
By 69

Published on Jul 19, 2004


Finally Tasting Angie...

It was the first week in June 1977. Everyone was abuzz about their plans for schools, universities, summer, getting drunk, high or whatever. Graduation was over and so was high school for me. So, our first order of business was to hangout at Salt Creek. That was quite the place. The only known fresh water stream to be salty in the world, so far as I knew, and I was headed there in my '62 Chevy pickup. I called it "Blue Bomb" because it looked like hell, was tough as steel, and ran like a Swiss watch. Never missed a stroke.

My best friend, Randy, and I hooked up for the day. Salt Creek was all we could think about, and getting lucky with a cute southern belle was our agenda. We never took into consideration that we "had been" lucky with one another the night before. He was in rare form during our heated sex before passing out. Randy rode my much larger dick while I jacked him off. It was really good, and I had been really horny. Of course I kept dreaming of John and was very nervous that I would use the wrong name in the middle of one of the hottest fucks he'd ever given me. But even if I did, it wouldn't have mattered. That's just the complicated life of bisexual teens, and teens will be teens. I was 17 just a few days from 18 and Randy 16 soon to be a senior. Some how we fit as pals though he was barely 5'7" and I was a towering 6'2". Odd? Yes. Happy? Very. Not so much with each other, but more with the prospects of the day. Randy and I had known each other forever as all the kids in my neighborhood had. We were linked like brothers and more.

We stopped by the icehouse and loaded up on crushed ice and three cases of Miller ponies. It was a cool way to drink beer in the late 70's, though gone now in 2004. We bought two yellow coolers, had them fill them with beer and ice, packed solidly. It was called an icehouse special. They lined the coolers with salt (some how) the put layers of beers with finely crushed ice. You had to start drinking from the bottom of the cooler up within 20 minutes or all the beers would be frozen solid.

On the trip to Salt Creek, Randy and I discussed the possibilities. I wanted only one chick, Angie, John's younger sister, and I wanted her badly. I had heard that she would be there with some other of her girl friends. I had hoped she would make out with me and maybe a little (or a lot) more. She knew I was hot for her but we never seemed to get together. She was dating this redheaded geek who looked 12. I just didn't know what she saw in him. I was a fully developed, trim, and a muscular 17 year-old hunk. All the girls wanted to date me and they did (they had no idea the pendulum swung both ways however).

Randy wanted Margie. Was she good-looking? Well, yes. But she was way out of his league and far beyond his dick size. But I helped him believe today would be his lucky day. I had hoped he would go for my best friend's sister, Susan, who was 15. Beautiful? Oh my god. The sun, moon, and stars fell away when she passed by. Susan was hot and would fuck at the drop of a hat. I knew that from personal experience. I never told Randy that I popped her cherry 2 years ago. Susan was 13 but looked 16 just a goddess to behold. Last summer, I was visiting Justin, her brother (who by the way was straight though we jacked off together sometimes). Their parents were at work, and Justin and I were in his bedroom looking at Penthouse magazines. Our hardons were more that we could take, so we agreed to jack off while I read one of the forum stories. We were going for it, hands pounding our dicks, me getting a double whammy being able to watch this very cute white-white skinned teen beat off. I guess he forgot to lock the door because Susan just walked right in and scream, "Oh shit! Oh my ... Bob? Justin? What?" I thought she would have turned and run, but instead she shut the door and sat next to me on the bed.

Justin was petrified. "Susan, leave!" He demanded.

"Not this time Justin," She replied.

Susan put her soft hand around my dick and started jacking me off, slowly at first, then faster and harder. I was getting close, "I'm going to cum, Suzy," I said. "Pull my balls down. Pull'em." She did and the pressure went away.

Then just out of the blue this hot 13 year-old put her mouth on my dick and started sucking; I looked over at Justin who was wide-eyed and pounding his dick. The whole scene was awesome. After just a few minutes, she stopped slipped, out of her clothes and put her cunt lips against my dick. She slid on it a few times. Already really wet and hot, she raised her pussy up then settled down on my dick. I felt a tough resistance. She winched at the pain, but then just slammed herself down on my rock-steel shaft and something inside popped. And that was it, the end of her virginity. Justin was about to dislocate his dick off he was beating so hard. Susan fucked like she had been at it for years; she came several times and I the wildest orgasm ever. But then, got worried that she would get pregnant. She assured me that her period hadn't started yet. So, I just kept my fingers crossed until it finally did.

But as for Randy, he was hardheaded and was going after Margie. If my plans for Angie didn't work out, I knew that I could to depend on Susan for a good tight fuck. She and I hooked up on occasion for a friendly hour or two of just plain fucking. Man was she hot.

"Ok my friend. When Margie dumps you, you just soak your head in that cooler and chill out." That was the best advice I had for my friend, knowing that he was a hot head.

We pulled up to the turn off and my old '62 Chevy pick`m-up truck clanged and clattered off the road and onto the new growth soybean field where everyone was parked. We pulled along side, low and behold, John's car. I couldn't believe it. He was here. Oh my god. I was about to panic. I wouldn't be able to contain myself with him here. People would see me staring at him and chatting way too much with him. AND my plans for Angie were dashed, or so I thought. But he knew I was hot for her.

"Wait a minute. Hold the phone, dude," I said to myself. "You're acting like a bitch-fag carrying on about John like that. Yes you like him and yes you want to fuck him again. But you don't want to marry him. So be cool."

