angie's two in and out from university, one to graduate this spring, the other working hard wanted to finish over the August term almost a year early. She was hot to get going on life!

Angie's face was amazing when she said, "I told her to enjoy being young with fewer cares but no!"

Laughing, "That one has always been in a hurry. She was born less than half an hour after my labour began!"

Miki let them know about her kids all out of college and off and running. "We rarely see them now! Of course it does make for less drama around the house."

She and Sheila were in the middle of two articles for the Basuto Group. One on social media misuse and the Myanmar cultural crisis over the Rohingya people in the west of the country which she said was not going to be well received by facebook. They allowed the abuse to be on their platform and profited from it. That was the wrong kind of business success.

My fake `woe is me' for facebook got laughs. Those two had seen the Fox News piece on the facebook and twitter from the autumn. Sheila told the others what had Fox News did.

The second was an update to their piece on the Chinese buying of natural resources slowing down.

I gave them our year. Glaa's romping through the racing season, bringing IrishRainbow into our stable, our youngsters successes and what we had coming. Also all about Sunny.

The 21st Century Fox takeover was big in Australia because of the M****************'s connections. The M************** newspapers and other media whined big-time about us. I yawned which got lots of laughs.

Our Democratic Convention meeting Hillary was huge then they found out she and Bill had been here the day before yesterday!! It was a WOW! It was quite something!

They wanted to see the BBC show I'd done when I told them about it so we moved to the Game Room and I brought it up from the video server downstairs. The streaming was so easy with a nifty iOS app called `Air Video.' They loved it.

Sheila squeezing my arm, "Fay, you look fabulous! Very sleek and sexy in a cool Grace Kelly kind of way."

Ooohhh that was putting me in some pretty high-class company. I wasn't in Princess Grace's league but it was rather nice to hear. I showed them video gift from Maeve and Sunny. It was a sweet present, I liked it a lot. They cheered at the end saying they believed it! Laughs!

We went to luncheon when Carter appeared. The soup was followed by Dover sole in a white wine sauce! Veggies and delicious bread from our girl Maxine! A Washington State white from Chateau Ste. Michelle was smooth, a bit of apple in the background. Something new from Carter.

A mixed berry pie with lots of whipped cream!! Terrific cross-hatch crust!

We went to dress for a ride. I did the khaki colours and the dusty rose jodhpurs. The golden brown boots and gloves, like our beautiful chestnut horses!

They were all WOW'd by the new clothes!

Sitting on Rebel waiting as the others mounted. I told Anthony we'd go north. Thumbs up!

We did a minor gallop up to the south end of Sandford then walked through town to the church. The Lone's were out so we turned for home. The run down the berm to the Radley's and beyond was a Rebel tour de force. Speed!! I leaned down over his neck as we flashed by our neighbors. The others were trailing spread out with Sheila being the closest.

When we came together I gave them a look at the arenas, jumps and the cross-country course. Telling my friends more about Sunny, her skills and what might happen next year for her.

Walking up to the House Sheila squeezed my hand, "Fay, you and Cho are doing a nice thing for Sunny. Damn... I wish I'd had an aunt like you!"

Smiles and a hug.

Home from school, Sunny and Maeve had a surprise! We bought them two tools for making more anime. A 27" iMac and a iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil. They would get to setup in the room the `gamers' had used with the proviso they'd have to share. It was big enough. Okay!! They were thrilled! Hugs and kisses!!

Shelby, Yone's number two, showed how to use the hard drive space on a server that had been put aside for their files. Yes! They loved that!

It was to be a dinner out tonight so we mingled a bit with the returning golfers before going up to change. A country restaurant with an excellent reputation. We'll see!

Casual dress. Black leather pants like skin with the sailor button flap in front, a row of vertical buttons in front of my hip bones, it rode below my slender waist. A white silk long sleeve shirt with a Nehru collar, white silk undies, black Coach pumps . The Hugo Boss red sheepskin moto jacket over, snug to my shape! Black gloves and Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes applied by my lover!

Cho all black. Skinny cut slacks, black shirt with small white polka dots I got for him on Rodeo Drive. Silver horses at the cuff! A light black pullover jumper. Black half boots. Hermes! A black leather car coat and gloves.

We looked terrific! My mirror told us so!

The restaurant wasn't a quick drive as Murcott wasn't on any main roads. We drove north to Iffley then onto the A423 to the A34 going around Oxford to the Islip off ramp to what some locals called Main Street which took us outside of Oddington and Charlton-on-Otmoor to the Fencott Road. On that through Fencott to Murcott.

Gil had booked the whole old room where the big stove was in the fireplace. We had the tables together with places for Security near the entry. Their pumpkin soup was very good, I followed with their salmon starter then the Scottish halibut! They replaced the parsnips with potatoes for me!! Yes! I went for the cheese to finish.

The wine Cho decided on for us was the Etienne Sauzet Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Referts, a 2009, straight from their cellar was the right temperature. Earthy and smooth! Very nice with our fish. Everyone could choose their own wine for their dinner.

Everyone seemed pleased with the food and drink, shining faces with smiles. The food had been well done and the service good.

We chatted about so many different subjects. The golfers were in shock at Cho's game. He'd shot a 63 doing his shorter drive longer iron play method. The 58 had made Tony's mouth open!

They hadn't done any betting at Cho's suggestion and after a few holes it dawned on them why.

We went home the opposite way through Horton-cum-Studley, Stanton Saint John and Risinghurst to the A4142 to our Oxford Road. We went past where Sunny had her great success in Woodperry.

As we entered Nuneham Courtenay I suggested we get afters at the Three Ponies. Okay. I called the other cars. So we turned on to Baldon Lane into Marsh Baldon. We were doing our own driving to let Prasert's folks have the night off like the kitchen crew.

Cho parked off the road and the other cars behind us. I led the way. Fran, the barmaid, saw me right off, a big smile. We got tables towards the back. The guys did single malts, some ladies too. They had Disaronno Amaretto!!! I was good!!

Pat's cousin Fidel, the pubkeeper, helped the men deliver our drinks and once again thanked us for being so generous to Pat. I said he was earning his way with good steady work. He was very happy for his cousin.

"Miss, I'll confess when he told me he was going to Harcourt House to say sorry I tried hard to stop him. He's got a good heart. He doesn't always do the right things."

`Well you can be proud of him so far. We will teach him a few new things to do."

Big smile. Fran gave him a hug.

I sat back to enjoy my Amaretto. I gave everyone the story about Pat. Inmura beside me smiling, "You treated him quite wonderfully. A fine thing!" He squeezed my arm.

Well... Pat was in position to make his own future and I thought that was good. If he stumbled a bit on the road we'd help him. I committed us, I was good with it.

At the house the guys were going to do poker. So I said to everyone else they could join me for a movie. I asked if we could put on `Eat Drink Man Woman' I'd seen it once about ten years earlier and wanted a repeat. No one else had seen it? They were Okay with it after the briefest of synopsis.

Food, love, passion, food, minor betrayals, comedy, food, sorrow, love and realization!

Ang Lee did a masterful job! Visually beautiful, excellent cast who did a very believable job, a solid story!

So many daughters who are willful, strong, intelligent and beautiful seeking their own paths different from their father's. Sunday night dinners like I never had!

I leaned back and let it flow over me. I could almost smell the food!

We all enjoyed it. I would have to get the Wedding Banquet, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and The Ice Storm to watch again. Sense and Sensibility and Brokeback Mountain were in the Library.

My morning ride with Tessa was somewhat later and ended on the Forecourt as the car carrying Bill and Tilly drove in. They were helped out by Kendall as I slid down handing Pamela to Tessa. Hugs and kisses.

Holding Tilly's hand as Bill and Cho shook hands. She was looking the place over.

"Fay, it is a nice looking house. More regal than the `cottages' in Newport I've been around."

Grinning, "It's nice, comfy in its own way and a good size for entertaining."

We escorted them to the Breakfast Room. They'd eaten a bit on the Cho-Fay Air flight but as they said a `more coffee' would be good. A toasted muffin and strawberry preserves sounded good too!

They were intro'd to the folks eating. A golf group was getting ready. Bill brought his clubs. I waved them away down the drive with Tilly. The sun was out and the early chill going away.

Tilly got settled in their suite while I washed and changed. The Munro tartan, white cotton shirt and the black wool jacket. Black tights and ankle boots. Silver bits and `Joy'

I was being boring with clothes! But comfortable!

Miki and Inmura were going to Basuto Road for two days then coming back for New Year's night. She could do some LSE days reminiscing.

The other ladies were going out for a ride after breakfast.

Tilly, Daria and I talked about children in advance of the Twins coming down. Tilly's kids and the grandkids were all excellent, they had a wonderful Christmas. Loads of gifts for the little ones.

Chani and Charlie! I got Charlie briefly then he went into Daria's arms, Chani had her arms out for a hug with Tilly. Oh my did she capture Tilly fast! The Chani grin so infectious!

I got Tha to sit with us and give me the Twins food diary. They were eating well, cereal was terrific! In a few days they would get started on fruit. We'd run them through several varieties slowly watching for body and bowel effects.

Tilly smiling over at me, "Fay this one is a doll!"

They swapped and Charlie got to try is smile on her. It worked like his sister's!

Tha got them ready for a Garden walk. Daria, Tilly and I waving to them.

Tilly was happy about Bill being involved with us, "He's thrilled with being part of the changes!"

She said he was taking time off, not overdoing the work.

I smiled, "Well he helped himself by finding so many talented folks to hire!"

"Bill's been around so long he knows a huge number of TV people and he has friends at all the media outlets across the country. A big crowd to go through, I helped him some. Your taking over the most reviled TV network didn't hurt. He was... IS... motivated!"

Fists bumped! We were laughing!

I showed Tilly the BBC Christmas visit video. As it ended she turned to me, "You were very cool and softly sexy like Grace Kelly. Your outfit was a great look!"

Daria grinning and nodding!

I was surprised at the repeat of the comparison, "Why Grace Kelly?"

"You are calm and smooth, graceful when you walk and the long dress and jacket combination was sophisticated with a hint of sexuality. Your slender shape and beautiful face will always give you a sexy quality that's understated by your demeanor."

I was staring at my boots...

"Fay, you are to my mind a unique person. Your gifts of clear thinking, compassion, the strength of purpose added to beauty make a package which is formidable. You have `IT' like few women do."

She squeezed my hand, "Keep using it!"

I teared up... I had a Cho-Fay handkerchief in my skirt pocket, I put it to use.

"I didn't want you to become upset."

Tilly taking my hand again. I squeezed this time.

"I'm not upset but a bit overcome! You have given me a wonderful although not deserved testimonial. Cho and I have done some good things together. We balance each other. As for me... I'm not trying to do anything other than what I think needs to be done and we have the resources to help get done."

"Well I think you're doing fine! And I do believe you should look at some of the clothes Grace Kelly wore. Many were timeless and extraordinary, especially when she was still an actress. You would look wonderful in them."

I showed Tilly a snap of the dress from Mirabelle in New York. She liked! Daria too! It had arrived and I was to do a `fitting' with Ellie tomorrow sometime late morning.

Daria had a cute grin, "Fay, when we first met I thought you cute and captivating but knowing there had to be more there to capture Cho. Then I found out the MORE so I think Tilly is right on!"

Gil and Francis joined us from the office. Work? Miscellaneous bits none urgent.

The riders came down from changing and we all sat for a bit before luncheon. The golfers would eat at the club.

Carla had soup and sandwich makings, cheeses and lots of cut apples and pears. More of Mrs. Pelletier's walnuts!! The origin of those greeted with several requests for the recipe after the sampling.

Afterwards I sat with Gil and Francis. Gil's items were easy. Francis had done some work on the Rossen Aircraft company I'd sent him. It was owned by two brothers, one in his seventies, one in his sixties, who on being contacted were interested in selling if the deal was right.

I told Francis to complete the background checks and other research on the company, get a valuation from all of it and we'd make an offer. I asked that he include a request for one or the other of the brothers to sign on for at least a year as manager and the other as advisor. They'd be on the payroll and under contract so we'd have a stable situation.

He was grinning! "Ali helped me with Gil so the research is done. I think we can value it now and make the offer."

Okay. My short and to the point comment, "Buy it!"

Francis laughing, "Yes Boss!"

He got an arm punch... "OW!"

Gil giggling, "That's some attitude Boss. Belabour the staff!"

"He won't sit in range again saying that!" We were all laughing, doing fist bumps!

Gil sat with me as I did some looking at Grace Kelly's clothes. I love the movie `Rear Window' so I started there. The green suit and the white and black cocktail dress! I sent some snaps and links on to Raphaela. We'll see!

I took Francis and Ali with me for a short ride. Rebel got to stretch his legs on the return from the Sci Ctr. Ali had a huge grin, "Fay, this is delightful! Thanks!"

"Well... you're lucky Francis got the riding bug. There's plenty of riding opportunities around us."

Fist bump with Francis!

The golfers arrived! Cho motioned to me. We sat in the Office.

He'd received an email from Monaco about running some of our horses at Cheltenham or Aintree. His reply was quite short `fuck NO!' We laughed. I loved to ride cross-country but steeplechasing wasn't safe the way it's done. We weren't going to add ANY risk to our horses.

"Monaco asked specifically about the `Grand National.' He now knows my feeling about it which I have to say made him laugh loudly. He said he had to ask but his question wasn't an endorsement. Flat racing has enough challenges for horses and riders... more isn't necessary. Certainly not the way it's done. Too many horses in each race, the jumps are too high, the grass isn't prepared properly."

A kiss! Who cared how much the horses were insured for which one owner said was why he took the risks! Thinking that way made it a business... that wasn't for us. It made me think again of Deanna's comment about pleasure versus business.

We had decided to take on sponsors not for profit but to cover some expenses for expansion, increased veterinarian care, more grooms, bigger stables, accommodations for staff, all things to make the racing better behind the scenes. All the purse money won was plowed back into the program!

Walking to the Great Room with a warm hand in mine! We led our guests down to the Stables to visit our crowd! Sheila and Alex beside me with Hathai. She happily crunched a carrot. Asda did a body search to find the mints. I loved to watch him chew on a peppermint.

Tilly and Daria standing next to Mandy watching her little filly running across the paddock. Such high spirits had them laughing. The golden red colouring of the filly so lovely even in our weak sunshine.

Dinner was a request of mine. A Marandi buffet! Everyone adored the aromas! Ellie made the little food cards to give our guests a heads-up on what each dish was and how spicy it might be.

She also did the table with Audra. Little Indian and Pakistani flags, the table cloth was red with orange placemats and aquamarine napkins. Small ceramic elephants with flowers surrounding them on the table, little lanterns with tea candles inside and bowls with flowers floating in lightly spiced water.

Our friends did ooooohhhhh's and aaaaaahhhhhh's! AND dug in! I filled a plate and had a bowl of Dal soup, chai. A plate of poppadum's and sauce bowls at each place. Feast!

There was conversation all around but limited by the attention to the delicious food! I nudged Bill beside me... He was smiling!

"This is great! We both enjoy Indian and Pakistani food. There's a really good place in Mid-Town, I'll send it to you for your next visit."

Fist Bump.

Dinner was followed by afters in the Great Room. Cho and I welcomed The Twins! They cute in matching white onesies with sweet cat faces all over. The whole crowd got to greet them and make them happy. Daria with Chani was great, they seemed to like each other a lot. Those little arms holding Daria.

Once Chani had gone on to Sheila and Alex I sat beside Daria and gave her the raised eyebrow.

She laughed, "I knew from my youth I would be the `aunt' and not the mother. It was inside me. Thad knew it too so when we went down the aisle there were no illusions between us. Our families tried to dent our feelings with sugar and treats but we knew. That was that for us. I've plenty of nieces and nephews. I don't miss kids but I miss Thad."

A big hug! "I do want to enjoy yours so be around often."

Another big squeeze and a `yes!'

I offered a movie for those interested. The Americanization of Emily' great World War II story of an American naval officer who is aide' to an admiral in London just before D-Day. Funny, incisive and romantic. James Garner and Julie Andrews in their first pairing! A wonderful cast of character actors and important folks early in their careers. Very nicely shot in black and white!

A warm Cho hand on my right butt cheek as I did my teeth. He was smiling, "You are very thorough in there."

Some cheek squeezing. As I leaned over to spit fingers crept along towards the center. Fortunately I managed to finish up without a mess as the digits passed over the slender gap to the other cheek! Once the towel had been hung I was... SCOOPED UP... SPUN around and aimed for the bed!

We landed as Jaidee woofed from his cozy spot. Cho called him over and we three rolled about laughing and tickling! I ended up face to face with Jaidee Cho behind him. We joined rubbed and caressed our warm and happy fellow!

Spooned with Cho! Sleep came over me easily.

Tessa got a break... Tara and Ken joined me for the EARLY morning ride.

They asked about tonight and what was happening. I gave them what I knew, dinner then the multi-media show from Charles and the laser light display all on the Forecourt. Champagne at midnight.

Jaidee hadn't done much snooping so the walk was over soon.

The horses being held by Cormac and Pat. Pat smiling, he'd talked with Fidel and was very happy we'd stopped over there.

"So why Fidel?"

"Our parents were radicals involved in Irish politics and admired Castro for his overthrow of a fascist dictator. Unfortunately for my brother he was born before Castro became a fascist. Now that he's dead I don't think he feels the burden."

I thanked him and we took off. We went south past the Sci Ctr and over the Abingdon Road by Denham School. We kept going south beside the Tolgate Road to the bridges. I guided us down into Sutton Courtenay and onto All Saints Lane.

Tara knew where we were but Ken hadn't a clue. She gave me grins. Ken was still at sea when I slid down and tied Pamela to a bush. I slipped my arm through his to walk across the grass up past the yew trees. At the stone marker he looked at me, "This is amazing. I had no idea!"

Tara was shocked, "You know who it is?"

Ken was grinning now, "Why yes, Miss! I've read all his books!"

We did fist bumps! Me laughing.

I took them back by the east way which Tara didn't know. East on Church Mill around the industrial area and seeing the ugly towers of the Didcot power thing to the south then north of Appleford to cross the weir by the Thames main channel over the old bridge and across the fields to the Oxford Road west of Clifton Hampden. Once on our property we asked our horses and we had a glorious run to the Stables.

Walking Pamela after her effort was nice, her breathing slowed and she walked proudly. What a lady she was! Max and Rascal had run hard and seemed pleased. I took us over to the stalls where Asda, Hathai and Secret Sea were. They were out in the paddock together in their nice new blankets. Mints were quickly consumed!

Up on the fence beside Ken. He thanked me for the ride to the grave.

"I first read Down and Out in London and Paris' as a fifteen year old. I got' most of it and although my high school English teacher encouraged me she didn't think I should read his books in order of creation as I said I would. She wanted me to skip onto `Animal Farm' and not be bogged down in the early novels."

He laughed, "I went ahead with my plan and I admit it took a long while but I have a stubborn streak from my mom and persisted."

Another slightly self-conscious laugh, "I was right. I got a feel for his growth and changes. When I finished "Coming Up for Air' I felt I'd earned the right to Animal Farm' and found it too short but spectacular. My history teacher took some time with me when he saw my copy of Homage to Catalonia' so I would know more about the socialist-anarchist-communist business. Nineteen Eighty-Four was... IS... so awesome for me. What I'd learned about Orwell's experiences in Spain made the novel even more `real' for me."

We sat on a hay bale. Ken was looking up at the gray sky, "I was lucky that my school had a few really good teachers though it was in the `sticks' of rural Virginia."

I said I'd met a few good teachers but I was quite solitary as a boy. More of an autodidact.

The `boy' did make his head bounce up!

"Fay, I do find it impossible to see that."

I laughed, "There aren't many who know that side. Even those that do are completely won over by the current me! My aunt and uncle hadn't seen me for about twenty years so there was enough space to have..." fingers pointing at myself, "... me be the reality. But then..." arms opened to wave widely, "...this helps to create a new world for me to inhabit."

There was no golf today? I looked at Cho's grin, `work' came out of his mouth.

"And I want to ride with you this afternoon."

That got him a kiss!

I foraged the buffet for my breakfast. Eggs, tomatoes, potatoes and muffins. Coffee! Once I sat the strawberry preserves were attacked ferociously! Cho laughing quietly during that.

Bill with a smile when I returned to the food, tongue in cheek, "Fay, your legs are quite slender for storing such large quantities of food."

I shook the left one as I returned to sit he laughed out loud! Cho said something about `magic.'

Post-breakfast there was a riding group and a few went into Oxford with Gil.

I changed to a black pleated miniskirt and white shirt and a red pullover jumper.

Cho and I sat to talk about a few disparate bits. Travel, The Company's projects, south Thailand, The Twins eating solid food, the upcoming races, houses, an extended stay in Paris this spring, lots of interesting things!

There were some kisses included. He was tickling me gently about the Rossen Aircraft deal.

"Go to it! If we are going to play nice with Hillary's government we'll have to be around."

After luncheon we welcomed Lori and Shira with Pam and Ken back from their days in London. Miki and Inmura were coming back on the train in a few hours. Charles was still with Agatha and would see the New Year with her and Angela.

Everyone knew dinner would be a bit formal and lots of anticipation for the fun of the night.

Yone gave us a briefing on the new Security systems. The drones were working out beautifully, long flight time on the their batteries with a quick charge. The batteries could be swapped if need be in minutes. Their enhanced communications package made controlling beyond eyesight easy. They could patrol and react over all of the property including across the Oxford Road south and east of Little Baldon.

The anti-drone device had been repeatedly tested by all our drones being as tricksey as possible. It caught everyone! Benjamin was terrific so was Marshall who was freshly back from Bangkok having taken part in the testing there. He brought some software upgrades!!

Cho and I with Ken and Tara rode north in the late afternoon. We'd had an uproarious time with the Twins after lunch and doing some diapers and a bath. Terrific fun! Ordinary events made into play! Tha was always keeping them entertained in the midst of mundane tasks! So our joining in made it MORE amusing!

We got a bit wet in the bath part but the Twins were laughing, happy and clean! Tha sitting watching giggling at us.

We called out New Year's greetings to our neighbors as we rode by. We saw a few people in Sandford to say hello to. Mr. Hardy was coming up tonight. The Lone's waved as we turned south on the dirt road. We'd see them later too.

Rebel was ready to go! We were off! SPEED... He roared down the berm like it was a super-motorway! When we reached the grass I asked him... He accelerated... we went like an arrow along the river. Ken and Cho were far behind! Tara closest but that not very near.

I slowed him at the training tracks to a gentle trot to ease him down. The stragglers caught up smiling happy faces! They loved the run and our horses prancing a bit were glad to go fast!

Cho leaned over from Rascal for a hug!

Francis sat with me, Ali in the same chair squeezing him which got giggles from her. He had all the financial data from Virginia on Rossen Aircraft. He was flying over leaving late on January 2nd taking Ali with him. He would return in a few days leaving Ali in New York.

The Rossen's were ready to sign.

Stella was preparing teams to go to Washington National and Dulles to secure the locations and train the staffs. Gilbert who was at Upperville would be in overall charge of the new locations reporting to Stella.

Kavat had two groups ready to depart to ready both locations for our aircraft but the Rossen's folks were very good so it wouldn't be much work. Several AW139's were being readied to be stationed in Virginia.

Time for The Twins. They were crawling around. It was so much fun to down on the carpet with them. Laughing, tickling, giggling and finally in our laps we took turns reading to them in English, Thai and French. Tha was a fluent French speaker and used the language with them frequently.

We all gathered in the Great Room for a light tea. Nibbling a piece of shortcake that was half dipped in dark chocolate talking software with Alex and Aaron. Fin at my elbow, a whisper.

I spun around to see Graeme in uniform at the door, I waved him over. A big hug! Intro's! Graeme did look terrific in his khakis! He was just back from Fortrose and had several more days off.

He went over to Cho, big smiles and handshakes! He could stay for several days!

Dressing with Cho. He was sitting there dressed beautifully watching. Black suit, WHITE shirt, gold running horses at the cuffs, a black tie with red and gold vertical lines down the center!

The Mirabelle dress! It fit wonderfully with only minor adjustments by Ellie! I hoped Louise Brooks would approve. Deep neckline, snug to my body until the hips then it flared slightly to give it motion. Two shades of champagne in the dress and the lace overlay. Front hem at my knees then draping in the back to mid-calf. Gold heels and jewellery. I got Cho to hook the slender five concentric gold necklaces piece. It laid just right on my bosom, shining brightly. Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes applied by Cho.

