Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 21, 2017


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Chapter 8 - To The Hospital

When I woke up I had been returned to the master bedroom. I do not understand how this man can be so sneaky. I was surprised to see him walking into the bathroom. Clearly Tam wanted me to sleep in, and enjoy the morning off. I just enjoyed watching him walk away.

Sleeping in was not in the cards, the phone rang. Tamam turned and saw that I was awake and reaching for the phone. I looked at him and smiled. I picked up the bedside extension the alarm clock said 05:06. I gave a friendly good morning.

It was Dr. Connor, "Jono, glad I got you. I put the request in on you for the vascular study last night before turning in. Damn boy, your name opens doors. Have you had anything to eat or drink since we last saw each other?" I told him no "Good, you have a 0900 appointment at King Faisal Specialist Hospital. I can pick you up if you need me to."

"That would probably not be possible sir. There are security concerns. I'll start working it on this end. I know the drill nothing to eat or drink from this point on. Will you be there or will I be dealing with the Saudi doctors."

"No Jono, you are my patient and I will be there with you throughout. I will meet you at the front desk. Remember Jono, this is precautionary only nothing to worry about. Oh, wear loose clothing, and no jewelry."

After thanking the doctor I hung up and called Agent Ramirez and went secure. I asked if he or the Saudis arrange my transportation. "Jono, transportation and security for you is all on the host nation. I just got briefed that you're going to the hospital this morning. I hope it's nothing serious."

"I have been told it's just precautionary. For a few minutes I lost the use of my legs. It was probably related to a fall I had earlier this weekend. The doctor just wants to be thorough."

"You have had a truly crappy week."

"It's not all that bad. In my life the good often comes with a little bad. Sorry you got surprised, I just found out about the appointment four minutes ago. I am trying to keep you guys informed. I don't suppose you have a person on your team who has a TS-SCI clearance with access to NATO Cosmic data?"

"Surprise is part of the gig. Captain Nelson and I both have that clearance and access. I take it you're going to need a chaperone."

"I prefer the term escort. But security regulations do require an observer while I am under general anesthesia for the procedure. With the Captain Nelson taking care of the General's visit I guess that leaves you. Once I confirm your clearance with the Captain of course."

"See you in about an hour Jono." The phone gave an electronic chirp to let me know that it was out of secure mode and I hung up. I wandered into the bathroom and brought Tam up to speed. Then I waddled down the hallway to the Captain's room to do the same.

When the door opened I saw Reza face down with a limb tethered to each post of the bed with a pillow propping his cum dripping ass in the air. I looked at the Captain and thought to myself, 'bondage, nope, never, it won't happen.' I quickly briefed him on what was going on.

He ran his fingers through my hair, "You'll be okay buddy. Ramirez does have the required clearance; just don't trust him with private stuff. OSI is on a witch hunt for people like us." The STU rang again. The line secured immediately when Ben picked up the extension. He barked out one word "Nelson." He said yes sir a lot and then hung up. "Well shit! That was base operations informing me that the General was on his way to the hotel. He arrived early."

I looked at Reza, then the Captain and laughed. "I suppose while you are taking a shower, I can help you clean up this time."

He laughed and told me, "Jono, I would appreciate that very much. Otherwise I might have to just leave him like this." Reza made a muffled indignant scream, giving voice to his displeasure.

As Ben walked his fuzzy butt into his bathroom, I strolled to the bed and sat down. I started playing with Reza's cute little butt. "Oh this is so tempting. If I wasn't in a time crunch myself, I might take advantage of this situation." That elicited more muffled tones from the bound man.

I saw a piece of Reza's luggage at the foot of the bed; I recognized the color and pattern. I could only assume that this was his toy chest. "Well Reza, I'd be tempted to eat all of that out of your backside, but I'm not allowed to have anything orally until after the test is done. With the General probably coming over, it's not like I can let you walk down the hallway and have it dripping out either. Oh, what am I to do."

I walked down to the foot of the bed and opened his chest. I saw a butt plug with long strands of hair embedded in the pommel. It looked like a horse's tail. I rolled it around in Ben's cum to lube it a bit; I slowly pushed it inside of him he moaned happily as it popped through his ring. I saw a little switch on it, "Oh ops guys and buttons what am I to do?" Of course I activated the switch.

He began to twitch and he started to moan loudly. I noticed the time was getting away from me. I started untying his legs and then each of his arms. He was giving me an impatient look then he pointed at the gag. He had a sweet look of yearning on his face. Apparently part of the play was that only is handler was allowed to remove it. As the gag fell from his lips, he connected his lips to mine. I enjoyed sucking on his lips and sliding my tongue ever so slowly around in his mouth.

"I really wish I had time to do this. But I only have a few minutes before I really do have to get in the shower and get ready."

"Jono, that's a few minutes I will gladly take. He pushed me back against the headboard and immediately started bobbing his head up and down on my cock. He was working at very fast, applying a great deal of pressure with his lips. His hands were playing with my balls at the same time. Is tongue twirled and danced around my shaft as his mouth bobbed up and down. I decided to go ahead and take full advantage of his efforts. My hands reached around behind the back of his neck and slammed his head into my crotch. He once said he liked getting skull fucked and it was clear with the sounds he was making he was serious. He pivoted his head side to side, as he varied suction and pressure on my pulsing member. In less than five minutes he brought me to a most enjoyable but emasculatingly dry orgasm.

I was having trouble getting my breath as he sat up like a cat that ate the proverbial canary. There were soft clapping sounds coming from the door to the room I looked over it was Tam, the clapping joined as I looked over to the bathroom it was Ben. I blushed bright red.

"Oh no Jono, that was a great show." Ben said with a grin from ear-to-ear.

Tamam asked me to move my feet, which I was able to do.

"That was remarkable thank you Reza. You need to go shower, if you want to go with me to the hospital." He gathered the restraints and put them in his toy chest, collected his clothing, then sashayed naked out of Ben's room, butt plug still humming and in place and tail swaying behind him.

Ben and Tam came to my side to see if I needed help getting back on my feet. I stood without any issues. Okay, my toes were numb but I wasn't sure if that was due to Reza's efforts. Tam patted my bottom and told me I needed to be in the shower. I asked Ben to bring Nessa up to speed. In less than five minutes I was clean, inside and out. Tamam laid out a jade green jogging suit, it was both long sleeved and high collared of course. I couldn't help notice the matching running shoes. What surprised me more were the black boxers he chose. I guess he knew about the loose clothing.

