Jonnys Angel

By Blood Hype

Published on Feb 21, 2000


Jonny's Angel By Blood Hype Young Friends

Legal Stuff, This is a work of fiction. If you shouldn't be here then don't get caught. I you don't like stories about 2 young boys finding true love with each other; WHY ARE YOU HERE? All of the characters in this story don't exist, although the descriptions are based on a couple of young musicians, If you cant figure out who, then hey, just ask me. That said, I hope you will bear with me. This is my first attempt at writing a story and I want to dedicate this to Comicality, without his stories I would never have had the courage to put this story. I hope that we all get to read more of his stories soon. If you haven' read any of his work, check him out at It is well worth it. Now on with the story...

Jonny's Angel By Blood Hype Chapter 1

Hi, let me start by introducing myself. My name is Jonny, I'm 15 years old, about 5'9" tall and 155 pounds. I have straight blonde hair that I usually wear in a ponytail around shoulder length, my eyes are dark green, which I know is a weird combination, but I have to live with it. I have been told that I am good looking, but I just don't see it. By the way, I am also gay. I have known I was since the sixth grade and have decided that this is just the way I am. I try to keep it to myself as much as possible, but it is very hard when you are 15 and always horny!

I live in this really out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere place in Southeast Louisiana; it's about 40 miles north of New Orleans. I moved here this past summer from (the wonderful beaches of) southern California, San Diego, to be precise, because my "Father" decided that having a son didn't fit in with the plans his new wife had (number5).

My mom wasn't too happy about my being here but, since she and her husband were never home anyway, they let me come live here. They had the money to provide the staff to look after me so, once they moved me in I rarely saw them.

I woke up one Saturday morning, (actually it was about 1 PM),of course no one else was home but the housekeeper, so, after eating my usual breakfast of grilled cheese and french fries, I decided to go out to the local mall and see if I could find any more good jack off material i.e.: good looking hunks wandering around with their girlfriends.

I was wandering around checking out the latest crop and had focused on this really hot blonde hunk, when all of the sudden as I turned the corner I ran right over "A Perfect Angel". Dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, it must have reached past his shoulders to his back, the perfect tan, gorgeous brown eyes, small slender nose and the most luscious lips surrounding the absolutely perfect set of teeth I have ever seen. I just stood there like an idiot while he started to get up, shaking off my stupor; I reached down to help him up.

"Dude, I'm really sorry, I don't know where my mind was, I didn't even see you. Are you OK?" I asked as I as my eyes drank in his beauty. He must have been around 14 or 15 and he looked like a GOD to me.

"Hey, no problem man, I should have been more careful about where I was going." He replied.

God, even his voice is perfect, I thought as I realized I was still holding his hand. "I'm Jonny West" I said as an excuse to keep his hand.

"Craig Smith" He answered, letting go of my hand and straightening his clothes.

My dick was pressing so hard into my briefs I knew I had to do something. Looking around, I asked "you here alone or are you with someone?"

"Oh, I'm here with my mom and little sister. It's about the only way I can get out here."

"Bummer, dude. Hey, I was about to head out to the food court for a pizza, wanna go along?"

"Cool. There's my mom now, let me run up and let her know"

Looking up, I see him run up to no other than my math teacher, Mrs. Smith. Walking over I hold out my hand, "Good morning, Mrs. Smith, how are you doing today?"

Shaking my hand she replies, "well, hi Jonny, I didn't know you had met my son Craig, yet. He doesn't go to your school, how did you two meet?"

Laughing, I replied, "well, we sort of ran into each other here at the mall."

Craig snorted, "Actually, Mom, he ran over me, practically into the ground."

Looking concerned, she responded, "Oh, dear are you OK?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Is it okay if I go with Jonny to the food court to get a bite to eat?"

She hesitated for a moment and then looked at me, "well, Suzy and I were just about ready to leave..."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Smith, I would be glad to bring Craig home after we're done here." I butted in, anything to keep this angel here longer.

"Are you sure? I know you have your car, but I don't want to put you out."

"Not a problem, I don't have anything planned today anyway, I was just hanging out killing time."

"Well, as long as you don't mind, I guess it would be OK."

"Thanks, Mrs. Smith, we won't be too late, we might catch a movie later today if that's all right with you?"

"Whatever you two want, as long as Craig is home by 8:00."

"Thanks mom." Craig yelled as we wandered off in the mall.

"Dude, you actually have your own car?" Craig asked as we wandered through the mall.

