Job of a Lifetime: The Audition

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Nov 16, 2012



[This story and subsequent chapters is a work of fiction for adult reading and entertainment.]

Job of a Lifetime By Richard Lickerish

The Audition

"Damn!" The older man exclaimed.

The two men lay across from each other naked and totally exhausted, their bodies glimmering with sweat. The evidence from three days of explosive practically nonstop sex surrounded them. Sex toys, used condoms, lubricants, wipes, empty wine bottles and glasses littered the bed and floor. The room reeked with the stench of stale sex – what a splendid scent.

The younger man smiled back with a simple, "Thank you, Phil. You weren't too bad for an older Dude."

The two met by chance about six weeks prior while jogging early one summer morning in the park near Christian's apartment. The first day they exchanged morning pleasantries as they ran on the special low impact track. As days led to weeks throughout the waning days of summer they became better acquainted. Eventually, Phil invited Christian to workout with him after their early morning runs. They would alternate days between gym activities and swimming before showering. After an early morning of exercise they would go to breakfast before the work day began. Seemingly, over time one thing led to another, ending in the non-stop Labor Day weekend sexual marathon.

"Who won?" Christian quipped.

"What do you mean who won?" Phil replied.

"Surely this must have been some type of contest between us to see who was going to outlast the other," Christian said lightheartedly.

"No contest," Phil answered. "An audition, yes. By the way, how do you do it, Christian?"

"Do what?"

"Last as long as you do. You keep on going like the fucking Energizer Bunny," Phil said. "You're a fucking sexual dynamo."

"I guess a lot of my energy comes from my youth, diet, certain Asian herbs to enhance my libido, and a lot of cardio exercise," Christian said.

"Youth is a wonderful thing," Phil said with a smile. "You don't want to waste it,"

"I'm trying not to."

"I've never met a man that can maintain an erection for the length of time you do. Able to maintain orgasm control, you know, premature ejaculation, and then able to get it up and get going again as quickly as you," Phil said.

"When all else fails I got my secret weapon of last resort," Christian said as he grabbed the black case, unzipping the case he displayed the contents to Phil: disposable hypodermic injection apparatus and glass cylinders.

"You sure do have sexual mastery down to an art form," Phil said.

"Thank you."

"You're much better than me when I was your age," Phil said to the young stud lying across from him on the big king size bed in the luxury hotel bedroom. "Another thing, I know I've said it before, but I have to say it again, you have the most perfect penis I've ever seen, flaccid and hard, in my thirty-two years."

"Again, thank you," Christian replied.

"I mean it Christian. I've seen a few dicks in my day, however yours is by far the best looking in every aspect I've seen. If I had to rate it on a scale of one to ten I'd have to give it an eleven."

"Phil, I've enjoyed your cock too. I think it is a top of the line model."

"Enough flattery young man I'm famished. Let's get cleaned up, dressed and go eat," Phil said. "I want to take you out for a special dinner. You name the place, because you say you're on a special diet. After we eat I want to discuss a business proposal with you," Phil said.

"That's okay, you choose," Christian said. "You know we haven't eaten in over twenty-four hours, so I think I can skip the diet food tonight."

"I know just the right place to satisfy our hunger, and then discuss my business proposal," Phil said.

"So what kind of business deal?"

"Later," Phil said as the two men got out of bed to take a shower. Once back in the bedroom while dressing for dinner Christian asked again, "What's the nature of your business deal?"

Let's eat first and then discuss business over an after dinner brandy or drink of your choice. You do have a drink now and then don't you?" Phil asked.

"Sure, but in moderation."

"Understandable. What about cannabis?"

"I've used weed. Again, in moderation," Christian said as the two left the room.

"I don't hold that against you. I've taken a toke or two."

Once on the ground floor Phil pushed through the door where he was greeted by the porter, "Good day Mr. Smith. How may I assist you today?"

"A cab, Todd."

