John, Leslie, me +

By if.tenep.nona@61258na

Published on Dec 13, 1994




John, Leslie and Me

I had known John since college, when we had roomed together for two years. We had moved to different cities, married, and both divorced over a twenty year span without more than cards and occasional calls and visits. But one day I was pleasantly surprised to get a call from him, inviting me to dinner. He had moved to New York, permanently, it seemed.

It was a delightful evening. He was living with Leslie, a striking, intelligent woman of about the same age. She was very open and warm towards me, and we hit it off right away, something which obviously made John happy.

Relatively late, after a lot of wine and over some excellent brandy, we were sitting together and the conversation had turned to the sexual preferences of a well known politician. Rumors had been flying about his affairs with both sexes. John was angry at the treatment he had received in the media.

"Wouldn't it be nice if he just admitted it?"

"Well, its tough, politically."

Leslie as looking into her swirling cognac. "Why? Because of the affairs? Or the bisexuality?"

"Both, I guess, but mostly the latter."

John was flushed. "Damn, it should be possible for people to talk about that."

Leslie looked at him, a slight smile on her lips. "Well, John, how about yourself. Would you admit to sex with a man?"

"Well, yes. ...In fact, I can, right now. When I was younger."

I looked at him, remembering long ago, and wondering what he was thinking. "Yes, I think one ought to. I have to admit that I, too."

He looked up at me, and didn't say anything. Leslie, on the other hand, looked at both of us, and said, quietly., "Would I be mistaken if I concluded that you two were talking about the same thing?"

John didn't say anything, so I jumped in. "Yes, at least, I don't know whether John is talking about something else, but your guess is right. When we were roommates. We used to...well, it all seemed perfectly natural, then."

John looked at me for a moment seriously, and then smiled. "Yes, it was. That was what I was talking about. "

Leslie smiled comfortingly at both of us. "Well, I'll ... Tell me, how do you remember it? With pleasure? Embarrassment? Pain?"

I took the lead. "Well, as for me, with pleasure, definitely with pleasure. I often remember those late nights. I shot her a look. "It wasn't very heavy emotional stuff, right John? Just sex. I think I started with the idea that it was just because there weren't any women around, and then, I don't know, kept on because it felt good, that was all."

"Right. I haven't thought about it much in a long time, but when I do, it is the pleasure that I remember."

"And since then, John, Dave?"


"No, never. Thought about it a few times, but, no."

Leslie took a sip, and then putting it down, said. "Seems a shame, somehow. I know that John here gets pleasure from the usual, but"

I watched her eyes which seemed involuntarily to run over his body. "And you, Leslie? Other women?"

"No, never. Not that I haven't wanted to, though."


"Oh yes, there was a girl in college, and, well, there have been others. Sometimes they seem very inviting."

John was wide-eyed. "No kidding, Les. I know we have talked about fantasies, but"

All of a sudden the atmosphere seemed to get much more charged. I saw Leslie flash a look at John, and then relax, smiling. "Yes, but we haven't talked about all of my fantasies."

"I know this is crazy, maybe impolite, too, but, well, I would love it if you would tell me about the fantasies you do talk about."

John looked at me, worried, and then at Leslie, who took another sip and then said, quietly, perhaps a bit hoarsely, "Why not? Go ahead, John."

He seemed to hesitate, but then, still looking at her, began to talk.

"Well, okay, but...okay... At least recently, we have been starting up, sort of a preforeplay, when we make love, talking about...well, about has been fantastic. Leslie once said, while we were making love, she said, that, well, she was imagining more than one set of lips kissing her."

"Someone else there?"

"Yes, another man...or men...I asked her to tell me what she was thinking, and, well, she has a fantastic imagination, and she would start talking about them. It was a wild turn on. Listening to her talking, I would get so excited. Well, we began to make it a regular thing. We would get ready, shower and, you know, and turn out the lights, and I would ask who she could see, and, well, she would tell me about them. It was a turn on, it would make me excited."

Leslie looked up quickly. "And me, too."

"Yes. It made us both very excited."

They fell silent for a moment. I felt very excited, and wanted them to continue. "Were the fantasies, well, bisexual?"

John looked up, almost surprised. "Bisexual, you mean...? No, no. It was centered on her, on Leslie."

I turned to Leslie. "Yes? only with you?"

With a glance at John she said, "Yes, that's what I talk about. The idea of several men, all at once, one after the other."

"That's what you talk about, but in your mind...? I mean, I can understand...sometimes I dream of several women...but, well, it all seems too, I don't know, simple that way. I mean, sometimes I like to imagine them, too, together."

John laughed, a bit nervously. "That's an old male fantasy, Dave."

"Yes, but, well, not only."

"Really, do never told me that."

"I know, but, well (she laughed) there were other things to do, and, well, I didn't know how you would take it."

I got up quickly, and then, realizing that I was erect and it probably showed, turned away. "Look, you two, this has been fantastic. The conversation is getting heavy, though, and well, if it goes on much further, I am likely to...well... I don't know whether we are ready for...Anyway, I think I should go."

John began to splutter something polite.

"No, look, don't worry. I...well, right now what I would really like to do is to, well, make love with you two. There, I said it. But, well, I don't think we should jump into it."

Leslie got up, and took my hand. "Dave, it's very nice of you, and maybe you're right, but, well..."

"No, I think I ought to go. Let me know, what you think."

We parted with just a hint of tenseness. As soon as I got on the street I was kicking myself. Leslie was so desirable, I could almost taste her. And the idea of making love them both, it was even more exciting. Suddenly the vision of Leslie before me faded and I remembered many years ago, and John's erect prick in my hands, on my lips, in my mouth. I had to run down the sidewalk to avoid coming right there.