All I could get him to say about the perfume was it was somewhat rare... Okay I'd do some looking.

"My dear that is right! With your hair you're transported to Nineteen Twenty Five!"

Hug, kiss! I put on my lipstick a faintly darker champagne tone matching my nails. The last piece were the long gloves to my biceps in a shade to match the main dress colour.

Down the stairs on Cho's arm! We met Graeme at the bottom looking very handsome navy suit, pale gray shirt and his regimental tie. His face brightened when we emerged at the top of the last flight steps. A kiss for him. We joined arms to enter the Great Room. I loved our little `entrances.'

We got a cheer! Then glasses of Taittinger's! We toasted each other and the last night of the year. Sheila next to me, "Fay, the look is FAB!"

I gave her the story so she got the combination of the hair and dress. I didn't have the dark hair but I wasn't going to dye my hair!

Carter at the door! Cho extended his arm once again. The door to the Dining Room was opened on a world of silver and gold! A white table cloth with silver `crackers' and gold paper crowns beside each place. The gold candles in silver holders, garlands of gold and silver around the windows.

Beside our chairs we gently placed the crowns on each other. Looking into Cho's eyes... His smile growing as he knew that we saw the same thing... We LOVED! A kiss! A couple of huzzas!

I turned to `crown' Graeme.

"Fay this is wonderful!" A hug!

Bouchard Pere et Fils Chevalier Montrachet la Cabotte Grand Cru in our glasses!

Cho rose to offer a toast to this year of 2016 which had brought us such happiness and wondrous events! Glaa cruising along through his early races then our two marriage ceremonies and the crowning of our Triple Crown winner followed closely by the 21st Century Fox takeover. The Twins made their smashing magnificent entrance! Then the success of our efforts in the election and having reunited me with my family!

I stood beside him.

"We thank everyone who has taken part in this journey! Each contribution is valued and appreciated!"

We drank to acclaim!

Aaron rose to thank us for being generous hosts and for my introduction of Nara into his life! More cheers!

Carla started us with a tangy tomato bisque then savories of egg and cheese in delicate pastry. The fish was broiled halibut, tender, flaky. An awesome citrus sauce, lightly sweet and sour. Tiny pearl onions scattered over the grilled asparagus. New potatoes, grilled with rosemary and thyme and cracked peppercorns. Little loaves of crunchy crust white bread from Maxine.

Everyone paid attention to their food which slowed the talk. Graeme grinning beside me.

I nudged him with an eyebrow raised.

"Fay, your dinners are wonderful how do you get guests to leave?"

I laughed and told him about how many wanted to stay and or be adopted!

"Why you get to our place in Bangkok you may never leave."

"Your cook is that good?"

"Better than that! She's awesome! Every meal is like this! Not that Carla is giving away a thing!"

"Well Carla has my vote!"

The menu cards had a question at the end... `For dessert did you want treacle tart with clotted cream or a lemon syllabub?' There was a golden brown or lemon yellow tab to attach to the top of the menu card to announce your choice.

Graeme did both which got a laugh! I chose the treacle tart! These were Sue's creations. She did herself and us proud! The tart was incredible! I shared a taste with Cho, he spooned a bit of his syllabub for me.

Graeme got his choices and cleaned the plate and glass!

I was sipping my Amontillado Hidalgo Jeres-Xeres watching Graeme finish. I got a huge grin, "Okay I know I just added a few pounds!"

"I think the Army will run it off you!"

Huge smile!

Cho and I left our guests briefly to go up to tuck in the Twins. They were so cute and snuggly! Warm and drowsy we put them down with Tha's blessing. They were ready!

Afters in the Great Room before the show outside. The weather was cold but no wind and no snow `for now' as Carter said it.

It was time! Bundling! A black wool beret, black camel's hair trenchcoat from Coach, gloves! Pam smiling as she closed her coat over the tummy'! Ken laughing it was getting harder' on her dressing for winter. I lent her a pair of heavier gloves.

Charles arranged the multi-media show like last year. We had the staff around us! Everyone who wasn't doing a specific task was with us. Will and family, Benjamin on his `legs' with a local girl who was his best.

Archie and Margy, Mr. Hardy, our other local guests and Jaidee beside us! Cho holding my hand tightly.

The show led with snaps of the Twins arrival mixed with some wedding shots then other events of the year. The St. Thomas shows, the hay Ride. Sunny wasn't here but her big win at Woodperry was. Christmas visitors, Amedee and Kon, the Crew! Family! Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig with Donella arriving. Graeme in uniform and then in his new tack! He was behind me laughing.

President-Elect Clinton and the former President Clinton!

Horses, cats and dogs many times over. Our staff in so many poses doing their work all around the estate. Mucking out as manure flew out of a stall to Rebel steaming during a bath! Feet in the air waving covered in slippers in the Stables staff lounge!

The kitchens going full blast, Carla telling Charles to get out of the way, laughing at him. Maxine deep in a pile of bread dough. A single strand of hair curling down her right cheek.

Audra having a meeting with her folks, they all spread out after.

Yone on the phone, with an iPad directing a drone. Benjamin doing a `wheelie' and Will with Eliza and Beth at their door. Security people all over the Estate in their Land Rovers.

The Farm staff with Archie posed with one of the harvesters. Hay rounds, cows and chickens.

Carrots piled up for the horses. Sebastian and Tess, their `kids' and Thames! Drs. Crawford in many positions.

More of the Twins!! Everyone being intro'd, play, eating cereal, on the go with Tha in the Garden. Cho with his golf clubs. His trips to Oxford East with friends.

All our Company folks with their little ones. Shots of us in riding tack going out on foot and mounted. Sunny and Charlotte down at the arenas and jumps.

Freddie and Diana on the Training Tracks with our runners! Ronnie siting on a fence stroking Secret Sea's nose, Asda beside her leaning over. Mandy and Heather's babies gamboling in the background as the moms chilled out.

It was awesome in the coverage of the year. Charles was an Ace at this!! He had music flowing in and out, sound effects and a few simple animations. When it ended he got huge applause. Cho shook his hand and he got a big hug from me.

He fired up the laser light display. It used the same big white screen as the multi-media show, bouncing around with music, it spun around to project itself on the front of the house. It did minutes of fantastic colours and shapes then with a drum roll it wrote Happy New Year above the doors in a flashing brilliant blue.

Carter had a clock on a table where the Taittingers was being poured. We got everyone around to have a glass of champagne or fruit juice for our pregnant ladies and the youngsters.

Carter did the countdown to 2017! Hurrahs, cheers and yells!

I did a lot of hugging and kissing after I gave Cho a whopping kiss! He was funny, "I don't know if I will recover from that one."

Well I was cold enough and made a run for it! Carter smiling as I gave my coat to Lucas. He had come in leaving Carter2 to oversee the outside. Very wise!

By the Great Room fire I got hot chocolate and some shortbread. The others figured it out and straggled in. Hot drinks and snacks all around.

I had a hot Cho on top of me, we snuggled ourselves. It was late or we might have gone on but my yawns had Cho laughing. He said the `princess needs to sleep.'

Jaidee had a good rub and was asleep in his bed... my eyes closed with Cho's warm self against me.

`A quiet morning. My son sitting on my lap at the breakfast table. He was growing into a fine young fellow. The phases of his life continued to pass along... from swaddling clothes to diapers to short pants, from nurse to nanny. Such a sweet happy boy who loved horses and mud!

I so often found him very dirty in the garden sitting in a bare patch with his shovel. Our gardener had finally given in and made a spot for him to save the plants.

He did love Maurice his pony! The little man up on the black pony was a sight! He was learning to ride properly and care for his horse. Tim, a groom, was a good teacher, patient and easy-going.

Tim always beside the young rider guiding and instructing him. The careful attentiveness I had rewarded much to Tim's surprise.

`Sir, this is... well, thank you Sir. It is very appreciated.'

The golden Sovereign on his palm did shine in the warm sunshine.

`Tim, you have been watchful and diligent with Master George. Our appreciation is great!'

I did ask what he might spend it on and the first words about doing something nice for his mum. Classic and wonderful. He'd been a good worker since he came to us five years back, he earned his reward.

Master George shook Tim's hand quite solemnly. I think that really pleased Tim.

My son walking with me to house looking up, `Papa, I like riding more than the garden.'

`Then go out as often as Mrs. Reardon allows but remember Tim must be with you.'

A huge smile! We sat at breakfast with Alice. She got the news from George. More smiles!'

I was awake minutes before my iPhone. `Master George' Gawd how many boys were named after a king! Well my alter-ego had a personal relationship with the King George of his time so...

Okay! Jaidee and I were wide wake and moving! Down the stairs. Marigold had arrived a minute before. We exchanged Happy New Year's greeting. I sent Jaidee to his box and got on. She started on her morning routine.

I was loaded with scones and coffee, Jaidee leading. Tessa's grin terrific. No `big head' for her.

"I love to party and dance but I hate drinking too much." That explained why she was up and cheery this morning. My own head was clear, one glass of Taittinger's at midnight had been plenty for me at last night festivities.

Our four legged friends were ready, Declan and Pat welcomed the hot, buttery scones! I said south and Declan nodded with a mouthful of scone.

It was cold, hinting of snow. The clouds darky silver and low. The wind was calm. Declan's forecast was for the white stuff to fall before mid-day.

I asked Tessa to take us to Eric Blair. A grin. She led us south but I could see she was going a different route, some giggling.

`I looked at some maps' was all she'd say. Okay. We rode between the Sci Ctr and Clifton Hampden to cross the Abingdon Road. No traffic at all. Down the High Street to its end transferring to a dirt road than aimed us towards the river. A right turn to the old narrow bridge west of the Long Wittenham lock through the fields to the weir crossing.

Tessa smiling, "I'm on track, right?"

"You are! I've not gone over this way only home."

North of Appleford and well clear of the sand and gravel pits, up Church Mill Road until became Churchmere then north on All Saints Lane to the back gate.

We walked over the grass to the grave. I thanked Tessa! A hug. Fishing in my jacket pocket... I pulled out a flat black stone, smooth all over, VERY black and shiny.

Tessa asked to hold it, she turned it over... her look at me...

In thanks for so many hours of pleasure' F.O.Martin 2017'

I laid it on the grass against the back of the headstone and stepped back. Tessa squeezed my arm as we were still for a minute. I smiled, took a few snaps and we headed home.

She took us north on All Saints then over to Tolgate Road across the river through Culham and over the Abingdon Road again near the Denham School. It was silent there with the holidays. We crossed the railroad tracks and rode beside Thame Lane. This was all Harcourt House!

I asked Pamela! Con tried hard to keep up... My girl was ready to run! We soared across the grassy spaces I leaned down close to her neck which made her run harder!! We chewed up the grass quickly down the slope in a rush to the flats.

Tessa came up to us, Con breathing hard but looking happy! Fist bumps! A great ride!! We cooled our horses a bit then handed them over with the request for more.

Gregory smiling, he showed me a pretty calico girl cat. She wasn't to be spayed so Sebastien might mate with her. Tess had a litter and that was all. She'd be spayed shortly. His `cat' plan was working out in the exchanging.

I put my tush on the banquette beside my guy. A kiss! He got the story of my ride. Another kiss for the black stone.

"I was glad to get it out of my pocket, it kept banging against the left nipple bar during the ride."

Cho smiling, "What did it weigh? A pound?"

"More... more like a pound and half. The inside pocket was the only place it could go safely."

"Poor thing! Come upstairs and I will give you a massage."

His eyes in `leering' mode with a twinkle. We laughed! So easy to love him!

Food! I piled a plate with eggs, potatoes and toast! Coffee! Mostly full I dashed upstairs to help feed the Twins. Tha and Ellie were getting things ready. Charlie willingly opened his mouth for his cereal! Tha had the same from Chani!

"Fay it has been like this every time. We will go to apricots at noon today."

We did high fives! Charlie stuck his hand UP! Wow! We did `fives' too. Chani got into the act!

Seems like they play off each other... one learns something then the other 'gets it' also. Happy babies!

Tha saying their little bodies were doing fine with the solid food. More!

It was terrific that Ellie liked being here with them to be company for Tha. I encouraged Tha to bring the Twins down more as there'd be fewer guests. Okay!

Changed to black jeans, white t-shirt and a floppy black cardigan and ankle boots. Silver bits and `Joy'

Cho and I with Francis in the Office. He was ready to go to Virginia. The second apartment building in Seattle closed and our folks were inside doing upgrades. The empty units would go to our people, we would offer to buy out existing leases and give incentives. Security were doing their thing.

We had possession of the new clinic and the builders were already doing changes based on Kotro's suggested plans. The city was being helpful in the permitting process. Washington State folks were to meet with Ku and Regina.

What a find for us Regina was. A physician of wide experience who had managed a clinic for a local hospital chain as well as practicing medicine. We found her through Amarha who knew Regina from a woman's club. A single mother with two boys, working hard at a job and being a mom.

Ku sat to discuss our plan with Regina, she told us she could see Regina getting interested. She needed a new challenge and we made her offer. Done! She resigned two days later and started to work with Ku and the builders, getting involved with the city and state because she knew what they needed.

The whole project was on a fast track!

Our next trip to Seattle was going to be a biggie!

Yone joined us with some news. The `contact' for the shooter we captured had given up his connection in the Russian drug mob! Scotland Yard had been tailing him and nabbed him with several kilos of heroin and cocaine. So either he rolled over on his fellow drug dealers or he went to prison forever!

Now they had a specific target to look at in the drug mob so the focus could be narrowed. The police resources aimed at him should get something more than a co-conspirator's word as evidence. We wait.

Yone had had the talk about security with Scott Wellans and Althan Carmichael. They had an overview of what was going on around them. They were surprised there wasn't more in the news. A shooting on our property they thought would have been big.

It had made the news but Harcourt House wasn't mentioned except in passing. The police wanted to keep the lid on until they had done their investigation up the criminal food chain.

They both understood we would defend our property aggressively. They were informed that drones would be in the sky but their property was out of bounds. If we needed to fly over for a specific reason we would ask if possible, time depending. They were good with it.

Yone had heard from the CPS and met with our Oxford solicitor. The latest intruding Sun reporter was charged with six offenses and his bail paid. We still had the drone.

Thames Valley Police were supporting our bid for criminal charges against the Sun management and reporters. We were putting the CPS on the spot. Our plan was to put pressure on via the courts in many directions.

Once Cho and I were alone I snuggled against him, "Fay, I want to sue News UK, the local arm of the NewsCorp. They have tried to use the Sun to annoy us. While they have not been able to do us any injury their persistence helps our case. We have five attempts to enter our property to spy all documented by Thames Valley officers. Each ending in an arrest and bailed suspects.

We can do a lot of damage with little cost to ourselves."

I was up for that!

Cho joined me later for Apricots in the nursey. The Twins liked it! Okay!

Tha recommended `not to' when Cho asked about the taste and was going to... She said it was made for a baby's consumption so... Cho decided to forego that experience. Me too!

The babies were happy, curious and cute little devils!

Email to Raphaela on how the dress turned out and any ideas about the other clothes I mentioned.

Bang! She was right back, amazing.

She looked at a lot of snaps from `Rear Window' and she was sure they could match the look of each outfit.

I emailed back `do it.'

I got a smiley and `I will keep you up on the progress.'

Ken and Pam with Lori and Shira were leaving this evening. Hugs and kisses! Their Cho-Fay Air flight over the pole was ready at Chalgrove. We'd soon be in Seattle and Los Angeles so we will see them all in a few weeks.

Daria was on her way to Newburgh then to the city by helicopter. Terrance would be the final leg for her.

I helped our Australian contingent to pack for their morning's departure. They all were happy.

Miki and Inmura had huge smiles.

"Fay, we have enjoyed being here again and the time in London was terrific! Thanks so much for inviting us," Miki hugging me.

Inmura asked if I was going to be back in Japan any time soon which I couldn't answer. Cho would be in Nagoya for a conference where he'd speak so maybe they could meet then. Thumbs up!

By afternoon of the the next day we had an empty house! Francis and Ali were on the way to Dulles, all the other Cho-Fay Air flights off in the skies.

Raphaela's email had a quote for the two outfits `for the record' she said. I was good.

Penn's email from Bangkok was sweet. She loved flying with our family, everyone was very nice. Kavat put her to work right away doing scheduling stops at various airports, getting facilities lined up as preparation for our flying in two weeks.

Her apartment was small but a good size for her. The neighborhood was pleasant and quiet. She had been out socializing with some of the staff, good food and they had gone to a club one night for dancing. She had a fun time.

`Kavat said to tell you it was the Ice Rink.' I laughed!

My email back encouraged her to work AND enjoy. `the Ice Rink is owned by us' should explain away Kavat's line.

Monaco sent us email about horses he was interested in at the Keeneland January sale. We were looking for five or six.

Several two year olds, colts and fillies, a five year old multiple G-1 race winning stallion and two excellent winning mares, a four and five year old. What he bought would go to Roundell and Sasha's farm to start then decisions would be made.

Cho and I rode for a while around the farm areas east of the Oxford Road. Archie joined us for a pint at the Catherine Wheel pub in Drayton Saint Leonard. He was pleased with his staff, Tom as his deputy was terrific.

"We think alike so it's as if he was another me. Nick is learning a lot about running things, leading workers and our type of crops. It's expanding his natural love of farming."

Fist bump. Margy was pleased he was out of the house. Laughs.

We discussed buying some land north and east of Nuneham Courtenay. They were two adjoining parcels, one hundred and ten acres, the other eighty five. Used for growing grain now... Archie would take Nick with him to make an assessment.

Dinner was grilled cheese sandwiches and piles of chips!!!! Pickles and a chocolate cake by Maxine shaped like a blue star with silver and gold candies and candles (for no reason at all)!

Afters in the Library for a movie. `The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum' from the Heinrich Boll novel. Good script from the novel, excellent acting in several tough roles. A young woman at a party falls for a stranger who is wanted by the police, she helps him to evade the cops and is arrested then vilified by a rogue newspaper reporter. Through everything Katharina seeks to remain herself as fires burn around her.

Set in 1970's Germany, it is a period piece with the backdrop of the Red Army Faction aka the Baader-Meinhof Group whose terrorism was loud, violent but unfocused.

Angela Winkler and Jürgen Prochnow, who would later do the Captain of `Das Boot" so well! Volker Schlöndorff and Margarethe von Trotta directed from their screenplay. Awesome!

Cho's arm around me, "So a non-sequitur for you. I had Sanjara contact the Thai Amateur Golf Association about my status. I have been sending them my scores at all the courses I have played and officially I now have no handicap. They encouraged me to play in tournaments at home and around the world so I can qualify for the major amateur championships. Like the U.S. Amateur and the British version, etc... They would love the exposure."

He laughed, "PR for them at no cost."

"So why not turn `Pro' I can handle all the businesses."

I stuck my tongue in my cheek VERY prominently. A huge laugh from my guy! A big hug!

"We'll see about tournaments. What about the Foundation's possible one?"

"It's a work in progress. I won't get your hopes up but possibly in September or October. I don't know how much has come from a possible link with the Clinton Foundation. I'll ask Kwang."

A kiss!

We were heading to London in the morning for a few days. Shopping, football and me giving a speech! Yikes!

Cold in the morning! A bit of wind but no snow. Tessa smiling, "I've several layers with Kentucky Heat!"

"The Kentucky Heat bits under for me too."

Jaidee was cruising down the grassy lane meeting Thames at the office. Woofs and bumps and they were off. The cats stayed in the office! Smart!

Pamela and Con were good to go! Scones delivered to Anthony and Pat. The new grooms had met Andy before he flew back with Ken and Pam to Seattle.

Text from Penn

A short ride today, south around the Sci Ctr and a fast run back to the Stables. Pamela my striding queen!

I parked with a full plate beside my love! In between eggs, veggie sausages, tomatoes and toast I sipped coffee and talked. Cho shaking his head. I kissed those luscious lips! A bit of strawberry preserves added!

Text from Gregory, the trailer with Roland was near. Cho and I walked down as it pulled to a stop. Gregory led the chestnut out into the sunshine... Gorgeous! Roland was a handsome fellow! White stockings on the front, his mane and tail were lighter almost blonde. Boy what a looker!

I stroked his face, he was quiet then a few soft noises saying he was good with me. I took the lead and we walked slowly along the stable row to a stall near Pamela. He walked smoothly. In the stall I opened the back to a paddock. He strode right out, I took off the lead and patted his rump. A nicker and he dashed off tail flying!

Oh yes! Spirited, handsome! Now if he and Pamela liked each other?

I turned toward her stall, she'd been cared for after our run. Her head came out when she heard Roland exclaim his pleasure at being able to run. She slowly walked out into the sun... her skin lit up like his... the golden reddish colour I loved.

Cho was beside me and arm over my shoulders. About thirty yards down Roland faced towards Pamela. They looked across the empty paddock between them. Pamela spoke and Roland's head came up! They had a conversation. Okay.

We headed up to the house after speaking to Gregory. He would leave them where they were for now and we would see what happens.

Prasert out front with the cars, we rolled across the graveled Forecourt and down the drive. I leaned on Cho watching the countryside go past, M40, M25, M4, A4. We talked about all sorts, Gil with a few reminders, Sanjara keeping Cho up on things in Bangkok about two banks in particular. Cho still wanted me to avoid those things. I squeezed him.

Prasert dropped us at The Company, the others had turned south for Fulham.

Eric behind his desk on the phone when I stuck my head in... Jodie said go ahead and bother him. We did! He got off right away to hug and shake!

We talked babies to start then to business. Lots of things going on, we covered railroad projects, new truck sensors, traffic scanning ventures in London and Seattle. The water projects were growing! Big!

The railroad side was growing in a clogged market, slower but still moving up. We had three sites for the truck sensor devices. They monitored the movements of trailers and the trucks to tow them around several huge warehousing companies.

The traffic ones were going very well. We were expanding in London and we were control of all the roads around the four drawbridges in Seattle. The vehicle flows were clearly better.

The Company bought a building on N. 35th Street off Fremont Place North in the Fremont District of Seattle to be the HQ for the project. Antoine moved in and setup the office to monitor all the intersections we controlled. Cameras and sensors fed their data to there. He sent snaps of the whole thing.

The water projects were gigantic! With climate change happening to weather patterns maintaining control of water had become critical. We have twenty jobs in progress at various stages. Reg came in to give us a rundown on the project pipeline.

"We have bids out on fifteen more projects, we are studying twenty five more to bid and doing discovery on forty other possible ventures. We have hired forty people, I'm running Andrea's folks ragged. We need more but it takes time to get it right."

Reg grinned at me, a finger aimed over, "You and yours are doing too good a job!"

We laughed. "Well, I'm going with Jasmin to India so expect a bump from that! Cho is coming for part of trip in Africa and Italy and France so I'll be showing off!"

Reg threw up his hands, "Well that's done it!"

Much more laughter! I bowed out to talk with the Server folk.

Jared's people gave me a briefing on the status of the Mac OS X Server software. We were making modules for certain specialized water functions that could be added where appropriate. A new version of the core server product was being prepared for late summer release, it was planned to roll over the existing software.

Jared was glad Tono had been in, they got good feedback and a few ideas. Some of his staff were to go out to client sites over the next few months. Some to railroads then water projects to meet with local folks and do a hands-on visits.

Gil had a lunch booking at Clarke's around on Kensington Church Street. We walked over, Eric, Reg, Jared, Douglas, Andrea, Arthur and us. She scanned their menu and selected a few things to start. She went ahead to make sure it was Okay.

Starting nibbles on the table in the Wine Room. Soup, a nice crab salad, then sea bass. I did the fruit and cheese plate after. Cho chose for us a nice Bordeaux and I got an Amaretto after my cheese.

The food was excellent, the service too. I kept getting looks from one young woman server. She knew who I was for sure. She didn't say anything, it was something to get used to.

On the way back to the offices a small crowd of teen boys were blocking the sidewalk. They made no attempt to let us by. PJ and Ken helped' several after we were told to fuck off' when we asked them to let us pass. `Helping' was comical as Ken lifted two from behind by their belts to assist their clearing the sidewalk. There was squawks and two others thought about giving aid to their friends but PJ dissuaded them with a comment. They backed away quickly. Tara and Penny took the point as our guys left the silly boys to nurse their egos.

