Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Jan 9, 2022



At the Phuket Airport there was a 737 waiting... all of us on one flight.

At Don Mueang were lifted to the riverside landing grid... very busy for a while as several AW139's were used to move us all with baggage... golf clubs mostly plus the fish. We landed first... on the Terrace Francis said the Twins were in the Playroom...

We ran down there. Loud Popa's and Mama's!! Hugs and kisses. Jaidee was there too.

We hugged and kissed everybody. Loud Aunt Fay's and Uncle Cho's... Their own moms and dads arrived. We had a room full of people.

We moved the party to the Terrace and Garden.

Our local folks were driven home. The remaining parents sat on the Terrace... Us four with Protectors were going to the Forest Palace in the morning. Our house guests were set for sightseeing around Bangkok.

They'd get to see a lot with guides who were employees of the Railroad and the Security Service. They are Bangkok natives we were giving them a special payment to them for this.

Kamol's uncle, the priest, was going to take them into the back areas so they could the treasures rarely shown. The old style restaurant across the road from Dad's headquarters booked the entire terrace for them to have dinner. Some special bits for our friends.


I got in an early swim, breakfast, email and some news. The NewsUk newspapers were supporting the Labour Party editorially. They made it plain the tories had let down the nation in every sphere and couldn't be trusted to make any decisions to benefit the United Kingdom.

In the Times, Rolf's team laid out the case for Labour being giving the opportunity under new leadership to run the country. They were saying listen' to what is being said... there's no fake we'll make changes' rhetoric like from the Poodle Tony Blair this time. Solid common sense proposals!

The Sun `politely' telling voters Labour would serve the people of these British Isles so much better. After the many years of tory failures they needed to be tossed out. It was time to go another way since the current tory leadership were such dismal let-downs.

Adam did a publisher's comment column for both newspapers... he made it clear that he was a big C' conservative but that the current tory leadership was morally and intellectually bankrupt. The proof was that any government that would put an incompetent yob like Boris Johnson in any official post had no reason to stay in power. Okay... he didn't use yob' but close!

Sky UK was doing straight news reporting but in an editorial comment show they said what the Times and Sun were saying... time for the tories to go. So our folks were contributing!

There was to be a trip to the Ice Rink for all our guests tonight! We'd miss it because it was a great chance to go the Forest Palace with the Twins!!

We loaded into an AW139 on the dock. We went up river a short way to gain altitude then eastward. This was the Twins second time at the Forest Palace... they were so young the first time so now they'll be able to really enjoy it... with a trip into the forest as a bonus!!

We landed on the lawn at the Palace. Out on the grass we picked up the babies for the walk to the house steps.

Charlie's arms wide open, "Castle!"

I was smiling, holding Chani, "So what do you think?"

Chani's response, "Beautiful!"

We carried the Twins up the steps. The Twins on their feet to meet the staff. Our folks smiling meeting the Twins for real this time. The Twins speaking Thai bringing bigger smiles out.

We went through to the terrace overlooking the garden.

"Oooooo very pretty," Chani clapping her hands.

Charlie was pointing to a parakeet flying over the grass below. "Wow!"

Do, our gardener, was at the foot of the steps... he had everything ready. Okay. Upstairs to change.

The `forest' gear I had worn before was laid out for me. We had a bag of things for the Twins. Cho changed, I helped get the babies started. Cho came in ready to go, he helped finish as I changed.

Boots, long pants, long sleeves, slouch hat, water bottle in hip pack. Leather gloves. The Twins were close to my outfit without the hip pack.

Tha and Delphine dressed like me. Ken and Rafe looking like Cho.

Down the steps, adults got backpacks. Charlie and Chani were told they would walk some of the way BUT when they did Do Not Step Off The Path. Serious... they got it.

We let them walk the trail until it began to rise. It was steep in some places. I had Chani, Charlie in Popa's arms. Ken and Rafe carried the babies part of the way. We made good progress getting to the little cabin in an hour.

The Twins were walking the last hundred feet of level ground... we came around the bend... they could see the little wooden building.

They were excited... me too! Inside we dropped our packs to give the babies a tour and up the ladder with help.

We opened the windows, drew out the cameras and binoculars.

Do had done some work... there we low benches at each window, Chani and Charlie could stand on them to see out!! I thanked Do.

A smile, he said he brought his grandchildren out to test it.

Laughing, I said we appreciated his thoughtfulness.

Charlie looking around next to his Popa. Chani beside me... she needed the potty... so down we went. Business done... back up. Tha grinning... when I said I'd go.

We all had our shoes off, speaking quietly. The first signs of life returning to normal were the birds.

A pair of Parakeets sat on a limb about twenty yards away, red heads, iridescent green backs, a long slender green tail and chests were paler green. They sat quietly looking around.

A whitish snake was partially in the sun, he had slipped out of some bushes. It seemed to be moving to another bush... He was barely ten yards from us... a FLASH of brown and white darted in a swoop on the snake, it was captured and the raptor was up and away.

Cho said it was a Besra, a sparrowhawk. Do nodding. The Twins saw it all... Charlie was about to call out but covered his mouth.

Softly, "Popa he was so fast!"

Cho stroked Charlie's hair, "Yes very fast."

"Popa it made no sound," Chani's hands on her cheeks still amazed. Delphine looking shocked.

Quietly, "Fay, I have never seen anything like that!"

I checked my camera... I got the Besra as it climbed up... the snake dangling. A half dozen shots showing the hawk's plumage as it rose up. Do grinned saying they were good. I was amazed I got anything.

The parakeets had left in a rush when the Besra struck... in a bit the clearing was moving again. The parakeets were back in a different tree.

The clouds of insects weren't disturbed so the Red-Bearded Bee-eaters came soaring in to feed. They were beautiful to see... red fronts with green backs and wings.

They feasted on the flying bugs.

I had been shooting a lot. Looking... I had some really good pics of the Bee-Eaters.

Cho moved the Twins close to the window to point upwards... a Asian emerald cuckoo up in the branches of a nearby tree. Lovely emerald green wings!

We sat to nibble on fruit, cheese and bread. Juice for the Twins, water for us.

An orange-breasted trogon landed on the limb twenty feet from the north side. Dark orange, bright orange and yellow, a very handsome long-tailed bird. It was a male... kek tau-tau-tau-tau-tau' a pause kek-kek.' He moved on after a short visit.

Do said there were a few here, a bit north of their usual area. The running water drew them.

In a few minutes Do made hand motions... on our right there was movement on the edge of clearing... a Small Asian Mongoose was walking towards us. He was moving close to the foliage his dark mottled fur and long tail standing out from the shades of green flora.

His path came near us then angled away... he was going to the stream. I was happy my camera was completely silent. I shot a lot... good snaps!

The Twins moved with their Popa once the mongoose was past the cabin... they could see him approach the water slowing down... his head moving side to side, his nose up like he was sniffing.

He drank... stopped to raise his head... more water. He sat by the stream under a bush for a few minutes then turned away from us going into the forest.

A Red-headed Trogon flew in to land on a limb twenty feet from us. Red head and chest, I loved his red colour! A mustard yellow back, black wings. The colours looked good together, he was an attractive bird! All the Trogon's were gorgeous!

Now there was activity on the periphery of the clearing... not near us. Ken motioned towards the stream...

A collection of long-tailed broadbills arrived near the water... eight or ten. Their yellow throats clearly visible, beautiful shades of green until the tail which is blue. They were working along the stream on the ground... must be some tasty insects!

They moved as a group I zoomed in to get some good shots Rafe had another camera doing the same.

We stayed hoping for more... time was against us in the shorter winter day. We packed up and readied for the walk back. The Twins walked more of it since it was downhill. At the steeper parts Rafe and Ken carried them again.

Back at the Forest Palace garden they ran to the steps waiting for us. They were giggly happy with the outing! A good day!

We had a lovely evening meal and play time in the garden lit by lanterns. They got Popa and Mama had been married at the spot where they were standing. They had been here for the Crew weddings but too young for any real memories...

We sat on the terrace doing word and math games with Chani and Charlie until bedtime. Tha and Delphine smiling as we got kissed and hugged.

I sent a good selection of my snaps to Charles in Oxfordshire. He was going to print them on glossy paper. Ellie would matte and frame them, she'd do a collage on the wall of the back passageway. She'd pick the snaps... I did send a few with a note I'd want them included... shots of the Twins looking out for sure!

There was an alert at our Bangkok house... shortly after two o'clock in the morning. A sensor on the property of a neighbour who was in our protection scheme detected movement.

Three men crossed onto the neighbour's property from the roadway. They went single file along the high wire fence dividing our properties working their way to the rear, they reached a section where there were shrubs on both sides then scaled the fence.

Sensors and cameras were watching their moves. The sensors reported metal objects on their persons... the lead man had one, the other two had one at the waist and one on the ankle.

Two propeller drones flying watching them, one on each side. FLIR and thermal cameras showed two pulled out hand guns once over the fence.

The man who had been in front was now at the back, he drew out his weapon last. They moved forward coming out of the shrubs to dash across an open space to a flower bed...

Out of cover they were hit by the drones spotlights... the front two started shooting at the light in front of them. They each fired a single round... hitting nothing.

At the first shot... two sharpshooters fired... they fired several shots... the intruders were hit in their gun arm and lower leg... they were down.

Our people moved in... calling the medics forward when the prone intruders were disarmed.

An AW139 hovering down river by The Security Service Headquarters swooped down to the landing grid on the dock to transport the wounded to a hospital operated by Dad's Security Police.

The Security Police had been notified of possible action when the men climbed the fence... their operations centre called Dad when our folks reported the shooting.

The medics stopped the bleeding, prepped them for transport... their weapons left where they fell, the ankle holsters on the front two emptied. No other weapons.

They were taken to the helicopter and flown to the hospital with escorts. Our medics said the wounds while damaging were not that serious.

Once the wounded intruders were airborne Thet called us at the Forest Palace... three thirty. We sat up to talk with him on speaker... we asked a few questions... First... `What about our staff at their apartments nearby? And the house staff?'

Thet said our Security people had been covering all the buildings from the outside... they didn't wake the four in the closer building so as not to make noises or have lights turned on... as far as he knew they were still asleep.. no lights or movement inside either apartment. Amporn and Niran's home was on the far side of the main house.

He added the intruders gun fire was brief only two shots, likely muffled by the foliage... our sharpshooters rifles had silencers because of the urban environment... nothing more than a `phffft' sound that wouldn't carry very far. That was a reason the intruders were surprised by their wounds... no gunfire noise!

Thet said from their faces they looked Chinese, the one at the back spoke Thai, his accent sounded as if he was local.

"I talked with Colonel Kraisee... they will start the interrogations with the one who seemed local... there will be more possible points of pressure on him, he is also the least injured of the three. Also the weapon he was carrying... the clip inside it had no bullets. Curious. I suppose the other two didn't trust the fellow. A lot of meaning in that."

We told him we'll be returning to Bangkok later in the morning.

Thet said he would keep us up to date, "I am sure General Keren will be in touch also."

I picked up my iPhone to call Dad... then stopped... I leaned against Cho, "If there was anything he'd call so I'm not bothering him."

A kiss in agreement.

Going back to sleep... No. We got robes on and went up to the tower room to make coffee. Sipping it on a bench looking east... the faint signs of the new day on the horizon.

A Chinese Thai fellow... Chinese killers... more BS from China?

I squeezed Cho's hand, "What about that ambassador? He was the head of the Guoanbu for many years... they were behind all the industrial spying that is part of our history..."

Cho's arm around my shoulders... I pressed against him.

"It is possible... my words at the White House dinner probably hit home!"

"But for him to do something... Well... they say he's nasty enough!"

Cho firmly agreed.

We'd been there for a bit... the sun was coming up...

I did call Dad now...

"Daughter... you may be onto something. The local fellow has spoken to our interrogator in the hospital... he was recruited by the Guoanbu to assist the others who came from Beijing two days ago. He has given us the address of the safe house they stayed in... a team of my people are there now."

Dad said something to another person, a pause..."Fay, my people have entered the safe house... there are more weapons and ammunition in plain sight all Chinese made, airline tickets and two Chinese passports... diplomatic passports... Photos of you both and the Twins... aerials of the house and grounds. I going there myself now... I will be back to you."

I sent our love.

Cho and I went downstairs... we rummaged around the kitchen... we managed a plate of salapaos. Coffee, sweet things and rising sun on the terrace outside the dining room.

"This thing' whatever it turns out to be is a result of my... OUR... history with the criminals I became involved with... more unpleasantness... but it is also the genesis of the me' in my present form."

A kiss, "You are still growing as a person... becoming someone that could not have been imagined. If not me someone else would have released you sooner or later."

"No... you are the ONE!!! I happened because you are you!"

More kisses!

Cho adding, "Chinese industrial spying in many forms has helped their country move forward otherwise they would be mired thirty or more years behind everyone else."

The sun warming me up... Cho's smile was too.

The kitchen was awake... the cook came out, a happy face... Yes we were up early' omelettes would be wonderful!'

We finished by the time the Twins arrived. BIG HUGS!

They sat to eat.

I called Gil walking barefoot on the grass in the garden. They were just up... She had heard some bangs in the night but nothing further... sleep came back to her.

I could hear a knocking at her door... "Fay hold for a moment..." She came back, "It's one of the Security men... he said he would explain had happened last night. I will call you back."

I said Okay.

I told Cho they were being told. He said the helicopter would be here in an hour.

Do, who was also our beekeeper, took the Twins for a walk through the flowers... they learned which ones the bees liked the best. They got to watch those little busy bees work... then a visit to the beehives... they loved that.

They came back talking about the beautiful honeycombs and buzzing bees! And funny hats with nets they had to wear.

Gil called as we mounted up for Bangkok ... she said it could wait since we were on the way.

On approach we could see an area of the garden on the east side was screened off, a few people's heads bobbing around... Thet on the Terrace waiting.

Handshakes and hugs. He and Reyna were fine, their surrogate about a week to delivery!

"Everyone here has been told what happened and why we didn't wake them."

Thet pointed to a pair of our Security looking at the house exterior. "I have a few people looking at the exteriors of the buildings to see if there were any hits from the two shots the intruders got off. Their shell casings were found on the grass."

The `heads' we'd seen were Security Police forensic workers doing a last look, they would be done shortly. The screen would come down, Okay for anyone to go there.

Thet said Knor could flush the grass with water to wash away the blood.

We sat with coffee, the Twins went into the Playroom.

Francis, Ali, Gil and Chelle joined us.

Thet said the neighbour had been informed. They were pleased nothing bad had happened and doubly glad they were part of our security zone.

Thet had taken a call... "General Keren says there is a wealth of forensic evidence and data in the safe house... most especially two cellphones hidden in a false back of a cabinet. The cellphones are of Chinese make... on a Chinese cell system.

They are filled with emails and texts, photos and diagrams which are being translated. They are using an encryption scheme... the Security Police have gotten into to everything. Photos of you four, the house from the river and old pictures of the house front."

Cho said his family had owned the house for over ninety years, his great grandfather had it built. He had not allowed photographs... so they must be very old.

Dad called, "Fay, We have to talk... I will come over. It is such that we need to have only those present who need to know."

Cho and I said we get it. We decided that PJ and Rande with Francis, Ali and Gil would be with us.

Dad! A big hug. His face serious.

We sat on the Terrace.

"I want to start with the biggest item... Ambassador Ti set up this attack!"

Cho and I looked at each other... it didn't surprise us.

Dad gave us a look... "You two were exactly right!"

He shook his head.

"The cellphones tell the story. Emails and texts exchanged... encrypted but we broke in. Ti asking for them to do this for him, his offer of money... 1,500,000 Yuan for the job, half upfront.

After the men... who are Guoanbu employees... accepted... there was a flow of information sent to them. There were pictures, diagrams, maps, etc... Ti arranged their travel and got passports for them through other individuals in the Guoanbu... we cannot know how much those people were told.

Since Ti is still a member of the State Council his requests are like commands especially inside the Guoanbu. Even though he is no longer titular head of the Ministry of State Security he carries such considerable weight any employee would do what he asked.

The men we do not know too much about... yet! Except from their actions which are not those of practised agents... sloppy... Leaving weapons and ammunition in plain sight... travel documents... their chosen encryption is a methodology we broke into quickly... their Ministry of State Security work ID's hidden with the cellphones in an amateurish manner. A comedy of errors.

They got the weapons in through their false diplomatic cover bypassing the normal security checks.

Now they are under arrest, wounded... they have not been told what we know or have been in their safe house.

The Thai fellow is a Communist from a Chinese family of like believers. They moved here from Malaya after the Emergency there in the 1950's. He has done other `jobs' for the Chinese... nothing like this... just gathering information, holding and passing on data, providing safe houses.

He hasn't been told his weapon wasn't loaded. We haven't asked him yet about Saul... we will... soon! I think he will be upset with the idea we might link him to other crimes."

Dad sipped his coffee... he'd said no to food.

A call to his cellphone... rapid talk... we heard his side...

"Okay... the two Chinese are not normal action agents, they have job assignments that are office positions. Both have wives and children. They do not have regular passports... only those diplomatic ones which are brand new and are not registered with the Chinese Foreign Ministry. They used their real names on the new passports. So the Guoanbu provided false passports.

Now our asking questions is going to cause a stir... so far we have kept this under our hat. At some point Ti is going to wonder about it... did they or did they not' get in place to do the job! We can keep him in the dark for a short while because according their Thai-Chinese co-conspirator no one else locally knows about the two Chinese. He apparently has done his little jobs' without telling his communist comrades."

I looked at the time on my iPhone... after midnight in Washington... I'll have to wait to call Hillary.

We told Dad Hillary was going to ask the Chinese to withdraw Ti as ambassador. His eyes widened!

Cho did add there was no way Ti could know that... so he was acting on his own ideas and timeline!

From me, "So do you...or we... let the world know?"

Dad wasn't sure yet...

Cho added in a question, "In the ordinary course of an investigation you would seek to interview Ti right?"

Dad nodded, "Knowing what we have... I would arrest him as a conspirator... have him in custody... then do more looking and an interrogation."

My hands open, palms up, "So I know zippity-doo-dah about diplomatic things... can the American government detain Ti if you file an arrest warrant?"

Dad grinning, "We do have an extradition treaty... crimes like these qualify under the treaty... so I will have to consult the Prime Minister and Narong.

To answer your question... the ambassador will have diplomatic immunity from all but grave crimes... attempted murder seems grave enough to me. I am sure Narong will have an opinion. The Chinese and Americans will probably have their own interpretations."

"If we put our media onto this story... it will spook Ti and the Chinese government. Surely they will call him home... the embarrassment for China will be huge... a major black-eye!"

Dad leaned back, "It is obvious... the Chinese do not want this publicised... an attempt to murder world prominent individuals, an English peeress, a knight, their children... by a top Party functionary done out of pique or revenge? It will be a public relations disaster!"

I had Cho's hand, "Dad... talk to the PM and Narong but we..." looking at Cho's head nodding, "... think going public will be best. It will slam the Chinese around the world... Ti will be for all purposes `disappeared' by the Chinese government. He'll have no influence, they'll likely imprison him, strip him of all his assets... "

Cho interposed, "...frankly he will be lucky to avoid a `bullet' in the neck!"

A smile on Dad's handsome face, "I thought you two would prefer that course." He laughed, "The Chinese might, under those circumstances, withdraw his ambassadorship and immunity. World opinion would demand it. President Clinton could have him detained for deportation, it would be unusual but he did conspire to have American citizens murdered.

Such an action would be seen sympathetically by other countries who would want their own nationals protected, the Vienna Convention notwithstanding."

Cho said, "Go to the Prime Minister and Narong... give them the whole event including our `meeting' Ti in Washington and that we are going to speak to the media... unless you want to do it?"

Dad finishing his coffee, "I think a press statement of the case facts and we are seeking to arrest Ti would be a start... Saying we have asked the Americans to hold him for an extradition proceeding and we have requested the Chinese to end his immunity. I will suggest that to the PM and Narong.

Once we have done that you are freed to unleash your media." A smile!

Hugs and kisses plus handshakes for Dad before he drove away.

Cho smiling, "I do not think the Americans would arrest him unless this is all exposed and his government rescinds his immunity. They might blockade him in a building to keep the ball rolling and maintain control of him."

Okay... enough drama! We are well protected!

We met with the team who did the work in the early morning hours... We thanked each one for their effort. Alix was the team leader, it was her duty shift. Her team was made up of Thais, Americans, a French woman and one Britisher.

Drone pilots, sharpshooters, medics and all others were told how much we appreciated their work, they were valued and would be rewarded.

The Twins in the Playroom blissfully unaware of it all. We did train layout time before dinner, Charlie wanted to run a train... Cho put one together for him. They sat to make it go round and round. Chani in my lap as I built a small warehouse... this time she helped rather than hindered. Yea!

We were headed to eat on the Terrace when Dad called.

"The PM and Narong agreed to my issuing a press statement, without questions, laying out what happened, what we have done subsequent to the event, our evaluation of the evidence and stating our requests to the U.S. and China regarding Ti.

The prosecution service is to file charges in the morning so there will be arrest warrants issued beforehand.

After the rabbit is out of the bag... you can do whatever since the news folks will be all over it!"

I thanked him and asked he and Phailin to come over for dinner tomorrow if possible. He'd check with Phailin. Love!!

I called New York... Kent had just arrived for the day. He did have a short chuckle at my question about Fox News coverage of a press briefing.

"Since you live in Bangkok and the Cho Family Banks are there we opened a small office five months ago. We hired a local fellow as the on-air with a staff. They have been doing background reporting on Thailand, the Cho Banks and the like. He can be at the press briefing... with a live hook-up."

He was shocked when I told him what it was about, "Now you can only tell Bill the details... until it goes off tomorrow morning our time."

"No problem... I'll have Ritthirong at the briefing. Can he contact you for more information?"

"Of course. We are going to schedule a press briefing of our own for tomorrow afternoon. It will be in a courtyard at the Railroad offices. Tell him that, there will an announcement for all media.

There will likely be a big crowd after the Security Police's morning briefing."

"Fay, we will go live for both... we will interrupt programming."

I sent warm wishes for him and his team and his family.

Dinner... there was crispy fish... I was a long way behind... catch-up time! Amporn smiling saying there was more... a woman after my heart!

We had fun with the Twins eating. Chani showing off her blue romper outfit from Ralph Lauren. Chic! The guys in their new gorgeous blue Polo shirts!! Me in basic black!

Chelle having her first taste of the fish... it was a big hit! I had a mouthful when I realized Chelle's hair... it was black!

"Fay, you sort of got me thinking the other day... about a new me as the original me... Voilà!"

She looked like Chelle' in the Jane's World' strip for sure! I congratulated Chelle, "That is a NEW you... and it looks terrific!"

A big smile and thank you.

A good set of laps in the pool with the warm morning sun... a great start! Coffee, fruit and salapaos!

We got some work done before the Security Police press briefing.

An email from Carter2 overnight... Fazli has begun work in the Garage with Gerry. He appears to have some relevant knowledge so Gerry and Prasert are putting him to work doing maintenance jobs... oil changes, etc... He has done those with no problems! That was great!

I called Hillary. She was upset.

I told her what the Thai government was going to do via the Security Police press briefing. Hillary said she'd talk to the Secretary of State about the Geneva Convention protocols.

She called out to an aide to get the Secretary of State on the line and the head of the Federal Marshal Service.

"We can at least consider detaining Ti if he tries to flee. The Federal Marshals can move on him right away.

I will ask for the Chinese chargé d'affaires to be called to the State Department immediately... tonight... to inform him the ambassador is `persona non grata' and is no longer considered the accredited representative for China. They will be told as he is an undesirable alien we will detain him.

One good thing... we upped the surveillance of him and his top aides so we know where they are at all times."

A voice in the background... "Fay, Hold on for a moment..."

Hillary was back in a minute, "He's in the embassy residence... Federal Marshals will surround his residence and inform the Chinese staff no one can leave until Ti surrenders himself. While questionable in terms of the Geneva Convention there are the Thai charges which could be interpreted as grave crimes giving us latitude."

I put in Cho and I thought Ti's returning to China was the better outcome... it takes Thailand off the hook for trying him and allows the government some flexibility on what to do with the three captured attackers.

"Well if we can put him on a Chinese aircraft to go non-stop to Beijing... I'm Okay with that. I will call your Prime Minister shortly to talk."

She put me on hold for a few minutes...

"The State Department just received the formal request from the Thai Foreign Ministry to detain Ti via the Thai Embassy's chargé d'affaires. He has been formally indicted. So that part we have... I'll have the talk with the Secretary of State in thirty minutes, he's coming over here."

We rang off with the warmest wishes and her congratulations to our Security Service for their skill in protecting us.

I called Dad to give him the gist of the conversation. He said Ti going to Beijing was likely to be best for Thailand. No fuss about a trial was the right way to avoid escalating trouble.

"We can maintain the arrest warrant active so he would be under threat of arrest anywhere outside of China. There could be a formal court appearance for the two Chinese even if they plead guilty... we can get their testimony on record about Ti. That would carry more weight than their admissions to my people even if it was in a sworn statement."

He was going down to watch the press briefing from behind the scene... so we said goodbye.

Cho had Fox News on the TV in the Playroom. We sat in the seating near the billiard table to watch.

Megan's face on Fox News... she said there was a press briefing in Bangkok at the headquarters of the Security Police of great significance they were going to go live there now...

"Hello Ritthirong...

Ritthirong's face on camera, "Hello Megan..." He let viewers know the briefing was beginning from the Thai Security Police headquarters. He also said the subject was unknown except it was very high importance.

A uniformed officer came out to read the briefing, he started with there would be printed copies available afterwards in the lobby behind the news folks. No questions would be taken.

He described the attack on our home, he didn't go into details about our Security Service actions... then went to the evidence gathered at the safe house and from interviews with the attackers. He made it plain the men had given sworn voluntary statements... admitting guilt for conspiracy, attempted murder, trespassing, various weapons charges, passport violations and more.

The bombshell... "A senior Chinese official, Mr. Ti, the current ambassador from China to the United States of America is implicated as the originator of the plot."

The noise level in the room went way up!!!!

"We have evidence of his involvement in the recruiting of the agents, making payments to the men, the planning of the actual attack, arranging a local contact for the attackers, supplying weapons, false passports and a great deal more.

Formal charges against the three attackers and Mr. Ti were filed by the prosecution service this morning. Arrest warrants have been issued for all four men. The three wounded men will be arraigned at the hospital.

We have asked the Chinese government through their embassy here to rescind Mr. Ti's diplomatic immunity from arrest and trial. We are requesting through diplomatic channels that Ambassador Ti be detained by American authorities so he can be extradited to Thailand to face the charges.

We are waiting for responses to those requests which were made earlier this morning.

There will be further briefings as events warrant. We will prominently post information on the Security Police webpage about all briefings.

Thank you."

There were questions called out but the officer left through a doorway behind the podium. Quite a lot of noise but Ritthirong was able to find a space to go on-air.

"We have been informed there will be a press briefing by Sir Cho and Lady Harcourt this afternoon at the Railroad Company headquarters. We will be covering that event live later today."

Megan came up on the screen thanking Ritthirong for the report. A serious face...