The next day I debated whether I should call, or wait for them. After dinner, which I ate alone in a restaurant, I had just about decided to call them, no matter what they decided, and finish the waiting. When I turned the key, I saw the flashing light on my machine, and pushed the button with trepidation.

It was Leslie's voice. "Dave, please come over. We can hardly wait. In fact, we may not."

I dialed their number right away and when I got the tape, I practically shouted into the phone. "I'll be right there!"

I arrived a few minutes later. Leslie opened the door, dressed in a loosely tied robe. As soon as I entered, she threw her arms around me and hugged me. She led me into the doorway to the bedroom. John was sitting, naked on the bed, with a sheet pulled around his waist. On impulse, I went to him and awkwardly embraced him.

"Look, you two. I have to shower. Just take a minute......"

Leslie took me in and got out some clean towels, and left me. I quickly rinsed off. I came out quickly, with just a towel around my waist. I found John still sitting as he had been, but Leslie was now on the bed behind him, naked. I stood for a second a few feet away.

"Leslie, I have been imagining you all are much more beautiful than I imagined..."

She smiled and held her hands out to me. John didn't move, but he reached his hand towards me, too. "Dave, we've decided =D1 I hope you don't mind, deciding for you =D1 we thought, that, well, you and Leslie, first."

I squeezed his hand and let it fall away, and climbed up on the bed next to her. Slowly, I ran my hand along her side. She was incredibly soft. She lay perfectly still, watching me. I felt her eyes watching me as I watched my own hand sliding along her thighs, and then between her legs. Her inner thighs were even more delicate, silky. She reached up her hand and held my shoulder as I slowly let my fingers slide up towards her cunt. Her eyes closed as I reached it. I gently place my hand covering it, pressing softly against it. It was warm, hot, even, the soft hairs cushioning it. I stayed that way for a while, and leaned over and kissed her shoulder.

I glanced up at John who was watching my hands, my body. He was still sitting, but had turned to watch us. I caught sight of his penis, enormous, lying there against his leg. I closed my eyes and pressed down a bit further, my lips finding the softness of her breast. She moved under my hand, still at her cunt, and I felt the soft lips, slightly parted, moist, under my finger, and, slowly, I drew it against her, until it began to press in between them.

My lips found the hard nub of her nipple, and I sucked it in, first roughly,and then fearing that I might hurt her, less forcefully. She turned towards me slightly and gasped. I began to let my fingers rub her, exploring the soft moist flesh of her cunt, seeking out, finally, the clitoris, and rubbing it. Her hand, still on my shoulder, pulled at me gently. I raised up slightly, and slipping my body up the bed a bit, began to trace kisses across her belly, and then, finally,=

reaching the soft hairs where my hand had been.

I was about to reach and guide her hands to hold me when I felt them both clasping my head. I moved my body, awkwardly, insistently, until I was more or less on all fours, next to her, and I was able to bring my lips down between her thighs and kiss her. she tasted exquisite. I felt her hand reach in between my legs and find my straining penis, and hold it while I kissed her. I began to draw my tongue against her. Her legs rose up slightly, her thighs encasing my head.Her hand did not move, although I could feel her whole body tighten, and her fingers, at that time, would tighten around me. I became aware that her breath was coming more shallowly, and I redouble my kissing and licking and strove to make her come. The first orgasm seemed heavenly, a precious thing, and after several more moments, I was rewarded with her groans and tightening muscles.

I kept kissing her soft, moist cunt for several minutes, as the spasms declined a bit. I wanted to continue, to bring her to another climax, but she slid her body out from under me. I fell back on my ankles, my penis stiff and throbbing. She straightened up, and slowly pushed me back so that I was leaning back against the head of the bed, my hips slipped down, my penis stiff and rising. She slowly moved down on the bed so that her head was close to it. Gently, she took it in her hand, and brought it to her lips. She kissed it, almost chastely. the sensation of her fingers around it, and the soft pressure of her lips against the tip was incredible.

Suddenly she dropped it, and motioned to John, who had been sitting on the edge of the bed all this time. He flashed me a look , and then, at Leslie's direction, lay on the bed, parallel to her, at my other side. She took my penis again and bent it towards him.

"Oh, wow. Its been so long, I'm not sure I know..."

Leslie laughed. "It is not a hard thing to learn again. Kiss, lick, suck..."

John smiled, and looked at me. "You're sure it's okay with you?"

"I can't imagine anything I want more...unless...unless it is doing to same to you."

Leslie acted imperious. "None of that now. Later. Now, John, suck..."

John moved a bit closer. He didn't use his hands at first, but let Leslie hold me to his lips. He kissed it tentatively, moved away, moved back, and then, the third time, let his tongue slip out briefly and caress it. I must have sighed. He looked up at me, smiled, and then, took it away from Leslie, and holding it tightly in his hand, moved again towards it.

"It seems bigger than I remember."

His lips parted and he let the tip slide between them. I could feel the excited movement of his tongue in his mouth, rubbing the tip. When it emerged from his mouth, it gleamed with his saliva. Leslie, very close to it still, pressed in and touched the tip with her tongue. John took it back and this time two or three inches disappeared in his mouth. Suddenly it was enveloped with the heat of his mouth, and I gasped and threw my head back. He reacted by increasing the friction, the pressure of his sucking, the friction of his=

tongue against the underside, I felt the glorious sensation of this incredibly sensitive member being swirled about in an ocean of sensations.

"John, oh god, that is so good...oh I out..."

At my warning he let it slide from his mouth, and continued to hold it. The climax surged through my body, and looking down, I could see the white liquid surge up and begin to stream down, over his fingers. Leslie reacted immediately by touching it again with the tip of her tongue. A thin stream connected her tongue to me for a moment. Somehow that sight transfixed me.

