Jonnys Angel

By Blood Hype

Published on Feb 29, 2000


Jonny's Angel Chapter 4

Those next nine weeks were probably the hardest time I have ever spent. I managed to make it through the school year with above average grades. Craig was able to pass his sophomore year with the help of an in hospital tutor, I know this must have been an expense but whenever I brought it up with my mom, she just shrugged and told me not to worry.

I grew more closer to my mom in this time than I ever thought possible, she and Doug even managed to make it home for supper several times a week and we all sat down together. Now, that is something I have never done before, I always grabbed whatever the cook had made and ate in my room. You know, it was kinda nice, all that was missing was Craig. Although I was by his side after school each day and all weekend long. On school days they usually kicked me out by 6:00 and made me go home, I guess that was only fair, but on Friday and Saturday they got used to me being there all of the time. The only time I left was to go out and get some `real' food, what is it about hospital food?

We spent most of my time there just holding hands and talking, we learned just about all we could about each other, me growing up in California with money and no family, and him growing up here in Louisiana with a loving family and , not poor, just not really loaded.

After talking with my mom, I convinced her to have the funeral for Craig's mom and sister while he was still in the hospital, I knew that actually seeing the funeral would not be good for him. I would take him to the cemetery after his pain had subsided somewhat and we could have a private service together. He was doing better but I still couldn't remove all of the guilt over the accident, that would take time.

FINALLY the casts are coming off, I can't wait for Monday. We spent all day Saturday and Sunday making plans for his first free day in over 2 months. As we were talking, the Doctor walked in, "Well boys, I see you two can't wait for Monday."

"No sir," we both said at the same time, laughing.

"Well, don't get your hopes up too high yet, you're still going to need most of the summer to build those legs up to strength, it will take several weeks of physical therapy before you can even stand on your own again. But, you can still go home on Monday. Jonny, your mom has arranged for a nurse to stay at the house until Craig is able to walk better. However, you will be in a wheelchair for the first few days, after that, I'm sure Jonny will be glad to help you out." He said with a grin on his face as he left the room.

I just looked at Craig as I said, "I can't wait to get you home, baby."

"Me, either." he replied, softly. "I know that they already had the funeral, but I really want to go see them."

"Shit, you weren't supposed to know about that, we didn't want to upset you after all you had been through."

"ALL I'VE BEEN THROUGH, YOU ASSHOLE," he screamed at me, knocking me back against the chair, "what would you know about losing your whole family in just six months?" sobbing into his arm. "You only want me to get better so you can have a whole boyfriend again, you don't care what has happened to me. Get out of here."

Stunned by his outburst, I just headed to the door, looking back at him I paused and told him, "I really do love you Craig, I hope you can believe that." In tears I just pushed the nurse out of the way as I fled the hospital. How could he say that to me I cried to myself, as I walked away from the hospital grounds. Not even going to my car, I started walking down the road, my mind was full of Craig's voice yelling at me. I just walked without paying any attention to where I was going, I wandered around for an hour or so, I finally ended up back in the park outside of the hospital. Sitting down against a tree, I just put my head in my arms and started crying.

"Hey champ, how is it going?"

Looking up, I saw my mom standing in front of me. "What are you doing here?" I said.

"Well, after your rather dramatic exit from the hospital, the doctor went into Craig's room to see what was wrong. He was practically hysterical about what he said to you, he was trying to get his casts off so he could go look for you. After giving him a sedative to calm him down, the doctor naturally called me, after all, I am his legal guardian. All that he would say was that he had said something really stupid to you and would give anything to take it back. After seeing the two of you together the last couple of months, I gather it must have been something rather intense to cause you to leave like that. All I had to do was watch you walking around, you have been going around the hospital grounds in a circle for the last hour."

"Well, it had to do with losing his family. It just caught me by surprise, that's all. He apparently found out about the funeral, and I didn't get a chance to tell him about the memorial service that I had planned for them after he got out of there."

"Yes, well I think you had better get back there before he goes completely nuts."

Walking back into the hospital, I kept looking at my mom, I couldn't believe all that she was doing for us. "Thanks, Mom. I really love you, you know that?"

"Yes, I do Jonny. And I know that you love Craig as well. Just remember that what someone says in a moment of anger has nothing to do with what he really means."

