Jock Pussy Roommate

By SC Walker

Published on Feb 26, 2024


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I swear I was in that old movie `Inception' as I walked down the dorm hallway, that's how much the room was spinning. But I wasn't drunk. I'm by no means a lightweight, and it takes a lot to get me wasted. That's the good thing about being a 6'5" 250 lbs BEAST like me, I'd normally need an entire keg to get faded. So that means there's no way I'm drunk.

Which is weird because when I finally reached the door to my apartment, I fumbled with my keys. Damn, did I have more keys than I started with? What the fuck are all these keys for? Or maybe I'm seeing double.

But that doesn't mean I'm drunk.

Finally finding the right key, I kept trying to jam it into the lock but was missing every time. Damn, was it always this hard? Like threading a needle. I'm usually an expert at fitting things into tight holes, if you get what I mean.

I'm talking about my dick.

"Come on FUCKER!" I groaned as I reared back and thrust my hand holding the key with all my might... only for the door to suddenly swing open, causing me to stumble forward and nearly collapse on top of my best friend.

"Seriously, Monty? It's fucking Thursday night," Justin grumbled, trying his best to hold up my massive frame. Just was by no means a small guy. After all, he was on the soccer team. But even the strongest soccer player might have trouble holding up a big hulking tight-end like me.

"Bro, I'm not drunk, it was just a few drinks. Don't get your panties in a twist!" Justin just frowned at me. Okay, okay, maybe I was a teensy tiny itty bit drunk. Doesn't mean Just has to look at me like I'm a wet dog who got into the house. Doesn't fit his handsome face to be honest. Justin was a good looking guy. Blond hair, lightly tanned skin, crystal blue eyes. Dude could have been on one of those teen shows, Riverdale or some shit. A face like that should never be scowling.

Just put his arm underneath my armpit and across my back, trying to lead me to my bedroom. He was such a good bro, the fucking best. I knew I could count on Just. We've been bros since the first day of Freshman year, we were assigned roomies but hit it off instantly.

I remember walking in and seeing this smaller guy with curly blond hair unpacking his stuff. He had a tight body - Just wasn't short, he was a solid 5'10" but compared to me everyone looked small. Still, his body was all compact muscle and I could tell he ran a lot because his glutes were fucking huge. I've never seen glutes that big before, to be honest.

We were buddies almost immediately. We bonded over both being jocks, even though we played different sports, but otherwise we had so much in common. Justin was a little bit more serious than me, but still a goofball. That's why I was a little shocked when I found out there was one huge difference between us.

"Monty, I'm gay," Justin said to me matter-of-factly one day in our tiny dorm room.

"Wah?" I thought I had misheard him. Or maybe he was putting himself down, like `this shit is gay', but nope.

"Gay. The homosexual kind. The kind that means I'm going to have guys over and we're going to fuck. Have a problem with that?" He said evenly.

I gotta give props to Just, dude was resilient. There was no fear in his voice, he was very `take it or leave it', and I liked that about him.

"No way man, you've never put the moves on me, so why would I care?" Just gave me a funny look when I said that, but eventually shrugged and went about his day.

It was a no-brainer we'd stay roomies even after we got an off-campus apartment. And the bonus was that we had separate bedrooms, on each side of the apartment with the living room and kitchen between us.

"What the fuck Monty, I'm not gonna drag you!" His voice interrupted my little trip down memory lane. "One foot in front of the other. Goddamn, you stupid fucking drunk," Just's scowl just got deeper, which made me feel a little guilty. I didn't want him to hate me. We were supposed to be bros, best bros.

"Sorry bro," I burped and he turned his face away in disgust. I put my hand on his lower back, but as I stumbled my hand slipped a little and landed on his round ass. Like I said, I'm a big guy, with big hands, and even I couldn't fully cup Just's booty. Dude should give pointers to the chicks, he's got them beat in the ass department. I gave it an absentminded squeeze. Damn, it had the perfect feel, soft yet firm. I gave it a little pat and chuckled at how much it bounced.

"Hands," Just said through gritted teeth.

"Woops, sorry bro!" I said, but made no move to pull away my hand. My bro just sighed and continued leading me to my room.

