Joe and Ed

By moc.loa@12yoBJNS

Published on Feb 1, 2000


Okay! After six months of nothing, I've decided to write more to Joe and Ed, my first series that I ever posted on Nifty. If you want to check out my others, they're under college, called "Dan, the Man", and its sequel, "Starting Over Again". But getting back to this story, I had originally started out this part a while ago, and somewhere along the line the point of view changed from third-person to first-person. Just wanted to warn you about that. I hope you enjoy this as much as the other two parts.

Now, if you're under 18, don't read this. You'll go blind and get hairy palms if you do. And if you are offended by gay sex in HS, don't read it either.

And now on with...

Joe and Ed, Part III

"Hi, Mrs. Miller, " Joe said, standing outside the front door of Ed's house.

"Oh, hi, Joe! Come on in! Ed is sick, though." Ed's mom said, opening the door to let me in.

"Yeah, I know."

I walked in the door. I was relatively close to the Ed's family, to the point of calling Ed's parents Mom and Dad. My parents had become friends with his parents over the years, which came in handy when we would get caught doing something and they would exchange our versions of the stories. (I say handy, because it was handy for them, but a pain in the as for us!)

Ed's brother came down the steps. He was a freshmen like Pete and also in the band with us. I knew him as an acquaintance and the pain in the ass brother of Ed's. He was cute in his own way, though. About 5'9", 145 lbs, blonde/brown hair, and blue eyes. He was also very immature, which I'll have to admit I can be at sometimes, which is why we got along so well. We would wrestle every now and then when I came over, waiting for Ed to change out of his band uniform to go out at our usual place, Friendly's for Ice Cream. He never pinned me down, though I never pinned him down either.

"Hey Joe, what's up?" he said, his voice cracking from excitement. I must admit, that turned me on to no end back then.

"Not much, Dave. Where's that big oaf of a brother of yours?"

"He's right here," I head a voice said coming down the steps.

I turned and looked up the steps and saw Ed, looking miserable, but still cute as can be, even with his hair messed up, coming down the steps. I must've had a big smile on my face, since he was smiling back at me.

We walked into the living room, talking about various things, like what he had missed, what went on in school, you know the usual. Even though he was sick, I still wanted to kiss those lips. But I thought better of it, being his parent was home, and he was sick. I loved him, but I didn't want to get sick.

"So, guess who I talked to today in gym class?"

"Who?" He asked.

"Jay," I said, with a slight smile.

Ed's reaction was just as I thought it would be. His face frowned. "That's nice," he said, breaking the eye contact.

"Well, we'll talk about it later, but I'll just say that I think he plays both fields," I said, quietly.

Ed looked right back up at me. "And how did you find this out?" he asked, annoyed.

"He told me," I said, still smiling, knowing it was driving him crazy. He then started coughing.

"Oh, sorry, Ed. I'll stop," I said, looking concerned. He finally stopped coughing. "Thanks. It just was a surprise! So, how the hell did you and Jay start talking?"

Ed asked, recovered from his coughing.

"I've known him since middle school," I said. "It's nothin', we had a few classes together every now and then."

"That's cool. He's a great football player," Ed said. We had watched many football games where Jay was the star. (I forget what position he played).

"Yeah," I said. My mind started to wander in directions where it shouldn't have gone. The picture of Jay with his cock poking out of his boxers came to my mind. I shook my head to try to clear it.

"So, Ed. When are you going to feel better?" I asked.

"Uh, I don't' know. I hope soon," he said.

We continued talking, nothing serious. I was just happy to be with him, and he was happy to be with me. It was unsaid, but still it was there. Soon I had to leave.

"So, call me tonight?" I asked.

"Well, it'll depend on how I'm feeling," he said, sadly.

"Yeah, I understand," I said, getting up off the couch. Even though he was sick, I had the urge to kiss him. I looked around the room to make sure no one was watching. And then, I leaned over, to kiss him on the forehead.

"I'll see you later, sweetheart," I mumbled, tousling his blonde/brown hair. He looked up at me and grinned. God he was so cute, with those blue eyes.

I walked into the kitchen where Ed's mom was.

"Bye, Mrs. Miller! I hope Ed feels better soon. Meanwhile, he's gonna act like a baby," I kidded.

"I heard that," Ed said.

Mrs. Miller just laughed, waving good bye. I last ran in to Dave again.

"Hey Joe, you leavin'?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason, just curious. I was wondering if you had time to check out my new drum set," he said.

"No, David. Why would Joe want to see your stupid drums?" asked Ed.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind, and I have a few more minutes," I said, looking at my watch.

"Okay, cool!" Dave said, opening the door to the basement, where his drums were.

"Fine," Ed snarled, going back upstairs to his room.

"Good night Ed, get some rest," I said, before I started to head down the steps myself.

Dave very proudly showed off his new drum set, which I must admit was pretty cool. However, when he was talking about all the new features that this one had, he seemed to want to say something more. Finally, he came out with it.

"Joe, uh, I, uh, d-d-don't know how to say this, but..."

I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

"But, uh, are you and Ed, uh, you know, uh..."

Well, I might as well tell him the truth. If he had good enough reason to suspect it, then there wouldn't be reason try to hide it. It would only make it worse.

I sighed and nodded yes.

Dave's face went to a confused and surprised expression. "That's cool, man," he said, smiling. "I saw you kiss him on the forehead today, and I heard him call you sweetheart."

"Ah, a perceptive eavesdropper!" I said, standing up, feeling uncomfortable.

"Sit down, Joe, I need to talk to someone. I can't talk to Ed about this kind of stuff, because he's my brother, and you know...."

"I think I understand," I interrupted. "You don't feel comfortable talking to Ed about this right?"

"Yeah. I mean, I think I may be the same way, man," he said, looking down at the ground.

"Really? Well, uh, what makes you think that?" I asked, very interested and concerned now.

He sheepishly answered, "Well, when I, you know, spank it, I usually fantasize about a guy in my high school."

"Okay," I said.

"And I love to check the guys out in the locker rooms, though I try not to do it too often, in fear of getting caught!"

"I understand that one," I said.

"And I also, uh, have a small crush on a guy in Band this year," he stammered out.

"Yeah? Well, it sounds like you may be like your brother in that way," I said. "Nothing wrong with that, man. You try it, and see. If it doesn't feel good or right, then it's not right for you. But how can you know without even trying?"

"True. Well, I might as well be honest with you, Joe. Let's just say that Ed and I have similar tastes in men," he said, really blushing at this point.

I screamed, " WHAT?"

"I like you, Joe. Even when we were wrestling, man. You drove me up the wall," he explained.

"But, but, but," now it was my turn to stutter.

"Don't worry, Joe, I know your Eddie's. And Eddie belongs to you. But you gotta help me find a boyfriend, now that you're no longer single!"

I laughed at his reasoning. "So I have to set you up with someone because I wasn't available for you?"

"Yeah, who do you know?"

"No one, man! I just came out to myself just a few weeks ago. I don't know anyone else. Wait!" I exclaimed.

"There is just one other person that I can think of who is gay"

"Who? Who? Who?" he asked.

"Peter," I said.

"Really? The saxophone guy?"

I nodded.

"Cool, Pete's gay? Awesome man. Do you think I could pick him up?"

I laughed at him and went back upstairs. I said goodbye to Mrs. Miller again and drove home. WEIRD, WEIRD, WEIRD!! That's all I could think. I had just admitted to myself that I was gay and I knew about three or four other people who were thinking the same thing. It was too much to think about. I went home, did my homework, and went to bed.

"Hey, Joe, what's up?" I heard a voice say to me in the big hallway of my high school. I turned around and saw this gorgeous boy standing in front of me.

"Hey Jason," I answered, trying to play it cool and not sound like one of the girls that was all over him.

"Where are you headed off to studman?" He asked, smiling a big smile on his masculine face.

"Uh, to Chemistry," I answered.

"Cool, I'll walk with you. My next class is in that building," he said, joining my walk.

I couldn't believe that Jay, the star football player wanted to walk with little old me. I just tried to keep focused on walking, hoping I would trip over or something stupid like that.

"I'm so fuckin' horny today," he softly said, looking right into my eyes. "Woah, dude, watch the door!" he yelled.

After that comment, I had walked right into the door of the stairwell. Well, so much for being calm. I blushed and recovered myself. He was still grinning at me. I knew that I had to tell him I was seeing someone....or did I? What Ed wouldn't know, wouldn't hurt him. So, I decided for the time being that I wouldn't tell Jay that I had a boyfriend...

"Joe, do you really need to go to chemistry?"he asked, looking in my eyes. It scared me what I saw in his eyes. I saw desire, lust and want. I was intrigued and yet scared.

"Sure I do, man."

"Why? Come on, we can to the boy's locker room, no one will disturb us. I can see it in your eyes," he said, softly as he readjusted himself. For some reason that just drove me crazy. He was always doin' that and it always turned me on when he did that. He persuaded me into cutting class, something I normally would never consider doing. I followed him to the football locker room. Amazingly there was no one around. I looked around, making sure of that.