Walking through the parking lot, I stopped by my car to get my backpack, I wasn't going to give him these thing yet, but with all that had happened I figured now was as good a time as any. Walking into his room slowly, I could see him laying there with tears running down his cheeks. "Hey buddy, are you okay now?"

Seeing me standing there made him burst into tears all over again, "God Jonny, I am so sorry about what I said, you know how much I love you. I just miss my mom and sister so much."

Hugging him close, I replied, "I know baby. I have something for you, though. I meant this for after you got out of here, but I think you need it more now."

I pulled the portable CD player out of my bag and set it on the bed.

"What is this...."

"SHHH, just listen." I whispered

As I pushed Play on the CD player, my voice started speaking;

In loving memory of Constance Marie Smith and Karen Michelle Smith, May their souls rest in peace.

As that concluded, the song "Stairway To Heaven" started to play in the background. Then friends and co-workers of Connie and Karen were heard giving a brief tribute to the life of Craig's mom and sister.

I could see tears forming in Craig's eyes as each person told how loved his family was, but I waited until it was over to speak. "I'm so sorry if I hurt you. I wanted to wait until you were out of here to play this, but I didn't want you to think I didn't care about you."

Wiping his eyes, he smiled, "And I'm sorry if I hurt you. I know you would never do anything to hurt me. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course I will, baby." Reaching into my backpack again, I brought out the envelope my mom had given me earlier and the present I had bought for Craig. Handing him the envelope, I said "Craig, my mom wanted me to give this to you to read."

Opening the envelope he started reading. The more he read, the bigger his eyes got. "Wow." was all he could say as he handed me the letter.

"Dear Craig,

I know that you have a lot on your mind right now.

However, I thought this would be better for you to

read before Jonny does what he has in mind for you.

I know one of you main worries will be about money.

You can put your mind at ease in that matter.

Before you're dad died, he had an insurance policy

taken out on your mom, so that if anything happened

to her, his children would be taken care of.

You are by no means rich, but you will be able to

provide for yourself. However, I do hope that you

will desire to make a home with us.


Looking over at Craig, I just smiled, "Now I know why she wanted me to give you this first." as I handed him the box I had taken out of the backpack. As he opened it, I looked at him for a reaction. He pulled out the gold bracelet I had bought for him and stared at it.

"Go on. Read the inscription," I teased. Looking on the inside, he read, "To Craig, Now And Forever, May 27, 1999 Love Jonny"

I could see the tears in his eyes as he read this. Reaching over I took the bracelet and placed it around his wrist. As I kissed his hand, I looked up at him, "Well, this makes it official, you're now my boyfriend."

"You know that I love you, but I have nothing to give you now." he responded, looking devastated.

"Don't count on that, baby," I said as I reached my hand down inside his hospital gown. "The best gift you can give me is waiting right here." I slowly started rubbing my hand over his dick. It didn't take long before it was straining against his briefs. "Don't worry, after my last exit, nobody is gonna come in here unless blood starts flying." I slowly made my way down his body until I reached his manhood. God, it had been over two months.

I slowly slipped my mouth over the head of his dick. I could hear him as he sucked in his breath. At least I had the release of my hand. It was probably impossible to beat off in a hospital without a dozen nurses running in to see what was wrong. With increasing speed, I sucked his dick like there was no tomorrow, it didn't take long before he was pumping his sweet load into my mouth. Swallowing every drop, I made my way up on the bed to lie beside him. "You know, the best part of your rehab is going to be having to bathe you, you know." I said with a wicked smile.

Grinning, he replied, "No, the best part is going to be able to sleep in the same bed as you, without a nurse waking me up at 3:00 AM to see if I need a sleeping pill."

"Either way, we are going to get you home where you belong. I have big plans for us this summer."

"What do you have in mind, lover?"

"Well, baby you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?"

Well that's it for now. It may take few weeks to get out chapter 5. I am working on building a website for my stories, along with other things.

Have no fear though, the story will go on, I have several chapters outlined. I just have to find time to do everything I want to accomplish. I also have to work for a living, (Don't that really suck)

As always, comments and suggestions can be sent to me at

Thanks for reading

Magic Kid

Hey, at least I didn't leave you hanging. ;) MK

Next: Chapter 5

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