Leslie was hoarse. "Go on, John. Taste it."

John hesitated, but then, quickly, returned it to his mouth, and I could feel him licking and sucking it. When it reappeared, it gleamed only with his saliva.

He dropped me, and John turned to Leslie. They kissed, their mouths open and hungry. I pulled my body out of the way, awkwardly, but as soon as I did, they fell together. They lay side by side, their mouths still exploring each other, their legs entwined. After moving slightly, I could see John's still enormous penis stuck between her legs, pressed flat against her cunt.

I moved quickly, without thinking. I pressed her leg up, and then his, until they lay exposed. I quickly bent down and kissed them both. But it was too awkward, and they fell apart. The let me push them around, until John was lying on his side, behind Leslie. She was bent forward slightly, so that his penis could reach her. She guided him to the entrance to her vagina, and he slowly pressed it into her. I lay in front of them, my face close to the slipping members. I pressed in, and while John began to slide slowly in and out of her, I found the clitoris and began to lick, suck, and run my tongue across the lips.

I moved down a bit, and I could feel the thick shaft, buried inside her, with my tongue. I began to lick it, and could feel it slowly withdraw. Buried in amongst their bodies, I couldn't see. I felt Leslie's hands =D1 I think it was Leslie's =D1 come down and caress my head. Finally, John's penis sprung free from her body, and without thinking, I quickly took it hot and wet, into my mouth. Without letting it go, I pressed it against Leslie, hoping that something of the heat would rub against her.

Suddenly, I began to feel him move, and I stopped. I realized what he was doing, and I stayed steady. He began to move, his penis entering more deeply into my mouth, but with each motion, rubbing against Leslie.

We could only do that exquisite thing for a few moments, until we once again fell apart. He fell back on the bed, on his back. Leslie moved out of the way, and turned and sat next to us. I was down, facing him, and leaned forward and took him into my mouth.

"God, I remember this..."

I sucked him in, I licked it, I held him with my hand, played with the tip.

"John, I didn't think so before, but, please, come in me..."

I heard his sigh. I looked up and I saw that Leslie was lying next to him, cradling his head, running her hands across his chest, and I returned to suck him in. After a few moments, I could feel his breath shorten, his muscles tighten.

"Oh god, here it is."

I continued to suck, slowly becoming aware of a new taste flooding into my mouth.

After a few moments, we all collapsed. I disappeared into the bathroom and washed. When I returned, Leslie was still cradling John, who was lying with his eyes closed, his penis now shrunken. Finally, he struggled to his feet and went into the bathroom, and then, when he returned, Leslie.

On her suggestion, we dressed again, and went into the living room to relax with a sip of cognac.

Part 2 Sandra and Me (after John and Leslie)

I didn't see either of them again for three or four weeks. I had been very busy, and been travelling. I had talked to John once or twice, and we had agreed that we should get back together sometime, but there was no hurry.

In the meantime, something else happened. My colleague in the next office was an architect named Sandra. She was in her 40s, divorced, and very bright. Her short, full-figured body, topped with pepper and salt hair, seemed constantly in motion. We had never worked together, so our contacts had mostly been in meetings and in the hall, but it was always fun.

Just after I had seen John and Leslie, Sandra and I were assigned to work up an account in Pittsburgh. They were originally going to send more, but for various reasons, Sandra and I were chosen to go to make the first contacts. To save time, we decided to do it in one day. That meant that after a long day of discussion, we found ourselves in the airport at 10 in the evening, waiting for a later plane.

Exhausted, we decided to go into the bar and have a drink. The bar was unaccountably crowded, the lights were relatively dim, and somehow, the temperature was quite high. A throbbing sort of rock music covered everything over. I slipped in and collapsed in the booth. Sandra threw her briefcase into the corner, and stood for a moment. I realized what a striking woman she was. Not conventionally pretty, but her quick and genuine smile constantly transformed her dark features.

"It's so hot in here! This is the trouble with one day trips. No chance to change."

I watched he as she slipped ut of the severe suit jacket, opened up the top button of her proper white blouse and shook off the day with a toss of her hair as she sat down opposite me.

"I think you really convinced those people. Very impressive."

She beamed at me. "You think so? I hope so. I suppose it will mean travelling down here a lot, but it is a nice project. But now, where is my drink."

I looked up and saw the waitress, a woman of about 20 in tights, a very short skirt, and a loosely fitting jersey blouse/sweatshirt. She saw me looking and came over with a pad. She greeted us, apologized for the damp rings on the table, turned and went to get a rag. Her step accentuated the roll of her hips. I guess I was staring at her.

"The spider lures you into her web."

I looked at Sandra, who was smiling at me. "What? Oh, sorry. I guess I was..."

"No, don't be sorry. That's why she does it. Whether she knows it or not. She's very sensuous."

"Yes. I was embarrassed to find myself a little hoarse."

The young woman returned with the rag and began to wipe off the table in front of us. It was clear that she wore no bra, and her ample, but relatively tight breasts moved slightly under the material. The loosely fitting blouse hung away from her body as she bent over, giving the illusion that one could see within. A few fleeting shapes.

I looked up quickly at Sandra, who was also staring. Sensing my look, she flashed me a quick smile. We waited until she finished, and then ordered some wine. As we watched her walk away, Sandra mumbled something.

"What was that?"

She looked at me, smiling slightly. "Well, I said something sarcastic about the vamp, but, actually, I was thinking that is very nice to have a shot of sensuality after a day like that. I guess that's why cocktail waitresses do that."

