Jonnys Angel

By Blood Hype

Published on Mar 27, 2000


This is a work of fiction, all events are made up by me. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story, then don't get caught. Otherwise enjoy it.

Jonny's Angel Chapter 6

We laid together in bed for a short time, cuddling each other and enjoying each others companionship. Looking into Craig's eyes I said, "You are the most wonderful person to have around. I want to stay with you forever, just like we are now." Before he could reply, I heard Doug's pickup pulling into the driveway. "Shit." I muttered under my breath, I was just getting in the mood for more fun. Slowly getting up, I pulled the sheet over him and said, "I'll go out and see them. I should be back in a couple of minutes to continue." He just smiled up at me as I pulled on a pair of soccer shorts.

I walked out into the family room as Mom and Doug walked in the garage door. Reaching out to give me a hug she looked down at my clothing and remarked, "I'm very happy that you and Craig can be together. However, the two of you need to be careful how you act in public. Not everyone will be as accepting of your relationship as we are."

As I returned her hug, we could hear Craig calling from the bedroom, "Jonny, where are you?" Smiling at me she said, "Don't worry, I'll go help him, I want to have a few words with him, and you and Doug need a few minutes to yourselves."

I started to protest but one look from her and I just closed my mouth. Doug turned to me looking as if he were a little kid who had been caught doing something wrong. "Jonny, I know that I haven't been very involved with you since you came to live here. Seeing what you and Craig have meant to each other in the last couple of months have taught your mom an I an important lesson, as well. Although I love your mom very much, for the last ten years we have been more like business partners than husband and wife. Since the accident, I have come to realize that there is more to living than bringing home a paycheck. Your mom feels the same way and we both want you and Craig to join us in being a family."

As he was telling me this, I could see tears forming in his eyes. Walking over and giving him the hug that I could never have given to my `real' father, I responded, "Thanks, Doug. I really want the four of us to become a real family together." As we released each other, Mom came out of the bedroom pushing Craig in his wheelchair. Judging from the fact that both of them were as teary eyed as we were, I knew they must have had a similar conversation.

Rushing over to him, I hugged him tight, "I love you so much. I hope that we can try to become a family together, I know no one can replace you own family, but I hope that this will become a good substitute." As we were hugging, Mom and Doug came up beside us and put their arms around the two of us.

As everyone let go, I looked up, "Boy am I hungry, who gets to make supper?" Mom and Doug kind of looked at each other like they had no clue what to say, I realized that neither one of them could cook. Boy, that was sad, Doug I could understand, but my mom, I mean come on. The only thing I could offer was grilled cheese, I was never allowed to cook at my dad's house, and here the cook made all of the meals. As we stood there looking stupid, Craig spoke up, "Well, if someone would help me into the kitchen, I can manage to cook something." As he said that he was staring right at me, OK I can take a hint. Everyone broke out laughing as he said that and I could hear my mom saying to Doug as I pushed Craig into the kitchen, "Well, I guess if we're going to become a family, I'm going to have to learn to cook.

"So, Jonny, where is everything?"

Well, I may not be able to cook, but I did know where stuff was. As I showed him things he had me take stuff out and put on the counter for him, in no time at all he had a pot of chicken and dumpling simmering on the stove. I set out the plates and stuff on the kitchen table while he finished the food.

Going over to the kitchen door, I yelled, "Come and get it." Mom and Doug walked in and sat at the table. Helping Craig get in his chair I started passing the food around. As everyone dug in, my mom said, "Craig, this is wonderful, where did you learn to cook like this?"

"Well, with my mom working and Karen and me in school, we all just took turns making supper." As he said this I could see his face start to cloud up as he remembered his family.

Changing the subject quickly, I asked, "Mom, when is the nurse supposed to get here?"

Catching on, she replied, "She should be here around 6:00, she only has to make sure that Craig isn't in any pain and that his is getting along alright. The physical therapist will be the one helping him get his strength back. He has to go in for that once a day for the first week, then twice a week after that until he's back to normal."

After I cleared off the table, Craig and I went into the family room to watch TV until the nurse showed up. I started flipping through the channels trying to find something good on, when Craig leaned over and started stroking my hair, "I cant wait until the nurse gets done, I'm just dying to get back in the bedroom and finish what we started earlier." I leaned over and our lips met. We started slowly but before long I had my tongue pushed into his mouth as his hands roamed over my body. I was ready to take his clothes of right on the sofa when I heard Doug clear his throat in the doorway.