Once we reached my bed he let me go, and I faceplanted onto my mattress. I felt Justin's hands grabbing at me, and at first I thought he was getting revenge for that tiny little grope sesh I had given him earlier.

"Turn the fuck over, you fucking lunk!" Just barked. I groaned but I finally was able to push myself onto my back. I was totally starfished and couldn't move anymore.

I looked down over my flat stomach, and saw Justin shaking his head.

"What am I gonna do with you Monty?" He smiled a little at my antics. Something inside my chest brightened up now that Justin wasn't scowling anymore.

He reached down and started unlacing my shoes, pulling them off. My huge ass shoes looked almost comical in Justin's small hands. Size 14 bitches, and you know what they say...

"Justiiiiiin," I whined, "I'm hot, help me out bro."

Bro just shook his head and cracked a little smile. "You big fucking baby. Fine."

After getting my shoes and socks off, Just got onto the bed to work my zipper. He was about to reach for it when he suddenly hesitated and cleared his throat. Confused, I looked down.

Oh, yeah.

I was sporting a semi, and it showed. Nice big bulge in my jeans. Huh, maybe the whisky made me horny.

"Come on, bro. I know you've handled dick before." I teased.

Justin shot me a glare and moved upwards, grabbing the hem of my t-shirt and pulling it over my head. In gratitude, I flexed my abs (tight washboard 6 pack thank you very much) at him and waggled my eyebrows. He glanced at them but quickly looked away.

Only my pants were left. He had nowhere else to go. The last piece of clothing. Well, the pants and my underwear. Justin huffed but I bet he secretly loved it. I'm a fucking specimen. Gay guys have hit on me before, which is flattering, but it made me wonder why Justin never put the moves on me. Maybe I wasn't his type?

Well that's bullshit.

Cuz I know what Justin's fucking type is. He likes big guys. And I'm not just talking about height. One time I got out of class early and came back to our apartment sounding like an absolute porno.

"OH FUCK!" Just's voice, but pitched a little higher than normal. The wet sounds of flesh slapping flesh keyed me in on what was going on.

"Yeah, take it! Take it up your pussy!" A deeper voice said.

"Don't stop!! Don't stop fucking my pussy!" Wait what? Justin was taking it up the ass? I figured a jock guy like him would be the one doing the fucking. Then again, he did have a pretty nice ass...

I didn't want to interrupt so I just snuck into my room. I think I almost knocked something over, but Justin was clearly too busy fucking to notice.

For some reason, I was kinda in a bad mood.

Laying in bed, I tried to fall asleep, but the constant noise of "OH FUCK YES" "DEEPER" "HARDER" "FUCK MY PUSSY" was making that goddamn hard. And that's not the only thing that was hard.

My dick was fully tenting my boxers, solid as steel and sticking straight up like a ruler. My balls fucking ached and pre-cum bubbled out of my slit.

I was jealous of Justin. Well, I guess jealous of the guy fucking Justin. Not because I wanted to stick my dick in my best bro, obviously, but because he was at least getting some. It'd been about a week since I'd dipped my dick, which was nearly a record for me.


Goddamn, so Justin was into some kinky shit huh? Based on his moans, the guy's aggression and demeaning words seemed to be doing the trick for my buddy. My dick throbbed so hard I had to touch it. Stroking it up and down, with only the sounds of Justin getting his back blown out, my imagination went wild.

Instead of some rando, I was the one fucking Justin. My dick was spearing his fat soccer cheeks, making them jiggle as I pummeled his pussy with my dick. Justin was moaning, like a man possessed, as I tore him up. I kept calling him a slut, a whore, and it made Justin clench his pussy around my dick. I grabbed his slim waist and SLAMMED into his bouncy cakes, ROARING as I pumped a vicious load of cum up my best bro's ass.

"OHHH FUUUUUUUCK!!" That last moan came from me, knocking me out of my daydream as I painted myself with cum. My toes curled as a hefty load of jizz erupted from my dick I shot so hard it reached my chin.

