Jordans Authority

By Duncan Jules

Published on Sep 15, 2023


Jordans Authority 4

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Truely I had no idea of the time, here I was naked on my knees, blindfolded in a shed that had the strongest smell of weed that I had ever smelt. People would in have a smoke talk and leave.

But lets take it back to when I arrived I arrived at 6:45:


Jordan answered the doors in just trousers and shoes I could not take my eyes off his body as he yawned in front of me. He knew I had a major thing for him so his second yawn he placed his hands above his head and yawned stretching his muscles as he did I felt my cock twitch before he ordered, "Don't speak unless we say 'Bitch may speak' nod your head if you agree." I looked at him then at ground and nodded. "Good now step inside, strip naked and walk to the shed, empty all the ashtrays and kneel on the plastic sheet. Nod if you understand." I nodded again. "After this I will come in and I will place handcuffs on you, during the night only people who you would not be arrested for will go in the shed. Me for example will smoke outside of it. So you are safe." He paused, "As we have no lighting in there ensure you also light the candles for when it gets dark tonight at 11PM I will come in and release you. I will be the last person you see before you are on display and first person after nod if you agree." I nodded again, "So go and get on with it bitch."

I stripped quickly throwing my clothes into the corner of the entrance and then walked through and did all the jobs he had demanded, finally getting on my knees he walked in and looked me up and down, "Good boy, now I am gonna cuff your hands and feet together." As he did this he gave me a smile and I felt immediately relaxed. I felt warm and safe as his hands attached the cuffs my brain said I should not be but for some reason my body craved it and felt safe. As he attached the last cuff to keep me in place he asked, "You really want me don't you? You want me to ram my hand cock into tour ass? To breed you? To fuck you so hard?"

My cock twitched with each question. "Yes Sir." I spoke as my cock jumped at the words even I spoke in submission.

"I didn't give you permission did I." I nodded back as his hand lashed againsst my body three times leaving a red mark. Before he smiled, "If I wasn't your student would you love me to fuck your brains out?" He stopped and then he added, "As I am your student you don't want to risk it even tho your are completely submitting to me now which is also illegal." He then paused again picking up the blindfold. "You may speak bitch to answer my questions."

"I don't know myself now sir, my head says no but everything else wants you sir. I need you to use me and I don't know why. But I won't do intercourse I can't." I stopped and thought for a second, "I mean I shouldn't." I stopped again, "But I just crave you to so much." I stopped for a last time before adding, "Maybe I would I don't know anymore." I felt a tear come out of my eye.

"Quiet now bitch." He wiped my tear before he applied the blindfold.

With that I heard the shed door close behind him.


For the first time since Jordan I felt someone place their hand on me his hand went straight to the back of my head and he pulled me into his body, I felt my nose against a very toned body when an distinctive Italian accent demanded, "Kiss it." I kissed all over his toned abs desperatly wishing I could see what must have been a true adonis. "Thats right boy." He moaned as I heard the door open and two pairs of foot steps come in.

"Fuck man your letting that sub kiss your body he's the lowest of the low doesn't your partner worship you?" He said in a cheeky accent. "He's my nephews teacher. He apparently has a soft spot well maybe should use the word hard spot for him."

The Italian responded, "He's a teacher where was teachers like this in my school. I'd have had him in every room. Maybe even used the belt on him when he had been bad." He laughed at his own joke.

"Perhaps we should use him show him how men not boys use their subs."

"We break them in hard and fast not like these new kids who seem to want to be liked as a master, you should be feared."

"Let him think about that for an hour. Lets have another drink first."

"Sounds like a plan and we will break this bitch when we next come out." Said the Italian as he pushed me to the floor. Before rummaging around in the shed a moment later I felt his sweaty cock in my mouth as a piece of rope was attached tying it gagging me from calling for help.


I had spent the whole hour fighting the cuffs that left me bind in a position that felt all to evil now I longed for Jordan to find out and save me but I doubted this would happen. It was then my heart stopped as I heard that Italian accent outside of the shed. The door opened and within seconds I felt a belt slash me on my nipple, a second time and a third time. It felt brutal and the more It happened the worst I felt. The pain and humiliation the knowing I couldn't move. After ten it stopped and five more was applied to the bottom of my bare feet before he actually spoke to me, "That is what will happen if you scream for help, do you understand." I nodded glad I had a blindfold on catching the tears. "No speaking now." As he untied the makeshift gag I breathed a sigh of relief. "Open your mouth up." I did immediately as I was told out of fear not lust my cock was soft as I felt a warm tangy liquad going into my mouth as he said, "Don't spill a drop this is what real men do to subs." I swallowed most of it a few drops seeped out as the door opened and seconds later a second stream was covering me. This was a diferent kind of been broken down and I hated it. It felt like hours but it could only have been two mins max they finished pissing on me. There was no let up tho as the Italian moved behind me and said, "Tongue out." He pushed my head forward and my nose met another mans ass to me their was no doubt. "I said tongue out and lick it clean. Refusing still hating the thought I would be licking an ass I felt him viciously pull my head back and spit on my face before making the demand again. Each time with more vigor it wasn't until the forth time I got my tongue out and run it down the crack and then pushed my tongue in the bum. I did this for a few minutes before a second person stepped in front and I did the same for him and then another after another till I had given up and I don't know if it was the forth or fifth ass I had licked out that I noticed at some point the Italian had removed his hand from the back of my head and I was licking and sucking assholes without any real control. After a few more someone turned round and I sucked their cock. Not hearing the Italian speak for a while I didn't know whether I could stop or I'd be beaten again.

"Hey you enjoy that." I heard as the door opened my head lost and my body in pain, "It's over you can talk freely now." