Jogging in the Park

By Writer Guy

Published on Jun 4, 2021



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I took up jogging as a way to relieve stress. I wasn't in poor shape (though I could stand to lose a few pounds) but it took me a few weeks to really get into it. I started off jogging around my neighborhood, but after a couple of close calls with cars due to a lack of sidewalks, I started going to a park near my house.

I quickly learned that jogging around my neighborhood was very different from the hills and rocky terrain of the park. There were sections of the trail that I simply couldn't jog on and would have to walk instead. It was fine, really. It gave me a chance to cool down. The park, though quite large, was usually empty. It was tucked away from the road and unless you knew it was there, you would miss it. One of my favorite things about it was the fact that the trails went through the woods, which provided lots of privacy. Most days, I was the only one there. Until he showed up.

I was jogging along, lost in my music, when he sped past me at a full-on run. I was a bit startled, and slowed my pace as he ran ahead of me. He threw his hand up in apology but didn't slow down. `Ah, to have so much energy', I thought. From the back, he definitely appeared to be in much better shape than me. He was probably a good 10 years younger than my 35 and had the body of a runner. He wore jogging shorts that showed off his tanned, muscled legs. The back of his tee shirt was dark with sweat. His ass was round and jutted out from his back, probably held in place by a jock strap. His ass cheeks went up and down like pistons with every step he took. I didn't catch a glimpse of his face but he had dark, curly hair that bounced as he ran. Just looking at him made my cock twitch, but I stopped perving on him and focused on my run. Besides, he had already turned a corner and was out of eyeshot anyway.

I didn't see him again for a couple of weeks. I had been to the park several times but, as usual, I was the only one there. I had almost forgotten about him when one day, I crested a hill and he was at the bottom, sitting off to the side of the trail. He was rubbing his left leg and as I got closer, I could hear him cursing under his breath. I slowed down as I came to the bottom of the hill and he glanced up and waved. I had been right about his age. He couldn't have been more than 25. Probably younger. I walked over to where he sat.

"Hey man, are you ok?", I asked. I squatted down so that we were face to face.

"I think so", he replied. "I got about halfway down that hill and my calf muscle seized up. I thought if I could massage it, it would help, but so far, it's not working." He kept rubbing his leg and looked at me with a grimace.

"Oh shit, that sucks, dude. I can help you to your car if you want or take a break and sit with you until your cramp lets up." We were in the back part of the park and it would take at least 20 minutes to walk back to the parking lot.

"You don't have to do that", he said. "I'm sure it will start feeling better if I keep massaging it. It just hurts when I bend my leg to rub it."

"I can rub it for you", I blurted out without thinking. As soon as I said it, I started turning red. "I mean, it would probably be better if your leg was straight. I can try and rub the knot out of your calf. Worth a shot, anyway. If it doesn't work, I can help you back to your car."

He gave a me a funny look then grimaced again as his muscle cramped. "I, uh, well, if you think it would help, sure."

"Ok, let's see what we can do." I glanced around and saw a tree that was down from a recent storm. "I'm going to help you stand up and move over to that tree." I pointed to it. "If you sit on it and bend your leg out straight, I think it would be easier on you." I stuck out my hand to pull him up. He grasped my hand and I reached down and gripped under his arm to help him to his feet. As soon as he was standing, he groaned.

"Try not to put any weight on that leg", I said. "Lean into me for support, I won't let you fall." He nodded and we hobbled along the few feet to where the tree lay. I helped him turn around and held his hand as he sat down on the trunk. "By the way, I'm Michael." I sat down in front of him on the ground and straightened out his leg.

"Oh, fuck that hurts!", he groaned. "I'm Jason."

"Alight, Jason, I'm going to start massaging your calf. Let me know if it's too much pressure or if the cramp starts letting up. Why don't you tell me about yourself while I do this. Maybe it will take your mind off of it." I started running my hands over his calf. I could feel the muscle was bunched up and knotted. Using my thumbs, I started rubbing it in circles.

"Oh, um, I just moved here a few months ago after I graduated. My fiancés, damn that hurts!", he grumbled. "My fiancés parents live here and I got a job in the city."