"I suppose so. Its nice to think of it as something like that, and not, well, you know, seducing tired businessmen."

"It's hard to think of seduction in a place like this. Everyone rushing off to planes. It works, I think."

I watched her as she looked at the young women bringing back the drinks. She was obviously savoring it.

She brought back the tall glasses of wine, along with a check. Sandra took out her bag right away and fumbled around, looking for money. She was usually so well organized, it immediately occurred to me that she was delaying a bit to keep the young women around. She was unselfconsciously standing, brushing her long straight hair away from her shoulders. Finally Sandra pulled out a credit card and lay it on the table. The waitress put away her pad in her side pocket, and reached over and gathered up the bill and the card. Sandra's head was down, but I could see her eyes following the flow of the young woman's body. When she had gone, I took a sip of my wine and looked at Sandra, who was looking into her glass. I cleared my throat to make sure that it wasn't hoarse.

"That is a very attractive person."

"Mmm, yes."

"Sandra, pardon me for saying this, but, well, it's really nice to see a woman not react to...that...with annoyance."

She looked at me, apparently a bit startled. "You mean...I see. Well, yes, I guess there were times, I remember when I was married, if someone was like that when I was with my husband, I would get upset."

"And I'm not your husband."

She laughed. "Yes, and well, I'm different. Doesn't bother me as much any more. Lately, well, I have been enjoying things more, I guess"

"Because you're divorced?"

"No, it was before. You might say, well, it had something to do with the divorce."

"You mean you...?"

She looked at me for a moment. "Oh no, I guess it sound like that. No, I didn't run off with another woman. Never done anything like that. Actually, it was quite the opposite. I discovered that my husband was having an affair. We had a pretty good marriage, but he was an odd sort, and well, it was almost as if he wanted me to find out. I began to find things in the house when I came back from work, or a trip. I said something to him, and he, of course, denied everything. Finally I found a pair of stockings under the bed. At first I couldn't believe it, and then I was angry. But then...I remember the time. I was alone at home that night. I had a stiff drink, and I kept thinking about it. I figured out when they must have gotten together. I also figured out who it was. Turns out I was wrong, but the effect was incredible. She suddenly became a concrete person, not just someone seducing my husband. I remember sitting their in the bedroom, ignoring the TV, and imagining her, and then him, and then the two together."

"You were still angry?"

"No, no. That's the funny part. I...well...God, why am I telling you all this?"

"I don't know, but I am happy that you think you can."

She looked at me for a moment, then went on. "Well, it wasn't upsetting, or not that way, that is, well, I guess what it was was a turn on."

"No kidding."

"I sat there, sipping away at my drink, staring at the empty bed, and, well, it was like some sort of show. I was incredibly high. After...well..."

"I can imagine. So what did you say to your husband?"

"That's where things got complicated. I wasn't angry at him any more. Even when we would get together and make love. Before I had always get uptight and resentful, but now, well, I don't know, it made it better. The trouble came when I said something about it. I probably should have just left well enough alone. But I began to imagine that it would be even more exciting if I could get him to talk about it. Finally, I mentioned it to him, and he blew up."

"He did? How strange."

"Yes, I think that he wanted me to be jealous, to get mad."

"Sounds hostile."

"I'm afraid so. It was. There were other things, of course, but, I guess that pushed us towards the divorce."

"That's a switch."

We were quiet for a moment, sipping our wine."

"And the waitress, well, somehow, I find that I am not trapped any more."

"You mean in, well convention."

"Yes. Sensuality is sensuality, no?"

"Absolutely. I have to tell you, I have been making some discoveries myself."


"I have discovered that it is possible to take sensuality where you find it."

She smiled. "And where have you found it?"

" seems funny just blurting things out like this."

"It is funny...and nice. After all, I think you owe me something. I feel, how shall I say, exposed."

Involuntarily I looked down at her breasts, a soft swell now just slightly visible through her the top opening of her blouse. She saw my glance and laughed. "I didn't mean that."

...I know, it was just, well, anyway. Somehow I really do want to tell you. It was wonderful. A few weeks ago I got a call from an old college friend I hadn't seen in many years, and he invited me to dinner at his house with his wife. They were very warm, and, well, sexy, and I as feeling very good. We talked about a lot of things, and somehow the topic of bisexuality came up, I guess it was that story in the paper last month. Anyway, she, her name is Leslie, was very interested and kept asking, and well, we began to talk about a few times many years ago when John and I were roommates, and well, when=C9"

"Made love together?"

"Yes. At least, we... well, yes, I guess that's the right word, made love. I had always thought of it as some bizarre youthful experience that really didn't have anything to do with me, and I guess he thought the same way. But talking about it then, we both had to admit that we remembered it with great pleasure. It wasn't a commitment, even a though of a different life style, or anything. Just pleasure."

"How did Leslie react to that?"

"Oh, I guess, well, she was turned on. I guess that's what made me think of it. Your saying you were turned on thinking about your husband with another woman, well, it's different of course."

"I don't know. The gender doesn't necessarily...the real difference is that the two of you were sitting there. Did John get angry?"

"Far from it."

There was a pause. I watched her as she swirled her wine in her glass."

"I love it when you...that is, I am guessing that you, well, are imagining us."

She looked up, her eyes somehow very, very bright. "Yes, yes. But, oh, not you and John back in college. Somehow that seem too pat. I was imagining..."

"With Leslie?"


"Well, you're right. It all seemed so natural. The three of us."

"You and Leslie? You and John? John and Leslie?"

"All of the above."


"It really was."

We were quiet for a moment. I noticed that the time was approaching that we had to catch the plane.

"Sandra? Have you ever ..."

"Me? No. Not with a couple, not with a woman, and since my divorce, hardly at all anyhow."