I really was trying to convince myself that all this would be OK. I just realized that I didn't know why I was so hung up on him. I liked both him and his sister. But mostly I was with John all through middle school and high school. Most of my jack-off fantasies were about him. A few were about Angie. If I were a fag, and if having a crush on John made me a fag, then I'm was a fag. But most of the really gay friends I had talked to had said that a woman was just a very quick turn off. No sexual attraction as all. So, I should feel really lucky to enjoy the best of both worlds. I hadn't met a woman I wouldn't fuck.

Randy jumped out of the truck and slammed the door. He climbed into the truck bed and started wrestling with one of the yellow coolers. He took one long look at me and said, "Man, you gonna help? Are you feeling OK? You're all pale and shit and mumbling. I know trouble is brewing when you mumble. Somebody's horny," the shithead said in a singsong voice. Generally when he did that I would strip him and give him the best blowjob in town.

"Sure, Randy," I muttered. "I'm Ok. I just noticed that John was here and yes I am horny, as always. Don't you know me by now? How long as it been 16 years?"

"John, who?" He had that cute quizzical look on his face much like a dog that hears a distant unusual sound.

"That, John." I had spotted him across the field, headed to the creek and pointed toward him. Randy instantly realized whom I meant. Randy and I often talked about whom we dreamed of fucking or sucking and such. Especially when we jacked off together. It always made our orgasms better. Sometimes, when he would be blowing my dick, I would pretend he was John. When I would fuck him, I'd pretend he was Angie. I guess he didn't mind, knowing that he did the same to me. He even called me Margie one day, when he was pounding the hell out of me.

"Wow. You still like him."

"Well, Yeah."

"Does he know?"

"Yeah, in spades. He fucked me last weekend." I couldn't believe I just blurted it out. But Randy and I were like brothers, or more like butt-fucking brothers. So I knew my secret was safe between two bisexual dudes like us.

"Wow. He fucked you? John? I had no clue he would do that. I'm impressed. Man, I wish he'd fuck me. He is really awesome." Because of the tall soybean plants we could only see him and another dude from the shoulders up."

"You should be impressed. He's worth it. Who knows, Randy, he might be into a threesome soon."

"So you still going for Angie?"

"Maybe. However, I hope she's here. I had heard she spent the night at Jane's house last night."

"Ouuu. A little lezbo action. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to see that. I watched my sisters eat each other night before last. It was really cool. I didn't know they were so wild. They actually did 69. Amy was on top, Chrissie on the bottom. Man I jacked off twice watching them."

"Hey, can you keep a secret?" He asked playfully.

"Again, 16 years we've been friends."

"I guess that's yes. I actually fucked Amy just last week. She's turned into a fox at 12. Chrissie won't do it yet. I guess she's got her eye on someone and "saving herself." You know she turned 14 last week?"

"No, I didn't and yes she's hot. Yes, I want to be hooked up and fuck her too. Now chill it nard-head. You're getting a boner. Angie is hot, but she's not a cunt licker. Jane is her cousin."

"Yeah, right. Not a cunt licker, like you," he said, being very sarcastic. "And like you didn't suck your cousin Lee's dick. You told me all about him, the great two weeks you two spent together on your uncle's farm every year. I actually jack off to some of those stories."

"That's right. I'm a hell of a cunt liker, and I hope to make her a dick sucker today. And even if she were a cunt licker, I still want her to be my girl."

We lifted the cooler and made our way to the creek. As we passed John's new car, I peered through the window to see any sign of Angie. Bingo, her purse and blouse and bra and panties and swimsuit? Hmmmm. I guess it was a spare. I'd seen her wear it before. She had to be here. A little doobie action too. There was a half-burned joint in the ashtray. "Damn, John. You're one hot dude, but careless as hell." I mumbled. We made it to the shore of the creek, and I began to look around for Angie and John.

And there she was. NAKED. "Holy Shit!" I blurted out. "Everyone's naked!" I looked at Randy. He had his shorts halfway off. I could tell his dick was starting to pop to.

"I'm going to surprise Margie." Randy threw his shorts at me. I watched his cute hairy buns bounce toward the water and disappear as he headed for his girl of choice. I hadn't really noticed Margie before. Shit, she must have been a double D cup. Her tits were huge. She stood over to the left away from Angie. Randy splashed his way to her and she gave him a hug.

Angie was with Jane as expected. They hadn't noticed me yet and turned their backs to me to say hello to Randy. I couldn't wait anymore. My dick was raging hard. I dropped my shorts and headed for the water.

"Whooooo Whooooo! Go baby, GO! Swing that thang!" I heard Donna a cute girl who lived next door to me yell.

"Honey you are hot!" She yelled again. I stopped and don't know why but shook my 7-inch very thick boner at her. Angie was looking at me with her mouth wide open, in shock.


I splashed into the water and waded my way over to her. "Hi Angie," Ok, I sounded like a dork. "You girls having fun?" Ok, well dorked again.

"My gosh! I didn't know you were coming. No fun yet, Bob. Any ideas?" I was shocked that Angie even talked to me so quickly. "We were waiting for some beer and a real hunk to show up."

"Oh, cool. Seen any yet?"

"Oh, Yes. I have as a matter of fact, winking at me."

My luck was good. Angie, holding her arms up in the air, her delicious C-cup beautiful breasts pointed at me, took the two or three steps over and hugged me. I felt her tits cram into my chest. She looked up at me, smiling and puckered her lips.

"Damn, all at once," I thought.

I reciprocated and gave her a deep long French kiss.

"Mmmmmm. You're good," she said, licking her lips. I detected the taste of a freshly smoked joint on her breath. I'd always wanted to kiss this super cutie, but never in my wildest dreams could I have been luckier than today. I was holding her in the water; she half lying in my arms and totally NUDE!

