Jim in the Morning

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 9, 2005



Jim in The Morning By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

Jim and I awoke next morning, still snuggled against each other. At our ages (27 for me, 35 for Jim) we still got gigantic piss hard-ons each morning. Jim threw the covers off and we stared at each other. Both our cocks had straight shafts, with a big vein on the right side. His was slightly longer than my six inches More importantly, both our helmet-shaped tips were covered by ample foreskins, which kept the heads moist and sensitive. Even with full erections, we each had enough foreskin length to protect our precious purple jewels.

His fingers slowly closed around my bulging glans and began to jiggle the hood back and forth over it while I did the same for him. Then he squeezed my helmet several times through the protective sheath. After the third squeeze I felt a throb deep inside, and knew my cock-root was responding to his touch.

"Feel good?" he asked.

"Very good," I replied as I began squeezing his tip the way he had mine. "How about you? That feel nice?"

"Oh, yes, very nice. I really like that. Are you hungry yet?" We'd skipped dinner the previous evening because we'd been so avidly engaged in sex. I knew we'd need something before beginning our day at the convention.

"I could eat something light, Jim. Let's call room service. Maybe toast and coffee would hit the spot." This was almost 40 years ago, and during the mid-1960s, bagels and croissants were unknown outside America's largest cities. Jim rolled over and picked up the phone, requesting delivery in a half hour.

"This'll give us time to get off, then," he said. "After, we can take turns in the bathroom so that one of us will be able to answer the door when the stuff arrives." His fingers again closed around my cock, urging my long foreskin back and forth in longer strokes.

"Aaaahh, that feels really good. You really know how to pleasure my cock."

"That's because I know how to handle your cockskin, and yours is just like mine." Last night I'd first noticed that Jim used the term "cockskin" instead of foreskin, possibly because that was what it was called in the small town where he'd been born. He'd been lucky that the only doctor in town didn't believe in circumcision, which is why he and all the other males in town had remained intact.

"Last night you mentioned going tip to tip, or head to head. Want to try it now?"

"Yeah, let's do that. I think you'll really like it. I know I will." He stripped my foreskin all the way back, and I followed his example, stripping back the thick fleshy cock-glove and exposing his delicious purple helmet. The aromas from our cocks filled the air, and we inhaled deeply.

"I love that smell," I said. "I know you do too." Now Jim thrust forward slightly and I felt the hardness of his glans pressing against mine.

"We just rub our tips together, this way," he began. "This is going to feel wonderful."

"It already does," I said as I felt the delicious smooth friction of his glossy glans sliding against my own. His fingers moved my helmet in small circles against the front of his.

"Now I lube a lot," he explained. "I've got enough lube for both of us, so I know we won't run dry." Lubricated by his cock-honey, the warmth of his swollen tip caressed mine, heightening my pleasure. "Our bladders are full, so that adds to the tension. We won't be able to hold off for long."

"I see it's already getting to you," I said. "Your balls are already getting tight."

"That's because feeling your hard tip against mine is really hot," he said. He began rubbing my glans across his, our slits kissing each other. I felt a slight stretching sensation as his slit caught the edge of mine and pulled it sideways.

"You're really leaking now," I observed. "You really have enough for both of us."

"I'm going to try coming the same moment you do," he said. "I've seen your big tip shooting, and now I want to feel it shooting against mine when I let go." Jim kept up the sideways friction, and I saw his scrotum contract tightly against his body. Mine was already tight, as it always is.

"Good thing we've got our foreskins peeled back. Mine feels like a thick tourniquet behind the head."

"Good thing we've both got tight cockskins," he replied. "They keep the heads filled with blood. I can see how big yours is, and feel how hard it is against mine."

"Your helmet's hard too. We're both pretty hot now." I felt Jim change his technique, rotating my glans around his so that the tops, sides, and the bottoms rubbed against each other.

"This'll get the entire head stimulated," he said. "It's going to be hotter than jacking off." Now he thrust forward again, and our rims caught. I felt the back face of his flaring corona sliding against mine as he rotated my glans around his.

"Ooooohhhh, that feels really nice," I said.