"Would you like to?"

She looked at me, her eyes on fire. Her body was saying yes, but all he said was "God!"

The plane going back was almost empty. We sat towards the back, with very few people around. She was sitting at the window, and I was in the middle seat next to her. As soon as we had reached cruising altitude and the hostesses had dispensed their drinks, she leaned back and closed her eyes. I was aching to touch her and was extremely grateful when she reached over and took my hand and placed it on her thigh. With some difficulty I slipped it under her dress, and down inside the soft silky material until I found her already moist cunt. I could feel her muscles tighten, her hands clutch the arm rests as my finger found the soft folds and slipped in between them. My lips ached to kiss her, but I contented myself with the exquisite sensation of my fingers exploring the sensual welcoming folds and knobs and depths. It was not long before I could hear her breathing over the sounds of the engines. she squeezed my hand between her thighs, and then relaxed. After a few moments, she whispered. "That was heavenly. Shall I...?"

We were already approaching New York, and so I said no, and kissing me briefly, she smiled and closed her eyes again.

Part 3 John, Leslie, Sandra and me

It was not long afterwards that I called Leslie and told her about Sandra. She was dying to meet her, and suggested I bring her over the their house. I asked Sandra, but she demurred, afraid that things would go too far, too fast. Instead, I arranged for the two of them to have lunch downtown. I saw Sandra at the office after they met, but didn't have time to talk. I called her after work.

"So, Sandra, how was lunch?"

"Very nice, very nice. I like Leslie. She's lively and smart."

"I always had the impression that she listened, too."

"Yes. She was very understanding. I hadn't realized - I guess you told me, but I didn't think about it - that that time with you was her first time. "

"Yes, I guess I didn't think about it. She seemed to take to it so."

"That's clear. She loved it, apparently. And I admit, she was very persuasive, in the end."

"about you?"

"Yes. I must admit I was getting cold feet, especially..."


"well, about the bisexual stuff."


"I mean it is scary. She was very convincing, though. She talked about you two."


"About us? Well, we didn't talk about it directly. I guess I was scared."

"The way you were looking at that waitress in Pittsburgh, I didn't think it was a problem."

"No, it isn't, I guess."

"And about us?"

"She said, I remember, it was something, she said that she had always thought that the idea of her husband making it with another man turned her off, but that then she saw him...going down...on you, she almost flipped."

"I knew she was excited. I was in heaven. Sandra, about you two, well, were you at all attracted to her?"

"God, Dave, I wasn't at first, you know she isn't like a conventional beauty."

"Like that waitress."

"Right. Some women strike me as just basically sensually attractive. That's the thing I've found out recently. And Leslie wasn't that way."

"Oh, that's too bad."

"No, no. I mean, after we talked, and she was so lively, well, I stared seeing her i a different way. And,I don't know, maybe it was the talk, but I began to feel like a friend. I wanted to, I don't know, embrace her."

"Did you?"

"Well, you know how people kiss when they part? Well, I don't know what the hatcheck girl thought, but we held each other for quite a while."

"That's sounds good."

"You know I have no idea what I would bed...but I do know that I would like to find out."

A week or so later, we had finally all found an evening when we could get together. We decided to have dinner at a small restaurant near John and Leslie's place. It was a nice little Italian place, rather noisy and badly lit, but with good food. Sandra sat across from Leslie and next to me. It was a bit awkward at first, but a bit of red wine and some good pasta loosened things up. Leslie was the most animated, laughing and obviously very excited. Sandra caught her enthusiasm. John was clearly taken with Sandra. By the time we were ready for coffee and desert, none of us wanted to await. We quickly paid, gathered up our things and walked quickly to their apartment house.

John got the door open, and we poured into the room. We put things away, and John got out some more red wine. Leslie and Sandra sat on the couch together, and Leslie reached out and took Sandra's hand. She seemed hesitant at first, but then relaxed, pushing back into the soft cushions.

I was still standing, sipping my wine, and John put away the bottle and came back, and stood next to me. On impulse, I reached out and took his hand. He smiled and simply stood there. I glanced down at Sandra and Leslie, who were leaning back, relaxed, watching us. I motioned to John, and he nodded, not knowing what I meant, I think but somehow falling into the mood. I slipped around him, and began to undo his shirt from behind. It was strange, like undressing myself. As I pulled off his shirt, having trouble with the sleeves, Sandra murmured something. Leslie said something, and Sandra repeated herself, louder.

"You look good, John. Your body, funny, reminds me of my ex-husband."

John laughed. "Oh dear, I hope that isn't bad."

"No, no. He was very sexy. I used to watch him undress all the time."

I was slowly undoing his belt, when John spoke. "Did he like to...that is..."

"Yes, he was a bit of an exhibitionist."

"I never thought I was, but, well..."

I slipped his trousers down, and then stood next to him. "I remember...this reminds me... once, I used to live in an apartment where the window of my room was across and air shaft from the room of a young girl. I used to watch her at night. At first she would get nervous and pull down the shade, but after a while, she would begin to leave it open. She would get her friend, or her sister, I don't know, and they would become more and more daring, until finally, they would strip down naked for me. I knew they knew I was there."

"No kidding. And you watched?"

"Yes, I couldn't stop. I loved it. I used to spend hours waiting for them."

"What did you do?"

"Well, at first I just watched, but I kept wanting to do something, and then, well, I began to take off my clothes, and..."

I stopped talking and turned back to John, who was standing there, his penis erect and distorting his shorts. I pulled them slowly off, watching their eyes. "I always liked it, when, well, when they looked at me."