"Yeah dude, it really isn't that big a deal, my mom bought it for me a couple of months ago when I got my license. (I really like this state, if for no other reason, I can drive at 15, no questions asked) "As long as I don't bother her, she pays for the insurance and the gas. She doesn't like to be bothered, lets go eat." I said, changing the subject.

"OK, I don't have a lot of money on me though."

"Don't sweat it, I can spring for this one."

We made our way through the crowd, it's amazing how a small town can fill up a mall, and went to the food court. Looking around I sized up the lines and turned to Craig.

"Dude, it would take like forever to get some grub here, you wanna head out to Pizza Hut and find something?"

Craig's face lit up and with a smile he answered "Hey, whatever you want dude, I'm just here for the ride."

We walked out to the parking lot to get my car, and as soon as I hit the alarm button and my car beeped, Craig looked at me and said, "Dude, is this really your car? It's great."

"Yeah, my mom told me to find a car I liked and she would get it for me. I always had a thing for Mustangs, so I grabbed this one. I figured, what the hell, she probably paid for it with one hour's salary. I hope it doesn't matter, does it?"

"No way dude, I think it's cool. It' just I never knew anyone who had such a great car."

We went over to Pizza Hut and sat down, it turned out we both loved barbeque pizza and drank Dr. Pepper. We had almost finished eating when I asked Craig, "So; your mom is a teacher, what does your dad do?"

He looked up at me and I could see that he was about to break into tears. "Hey man, are you OK?" Sniffing, he quietly replied, "Its OK, it's just that we lost Dad this past year to brain cancer, it happened so suddenly I couldn't believe it. One day he's here the next day he's gone."

Feeling his pain I reached out and touched his arm, "Hey, it's ok, at least your dad was in your life, mine couldn't care if I lived or died, as long as I don't interfere with his current wife." I was on the verge of tears myself now, not only because of my Dad but I didn't want to see Craig so sad.

"Let's head out to my house now, we can find something to do there."

"Sure dude, let's go. I'm ready to get out of here now anyway."

As we headed out to the car I couldn't help but watch Craig walking, he had such a perfect body, all I had to do was to get him to go swimming with me once we got to my house. It was fairly warm for April, so I didn't think it would be too hard. He looked like a swimmer type to me so all I could do was hope.

Driving down the highway towards my house, I couldn't help but glancing towards Craig. Every time I looked at him I fell more and more in love. Pulling off the highway onto a gravel road, Craig started looking around, asking, "dude, this is great, there's hardly anyone around here, how much of this is your families, anyway?"

"Well, my mom's husband is some kind of big contractor around here, he owns about 100 acres or so. It's nice and quiet, but it gets pretty lonely sometimes." I said as I glanced sideways at him. He seemed to sort of smile as I said this, could my wished be coming through?

Pulling up to the garage, I asked, "hey, dude, you want to go swimming?"

"Well, I don't know, I don't have a suit or anything else to wear."

"No sweat, man, I'm sure I can find something to fit you."

"Great, lets go."

As we headed into the house I said to him, "Lets head up to my room and we can change." Thinking, good now maybe I can see some skin. As we entered my room I called out, "make yourself at home while I find us something to wear." Heading towards the closet I could see Craig walking around checking out my stuff, grabbing the smallest suits I could find I turned around and saw Craig standing right behind me. Without saying a word he reached up and put his hands on my face and kissed me. Dazed, I just stood there like an idiot. Looking at my blank face, he just stood there, looking as if he were going to cry and said, " Jeez, dude, I'm so sorry, I can't believe I did that, maybe I had better leave now."

Shaking myself to reality, I rushed over to him and grabbed his head and locked my lips to his. He responded with such enthusiasm that we both fell to the floor, our bodies entwined like one. Crawling over to the bed, I whispered, "You have no idea how bad I wanted this, how did you know?"

Smiling, he replied, "I saw you in the mall checking out all of the hot boys, most of them had pretty ugly girlfriends with them, so, I figured that you liked boys. All I had to do after that was make sure you ran over me. After that, as they say, `the rest is history'."

Stunned, I replied, "You actually planned that?"

"Yeah, I wasn't sure until I saw your CD collection, I mean, how many straight guys have every CD put out by `Nsync and Hanson? By the way, who are The Moffatts?"

"Oh, they are just a band out of Canada, they don't get much exposure around here, but they are pretty cool. But what if you had been wrong about me?"