"It feels really nice for me too," he said. "Your flange has those little buds all over the back, where the nerve endings stick out. That's really tickling my rim." Jim was right. Not many guys have their nerve endings protruding in little buds of sensation the way mine do around the back face of my glans, and the friction against his rim must have been very arousing.

"Feels really nice..." I continued.

"I know it does, Jack. Now I'm going to do something you'll really like." I felt his firm fingers lovingly stretching my thick fleshy collar back along my shaft, stretching its nerve endings, and I pressed back against his skin to give him the same sensation.

"Yeah, that's nice. I don't think we'll be able to hold out much longer." I felt the fingers of his other hand grasp the wrinkled skin of my scrotum, stretching it and adding another dimension to the erotic sensations filling my groin. I grasped his scrotal skin with thumb and index finger to give him the same pleasure, because I was learning a lot from Jim about how to caress a man's genitals to provide maximum pleasure and wanted to give him as good as he was giving me.

Oooohhh, yeah, do it," he whispered. "It really feels good for me." His eyes were fixed on our cocks as he remarked: "See how our tips are getting darker? I can feel yours also got harder in the last few seconds. You're close, and maybe we can come together."

"I think we will," I whispered back. "My tip's starting to tingle a bit." Now he moved back slightly so that the domes of our engorged helmets were again pressing against each other and he resumed the sideways sliding that stretched the lips of my meatus with a delicious sensation. A hot tingle filled my glans, and I knew I was ready to pop. My eyes closed as I whispered to him:

"I'm right there..."

"Me, too," he grunted, and I felt the first hot blast of cream from his straining glans shooting hard against mine, covering the front dome of my purple helmet. I was right on the edge, and then I felt one of his fingers stroke the hot spot under my helmet, triggering my orgasm. I cried out in pure joy as my cock-root contracted, sending a hot stream up my urethra. The lips of my slit distended as the high-pressure gush poured from between them, coating his throbbing glans.

I felt his hot glans throb against mine as he shot again, and I heard his cry of blissful agony in the distance as my cock-root contracted again, sending another jet of hot lava to burn its way up my tube. I felt his helmet thrust hard against mine as his body reacted mindlessly, caught up in the torrid frenzy of his orgasm. The pulses in his shaft hammered against my encircling fingers as he shot.

Now I felt his fingers wrap around my throbbing helmet, twisting hard to increase my sensations, and I went into another reflexive spasm. This time, though, the ridges of his fingers and palm, rougher than the glassy-smooth texture of his glans, sent an electric thrill stabbing deeply into my helmet, a bolt of sensation that raced down my shaft like a hot spark. When it hit my cock-root, I felt another spasm begin, but unlike the previous brief pulses, this was a hard contraction that lasted for a couple of seconds and sent a torrent of hot fluid shooting up my tube to pour from my orifice and bathe both cock-heads in its viscous warmth. Jim cried out helplessly as I felt his cock-head throb again, bathing my glans in the warmth of his fluid. The viscous liquid masked the friction of his fingers somewhat, preventing the sensations from becoming too intense. I cried out again as we both shot simultaneously, our jets mixing between our big round domes as their throbs pounded against each other. I felt as if my entire being was being extruded through my throbbing helmet.

Now my glans suddenly became too sensitive, and I felt him release his grip.

"My tip's too sensitive..." I heard him mutter as our orgasms wound down to feeble throbs that expelled the last oozing drops of sperm from our bodies. We remained in the same position, our helmets pressed against each other, as I felt the weaker throbs against my sensitive dome. The compelling sedation of the afterglow descended over me, and as my conscious mind began working again, I knew that Jim must be feeling the same way. After about two minutes, he spoke:

"How'd you like it when I twisted my fingers around both our heads?"

"Oh, wow, that was lovely. You did it just right. You let go at the right moment too, when I was getting too sensitive."

"That's because I was doing us both, and we came at the same time. When my tip became too sensitive, I knew yours must be too." Just then there was a knock at the door.

"That must be room service, Jack. You run into the bathroom and I'll answer it." I jumped up as Jim put on his bathrobe, and after I'd closed the bathroom door I heard voices in the room. I hurried through my business, taking a quick shower, and was out of there in only a couple of minutes. Jim was munching on toast, a steaming cup of coffee on the tray in front of him.