"Why is everyone naked today? What's the occasion?" She smiled really big. "Because I wanted to. My swimsuit was torn and I just wanted to embarrass John. I acted like I was changing but ran out of the car just like this," she said, very animatedly, shaking her hips and making her luscious tits sway.

I felt a little nervous for asking, "John is here for sure?"

"Yes, honey. He's up there smoking a joint with Bill and Joey. ANNNNDD," she added, then whispered in my ear, "John told me about you two."

"He told you what?" I whispered back, frozen in fear. Holy shit this means everyone knew.

"That you two had sex last Saturday after your party."

"Help me!" I thought. I'm going to die of embarrassment. My heart was beating faster and I started to feel nauseated. "What else did he tell you?"

"He told me you two made love at your house after the party and you really turned him on. He said you sucked him, and rode him and that he came inside of you. I can't wait to watch and then have my turn too. He also said that you have the hots for me."

"Holy shit! I can't believe he told you."

"Don't worry, Bob. John and I share everything. And I mean EVERYTHING." She was serious and staring deeply into my eyes. "Aren't you and Terri still dating? You two are so hot together. She's really pretty."

"Well, unfortunately no. I guess we just got too close too fast. We agreed to back off and date other people and just be friends. That is, friends with occasional benefits, if you know what I mean. I think she's going out with Jeff tonight."

Aren't you jealous?

"Well maybe a little. But we'll get over it. I was her first ... well."

"Her first fuck?"

"Boy you are direct and to the point, aren't you? And that turns me the fuck on."

"So, what are you going to do now?" Angie had turned her back to me, my arms hugging around her waist.

"Well. I was hoping that you would go out with me tonight. And tomorrow night, and every night after that."

She turned and brought her lips to mine, then said, "You are so sweet. Of course I'll go out with you. Besides. I have benefits too, that is, my hot brothers. If you know what I mean." She smirked at me. "But I want to be your sweetheart, only one."

"You always have been, Angie." I kissed her again. This would be fantastic. I get to have sex with the whole damn family. My free hand found her breast and lightly caressed it. She pulled herself closer to me, tongues entwined. She slid her pubic mound along my leg. I could feel the coarseness of her pubic hair as she ground what I hoped would be blonde into my leg.

"Angie, you're so damn hot." We just lost ourselves and forgot where we were. I pulled her tighter and put my hands on her ass. Wow was it firm and perfectly smooth. I had had a crush on Angie for two long years: two long years of jerking off everyday with her in my dreams. To top that, I had had a whole long year of fucking Terri four or five times per week and trying not to call her Angie. And today of all days, all my dreams were fulfilled and more.

From the distance we heard Jane bellowing, "You two are breaking my heart. Break it up and let's drink some beer. I'm damned glad you guys are finally together. Bob, bring your new bitch over here and let's drink. I'm thirsty."

Angie and I looked up at Jane who was trying to pull a pony out of the cooler. Jane's giant tits swayed and wiggled as she landed a beer and twisted the cap off. She was always a little heavier than everyone else, but my god was she sexy, brunette and very deeply tanned. We both just laughed at her, well more truthfully with her. She had been through a lot during high school. Her father died suddenly while she was in the 11th grade, and then her mother started dating this abusive son of a bitch.

"I heard a few things about you two as well my dear," I said to Angie as I carried her, walking to the beach.

"Oh Yeah, like what?"

"That you and Jane did it just last night at her house."

"How did you know?"

"Hee. Hee. I snickered. I didn't. I just guessed. So, it's true?"

"Sure. We've been having a lezbo-thing going since we were 10. We're cousins remember."

"Oh, so ... that makes a difference."

"To me it does. Besides it's called bisexual."

That word seemed to be popping up a lot around me these days. "I know what it's called. But you have to be cool. Not everyone likes the thought of it."

"So? I told Jane last night that I don't want to date straight guys anymore. They all think they have to impress me by how hard they can fuck me. Jane agreed. She dumped Doug finally. He was such a looser. All he would do is fuck her, fill her with his cum and then would just leave her hanging. She would come to my house crying nearly every Saturday night and would sleep over. You know she started fucking him when she was 13?"

"No. I had no idea." Of course I knew. Doug was my bud and he bragged about bagging her in the 8th grade. I always was jealous of him, but not so much now.

"That night she was so scared that she would get pregnant. She slept over at my house. We hugged and caressed each other and it just happened. She kissed me, and I kissed her. And yes we did fuck each other. I had found a rubber cock in my mom's bedroom when I was 11 and it was still there. So that night we used it on each other. BUT. I knew she was dating Doug, who I hated. I made her douche before I ate her."

"Angie, my new found girl friend has already fucked? Did that really count?" I thought "Ok. So she's not a virgin. Well I'm sure John was her first guy anyway."

"Angie," I asked. "Do you want a beer?"

"You bet."

"You bi-guys are all so sweet. But I don't like fem gays or butch lesbians." She continued.

"I don't either. I mean gays." I grabbed a beer for both of us and twisted the tops off. We both stood there on the pebbly beach sucking down a beer, somewhat oblivious to our nudity. Truth is, however, I never took my eyes off her tits. Jane was obviously dreaming of sucking down my cock, the way she was starting at it.

"Damn Bob," Jane said. "You're going to shoot somebody's eye out with that dick." To my amazement, she strolled over and gently grabbed my raging cock. Angie just giggled and smiled. "Angie he is hard as a rock. If you don't fuck him right now, I will."

"OK girls. Don't fight. There's enough of me to go around," I said joking still not in disbelief about all that was happening.

"That's what I was hoping," Jane retorted.

All I could do was swallow hard. My balls were in my throat as she started gently stroking my hard dick. My balls started to really hurt.