Fuck, I hadn't cum from jerking off like that... pretty much ever. Maybe I was into hearing people go at it? I should try listening to some porn instead of watching it.

The sounds coming from Justin's room stopped. Curious, I stepped out to take a leak. Once I was done, I was about to turn back to my room when Justin's door opened. I perked up. I had to play it cool. I didn't want Just to think I was some homophobe. I don't get it, but if he wants to get his cheeks clapped more power to him.

Instead, a tall, built guy with a fade and a goatee stepped out, totally naked, holding the rest of his clothes in his hand. I'd seen him around campus, he had a couple of inches on me, so I figured he was on the basketball team.

Before he could notice me, I dipped around a corner and stuck my head out. Dude started putting his clothes on, but my jaw dropped when I saw what was swinging between his legs. Holy shit, dude was PACKING. He was bigger than me down there too. Not by much, but still. Half hard still, it looked slick and shiny. Dude stuffed himself into his boxers then jeans, but still looked like he was smuggling a grapefruit. Without saying a word the guy left our apartment.

Well that's fucking rude. I wanted to check on Justin, see if he was okay. Something about that guy gave me bad vibes. Seeing him, knowing his dick was just inside my best bro, made my stomach tight and my blood pressure rise.

I crept over to Justin's room, the door left slightly ajar. Peeking in, I heard soft rhythmic breathing, indicating Just was fast asleep. Figured, that kind of sex probably tired him out.

I had to cover my mouth to hide my shock when I saw the state Justin was in. He was laying face down, legs spread out like a reverse snow angel. His blond curls were matted with sweat, his entire body sheened with the evidence of his exertion. But, most of all, were those two big globes he called an ass. In between was... Justin's fucking hole. And it was blown out. I couldn't see it that well from a distance, but I knew it was still slightly gaped. The inside of his cheeks and thighs had cum on them, along with something shiny, probably lube. Justin groaned and his ass clenched, then more cum leaked out of his ruined hole like a 3rd grade science project. The white foamy liquid bubbled out with a hot gurgling noise, dripping down his taint and pooling on the towel he had beneath him.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say Justin's hole looked like a well-fucked pussy.

Sneaking back to my room, the thoughts of pussy made me hard again, and I had to rub one out. Definitely not while picturing the aftermath of Justin's gaped hole.

"What the fuck are you thinking about Monty. Stop it and go to sleep." Just's voice broke me out of my reverie. I think all this reminiscing, and the image of Just's fucked out hole, was having an effect on my dick.

Just had managed to get my pants halfway down my knees, which exposed my boxer-clad crotch. The tent I had was fucking obscene. I wanted to jerk it so bad, but I was dead tired and it felt like my arms were made out of jelly.

"Bro... I'm so fucking hard it hurts," I whispered.

"Sounds like a you problem," Justin replied.

"Bro... come on... help a bro out."

Justin looked me dead in the eyes. "Stop it. You're drunk. You have idea what you're even asking me."

I shook my head but stopped because it made the room spin. Ok, he had a point. But still.

"Yeah bro, I'm asking you to grab my huge cock and jerk it so I can get some relief. My balls are so fucking full, empty them out."

Justin never broke eye contact. His frown was epic, I could tell he was actually thinking it over in his head. Finally, his shoulders dropped and I knew I had him.

"This is a one time thing, Monty. Just so you can shut up. I'll never get any sleep if you keep moaning about your cock." He said as he wrapped his fingers around my shaft.

Funny, when Justin said cock it made mine do a little jump.

"Fucking Christ..." my bro muttered under his breath. Oh yeah, should I have warned him. My dick is a two hander. Last time I measured it with a ruler... Well, it was longer than the ruler. But that shouldn't be a problem right? I know he's handled bigger dicks.

Damn, why is my stomach cramping again? Must be the booze.

I groaned as Justin started to pump my cock. It isn't funny how it always feels better when someone else jerks your dick compared to when you do it yourself? My eyes closed and I moaned, letting the feeling of skin sliding against skin take me over. The friction started out good, making little sparks of pleasure set off inside me, but it started to get a little too rough.

"Bro, you got any lube?" I moaned.

