Johnnyo Meets

Published on Jun 10, 2014


JohnnyO Meets Summer Vacation By: Calum P and By: L

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JohnnyO Meets Summer Vacation

JohnnyO quickly hugged Ty and he let Ty in. One Ty was in the house they kissed.

"Oh my god I can't believe you are here."

"Believe it. So how was your last day of school?"

"Boring it dragged on forever. When did you get out?"

"Yesterday. So Gage told me yesterday today is the start of his summer break and since you guys like live almost in the same aria I took a guess that you also got out of school."

"That's cool. I have not seen those two in a long time."

"When was the last time?"

"When you sent me that pic of you."

"Wow that is a long time. Maybe the four of us can do something tonight."

"I would love that. It don't have to be sex I just want to see them. It sucks because Christian and I don't have any classes together and hell we don't even see each other in the hallways either."

"That sucks how about we get your mind off of that just for a while and have a picnic on your first day of summer."

"I would love that."

Ty soon showed the basket to JohnnyO and he just shook his head with a smile. The two of them soon need up in a nice wooden aria that had no body around. The blanket was nicely laid down and the two of them just looked at the clouds as they eat. The two of them talked about the normal stuff like what their plans where during the summer and that led to sexy talk. Before they knew it they were making out. Their hands started to move around and after that it did not take long for Ty to take off JohnnyO's shorts along with his boxers. Ty did not wast any time sucking JohnnyO's dick. JohnnyO started to moan and soon took off his shirt. Ty stopped sucking to take off his shirt and went back sucking. Ty soon stopped and it was JohnnyO's turn. JohnnyO removed Ty's shorts and boxers and started to suck away. Ty could not help but to moan. The two of them soon started to roll around and JohnnyO was on top and was about to put Ty's dick in his ass when they heard giggling. Out came a cute boy that is already naked.

"Hi I'm Brock I won the crown for best personality in toddlers and tiaras."

JohnnyO and Ty looked at the cute Brock and smiled.

"After I won I got all these cute gay boys asking me out and I had to think about it. I knew I was gay a year before I did pageants."

"Hi I'm Ty and this is JohnnyO. You want to join us?"

Brock smiled and went closer to the boys and started to rub himself. Soon the three boys started making out. Their hands went all over each other's naked bodies. Soon the boys ended up sucking each other. JohnnyO was sucking Brock, Brock was sucking Ty, and Ty was sucking JohnnyO. After a while Ty ended up sucking Brock where Brock was sucking JohnnyO, and JohnnyO sucking Ty. As this was going on none of the boys stopped moaning. Once again the boys changed back. Each boy was getting close and they all knew it. This made them all suck each other faster until they came. Brock was not surprised that he got a shot full of cum as he was used to it, as he had sex with his older cousin every day they see each other. So Brock just swallowed the cum with ease. As for Ty he was surprised as he tasted JohnnyO's cum for the first time. It was not allot but enough to taste it. They soon took their mouths off of each other's dicks and rested with smiles on their faces.

"JohnnyO guess what?"

"What is it Ty?"

"You just came!"

"I know we all did."

"No you made cum."

"I did?!"

"Yes you did."

"I see this is a big deal with you two love birds so I'll leave you two alone."

Brock soon left and let the two talk.

"I can't believe I really came."

"You did baby you did."

"The two of them soon kissed."

Once they broke it JohnnyO spoke.

"Um Ty."


"I like you allot."

"I like you allot too."

"Thanks what I meant was its more than like."

"I feel the same way."

"So are we like you know boyfriends. Some people are saying that."

"I guess we are."

"I know that we are. I can feel it."

"I can feel it too. It's just..."

"You don't want to be hurt again."

"Yah...I thought my ex and I had something but at the end he ended it."

"You know I'm not like that. Before we even meet we were looking for someone to love not just to do a onetime thing with."

"Yah....but it's different when it comes to gay boy celebs you know."

"Yah but in a good way most times anyways. Most of them have boyfriends and they have sex with other boys and it don't affect their relationship."

"True and you are in the porn bizz so you will be having lot of sex on set and even off because you are a hottie."

"So are we making this official?"

"Yes..yes we are."

The two boys smiled and soon ended up making out. Once they broke the kiss Ty spoke.



"Since we do have sex with other boys it's safe to say we can trust each other not to fall for another boy. So we have an open relationship."

"Yes and Ty."

"What is it?"

"You can just call me Johnny."

The two of them smiled and made out once again. The boys soon got dressed and just hanged out. It was soon dinner time and for the first time in a long time JohnnyO meet up with Christian and Gage at Burger King. As they were eating their meal JohnnyO saw a cute boy pissing away. The boy seen JohnnyO and spoke.

"Your cute I'm Ethan Cutkosky by the way. I play Carl in Shameless."

"Hi I'm JohnnyO."

"I know my boyfriend Charles Henry Wyson and I love your music and that dipper movie you did. So if you want I can get you on the show for season five. That's how I meet Charles. On the show he played a boy named Hanley and we meet on an epode when I ran into him at a cancer camp for kids. It was love at first sight. I believe it was epode four of season three. So here is my number if you want to be part of an epode."

Ethan hands him a card.

"If you do come on the show most likely you will play as one of my friends."

Once Ethan washed his hands he left. A few minutes later JohnnyO came back and told what just happened. After talking about it JohnnyO made the call and then to his parents about going back to L.A for the whole summer. His mom and dad did not care for the idea but it was summer break and this was another great opportunity for him. They also know he is staying with his friend.

By: L

Next: Chapter 10: Johnnyo Meets 18 22

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