Jonnys Angel

By Blood Hype

Published on Apr 6, 2000


Jonny's Angel Chapter 7

This story may contain acts of sex between two or more consenting underage boys, If the laws in your state/country forbid you to read this, then don't get caught. :)

This chapter is dedicated to Thadboy, a friend who is always there when I need him, no matter what I might say to piss him off. Thanks for caring.

Now on with the story.

Beep beep beep beep.

I reached over and hit the alarm button to shut off that annoying sound. As I slowly woke up, I remembered where I was and most importantly, WHO I was with. Looking down, I could see Craig curled up against my side. I reached down and brushed the hair out of his face before I started slowly stroked his beautiful face. I could tell by the way his eyes were moving that he was in the middle of a dream. (I had always wondered why they called it REM sleep, now I know.) All of the sudden, his eyes popped open and he awoke with a start. I could see his heart pounding in his chest and he was shaking like a leaf. He looked up and as soon as he saw me he through his arms around my neck.

"Oh, Jonny, It was horrible. I was back in the minivan, only this time it was you in the front seat. Just as the truck hit I woke up."

I reached over and rubbed his neck and back as he calmed down. I mean, what could I say to that? After a few minutes I managed to get him calmed down and helped him gut out of bed and dressed. I was in the mood for some quick fun, but I could see he wasn't, so I didn't try.

We headed out to the kitchen for breakfast, and as I got to the refrigerator for the cheese (grilled cheese and french fries, what else?) I found a note on the door from Mom:

Dear Jonny and Craig,

Doug and I had to leave early this morning.

We hope to be back by 6:00 for supper.

Don't forget that Craig has to be at the physical

therapist by 10:00.

We'll see you guys tonight.

Love, Mom

I handed the note to Craig to read as I got the stuff out for our sandwiches. Craig seemed rather subdued as we ate, I just assumed it was because of the dream. Until he spoke up that is.

"Jonny, you wouldn't mind if I asked you not to come into physical therapy with me, would you?"

Surprised, I answered slowly, "Well, I guess not. Is there a reason why, though?"

"Well, when they work on my legs it really hurts, I just don't want you to see me go through that. I thought it might upset you, that's all."

I was very touched by his concern for me, he was the one going through the pain, and he didn't want to upset me.

"Sure, Craig, I can go hang out at the mall or something for a couple of hours, it's not a big deal."

We finished up breakfast and by then it was after 9:00, so we headed out to my car. I stuck the wheelchair into the garage, it wouldn't fit into my car and we could always get one from the hospital. We didn't talk much on the way over, we always seemed to be able to just be together without any words being necessary.

I pulled up to the main door and went in to get a wheelchair. As I pushed it out to the car I could see Craig standing up holding on to the door. I pushed it over and helped him get in. Going in he directed me to the physical therapy room, as the therapist saw him she gave him a big smile.

"Well, Craig, let's get started, shall we? Hopefully we can have you out of that wheelchair in no time at all."

"That would be great, I'd love to walk around again by myself." Turning to me he added, "You'll be back for me around noon, then?"

"Sure, I'll go find something to do at the mall. I'll be back for you then."

"Thanks, Jonny, I really appreciate this."

"No prob, man. See ya then."

I headed out to the mall and wandered around for a while. It wasn't the same now, sure all of the cute guys were still here, only now I had Craig. I decided to head out to the food court and grab a Dr. Pepper. As I was waiting at the counter, I heard a voice yell.

"Hey, Jonny."

Looking around, I spotted a friend I had met at school. Andrew Black was a couple of years older than me, 17. And he was a senior, we hadn't hung around much since I was only 15, but god, did I ever have a crush on him when we first met. He was 6'2", about 165 pounds, he had brown hair with golden highlights and the most adorable hazel eyes I had ever seen. He was captain of the varsity soccer team and had the body to prove it. The first time I saw him was in gym class. He walked in from the soccer field wearing only his nylon shorts. He had a golden tan over the part of his body I could see. One look at him and I had to run to the locker room and jerk off. That had never happened to me before, but was he ever hot. I used to dream of him while I jerked of for months after that.

"Hey, Andrew. What's up?"

"Oh, not a whole lot, just wandering around, killing time. You know how it is. Hey, didn't see you much around school the last few weeks. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, a friend of mine was hurt in a car accident, I spent a lot of time over at the hospital."

