Jonnys Angel

By Blood Hype

Published on Mar 7, 2000


Legal Stuff: This story contains scenes of two underage boys having sex and falling in love. If you are under the legal age in you're State/Country then don't get caught. If such ideas are not your thing then why are you here? That said, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Jonny's Angel Chapter 5

At last! Monday morning I woke up early and went straight to the hospital.

Today was the day I finally get Craig home for good. I walked up to his room and walked in. "Hey buddy, are you ready for the big event?"

"You had better believe it, it will feel so good to scratch again." he replied with a smile.

Just then, the doctor walked in with a couple of nurses and several carts of equipment and saws. "Well Craig, are you ready for us to get started?"

"You bet, Doctor. I can't wait to stand up again."

"Well, that might take a few days, but you should be up and about in a week or so." Turning to me, he said, "Jonny, you might as well go find something to do for the next few hours. After we get the casts off Craig is going to need a couple of hours of initial physical therapy before we let him go home today. Normally he would stay here for a few days, but I know he is getting tired of these four walls."

Nothing I said would get them to change their minds, so after losing my last argument, I headed out to the pickup I had borrowed from Doug to get Craig and his wheelchair home. I'm not sure what I did, I just drove around for about three hours before ending back at the hospital. Going back up, I found Craig sitting in a wheelchair beside the nurses station. God it was good to see him almost back to normal. Seeing me walking over, he wiggled his feet and said, "Look Jonny, they still work."

"Great, when are they going to let you escape from here?"

"Whenever you push me out the front door." He replied with a wink.

"Say no more, we're history" I said. Telling the nurses goodbye I pushed him over to the elevator and headed down to the lobby. Going over to the pickup I opened the door and started to pick him up.

Waving me off he said, "The doctor told me to move around as much as I could without over exerting my legs." With that he grabbed the door and pulled himself to his feet. Looking at me kind of funny, he cried out softly, "Help, I don't think I can make it any further."

Grabbing him around the waste, I helped him into the pickup. "You had better take it easy on those legs or you're going to end up back in the hospital."

Folding up the wheelchair, I put it in the back of the truck and climbed behind the wheel. The drive home was quiet, the only sound was from the CD player as it played Hanson's new CD. Craig just spent the drive looking at all of the things he hadn't seen for the last two months. He sat there with a really silly grin on his face.

Turning into my drive I asked him, "So, buddy. What would you like to do first?"

Looking kind of sheepish he replied, "Well, to be perfectly honest, I want to take a real bath. I've had nothing but sponge baths for the last two months and I want to feel real water again."

Laughing, I told him, "Well, don't worry. Our room has a whirlpool tub that's big enough for two, as long as their friendly, and a walk in shower, complete with a bench to sit on and a sauna attachment. I think we can take care of anything that should come up."

Grinning up at me he replied, "I sure hope so, I have a feeling that something is sure to come up."

Pulling up to the house, I parked and got out to get the wheelchair. Helping Craig out of the truck, I pushed him into the house. Mom and Doug had left earlier, giving us time to ourselves. The Housekeeper had been given the day off and the nurse wasn't scheduled to visit until later this evening so we had the house to ourselves for at least four hours, I was sure we could find something to keep us occupied until then.

Wheeling him into our bedroom I helped him onto the bed. Sitting down next to him, I gave him a kiss and said, "Wait right here. I'll go start the tub and come back in to help you undress."

Protesting, he said, "You don't need to do that, I can do it myself."

Grinning, I responded, "Yeah, I know you don't, but I really want to. Besides you're not bathing alone."

Heading into the adjoining bath, I started filling the tub with water. Deciding to take a shower first to get clean, I started that also. That would leave the whirlpool for some fun.

Going back into the bedroom, I saw that Craig had taken off his shoes and was lying back on the bed. Crawling over to him, I started unbuttoning his shirt as I kissed his neck. Being careful not to put to much strain on his legs, I got his pants and shirt off. Judging by the growing bulge in his briefs, I could tell that he was enjoying this as much as I was. Slipping off his underwear, I leaned over and gave his cock a brief kiss as it sprang to full attention. Throwing off my clothes, I helped him into the shower and sat him on the bench. Wetting us down I started washing our bodies, paying special attention to his now throbbing cock. Sitting down next to him I started working on it like I never had before. As I reached the top of each stroke I would rub my palm over his head, making him groan in pleasure. He started working on mine after I sat down and it wasn't long before we were both shooting our load all over the shower. After we were juiced out, I rinsed us off and shut off the water. Just standing there looking at him made me love him even more.

Helping him into the tub, I climbed in beside him and turned the jets on. Now let me tell you, nothing feels better than having you're boyfriend sitting beside you in a relaxing whirlpool. (Okay, maybe not nothing, but it was still fun). We just sat there letting the water relax us as we held each other and kissed. I couldn't get enough of his mouth, I loved the taste of it. We might have broken the record for longest kiss, but we weren't timing it. It wasn't long before both of our cocks were ready for more action. I drained the tub as I dried us off. Helping him back to the bed, I started kissing his whole body, starting at his feet and working my way up to his mouth, pausing just long enough on his cock to make him moan.

Reaching in the nightstand, I brought out the tube of K-Y Jelly I had put in there when I set his room up. Seeing this his eyes got big as I told him, "I've been waiting for this since I first met you at the mall."

Rubbing a generous amount over the head of his cock, I used some to lubricate my aching hole. I wanted this so bad, it was my first time and I was pretty sure it was Craig's as well. I lowered myself onto him slowly. When he first entered me there was a brief stab of pain, but that soon gave way to unbelievable pleasure. As his cock hit my prostate I received such a jolt of pleasure I had to moan. Finally, I was down as far as I could get. I sat there for a minute to get used to it then slowly started moving up and down. I could tell by the look on his face that he was enjoying this as much as I was. As I started moving faster, he grabbed my cock and started jerking me off. I could feel Craig's body tense up as I neared my own climax, he started to shake as I felt his cock shooting his load in my now, no longer virgin ass. Feeling him cum brought me to the edge and I shot my load all over him. Reaching over with his other hand he scooped up some of my cum and brought it to him mouth, "MMM, dessert," he said with a grin.

As I leaned over to help clean him up, I could feel his softening cock slide out of my ass. In no time at all we had him clean as a whistle. Afterwards, we laid back in each others arms and snuggled. I knew we had some tough times ahead of us but together, I knew we could handle anything that came our way.

Well, that's it for now, I hope you enjoyed it. Comments and any other correspondence can be sent to

*** Author's note: This is a work of fiction, therefore the people in the story cannot catch anything unless I wish them to. However, real life is different so please, always practice safe sex. It could save you're life. ***

Next: Chapter 6

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