Jimmy's Movie

By Bill Jonners

Published on Jun 18, 2015


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This story is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions between a teenager, his uncle and other males.

Comments welcome at colin4men@gmail.com

Jimmy's Movie Debut

Young Jimmy was excited. He was on his way from the small Czech town in which he lived to the big city, confident that he would return home soon with a lot of money. He had arranged an appointment at the offices of a successful gay porn company!

A short time later Jimmy was shown into the room of Mr H, the film producer and the majority shareholder in the company. Mr H shook Jimmy's hand and invited him to take a seat.

Not wasting any time, Mr H said, "Tell me why you want to appear in one of my films."

"Well," said Jimmy. "I've been offered a job in England and I need to raise some money fast. I thought this would be a good way to earn that money."

"You hardly look eighteen," said Mr H. "Did you bring proof of your age?"

"Yes, here it is," said Jimmy as he handed over his passport.

Mr H looked at the passport and then asked "Are you gay?"

"No, but sex is sex. I'm sure I could perform," said Jimmy with a smile. "I've seen lots of men looking at me so I know that gay men find me attractive."

'Cocky little shit' thought Mr H. 'I'll need to bring him down a peg or two.' He stared at Jimmy for a minute and then said, "Well, you'd better strip off and let me see your body."

Jimmy was taken by surprise. He had expected to have signed a contract before doing anything as embarrassing as getting naked for another man. Wasn't his handsome face and the shape of his body enough to convince this man that he was perfect? However he couldn't find a reason to argue. He wanted the job.

Jimmy stood up and peeled off his t-shirt. Then after kicking off his shoes, he unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his smooth thighs. Then, avoiding eye contact with Mr H, Jimmy put his thumbs in the waistband of his white briefs and pushed them down. He stepped out of his briefs and jeans to stand in front of Mr H wearing only his socks.

Mr H looked Jimmy up and down without saying a word. He was impressed but he didn't want the boy to know that. Mr H got to his feet and moved closer to Jimmy. "Nicely developed body. Good nipples," he said. "Turn round."

Jimmy turned to let Mr H see him from the rear. Mr H said "Mmm. Not quite a bubble butt but a nice shape nevertheless. I like the tan line. Ok, turn back round."

Jimmy did as instructed. Despite feeling embarrassed, his cock had started to stiffen. "How big does this little cock get when it's standing to attention?" asked Mr H.

Jimmy wasn't happy at the use of the word 'little' and said defiantly "Almost six inches."

"Show me," said Mr H as he sat down in his chair.

Jimmy took hold of his uncut cock and started to pump it up and down. Soon it was fully erect. Jimmy dropped his hands to his sides and thrust his crotch forward. "Big enough?" he asked.

The erect cock was thin and much closer to five inches than six. Mr H wanted to laugh but he kept a straight face. "It's not the biggest I've seen but it will do. You can take a seat now."

"So you can use me in one of your films?" asked Jimmy eagerly.

"Probably," said Mr H. "There isn't a big demand for gay porn featuring Asian guys but I'll keep your details on file."

Jimmy, who was indeed of Asian origin, was stunned. Eventually he said "But I was hoping to earn some money this week."

"Sorry," said Mr H. "I can't offer you a job in one of our mainstream films at the moment."

Jimmy bowed his head in despair. He had been counting on earning money from this company. Then he picked up on something Mr H had said. Looking up at Mr H, he said, "You referred to mainstream films. What other kind of films do you make here?"

Mr H smiled, pleased that Jimmy had taken the bait. "We make some spanking films that we sell on the internet as well as on dvd."

Jimmy gulped and said, "Maybe I could do one of them. What would be involved?"

"Well you would be spanked by an older man." said Mr H. "With his hand and maybe a paddle, on top of your jeans and then on your naked butt until it's red."

"Is that all?" asked Jimmy.

"Maybe you'd have to give the man a blow-job after he has finished spanking you," said Mr H.

Jimmy thought for a moment and then took a deep breath before replying. "OK, I could do that. How much does it pay?"

"Between 50 and 75 Euro depending on how long the film lasts," replied Mr H.

"Is that all?" asked Jimmy, feeling quite disappointed. "I was hoping to earn much more."

"That's all for a spanking film," said Mr H. "We make some films for a specialist market that pay a lot but I don't think you're quite suitable for them."

"Because I'm Asian?" asked Jimmy bitterly.

"No, because you're inexperienced," said Mr H.

"Oh," said Jimmy. Then he added, "Everyone has to start sometime. I'm ready to try anything."

'Gotcha!' thought Mr H but what he said was "I don't know."

"Tell me what's involved," pleaded Jimmy. "I'm sure I can do it."