I walked to Reza's room. He had donned a blue grey thobe with high collar. I loved this time of year; the streets come alive with colors. The summer white cotton thobes start to disappear, replaced by the colorful woolen ones. "Are you ready yet?"

"Just about, did you like our playtime this morning Jono?"

"It was very nice but surely, I won't need to tie you down to have playtime." He kissed me and told me to just ask. We walked out to the lounge. Tam and Ben were finishing breakfast. My tummy growled Tam instinctively poured me a coffee and juice. I shook my head; it was so tempting Reza's tummy joined the chorus. "Go ahead; I am the only one who cannot have anything." Thankfully the door chime rang. It was Agent Ramirez telling me the cars were slightly delayed due to the General's imminent arrival "Go to the kitchen; get yourself a cup of coffee Sir."

"Jono, I am a civilian agent. Pete works."

The sergeant on the landing spoke, "Mr. Al-Amin we were told of your journey today. My father served under yours. He is now the Imam assigned to the Air Base; he is leading prayers on your behalf this morning."

I took his arm, "Thank you sergeant that is most kind. God has delivered me from so much already; I have no doubt this will be no different." I turned back towards the suite with Agent Ramirez when the elevator dinged behind us. When the doors opened the General, his aide, and the manager were there.

My protection detail snapped around me ignoring the stand down request from Agent Ramirez. In a firm tone I said, "Sergeant, the General is expected please, stand easy." They complied and opened ranks. I came to attention as did the sergeant and his men. "I am sorry General Mallory, this is not how I wanted to greet you Sir."

General Mallory smiled as he replied, "I take it you are Airman Banks?"

"Yes sir."

"Airman, I have heard a hell of a lot of chatter about you. Normally I only get that much info on discipline cases, glad to finally have a fucking exception! At ease son, I am told I am your guest technically. Thank you. Having casual Monday on base?" I told him of my imminent trip to the hospital. "That sucks! Do you have time to show me around my new pup tent?" I heard a flurry of dress shoes from the rotunda.

"I will make the time, sir." I introduced my entourage, "General Mallory, this is Special Agent Pete Ramirez, my SD Captain Tamam Hassan, you know my ASO Captain Ben Nelson, Prince Reza Hassan..." I heard Nessa's door open "...and that would be my rater Sergeant Vanessa Gilmore."

"Ben, it's damn good to see you again. Jono, I take it that Captain Hassan is also a royal?"

"Yes sir, but the title is set aside during military service in the name of good order and discipline."

"Captain Hassan, Prince Hassan it's good to meet you both. Sgt Gilmore, you are doing a bang up job if Airman Banks is an example of your supervisory skill. This is my adjutant Major Bryce Daniels. Benny, would you and Airman Banks tag along for the tour?"

We fell in line as the rest returned to the lounge. "Banks, Nelson tells me you could give Daniels a run for his money, linguistically speaking. He can communicate in seven different tongues." I heard Nessa snicker as she entered the door to my suite.

The major shook my hand, "Okay, Airman how many?"

"Major, I'm fluent in more than twenty languages, conversational in a few more. I'm still waiting for the Air Force to certify those languages. I took the tests over the last few months; I am waiting for the results from ATC."

As we walked across the mezzanine to the General's Suite the major continue to ask questions, "How are you on the cultures associated with the languages?"

I told him of my travels and training. Then I added, "because of the speed I went through school, I was able to take a good number of college prep then college courses during High School. I took sociology, anthropology, archaeology, psych and abnormal psych, in addition to my music studies. I took a few CLEP test before leaving Bremerhaven; to try completing my bachelors of science through the University of Maryland. But you probably know most of that."

"Sir, he is on to us. Damn never cross swords with a psych minor."

His suite was a little smaller, only four bedrooms sharing a communal terrace with the great room. The manager made the obligatory welcome and amenities briefing then left.

The General plopped down on the sofa and admired the view. "Jono, the fact you humbled that arrogant son of a bitch Major General Ambrose, on his own base no less, then got him to thank you for it. Boy that impressed the hell out of a few of us old dawgs. Son, I probably shouldn't tell you this; if arrogance were currency that man would be the richest man alive." I couldn't help but smile. "Bryce, was just selected for Lieutenant Colonel, what is not general knowledge is that he has also been selected for his first command." The Captain and I extended the traditional congratulations to the Major.

"Jono, USAFE just relieved your CO of his command. Bryce is going to take command of your squadron in Basdahl. It sucks that one of the first things I am gonna do to him is take away one of his superstars. I need to keep you here Jono. I know this is supposed to be a six month TDY but Nelson tells me you have been indispensable. From him that is high praise."

He paused, "The host nation commander concurs with his assessment. I know there is more risk for you to stay here than the rest of the team but, that is part of the job. You will be here for eleven and a half months. That will give you a couple of weeks to out process Bremerhaven and Basdahl."

He leaned in smiling, "Sometime this year we will send you to NCO PREP school. Benny has recommended a follow-up assignment on the Southwest Asia 'Go Team.' Your intel skills, languages, and local cultural knowledge he thinks you'd be a perfect fit."

He paused shifting his leaning position in my direction. "Hell, I wish I could make you my enlisted aide but that is an E-5/E-6 position. I have a funny feeling I'll be retiring before you get there. I have a weak spot son, I care more for the mission then I do for my career. I have a nasty habit of being bluntly honest. I've been counseled for my use of 'colorfully descriptive' phrases on more than one occasion. I can see the curtain coming down. However when Nelson told me about the threats against you, I moved up our departure time. I wanted to make sure that you had some good things to look forward to."

He brushed his cheesy mustache, "Captain Nelson brought me up to speed pretty much on your story. We do need more like you in the Air Force. You have a unique ability boy. You can take a shit sandwich and turn it into something wonderful. That's what you've done with your life and career. Trust me, people have noticed."

"Thank you, sir. I will try to live up to your confidence in me." I turned towards Major Daniels, "Major, may I address you candidly on your new command?"

The General chuckled saying, "This should be interesting, on 'MY' authority, let er' rip son."