"Here, there's some for you. I'm going to jump into the bathroom." I sat and began eating, relishing the flavor of the warm toast and salt butter, very hungry after not having eaten the previous evening. In a few minutes Jim emerged from the bathroom, snatching another piece of toast as he began dressing.

"The first seminar's at nine. I guess I'd better get dressed too," I said. We threw on our clothes as we finished the sparse breakfast, and just made it on time. When we broke for lunch, we had a heavy meal at the hotel restaurant, a noted steak house, because we planned to head straight for the room when the last workshop had ended. At five, the last seminar had ended and we took off.

We stripped down and lay side by side, sitting against the headboard with our hands in each other's crotches. We'd been half-hard when we'd undressed, and within seconds, our pricks were fully swollen under the stimulation. I'd pulled the end of Jim's foreskin gently forward and felt the glans pushing against my fingers from within the fleshy foreskin. It had taken Jim only a few deft squeezes of my helmet through the skin to bring me to attention.

"I'd been thinking about this all day," he said. "Guess you have too."

"It was on my mind so much that I had trouble concentrating during the programs," I replied. "We're both hot as pistols." Now that Jim's cock was hard, I began sliding the foreskin back in small increments, slipping it down the glans and bringing it back to the top. His purple dome appeared and then vanished again as I swept the hood up to cover it. He was doing the same to my hard prick.

"I bet your wife really likes to feel that big helmet pushing inside her," I said. "I don't even know if you're married."

"Yep, I'm married. My wife was surprised when she first saw my dick because she'd never seen one that was u ncut. She thought all guys were cut. Then I showed her how the cockskin worked, and how it makes the cock thicker when it gets pushed back behind the rim, so that the woman feels more sensations during sex."

"How did your wife react?" I asked.

"That evening was the first time we had sex, and she said she enjoyed the test drive a lot. The big head and the folded cockskin behind it really stretched her out, and she came three times before I did." As Jim was speaking, I slowly slipped his hood back to uncover the prize beneath.

"I really like the shape of your helmet," he said. "It's a lot like mine, except for the way your slit opens up when you're hard, and it's exactly the way Andy told me it was. I think it's better than a work of art."

"Is there anything he didn't tell you about me?" I asked.

"He told me about everything you did together. We were naked just like this and he told me all about it, and even showed me. That was really hot. He showed me exactly how he handled your cockskin, doing the same to mine. Finally, he made me come, just the way he'd done to you."

"I know that must have been hot. Did you do anything to him in return?" I asked.

"After I came, I went to work on his cockskin. He's got the most cockskin I've seen on any man. He was hard, and an inch of it was drooping off the end of his cock, and I slipped my tongue into it. He went wild. I worked the cockskin off the end of his dick with my lips, and then he shot a really heavy load. It just squirted out from that tight little slit he's got. You've seen it."

"I saw it," I answered. "He shoots his loads with a lot of pressure because his slit's so small."

"Yeah, that red mushroom tip of his pumped out the juice all over us. His jizz was flying." Now I had Jim's helmet uncovered, with the foreskin gathered behind it like a tight fleshy collar, and his purple helmet was glistening in the soft room light as a clear drop parted the lips of his long slit.

"I'm glad you seep a lot," I commented. "Andy did too, and he shared his with me just like you did." Jim eased my foreskin back behind the ridge, where it locked in place.

"Your dick smells wonderful," he said, putting his nose close to my swollen glans. "You took a shower this morning, and it's had just enough time to develop a wonderful aroma that turns me on. It doesn't smell of piss at all, and I know you're careful when you pee."

"Right. I always skin back and use a piece of toilet paper to get the last drop." I felt the tip of his tongue tickling my exposed slit, spreading the pouting lips as he probed between them. During the 1960s, we didn't worry about exchanging body fluids.

"Yours tastes good, too," he breathed as he worked his tongue down under the head and followed the groove up one side to the top. The nerve endings in my rim began to tingle. I shifted my body so that my mouth was close to his erect penis, as I wanted to taste him too.

"That purple helmet looks so sexy," I murmured as I probed his long slit with my tongue. A drop of clear fluid was balanced between its lips and my tongue swept it away, spreading it in small circles around the front dome of his glans. I felt his hot hard glans throb against my tongue as I traced the contours of his dome.