The porter hailed an awaiting cab. The cab pulled up and two men disappeared inside. The car sped away and after a short drive the two arrived at the restaurant where they would dine. The maiter'd greeted Phil and ushered the two men to a reserved secluded booth.

"What can I get for you to drink Mr. Smith?"

"Water with lemon will be fine to start Jerry," Phil replied.

The maitre'd disappeared. Christian asked, "You know a lot of people around town Phil."

"That's my job to know people, young man. I hope you drink wine with dinner?" Phil questioned his guest.


After the two sipped their wine they order their meal. They ate in relative quite with an occasional question and answer. Once dinner concluded and the table was cleared Phil ordered two brandies before the men settled back in the booth to discuss business. Sitting across from each other the two sniffed and then sipped their after dinner liqueur in silence as they mentally sized each other up. After a few minutes Phil broke the silence, "This dinner date was another test Christian. I wanted to see how you conduct yourself at dinner and afterwards."

"Did I pass this test?"

Phil smiled and replied, "Yes, and as far as I'm concerned the audition is over. You passed the final exam with flying colors." There was more silence as Phil sipped his brandy before he said, "Christian, I'm prepared to offer you the job of a lifetime: a job with a substantial salary, bonuses and benefits."

"What does the job entail?"

"Basically, what you do now and what we did this weekend, but much much more. Phil replied.

"You want me to come to work for you as a manwhore?"

"Hell no. I want you to join my firm in two areas. One is a small specialty division of my firm as a very discreet confidant to high-end clientele," Phil replied. "You'll not only become a confidant you will be an escort, security agent and yes you may be required to perform sexually with the client."

"So the whole thing this summer has been a test. I've been auditioning for this job the whole time?" Christian asked a little disconcerted.

"Actually, we were just simply jogging buddies at first. However, when I saw you naked in the shower at the gym I couldn't get over your fabulous body. It wasn't just your body or penis it's your whole package. You present well. You present with such confidence," Phil continued to explain. "You are a natural for the job I'm offering."

"Thank you, but..."

Phil interrupted with, "The first day we met you had a positive aura about you that very few men present today. Many of my clientele show the same qualities. Many of my regulars are in the entertainment industry. To be a successful entertainer one must possess a large ego and display well in public; however, in their private lives many of them are insecure."


"Not insecure as far as acting, singing or playing sports, but uncertainty regarding their sexuality and performance. Others just want to play out certain sexual fantasies. You'll discover what I'm talking about if you join my firm," Phil said. "Before you go on your first date there is an intensive training program you'll undergo."

"So, your clientele are all fucked up when it comes to their inner being?" Christian asked.

"Not all, but some. They're a mixed group in many ways. Some are Bisexual, Homosexual and Heterosexual men. Some don't know who or what they are; however, I will assure you that all clients will be over eighteen. Some may come from different cultures and ethnicities than you. Many of my customers are simply trying to figure out who and what they are in life. You will help by mentoring some of them. Many of the bisexual and straight men are not out and proud as they say, so confidentiality is uppermost."


"Some of these men and occasionally women want to fulfill sexual fantasies in private and know their secrets will never be revealed. You will attend many parties, public and private affairs. Sometimes you will escort a customer, other times you will go to a party and discreetly pickup a client. That may be part of the fantasy, or a party participant may pick you out and ask you to accompany him or her home or to a hotel room for a night, a weekend or whatever length of time. Once in a while you may be asked to engage in sex with more than one partner. Any objections?"

"Damn!" Christian exclaimed. "Hell no! No objections thus far, but I do have a few questions."

"Good," Phil replied. "What are some of your questions?"

"What if I don't like the person or persons?"

"Christian, before you go out into my world of clientele you will fill out many questionnaires. You will be asked many questions in many different ways so we can attempt not to have a mismatch. Before you are asked to interact with a client you will read their bio to include sexual bio that includes sexual likes and dislikes."

"That's cool."

"You will probably not engage your first client for at least six months or more. Once you have finished training you will begin preparing for your first date."


"After your date you will be critiqued by your date."

