Jimmy, the Marine

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Dec 23, 2017



Jimmy, the Marine

If you've gotten this far you know the drill. If you're offended by gay fiction or are underage to read it where you live leave. If it is illegal to read such material where you live- leave now and pack you bags. This story is the sole property of the author and may not be reused without his written permission. Pleas remember to make a New Years resolution to give a monthly contribution to nifty at nifty.org/donate.

This story is fiction, set in the distant past before safe sex was wide spread. It was a time when "Don't ask, don't tell" was an unwritten rule and the plague of AIDS was not yet upon us. Then, as now, our community was threatened by so called conservative Christians who were neither Christian nor conservative but only bent on misreading biblical texts to suit their own aims, usually for profit.

The story is dedicated to the memory of Miquel Sanchez and to Jimmy who were both taken before their time.

Jimmy, the Marine


We were sitting naked on the balcony of my apartment. It was 3AM but the night was still warm. We shared a joint in silence neither wanting to break the moment. I looked over at him, Jimmy, with his short blond Marine haircut now plastered on his head in sweat. His muscled body exhausted and shining with the exertion of our sex. Handing the joint back to him I held the touch for a minute to get his attention. "Do you feel any less of a man than you did when you woke up this morning?", I asked. I waited for answer while he thought. "No, I'm still a man, now an ex-marine. I'm wondering where my life will go now that I'm out of the corps. The corps was my life, my family ". I could only nod my understanding.

No to go back to how we got to this point. I'm Hal. Last year I completed my doctorate and leaped into a thin job market to compete with hundreds of others. I was 32 with limited non-academic experience. In other words, I had no job skills for the current job market. Physically, I was what most would consider the image of a tweed coat wearing professor. I'm tall and lanky at 6'3" with dark brown hair and a fair skin. My athletic endeavors consisted solely of swimming which kept me in some sort of shape.

I'd taken the first available position in a local southern California community college, near San Diego. It was a holding spot for me until something better came along. The pay was reasonable in a state with numerous institutions of higher education. It also was far from my home, a conservative mid-western, rural life. Owing to the rigors of my studies I'd given little attention to my sex life. There had been the occasional hook up with other male students but nothing note worthy. I guess that I avoided getting involved as a way of not having to face my desires. It also might've had something to do with having to admit being gay to my ultra-Christian family. I'd rather be 2400 miles away than come out to them. My gay social skills were sorely lacking. My one asset was my cock, solid 9" of thick, cut meat. But like they used to say in the old western films "Having a rifle and knowing how to use it are worlds apart." My rifle had fired few shots.

My 2 year contract had just another year at this school. I would then be thrown out into the job market. One good thing was the large number of community colleges and state universities in California. I tired to hang out away from the campus as much as possible. That's how I ended up at the sports bar near a military base on the edge of the city. It was a far cry from the "gay" scene that most would associate with this part of the state.

I spent only 12 hours a week on campus so had time to develop course materials and enjoy the pool at the apartment complex. I did develop a nice tan. I knew few of my neighbors, by choice. I was by my nature quiet and shy. I spent my weekends at the nearby beach hoping to meet Mr. Right". Failing in that I retreated to sports bars to watch whatever was on the TV and to have a few drinks alone. Most times the crowd was a mix of young military guys and old timers, most retired men. Few women dared enter this bastion of maleness.

A few months prior to out night together, I met Jimmy watching a Saturday afternoon game. His buddies were loud and engrossed in their pool game. He was sitting next to me at the bar, trying to avoid his loud friends. He did not look happy drinking in silence, not watching the TVs. I felt sorry for someone who was so alone. I'd been there myself, many times. I ordered another drink for myself and one for this sad Marine. When the bartender brought the drinks and pointed over to me. He smiled, nodded, and moved to the stool next to mine. Thanking me, we raised our glasses in a toast.

Moments of silence were finally broken when he asked about my life. That opened a wide door into conversation. For the next two hours we talked about our lives. Jimmy told me that he'd been in two middle eastern campaigns in the service. Now he was state side waiting for another deployment or his enlistment to end. He wasn't sure which he waited. At 26 he'd spent the past eight years in the corps. He wondered if there was anything out there that he was missing. He was sure that he didn't want to go back to his redneck southern family in Alabama. He'd seen too much of the world in the corps to accept their narrow vision of life. I offered to give him any help I could.