"I'd like to try something new with you," Jim said as he removed his mouth from my helmet. "Remember how this morning when I wrapped my fingers around our cock-heads you almost jumped out of your skin? Us uncut guys have very sensitive tips, and most of the time we use our cockskins to jack our dicks. The inside of the cockskin's about as smooth as the head, and it's a very smooth friction. Now the palm and fingers of your hand have ridges, and compared to the inside of your cockskin they're almost as rough as sandpaper. I'd like to get you off by using my fingertips on your dickhead."

"That would be terrific, I think. I don't know if I could stand it, though. This morning was so intense."

"At first, it'll be a shock. It's really intense, and you'll feel like you're about to come. Just relax, and enjoy it, and when you do come, you'll really pour it out. Now just lie down for this." As I moved to lie horizontally, I noticed Jim's slit was drooling profusely. His foreskin was up over the glans, but the tip of his precious jewel was just visible through the slot in his sheath, and the fluid was running out of it. He lay alongside me and scooped up some of his lubricant on his fingertips and spread the viscous liquid lightly around the rim of my glans, sending a tingle down my shaft.

"Ahhhh!" I moaned.

"Just relax," Jim murmured, letting his fingers do the walking over my engorged helmet. "Just let it happen to you." His fingertips swept lightly around my rim, and then worked down to the hot spot under the head.

"You've got a really deep groove under the head. Your gee-string isn't thick like mine, and it doesn't pull the head down when you tug on it," he said as he strummed the strip of sensitive tissue from side to side with a fingertip.

"Ohhhh, that is so hot..." I trailed off, paralyzed by the intense sensations that pervaded my swollen glans. My legs were spread out, and I felt them begin trembling under the stimulation.

"Just stay relaxed," he urged me. "If you let yourself tighten up, it'll be over too soon." His fingers had now returned to my rim on top, caressing the flaring upturn and moving down into the groove to hit the back-face of my corona. I made a conscious effort to relax as the sensations whipped through me, and was able to let my leg muscles remain still.

"Now I'm going to go round the top," he said, and I felt his fingers caressing the broad upper surface of my helmet, making me moan helplessly in response. I felt a throb deep in my cock-root, and my stomach muscles contracted sharply despite my efforts to remain relaxed. Now I felt him remove his fingers, although he still held my cock around the middle of the shaft.

"I'm going to give you a break. You're getting too close too soon. Your tip's turning darker purple, and I felt it get harder under my fingers."

"Ohhhh, I felt like I wasn't able to hold out any longer," I said. "You had me shivering and my cock feels so hard, like it's going to explode."

"That's what it does to you. That's why you have to catch your breath and relax," he continued.

"I didn't expect it to be so intense," I replied. My shaft and glans felt totally swollen, rigid, and hot.

"Good thing you're lying down. If you'd been standing up, you would have collapsed, if not now, when you came. The reason it's so intense is that I'm hitting different spots on your cock every second. If I just worked around the rim, say, the nerve endings would get tired out and it wouldn't be as intense."

"You've got it just right," I agreed. "The way you're doing it is really reaching me. I feel it deep inside." Even now, I felt some residual throbs in my cock-root, and the hardness of my glans had not receded at all.

"Take a few deep breaths to get yourself relaxed, and we'll pick it up again," he urged. I did as Jim had suggested, and I felt some of the tension leave my body.

"Yeah, I think it's under control now," I murmured. I was still fully aroused, but I wasn't feeling as if his next touch would send me over the edge."

"Now I'm going to start again." I felt his fist tighten around my shaft as he dragged my skin back, pulling the fleshy ring of foreskin down away from my glans and stretching it out behind the rim. "I'm going to work on the inside of your cockskin and the back of the rim." I felt his fingers lightly caressing the inside of my inverted fleshy foreskin, moving to hit the nerve endings in my groove, and finally working around the circumference of my corona. The tension began building up in my body again.

"Yeah, it's really hot," I whispered. His fingertips moved around my rim, working downward on both sides, until they met under the head. Now he caressed the twin lobes of my corona just behind where they met in a thin weld line, and I felt his thumb pressing against the top flare of my hard-edged corona, sending new thrills into my glans.