Angie piped in again about the gay and lezbo thing, "Kenneth is such a limp wrist. Don't you think so?"

"I do," I replied. "When he suspected I was bi, he wouldn't stop asking me out. I finally told him, I'm not gay and really don't care for feminine boys. Though he is cute, really, really cute, it still makes me sick to see him walk and hear him talk." I rattled on trying to justify my bisexuality to someone who totally approved and liked the hell out of me. Again, what a lucky, fucking day.

"Mmmmm, Jane," I said, almost dreamily, that feels really nice.

We chugged down our beers and Jane was still stroking my cock. She looked at Angie and asked, "May I." Angie just gleamed, "Not before me."

"Angie bumped her cuz out of the way and took the head of my raging cock in her mouth. Right there on the beach she started giving me head in front of everyone, in front of the whole gang. In front of ... Donna! Donna my next-door neighbor was stomping here way over to me. She was a year or so younger than me at 16. She and I knew of each other and were friendly but never ever had sex or anything at all. We just played together when we were kids. Then our friendship kind of drew apart.

"So what's the deal asshole?" Donna said so rudely. She was the only one dressed in a swimsuit. "Only have tastes for the skinny bitches? How does that pole taste you little whore?"

"Donna! What are you talking about? Why are you acting like this?" Angie let my dick pop out of her mouth. She stood and hugged me and glared at Donna.

"You have lived next door to me our whole lives and never, not once did you ask me out or even try to make out with me. You asshole!"

"Hang on Don," I called her Don affectionately for short. "This is way too weird. I didn't know you wanted me and well to tell you the truth, you seem like a sister to me. I'm your friend. Buddy? Ole Pal?"

"Oh is that right?" Donna walked over to me, her face in mine. Her eyes were blood shot and wild and kind of weird.

"Does this look like your little sister standing here? Does she sport a pair of these?" Don lifted her top, exposing a pair of the most beautiful tits I'd ever seen. They had to be D cups. And all along they were mine for the taking: had I known; had I known.

I turned to Angie and pulled her in front of me. "This is Angie, my girl friend. We are dating now."

"Yeah and a whole lot more from where I'm standing." Donna retorted then started to cry. "Oh just forget it. She started weeping, blotting the tears with here finger tips and her swim top. I'm on my period and feeling really goddamned bitchy. Angie I'm sorry. I've just had a crush on your boy friend my entire life. Bob, I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"Donna, sweetie. You know I'll always love you." I said. "We've been friends for a long time."

"Awe. He's such a sweet ass hole, Angie. You're so fucking lucky," Jane said with a sarcastic flare and rolling her gorgeous eyes.

Angie, in her perky voice and cutie-cute smile blurted, "Hey let's blow a J and then blow Bob," and reached down and gave my dick a few short tugs.

"Hey calm down girls. I laughed." My hardon was nearly very limp. It would always tuck tail and run at the first sign of a bitchin' out. "Have a beer Don. There's plenty." I felt daring. A huge grin on my face, "And apparently enough of me to go around." Wow, did I just say that. Why didn't these bitches fight over me in High School? Damn. I'm not complaining though.

I grabbed an inner tube and floated the cooler of beer out into the water. We all waded out until we were about waist deep, Angie next to me, my hand on her really cute bubble butt, she started stroking my dick under the water, and we made out a little. We were all just minding our own business, laughing, joking, having fun and having a little sex petting with each other. I was so weird and unreal. I never dreamed that we'd all be nude just doing it. Knowing that all of our utopia would end in September when school started up again, I guess the pot and the freedom of the 70's let us run wild. Angie would be a senior as well as Donna. Who knew what Jane would do? I would be off to State. I hadn't a clue what John's plans were but I'd sure like to find out.

"Wah Whooooo!" echoed out around the creek and body came bounding over the cliff, butt naked, and dick straight up in the air. "My god. It was John," I thought. He hit the water in a cannon ball dive and flooded us all. Luckily I was able to save the cooler from tipping, and Angie was pissed as hell.

"John!" She yelled. "You stupid, dumb-ass. Why did you do that! I wasn't going to get my hair wet."

"Oops. Sorry Ang. If it's all the same I just got a huge salt-water enema from that stunt. Damn that hurt." He called her Ang for short. Hmmmm. Kind of a cute nickname.

John swam over to me and smiled. "Hi."

There was a huge lump in my throat. "Hi, back." I said. This felt really awkward. I looked at Jane. She was about to explode with laughter at how we were acting so straight. John was beet red.

Donna was puzzled as usual, "What the fuck is going on?"

"Nothing," Angie offered. "It's just funny watching two totally naked guys together in the water, trying to act straight and tough. They all laughed at us until John and I shook hands "bro-style." He swam over to Jane and gave her a big kiss and a hug. "How are you my sexy cuz?"

"Pretty cool, my cutie cuz," she answered.

"Hey, John. This is Donna," I started the introduction. "She lives next door to me," He turned around and took a good look at her gorgeous face and beautiful tits.

"Wow. He replied. I'd seen you around but I didn't know who you were. Nice to breast you ... I mean eat you ... I mean to meet you." John could be really funny when he wanted to. He was still staring right at Don's huge and beautiful pair of tits. He waded over to her and gave her a full body hug. I could tell that Donna was very interested just by the way she was looking at his really hot body and acting. Plus her oversized nipples had gone to fully erect. Oh my, how horny I was becoming.

John was not being shy either. From the best I could read, he and Donna were hooked up at least for the day.

"Hey, got a beer for Johnny-boy?" Donna asked. "Help yourself John. We have three cases in the truck."