"This may be impolitic of me; the equipment in Basdahl needs a massive overhaul. I have been on ten deployments with that system in one year, and have never seen a depot team come in. Our equipment is old, it was rated 'semi mobile' when new from the factory. Semi mobile meant that it was designed for only four deployments before requiring a depot level maintenance check and a factory maintenance check after twelve. According to the maintenance logs, neither had occurred in the ten years the equipment was in Bremerhaven and Basdahl."

I continued, "I hope this doesn't lower your opinion of me gentlemen but the first duty of an Airman is to the mission. That equipment will not meet mission requirements if it keeps getting abused. I am not saying reduce the ops tempo, I know that cannot happen. I am however, begging for an increase in the maintenance budget."

The door chime rang, "I will bet that's for me, so with your permission sirs, I will say my goodbyes and see you at the embassy." The General stood and shook my hand. I felt the coin, his coin, transfer from his palm to mine. I didn't even have to look. "Thank you, sir."

I open the door to the elevator landing Agent Ramirez was standing there. With him were six Saudi enlisted men armed with automatic rifles. Tamam was waiting by the elevator, as I approached I smiled and made a joke, "Sir, if my security detachment continues to increase like this, the hotel will have to reinforce the floor."

Once I was by Tamam's side I removed the gold chain that held my father's wedding ring from my neck. "Sir, I'm not allowed to wear jewelry during this test. Would you please take care of my family until I can again? You are the closest thing I have to family left."

"It would be my honor Airman." He slid the chain into his shirt pocket next to his heart. "The buses are departing to the site right now, before they call you down to the limos."

I shot back, "Wait a minute did you say buses plural?"

"The King has decided there should be two decoy buses deployed with a full security contingent. Each will travel different routes to the base. In case someone is watching. Just as you have three identical limos with identical plates assigned to you; with a heavy security detail."

Tam saw the look of embarrassment I had on my face. "Jono, the King is aware that you do not wish to put a single member of your team in jeopardy, this was the best solution he could come up with. We all must make sacrifices and adapt. My brother Reza will stay with you through your tests. I shall accompany you to the limo and then take the jaguar to work. Face this with the courage your father would expect of you."

"I will sir. I will not bring shame to any of my families or to my units."

There was a buzz in the Sergeant's earpiece. It was then repeated over agent Ramirez's earpiece, "Jono, it's time to go." We descended down in the elevator to the transit level mezzanine. There was a second and third team including decoys, teen boys made to look somewhat like me. They took the elevator down to the kitchen and lobby, while we descended into the ballroom. We exited the fire exit off the ballroom and piled into the limo. The three limos left the garage at the same time and headed in different directions, with an enormous security detachment for each. I lost count of how many motorcycles and cars zipped around the limo.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the hospital. I was whisked inside to the registration desk and promptly dropped into a wheelchair. I hate hospital protocol. Dr. Connor took the handles of the chair and followed the escort to the nuclear studies lab. Once there I changed into a hospital gown that was provided and hopped up onto the table. A beautiful nurse came over to install the IV and inject the nuclear catalyst and sedative. I thanked her, and warned her I was often called a difficult prick.

I could tell she studied in the west as she laughed and whispered in my ear she was the best stick in the hospital. I felt a pinch and a wonderful warm sensation as I quickly drifted into unconsciousness.

I woke and recovery surrounded by a very happy team of doctors. Dr. Connor advised the hospital staff used standard sedative based on my weight and did not review my medical record.

I knew the three standard things for getting out of a recovery room fast so I asked him, "Can I go pee, poop, get something to eat and go home?" Almost as an afterthought I asked, "Oh by the way how did the tests turn out?" I wolfed down a fruit cup and some crackers.

"They found a small blockage in your common iliac artery. While you were out, they removed it. It was so cool they used a new procedure developed in Boston. They used a modified arterial catheterization method. Then performed an ablation on the blockage from inside the artery itself. You are prescribed light-duty for the rest of the week, no strenuous exercise, or activities."

"But my eval is scheduled for Thursday morning." I whined.

He rifled fingers through my buzz cut and said, "So long as you don't pick up anything more than 20 pounds, go for it. As for the activities tonight; so long as you do not have to stand for extended periods you can go to the Embassy. Sit as often as you can. We'll bring you back in a couple of weeks to redo the test and make sure everything is healing well. One more order; no alcohol, until you finish the course of antibiotics."

"Doctor, I am shocked! Surely you know, alcohol is forbidden in Saudi Arabia, so that shouldn't be a problem. Seriously though, can I go potty, and go home now?" The other doctors laughed and called for an orderly. I did take the time to thank them for their care. "I know I can be a difficult patient thank you for helping me, sirs." I quickly took care of nature's call followed by a quick wheelchair ride to the garage. The three limos were waiting. The ride back to the hotel was without incident.

When Reza and I arrived back on our floor Nessa was waiting at the elevator. "Doc called with the good news!" The men of the security detail bristled that she ran over and gave me a hug. "I am so happy for you."

"'Nuff Mama Bear..." and shook off her embrace. "I can coach you this week but I cannot workout with you, for a bit longer." I looked at the sergeant and spoke in Arabic "Never serve with a big sister..." they all laughed. Nessa shot me a dark look. I asked the sergeant to thank his father. "Nessa, wanna come in while I call the boss?"

We entered the suite and I went directly to the office. I reconnected the STU-II and engaged the security keys. I called Tamam's extension on base, "Just got home. I will be fine; they had to remove a small blockage, Sir. I'm looking forward to tonight but I have to limit my activities and sit down often. But I will be able to attend. I've also been told I can take my eval at anytime. I would actually like to do it before the General leaves Thursday evening. There is a bit more news but it can wait."

"I will ask Standardization Evaluation if they can move up your eval from Thursday afternoon. Shall we back up to that blockage issue? Are there any ongoing issues?"

"Captain, I'm good. The crash caused some scarring that resulted in a thickening of the common iliac artery. They were able to send a line up through the artery in my thigh to shave the inside of the iliac down to normal. On the upside I should have increased blood flow to the legs helping my running."

"Oh joy, more complaints from the flight line. I will see you when I get back to the hotel. It is very good news Jono, I will brief the General, he is on site currently."