"How's this?" he asked as his thumb flicked over my flaring ridge several times while his other fingers pressed into the triangular groove under my glans. My cock-root contracted again as I whispered:

"Ohhhh, it's out of this world..." My awareness of the outside world was dimming as all of my attention became focused on the intense sensations in my swollen cock. He was snapping his thumb over my corona as he stretched my foreskin back tightly, and the combination of pressing, rubbing, and stretching was overwhelming me. My stomach muscles tightened and my legs began trembling again.

"You're really close, buddy," he whispered in my ear as his fingertips continued to work their erotic magic on my engorged shaft and glans. His fingers swept around the corona again, and traced the contours of my front dome, sending shocks of sensation stabbing deeply into my swollen glans.

"Your helmet's dark purple," I heard him say faintly in the distance as my eyes closed. My glans ached for relief, and I felt the tension in my cock-root increase almost to the point of being painful.

"Too bad your eyes are closed," he continued. "You're going to miss the show, but I'll be watching." His fingertips now caressed the upper surface of my glans again, and then swept down underneath, working up and back to the top flare of my corona. My legs were trembling hard, and my breathing was ragged as I felt the sensations build.

I cried out as a sudden shock filled my glans and shaft, shooting down to my cock-root, which contracted sharply in response. I felt a hot torrent pouring out into my urethra deep inside my body, and rush towards the tip. The hot stream bent sharply around the curve in my tube where it entered the head, and erupted from my pouting slit-lips.

"GO FOR IT!" I heard Jim shouting as I writhed on the bed, another contraction gripping my body. The stream felt like hot lava as it burned its way up my sensitive urethra and poured from my glans. Another hard shock deep inside told me that I'd shot again, and I cried out helplessly as the heavy gush poured up my tube. Time stopped, and I felt myself tumbling into mindless sensation as my consciousness numbed with the overwhelming spasms.

My arms were spread out as were my legs as another hard contraction gripped me, sending a fourth stream of hot juice up my straining shaft and glans. I felt myself shooting again, and then a sixth ejaculation filled me with sensation as it seared my urethra. My glans suddenly became hyper-sensitive, and the light caress of his fingertips felt like sandpaper, making me sob loudly as my entire body writhed in joyful agony.

Suddenly the hot torture of his fingertips against my straining helmet stopped, although he still gripped my shaft tightly to keep the skin stretched back hard. Another, weaker, spasm filled my cock-root, and a slower gush seeped up my urethra, although without the force of the first ones. I knew my orgasm was tapering off and would soon end. The residual spasms continued for a few more timeless seconds, and then I became utterly still, shocked and dazed by the force of my orgasm.

"Brother, you really poured it out that time. You shot at least a foot into the air." I heard him say, my mind barely able to understand him. I was relaxing, sinking into the languorous state that follows climax, totally apathetic and uncaring. My body had just had a tremendous shock to the nervous system, and I was torpid and helpless as Jim gently laid my prick down on my stomach. I felt the seepage of a few drops oozing from my orifice, and their warmth as they settled on my stomach.

"You were right. Good thing I was lying down. I would have collapsed even before I started coming." My prick had begun to soften, and now Jim picked it up and lovingly began to milk the creamy residue from my urethra, wiping the glans gently with a towel as the viscous fluid seeped from my slit. He dabbed at my stomach, removing the thick fluid that had soaked into the hairs, and then lay back awaiting his turn. By this time I had revived enough to grasp his hard shaft in my left hand and hold it upright.

"You're really pouring out that lube," I began. "No problem doing your prick." I began sliding my fingertips over his glossy lubricated glans, following the contours of the helmet as I worked back to his corona. It felt hot, hard, and slippery under my fingers, and as he sighed I knew that the sensations in his prick must have been delightful.

"Yeah, that's really good for me," he sighed. "Just massage the head and make me come!" I lightly traced the flare of his corona, knowing that this was sending waves of sensation into his body, heightening his excitement. Now I swept my fingers in a circle around the middle of his helmet, working across the top and down underneath to caress the twin lobes of his corona, so much like mine.

