Jizzman to the Rescue

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 28, 2013




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Jason pulled up to the Hall of Heroes in a taxicab. It was that or ride his old motorcycle and it had taken to breaking down too often. When you're trying to become a member of the greatest league of superheroes in the history of the world, you don't want to be stuck tinkering with a balky motorcycle engine by the side of the road in full costume, or worse, show up for the meeting late with oil stains on your shiny white costume.

The cab driver, at least, took it all in stride. "Trying out for the League, are you?" he asked Jason.

"I sure am." Jason said. "I'm here to meet the Leaguers and demonstrate my powers to them."

"Good luck fellow." the driver said to him and then spoiled it by adding, "What are you, a white mouse?"

"No." Jason simply said and let it go at that. He left a small tip, pretending he was offended, but actually, he didn't have all that much money and stinting the tip with an abashed cab driver was simply a budget-saving feature to things. He couldn't help it if the "tail" on his costume was small and long and thin.

He walked into the Hall of Heroes, the great meeting room was just off the front doors, for it was where the League would meet those who needed the League's help (those who showed up in person, that is). And it was there that he was to meet them all.

He looked at his watch, he was just ten minutes early. Good, give him a chance to scope them out, maybe.

Nope, they were all arrayed in their seats and waiting on him. Or maybe they'd been discussing other business, but it remained that the six most powerful members of the League were seated at their tribunal looking him over. From left to right, they sat, five men and one woman. Their names were torn from the front pages of the newspapers Jason had read for years. Blue Archer, Night Flyer, Power Lady (the sole female on the tribunal), Glory Man, Sonic Boom and Ocean's Guardian. The six founding members and leaders of some thirty superpowered heroes that helped keep the Earth safe from an approximately eight-fold (though lesser-powered) numbered army of supervillains. If those supervillains ever formed a lasting alliance, they could have trounced the League perhaps, but as it was, the League was stronger than what forces would be formed against them at any one time.

And Jason hoped to become one of this League with his own superpower. Not to mention that the membership would come with a levitation belt, permitting its wearer to fly about in pursuit of all things good.

"Greetings, you who call yourself Jizzman." Glory Man said. That won a snicker from Sonic Boom, the young, brash man whose talent was the ability to run and move faster than the speed of sound and more. Jason marked him, young and healthy, he'd make the perfect mark for demonstrating his own talent. "You have come to petition the League for entrance among our membership."

Jason gulped and tried to sound calm, but his voice betrayed him by cracking. "I ha-ave." That got a chuckle from Sonic Boom and Blue Archer. He cleared his throat and went on. "I discovered my power when I was in my early teens and have spent the last six years increasing my scope and control. I now can select a single target out of a crowd, as long as I can see him, I can influence him with my power. My power has the benefit of disabling or incapacitating a criminal while not doing him any physical harm whatsoever. Unless he has a bad heart, maybe." he conceded.

"As far as this talent goes, we'll have to see it in action." Glory Man said. By far the most powerful member of the League, he was their natural leader. "We can evaluate its usefulness, after all, many super powers can't be used to fight evil efficiently."

"That's easy enough to show, but I'm afraid it'll be uncomfortable for the volunteer I'll need. Perhaps I can convince Sonic Boom to come down and be my, uh, guinea pig?"

"Why me?" Sonic Boom moaned theatrically.

"If you're afraid, I could ask someone else." Jason jibed him. That won him a laugh from Power Lady and a smile from Glory Man.

In a flash of blurring speed, Sonic Boom was before Jason. "Okay, Jizzman, hit me with your best shot." His costume was yellow with red accents that suggested speed even when holding still. He stood in a confident, aggressive pose, his groin thrust forward, hands on his hips, a smirk on his face under his mop of pale-brown hair. He was cute in a frat-boy kind of way, which is what he may have been when not in costume and fighting crime, he was that age.

"No sooner said than done." Jason said and he pointed at Sonic Boom. And his power did the rest.

"Ah-uh-guh-huh-uh, HUH!" Sonic Boom's groin thrust forward even more and he sank to his knees in slow motion so unlike his usual movements. But as he did, the white spunk from his cock managed to squirt through his costume's front in a weak, but visible pulse of joy. The pulses continued for some time, even as Sonic Boom sank onto the floor and writhed under the impact of Jizzman's powers.

"You can see that my crime-fighting name is aptly chosen, as is my costume, meant to suggest the human sperm." Jason went on in his rehearsed speech. "I don't hurt my adversaries, I knock them out by triggering their own passion, they explode and all their energy and ability to counteract my further actions is hampered by their own climaxes."

Sonic Boom was done with his Jizzman-triggered orgasm and was panting on the floor. Blue Archer was watching him with more enjoyment than was appropriate. "Your first shot is wearing off." he observed. "Can you hit him again?"

"Certainly." Jason said and zapped Sonic Boom again, who resumed writhing, this time by hunching upwards with his hips, trying to fuck the air above him, his superpowers turned this into a blurring fury that may well have stimulated him above and beyond Jason's own second punch. "The human body runs out of sperm and fluid production about halfway through the second activation, of course, but the physical sensations remain unimpeded, I could keep him down like this as long as necessary, it would only be necessary to reactivate him every thirty seconds or so. Of course, one or two is usually all it would take to keep your average petty criminal down on the sidewalk while the police arrive and...."