"I will tell Agent Ramirez he has to hang around for a bit longer. I may take a short nap; I'm still very groggy from the sedative. I'm going to lay out the uniform for tonight. I will make you proud, Sir."

"You have earned the nap. The General and his aide will ride in with you, Captain Nelson, and Sgt Gilmore to the embassy. Reza and I will take the Jag." I acknowledge the plan and we hung up. I knew he had to be super professional in talking to me on the phone. For the same reason I could not speak sweet words to him. People in earshot, God I hated hiding how good he made me feel.

"Nessa, I guess you are stuck with me as your date tonight."

"I have had worse looking arm candy Taz. I have to get my mess dress prepared; the Captain didn't set mine up for me." She pecked my cheek and scurried off.

"Agent, um sorry, Pete, I guess you are stuck with babysitting detail for another couple hours. Evals are running long and the General is taking Captain Nelson's attention. I am sorry for taking so much of your time. The fridge is fully stocked, and the office has a great PC in it."

"Jono, your safety IS my job, and you don't need to entertain me. But, you have been very kind and a good detail. Have a good nap."

Reza led me to my room he grabbed my face and kissed my lips. "I wish we were alone." He then wished me a good nap and returned to his room.

I set a two hour alarm, sat down on the edge of the bed to take off my shoes, and promptly fell asleep taking off my shoes.

The alarm went off and I woke like a shot. I was still dressed in my gym clothes but I had been wrapped in the soft fur bed cover. Tamam was sitting in the corner chair. He was just looking at me with a very serious expression across his face. I walked to him and curled up in his lap, throwing my arms around his neck. "What is wrong my love?" I kissed him beneath his chin.

"Jono, I could have killed you. Doctor Connor reported that the blockage could have caused the vessel to rupture causing you to bleed out internally, or pinch off the blood flow to your legs, leaving you paralyzed at anytime. He also told me we could no longer be intimate."

"How odd, he told me it was only temporary. Tamam please don't start treating me like some frail china doll. We are guaranteed neither our next breath nor heartbeat. If I believed in the odds, I would have to curl up in a grave with my family. I choose to live my life fiercely in what 'IS', not what might be."

"Perhaps I misunderstood the doctor, but we will not return to play until he says we can." I deployed my pouty lip at which point he took his finger and pushed against the pushed out lip.

"But there are other things I can do for you. I enjoy bringing you pleasure Tam, please don't make me stop." I softly kissed his lips. I could tell from his breath, and taste of his mouth, he had been smoking heavily today. "Tam there is one thing I would like to ask you to do for me." He made the mistake of saying anything. "Please my love, I have lost too many I love to cancer, please stop smoking. I know I stress you greatly and I will do what I can to reduce that stress. I want our time together to be as long as possible. Even if that is simply when you tire of me and do not want me anymore."

"Jono, it is true I have had lovers before you. None of them could walk in your shadow. You care so much for everyone around you. They were just empty shells compared to you. The boys at the spa were right when they simply called them Western sluts. They sought after me as a means to an end, or a big Arab cock to ride. You genuinely care about my pleasure and joy. You care about my family's name. Jono, that means so much. It is difficult to believe, aside from stories and photos, I've only known you personally for three weeks, but I cannot imagine my life without you in it."

"Why didn't you let me know you understood what the boys at the spa were saying?"

"Because, I very much enjoyed seeing you take command of them, putting them in their place, and on notice. I have used several of them for pleasure in the past. They provide more services than just manicure, pedicure, and massage... of course that's only if you can pay. Perhaps, I could ask Amman to loan you Jy Ang as a temporary house boy... I think he would very much like being under you. Yes Jono, I could tell that he was interested in you."

"Tam, you have opened so many new worlds to me. Considering how widely I have traveled, that is saying something. I cannot imagine my world without you in it. I need you more than oxygen. I might LIKE being with Jy, Ben, or even your brothers. I LOVE being yours."

His lips danced across mine. Then he patted my bottom and told me, "Jono, you must prepare for the embassy dinner. You look so pale my little one."

I tried to lighten the mood with a joke. "Oh, joy an American rubber chicken dinner." I knew that was not going to be the case. Vanessa and I had had several good meals at the embassy so far. I just hated the politics, but Ben and Tam both insisted I play the game and make myself useful to the Ambassador.

Knowing the King and several of his sons would very likely be there did nothing to calm my nerves. Still I had to put on a brave face and get ready. I gave him one more soft kiss and then went into the bathroom showered, and started laying out my clothes.

"Tam, I'm missing one of my jackets! It was hanging in the closet now it's gone. Hell, by my count I am down six shirts."

I was just about to reach for the phone to call security when Tamam replied, "I sent them down to get cleaned. Hamza left a few chalk marks. I wanted to surprise you. Just put on the other one."

"Tam, that one is 'special.' What happens if the General authorizes us to break uniform? I am not so sure the inner liner fabric will go over well with him."

"Jono, Lt General Mallory has a magnificent sense of humor. I have forgotten something." He reached into his shirt and pulled out the chain with my father's ring and placed it around my neck. With that he cradled my face in his massive hands and kissed me.

God I yearned to have him in me. Sadly that couldn't happen now. He went to his room to prepare. We decided early, for appearance sake we would all take a private room in the suite. He and I would make love in one room and then sleep in the other. That way both beds would look slept in to the staff.

I started to prepare but hit a snag. I had never worn a mess dress before. I had chosen to wear the matching shirt for the special jacket. I knew no force on this planet was gonna get that jacket off my back tonight. The shirt down was not an issue, but when I got to the cummerbund I was confused.

Ben was still with the General, and Nessa was down with the hairdressers. I saw the STU and remembered it was connected to the autovon circuits. I remembered my Major was a creature of habit. It was 1300 at Basdahl, he was at his desk reviewing the daily intelligence, and I knew the number to the unit on his desk. "Cawfield!"

"Sir, I hate to bother you with this. I am preparing for an event at the embassy. Do you wear a mess dress cummerbund pleats up or down."

"That would be pleats up, Jono. Think of it as a crumb-catcher. I hear you have had a little excitement. I was so worried about you watching after your teammates, I forgot to tell you to watch your own back Jono."

"I am in no more danger than anyone else." The line buzzed, as he initiated secure talk on his end. With the line encrypted he continued.

