Jonnys Angel

By Blood Hype

Published on Feb 29, 2000


Well, here is chapter 3, It was really supposed to be the end of chapter 2 but I got stuck while I was writing it and I hate to leave a cliffhanger for very long, so anyway, I hope you enjoy this one. The response has all been very positive so as long as I can come up with new ideas, I'll keep posting them

Jonny's Angel Chapter 3

Finally, about two hours later, my mom got me to go to bed. As she was leaving my room, she looked down at me and said, "Don't worry, I'll fill Doug in on what's happening. He won't be thrilled about this, but he is a very understanding man. Now that we have a chance to be a family, I'm sure you'll come to at least like him. I hope that he can be a father to you and Craig, but we'll have to wait and see."

"Thanks, Mom, I really love you."

I laid in my bed for several hours before I fell asleep, all I could think about was Craig lying in that hospital bed. I knew that he was going to be alright, but that didn't make it any easier.

Monday morning came bright and early. I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to school until I had seen Craig, so after I got dressed, I headed to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before going out to the hospital. Stella, our housekeeper, was there cleaning up. She looked up as I came in, "Jonny, you're mom said to tell you that she called the school this morning and that you wouldn't be coming in. She said to tell you that she would try and come by the hospital later today, but she wasn't sure how long she would be with the judge, but not to worry, she would take care of it today." Looking at me with a weird look on her face, she added, "What's going on? I have never seen her in such a rush to leave as she was this morning?"

"My best friend was in a car accident yesterday, the rest of his family was killed. She is supposed to get him to live with us." Trying to avoid any more questions, I ran out to the car without bothering to eat.

I think I made it to the hospital in record time. rushing up to the 4th floor, I found the Doctor standing by the nurses station. "Hey, Doctor, how is Craig doing this morning?"

"Physically, he's doing great. Emotionally, I think he can handle the news, but I hope you'll be there for him."

"I'm all yours, Doc. Can I see him now?"

"Sure. Lets go, he should be awake by now."

Walking into his room, I saw him lying there. My heart caught in my throat, "Hey, Buddy, how are you?"

"Well, I feel like I've been run over by a truck or something."

I stumbled when I heard that, tears coming to my eyes.

"Hey Jonny, I was only kidding, are you okay?"

About that time the doctor followed me into the room. "Well, Craig, I see that you are awake."

Knowing what was coming, I sat on the edge of the bed as the doctor continued, "Craig, I am sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this, but your mom and sister didn't make it. I would do anything to change that, but there was nothing I could do."

I could feel the bed shaking as Craig's body trembled. All of the sudden he grabbed me around the waist and began sobbing, "It's all my fault." Over and over he kept saying this.

Knowing he couldn't ease the pain, the doctor touched me on the shoulder, "If you need me, I'll be outside."

I just sat there holding Craig and nodded my head. "Craig, it's not your fault, the truck driver ran off his side of the road and hit you head on. How could that be your fault?"

"I was in the back seat because Mom and I were having an argument. She had grounded me for coming home late last night, The last thing I said to her before the accident, was that I hated her." He started crying harder as he said this.

"Oh, baby, I'm sure she knew that you didn't mean that. If there is a heaven, then I know that she and Karen are sitting up there now, just cheering us on. Come on, give me that smile."

Wiping back the tears, he replied, "You really think so?"

"Of course I do. Even my mom told me that she loved me last night. That is something that has never happened." Going on, I explained to him about his coming to live with me after hew got out of the hospital.

"You mean you're mom doesn't mind. You know, about us?"

"Well, she's not thrilled about it, but she supports me and is willing to help make things work out for us. She even told me that she would break it to her husband so that we can try and be a family together."

Those words made him break out in tears again, so I just held him tight as we both cried on each other. I don't know how long we laid there before the doctor came in to check on us. He finally walked in to see us laying side by side, "Well, only one of you is hurt so the other had better get in the chair, now." He said with a smile on his face.

Jumping up, I pushed the chair as close to the bed as I could, sitting down I asked the doctor, "Has my mom made it in yet?"

"Yes. She is waiting out in the hall with a couple of lawyers and a judge, I don't know how she managed to get them here this soon, but they are all waiting to see you, Craig."

Showing them all into the room, my mom looked at me and smiled. Now I knew that everything was going to be fine. One of the men looked over at Craig and said, "I'm Judge Morris. I know that this is a painful time for you, but we have a petition from Mrs. Crosby here, to have her given custody of you. Is this what you want, Craig?"

Looking up from the bed with a look that could bring tears to any face, he replied "More than anything, sir."

"Okay, that's all we need to do here, gentlemen, I'll get the papers signed later today and you can take it from there." Looking at my mom, he said "Cindy, he's all yours now. We'll get the paperwork out to you as soon as it's finished."

"Thanks, Lou. I owe you one." With that, the three men walked out. My mom turned to us, "Craig, I know all about you and Jonny. I hope you will feel as welcome in our house as I hope Jonny feels now." She walked over and gave us both a kiss. "I'll leave you two alone now. Jonny, remember that you will be going to school tomorrow, you can come visit after school each day. I have arranged for a tutor for Craig so that he can graduate on time.

That way you two can stay in the same grade when you return to school in the fall. I know that it will be hard for you, Craig, going to the school where your mom taught, but I think you are strong enough to handle it."

"Thanks, I love you." we both replied at the same time.

Leaning over, I laid my head on his chest, "God, Craig, I am just so glad you are alive. In response, he just held me tight and I knew that things were going to be alright.

So ends this part. It will only go up from here, so if you like really sad stories, keep rereading the first three parts :)

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Next: Chapter 4

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