We casually met over the next few months. Each time he seems to be more ill at ease. Finally, about a month before he had to make a decision he broke down. " Can you help me?" he said almost in tears. "I don't want to continue as I've been going. I need to face myself in the mirror without shame" he continued. I waited until he got himself under control. When I spoke again I tried to switch into my professional mode. I asked him a few questions about his interests and educational background. He'd been a average student in high school, not outstanding in any thing. In the service he was assigned to work with computer analysis of information gathered in the field. I promised him that I'd look into some options available via the community college. I knew that the school counselors knew options and available programs for vets.

At our next meeting I gave him all of the information and tried to answer all of his questions. While we ate lunch at a cafe nearby he looked over the paper work. Later, over drinks he'd made a decision. He looked at me with a calm demeanor and whispered 'I'm going to leave the corps. I have two more weeks before I leave. I appreciate all you've done." I felt humbled by his words. We parted not knowing which path he'd take.

Two weeks later I was again at the sports bar in front of the mindless TV sports shows. Jimmy was there with a group of his buddies celebrating. I bought a round of drinks for them before I returned to my quiet corner. I left them to their party. As the night wore on one by one the others left until just Jimmy and I were alone in the bar. He was very drunk by this point. I knew that he'd need help getting home. I offered to drive him home but he wasn't somber enough to tell me where he lived. I had only one option- to take him back to my place. I really didn't like to bring people to my apartment.

By the time we got to my place Jimmy seemed to have sobered a bit. I gave him some aspirin to temper an hangover. Over the next hour we sat while he made a remarkable recovery. But his crying continued. Finally, not being able to take it I asked him what was wrong. Through tears he blurted out "I think I might be queer. I get strange feelings when in the showers at the barracks. I don't want to be queer! It's not how I was raised." I looked him in the eyes and saw something beyond the tears and fear. I saw a lust burning. I tried to avoid the issue further by going back to his background. We talked about his upbringing and his folks. I wanted to get as far away from the gay issue as possible. I felt it worked, at first.

As he sobered he got closer to me on the sofa where we sat. At one point he grabbed my hands, both of them. "I want so much to be a man but also to be with a man. I've never admitted it even to myself." he whispered. Somewhat taken aback I stammered "You know that this type of thing will affect you for the rest of your life. Why now?"

He didn't answer but reached over to unbutton my shirt. I didn't stop him. I was shocked at the change in Jimmy. I said " You know that the first time will be very painful. You might not be able to stand the pain of having another man inside of you." Jimmy's eyes brightened "I can take pain. I was a trained Marine. Bring it on, do it!" I looked away from him confused as to what to say or do. Jimmy stood, stripping off all of his cloths right in front of me. I was instantly hard. My resistance was quickly fading. I was faced with the body of a Greek god. His broad, muscled chest was lightly covered with a thin coat of blond hair. His treasure trail led down to a pair of plum sized balls and a thin, long cock- now erect, pointing to my face. His wild, untamed pubic bush surrounded an erect cock.

With that my resistance crumbled as I leaned forward. First, I licked the small pearl of pre-cum on the tip. Then I took the entire thing into my mouth. He moaned and his legs trembled. I caught him before he fell over. Holding on to him I lowered him to the floor. Jimmy looked up at me and smiled. He twisted around swinging his cock in my face.

My will broke at that point, I leaned in and kissed him with a passion that I didn't know I had. His lips responded as he unzipped my pants. Reaching in he pulled my stiff cock out into the open. Looking down between us he gasped at the hard tool in his hands. He whispered "So Big!". We made quick work of the rest of my cloths. Jimmy looked up at me "Please I want you to teach me to endure the pain and prove that I'm a man. That I can take it." I kissed him again he didn't resist at all but began to do battle with my tongue. I lost the will to fight him off.

He became docile, surrendering to the future, no matter what happens. I became an animal in heat. I raised his legs to my shoulders. Looking down I gave him one last chance to back out, "Do you still want to do this?" I asked looking at my stiff cock at his entrance. I spit down on his crack, smoothing it around his hole with the tip of my cock. He moaned when he felt my slicked head cross his pucker. I leaned into kiss his shoulder. I held my cock at his entrance and he nodded. I pushed in slowly, wanting to spare him any pain. Jimmy gritted his teeth but did not ask me to stop. The head pushed in past his muscle which reluctantly gave in. He inhaled at the intrusion then relaxed as the rest of my length followed the head. I paused when I bottomed out. He let out a breath and smiled up at me "Is it done? Is it all in?" he whispered. I nodded saying "You've taken the whole thing and you're now no longer a virgin." He pushed back against my hips while saying "Please".