"Jono, that's a load of bullshit and you know it. No one else on the team has spies following them around mapping their moves. No one else is having people follow their families around taking pictures of them. I could pull a few strings and get you back here. It may cost me but I'll do it, if you want."

"Sir don't, there's a chance we can get them to act here. Bring me back to Germany; I will not have the OSI, NSA, FBI, and CIA watching me. I will not have the Saudi Secret Police, and my father's old unit watching my back. It's a little uncomfortable right now but I'm doing well."

"Jono, try to get STU extension installed into Vanessa's room. I understand you are in pretty close proximity. I'd like to talk to someone else, whom I can trust. I never have trusted Captain Nelson, I always felt like he was hiding something. I'm not sure about this host nation Captain Hassan. I'm not there the two of you are."

"Sir, the Hassan family is the closest thing to family I have left in this world. My family and theirs have been doing business for generations. My father and Captain Hassan's father fought together. My father saved his father's life. Heck sir, I saved his brother's life. Trust me when I tell you, I know he would die to keep me safe."

"Alright, that's at least two people I can trust in Riyadh, aside from Vanessa. A blood debt is a really good bond. Still, keep your head on a swivel, I want you back."

"I guess you haven't heard yet. General Mallory put in a request for my TDY to be extended another five and a half months. I'll be back in Bremerhaven just long enough to out-process the squadron. They're talking about putting me on something called the NATO Southwest Asia "go team" as a follow-on assignment. I think the Air Force finally figured out I can speak more languages here than anywhere else on Earth."

"So Jono, have you met the General yet? If you have, don't repeat back his blue language."

"Met him this morning when I was on the way to the hospital. He's a hot ticket, I kind of like him. I do believe my Momma would wash his mouth out with soap. Do you trust him?"

"Son, I suddenly feel a lot more secure about your safety. Knowing the General has taken an interest in you is a very good thing. Yes, I trust him. Did I hear correctly that you caused a dust-up with General Ambrose?"

"I made him stand outside the briefing room, until I could confirm his security clearance and need to know. He actually gave me his challenge coin for my due diligence."

"Only you Jono! Have you heard any gossip about us?"

"Nothing specific sir, but I know something is up."

"Lt Col Nathan has been relieved of command. We had a few people injured at Stade. He was pushing for a quick setup trying to beat the wing record. Sgt Garcia was impaled on a grounding rod, while setting up the lightning arrest kit. Then Airman Moore got pinned between two fuel trucks. We were encouraged by USAFE to redeploy back to site due to the injuries and the projected severe weather, the boss decided to show some initiative and stay in the field."

I muttered, "Shit..."

He continued. "Four people developed severe frostbite and had to be flown to Ramstein Air Base by medevac helicopter. Lt Rodgers lost half her foot as a result. Rumor has it the new CO is a newly-minted lieutenant colonel."

"I probably shouldn't be telling you sir, but I met him today. He seems sharp, has a wicked sense of humor and speaks more than a few languages. I think you'll like him. Forgive me sir, I did share that our unit was far overdue for both depot and factory maintenance checks."

I also shared, "The General was a bit pissed about Sembach Air Base bogarting the maintenance funds and using them to maintain a 'for show only' mobile unit whose equipment was permanently secured to the ground by concrete. The General said something about a no notice mobility drill for them when he gets back."

He chuckled, "Well done, perhaps wing will open their wallet at last. About the new boss, don't tell me anymore. I think I know who it is. Thanks for the heads-up, I feel better. Have to get back to work here Jono, stay safe." As the line went dead I thought to myself, I may have to rethink my concept of family. Clearly mine has grown.

I finished dressing and wandered down to Tam's room. I stood in the door hoping he would notice me. He looked so good from behind; he made my knees go weak. I stood there in awe of my man as he poured himself a glass of amber liquid. He turned as he touched the glass to his lips. Gawd how I wished I was the glass.

He turned and smiled, "This is thirty year old Glen Garioch scotch. Until I met you, it was my favorite vice." I inhaled the wonderful aroma from the glass. He offered me a sip.

Oh, this sucked I thought as I replied, "I cannot, I am on antibiotics." He finished his drink he pulled me in for a kiss. I could still taste the scotch on his lips and tongue. We walked to the hall that held the three smaller bedrooms across the rotunda.

Reza was just stepping out of his room. He was wearing a flawlessly tailored black tuxedo, with onyx studs. "Tamam, did we get him a civilian tux? He looks so very sexy! If he attends any charity events at the hospital, I will need one for him when we get to Germany."

I might as well get this over with I thought. "Reza, I will only be in Germany for a couple of weeks. At which point I will be out processing my Squadron. The General informed me I have been extended until October of next year." Tamam was grinning; Reza's disappointment was equally palpable. I kissed him, "I am so sorry."

"While you are in Germany, I will still care for you, and keep you safe for my brother." The two brothers hugged one another. "It will give me a purpose to expedite my studies and return home for my residency training."

Ben stepped into the hall. "Looking sharp Jono, you have to introduce me to your tailor."

"Sorry, Hamza doesn't take western clients."

"Do I really need to remind you, you're a westerner yourself, Taz?"

"Ah, but only on mom's side, and I speak to him in his own language. Add to all of that, my beloved made the introduction."

Tam interjected, "In fairness, you charmed Hamza all on your own."

The door bell rang. I walked to the door Lt Nejem was there. I bid him welcome exchanging pleasantries, and then I told him Captain Nelson is down the hall. He hugged me "In YOUR home, my first name is Adar, not Lieutenant."

Nessa exited her suite and glided gracefully across the mezzanine to my suite. I saw how the eyes of my security detail followed her. Her hair, makeup, and uniform were flawless. She reached my doorway the bubba bamma girl spoke, "Words cannot convey how much I hate this whole get up. I feel like one of those worthless bells at Cypress Gardens. How are you Baby Bear you look a little pale?"

"A little wobbly but I'll be fine, Momma Bear."

We joined the crowd in the rotunda. Captain Nelson told me, "I secured the STU for the evening. I do remember a doctor saying something about you having to sit whenever possible. There are three other able-bodied people in this suite. You don't have to run to the door just because the bell rang, let us help you."

My eyes made contact immediately with the piano. The doctor said I had to sit. He didn't say I had to be inactive. I lifted the lid and sat down on the bench.