"I'm taking about BDSM films, Jimmy. You know Ð bondage and discipline?" said Mr H.

"Bondage and discipline?" repeated Jimmy.

"Yes," said Mr H. "You'd be tied up, have your body abused and then be fucked."

Jimmy gulped. "I see. You said these films pay well? How much would I earn?"

"About 800 Euro for less than two hours work," said Mr H. The man could almost see Jimmy's brain at work as he thought it over.

"OK, I'll do it," said Jimmy. "But can we do it soon before I change my mind?"

"I can probably arrange for filming tomorrow if that suits you," said Mr H.

"Yes, that will be fine," said Jimmy.

"Right. I've got your number," said Mr H. "I'll make the arrangements and then give you a call later telling you where and when to come. And no sex tonight - I want your balls full so that you can cum in front of the camera."

Jimmy was nervous when he arrived at the small film studio on the outskirts of the city. Mr H took him to be measured and then to meet the director, who was known simply as Johan.

"I understand you're not gay. Have you ever had sex with other men before?" Johan asked without any preliminaries.

"Just some mutual wanking when I was younger," replied Jimmy.

"And have you ever played bondage games with a girlfriend?" queried Johan.

"No, never," answered Jimmy.

"Not a problem. Just follow the orders of your co-star, Mack," said Johan. "Okay, go and get changed and we'll get started."

Jimmy went to the dressing room where an assistant handed him his outfit. "Just denim jeans, a shirt and lightweight slip-on shoes," said the assistant. "No underwear or socks. You need to get naked quickly," he explained.

Dressed in pale blue denims and a white short-sleeved shirt, Jimmy looked very innocent when he met his co-star. Mack was tall, hairy-chested guy more than double Jimmy's age. He might have been double Jimmy's weight too as he was broad-shouldered with muscular thighs and a beer belly. He was dressed in black leather waistcoat, dark denim jeans and tall leather boots. "Hi kid," Mack said as he held out a hand.

Jimmy shook the massive hand and gave a nervous smile at the man towering over him. "Hello sir," he said.

Mack laughed. "That's right. You call me Sir or Master from now on."

Johan led the pair to a corner of the studio which had been set up to look like a leather bar. "Right, this is where we begin. Mack is at the bar when you enter, Jimmy. He offers you a beer and you accept. From that moment on, you are under his spell. Understand?" Johan said.

Jimmy nodded while looking at all the people in the studio. There seemed to be two cameramen, someone in charge of lighting and a man in charge of sound. There was also a woman with a clipboard sitting and writing notes. Jimmy hadn't expected so many people or any women.

A few minutes later Johan called "Action" and Jimmy approached Mack at the pretend bar. "Hi kid. Fancy a beer?" Mack asked.

"Yes sir. Thank you," replied Jimmy.

Off camera, Johan placed a beer on the bar top. "Cheers," said Jimmy as he lifted the glass to his mouth and took a drink.

Mack nodded then reached down and squeezed Jimmy's buttocks. "Nice ass."

Jimmy blushed slightly and replied, "Em, thanks sir."

"Drink up. I'm taking you home," responded Mack.

Jimmy took a gulp of beer and then the director shouted, "Cut!"

Mr H was waiting to greet Jimmy when the action moved to the area set up as Mack's home. "I've come to watch my new star in action," he said. Jimmy gave him a weak smile. He wasn't happy at having a bigger audience.

"Okay Jimmy. Just remember that you find Mack attractive and you want to please him," said Johan. "Do whatever he tells you. And let us see a hard-on as soon as you're naked."

Jimmy nodded and got into position next to Mack. "Action!"

Mack pulled Jimmy closer and kissed him roughly on the lips while holding the teenager's buttocks in both hands. One of the large hands moved to Jimmy's crotch and began fondling his cock through the denim material. Jimmy wasn't sure what to do so he let his arms hang limply by his sides and allowed Mack full control. Despite his nervousness, he felt his cock beginning to stiffen.

"I want to see this beautiful little boy cock," said Mack as he continued to play with Jimmy's growing erection. "I want to see you totally naked. Strip!"

"Yes sir," said Jimmy who moved to unbutton his shirt.

"Too slow," said Mack who then grabbed hold of the shirt and ripped it from Jimmy's body. Jimmy gasped and then watched as then man undid his jeans and pushed them to the floor. Jimmy automatically moved his hands to cover his semi-erect cock and was rewarded with a slap by Mack. "You will hide nothing from me," growled Mack. "Put your hands on your head."

As the dominant older man stared at him, Jimmy realised that he was being treated as nothing more than a sex object and somehow this turned him on. His cock became fully erect as he stood with his hands on his head. "Turn and show me your butt," ordered Matt. While turning round, Jimmy caught sight of the film crew and he blushed slightly. He closed his eyes as Mack's hand groped his buttocks and then took a small step forward when a finger prodded between his arse cheeks. "I didn't tell you to move!" shouted Mack. "Face me!"