Grabbing me, he said, "Who cares, shut up and kiss me"

I grabbed him as we both fell onto the bed, I could feel his dick pressing into my leg as he pushed against me, reaching down I ran my hand over it, causing him to gasp, fumbling at his buttons I started undoing his pants, we probably set a record in getting out of our clothes and in no time flat we sat there naked just looking at each other. His dick must have been about 6 - 7 inches with a perfectly shaped head, he reached over to my 6-inch pride and joy and slowly started rubbing the head with his palm. I couldn't wait any longer; I bent down and slowly engulfed his tool with my mouth, savoring the sweet musky scent as I worked my mouth down to the base. I could here his breath speed up as I worked my mouth up and down his shaft. I felt him move his body around and then felt him engulf my cock with his eager mouth, we both went wild. Thrusting our hips and working our mouths over each others cocks. I could feel my orgasm building with each second, I knew it wouldn't be long. I felt Craig's body tense up, then I was rewarded with his load of cum. Swallowing each spurt, I reached over and massaged his shaft to milk out every drop. Moaning, I reached my climax and started pumping my load into his mouth. He eagerly accepted my load, and as I finished, I pulled him up to me and kissed him passionately, mixing the taste of our cum together.

Panting, he pulled back and looked at me with those angel eyes, "God, Jonny, I love you so much."

"I do to. I can't believe I found you. I never want to be apart, I couldn't live without you."

Laying back, we just sat there, holding each other as we drifted off to sleep.

I woke up slowly, not remembering where I was, as I looked down at Craig's body, laying next to me, it all came back in a rush. God, I can't believe I found him. Slowly getting up, so I wouldn't wake him, I went over to my stereo. Picking out my favorite song, I hit play on the CD player, as the words of the Moffatts song `Now and Forever' Started, I slowly climbed back into bed. Kissing him softly, I quietly sang the words to him:

What would I do

If you took your love away from me

I could never make it without you

Yes it's true

I wanna be with only you

Now and forever

You and me together

I can't believe it's true

I'm so in love with you

Now and forever

You and me together

I wanna be with you

Now and forever and ever

As he slowly woke up, I said to him, "that is how I feel about you, I want you to be mine `Now and Forever'.

Smiling, he looked at me and replied, "I'm yours forever, but if I don't get home soon, I'm going to be grounded for most of that time."

Looking at the clock I realized we hat slept almost 3 hours. I was after 8:00. Jumping up, I grabbed Craig's clothes and through them at him, saying, "Dude, get dressed, we gotta get you home."

Getting in my car, I said, "You wanna come over in the morning and take off where we left off?"

Looking sad, he replied, "I'd love to but I have to go to church with my mom and sister in the morning. But, If you want, Ill give you a call when we get back, it should be about noon or so."

"Great, I have big plans for us. Sunday is the day all of the staff have off, and my mom and her husband have plans somewhere else tomorrow, we'll have the whole place to ourselves."

Looking at him as we drove, I couldn't help but thinking how lucky I was to find someone as perfect as Craig was. Stopping about a block from his house, I turned to him and said, "how about a goodnight kiss before we get you home?"

Leaning over, he gave me a kiss that made all of the others seem like a peck from an old aunt. Breathless I turned back to the front and finished the drive to his house. Watching him get out, I said, "Call me as soon as you get back tomorrow, okay?"

"Don't worry, I won't even stop to piss." he joked.

"Love ya, Craig."

"Love you to, Jonny, see you tomorrow."

The ride back to my house was a complete blur. All I remember doing was putting on `Now and Forever' on repeat, and climbing in bed.

I woke up the next morning feeling like a million bucks. I glanced at the clock and say it was almost 12:00 already. Jumping up I turned off the stereo and turned on the TV. Seeing a special report on about our town I turned up the volume.

" critical condition at Memorial Hospital. Repeating, We have one confirmed fatality a the site of an accident between an 18 wheeler and a Ford Minivan. 37 Year old Connie Smith was driving her two children, 11 year old Karen and 15 year old Craig, apparently coming back from church, when they were struck head on by the driver of the truck. Mrs. Smith was pronounced dead on the scene, while the two children are listed in critical condition at...."

I just stood there staring at the screen, my mind screaming, No this can't possibly be happening. Slowly, I fell to the floor, crying out Craig's name.......

************************************************************************ To be continued.

Well folks, I hope you liked this. Comments and suggestions can be sent to me at

I have most of the story line for chapter 2 figured out, so if you guys want it I'll post it as soon as I get it written. Thanks

Next: Chapter 2

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