My fingers glided across the keyboard warming up. Inspiration flashed, Sergei Rachmaninoff's piano Concerto Number 2. I lost myself; passion overwhelmed me as my fingers pounded the keyboard. When I looked up half way into the moderato portion everyone was standing in awe around the piano.

Somehow even the General and his aid slipped into the grand room. The acoustics were perfect for the magnificent instrument. Nessa made a symbol to keep playing.

The General look down at me and said, "Jono, you are truly a treasure. Your bio said you played the piano, but it did not say how well. Please tell me I won't lose you to Tops in Blue?" I smiled and told him it wasn't my primary instrument, and was not interested in the Air Force's show band. Tamam handed scotch to the General and Major Daniels.

The Major asked how long I had been playing. Not missing a single note, "I started playing piano when I was three Papa's Papa gave me my first lessons. I started cello at four."

"At six my brother would carry my cello, and we would ride down to the Gulf to fish. Actually he would fish while I would play on the dock and tourists would throw money into my case. Mikaeel told me we would use the money for dock rental. It took me six months to figure out it was a public dock and had no rental fee. It was actually the sheriff who picked up on Mike's scam."

I finished the piece but continued the tale, "Dad was pissed at first, until Mike told him what he had been saving for. Mike made a deal with Mr. Ghorbani to buy me an Arabian, and by the time he got caught, we had Fajira almost half paid for."

The Major laughed. "Dad and Uncle Jack were so impressed they split the difference and bought the filly for my birthday. My dad was so impressed with my play he replaced my practice cello with my full-sized performance cello."

The Major replied, "Your family sounds cool. I had to make do with a loaned violin for four years."

"I started on a loaner too. Dad came home from a buying trip; he had seen me struggling with the loan closet cello from Uncle Jack's church. It was too large for me. I had to contort my body to make it work right. He made a deal to buy me my first trainer cello and found me an instructor, in exchange I had to promise to practice at least an hour a day."

I reminded myself rule three, keep it short dumb-ass. "So how is this working; I know the Captain, Sarge, and I are expected at the embassy to talk to the Ambassador? I can only imagine what he must think of me."

"Well the General and I will be tagging along with you. Just in case he is harboring a grudge. You're worth running interference for. Practically every member of your operations crew thinks you walk on water. Don't worry about the Ambassador you have friends you haven't even met, in higher places."

"Major, if you don't mind can you help me out with the protocol. Are we taking the King's vehicles, or will a motorcade be coming out from the embassy?"

"That is a very good question son; I got to see the fleet of vehicles that are assigned to you. You had to learn a whole bunch of new stuff."

"It was kind of hard to unlearn some stuff. I thought the guards were going to grab me by the scruff of my neck when I tried to get in the vehicle before Captain Hassan."

"How does this sound, we have you climb into the car last downstairs, right behind the General. Then you can jump over to the forward seat and give the General the honored position when we arrived at the embassy? Do you think the guards and the driver will accept that?"

"It works for me, and I think they'll understand it. If not they'll grind their teeth and tolerate it."

"Jono, you sound like you're learning leadership skills."

"Major, I may not like the circumstances, but one must rise to the occasion as needed. The hard part is that every member of my security detail out ranks me. It is good to speak for the King."

He tugged the braid on his sleeve. "Son that is the definition of a General's aide."

The phone rang Tamam answered. "The car is ready for you Jono."

We drove to the embassy without incident. I was the last out of the vehicle. The Marine guards saluted smartly for the officers. We were escorted into the reception hall to wait for the ambassador.

The General spoke, "Jono, you take point when summoned. Bryce and I will hold back a moment."

A staff member announced, "The Ambassador is ready to see you now."

The Ambassador snarled with a thick South Boston Irish accent, "So this is the young man who lives to make my life miserable. Airman please, for the love of Gawd volunteer to return wherever the hell you came from. The mission would benefit more from your absence."

The General's voice boomed from the doorway, "Wally, lighten up already."

"Buzz, I wasn't expecting you yet!" Clearly the two men knew each other.

"Wally, this dust-up is not my Airman's fault. Hell sir, he speaks more languages than all of us in the room combined." He dropped my file on the ambassador's desk. "Add to that the boy has been traveling throughout the region practically since before he could walk. Jono, do you have your passports?" I responded yes sir. "Let the ambassador review the THREE of them." I presented my well worn U.S. civilian passport, my maroon official travel passport, and my dog-eared and worn Saudi national passport.

"I am told the young man was instrumental in bringing aid to Kurdish refugees in Turkey. I shouldn't have to remind you, the host nation is also HIS second nation. Our government may not recognize his Saudi citizenship but theirs sure as hell does. He has more ties here than you do. I have bumped into four families who want to adopt him outright."

He paused as he looked at me. "Jono, you look white as a sheet, sit down. Mr. Ambassador, Please forgive the Airman, he probably didn't tell you he just had surgery today."

"I hope it's nothing serious Airman Banks."

"I had a small blockage removed it was restricting some of the blood flow to my legs. I was lucky; one of the surgeons just finished a fellowship with Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. The hospital was working on a new surgical procedure. The doctor cleared me for light-duty, so long as I sit a lot. Thank you very much for your concern sir."

The five of us continue to chat for a half an hour. I believe we managed to assuage any concerns that the Ambassador still had. The Ambassador did ask if I would be willing to serve while I was in country as a translator, only when needed. I told him it would be my honor, and as one who wears a uniform it was part of my duty to make his job easier.

When we completed our discussions we still had a couple hours before the guests would start arriving. The Ambassador was kind enough to loan us the Marine Corps break room to break uniform and relax. I knew I would be standing at attention because there was no way on Earth I was taking off my jacket. Major Daniels, Captain Nelson, and Nessa were the first to remove their uniform jackets.

Then the general spoke, "Gentlemen, and Sergeant, I'm going to swear you to secrecy about what you're about to see." He took his jacket off and what I expected to see was the standard white mess dress pleated shirt. I was surprised to see, aside from the front panel, the collars and cuffs being white, the rest of the fabric was blue and covered with Tweety Birds wearing bomber goggles.

The Major and the Captain started to laugh. The Gunnery Sergeant passed each of them a hanger to hang their jackets and then approached me with a final hanger. I looked at him smiled and said I'm good. He persisted in his efforts to hand me a hanger.