"Damn, there's a lot to digest. By the way Phil do you take this much personal interest in all your employees?"

"Yes, I personally audition all."

"How many are there?" Christian asked.

"I don't divulge that information, but to satisfy your curiosity there are less than a dozen men such as you in my employee as well as a couple women."


"Yes, one has to be damn good to work for me. And your extracurricular employment activities remain confidential. Included in your employment contract among other documents is non-compete clause. You will undergo a thorough background investigation. That'll take about thirty-days. I don't like any surprises. Before you start to work you'll undergo a complete physical examination with all blood work and X-rays. After that you will submit to blood testing every 30 and 90 days. As we did this weekend you will be required to use condoms for any anal sex you engage in with a client."

"Damn, you are a no nonsense guy."

"The second area is IT. You will be brought on with the title of IT Specialist. Information Technology is what you do, correct?"

"Yes, and that's my major in college, Information Technology Management."

"You will be given a salary commensurate with your academic and technical skills. You'll start at 80 thousand a year. Is that doable?"


"You'll receive regular raises and bonuses in both areas of business. Of course bonuses for the escort division will reflect customer feedbacks. At the end of the year you will file tax returns. Oh, not only will you be paid well, but there is a chance for substantial gratuities, depending upon whether you are an A gamer, and no matter what, you get to keep any gifts you receive."


"You will be given a credit card with a limit. Anything above that limit has to be approved. You will when flying to locations fly by way of corporate plane. If not you will fly commercial. Of course there will always be a cover story. You will rent cars and hotels through your assigned company agent. Any money you need for special needs such as food, herbs, etc., submit a request in writing to your agent."


Phil leaned back in silence first sniffing the brandy and then taking a sip. The business man had said all he was going to say. Silence was the golden rule. If Christian broke the silence Phil was confident that he had a new member for his team. If not they would go their separate ways and as far as he was concerned they had one hella weekend, nothing more.

After a few moments of silence Christian said, "Okay, I'm agreeable. What about my last year of college?"

"What about it," Phil replied. You'll finish on schedule and my firm will pay for it. If you need any help my man will arrange for a tutor."

"No, I don't need a tutor," Christian said. "What about work?"

"You're working now as an IT for one of the big casinos, right?"


"Give them appropriate notice that you're leaving and taking another job. There is nothing in your employment contract stating that you can't take a better job is there?"

"Not that I'm aware."

"Do you have a copy of your employment contract?"

"At home."

Good, before I leave I'll want to make a copy for my records. Any problems?"


"If needed to separate from your current employer I'll have my legal department handle things. Any other questions Christian? If there are other questions jot them down and give me the list before I leave tomorrow."

"When do I have to give you my answer?" Christian questioned.

"I'd appreciate an answer before I fly tomorrow afternoon, however next Friday at the latest. We can start in-processing you the week after and then you start your training."

"Training to have sex?" Christian asked.

"Hell no. There is much more to this job than having sex. Sex is just the icing on the cake Christian. The after dinner snifter of brandy."


"All these questions you have and more will be addressed again in the training sessions," Phil said. "There will be two different training sessions. One will have to do with the escort end and the other will be the IT portion of your job."

"So, I'll meet others at the training sessions?"

"No. Your training as with all my employees is one on one. Here is my business card. Use the e-mail address on the card. In the subject line simply put the word "Yes" or "No" In the body put Yes, I accept your job offer and put your name below."

"The card is blank except for your first name and the e-mail address."

"You're very observant. The e-mail address is setup for you and you only; it can be used one time and one time only, so make sure you got it all correct before you hit send. If you've got no further questions I'd like to get back to what we were doing a few hours ago. I have to catch a plane in the afternoon, so before I leave I want to enjoy your beautiful body and that fantastic cock of yours. Because more than likely this will be the last time we are together for a frolic," Phil said stoically.

Phil signed the bill; the two got up and left the restaurant. A car was waiting to take the two back to the hotel room for more fun.

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