I let my hand run along his legs, and along his thighs, his side. I let my hands play across his belly, and then up and took his nipples in my fingers. As I rubbed them, I could feel his body stiffen. Slowly I let my hands slide down across his body until I could feel the pubic hairs, and finally, I took the thick shaft in my hand. I looked over at the couch. Leslie was sitting forward, starting at it in my hands. Sandra was leaning back, her eyes half closed, also watching. I began to rub it slightly, moving the skin across it."

After a while, I couldn't stand it any more and I slipped around and kneeled in front of him, still fully dressed. His penis was directly in front of my face, stiff, red, thick. A drop of clear liquid decorated the tiny slit at the tip. I took it in my hand and moved toward it, opening my mouth slowly. My tongue slipped across it, tasting the salty taste of that small drop, and then, slowly, letting it enter my mouth. Immediately, John gasped, shivered slightly, and his hands closed around my head. I continued to suck at it, letting it slide slowly from between my lips, and then pushing deeply back in. I must have done that seven or eight times. I could have gone on, it felt so good in my mouth, but suddenly he pushed me away.

"God that feels good, Dave, but I don't want to come, not so quick."

I looked up at him smiling, letting the back of my hand slide slowly across my lips, and then turned to look at the two on the couch. Leslie had let her hand fall on Sandra's thigh, her fingers catching the hem of her skirt. I turned towards them, hearing John fall heavily into the chair across from the couch.

"Sandra, you remember the flight back from Pittsburgh?"

Her voice as hoarse. "Yes."

"I still feel you in my fingers. I so wanted to kiss you...can I...?"

She didn't answer, but closed her eyes and pressed her head back against the pillow, her hands clutching the edge of the couch. Leslie understood exactly what was going on, and began to pull up her skirt, making Sandra lift her body slightly. I reached up under the skirt and pulled down her pantyhose, and pulled them off her feet. She lay before me, the soft curled hairs bunched around her cunt. Almost instinctively her legs closed, but as I gently pushed them apart, she let me. I looked up and saw that her eyelids were half open. She was watching me.I gently thrust my hands under her buttocks, and pulled myself closer. I began to trace kisses along her thighs. I looked up and saw that Leslie's hand was spread across Sandra's belly, gently kneading it. I glanced at her, and smiled. She seemed lost in her own excitement.

I returned to Sandra, my kisses now reaching the soft hairs. I pulled them gently with my lips, and and then slowly let my tongue out to touch, her then lick, then begin to probe between he soft, hot lips, more and more boldly, finding the knobs and sensitive parts. Sandra moaned softly, her head turning towards Leslie who surprised her with a kiss on her lips. Sandra looked startle for a minute, and then relaxed and then abandoned her self to Leslie's kisses.

I drew my tongue across her again and again, my hands caressing her buttocks, Leslie's hands fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, finally gaining entry and catching her breast, still caught in her bra. I watched the motion of her hand under the soft material of her blouse while I continued to kiss her. I became aware that Sandra's body was tightening, and I redoubled my rhythm. We were rewarded with a deep muffled cry from Sandra, and her climax. My mouth was flooded with her. I continued, more gently, more firmly, until she subsided, and then I rocked back on my ankles. Leslie's hand slipped down and covered where I had been, but not moving, as if protecting her, and she continued to kiss her cheek.

I looked around and saw that John was getting up, watching us, his penis still enormous. He came over to me and reached out his hand. I took it and stood. He began to undo my shirt buttons, and I helped him, quickly slipping out of my clothes.

"I think its time we did something for you, Dave. Leslie, come help me."

Leslie's eyes flashed. She stood quickly and stripped off her clothes very quickly, while John urged me down on the floor. Responding to John's directions, she kneeled down at my head, leaned over and brought her nipples to my lips. I took them in hungrily. Suddenly I became aware of an exquisite feeling, and I looked down to see John's mouth engulfing me. I flung my arm up around Leslie's legs and brought her closer. She moved so that her cunt was right over me. I took her buttocks in my hand, suddenly aware how firm she was compared with Sandra, and pressed my lips to her cunt. I kissed it, and held her tight while I concentrated on the delicious feeling of John's mouth slipping over me, his tongue playing with the tip, sucking me as he let it slide slowly from his mouth. Leslie fell forward, and I could feel her hair brush against my stomach, my thighs. John's mouth left me for a moment, and her's took me in. But then she let me go, and John returned. I buried muself in Leslie's cunt, and abandoned myself to my building climax. I uttered a warning, lost in the folds of Leslie's body, and I could feel the cum rush through me and out int othe hungry mouth. Thankfully, John did not let go, but continued to hold me in his mouth for a long instant.

Finally I began to subside, and he let me go. I fell back from Leslie. She scrambled off me and pulled John down next to me on the floor. She straddled him, and let his prick slide into her body, and then fell forwards and kissed him, licking his lips. I suddenly realized she was tasting me there. My exhausted prick gave a slight surge. The two continued to fuck until finally they both came, and fell apart. It was a long while before first Sandra, and then the rest of us got up and cleaned up. Then we sat down to coffee and some great brandy.

Part 4 John, Leslie, Pete and me

It was a full week before I talked to any of them. Sandra was out of town, and I hdn't heard from Leslie and John. I thought that as okay. Not to rush. Take it easy. But al lthe same, I was getting eager as the wekend approached. Finally, I picked up the phone and called their number. Leslie answered.

"Dave! I was just thinking about you. John's tied up with some business friend, and, well, I was thinking about you."

"Leslie, do you...want me to come over?"

"Yes, but I don't know. I wont have a chance to tell John."

"If it will make you feel bad...I'm not sure he would mind, but, isn't there any way you can tell him?"

"No, they're out to dinner somewhere, I don't even know where."