"That's cool", I replied. I glanced up and him and saw that he had closed his eyes. I continued to rub his leg, but let my eyes trail up to his running shorts. I noticed that from the way he was sitting, with his leg stretched out, I could see up the leg of his shorts. I immediately saw that he most definitely wasn't wearing a jock strap since I could see his balls, plain as day. They looked big and smooth. I almost choked on the drool that suddenly appeared in my mouth.

"What about you", he asked. His eyes were still closed so I don't think he noticed me ogling his nuts.

"I've been here about 10 years", I said. "I love the area. I'm not married but I was in a long-term relationship. We split up when he decided to move to California a couple of years ago. Still friends, though." My eyes were still on his crotch, watching his balls roll around as I worked his leg. Looking up, I saw that he had opened his eyes and had caught me staring at his crotch. He smirked and I turned red.

"It's good that you are still friends", he said. "Hey, I think my leg is starting to feel better." I let go of his calf and he bent his leg, testing it out. "Yea, that's much better! I can hardly feel it at all now. Thanks, man!"

I started to get up. "Glad I could.."

"So, you like my nuts, huh?", he cut me off. I looked up at him and saw he was staring at me. I sat back down.

"Look, sorry about that. I didn't mean to perv on you. If you think you can walk, I'll go ahead and take off..."

"Hey, now", he replied. "I didn't say I was mad. Actually, I kind of liked it. You wanna see em again?"

I think my jaw dropped open. "Yes", I managed to say. He grinned at me and spread his legs.

"Nice", he said. "I let a couple of guys suck me off in college when I was drunk, but it's been a while." He grasped the leg of his shorts and pulled it open and up. He reached in and pulled his balls out and let them rest on the trunk of the tree. "So, what do you think?"

I swallowed the drool that had accumulated in my mouth. "You have beautiful balls", I whispered. He laughed. "Beautiful? No one's ever said they were beautiful before." He grabbed them and jiggled them around. "So, look. I don't want to play your dick or even see it really. You were nice enough to stop and help me out so if you want to play with my nuts, maybe get me off, I'm cool with that."

I didn't say anything. I scooted up in between his legs and reached a hand out towards his crotch. I looked up at him and he nodded, giving me permission to touch. I grabbed his balls in my hand and started rolling them around, feeling their weight. They were completely smooth, so he either shaved that day or he was waxed. Lifting them up, I could see the start of his ass crack and it was smooth as well. Leaning forward, I got my nose really close to his balls and took a whiff. He smelled sweaty, but clean.

"Can I...can I lick them?", I asked. I was still lifting and pulling his balls.

"Fuck, yea, man", he said. "You can lick em and suck em." He didn't have to tell me twice.

I stuck out my tongue and swirled it around his nut sack. His balls started drawing up, but I grasped both of them in my hand and started lapping at them like a dog. They were too big to fit both into my mouth at the same time, so I sucked one into my mouth and started lightly sucking on it. Jason groaned above me.

"Damn, man. Suck on those balls. Worship my nuts."

I alternated sucking on his balls, carefully sucking one while fondling the other. I let one finger trace under his sack, rubbing his taint. As I did, I heard him suck in a deep breath. `Interesting', I thought. I rubbed my finger a little lower and he moaned. I let his ball fall from my mouth and lifted them both up so I could see his taint. Moving closer, I stuck out my tongue and swiped up and down it while letting his balls rest on my face.

"Goddamn, man!", he groaned. "Lick my fucking gooch!" I happily did as he requested. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get down as far as I wanted due to how he was sitting.

I pulled back and grabbed his balls again, rubbing and pulling them. I looked him in the eyes. "I want to eat your asshole", I said. Jason's eyes about bugged out of his head.

"Are you for real?!", he asked.

"Yea man", I replied. "I like your balls, but I love ass more and I want to eat yours."

"No one's ever done that" he whispered. He thought about it for just a moment. "How do we do it?"

I looked around and an idea popped in my head. The tree he was sitting on wasn't very thick. I think I could make it work. I stood up and stepped over the tree.