Cho grinning at me, "What was the point?"

I could only shrug.

At the office I asked PJ what he said. Smiling he said `I would stomp them into pavement.'

"Well they took you seriously for sure!" Fist bump!

Sitting opposite Andrea... we looked at each then started to giggle! She was living life so well. She had two partners and was in love with both. A beautiful child! Awesome. Then I brought her back to earth...

"Damn buddy, these chairs are horrible!"

She laughed, "They came from Glover's old office because Arthur wouldn't have them."

"Get some new ones, toss these!"

"I can see we have our priorities straight."

"Hey... if you want me to visit get something decent, keep these to torment those in your black book."

Laughing our heads off! When we discussed Phuket her face showed she was ready. She pointed it out in a simple statement... `Fuck YES!' Fist bump!

We headed to Basuto Road. Graham met us and we got to visit his HQ next door. All our latest gear was installed! He had gone with an assistant door to door on our block and the houses behind the two gardens. He spoke to the residents and left some info, he didn't identify us but made it clear we took our security very seriously. No one had expressed a problem and several thanked him for bothering to inform them.

Ting and Andrea's sister Catherine were home across the road. Caroline looking very cute in a blue cotton jumpsuit! They were coming out with us tonight to my favorite Indian restaurant on Parson's Green Lane. We booked the whole place for several hours.

A big crowd to walk over! Cho and I, Andrea, Ting, Catherine and Caroline. Gil and our whole Personal Protection Team and I got Graham to come. We were a big mob!

The restaurant folks were very welcoming! They remembered me and were pleased to host us. Arnav the owner was smiling huge.

We were to order the main courses individually but starters and paneers and veggies were ordered for the table! They had Newcastle and Kingfisher beer, flavoured waters and chai!

I chose tandoori fish and shrimp! I added lots of their delicious paneers and aloo gobi to my plate! I decided on water which Cho got for me. Side by side we ate and talked about all sorts. The table had conversations crossing over and back! Fun!

Arnav had been to the the Basuto Road house before the 21st Century Fox takeover making a takeaway delivery when I had made the Indian spiced salmon. He remembered my giving him the recipe from memory.

"I used it at home but not here. It made the fish very nice." I was pleased. He was amazed we were customers of his restaurant!

We had a tasty dinner and a good group outing! The walk home was pleasant, we went on to the Commons. It was cold, no wind to chill us deeply. Kisses for Caroline, Andrea and Ting, hug for Catherine. Our Security headed to the other house after we three went in.

Holding a warm Cho under the covers, "Next time the Twins and Jaidee."

There was a `yes' and some kissing of the back of my neck! Strong arms around me, very quiet...'Love you' from behind.

No horse riding but I was up anyway. I fired up the DeLonghi machine and started the oven to warm rolls and scones. We brought a supply with us from Harcourt House.

I had my hands around a coffee cup chewing my scone as Gil arrived. A smile, "You look very natural sitting there."

I laughed, "Funny for so many years I was hardly here. I barely saw Mrs. Blatchly."

The very same was coming back to the House with us for for a visit before the Christmas tree came down. We'd kept her so busy shuttling guests through this house there hadn't been time.

Showering with the octopus! He relented and did wash and dry me.

I chose the Coach black wool sleeveless dress that was mid-calf, black stockings and heels. The black wool jacket with big buttons to stay warm. A Coach black wool overcoat and black gloves. Silver jewellery and `Joy'

A sleek look for speechmaking!

The conference was at Olympia London as part of a series with the sponsorship of the two younger Princes' Trust and Kensington Palace. Speakers on a variety of related subjects about managing, workers and jobs in the new workplace.

Our cars stopped on the Hammersmith Road side where several conference folks met us. We went in to a room near the Olympia Conference Centre to wait for my time. There was forty minutes or so to go if they were on schedule.

Two of the organizers came into the room. I was the first `speaker' for this conference, I sensed their apprehension. We spoke briefly, I tried to exude confidence. I guess it worked they seemed more chill before departing.

A young man was ushered in to `wire' me up. A small device pinned on the back of my dress under the jacket wirelessly linked to an ear mounted boom mic. He said it had been tested using a woman's voice. Okay.

Cho kissed me and went out with Rande and Penny to watch from the back of the hall. PJ and Tara would be on opposite sides of the stage near the steps.

I was introduced and walked up the stage steps past PJ, fist bump, as the attendees stood giving me a huge welcome. Applause and several cheering yells.

The moderator had intro'd himself earlier in the waiting room and we had reviewed the crowd and my timing. We shook hands on the stage.

The crowd seated itself and was quiet as I stepped up to the front of the stage.

I did a repeat of my talk to the kids at St. Thomas' but built for the adults in the room. I began with `differences' and how obvious that was but people let the import of that fade. Employers and workers had to remain aware of how each person fit into the many nooks and crannies of life.

The extrovert versus the introvert, the Black man and the Brown and how they saw themselves in daily situations that influenced their lives and how different it could be from another person's experience. The barriers women have to overcome merely by the nature of their sex not to speak of the whole `looks' issue. How the manner in which a transgendered person was addressed was so essential, so key to their own self.

Then into how what the person perceived as their core on the inside and their `outside' persona. How to help them maintain a positive and productive work life.

I gave them the mini-bio and how The Company had responded to me from the top down to the bottom. My changes made the path for others. How by being an `inclusive' business we had found dozens of new highly qualified and now prized employees to help fuel our growth.

We were finding that those pesky `differences' were actually bringing our people closer through exposure to others with diverse values, looks and ideas. Learning about someone else's life was giving our folks new views on their own.

They had video screens, Gil arranged for the 21st Century Fox news conference to be queued up at where Joseph asked his question. This was such a good teaching point!

I ran the video with a clicker unit until I was in Cho's arms with the applause surrounding us. I pointed out that I felt the question was unfair but my response although good theatre was pretty hard on the reporter. I told them about Joseph being invited to Fox News the next day, he came without knowing what would be said which was very brave.

"I apologized for the manner of my response but that he'd been unfair I asking it. Joseph said he was sorry for grandstanding. I asked him about his work at the New York Post newspaper and what he would like to work on. Although we were quite different I sensed his drive and a feeling he would like some task to give his full commitment to. I hired him on the spot to work for Fox News."

The applause started then exploded. I smiled and thanked them making the point that my action would have been considered by many as impulsive.

The lights and my moving around had warmed me up so I shed the wool jacket. There was a quiet murmur in the room which I took as approval of my dress. I went back to it.

"Does anyone here recall the Fox News piece on the concrete business in New York and Trump's complicity in gangster related crime?"

A few hands and yells. I told them it was Joseph's story, he worked it, digging out data and witnesses to build it. An experienced producer had been there with him helping him bring it together for a medium where he was so new.

"He may very well win reporting prizes from that. He's now a rising star in TV journalism."

More sustained applause.

The point was reinforced when I said Fox News and the other divisions of the corporation were hiring more women and minorities not to fill quotas but because there was so much talent out there why not gobble it up before anyone else!

I wasn't going deep just trying to get their attention but so they could `see' better what was happening around them.

I wound it up with a call to them to do as the saying said `celebrate diversity,' embrace what is different for that very reason. Rainbows are multi-coloured for a reason.

The crowd loved it and gave me a standing ovation. The moderator's smile almost broke his face. I thanked them all and waved going down the stairs on PJ's side.

In the back room some of the conference leaders came in to congratulate and thank me. I was a hit for them! `What a way to start' by one of them!

Cho! He came and drew me close, a kiss and a `well done' in my ear! The best praise!

There was a collection of news reporters in the passageway, some cameras. As we exited they wanted to ask questions but we declined. PJ and Rande led us out with Penny and Tara covering. A coterie of officials and their security keeping the press at bay. Cars at the door whisked us away.

Cho was off to a golf shop in Kensington then the office atop The Company building. Me to meet with Jack from the Foreign Office at Quirinale in Great Peter Street. He was bringing his colleague who would assist us in southern Thailand. A meet and greet.

The restaurant was about a half mile from the Foreign Office, far enough to be safe safe from prying eyes. The car dropped us on Millbank near Great Peter Street for a half block walk. The front desk woman knew my face right off.

Gil stepped up to her as she had made the booking. We were taken to a round table in a front corner. PJ and Tara at a table beside us, Gil said she didn't want the other close table used and we would pay a fee to keep it open. The woman was gawking and nodding, an interesting effect!

I asked for a Campari and soda, I scanned the menu. Jack arrived with Corinna, intro's. She seemed pleasant, large glasses obscuring what looked like a beautiful face. For business? A defense?

Drinks and we made our food choices. I started with seared scallops, the halibut with the roast potatoes. Jack was having their roast beef so we shared a bottle of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Vezzani, a delicious red from a favoured part of Italy.

It was an excellent meal. The food wonderful, the wine was right and the service was careful and attentive without being cloying. I decided on their warm semolina dessert with a glass of a Vin Santo from Tuscany, smooth, sweet but not heavy on the palate.

I could see everyone was enjoying so I let the conversation be general at first then became more specific as we advanced to espresso.

Corinna `got' what we were up to and amazed that we would try being as we were non-governmental. I explained our position and how we would use our resources.

She asked about the men who were on our side would interact with their fellows in government. I told her what Thoi had said it would be `approached as a hard-headed power politics' as friendship couldn't enter into it.

"You are a very high profile person to be doing this."

"Well that's why we are doing it this way. Proxies will have lower visibility in the south and we have high level access in Bangkok."

She was watching my face I had been facing Jack but I registered her look. I turned to her and held up my hands opened outward... she was surprised by my gesture!

"I was... thinking about... well why would you do this?"

"It simple, we want there to be peace in our country and all citizens valued for their contributions to the nation. If it means the government bending on some issues and the southerners doing the same we want to help them get there. No more killings, hurt innocents and destruction."

"I will develop some info we have into a document that I can share and pass it along to Jack. I will update the information, probably in less than a fortnight."

I thanked her and motioned to Jack, he got it.

"We are below the edge here so we will move carefully."

Corinna agreed and would keep it close.

Gil dealt with the bill and we walked out. Corinna hadn't recognized PJ and Tara as being with us because they had been working unobtrusively as always and was startled to be in their company.

I did intro's and she understood.

Handshakes ended it all as we stepped into the cars.

At Basuto Road I changed to jeans and jacket for a walk. I needed to stretch my legs. We checked in across the road. Catherine was good with an outing into the Commons. Caroline bundled up in her pram was cute! We made several circuits with the occasional short speed up racing along the pathways which got Caroline to yell and wave her arms. Terrific fun!

We all trooped over to Craven Cottage. Fulham was hosting Charlton in an FA Cup tie. We parked and looked at the team rosters for today. I didn't know anyone from Charlton but the Fulham names now seemed familiar. Cho was grinning! My guy loves footie!

It started with some end to end but by the thirty minute mark all the play was around the Charlton box. Fulham hammering away brought fruit. A terrific header off a centering corner kick. The center half rose above everyone to knock it sharply down. Goal!

Even after the restart Fulham was pressing and second goal from a thunderous shot from about eighteen yards. They went in at the half two nil up.

We grabbed some food and talked, did some email and were ready for the second half.

Charlton made two changes and came out attacking but it fizzled and Fulham replied with their third goal. After that Charlton was just done. Fulham did three changes and the new players got to go forward. Fulham scored twice more making it a rout.

I felt bad for the Charlton men, today was a day the Fulham side had gotten on its hind legs! The Fulham fans gave Charlton a fine ovation.

The Club Secretary had heard we were in the ground and stopped by at the end to say hello. We chatted a bit then everyone gathered up our warming equipment for the walk home.

We had the crowd in our house for drinks and Italian food delivered. Three pasta dishes, bread, veggies, salad! Cho dug several bottles of a good Montepulciano from the cellar.

We sat, stood and roamed. I had a glass of wine and Tessa, we were looking at my portrait. She smiled, "Fay, it's you alright. I can see the sassy in those eyes!"

We were laughing!

In the morning Mrs. Blatchly arrived in a Prasert car. Hug! She looked good.

"Your guests have had me busy but they were all so nice."

We mounted up for Harcourt House. We got in some traffic but email was easy distraction. Mrs. Blatchly gave us the rundown on her family doings.

Gil got an email from a person on the staff at Kensington Palace, Simon Day. He wanted to know if they could set up some face time with me and Cho. Prince William had seen my speech from this morning after it had been posted to the Conference webpage. Oh!

We agreed for Gil to respond in the affirmative and asking for dates mentioning days where we already had things planned and our departure day.

Cho grinning, giving me the elbow, "See what you're getting us into! Princes and Presidents."

I had to laugh, "Well we started with your Prince you might recall which got us a King."

Hugs. Gil said it was gone. Okay we wait.

Mrs. Blatchly quite amazed by us.

"Miss, I never would have guessed any of this!"

"Well... " squeezing Cho's hand, "neither would I."

The Twins!!!! Cho and I rushed upstairs! They were playing with some coloured shapes, Tha working on getting them to match up all the bits.

"Fay, they are very good at it. No matter how I scramble up the pieces they figure it out. Smart!"

Hugs all around! I lay down to greet Chani she crawled over.

Mrs. Blatchly got to meet the Twins! Her face was quite the study.

"Miss, they are beautiful babies. I always hoped to do this!"

Hugs! She sat in a chair with Chani. Our girl squeezing Mrs. Blatchly's arms. Cho picked book and we shared reading in French, Thai and finally English which Mrs. Blatchly read. Charlie looked cute on his dad's lap. We had a blast!

Pamela gave me a nose in the face as I promised we'd be out tomorrow morning. Rebel was saddled with Con. Tessa smiling as we got knees up. No scones.

Down the grassy lane towards the Training Tracks, Freddie was out with Diana and the newly returned Ronnie. I waved saying we'd stop on the way back. We steered up the slope at a trot then a gallop around the south end of the Sci Ctr. Not many folks out in the slight drizzle. We crossed all the roads and back on grass we asked... that sent Rebel soaring.

Across the grass barely noticing the treelines we swept down the slope very fast. Bent down I could see the folks at the tracks turn to watch us approach. I steered Rebel towards the Arenas away from the youngsters training.

Tessa and I slowly walked our horses over to the tracks. Ronnie came over, bubbly happy!

"Fay, It was so much fun to be home again but I missed being here!"

Smiling, "Ah so we are getting to you... huh?"

The grin BIG! "YES! Secret Sea missed me I'm sure!"

Fist bump.

Gil joined me in the Library as I did `work' for a while. She had a reply from Kensington Palace, they agreed to our primary suggested day and asked if we could host since the Prince would be returning from Birmingham by car.

I had Gil reply the day and our hosting were good. Ten-thirty in the morning. It was set. We had four days to prepare.

We had a quiet dinner and night around the fire with Mrs. Blatchly. She liked meeting Sunny and hearing about her family and the move here. Mrs. Blatchly said Sunny was a brave girl to do it! Cute, Sunny blushed.

The next day was a bit more of the same. Mrs. Blatchly got an in depth tour of the house from Audra.

Tomorrow we were going to Fortrose for the day. The weather was forecasted to be good so Cho and Uncle Craig would play golf and in the early evening we'd go to the `pub' to play billiards! Fly home late.

Cho had me wrapped up in the bathroom. Kisses and caresses in the post shower period! Toweling me.

I'd had a great very early ride on Pamela with Tara and Rascal. We'd done my usual route and I got a big hello from the lockman in Sandford. I was winning him over for sure!

Mrs. Blatchly would go home in a Prasert car in a short while. She was happy to have stayed with us. She had hung her ornament! Smiles and thanks! Lots of things to tell her kids. She took some snaps of the rooms and the Christmas tree.

Black skinny jeans, a crop black T, the big black and electric blue checked flannel shirt, black spike heeled ankle boots. Silver bits all over, `Joy" Black pea coat, a black beret just in case and black gloves!

We were out before Sunny was barely awake! She had a date with a new school! My kisses and hugs to enjoy!

The cars dropped us at Chalgrove in the early gloom of a new gray day. The Gulfstream was warmed up and we were in flight in minutes. Pedal down for the Highlands! In forty minutes we stepped into the cars on the tarmac.

Tessa and Ken with me, Ansara and Ro for Cho. Golf clubs in the boot. We rolled up outside their house. Hugs and kisses. The car took the guys away but not before I got a big Uncle hug!

Inside it was time for tea and talk. A neighbor came to the backdoor as we waited on the tea. She was returning a large bowl she'd borrowed. Her story was funny, her big bowl was broken by two dogs roaring through her kitchen as she turned... BAM! The two Labradors knocked the bowl loose, down it went. Now she had to buy a new one.

This was rattled off as soon as she entered as we leaned on the work surface waiting... she paused and... looked at me... boom it hit her.

"Fay Martin... Oh my god!"

Smiling I said `Hi.'

She was stuttering out how nice it was to meet me... Aunt Dee got her calmed and out the door to a lot of grins by us. Dee came back shaking her head, shrugging, "Well I was amazed but not almost speechless... right?"

My grin got wider, "You were shocked at my being Fay more than anything."

She laughed, "Now you couldn't be anyone else!"

Hugs! We all sat at the kitchen table, tea pot, cups, sugar, milk and a plate of shortbread and cookies!

Dee and I talked family to start. She knew dad had a stroke and lingered briefly, her sister Dora, my mom, told her how she felt about his going. The devastation to her...

"Are you sure you want me to go on?"

"Aunt Dee, I knew by then they were everything to each other and they were unprepared for trouble although they should have been given their work. They just never entertained the idea they could be separated. Mom's going wounded me because I wasn't enough for her to live for. I'd grown up away from them and independent but it still hurt."

She shook her head, "Her voice told me the damage was great. If I'd not been distracted by Donella I would have gone south to see her..."

"Aunt Dee, Don't go there! You were needed where you were and mother was the way she was and you couldn't have changed her."

She held my hand tightly.

"Donella came through the pneumonia because you were here to take care of her. She told me how close it was for her! You were in the right place."

She smiled, "Okay! We've had that discussion... onward!"

I got Gil to give Aunt Dee some of her background and how she came to be with me. Dee loved that Gil was my protector as much as my bodyguards.

Looking at Ken and Tessa, "So you're both Americans?"

Ken said way back to the Revolutionary War period... "When we tossed you Brits out."

Laughing Dee said some of the Munro's served in the Colonies but she didn't know how.

Tessa gave Dee the New York via the Underground Railway and Barbados connections.

She got the brief bio's, she looked a bit amazed. Asking Ken, "So you protected the President?"

"No, others but sometimes on the periphery of the Presidential action. One of reasons I came over to Fay and Cho's Security was to escape from the silliness that bureaucrats cause, in-fighting for turf. Lots of drama to no purpose."

"Fay, is good to work for because she keeps our role in mind." He and I fist bumped.

Tessa chimed in with a big yes and they did fist bumps!

Dee was laughing as I stuck out my fist towards her, BUMP! We all laughed!

Dee said she'd cook today! Farmer's Breakfast she called it. Two big cast iron frying pans, she put sliced potatoes and green onions in butter, cooked them slowly. Eggs, lots of eggs! Beaten with pepper, dill and thyme. That was poured over the potatoes and onions then cooked bacon was crunched up and sprinkled over it all.

Dee with a cute face, "It's vegetarian bacon. I got some for this. I like the taste but Craig wants the `real' stuff."

Hugs! There were several newly baked loaves of bread that Dee cut in thick pieces, laid on a cookie sheet to be warmed but not toasted so butter would melt.

I helped create a tray of sliced apples and pears with some local cheese stored in the refrigerator.

I leaned over Dee's shoulder watching as she gently moved the potatoes to allow more of the egg batter to get the heat. She leaned back into me, I kissed her cheek. Smile!

We sat to eat a big chunk of the eggs surrounded by warm bread slices. Butter! DIG IN!

It was terrific! We were quiet... that said it all. The bread ever so lightly crusty, the butter was local and wonderful. Aunt Dee placed the fruit and cheese tray in the middle pointing out the cheeses. Morangie Brie, Red Anster and Lanark White! Scrumptious!!

We shared snaps and I ran the short version of Charles created Harcourt Holiday video on Gil's iPad. She got to see herself and family mixing with everyone. That seemed to really cheer her! I stopped it a point where Chani was on her lap they were both grinning!

"Fay, the Twins are delightful! So much fun, lively and happy!"

Hugs. I gave her the week of solid food... all good! They liked cereal, and fruit. And how Tha was pleased!

I suggested a walk. Okay! There was no wind so it was chilly but nice! We headed over to the cathedral ruin then towards the water away from the High Street. We laughed over that and let Ken and Tessa in on the joke.

Out Academy Street to where new houses had been built, no trees? We reversed to Deans Road and back to Castle Street. Dee waved to some friends, one came out to thank Dee for the cakes she'd contributed to a bake sale the school.

Dee intro'd me as her niece. Nice lady. Outside her door another woman asked about an event next week and another intro. This lady recognized me, she was low-key saying she was pleased I'd be back so soon to see my family.

I hugged Dee saying we'd be in and out. Dee's friend squeezed my hand. Nice!

Inside ...Tea! We would have it ready as the men were returning. A text >golfer many stars< I gave Dee the possible translation. She was smiling, "Your uncle loves that course. He's played it for over thirty five years."

The Men! Hugs and kisses! Uncle Craig holding my hand with a look of wonder, "Today I watched this fellow `play' golf like I've never seen it before on that course. Even better than in Oxford."

Cho hugged me again, "I shot a 60. It's a fabulous layout. Outside in, very clever!"

We sat in the lounge with tea. They had been a bit chilled but a whiskey at the 19th Hole warmed them.

Uncle Craig laughed, "We played with two of my golf buddies. They were shocked right from the start but I knew. Cho almost drove the first hole which is a par four, short chip and an eight footer put away. He was off. A couple of pars before the the fourth which is a puzzler. Lots of broken ground before the green. Cho asked about the terrain past the first swale, I gave him the lay of the land. He banged his drive into one best spots, lots smooth grass. Probably three hundred thirty yards."

He sipped his tea, "A hundred and twenty to go and the wind was rising. I watched him stand there for a minute or so just feeling the air then choose a club, stepped up, addressed the ball and promptly knocked it against the flag. He had a one footer for eagle. My buddies were going crazy!"

Cho's smile, "Well I `got' the wind. Boy that shot felt good right away. Watching the ball roll up to hit the flag was amazing. If it had struck the pole slightly softer it would have dropped."

Uncle Craig patted Cho's shoulder, "You should work that shot so you don't hit it so hard next time."

They were laughing. Cho hit the flag again on the next hole which was a SHORT par three.

Uncle Craig said the caddies were shaking their heads.

Cho squeezing me, "Well, the wind out there makes it interesting but one of the most important parts of my game is I keep the ball in play. If I get a decent lie then making shots comes easier."

Cho's grin, "On the seventh a par four I was on the green in one with a big drive that I started out to my left and the wind brought it back to bounce on the fringe and hop close to the hole. I dropped the putt for an eagle."

Craig took a big sip to empty his tea cup and ask for more. Dee's face... a sweet happy look.

"Okay to finish this I was five under on the back which was one eagle and three birdies, no bogeys once again. A fine round," he patted Craig's shoulder, "..good company and a very nice golf course. In the club house, I was very heartily congratulated after they got over the shock. I'll have to say most everyone took the news of my score quite well considering I was an outsider playing the course for the first time. One or two didn't seem happy but didn't begrudge me the success."

Cho shrugged it off.

"We both had a few inches of an excellent whiskey!"

He and Craig did fist bumps which made Dee laugh out loud!

"I learned that today too!" We did one!

We sat around talking about all sorts. Aunt Dee looking at me wide-eyed as I told her about going to the White House and some Inaugural Balls with the Clintons. I showed her a snap of the midnight blue Roland Mouret gown I had sent to Upperville from Bangkok.

"You look very sleek in that!" Fist bump and grins. Aunt Dee had seen my sapphire set at Christmas that I was planning to wear with the dress. A throw of white chiffon to drape over my shoulders.

Dinner before billiards. Uncle Craig had challenged two friends to play with a mystery' guest. My niece' I was described as? He was laughing. Okay!

We walked over to eat. I was carrying my small bag and a Centennial cue in its case. We went via Rose Street.

They had a booth/table by a front window booked for us. Another table beside it for our Security.

Carrot and chervil soup to start, I got one of Cho's oysters. The halibut was delicious with roasted potatoes and a Brussels Salad on the side. I had water and a sip of Cho's beer which was local, quite tasty.