"Leslie, I don't want to push, but, well he did like it when you and I...fucked...I can't see why he would..."

"I know, isn't right, somehow. It was okay when...when you kissed now, kissed my..."

"Go on, Leslie, say it. I like to hear you say it."

"kissed my cunt. Oh God."

I waited for a second. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but I could hear her breathing. Somehow it made me very excited. "You were so soft, so hot. I can still feel, my tongue still feels you, Leslie. I can still feel you in my hands."

There was a pause.

"Have you seen Sandra?"

"No, she's been in Pittsburgh. seh should be coming back this weekend sometime, perhaps tonight."

"She is very beautiful."


"Her breasts..."

"Leslie. They are nice. Can yu see them."

"God yes. Her nipples are so dark, so hard."

" I don't remember, did you kiss them... suck them?"

"No. I touched them. They were so hard, and her breasts were so soft."

"I would like to kiss them. I can almost taste them. I'd like to have them under my lips. Suck them in."

"I can feel them too. God. This is incredible. Talking like this."

"I'll stop if you want, Leslie."

"No, no. Go on, talk to me, tell me things."

"Well, okay. I remember you, and, I remember John. What di you think when I...sucked his cock?"

"At first, I didn't know, it was so shocking, that first time. I was so excited. I kept thinking, I do that all the time."

"Do you like it?"

"Sucking him? Yes, yes. At first...well, but then, it makes me feel good."

"and when I did it?"

"It was fantastic. Made my mouth tingle, cunt."

"I'd love to be there, kissing you...there."

There was another pause. "Dave, I have an idea. I think I can reach him. Hang up and I'll call you right back. If I can't, well..."

Reluctantly, I hung up the phone. I had to get up and wash my face, I was so hot. I waited for the phone to ring. I went and got a beer, although I didn't want it when I had it. Finally the phone rang.

"Dave, you'll never believe this. I called the hotel where this friend of John was staying, and who should answer the phone but John. It seems that they had just finished their business and he had invited John for a drink. John said he was a bit drunk, and, well, that he had told this friend, Pete, about us.

"He did?"

"Yes, well, it seems that Pete had asked him if there was anything someone ina strange town could do, and they had talked about porno movies and things, and finally, he had told him. He said that it really turned him on.

"Did he tell him everything?"

"I'm not sure what he said. But anyway, John asked me if he would mind if I brought Pete over."

"Yes. And you said?"

"Well I said I wanted you to come, too."

In twenty mntues I was at their door. John opened it, smiling broadly, a bit tipsy. "Come on in, Dave. I want you to meet Pete. He;s an old friend, in town for the weekend."

Pete turned out to be a younger man, in his 20s, good looking, with a slight build, friendly and funny. We shook hands. "Leslie was just telling me about you. I wanted to meet you."

"Thanks. By the way, where is she?"

"She's washing up. Be right out. John led us into the living room, and poured some drinks. We had settled down and were passing the time of day when she appeared, smiling radiantly, dressed in a flowing robe. She came over to me and leaned over and kissed me. Her robe fell away a bit, and I could see she wasn't wearing anything underneath."

She took a glass and stood in the center. "I was telling Pete about our little meeting, and, well he seemed interested."

She sipped her drink and laughing, put it down. "And I told him that I was waiting for you to...make love to me."

I looked over at Pete, who was slightly glassy eyed. I couldn't tell whether it was the drink or what was happening. He was sitting on the couch, his legs spread apart. There was a telltale bulge in his trousers, so I guessed he knew what was going on on. I looked at John, who nodded at me, smiling, encouragingly.

"Well, maybe Leslie told you, we were just talking on the phone."

John glanced at her. "Yes, she told us."

Pete laughed. "Yes, and well, I said that I would like to least."

Leslie pulled herself up suddenly. "Now, before anything happens, there is something I would like to get straight."

Her tone was serious, and we all became attentive.

"All of you...well, it is all intimidating, you know. Exciting, but...there is one rule. No one does anything the other one doesn't want."

"Of course, Leslie."

"No, seriously. I mean, if I say no, I mean it. No ganging up, OK?"

"Right by me. ...Yes. ...Sure."

"Good, now, I will have just one more sip, and then..."

She drained her glass, put it down carefully on the table, and then turned to me, and pulled me out of my chair up to her. "I have been wanting to do this..."

She began undoing my shirt, pushing off my trousers, until finally I was naked. My penis felt enormous. She reached down between us and held it, while she pulled me to her with her other hand and we kissed. When we broke, I looked around, and saw the other two, sprawled on their chairs, their hands idly at their crotches, their eyes fixed on us. Leslie turned to them.

"I think you guys ought to get naked, too."

They looked at her, and then John got up and quickly took off his clothes. Pete was slower, but finally he too struggled out of his chair, put down his drink and slipped out of his clothes. Both were partially erect. Pete's penis was particularly thick, it seemed to me. They sat back down. I watched for a moment as Leslie followed suit by shrugging off her robe. I could see a sudden surge in Pete's member. I had the instinct to go down on him right then, but I wasn't even sure whether he would tolerate that, and besides, Leslie was pulling my hand. When I turned to her, she held me briefly, her naked body a sudden pleasant surprise, and then moved back and sat on the hassock.

"Dave, you said on the phone you wanted to...kiss me..."