"We are all glad that Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho and their children are safe. There is a lot of we don't know yet. There will be a press briefing this afternoon Bangkok time by Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho... we will go live to that."

She went to a commercial.

The press officer's briefing didn't mince any words. A direct challenge to the Chinese government to do the right thing. We'll see if anything happens before we speak this afternoon. We didn't expect the Chinese to call the Thai government's bluff. No way they'd have Ti surrender for a trial. If they did the cellphone activity alone would convict him!

Lunch with the Twins... a lot of fun which was very welcome. We were in good spirits as we drove to the Railroad offices.

A courtyard on the east side... Partly in the shade this time of day. Lots of light for cameras.

A low platform and rows of chairs on the grass... our Security Service managing the space. Sumate with us inside as the journalists entered the grassy area, cameras setup... they were ready.

A kiss for Cho. Sumate with us going out.

Thet was with Reyna and their surrogate... her labour pains had begun. Cho told him not to worry... be with his family.

From the platform Cho told the crowd of news people we'd make some remarks then take questions for a short period.

Cho introduced Sumate...Sumate gave the news people a synopsis of the events... the intruders being detected by passive devices then watched by drones and more devices... hit with spotlights when they emerged from the cover of the shrubbery... they opened fire... our folks wounded them. Our medics did first aid and they were lifted by our helicopter to a police hospital.

Sumate did not give any details about our defences, just generalities. I expected questions about it all though.

Cho spoke about our meeting Ti at the White House... Cho related Ti said things which upset us and Cho told the news people he wouldn't repeat the words exactly. Cho did point out what was said made Ti an infamous liar and hypocrite.

The timing of the attack showed Ti was attempting revenge since he started it all the next morning from his Washington office. The emails, texts and calls proved the links to the now captured hitmen.

Cho followed with... "The level of detail in the evidence is overwhelming... it is time for the Chinese government to step up... end Ti's immunity so he can be arrested and tried...

What decent government condones the attempt to murder innocent persons by their employees?

This fellow Ti tried to have my children killed, my wife and myself... because he was called out as a liar? My remarks weren't that explicit but he knew what I meant... he had been disgraced in the past when his involvement in industrial spying activity was exposed.

It's obvious he sought revenge since he made this happen immediately afterwards.

So the Peoples Republic of China needs to show the world they are not a rogue state with murderers as top Communist Party members and government leaders."

Cho said we would entertain questions pertaining to what they had said only. Each person chosen to ask their question was to identify themselves and their organisation upfront.

"Sim Takai, Asahi Shimbun. So no one was injured at your house besides the attackers?"

Cho said that was correct.

"We were not there. We spent several days at another home with our children. Some of our close personal staff members were on the property but were not disturbed."

"Anurak. Thai Rath. How were the intruders discovered?"

Cho had Sumate take that... He said there are devices on the perimeter of the property... "They set off alarms, we had a drone overhead observing them. When they broke cover a spotlight illuminated them... they fired at the light... missing it. Our force fired five shots, one to the gun arm of each man, when two tried to retreat... we fired at their legs.

Our people secured them then our medics did treatment... getting them ready for transport to the hospital.

That was it."

"Tonnu, Channel 7 News. Who was it that fired? Why shoot at their arms and legs?"

Sumate again... "The members of the Security Service were the ones firing, highly trained sharpshooters. The arms and legs are where there are no vital organs. We wanted to put the men out of action not kill them."

"James Owen, New York Times. They were dangerous armed intruders why not be sure they were unable to do anything else? They had already fired at your people."

Sumate's face said to me how stupid is this guy...

"We had no idea who they were or what they wanted. If they were burglars... we do not kill people who rob or try to rob. We wanted them immobilised not dead. The dead do not tell you what they were doing."

"Ritthirong, Fox News. Is Chinese ambassador Ti aware you know so much about his activities and will the United States detain him for the Thai arrest warrant?"

Cho smiled, "I am sure he knows by now his hired killers are in custody... so he must realise anything they know is known to the Thai authorities."

Cho smiled and apologised for all the `knows.'

Smiles in the crowd of journalists.

"What America is going to do we cannot say. The Geneva Convention on consular activities covers this sort of event but is open to some interpretation. The Chinese have the ball in their court... they need to act. Removing his immunity would be a good start. Afterwards demanding he surrender to the Thai arrest warrant is another positive act.

It is up to them... it is fair to say the world is watching."

More questions came. Cho and Sumate answered them all brilliantly.

Some questions were passed on when they asked for information on our security setup and operations.

Forty minutes in... Cho took the last one.

"Ronald West, the BBC. What is your preferred outcome?"

"We want Ti to be held to account for his criminal behaviour... we prefer it was in a Thai court since the most dangerous part of the crime took place here. We are not in a position to insist on anything."

Cho thanked them all. We walked to the rear into the Railroad building. I gave Sumate a hug and a kiss for my guy. It was interesting to watch... not participate for a change.

In the car another kiss. Cho smiling, "I would think the chance the Chinese surrender Ti is zero..." he laughed, "... it is a terrific stick to beat on them with isn't it?"

Easy to agree and give one more kiss.

At home we joined the Twins in swimming. Jaidee did too! Lots of splashing as Charlie and Chani went flying up... then down from Cho's arms. They loved it. So cute in their goggles.

Thet called Cho... he was a father! A boy who is healthy, a little bit premature but fine!! The birth mother came through very well... no troubles.

"Seeing Reyna sitting with our son is special! I am sending some pictures."

Cho congratulated him and Reyna. We sent our love and happiness to them!

The pictures were great! Reyna with their baby boy... quite the snap!

Cho told Thet everything went well at the press briefing. Sumate dealt with the questions skilfully.

Thet knew we were leaving so we made a date to see his little one when we returned!

Cho asked Gil to have flowers sent for the birth mother and to Thet and Reyna's house plus Taittinger's to them.

Narong called... the Chinese had been on to them... they recalled Ti as ambassador, he was flying to Beijing at this time. As he was now `persona non grata' the Americans insisted on taking him into their custody and driving him to a Chinese aircraft. The Federal Marshal in charge walked him to a seat although the crew objected to him boarding the airplane. Apparently the Marshal told the crew to stay out of his way or risk arrest!

The marshals stayed on the tarmac until the plane was airborne.

"The Secretary of State said the airplane was given a flight path, told not to deviate from it at the risk of being shot down. He seemed amused by the thought."

Narong sounding peeved and relieved, "The Chinese said they would not remove his immunity because it would violate the Geneva Convention.

We did not argue... it was pointless. The U.S. Secretary of State contacted me before the call from China to say they were allowing Ti to leave after the Chinese would not release him from the Geneva rules.

The Americans stated the obvious... Ti was not worth a big diplomatic fight since they wanted him gone. The Secretary of State did say they informed China they were not to send any other controversial figures as his replacement because the U.S. was raising the bar of acceptability.

Declaring Ti persona non grata' had been a huge embarrassment to the Chinese. The Federal Marshalls expelled' him from America!

The publicity around this case will make it easier for other nations to refuse questionable Chinese nominated individuals.

The Chinese Foreign Minister informed me announcements were to be made on this soon. He did not say what or when."

He added there were discussions with the Americans and British whether to recall their ambassadors from Beijing but they all decided they wanted their top diplomats to be in place for any further events.

I thanked Narong. Cho asked him to thank the Prime Minister.

At five o'clock we got a call from Narong's assistant... the Chinese would speak in minutes.

Kent's PA called us... they were going live to Beijing... Cho got Fox News up...

Their Foreign Minister at a podium, a forest of microphones, dozens of cameras...

"The Peoples Republic of China is mortified that a member of our diplomatic corps and a former high government official would be involved in criminal activity to harm anyone.

This is totally alien to the principles of our country's people and government.

We deeply apologise to Lady Harcourt, Sir Cho, their children and the people of Thailand.

Our ambassador in Bangkok will meet with Thai Foreign Minister to apologise in person. Our charge d'affaires in Washington has done so already to the United States Secretary of State.

A representative will seek to meet with Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho to apologise to them personally.

President Xi has written to each and those letters are to be presented at the meetings.

President Xi wants me to say he profoundly regrets these events and will take steps to see such happenings never reoccur."

That was it... no questions were allowed.

He did not address what would happen to Ti in Beijing. I guess we have that to come.

I towed Cho into our suite.

"It's interesting the Chinese speak as though the accusations were proven."

Cho looked to me, "They must have asked Ti themselves... I suppose in fear of his life he told them the truth..."

"I'm sure we haven't heard the last of this mess but for now I am Okay with Ti being back in China. I do expect to read he's had a stroke or heart attack and passed away very soon. I doubt the Chinese want any further embarrassment from him."

A Cho smile, "He seems like a candidate for a bullet... I'd rather they put him on trial but they want it to disappear. Maybe they will clean house in their security ministry."

On to other things for us.

Winnie's email had some clips from the video they were working on for the Chanthira Foundation golf tournament. They looked great!

Tom Angleten spoke briefly about looking forward to playing at a very worthwhile charity event on an excellent golf course. Dave and other top golfers were doing the same... following Tom's lead.

She said it would be ready in a few days to go up on the Foundation webpage, the Hedges Golf Club webpage, youtube, twitter, etc... Reginé was working with them for several versions that were shorter for social media.

I sent her an email saying we were pleased... it had a great look.

We checked the news... around the world the Chinese were being castigated for not allowing Ti to be arrested and tried. It was universal opprobrium spread thick by some news organisations.

Quite a few pieces on how the Chinese had been tone deaf before and how they skirted international laws when their citizens were involved in criminality. Their poor record of being a `world citizen' getting amplified around this latest case.

Some news people had pieces on how the Chinese acted in Third World countries where they did business or gave `aid'... bullying local governments, trying monopolize natural resources, abusing workers physically as well as not paying them properly, callous disregard of local laws about nearly everything but especially ecological protection laws!

It looked like some news folks were going to ride this for a while. Fox News was reporting it straight not trying to colour it one way or another.

Cho and I sitting by the TV... we agreed the Chinese would let it flow over them since to deny any of it would be like pouring petrol on the fire... We were waiting for the death notice on Ti... Cho was convinced it would happen.

Phailin and Dad came for dinner. The Twins met them by the drive... loud happy greetings!

"Gamma! Gramps!" They all walked to the Terrace holding hands. Really huge smiles!

Amporn fed us superbly! We all had a very good time especially the Twins... ice cream at the end!

The talk was family... Somsak, Tona and Suki going to America! They would lots of new things to see. It would easy for them since their English is fluent.

They knew about Upperville and that they would be welcome to go out there for weekends or go to New York to stay at our place or any of our homes. Somsak and Tona were told they could call for cars or aircraft... they were family... nothing improper or hidden from Narong or Atid in Washington.

Sunny was in an equestrian competition in a week... an important early event in the calendar. It is in northern Gloucestershire. A two day event. Her family was flying over to attend. A friend of ours was loaning their house nearby for them to stay as they were over in southern France.

She was also entered in the Badminton Trials... a huge thing for her, probably the top event in the world. Doing well there was springboard for her future.

Sunny was the youngest entrant ever in the top flight! A two months short of fifteen!

To get her ready Equestrian Ventures had redone the smaller dressage arena at Harcourt House, now full size and all grass. Sunny was working only on grass for Gloucestershire and Badminton.

The Badminton cross country course looked tough in snaps on the website... Sunny emailed a reply... `It does... they change it each year... so a new look each time. Yours at Upperville and the Winterset Trials were also tough... just different.' She said the U.S. Equestrian course in New Jersey might be tougher... she did very well there!

No need to talk about the recent events at our house... we knew it all.

Phailin and Dad knew we were leaving for Los Angeles tonight so we did big goodbyes. The Twins getting lots of love from Gamma and Gramps.

We took off from Don Mueang to a loud `WooHoo' from Charlie. A woof from Jaidee. Chani giggling at them. It was a ritual now.

There was work time, play time, food then sleep... a late morning arrival at Santa Monica.

Cho and I sat with Ali and Francis... the baby! Ali said her doctor in New York was pleased she was pregnant. He liked Ali. She was in excellent health, young and vigorous, she had so many pluses on her side to start.

He found out she worked for us... he hadn't been told of her move from Daria. He was impressed.

Ali let him know she had stopped eating mammals or birds, fish yes. He didn't recommend any diet changes unless something came up. He had blood drawn for some tests. He was very positive.

The blood testing had come back, everything was good!!

So from me... "We'll stay as we are now unless there's a need to change... then as you reach six months... checking with your doctor... you'll travel less... eventually not at all. Please choose whatever location you want for the birth... that's totally up to you two."

We got hugs and kisses.

I was the one up first like always. Yobi made breakfast, the others came out in a big bunch! Everybody fed and sitting around... we were on the last part of the flight.

Captain Kor said we were on approach to Santa Monica. Everybody strapped in! Jaidee looking out his window he reached out one paw on the glass.

Camilla had cars ready on the tarmac... off to Topanga for all of us except Cho, Ansara and Sorya. They were going to the Riviera Country Club, Cho was playing golf with Pedro and Ken. We were going opposite to most of the traffic so it was an easy drive.

Pam and Abbey were coming up to Topanga for part of the day

Dolores and Sora at the door... big greetings by the Twins running to them. Dolores smiling, she promised French Toast for tomorrow morning. Huge yells by the babies, the rest of us let them speak for us. Grins.

I changed to ride, Gil joining me with Tara and Tessa. Viv glad to see us, a hug.

I was on ZigZag... new horses for everybody, Clementine, Rorry and Cindy. We went west between the low hills then going southwest up a canyon. Lots of greenery everywhere up and down the hillsides from the winter rains, the creek flowing full to its brim.

One lone coyote at a distance... he moved away seeing us, into the brush and gone.

We topped the ridgeline... a good view to the west into the green valley beyond, the blue ocean on the left... Idyllic.

A good run when we were back on level ground. ZigZag striding out... marvellous. ZigZag whinnying as we slowed near the stables. I rubbed his neck.

"Good going guy!"

Nadine's face... "ZigZag loves to run hard! He's happy."

Fist bump.

I got to meet Jorrie the new help. She was glad to meet me... "I'm amazed and happy to be working for you."

We shook hands, I turned to Viv..."If Jorrie is so happy... are we paying her... shouldn't she be paying us?"

Laughter... Jorrie smiling, a slight blush.

"Don't worry... We love when are folks are happy!"

A hug!

Pam and Abbey!! Abbey growing up, almost a year! Crawling like a big beetle, zooming!

Abbey gave us a demonstration in the living room when she came out of her car seat... Wow! She could really move. Pam laughing. I hadn't seen this in Bangkok. Ah... we don't have carpeting like this where Pam says she's at her speediest!

"Abbey's been trying her legs too... early days for that. All the usual prat falls and a lot of giggling. She's getting there."

Lunch on the terrace... it was warm enough. Woolly hats on the Twins, jackets. Abbey well bundled up. The sun made it possible. So we kept the babies in the sunlight.

Pam, Abbey and Ken had been visiting Ken's son and his family again. Some business things brought them to Los Angeles this time, the Hawaiian trip would follow. Hawaii was for golf and laying the sun with Abbey!

Email news from Monaco... Asda and Secret Sea's colt was officially named `Secret Royal!' The Jockey Club Okay'd the name this morning! Wonderful! He was certainly of royal lineage!

I thanked Monaco for that... He replied my name was perfect for a princeling like him! Yes!

Email from Amarha... interesting and good news... the turbine mechanic Buddy in Seattle was taking a position in Miami we advertised on the Cho-Fay Air internal webpage. His girlfriend soon to be wife Patty was going. She had a job in the Hawthorne Aviation office! Wonderful news.

They would move once Buddy passed through the classes Naomi was running at Boeing Field. We wanted him to be the lead turbine engine man in Miami and be able to be a training manager for the site.

Their wedding to be held before they went so all their Seattle friends and colleagues could be part of it. A load of happiness there!

All the babies inside with Tha and Delphine. Pam and I walking in the garden.

"Fay what happened in Bangkok? That man really tried to have you killed?"

"Yes! He really tried... our Security stopped it. We hope the Chinese do something to him... not like we get to say anything about that.

Cho thinks he's a candidate for a bullet in the back of the neck... even if he avoids that they'll make him invisible. He won't be able to go anywhere because the Thai's are keeping open the arrest warrant. They've made a point of saying it publicly and directly to the Chinese."

"Why though? You only met him the once."

"That's true but he was in charge of the State Security Ministry when we had a run in with his agents in Bangkok several years ago... they all got rounded up and put in prison. They were doing industrial spying! It was a public relations fiasco for the Chinese. He had to have been blamed."

"Oh... revenge! That's not enough to kill... is it?"

"For him apparently it is."

I smiled, "Fuck him!"

Fist bump!

"Fay, Phuket was wonderful. Being with you and a few other women was marvellous. Ken had a good time with his golfing buddies... Abbey at your house with the many other little ones. She acted so happy when we got back there. So we all had fun.

A hug!

"Cho and I want to keep doing it. Everyone enjoys themselves. Now... " a tight hug, "... I do want make love with you more than once a year... So we have to work on that."

Pam was DEFINITELY up for the idea!

We sat in the sun on the bench at the overlook. I had Pam's hand... a slow stroking of her fingers.

Pam... a wistful smile, "I enjoyed several of the ladies... Jayne was terrific, Lori too! The one with pink hair... BOY did we get each other off! Her name is EX?"

"A nickname where she had worked because she seemed to be everyone's ex.' She's with Gil now. We are using Chelle' which is short for Rochelle her actual name."

"Well Chelle is a very good lover! Have you... Oh... she works for you... right?"

"Yes and no I didn't. She and Gil are coming up here to stay shortly. They'll be here at dinner."

"I think it's a good rule for you but you are missing out on a talented partner."

"Speaking of partners... Jayne and I are partners in the Big 'V' clubs. I own forty-nine percent of the Big `V' in New York and sixty five percent of the new one in Los Angeles. You guys should come over... It's in WEHO. It should open in late June or early July."

"Okay. I'll see where we are... Ken likes going to some clubs and he has eclectic music tastes."

"Good, I'll keep you in the loop."

The sun felt good on my face. The Twins came running out... "Popa's coming!"


The men showed up a short time later.

Gil and Chelle arrived just after the men. Chelle seeing Pam was cute... she extended her hand saying hello. Pam had a smile at that bit of coolness. She also noticed the hair colour change.

Pico de Gallo with several kinds of tortilla chips, warm bean dip with toasted taco shell triangles. Drinks. We got started well.

We had a terrific dinner... inside though. Dolores doing spectacular burritos, rice and beans and delicious ice cream with `extras' as the finish!

Pedro did ask about our Bangkok incident... we gave them all what we had already shared. Francis smiling telling them he and Ali slept through it all. Gil waved her hand...'Us too!'

What we could say was our Security did us proud. Both Pedro and Ken used our service to protect their homes and businesses so they knew how professional our people were.

Our guests going to their cars... little Abbey sound asleep in her carrier. We waved them down the drive.

The Twins had gone to the Nursery to do some things before bed. Tha gave us the high sign.

Hugs and kisses for our babies in their beds. Raggedy and Blu alongside!!

I got that Cho had had an excellent day at the Riviera... a 58! He now held the course record! A big squeeze!

"The couple of holes where I come close to a birdie in the past... I birded today! Pedro shot a 73 and Ken a 75! The Pro who played with us shot a 69. It was a great round. The club folks were all smiles! One said it would be a pleasure to change the scoring record board!"

Kisses for Cho... all over... even his toes!

A busy day! I got in an early morning ride with Angie and Gaby. They got to see some more of the ranch.

Cho was playing golf at the Bel-Air. He was meeting George, Dayton and Tommy. I looked at him... "Tommy?"

"Oh... he's the basketball player we met at the Fox TV station. When you said you were getting Mona to come to the Hollywood shelter I recalled the other fellow was a golfer and connected with him."

"Remember we'll have a house full tonight with all the folks coming..."

"No... we won't be late." A kiss.

A mixed group of events for me... A black wool tube skirt to my knees, a small slit at the back. The wool jacket also black snug to my waist, flared out over the top of my hips, three big silver buttons under a scoop neckline showing some of my assets, long sleeves with four silver buttons on the cuffs. Silver jewellery bits, a necklace of four strands in concentric circles lying nicely on my décolletage, loop earrings and the wide silver band with the tiny lock. I had `Cho' engraved on it... showing off!

Black stockings and heels. Black linen gloves. Red round lensed sunglasses.

First stop was The Day in Venice. A small van driven a Security Service woman followed us. Alanna driving... she was happy to be the `wheel' today.

Tessa leading as we walked through the front door. Gil and Ali beside me, Francis and PJ following. The Security woman inside knew me and my protectors. She opened the door to the inside.

I entered the big open newsroom... a few people working at their desks looked up and made noises of hello then Marita came to the door of her office...

"Fay!" She came to me to hug and kiss cheeks!

The whole staff started to come close... I waded in shaking hands, smiling faces... happy faces!! Casita, Georgia, hugs... Francis shook Harlee's hand before she got a hug from me. Rudy, Chester, Rami... Ari, Claudette... happy faces!

I gathered them around me... I thanked them all for the hard work and dedication which brought them to within one hundred thousand copies sold of the Los Angeles Times!

A stunning turn-about in this huge metro area! We covered it better, more completely and dove deep in the stories!

"You put out a superior product... every department is far ahead of your competition... the city is flowing your way! Cheers to you all from Cho and me!"

I called for their attention... "Announcements... I am promoting Marita... she will be the executive editor and publisher as of today. Casita is now the managing editor!"

I stood on a chair to applaud those two terrific newspaperwomen!!!! The whole crowd cheered them!

The Security woman with the van had a cart she wheeled in... she opened the boxes to cold bottles of Taittinger's!

Boxes of stemmed flutes... filled up... I led a toast to all of them for their success then more toasts for Marita and Casita!!!

I had my arm around Marita's waist... a huge smile on her face... "Fay... I'm glad you came in today!"

Laughing, a hug, "Me too! I wouldn't have wanted to just call to tell you!"

Casita in front of us smiling. I nudged them both... "You know what it means... more work!"

We laughed!! I did add more money too!

I motioned to Georgia. She took Marita's hand, "Hi Boss!" More laughter!

Georgia got that Ali was still a consumer of her information stream.

I did a tour of the building with Marita. The canteen had a lovely smell of spices... a coriander spiced vegetable soup!

The health clinic looking great! A youngster waiting for her mom before going in for an exam... I sat beside her... she was Okay this was a check-up after an ear infection.

Her mother, a local news reporter, came in surprised to see her daughter with me. I shook hands with the mom and a hug for the daughter... the young lady liked that!

In Marita's office we talked about the future... I wanted a `full court press' on the Times. We were beating them in city news and in Sacramento news, music, politics... only in Sports were we needing more reporting!

"Now you have created a genuine rival newspaper so consider poaching their best talent! Not many but look to your weaknesses and go for it!"

Fist bump!

Marita liked the Seattle news... Aston's folks made The Day number one in the city and not looking back... they were crushing the Seattle Times with style and a progressive attitude.

I said it almost seems that Seattle's The Day has started to nudge the city forward... police reform in a meaningful way, officers being fired for their abuses, strong discipline regulations in a new labour contract, taking away many of their toys they had used on citizens.

We had crusaded against police abuse and overreach, dozens of stories about rogue cops and senior managers.

More money for schools, help for the homeless and poor... Much tighter controls on real estate developers! The traffic scheme we were building... Seattle living up to its image as the progressive Emerald City!!!

I did my goodbyes. Casita knew I going to do an interview for Fox TV at the Hollywood shelter... she asked if she could send a reporter... I said yes but it's Fox TV's play. She nodded.

To WEHO... I didn't always like the idea of shortening everything to a few letters. West Hollywood was a mouthful though.

A visit to the Big V'!! Up the 405 to Santa Monica Boulevard then east. We parked in front... I stepped out into the sun with my red sunglasses on... I looked over the building... the front was now Pink' with a big PINK neon `V' above the double entry!!

Neko opened the doors... big smile, "Miss Martin... come in... see it!"

We shook hands! I was introduced to Jam, Vada and Amelie.

Neko gave me a guided excursion! It was getting very close to being finished inside! The main room... big, a large stage on the rear the wall, dressing rooms for the acts, a room for the lighting and special effects folks... two big bars, booths on the side walls, a walkway then more booths that opened directly to the dance floor.

A first class sound system... Jam said it was the best available for the space.

The restaurant had its own seating and a huge kitchen. Recka, our head chef, grinning as we talked food. She knew about the New York V' having a reputation for quality food... she wanted the V' to have lots of repeat customers!!

Bits, the bar manager was the same! She had worked bars around the city, seeing different styles of managers... she wanted to serve the best... no compromises. Jam smiling saying that was great but make money too! Everybody laughed.

When there were live music acts... plenty of standing room on the dance floor with a nifty exit behind the crowd towards the front of the club... a pair of roll-up doors left over from a previous tenant. They opened right to the sidewalk on Santa Monica Boulevard.

Big bathrooms for the ladies!!!! A petting room... `Ladies only!' Amelie said the plan was for it to be closed whenever there were live acts... plenty of time for decisions like that.

The office upstairs was much larger than I thought, comfortable for the three managers. Amelie's office was on the main floor in-between the entryway and the main room with doors to both. There were several `holding rooms' for problem people.

The four `managers' were easy with each other. The lines of authority made clear and each other's skill sets explained so they could count on each other.

We sat upstairs... I let them know Cho and I understood the Los Angeles Police had a poor reputation for dealing with clubs and especially those that could have substantial LGBTQ clientele. We wanted them as managers to protect our patrons and thereby the club.

"In this day there's no excuse for police to exceed their legitimate authority. Cho and I have some pull which we will use if necessary... we are well-known enough."

The Big `V' folks looking at me... a bit anxious... "Now I don't want to look for fights with the cops... we need to work with them whenever possible but I don't want you to roll over for them..." a finger aimed at Amelie, "... it puts some pressure on your staff to avoid any reason to call the cops. And keep an eye on the exterior areas so you can defuse problems before they explode. Be subtle, wise and tough."

I leaned forward, "Camilla knows how we feel... she'll back you! Okay?"

Amelie's face... a smile, "I get it. My team and..." her hands gesturing to Neko and Jam, "... we'll work out a good balance."

I stuck out my fist... we all bumped.

Vada said she would also be aware of incidents around any `live' acts we have in the club so Amelie could prepare. I said that's what we need... keeping eyes and ears open.

I thanked them for their hard work getting this ready to open. They were all building staff, training and planning events. Vada was signing live acts and hiring DJ's.

I was standing in the main room with Neko, "So you think the end of June is too far off... when could you open?"

"The way things are going we could do it the last week in May. The staff numbers are good, Vada is has a couple of possible grand opening acts talking... Yes I think the end of May."

"Okay work on it... in thirty days we should be able to decide. Call Jayne and talk to her. She'll promote the opening in New York for the bi-coastal crowd. I'm sure Jayne and Montana will want to be here for the opening."

I squeezed her shoulder, "We need to work out a trip to New York for you four. Visit the Big `V'... see what it's like, talk to the folks there... include Bits and Recka."

I turned to Gil... a grin... "I'm on it."

Fist bump!

Hugs for the Big `V' staff!

