Jonnys Angel

By Blood Hype

Published on Feb 26, 2000


Legal stuff: this is a work of fiction. All characters are made up by me. If you shouldn't be reading this, then don't get caught. If you don't like the idea of two boys falling in love, then why are you here? That said, I hope you enjoy chapter 2 of Jonny's Angel. It is somewhat short but I just couldn't keep you hanging that long. :)

Happy reading.

Jonny's Angel Chapter 2

I slowly got up off the floor, still in a daze from hearing the news report. Throwing on the first clothes I could find, I ran out of the house and jumped in my car. Driving to the hospital, all I could do was to keep telling myself over and over was, `Please don't let him die, I can't live without him', I seemed as if the drive took forever, but I finally made it. Parking right in front of the hospital, I flew into the emergency entrance. Trying hard not to break down into tears, I ran up to the nurse's station.

"Can you tell me where I can find Craig Smith? He was brought in this morning after a car accident."

Looking at her computer screen, she started typing and after a couple of minutes she looked up and responded, "He is in ICU on the 4th floor, but he can't have any visitors."

Too late, as soon as she said 4th floor, I was running down the hall. Going up to ICU, I ran over to the nurse's station there, and started to ask the nurse about Craig. Before I could say anything the nurse from downstairs was pointing to me and saying to security, "That's him there." Looking around, I started to run away when I ran right into a doctor, "Whoa there young man, what's the hurry?"

Sobbing, I responded, "I'm trying to find my best friend, Craig Smith, he was in a bad wreck today and because I'm not family they won't let me see him."

About that time Security ran up and grabbed me. "Okay young man, Let's get you out of here."

"Hold it." The doctor yelled. "I'll take responsibility for him, that's his friend in there."

"Okay, Doc whatever you want."

Shocked, I looked up at the doctor, "Thanks, Doctor, but why are you doing this?"

"Well, I have been the Smith's doctor for a long time, hell, I brought Craig into this world, I know that all of his family is in this hospital right now, His sister didn`t make, and I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell him. If you're his best friend I hope you will do me the favor of being there when he is told, he'll need all of the support he can get."

"How is he, Doctor?"

"Well, he is going to live, apparently he was in the back seat when the accident occurred, and it probably saved his life. However, he has several facial lacerations, and both of his legs are broken. He will be fine after healing, but it is going to take several weeks. I am not sure how his mental state is going to be, though, it is hard to lose the two remaining members of your family at such a young age."

"I'll do anything I can do to help, Doc. He is the most important person in my life right now, I don't think I could stand to loose him."

"I thought there was more to it than `best friends' from the look on your face, but don't worry, I have known that Craig was gay for the last couple of years. He seemed to be able to confide in me and I always respected his confidence. You are the first person I have passed this on to, but I don't think you will betray Craig's confidence in me?"

"Not a chance, Doctor, the only person I plan on telling is my mom, once I can figure out a way to do it. I hope she can figure out a way to get Craig to live with me and I am going to need her help. I just don't know how she is going to take it."

"Well, I know your mom and I think she will accept this, if you tell her, with very little pain. She is very well respected around here and is very involved in the community."

That came as quite a shock to me. Here, I thought she only cared about herself. She hasn't been the most loving Mom since I got here.

Changing the subject, I asked the doctor, "Could I see him for a minute?"

"Sorry, there are no visitors allowed in ICU. However, you can see him through the window for a minute if you like. He'll be transferred to a regular room in the morning, so you can come back and see him then."

"Thanks, Doctor."

Walking up to the glass, I looked in and saw my baby lying in the bed. His head and face were wrapped in bandages and both of his legs were in casts from his thighs to his ankles. Seeing him lying there I knew that I would do whatever it took to make sure I could get him to be with me. I just hoped my mom would understand.

Driving back home from the hospital, all I could think about was how was I going to tell my mom that I was gay and in love with a guy who was now an orphan. Not only that, but I wanted to have him live with us. As I made my way upstairs to send my mom a page, all I could do was pray that she would accept me for what I am. Turning on the computer, I started the pager program and typed in `Mom, I need to talk with you as soon as possible, Love Jonny.'

Hitting `SEND' on the screen I new my fate was sealed. One way or the other, I knew it would all be over tonight.

The next few hours went by in a blur, I'm not even sure what I did. Finally around 7:00 I heard my mom's car pulling into the driveway. Looking out my window, I was relieved to see her getting out of the car alone. At least I only had one person to deal with right now. Going downstairs, I met her in the den.

"Mom, I really need to talk to you."

"Yes, I know, I got your page but I couldn't get away from the meeting until now."

Looking up at her I knew I would have to get this out all at once. Taking a deep breath, I said, "Mom, I know that this is going to came as a shock but I am gay and my boyfriend is lying in the hospital right now with two broken legs and his sister and mom have just been killed and his dad is already dead and I can't live without him and if you can't find a way to let him move in with me I just don't know what I am going to do." Breaking down, I fell to the floor in tears, not even caring anymore what she thought. I had just poured my heart out and now I was emotionally drained. I just sat there looking at her as I cried.

Looking at me with tears in her eyes, she replied "Jonny, I already knew that you were gay, your father called me when his newest `slut' found you're magazines. That is why he wanted you to come live with me. I told him I would help you move out here if he promised not to say anything to you. He was ready to kick you out in the street, but I knew you could find a home here. I just didn't want to bring it up because I know I haven't been the best mother for the last 10 years. I have always loved you with all of my heart and only wish the best for you."

Shocked, I asked "but why have you never tried to contact me in all of these years? When I moved in you barely had the time to talk to me. I thought I was an intrusion in your life."

"When I married your father, I was already pregnant with you. I didn't know at the time that he already had a girlfriend on the side, and had no intention of being faithful. We were both in college, he was studying architecture and I was in pre law. After you were born you went into day care and we both went back to school. We had just graduated when I found out about his girlfriend. After I left him, his family found a judge to say that I was an unfit mother, so he got custody, and I wasn't allowed to see you without a court representative around. I moved out here to be with my family and finally got my life together as a lawyer. I found a good man to marry but I still couldn't get custody of you. After a few years went by I just didn't know how to talk to you anymore. I thought if you weren't being pulled between two families you would have a better life. It turned out I was wrong, but I have never stopped loving you."

Wiping her eyes, she looked at me with such love, as I have never seen from any of my parents before. I just grabbed her tight and we both sat there crying.

Finally, I looked up at her and asked, "Then you'll help me get Craig to live here with us?"

"I'll do what I can. I have a few friends in the court system, and if he does have no family left, then I don't think it will be a problem."

I just grabbed her and cried. "Thanks, Mom, I love you so much."

Well that's it for chapter 2. I hope it meets your expectations. Comments and questions can be sent to me at

Next: Chapter 3

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