"I think we've seen enough." Glory Man interrupted Jason who looked up. Glory Man looked actually angry. Had he gone too far, baiting Sonic Boom? He'd studied the League for months, the speed demon had a knack for keeping on everyone's nerves. "If you'll retire to our lounge, we'll discuss matters and give you our answer quite soon, I imagine."

Jason obeyed, and ten minutes later he had his answer. Stripped of a rather long justification diatribe from Glory Man, it boiled down to "Thanks but no thanks." Apparently his power "didn't apply itself appropriately to the application of justice." Glory Man actually used the phrase "sexual harassment" in describing Jizzman's powers!

Jason left the Hall in bitter disappointment and shame that converted itself into a fury. So his power wasn't "appropriate" for justice, was it? Well, where did that leave Jizzman in the lexicon of the super-powered people on Earth? If he couldn't be a superhero, maybe he belonged on the other side of the map instead?

He spent the next couple of days plotting it out. A bank robbery was the most likely way to go. He could zap everyone inside the bank and knock them out long enough to clean out the registers. His power was less effective against women than men, but he could pick a bank heavy on the male employees to counteract that defect. And if any superhero came over, he could show them how "appropriate" his powers were! If he couldn't jizz for good, he'd jizz for evil!

He'd have to scope out the banks as his next step. He wore his costume under a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt, if opportunity presented itself, he'd strip out of the clothes and strike right away. Not to mention that he'd worn the costume under his clothes long enough to get used to it being there, pretty much. He had to take the bus down to the bank district, as his motorcycle had given up the ghost entirely two days ago. Paying to fix it would be the first use of the stolen funds, of course. Hell, a new motorcycle! Customized to suit his super identity He could call it the Jizzcycle! Have to make it fit the scenario, of course, but what would best apply? A nose shaped like a penis, with him as the human sperm riding atop it....

He was so wrapped up in conceptualizing his first superhero accouterment that he stepped off the bus and was walking for some time before he realized something was wrong. He looked up to see... "Oh, my God!"

A gigantic man-shaped alien was attacking the city. Flying about him was the League of Heroes, but their vaunted powers wasn't doing much good.

Jason didn't have to think much about it, he saw the threat, and he was shucking his sweats and jogging toward the creature. If it was a man, he could make it squirt! It was some six blocks away, getting there would take a while. God, if he could have gotten one of those belts of levitation, he could have been there by now!

In those six blocks, he got a view of the attack by the League of Heroes. It wasn't pretty. The man was able to ignore the arrows of Blue Archer as if they weren't even pin-pricks. The Sonic Boom was dashing about but nothing he did even hampered this behemoth. Glory Man and Power Lady were hammering away at the huge body, but the best that gained them was a brief attention, when the monstrous being would brush them away like they were gnats in his way. And, of course, Ocean's Guardian couldn't get this far inland with any of his aquatic abilities. Gigantic waterspouts might have done some good...but they'd have to lure the monster to the shore to let him wield them.

Sonic Boom came by as Jason got closer. He stopped. "You!"

"I saw!" Jason panted. "Came to help!"

"And do what? Give the beast a good time?" Sonic Boom scoffed.

"You didn't see me using my talent at full power!" Jason gasped out. "I have the power to...whoof!...to activate over an entire area!"

Sonic Boom looked at him with new eyes. "You think you can actually take this thing down?"

"I can sure try. But I have to be right up against him to do it! He's going to take all I got!"

"Say no more." Sonic Boom agreed. "I can get you there toot sweet!"

And Sonic Boom raced around behind Jason, grabbed him under both arms and ferried him with his levitation belt on high right up toward the huge beast.

"Sonic, Sonic, you got to remember one thing, though." Jason squeaked as they rose alarmingly fast through the air. "It's an area effect! That means that it's going to hit me and you as hard as it hits the creature."

"Oog!" Sonic Boom said, but he didn't stop flying toward the beast. "Got to do it, though. This thing is killing people right and left, we can't evacuate people fast enough though we have the entire League out trying to get them out of the way."

"Okay." Jason said. "Sonic, I just want to say, it's going to be a pleasure working with you."

"Yeah." Sonic Boom said, then chuckled ruefully. "Literally." And they were at the creature, Sonic Boom got them right up against the large greenish chest. "Time to do your thing, Jizzman."

"I am." Jason said. "Now!" And he extended both hands, palms out, towards the creature.

And poured out every iota of his power into the gigantic man-shaped being. It was only now that he wondered if this beast actually was male and had the equivalent of human genitalia...

It did. A slit in the area between its legs slid open and a long and point-tipped prick shot out, rigid and began squirting pinkish jizz in huge quantities out over the freeway. The creature stopped, moaned, sagged, its hands catching the buildings on either side to hold itself upright.

And Jason and Sonic Boom promptly began to soil their underwear with squirts of their own jizz.