I was off to Hollywood. We pulled up into a parking space by the shelter garage. I stuck my head in there... our Security used it as their office. Waves to the people, smiles.

We went in the back way to meet Astara! Rueben! Natal! Hugs and cheek kisses. Astara introduced Mona. She was a tall slender woman, beautiful dark skin glowing with vitality! Terrific dread-locks!!

We chatted a bit... it was easy to guess Mona had been a basketball player with her height, in college and briefly in several women's leagues. She stopped to make use of her degrees in social work.

Rueben said the Fox News folks were setup in the dining area and ready to move around afterwards. Fist bump!

I spoke to The Day's reporter, Lynn, she said she had talked with Renata... "I'm looking to do a piece on the Fox TV folks... I'll be in the background completely."


The dining area was an extension of the kitchen... Renata and her crew waiting. I introduced myself, shaking hands.

Ernesto had lunch for us all... we sat talking on camera with a cumin and clove carrot soup, delicious! Very tasty grilled aubergine sandwiches! Water for me with coffee and cookies after.

It was very informal discussion of the shelters in general, Rueben and Natal speaking about their individual locations with Astara the bridge. Me for the global operations view and where we were going.

I made the point that the LGBTQ shelters would now all have health clinics to support the communities.

Mona speaking for the city of Los Angeles. They had programmes to help young people with education opportunities and employment possibilities, those were already being used by the guests at both shelters.

We were all pretty relaxed about it... the camera running but we mostly ignored it as I suggested up front.

Renata got in her questions which moved us along. Some of her questions were directed to me for the big picture as this was part of a series on charitable organisations in the entire Los Angeles/California Southland area.

We wound down after ninety minutes... plenty for Renata to work with, she was well fed too! Some of the shelter guests came in so Renata could get some video with them. They agreed in advance so it wasn't a surprise. She would be taken on a tour by those guests and Rueben.

Mona and I off camera watching.

She was going to say `Miss Martin' I put in "I'm Fay."

"Fay, your folks are so good. Level-headed, calm but intense. Young people feel good being around them."

"Trust... building trust is so essential in this environment. The youngsters have had rough times before being with us. Our staffers have walked the same roads as the kids... they can easily relate and show it."

"So where do you go now?"

I told Mona we were already close to buying two new buildings for shelters.

"Even with the additional space in Silver Lake we will max out next winter... so more is needed. Santa Monica and Inglewood are the new areas."

We chatted a bit more... she laughed to hear Tommy was playing with Cho.

"My husband, Lemarcus, has resisted Tommy's efforts to get him interested in golf. Baseball is more his thing."

"Cho loves to play... I'm not involved except as the occasional spectator. Horses are my passion."

"I've read a few things about you and horses. People Magazine says you ride like the wind!!"

"People Magazine? How would they know? Oh..." A big shrug, "... I have a hard time wondering why anyone would care."

Mona smiled, "Before you became a celebrity..." Her smile grew larger, my eyes rolled,

"... and you are..."

She was laughing, "Did you ever read about the rich and famous?"

"No. I've never cared one wit how rich folks were living their lives. I'm sure I saw news items when one of them did something criminal or otherwise were in the headlines.

As an example... when Princess Diana died in 1997 the whole of the United Kingdom was suffused with the media coverage... I was ten living in the Hampshire countryside... no TV. I was outside for much of my days with my horse. All my news of the world came from the housekeeper's newspapers... days later."

"What about her wedding to Prince Charles?"

"I wasn't born yet. Funny now I have met Prince Charles several times, The Queen and Prince Charles visited our home in Oxfordshire, we are friendly with Diana's sons and their families."

"The newspapers and magazines over here made quite the `thing'... " her fingers doing the quote motion, "... about your becoming part of the nobility... the Queen doing it in your home. Big news!"

"Funny... I can understand that because it was quite the `thing'..." me doing the same motion, "... for Cho and I. The Queen was a bit sneaky about it... which I think she enjoyed."

Mona laughing... me too at the thought.

"I need to go on... It was very nice we could meet here."

"I will be back to this shelter and the others as we get more of the guests into city programmes. I will stay in touch with Astara on the new locations so when they open we will be right there ready to help."

A hug and cheek kiss. I said to say hi' to Lemarcus... she would. My bring him next time' got a smile and `will do.'

Cho's call had me stop Mona... he'd added Tommy and his girlfriend Alycha to our dinner group so I asked Mona and Lemarcus. Mona was saying yes as I finished. I gave her the address and told her there'd be our Security at the gate.

Gil called Dolores to tell her about the new pair for dinner. `A-Okay' from Dolores.

Gil added the new ones to our ranch security list.

Home! We had a dinner party tonight so I wanted `Twins time!'

The babies were outside sitting on a lounge sharing a book about a little white mouse and the family he lived with. Cute!

I got hugs and kisses when I leaned over them.

"Mama you want to join us?"

I said they should finish the story. I changed and sat in the sun with Gil. Ali and Francis had stayed at The Day doing business, she texted they were coming home.

Cho was too!

The four of us had some fun doing games before cleaning up for guests. I chose black velvet toreador pants with a white long sleeved silk blouse, a blood red sash wrapped several times around my waist the end hanging down on my left, black sandals and gold bits. A few spots of `Joy' around.

Dayton, Dari and Mari, George and Gina, Wade, Flix and Cicely all coming. So with the late additions a nice crowd. Dolores and Sora were ready!

Cho did the greetings out front on the steps... I met them in the living room with the Twins.

Mona introduced Lemarcus... I remembered him... TALL! Tommy holding Alycha's left hand as she and I shook hands. Unlike Mona, Alycha was my height... a foot shorter than Tommy.

I introduced the Twins. They all squatted down to say `hi' which the Twins appreciated.

Every one of our friends were `amazed' by Chani and Charlie's development. Our babies talked to each guest... they'd already met all but the four we added today.

Gina with my hand, "Fay, they look like they're thirty or thirty six months!"

"Yes they are growing quickly near the top end of the range for their age. You should ask about their drawing if you want to see something special."

Her eyes on mine... "Okay."

Gina sat next to Chani on a settee... a conversation started... Chani left... Gina looking at me... Slightly perplexed.

Dari came up to me I said Gina was going to be surprised... Chani returned with her iPad... she was using her finger... She handed the iPad to Gina and climbed up on to the settee. Gina looking down then up to me wide-eyed as Chani spoke to her.

I gave Dari the story, "Go look at the iPad."

She did... her eyes up to mine... an astonished face!

I joined them. On the screen was a snap I made of Chani's London blackbird. Both ladies were shocked at the skilful drawing.

"Chani did you say where you saw the bird?"

"Oh... in the park by our London house near the river. I did the drawing sitting in bed with Mama."

I was nodding. Mona got to see it as Chani held the iPad for her. Big eyes!

"Chani... show it to Ali and Francis."

"Okay!" She was off.

I sat between the ladies, Mona opposite... "So what do you think of her blackbird?"

Wonder and admiration were the answers! I told them there was a blue jay on Charlie's iPad he had done in Miami... just as good.

They asked if we were thinking of special schools... I said Delphine was hired as our specialist.

"She is exactly what we wanted, young, well educated, talented, flexible and smart!"

Dolores had starters out so we moved through the food. Tha and I got the Twins set with a variety of eats at the table. She and Delphine stayed with them.

I had small plate of goodies, Cicely and Mari together smiling and nibbling... I parked in-between them, `I asked what's up?'

Mari's smile bigger, "Chani blew Mom away with that drawing! It is terrific!"

We talked about the babies then Cicely said she'd like to ask me about the `thing' in Bangkok.

I said go ahead.

"Fay... the Chinese guy wanted to kill you all because you sort of called him a liar? It doesn't make sense."

"If all things made sense the world would be a much different place."

They smiled.

"He had been removed from running the State Security Ministry after his failures and the embarrassing fallout from when he had a run-in with us a few years back when a Chinese industrial spying ring was broken up by Thai police. Seeing us brought it back to him... he was nasty."

I sipped my drink, "He apparently got the ambassadorship as a consolation prize... the problem was he was terrible at the job because he couldn't understand he was no longer in a position of power but one of polite talk, compromise and conciliation."

I laughed, "He'd already showed he wasn't a diplomat to all of Washington. His whole scheme was a mess because he had no `command' of the needed resources so he had to cobble things together. It wouldn't have mattered much our Security is too good.

He almost got the men involved killed... it's down to the skill of our people that they weren't."

To change the subject... I asked them about school, boys, etc... I got their schools were Okay, classes good... boys... were immature' or completely hopeless.'


"I can only wish you both find a Cho for yourselves!"

Mari's eyes wide, "Fay... if only! I saw a picture of you two at the White House... you in that dreamy blue gown... unbelievable, gorgeous!! Cho in his white-tie... WOW! Like he stepped out of the pages of a book! That sash was amazing. What was it for?"

I was grinning, "Hillary said he looked like someone out of the past.' When I called him my dreamboat' the wife of the French president laughed with me."

They laughed at that!

"The sash is for his knighthood with the star on his jacket. He's officially `Sir Cho' meaning he's a GBE which is the Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire."

Cicely said it was so hard to think of Cho and I meeting all those people but now sitting here talking to them.

I took their hands... "These hands have held the hands of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of England."

We laughed when they squeezed tighter.

"She really liked meeting all our horses. She had seen Asda's name in the pedigrees of our horses so she came to see him... you could watch her face... it was a thrill for her. That was quite the day... a bombshell way to start Christmas."

Cicely, "She made you a lot more famous for sure!"

I laughed, "That and four dollars gets me a latte at Starbucks!"

We all were giggling as Dayton came up. Mari told him my feeble joke...

"Four dollars? Really? Maybe I'm in the wrong business."

"No... you can lend money to Starbucks, not get messy and make more money that way."

Fist bump which had Mari giggling more. Her `dad' doing fist bumps.

We got around the table... Dolores and Sora serving. Roasted salmon with a creamy lemon-dill sauce. Little new potatoes grilled with shallots, asparagus broiled with butter and garlic. Bowls of warm crusty Italian loaves. A selection of black and green olives!

Cho chose Bouchard Pere et Fils Chevalier Montrachet la Cabotte Grand Cru, a 2011 vintage for the table. It was wonderful, strongly flavoured but smooth!

I was beside Charlie... he was buttering his bread... he looked up to me with a big grin... a very small wave of his piece of bread... he was `cool' about it now after Tha had worked with him. No more WAVING of his food!

Everyone was enjoying. I watched Chani cut her fish and use her knife to push it on her fork! She smiled at me while chewing. I did a thumbs ups to her.

Dessert was ice cream! Salted caramel or coffee with chocolate sprinkles... or some of both which was my choice. The Twins followed my lead!

Afters in the living room... the men and Dari went for Remy Martin. Me, Mona, Alycha, Flix and Gina for Amaretto. Espresso or coffee. Hot chocolate for the younger set.

Alycha hadn't tried Amaretto before... she was a new devotee... "This is so smooth and tasty!"

Cicely said she had a taste... she got the same flavour at Starbucks with the almond syrup.

Alycha did a thumbs up for that.

The Twins had a new puzzle... a photo of the `Rêve' on a sunny Oxfordshire winter's day! It was big but the pieces had gotten smaller. They worked it steadily... the photo was there for them but they didn't show it to anyone.

The guests waited for it to be finished... Chani and Charlie explained what it was.

Charlie, "The Rêve is our pirate ship!!"

He called Jaidee over... our brown boy standing between the Twins... They laid their arms over Jaidee's back... Chani told everybody the three of them were the crew.

It was a big hit! Cicely had made a pirate ship from cardboard boxes when she was young...

"Yours is so much bigger!" She loved the flag!

Gina smiling, "So they are Peter Pan fans."

"Oh yes! They loved it. Captain Hook is an anti-hero they like!"

We laughed.

Tha and Delphine came out from the bedroom wing... The Twins came over to Cho and I... taking our hands as they said goodnight to our guests. We walked them to the nursery... Delphine and I did the bed clothes for Chani, Cho and Tha for Charlie. They settled in after lots of hugs and kisses.

Dari sipping her cognac... I asked about how she was doing... A big smile, "Dayton has been staying over... a lot! Mari is happy... so am I!"

I gave he a hug,

"He's more relaxed... less careworn. He also talks more about things besides business. He's also playing more golf!"

I said it sound good to me... Smiles!

Flix beside me getting a fresh Amaretto...

"Fay... it is always a treat to see your babies. So smart and nice!"

I nudged her, "We are very lucky! They are growing up quickly, enjoying life.

What about you... your dissertation? The ladies... any news?"

Flix leaned back... like an exhale... "It's done! It's submitted... I have an appointment in ten days to defend it. I have a very good group of professors as my committee... they'll be tough but I know my material."

Fist bump!

"I'd like to be a fly on the wall in that room!"

Flix laughed, "Well I'm glad there isn't an audience!"

"When the process is over... what then? Do you have a publisher?"

"Publisher? I hadn't thought..."

"Do I get to read it?"

"I can email you a copy... Do you think a publisher would be interested? It's not a popular subject."

"Let me read it. We have friends in publishing..."

Flix had a considering... wondering face.

I told her about meeting Yi in a mid-town New York Starbucks... being of like minds... reading her Hemingway before she got her PHD. Cho helped get her an agent and then a publisher."

"Oh I love that book. She did a great job... lots of really fine work in that!"

"She's working on a book about Cornel Woolrich... do you know the name?"

Eyes closed, "Somewhere... He wrote short novels with off-beat dark themes?"

I smiled, "Yes... a lot of his were made into film noir scripts by Hollywood in the 1940's and early 50's. Like Rear Window' and A Lady in Black' two of the better known ones."

"Yes... I've got him now. A reclusive gay man who died in a sort of horrible lonely way."

I nodded.

"There was a big biography written more than twenty years ago... I didn't think it did him justice but it had a great title... `First You Dream... Then You Die.' Amazing."

Flix smiling, "Should I look for it?"

"No... I've a copy somewhere... I'll send it your way. There is another bit of reading that should arrive soon... I ordered a three book series for you... `Berlin – City of Stones' by Jason Lutes. It's a Weimar Germany story."

She thanked me, "Fay, that is so nice! I appreciate it!"

Flix said she heard from the ninety-nine year old lesbian in Hamburg... she did marry her partner... it was really to make sure there was no problems about her estate when she died. She seemed quite happy. Good!

I got up for more espresso.

I waved to Alycha... She joined me going for coffee. I inquired about `her.' A smile on a lovely face... no doubt Alycha's face was perfect for TV. Her skin glowed, dark, smooth with barely any makeup!

I knew she was an on-air sports reporter for the local CBS TV affiliate. She said she covered college sports with an emphasis on women's events... but not exclusively.

"Your Fox station has really improved its coverage since you took over. Their people are much tougher competitors than NBC or ABC."

"Good! Not that I don't want you to do well... you get it I'm sure."

Alycha was laughing, "Well my success doesn't make money for you..."

"Unless you are working for us..." I let that hang... Alycha looking with a `are you serious' face.

I shrugged, "It could happen... maybe be something more... if you are interested in a move? Also tell me to shut-up if you aren't. I'm good at being a busybody."

"No! You're Okay. In my business you always have to be looking for opportunities."

Ali saw me motioning.

"Ali, please hook Alycha up with Donald."

I put my hand on her arm, "Elinor too!"

A grin on her face, "Okay! Alycha can I get contact details?"

I let them do that. I walked to some of the guys talking, I took Tommy's arm, "So how did the golf go?"

A huge laugh, "Fay, Cho stomped on us all... as to be expected. He shot a 61... playing that course like he was there every day!"

I told him my Tenth Hole story...

"I'd like to meet Tom someday... to be able to play at that high a level over many months... It's not like being on a team as Lemarcus and I are... if you're not doing well there's someone to take up the slack... Tom didn't have anyone for that."

"You should ask Cho about last year's British Open... he has a terrific story."

He would. Fist bump!

I corralled Wade... Flix laughed at me... "So how's the house?"

He grinned, "You know, Gil gets everything from me."

I laughed, "Yes... but tell me."

"Okay! All is well... How's that?"


"Alright... Santa Barbara County inspectors have been out to view my portion and Aguirre's quite a few times. I think they like our coffee! Actually they are intrigued with the design... the insides.

Literally all is well... the contractors are doing the work exactly as we want... they've been onboard from the beginning about the `quality' thing and the special reinforcements to the house structure I designed in. The house and associated buildings will be there in five hundred years if decently maintained.

I actually think the house contractor likes the idea of something lastly far into the future! You letting him say in his advertising he is building for you was a huge pat on his back. You have a friend forever!"

Laughing I said "Why not... if he is pleasing you then we are good."

Fist bump which Cicely saw and nudged Mari. Her dad doing `fist bumps' too!

Wade said he admired Aguirre's design for the stable and other buildings, `clean, simple but pleasing.' "The stone and adobe stables fit with the house completely. The whole estate will look like it's been there for a hundred years... a throwback."

A hug, "Just what we wanted!"

Everyone stayed later than planned. It was a good group. I hadn't spoken much with George so I dropped beside him on a settee.

He smiled, "So... I forget... did I do a curtsey or a bow when we came in?"

"Neither! How about a genuflection now?"

I held out my hand... fingers curved down, the back of my hand uppermost, my arm languid...

We laughed out loud!

"So you two coping with the notoriety of someone wanting to kill you?"

"Yes... I can't say it makes it easier for our Protectors and the Security Service generally."

George got the `inside' story of the men being stopped on our Bangkok property.

"None them was seriously wounded, they'll all fully recover. Now there's the issue of the two Chinese... we want to get them either back with their families or get the families out."

George looking at me, "You are trying to help them?"

"They were offered an obscene amount of money to attempt the crime... enough so they would be on easy street for the rest of their lives instead of eking out a living toiling in the depths of a government ministry that doesn't give a damn about them. Pretty hard to resist especially considering where it came from... their former big boss... Who for some reason knew they existed... Okay... they showed themselves to lack morals... they're paying now."

His head shaking, "You are quite forgiving."

I smiled in a wicked way... "Not all the time! Cho and I expect we'll read about Ti's death soon enough. His bosses are not likely to be forgiving."

We hugged and kissed our guests. Alycha giving a big thank you for the new connections. Tommy shaking my hand with a thank you too.

We waved them down the drive. Holding hands with Cho I shivered... there was a chill wind tonight.

In bed Cho made me very warm with his body. Kisses... we discussed our night. I was kissed for my `good deeds' although none had actually borne fruit yet.


Dolores was doing French toast again!! Two days in a row!! The Twins were in heaven... we all were! I'd heard about it when we came in from riding... I didn't waste any time changing clothes! Neither did Tara and Tessa!

Racing today then a girl's night out!

Ah! Email from Flix! Her dissertation! The file a couple of megs. I moved it to the Books app. Something to read besides House of Lords stuff!

Ted and Rayelle picked us up on the drive for the trip to Santa Anita! The Twins in their carriers laughing, they were happy to go racing!

We were all in green and yellow! Cho in a navy suit with a Harcourt Racing tie, Charlie the same. Chani and I in yellow dresses, pale green tights, Mary Jane's for Chani, for me darker green heels. A green little bag for Chani, a green Kelly bag on my arm. Green cardigans for us girls.

The AW139's dropped us on the landing grid, carts to the barn. Monaco and James at the door. Handshakes and cheek kisses.

SakChai and Sasithorn were ready to roll!!

We split into two groups as before to do the visits. Both horses were happy to see us. The Twins were bouncy... pleased to be close to the horses.

Chani with me, "Mama, I like seeing them... they are so nice."

"They are nice, our horses have good lives and love to run so they are happy."

The carts dropped us all at the main entrance. Our Protectors and some of our Security Service working at the track helped us get inside. We went to our box. Tessa and Angie with me when Chani needed the potty.

Off we went... Tara with us. Pee! We all did. Done, smiles! Chani giggling, she loved company when she peed!!

Drinks. Hot chocolate for Charlie and Chani, coffee for me. There was slight chill. The sweater in use. Lunch after our first race.

The San Felipe Stakes was up, Sasithorn was running. It is a G2 race at a mile and a sixteenth on dirt. The purse is five hundred thousand dollars. James saddling her, Radha in the irons, Porto was her groom. They all thought she was ready.

The start was to our left, the gate was filling up after the post parade ended. Sasithorn in the number four position of twelve. She was the only filly in this race.

The pause... Clang! They came out cleanly... down the track. Sasithorn level with two others... they were sprinting down the straight. Going into the first turn our girl had a one length lead... no horse on her left so Radha closed her to the rail.

Around the curve she widened to three lengths... out onto the back straight she was running comfortably. Radha took a quick look... four lengths now to the nearest horse. Sasithorn kept up the pace easily, good strides.

As the second turn came up Radha checked the other horses again... she made a move... into the turn Sasithorn was asked for a bit more. No problem... Sasithorn upped her game. One thing about Monaco's training... our racers could run strongly early and maintain a steady speed... plus the horses all had power in reserve.

As Sasithorn came onto the home straight Radha asked her again... acceleration! Sasithorn was pulling away to a ten length margin down the stretch... her strides were long and smooth... no leg weariness!

She blew by the finish running at full power! A Big YEA! From our son! Chani bouncing on my lap clapping! James beside me was clapping for his horse. She did us proud!

Sasithorn was hot, her second victory of the year! We headed down to the winner's Circle.

The crowd gave us a loud welcome! Chani and I went in to get the trophy. James led Sasithorn into the space. Radha stayed up for some photos then joined us with Porto holding Sasithorn for a group snap! Radha and James holding the trophy! Porto joined them.

The Santa Anita fellow I've had chats with was on the edge of the Circle. We shook hands, Chani too!

He motioned to Sasithorn, "This lady has had a fast start to the year... Is she pointed to the Triple Tiara races?"

I said she was... "She's to follow her half-sister Aneka's path."

He said they'll be trouble ahead for the competition back east. Another handshake!

Upstairs we headed to the restaurant. A big corner space with our Protectors on the edge. We had pre-ordered starters. The servers got our drinks and meal choices. We had food to get going with!

The Twins got hamburgers with veggie patties, fries! Tha and I cut the burgers in quarters for small hands. They loved it! We all did. The food good, plenty of it... we were happy once again with this place. Gil left a good sized tip because the servers had been terrific!

Okay... SakChai was running in the Santa Anita Handicap! Glaa won this race last year. This was one of his run of mile and a quarter record setting races. It is a G1 race with five hundred thousand dollars on the line.

The post parade warmed up as SakChai was announced. A large ovation for him. He walked calmly to the left towards the gate.

The loading had one horse not convinced but he went in finally. A longer pause to settle them all... CLANG! A clean start!

SakChai from the third spot going down the straight on the lead immediately! He ran under us clear by two from three horses on his right. Into the turn Marnie moved him to the rail.

Around the turn our boy added to his lead coming out onto the back straight ahead by five. Nice long strides, snapping forelegs and deep digging from the back ones. He was covering a lot of track quickly.

The fractions were fast... near to Glaa's. SakChai heading into the second turn nine lengths in the lead! Marnie holding him steady going through the curve... at the top of the home stretch she asked him!

SakChai opened his jets!!!!! Any spectator could see his acceleration... he powered down the open track... it was him and the clock... No other horse in view... He finished in 1:57:85!!! Two tenths short of his half-brother's time!

A blazing fast mile and a quarter!!! Not a record but amazing nonetheless!

Our box was a happy place! We cheered and clapped for our champion! Monaco was hugged! We gathered ourselves to go down to the Winner's Circle.

The Santa Anita Handicap folks were pleased! Our horses always come to run hard!

Cho and Charlie receiving the trophy. They were terrific together! Such handsome guys!

We said our goodbyes at the barn. Monaco was told he would see Cho for the next month or more as I was getting involved in the election campaign back home.

Ted and Rayelle waiting, they lifted us away! A fast flight, they dropped us on the drive. We changed and sat on the Terrace in the sun. The Twins had a book about elephants they were sharing.

Email from Thayer... Kiet's family had arrived. They were all going now to the restaurant for dinner! Details later! Laughing I showed Cho.

"Oh they'll be a tough crowd to please!" Indeed!

I was going out this evening... a girl's night out at the Ricochet! I changed after dinner to black skin tight jeans, cut-off sleeveless t-shirt in black and white horizontal stripes, a long sleeved black cotton shirt I left open. Black Doc Marten's boots and a black Apple baseball cap, Harcourt Racing on the side.

Gil and Ali with me plus Tara, Angie and Gaby! We piled into a Range Rover for the drive. Ali had checked with Bart the club owner about the parking. He said the space was there. Okay!

Tara driving... pretty smooth. She was grinning, "I did the driving course at Sari Buri... the instructor did duck a couple of times though..."

The whole car laughing!

Bart's assistant met us by the back door... inside to the front left of the stage. Gil and Ali went with Gaby for drinks.

The warm-up act was done removing their bits and pieces and the `Hey Violet' folks were setting up. Bart had asked about meeting the band beforehand... we said not to bother them... we might try afterwards.

The crowd was heavily female!! Young!! I'm thirty one so close to being over the hill!! We laughed about that. I wasn't the oldest of the group... Tara ahead of me by two years. She asked if we could see her wrinkles...

I did a turn around looking at the crowd... A woman nearby looked familiar... she was behind us... I pointed her out to Gil and Ali... they ID'd her as the actress who won an Emmy for Fox Entertainment in her role as a sexually ambivalent woman trying to deal with it in everyday life.

Tara at my urging moved to tap her shoulder... she turned... I waved... her eyes bugged out!!

Tara made way for her, "Miss Martin... WOW! It's wild to see you here."

I motioned towards the stage, "I like their sound and attitude. And I'm in town."

Laughed. She was with a friend... I said they could join us if she liked.

`Jana' introduced her friend to us as the band was close to beginning.

`Hey Violet' came out to big applause! They did their final setup steps to play...

I was ready... They started with `Fuqboi' a crowd pleaser with a terrific beat. I was bouncing!

"Break My Heart' O.D.D.' Unholy' My Consequence' then a fav of mine Where Have You Been (All My Night).' They were really hitting it!

They had a break to say how much fun we were as an audience! They appreciated the support.

Guys My Age' led to Brand New Moves,' another fav. `This Is Me Breaking Up With You' and more.

Pure' was next! The finale was Hoodie' a BIGGIE!

The crowd was UP the whole time. Lots of phones on recording! A great set!!

Rena's singing was charismatic and sexy! She moved so well! Nia was awesome on drums so amazingly athletic! Casey's guitar play terrific, always leading! A great show!

Jana had been on my right the entire time. Gil smiling as she bounced along with me. Ali beyond Gil very into it! My protectors behind us, working and enjoying.

At the end some fool in the crowd did a grab-ass on Angie... she stomped his right foot in-step with her boot then gave him elbow to the nose when he bent down. His squeal was audible but brief. Angie dragged the asshole by his collar to the wall to our left rear.

Tara and Gaby closed-up behind me one facing backwards.

One of the security guys was there quickly... Angie told him what the jerk did and her response. The jerk on his knees was unceremoniously pulled to the front and tossed out onto the sidewalk after a few snaps of him were taken. Gaby came up behind me saying, `It was sorted.' Good!

`Hey Violet' got a huge applause and plenty of cheers some courtesy of me! We steered towards the front with the crowd... Bart smiling as he waved us over, "Well I doubt if that asshole comes back... if he tries it we will bounce him hard."