"We?" he asked. "Yeah. I brought Randy with me."

"You brought Randy?" Donna asked. "Where the hell is he, and where the hell is Mar... Oh...?" Donna finally put two and two together. She used to be part of our neighborhood team, not sexually unfortunately. "They're doing it already?"

"I guess. He's a horn little fucker," I laughed. "We probably should go check on them in a few minutes."

John wrinkled his nose and winked at me.

We all just paddled around and hung by inner tubes for another half hour or so. By my best guess it was around 3 pm. Splashing, frolic, and fun were order of the day.

Finally, John and I hung by the same tube and had a few moments of awkward silence. I couldn't let the day go by without finding out about his college plans. I wasn't about to bring up the other night either. It just needed to say something our unspoken feelings.

"So where are you going to school?" I asked.

"Either State or a junior college."

"Junior college? Man you made straight A's all through school."

"Yeah, but money's kind of tight. I bought a new car with the money my dad gave me. That doesn't leave me much besides tuition."

"How about State? I'm going there. Electrical Engineering. Hey we could room together." It just came out. There was no preparing for it. John kind of looked surprised then suddenly warmed up to the idea.

"Yeah. We could." he said thoughtfully. "That would be cool. Where would we live?"

"I'm going to be living in one of my Aunt's houses. She pretty wealthy and owns 5 old houses near the university. It needs some fixing up, so that's part of the deal. She said I could let any "boy" be my roommate I wished."

"No shit?"

"No shit! And rent-free for both of us!" I was putting this all together as I went, though it was true. "And she's provided a tab at the grocery store for all the food. The house is furnished."

"Damn, Bob. How could I turn that down?"

"I was really hoping you wouldn't. It will be fun."

"Yeah, I'd say. REAL fun." He raised his eyebrows and winked again. I jumped a little when he rubbed his foot gently in my crotch, and then smiled. "Hey, come party with us tonight. You can even crash there. My mom is out of town for the rest of the weekend and all of next week. It's just Ang and me. We decided just to hang out together and watch TV. Something we've never really done before."

There is no way in hell I would turn down that offer. "Ok. What time?

"Just come on over when you've had your shower. Angie is cooking hamburgers on the grill and I've got two bottles of Jack Daniels. Let's party."

The shower felt great, almost too great. It was all I could do not to jerk off. I wanted to save every drop of cum I had for my new girl and for John. I had taken Randy home, who was a little put out at me for just dumping him, but he was way drunk and needed to sleep it off. He kept trying to give me a blowjob on the way home, but I just made him sleep; his head was in my lap. His hand was up my cutoff shorts giving me one hell of a good ball rub, however.

I made sure that I brushed my teeth three times and shaved as closely as possible. Put on my best jeans and shirt, no underwear mind you. I even told my parents not to leave a light on because I would be crashing at John's.

When I got to the house, music was rattling the walls. I rang the doorbell and turned to look at the dimming summer sky. All was good. No, all was perfect. Angie's face popped into the window. Man was she beautiful. The locks clattered and the door opened revealing my new girl in a pink tube top, very tight white shorts, and sandals. She just stood there smiling all dolled up for me.

The next sensory overload I had was the overwhelming odor of pot. Angie practically threw herself out the door and flung her arms around me and said, "Oh, you're really here! I missed you. You happy to see me?"

"Happy? I'm very happy..." before I could finish, she locked me into a long French kiss. I helped her scoot backward a step or two and closed the door. We landed against the wall just behind her. She slid an arm around my neck, held my face in the palm of her sweet, soft hand, ran her hand through my hair, and then held my face with both hands.

What passion she was unleashing; what fire she was awakening in me. It had been like this at Salt Creek, kissing, rubbing, even a little sucking and fingering. I didn't think much about it at first but they were dead serious about "blow a J then blow Bob."

What a deal! Even Donna and Jane got in on the action. The coolest part was sucking Donna's lovely tits; however, Angie's were absolutely to die for. There was just something mystical about Donna's sexuality and hotheaded-sensual nature. The whole time after Donna sucked me, Angie kept her bushy blonde pubic mound crammed in my face and her clit on my tongue. I was like her trophy, her mount, her man.

Unbelievable was the only word that could describe these events. But as wonderful as they were, Angie would not allow me to cum. She tugged my balls downward each time I started to get close. I nearly blasted my hot sperm all over her when she ground her hot pussy on my dick, but she managed to pull me back to earth and keep me in orbit.

Standing in the entryway of her home, holding her and sustaining the world's longest kiss, my balls ached and were beginning to swell and throb. My dick strained against my jeans not to mention the flow of precum and the wet spot near my zipper. How was I going to face John? Then it occurred to me, what would it matter?

"Damn, girl, give the boy some air. You're gonna suck the life out of him." John came in the entryway looking for us. He had a lit join in his hand, took a hit, and then handed it to me. I took it, in turn I gave Angie a French hit, just another reason to lip lock with my beautiful babe. But then, I turned to John and he willingly accepted and put his arm around my shoulders. I thought I was going to just squirt right then. How could I have it any better?

"So," I at least managed one monosyllabic word. "Huh, is Donna here? Bill?"

"No, man. Donna couldn't come. She actually had a date tonight. I got her good and revved up for him, though. She came all over my hand. You can still smell her," He said as he lifted his hand to my nose. Damn, that was pussy alright.

"Oh yeah. Who's her date?"


"You're shittin' me. He was after Margie, and..."

"I know, man, but while we thought they were having the fuck of their lives, she was telling him to get lost. Apparently he was on his knees begging."

"I knew that would happen." I took another hit from the joint and really started to feel no pain. "Hey didn't I smell something cooking before I came in."