"If the two of you can tear yourselves apart for a little while, the nurse is pulling up in the drive." Pulling apart, I could see Craig adjusting his clothes. I knew he had to have as big a hard on as I did.

Showing the nurse into the room, my mom said to me, "Jonny, why don't you wait in the den while Nurse Jones looks at Craig." I really didn't want to leave, but I didn't have a good enough excuse to stay without giving anything away to the nurse.

I waited for what seemed like hours before the nurse finally came out of the room, "Well, Cindy. His legs seem to be just fine, still weak of course, but I think after the first say or two of therapy he should be able to get rid of the wheelchair. I'll come back tomorrow after I get off my shift. If you have any problems, you have my pager number. Otherwise, I'll see you guys tomorrow." as she said that she looked at me and gave me a quick wink. Now what did that mean, I wondered?

After she left, I went back into the family room to get Craig. Pushing him out, I said to Mom and Doug, "Well, I think Craig and I are going to turn in early, he's still feeling kind of weak and I'm still worn out myself." They just sort of smiled at us with a look in their eyes that said, who are you trying to kid, as they said goodnight.

As we headed off to our room, I asked Craig if he wanted the first shot at the bathroom, "No," he replied, "You go ahead, I'll be in in a sec." I went on in and did all the usual things, you know, brush teeth, wash face, shit like that. As I was brushing out my hair, Craig came in and did his stuff. We headed out into the bedroom and as I helped him into the bed, he reached over and turned on the radio.

"How about a little music?"

"Sounds good to me." I replied.

As I climbed into bed, I could here the radio as the new Hanson single `This Time Around' finished up. The DJ came on after that and did his usual rambling about nothing in particular. After that he said, "Well, people, we have a special dedication request for one of our listeners, So, Jonny, If you're out there listening, this song is dedicated to you from your angel, because god definitely spent a little more time on you."

As he finished talking, I could hear the beginning of "NSync's song 'God Must Have Spent, A Little More Time On You' beginning.

Craig rolled over and put his arms around me, saying, "I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and what you mean to me." He started kissing my face. Slowly making his way down to my neck. I was rubbing his back and sides as I buried my face in his hair. God, how I loved the smell of him. I moved over and locked lips with him and as our tongues met, he let out a soft moan. I started working my way down his body, making sure to kiss every spot I could find. He loved to have his nipples sucked, as I nibbled them he would squirm with pleasure. I moved down to his navel and made sure that he enjoyed that as well. Moving down to his throbbing hard on, I massage and licked his nutsack before slipping them in my mouth. I could tell by his breathing that I was getting to him. Placing a pillow under his back so I wouldn't put too much strain on his legs, I started working my way down to his beautiful ass. Slowly working my tongue around, I mage my way down to his lovely hole. I worked on it like it was candy before slipping my tongue inside of him. I wasn't long before I could feel Craig trembling as he whispered.

"Oh Jonny, please take me now, I want it so bad."

Grabbing the K-Y, I squeezed some onto my fingers and rubbed it in his ass.

First I inserted one finger to loosen him up, I could here him gasp as I reached his prostate. I slowly worked in a second and then a third finger before I pulled them out. Rubbing some of the K-Y onto my throbbing dick, I shifted his legs over my shoulders. I slowly pushed into him and he gave a small grunt as I entered him. I slowly inserted my dick into his ass until I was all of the way in. I gave him a moment to get used to it before I slowly started pumping in and out. He had this dreamy look on his face as he started pushing up as I was going in and out. I started going faster, I knew that it wouldn't be long before I shot my load into his loving ass. As I started cumming, I could see Craig shooting his load, he hadn't even touched his dick, soon he had a sizeable load spread over his face and chest. Pulling out of him, I made my way along his body, cleaning all of that wonderful cum as I went. As I reached his face he gave me a big kiss savoring the taste of his own cum.

"God Jonny, I never knew I could experience so much pleasure. It was wonderful."

"I know what you felt, I felt the same way. I'm so glad we could share the experience together. The first time is supposed to be special, I'm glad it was with you."

We started kissing again after that and it wasn't much longer before our ever horny dicks were ready for action again. This time we settled for slowly jerking each other until we managed to make another mess of each other. This time I just grabbed my t-shirt off the floor and wiped us off. Setting the alarm clock for 8:00 in the morning, I settled down next to Craig. Snuggling against his back, we drifted off to sleep.

Hope that you enjoyed this installment as always, comments and questions can be sent to

Be sure and check out my website at You will find this series there as well as a couple of others not posted anywhere else. Thanks for reading

Next: Chapter 7

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