How could I pass on Amaretto cheesecake? I did it with espresso! We relaxed over dessert before the 'match.'

Uncle Craig had put us up for the table and we gathered in the back room. A few men were sipping their whiskey's. I got to meet Hal and Richard, Uncle Craig's friends. A few £'s were put up and some side bets placed including the fellows just watching. Best of five.

They all chose a cue but I think I sank a few stomachs when I took out my cue to screw it together. A few glances over to Uncle Craig who had what he believed was a poker face on. Cho sitting with a whiskey of his own was grinning beside Dee.

We flipped and the others won. Hal broke, the two fell so he went ahead. He dropped three more before being stymied. He left the cue ball in a corner but I had a shot. Bang the eleven fell. I moved around the table dropping all our balls and slamming the eight down.

Suddenly the betting changed! I broke the next and two high balls dropped. I cleared our balls and sank the eight in a long run down the table. Okay no money was bet against Uncle Craig and I.

One of Craig's friends asked if he were going to play? He laughed as I dropped a pair in my next break and a few groans were emitted. Cho nearly laughed out loud.

I cleaned the table of ours with one shot getting cheers! I jumped the cue a pair of their balls to sink the nine in a side pocket.

Uncle Craig gave his friends their money back, laughing, "I just wanted to see your faces."

They shook hands and hugged! I shook their hands getting raves for my `stick' and style.

Then one of the watchers spoke up, "You're Fay Martin? Right?"

I turned toward him and bowed, smiling, "Yes. Does that change anything?"

He shook his head vigorously, "No, Miss it doesn't, you've a helleva game!"

Our opponents, Hal and Richard both shook my hand again and Cho's to thank us for ridding the world of part of the hate and bigotry of the M*****************'s. They'd seen some of the old Fox News on Sky UK. And asked what about the newspapers?

Cho laughed, "Well, who knows?"

A woman in the room said she was glad I'd bulldozed the guys. And was proud we came to Fortrose. I did say it was family that brought us here but we like the town and Cho loved the golf course. Mabel's husband was a golfer and I told her Cho had had a great day over there.

"So how he like the breeze?"

"I don't think it bothered him too much, he shot a 60."

Her eyes got very big, "You're serious? A 60?"

I said yes, a couple of eagles and birdies, no bogeys... like I really knew what I was talking about.

She grabbed my hand, "I've got to find Randall... Please can you wait a few minutes."

I said we'd be here for a short while. She went towards the main bar room.

A teenage girl came in, red hair, green eyes, freckles and a cute smile. "Are you really Fay Martin?"

"Don't I look like her? Everyone says."

She giggled, "You are right?"

I nodded. She was Marsha and seventeen. She knew Donella although she was much older.

"Well... I don't think Donella would like that `much older' part."

We laughed, "I saw her after they all went down to visit you. She was really jazzed about it."

"Good! It was wonderful to have all the family with us."

Mabel returned with `Randall' in tow, "Please tell Randall."

I pointed towards Cho, "You should talk to the man."

Randall intro'd himself and asked about Cho's round. Craig laughed, "Randy you should've been there it was amazing."

"So it's true... a 60?"

I could see Cho's face over the shoulder of Mabel, he nodded, "Yes I loved the course and I will be back!"

Uncle Craig gave Randall Cho's play at the number four hole, hitting the flag with his second shot right into the rising wind!

I turned back to Marsha, she was looking like there was some water being walked on. Her dad was a member of the golf club and played regularly... too regularly sometimes according to her mom. So she knew a bit but wasn't a player.

When asked I confessed to never having swung a golf club, now horses that was different. Boy she really lit up.

"My, I love horses. We don't own any but my cousins do so I get to ride for free. There's one... Archon who I love. After riding it's so much fun to brush him... he loves it you can see him enjoy it. I sometimes get to bathe him and do his food. He loves apples. I always feel so good after taking care of him."

We talked horses, I told her about my favorites and watching ours race. We had some babies coming who might turn out to be terrific, a big maybe but hopeful.

Marsha asked about where we raced and would she be able to see them. I said we race down in England at certain tracks, we were going to race at Longchamp this year and in America all over.

"You can watch some on youtube. Look up Glaa or Hansa or IrishRainbow or SakChai, their races are there."

Big eyes, "On youtube? They are famous enough?"

"Yes, they're well known." I didn't stick my tongue in my cheek.

I could see she was looking at Tessa behind me who I knew without turning was looking over the room. Ken was by one of the doors with Ansara, they were doing the same.

Marsha said `hi' over my shoulder. I heard Tessa's pleasant voice return it.

"You are here with Miss Martin?"

I half turned to see Tessa's lovely smile, "Yes, I..." a look at me to see my nod, "... I protect Fay."

Marsha's head spun around to me, "Pro... protect?"

Tessa's face showed I was grinning, "Fay, is a famous person who sometimes misguided folk might want to bother."

Incredulity clear on Marsha's expression. Tessa went on, "The tall man by the door with the good-looking Thai woman, you see them?" A nod from her, "They are also here with us."

I saw Ro look my way and raise five fingers. I gave him a thumbs up.

"We have to go soon."

Gil was behind me, I asked her to give Marsha a contact email. And write down the horse names.

Gil said this was for her only, keep it safe. Marsha looked happy and proud.

"Watch some youtube and let me know what you think."

I gave her a hug and goodbye and turned for the door. Ken was moving when I did. We worked our way out to Union Street. Cho followed with Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig.

Back at Castle Street we hugged and kissed. Cho let Craig know he'd be back to play golf again. A big thumbs up for that! They knew we'd be gone to D.C. in ten days or so.

The car rolled onto to tarmac by the Gulfstream. Penny was reading as the pilots unlocked for us. Takeoff was right away and the jet was a bullet to Chalgrove. At eleven we were going up the stairs to the Twins.

They were asleep but we watched for a few minutes. Tha was about to go to bed so we didn't linger.

We sat to unwind by the big fireplace in the Great Room. Jaidee happy to see us. Petting and rubbing!

In our bed we snuggled talking about our day. Cho was very happy playing the small unusual course with Uncle Craig. He was an excellent playing partner. It made the round so much more enjoyable.

Cho asked about Marsha since he'd seen me with her. I gave him the gist.

"She likes horses... that will always win with you."

A kiss and squeeze!

Jaidee knew I was awake, the tail was thumping! I washed and dressed, he watched. Down to the kitchen. Coffee, scones and dog food! Jaidee came in from doing his business ready to eat. Woof! He went to it!

I got my stuff and Tessa's. She rolled in looking bright and smiling. Yone was behind her.

"Fay, we had an incident in the wee hours. No harm to anyone but another attempt was made on the life of the QC."

I was going wait on my ride... Yone said it was definitely over and no danger to the house. He could brief us both in a few hours. The Thames Valley Police had arrived to remove the prisoner over at the Industrial Estate Annex. Okay, we ride then Cho and I would get the tale. Fist bump!

Pamela was ready! Con bouncing as we headed out. Up the long slope at an easy pace in the cold air. Over the tracks we asked and had a roaring gallop to the lock. My friends smiling, warm greetings then on the west side of the river we went under the tracks up the road towards the Wellans'. Where the dirt road branched going right to their house a Thames Valley Police car was sitting. The PC said we could go ahead but avoid the enclosed area.

I thanked him, we pushed on. There was a twenty yard square space surrounded by plastic tape covering the dirt road about 300 feet from the Wellans' home. My new favorite police sergeant was talking with another officer. I was intro'd to the Inspector.

They gave me a few details and a big thanks for getting the guy. We went on to the north to the Annex. Thomas was there!

I slid down, a hug. He was freshly back from California. Our excitement being his welcome home!

"I'll be over to join Yone to give you the details. The Thames Valley folks have taken away our `guest' who was still whinging about being caught."

Fist bump and a leg up. Tessa and I crossed at the lock, the fellow waving with a smile! Then a fast gallop down along the Thames to the house.

In the Breakfast Room my guy opened his arms! I sat on the warm inviting lap for a snog. Which got cheers from Sunny! I gave her a hug! She was going to school in a few. She had been asleep when we got home last night.

Sunny had a smashing time in Seattle with the family and seeing friends. This was her second day at Abbey Hill School. Yesterday had been a bit chaotic in a managed sort of way. Anne and Kate had been a great help for her and Maeve with the school geography. Cheers for her.

I loaded up, eggs, tomatoes, potatoes and toast! Coffee!

Thomas and Yone joined us in the breakfast Room. Coffee!

Yone got it going, "A solo fellow was detected very early because of his erratic driving. He came through the gravel pit area north and west of our property and the railroad tracks. His cars headlamps were spotted by one of the new drones operated from downstairs. Shelby picked him up and watched him drive to the new fences and gate we added near the railroad underpass. He couldn't go any further by car so he hopped the fence.

Shelby had already set off an alarum, the folks in the Annex were moving. One team going through Radley to the gravel pits to get behind him, another to go via Lower Radley. A team from here went to the boathouse.

Shelby had him all the way. No obvious weapons. He was moving slowly using a torch occasionally and holding a phone with she thought was a GPS map app. He walked up the road to the turn to the Wellans'. Theresa had called the Wellans', they knew we were on him so they sheltered in their basement behind a heavy locked door.

There's a pond about three hundred feet down the dirt road from the Wellans house surrounded by trees. Ramsay and Colleen were waiting in the brush beside it as he approached. Shelby's drone was behind him. When Colleen gave her the `go' she moved the drone close with the speakers on full she blew a whistle into the mic."

Yone had the video on his iPad for us.

"She had him on FLIR, he jumped, totally surprised!! He almost fell over. He was told to lie down arms out but he turned toward the sound reaching into his jacket... Shelby flicked on the two bright lights to blind him. He threw up his left arm to block the light scrabbling in his jacket... then Colleen and Ramsay piled on!

He started yelling... in Russian! He was calling them cocksuckers and such until Colleen told him in Russian... `shut the fuck up asshole' and he did!"

We laughed at that! I didn't know Colleen spoke Russian.

Yone was laughing too, "He was so PO'd lying there on the dirt road trussed up like a chicken! Shelby said she laughing so hard the drone bounced some until she got a grip. They got him in a Land Rover and toted him to the Annex. We questioned him briefly, took his knife from the leg holster and bagged it with his 9mm semi-auto."

Thomas who'd been at the Annex when Thames Valley Police collected him was grinning, "The sergeant asked if he and his team could just come and work for us."

We all really laughed over that.

Cho waving his hand, "It would save some time enroute from Oxford."

More laughing.

Thomas did finish it, "The Wellans were informed as soon as he was secured and no further threat was seen. They were Okay, lots of thanks. When Scott Wellans was told the guy was Russian his eyes lit up according to Ramsay. So I guess those folks now on trial... their lives got a bit harder!"

Thomas' smile, "Well, I think..." he gave Yone a mock arm punch, "...things are in good hands!"

Thomas said Thet and Sumate had been briefed earlier. Loads of congrats passed along.

Cho thanked them both, "It was a good outcome! Let's see if Carter and Carla can organize a dinner for your folks! Do we do anything special to recognize efforts like Shelby's picking up this guy?"

Thomas said we don't, he would consult with Bangkok. Okay. I asked that Yone setup a meeting with Ramsay and Colleen with Theresa and Shelby. He'd do it.

I went to wash and change. Gray skinny jeans, a bright blue jumper over a cut-off t-shirt and brown ankle boots. Gold bling and `Joy' the buyer of same came up in time to apply it and some kisses!

I went back to the Stables to see all our horses, Roland and Pamela especially. Gregory had moved Roland over one stall so only a fence separated him from Pamela. He said they `talked' across the intervening paddock frequently.

When I got there they were close together only the fence separating them. I didn't intrude.

Gil and I grabbed the Library to work. Email, reports and projects. Michael made a trip to central Africa and scored! We had water projects in the Congo, Gabon and Cameroon as possibles. We might do some work on tributaries of the mighty Congo River.

I was on to Reg. I suggested we promote someone like Emory or Achmed to run the water projects as a new division under his direction.

Reg was good with idea and he would talk to both after I talked with Eric.

My second suggestion he and Eric with the families come back out to Harcourt House for the weekend was Okay! He find out how that was with the others.

Karla and Michael were coming already.

Eric was good with giving the water projects their own dedicated leader. Reg could be the supervisor to start but some re-alignment would be needed as Reg's work load wasn't going down. I agreed.

Friday would interesting with the Prince stopping by. We'll see what he had on his mind.

Gil was saving clips from newspapers and bookmarking websites for me about my speech at the conference. Most were very complimentary with exception of the Sun which would not like me no matter what.

That got me to call the solicitors about the suit against the Sun. They were working with the Oxford lawyers on a few details. Using the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 provisions on harassment and stalking we had a clear case for damages against the Sun and the individual reporters. They were asking for criminal charges against the editors who encouraged their reporters. The reporters still faced their own criminal charges in an Oxford court.

I had some other news for them from California. Several New York Post reporters tried to enter our stables at Santa Anita. They'd been spotted by our sensors and cameras, Leslie's team with several grooms caught them both red-handed. They are charged with trespass and assault when they didn't want to be detained. One had to go to hospital before jail because one of the Security team decked him after the reporter hit one of our people. Result one broken nose!

The lead partner I spoke with was chuckling over that. He would ask for a copy of the police report and include it at part of the pattern of harassment. His `they're making it easy' comment was telling.

He wanted to ask for a very large damage award to be `a deterrent' to future acts. He also was bringing in personal animus about the 21st Century Fox takeover.

He was sorry Scotland Yard couldn't make the connection to the M***************'s over what Will had tried to do. It was too tenuous and not worth risking exposing what we knew under the circumstances. He'd gone over it with Cho and I carefully and we agreed.

After lunch I changed to ride with Gil, Tara and Ken. We went to Harcourt Close first. Damn! A lot had been done since I last looked in. Roofs on everywhere!

We crossed the Oxford Road near Baldon Lane and turned into our fields south of it, we made a circuit of Marsh Baldon to reach the Croft on the north side. Then we rode around the new fields we bought that were east and north of Nuneham Courtenay.

Nick was there walking the ground. They'd have to decide what to plant soon.

We walked around St. Thomas' with a wave to a few kids outside. Re-crossing the Oxford Road onto the Fraser's land. Dan Jr. was doing something on a tractor, big smile and shouted hello. We returned it!

We broke into a canter down the property line to turn onto the lane between the paddocks and up to the Stables. A nice relaxing ride. Ken had a huge smile!

"Fay, this is so pleasant!" He was stroking Scout's neck grinning away.

Some visits to our equine friends, treats delivered! I went over to Roland's stall. He was outside in his blanket nose over the fence with Pamela. I climbed up so I could caress them both. A few mints were passed around.

Yone setup a meeting with last night's event Security folks. Cho had them in the Library. Kisses and hugs! He started by thanking Shelby for spotting the headlamps. I told her I loved the video when she blew her whistle.

"Miss Martin, it was funny watching his reaction."

We talked about their co-ordination, training and gave them our thanks. Scott Wellans had called and asked to thank them personally. He and his family joined us. They shook hands and kissed cheeks. He said he didn't know if we had any policy about rewards but they a something they wanted to give the four.

His daughter handed each an envelope, £50! Laughing he said they hoped each would spend it on something completely frivolous. Lots of laughing. Our four thanked them and would try to fulfil the request. More laughter!

Cho took Scott aside to ask about the court cases.

After the Wellans' departure I asked Colleen `in Russian' about her Russian. She had a Russian grandfather who she had spent loads of time with when she was a girl.

"He taught me a good deal and at school I was lucky enough to be able to get classes. I try to keep it up. Last night's few choice words came from Granddad!"

Fist bump!

I asked the pardon of the others and had a short convo with Colleen in Russian. She was good with grammar and colloquialisms. Her maternal Granddad had been a sailor on a Russian ship docked in Liverpool. He didn't have much family back home in the Soviet Union so he jumped ship and stayed. Met her grandmom who was Liverpool Irish.

Hugs for all four. Yone and Thomas stayed.

They said he would have detected at the fence without Shelby seeing him but the extra time was always valuable. He could have been warned off by the drone announcing he was being watched if we couldn't get enough assets in place.

Thomas added he appeared to have been drinking, "We didn't do any sobriety test but he smelled of beer and whiskey, a lot."

They would meet with Carter and Carla about a dinner for the Security staff.

Cho smiling said Scott's case had taken a nasty turn in the judge's chambers for the defendants! Scott couldn't say much but the events had had an impact!

Jaidee was romping in the Garden after a tennis ball. The snow falling was very light and fluffy. The lights from behind us made the flakes sparkle. Damn it was cold... I retreated to the fireplace abandoning Cho. He was laughing coming in with Jaidee.

"So when it gets tough you run?"

We sat by the fire laughing and rubbing Jaidee's bod. He loved it. Sunny came in from doing her homework. Not much of it, too early but some reading.

I asked if she wanted to stay home in the morning to meet the Prince then go to school? A big nod! Okay!

No acknowledgement to the press about the visit and only senior staff knew what would happen before the morning.

Waking just at the moment the iPhone went off grabbed it! Cho patted my butt `have fun.'

All in black with a brown dog in the kitchen making things. Tessa let Jaidee back in... he was shaking off the chill as the food bowl hit the floor. I gave him the go! Marigold arrived to our greetings. Such a happy face!

Down the grassy lane Jaidee was back to his old form checking out every blade of grass! He made such an abrupt stop to sniff something I almost fell over him.

Pamela and Con with their breath visible! Anthony and Pat smiling as we passed over the scones! Buttery delicious.

Pat was doing so well! If he had demons driving him to drink Gregory kept him busy so they stayed in the background. He and Anthony were alert to any changes.

Up the slope at an increasing pace around to the west of the Sci Ctr. Roy and the lockman waving their hellos'. Roy just setting up. Good luck'

Over the water then under the railroad heading towards the Wellans. The police tape was gone and it was all quiet. There had been press about another attempt to harm Scott Wellans with no detail on how the man was stopped.

At least the news was out that it was a losing game to muck about near their home. Maybe even drunk Russians would think twice?

We had a good gallop over the grass and into the trees up to the Industrial Estate. Samuel's new location was completed. All the equipment tested and he was ready to go. They were moving some equipment over today and begin using it tomorrow! Cheers! A huge thanks from him!

We saw Mr. Hardy by the lock talking to the operator. They waved and called out `Good Mornings' which we sent back!

Another good run along the river to the Stables. Food! Dress. Prince.

Today a day of contrasts! A royal and business friends!

I chose the beige wool calf length skirt, a narrow brown belt, a cream colour blouse. A blue and brown pattern jumper vest, dark brown heels, gold jewellery all over, `Joy' Conservative and sleek.

I got a big hug and kiss from the husband. Then I put on the light beige lipstick to match my nails.

Cho in a navy suit with a pale silvery grey shirt open at the neck! Running horses in gold at his wrists.

William arrived on time to our greeting out front. I curtsied and Cho bowed. As we walked he said just call me `Will.' Sunny was intro'd and her new life explained. Will encouraged her but too bad she would compete for America. She was carried away by Prasert with a word not to tell anyone today about our visitor until afternoon except to Mr. Horrock.

We chose the Library to sit, warm and comfortable.

I got things started by asking how we came on his radar. He laughed at that.

He'd known about our horses running in America and read about what we were doing here at Harcourt House building a racing establishment. That the big news point.

"Glaa was awesome to watch! His acceleration is nothing short of breathtaking!"

We talked horses for a bit then he said the very first time he'd heard anything about us came from a staffer he had keeping an eye on tech events in the UK.

"The Company's sudden growth, extensive hiring and buying of other companies got his attention so he's kept me updated for over a year."

Cho urged me forward. I gave Will a précis of The Company from ownership down to trackside. Our recent coup with GWNW Railroad got his eyes wide. The water projects and my trip to Iran and how we were treated was of big interest.

"So you have a positive outlook on Iran?"

`From our work so far... Yes! They have been welcoming and up front sharing data and showing a willingness to be open about everything. My contacts in the government are men looking for the best for their country."

Tea and treats arrived. We sipped for a few minutes.

I went on about The Company's other bits of technology and expansion.

Will asked about our Security Company. He'd been to Hendon for a ceremony and seen the plaque on the wall about the `training course' scores.

"So you see I had to meet you two after all the different ways I seen bits about you. Your speech the other day was really the topper!"

Cho told him how our Security was started and gave him a rundown on the attributes we looked for in candidates. I texted PJ to come to the Library. He brought Rande and the others with him to meet the Prince. I liked that William put them at their ease, of course he wasn't their first royalty.

Then I got pushed a bit to give Will some info on our technology, a visit downstairs was proposed when he heard about the drone flying right now and how our systems had been operational during the Clinton's visit. He hadn't known they had come to Harcourt House.

The 21st Century Fox takeover was discussed, the methodology and our partners. He knew both Mac and Hélène. We were complimented over the Fox news conference, he'd watched the whole thing.

"You both with the network president were terrific. Composed and sharp. The young reporter was out-classed."

I told him Joseph's story which amazed and delighted him.

"Now that's a marvelous bit. He brought a story which helped to defeat the man his old employer supported! Lovely!"

We went downstairs, Yone alerted had it ready. William got to see our sensors and cameras work, the drone in the air and Marshall launched a second drone to show how the defense system performed. William thought it very advanced.

Yone told him some more about it, "It is at the edge now but that edge is moving away all the time. Our folks in Bangkok are adding to our software constantly. We received an update to the beta software to trace the origin of a drone's control signal. We'll add it today and test tomorrow."

Will and the others got to meet the Prince. A biggie for them! He was very nice talking with them.

We went out to the Stables in wellies so William could see Asda and Hathai, Rebel and Mahogany and the others. I did take him to meet Pamela. She was nice and polite. He met Thames, Jaidee was down here and after they met we all went back to the House.

Around the Great Room fire we relaxed with more tea. He asked about Sky UK. Cho told him we intended to operate as Fox did in America, `fair and balanced' for news and documentary features, the entertainment side would be pushed to diversify its creative side and actors. We aimed to reduce the overt violence and be careful about the sexual side but not unduly restrict the writers, producers and directors.

I brought up he and his family using some of our homes if he wanted to get away' because they are all protected. We had our Security in place along with many gadgets.'

He was interested when I mentioned beaches and mountain hideaways. Smiling saying `Kate would be interested' William gave me a thumbs up.

When Gil exchanged contact info with Will's PA she passed over a list of houses. I said if they wanted to ride they could come here, just get in touch with Carter.

We asked if he and his folks would like to stay for luncheon but they needed to get on. He loved our cookies and shortbread. Carla quickly made a `takeaway' package for them of assorted baked bits.

We hugged and kissed on the Forecourt. He had an invitation to return and meet the Twins and tour the House and grounds more. He was pleased and would consult with Kate about a trip out. We waved as they went down the drive.

In the entryway Cho gave me a huge kiss and squeeze. I turned to Carter to thank him! Everything had gone perfectly. I could see the light in his eyes, he was pleased to have met the Prince and proud of the House!

Whoa! That was over! Now the Twins! Everyone around us laughed at me!

Cho and I ran up all the stairs to visit the little ones. Smiling babies, hugs and kisses! I sat on the carpet tucked my legs, smoothed my skirt and opened my arms. Chani! Cho beside me with a grinning Charlie. We talked and Tha got a new book on a fish.

We read about a fish named Oscar and his pal, a hermit crab, Smiler. They had a friendship in the South Pacific Ocean on a reef. I liked the pictures, so did the Kids! Vibrant colours! A really nice book we will come back to reading it in different languages.

On my tummy with Charlie up close giggling, I couldn't keep a straight face. We laughed! Daddy Cho Air with Chani on board flew in to join the giggles! Tha sitting there laughing too! Whatever Charlie was giggling about went viral!

Hunger! Tha had the Twins lunch ready. I needed mine!

Carla was ready so we went into the Dining Room! Some serious food enjoyment ended by the Great Room fire with coffee. Ms. Erin Lonsdale, our London estate agent, would be here for a meeting, Prasert had a car in Oxford waiting.

Gregory came up for a talk about Pat. He was steady, working hard, not drinking that they had seen. I could see Gregory had concerns, "Could we carefully ask if he would like to talk to a professional person about any private issues?"

Cho looking at me, he went ahead, "Please ask him. We would support him in any way he needs. If he isn't interested then Okay."

Gregory smiled, "Good! I'd like to think we made an attempt."