"Your balls are nice and tight now," I said as I continued to massage his sensitive helmet. His arms went out to the sides, as mine had, as his excitement mounted.

Unlike mine, the lips of his long slit did not pout but remained closed when his glans was swollen with erection, but now they parted as a large clear drop forced its way between them. I slid two fingers up to the slit and massaged the heavy lubricant into the front dome of his helmet, provoking a deep sigh of delight as the sensations reached into him.

"Don't stop," he pleaded through clenched teeth as his stomach muscles tightened and his legs began to tremble. I knew he'd been strongly aroused as he'd been milking the orgasm from my throbbing cock, and he needed release badly.

"Don't worry, buddy, I'll make you come fast and hard," I reassured him as my fingers twirled around his purple helmet. "You're getting darker and I feel it getting harder, so it won't be long until you're in heaven.

"Pull my cockskin back like I did you," he said. I tightened my grip on his shaft and tugged the thick fleshy ring away from his flaring corona, stretching it tightly and inverting it so that I could touch the inner lining of his foreskin. Now I made a circle of my fingers around his tightly stretched flesh and twisted, making him cry out at the sudden intense shock of sensation.

"Yeah, do it! DO IT!" he whispered as I moved my fingers to attack his flaring corona, twisting them around the totally exposed back-face and caressing the nerve endings in the deep groove behind it. His body tensed and lifted from the bed a few inches, and I knew he'd be blasting off any second. A thrill swept through me as I realized that I was about to give Jim the same glorious sensations he'd given me only minutes before.

The lips of his slit parted again, and I spread the viscous liquid around the dome of his glans, moving back gradually to caress the flaring corona and its smooth back-face. His engorged purple helmet glistened as I massaged its sensitive nerve endings. Suddenly he cried out:

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" as his entire body tightened with the first contraction of orgasm. A heavy white jet shot from his swollen tip, slamming the lips of his slit open as it shot high into the air. I swept my fingers over the rounded front of his glans, then strummed his gee-string as I tightened my grip on the shaft and yanked back hard to make the beautiful helmet dip towards his balls.

My fist still gripped Jim's shaft, and my encircling fingers felt the heavy pounding of his orgasm traveling up from his cock-root. The hard throbbing of his glans hammered against my caressing fingertips as I swept them back over the tapering helmet to reach his corona.

Jim cried out again, his face twisted in joyful agony, as his prick throbbed again and released another thick jet. The fluid arced high into the air and wet my fingers and his throbbing helmet as it fell back, and I twisted my fingers around the head again. Another jet shot urgently from his gaping slit, pouring out to coat his throbbing tip and my dancing fingers. I gripped his shaft hard and twisted, while clasping his glans in my fist and twisting it in the opposite direction to give him a "snake-bite" that provoked another hard spasm of ejaculation.

His cries suddenly rose in pitch, and I knew he'd reached the point where his cock was too sensitive. I stopped twisting and released his glans, letting it gush its last drops as his orgasm lost power. His body relaxed as his cock continued oozing, the hot fluid running down his glans to wet my fingers encircling his shaft.

"Man, that was hot!" he exclaimed, looking at me. "I just exploded."

"Yeah, you did. I missed seeing myself come, but I was watching your prick every second, and feeling every throb. If I hadn't just come, I probably would have had an orgasm just watching and feeling your hot prick throbbing in my fingers."

"I don't know why I didn't come while I was doing you," he said. "I know I was right on the edge for awhile."

"That's why you needed to come so fast when I started working on you. Your balls were tight and your tip was already dark purple and hard." I saw Jim visibly relaxing as I spoke, the tension draining from his body as the afterglow crept over him. I was beginning to feel sleepy.

"I know I don`t want any dinner," he said. "Are you hungry?"

"Not at all," I replied. "I just want to lie down." His prick was softening, and I carefully pulled the long foreskin over his purple glans. Then I wiped him with the towel, dabbing at the creamy puddles cooling on his stomach and wiping away the sticky residue in his pubic hair. Finally, I wiped the outside of his penis, keeping the long foreskin fully forward to avoid touching his sensitive helmet with the rough towel. We held each other tightly, enjoying the silent intimacy.

The End

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