The General finally looked at me and said, "Airman Banks remove your coat now!" Shit he made it an order.

I removed my custom-made non-regulation mess dress jacket. The lot busted out laughing as they saw the full colored Tasmanian devil inner lining. I quickly put the jacket on the hanger and handed it to Gunnery Sergeant Terrell, who was smirking. Then he walked behind me to hang up the four jackets and saw the back panel of my shirt. I heard him stifle a snicker.

The General barked out another order, "Airman Banks about face!" I smartly we spun around, exposing the large Tasmanian Devil wearing a World War II bombers jacket and goggles on the back panel of my shirt. "Airman Banks it is not good to show up a three-star General but that's hilarious."

I could not at that time imagine a more embarrassing situation. I could feel the blush fade in my cheeks as I went from bright crimson back to pale white. The Gunny spoke in a soft thick bayou Creole accent that screamed New Orleans. "You drink coffee Airman."

I replied back to him in Creole, "Only when I am awake, Gunny. Please, if you show me where the machine is I will get it for everyone." He thanked me for the offer and said it would be his pleasure. Nessa joined the officers in conversation.

He brought the officers their coffee and then sat down next to me with mine. Then he continued our discussion in Creole; I assumed he had a need for a degree of privacy.

"Airman, I understand you're something of an expert when it comes to local customs. I was wondering if I could pick your brain on a problem that I see developing with one of my Marines."

I replied, "Anytime Gunny." and took a sip of coffee and let out an, "Ah, good coffee."

"One of my guys has been dating a local girl. It is starting to look like it's getting serious. I want to head off any problems before they start."

"Please tell me it is with the family's knowledge and consent..." The Gunny shook his head no.

"I hate to tell you Gunny the problem has already arrived. If the girl's family does not know about the relationship and finds out, the girl will be disciplined very harshly. They may even seek criminal charges against our Marine. How on earth did they even meet in the first place?"

"He told me they met in an unlicensed disco."

"He is playing with fire; families here do not screw around with family honor issues. If her father believes that she has done something to betray the family's honor they have the right to stone her to death. How old is this girl?"

The gunny shrugged. "Have they been intimate?" It earned me another shrug. "The safest course of action is for him to cut it off now. If he still wishes to pursue a relationship, he needs to do it right. He needs to know this is a long drawn out endeavor. Courtship can take months. Let him know I would be happy to help him do it right."

"I heard the officers call you Jono. What is that short for?"

"Jono is really the whole name, Gunny." As I wrote down the autovon and local numbers for my room. "If you need my help, I am here for you and your guys. Thanks to my brother, I have a soft spot in my heart for Marines."

The Gunny asked me to explain my comment. "My brother was killed by a drunk driver while he was on delayed enlistment; he had just received his orders to Parris Island. I think it broke the recruiter's heart when he told me last year the Marine Corps couldn't take me due to my injuries from the crash. I guess today has proven the Navy's doctors correct."

"Jono, doctors only PRACTICE medicine, what the fuck do they really know? Life has taught me a long time ago, it is not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog. Your story made it to my side of the Gulf coast, I am so pleased to finally meet you. I have to go to review security for tonight. I'll send one of the guys up to tell you when the guests are starting to arrive. Take a nap you look like you could use it."

"Thank you Gunny." I drifted off as soon as my head hit the arm rest of the sofa.

I awoke to Captain Nelson tapping on my forehead. "Damn boy, you can fall asleep in a heartbeat!"

"Please tell me I wasn't snoring." He and Nessa chuckled at me. "Where did the General and Major disappear to sir?"

"Guests started arriving about thirty minutes ago, they went down to schmooze. General Mallory was concerned about you. He gave orders that you not be disturbed until the King's entourage was inbound."

I took the hint. I jumped up off the couch a bit too fast the Captain grabbed my arm as the room spun. "Slow down Jono. He is still at least fifteen minutes out." I reassembled my uniform, and replied ready to go sir. "You still look a bit pale, are you sure you're okay?"

"I am good; it takes me a couple days to purge the fucking meds. "I'll be a bit more dizzy than normal. Is Captain Hassan here yet?" With a smile and an affirmative nod we set out to join the party.

The entry hall was packed with uniforms and diplomats in formal wear from every NATO member nation. Nessa held my arm as we descended the stairway behind Captain Nelson. The first people we met at the base of the stairs were the French and German contingents.

Polite insult based humorous quips bounced off each other as we made the rounds. The British and Belgian Ambassadors were discussing the inadequacy of each other's contribution to the Saudi people was. Of course all of the damned childish behavior was cloaked in diplomatic gentle speak.

My heart leapt when I saw my Tamam. He was standing with Reza and Najibullah. Reza was chatting with a cute Dutch Lieutenant. Tam greeted me as Airman Banks. Najib grasped my arms and greeted me. "Najib, it is so good to see you. I take it you have met Captain Nelson."

"It is good to see you again Benjamin. Who is this beautiful flower, Jono?"

"Najib, may I introduce Sergeant Vanessa Gilmore my supervisor and surrogate big sister. Sergeant Gilmore, this is Prince Najibullah Hassan, he is one of the few lawyers I have any respect for."

Nessa dropped her eyes as she replied, "Jono's praises are hard won, and it is my honor to meet you Sir."

"Jono, I may have news for you this weekend about your father's estate. With your permission I would like to investigate." I knew there were no monetary holdings of any value, if there were the state would have taken them as well. "Najib, I appreciate your diligence on my behalf, I just do not know how I will pay you for your time."

"Jono, this is my joy to help you."

Gunnery Sergeant Terrell approached with an urgent look on his face. "Airman Banks the Ambassador was wondering if he could impose upon you to translate for him." He dropped his tone, "My staff translator just went UA. Add to that the Official State Department's translator is home on emergency leave."

I sensed the possibility of a connection and asked Najib if he would look after Sgt Gilmore. As the Gunny and I walked towards the Ambassador I asked, "Would our missing translator perhaps be a certain love sick leather neck?"

The Gunny replied, "I extended your warning and offer to help. I thought he was good, right up until he jumped the fence." Seconds later we arrived at the Ambassadors side.

"I hope you don't mind this imposition Airman, but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place."