Normally I'd get some lube from under my pillow, but 1) My arms were jelly and 2) I used it all recently and kept forgetting to buy more.

Justin and I made eye contact as he used two hands to stroke my dick out. He knew what he was doing alright. Despite his frown, I knew he was enjoying this. His hands didn't lie, he loved the feel of my huge cock in his grip.

My bro sighed and reached behind him, rummaging around for a few seconds, then pulled his hand out, slick with lube which he used to slather my dick. Huh, maybe Just kept some lube in his pocket? But I coulda sworn he reached into his back waistband.

Ah well, what do I know? I was fucking drunk. Though I was quickly sobering up, because what Justin was doing with his hands set my body on fire.

I was gonna have to ask him what brand of lube he was using, because it was goddamn perfect. Just the right amount of slickness, so it didn't feel like a slip n slide, but still plenty enough to help Justin's hands glide effortlessly down my shaft.

Dude was pumping my dick like he was churning butter. Every time he'd slide his top hand up, he'd rub my cockhead with the heel of his palm before closing his hand over it and going back down. Every time he did that, it made me buck my hips a little bit.

"Ohhh fuck yeah, just like that!" I moaned.

Justin had his eyes laser focused on my dick, his tongue sticking out slightly between his teeth. I'd only seen this expression on his face during a game, when it took total concentration. His hands gliding on my slick shaft made wet SCHLIK SCHLIK SCHLIK sounds.

"Mmm fuck yeah..."

Without missing a beat, Just pulled away one of his hands. I whimpered, two was better than one after all, but soon cursed myself because my buddy started to tug on my balls.

"Just fucking cum already so I can leave," he muttered. Well, his wish was my command.

"OH FUUUUCK!" I let out a loud moan as my dick fucking erupted, a geyser of jizz shooting out of it. I was painting my god-like torso in jizz, the cum puddling in between my build pecs, the ridges of my abs. I kept cumming, so much that the cum started to overflow and drip down my sides. Justin still maintained his grip on me, and I bucked my hips a few to coax out the last few spurts.

I looked down. Goddamn, I dumped a bucket of jizz all over myself. I was a fucking mess.

"Damnit I don't wanna hafta shower..." the thought of getting up filled me with dread.

Justin was quiet. Dead quiet. His eyes were glued to my abs. Haha, I knew he wanted to get an eyefull. But something about his eyes... like they were slightly glazed. It threw me off. What the fuck was going on with him?

Justin took a big gulp. "Close your eyes Monty," he said in barely a whisper.

When I didn't, he let out a heavy sigh. "Monty please close your fucking eyes." Something about his tone was weird. Like he was... defeated. I felt bad, so I did as he asked.

I didn't know what was happening. Maybe Justin was leaving the room to get me a washcloth. Giving his best bro a sponge bath. Didn't I say he was the best buddy a jock could ask for?

I felt something warm, wet, and soft on my abs. There we go, damn that wash cloth feels really good. In fact, it doesn't feel like a cloth at all. I kept my eyes shot, but I was dying to know what Justin was using on me.

Then I felt it. Lips. Lips and tongue. Lapping at my abs. Lapping up my jizz. The fuck? My best bro was licking up my huge cumload all over my built football player torso. Just really WAS a nasty freak. I fucking knew it. And I had to be honest, it was pretty efficient to lap up my cum.

His tongue felt so good, rolling over my abs, his lips kissing each one as he flicked his tongue. I couldn't help but picture a cat drinking milk. Justin closed his lips around one of the valleys and started slurping it up. My cock did a little dance, but dude was finally just as tired as I was.

It took a good 10 minutes or so, and Justin made sure every inch of my body was licked, slurping up every bit of jizz. He even licked my sides to get what had dripped down, which tickled me a little. When he was lapping up my cum in between my pecs, for one second his tongue glided over one of my nipples, which made me hiss.

My eyes were so heavy I couldn't open them even if I wanted to. I heard a distinctive gulp, which I realized was Justin swallowing my jizz. My dick liked that. Like it a whole lot. Too bad he was just as dead tired as the rest of me.

"Thanks bro..." I slurred as I drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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