"Yeah, you did. Angie?" John looked at her; I'd never noticed the warm affection he has for her and she for him.

"Oh crap. I hope their not burned!" She scooted her tight body toward the back door, her tits were really visible in that tube top, bouncing and swaying with each step."

"Yeah, Donna and Randy are going to try a date for once," John said to me showing me the den and a comfortable place to sit on the billowy sofa.

"That's so cool. We never thought of her as free game. We've all been together forever."

I sat. He sat right next to me and put his hand on my leg. It felt really awesome, so I put my hand right on top of his and squeezed it. He looked up at me. "We're going to have lots of fun tonight, Bob?" It's just you, Ang, and me. Bill's gone to spend the weekend with our Dad. Mom is away two weeks. He kind of smiled and snuggled next to me.

"John," I spoke up. "You know how I feel about you, right?"

"Sure." I think I feel the same way. "Does it make you made that I'm really hot for your sister?"

"Hell no. You two are hot together and well I'm hoping for fringe benefits." He moved his hand and put his arm around my shoulders. "All I want is for you to be happy with me and lets have a little fun when we can. I know you have the hots for me."

"There's something more you should know."

"Oh? What?"

"I had a crush on you all through junior high and high school."

"As if I didn't know. I was afraid to make a move, but you took me last weekend, and I loved it. I really loved feeling you next to me and the awesome fucking. I am not gay but I think they call it...."

"Bisexual," I blurted out.

"Yeah. It still has to be a secret, though. It's crazy, but that makes life way interesting. I don't want to marry you, Bob. I am very attracted to you, but not for a life together. It seems that somehow you complete me, and I complete you."

"That's just how I feel," I said sounding way too melodramatic. "You're saying for me what I've always wanted to say." He kissed me on the cheek and gave me a squeeze between my legs right on my straining dick. "An it begins," I thought, tingly all over.

Angie burst back in the house, "Hope you two lovers are hungry. It's ready."

I took John by the face and guided his lips to mine. "There, I did it. I've always wanted t just kiss you just for the hell of it."

"Man, that was nice. More to come or should I say 'cum'?" he joked and fingered quotes in the air. It was funny how that framed his luscious smile.

"That is exactly what I need," I remarked rubbing my aching balls, as we headed to kitchen. At school, the girls gave him the name `funky butt' because his hips kind of rotated and swayed when he walked, close to feminine but not quite: a huge turn on for me. I enjoyed seeing his butt again in tight jeans one more time.

We ate our fill and John broke out the Jack Daniels and poured some over ice for him and for me. Angie liked hers with coke. We lifted our glasses in the air for a cheer to long friendship "...and benefits," Angie added.

John headed for the family room and put on some music and then turned the TV on with no sound. I took my place on the sofa again. John sat across the room in an easy chair, flipped off his shoes and put up his feet. "Man this is really cool. I'm glad you're here with us. Hey, in the morning, let's make some plans for State. I have some ideas."

"I'd love to hear them, John." At that moment, Angie came in with her drink in hand, pushed off her sandals and snuggled up next to me on the sofa.

"Mmmmmm," she halfway moaned. "You feel nice and warm. Are you comfortable?"

Talk about being treated like a king, "I really am, Angie, and very happy to be right here with you."

She put her glass on the end table, and then squirmed closer to me. I put my arm around her shoulders. Ah, they were bare, soft and so silky. Her head rested on my chest for a few minutes as we listened to the music and watched the silent pictures slide effortlessly across the TV screen.

Angie lifted her head and looked me in the eyes, then gave me a quick and sweet kiss. We kissed again, and again, with little pecks then finally she lifted herself and straddled me, sitting in my lap. We were face-to-face, kissing and moaning. I glanced over at John. He was watching us make out and rubbing his cock through his jeans. I winked at him and he winked back, spread his legs a little to give his hand better access. He rubbed his crotch more aggressively then shoved his hand down his jeans.

Angie was kissing my neck and totally getting into me. She unbuttoned my shirt, slowly one button at a time, then laid it open and rubbed my smooth chest paying close attention to my hard pecs. My hands traced up and down her sides, over her back, over her sexy ass. She started to grind her pussy into my pubic bone. She kissed my neck again, made a small hicky and then worked her way down to my sensitive and hard nipples. Her kisses were very light and her hot tongue worked my nipples until I began to feel surges in my dick and in my asshole. Oh she was driving me up the wall. No wonder women love lots of tit play. It felt wonderful.

She slowly slid down my lap and began to kiss around my navel and feel the light scattering of hair on my abdomen with her cheek. Her face was right in my crotch and she kissed it and rubbed her face on my rock-steel dick right through the fabric. My dick was sticking straight up so she rubbed it with her hand then pulled down the top of my jeans and to expose just the tip of my dick.

"Ouuuu. No underwear and a little surprise just for me." Her voice quivered slightly as she tried to speak the words.

A puddle of precum had accumulated near the tip, so she wasted no time in licking the puddle clean and sucking any drops from my dick.

She released my belt and jeans then aggressively rubbed my balls through the fabric. Oh, I was in agony. I hadn't cum all day long and now she was taking her sweet time. "What, me complaining? I don't think so." Finally, she began to unbuckle my belt. Dammit, what was taking so long? My head flung back on the sofa, but I raised it back up quickly as not to miss a thing.

"Are you hot for me now?" Angie said with a soft, airy tone.

"Oh my god. I am."

"Do you want to fuck me?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes."

"Do you want to touch my tits?"

"Oh, please. Let me suck them. They are so beautiful."

