Jonnys Angel

By Blood Hype

Published on Apr 30, 2000


As always, if you are to young, to old or to straight to be reading this then go somewhere else. Otherwise sit back and enjoy the story. My thanks to all of you who wrote me about chapter 7, it is nice to know that someone is reading this even if you don't always have time to send an email to me, Thanks a bunch.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonny's Angel Chapter 8

I slowly woke up, not sure where I was. My head felt like someone was playing the bongos inside of it. Carefully, I opened my eyes and looked around, as I looked around and saw the hospital room, all of my memories of the accident came rushing back to me. How could I have been so dumb as to not trust Craig, I know that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, and above all I knew deep inside of my self that he would never cheat on me, if only I could go back and change what I had done. I suddenly realized someone else was in the room, I could hear the soft sounds of someone breathing. Looking over towards the window I could see the sleeping body of Craig, in his arms was the teddy bear I had bought for him. He must have sensed that I was awake because he stirred and opened his eyes.

Looking over at me, he got a real serious look on his face and said, "Jonny West, don't you ever pull a stupid stunt like that again, you could have killed yourself." With that he broke out into a huge smile and limped over to my bed. Once there, he grabbed me in his arms and gave me the best kiss I have ever had from him.

Tearing up I whispered, "I am so sorry for not trusting you, I am so afraid of losing you to somebody else that I don't always think clearly around you."

He squeezed my hand as he answered, "Not a chance, lover. You're stuck with me `Now and Forever', remember?"

I smiled up at him, then remembering my car, I asked him, "How bad did I damage the car?" not really wanting to know.

"Well, let's put it this way, you don't have to worry about washing and waxing it any more. The police said it was totaled. It was a good thing you had your seatbelt on, all you got out of it was a couple of scratches and a face full of airbag powder."

"I guess Mom and Doug are pretty pissed of at me right now?"

"Not to bad, they came in when the ambulance brought you in. I asked them to go back to work so I could be here when you woke up, the doctor had said you would be fine, so they agreed to let me stay here with you. But, I wouldn't count on getting a new car real soon," he added with a smile.

Trying to change the subject, I said, "I'm glad you picked up the bear when I left, BUT who was that guy I saw you hugging, I mean it really looked like more than a friendly hug from where I was?"

"Well, that was Joey, he is an friend of mine from my old school. He is the only other person that I told about me being gay. I didn't matter to him, we have been good friends to long for it to bother him, plus he is straight and knows I don't like him that way." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box, "I had him pick these up for me, I was hugging him to say `thanks'." He handed me the box so I opened it and looked inside. Resting in the black velvet case were two gold rings, "go ahead, read the inscriptions in them," he added.

I took them out and read the first one, "Jonny and Craig, Now and Forever". "That one is for you," he said with a smile. "The other one reads, Craig and Jonny, Together Till The End'," with that he took the ring and grabbed my hand. "I, Craig. Take you, Jonny. Now and Forever."

I had tears in my eyes as I took the other ring and placed it on his finger, "I, Jonny. Take you, Craig. Now and Forever." I reached over and held him tight as our lips met. I whispered as we were kissing, "I'll always be here for you, just don't let me do anything so stupid again. I don't want to live without you."

He kissed me harder as he replied, "I'll try, but you are so damned hard headed."

We both broke out laughing after he said that, but I knew that it was true.

I have a stubborn streak in me a mile wide.

There was a knock on the door as the doctor walked in, "Okay boys, get your clothes back on." he said jokingly. It was Craig's doctor so he knew all about us. "you can check out anytime you want to, Jonny. Just remember, stay on the road, not the bushes." With a wave of his hand, he disappeared out the door.

As soon as he said that, I made my way out of my bed and started looking for my clothes. Craig pulled some clean ones out of the closet and I started getting dressed. I was ready to get Craig home to make a proper apology, the kind that required a bed and a locked door, hehe. With a start, I looked up at him as I realized that he was walking around in the room, "why aren't you in a wheelchair still? I haven't been here that long, have I?"

Laughing he replied, "No, the therapist took it away. She wants me to walk so I can get my strength back before school starts. It still hurts somewhat but I would rather not be in that wheelchair anyway." He looked at me with a sexy grin, "besides, she showed me how to get someone to help massage my legs if they get to sore. Any volunteers?"

"Well, I'm sure my mom would be more than happy to do it for you." I had to duck as he sailed a pillow from the bed at me. "But I'm sure you had someone else in mind."

He just smiled as I finished getting dressed. I held his hand as we headed out the door. "By the way, how are we getting home? No car anymore, remember."

"Well I guess you'll have to learn about public transportation, won't you?" he laughed as he said this. "Only kidding. Doug left his truck for you with the following message, and I quote, `You get one scratch on my truck and you won't have to worry about driving for a long, long time. I will personally cut both of your feet off.' end quote. I guess he trusts you enough that you won't do anything else stupid today."

I blushed as he said that, I realized I had been pretty stupid, I mean Craig wouldn't cheat on me any more than I would cheat on him. I just pulled him in the direction of the exit, not bothering to answer his question. We found Doug's truck in the parking lot and Craig handed me the keys. I helped him up into the cab, since it was a lot higher than my car. I didn't want him hurting himself before we go home, I had some rather interesting ideas about how to make my apology to him. I climbed behind the wheel and we headed off for our house.

Well that's it for this chapter, as always comments and questions can be sent to me at

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