Jockey Club


Published on Jan 24, 2000



Subject Jockey Club by Nathan Harvey

Jockey Club By Nathan Harvey

Ever since my first year of high school I'd watched those school I'd watched the jocks rule the halls of Jefferson High. They even had there own club and Jackets calling themselves the Jockey Club. They were the ones that everyone wanted to be around, they had their pick of all the girls and always got the best seats at school functions. They were the reality of our school. Me all I had was being on the deans list. No one in this school every hung around with a guy because he was smart. I always felt like I was a loser. It was just the first week of my Junior year when Jay Wilson, the president of the Jockey Club, stopped me in the hall and asked me if I wanted to pledge to their Club. Jay told me Phil Graham their service boy was moving out of state and they needed someone to take his place. Some of the guys had noticed me and thought I would make a great service boy. I was excited as hell at even being considered to be a member of the twelve most elite studs in school.

Not wanting to show my ignorance about not knowing what a service boy in their club did. I told him I would love to pledge. I'd do anything to belong to their club. Smiling and taking out a neatly typed paper from his books he handed it to me telling me the boys were spending the weekend at his house and they wanted to interview me for the position. If I was accepted I could then pledge the next day. Looking over the paper he'd handed me I could see it was a List of loyalty rules and by-laws of the club. Jay told me I had to sign it before I would be able to pledge. Not even bothering to read the long list I grabbed it from him and signed it. Smiling and taking it back he said he knew I was going to be perfect for the club. Then he told me he would pick me up Friday at my house and I should plan on staying at his place for the weekend.

Jay told me then that all the boys would be there Friday night in kind of a social so I would get to know the guys up close and personal. Nodding I was more than happy to go. I ask if there was anything special I should wear or bring. Shaking his head he said most of the guys just wore their old jeans. All week I was excited as all hell and had my rucksack packed by Tuesday ready for my big weekend. Dad had asked me if I wanted a ride out to Crestwood when I told him about being initiated into the club but I told him Jay was picking me up. Raising his eyebrow and whistling he quipped I sure was traveling with some classy kids if they were driving their own cars. About then I heard the sound of a horn and I knew it was Jay. I was out the door and off the porch in three leaps and wow he was driving one of those new LXI Convertibles. Getting in he asked if I was all set.

Glancing down he said "nice jeans are they new"? Nodding I told him I'd never worn jeans before, and blushing I said, "you must think I'm a real nerd." Reaching over patting my leg he I was just naive and that's that the boys liked about me. Then he said he'd would lend me a pair of his jeans so I'd feel more comfortable around the guys when I met them. We must have rode for miles into the country and I was beginning to wonder where he was going. I ask him how he could go to the high school in the city when he lived all the way out in the country. Grinning he told me with money you can do anything you damn well please. Finally slowing he told me we were almost there. Then pulling into his long white gravel drive he stopped in front of a big Iron Gate.

Jumping out he unfastened it and opened it. Getting back in he drove through the gate and stopped. Hopping out I went to shut the gate for him. Snickering as I got in he told me his father was a stickler for privacy but he was too cheap to put in an electronic gate. The drive up to the house seemed to bend and twist through and around trees before we finally pulled up in front of this huge white pillared house. Putting the top up and pressing a button on the dash we moved past the house into garage. It was hard not to comment about their other cars. Parked in the big garage were a Caddy, a Lexus and a big Lincoln RV. HE was sure right when he'd said money could buy anything. Leading me into the house we he took the back staircase to his room. Pulling a pair of faded ripped jeans out of his closet and tossed them over to me. Sliding out of my new jeans I began to pull the others on, Pulling on my arm he said jocks don't wear underwear so I should just lose the skivvies. Taking off my new underwear and pulling the jeans on I stood looking down at the holes and tatters in the material and my cock was almost hanging out.

Scooting my cock around I tried to keep my self from hanging out or showing. Jay watched me fidgeting and finally said to let it show, prove to the world I was a man. When we heard the doorbell Jay said the guys must be arriving. Following him down the front stairs into the vaulted hallway he opened the door telling the guys the party was around back at the pool. As they went yelling and hollering around to the back Jay said it was time to bring out the goodies and booze and party. As soon as they were gone I stuttered I didn't bring a bathing suit. Giggling Jay said we always swim bare ass out here, even his father did. Leading me out to the kitchen and opening a set of double doors to the pantry he began pulling out covered trays of sandwiched, snacks and pastries.

Laughing he said his step-father always had his party's catered because he was so glad he was having his friends from school over. He said his dad was on some kind of guilt trip because he was always gone so much, that how he got his car. Jay propped open the doors and we carried the trays out to the patio. The last thing we took out was the beer and booze. There were low benches and lounges set up all around the pool. At one end there were tables covered with white table cloths that we loaded the trays on to. One whole table was just for the booze, glasses, ice and beer. It was really going to be a wild party. Someone somewhere put on some music and the party started to get in gear. I thought it strange there were only guys here and even stranger when some of them started dancing together. Then I thought they were just clowning around. Jay saw me sitting in the corner and came up handed me a drink said that one was special for me. Asking what was in it he said just a little joy juice. Drinking a little of it I said it tasted wonderful. It was almost like a fruit punch with a lot of zing.

It was about an hour later when I saw some of the boys started to strip naked and pumping into the pool. I was beginning to feel real horny and giddy as hell. I just sat there sipping on my drink watching those beautiful young naked bodies. I had been nursing my drink along so I wouldn't get too tight. I was about halfway finished with my drink when Jay took it from me saying he'd would freshen it up. I was getting a little dizzy but I figured it was because I just wasn't use to drinking that expensive stuff. When I finally did finished my drink. I wanted to go to the wash room. Trying to get up I almost fell into the pool. Jay was at my side in seconds and Billy another boy that had been sitting near was there to help him. They steered me into the bathroom and even helped me pull down my jeans so I could take a leak.

Trying to zip up my jeans was the last thing I remembered until I woke up the next morning. I was surprised to see I was naked and in Jays arms. Looking over and at him I said it must have been a hell of a party. Winking at me and reaching over he began groping me and we began laughing and wrestling like little kids. Crawling out of bed I had this vile taste in my mouth and my ass hurt like hell. Jay tossed me those jeans and gave me a shirt to wear. It was ripped almost as bad as the jeans. Looking up I said I looked some kind of street walker out to pick up tricks.

Chuckling he told me I looked good that way. He pulled on some shorts and a T and then we went down to the kitchen for breakfast. He moved like a wonder and as he began serving what he called his best guest breakfast I felt like a prince sitting across from him. He had fixed us English muffins for our breakfast with Canadian bacon and scrambled eggs. I was famished and stuffed like a pig. Embarrassed I apologized for my ravenous appetite. Giggling he told me it was because I was the life of the party all night. All the guys wanted me in the club now.

When we finished eating Jay shoved the dishes into the dishwasher saying the housekeeper would clean everything up when she came in Monday. Then saying Jerome had taped the party last night and asked if I wanted like to see it. Getting some pops added a little something to each one saying he liked adding a little of the hair of the dog. Handing me a glass we went into the Den. Telling me to sit he started up the VCR. Taking a sip of my drink I told him it tasted like my drink last night. Giggling he said he knew he'd put a little of the same stuff in it. It was smooth and I told him I was beginning to like the taste of the stuff. Jay dropped down next to me then and putting his hand on my leg. I jumped a little but said nothing.

When he switched the play button on his remote the screen lit up and suddenly the music from the party was filling the room. Then I could see the scene at the pool with all the guys around it. Half of them were naked and it was a riot to watch them running and with there dicks bouncing and swinging. When I commented there cocks looked like big sausages hanging in a meat market he broke up laughing. Grabbing at my nuts he told me I looked just as bad a little later in the Video. As the tape played through I saw them leading me out of the house. I was stunned seeing myself naked and my cock hard as a rock. My cock was sticking straight out and wagging like a pole. Looking at him I ask what the hell was going on.

Sitting there in horror I watched them leading me over to a bench at the end of the pool. Then watching them lay me down with my head hanging back I watched as the guys made a line in back of me. One by one they began standing over me fucking my mouth until all eleven of them had gotten their nuts off. Cock after cock was pushed down my throat and when they got their nuts off another one would step up and replace him. It went on until all of them had gotten their nuts off. When I cried out that they were using me as their whore Jay just giggling saying no as the new party boy, As I watched it got even worse. One of the guys pulled me up and holding my legs apart up they began to fuck me. Over and over they ravaged my ass and I seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. I couldn't believe what was happing to me and I was letting them do it to me without even a struggle. Taking another drink of my cola I told him I was feeling a little dizzy.

Giggling he told me he'd just put a little of the stuff into my drink that I had last night kind-of the hair of the dog. It was just beginning to have its effects on me. Jay put in another tape then as I watched them all around me gang banging the hell out of my ass. Instead of getting mad I was getting horny as hell now with a raging hard-on. Jay went on excitedly telling me they made a great porno flick and I was their star. Now the drink was really taking effect and I was hot as hell and started giggling. Jay had been watching and when I was getting silly he pulled me over then and started undressing me. Snickering he told me that Joy Juice does it to you every time. Laying there hot and excited I knew he had spiked my drink with something and suddenly I didn't give a dam. All I was thinking about now was sex.

As he moved up my chest he began poking his cock into my mouth. I was so hot and horny I began sucking on it like it was candy. He worked me and when he was ready to cum filled my throat with his hot cum. Without so much as a protest I swallowed it all and even wanted more. Pulling his cock out of me then he pulled my legs over his shoulders working his still hard cock up my ass began fucking me. When he was finish he just left me laying there naked and starting to replay the Video. Now we just sat there watching and applauding and hooting as I got raped. When I'd finally managed to sit up he pulled me over to him again telling me to suck him off again because the damn tape was making him hotter than hell Pushing my face into his cock I went down on him. As I was sucking on him he began telling me that the boys had a party boy for their club for years.

When they had first started the club this kid Phil Graham was one of the members. Then one summer he came out of the closet so to speak. When he came back to school that next year he started fooling around with one of the guys. It wasn't long before he was doing the whole club. That's when he made him our official party boy. When the guy moved the club elected me to find us another party boy. That's when we picked you for our candidate for the position. Since I was president it was my job to have your initiation into the club and train you to service us. Then saying with a little Ruffle cocktail, that new date rape drug, I was one willing party boy. Then giggling he said I could see how much fun I was having when I watched that tape. Then pushing me down on his cock again he began working my head until he started to cum. This time I gladly swallowed it all. Sitting there between his legs and turning and leaning back looking at his handsome face I asked him to play the tape from the beginning again.

This time as we watched it together his hand moved over my body and I was getting hard. Standing and putting my knees on either side of his legs I leaned forward pushing my cock to his lip and he began licking me. Giggling I told him then it wasn't a dream when he blew me last night, and with that said I slid my cock into his mouth. Struggling but getting all of my cock down his throat tears were now running down his face as he fought to take all of me. Taking me when I came he told me he'd made love to me last night and he liked it. Going on he found out I was more than just an ass to fuck, he was falling in love with me. I'd even screwed him and he loved it. Now he said it was all going to be all over when the guys found out he was a fagot. Pulling his face to mine and kissing him I asked why they needed to ever know? We only had a year left in school and I would be their whore whenever they wanted me. Then we could be free to be lovers.

Rolling over and spreading his legs he said I'd better get him filled up with my love juice now because the guys were coming over and my ass was going to be real busy tonight. From the den we moved out to the pool. Laying around the pool naked all afternoon in the warm sun I was happy to just touch and kiss him but he never seemed to get enough of my cock up his ass. When it was time to get ready for the boys we went to his room and I showered and put on his cologne. He told me I needn't bother to dress they expected me naked and ready for action. He was dressed already and pulling me over to him gave me a hug. Then pulling a box off of the shelf and opening it he gave me one of the Club Jackets with my name on it.

As I took it he told me I was now an official Jockey Club member adding that was all I needed to wear at any of the meeting. Then he asked me if I wanted some of that drug stuff again. Shaking my head no he held a small bottle to my lips and told me to drink it saying I would be a real hot party boy with that stuff in me. Refusing it I told him this time I wanted to remember all of my Jocks. If I was going to be there party boy I'd better get to know the members. Then he told me I would remember everything that this was different stuff and it would just turn me on for hours. All the guys took it. Taking it then I drank the fluid down Then he pulled me to him saying I was one fine bitch and to remember no matter how much they fucked me my ass belonged to him.

Then we heard the doorbell and this time when I followed Jay down the stairs it was a strange seeing my almost naked body reflected back to me in the hall mirror. My Jockey jacket was open exposing my chest and my cock was poking out and I was ready for action. Tonight I knew what I was here for and I was ready for the boys. At the bottom of the stairs Jay shooed me into the room to wait for them. Then he opened the door and they all streamed in asking the same questions, Did he show mw the tapes? what did I do? what did I say? Then the last question was, did they have their party boy? Hearing that question I came out from the den. Standing there almost naked and letting the jacket slide from my shoulders and looking at Jay and said "let the party begin". Suddenly they all let out a big cheer.

This time I knew what was going on and I was loving it. They were wonderful studs and each one so different. Jay moved us into the den and suddenly there was clothing being thrown everywhere. Lining up Jay said he was first to get a blowjob because he was president and wanted to get the party on tape. Jay's cock was huge and cut and he was wonderful with a hot juicy load. Bobby was next and after Jay he was just averaged sized. The main difference he was uncut and for a change of pace. Peeling back his foreskin and taking him into my mouth he had a strange exotic flavor to his cock and when he shot his load he was quite bitter. The cock that really surprised me was Edward, he was a big Mexican brute handsome in a cruel sort of way and he was hung like a bull. When he came he had this habit of pumping as he shot driving his cum down my throat.

I was ready for a breather but the boys were hot and wanted service. The next in line to use me were Steve, Jason, and Wilson but they were all average and nothing to write home about but they all shot one hell of a load when they came. The more I sucked the slicker my mouth and throat became. When Steve began pumping me he was sliding down all the way to his balls and he was really on a trip. Walter had the thickest cock I'd ever seen and dam near stretched my mouth to the breaking point. By now as they finished getting there nuts off they would stand around us in a circle and chant and cheer. Walter got real excited with all the attention and was holding my head driving himself into me like a wild man. Walter, Tommy, and Harry were a little shy but toward the end they all got into the swing of it and really preformed. Danny was all man and he wasn't a bit in a hurry and he really wanted to put on a show for the boys. He made me suck him slow and deep and when he came he pulled the head of his cock into my mouth and told me to taste a real man's cum.

When I got to Samuel I ask who he was I though the club had twelve members. Evan chuckled saying he was his cousin in town for a visits. What the hell it was my party so I went down on him trying to make it extra special. After all I would never see or have that cock again. The booze was flowing and it was time for me to straddle the bench. Drinking between sucking the boys off I was feeling no pain and eager to give the boys anything they wanted. I just lay there in that warm glow feeling those cocks slipping in and out of my body. They had begun to use me from both ends now and it was like I was a well oiled machine with them pistoning in and out of my body. It was dawn before the party was over and everyone had finally left. Happily Jay was led me to bed telling me it was my turn to party.

I was so tired I could hardly function and curling up into Jays arms I was asleep in seconds. It seemed like seconds later when I felt the gentle shaking and Jay begging me to fuck him. I'd been the only one that didn't get it off screwing someone and now rested and refreshed I was so hot I was hurting. Pulling his legs up over my shoulders I began to enter him. "Take it easy baby" was all he said as I went for his ass. Answering him I giggle smugly "Easy hell you pimp". Then sinking my cock into him deep right up to my balls in the first good thrust I began screwing him with a vengeance and it felt so good.

I had him up on his shoulders pumping the hell out of him when we heard a mans voice in the room, I get sloppy seconds. Whirling around we looked up to see his father standing there and with a wave of his hand he said "never break the stride kid you get a better climax". Looking closer at me he said "you're the party boy in the VCR's aren't you"? Nodding Jay piped up saying I was his lover. Suddenly I really turned on fucking with an audience. Whatever I was now I liked it. I was in overdrive and filling jay with my love juke when I pulled out of his ass I just fell back exhausted. Laying there next to Jay his father climbed in over me. He was naked and it was easy to see were Jay got his meat. He was hung like Jay but even bigger. Taking that enormous horse cock in his hands he lifted Jays legs saying he was damn glad his ass was well lubed with my cum because he just loved sloppy seconds.

Watching a real master go to work he pumped his son's ass until he was shaking the whole bed as he drove his cock into him. "Damn boy" he cried "I should have been doing this years ago, you have one sweet ass". With a final thrust he shook all over as he pumped his cum into Jay. Climbing down he said, "well boys why don't we go down and get a good breakfast, maybe we will get up enough steam again to get it up again for a second round". Reaching for my jeans he said " lets all just stay ready for another party. I want my turn at the party boy". The following Monday I proudly wore my Jockey Jacket to school. There were questions and raised eyebrows but mostly approval and everyone was congratulating me. I felt like a prince. When I passed my fellow Jocks I would just smile knowing I knew them better than anyone else. I was there partyboy.

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