Handshakes and a hug. Cho smiling at me after Gregory was gone, "I do like him. He is so the right sort of person we want!"

My kiss sent agreement.

Erin Lonsdale was smiling getting out of the car, "My... I would have loved to have the commission for this sale."

Smiles. We sat near the Great Room fire. She admired the room and house.

She had a second London building for us to consider. It was in Bramham Gardens a three and a half blocks from Earls Court Tube. A older building that was undergoing a major renovation. It had been emptied of tenants! Ideal!

It had six floors of flats in various configurations, one bedroom and two plus the top floor was a group of bed-sits, all ensuite. Modern gas stoves, new refrigerators and dishwashers being installed throughout, it had a quite large laundry room and a small sitting area on the roof. There was the HVAC in the basement, an apartment for a live-in manager/superintendent, space for a Security office and some some storage for the tenants. The lift went from the ground floor to the fourth. The bed-sit folks had to walk up a floor, everyone had to walk another level from there to the roof.

A nice old brick building with white stone surrounds for the front windows with the lower three floors having big bay windows. Balconies on the street side for the second and third floors with wrought iron railings. The small roof top sitting space left lots of roof area to install solar panels.

Looking at a book of snaps Erin brought out, I liked it a great deal. We said buy it today! She was grinning!

"I thought you might say so. I have the owner primed to move on it."

Francis would wire the money when the papers were signed tomorrow morning. We'd go up to town to look and visit the first building in Maida Vale then over to Earls Court.

Erin had several other properties info for us to look at. One on Fulham Palace Road was a maybe the other in Primrose Hill a good location but the map and snaps showed it to be close too to the railroad. Noisy. She'd keep looking.

Erin staying for dinner. She got to meet Sunny and the Twins. She didn't ride but enjoyed spending time with the horses while I did. Wide-eyed look at my black outfit.

Rebel `aired it out' on the return from the Sci Ctr.

The cars from London delivered a crowd. Eric, Malee and Anne, MFA and my `her parents' comment got laughs! Michael back with Karla! I gathered them around the Great Room fireplace. Drinks and snacks!

They got to meet Erin and have a briefing about the buildings we were buying. They got from us that the flats would leased to all sorts but we would keep a certain amount available to our employees. We wanted a mix of folks in the buildings.

Erin's firm understood our goals so we bought the whole agency from a corporation which buys things without much understanding chasing after the chimera of a diverse portfolio. To them it was a profitable trinket, to us a jewel to manage our properties and expand our footprint in the city.

Erin and her colleagues had been thrilled when they found out. The agency had been languishing from zero investment. We will reverse that. The MD, Mason, would stay, he was over the moon to have us as bosses. Our Bangkok based property firm was the buyer' and Mason was to go out there soon for a meet & greet,' get our plans for investment and exchange info about the English market.

A casual dinner then a sendoff for Erin, a Prasert car to Oxford station. She'd have everything ready tomorrow.

We had a birthday thing for MFA. It was a few days after the day but she enjoyed the repeat. A cute pink and sea blue iced cake with mermaids as them seem to be a current favorite! MFA got a navy blue hoodie from us with faux fur around the edge of the hood.

The cake was tasty, we grown-ups had fun too. The Twins got some cake without icing.

My morning started as usual, Tessa's smile and loud noises from Jaidee's food bowl. Down the lane Jaidee back to snooping we left him to follow along. Pat and Declan welcomed the warm food. We walked downhill in the cold air, Pamela making happy sounds with Con.

Over the river we did a good gallop parallel to Barton Lane before crossing under the railroad tracks heading towards Archie and Margy's. At the Wilcox's, the wife Mildred, waved. I turned us that way.

"I don't think Oscar gave you any idea of what was taken or why it meant so much. His great great grandfather started a coin collection which has grown with each male family member adding to it. There are rare Roman, Greek and Persian coins and English currency from the very first time it was made."

"He did say some of what was taken was valuable."

A smile, "Well he wasn't bragging is all. The collection is over a million £'s worth now. What was stolen was not in the safe and was about fifty thousand £'s in value."

"Does Oscar think the robber knew?"

"Well he has shown some at fairs and expositions so maybe that fellow read about it and figured us out."

"You don't have an alarum system?"

"No Oscar said we aren't known so..."

"I guess that's out the window. Can you get something to write on?"

She called to her son, Tommy brought a pad. I wrote Yone's name and number.

"Call him! He was the one who caught your robber so you and Oscar should speak with him. You can be brought under our Security team's network," I motioned towards Archie's, "...Margy and Archie are already."

Mildred looked pleased and said she'd call Oscar at work and get him to telephone.

I said we needed to go, "Get Oscar going!"

Smiles. We rode on. Tessa's grin was big. I laughed and said `catch me!' I urged Pamela. She was off!!

We streaked through Lower Radley onward through the trees and grass until the Industrial Estate was in front of us. I slowed to walk to the new auto shop.

Samuel waving us over. There were cars up on the hydraulic lifts being worked on!! He was hopping up and down, "Damn it's so good!"

We shook hands! His nephew was coming out wiping his hands, "Miss Martin, it is a pleasure to thank you!"

I shook his hand also. Smiles all around!! I left them to it.

I told Webster we'd be back later for a visit. Thumbs up!

Our visit in the afternoon was short, everything was going according to plan. All the exterior work was done, a company would be by tomorrow to do the landscaping and layout the stone terrace sitting area and walkways for Lotte's coffee shop.

Mr. Hardy was on Church Road heading home from his morning walk. He was out early like me enjoying the sunrise and stillness. Fist bumps.

"I've about fifty pages to send along to you and the other `readers' today so..."

I was ready!

Sarah waved us over to her from the kitchen garden. She handed me a tin of her ginger cookies!!

`Save some for Cho!' was yelled out to my retreating back. I tried to wave but not enough hands.

I put the tin on the table between us with a smile, from Sarah' was all that was needed! I got up for coffee, turning to go back Cho had already opened it! He was chewing! I put a half dozen on a plate and slid it out of reach of the cookie monster! I got a pot calling the kettle' comment which was entirely and indisputably fair but had nothing to do with my wanting my share! We laughed. Sunny managed to get two before her horses beckoned.

Eric and Reg came in for breakfast before golf. Hugs and kisses.

I went up to the Nursery! The Twins were awake and looking cute in blue onesies! Hugs for them, Anne and MFA too.

Fruit! Apples today. Apricots had gone down well and come out Okay! They were getting cereal and fruit... soon some veggies!

Tha sitting watching, her sweet face so calm. She never let little problems become mountains, lovely and peaceful despite all the activity of the last month.

Tha was ready for two nights in London.

Rona and Malee came in for their little ones. MFA's smile was huge!

Ba had already fed Anne and was out in the Garden with Pinky. She had been funny about being back so soon with a 'did we leave?'

Us girls had two days of riding, talking, eating and hanging out! The guys played golf. We all watched some movies, had terrific times with the kids. Everyone went out for walks with the little ones in their prams, touring the Garden pathways.

We were having a visit from Sir Harry and Lady Bella with her cousin Alberta.

Cho had returned from golf and me from a ride. We met them out front. They thanked us for the invitation.

Bella really liked my clothes.

"So this is Sunny's inspiration?"

Laughing and giving a squeeze to Sunny who's smile was huge, "Yes, she liked the look and a bit of being different is in there too."

They came in casual clothes to visit our stables so we went right to it. First stop was Asda and Hathai! They loved our beautiful pair. Dr. Crawford2 had just given a check up to Hathai, she was ready to give birth any day.

She was so lovely and peaceful our guests were quite amazed. The proud bearing of Asda impressed also.

Sir Harry shaking his head, "I can see why Glaa is so special, what parents!"

They met Secret Sea with Glaa, they were together in the same paddock now with the hopes that they would mate without us having to do a formal session. Secret Sea's beauty alongside Glaa was a WOW!

Bella smiling, "Boy you're going to have some wonderful looking babies!" Her pedigree matched with Asda's proven powerhouse genes... Well Harry and Bella understood why we bought her.

We caught up with Alberta and Sunny at Prince's stall, they were gently rubbing the big guy. Smiles, we intro'd them to Rebel and Mahogany, our beautiful brown mare was close to giving birth too.

Lastly I brought them to Pamela's paddock, she was at the bottom talking with Roland. I explained what we had going here. Bella's arm over my shoulders, "They do look splendid together." A squeeze, "You can't make more Pamela's though."

"Oh I know but he's a fine boy. Pamela's the best! A friend too."

They really enjoyed seeing all our crowd and meeting the staff. Bella laughed about Gregory's cat business saying they should too.

We did drinks and snacks, Sunny took Alberta up to her room. We had a nice although brief visit. They very much wanted to come back to see the house and spend more time. We issued an invitation for our next trip. Okay.

We waved them down the drive. It was good to have other horse folk around.

My morning ride with Tessa was a good romp down to the lock to say `Hi!' then back up around the Sci Ctr and home. The last was a roaring run by Pamela! She got a huge hug from me.

A mid-calf black wool skirt, white silk shirt, the big buttoned black wool jacket, black heels and tights, the black onyx set, Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes!

The black wool trenchcoat from Coach, leather gloves and another cloche hat, brim rolled up at the front, down at the back, rounded crown surrounded by a red ribbon to match my lips and nails! Cho LIKED!

We piled into several cars, the Twins looking cute in little hoodies and boots. Jaidee with us too. Prasert smiling at our crowd.

Eric and Reg with their crowd were loading up too. We headed down the drive and off to town.

Some of our Security team would go directly to Basuto Road with the Twins and Jaidee. We were headed to Maida Vale.

Erin had arranged a tenants meeting in the solarium. With four flats open now and two others moving out, we expected sixteen of the remaining eighteen to be there. Erin would go over changes in the building and to their flats. Graham was going to give them an `overview' of the security changes nothing too detailed at this point.

Ken and Tara with me, Ro and Ansara with Cho, PJ and Rande drove with the others but had the day off. Sighting-seeing I think.

We rode the lift up to the top floor and walked up the stairs to the solarium. The seating faced away from the stairs and all eyes were on Erin. We came in as she was explaining that all flats would get new stoves and refrigerators. The refrigerators would be taller to make space for a proper freezer compartment.

She went on about an on-site building superintendent, a Security office and some other bits then intro'd Graham. He did his bit on how security would require them to change some and that we took security very seriously but he hoped it would not be too much fuss and took a few questions.

Erin was back, "I want to introduce the new owners, Miss Martin and Mr. Cho."

The tenants were shocked!! Open mouths and huge eyes. An older fellow recovered first.

He stood up, a bit unsteady and took off his cap, bowing, "Miss Martin, Mr. Cho..." he waved his arm towards his fellow tenants, "I'm sure everyone is amazed as I am that you would be here and own the building. We, of course, hope you will be pleased with it and stay around."

I stepped forward to take his hand, looking in his eyes, "Oh my, I'm Ronald Neame."

"Mr. Neame, thank you for your kind thought. We had Erin searching around London for buildings. We liked this one right off. There will be new things which we hope you all can become accustomed to easily."

I got Mr. Neame to take his seat. Cho said the empty flats would be occupied by our local employees, smart hard working people based at our office in Notting Hill near the park.

"I don't know if Erin has gotten to all of the changes... So some of those employees can work remotely we will be bringing very high speed internet service to the building, into each flat and we will include it in your current rate."

A loud buzz for that! Cho went on to say Erin's Estate Agency will be the managers of this building and the others we are buying so she will be around.

We shook some hands and I gave Mr. Neame a hug and thank you for being the first to speak. He'd lived in the building for thirty three years and was now a widower. He invited us to see his flat as part of our tour.

It was neat and tidy with a very nice Jack Russell terrier named Polly. She was sweet!

As a follow up on Polly, a small dog or two cats, was the pet policy at this time, from Erin.

We looked in several of the empty units, good floors, fairly new windows and plumbing fixtures. Erin pointed out that the new refrigerators would fit in the same spot being the same width but taller.

I liked the main entry, wide doors, lots of light, easy to get to the lifts. Room for Security to setup.

We drove south to The Company offices. We had several meetings then lunch. The next building of flats to see. Around Kensington Park to Gloucester Road then turning into Harrington Gardens which took us to Bramham Gardens.

The owner of the company doing the renovation work met us on the sidewalk. We got an overview of the project and hardhats. Mine was lemon yellow! We wandered some, everything was fairly far along so walking wasn't much trouble.

We learned from Erin before the sale that the developer was running out of money, we benefitted! The construction company now knew we wanted it completed properly and as soon as possible. Francis would review the budget and work with the builder.

We were good!

`Food' from me. Laughter! We went further south to Cheyne Walk on the A3220 which changed name several times before the river. It was just a few blocks east to the Painted Bird.

Adam and Daphne welcomed us on board for a brief stop then across the road to the FOOD! Daphne and I went deep! We had so much fun getting different things to share!

Adam said the owner was considering a move to vegan which was fine with us!

My tummy full of good things, a walk was proposed. There was no strong breeze off the water so we strolled along the embankment. Our Security at either end, we walked down to the Albert Bridge maybe half a mile and returned.

Daphne and I chatting about the Denham School scheme. She had several folks from different artistic arenas interested to the point of planning their courses. Wow! She and Angela spoke every day, they got on! Yes!

We would have a serious sit-down before we left for Virginia.

Graham with us at Basuto Road so we would know what the changes were for the folks in Maida Vale. He would raise their awareness in some meetings, they would get to go hands-on with a demo unit especially for the older residents. Key card or input on a numeric pad with a Security person on duty during the day, monitored at night.

They would be told about the sensors and cameras, no surprises.

I changed to skinny jeans, crop top, big black jumper, ankle boots, pea coat, gloves and Cho's hand in mine. We walked across the Common to the shops on Fulham Road with Jaidee and our Protection Team. We browsed the shops, Cho stopping in a vintner's then we got fish, veggies, rolls, bread and a strawberry Charlotte Russe from the bakery. A pet shop got Jaidee's attention with a woman waiting outside, a corgi beside her. The corgi and Jaidee did some obligatory sniffing then wagged some tails. Our guy got a few treats!

Cho and I in the booth in the kitchen with the Twins. Tha had their dinner ready as my part of ours was working in the oven. Gil and Francis said they'd do the rest!

Spooning apples and cereal into Charlie! Such fun, he patted the table top grinning opening wide for more! What a guy! Cho was having no trouble with little Miss Chani. She was into it also!

Tha watching to see if either one might need a burp session. She amazed me with her attention to detail. It was still in the back of my mind about her future. I guess it would be with me for a bit.

We had a nice dinner, everyone around the table. The Twins' highchairs were nearby so Tha could join us. To work on Ken and Francis' Thai... that was all we spoke. They were doing pretty well, a good vocabulary and speaking, their reading was coming on, writing was in last place.

Baked salmon, grilled broccoli under Hollandaise, crunchy rolls, several bottles of an Oregon Pinot Noir from the Willamette Valley that Cho bought today on the stop at the vintner's. We had espresso and the pudding together! The Charlotte Russe, ladyfingers, custard, big strawberries on top!! Not strange that I would like this since I loved all the contents! Ha!

We wanted to cross the road to see Andrea, Ting and Caroline.

First, we sat to talk on the Conference App with Monaco, Freddie came in with us. The decision was to run the black two year old in America, `He likes dirt' from Freddie. His official named is Stellar Black and he was looking very good. He would ship to Pleasant Valley to train for the summer racing at Saratoga.

A white horse with buckskin mane and tail named Thaksin would ship from Chek's care in Rabam to Santa Anita, he was a two year old also. He will race on the west coast. A filly named Sasithorn, she was black with a narrow white blaze to her nose, another two year old would go to Pleasant Valley to also train for the races in Saratoga. They would join Aneka as two year old prospects. They would run in separate racing paths so they wouldn't initially oppose each other.

Aneka and Sasithorn were very athletic like Hansa so we'll see if they'd run against boys or not.

Rando was settling in after his move from Thailand, he would do a variety of three year old races starting at the Fair Grounds Race Course in New Orleans.

Monaco said Jonny had five horses now in training in France, they'd run at Longchamp. There was one filly who had considerable potential named Amira. She was a pale gray with a white mane and tail. The pictures showed a strong gorgeous girl, proud bearing. Thumbs up for her.

Another was a four year old colt named Satirical, he looked very promising. We would enter him in many races at Longchamp because he was strong and mature.

The Keeneland sale results from Monaco, four yearlings, two colts, two fillies, a five year old multiple G-1 race winning stallion named Rodrigo, a black. Two excellent winning mares, a four year old named Grace of My Heart and a five year old named Twilight Maiden. Monaco was pleased! He didn't see any two year olds he liked as much as the yearlings. They all were all vanned to Roundell's stables for now. We'd all be in Los Angeles in a few weeks to meet and decide where each should go. Okay!

Time go across the road. The Twins came along to see their friend's house. The three of them on the carpet crawling making noise, laughing! Andrea's arm around me as we watched the `kids.' They liked rolling around with each other. We stayed for a while to have the babies burn off some energy.

We had a bit of ball chasing in our garden after the visit. Jaidee romping up and down having a blast! He was wound up but some time by the fireplace being rubbed got him ready to sleep. Me too!

The morning light in the kitchen made the gift on the table sparkle! Gil looking at us, I nodded. Hugs and kisses! One year for her! I heated rolls and made coffee, she carefully opened the wrapping... `It's so pretty I hate to open it.' That got a laugh.

The gift was a bracelet with charms and room for more. The charms were of cities and countries she'd been with me and a special larger one... Harcourt House!

Lots of hugs! A few tears, a Cho-Fay handkerchief brought out.

Cho grinning, "I guess Gil likes it."

She hugged him! "Yes, Gil does!"

I thanked her for all the hard work, she jingled her wrist at me to show me she knew.

First up today was a meeting at the Solicitors so I decided to dress demurely.

Dark green with a hint of yellow in the green sleeveless dress, mid-thigh, blue tights and heels, a matching green wool jacket, blue bag, `Joy' the blue pea coat and gloves. Yes!

We walked into the Temple courtyard from Chancery Lane holding hands. A big squeeze from Cho!

The solicitors were grinning as we sat around the table. They had secured planning permission for us to build a limited use heliport in southern Parson's Green near the north end of the Wandsworth Bridge. Two landing platforms, fuel storage, parking and offices.

It would be open to anyone for emergency landings.

It was a coup for them. The current `London Plan' didn't allow for any new heliports but as ours wasn't intended to be a working commercial landing zone it was considered and permitted.

The previous owners mess would be cleared up ending a hazardous waste problem the city and the waterways groups wanted to go away. We would secure the site and not use it intensively. We promised to use only dual engine helicopters for safety. No late night flights.

Terrific! Lagavulin for them! The solicitors smiling in anticipation!

They had only good news today! The lawsuit against the Sun and News UK was filed! We have to wait for it to play out.

Their pressing the CPS to criminally charge the editors and management of the both companies with aiding and abetting their employees attempts to infiltrate our properties had borne fruit, four individuals would be arrested today and charged. He was sure they'd all get police bail.

You could bet that would be in the news even if the Sun didn't print it.

So what would happen? The lawsuit would work its way through the courts but the physical evidence, the arrest reports... the senior I'd spoken to laughed when I asked if the Santa Anita event helped...

"Miss Martin, the Santa Anita police were very helpful. We got reports, pictures, videos, statements from the arresting officers. Loads of terrific stuff. One of the reporters AFTER being cautioned said their orders came directly from the News Corp offices in New York."

He burst out laughing which did surprise me. "It is near perfect a case!"

He added that with the criminal charges any jury in the civil lawsuit would be impressed with pattern of acts. The final aggregate figure we were asking for was £750 Million. More than the Sun was worth after ten years of declining sales numbers and circulation. It was an inferior product buoyed in the past by its salacious content and strident jingoism neither of which were worth much today.

"Of course it is an outrageous sum but it does make the point. We've a lorry full of exhibits!"

The down part was if it went as far as a trial it would most likely be a year at least before we'd get in a court room. Well, we had the time!

Cho smiling, "So they'll ask to negotiate... at what point do you tell them we will take the newspaper as payment?"

We all laughed at that. The Senior did say it may come to that... `What did we want to do?'

"We'll take it!" Popped out of my mouth!

Cho kissed me after a cheer! The solicitors said `Okay!'

This was a fun lawyer visit! They said they'd be pleased to `keep us up to date' which got another laugh!

We walked out back to Fleet Street and at my suggestion turned right. Tessa and Tara in front, Penny and Ro behind, Gil and Francis with us in the middle. I gave direction for our leaders. We crossed over to the north side and Tessa found the right doorway.

We passed through a short passageway into a narrow courtyard, a short walk brought us to the end of another courtyard. A bronze cat sat there surprising everyone but me.

Hodge kept watch on the doorways of the house at the end of Gough Square. Of course his master wouldn't appear and hadn't for over two hundred and thirty years but Hodge was patient. Dr. Johnson would have admired his constancy though he'd know it was a meal Hodge would be waiting for.

I left a sixpence in the oyster shell. Everyone staring, I smiled and walked on to the house.

We did a brief tour of Dr. Johnson's home and left a donation on top of the fees. I hadn't been for at least a dozen years, I could see no changes which is as it should be.

We met the cars on Fetter Lane, up to Holborn and westward. We had a luncheon date with the Colonel at Levant again! He was waiting with a big smile and Graeme! Hugs all around!

Cho and the Colonel led us down I had Graeme's arm. He said they met a few times and liked to talk. The Colonel wanted to hear his impressions of `EVERYTHING' about Graeme's tours of duty in Afghanistan.

"He's working on something for the higher ups, gathering information. I've been brought in as temporary help. It's a feather in my cap and thanks to you for the introduction!!"

I kissed his cheek once we were off the stairs. In a back corner with our Team near we got started on FOOD! The waiters got the message! The Lunch `Feast' menu option for six, our Protection Team got to order whatever they wanted.

We ate the delicious food, sharing all over the table. Cho got several bottles of a very nice pinot noir from Languedoc by Gerald Bertrand. Lots of talk about miscellaneous things. The Colonel was amazed to hear about the Clinton's visit.

"That was under the radar," he was grinning.

Cho told them about the anti-drone device catching a Sun reporter and his drone the day after the Clinton's left hoping to get Bill Clinton on camera. I could see the Colonel was listening closely, he asked a couple of questions about the device which Cho passed on to me.

The Colonel may not be a techie but he did grasp the essentials. Good questions. He was more intrigued by the capabilities of our new drones.

"Come out to the house and sit with Yone. He can give it to you with greater detail if you want, more than me. It would nice to see you but we'll be gone soon."

"I might but you've given me enough to work with for now."

"Go out anytime. Call the house number they can switch you to the Security office."

Fist bumps! Graeme incredulous at that!

We went our different ways afterwards, hugs and kisses! By me anyway!

We circled the park on the south, went by Harrods to the Fulham Road over to the King's Road and home. The Twins were on the Common with Caroline, Ken and Penny along, Penny doing the pushing. We hugged and kissed all three. Catherine grinning behind Caroline's pram. The Nurses getting some time off.

We kept strolling a while then turned for home.

An email from Carter. Stanislaus had found several more valuable books in the Library. Two on the shelf and two behind the encyclopedias. Stanislaus would be there tomorrow when we return and give us the info.

Daphne and Angela at Basuto Road! We made tea and loaded a plate with cookies, parked in the kitchen booth we talked Denham School. We hired Richard as headmaster, he and his family would `live-in' in a house on the grounds. We would have our Security there protecting the entire establishment, on duty around the clock. Yone's team would be enlarged to meet the need.

Richard's first job was to keep as many of the staff we would need like maintenance, groundkeepers and office folks to continue with us. He had the advantage that they were already there.

The main contractors had looked at the school over the holidays and submitted their report to Angela. Based on what our intentions were they were clear it wasn't a complex job nor time consuming.

They could do remediation for some basic problems very quickly. Re-configuring the big kitchen to give more open space for teaching, add an oven, workspaces, etc... wasn't difficult but you can only do so much at one time in the room kind of thing. All of the equipment we wanted was available. They were sure it could be completed for September and that was important.

We signed contracts and Angela was to be the main point of contact.

The courses were moving along. We had Carla's friend the Oxford baker to teach baking skills using Maxine as her assistant and to do a course on small business management. We could expand using some of the Harcourt House staff.

Two photographer friends of Daphne's would each teach some basic skills and some advanced ones. There was a large darkroom in the plans for a sub-contractor who had experience with photographic darkroom layouts.