He thanked Angie for doing her part quickly. A handshake! He liked her English accent!

A joking... any time she wanted a job... Laughter.

The Ricochet was emptying... "Hey Violet' was last act. Bart said come-on... I motioned everybody, Jana and her friend too.

At the dressing room door Bart asked if he could introduce someone very special who enjoyed the show... An `Okay' came back.

The door opened... Bart led... He said they had a big fan who'd been out front... `Fay Martin!'

The band all looked up... I said hello and I enjoyed their set very much. Casey stood up to take my hand... Nia and Rena came close... cheek kisses as I thanked them for the great sounds.

They were amazed to see me at a gig of theirs much less backstage visiting. I told them I'd liked their tunes back the Cherry Bomb days. It was a shocker for them to hear I thought Rena moving out front was the best thing ever!

I introduced Jana and her friend... They were pleased to meet Jana... they knew her face and liked her show!

`We watch all the time!' was nice!

We spoke for a bit then I said I didn't want to infringe on their time. We shook hands, a hug for Rena and Nia! A selfie with the three of them. Smiles!

We were off.

Watching the Twins eat breakfast... fun! Cho laughing at me.

We mounted up for Santa Monica Airport... the 737 lifted up to sound of Charlie's "Woo Hoo" and Jaidee's `Woof!' Chani smiling over to me.

Doing email...

Big news The Polk Awards announced!! We score!!

For Foreign Reporting ... Arturo & Yoshi & Fox News for southern Thailand

For State Reporting... Seattle `The Day' for the series on Washington State Republican Party

For National Reporting... Joseph, Larry and Fox News on the Bonwit-Teller façade disaster and trump's horrible behavior towards the Polish workers and his ongoing ill-treatment of workers at all his businesses

For Local Reporting... The NY Daily News for coverage of New York City

I sent emails to all the people involved congratulating them and thanking them for their excellent work!!

Two Polk's for Kent's people!!! He answered right away saying he couldn't be prouder of our folks! All the hard work, risks and time they put in the stories were rewarded!!

Royce responded with a grin emoji followed by we were just doing what we were told to do' I laughed out loud showing Cho... he loved it. My answer was we are proud of your listening and do as you are told skills' also `Please tell the staff we are thrilled for them.

Aston's reply was Our mutual disgust at those politicians was a driving force combined with our people's skills and determination' They are over the moon!'

Not yet two years into building a media portfolio our companies have become one of the most trusted names in journalism. A truly terrific outcome... plus they are on the cusp of becoming money-makers!!

Thayer's email said Kiet's family loved the look of the restaurant AND the food! He got top marks for taste and authenticity!! The staff was amazed to meet his family and be praised!

A big night for Kiet's restaurant!

Eric got us on a Conference App call. We discussed the spin-off of the solar power division. It was complete! Cho and I owned the same percentage of it as The Company. The same for all the stockholders of The Company.

I was now the Managing Director, Cho Chairman of the Board and Reg the chief technologist! The staffers working on the project all became employees of `SolarToGo' the new company. Only one didn't move over, she wanted to join The Company's Houston based microwave division... we were good with that.

We bought a group of adjacent buildings north of Paddington Station on a side road off Harrow Road. They all backed onto the Grand Union Canal! We could use the canal to move bulk cargo to and from the Thames to Dartford.

There would a passageway opened between all the buildings, a decent sized canteen, a small health clinic inside. Offices and several very large workspaces. It was being renovated for our use right now.

SolarToGo offices would stay put at Notting Hill Gate until the new premises were ready. The research and development parts which we intended to keep in London would move in as soon as. The manufacturing plant and main assembly buildings for Europe in Dartford down river was being expanded.

The North American plant in El Segundo was being expanded three-fold. The one in Bangkok on the industrial estate southwest of the city was also going through an enlargement... it would be the second largest plant after El Segundo!

SolarToGo would get more investment via a second stock issue of non-voting shares. Cho expected it to go well, it was being done through the Investment Bank in the City of London.

Tessa back with us after two days with her sisters. They enjoyed their time together. Both of them worked in the music industry and love The Day's coverage. Tessa's sisters said it was now the paper of record for their business friends and colleagues. The Day's reporters really knew what they were writing about and obviously had very good sources in the Los Angeles music scene.

We loved hearing that and passed it on to Marita. Her response was to thank Tessa's sisters and say she had hired someone else for that group from the Los Angeles Times. She also hired two sports people, a reporter and a columnist both from the Los Angeles Times!! Yea!

The breeder in Oxfordshire Jaidee had come from and where he did some baby-making emailed Gil. The first puppies were born, six and four in two litters. All healthy and beautiful! Gil forwarded the snaps... gorgeous puppies!!!

If all were born healthy from Jaidee's work then we could see four puppies. We had two promised. So some thinking needed to be done... we had time... many weeks before they would be ready. I got Gil to email Ken and Pam also Bill and Hillary Clinton to say the first puppies had been born.

For them it was waiting a few months for weaning and basic training.

Rona emailed from Paris, a new shelter location. She was working with Zoe, our Paris estate agent. The new shelter on Rue du Temple in the northern part of Le Marias, 3rd Arrondissement.

Four floors plus attics, an art supply shop on the street level, three floors for the shelter, twenty seven rooms up to the attics. One apartment would be changed to be the kitchen and dining room with an office. Another would be divided into a computer room, quiet spaces slash library and a game room. Another would be the manager's apartment. We would fix up the attics to get ten more rooms!

The building needed some repair work done and painting plus the changes. Francis was to work with Rona to get the builders and painters we had already used in Paris in as soon as possible.

Yes!! I sent back my congratulations!!

On approach to Midway Airport in Chicago. Buckled in watching the ground come up. Tribune Corporation and Chicago Tribune visits for a few hours.

The Twins and Jaidee were staying on board.

We parked on the south side of the airport at an aviation support company, the usual assortment of equipment wheeled underneath plus stairs. The outside security devices would be placed and the Protection folks could do some training.

Two cars waiting. We left the airport going north to the 55 motorway, a few miles to a long and high flyover to another motorway, the 90. On this to downtown, off on Lake Street down to Stetson Street. Near the end of the block we pulled to the right kerb. Glass doors with Chicago Tribune on them.

Inside Rick, the Tribune Corporate CEO was waiting. We shook hands, Cho was introduced. He'd met Francis before. Gil and Ali I introduced with their job functions.

We met Terrell the corporation's business development vice-president. He is the senior VP. A few other corporate officers too.

First stop was the Chicago Tribune newsroom. The editors standing at the entrance to their space by the huge wall with `Chicago Tribune' in big letters. Hands shaken, they welcomed us. Donovan the editor in chief, Edison the managing editor were happy for our ownership.

There was an air of hopefulness... our record with the New York Daily News said very loud how we operate our newspapers.

Into the newsroom... all the staff gathered in the centre aisle flowing out at the sides. I told them what they have seen at the Daily News, The Sun and others was exactly what was going to happen here.

"You will see more staff so we can broaden the coverage across the metropolitan area. More equipment and services will be coming in very soon. The personal items like the health insurance you have already seen changing."

I added there will be a health clinic put in here and a canteen.

"All the other benefits are starting for you.

So you know I am the Chairperson of the Board for the Tribune Corporation, Cho..." I squeezed his hand, "...is on the board as is Francis who you will see around because he's the CEO of an auditing firm. That firm will do twice a year scheduled visits and a few not scheduled ones also."

I introduced Ali, "Ali is our PA for the 21st Century Fox Corporation and all the newspapers in America."

I reached out to Ali`s hand, "She will be around to visit, sometimes with Francis as they are married."

Ali smiling did a wave. The newsroom folks responded with smiles and some called out `hellos.'

"Gil..." I motioned to her, "...is my personal PA and does all the corporate business for the rest of the world."

A big smile on her face. I patted her shoulder, "My second brain!"

"Rick..." my hand out to him, he stepped to take it, "... is still the CEO of the corporation and several Board members will be retained. The rest of the Board are prominent business leaders and colleagues."

We walked forward to shake hands. It was room of smiles... they knew their futures were now in better hands. I shook a lot of hands, a few hugs... like the Daily News folks these people needed positives after a long period of downs.

We spoke to them, reassured them... I hugged a woman local news reporter who needed a bit of reassurance on what we said about all the new benefits was true. No `preexisting conditions' would matter... definitely!

I took Rick aside... I reiterated what we wanted and that Francis would sit down with him to review our requirements. I got Francis to join us... he would stay an extra day.

"Book into the Fairmont... it's close! Gil will get Penn on an aircraft for tomorrow afternoon."

Fist bump!

Walking out with Francis, "Test the waters... I want the money to flow... if you think he has too much of the past in him... tell me."

Ali would stay with him... that was fine. They'd join us in New York.

We went up to the Tribune Corporation main floor. Most of the staff was there so we could meet them. Hands shaken, speaking to many, a few questions. Many thank you's... which didn't occur too often when Rick or another senior staffer were very close.

I had Francis aside, "I definitely want your opinion about Rick's management style and effectiveness, speak to staff away from any of his crowd."

Francis smiling, "I understand. Can I get Ali to help on the latter?"

"By all means... she'll be lower on the management's radar."

We stayed for a bit talking around the office with as many people as possible then made our way down to the cars. Goodbyes done. Hug and kiss for Ali and Francis. Their bags would come up from the airport after the cars took us to our aircraft.

On board and readying for departure... Jaidee jumping into his padded seat, harness on! He was ready! As we lifted off Charlie and Jaidee did their take-off noises! Chani looking at me... a grin.

In seventy minutes we were coming in over the runway at Newburgh. A fast trip!

The AW139's dropped us at the Westside Heliport, Terrance and Pell waiting.

Roslyn at the lift for hugs and the very welcome news... dinner was ready! The Twins cheered. We were all hungry with anticipation... only an apple on the plane trip. Mita giving us all a thumbs up on food!

We sat down to a mushroom soup, grilled fish with whipped potatoes and a Caesar Salad with anchovies! The Twins took another try at the little fish... Chani ate hers saying this was better. Charlie not having it... yet. Bowls of green and black olives.

In an hour or so Cho took the Twins for an evening swim! Gil and I in the living room working. Marita was going to be fine as publisher and editor, she knew I was available for any help. My plan for tomorrow morning was to give Royce the same promotion and Aston when we next were in Seattle. Not being publisher would lower some of my work aka paper blizzard but as CEO of the Newspapers Group Corporation I'd be in the loop.

Cho was the Chairman of the Board of Newspapers Group Corporation... it was a trade-off we'd done before. NewsGroup was the holding company for all the newspapers we owned.

Thinking it wasn't fair to Aston or the The Day in Seattle ... I called Aston. "It is going to be a bit of time before we are in Seattle... I don't want to wait so... You are being promoted to publisher... as well staying as editor in chief. It means you are still managing the day to day but we need you to choose a managing editor for some tasks.

If you need to go outside..."

Aston said `please pardon the interruption... I have someone here now for the job... Corrie."

"Okay tell her today. I will send an email to everybody telling of the changes... we will celebrate when Cho and I are in town."

Aston was a happy camper!

I asked Gil to draft an email for me. A thumbs up. I reviewed it and sent it off. I included the other publishers and editors in chief throughout the NewsGroup.

Des and Roseanna called, "Fay can we impose on you for the loan of your house for our wedding in late July?"

Laughing I said of course. "Roseanna I'll put Gil on in a second... she can give you contact details for Cassandra and Carter... they are becoming quite experienced doing weddings there."

I handed my phone to Gil. All done... Des said their families would be involved. Good I hope we can be there to meet them.

News from Florida... IrishRainbow won the Frank E. Kilroe Mile at Gulfstream Park! A G1 one mile race on turf! Four hundred thousand dollar purse!!

Dom had him on the lead throughout, a minor challenge, he won by eight!

IrishRainbow has paid us back on his purchase twenty times over at least by now. What a terrific deal it has turned out to be. Robbie got a fair price from us... Monaco really unleashed the champion within that big brown horse. Such a pleasure see him continue to flourish.

I was reading Flix's dissertation... she wrote well bringing the ladies lives out with pathos balanced with their getting on with living. The horrible post-war state of German cities and transportation making every day needs difficult to acquire... Flix told the tale of their twisting and turning to get by.

The one who was a prostitute for a while... there no enjoyment just servicing clients... mostly Americans. Some of her Americans were incredibly generous especially with food and goods she could use for trading.

The `war bride' lady near Stuttgart was funny and lively for her age. Her home was a mixture of America and Germany. She made regular trips to America to see all their children and their families who lived in America also her late husband's family who she really was fond of.

The Hamburg woman marrying at ninety nine... there had been a wedding party where everybody was over seventy years old!

Flix was good! Writing about the loneliness, the searching for family, the indignities and sometimes danger she gave a vivid sense of the destruction wrought by the war didn't end when the shooting did.

I emailed Flix giving my impressions and the name of a New York writer's agent. The agent was also Yi's agent, she was well connected in the publishing world! I said the agent had been alerted so Flix could speak to her whenever she was ready.

A good Jaidee walk in the morning around the neighbourhood, our guy doing his `things' all right and proper. Sorya with us smiling as I did the clean-up, "Fay, I would do that for you."

I nodded but before I could say anything she added, "You can see I didn't offer until you were done."

Laughing I handed the baggie to her to put in the trash can. We both laughed.

Two of Gary's undercover folks were around... I didn't spot them or try to... they were out every day in different disguises. No more Russians had been seen.

Meghan Markle called to tell me what I already knew... she decided to work with the Chanthira Foundation as a patron. Jian had emailed me earlier.

We talked about it... I did tell her I knew her `Royal' duties would escalate after their marriage...

"I'm pleased you want to help."

"Rona and Jian are terrific! They gave me details of what you are doing... which I can say is marvelous. Now Paris! You are my first charity so I will make time for you."

Meg went silent for a moment, "Are you sure you won't reconsider coming to the wedding... we would love to see you."

"Given what has recently happened... plus I'll be involved in the election... My activities may not be all that welcome in some areas... we do not want to be a distraction. You've a big chunk of the Royal family coming... that's plenty enough commotion."

We laughed.

"Our contribution is the jet to Africa. Once you two are at Chalgrove... our folks will handle the rest."

I was thanked and thanked.

Up to Herald Square... Coral's office filled with cloth bolts, designs and a lot of fabric swatch books... I gave her the good news...

"We have closed a new property deal..." She was looking at me, "... we now own this building!"

Her eyes lit up. As we had ramped up Mirabelle some folks were using temporary offices in the Fox Tower... now we can have them all in here.

Coral kissed my cheeks, bouncing, "Fay, how soon?"

"The sale is finalised so the tenants will have to move out. They'll have thirty days and we will help them. There are some small suites at the Fox Tower we will offer them to speed the process."

We walked upstairs, no people lift in this building just the freight lift in the rear. Mirabelle had the ground floor and the First floor now. The attics would be storage, the other three floors would be the corporation's offices and more work room for the seamstresses and cutting. Some new cutting machines were coming!

Raphaela joined us on the third floor, "I guess I will be building leg muscle..."

Fist bump... "You bet! You could bring Twist with you so he gets more exercise."

They both laughed. I added the telephone system would be upgraded with a simple intercom to save steps. A grin from Raphaela.

I did try on a new frock... ZOWEE! This was going to knock the socks off a few folks. Black, form-fitting to the top of my right knee with a slanted hem up to the left to mid-thigh. Sewn like a wrap around in crepe with a sash around the waist dangling off the left for two and a half feet. Off the shoulders with tiny cap sleeves, deep décolletage and a low back. A big thank you to Princess Diana and Christina Stambolian. A wicked hot little black dress!

I didn't have an event for this but when I did... Lookout!

I went further uptown to the Fox Tower. I checked my iPhone... no news from Sunny's event in Gloucestershire. Today was jumping and dressage, tomorrow cross-country.

Up to the Daily News floors. A big gathering in the newsroom spreading out to the big staircase to celebrate their Polk Award!! Such enthusiasm!! Everyone feeling good about their work was awesome!!

I stood on the middle level of the stairs with folks above and below, Royce beside me. We held hands up. Cheers!

Royce made my day with the latest circulation numbers... we were within ten thousand copies of the New York Times!!!! The whole staff cheering!

Then in front of everybody I told them I was stepping back from my current role AND Royce was now also the publisher! Huge cheers, applause for Royce! A handshake and hug for him!

I told them all one other bit of good news... they were also very near to being profitable! Our spending spree was now close to paying us back. They loved that their efforts were so successful. Lots of cheers greeted that news!

What a crowd of smiles! Such a good thing to see after they had been so down before we bought them. A huge turn-around.

Royce was pleased I was the CEO of the NewsGroup, "You're the best kind of boss... you tell me what you want, give me the resources and not lean over my shoulder. I am glad you will be behind us as we go forward."

Fist bump.

"You should call Donovan in Chicago and give him a pep talk."

"I will if it's Okay... He's good newspaper people."

"Do it!" I did some handshaking on my way to the lift.

I joined Eve and her staff for a review of what was happening in their realm. Nothing untoward! Maybe boring but good! The two railroad's data flowing in and their managing the software.

The usual amateur `hackers' trying it on... No serious attempts. They and Kora's team in Bangkok talked often. These folks knew a bit about the current Chinese and North Korean tries to get into the systems in Bangkok.

I leaned back, I was being `cute,' "I haven't spoken to Kora for a week or so... anything in that time?"

Antra grinned, "So you haven't heard... " She abruptly stopped... looking at the faces of her colleagues.

I was smiling... Antra was crestfallen... "I am sorry! I am really not a blabbermouth."

"It's Okay. I was teasing."

I gestured to Kelela... she was smiling too. "Don't worry... it is a small bit of a faux pas." The smile growing larger, "I think it is a safe bet Fay knew before we did."

She looked over to me.

"As it happens I probably did. So what do you folks think?"

Moses, "Fay, it could be very ugly once Kora's people have documented the connections back to the Chinese. This on top of your recent event is very bad PR for China."

Oleg put in, "Does Kora's team have the goods?"

I put a shit-eating grin on my face... Moses laughed seeing it, "They do!"

"Yes! The connections back to two Chinese locations, one in the Ministry of State Security and one to APT 40. As we speak they are recording all activity at both places, collecting email, gathering up files, identifying members by face from ID's stored.

I am allowing them to do this for the time being before we turnover these two penetrations to the NSA. Keeping their links alive... very quietly accumulating a lot of data. Also they are looking for connections to other systems..."

I didn't say it has had the knock on effects we hoped for regarding the event at our Bangkok home. Files relating to the work of several operatives to assist the attackers have been found. Those files have been copied back to Bangkok.

"Another benefit is finding links to Chinese cyber-criminal gangs. A treasure trove of information on more than a dozen gangs... names, locations, IP addresses and methodologies. Who they have broken into, how they did it, what they did to further compromise those targets.

It shows there is a symbiotic relationship between the Chinese government and the criminal gangs, a sharing of techniques and tools...

This includes a large number of servers used for ransomware attacks. That information will be shared with the appropriate authorities so those servers can be taken down after we have exfiltrated the unlock codes."

I added that Kora's folks are expecting a good deal more action.

"They are using a technique against the North Koreans we expect to very successful... sort of a turnabout fair-play.' Kora's people have planted in the Koreans systems little bombs' to go off in the near future. After a re-boot of any of their servers the planted software comes alive... giving our team complete access to their systems even if they find our other links.

They can wait or force a system restart. It appears for whatever reason one particular group of North Koreans do frequent restarts. They are the worst of the lot. So all the better."

Oleg's eyes bright, "Damn... they're having a bit of fun!"

I agreed, "I do believe they'd rather be doing other things though."

Oleg smiling, "Yes... we had fun too..."

"Do you want to move to Bangkok?"

He shook his head, "I like New York!"

Fist bump to general laughter.

To Moses... "As far as bad PR for China... This is all so completely under the radar I doubt anyone will know for years... maybe decades... if ever!"

I was holding Eve in my arms by her desk. Smiles... "Fay, Phuket was wonderful and so welcome! Ku really enjoyed herself. Me too! It's nice to have sex with a variety of women, no-strings attached. Pleasure only and knowing that going in!"

A kiss, "You got it honey!!!!!"

I took my crowd upstairs for lunch. Benni was managing lunch today! A hug! She walked with us to the booth. I asked about Chad. Her son was terrific, months from graduation!

I told her Chad should talk to some of our folks about a job. She'd mention it to him. Gil gave her a card with Reg and Soam's names and email addresses.

In the big booth, a martini in hand. A call from Kay. Sunny was doing very well. She was second in Dressage and first in jumping.

"Fay, she looks terrific. Totally focused in the saddle. Happy as a `lark in the morning' after competing."

I said to wish her well for tomorrow. Kay and her family were enjoying being in Gloucestershire with Sunny. The house we `borrowed' for them was close to the event grounds and very nice. The staff were awesome!

The boys were really loving watching their sister. We'd see them in Oxfordshire in two days.

Gladiola was our server. She said she was doing well.

"This is the best job I've ever had. Good working conditions, the money is terrific, everyone gets along..."

I squeezed her hand saying I was really happy she was enjoying working here.

PJ, Angie and Gaby smiling around the table. My lady protectors had their first meal here.

Fish cakes and spring rolls for everybody to start. I did a red curry noodle bowl!

`Glad' came back... "The whole kitchen knows you are out front..."

I looked up... "It's because this table is a letter Z' on the system not a number, the only table like that. Some folks have never seen the letter' used before."

We laughed. Well I wasn't being secretive.

The meal was wonderful. The under-chef on duty came out when I asked... I thanked him. We shook hands. He was pleased.

Glad got four twenty dollar bills from Gil as her gratuity. A shocked look on her face...

I squeezed her hand with `It was great service. Thank you.'

Almost tears... A big thank you!

Down to the basement for the car. A black windowed Town Car. Out onto 47th Street over to Seventh Avenue and south all the way to Bleecker Street. Pell said no one was following us. Pell dropped us opposite Porto Rico Importing on Bleecker. We walked around the corner.

Rexie saw us. A smile, "Hi Boss!" We laughed, she did fist bumps with PJ, Angie and Gaby.

Upstairs I got a Cho hug... the Twins came running out of the Nursery... BIG HUGS and kisses.

Francis and Ali were in-bound from Chicago wheels down in ten minutes at Newburgh. Here for dinner.

The morning Jaidee walk was just around the immediate neighbourhood. He `watered' several of his favourite spots!

Cho got a kiss from me and hugs from the Twins at the lift... he went down to Wall Street for the day. I was working from home this morning after a trip to MaJa for a trim, nails and toes, lunch here with Jayne then pool time with Chani and Charlie.

I got all my things done before Jayne arrived with plenty of time for Ali and Francis to talk about Chicago.

They both had spent time scoping out the back-channel feelings in Chicago... Francis led off...

"Fay, the newspaper people do not trust Rick's willingness to expand... he was so central to the squeezing the budgets in Chicago and across the entire corporation."

Ali put in, "The corporation staffers gave me similar feedback. One senior Humans Resources person said he was a natural expense cutter... like he lived for reducing costs not giving growth its due."

Another said he always talked about `shareholder value' whatever that meant to him.

A few other examples... Looking at Francis, "I want to give him a chance to act the way I want... keep your connections to the staff members you feel are good and reliable. Watch how the money is spent. He'll soon enough tell us by his actions.

What do think about Terrell?"

A grin on Francis' face, "You don't miss much!" A thumbs up! "He's a fellow who is always looking for new things...whether that is avenues for revenue or changing employee policies for the better. Not afraid to try things. He's a goer!"


Jayne was a very happy lady. She and Montana had a blast in Phuket. Our people doing the Bangkok city tours were terrific. They met Kamol's uncle... "I've never seen or met a Buddhist monk before. The places he took us were marvelous."

I gave her my impressions of the Los Angeles Big V' and the pushing forward of the opening date was fine with her. Jayne was sold' on the folks she hired to manage the club so she was good. I told her about the bar and kitchen hires by Neko and Jam.

"Seems those two have a good eye for employees!"

Fist bump.

She and Montana wanted to be at the opening! No problem!!

A hug at the lift.

The swim period at the Riverfront Club was drama free, the Twins loved it. PJ was along... he substituted for Cho in `tossing' the Twins. Such happy babies! Many thank you's to PJ!

Cho laughing in bed later about his `pinch-hitter.'

Pre-dinner was the news Sunny won the event in Gloucestershire. She was number one in the cross-country finishing within one second of the stated course time. No faults!

Kay was ecstatic, "Fay, she was astounding! The others were so very nice to her. She got loud cheers at the award ceremony... not only from us." We laughed.

Sunny came on, "Fay, I was really feeling it on the course today. Prince is so trusting and his power is awesome... with me he is so confident. I did a quick look at my wrist timer when we turned for the last gallop to the finish... I could see we were dead-on the time."

I congratulated her, "So Badminton?"

"I'm stoked. The grass dressage seems to be Prince's best surface, he was so sharp. We're going to be ready for Badminton!"

I cheered her on. We'd see them at Harcourt House tomorrow.

An early dinner by Roslyn! Delicious bouillabaisse with crusty loaves, grilled scallops with capers.

Ali and Francis smiling over the table... they were enjoying themselves... being pregnant, working for us... they were amazing! I had thanked them for being flexible in Chicago. It was an important `mission.'

Ali laughed saying it was fun to be a little bit clandestine... it was interesting speaking to folks under the radar of the corporate types.

Well-fed with happy news we loaded up for Newburgh. The AW139's were some of the `up engined' units... speedy! Stephanie and Paulette at the controls of the 767. Paulette liked flying these big birds but still loved the handling of the Gulfstreams.

A morning arrival at Chalgrove.

We had games and Chani sat with me in bed with a book. We had the guys come in so the bed was very crowded. The `lift' game... Chani and Charlie went up.. bing... bing... bing... and down. Cho played the lift man! They always loved this. Bing... bing... bing... We hadn't done this for a bit so it was great fun again!

Tha and Delphine in the doorway laughing.

Sleep in Cho's arms.

Gwen was nickering as George combed her. They were freshly back from a long ride across the moor... not speedy but several hours. Gwen was in good shape but not ready for the power rides of old.

Chomp!! Gwen chewed the piece of apple I gave her. George smiling at the sound.

"Father, she so enjoys her apples and carrots. It is a pleasure to listen to the crunch."

"I like that she appreciates our taking care of her. Every ride is her paying us back for it all. So where did you two go?"

"Across the moor to the south... far enough to stand for a bit watching the channel. It looks like we have storm moving in from the southwest."

I stepped out of the stables to look that way... clouds beginning to build up.

Morris came by... I pointed out the weather change. "I'll go around for a look, M'Lord."

I thanked him.

George and I walked to the house... things were happening... lots of in and out here and in town.

At twenty four George was a captain in the Guards Calvary... home on leave for his sister's wedding.

Lady Elisabeth would marry in two days to a colleague of George's and the son of David, Fifth Earl of Townes. The son was a major in the same regiment as George, his father was a very old friend of ours... so it was joining of our families. Welcome since Elisabeth was according to her mother very much in love.

When Elisabeth came to me last year to test the waters... I felt her emotion about Frederick. They had spent time together in London during of the season's events and at our St. James's home. It was natural as I am Frederick's godfather as well as old family friend of his parents.