On that note, Angie proceeded to unbutton my jeans and unzip my fly. She pulled my pants off my ass, then to my knees. She took the time while slowly kissing my inner thighs to remove my shoes and socks. I glanced over at John. He had removed his shoes, socks and pants. I could see the tent in his white underwear as he slipped off his t-shirt. When his head was free, he returned to stare at my throbbing cock that Angie had just freed from its blue jean dungeon. Then I remembered, right when I heard him moan, his hands in his underwear. I remembered how his dick felt in my boy-pussy. Now huge it was. How much it hurt the first few seconds, but then I just settled down on his raging 8-inch very thick hardon. Oh my god I wanted him too, Angie and John.

Angie kissed her way up my legs stopping to lick my inner thighs. The feelings from that were bringing me close to climax. I couldn't control the building pressure. It was cramping inside my abdomen. My balls were in my throat. Breathing, panting, nibbling, kissing, her hair tickled my legs, then pulling, pulling hard. "Oh not again," I groaned as Angie brought me back down to earth as she tugged the holy shit out of my balls.

I heard her take a very deep breath at my crotch to inhale in all my musty manhood. She kissed my balls and took one in her mouth then the next, rolling them over her tongue, softly tugging at them with her lips tightened around them. They plopped from her mouth. She lifted them and kissed and licked beneath them and near my asshole, gently tonguing in my crack. I could feel her strike pay dirt when she touch the pink of my boy-hole and let her tongue explore. Pushing my knees apart, she spread my legs to pull me to so I would slump down lower on the sofa. I could feel the cool of the air conditioned air caress my exposed boy-pussy. She flattened her tongue and licked, sucked, nibbled then shoved her tongue in my hole. The pressure built again. I glanced over at John who was stroking his cock, his underwear gone. Angie held up her hand toward him, and he slung his white briefs toward her.

She withdrew her tongue from my ass and placed John's soiled briefs in my face. I took a very deep breath and imprinted his unique but familiar odor in my memory once again. It was awesome. She then put them over my head and pushed part of them in my mouth. I tasted precum, lots of it.

I laid my head back taking in the smell of John's sweat and ass, then felt Angie's soft fingers enter my hole. They were cold and slick, preparing me for the best sacrificial orgasm the sex gods could ask for. She slid in another and pressed against my aching prostate. The pressure was building. I started moving my hips to fuck her fingers, then felt my balls being pulled again.

I opened my eyes to look at her and it was John. He was three-fingers into fucking me. Oh the feelings. I felt Angie sit next to me, "Surprise," said in a very sexy whispered tone, her lips tickling my ear. "I told you I couldn't wait to watch. I want you to make love to my sexy, hot brother."

"Yes. YES. I want him. I want you, John. Please."

When John was satisfied that he had me nice and stretched and lubed with KY, he hooked my legs around his arms, me still slumped down on the sofa, butt-necked. I felt him search for my hole with the head of his dick. It took only seconds for him to acquire his target. With a low, moan, he slipped his dick into me. It's never been that easy before. It still was tight, and I felt like I would split in two. But when his massively thick dick slid against my prostate gland, I was not able to stop a large blob of cum from shooting out of my dick. Angie was right there to suck it up and taste it on her tongue. John slid out and back in very slowly, giving me a few minutes to adjust. Angie placed her lips on mine and parted them with her tongue. All of my cum ran down her tongue and into my mouth. I loved it given to me that way.

John started to pump my ass. I could feel his hairy balls touch and tickle my cheeks. Oh the feelings, oh the pressure, "fuck me, fuck me," I was saying to myself, "Just fuck the hell out of me."

But I knew they wanted to go very slowly. I was taking the full length of John's beautiful manhood deep within my boy-hole. He was not letting up, the swollen engorged head stabbed and slipped against my prostate. Each time a shutter of orgasm trembled through my abdomen and to my man-breasts then to my nipples. I reach up and started twisting them. John kissed my hand, put his arms behind me, locked his lips on my nipple and began to quicken his fuck pace ever so slightly. I felt Angie's mouth take my other nipple. I reached down and held and squeezed and pulled John's beautiful ass. My hands pulled on his hips to drive him deeper in me. A very painful stretch in my hole told me I had all of him. His wiry pubic hair stimulated my hole. I winched at the pain and held him close and tightly.

"Bob?" He questioned, his not breath heated my nipple.

I held him a few more seconds, "Fuck me, John. Just fuck me."

John pulled and pushed his dick in and out of me, pace steady, pressure increasing. The combined sucking and chewing on my nipples, my dick begin ground between our abdomens, my whole body consumed by John and Angie was more than I could hold back.

"I'm cuming!" I yelled. John started pounding me harder and harder. His balls were slapping my ass really hard, my dick slipping between our abdomens under the pressure of John's relentless fucking. Hard, slam, grip, tight, he pulled me in closer to him holding tightly. My back ached, breaking, heart pounded, not breathing, holding breath.

"God, God, God, Ohhhhhhh, MMMMMMM, Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuc, fuc, fuc, mmmmm, me, me," Was all I could yell. I lost Angie. I lost time. I lost all sense of being except joining in my John's passion, more deeply connecting our souls. My ass hole tightened and pulsed around John's engorging dick. Yet he forcefully continued to fuck me, harder, fuck, fuck, fuck. He whimpered and let out sighs and started fucking me so fast. My body was being slammed all over the black leather sofa. I've never been on the edge this long in my life.

HOT! HEAT! His dick was enormous inside of me; his thrusts weakened, shortened.

"I'm cuming," he whispered against my chest.