"Mr. Ambassador, I am not on my 'A' game but I will do my best sir."

"That is all I ask." I took my place to his left and a half step behind. We made the circuit of the room; chatting and joking amiably with the other diplomats and guests. I loved the ambassadors' dry wit. After about twenty minutes I noticed the Gunnery Sergeant making a gesture to the Ambassador. He whispered to me, "The King was just cleared through the gate."

We made our way to the entry hall and wait at the arrival. I turned to the Ambassador and said in low tone, "The King has been treating me as extended family. I do not know who he will greet first. I don't even know which role he will acknowledge me; as his family member, his ally, or your translator."

"Thanks for the heads up Jono. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that dumb-ass Marine went UA today. It would truly have been embarrassing if he walked through the door and walked past me to greet you. This at least gives the appearance of diplomacy."

I drew in a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"I promise Jono, I'll get you seated as soon as possible. I know you have had a long day. I have to admit I did like the way you were joking with both the French and Danish ambassadors in their own tongue at the same time. More than a few of our allies have admired your skill, wondering if you were a permanent addition to the staff."

"Thank you very much for your kind words Mr. Ambassador. In three years when my enlistment is done who knows, maybe I will decide to make my home here in the Kingdom. At that time I'll be looking for good employment."

"Jono, you know you may be blunt, but you are honest. It's good to know where a man stands. I can still call on you on occasion while you're here?"

"It would be my pleasure Mr. Ambassador." Our quick discourse was interrupted as the horns let loose with Pomp and Circumstance.

The King had arrived. His eyes locked on to me. I took a half step further back from the Ambassador to communicate my desire. He greeted the Ambassador warmly and I translated his words of welcome.

The King then greeted me. "The doctors told me, your procedure went well. My heart is filled with joy that you are with us tonight, but I believe you are not to over exert yourself. You are very pale my little friend."

"My King, his Excellency the Ambassador needed my skills tonight. With so many different tongues floating around it was easier to have one translator near him to greet all of his guests, than a team of ten or twenty. You have my word, I will rest my King." He chuckled with the image and kissed my cheeks.

The King and his entourage moved down the receiving line. I felt the ambassador's hand on my back. "I followed most of what you said, well done. Thank you for not telling the whole truth about why we needed you."

"I will never let you appear weak sir." We followed along the reception line and guided the King and his fighter pilot son to the head table. The ambassador gestured towards what was my seat I stood by it until he and the King sat. My heart sank as I saw how far I was from Tamam. On the upside it looked like Najib and Vanessa were hitting it off.

"Are you okay Jono?" The Ambassador whispered.

I came up with a good half truth and whispered back, "I have not been more than a few steps from my security detail since we found out someone wanted to kill me. I have had to adjust my thinking in the last forty-eight hours. Having them all the way across the room I suddenly feel, a little naked."

The King overheard my comment and replied, "My son Usef is armed, and the Marine standing right behind you is armed. You are very safe."

His son chimed in, "Look how Captain Hassan's eyes are sweeping the room, looking for threats."

I chuckled, "Papa Omar would never forgive him if I was harmed."

The Ambassador asked with a puzzled look, "Papa Omar?"

"Omar Hassan, I guess you could say he has been following me my whole life. He was one of the first people who held me when I was born. He stood with my parents when they were told I was not expected to survive the night. He is the closest thing I have had to family for a very long time. Then I started meeting the people who served with my father, and my family has grown even larger still. Sorry sir I'm babbling."

The Ambassador replied, "You're not babbling, you're answering my question."

I sank into the background and continued translating for the powerful men assembled at the table for several hours.

After what I dismissed as a long blink, I felt a hand on my throat and a familiar voice echoed in my ears, "Are you okay Airman? JONO!" It was Tamam. The Gunny was checking my pulse.

I shook the fog from my head, "Two things I have to know. How long was I out? Please tell me I was not drooling." A nervous chuckle went up from the table. "I am so sorry gentlemen. This was not an indictment of your conversation; it has just been a very long day. Let me get a cup of coffee and I'll be good to go."

Tamam replied, "NO! Airman Banks coffee will not do, I am taking you back to the hospital."

"Please Sir; I spent eight months in a hospital. I have no desire to go back to one unless I am dying."

The General interceded, "Jono, I know for a fact you have been up since very early this morning. Add to that I doubt you've had anything to eat before this meal tonight. Today you have had surgery, you've been put under general anesthesia, and you've been under more stress than most of us in this room. Son you're off duty for the next forty-eight hours. Report to your hotel room get at least eight hours of sleep. I will see you for breakfast in the morning."

He turned and addressed Reza, "Prince Hassan, I understand you're studying medicine in Germany; would you look in on Airman Banks through the night? If his condition deteriorates, call for the ambulance. Airman Banks, that is as far as I'm willing to go on this issue. My baby brother spent six months in a burn ward. I know how much he hates hospitals, I can empathize."

"Thank you sir, I'll head back to the hotel. I'll send the limos back for you."

The Gunny spoke, "Don't worry about the General or anyone else. The embassy has a fleet of limos; I will take care of them. You just get yourself well Airman."

Najib spoke up, "I will bring Captain Nelson and Sergeant Gilmore back for you."

I again apologize for disturbing the dinner, and was whisked swiftly out the front door with Reza into the limo. I don't remember the trip from the car to the suite. Reza helped me change from my mess dress into my blue silk jammies and tucked me in. I didn't get much sleep because every thirty minutes Reza would disturb me to check my vitals. Hours later when Reza came in again to check my vitals; I looked over in the corner of the room and saw Tamam sleeping on the chaise lounge.

When Reza left, I climbed out of bed and curled up with him. He stirred, "You should not be out of bed, Jono."

"Neither should you my love. My place is by your side, if you will not come to my bed, I must come to you. I do realize I am impulsive, but you can trust in my weakened state, I will not take advantage of you while you sleep."

"I will take your word Jono." With that he swept me up like a rag doll and carried me back to bed. I snuggled hard against him. It just felt right when he kissed my forehead. He was telling me without a single word; I love you, I will care for you, and you are mine. I felt very cared for and very safe as he wrapped his massive arms around me. The events of the day finally overtook us and we drifted into a deep sleep.

  • Continued



Next: Chapter 9

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