At Christmas Alice let me know Elisabeth had brought her fully into her confidence... Alice gave me the news. I was and am very pleased.

I sat down with Elisabeth to speak about marrying a military man... she understood there would be times of separation and the risk of Frederick being wounded or killed.

"Father don't all couples have to face that?"

"True but with an Army fellow the odds of it happening go up a good deal. Your mother and I faced it when George entered the army.

Your grandparents faced it with me and your great-grandparents with your grandfather.

I wish it weren't needed... warfare is too much a part of our nation's life. I can say as long as Frederick is in the Guards there is less chance of a foreign posting. Though officers do sometimes become seconded to other regiments... some pursue it.

Neither George or Frederick need seek glory as they both have been tried in battle many times."

Elisabeth knew what her heart risked... Alice holding me later said Elisabeth was clever girl and mature enough to make her own choices. I agreed... we would support her.

When Frederick came into my St. James's study a week later he knew... He is a fine man, honourable and intelligent... he watched my face... he smiled, "Sir, I think I have your answer."

We shook hands and shoulder pat.

"I can only say beware... Elisabeth is smart and can be wilful when she believes she is right... just like her mother. I have twenty five years of experience to share should it be needed."

We both laughed.

I requested a footman to ask George to join us. I poured brandies for us three. George was fully aware Frederick had become deeply enamoured of Elisabeth and knew of her return of that.

We drank a toast to Elisabeth and Frederick.

That evening we walked the block to Frederick's family's London home. A joyous welcome. The general and I were ancient friends and like our sons had served together in past wars. Eighteen years earlier I had the good fortune to have him as the Army commander in K******** while I was the Lord Lieutenant during the last French wars.

Frederick's mother, a great beauty whose father had been a friend of our family, had my arm, "I am so pleased we will have another connection to your people. Frederick came to me three years ago in private to ask my advice about Elisabeth... so it is a long standing link.

I told him he should be himself as there was no other way for Elisabeth to know him better."

I pressed her arm, "Something quite similar happened to me except it was Alice's father who said it to me."

A smile on her face, "I am sorry they are gone but I cannot be sad... they had such a wonderful life together and got to know your children so well. Alice's mother and I had a warm and pleasant relationship."

"Your parents will travel up?"

"Yes... my mother said something foolish like `even if it kills us' when I inquired."

I laughed knowing the lady in question, it was quite true to form.

It was very warming to my heart to see Elisabeth on Frederick's arm in the drawing room.

I was sitting in a chair in Elisabeth's chamber later, "Father, your loving Frederick... I knew he would be welcomed as a suitor... there is no other man for me."

"Your mother said the same twenty five years ago to her father."

A smile...

Now days from their marriage...


Okay! At least Gwen was in this dream... wait how old is Chani? I guess I better watch out for the sons of our friends!! I seemed to dream 'Gwen' dreams more often in-flight... Goodness knows what that might mean.

We landed at Chalgrove as the sun peeked up over the distant line of hills. The Twins did their usual loud and happy greetings to Carter and everyone.

Me off to ride. Dressed in black with a Munro tie! Jaidee's tail wagging as we walked into the kitchen. I opened the door to the garden... off he went.

Coffee, scones... ready. Jaidee was tucked into his grub. Marigold said she'd send him down to the Stables when he finished.

I walked down looking around... always so ordered... Gregory's rule put what you use back where it belongs so you can find it again! The Stables ran like clockwork!

Andy grinning as I handed over the scone, strawberry. I got Roland's reins and a leg up. Tara sitting on Max, a smile. Off we went.

A full on gallop after the warm-up to the lock. The lock man waving hello we returned it. Roy was doing very well two fish so far! He said the lure I had given him was best in colder weather!

We walked over to the west bank then rode towards the underpass through and a turn northward. We rode quickly along the path in the woods then around Lower Radley's road to the trail to the north.

Our pace quickened as I urged Roland forward. I looked over my shoulder... Tara smiling as Max followed us. A great run all the way to the Industrial Estate.

We waved as our walk took us through the buildings to the Thames Path and the bridge. The lock fellow called out a `good morning' we both replied. At Mr. Hardy's he came out to say hello. He was doing very well, still cranking out pages to be read.

"More in your inbox," with a smile.

Roland was ready to run again... on the grass I let him go! Speed! We flashed across the Radley's... soaring along the river through the Fraser's up onto the flat where we slowed. I rubbed Roland's neck thanking him for a glorious ride. His head bobbing, he loved it too.

Tara grinning as we handed our horses to Pat and Monty.

Pat did a mock arm punch to Monty, "M'Lady, Monty is full-time now!"

I shook Monty's hand, "Congratulations. I'm glad you are with us for real now."

"Thank you, M'Lady. I'm really happy here."

Fist bump!

Food! The Twins were eating with Cho and Tha and Delphine. Sunny was on her way out to the Stables. A hug and cheers for her success.

Greg came in with the boys. Hugs for all. I got eggs, tomatoes, potatoes and toast. Sam beside me... a big grin.

"Aunt Fay, it is good to be here again."

I looked to the Twins, "Will you give Sam and Artie a tour of the Rêve?"

Charlie finishing chewing and swallowed, "Yes Mama. We have surprise for them..." Chani taking over... "Ellie and Lorraine did it."

Ah... I knew what it would be.

I thanked Chani and Charlie.

Cho sitting in a chair in my Dressing Room watching... a cute smile.

A medium brown tweed skirt to my mid-calf, long sleeved cream silk blouse, a jumper vest in several shades of blue, beige and brown, pale stockings and brown heels. Gold jewellery bits.

Cho participated doing the `Joy' and a kiss. Pale nail polish and lips. A warm brown cloche hat styled with the brim out over my face, rolled up a bit at the back. Cho loved it.

Kisses for my babies.

Carter helped me into a camel's hair coat, I added a brown silk Hermès scarf and brown gloves. My wallet in one coat pocket... iPhone in the other.

Gil, Chelle, Tara, Ken and Angie with me. Tom driving we headed to Dicot.

Light rain which was supposed to back off as the day went on... our MP Clark was having an election meeting and a walkabout. His team had advertised my being at the meeting so there was some national press in attendance... I saw a Sky UK reporter with a camera person and others from the electronic side plus a Sun reporter I knew and more newspaper folks.

There was a crowd going in at the main entrance to the North Dicot skate park. Clark's staff had us come in at the rear door. Chelle went around to the back of the crowd to do video.

There was a small stage where Clark was waiting as the people filled the big room. His constituency chairman got things started introducing Clark.

Clark talked about what he advocated and boldly told how he differed from the leadership of the Conservative Party. He got comments about the latter from the crowd. He made it clear he wasn't just a drone for the Conservative Party... He is a thinking man acting in the best interests of his constituents and the nation.

He introduced me. I received some hellos in response to mine and some applause.

I spoke about the Defence Bill where Clark was at odds with his leadership. I gave them why the bill was flawed and how it should be fixed.

A fellow called out `Why are you here... you're not a conservative' to which I replied "Sir, you are correct I'm not a conservative... do you have a child or other relative in the Forces?"

I got a `No' back.

"Then maybe you don't know our men and women are working with old... antiquated and inadequate equipment which can endanger their lives because the government has repeated failed to spend the needed amounts to maintain a modern military.

Now it isn't a failing of one party but all of them which is why they all need to step up to change the methodology of budgeting.

We have made commitments to friends and allies around the world which nuclear weapon armed submarines cannot fulfill. Those subs are where an enormous amount of money goes! The regular armed forces as they are now budgeted cannot maintain themselves well enough to follow through on those commitments.

The Defence Bill brought down the government for the simple reason it wasn't sufficient. Over one hundred members of the Conservative Party agreed with that notion... this is a failure of leadership and the desire to maintain their party in power even at the expense of the nation's future.

Mr. Clark was acting as a decent citizen by refusing to support a policy of neglect. Give him the opportunity to make changes happen at Westminster."

I was surprised by the cheers and clapping. I put out my hand to Clark, smiles as we waved to the crowd.

As the meeting broke up a Telegraph reporter asked me why I would so vigorously support a Tory candidate?

The other newsies clustered close...

"It's simple... I support the United Kingdom not a particular partisan group. I will speak for candidates across the country who are honest, decent and want to work for the betterment of the nation not a single political party. A candidate who is anti-brexit is a fine example of the type I support."

A few more questions which I got Clark involved in answering.

I joined Clark to walkabout several streets off Cow Lane canvassing door to door. It was a housing estate of mixed semi-detached and detached homes with a small commercial cluster. The people of the neighbourhood were a mix of railroad and power station workers and London commuters.

Mostly women answering their doors... all surprised to see me on their doorstep... they did seem strangely pleased that I was doing this. They were all pleasant listening to Clark.

A man did answer one door... he asked why I was doing this... he was a union railroad man... "Why support the tories... they've done nothing but harm."

"I do not think Labour has a shiny reputation but Mr. Clark is a fellow who is looking beyond his party affiliation to see the greater good of the country. At some risk to himself."

Clark explained his position... I could see the `railroad man' easing up.. at the end he shook our hands with a smile and thanked us for coming.

Going down the front walk to the street Clark's face a big smile... "Your Ladyship... you are natural at this."

I laughed and thanked him. I said I was a bit tired... "How about a pint and some food at the `Generous' George'?"

He and his staff like Gil, Chelle and my Protectors were up for it. Chelle had been doing video of the visits.

Gil had a few messages for me as we walked up Cow Lane to the pub.

Michael back to me about the trip to Algeria. Next week was good for the Algerians. Okay we're on!

Big News from Jian... Catherine was pregnant! They were thrilled! The whole family' were happy with the thought of it. I sent them both a Congrats' email and asked Gil to arrange some flowers and Taittinger's. She emailed Cho to tell him the news.

Jian was coming to England in two days so she and Catherine could celebrate with Ting, Andrea and Caroline. She would take a break from work... there was a few Foundation things first... Jian would go with Rona over to Paris to see the new shelter and a trip around the UK shelters.

Rona made that trip longer by starting up two new shelters in Scotland. Aberdeen's shelter was in the Orchard neighbourhood south of the University of Aberdeen. A rambling old Victorian house with out buildings and a stables. Nineteen rooms and four baths, including two over the stables. The drawing room now doubled as a meeting room, a library and quiet space, a game room.

The kitchen was large and Masha, the manager, loved it. She was a cook and a practised cajoler capable of getting people to do things they didn't really want to do such as cleaning and chopping veg with her.

In Dundee, Bjorn was our manager. His Swedish mother made sure he got the name but she couldn't stop him from getting a Scot's accent. He was a leader and funny!

The old hotel in the Maryfield District had forty eight rooms with sinks and eight bathrooms, four of which we were expanding using a neighbouring room. A flat for the manager, a computer room, game room and a library. The good sized dining room and kitchen, lots of storage in the cellar and attics.

Many shops, clubs and attractions nearby for fun and employment. Not too far from two universities and public libraries.

Scotland now had four shelters and Angus! Angus was our regional manager, red-haired, green-eyed with a full beard, big chested tall fellow looking like he stepped from a Sir Walter Scott novel with a Scot's accent to go with it. Two degrees, in psychology and social work, he was well prepared for the job.

We had found him through Uncle Craig who knew his family, they were from the Black Isle. Angus' skill at Scottish games attracted attention as he was an `out' gay man who took no shit... a few jaws were broken as proof of that. He was a kind and generous fellow otherwise.

We would meet him, he was coming for lunch tomorrow.

Jasmine had interviews this week for new teachers at Denham School in farming and gardening. Fifteen possibles. She was meeting them at the Harcourt House and staying over.

Food! The Generous George! There were two tables in the corner away from Cow lane. Okay... a pint of bitter for me... breaded mushrooms with a barbeque dip then their peppered mushroom and veg pie.

The men were kind enough to do the legwork! The pint was good, very nice to sip and sit for a bit. The mushrooms hot from the oven... tasty. The pie was a generous' portion with chips, I had them hold' the veggies in gravy.

It was good pub grub, well-made.

"So what do you think about my presence? Hurt or help?"

Clark grinning, looking at his constituency chairman and team, "Help... without a doubt." They were all nodding!

Okay. I said I'd do more. Gil said she had his list of events and we work from that and let his folks know in advance when I would be able to join him.

Clark was pleased! He got lots of news coverage for my being around.

Gil paid for the lunch and we drove home.

I did tell Gil to send a note to Clark's staff about the lunch amount so they could keep a record.

A Cho hug by the fire in the Great Room. He was smiling listening to my tale of door-belling.

"It's nice they all wanted to listen. Is helping Clark hurting Labour or the Lib-Dems?"

"No... both of them are well down in the local polls but the ukip people are targeting tory members who voted against the Defence Bill... trying to paint them as not-conservative."

"Ah... forestalling those yobs is a good thing."


Noises!!! The nephews were going out with the Twins to the Rêve. They came in to show us their outfits! Pirate dress for all even Jaidee had on his pullover! What a crowd. Tha and Delphine went out with them.

The steps were put on and they climbed aboard.

Gil got a call from the Foreign Minister's office... she moved to the Library. A funny face when she came back...

"The Foreign Minister's folks say the Chinese ambassador saw that you are here on Sky News about the election meeting. He wants to meet to pass on President Xi's letter."

I looked at Cho... I said I didn't want this to happen in our homes... so where to do it... not too public because we don't know him and wouldn't want to embarrass him pointlessly. He shrugged.

I turned around a few times... "What about a room at St. John's Smith Square? It would be private, lots of doors to use. Anonymous. We could walk there."

Cho was in favor it. I put Gil on contacting the venue...

Cho, "Gil, use the Foreign Minister's office to do the scheduling... do not allow any direct contact with Chinese."

A thumbs up from her. Back to Library.

We knew it needed to be done... it was going to be done on our terms or not at all. We would pay for the room. An hour was more than enough time.

Cho and I were inside at the Terrace doors... the Rêve was crowded with a rockin' crew. Jaidee sitting on the tiny quarterdeck watching. They looked great in their outfits...

Charles was out there doing video! He looked over to us... we clapped for him! A big smile.

Gil said the Foreign Ministry was willing to host the meeting. Okay. Gil went back to them for a day and time that fit for us. She was smiling as she returned.

"They said they would inform the Chinese of the day and time... and it was going to be the only opportunity for a considerable time for us. The Foreign Ministry were fine with setting it up in a conference room."

Good. Next week for this.

The Rêve crew came in! Kay and Greg were home from Oxford... lots of hugs and kisses applied. Tha and Delphine got the whole crew upstairs to get changed. The grown-ups got drinks.

Cho told them Charles had done video and he would send them the link to watch it. Smiles!

Sunny came up from the stables. Hugs for her mother and father then she raced up to change.

Fin was making Shirley Temples.

A lovely family dinner! Everybody enjoying the food and being in the same room. Afters in the Great Room was a noisy fun affair.

Gil with big news... The other brown Labrador ladies Jaidee covered gave birth! Twelve healthy puppies in two six puppy litters!!! The breeder is supremely happy.

The snaps are so cute!! Jaidee is just acting like himself after fathering twenty two gorgeous puppies!

We are get four... two spoken for... the Clinton's and Pam and Ken! The other two??

A good problem!

In bed with Cho I told him about my dream. A smile, "I hope we do know whoever she chooses well enough not to worry."

A kiss from me, "Don't count on it... she'll be out in the world meeting people beyond our knowledge."

Roland whinnied loudly as we slowed to a walk after a brilliant run from Sandford. Freddie was by the tracks, his head came around at Roland's call. A big smile.

"Fay, he loves you being here. The others ride him... though not with your flair!"

Fist bump with my left hand as the right stroked Roland's neck.

Andy handed the reins to Monty with a `more walking' comment. Monty grinning, he knew.

A short breakfast. Kellen had the AW139 on the grass, we lifted off with a turn north by northeast. In eighteen minutes we approached the landing area Penn arranged on back end of a sports ground. We walked through an underpass of a motorway to the housing estate on the edge of the huge Fengate industrial complex.

Gwendolyn's staffer escorted us to the meeting place. A small stage and a big crowd. No rain. Blustery breeze! Chilly!

I was prepared in black wool slacks with Kentucky Heat bits underneath, top and bottom! A cotton long sleeve white shirt with a red jumper over. The black leather car coat, the Hermès French flag scarf and black gloves.

On the stage I met Gwendolyn, hands shaken and a thank you. I said we'll see if I earn it. She smiled. Gwendolyn was thirty, curvy with short blonde hair and blue eyes. She was a first time candidate for office in this riding which was once Labour but had gone tory.

Gwendolyn stood up and gave her history, she was a local girl. Why she was running brought a few comments inquiring if she old enough to know anything. She was good speaking out that age has never been the guarantor of intelligence or common sense.

She worked her way through university, now she was an employed social worker right here in Peterborough. Her family lived one mile away in the house where she was born. Good points!!

I was introduced... a few catcalls. `You're not from here' etc...

I said I was here to support a good Labour candidate because the tories have had their chance to govern for all of the Kingdom and they failed.

"They govern for their friends and contributors. Even when others have been in power no government made a rich friends richer than the tories.

They push Brexit without knowing what the results of their policies will be. They are literally guessing that the EU will give in to their demands... that isn't going to happen and we will be left holding an empty bag."

My arm waving toward the industrial estate, "... there are businesses over there that will close because what they make will not be exportable to the EU. Your jobs are at risk.

Don't think the tories will get markets open for trade... America has stated clearly there will be no `most favoured nation' status for us... so every trade deal will have to be negotiated separately slowing down the process enormously. Maybe taking years for decisions.

The EU has no reason to grant ANY favours to us because we are leaving of our own accord. We are the ones disrupting trade not them. The EU have said that very clearly many times and the negotiations are at a dead stop right now. The tories cover their ears so they don't hear the negatives... that is NOT governing!

In two years under the tories brexit plans at least a quarter of the jobs in Peterborough will be lost... If you think I'm trying to scare you... I'm quoting figures from several trade and research groups who hope they are wrong but know they aren't."

A women called out `why don't the tories own up?'

I answered, "For the same reason they did not want to fix the Defence Bill... they aren't interested in the future only continuing to be in power.

Letting old useless nuclear subs rot until they sink and kill everything in the water for hundreds of miles with radioactive chemicals isn't important because they can't see or don't have the imagination to understand the long-term consequences of their actions. Or worse they don't care at all.

I want my children to live in a progressive United Kingdom that seeks out good world-wide partners, has decent schools and universities, cares for the elderly, promotes a clean environment, creates jobs worth having and provides top quality medical care for everybody... and seeks to leave all that and more as a legacy for their children's children."

I thanked them for listening. "Vote for Gwendolyn and put a Labour government in Westminster."

There were cheers and applause. I could hear Gwendolyn clapping behind me. She and her staff clustered close... thanking me for speaking.

Ken and Tara nearby watching. Angie was in the crowd somewhere with Chelle. Gil had her iPhone to her ear... huge eyes looking at me!!

There were local news folks and a few national reporters at the edge of the stage waiting.

I motioned to Gil... "It's important but nothing to do." Okay.

Gwendolyn and I spoke to the press for a bit. One good question about my statement on local jobs from a Peterborough reporter.

"In part I was referencing a report by the Public Accountability Project which has no political connections and has well-known economists researching and writing. They are both knowledgeable and respected by all sides."

I stepped back so Gwendolyn would get to speak more.

Gil beside me, quietly, "It is reported by Chinese media that Ti has died of a stroke. He had been taken to an Army hospital from the jail where was being held feeling unwell, he died there. The news is scanty."

I shrugged, "I think Cho called it."

Gwendolyn had finished with the news folks, moving my direction... I said my goodbyes.

"Your Ladyship, I can't thank you enough."

"If things are such that a return visit can make a difference let the party fellow who set this up know. Go on... beat the tory and then be a good representative for your constituents."

A handshake and a hug!

The helicopter rose up going west then a big curve to head south. Carter and Cho at the door. A kiss for my guy, a fist bump for Carter.

I was in time for lunch with Angus!! He loved the Twins. Sitting on the floor he joined in a puzzle, the garden at full summer. The three laughing and having fun.

He did a bit of football kicking with Artie and he folded a very aero-dynamic paper plane for Sam. A wealth of talents!

Greg and Kay smiling watching this bear of a fellow be happy in the company of people he'd just met.

Angus did sit with Cho and I. He was thoughtful about the issues our guests would face... it made him sad to think of a child like himself cast off by their people. His family was conservative but deeply loving so they coped with him being different. His father set the tone when Angus was in junior school by decking the father of a boy who had teased his son about being gay after a jackass comment by the father. The town got the point... Angus was different but his family was fully behind him. It was transformative!

Angus relished the challenge we were offering.

I was Fay' not Ma'am.' He smiled at that.

"Fay, the rail pass is terrific. I love trains and walking so I will be mobile enough. I'll get a folding mat to sleep on at each shelter... that'll suit me fine."

In answer to a question... "I enjoy company but a good book takes me away."

I could see Cho liked him... I certainly did.

Angus would find a place in Edinburgh and delighted to know we would pay for it.

"You two'll spoil me."

We laughed, Cho said "You will find out we make it a point to pay well and give benefits to encourage hard work."

"That's what you'll get from me."

Big handshakes at the entryway, Tom drove him to the Oxford station.

Cho shaking his head, "He's both a stereotype and an original."

A kiss from me. Kay squeezed my hand as we walked back to the Great Room.

Greg smiling, "You two seem able to find all sorts of folks who are right for the job at hand. A terrific skill!"

Cho... "It is both a skill and a dollop of serendipity combined."

I said something about `moths to a flame...' I got a hug!

"Uncle Craig is the source for Angus. He likes him... He's tried to get Angus to play golf like a good Scot but it hasn't happened."

We all laughed.

In the Office with Cho, "Do you think he got a needle or a bullet?"

I didn't need to say the now former ambassador's name.

Cho shook his head, "It doesn't matter. China is still being pummeled in the news every day over his escapade. If they did kill him... they haven't thought it out... even his death is not going stop the talk. They'll get another spike because of it. This is made worse because someone at the military hospital leaked the news to a group outside the government controlled press... forcing the government to say something because they could not produce an alive Ti."

Head shaking by me!

Kay, Greg and the boys flew home. They'd be back for Badminton. A friend of Adam's near the event site was going to host them. Prasert had Ron assigned to drive them and he'd stay at the same place. So they were set for Sunny's biggest event.

Jasmine looking nifty in a blue suit, I greeted her at the door. Lucas took her bag upstairs. We set her up in the flat below Carter's house to do her interviews. Will, Eliza and Beth having moved... were very comfortable in their house on Harcourt Close.

Jasmine had fifteen or so people to interview about teaching at Denham school. Farming and gardening skills!

Archie and Tom would take turns helping her evaluate the possibles. Half today and the others tomorrow.

She would do her interviews in a bedroom we setup as an office and using the sitting room as a waiting area for the prospective teachers.

There was coffee, tea plus sweet cakes and several flavours of tasty biscuits for those waiting.

Jian arrived. Huge hugs for her. We kissed her and sent her on the way to London to be with Catherine, Andrea, Ting and Caroline! We'd do a catch up soon after her trips with Rona.

I had a phone conversation with Lord Newby the leader of Lib-Dem's in the Lords about my visiting some ridings to help his party's candidates. I had been introduced to him by Wain, Fourth Earl Dereham, a Lib-Dem peer I'd met who was from Norfolk. Newby was pleased I'd want to share my time for his party.

"Fay, I'm sure you could guess our people would be pleased to be the junior partner in a government if the election falls that way. So your work to defeat tories and ukip clods is welcome."

Okay... onward.

In the next few days I went to a dozen ridings to support Labour and Lib-Dem candidates across the tory blue belt. Two or three or four stops per day in a wide swath from Hereford to Kidderminster across to King's Lynn back to Northampton.

Then two more days supporting Labour in the Midlands. My activities were getting daily national press attention, on the TV newscasts and a huge amount of internet play. Twitter accounts were created by folks to follow my doings.

Our own social media and online video presence being managed by Regine and Chelle both had my news with snaps and video.

All that benefitted the candidates, their names linked in the news to mine wasn't going to hurt.

In the morning at the fireplace in the Great Room after that busy week I was taking a break. We go to London later today to do the meeting with the Chinese. Nothing more about the fate of Ti. The conspiracy theories could be counted in the thousands from the bullet' to drugs to the stress of interrogation onto he really had a stroke without any assistance.'

None of it mattered to us. There'd been many news folks trying to get our opinion about it... we refused. Any reporters asking on the campaign trail... I brushed aside their questions.

The trip to Algeria with Michael was on for tomorrow. Down and back in one day. Michael added two of Reg's technical folks from the London office. That was fine, a Gulfstream could carry more of them easily.

For the meeting with the Chinese I decided to dress in a business-like manner. The grey fitted suit I'd worn to meet Anna W******* with black accessories and heels. Gold jewellery with red nail and lips, not too red. `Joy' A small black bag.

The black Coach coat with a white scarf and black gloves.

Cho in a black suit, a brilliantly white shirt and pale gold tie. A black overcoat and gloves.

We landed at the Wandsworth Heliport, a car took us up past the Palace of Westminster to Parliament Street, we turned into King Charles Street where the guard let us through. We stepped out at a doorway where a fellow was waiting. He opened the door for us.

"Your Ladyship, Sir Cho, welcome. I will be your escort, my name is Mayfield."

PJ and Rande with Gil followed us.

I'd never been in the Foreign Office building. Ornate was one word to describe it... but I thought after going up the Grand Staircase... ornate wasn't sufficient. It was meant to awe visitors... I wasn't awed... more intrigued by the mind that thought it could be used as an instrument of statecraft.

On the first floor we entered an office suite where the Foreign Secretary greeted us.

"It is nice to see you both again. Much different this time... on my turf."

Smiles, handshakes.

Our outer clothing was taken.

"The Chinese are here already in a side room waiting. We will go around to the Reception room of the Locarno Suite. The room is large... plenty of space. Once you are there we will bring in the Chinese ambassador.

I will say Ping is a decent fellow, a hard worker and not dogmatic."

Cho thanked him for the brief sketch of the ambassador. I asked if we could do it the other-way round. The Foreign Secretary got it' immediately.

"Of course!" A smile. "The grand entrance... effective. Very sound tactically. I must add Ping does seem nervous so your walking in won't help that."

He gave instructions to an aide. Then he followed.

We waited in the office until Mayfield returned.

"The Minister is in the room with the Chinese now... this way please ... it is not far." He arm extended down the passage...

Around a corner and along another passage to a handsome doorway. We entered... the Chinese group was clustered by the west windows... looking ill at ease. The room was glorious... splendid in fact... it sort of swallowed them up with its grandeur and size.

I don't suppose that made them any less anxious.

Cho and I walked towards them... our three folks right behind... the Minister was between our two groups. He did the introductions...

"Lady Harcourt... Ambassador Ping... " he bowed. I did not extend my hand to shake. He, I suppose, decided to wait to see if I would.

"Sir Cho... Ambassador Ping..." Another bow.

Mr. Ping had laid out on a table several documents. He pointed to one...

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... President Xi has personally written to you expressing his apology for the incident at your home in Bangkok."

