Jill and trish

By Lust Stories

Published on Mar 7, 2022


The last 2 months have been pretty full on for trish and I, we both have settled our divorces and both our ex husbands are out of our lives. When we told them both that we were in fact a couple they both laughed. When I told my ex husband I was pregnant, his exact words were "I hope you don't expect any money out of me" so he won't have any involvement in this baby which s fine by trish and I as we want this one to ours. Trish still hasn't fully moved in yet and I am still trying to figure out where everything will go with her kids and my kids living together under the one rood and another one on the way. Annie is just about in the home stretch with her baby and her wedding is just weeks away as well and I am going to be a bridesmaid and I can't wait to be up there with her as she marries the woman of her dreams

At my monthly check up I saw my sister go in for a check up, she usually tells me that she is seeing her doctor for anything. I didn't even know that she was in need of medical treatment. I followed her and she went into the cancer ward and she was hooked up to a chemo drip. I didn't know she had been battling cancer, why didn't she tell me. I stayed and waited for her to finish her chemo treatment so I could talk to her. She was in their for 5 hours and this could mean she is getting some intense treatment, when she walked out I went and saw her. She was shocked to see me "what are you doing here kill" lisa said "I was here for my monthly check up on my baby> why didn't you tell me you have cancer" she took my hand and walked with me "look I didn't want to burden you with this, you have the baby coming and your divorce. I am fine doing this by myself" she wasn't and her husband should be here by her side and I wonder if she told him "I don't care about those things, I care about you. Whats the prognosis"

She told me she had breast cancer and I remembered mum had it and sadly died from it and when mum died from it she was going to have her breasts removed, but she was scared. I didn't even think about it at the time, she told me it isn't terminal, but it isn't good for her. I went home that night and I had a lot to think about. I am not sure whether I want to have the procedure as I am about to have a baby again, but after the baby is born I am going to look into it with the help of trish, all this is important and I want to make decisions like this with the help of trish. I was in the nursery when trish came in and gave me a big hug, she just dropped her kids off at her ex husbands place and my kids were already at their dad for the next week. "I saw you at work today Jill, is everything ok with the baby" I smiled and said "yeah everything is going great, I just got some sad news about my sister"

We sat down and talked about my sister and I cried and trish hugged me before I could tell her what happened "my sister has breast cancer and I am devastated" trish hugged me tightly "I know how much you love her Jill I am so sorry. I started talking about what I want to do to try and prevent something like this happening to me "I want to get a mastsectomy after I have the baby trish" she stood up and shook her hands and head, I thought she would be a bit more supportive than what she was. "I think you should wait honey, I know your mum died from great cancer and I know your sister is going through it at the moment. But it may not prevent you from getting it" I started to cry "my sister told me she was going to get it done just before her last child but her husband told her not to, I think I want to to try and to what I can to prevent this from happening. I just want you to support me" she didn't say anything for a bit "look I am going to have to think about this before I can support you. Just think about it before you make a decision" she left me crying my eyes out

I haven't talked to trish since that night and it really upset me that she wouldn't support me unconditionally, she rang me every day to check on me and see if it would talk. But I was still too upset to even talk to her. I had lunch with Annie after her husband was sentenced, she was so relieved that it was all over and that she won't have to worry about him any more and her and billy can get on with their lives, she is ready to pop I must say and I can't wait to meet her baby daughter. She and billy wanted to know the sex of their baby, I haven't decided and I want to talk to trish about it, but I am upset still "I'm not surprised you and trish have become a couple, Jill. You 2 are perfect for each other and the baby on the way is just the icing on the cake" I sighed and said "we had a massive fight last Friday and I haven't talked to her since, it really upset me" she put her hand on mine and said "what was the fight about" I explained to her about my sister being diagnosed with breast cancer and that I told Jill that I wanted to get a mastectomy after our baby is born and she wasn't supportive

Annie was surprised to hear that Jill wasn't supportive and she is probably scared for me "look I have known Jill for a long time and she wouldn't be saying no because she doesn't want you to loose those beautiful boobs, she is probably scared for you and that it might hurt you mentally as well as physically. She is a surgeon remember and she might know a few things about this procedure" she was so right and I am really stupid for being upset this was "I love you Annie and you have always been my voice of reason and you are so right. Have you picked out a name for you girl" she smiled and said "billy and I talked to camilas widow and we asked him if we could name our daughter after her and he was so happy for us to do that. So we are naming her Camila. Are you going to find out the sex of the baby" I smiled and said "I want it to be a surprise"

After lunch I went straight to trishs place, she wasn't home so I went home and did so cleaning up before dinner, the kids were with their grandparents for a few weeks and I was by myself. The door bell rang and it was trish, she had an empty box, I let her in. "Whats the box for" she turned around and said "its clear that you don't love me anymore and I am here to collect some of my things" I grabbed her by the arm and said "what makes you think I don't love you anymore trish, I love you more than anything" she turned to me and said "why didn't you answer my calls and texts" I hugged her and sobbed "because I was till upset that weren't going to support me" she pushed me back and said "honey I never said I wouldn't support you I just want you to think about it, its a big lie changing thing and I don't want you to go through with it and then regret it" she hugged me again "I am going to go through with it trish and I want you to be there by my side"

We hugged it out for a good long time and we talked about the procedure and she was right, it will be a life changing procedure, but I am willing to do it. After dinner we went to my bedroom and talked again "do you still want to collect your things or do you want to keep them here and stay the night like old times" I asked she came and pulled my yoga pants down and saw I wasn't wearing any panties "what do you think" I smiled and rubbed my pussy. She lowered her head and opened up my pussy lips and started licking the inside of my pussy, she knew my pussy so well. She licked up, down, side to side and she sucked so hard as well. She seemed to have started to have a love bums since I last saw her and she started fingering my bum as she licked me. I was never a fan of anal sex when I was married to my ex husband, but I was enjoying this. She found my clit and started sucking on it, god she made me scream and squirm, her fingers were going hard and fast in both holes. It wasn't too long before I reached my climax and it was amazing.

I was spent after that, Jill lay next to me and kissed me " that was the best make up sex I have ever had Jill" I kissed her back and we snuggled till morning, we both had the next day off and we went shopping, I went past the bridal shop and admired the dresses and as I turned trish was down on one knee with a ring out "omg trish what are you doing" she took my hand and said "ever since we met at soccer and Annie introduced me to you I knew you would be my best friend, now that we are dating I knew with in a week that I wanted to marry you. Jill will you marry me so that you can wear that dress in the window" I was crying so much and nodding "yes trish yes" she put the ring on my finger and stood up and kissed me. It was so nice

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