Daphne had one fashion designer ready to do a class on design and fabrics. She wanted to do basic design shapes with certain textiles to give students a grounding in the relationship between how to create a design and using materials to suit.

Charlotte was to teach various equestrian skills, Yvonne was to be her assistant which was terrific. The Equestrian Ventures folks suggestions for the current grass play fields to be converted to dressage and jumping arenas were excellent. They had our approval and a start date.

The main contractor's proposal to transform a storage building to stables was an innovative use of the structure! A dozen stalls and two paddocks would be created! An office, a large tack room and heating for the whole building included.

Angela was working with several government agencies on getting approval for everything and arranging the possible methods of student payment. The Oxford local council was very happy the school wouldn't be idle and VERY pleased we were involved. So far everyone was being quite accommodating!

In the house we were hosting all the Security folks, our Team and Graham's crew plus Andrea, Ting, Caroline and Catherine for a pizza party. We had piles of pizzas delivered, some bread sticks and fried mozzarella cheese, soft drinks, fizzy waters and beer.

Cho got the TV up from the basement, I hooked an iPad in so we could run Charles Holiday video and stream movies. Strange the TV was so dusty from sitting on a shelf, I had mixed feelings about the thing. It was useful for this anyway.

It was a fun evening, some good conversation and the Twins and Caroline were intro'd to all of Graham's folks.

I gave Graham and a few of his people a rundown on the anti-drone device. Graham got the news about the heliport approval, he already knew about the new buildings.

Thomas going to be in town to see it all and make plans this coming week. More staff was certain! Sumate joining them to review people and places. We'd miss his visit.

Warm and cozy with Cho, an arm snaked around me, "What was with the coin today?"

I told him about the custom of leaving a coin in the oyster shell for luck.

His lips on my neck, "So you carried a sixpence today to do that?"

I nodded. Cho squeezed me tight, "Thank you!" A kiss on my shoulder.

I knew what he meant. Sleep.

Up early to go home? Another home! Prasert and Ellie had come up to town yesterday, so they drove us back. What a crowd!

Audra gave me a thumbs up in the entryway! I called out to Gil and the others. Zoom up to change! I grabbed some scones and went down to the stables with Jaidee ahead of my companions. I got Pamela who was snorting! She was ready!

The others mounted and we were off. Up the slope warming everyone!

A cold clear morning, the sun shining, wispy fog along the river... quite the visual show! We galloped down to the lock. Greetings as we passed through. Roy was about done for the day, caught two.

We met Franco in his Land Rover near the railroad underpass, he was replacing a sensor. Big smile!

Terry was in the pasture with now empty cows, he laughed when I used that description.

"Well Miss they're happier this way."

I was stopped across from Samuel's new workplace. Wow it was humming, all the bays in use! He was all smiles as usual these days.

"Miss Martin, the crew loves it! I've very happy bunch."

Fist bump!

Mr. Hardy was waving from his door. I slid down for a quick visit. He showed a setup of the Battle of Borodino game, the fight at the ford. It was so colourful with all the different units laid out exactly where they had been when the combat began.

He'd taken snaps with the iPhone to share with Jerrold. They were going to play the scenario on the weekend. Hugs! I was glad to hear it!

We pushed on so Pamela could get a good power gallop in. Boy did she! Storming across the Radley's and Fraser's like the wrath of an angered goddess! We backed off at the property line because Freddie was on the training track.

A prancing walk up the grassy lane to Anthony who had a tremendous grin!

"She's so happy! I'll be sure Diana rides her for long stretches when you go." Fist bump!

Which was tonight!

Cho and I met with Stanislaus in the Library. He had been going book by book through the whole Library. He had four books on the table. A copy of Sense and Sensibility closest to me.

"It is listed as being an 1817 edition but in fact it is an 1811 first edition whose value is about £25,000 as one went recently at auction. Yours is in fine condition.

This Velveteen Rabbit is also a first edition from 1922 and is worth close to £15,000. They were on the shelves but mislabeled by the previous cataloguer, I found them as part of my complete survey.

The two books behind the encyclopedia were found by Audra's crew doing a cleaning. I guess the encyclopedias hadn't been used or moved for years because they are so out of date.

They found two spectacular books. This 1900 first edition of the Wonderful world of Oz by Frank Baum. It's in superb condition and could be worth close to £90,000."

He smiled, "The second is equally interesting. It's an excellent first edition of Dracula with an unusual extra bit, it is signed by Bram Stoker."

He was almost bouncing in his chair, "These two are wonderful books, in near mint condition. It's like they were bought for the Library but never opened."

"Oh, an estimated value for the Dracula would be about £60,000. Of course the valuation is variable."

I just stared, "So the last two were lying behind the big encyclopedia volumes?"

"Yes, flat on the open space behind the rows of big books. The encyclopedias fit in snugly. There was a lot of dust on these two."

"Audra said she had the staff start to clean everything on the east wall of the Library when you left for London. Take down each book, dust and polish the wood and put it back in the same order."

Audra had joined us.

"Miss, when the ladies found those two," pointing at the Dracula and Wizard of Oz, "they called me right away and got Stan to come over. They didn't even touch them. I took some snaps for Stan."

Audra handed Cho and I her iPhone. The two books had at least a half inch of dust. You could barely read the lettering on the spines.

"Miss, Stan was excited right off."

He laughed, "It is funny that this is hardly my first time to see something like this. It is a real thrill to find these treasures, long lost volumes. I checked the past catalogues and none show these two books. The oldest catalogue is from 1956. The encyclopedias are a 1950 edition."

Laughing with thought the books could have been there for sixty years. Everyone laughed too when I spoke my thoughts.

Cho and I sitting together, "Well, we have to thank the Library itself for once again giving up some its secrets."

It was an odd way to end the holidays. The books would go onto the shelves but put into the group marked in the digital catalogue as not to be removed from the Library.

Stanislaus asked if we needed the encyclopedias? Looking at Cho, he shrugged, "I guess not. Do they have any value? I shouldn't think so."

"No. This set of Britannica's is in superb condition but only marginally collectable. The Atlas is very nice but woefully old of date, all the colonials changes that came after 1950... Well, you can imagine."

"Okay, so box them up and put them in storage. I'm sure the shelf space will be used."

Stanislaus smiling!

Tha had the Twins ready. They were handed into the cars, Jaidee with Cho. The short drive was warm with the heating on high! The cold had descended after dark so we got in the 767 quickly. Captain Mira was in the lounge looking very good in her uniform.

"We are ready to go," said with a smile.

Okay. Everyone was buckled in, Jaidee in his big cushioned dog seat! The power rising then the slow start away from the hangar. The runaway lights to the right as we turned then the rush of speed. The big power climb! Over the pole to Dulles.

Everyone would go to bed soon but I got Ken to sit with me, Tara and PJ.

"We need your expertise in the morning for a side trip."

He was looking questions then it hit him, "Really? A no warning visit? My mother will hate you."

I nodded, "Yep." I gave him my best cutesy smile.

"Yes, I can see it now she be hugging you and feeding you inside five minutes." Laughter!

Jaidee had some ball time with Ro and Tara. My little man was tired out. The Twins in their cabin all warm and snuggly, Chani's arms squeezing me, big kiss for both! Cho stroking Charlie's hair, a kiss for the boy!

I was eating a scone as Soka came into the lounge from their cabin downstairs, Ban close behind. They got eggs, veggie sausages, toast and fruit organized! All the others emerged with the coffee and cooking smells!!

It was still dark as we taxied to the Rossen Aircraft hangar at Dulles Airport. A Cho-Fay Air AW139 was waiting, I sent Ken into the office to meet the pilots and show them the grassy field he'd told me about.

I was changed into a navy blue wool skirt to just below my knees, a white long sleeved silk shirt and a sleeveless jumper with navy and pale blue with light brown and some golden brown like our wonderful chestnut horses. My heels were chestnut gold brown with matching accessories. Gold jewellery, `Joy' and the Coach navy camel's hair trench coat and gloves.

Cho got a big kiss and the Twins hugs in the lounge before I left. Cho was hosting the Rossen brothers and their managers from both D.C. airports on board then do a tour of the facilities here. Afterwards he'd motor to Upperville with the Twins and Francis.

Gil, Ken and Tara were with me. We lifted off heading south by east. Beyond Quantico we turned to port and picked up speed going down a stretch of a broad river, the Rappahannock. In about thirty minutes we had swung out over the Chesapeake Bay to come in from the east. The landing area was a flat grassy space of about an acre. Ken said it was a family play area. It was surrounded by cousins, uncles and aunts houses.

"We played all sorts of sports there. I honed my football skills there!" Big smile.

The sun was up as we touched down, folks came out of several houses. Ken said the two closest were his mom and dad. I got him to stay on board for a minute.

Tara went out first then me. I walked to the couple extending my hand, "Hi! I'm Fay Martin I just wanted to bring you a visitor..." Ken's mom took my hand with thoroughly surprised face. I motioned to Ken who emerged to a whoop from his dad. They embraced. It was terrific to see him hug his mom. I shook his dad's hand.

Ken managed an intro, "Mom, Dad, this is my boss Fay Martin."

His mom's eyes on me then I could see she got it...

A hand to her mouth, "Oh my! Ken you never said!"

She swatted his arm... he did an appropriate cringe which got me and his dad to laugh.

I got a formal intro to Cora and Emile, they were all smiles and happy for their son.

Other family had come up, I met Ken's younger sister Emily and her son Ken.

There were some aunts and uncles to meet and cousins! Seemed that six families lived very close, a tight group! A very supportive clan.

Abrielle, a cousin about the young Ken's age, was staring until I put out my hand. She came over as Cora asked us in for coffee. Abrielle came with me. Her mom and dad too.

Abrielle and the younger Ken both had a school day but the parents let them miss the bus. Ken said we'd drive them over to the school in a bit.

The coffee was good and a plate of scrumptious looking chocolate chip cookies appeared. I grinned over to Ken. He grinned and shrugged.

Emile beside me sipping his coffee, "I suppose you do this sort of thing often?"

I laughed, "I do like to have a bit of fun and Ken said he hadn't been home for a while. He knew we were coming to Virginia so I forestalled his asking for time off. He found out last night on the plane after we took off."

"So where were you?"

"We spent about six weeks of the holidays at our home in Oxfordshire north of London."

I pointed to Ken talking with his mom and uncles, "That fellow has learned how to ride a horse!"

Emile gave me a look, "Well I love to ride so to protect me he HAD to learn." I laughed, "He said it was better than driving a tractor."

I said that loud enough for Ken to hear... we leaned towards each other to do a fist bump! His dad burst out laughing.

"He's always been into learning things and curious, sometimes too curious as a boy!"

The two schoolers were sent off to get ready. Emile told me Emily and Ken were with them because Markus, Emily's husband, was in Syria with the Green Berets.

We climbed into a car, Ken asking if Mrs. West was still there. His mom said yes and warned him to be good. Laughs!

It was a fifteen minute drive. We parked out front and went into the office. The long counter had a handsome late middle aged woman behind it. Her yellow dress was terrific against her dark complexion but her face serious. She recognized the students and then realised it was Ken. They hugged.

"So stranger, you bringing in these two? Where'd you find them?"

"Oh you know they missed the bus so they were out on the road hitchhiking."

Everybody laughed. Smiles as she sent them along to class. I shook the younger Ken's hand and a hug for Abrielle.

Ken started to introduce me to Mrs. Sarah West when a woman behind her said out loud Fay Martin' Fay Martin in our school'

Mrs. West gave me a long look seeming to approve then turned around to the woman then back to me, to Ken, back to me, `Seriously?' to Ken.

He laughed, "Mrs. West you know I'd never lie to you." A straight face which dissolved into a laugh, her too.

"Ken, you've told me so many lies I can't keep track!"

Taking my hand in hers, "Miss Martin, you're something of hero to some of us ordinary Virginians."

I asked why...

"You helped elect Hillary!"

She and I hugged, "My husband and our friends deserve the same credit."

"That may be but you are the one who seems to embody the changes for most of us."

I thanked her, I was honoured to have defeated a sleaze like Trump.

Ken intro'd Tara as a colleague.

Mrs. West did a `colleague for what?' question.

"We protect Miss Martin and her family. Her personal staff and the Twins."

I pulled up a recent snap of the Twins. Oooohhhh's and aaaahhhh's! I showed the ladies Cho, it was picture of him with that cute grin. They loved it.

The Principal came in to an intro. He was amazed find me in his school office. He got Ken's `Miss Martin' is my boss.

He was a slender short fellow and seemed nice in a reserved way. He asked to excuse himself and Ken for a quick chat about an old friend. Mrs. West found me agreeable to a tour.

I got to meet the school nurse and the whole office staff. Down the hall to the Library which was a bit wild as the assistant librarian recognized me right off with loud whoop. The librarian came out to find what the fuss was. Mrs. West had given the assistant a `look' which quieted her immediately.

The magazine rack was opposite the desk, my face was prominently showing on a cover. Ah! The librarian said hello with a grin and eyes aimed at her deputy, welcomed me to the school. I intro'd Tara as my assistant.

We pressed on to the cafeteria. It smelled good, I was told today was the weekly `vegetable day' where the whole lunch was a variety of veggies. They had a casserole of broccoli, cauliflower and onions in a white sauce with a bread crumbs and melted cheese top. Roasted potatoes and a green salad, various dressings available. There were cut veggies with a blue cheese sour cream dip. A baked apple crumble dessert! Sounded good to me.

We looked in a the gymnasium where some form of chase game was in progress. Mrs. West knew every child and their families.

"I bet Ken didn't tell you I taught him."

I said no but there hadn't been time.

"He was a devil but smart. I wondered when he went into the Army then Cora told me he had become a Green Beret which was good then he was in the Secret Service. I was proud for his family. Cora gave me his latest months back now how he was working for a private company in Thailand."

I picked up the thread, "He works as part of our Personal Protection team..." I took Tara's hand, "So does this lovely lady. They are quite the crew."

Mrs. West gave Tara a searching gaze, Tara didn't wilt.

"It is a honour to guard Fay..." a smile, firmly spoken, "we are an elite force!"

The way her words impacted Mrs. West was awesome. A clenched fist.

"Dear, do your job the best you can. This lady is important now. We need her. And her husband!"

I didn't cry but my eyes were wet. I drew out a Cho-Fay handkerchief to do its job.

Mrs. West looking at me, "I watched you at the Fox news conference... I can say I was deeply impressed with your cool and sass."

I grinned, "It was quite the day!"

We stopped at a classroom door, "Young Ken is in here."

She opened the door for me, it was a U.S. history lesson. The teacher shook my hand as there was a murmur around the girls next to Ken when I waved to him. They were studying World War one. I told them about my great grandfather who'd fought in the trenches and survived.

"I didn't get to meet him but my dad told me some of what he'd been through. I guess his main memories were about the cold rain, the mud and the noise. The nerve needed to lead his men to `go over the top' is hard believe now. They had a sense they couldn't escape it all, they got past it by being a close-knit supportive group."

I stopped, a bit of a dad memory came over me. I smiled at them, "I haven't served in the army so I can't say more."

I intro'd Tara as an ex-U.S. Marine officer. Tara smiled, "Miss Martin is right though. Soldiers in combat have to work as a team, being under fire brings you closer, a shared danger."

She gave them a great smile that was serious and wry, "It isn't much fun to be shot at."

Tara told them she'd been shot at a good deal in Afghanistan and a bit since then with a look towards me. Fist bump.

I shook young Ken's hand, a quick kiss on his cheek. Oooooohhhhhh's from his classmates. Their teacher made a throat clearing noise which caused silence to occur.

Out in the hall Mrs. West figured out we'd had some sort of event together. I gave Tara a nod with a downward palm motion. Mrs. West grinned at that.

Tara gave her a quick and clean rendition of the Phuket beach house action. Mrs. West was a sharpie, she got there was a lot missing but we went on.

Outside another class, "Abrielle is here."

We went in when the teacher waved to Mrs. West. Abrielle gave me a quick little wave which I returned. This was math, pre-algebra! I could see an equation on the chalkboard. I grinned at the teacher, I did a nod towards the problem.

I was handed a piece of chalk and stepped up. I asked over my shoulder 'Okay what do I do?'

I could see Mrs. West's face in the periphery of my vision, a grin.

I got several suggestions then I solved it, scribbling down the surface. I was exactly right!

The teacher was laughing, "You've done this before?"

She handed me a cloth to wipe my hands, "Yes. I love maths."

We had a laugh and I got to give Abrielle a hug and a kiss. A quiet WOW from someone.

Back in the office Ken and the Principal were waiting. I thanked them for the tour and I said the school was beautiful. The Principal smiled his thanks, "We think if the surroundings are good it encourages respect for learning."

He and Mrs. West did a cute bow towards each other. The staffers were giggling behind the big counter.

I said I'd be back at some point and wished them well. Outside by the car I took Mrs. West's hand, "Cho and I are going to some of the Inaugural events, Hillary invited us. I will tell her she has big fans in Deltaville."

"Serious?" At my nod. "Please do!"

I had a cup of coffee out back of the Peters house with Cora. She laughed my school visit.

"Sarah West is the best. She's been at that school for thirty years. She is its soul."

Emile had to gone to work. I talked Cora out of trying to cook for us. I got Gil to book us in a seafood restaurant Emile said was very good, he would meet us.

We walked along the shore of the big creek. She pointed out the various family homes. They all had long docks out into the water. The extended family had been here for well over a hundred years. Fishermen, farmers, craftsmen, big families, lots of kids. They were big on education and church.

The men served in the military, the women raised the children. They were mostly set in their ways but sometimes things shook it up.

"As far back as I know we all had married within our community of local black families. My sister after high school wanted to see more of the world. She moved to the District and got a government job working in a Congressional office. She eventually became an aide to a newly elected New York Congressman who brought along a fellow New Yorker to also be an aide. The two of them hit it off!

Burke is a blonde and blue-eyed fellow with English and Scottish roots and some devil in there too!"

She laughed, "He can be so funny and he does like to play small pranks, nothing mean but funny. They have two of the most beautiful children. A perfect pair! I'll show you pictures. Their boy is married to the classic New York Jewish princess whose heart is as big as all outdoors. They work for a non-profit that is focused on education."

We turned back to her house, arm in arm, "The daughter you might have seen if you read fashion magazines. Colette does runway modeling. It almost hurts to see her... she's so lovely."

I said I don't have much time for magazines and newspapers which can be an issue. I told her about Tai's work after being surprised by the Los Angeles Times front page piece in the Theory store.

"I get time to read but it's usually favorites like Orwell or Jack London or Jules Verne. I get piles of reports from our various businesses which I am always behind on. Gil is whiz at creating shorthand reports for me."

"So you came down to us just for Ken?"

I smiled, "Yes and I wanted to know more about him. I'm trusting my life and the Twins to his care so..."

"He's such a good man. When he was in the Army a man was being attacked by three others on a sidewalk near his base in North Carolina. He waded in to beat the men off. The beaten man needed a doctor, Ken took him to a hospital. Ken waited to see how he was and talked to the police. The fellow was gay and that was why those men attacked him.

One of the police asked why he'd help a `faggot.' Ken told the policeman he man was human in need of help and he could have been a klan member for all he knew.

That's Ken all over."

I thanked Cora for that.

"Our training program eliminates many candidates so someone has to be more than a bit special to get very far along. To get to our level, the Personal Protection Team, `special' is on steroids but it doesn't tell us about the person the way you have just done."

I hugged her. Fresh coffee fueled us for more talk until lunch. Ken came in to be with us, he'd been visiting all the families.

Cora showed me her niece and nephew's pictures. They were gorgeous, Colette's face did seem familiar but I couldn't place where I might have seen her. Then... it was a magazine at MaJa Hair in New York. I think it was a Vogue. Cora said Collette had been in one a few months back.

Gil had a few things for me so we sat in the dining room.

"The Sun editors and one executive were arrested and bailed. As you would expect there was some `outrage' about press freedom until the CPS had a news conference."

Gil was smiling, "They spoke about the many attempts to trespass on the property to take pictures, the drone and reporter capture, the incident in California, the assaults on the Security staff and you two naturally wanting to protect your children. They also pointed out the Sun had been legally enjoined by a restraining order from doing anything close to our properties and that they willingly disobeyed that order."

After that the noise about press freedom went down to almost nothing online except by the rabid Sun bootlickers.

Gil said Reginé and her folks had been working it, getting out the real story! The first blush of pro-Sun and press freedoms had been blown away by the disgust with intruding news people who only wanted to make money at our expense.

Reginé's folks pointed out `We' were aware of the public's interest in us but we didn't appreciate the Sun's intrusions when we could accurately say they had never asked for an interview.

Cutter's Restaurant was bright and smelled splendid! I got a Red Stripe beer (I wasn't driving) to go with my clam chowder, then grilled oysters and shrimp with big chunky chips (Yes, fries). Wonderful!

Emile shaking his head over my food intake. They had pecan praline ice cream! Done!

We all went back their house except Emile still had some work to do. I gave him a hug and left a bit of lipstick on his cheek.

`Well at least I know where it came from!' Words spoken by Cora.

We walked around some back at theirs, I got to meet more of the families. Two gorgeous twins girls peeking out of a bassinet their mom loved my snaps of our Twins.

At Cora's we said goodbye, I said we'd be back. I'd bring Cho next time. Hugs and kisses. We boarded so Ken could say goodbye. All aboard we lifted off. Ken waving to his family. Once we turned up river he leaned back to look at me.

"You did this to know more about me?"

I nodded, "I did it with Tessa. I wanted to do it with ole what's her name..." my thumb aiming at Tara, "but she warned me off."

Tara laughed, "I wouldn't wish my mother on anyone."

Fist bump.

Our pilots full of Cutter's great seafood put the pedal down for Upperville. Good! I wanted to hold Cho and the Twins. I wanted to hug my Jaidee too!

I asked Ken about his pow-wow with the Principal if it wasn't a secret.

"An old friend from school was having a tough time, the Principal who is the friend's brother-in-law let me know what was going on and asked for a bit of assistance. I said I'd make a few calls to see if I could help."

Fist bump.

We fluttered down on the lawn with a small audience. I jumped to Cho's open arms! Big kiss! Jaidee bouncing around got a hug!

In the living room I got kiss and squeeze the Twins! Big smiles!

We sat in the warm kitchen. Coffee! A hug for Flo and a hint about dinner... hush puppies.

Daniel and Cho continuing a conversation about the farm and the horses. A two year old, Samir, was looking very sharp. All black, glossy and happy, loved to run. He had broken his maiden in the Remsen Stakes in December at Aqueduct. He run away from the field, a wire to wire win. What to do with him was where they left off.

Monaco had been here to take a look. He wanted to run him in New York. Okay. Nathaniel who has been training him here would travel with Samir and his groom Marti to Pleasant Valley.

I changed to riding clothes. I waved to Rylee and Shondra coming home from school. Their dad Mykal was fixing a gate as Gil, Tara, Tessa, Ken and I entered the stables. Ash was saddled, Mr. Sugar and several others, we headed out northward.

At the fence line we turned west working our way over to the cross-country area that was being rebuilt. It was looking good.

Several equestrian teams had expressed an interest when we let it be known to a few folks the facilities were being rebuilt. We told them we'd only charge stabling fees if they wanted to use our farm. Oh Yes they liked that!

Dusk coming on pushed us back to the barn. Daniel and Mykal smiling at my thanks for the work on all the equestrian areas. They had both been involved since I asked for it, Mykal especially.

We chilled in the living room with drinks and talk of horses and the new properties at the airports. Gilbert was with us, he had new staff on the sites with our security equipment being installed. His offices here were still in the trailer but the house/office building construction out behind Charles' house was well advanced for an April 1st ready date.

Francis' news was good too. We had closed on a small apartment complex in Mantua, Virginia which about halfway between the two airports. It was close to the Little River Turnpike so our Security folks could easily go either way to their assignments.

Thirty six units, mixed one and two bedrooms, a large playground and a pool. Francis said the current management company was good so we'd stay with them for now and evaluate their performance. Some empty units so we could get a few of our families in right away and do as we planned elsewhere to have a mix of tenants.

It was close to schools and shopping. A community college campus was minutes away. It had plenty of parking space and was nicely landscaped. A good property.