"I'm going to lay on the ground, facing up. If you pull your shorts down and sit with your thighs on the tree, your ass should hang off enough for you to sit on my face. Want to try?" His eyes looked glazed over and he just nodded. I laid down on the pine needles and moved towards the tree. The trunk was only about 8 inches thick. Jason grabbed the sides of his shorts and pulled them down while sliding back. As his ass came into view, my dick started leaking precum.

Like his balls, his ass was completely hairless. Smooth and white with a tan line right above. As he slid back, his cheeks parted and his hole made its appearance. It was pinkish-tan and smooth. Obviously the hole of a guy that had never been fucked. It looked tight as fuck and I couldn't wait to dig in. He continued sliding backwards until his thighs rested on the tree and his entire ass hung off. I could see his ball sack resting on the tree between his spread legs. He grabbed onto the tree with both hands to steady himself.

I only had to raise my head a couple of inches and my nose was touching his hole. As soon as I made contact, he shuddered. He smelled sweaty from his run, but otherwise clean. I used my nose to circle his hole, taking deep whiffs of his ass pussy. Reaching up, I grabbed his cheeks in my hands and pulled him down until my face was buried in his ass. Tilting my head, my tongue located his pucker and I started licking it.

"Holy fuck!", he groaned. "Jesus Christ I can't believe you're licking my asshole! And it feels so fucking good!"

Swirling my tongue around his hole, I started poking at it, trying to coax it open. It was so tight I could barely get the tip of my tongue inside. Opening my mouth wider, I clamped onto his asshole and started sucking on it, making out with his pucker.

"Goddamn, man! Fucking fuck! What are you doing to me?", he whimpered. "Keep doing that! Fuck, I gotta jerk my dick!" His body started shaking as he started pumping his dick. I couldn't see it and it was shame to miss the sight of his cock, but I was in my happy place, nursing on his straight boy hole. I could feel his ass clench and unclench as I continued to suckle on it.

"Push your tongue in!", he cried. "Put your tongue in my asshole!" He continued to beat his dick and I could hear a `whapping' sound. As I ate, he pushed his ass onto my face then lifted up, then back down. He was riding my tongue as I shoved it in and out of his hole. My hands were still on his ass cheeks, helping him keep his balance. As he rode my tongue, I pressed his cheeks together, smothering myself in his ass. I wanted to be trapped there forever.

"Oh fuck, dude, you're gonna make this big dick cum, eating me out like that! Goddamn, I didn't think it would be this good. Keep eating that butt, man. Eat that fucking butthole!" By now, he was panting. Going up and down on my face and beating his dick, he was getting a real workout. I pulled his ass down and shoved my tongue in as far as I could, tasting that hot fucking straight guy hole. "I'M GONNA CUM!", he grunted. His hole spasmed on my tongue, squeezing it tight and releasing then squeezing tightly again as he shot his load. "Fuck, fuck fuuuuck!" he moaned as his balls emptied onto the ground.

My tongue continued fucking him until his breathing slowed to normal and he lifted off my face. Pulling himself back up, he turned to look down at me, a grin on his face.

"Jesus, man. I...I didn't think I could cum that hard! My ass is still tingling!"

I raised up off the ground and stepped back over the tree. As I did, I caught a glimpse of his cock as he pulled his shorts back up. Even going soft, it was big and fat. It was red from the hand job he had given himself. I saw cum all over the leaves in front of him. I had a sudden thought to get down on the ground and lick it up but I controlled myself.

"Glad you enjoyed, Jason. Leg still feeling ok?", I asked. I reached out a hand to help him off the tree. Once he was standing, he flexed his leg and took a few steps forward.

"Seems like it", he replied. "I'll ice it when I get home. Thanks for your help!"

"Anytime, dude. I'm glad I came along when I did." We started walking back onto the trail, headed for the parking lot. We didn't talk, just enjoyed the sounds of nature. I know I was also still thinking about what happened. Once we reached the lot, Jason turned to me.

"Thanks again, man. For everything." He blushed. "When you said `anytime', do you maybe want to meet up again tomorrow? I have other muscles that could use a good rub..."

I grinned and told him I'd see him tomorrow.

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