Jimmy turned and looked up at Mack. The man slapped his face again. "You will do nothing without my permission. Understand?"

"Yes sir. Sorry sir," replied Jimmy.

"Now lick my boots," ordered Mack.

"What?" Jimmy didn't think the man could be serious.

"I said lick my boots. Do it now or you'll regret it!" Mack growled at the youth.

"Yes sir." Jimmy dropped to the floor and gave each leather boot a few licks. Then he knelt with his head bowed awaiting further orders.

Watching from the sidelines, Johan turned to Mr H and said, "This boy's a natural submissive. Maybe we can put him in a femdom movie. Old Mary would love to whip him and then have him lick her pussy."

"That's a possibility. We haven't done any femdom stuff for a while," said Mr H.

"Now follow me into the dungeon...on your hands and knees," said Mack. He turned and walked away. Jimmy crawled behind him.

"Cut!" Johan shouted.

Jimmy was about to stand up. "Just stay where you are, boy. It will only be a few minutes so best to stay in character," advised Mack.

"Yes sir," replied Jimmy. He remained on his hands and knees looking at the floor as the various members of the crew rushed about.

"We're ready," said Johan and then Mack led Jimmy to what had been the bar a short time earlier. It was now set up to look like an SM dungeon. "Action!" Johan shouted as Mack stepped onto the set with Jimmy following him.

"Stand up," said Mack, pulling on Jimmy's hair. The boy quickly struggled to his feet and saw that he was facing a wooden X-shaped cross with padded leather cuffs at each of the four ends. "Have you been on a cross before, boy?" Mack asked.

"No sir," replied Jimmy.

"Okay. I want you to stand with your back against it and place your wrists and ankles close to the cuffs. I'll tie you in place and then I'll explore your cute little body. Got that?" Mack looked at Jimmy.

"Yes sir." Jimmy moved to the required position and watched as the man fastened him into the cuffs. He was worried about what lay ahead and not about the cameras.

Mack stood back and slowly looked the bound youth up and down. "Yup, you are a cute young thing," he said as he reached out and caressed Jimmy's face with a rough hand. Jimmy gave a weak smile. He didn't know why but it made him feel good to have the man's approval. "Love this smooth body," said Mack as he ran the back of his fingers over Jimmy's chest and stomach. Then he moved his hand back up and suddenly tugged at the right nipple. "Nice little titties too," he said, ignoring Jimmy's yelp.

The hand moved down but ignored Jimmy's throbbing cock. Mack's fingers closed round Jimmy's balls and squeezed them hard. Jimmy's face contorted in pain and he groaned. "Nice boy cock," said Mack. He flicked at it with his fingers and then brought a leather cockring from his back pocket and fitted it. He wanted to ensure that Jimmy's cock remained erect.

Reaching over to a shelf behind Jimmy, Mack then produced a pair of stainless steel nipple clamps. The youth cried out at each one was attached.

Mack admired his handiwork for a moment and then picked up a cockwhip from the shelf. Jimmy looked in horror at the multi-stranded instrument. He had never seen anything like it before and had no way of knowing that the soft strands would only sting slightly rather than cause damage or any real pain. He let out a loud "Oww!" when Mack flicked his cock with it. He only gasped as the following strokes hit his cock and then his balls.

Mack threw the cockwhip aside after six strokes and then roughly kissed the bound boy. "Time for something different," he announced before releasing Jimmy from the leather cuffs. "Come with me."

Jimmy followed Mack a short distance to a padded leather bench. "Bend over it, boy," ordered Mack. Soon Jimmy was bent over the bench with his wrists and ankles secured to the four legs by soft leather ropes.

Mack caressed Jimmy's soft, well-rounded buttocks. "Good but much too pale," said Mack. Then he removed the belt from the waistband of his jeans and took a couple of steps back.

"Aieee!" Pain and surprise caused Jimmy to cry out when the first stroke of the belt landed. Mack paused, allowing a camera to capture the pink stripe across the young man's arse. The other camera had focused on Jimmy's face. Three more strokes followed. Mack hadn't used much force because he didn't want to hurt Jimmy. He had wanted to give the effect of harsh treatment only and Jimmy's cries had helped convey this.

Mack moved to stand in front of Jimmy. He took hold of the young man's hair and raised his head. "Almost ready to be fucked, boy?" he asked.

Jimmy shook his head but didn't speak. Mack saw that the boy's eyes were wet but saw no real tears. "Almost over," he whispered. He let go of Jimmy's head, opened his fly and pulled out his cock.