Cho and I leaned over a bit to read it. It was hand written in English. He said he was deeply saddened and outraged that there was an attempt to hurt our family. He being a family man could understand the depths of our unhappiness with the events.

He added what Ti did was outside of Chinese cultural norms. The letter did say Ti had been expelled from the Chinese Communist Party and was to be punished by the Chinese government through the state judicial process.

Mr. Ping pointed out the letter had been written prior to the death of Ti. The government wanted to punish him... he escaped justice.

Mr. Ping, "If I may add to President Xi's words... I personally wish to say how shocked I was hearing about the attack plotting by Ti and I am embarrassed that Ti is from my country.

Every nation state has a few rogues... I do hope that no others from China ever trouble you."

He bowed to us. His face quite closed up.

I stepped to him and extended my hand. He smiled and shook my hand then Cho's.

He thanked us for being kind enough to accept the President's letter and his own feelings.

The Minister sensing a break in the tension asked if we would take a glass of sherry?

We agreed as did Ping. As we waited for that a staffer of Ping's put Xi's letter and another from Ping in a large envelope for us. The fellow handed the envelope to Gil when she stepped forward.

The sherry was mildly sweet. The Minister toasted to us and Ping.

I asked Ping if he knew Ti very well?

"No... we had been on different paths in government. I found within myself the desire to work with others in China... first in rural development then as my people skills were seen to be useful in other ways a diplomat.

Ti was always on the side of holding people to account whether they had done misdeeds or just found their way into his bad books.

I am not a punisher by nature... everyone makes mistakes... learning is a better outcome."

I raised my glass to that.

"I will say Cho and I expected to hear of Ti's death. He embarrassed all the people of China... it didn't seem possible he could survive that."

Mr. Ping... an uncomfortable smile, "I can understand you thinking that... western countries do have a higher sense of their place in maintaining an equitably appearing justice system. I am a realistic fellow but I would not want anyone to extra-judicially kill someone.

I am here so I do not know all that happened in Beijing... Mr. Xi would severely punish anyone involved if something like that occurred. He is an honourable man."

"Will anyone else be punished for helping the plot along?"

"Again I am here. I do hope so. Personally... " with a slight look to who might be near, "... I would do a major clean-out at the Ministry of State Security. They put our nation at risk because a powerful man asked favours of them.

No country needs such types who would debase their honour."

Cho and the Foreign Minister joined us. We thanked the Minister for enabling our meeting.

"Your Ladyship, Sir Cho, and Ambassador Ping, it is a pleasure to have helped bring you all together."

We thanked Mr. Ping again for the letters. Cho said for him to please pass our personal thank you to Mr. Xi. Ping said he would be glad to do so. We shook hands again. Smiles.

Mayfield escorted us back to the Minister's office. The Foreign Secretary joined us, he was pleased.

"I am glad that went so well."

Cho said it was good of him to host us. The Foreign Minister smiling and nodding.

His head shaking, "You my dear may put me out of a job." He was smiling as he said it.

"I can add that what you found about the MOD fiddling with money... that angered me. There's no need for that sort of behaviour when a supplemental appropriations bill would have passed the House easily."

Smiling I said, "Nothing personal." We all laughed. Hands shaken.

We were helped into our coats , Mayfield there to escort us as we descended the stairs to our car waiting by the door.

We thanked Mayfield.

"Your Ladyship, Sir Cho. It was an honour to meet you and be of service."

Hands shaken.

To Cowley House. Clough at the door. He said our guests were in the North Drawing Room. Ting and Andrea had called... a meeting. We said to meet us here.

They with Catherine, Jian and Caroline were standing there... everybody holding hands... They were pregnant!! Hugs and kisses. At Cho's request Clough went for some Taittinger's.

A big smile on Andrea's face, "I peed on a wand the other day... my doctor gave us the definite answer this morning. I'm a bit over a month and half gone!"

We toasted, Catherine and Andrea slightly sipped. They had already told Ting's parents in Korat. Shouts of joy over the phone! They were so pleased for the two mother's to be!

I was sitting with Andrea, "You guys may need to move... three little ones take up a lot of space."

"We have it arranged... we hope." Fingers crossed. " I'm in with Ting, the other big bedroom is Jian and Catherine. Catherine's room will be Caroline's and the babies will share. I think there will be a lot of movement between here and Thailand so we'll not be all in one place for an extended time."

"We'll have to consider what to do when you guys all might be Bangkok."

It was a good problem!!

Caroline on my lap, "Aunt Fay, I will have my own bedroom!!" She was clapping and bouncing.

They were so happy for Jian and Catherine. Andrea, "It is odd to think my sister is having a baby with the wife of the man I'm having a baby with whose baby I already had. We're going to need to arrange all that in our minds and with friends."

They stayed for dinner. Mrs. Travers had some wonderful trout grilled just right. Pan-fried new potatoes and sugar beans gently braised with lemon and garlic. Wonderfully soft rolls and butter.

Jian and I holding hands... grinning... she kissed me, "Fay, so much is going on and it is all marvellous!"

A big hug, "So much happiness all around... it's like being in sugar shock after eating a huge candy bar."

We laughed.

They all went home to their Fulham apartment... we flew back to Harcourt House from Wandsworth.

Big V staff in Los Angeles was flying in one of our Gulfstreams to Teterboro. They'd spend a few days with Jayne and Montana seeing how they do things. They would find their own way about running the club but doing this was good.

Francis said he had a communication from from Felix... the old owners of Moulin de Deauville farm asked if we wanted to buy four of their horses. The four were recreational riding horses ages five to nine, to stallions, two mares.

I had Gil contact Felix to ask why and could we have brief accounts of the horses temperaments and a health assessment. Felix answered right away that he'd call them immediately.

I had to forego my morning ride to hop aboard a Gulfstream at Chalgrove with Michael and the two folks from Reg's technology team. It was under three hours as Derry put his foot down. By ten o'clock we were landing at Bechar, Algeria.

I'd sat at the rear of the cabin with Michael to talk on private things. He and Karla were `aces.' They were in thrall to their cat, Melody, naturally! Their house was a home thanks to Karla's work.

"Fay, we are comfortable, happy to curl up by the fire with Melody on an evening. Or go out dancing!"

We laughed at the contrast... and no Melody didn't get to go dancing. His aunt's bequest of the house had made their lives so much better, cosy and pleasant. They had nice neighbours... most older than themselves but friendly.

On the ground... Derry said on the tannoy the tower instructed him to taxi south to the military side of the airport.

Mr. Moulmein met us on the tarmac. He is the Deputy Minister for Water Resources. We shook hands with him and his staff.

We boarded an Algerian Army AW101 helicopter. Same maker as our AW139's, an older much bigger model military, noisier inside. It was a half hour flight or an over a three and half hour drive. Mr. Moulmein had gotten the Army to lift us. I leaned close to an Army major to thank them. I spoke French as Mr. Moulmein said everyone with us was a French speaker.

He smiled, "It is an honour to be able to do this for you."

It was difficult to have much of conversation with the noise.

Mr. Moulmein asked the pilot to please bend around the jutting out far southeast corner of Morocco staying inside the Algerian side of the border... crossing the mountains to the west of Ain Sefra.

We got a good look... The terrain was rugged with many twisting valleys. No really high peaks though.

We landed at an Army compound on the northern side of Ain Sefra. We walked around outside the base's walls to the ridge top... a wide clear view to the west up the broad valley as it rose to the mountains beyond.

"What happens here each year are floods down from mountain rainfall... the city has adapted to the erratic water flows... we want to capture the water and end the flooding."

His hand motioning to the green patches on the land above the dry watercourse in the city, "We have some farming... we need more. If the water can be controlled and saved for irrigation and processing for drinking... the entire valley region will become a verdant oasis."

We unfolded several topo maps... none of the elevations were extreme. Mr. Moulmein's assistant pointed out Sfissifa on the map and the mountain spur that hid it from view. I could see why he did... a several large dry watercourses with some intermittent standing water! Springs?

Also the maps showed significant nearby dry creek beds which could be more locations for the water to be collected.

In general the road net was sparse... fortunately there were a number of hard surface roads surrounding and snaking through part of the area so vehicles could get close to potential work sites before having to use tracks or cross the sand and rock.

We could get heavy parts close then only need a short lift by helicopter to the final locations. A very big savings in helicopter usage.

Mr. Moulmein was pleased, "We are dependent on the Army for the helicopters... they are happy to join in but they do have other duties."

I said I understand. "The Iranians are doing the same... it worked well there so I hope here too."

The Army provided us with several cars. We drove west up the valley to Sfissifa... about fifteen miles. The road was in excellent condition, several high bridges over the dry watercourses. We could see irrigated farming on the land on both sides of the road as we got closer to Sfissifa.

We stopped on a ridge to look out over the valleys that spread out above the town. Reg's two fellows looking carefully and comparing with the maps. They were very encouraged about the terrain's suitability.

We went to Maire's home. It was time for Dhuhr... so Michael and I with our two tech people and PJ and Ken waited in the courtyard on benches under a cluster of date palms. It was quiet... the sun warming us. A pleasant spot.

Prayers completed the Maire welcomed us with a lunch and tea. He was born in Sfissifa, living his entire sixty two years in the town. He had been the mayor for fifteen years. We talked about the rains and floods... like Ain Sefra, Sfissifa had adjusted to the seasonal water events... a more secure source of water and no floods would be very good for the town.

Mr. Moulmein did say there would be some employment opportunities... and during the building process we would buy some things locally. The Maire was pleased to hear that.

It was a good chat. On the drive back Mr. Moulmein thanked me for the way I dressed... "You have an understanding of our customs which is welcome."

I was in a slender black pants suit with a pale grey shirt, a black scarf around my head worn as I had in Tehran. No jewellery except simple gold ring earrings and my wedding ring. Black linen gloves.

In Ain Sefra, I asked Mr. Moulmein for a guide and where to hire a car to make several stops in the city. I mentioned going to Sidi Boudjemâa. His eyes widened...

"Miss Martin... you know of Isabelle Eberhardt?"

"Yes. I have read her books... I appreciate her insights and the curious strain of fatalism running through her life."

I smiled, "We share another passion... Horses and riding fast!"

Mr. Moulmein had a broad smile, "Please allow me to be your guide?"

I said I would be honoured.

The Army officer was willing for us to use the cars again. It was two miles to the cemetery. We drove to the northern entrance... walking in... it was easy to pick out Ms. Eberhardt's grave. It was unusual and standing clear of those plots around it.

I stood at the foot of her grave, the cracked, broken marble showed signs of long distant repairs. Her name in Arabic then in French... the details of her day of death and where. Slimane Ehnni, her husband's name below hers.

I was silent for a few minutes... Mr. Moulmein, Michael and the others joined me in the quiet moment.

A French general commanding colonial army units in the area had been a sponsor for Ms. Eberhardt in return for her insights into the Muslim community.

General Lyautey arranged for her grave and tombstone, he was her friend. It was not his last involvement in Ms. Eberhardt's history on the planet. He had his soldiers scour the wreckage of her flooded home where she died and the neighbourhood to collect all her papers. It is due to him that much of her writing was saved.

Mr. Moulmein said it was a short way to where her house had been... the cars crossed a bridge over the dry wadi were the storm floods ran. It was a dusty spot with a few scrubby plants. Mr. Moulmein said the flood in 1904 had been larger than usual with little warning... their mud house had collapsed around her. All the wreckage had been later removed so no remnants of the structure remained.

The neighbourhood was older, small houses on plots that had gardens and some shade trees. Quiet. Peaceful.

The fellow who owned the land now was very polite and said few people came here. I thanked him for letting us spend a bit of time. Mr. Moulmein translating for me. The fellow bowed to us.

Interesting... Mr. Moulmein knew right where to come. I asked the obvious question as we walked to the cars. He said he had read about Eberhardt as a boy... she had been portrayed as devout Muslim and an anti-colonialist who sought to give voice to Arab concerns.

Awhile admiring her beliefs and work he didn't cover over she was European not African in his mind... a divide difficult to bridge.

She was remembered in street names and some buildings in Algeria.

I asked about repairs to her tomb. Mr. Moulmein said he had considered it years ago but chose not to do anything allowing nature to take its course. Okay!

Mr. Moulmein flew back to Bechar military airport with us. We shook hands on the tarmac... He said it had been very pleasant to meet me... I said the same and thanked him again for the side trip in Ain Sefra.

He smiled saying it was a privilege doing it. He was glad Ms. Eberhardt wasn't lost in the past.

He was told he would hear from Michael very soon. Handshakes all around.

We waved as the Gulfstream taxied away. Derry has us airborne quickly. Michael and his folks and I sat to talk with coffee and snacks.

They agreed with me... it could be an excellent project. Something new and novel. The dams would need to be built differently but otherwise our technology was suited to the terrain. The microwave equipment would be easily installed making remote controlling simple. Solar panels would power it all!

The Algerians thoroughly understood dam construction so that wouldn't be a hurdle. Our folks would get to work on the proposal immediately.

We said goodbyes at Chalgrove. Prasert had a car for them to go up to London.

I was home in ten minutes. Cho's arms open, the Twins close so I could hug and kiss.

Felix sent on the information I asked for about the horses. They all had been used to ride around the estate by the family. One stallion was sometimes restive but he could be controlled by a good rider. The others were calm and even tempered.

They had less space where they had moved... they didn't want to split up the group who had been together for several years. Friends!

I had Gil respond with a yes we'd buy them depending on our vet examining them. Gil called Dr. Crawford2 about a trip to France... he said yes. The medical records would available for him. Okay!

After dinner Cho got my day and how the project could look. The Ain Sefra side trip made him smile, "You were very lucky to have Mr. Moulmein as your local contact."

"Indeed. He is a very nice fellow, well read and has a curious mind. He asked a lot of questions about the microwave communications. He was impressed with what we can offer."

Fist bump... which got the attention of our small but very professional `fist bumpers' who joined in!

I handed Roland's reins to Monty... Roland nudged me... "You want to go out again?" As I stroked his neck... a head nod. I laughed, "Relax until tomorrow."

Monty grinning leading Roland for a further walk to cool down.

The Breakfast Room was well attended.

Francis and Ali joining us. They had a bit of news from Chicago... Donovan had emailed after speaking with Edison. Several requests for new employees and some pay rises had been turned down by Rick the corporate CEO. Donovan said the rationale was the positions were unneeded and the current pay was within proper limits.

I asked about the requests... Francis said an additional state reporter to focus on down-state' news was one position. I wanted that to increase sales beyond Chicago, make the paper relevant to more readers. That stood out because I had queried them about what coverage they had outside the Chicago metro area. Beyond the state capital... Not much' was Donovan's reply.

I leaned back on the banquette... I felt Rick shouldn't get a warning because it had been made plain we wanted to spend money to expand the staff. Some to bring them back from the deep cuts, some for more coverage.

Cho looking me knowing my mind was made up. A smile for him.

"Please all of you go to Deauville the day after tomorrow... I will fly to Chicago tonight. I'll do what I need to and join you in France."

A kiss! Cho said he'd take the Twins and Sunny tomorrow and for an overnight stay. Okay... fun for the babies.

Gil looked at me with her phone to her ear... calling Penn in Bangkok.

I turned to Francis... "What is the status of the French stable staff coming here?"

In a fortnight he said. Okay... we'd get to meet them on site and explain more about their trip here.

Gil waved, "A 767 is at Chalgrove now." She turned to Cho, "A Gulfstream too." A thumbs up from Cho.

I sat with Charlie and Chani to tell them I had to make a fast business trip then meet them all at the new horse farm in France. Sunny got the news when she came down for a snack after doing her homework. A fist pump!

I asked Audra to get a set of my black riding clothes together to go with Cho's crowd which now included Dr. Crawford2. He was happy to go for the overnight.

I did go down to ride Rebel. He was happy... so was I... in the saddle.

Hugs and kisses for the Twins and Cho.

Francis, Ali and Gil with me plus all my Protectors on board. The 767 zoomed off into the darkening skies.

I was idly sketching on a pad... a frock and coat... Gil leaned over... "Finish it... it looks good."

I filled it in with some detail. A black short sleeved silk dress, large shirt collar, buttons down to narrow waist with a slender belt, the skirt is above of the knee in one and half inch sharp pleats.

The coat Black wool, asymmetric double-breasted opening to the left four buttons in two pairs, three quarter length sleeves, I would wear long gloves. A big cowl collar.

Gil did a snap of the two with my notes... she sent it to Coral and Raphaela.

Gil managed to get some work out of me... with the Weyerhaeuser project deal complete everything was moving. Olaf, the Weyerhaeuser vice-president, emailed that they would break ground in two days to clear the land and prep the site.

I had seen the schedule, it is going to take a year to have the plant online. It was something entirely new in the way of a process so Olaf said please `be aware of an occasional stumble on the way' which I thought funny.

We had spoken on the phone, he was interesting and `funny' so I expected our collaboration to be good.

Georgia Pacific lawyers and ours were in the final stages of a similar agreement. Their Lumberton, North Carolina location had what we needed. Their technical folks had sent a very nice email saying the methodology was novel and they thought they'd be able to make work at their site.

They asked if there were any bars to collaborate with Weyerhaeuser which my reply was `Please Do!'

So we were moving on both coasts!!

A brief talk with Cho... he was pleased about the newspaper sleeves projects. The housekeeper at Moulin de Deauville sounded very happy to have them overnight, she would be ready. Great!

It was going to be easy as the former owners were out of the house now.

Sleep... alone... Poo!

The day was grey and gloomy...

I decided on the black suit again! It was a killer look... perfect for today. Black stockings and heels. Gold jewellery, `Joy' self-applied. The black Mirabelle coat, Harcourt Racing Hermès scarf and black leather gloves.

The car stopped outside the Tribune doors on Stetson Street. PJ and Ken leading... Their security knew me... PJ said `Do Not Call Upstairs.' Ali added that was a direct order from me... he got it!

I don't think he could have misunderstand my face.

Up in the lift... we exited the doors into the main corporate office floor... people staring as we walked through the big open space heading to the executive offices.

A woman we went by did a fist pump... I asked Ali to talk to her. Ali peeled off from our group.

At the first section of the executives offices Francis went to Terrell's office.

The receptionist was going to `announce' me... PJ stopped her, "Not today!"

Rick's secretary looked up as the I walked through the door... she was stunned to see me... I knocked on the office door... `Come in' I immediately thought he would rue those words.

Rick's face fell into his shoes... He stood up... I told him it was time for him to go.

I said he was to take only personal things we could verify... all other things would be assessed for who owns it and his property would be delivered to his home later today.

He did try to explain... I waved him away... "Rick, what I wanted was explicitly laid out... no discussion. You have five minutes!"

I turned to leave telling Tessa and Angie to examine what he chose to take and keep him to the time limit. And escort him from the building. I added to get his ID.

He whinged about getting home... he had been using a company hired limousine... "Gil, give him a fifty dollars for a cab."

A grin on her face.

Out and to the left straight to Terrell's office... he was behind his desk talking with Francis... Francis did not tell him I was in the building... Terrell was to think it was a random visit they'd been told to expect so my appearance was a shock.

I stood in front of his desk, "I want you to take the CEO position... Yes?"

A smile as he leaned over to take my hand... "Definitely!"

We moved to the chairs and sofa. I reviewed what I had told Rick right from the start... his failure was not to follow my requirements.

"Terrell, I thought we made it clear we are willing to spend money to get the Chicago Tribune back on its feet and get up a head of steam towards being once again the best newspaper in the Middle-West just as the Daily News is taking over New York."

I could see he wanted the challenge. "Call Donovan and Edison, get them up here so we can talk."

He got up immediately... Done! He settled back in the chair.

"We'll all talk it over once again. Then I'm going down to the newsroom and make sure those people get it too."

Terrell was smiling! Donovan and Edison were shocked to see me... They sat... a look passed between them hearing Rick was gone.

Gil in the door with a smile. "Tessa and Angie are back from walking him out."

I asked Terrell to have a good person go through Rick's office separating what might be his property from company bits.

"Then you should review it yourself to be sure. I want to be fair to him. Pictures of him can go... I'm sure there'll copies somewhere."

Terrell was nodding.

"Make a decision about his secretary... Fix up the office the way you want and move in."

A smile from Terrill.

Ali came in, she leaned over to my ear... the woman out front knew of Rick's refusal to hire more staff since she was in Human Resources. She also remembered very clearly hearing you wanted more staff to build up the coverage. She had hoped it would come back to bite Rick... his being fired did surprise her when I said it."

I thanked Ali.

I went over what I wanted to happen here emphasizing that we spend money to make money... there was no other way for the newspapers to recover from the damage of the past corporate management.

I made the point that Francis was going to be watching the money, as our confidante he was well aware of our ownership methods.

"If you want to know more call Royce or Aston or Marita... in fact I encourage you to do so. We would like sharing between our newspapers. It is fair to say Royce is a happy camper!"

Laughter which was good sounding.

Coffee! We walked to a nearby break room, the coffee was old. I was told the best brew was always in the newsroom... Okay "Let's go!"

My cup of coffee in hand looking at all the faces gathered in the newsroom...

"When Cho and I were here I was very explicit with Rick what I wanted to happen... he failed at the first jump... He's out the door... " My hand out to Terrell, "... Terrell knows and is happy to fulfil what I want... so we go forward now."

I reached out to Donovan... "The reporter position for the down state news... Done! The pay rises you wanted... done!"

I looked again at the faces... they wanted to trust me...

"The way forward is for me, Terrell and Donovan asking you all to work hard, you will be treated as valued members of a great newspaper, we will give you the tools to do your work and I think we now have the leadership to get it going."

Cheers! I was smiling, "Now don't forget about that first item... If the Tribune is to succeed it have to have your best efforts. If you need something ask... Donovan and Edison will decide... no guarantees you'll get the helicopter or the jet..." Loud laughing, "... But you can count on getting the necessary tools or software, etc..."

"Now I know you are ALL hard-boiled newspeople... here's to you!"

I toasted them with my coffee. Lots of clapping, laughter, cheers and raised coffee cups!

The past Tribune Corporation chairman had arrived. Last night Francis had sent him a request to meet me here. We were keeping him on the board. The board had been informed overnight as I flew west that I was making changes this morning. The holdover board members did not leak that to anyone in Chicago which made me feel better about my choices of the ones we kept.

The previous chairman was a local fellow. We sat in the publishers office which was technically mine but I did not want to take on the role.

"Burton, you are a business man and a former newspaperman, I would like you to be the publisher here... at least until we can find an appropriate person to take the position. Will you?"

A smile, "Will I stay on the Board?"

"Of course. I don't see any conflict as either role is for the betterment of the company."

"Good. I will do it while you search. I applaud your choosing Terrell. He's always been a man with his eyes open. He'll do well leading the corporation."

"And Rick?"

"I supposed you knew something about our relationship when you asked me to stay on the Board... He was obsessed with profit without regard for the future."

"I saw that but I did hope we could use his knowledge of the company and get him to see beyond the next quarter. It was a hope... Now we don't have to worry about making potential outcomes occur."

"Fay, Rick is a symptom of the decline of American business leadership... caring about quarters... not the next five... ten years. These `leaders' watch the stock market too much.

You and Cho seem to be free of that failing."

"We are wary of the people we choose to lead having a stake in the company they manage until they are proven leaders... then yes. Eric at The Company is a perfect example. Everything we look for in a business person Eric has. We trust him. Allowing Rick to gain a significant position in the company's stock wasn't healthy."

"The way you say that means to me you knew I opposed it. How did you know?"

Smiling, "Burton, Francis is a marvel at finding out things. It was our motivating reason to keep you on the Board. So I do not want you going anywhere."

I leaned forward with my fist out... he looked... laughed and bumped! More laughter.

"Donovan and Edison are a good pairing. Their complimentary skills are what's needed. They also understand my desires for the newspaper. So off we go now in better shape!"

I told Burton about Rick's whinging about his trip home and my response.

"Damn... it isn't like he wasn't compensated well... cab fare for a ride home?" Burton shaking his head.

I shrugged, "It certainly epitomises the man. Let's go down to the newsroom and tell everybody. They've gotten a lot of good news this morning... more sugar won't hurt them a bit!"

Smiling we went arm in to the lift. PJ grinning in with us. I introduced them.

"Burton, PJ has been with me for three years. When we talk trust..." I squeezed PJ's arm, "... this man has mine to the point of my life."

Burton shook PJ's hand, "Good to know someone who has Fay's best interests always in mind and is close to her."


Donovan laughing when I asked if we could get the newsroom's attention again... "Fay, they have a newspaper to get out..." He was laughing too hard to say more.

The newsroom took my introducing Burton as the publisher for now with cheers and applause. He shook a lot of hands.

I turned to Donovan, "Can these folks do without your leadership for an hour or so? Lunch?"

He and Edison agreed to join Burton and my folks.

Gil had a booking for a large booth and tables at El Corazon Esmeralda on N. Michigan Avenue just around the corner.

You could see going in it was a Mexican restaurant but without kitschy trappings so many throw up to make you believe. The clothing on the staff were clearly Mexican outfits, discreet and good looking. Quality shown.

A strawberry Margarita... tasty. There was terrific guacamole and salsa, very good tortilla crisps to start. I choose the Huevos Ranchero.

"Gentlemen, a few things before the food arrives. To start... I'd like to see some women in the upper levels of the corporation and newspaper... Ali, Gil and I here by ourselves isn't good as we aren't local. I will not dictate hiring rules unless it is necessary...

All their heads nodding. I sensed something... "Rick is gone! Do you want to tell me anything about that subject?"

Burton looking at the three also... Terrill spoke up...

"Fay, there was an unofficial rule about hiring women... none in management or reporters unless it was a female subject area." He motioned to Donovan and Edison... "We all at one point or other tried to talk about it with Rick. He was adamant."

"Sort was some sort of misogynistic thing?"

"Whatever was behind it he was stuck on it."

"Ah... So his not doing the new reporter slot and the pay rises was him just saying he wasn't going to do what a woman wanted?"

Terrill shrugged, Donovan and Edison going along with him.

"I suppose I wasn't looking for it... I didn't sense that... a sociopath hiding beneath the business suit."

I did a done and dusted hand motion...

"So other items... Two, if I am talking to you..." my hand gesturing around a table of newspaper people, "... I am by default off the record. Three, Cho and I have an iron rule about all the media we control... we do not interfere with content including about ourselves. Say you have an item about us... if you have the `facts,' indisputably... print it. Please do not call to ask if you should go ahead.

I can say that because our dealings with our companies and staff are always ethical, honest and fair. Rick is an example... what I expected was clear... he failed.

If we know something of interest to your readers we may call or email you... it is up to you to report it and publish. We are not reporters or editors.

I do have one story you might do some work on... one of those that never seem to go away... the victims of John Wayne Gacy." Eyes opening... "From what I have seen..." my hands up, "... I don't know anything special... the various police forces in and around the city have shown their feet of clay so often... I just wondered if they might ever decide to actually help the victims and the families."

Donovan was grinning, "Fay, the story has some real possibilities... A number of people have been poking at it in the last seven years. Tom Dart, the Cook County Sheriff, started something with the DNA project which has identified several of the victims but he also has made significant errors in public relations and fact which muddied the waters further."

Edison jumped in, "There are potential crime scenes that have not been worked, the excuses for not doing so don't rise above the level silly and stupid. The police have been embarrassed by this case from the beginning.