Flo's dinner was Chesapeake Bay crab cakes, grilled asparagus with sesame seeds, pureed potatoes and hush puppies! Charles was here in spirit. Cho had bottles of a Willamette Valley cabernet sauvignon out for us. Those folks in Oregon did it well. We all enjoyed ourselves.

Ice cream at the end. Espresso and Amaretto!

A nice quiet night by a fire. My fingers in Cho's hair and Jaidee's. Tha had the Twins with us until their bedtime. Warm cuddle bunnies! She took Charlie, I carried Chani up to their room. Yawns, kisses and hugs for them. Cho leaning over to kiss each little forehead.

We snuggled too. Jaidee looking very cute in his bed. A big yawn from him.

The morning was chilly but clear. Walking out to the stables with Tessa, she was smiling.

"Fay, I'm still amazed being able to do this even after all that we did at Harcourt House."

"I told you love being there!" Fist bump.

Ash was ready, Mr. Sugar was nickering. We went west. In the big pasture where the cross-country course was going up we trotted around the course. It was good, well laid out.

We went to the end of the property a mile or so past the pasture, right to the gate I passed through last year. The same numbers opened the lock. We looked over the grassy spaces of Ike's land and across to the rising Shenandoah Mountains. This was all new to Tessa. I told her a bit of the geography.

We arced back along the north boundary then a hard ride back to the stables. Daniel was talking with Nathaniel, they took the horses to pass them onto a groom.

Back in Flo's domain... coffee! Tessa joined me for a big omelet with olives and onions. Fried potatoes and toast! Cho arrived with Charlie, Tha had Chani. They gobbled their breakfast! Tha was careful so they didn't eat too fast but it certainly disappeared.

"They eat like you." Cho squeezing me.

More coffee and Gil and I took over the dining room to work. Cho sat in the living room in a big chair looking relaxed. Francis across from him with a smile, "Ali is ready for us."

I did a thumbs up! By the time lunch came I was bug-eyed from reading reports. I was pretty well caught-up. We did sandwiches of various types and chips aka fries and I got a big dill pickle! Tonight was Georgetown!

Back to work. Plans for trips, another report on the northern New Guinea infrastructure build up. There was a LONG way to go there. It is a hostile location, deep jungle, steep ridges, narrow gorges, heavy rains. Building roads was tough, to make them last was a lot of work and expensive. As I thought this is years away from even being on the radar. Mr. Awabo's note struck the same chord although he was optimistic about more money being allocated in the next year's budget.

All the other projects in Jasmin's territory we would visit were a go. Then for her a trip to India with me! That was going to be very interesting. I asked Cho if he wanted in... he said for follow up visits he'd be Okay. Kavat was already planning, he emailed Penn was working it.

Tonight I was going in my tuxedo outfit I wore to Open House. The slender shaped cutaway black jacket with tails, a white long sleeved shirt small wing collar and a narrow black bow tie. Slender cut black trousers with a narrow satin stripe up the side. A black cummerbund. Black ankle strap high heels. Silver jewellery, silver hinged band, an inch wide with a small padlock at the hinge! Silver loops at my ears. Red nails and lips! The Uffington Horse on my lapel.

Cho applied the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes!

Cho grinning as watched me dress. He was in black too. A terrific suit, white shirt, the Harcourt Racing green silk tie, gold horses on his cuffs.

I reached into a box for my hat... a shiny top hat! Everyone was amazed! Cho's eyes were dancing! He'd loved it!

A black wool coat with big collar and gloves. We were off.

Down the John Mosby Highway to I-66 then onto the Key Bridge, through Georgetown to Le Champignon D'Or. Tomorrow's trip would be very different.

PJ in front, Cho then me, Rande behind. Gerald knew we were coming, he was at the maître d' desk.

"Ah... Cho!" A hug and shake for Cho then he paused... I opened my coat!

"Miss Martin, always the surprise!" A huge hug and kiss! I was relieved of the coat and gloves.

Gerald was still shaking his head.

"It is very sexy you know?"

Antonio! More hugs and kisses! As before their welcome was so generous that other diners gathered who we were and there was a loud buzz as we walked to the Owners Table. PJ and Rande's table in the way of any approach.

There was a family, father, mother and teenage girl we passed. The young lady was staring at my clothes. I winked at her which caused giggles and her father's head to pivot. He saw us, I waved before sliding into the booth. The man did stand up confused as to who his daughter reacted to.

I slid out and took PJ to their table. "Sorry if we disturbed your dinner. Your young lady was looking at my clothes and I winked her..."

"Daddy she was nice is all."

He was still confused but Okay. His wife thanked me for coming over.

"Your outfit is unusual for a woman so my daughter was intrigued."

"I like to be unusual with clothes. It's fun! Again sorry to have disrupted your meal."

The man was still standing... "Please sit. I hope you enjoy being here it is a favourite place for my husband and I."

The girl piped up, "Miss Martin, would it be rude to ask for your autograph?"

"Maybe the wrong time but I will do it for you. I'll send it over shortly."

She clapped her hands and gave me a big `thank you.'

Gerald had the perfect idea. Antonio brought out a black Sharpie pen, I signed a page of a menu that had `Le Champignon D'Or' at the top. Antonio delivered to the young girl, she was pleased, waving towards the table. I raised my hand.

Okay the minor drama over. Food! Laughter over that. Gerald sat with us four to sip Taittinger's and nibble caviar. He was surprised to hear the great wine company was a sponsor for Harcourt Racing. Then was more astonished by the others Cho named.

We talked about the holidays and why we were in Virginia this time. Big eyes!

"Miss Martin, Cho, you do amaze me all the time."

I said we had both agreed to be advisors for the new President, me on a board and Cho informally so we'd be around a bit more. Gerald was pleased he might see us! He and Antonio were coming back to Thailand during part of their usual restaurant `refurbishment' period.

Gerald showed us the colours, the new carpet was a lovely golden brown, the walls a slightly warmer yellow, the mushroom would get a new coat of golden glaze. The chair fabric would a striped light and dark brown with the yellow of the walls. The wait staff would get golden yellow vests instead of cummerbunds.

It sounded rather nice and I was glad we'd be around to see it! Gerald wondered if we'd come to the reopen night? Cho said we'd be in Africa but keep asking. Grins!

The dinner was wonderful! A Cho fav! Sole Meunière, pureed potatoes baked with a delicate crust, broccoli grilled with a light white sauce, tasty little rolls. A very nice white Bordeaux from Chateau Haut Brion, a 1994 vintage. Terrific! I could see Cho enjoying! Francis and Gil smiling at me, Francis a nod towards Cho. Fist bump!

Antonio at the end of the table with a broad smile, "Mr. Cho, it is excellent...Yes?"

Cho's returning smile said it all!

The Remy Martin Louis XIII cognac came out! I choose it over my usual but a small amount. A dish with a white chocolate tear appeared. It was sliced very thin. It was so good with the drink!

We stayed for a while more talking. They still hadn't decided when to marry but Gerald was firm that they would.

"If you want to do it without a long trip you can use the house in Upperville. The staff is splendid!"

Gerald thanked Cho for offering and shrugged his shoulders about the planning. Laughing I said I had wedding planner names for him in Thailand and England, we wouldn't need them again.

Kiss from Cho!

There were big hugs and kisses at the door! A great evening!

Curled up in bed with Jaidee watching Cho brush his teeth, bare-assed. Such excitement! He was laughing at my thought making the brushing go on longer.

"I never thought of teeth cleaning as sexy but you are when you brush."

"Well... from my view point..."

A kiss and hug. Jaidee got a rub and we eased into sleep.

The sun wasn't up as I walked across the road to the stables with Tara. We were ahead of the groom so we helped saddle Mr. Sugar and Ash. Fist bump when he said we did good.

Today I wanted to walk around to the east. We went down the curving drive then along the road verge to eastern boundary. North back parallel to the road before turning to cross fields to the north-south spine road. Straight on to the barns.

Flo served a big pile of scrambled eggs, veggie sausage, potatoes and English muffins! I was full for now.

To go in and out of the White House I choose the charcoal gray sleeveless spilt bodice dress from Theory. The black wool jacket with the big buttons, black stockings and heels. Gloves and the Coach trench coat.

My ball gown was in a big bag, Gil was coming to help me dress. PJ and Rande with us in the Cho-Fay Air AW139. Up and away turning east we were told to approach from Arlington. We descended over the Kennedy Center with a final turn above the Ellipse to land on the south lawn of the White House.

A staffer from President Obama and one of Hillary's with a Secret Service lady met us on the drive. Another fellow came out to help with the bags. We were escorted inside through the Diplomatic Reception Room to a lift. Up on the second floor there was a very nice room called the Queen's Bedroom for us. A nice size with a sitting room. Pink was the colour scheme, the siting room was blue. Gil, PJ and Rande had rooms one floor up above us.

Our view was north over Pennsylvania Avenue towards Lafayette Square. There was some snow in places, no threat of more for now.

Hillary's staffer had a message of welcome and the schedule of events of the day and which Inaugural Balls Hillary and Bill were going to take us to visit.

They had put up a TV in the East Sitting Hall outside our door so we could watch the events. The room was very bright even on a winter's day in yellow. Please `ask for anything we wanted' was nice.

I did ask for coffee. We sat to watch a bit of TV. Sipping coffee seeing Hillary take the oath of office. That was special.

Her speech made it clear that she and the Congress would make the changes they had campaigned on and won a resounding victory behind. There should be no doubt that America was going to promote freedom, democracy and human rights around the world after showing how they would be reinforced here at home.

Indeed no child will be left behind, no mother on her own, no senior uncared for, every worker given what they needed to succeed. American businesses should look forward to a new level of prosperity from a resurgent middle class buoyed by a government that wants each American to be a powerful person, part of a real `United' States.

People build what makes America great so if we give them the tools they will indeed create a better world.

I loved it all. She delivered a terrific speech in the cold air. It was well paced and hit the main points hard. She didn't let it go on too long! Smart!

Now they would all go to the Capitol for a luncheon as guests of the Congress. That would be fun to greet the legislature that was now overwhelming behind her, enough to squash any resistance.

We walked down to the family dining room for lunch then back to the Sitting Room to work with the TV sound off. When the parade was to start we had the TV on as it approached the White House we all went down to the North Portico to watch it end. Hillary came into through where we were to hugs and kisses.

I said something about hot drinks which got a laugh after my saying we didn't want to be outside in the cold.

We met Tim Kaine and his family, Chelsea Clinton and her family and many others. Everyone going up to the Yellow Oval Room for coffee, tea, hot chocolate and snacks. We chatted all around as the folks warmed up.

Bill and Cho talking golf with a few others. Funny I sat to gab about kids. The Twins were admired (as they should be) and a bit amazed the ladies that they were crawling, making words and generally having a blast!

I put the verbalizing down to their exposure to so many different people and languages. Chelsea's kids were pretty cute, her boy was the Twins age. He was doing a lot of activity too. She felt I was right the extra stimulation encourages kids.

There was a buffet dinner. I sat beside our new vice-president Tim, he was going to be involved with the Technology Assessment Group I had agreed to join. He advocated for me being the chair.

"Then the group needs to use tech to make it easy to have meetings from disparate locations. I'll send a fellow over to see you whenever you are up for it. He's the rep for a division of The Company based in Seattle."

I gave Tim the rundown on the Conference App, on our acquiring the company and our relationship to Greg. I added that no other app can be used on so many different types of hardware but the `Group' staff should be tasked to find out. He was good with that.

He did say these sort of committees do take a while to get up and running. I replied that my business activity level wasn't going down and you had to add in the Chanthira Foundation and the other boards I was sitting on.

I laughed, "If Cho starts to play in golf tournaments I'll get more work."

Cho grinned over at me hearing that. Bill beside him laughed saying `sorry.'

Okay off to change. The Roland Mouret gown! Midnight blue stockings held up a tiny little thing on my hips and equally tiny knickers of the same midnight blue. Black strap heels. Cho was right there to dab me with the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes. A long piece of pure white chiffon as a wrap, something new, long white gloves.

All my men in delicious tuxedos. Cho had silver gray vest and black tie. PJ and Rande had black vests. Damn I had the best looking escorts!

We all gathered in the Blue Room. Lovely gowns on happy women, a nice crowd of handsome men! Hillary squeezed my hand with a smile, "It's gorgeous!"

Lots of snaps by various photographers.

Everyone moved to the Entrance Hall as the cars came up under the North Portico. Cho and I with our guys in one car. We were part of a convoy.

Down G Street to the National Building Museum for the Commander-in-Chief's Ball. Our hosts were the U.S. Military and their Families. We stepped out of our car at the portico a cheering crowd across the street.

Cho gave me his arm as we entered through a corridor which opened into a magnificent room! The museum's Great Hall had hugely tall Corinthian columns, gigantic. They looked to be seventy or eighty feet tall. The high ceiling was lit and lights shone up the columns. Quite dramatic looking!

A military band playing from the opposite end a march of some kind. A quick beat. When Hilary and Bill were announced the hall exploded in a thunderous roar of cheering and applause! I was watching Hillary, she was pleased you could see but still reserved. It was a good moment because the Military were showing they were behind her.

Cho and I got some water and lime. The young woman who brought them was looking at my dress. I smiled. She did too. I thanked her. A bigger smile.

We moved around a bit then watched Bill take Hillary out to dance. Nice! We went onto the floor after a few others had joined in. A waltz. It wasn't too crowded so we went ahead swinging in our usual manner.

As we spun around lots of flashes from the edges. Cho whispering "You are the most beautiful one here!"

Well... he made points with that!

He steered us over to the table where Hillary sitting. She smiled at us, "I would say that you have done that before at a ball room in Bangkok."

She remembered!

We had put down our water... lost. Okay. Cho was about to go get more when the young woman who brought us the first glasses appeared with fresh ones. A huge smile.

"You're Fay Martin... right?"

I nodded, thanking her again for the water. She hung for a moment then burst out, "You are beautiful in that dress."

Cho smiling, "I just said the same thing to Fay."

I shook `Nia's' hand with another thank you.

Tim Kaine beside us, "Well, you are inspiring tonight."

"You should see me in jeans at home." He laughed.

Being close to the new President and Vice-President I was intro'd to quite a few men and women in uniform. Cho leaned over to my ear, "They are coming to meet you too not just Hillary."

I turned my head towards him, he was smiling and nodding. Close again, "Some meet you and very very slowly move on."

I laughed and shrugged. My bare shoulders felt his warm fingers. A kiss on the right one.

The band started a polka, Cho's hand drawing me out. In his arms we swept around my dress swirling. A lot more flashes. I was light in his arms. When it ended we were near the table. Cho was full of emotion as we danced but he always knew where were. Such focus!

Time to move on to another ball. Not far to the Union Station for the Eastern Ball. I had been awed by the first building the second was equally breathtaking. The Great Hall of the Union Station was marvelous in its white granite walls and marble floor. The vaulted ceiling lit from the sides seemed to go on forever.

Hillary got a wonderful ovation when she entered. This ball for the New England states and the island territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The new First Couple danced again but we were told this would a shorter stay. We got in one dance.

I leaned back on Cho. I could see PJ and Rande working. It was still odd to have to be protected but these men were superb.

On the road again to the Convention Center. Three balls were in this huge building. In the entryway we gathered to make some choices. We would go to each going south to north through the complex. Afterwards on the north end Hillary asked if we would go with Chelsea and her husband to the Youth Ball then back to the White House. They would go to the Southern States ball several miles away to the east as their night's end. Deal!

The first here was the Midwestern Ball. Once more huge cheers for Hillary. This was to be a short one also. We got chairs at Hillary's table.

A slender rather skinny blonde fellow asked if he could get us drinks. I asked for black coffee, Cho smiling said two. The fellow seemed surprised but dashed off. He was back in a flash with two cups and saucers and a carafe of hot coffee.

I thanked him and was floored by his response, `I'd do anything for you Miss Martin!'

I saw Cho's eyebrows go up and a smile. I thanked him again but `we were good now.'

Once he was gone Cho squeezed my bare shoulder, "My but you do collect hearts!"

The coffee was was good and hot. So I ignored that from Cho since I knew I had his!

The next ball to the north was the Mid-Atlantic Ball. We met a banker friend of Cho's from New York there. He was an old Hillary supporter back in her first run for Senate. He and Cho leaned close in the noise to talk, I scanned the room. Standing the table PJ beside me, "They do this every four years?"

I said yes even if the President is reelected. He was shaking his head.

Cho took me out for two dances. I did feel we were getting a lot of attention from the press. Oh well! We're out of shadows a bit.

We stayed a little longer because Hillary and Bill had a lot of friends in this throng. The Virginia group was Tim Kaine's home state so he would stay longer too.

The last one here was the Western Ball. Cho had some friends from California including the banker, George, he'd played golf with at the Bel-Air Country Club. That fellow had agreed to be on the Council of Economic Advisors for Hillary.

We danced once then sat since there was still one more. A couple approached us PJ and Rande watching but seemed to know not to interfere. Senator Patty Murray was intro'd by Tim Kaine. She was from Washington State and a senior ranking member in the Senate for the Democrats.

She knew we owned a good deal of property in Seattle and wondered about our being part of the scene. Cho gave me the `go ahead' look.

I told the Senator our connection started with my adoptive sister and had grown over the last year and half. She said she had a letter from our local Seattle attorney about tour helicopters flight paths and altitudes seeking to regulate on the subject making it all more safe.

"If you own such a company why seek restrictions? Am I missing something?"

Cho leaned in, "We want all such `tour' operators to fly away from residential areas and at higher altitudes. Our aircraft already are. We changed their flight characteristics and purchased safer dual engined helicopters. We did this immediately upon buying the Seattle company."

I could see she was still not getting it. "We think any tour company should consider the innocents on the ground before any profit."

Her eyes on mine, now she was with us.

"Can we sit and talk sometime?"

Cho nudging me again, "Yes but we will be gone tomorrow to New York and then Los Angeles with Seattle after that. Finally to Bangkok. Will you be in Seattle in a few weeks?"

She most likely wouldn't be because the Congress was starting its new session.

I smiled, "Hillary has roped me into a technology advisory thing so I'll be back just when I don't know."

"Please keep in touch. I really want to talk about a variety of things."

We shook hands, her husband too.

I looked over to Chelsea, a grin and nod. So we started our move to the last ball. The cars took us up Massachusetts Avenue to DuPont Circle then northward on Connecticut Avenue to the Hilton. The Youth Ball for the 18-35's.

Chelsea was smiling, "There be more lively music here!"

We walked to some applause and cheering for Chelsea. We got to the reserved table. There was good rockin' music so Cho pulled me to dance. We had a small crowd around us right away I looked over to PJ and Rande they were working, watching but being casual.

We danced for a bit then sat to have a drink. Ice water!

Some folks came over to say `hi' to Chelsea and us which was nice. When it seemed to be growing a bit too large we went to dance again and the Ball security people did some re-routing of the crowd. After a few tunes we decided to call it a night it was past two in the morning.

Chelsea said they were done too. So our little convoy headed south the White House. We met up in the Yellow Oval Room where some drinks and snacks were laid out. The others arrived not very long after us. We talked and ate a bit before heading for bed. Hugs in the Center Hall. Breakfast was a buffet upstairs in the Solarium.

Cho and I snuggled under the bedclothes . The bed was a four-poster with a comfortable mattress, on the tall side. We were tired and went to sleep easily.

I was awake early, a few hours' sleep was okay for now. Black skinny jeans, cutoff t-shirt under the big checked blue and black flannel shirt, black and white checkerboard Vans slip-ons. The black pea coat and gloves. I took PJ for a walk around the South Lawn on the road surface. An aide led us through the house to the South Portico. It was good to get the air with some sun, PJ seemed pleased. I kidded him about him going to all the Balls.

We did the circle twice. That was good enough when combined with a run up the stairs from the ground level to the top. We had to switch stair cases on the second floor. We shocked a couple of staffers with our running, I guess that isn't done in the White House? A woman with a load of towels in her arms laughed out loud as we went past.

The solarium faced south towards the Washington Monument. We went out onto the Promenade as the staff was laying out the buffet. You had to step up on the balustrade base to see out properly.

Gil and Rande joined us. Cho came up with the two Presidents. I asked if Hillary would be `45' or Clinton2 to the family. Laughing she said neither to her.

Scrambled eggs, potatoes and toast. The bacon was the real thing so I skipped it. Coffee! Cho and I sat to enjoy. I let Hillary know I would `chair' the Technology Assessment Group with the proviso of remote connecting after a few setup meetings.

She smiled thanking me, leaning over to Tim Kaine `let's accommodate Miss Martin.' Thumbs up from Tim.

The Press Secretary sat beside us with a request.

"Miss Martin, Mr. Cho, the White House press corps knows you went to the Balls with the family and you both stayed overnight. Would you please stop with them for a few minutes before you board your helicopter?"

Cho shrugged those shoulders, I said we would but we weren't going to get long-winded.

She was good with that and smiled.

After a clean-up and change we said our goodbyes in the Diplomatic Reception Room. Big hugs and kisses. An aide and the Press Secretary went out with us as PJ and Rande trailed with Gil. Staffers took our bags to our helicopter.

The Press Secretary told the twenty-five or thirty reporters we'd take a few questions. It started with a bang!

The Wall Street Journal fellow asked if we stayed in the Lincoln Bedroom which had been used in the past repay Presidential supporters.

Cho's hand in mine squeezed. I smiled, Cho said later he knew it was going to be deadly.

"If you mean by support we gave the maximum allowed by law to Hillary's campaign and contributed to several PAC's which supported her candidacy yes we're supporters. If you mean anything else you might note the Fox News was `Fair and Balanced' throughout the election season only after our investor group took it over. Prior to that Fox had shamelessly aided the Trump campaign with lies, innuendoes and garbage just as your newspaper continued to print lies and rubbish until election day. So... what support did you mean?"

He had no comeback! Cho kissed my cheek.

"Incidentally we slept in the Queen's Bedroom."

A woman from CBS asked how we had met the Clinton's.

Cho said we'd met in Philadelphia at the convention and had kept in touch irregularly after that. We invited the Clintons to our home while they were in England to meet with the Prime Minister. They'd stayed overnight at Harcourt House.

That seemed to surprise them all.

NBC asked about our going to the Balls.

I said Hillary knew we liked to dance so it was a natural.

The Washington Post wanted to know since we appeared to be close would we have any role in the new administration.

"I was asked to be on a new committee to give advice on technology issues. I have agreed to chair the group."

A New York Times reporter asked if our relationship would affect Fox News coverage, would Fox be critical of the government's policies.

I laughed outright. Cho tightened his grip.

"That's an odd question from the New York Times since you spent more time on the fatuous story of the emails and email server than on ANY policy issues Hillary proposed while Fox News did the Concrete exposé and the facebook and twitter bots story, trolls and Russian money scandals pieces. And did a dozens pieces on Hillary's proposals for healthcare, Veterans issues, the internet, the environmental disaster we face, all of which were detailed and made points about each needed to be broader and more progressive.

Where was your newspaper?"

Again there was no comeback! Cho looked over to the press Secretary, she had a discreet smile.

"One more."

ABC News was up, "You and Mr. Cho had quite the 2016 what will happen this year?"

Cho went ahead, "We have a few surprises for everyone which we won't talk about but you will see quite a few of our ponies running around here, Thailand and Europe. 21st Century Fox is booming right along..." Cho looked at the Fox News reporter, she was looking eager, he motioned to her "... So how does it feel to be part of the top rated news team in America?"

She grinned, "Great! Thanks to you both!"

She had a quick question... Okay.

"Did you know that no here can remember any other helicopter landing on the South Lawn but Marine One?"

Cho and I looked at each and then the Press Secretary.

"Well... I'm new here, so I will look into that for you."

One of the older reporters said he'd been around for twenty years and ours was the first he'd seen.

Okay! A special treat! I'd have to thank Hillary.

We thanked the Press and walked across the grass to our aircraft which lifted off very quickly. Back to Upperville briefly then on to New York.

On the lawn was a second Cho-Fay Air AW139. We said goodbye to the staff, boarded all our crowd and turned north. In fifty five minutes we were on approach to the mid-town heliport.

Terrance waiting with a big smile, hugs and he got to tickle some blanket covered toes. Nina was at the door with Alice the unofficial Security mascot. I rubbed her soft head.

Roslyn was happy to see us! She had lunch almost ready! I was happy about that!

The Twins settled in their room. Tha and Roslyn got their lunch put together first.