Jimmy gasped at the sight of the man's cock. It was cut and a thick nine inches long.

"Kiss it," instructed Mack as he placed his cockhead close to Jimmy's lips. "Good. Now lick it." Once again Jimmy did as he was told. "Now open your mouth and suck it."

Jimmy hesitated for a second. A few days earlier, he never imagined sucking a cock. Now he was about to suck the cock of a man he hardly knew and in front of an audience. He closed his eyes and took the cockhead between his lips.

Mack allowed Jimmy to go at his own pace for a few minutes and then he took hold of the boy's head and started pushing his cock deeper. Jimmy gagged a few times when the cock touched his throat but soon learned to accept it.

Out of the camera's view, the assistant from the dressing room went behind Jimmy and applied a large dollop of lubricating jelly between the young man's arsecheeks. Jimmy would have jumped with the shock of feeling the cold jelly and the fingers penetrating his virgin arsehole if he hadn't been bound with Mack holding his head. However he would soon be grateful for the preparation of his hole.

Mack was now fucking the boy's mouth. "Yeah, you're a good little cocksucker. Take my big cock," he said. Jimmy was pleased to receive praise but he didn't like being called a cocksucker. Mack continued fucking Jimmy's face for another few minutes before pulling out. "I really need to get into that ass now," he said and then he walked behind Jimmy.

Jimmy tensed as he felt the man's hands on his buttocks. His arse cheeks were parted and the stiff rod sought out his virgin hole.

Mack pushed against the tight entrance and wasn't surprised to meet resistance. "Let me in, boy," he said and then he gave Jimmy's arse a sharp slap. Suddenly the cockhead burst through Jimmy's sphincter.

Jimmy screamed. The pain was worse than he had expected. He gritted his teeth as the cock pushed deeper.

"Great ass, boy. Nice and tight." Mack put his hands around Jimmy's slim waist and gave one more hard thrust. Jimmy screamed again as the full nine inches were buried deep inside him. "Make as much noise as you like, boy. I ain't going nowhere until I've busted my nut in your tight pussy."

Mack began to pull back and then push forward again, bringing a moan from Jimmy. His movements gradually became faster until he was fucking Jimmy properly. The boy was whimpering softly as Mack reached under and, out of sight of the camera, grabbed hold of the still fairly stiff cock. Under the man's touch, Jimmy's cock soon became fully erect once more.

Mack was now wanking Jimmy while he was fucking him. For Jimmy, the pain was easing and the cock pounding against his prostate was bringing him an unknown pleasure.

Glancing at the camera off to the front, Mack turned his attention back to Jimmy's nipples. He tugged at the nipple clamps and this brought further moans from the boy. A hand slipped back to play with Jimmy's cock and balls.

Jimmy was confused by the mixture of pain and pleasure he was receiving but he soon realised he was enjoying the experience. His cock was harder than it had been for a very long time. His moans had turned to sighs and Mack knew that it was time for the final stage.

Mack began to fuck Jimmy harder and faster. He continued to wank him for a while but it was soon obvious that the boy was close to cumming. "Yeah, take my cock, boy," he shouted as he really pounded into the no longer virgin hole.

Suddenly Jimmy gasped and began shooting off. Masses of hot boy cum shot from his cock in several spurts. Fortunately for Mr H, one of the cameramen had caught this hands-free cum in full.

Mack fucked harder and harder for another couple of minutes. Then he pulled out and sent volley after volley of hot cum over Jimmy's back and buttocks. When he finally stopped shooting, he walked round to the front and shoved his slimy cock in the boy's mouth. "Suck me clean, boy," he said.

Jimmy was still overcome by unexpectedly arousing feeling of cumming while being fucked so he didn't object when the cock was shoved back into his mouth. He sucked on it without thinking.

"Good boy. I might have to keep you as my full-time slave," said Mack. Then he pulled out, lifted Jimmy's head and kissed him on the lips. "Are you going to thank me now?" he asked when the kiss was over.

"Thank you, master," said Jimmy.

Mack smiled down at the boy.

"And cut!" shouted Johan.

"Well done, boy," said Mack as he released Jimmy from his bondage. "Too bad you're straight. I'd love to take you home with me."

Jimmy gave Mack a weak smile as he stood up. For the first time in his life, he wondered if he was totally straight.

"You did a good job there, Jimmy," said Mr H. "I could probably use you in a few more movies."

"No!" Jimmy's response was immediate. "I mean...well, it's kind of you to offer but I really want to take up the job in England."

"Well, if you change your mind..." Mr H shook Jimmy's hand. "Don't forget to come to my office for your money once you've showered and dressed.

Jimmy blushed, realising he was still naked. "Yes sir."

The end

Next: Chapter 2: Jimmys Second Movie

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