"Oh, was that Mrs. Smith's son? It was too bad about her. She was one of the best teachers we had. I didn't know she had a son though. How is he doing, anyway?"

"He's doing alright, he got out of the hospital yesterday, he's in therapy right now. My mom arranged to get custody of him so he could stay with us. That way he won't have to go into foster care."

"Hey, that's cool. Let's grab a table and sit down, I haven't had a chance to talk with you in a while."

As we sat down he asked me, "So, how long have you and Craig been boyfriends?"

My heart started pounding and I almost couldn't speak, "What do you mean, boyfriends? We're just friends, that's all."

"Come on, I can see the look in your eyes whenever we talk about him, if that's not love, then nothing is."

"What look?"

"Don't worry," he said as he blushed, "it's the same look I used to get whenever I thought of you."

"You mean...."

"Yeah, I'm gay also. The first time I saw you in the gym, I almost fell down, I mean you looked so hot standing there. I just never imagined you being gay, so I never said anything. Luck for me I found Kevin."

"Kevin Jamison? Wow, I never would have thought that he was gay."

"Yeah, he was the one who found me out, we had been friends for years, and he's the one who told me about `the look' whenever I mentioned you. Turns out he had a crush on me, so things worked out for the better. You just have to learn to control your expressions. I'll never forget that first night after I saw you, though. I almost wore my right hand out after I go home."

Laughing I said, "Well at least you made it home, I had to go into the locker room for some relief."

Andrew laughed, "So that's where you ran off to, I tried to get another look but you disappeared to fast."

"Yeah, well I hate to cut the conversation short, but I need to pick Craig up at 12:00. Give me a call soon and the four of us can get together, okay?"

"Sure thing, we can give you the scoop on who's gay and who isn't," he replied with a grin. "Later, Dude."

"Okay, Andrew. I'll see you around."

I left the mall and decided to head on back to the hospital. I was still a little early so I decided to stop at the gift shop and see if I could find something to cheer Craig up. I was sure he would be feeling bad after his painful therapy session. I pulled into the parking lot and found a spot close to the entrance. Going in, I headed for the gift shop. Inside I walked around for a while, not knowing what to get him. Finally, I spotted a small brown Teddy Bear with a red heart on its chest that read, "Forever Yours". I knew that it was the perfect gift for Craig. I paid for it and had them put it in a gift bag so I could surprise him with it. As I headed for the elevator, I glanced into the cafeteria. I stopped, my heart pounding in my throat, sitting at a table, looking so happy, sat MY Craig, hugging this gorgeous blonde guy. I stood there for a minute, my mind screaming "NOOOOO" Before the tears started. I dropped the bag with the bear in it as I ran for the doors. Craig must have seen me because I heard his voice yell out, "Jonny, wait, I can explain."

Nothing would have stopped my blind rush to get out of there, I had seen it for myself, MY Craig holding and hugging another guy. I ran out to the car and jumped behind the wheel. Barely able to see through the tears I tore out of the parking lot. I could here horns honking as I dodged through the lot, but I didn't care. "How could he do this to me?" I thought to myself as I headed for the highway. "After all the times I told him that I loved him."

I didn't even know where I was going, I just knew I had to get away from the sight of my boyfriend hugging someone else. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a horn blowing. Looking up through my tears I realized I was on the wrong side of the road. I pulled the wheel to the right, just in time to miss the oncoming cars, but as the front wheels hit the gravel on the shoulder of the road, I could feel the car starting to skid. I tried to turn the wheels the other way to straighten out, but it was too late. The last thing I remember before I blacked out were the bushed on the side of the highway as I plowed into them.

Well, that's it for Chapter 7, I don't know if there will be any more to this story. The response from chapters 5 and 6 have been pitiful, My thanks to: Eric, Andrew, Jim, Joey, Chris K. and Trey. You are the only ones who have stuck with me and my story from the start. For you I write this chapter. Any comments and suggestions are welcome at and as always, feel free to check out my website at

Perhaps there will be a chapter 8, If I get any positive response I will post it at nifty. But for all of you who have read this and don't choose to write. Remember, without feedback, most authors stop writing.

Next: Chapter 8

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