Gacy killed so many even though he had been identified quite early as a suspect in more than a dozen cases. He `snowed' them with talk about his political connections. More than half of his victims should be alive.

The bodies they handed to the parents were not necessarily those of their son or were a mix of bones because of the unprofessional manner they were removed from the crawl space. It is a heart-breaking case."

"Well... you guys decide what to do. It doesn't sound like the police will help much..."

Edison laughed at that. "We may have some `inside' contacts on deep background who are cops but thoroughly disgusted at their bosses... And before anyone says it... we are wary. We will be careful."

The food was arriving!! Good aromas!! Mine was delicious! Lovely soft warm corn tacos, fluffy rice, lots of queso fresco, more of that great guacamole, good hot sauce, soft runny sunny side up eggs. I enjoyed it. Everybody must be... the table was quiet. Smiling I looked around Burton caught my eye with a grin.

Conversation picked up... I asked about the Springfield coverage, "It is the Illinois state capital.. right?"

Donovan nodding said their `state' reporter had been doubling up with the other parts of Illinois outside of Chicago...

"Now he can concentrate of the state government... the new reporter slot will do the other parts... plus north-western Indiana."

He was going on when Gil pardoned herself for breaking in...

Gil looking at her iPhone...

"Fay, the Chinese government has released the autopsy of Ti... he died of a ischemic stroke. A clot due to atherosclerosis was the cause. Turns out Mr. Ti was a very heavy smoker with as the report says a poor diet heavy in fatty foods. No drugs or injuries."

I looked at her... a shrug. I don't remember Ti being overweight at all... I am pretty ignorant about a lot of health related things... I suppose you don't have to be fat to have a lot of fat or other blockages in your arteries...

I gave Gil a shrug back... a grin.

The men at the table had been quiet.

"Well Cho was wrong it seems... he expected Ti to have been killed by the government. We both did. We met the Chinese ambassador in London... it was mooted to him they Ti may have been `helped' to the other side... He was adamant that President Xi would not have countenanced that. So..."

Another shrug, "Not that it matters much."

Terrell asked about our security... "They stopped the attack in Bangkok?"

"Indeed! The intruders were being watched long before they climbed the fence to our compound. An ambush was in place very quickly. The Chinese intruders are alive due to our people being the best trained in the world.

Careful, deliberate but capable of instant action."

I motioned to the two tables with my Protectors... "Those women and men are the cream of the crop... they have saved me several times.

Lore, the head of Hillary Clinton's Secret Service detail, has met them and seen how our Security Service works... she says they are undoubtedly the best in the world.

We are building in the New Mexico desert a training ground for our people to make them even better. That made Lore laugh... that they'd become even better!

It is a company where we lose money every year gladly... even that is beginning to change. You all will see some of our folks here... They will come to do an assessment of the security in your offices and at the printing plant. I am sure they will require changes of several sorts, some maybe a bit annoying to start...

Once they have taken control the ultimate authority for the safety of the people and buildings passes to them.

Each of you will have to take orders from them in an emergency.

They are so well trained and disciplined Cho and I trust them with our children and our lives."

I leaned back smiling, "Here's an anecdote for you... when I'm walking our dog Jaidee... I clean up after him... my Protectors are too busy doing their work. It causes laughter as you might imagine."

They did laugh... it did paint an interesting mental image.

We talked about things specific to Chicago and the corporation. I told them the New York Daily News was close to passing the New York Times in circulation and also close to being profitable.

My companions were thrilled at what had happened in New York. Taking down the New York Times? No one would have thought it possible. They were congratulatory... Cho and I validating the premise that newspapers were still relevant! They loved that naturally!!

"Their advertising revenues have climbed every month so the money we paid out to get them going was well spent. That is the model for the Tribune as it is for the Baltimore Sun and the other Tribune newspapers. We want your work to be indispensable to the citizens of Chicago."

I pointed to the two west coast newspapers we built from the ground up. Seattle's The Day having passed the long established Seattle Times was making a profit... it would be some years before it paid us back for our investment but it was on the road there. As were the others.

In Los Angeles... "As of yesterday The Day there was about ninety thousand copies short of the Times. It has forged an entirely new readership, stolen readers from the Times and has ad rates higher than the Times.

Every week they add pages to each issue fully paid by advertising!"

The men around the table had smiling faces and were very congratulatory. I added that The Sun in London has taken over the top spot in the city from the Daily Mail after years of decline.

Grinning and rubbing my hands in an exaggerated manner... saying... `Money... Money... Money... makes the world go around...' a la Sally Bowles. They all laughed!

"Cho and I firmly believe that daily printed newspapers have an important role to play... speaking the truth to their readers.

You have seen what the Peabody people think of our efforts... so go out and win a few!"

They were all smiles with some clapping.

The owner of El Corazon Esmeralda came to the table... one of the servers sussed me out. He hoped everything was good for us. He was honoured to have me visit.

I told him his food was delicious and the service was excellent. He went away a happy man.

My lunch companions smiling as we walked back to the Tribune Building. Edison got a local news person who had done some work on Gacy to meet with me. Grady, a thirty five year old native Chicagoan, was sure that the several times the ground had been scanned in one location with multiple hits meant there was something there if the cops would just dig in the correct places.

What bothered many people was the appearance of deliberately avoiding doing a good look.

He also said the cops had drilled some core samples... they were what the supposed `best cadaver dogs' in the world had sniffed looking for bodies... nothing else... which not a recognized method of determining if a body is present. Grady smiled as he said it was a shit show.

Edison tasked him with working it... `go slow and steady, use your sources' were the instructions from Edison. We shook hands.

My folks were rounded up and off to Midway Airport. We were in the air quickly. Stephanie said under eight hours as we were getting some tailwinds and a fast route to the Atlantic from air traffic controllers.

Cho and I talked... he was in bed... his face on the Conference App was a big smile, "You got it done right! Making the extra points was good so they know you pay attention to lots of things. Also a lesson from you allowing Rick to hang himself. You made the effort... he wasn't up to it. The Tribune people will remember that."

They were at the Moulin de Deauville farm. It was beautiful, in superb condition. Crawford2's report was the four horses are in fine shape with complete health histories.

"So buying them is great! The four are handsome and appear to be happy being around each other.

The staff is making over the Twins big time!"

"Don't let them spoil the Twins any more than we do!"

Cho laughing, "I'm not sure that is possible."

He got phffft from me which made him roar with laughter.

I said I'm off to bed too. "Kiss the babies for me!"

Cho said I was coming along as a businessperson... no doubt about it. Another phffft was delivered to much laughing and love shared across the miles.

Lil had breakfast ready! Eggs over easy, toast, veggie sausages! Lots of strawberry preserves!! Gil came in then Ali and Francis. The Protectors too! Chelle had gone with Cho to France so we will all be back together in less than an hour.

The countryside of Normandy sliding by the car window... early spring... budding trees. We saw two Belgians hooked to a big plough working on a slope. I liked that! We had to slow down for an intersection so was able to see them striding along... Damn they were handsome.

I nudged Gil. A smile on her face. "Fay, it's like a hundred years ago."

Indeed! I asked the driver if we could stop for a moment... I stepped out... I waved to the farmer calling out "Ils sont beaux!" ("They are beautiful!")

A smile as he returned the wave, "Merci beaucoup! Ce sont des travailleurs acharnés!" ("They are very hard workers!")

Another wave then we went on.

Cho was at the front door. Into his arms... KISS! Inside the Twins came running... "Mama!" From them. Hugs and kisses!! A big hug from Sunny! Gil got the same from Chelle. Tha and Delphine smiling as we held hands.

I got a tour of the main house. Upstairs... I loved the curved stone stairs! In our suite Cho held me close for another kiss... much more in this one!!!

My riding things on the bed. Yea! A quick change... it would have faster without Cho playing with my parts! Gil came out into the passage in her riding clothes with a smile. We walked down... Sunny and Gaby dressed to ride.

I met Guillaume at the stables. His eyes... my clothes.

"Comtesse... I think your outfit is wonderful!" He said it in English, fairly good too.

I did a bow which made him laugh.

I said motioning with my arm around the stable entrance, This all looks very good! I like the stone!' Pointing the four horses... Which is my horse' all in French.

"Comtesse... you are like a Frenchwoman... Splendid."

I let him know all our staff and family spoke French.

"I saddled Thierry for you. He is the one that is the most powerful and sometimes a handful. Monsieur Cho said you asked for him and you are an experienced rider. I can say if you ride him hard he will love you forever!"

I smiled at that. "Then Thierry is going to be my friend."

A leg up on black stallion. Gil on a grey, two browns for Sunny and Gaby. Gil had a map. A quick scan.

We started in a large paddock... I got the feel of Thierry's moves... the gate was open I turned him through it onto a dirt track... I asked... Thierry responded with a surge of power. We raced down a straight... quickly into the turn... he stayed at speed where I wanted him.

We came out of the turn down the straight... The quick look at the map had shown me if we went to the end on the straight we could cross in front of the house to the grass track beyond. It was longer... a mile... over a kilometre and a half.

My fellow riders were back a ways but they could easily follow. Thierry and I galloped around the house across the drive to a hedge lined road then it opened to the track! I asked him for more... He had it! We wound the big oval very fast... I slowed him in the second turn which was closest to the house. I turned him to go back to the stables...

Gil, Sunny and Gaby caught up finally. Wild smiling faces!

"Fay, that was amazing!" Sunny loved watching me ride `a fou!'

It had been. "I guess we know Thierry loves to run!"

I was rubbing his neck. His head bobbing with a loud whinny!!

Okay! He's my guy!

We walked back to the stables... I could hear Chani and Charlie calling out, "Mama!"

They were running across the grass to the stables with Delphine.

Guillaume was wide-eyed... "Comtesse, I haven't seen riding like that for many years." He took Thierry's reins as I slipped down.

I stroked that magnificent head.

"You enjoyed yourself?"

Several loud nickers and a head bob.

"Ah Comtesse, you have the way! Thierry will be content knowing you will be part of his life."

The babies arrived... I introduced the Twins to Guillaume and the grooms.

They shook hands with Guillaume. A half dozen of the stable staff were there. I shook their hands.

The Twins got in on that! The staff marvelling at the Twins.

The grooms and other staff all knew we wanted them to go to Harcourt House for a short while. They seemed intrigued by the idea of an England trip. None had ever been across the Channel!

To them in French, I said, "Our Security will be adding equipment and some new gates... We need to have these things because of our being public figures. We will try not to make things difficult for you.

It is necessary.

The people doing these changes are trusted by us to protect our children and ourselves."

I motioned with my arm around in a sweep, "We know this farm trained racing horses in the past... now you will again. We will be part of the Hippodrome de Deauville season and other tracks across France. The equestrian parts will be fixed up and very active also. We will hire more staff."

All good news for them!

"I hope you all will be happy here with all the new things happening."

Smiles and nods.

Introduced my niece Sunny, Gil as my assistant and Gaby as one of our personal security team as ladies who would often ride with me. I mentioned Gaby was from the Dordogne. The men liked that.

I asked Guillaume to look around for a pony, quiet and happy, for our babies. A big smile, he would be glad to!

Clapping from Charlie and Chani!

In French, "Thank you Mama... and thank you Guillaume."

He looked quite touched for that from the babies.

I detoured our walk back to the pond, a little boat house and pier. Three punts and miscellaneous swimming gear and toys in the little house. Charlie was looking at everything in anticipation of a warm summer's day!

We went through the formal garden, well maintained, trimmed shrubbery and flower beds. A peek at the tennis court... Gaby asked if I play?

Smiling, I said I don't do things with balls or sticks.

Gil laughing, "Fay is known to be ` stick and ball' adverse except for being with Jaidee. I'll check on racquets and balls... so when we're here we can hit a few if you were inclined..." to Gaby. A grin!

I thought Jaidee will love this place... loads of places to have fun snooping.

Inside via the kitchen, the staff surprised. I said don't mind us... a quick look around then to the Breakfast Room. Cho with coffee in an arm chair by the large fireplace.


"I saw you roaring by... quite the show."

Another kiss, "That was the restive one... Thierry. He's going to be a pal because he loves to run!"

Gil, Sunny and Gaby all said their horses were good just not in Thierry's league.

We stayed until late afternoon then three AW139's landed on the marked grid across the road from the main house... fortunately well away from the stables. Loaded up... it was hardly more than half an hour's flight to Harcourt House.

Charlie and Chani `released' from their travel seats charged across the Forecourt to a waiting Carter.

Hugs for him. A fist bump for Carter by me, a big smile on him.

In the Great Room by the fire after the Twins had gone up Cho and I talked about a lot of things... Chicago, the election, in Fauquier County land where the teenager Jason shot the raccoon included.

That piece of triangular land where Jason had been hunting was owned by the county. They agreed to sell it to us. We let them know it will not change except it will be in our security zone. Gilbert explained to them what that meant.

Jason was working for us now... part-time until the summer then fulltime. He had another year of school. Daniel liked the young man, he was willing to work and seemed very pleased to be with us.

Jason asked if could bring his mother over to meet everyone... That got a big YES from Daniel.

This is an excellent outcome. We made our pleasure known to Gilbert and Daniel!

New shelters in Los Angeles were purchased. In Inglewood, it was on Manchester Boulevard not far from Inglewood High School, city hall, police headquarters, shopping and more. Public transport right out the door.

It was a motel, two floors with a restaurant attached. A hundred rooms, several meeting rooms and a good sized office. We could secure it fairly easily which added to its attraction.

The restaurant was profitable so we would leave it going, expand it for the shelter's needs.

It needed work including roof repairs but overall it was in good shape. Merging several rooms for a clinic was an obvious thing. The laundry would be enlarged and several washing machines and dryers installed for guests.

The pool was fenced already and had a very nice palm shaded patio.

Rema was to be the manager, she has a Master's degree in Social Work, a single mom to two teenage girls. Both girls went to Inglewood High School already so their moving into the shelter wasn't a problem... they could walk to school.

In Santa Monica, Avery was the manager. A gay black man who'd been on the street when he was young... a veteran of life's many ways to screw with you... he had those valuable insights to share. Astara told me Avery had no important paper' degrees... he'd graduated with a degree in life.'

She said he's articulate, well-read and has an even temperament plus enjoys the energy kids bring to everything!

The new shelter was just off Lincoln Boulevard not far from Pico Boulevard. Lots of shopping and attractions in the area, on multiple bus routes and a ten minute walk to the beach!

It was also an old motel, this one in a U-shape.' The offices and restaurant on the ground floor at the bottom of the U' fronting the road, the meeting rooms on the first floor above them. Eighty eight rooms, a couple would become laundry rooms, computer laboratory, the library and quiet space. A clinic would be in one of the meeting rooms. A pool in the centre of the garden surrounded by the building's wings.

Camilla's report said they could secure the locations with little trouble and she was hiring to be able to cover these new locations.

The SolarToGo Iranian deal was a happening thing!! A trip to Tehran for some signing of documents and meeting the folks whose other government ministries were part of the project.

Taj would host the meetings at the Energy Ministry since his department was most involved. A return visit to the Doosti Restaurant was suggested and I heartily agreed!

I had emailed General Soleimani about a tour of the Iranian Garden flowers. He responded saying he be delighted to escort me.

After the election campaign, Todd, Baron Ducovney's meeting about solar power for Parliament members was set for St. John's Smith. It had to be in the Crypt of St. John's Smith because so many had `signed' up!! Question... how many will be back in the new Parliament?

Cho laughing about my getting roped into that... I jumped on him... we wrestled on a settee laughing our heads off. It touched off after he had previously commented on my giving a speech to the Armed Forces Society dinner.

"Fay, I'm glad you're getting lots of practise for the Nobel speech!!"

My new public `persona!'

I lay over him... kissing!!

We had an invite to a Royal Thai embassy party for Songkran New Year celebration. It was black-Tie but with dancing! Tanawat, the new Thai ambassador to the Court of St. James's was holding the party. Cho knew him, liked him... so we agreed to go.

Another brick from the wall... said to more laughing.

I was rubbing Pamela's neck, soft nickers. Tiny Penelope leaning against me... dad' Roland was being cooled down after a wondrous ride from Sandford. If only every morning could be like this. A nose kiss for Penelope, a hug for her mom!'

Secret Sea and Secret Royal in a paddock, the small nose through the fence being rubbed by his handsome sire. Asda looking magnificent giving his son some love. Damn! The amazing bloodlines mixed in that young colt... you don't ever know if they have `IT' until they run for the first time... this little fellow had everything needed to be one of the greatest champions.

Ronnie beside me, "Fay, it is so amazing to see these three."

I nudged her, "So the tears in the `chariot to the stars' all forgotten?"

A smile, "Yes! Seeing Secret Sea happy with her first baby... that's just so warming for my heart."

"I hear you've been spending a lot of time at EFT..."

Ronnie smiling, "Those horses are so lovely... contented to be somewhere they are treated well and free to roam about... making friends."

"No other reason?"

She was blushing... her cheeks a beautiful pale rose colour.

"We like Cormac too! He knows horses and enjoys seeing them have a safe restful place to live."

The colour in her cheeks had dimmed a bit.

"Fay... He's a really lovely fellow. We talk about all sorts... Oh, I'm starting to talk English."

We laughed, a hug.

"Cormac is a smart man who is in a good place for him... We hope other things will keep his interest... a few plans in the works."

Ronnie looking at Secret Royal now bouncing around the grass... "Fay, we like each other... it's a slow romance which might heat up... is it a problem?"

"NO! Follow your heart... besides all that biking back and forth is good for your legs."

That brought out giggles.

In the Breakfast Room my son threw his arms open for a hug! One for his sister too! Cho got a kiss. Me to the food!

Tha and Delphine rounded up the kids! Lessons, their daily visit to Iris, a pirating trip on the Rêve if it is not raining too much. A good day!

Cho parked in the Office doing several Conference App meetings. First one I was part of with the City Investment Bank folks. It was on the new stock issue for SolarToGo. A common stock secondary non-voting level where shareholders would benefit from the company's success trusting in the management as they would have no voice in business decisions.

They all felt it would sell quickly... the sales date was a week away from today after the press announcement about the Iranian deal. Taj and I agreed on a press conference in Tehran and here tomorrow.

I kissed Cho when it was over.

Gil and I sat in the Library. I reviewed my speech for tonight, a few minor changes. Gil thought it was good... it hit my important points hard.

I wouldn't have to dress up much... it wasn't formal. I choose the black ribbed Hugo Boss frock, snug to my bits. Gil had it all ready.

We loaded up with Kellen... she had us descending to Wandsworth in fifteen minutes. Clough at Cowley House, a smile. My things for later upstairs.

Lunch then I had time with Clough on bits about the house and staff. He was happy, enough staff to get the house taken care of and to arrange holidays for everybody. If we hired more there were some rooms upstairs for them.

He got that once Parliament was in full swing I'd be back with my luncheons and evening visitors.

I took Gil, Tessa and Gaby with me to Millbank House.

Sage smiling, "Your Ladyship."

A hug, "Remember in here I'm Fay..."

"Yes Ma'am... you know..."

I shrugged... she smiled more.

Sage had things for me even though the Commons was in flux the Lords carried on. No legislation moving but plenty to occupy one's time. I did several hours and took some with me back to Cowley House.

Some more time on those bits with Gil.

We talked about miscellaneous things over dinner.

Time to get going!

The Hugo Boss frock had a square bodice and back, small cap sleeves which I placed at the end of my shoulders, a bit of skin was Okay. It was snug to a few inches below my knee. The fabric was wide, soft ribbing! Snug but I could move easily. Black stilettos, black stockings, silver jewellery, `Joy'

The big Mirabelle coat, the French tricolour flag Hermès scarf and black leather gloves.

Prasert was driving! He, Ellie and Kas were in town for a few days to visit friends so he was being good to drive me. PJ and Tara with me, Gil got to stay home and chill. The event was being held at Ranelagh Gardens, Fulham. The Hurlingham Club, a large venue for seven hundred or more guests.

Prasert pulled up in front, no problems since everybody was already inside at dinner. A gentleman from the club met me in the lobby.

"Your Ladyship, welcome. I will escort you to the head table."

I thanked him as a fellow took my coat and other things. Gil had called ahead to tell them to be prepared for my Protectors. The club fellow said they had chairs in place them in the corners of the dais. Another thank you.

He led us into what was called the Palm Court and Orangery, the arched glass ceiling was lit in navy blue. We approached the first tables... then the room opened to a very large space which was filled!

My... there were a lot of people. It seemed like acres of them.

We went down an aisle between rows of round tables... The guests were eating, orchestral music playing... we began to be noticed... heads turning. My guide brought me to the steps of the dais... The men at the head table stood in greeting. I said hellos and asked them to please continue their dinners.

The Armed Forces Society head, an elderly colonel if I got the rank correct, pulled out a chair beside him. I thanked the club man again. He bowed.

The colonel, I was right, wasn't an old duffer thankfully.

"Your Ladyship, some wine..." which I said yes to. A good dry white, crisp.

"Ma'am, you have met my older brother, Terrance at the Lords. He speaks very highly of you and was the primary inspiration for your being considered... We were already interested in having you after your speaking in the Lords but Terrance was convincing."

"Is Terrance here tonight?"

"Indeed! He's off to the right several tables over."

After a short period the colonel stood up to the podium.

"Ladies... Gentlemen, the main speaker for this evening is a member of the House of Lords and has taken the lead in bringing attention to the long-standing issue of military spending by the government. Although only a short time in the Lords she has made a considerable name for herself.

She is an international businesswoman, co-owner of a very successful racing establishment, chairwoman of the Chanthira Foundation, a large and important world-wide charity, Co-Chairman of the 21st Century Fox Corporation, she is also the Managing Director of the NewsGroup, an Anglo-American newspaper corporation and I am sure there is much more...

Please welcome Her Ladyship, the Countess Harcourt!"

He started to applaud... a big smile! The guests were applauding then some stood up which I thought premature...

A fellow behind me drew the chair away thankfully. I shook hands with the colonel and moved to the podium.

I moved the microphone up a bit and smiled into the many lights.

I thanked them for the warm welcome saying I hope to you feel the same at the end which brought laughs.

"First I'd liked to give you some family history from one side... the Munros. In the Great War... my great grandfather commanded a Scots regiment for several years in the mud and blasted trench landscape of France. Although wounded twice... he survived to come back to my great grandmother and give my grandfather his stories of the war. He said to his son he hoped he wouldn't have to ever go through what he had.

A forlorn hope!

My Munro grandfather served in the Seventh Armoured Division in the Western Desert for a year and half before being posted to the War Department planning section. He fought the Italians and Germans in the desert at the head of armoured battalion... finding them to be decent but tough.

My father who was a Martin was in the Royal Artillery for many years commanding a battalion then he moved to MI6. He took my mother, a Munro, with him into the Service! They were a team in many foreign postings for over twenty years.


I have not worn a uniform... I will try to do my bit as best as I can in the House of Lords.

Polite applause<

Which brings us to the Defence Bill... It has been the fault of successive governments that the regular armed forces were starved for funds to maintain themselves as a modern and well equipped military force. Out of date weapons or too few of those that are modern... Not enough ships to support the new aircraft carriers... Airplanes that need much more time in maintenance than they are in the air... Armoured vehicles that breakdown too frequently... None of these things are hidden from the active serving men and women.

Louder clapping<

Failing to address these needs sends a message to soldiers, sailors, air men and women our country wants them to serve but won't support them properly.

Rising applause and noise<

My husband Cho and I have certain hard and fast rules for the companies we operate...

the people who do the work should be paid well and provided with the appropriate care...


They need to be given the best tools necessary to do the jobs we require them to perform...


And given the finest leadership we can find.

Our armed services are lacking all three...

the leadership at the top levels of the Ministry of Defence is lamentable.


Cheating and lying about money spent on the Trident submarines is clearly shameful behaviour that is damaging to the nation. Moreover it is a flagrant abuse of power!"

Sustained applause<

"Members have said if the government needed money for the Tridents a supplemental funding bill would have passed without a problem. So it was done in secrecy... sneaking around like schoolboys doing a dirty deed.


I went on about dividing the Defence Bill into three separate bills so each would receive proper financing. Pointing out as each bill was scrutinised and debated they'd receive the sort in depth treatment they should. Nothing going under the radar.

I gave a brief overview of the budgeting procedures in Parliament and how the various services then used the monies.

I made points about the process needed to take in our strategic position and where we have made commitments around the world. The global realities are such that to project power you have to have `reach' which we did not have now.

"I'm sure it is known to many of you..." My arm motioning across the room, "... that in Afghanistan our forces needed to have U.S. Army helicopters to move any significant number of troops around even for the shortest distances.

If we can't lift our own we have created a dependency which is not healthy for the Armed Forces."


The one item that was new to this... I stayed with the language agreed to by Hillary Clinton and myself.

"As part of an appreciation of the total world situation and our role in it we have to consider if we need to have a nuclear deterrent like the Trident submarine fleet. As it stands now we have one nuclear missile armed sub at sea at a time. Sixteen missiles with multiple warheads... for that we pay billions of £'s per year. Oh yes... I've read the MOD information and the budget numbers but they are designed to obscure the reality.

Trident has been over budget since its inception. Fiddling with the money from other parts of the Defence Bill appropriations demeans the entire process. We might as well hand the chequebook over to unelected individuals!"


"Perhaps we should determine if the Trident submarines are worth the effort... maybe it's time to not have our own `deterrent?"

Some applause<

"What if we phased out the Trident subs as they reach their end of life? We have been living under the Nuclear Umbrella of the United States since 1945.

If someone attacks us there will be the terror of a full American retaliatory response and the end of life for so many. Our few missiles won't matter. America will have destroyed everything of value in our enemy's country and likely far beyond.


See... talking about the doom of civilization makes everybody quiet. If we can move to being without nuclear weapons maybe others can too?

It is time for all nuclear nations to step back and consider... do they need to destroy the planet? Do they need to have such overwhelming force? All the self-fulfilling prophecies of nuclear weaponry hasn't made us any safer.

What we stand for as a nation has nothing to do whether we have the Bomb or not, it never has.


Let's give our armed forces the tools they need of the highest quality and in abundance to do their jobs!!


Let's pay them what they deserve!

Loud Applause<

The United Kingdom is a nation of laws and Parliamentary democracy with good and decent people. We have sacrificed many times for the greater good of the world as have our friends and allies... to leave for the future a world where they might not have to fight wars...

That hasn't worked out but we keep trying.

LOUD Applause<

If we need to fight then we do... two world wars showed we don't rush into war but when we are IN... We fight for King and Country with all our heart.

We wouldn't be the same if we didn't."



I was blown back a bit by how they seemed to jump up applauding.

The colonel had my hand, "Damned if you aren't the one!"

Some others on the dais shook my hand, my cheeks kissed.

As the guests calmed down I stepped back to the microphone...

"We have an important election coming... we can choose the party of neglect, do-nothing and frankly... incompetence...

Or we can make changes.

No political party is perfect... you have to accept their faults in a personal thinking process to choose which you believe can actually lead our country forward...

No matter your choice please go out and vote. It is your right and duty to do so.

Thank you for inviting me and hearing me out." I waved my arm.