"Don't stop," I urged him on. "Please fuck me hard. I feel you cuming inside me." Then my abdomen cramped so tightly followed by my back arching. And my passion erupted between us, in one steady long hot stream; I came all over my wonderful boy lover and myself. He continued to pump me, enjoying the aftershocks, feeling the slick, sticky collection of cum between us.

"Oh my god. You guys were off the hook! I have never seen such fucking in my life." Angie said, a rage and desperate desire in her voice, fingering her pussy through her shorts. "I can't believe what I just saw."

John collapsed on my chest. We both were breathing heavily; his dick still buried deeply within me. I put my arms around him and caressed his soft, sweaty hair. We stayed right there for several minutes, feeling our souls exchange trust, desire, and glimpses of deep emotional ties for each other. He rose and kissed me very deeply then said, "I guess we're going to be pals for a long time, Bob."

"John, that was amazing. Totally intense and awesome. I think I'm going to cum again."

He licked a long length of cum off my abdomen and chest and swallowed, followed by several more licks. "Mmmmmm. Really good," he moaned.

He started to withdraw his dick. When his huge head passed my ring muscle, I felt a huge wave of orgasm build. I gasped and threw my head back. I grabbed his hips and pulled him back to me. He caught on and fucked me shallowly until my dick shot to attention and I squirted a few more dribbles of sperm on my chest. "That's impossible. Man, you just came twice. Man, you're too hot. That was cool."

"Oh my god," Angie blurted. "Cool it you guys. I want to have my turn with my own boy friend please."

"Alright Ang. I'll share," John laughed, and withdrew his dick. He lifted a towel to my ass and cleaned up our love mess.

Angie snuggled up next to me and let out a sigh then started to rub my balls. "Feel better?" she asked.

"Some," I answered. Your brother's awesome."

"I know. He makes me cum at least 15 times before he does. Then he eats it out of my pussy. Bill is not as skilled, but he loves for me to ride him and dangle my tits in his face. His dick is exactly the same size as John's. "Lucky Bill," I retorted. She giggled.

"It is really intense when they double slam me."

"So you get both at once?"

"Yeah and I love it."

I lifted myself up on the sofa, feeling weak and completely drained. John had gone to the bathroom, obviously leaving us to our passion. Angie crawled back on top of me to straddle me and started kissing me all over. She then sat upright, and pulled her tube top off. "Oh my," I said. "I have been missing those."

She lifted up on her knees and, while holding one of her beautiful tits, caressed my lips with the nipple. I opened my mouth and took it in. Ah the feeling of womanhood in my mouth. I felt my strength returning, a surging within my pubic mound. My dick was growing stiffer and stiffer. Angie stood and let he shorts and panties fall. She climbed back on me placed her slit right on my dick and began to grind her clit along it. I again sucked and nibbled her ample nipples and massage the other breast with my free hand. She was moaning louder, louder. Faster she ground her cunt into me; harder she would thrust, until she started shuttering and shaking.

"Uhh, Mmmmmm, Ohhh, Ohhhhhh, Mmmmmm, I'm cuming." Then her body shook really hard, my dick sliding against her clit. She sat up and guided my rock-hard dick into her vaginal opening. She went up and down on the top of my shaft several times then just settled down on me. "God was she ready and hot!"

I was there. I was inside the girl-of-my-dream's pussy. Yes, I was there. No doubt about it. We were still for a few minutes, her full-firm breasts against my chest, her face nuzzled against my neck, she slightly grinding and lifting up and down. Then she started kissing me. As the kissing grew wilder and wilder, she began fucking harder and faster. Eventually, she slipped up and down on the entire length of my 7 inches.

"Oh my god it feels so good. You are so hot baby, so hot. I'm so glad you are mine. Fuck me Angie. Fuck me. I am your man!"

At that, she started slamming her body into mine. Faster she pumped; I tried to match her rhythm but she was just too wild. I grabbed both of her swaying, jiggling tits and massaged them hard. Her head flew back as she bounced up and down on my dick.

She drew in a quick breath, then another and another and finally let out a screaming voice, "I'm cuming. Fuck me Bob, fuck, fuck, fuck, mmmm, me, me, me." She didn't slow, and she came. I felt the pressure building in my abdomen, her hot vagina gripping me. She never lost her pace.

Angie kept bouncing on my dick; the hot soppy mess of lovemaking was all over my balls, my legs. The smell was electrifying. Her pussy was hot; it was tight; it was flowing with the juices of her passion. I don't know how I held back, not blowing my load into her, but I kept fucking my girl. I was holding her close to me, my hands tracing her soft and sweaty back. I felt her ass and toyed with her pink ass hole slipping, my finger in and out. I felt my own rod, hot, sensitive, and wet with my girl's pussy. Her pussy lips were stretching and consuming my hot rod as she slipped her love flower up and down it. I pushed my finger back into her ass hole making her she moaned a low and sexy moan. She was stretched enough for a second finger. Her pussy tightened as I very roughly finger fucked her. Her moans became quick breaths. Again she was climbing higher than before to a climax that would me her fuck me beyond my comprehension. Her body slamming wildly onto me; my balls tightened; my dick felt hot, cramping, engorged. "Fuck my pussy!" Angie whispered to me "Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuc, fa, fa, fa, fuck, mmmmm."

That was all I needed. I felt my first release of cum into her just explode. It was a long stream of amazing release. I felt the itchy relief of the second and third and forth. She collapsed on my chest and gently still fucked my, giving me tiny aftershock orgasms. Her pace quickened a little as she came one last time on my deflating dick.

"My god, Bob. That was the best sex I've ever had. You are truly a sexy hunk. I'm glad you are mine." Angie's breath was hot on my chest. We just sat there, her on top, my dick still in her, and we drifted to sleep.

To be continued.....

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