For the next twenty minutes I pumped into Jimmy's tunnel. I alternated fast and slow pumping. I wanted this to last, to be memorable for him. If he were to look back years from now I wanted him to fondly remember the night he gave up his cherry. But I could only hold back for so long. With one, final deep push and a scream I shot my juice into his clutching hole. I felt his own climax just as mine ended. He leaned his head up to give me a deep kiss of passion. I was still hard and so was he. He locked his legs around my hips, keeping me firmly planted in his body. He mumbled his gratitude over and over again. My still hard cock responded for me by again pumping into his now cum filled ass. I'd never had such a quick recovery time. I slowly began to pump in and out of his welcoming tunnel. He locked his legs on my butt tighter to keep me going. At the same time he began to thrust up to meet my pounding cock. In no time we were at it again. I was going to go slower, not to fuck him but to show him that sex and making love to someone were two different things. I went in and held myself deep. Then I'd kiss his neck and ears. This produced an immediate reaction form Jimmy. His moaning increased and he set up a rhythm to meet my own. For the second time in less than an hour I poured my love juices into his body. I fell onto his chest, breathless. He held me tight against his body. I felt his heart beating wildly.

Coming down from our sexual high we lay there. Jimmy's head rested on my chest and I held him in my arms. As he recovered he began to lick my nipple. I moaned knowing that he had discovered my weak spot. Our soft dicks recovered also. I felt his pushing against my body. Not being a selfish person I thought that it was his turn to be a top. I wanted him to know the exquisite feeling of being inside of another male bringing him pleasures. I pulled him onto my chest and held his head in my hands. "OK, Marine, it's time that you showed me what kind of man you are." I seductively whispered in his ear. Opening my legs wide, I offered him my body. He acted by instinct, fumbling with his now re-hardened dick to find my hole. Like a missile aiming for a target, his cock found my hole. Following my earlier example his dropped a gob of spit on my crack and used his cock head to rub it around. When he touched my hole I opened it to the once innocent invader.

Jimmy may not have ever experienced man on man sex before but he was a quick learner. He pounded my ass harder as I yelled out the most sexually provocative encouragement to him. The dirty language heightened both his own pleasure and mine. As he pounded my hole he kept mumbling "OMG, I love this, I love your body, I love you!" I was shocked by his sudden outbursts. But I only held onto his shoulders tighter. I felt my own climax building. I couldn't stop it! With a loud "Yes!" I shot my load over our bodies. The pressure of my tightening muscles on his cock sent him over the edge. I felt him pump load after glorious load into my body. He kissed me tenderly before asking "Did I do it right? Are you OK? Did I hurt you?" My only response was " I'd give you an "A" for your first lesson."

We lay in the bed wrapped in each other's body for a while. He pulled me up for a kiss and looked into my eyes with affection. " I think that my doubts are gone with your help." he muttered. I suggested that a hot shower was needed by both of us. He agreed and off to the bathroom we went. Our shower was interrupted by more tender kisses and touches. By now it was evident that Jimmy had accepted his gay side. I offered to make some iced coffee to sip on the balcony. While the coffee brewed I rolled a joint. For me, I knew that the night had been special. I was glad that I'd helped Jimmy to finally come to terms with his gay side.

Sitting naked on the balcony, sharing the joint, and drinking coffee I felt comfortable for the first time in a long while. I looked over at the Marine. He turned to me and asked "Can I stay the night?" I just nodded my head but did not promise him a future. That would be a decision that only he could make.

I woke the next morning later than usual. But it was now the weekend with nothing on my agenda. I felt jimmy's arm tight around my chest as he spooned me against his body. He nudged me with his again stiff cock in my ass crack. He moaned as I adjusted my position to give him access to my body. Smoothly he slipped inside of me with a satisfied moan. He slowly made love to me while repeating "So nice, So very, very nice." I sighed with satisfaction.

Ok, that was a one off story for your pleasure. I hope you enjoyed it- a lot! Remember that Nifty needs your support to keep bringing joy and satisfaction to our community. It might be a good idea to drop a dollar or two off to nifty.org for each time you shot a load while reading a story on this site. As always your comments are welcomed: jaskejr@hotmail.com

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