More APPLAUSE and CHEERS! Then they all stood up again! The clapping in that room near to deafening.

I shook hands around the dais. At the steps I waved to the crowd... PJ and Tara moved close.

The club fellow was at the steps, he was to lead us back through to the front.

I got him to detour to the right. Terrance standing there hands out. Cheeks kissed and a firm handshake. I was introduced to his wife, Melody. Cheeks kissed. Terrance said he'd call me.

A thumbs up from me as our club man led us away.

The applause continued...

I shook some hands on the way out... like a politician... a few standing in groups... I worked my way through. I did turn to wave... receiving hands waving back, more applause and cheers.

A club fellow helped me with my coat... At the door my escort said it was a terrific speech. I thanked him as he held the car door. Prasert away!

PJ sitting there with a shit-eating grin.

I did a two hand wave of `come on.'

He laughed, "Fay, you are getting very good at these things. Stump speeches, gatherings of old military types, the House of Lords... It is a light year from that balcony."

A fist bump! Tara grinning just as much as PJ.

She laughed, her finger pointing to PJ, "It's what he said!"

We were all laughing.

Prasert took us to Wandsworth after picking up Gil. I thanked him for the lift. He grinned. Fist bump over the seat back. He was showing Kas how to fist bump!

Cho and Carter at the Harcourt House doors... A big hug for my guy, fist bump for Carter!!

I went up to look in at the Twins... sound asleep. Tha smiling, softly, "They had a big full day."


In jeans and a big jumper on a settee with an Amaretto and espresso. Cho with his cute grin, "So tell."

I gave him the story of my night. The finale had me gathered up in strong arms for a big hug.

"You wowed them! What a nice success."

The cute grin there again, "So this means you get to do the Nobel speech!"

We laughed!! There were we thought more deserving candidates.

Dark bedroom, cool sheets, a warm husband... sleep.

I walked into the lamplight at the Stables... Roland nickered. I stroked his neck, "Yes... another run!"

Andy got a scone and an empty coffee cup. I got a knee up. Tessa smiling on Con. Gaby came close on Max. Okay!

A woof from Jaidee as he and Thames went off down a stable row.

We rode down the lane across the flats and up the slope. It was a smashing gallop to the lock. My friends there, waves, `good mornings' all around.

Over the river we rode to Barton Lane. A look at the property we planned to give to the Iman Khan's congregation for their masjid. They'd need enough space for a car park too.

We turned for the path to the underpass, north through the trees. A wave to Terry as he moved the freshly milked cows out to the pasture.

Jerrold at his car door got a `good morning' as we rode past. A smile and a wave. We went down the lane to the boatyard. Dennis had a big smile. He stepped close.

"Your Ladyship, May is expecting... another little one!"

I leaned down to shake his hand, "Wonderful! How is May?"

"We were at the doctor's yesterday! May is in fine shape... the doc was pleased to be able to confirm our suspicions."

"Tell her we're happy for you both."

He would.

We rode north on the Thames Path until we were opposite the Fraser's then over to the track through the woods... we walked by the yurts. Three cars and a transit van parked. A quick stop in at the Recording Studio.

Celeste at the desk, she was the early one. I was glad I didn't `frighten' her anymore. I got a big smile... Tab would be in at nine. The smile seemed like it was going to stay... I'd ask Tab... Celeste was happy? A good thing.

Next door Lotte grinned when I asked about Celeste... "She's got a fella that is very nice, they are great together."

My look encouraged her. `It's Yone the security guy' which did surprise me. He was a quiet one about this. Tessa and Gaby both grinning! Okay!

Across the lock, the lock man waving from the far end. He got three back.

Mr. Hardy was out so Roland nickered. We approached the grass... I could feel his excitement!

I asked... Roland provided! A glorious run along the river... we didn't pause until the Flats. Tessa and Gaby joined me walking our horses.

"Fay, Yone and Celeste? Everyone likes Yone... he's a good boss."

I said it was an interesting pairing, I hoped it was good for them.

The Breakfast Room had two happy babies, a nurse, a teacher and husband... a niece flying out as I was trying to go in.

"Fay, I'm late!"

She was gone.

Kisses for my three and food for me. Cho's smile when I told him about Yone and Celeste.

"Good! Everyone should `have somebody to love.' And no I'm not going to sing."

We laughed. Chani asked why no singing... Popa said because he had a terrible singing voice. I could see on her face that wasn't the end of it. After the Twins went up I told Cho about Chani's face...

"She will try to find a way to get you to sing... bet on it!"

Cho kissed me, "If she can... Okay."

Cho and I were climbing into the AW139... Kellen lifted us up and away. A straight line to Wandsworth. Allyn and Rae there with cars... onto The Company's offices in Notting Hill Gate.

There was a Security woman at the door because of all the guests, she had a smile. I squeezed her hand as we passed.

We had a press conference set for the canteen, the biggest open space. The big screen was on... linked to Tehran. The local news folks out in front of us facing the screen. It was time... eleven here... fourteen thirty in Tehran. Cameras all working.

Achmed here with us to do the translation for this room's occupants rather than me.

Taj's top assistant, Maisil came on the screen at a podium with the Energy Ministry crest. He was to introduce Taj.

Our news crowd here had been given briefing papers with information on the principal people involved in both countries and the general information about SolarToGo.

Sterling, an Under Secretary at the Department of Energy and Climate Change was with us and a few of his staffers.

Taj on the screen... we exchanged greetings... he introduced several other ministers whose departments were part of the project. I did Sterling and Cho.

Taj led with the news of SolarToGo's contracts with the Iranian government, what we would do... what they would do and where it would happen, a location in southern Tehran and a secondary one in Isfahan.

My part was to explain what we were making, how much we expected to build, the new manufacturing plants in Iran, some about the financing.

Taj had the projected employment numbers for Iran and data on local Iranian companies who were participating.

I followed with what parts were to be made by SolarToGo and shipped to Iran. And that we had a new research and development location in London and enlarged manufacturing facility in Dartford that was complimented by locations in Los Angeles and Bangkok. The plant in Bangkok would supply the most to the Iranian manufacturing locations.

We did questions... it started a bit awkwardly given the translations but we got a rhythm going... I answered at our end, Taj at his. The Farsi translated and the reverse for English. We managed it for thirty minutes then said we needed to end. Taj agreed with me that written questions would accepted and answered.

If the news people left their email we would broadcast the questions and answers. We ended with thank yous to all the journalists. Cho and I waved to Taj. He smiling returning the wave.

We were out. Sterling was pleased... he didn't have to speak much... a grin for that and our successful dealings with the Iranians.

"Your Ladyship, you and Taj seem to be on the best terms."

"We are... he wants good things for Iran and we for the UK. Self-interest works for us both."

We shook hands. Eric came up behind us, he was introduced to Sterling.

Sterling to Eric, "The Company has become a multi-billion £ export powerhouse... an amazing performance! We would like to have you and some of your people over to the Ministry to give a talk to staff... Could that be possible?"

Eric said it could as long as they had enough lead time on what the topic would be. Sterling said that won't be a problem... "As an idea... maybe your methods in dealing foreign companies and governments."

Eric said they could do that.

More handshakes. My arm around Eric's waist... Cho joined in on my right.

Eric leaned close, "You know SolarToGo is going to move to a totally new level of public awareness... So be prepared for a further rise in attention."

Cho smiling said preliminary contacts for the stock issue show interest as high as for any company in the past thirty years. "It will sell-out in less than a day far above the asking price. The trading after the first sales are complete could be very interesting."

We did a lunch for family, Jian, Ting, Andrea, Catherine and Caroline at Cowley House. Hugs and kisses.

Holding my buddy close, "We don't get to do this enough."

Jian agreed, "You keep me too busy." We laughed.

I sat on a settee with Caroline... this was a happy girl... like the Twins she was having a wonderful upbringing by loving adults. Ting was dad, she had two moms and an aunt... all being parents. She was thrilled to soon have brothers or sisters.

"Aunt Fay, I have my own room and the babies get to be together." She clapped her hands.

We had a delicious lunch from Mrs. Travers. There was strawberry trifle at the end. Caroline grinning as she scooped out the last of it. A big rub of her tummy with a contented smiling face.

We gave everyone love before flying back to Harcourt House.

Our babies in the Great Room came running as our coats were taken. I scooped up my son for a hug and kiss. Cho holding Chani... we did a group hug!

No rain so the Twins and Jaidee were going out to the Rêve! Cho and I in the Office where we could see their having fun.

We talked about quite a few topics. I had several days of electioneering coming... the election was coming down to the last week. I had ten visits in these last days... then an assessment of where to spend my final efforts.

A rollicking sunrise ride with Roland ended on the Flats. Cooldown was a walk around the dressage and jumping arenas with part of the cross-country course.

Charlotte was down now waiting for Sunny... walking her horse beside me.

Charlotte said Sunny was working hard to be ready for Badminton. The competition would be at a level she had not yet seen... international and national champions with the finest horses... very tough! The Gloucestershire event had a very high level but not like Badminton.

"Fay, all that competition doesn't seem to faze her. I think it comes down to something Cho told her about competing as in golf... she had to remember all the time she was competing against the course not her opponents. She had to keep her mind on that!"

A huge internal smile for Cho... `focus on your task' was his mantra!

Fist bump with Charlotte!

Today was a catch up day for me before more trips to support candidates in across the country.

Gil, Ali and I in the Library, Fin was acclaimed a hero when brought in a coffee and treats tray. Gil and Ali both hugged him. He was laughing as he walked out.

Cho was going to New Orleans for Samir's run in the Louisiana Derby at the Fairgrounds then onto California for racing at Santa Anita. Rando, Hansa and Kaao were running in three races. A few days later Toes Tapping was entered in the Florida Derby at Gulfstream Park.

The first week of April would also be very busy on tracks in America.

We discussed the Twins going with him in April while I had to be here for the new Parliament and a business trip to Tehran, Hanoi and Bangkok before coming back to Oxfordshire.

Finally! The fourth straight day of campaigning and my last!

I was tired. So many stops across the country.

Damn I wanted Cho to be back!

The west coast race results were unbelievable!!! A million dollars in the combined winnings!

Hansa blew the field away in the Santa Margarita Stakes, a ten length win!

Rando set a new track record for twelve furlongs in winning the San Luis Rey Stakes. He showed he hadn't lost a step in turning four years old.

Kaao owns the seven furlong record time for Santa Anita Park, he destroyed the field in the Santa Monica Stakes.

Toes Tapping was in the Florida Derby in less than a week, Monaco's reports on her training left little doubt she was ready!

Stellar Black's next is the Wood memorial at Aqueduct! James emailed he was wired, ready to roll! A mile breeze at the Belmont was an eye-popping 1:34.50! As Charles Hatton used to say... `the trees swayed!' Oh yes he was ready!

After my morning ride and breakfast the AW139 lifted me, Gil, Chelle, Tara, Angie, Gaby and Ken northeast to Newcastle for two stops then Sunderland for a big one with a Labour candidate trying to flip a long time tory seat and finally Driffield. We landed in a grassy space off a football ground just at four o'clock. We had walk about two hundred and fifty feet... wet grass. Mist coming down or sometimes going sideways!

I got prepared this morning... Kentucky Heat bits top and bottom, grey wool trousers, white cotton long-sleeved shirt under a heavy cable knit red jumper, gold jewellery, `Joy' Black Doc Marten's on my feet!

The black leather car coat, black Hermès scarf and leather gloves. A black baseball cap with the silver Apple on the front and Harcourt Racing on the side.

Chelle moved to the side to get video, Angie went with her.

One of Fred's folks greeted us. There was a dais in front of the grandstand so the crowd was under its roof... we were outside... there were quite a few people around the sides, the stand was full. A big turnout!

The constituency chairman got things started... then Fred spoke about how Labour wanted to make changes but not to the point of going overboard. They wanted common sense returned to government.

"Things have been badly managed by the tories. They have grown fat after so many years in power they no longer pay attention to the needs of the people... not even their own."

I was introduced to a few cheers, catcalls and some applause.

Smiling, "This is my first visit to Driffield..." that got me `why come at all you're not our type' which made me laugh.

"True enough I'm not from the northeast... part Hampshire and part Scots... but do I have to be from `somewhere' in particular to know you have been poorly served by your current MP?

I don't think so! He has supported a straight tory line which has done nothing for you... nothing!

Has the NHS been fully funded so the local hospitals and GP's can do their work of giving you all proper healthcare? The answer is NO!

Have farmers been given the help they need to get their crop to market when the roads are in an appalling state? Or are the price supports working? NO!

Are the schools you send yours to doing the job educating them so they can go out into the world prepared to work... seek out higher education... begin a career? NO!

How many other failures can you name? There are too many!

Your MP voted for the grotesque Defence Bill! He went along so that our men and women in the services will keep using old and second-class equipment just so a few tory friends can make more money."

I motioned back over my right shoulder, "An RAF jet crashed off Grimsby six months ago... the pilot was saved from the water so that is good but the report on the jet said likely the engine failed because of fuel line issues. The same model jet crash landed in Scotland last year in one piece... they found metal fatigue in the fuel lines... the pipes burst so no fuel went to the engine. They were too old. The pilot's own skill was his life's saviour.

No money has been allocated to remedy that by the tory government."

The crowd was very restive, noises but no dissenters... someone called out `SHAME on them.'

"You in this riding narrowly agreed to brexit in the referendum... how do you feel now knowing some of the factories here will have NO goods exportable to the EU? They will likely close.

The EU has said trade agreements with the UK are not at the top of their list of priorities... America has said there will be NO `most favoured nation' status for the UK. Each deal will have to be separately decided on slowing down the process to a crawl.

Where are the tories? They think separating from the EU will make this Kingdom better again... as if they can turn back the hands of a clock to 1900. Rubbish!!

Just don't listen to fairy tales from the tories!

What's on offer... only Fred and the Labour party offer you the future!

You can vote for the past or vote for your future..."

There were cheers and very loud applause! The people in the stand were up clapping!!

Fred behind me quietly, "Damn... Your Ladyship you've got them going!!"

We shook hands... for the crowd I lifted Fred's hand up. More noise!

I walked with Fred towards the helicopter... "Looks like I might have helped a bit."

Grins all around in Fred's staff. Big thank yous! Hands shaken... I waved from the steps going aboard.

Kellen got us going southwest to home! Another long day!

It was awesome to hug the Twins by the Great Room fire. They were all giggly happy. Catherine and Caroline had come out to stay while I was electioneering. Caroline with a big smile. They got hugs too.

"Fay, the babies always have such fun. Caroline is now a Rêve crew member with her own outfit."

I applauded Caroline... a big grin!

"Delphine has Caroline writing in cursive!"

Caroline looked up at her name being used again, "Wow! Do you like it?"

Caroline sat beside me, "Aunt Fay, it is easy when you get into the flow." She did a sweeping writing motion. A hug.

Catherine said Jian was back in Bangkok, she and Caroline were going soon to see the grandparents and have fun!

Fist bump.

Gil leaned close `Cho is on the way from Chalgrove.' Yea!

I was in the entryway... Monster hug and kiss! Loud `Popa's' Cho swept the Twins close kneeling in-between. Catherine and Caroline got hugs too.

We had a marvellous dinner! The babies with massive smiles as the peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream was served for dessert! Good food! Fun guests!

Catherine and Caroline going up to London. Lots of kisses. Tom's car rolling across the forecourt as we all waved.

Cho and I helped put the Twins down. I tucked Raggedy Anne close to Chani, her eyes were sleepy. A hug and kiss. "Goodnight Mama." "You too Chani."

She got a kiss from Popa and Charlie one from me.

Gil took a call near the Abingdon lock... we walked our horses down to the water... A wave to the lock man as we dismounted. Gil was still the saddle listening. Tessa and Gaby took the horses to go over the river... Gil and I by the lock top walkway entrance.

"Fay, the Labour folks are asking if you could go back to Peterborough. They are saying Gwendolyn is in a tight race they feel sure she could win."

"Is she having a meeting?"

"This afternoon."

Shit... the election is tomorrow... "Okay! Find where and get info about the location... where can we land a helicopter, etc."

Gil brought her phone back to her ear... she went to it. I called Chalgrove... an AW139 could be ready in ten minutes. I wasn't sure on departure but not right away... "Tell Kellen it's Peterborough but a new landing spot not determined yet."

Gil got the information... she mapped it... pointing to an open field beside a swimming pool with a large car park.

"That's where the meeting is. I'll call the Lido folks now."

"You go back to the house and work on this. We'll go ahead."

Fist bump!

I re-joined Tessa and Gaby, remounted we went on through the underpass, up into Lower Radley then a hard ride into the woods northward. Out of the trees went turned to the Thames Path and the river crossings. The Sandford lock man fully involved with a narrow boat at the upper end.

Roland was ready to run again... we tore across our neighbours land... I urged the big guy forward... he loved it. I slowed him on the Flats... Roland and I walked until the ladies caught up.

Andy took Roland and I ran up to the house. Gil in the breakfast Room...

"I'm waiting on a call back from Peterborough. The venue is a platform that backs up to trees and a fence on the east side of the Lido, an outdoor pool. I'm trying to get the Okay to land on the grass in front of the pool."

Fist bump.

"Me too" from Charlie... done... Chani also.

Cho grinning with cup of coffee. I got breakfast and parked beside him.

"You're really into this! You want the tories out rather badly."

Nodding with a mouthful so I didn't act as a bad example to the Twins. Chew... swallow... "Yes! We agreed! It's the only way brexit is to be stopped and normal human decency is restored to government. I have to make the effort!"

iPhone ring... Gil answered... talking... Gil's arm shot up then down in a fist pump!

"Thank you very much!" A smile, "We got it! They are Okay with us landing. I'm calling Gwendolyn's people to let them know and have some sort of ring around that area so it is clear. I'll get the timing finalized."

"Call the Peterborough police to let them know... And tell Gwendolyn to get the press notified."

Gil pointed a finger at me... another arm pump!

I was looking at an aerial shot... I called Kellen, she was ready. She was looking at an aerial on her iPad. It was only about twenty minutes in the air she said, "We should probably come in from the west over the car park and Bishop's Road..."

I could see that on my iPad.

"Good! Gil be back at you on the time."

Kellen said whenever, she and the aircraft were prepared. She'd file a flight plan.

Cho took the Twins up with Tha. I relaxed a bit.

Weather check... possible showers, some breezes, a bit cold. They had rain overnight... it would be wet.

A two thirty start time... so we leave after lunch.

Delicious mushroom soup, grilled veggie sandwich inside me! Kentucky Heat bits top and bottom, red wool slacks, a heavy black wool jumper over a long-sleeved shirt, gold bits and `Joy' Doc Marten's again with thick socks!

The black leather car coat, a black cashmere scarf, a black Apple baseball cap and well lined black gloves.

I was further fortified with a Cho kiss.

Prasert dropped us on the flight line at Chalgrove. Gil, Chelle, PJ, Tara and Ken.

Chelle grinning stepping aboard, "I'm ready Boss!"

A hug.

Kellen smiling from her seat! We took off going northeast at speed. We closed up to Peterborough quickly... Kellen came in above the River Nene then a railyard... car parks, the pool ahead as we settled to an asphalt path in front of the Lido building.

There were several police constables there, I thanked them for their help.

A staffer waiting to guide us around the Lido to a path that came up behind the platform. Gwendolyn's constituency fellow right there.

"Your Ladyship, it is fine of you to do this. We have a considerable number of news folks and a big gathering."

I could see that already... they were spread out in a huge semi-circle around the raised platform.

Some steps up at the back... Gwendolyn smiling shaking my hand.

"Your Ladyship... We're very close... thanks for the return trip."

"You're very welcome! Let's push you over... Okay?"

A sun-burst smile on a gloomy afternoon.

The constituency chairman led off. He warmed the crowd a bit... then Gwendolyn took the front.

She is a good speaker, organized, hitting her points very hard! She didn't take any guff from kibitzers, answering them right away with strong rebuttals.

The crowd was in her hand, cheers and applause.

"Our last speaker has been here before... please give your attention to Her Ladyship, Countess Harcourt."

She was clapping... the crowd did too!

I stepped forward... I didn't want to belabour any points already covered... so I worked on two things... brexit effects and the way forward with a Labour Party majority.

The crowd was listening, responding as I hit my highlights. I was aware the mist was coming on stronger so I moved to end.

I encouraged them all to have their say with friends, at the pub or on a street corner or shopping. Let them hear you and get them out to vote tomorrow.

"The only way forward for the Kingdom is for a big change at Westminster. Vote for Gwendolyn and return a Labour government ready to do the work needed to get our country moving again."

I waved to them and thanked them for coming out.

Cheers and clapping continued for several minutes.

I got Gwendolyn next to me... we waved goodbye to the crowd.

Her constituency chairman chivvied the press up close so they could get some question time.

I made sure Gwendolyn was involved with any questions even if they were addressed to me I would bring her into the answer. The press folks seemed to get it after a bit and they we were asking better questions aimed toward labour policies.

One did act like a jerk... Daily Mail... big surprise... he asked about Ti's death.

I waved him off but added... "You need to pay attention to your colleagues."

There were smirks and a few laughs at his expense.

Gwendolyn knew her stuff, good clear responses, she could extend her answers with those pesky things... `facts!'

We gave them plenty of time before quitting as a light rain came in.

Gwendolyn walked with me to the helicopter.

"Your Ladyship, I can't thank you enough. This was a great way to end the campaign."

"Glad to help. Best of luck tomorrow!"

A big hug for her, hand shaken with all her staff and her constituency chairman. He said what I had done across the country is going to have an impact... not just here.

"You've drawn so much attention to our candidates... national press for this riding... it's out of this world."

I shook his hand, "It helps to have an excellent candidate out front."

"She is indeed. Thanks again!"

Kellen lifted us up and away into the gloom. In fifteen minutes we could see the lights on the Harcourt House landing grid. We softly settled to the grass. A big thanks to Kellen.

I got a big smile, "It's been fun flying to new places, odd landing spots. I liked listening to your speaking. You really are trying hard."

Fist bump!

Cho and Carter at the door. Hug and fist bump given. Carter's grin... he liked my doing that. Offbeat... not very aristocratic... showing my fun side.

The Twins, Jaidee and our crowd at the fireplace. Hugs first then Warmth! Drinks! I went for an Irish Coffee! Cho said that's a good thought. Gil and Chelle went with us to chase the cold off.

Kendall smiling... he went to it as Fin made Shirley Temples for the youngsters.

I leaned back into the settee... well Labour and the Lib-Dems got their money's worth out of me. We'll see which way the country goes. The last polling numbers had Labour up in many places but who knows...

Cho looking me with Charlie on his lap.

"I suppose if Labour doesn't get a majority they will go to bed with the Lib-Dems?"

"Maybe... or the SNP... how much they have to give in a coalition depends on the vote totals. There would be a lot negotiations... let's hope for better."

I shrugged with the not knowing until tomorrow.

Gil handed me an envelope... an invitation? A cocktail party at Clarence House in support of Prince Charles' `Business in the Community' charity.

There is a link to what we had been doing everywhere in all our businesses, demanding ethical and responsible business practises which is why this was in my hand...

I reached across to Cho with it. He looked...

"So should we go?"

I turned to Gil... she said it would fit in before going to Washington for the Medal of Freedom ceremony.

Gawd... Hillary's thing! I know I made a face.

Cho laughing, "You are going to roll with it ... right?"

"Of course! So this..." my hand waving to what was in his hand, "...do we?"

"They do support ethical ideals as we do in all our businesses..."

Okay! Gil said she'd respond in the affirmative.

Carter at the door... dinner!

I suddenly realized I hadn't eaten anything for quite some time!

Oh yes! Italian! Spaghetti with veggie meatballs! Thick delicious red sauce, bits of olive and garlic!! Crusty small ciriola loaves!! Maxine's work and delicious! Little boats of green and black Sicilian olives.

AH! Carter brought out bottles of Emidio Pepe Trebbiano Montepulicano from our trip to the Abruzzi Mountains. Cho grinning!!

Everyone was eating with gusto. The Twins got help eating their first spaghetti... twirling lessons. Oh yes... they picked it up quick!!! Meatballs cut in half were perfect bitesize for them.

Charlie loved the little ciriola loaves bursting with flavour... butter melting in or for dipping in the wonderful red sauce.

It was terrific to watch Chani and Charlie eat... so dexterous with their utensils!

Sipping a spectacular wine, the food... Okay... I was doing very well.

The dessert cart came out... Torta Tenerina!! As it was served Charlie turned to me... I said `chocolate' without a sound. His face became a huge smile!

His fork bringing the dark goodness upwards didn't pause... straight in!

Me too! Watching our son enjoy! He and Chani loved chocolate anything!

"Mama so good!"

Fist BUMP!

It was quite good... We got Sue to come up to take a bow for this!

Afters around the fire. The Twins had a puzzle...they didn't show us what it was. Fine.

Gil got a call from Petra and Gary and Nina... Cho and I moved into the Library switching them over to the Conference App.

A fellow had tried to scope out the Minetta Street area... he was spotted out on Bleecker Street watching this morning. Mara's trip to school went out the other way and around behind him. She had a hoodie on obscuring her face in case he might know it.

The Security folks got some clear Hi-Res shots of his face, they were sent to our people at Fox Tower where they had retained a huge database of Russian faces from the earlier penetrations of the Russian computer systems. He came back as a Russian FSB agent.

He stayed out of Minetta Street proper so Gary ran a little game on him. Two of ours dressed as homeless, a man and a woman. They accosted him wanting money... he tried to brush them off... they grabbed him, roughed him up a bit, knocked him down, stole his wallet and ran off.

Gary showed us a snap of the fellow sitting on the sidewalk where they left him looking a bit shell-shocked. He got up and left after that experience. He also mentioned the fellow was not armed.

They'll be watching for his return and any others.

Gary said they'd mail the wallet back to the address inside with a note saying someone had seen the attack and took the wallet away from the homeless ones. A nice touch.

His name on file and a search done for more information.

Cho and I thanked them all for the work. We were laughing.

We told them it's likely they were checking up on information from some source we didn't know but we would follow it up with our contacts in government.

The security level on Minetta Street went up a notch.

When we were out Cho and I discussed it. I believed they would want to have some sort of check done on Yevgeny. How had they homed in on Minetta Street?

I checked the time in Washington and emailed Theodore. To make links easier we'd given Theodore an email account on one of our systems so all connection was encrypted by us.

He got back to me quickly. His email said his last contact with his Russian `mules' was three days ago... he would reconnect tomorrow morning. And he'd check with the FBI on anything the Russians might have going in New York City.

I thanked him.

He replied he hoped our `homeless ones' had fun! ;-)

I replied it seemed so. ;-)

Cho smiling, "Well... it would be prudent of the Russians to want to know where Yevgeny was... he certainly should be considered a risk by them even if they completely believed the `cover' story."

I was nodding, "Gary's last email said they were adding assets to Minetta Street for undercover work. I guess some of ours will have a bit of entertainment."

Cho's chuckle made me vibrate. Kissing!!

The Twins puzzle was done... it was Jaidee on the Rêve quarterdeck grinning with a bit of tongue sticking out. What a darling boy! Chani and Charlie loved it!!!

Charles had taken the snap!

Comments are welcome.

Please send to: ABecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 73

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