"There's no one here, man. Trust me, I know. I come here sometimes just to shoot a load in between classes. I can't help it man, I get so horny. I gotta relieve my tension somehow."

I just looked at him, wide-eyed, just nodding my head as if to say, yeah I agree with you.

He put down his back pack on the bench next to the row of lockers. He motioned for me to come over to where he was. I sat down my back pack and sat next to him. He had jeans on, with a tight t-shirt that accented his pecs and arms very well. By the time we reached the locker room, my boxers were soaked with precum. He looked down at my jeans and grinned.

"Joe, you are one fuckin' hot dude," he said, pulling me into him for a hug. I gladly accepted it and returned the embrace. He kissed me on the cheek. I looked into his eyes.

"You wanna watch me jerk off?" he asked, smiling. Even though I knew I wanted to do more than just watch, I shook my head yes. Secretly, I think it was my effort not to be involved since I was still with Ed.

"Well, on one condition, Joe," he said. "You have to take your clothes off too and jerk off."

Without thinking, I starting stripping, taking my t-shirt off, my sneakers and socks, and my jeans. I was down to my boxers. Jay did the same thing and he was down to his briefs in no time. We just stared at each other, less than four feet away from each other. I could see his defined smooth chest, with a washboard stomach, and a hard cock in his underwear to complete it. It was so arousing. My cock popped out of the fly of the boxers. Jay smiled. I immediately grabbed it and started stroking my cock. I was extremely turned on when Jason slipped down his briefs and his 7" cock was displayed in it's fully glory!

"You like it?" he asked, as he slowly started stroking it.

I was about to lose it. I just watched him, as one hand reached down to massage his balls, lost in the blond pubic hair. His chest on the other hand was smooth as can be. His hand wandered up to his chest as he began to play with his nipples. I could hear his breathing increasing, and the skin color changed on his body...his whole body got red. As he started slowly moaning, that was all it took for me to go over the edge.

"Jason, man, I'm gonna cum," I softly said, stroking my cock swiftly.

"Yeah, Joe, shoot it, shoot that load," he said, as he watched intently.

I stroked it once more and then a shot of hot cum came flying out the tip of my cock, flying up to my face, and chest, and stomach (while I was stills standing up). I sank down and sat on the bench, feeling my legs give way under me after the rumbling had stopped from with in my body.

"Damn, Joe! I'm gonna shoot it too," he said, loudly. He let out a gasp and I knew he was going over the edge. He looked directly at me, as he shot his first load, which landed on his stomach. I had never saw someone shoot that much before....of course, I only had four guys to judge that from. He shot about five or six large amounts of cum, finally collapsing on top of me.

We laid on the bench for a few minutes after wards...I could feel the cum between our bodies. I was the first to move and Jay got right off me. He smiled at me. I looked up at his face, his rugged, manly face. He slowly moved toward me, and I closed my eyes as our lips finally met.

He helped me up off the bench by giving me his hand. He pushed me gently into the showers, where we washed ourselves off. I was too lightheaded to even think about what he was doing to me as he washed me off. He led me back to his locker, I would assume, where he took out a towel and gently dried me off. I just looked into his eyes.

"Joe, uh, you can't tell anyone about this, you know," he said, finally.

I sighed. "Yeah I know, I wouldn't want you to tell anyone either. Especially, uh, my boyfriend!"

He looked at me in surprise. "Damn! You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I do," I said smiling at his surprise.

"That's totally cool, man." he said, drying off his balls and cock. "I'd never think that you would have a boyfriend, man!"

We got dressed, talking about Ed. He seemed to be genuinely interested and more importantly supportive.

"But I don't want it to get around school either," I said.

"Yeah, man I hear ya. Well, listen, Joe, babe. If anyone picks on you, you come to me. I'll look after you too," he said.

I hugged him. "Thanks," I said, wrapping my arms around him.

We walked out of the locker room, and I was in total shock of all that had happened. I couldn't believe that I had just jerked off with one of the most muscular, popular guys in the 2,000 kid high school. It was totally mind boggling. At the same time, I was torn, because I had nearly cheated on Ed. And I couldn't tell anyone about this major accomplishment either. Normally, I would've told Ed, because he was my best friend. But now since he was my boyfriend, that added a totally different angle to the entire picture. What was I to do?

Well, what do you think? Should I continue the series? Or should I just can it? Please send all your criticisms and comments to Thanks!

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