"Ah, gah, ah, ah!" Sonic moaned. He gave Jason a hefty toss-up and whirl so that Jason rose and spun around in mid-air and then caught him again, this time face to face and Jason was able to catch hold of Sonic in turn and by holding each other, Jason was able to stay up in the air. For this talent, he had to keep renewing constantly. He'd never experienced a limit to this talent of his to ignite orgasm by the mere thought and concentration of the flow, but now....

He was in Sonic's arms, Sonic's arms around him, their legs intertwined and he felt the hot pool of jizz from Sonic's cock spraying onto his left leg and his own spurting out through the cloth to soak Sonic's stomach.

"You...got...him!" Sonic Boom moaned as he was wrenched by climax. "Keep...pouring...it...on!"

"Ah, gah, ah, gah!" Jason groaned in his ecstasy, and this went on and on and on! Two climaxing heroes floating next to an orgasming gigantic alien creature, the thing was sliding slowly downwards as the ejaculations continued.

Jason was facing the creature, as he had to, but his chin was resting on Sonic Boom's sturdy shoulder. He reached over and kissed the ear that was nearby then down the supple, firmly toned neck, and Sonic's body writhed against his, not only in passion but in caressing motions over Jason's body. Ecstasy without impalement, without all the flaws that the human flesh can fall prey to when mating, he could give the two of them endless, unadulterated and perfect joy. And it could go on forever if he chose....

"Oh, no!" Sonic Boom gasped out. "Don't...do...it!" he moaned loudly as he could.

Jason didn't understand, and his eyes were meandering about as a result of his ceaseless orgasm, and he wandered if Sonic Boom was faltering under the assault upon his senses, when he then saw.

"Glory Man!" he breathed.

For Glory Man was coming in to pummel the now-helpless beast. And he was entering the area of Jizzman's effect. Either Jason stopped his powers now or Glory Man would be...

Was. He got close and as he impacted the creature, he began to ejaculate into his blue brief-like shorts, that turned dark blue. Instead of punching the monstrous being, he impacted on it and clung on tight, moaning as he shot his wads helplessly within Jason's powerful aura.

"Glory Man!" called out Power Lady from higher up.

"Stay...away!" groaned Glory Man. Jason admired the power that could let him shout that out while in mid-climax. "We've...got...this...handled!"

"You've got something." huffed Power Lady, but she generaled the evacuation as the huge alien visitor, drained by the long orgasm into a weak, compliant clump of whimpering, exhausted male flesh drained of all lust and all energy. Power Lady and a few of the other heroes were then able to bind the huge creature and Glory Man, Power Lady and those of the heroes who had self-flight capability lifted it up and ferried it to a secure location.

This left Jason and Sonic Boom, still worn out beyond the ability to move, lying on the roadway, their costumes stiff with their jizz, and still lying in each other's arms.

That's the scene the photographers caught and were plastered over the front pages the next day. But the headlines themselves were far from complimentary.

Jason moaned when he saw them, grateful only that his costume concealed his face and thus his identity, for he wouldn't be able to show his face again any time soon with this sort of publicity. A bit of corrupted platitude wove through his brain, what profits a man that he gains the world only to lose his soul? He'd save the human race when the entire League was failing...and now he was the city's laughing stock and butt of endless rude jokes.

Almost a week later, he was sitting in the park when he heard a familiar voice. "Hey there."

Jason looked up. Some young college-age guy with light brown hair, smiling down at him. "Hey." he said back.

"You weren't thinking of hanging up your costume, were you?"

Jason looked up, blinked, recognized him. "Sonic Boom?"

"Shh! Call me Matt."

"Matt. I'm Jason."

Matt/Sonic Boom sat down beside him. "You haven't been checking your voice mail, have you?"

"You mean my other voice mail?" Jason replied, meaning the one he'd had listed for "Jizzman." "Not recently." Too many calls from jerks and perverts on it.

"We had another meeting of the League about you. After you dealt with that gigantic thing which was kicking all of our asses, we have to admit, whether we like it or not, that your power is worthy of being a part of the League of Heroes. Your delivery may be a bit unorthodox, but we have to face that it gets results."

"I'm glad to hear it."

"So if you'll come back to the Hall of Heroes with me, we'll get you a League communicator and levitation belt."

Jason looked up, blinked, and the blur that was a normal college kid was suddenly that of Sonic Boom. "I don't have my costume with me." He demurred.

"No problem, I'll fly us both there." Sonic volunteered. Jason agreed and when he was high in the air, he got the same lift-and-flip that had turned him around and he was now face-to-face with Sonic Boom. Those impish eyes blazed into his. "Now we're alone, how about giving old Sonic one more shot? Call it payment for the trip." The smile was as insolent as ever.

"Mind if I join in with a bit of the area effect instead?" Jason grinned back.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

Jason used his talent to send them both into a state of instant ecstasy. This was going to be the start of something really terrific. Starting with the levitation belt as a gift from the League.

And after all, if it was going to be Jizzman to the rescue, jizz was going to have to fly!

Hey...jizz is going to fly! That might make a good battle-cry for him!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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