She spread her legs and brought her cunt to the edge of the chair, and leaned back on her elbows. I carefully kneeled down in front of her and let my hands run along her thighs, and then my lips and finally, brought my lips to the soft hairs. I lingered, savoring the moment at the edges, softly kissing, pulling at the hairs with my lips, and then, only sllwly, letting my tongue slide out. The first stroke along the edges of her cunt were delicious, and she seemed to open like a flower to me. I felt one of her hands slip around my head and gently hold me. I pressed into her, pushing my tongue in as far as I could, and then slipped back out, and concentrated on her clitoris, sucking and licking the knob. Her hand went back, to catch hereslef as the feeling ran through her. I looked up and saw that her eyes were half closed. I suspected that they were looking back over me at the two behind me. I let my hand slide up along her body and take her breast. She seemed softer than she had before, if that was possible.

I continued to kiss her that way for several minutes. I had almost forgotten John and Pete when suddenly Leslie pushed me away from her. She made me straighten up, still on my knees, and come towards her. She took my now straining penis in her hand and led it to the mosit opening. It was an awkward position, and I could not push it inside her, but she stayed with it for a while, using it to rub herself. The sensation was delicious.

Leslie pushed me away again. "Okay, now I think I would like someone else."

She looked over at Pete, who jumped up immediately. She motioned him to hers ide, and she sat up, reached over and took his penis in her hand, examining it. Slowly she moved towards it and planted kisses on it. It seems immense in her hands, against her face, but in a sudden movement, she slipped in her open mouth, and began to suck it. Pete gasped, bending forward slightly. She continued to suck it for several minutes. I was transfixed by the sight of the thick shaft moving in and out from her lips. Her jaw seemed stretched.

Finally she led him down to the floor, and straddled him, and taking his penis, slipped it inside her as she slowly fell on him. She had risen and fallen one or two times when she waved John over, and he came and stood next to her. She took his penis in turn.

"I've always wanted..."

She slipped it in her mouth, and began to suck at it, and at the same time rising and falling I t was clear that she couldn't do both things at the same time, one could tell when she was thinking of the sensation between her legs, and when she was thinking about the prick in her mouth. I moved over to her to touch her breasts, but she brushed me away. She rested on Pete and began to concentrate on John, who seemed very excited. Soon, she was rewarded with a groan, and John's body tensed. It was clear, even before she let him slip for a moment from her mouth, that he was cumming. She held it in her hand for a moment, watching the drops force themselve sfrom him. She flicked her tongue out to it, several times.

Finally John fell away, and Leslie turned to Pete. She began to rise and fall. I could see his thick member sliding into her. She continued for several minutes. It was clear that Pete was coming closer. She lifted herself off so that he swung free. He cried out.

"Don't stop."

"I thought...all right."

She relented and slipped him back inside, Within a few moments, he was gasping with his climax. She let him slip out, and kneeled next to him, holding his throbbing penis in her hand, reaching down and kissing it, and finally, licking the semen from the tip and her hand, and sucking it clean.

When she rocked back on her ankles, I came over to her quickly. I kissed her, kissing away the drops and smears on her lips and cheek, probing inside for the tastes. We kissed, only kissed, for a long time, until finally we broke.

Pete and John had struggled up, once again, on to the chairs, their penises now limp and small. Leslie found another chair and sat on it. She smiled at me.

"We're the only ones who haven't come yet."

"Leslie, let me kiss you to a climax."

She looked at me, and then at the other tow, and then nodded slightly. I scrambled near her, settled comfortably betwen her legs and brought my lips to her again. I caressed her again and again with my tongue, firmly but gently, and it was not long before she came. For a moment, she held me tight against her so that I couldn't breath, and then, just as suddenly, she let me go and collapsed back on the chair.

I got up and saw the other two watching me, John with a half smile. I sat down on the couch between them. Pete moved away slightly to give me room, but John immediately put his arm around my shoulder and let his other hand slip over and take my erect penis. I glanced at Pete, wondering whether he wa ready for this, but he was merely looking at John's hand. John began to fondle it.

I was hoarse. "John...I'd really like it if..."

He smiled and lifted himself from the couch, and slipped down on his knees to the floor. Again I glanced at Pete whose eyes had widened, with curiosity. John slowly brought me to his lips, and sucked me in. The feeling was absolutely incredible. I couldn't prevent a gasp from escaping me, and I closed my eyes and leaned back. I felt my hand against Pete's thigh, and was going to move it, but I was too distracted, and so, I guess was he. I abandoned myself to the sensation of the warm mouth engulfing me. His tongue was active, I could feel his teeth gently pressing agains me, but most of all the lips seems to work at the shaft, at the tip. I was not long before I could feel the pressure building within me. I murmured a warning, but Jon kept sucking at me, and I burst forth into his mouth.

John, too, let the still throbbing member slip from his mouth for a second. It flashed to me that he was making sure that Pete knew what was going on. He closed over it, and continued to suck at it until it began to shrink.

John let me go, and stood. I could see that his penis was partially erect again, and looking down, it was apparent that Pete's was, too.

"I hope you don't mind Pete. I should have warned you."

"Mind? God no. I never... but..."

Watching his excitement made me recover. I didn't get an erection, but my body tingled. I turned to Pete. "Pete, if you don't mind, I would love to kiss your...Could I?"

He looked at me almost startled, and without saying anything, nodded ever so slightly. I reached over and took his penis in my hand as I, in turn, slipped to the floor. As I had imagine, he was very thick. He seemed to fill my mouth completely. I practiced everything I knew to please him, flicking my tongue along the sensitive underside, letting my lips draw out as he slipped from me, letting my tongue play with the tip, sucking the tip strongly. I heard him gasp and after a few moments, was rewarded with the flow of semen into my mouth. I continued, sudenly sensing that I was being selfish not letting the other see, but wanting to keep him inside me as long as possible. I stayed there for a long time until he was practically as small as I had first seen him.

I rocked back and smiled. "Welcome to our little group, Pete."

We cleaned ourselves and dressed, and sat down to a brief late supper, kissed and went home.

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