I went out with Jaidee and Tara. He got to water a few bits of New York. I think that one light pole was done each time we'd been here.

Tha had the Twins in high chairs in the kitchen spooning away with Cho and me pinch-hitting when Cho got an important call. They loved their cereal and fruit! Next week they'd get the first vegetables.

For the grown-ups! Tortilla chips, Pico de Gallo to start. Veggie chili! It was terrific! Perfect for a cold New York day. Warm white corn flat cakes. Mita had been by to bake a cake. Chocolate with chocolate icing and little pink, white and blue flowers around the top in concentric rings. Delicious as well as cute.

Cho and Francis were in the Office, Gil and I spread in the Living Room. Francis stuck his in, "The Fulham Palace Road building has closed." Thumbs up.

An email from Raphaela, two outfits were ready for a fitting. Gil emailed `tomorrow morning.'

Sam and Sadie were `in' for tonight. Roslyn grinning! I didn't ask what dinner would be.

Email from Donatella about the books finds in the Library at Harcourt House, she was thrilled for Stanislaus and us. She'd be leaving for Paris with an assistant to `do' the Quay Bethune house now that Security had completed their work. She had engaged a local Parisien inventory firm to work with them.

I emailed to enjoy the food.

We worked for a few hours then Gil joined me and Ken for a Jaidee walk. I had ulterior motives. We headed south then swung around westward on Bedford along Seventh Avenue. A stop at Pet Central for Jaidee treats, he got a sample just like last time.

On Bleecker heading home we had to pass Molly's Cupcakes. As soon as Gil saw their sign she was laughing. Two dozen mixed! She carried the boxes. Jaidee did his last bit of business on a tree at the foot of Minetta Street.

Roslyn got the giggles looking Gil standing there with two boxes of cupcakes. We did fist bumps!

We stayed in jeans for dinner. Sadie and the their twins arrived first. Hugs and kisses. She wanted to hear about the Inaugural fun.

"Have you seen any of the news about it. WOW, you two were on most news shows with video of your dancing. Lots comments about your gown! Front page stuff."

I called Tai. "Fay, I sent you some links this morning."

I'd put off opening some email. Sadie joined me to look. Gil over my shoulder, I heard her suck in a breath when I rolled a video from the Military Ball.

"Shit! Fay you two are gorgeous!"

It was quite something to watch Cho and I waltz. It was the first time I'd seen us like that. I loved how we moved.

"Gil go grab those guys."

She was back in a flash the three of them leaning over Sadie and I. The Military Ball waltz was restarted. Cho's hands on my shoulders squeezed.

When it was done the news person said we had been one of the highlights of the Ball. I turned my head to look up at Cho. His eyes on mine, I had tears beginning. I got kissed. Then offered a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

I forwarded Tai's email to them both.

I leaned back into the sofa. We were coming out more into the public, more mainstream than the horse racing. Even in Fortrose Scotland I'd been recognized!

I went to the nursery. The Twins were down for a nap. Angelic! Tha reading in a rocker, a big grin. Fist bumps.

An email from Hillary thanking me for meeting the Press Corps this morning. She said I'd been wonderful sticking it to the Wall Street Journal fellow! She responded to my thanking her for the privilege of landing on the South Lawn with `anytime buddy!'

Sadie beside me was in shock. I had an email pen pal!

Her kids had been in the media room with Roslyn watching the BBC show from Christmas that Francis cued up for them. They came in with Jaidee bouncing along. They liked the house. They were sorry to have been sick and missed going over.

Hugs! "You'll get another chance and before Christmas."

I was thinking ball gowns now after watching the videos. I asked Gil to try to make contact with Roland Mouret's studio to see if he had the midnight blue gown in other shades. I said to ask about a white dress with a black bodice. Okay.

Roslyn did breakfast for dinner! Lovely fluffy pancakes, butter and Vermont maple syrup, veggie bacon and sausages, fried eggs, sliced apples and pears. OJ if you wanted. Espresso at the end.

We sat with afters in the media room to run the Charles Harcourt Christmas show. Sam and Sadie's kids loved it all.

`We want to go!' as they bounced on Sam. Sam corralled the kids laughing, "You guys got sick not mom and dad."

Ansara and Tessa walked Sam and family home then met Ken and I with Jaidee on Bleecker Street. Chilly, a good breeze blowing too. Jaidee got his `things' done!

Cho and I sat to watch some more video from the Inaugural Balls. We were in a bunch the videos, being in Hillary's party raised our profile. I kidded Cho that he looked Fred Astaire but better built. We laughed!

Snuggled against Cho's chest! Warm and contented! We eased to sleep.

I was in trainers and trackies, wool hat and gloves for Jaidee's first outing. He had a red coat on this morning! Cold with a searching wind. The sun barely up.

Tara in a bubble jacket looking warm. We went north on Sixth Avenue as far as Greenwich Avenue before turning back. Jaidee was a good boy. He did his business several times.

In the lift I unbuttoned his coat. He gave us a big shake.

Breakfast with Cho and the Twins! One hand a fork for me the other a spoon for Charlie! He loved his cereal and fruit was awesome! I had to be careful a tooth coming in had been bothering him but Tha had a Thai folk remedy which their pediatrician in Bangkok said was completely safe. They both had multiple teeth out making their smiles cuter than ever!

I was an ambidextrous feeder!

Cho was going to Wall Street for several meetings, I'd get all the good stuff later! I was headed to Mirabelle for fittings then to Fox Tower. We were hoping to join up for lunch.

Tessa left early to go her family in Harlem then back this evening with all of them for dinner.

Gray wool dress with a loose turtleneck collar, long sleeves, mid-thigh. A wide black belt, black stockings and ankle boots. Silver jewellery and `Joy' The black wool Coach coat over with the Hermès French flag scarf for colour and black gloves.

Pell was out front for PJ, Tara , Gil and me. Up to Herald Square, Mirabelle. I had an appointment. Coral met us at the door. Smiles! I was escorted to a fitting room towards the back. Raphaela and the seamstress were waiting.

We went at it for several hours. They had two outfits nearly finalized and two more close enough for a good try on. It was tiring up fun. The green suit and the black and white dress would be finished and delivered tomorrow. The other two would be along soon after today's work. A black short sleeved crepe dress and a sculptured sweater with a matching skirt combination in white and a rich warm brown knit.

Perfect! We agreed to attend a cocktail party for the Thai U.N. Embassy. Ambassador Yonno had asked us because it was an annual event which usually had a large eclectic crowd. The dress was going to blow some eyes out. I had a few months to prepare, it was on for part of our next trip.

Pell drove us to the Fox Tower. I was snapped by some paparazzi going. PJ took note and going up in the lift he texted to Pell and the day shift Security commander in the building.

Bill was coming in later so I went right to Kent's domain after dropping my outer things. Megan was at the on-air desk doing something live. She was looking wonderful. A media personality in her own right now after seven eventful months as the daytime face of Fox News.

She legions of fans, over a million twitter followers. Quite a ways from Louisville, Kentucky. If she had heard anything from her former beau she wasn't sharing with me.

Hug and kiss for Kent. We sat for a chat. They hadn't yet `nailed' down the money source for Trump's Moscow perversions. That was being elusive but we weren't going to risk anyone's being arrested in Russia. Not a good place for First Amendment legal niceties'.

Otherwise they had loads of good things running through the pipelines. Updates on the twitter and facebook stories which neither company was going to like as we were edging into privacy and security or rather the lack of it. The surreptitious opening of API's to favoured clients by both we would say was a privacy disaster for their users.

A series of three pieces on the how the NRA became so completely perverted. Nice!

Arturo and Yoshi would going out to Thailand and Malaysia in ten days to do their recon trip. They had all the contacts Cho and I developed. They joined Kent and I.

I let them know their safety was paramount so it at any time they felt threatened or unable to go further please back out. Arturo was the one going to Malaysia. He was especially pushed by me over this.

"Arturo we want your reporting not to be reporting about you!"

He said he understood and was looking forward to the trip. It was a big challenge. Fist bump!

Cho texted to go to the restaurant he'd meet me. He was being held up. I sent him the water pistol >>no... not that way<< came in a second later. Funny guy!

I was leaning on the door case of Eve's office grinning. She was behind her desk on the phone with Jared. Eve said she was looking at me right now... I took the phone giving her a smile and I stuck my tongue out.

Jared said they were shipping from Apple the first batch of forty new OS X servers for Eve to setup for GWNW Railroad and another ten for Kelela and Moses' project. He was sending four people from his staff to help get it all up and running. Okay.

Eve and I hugged. "So sleek and slender... ready to display some skin in Phuket?"

"Oh my Fay I'm ready for warm!!"

We sat on her sofa to talk tech! Kelela, her deputy and Moses her number three, who was mostly involved, had spotted someone trying to penetrate our systems.

Eve's staff notice attempts to enter the system, they watched the trial and error, then an Apache server with a flaw in its security allowed a user in, that was watched and recorded. A Tarpit Virtual Machine was setup in front of the attacker's only path forward which slowed their progress making it frustrating but had no effect on the system's performance.

When the attacker backed out in frustration the Apache was fixed but the pathway was changed towards a honeypot setup waiting for their return, it was a several VM's which appeared to go in the direction the attacker had been heading but only led to a several false sites which had some tantalizing possibilities.

What we wanted to do was create a more elaborate honey pot to keep the attackers interest and allow us more time to follow their trail. Moses said it had the look of a very well trained operator, they recognized the Apache issue right off and moved to exploit it. Our early detection of the intruder made it possible to be ahead of them and foil their moves.

"Not an amateur but rather a trained user? A state supported operation? Like the Russians in the election campaign?" I was on alert.

That's what Moses and Kelela thought. They did some research and made contacts with colleagues including someone they described as `the Dutchman' but didn't identify him further. I had no need to know at this point.

The new Apple OS X servers would allow an intricate defensive honey pot with tarpits sprinkled around to slow any progress and keep the attacker going where we wanted but be intrigued by the possible scale of the system. All done in VM's so it could be very extensive looking, isolated and easy to repair if something happened.

Eve leaned back looking her two wunderkind, "Go on tell Fay."

Their eyes met, Moses started off, "We have a list of IP's we're traced them back through. At this point we can say the owners of the furthest out IP's are Russian `entities'." A pause... another look to Kelela, "We believe we may be close to penetrating their servers."

I leaned forward, "Just so I'm clear... you are on the edge of getting into servers on a Russian government site and you might be able to remotely operate or monitor their activities?"

They nodded.

"Okay... Do it! You have my authorization and what you do is under whatever aegis I can offer."

They smiled. "Now don't be crazy like I don't know what I agreed to... I do. Now who do we tell?"

I picked up my iPhone to email. I tapped it out as they sat watching.

"We wait on that side. Do you need anything more? We have more servers shipping for delivery in the morning. Jared's four folks for GWNW arrive tomorrow but we could let you use them to get the VM's setup at least then release them."

Kelela said it would be a huge help. Okay done!

"Who knows?"

Eve's hand motioned a circle around us, "Three others who work for Moses."

I turned to him, "They are solid. I've known two since college and the other was recommended by a professor who was my mentor at MIT. He met her in California, he said she has one of the finest IT minds. She joined us five months ago. The team is talented and ethical."

I went down the hall to their work space to meet the others. They were `cool' but I was WAY outside their daily round. I asked a few questions, they looked at each other suddenly realizing I wasn't just a pretty face. I satisfied myself they were committed to us, they could talk with me and I wanted them to go ahead.

Antra, the newest team member, said she'd heard of me from another source.

"You know my father, he works at Suvarnabhumi Airport."

She was being both cute and careful.

I laughed , "It's Okay I know he works for my father."

She nodded.

"You were recruited out of Caltech by Kora of the Security Service and seconded here..."

I had Antra's attention, she nodded, "Kora put you to work on malware intrusions and defensive measures?" More nodding.

"Your father is very proud of you and spoke to me about your education. I suggested to Kora she look you up."

Antra was floored by that! "So you are responsible..."

"No you are! Your hard work and brains got you here. I only pointed you out... everything is from you."

Hugs! Her colleagues were impressed. Fist bumps!

Walking back to Eve's space we were ambushed by Ku! HUGS all around. She was freshly back from the coast. I nabbed Gil to get on to the restaurant to add them to our group. Okay.

I took Kelela and Moses into a store room, "I want reports on what you do. I don't need fine detail unless I ask for it."

They nodded. I had Gil give them my email.

My iPhone pinged me with an email in the hallway. The email said call and a number. I took over an office and dialed.

Hillary picked up. I gave her a quick but detailed overview. We discussed what would happen at our end and who should at least know. She said she'd be back to me on the latter. We rang off.

When I emerged Gil was staring, "Did you call..." sotto voce, "Hillary?"

I nodded. We rounded up Ku and Eve.

We went down to the basement to enter an underground walkway which went west and east. Walking east under everything of that part of Mid-town Manhattan was interesting. It was clean, brightly lit and not heavily used. We came out in the basement of Rockefeller Center near Fifth Avenue. We cruised! Up to Fifty First Street and to Limani.

Gil had booked a side room for all of us. The main room with the blue pool was dramatic. The blue and white décor too austere for me, cold, not a bit like sunny Greece or the Mediterranean. The side room was warmer with the wood wall and a lot of glass wall opposite letting in the light.

PJ and Tara took the seats closest to the door. I asked the waiter if they had Campari. Yes! That was my start.

Looking at the menu I made my choices quickly. Scallops, grilled and garnished with citrus and olive oil then a Tomato Salad with cucumbers, onions, peppers, olives and feta cheese.

Shrimp Saganaki, sautéed jumbo shrimp in a tomato and feta sauce served with risotto!

Karidopita, a walnut cake with ice cream, espresso!

As I was giving my choices to the waiter as Cho arrived with Francis, Rande and Penny. Hugs for my additional guests!! Everyone ordered.

Cho added bottles of Assyrtiko Thalassitis Gaia made on Santorini to the luncheon!

We talked banking for short time. A Wall Street investment bank asked to participate with our City bank and the Commerzbank in the green investment plan. Cho said he and our Commerzbank partners would discuss it. A few other bits.

Funny Cho rarely came away from meetings with the Wall Street folks with much enthusiasm for them.

"They are so obviously all about the money and nothing else. If you can't make money every quarter they don't like it. So I hesitate doing more than short term deals with any of them."

"You've made money doing that... right?"

He nodded.

"So don't change. Is the investment bank interested in the green plan better or worse?"

"They're better than most but I'll talk to Beck and Hoffman. I'm sure they have done business with them so their experiences will help us decide."

Food began to arrive so I didn't mention three contractions in two sentences... for now. Nor my interesting morning activities!

Limani's food was delightful. The scallops cooked perfectly, the salad a nice mix of excellent veggies, the big shrimp tender, flavourful, the sauce tangy.

The room was a good size and quiet. The service polished and discreet. When we got to the cake I knew we'd be back here. The others enjoyed their food too. Cho kissed me for the choice.

We all walked back to the Fox Tower via the tunnel. Cho liked it. All the cold was above us.

Bill was smiling, "The Pulitzer nominations will be out in a couple of months, I think we can expect several for our news folks, Joseph and Larry for sure along with our twitter and facebook stories should get their attention. Some for a few of our special shows. Possibly for Sports in our horse racing coverage and golf too."

He was a happy guy. Fist bumps.

"You never know about the nominations, it could also include some of the evening shows on the News schedule since they are widely admired. I'm not even considering the Emmys where our Entertainment side which has several top-rated shows should expect quite a few nominations."

Cho and I were glad the folks would be recognized for their hard work. Good pay and benefits is only one part in motivating staff.

Bill mentioned we have not only the Emmys but the Golden Globe nominations to come later. It would be nice to rack up a bunch of awards! Nothing like bling to make it possible to raise your ad rates and make more money. Cynic Fay!

I went down to see Tai. She was parked in front of her computer, piles of printed material in several places. We hugged.

"Yes it's messy but I haven't been able to get the old magazines picked up by the shelters this week. It'll be gone tomorrow."

I laughed, "Relax... I'm not the clean room fairy."

She and Megan were aces! They were having so much fun in New York. Making friends and wandering about.

We talked about the news business in England. Tai said the arrests of the Sun editors hadn't had much impact. First because it was England, second, when it came out it was M************'s coming back at you and Cho for taking away Fox the sour grapes angle blew away the story.

I let her know about the lawsuit against the Sun which should break soon.

"Oh well what's seven hundred and fifty Million £'s between enemies?"

We laughed!

"Otherwise the media here don't know you two are in town yet."

I told Tai about the paparazzi out front and that we used the tunnel to go to and from lunch.

I went home to play with the Twins, Cho was going to meet with the Sports folks. I went down to the garage to Pell's car, dark windows. We went west on Forty Seventh Street to Seventh Avenue and southward to Bleecker Street.

I did a quick change to jeans for a Jaidee outing. We did a few blocks around the house then back. He and Alice did some nose bumps. What a sweetie she was!

On the carpet with Charlie sitting up leaning on me. I was reading in French about a boy, a goat and a mountain. Cute story! Tha and Gil were doing a puzzle with Chani. The kids were smart, no issues with hearing or seeing and their little bodies growing. Tha was very careful with them and quite observant.

I watched her setup a puzzle for Chani in English then switch to French to give hints. I know I had a big smile on my face, she looked... I did an `air' fist bump! Grin!

Jaidee lying beside Charlie leaned over to hug him. Cutie! Jaidee loved his siblings!

I helped feed the Twins as Roslyn was bustling about making our dinner. Tessa's family was coming shortly so I changed to a red long sleeved top to go over the black jeans. I told Tessa 'informal' you know like like jeans!

Cho came home in time to change and do some kid cuddling on a sofa. He was still at it when Tessa and family arrived.

Esther and Darren, her mom and dad, Holden the younger brother and Dantone the NYPD sergeant older brother.

Esther said it was wonderful to see Tessa so happy. She speaks about the riding and enjoying being outside. "You've opened her eyes!"

"Tessa is doing great with us. It's wonderful to have her on our team. She'll get to see a bit of the world too."

"She excited to go to Iran! A most unusual place for a New York girl."

Dantone had been opposed to Tessa leaving the NYPD, he saw her a possible senior commander one day.

"I'll say she likes working for you though. All always an upbeat email or text."

I showed Dantone a snap of the Hendon plaque where Tessa's name was with Tara's. I told him who the competition had been. Tessa hadn't said which didn't surprise me she was a bit shy about praise. Dantone got his dad to look and get the story.

Darren looking at me, "Miss Mar..." "I'm Fay." A smile, "Fay, she's not one to toot her own horn."

He called her over to congratulate her for the Hendon success. She looked at me... I shrugged.

"Well why not?"

Holden and Esther both got the story. Holden had been at Oxford for part of his Rhodes Scholarship time. He knew Hendon was a big important police place in London. He was thrilled for his big sister!

I got that out of the way. Tessa gave me a mock arm punch...

"Careful I've other people to defend me they might jump you."

Ken spun around to pull out his fully cocked index finger gun which made us all laugh.

Tessa's folks got to meet her colleagues as they were part of dinner. Tessa got Francis to cue up the shorter Harcourt Christmas video by Charles. They sat to watch, Tessa did some commentary. I was in the doorway with Chani. Cho beside me holding his son.

They loved the video and how the house looked! All of our folks told them some about their holidays.

Right before we went in to eat Hillary called. I hustled into the office.

"We'll be here for two more days. Okay! Here's what he should do..."

I grabbed Gil, whispered instructions. A hug!

We had a good dinner. Roslyn did a fabulous Italian meal. Antipasto, Grilled polenta, linguini with artichoke hearts, tomatoes and green onions tossed with a garlic oil sauce, crusty bread and Cho put out bottles of Valentini Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. This was a terrific red from Abruzzo which is my favourite Italian wine producing area.

There was tiramisu from Mita and a vin santo from Tuscany.

Espresso and after dinner drinks in the living room. Francis was bartender with an assist from Ali. She joined us for dinner. She was pleased to be included. I wanted her here for another reason besides her company.

I drew Ali aside shortly after dinner, in the office I told her Daria was worried about what would happen when she and Francis married. Daria didn't want the couple to be separated by work. Ali looked upset until I said what Daria and I had wanted to propose.

"You continue work for Daria closing up a lot of things she doesn't want to be involved in anymore then you come to work for us after the wedding. You can share Francis' work, assist him and us, travel with him. Share your lives."

Ali burst into tears! I ran for a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

"Fay, I'm overwhelmed! It is so lovely of you both to think about us and it's an offer I want to take. I will be sorry to leave Daria, we're friends too."

"A secret for you to keep..." my eyes on hers, "you're the daughter she never had. You see..."

More tears but a smile through at the end.

"Just so you know we've invited Daria to travel to several of our homes and we'll be in New York so you won't be cutoff totally."

I went to send in Francis, he gave me a look when I told him to see Ali in the office.

I whispered in Cho's ear. He squeezed my hand.

Francis and Ali emerged holding hands. Shy smiles. I got a hug and kiss.

I liked Tessa's family. Darren had a dry wit, subtle. Esther was the glue. Holden the bright intellect and Dantone the rock. What I liked about Dantone was despite his opposing Tessa leaving the NYPD he recognized she was doing well and enjoying herself. He could see there was a future with us beyond our Personal Protection Team.

In bed later I gave Cho the rundown on the `fun' Eve's folks were having. He asked a few questions and we discussed the ethics of the situation. Since they had invaded our space we felt justified in defending it if we enticed them to stay longer seemed part of the whole.

Going after their origin seemed also fair.

"A senior deputy in NSA Counter Intelligence will be here tonight. I got Gil to get them a room at the 46th Street Hotel and arrange with Terrance for a pickup. He will come to the garage at the Fox Tower then up to Eve's office in the morning.

Her folks will do a briefing and a show and tell."

Cho was good with what we were doing! He had a pithy comment for me about our getting into Russian servers `fuck'em if they can't take a joke.' Which I found to be especially funny with the colloquialism and contractions altogether! I got a hug and kiss!

We were sitting up before turning off the lights when Kelela called. They had penetrated the Russian attacker's offices, entered their servers, discovered remote network links which appeared to go towards other computing centres and had found an office-wide video camera network so we could watch the men at work. We could intercept their email, listen to telephone conversations and watch them come and go. We were building profiles on the workers through their logons and observing their desktop screens.

I said I'd be there in the morning.

Cho looking at me, "Be sure to sit on the lid. We don't want anyone to know. Please make sure you impress this on the NSA fellow. If there's a leak it won't be from us." Fist bump and a kiss!

I was up and out with Jaidee at dawn. Ro was yawning and laughing, "Fay, you do get going early!"

We laughed together as our little man did some of his business. I cleaned up.

Food! Roslyn did a terrific omelet with Romano and green onions, potatoes, toast and orange juice. Sipping coffee talking with Ro, Roslyn and Gil.

Going up town in a black wool dress, long sleeves, narrow black belt, black accessories and silver jewellery. `Joy' and a kiss from Cho. Black leather car coat and gloves.

I was with Eve waiting for our guest. A man of medium height and weight and medium looks was escorted in. Medium everything, nondescript. Theodore intro'd himself. He showed us his credentials. Good!

We sat in a conference room with Kelela and Moses. They gave him everything we had from start to ten minutes ago. It was the last eight hours which really got his attention.

Our penetration was now past the initial offices to three other sites. We hadn't spent much time on those but had the pathways mapped. One could possibly be in the Kremlin.

That jerked up Theodore's head. Moses' grin was terrific!

He scanned some printed pages and pictures, "This is the boss of the operation?"

Moses said they ID'd him from his actions in the offices and his emails. He was directing activity, giving orders. We now had hours of video captured from multiple rooms, hallways and entrances. Plus we had access to gigabytes of old video on their servers.

What the russians setup for themselves to do internal surveillance we were using to snoop on them.

Theodore leaned back in the chair, "We want to take over this..."

He turned to me, "Is that a problem?"

I looked at our folks, they seemed fine with that. I told him we would provide everything to him including maintaining our operation until they were ready to take control.

He stood up asking for a safe room to phone from. Eve put him in her office.

I asked our team if they were really good with this. They said it wasn't their life's work and definitely outside their remit. Fist bumps all around. Eve's grin got us all.

Moses laughing, "It's not like we haven't had fun! Their security is pretty lax. And the excitement of going through all their stuff is terrific, like being a voyeur without any guilt!"

Fist bump!!!

Comments are welcome: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 56

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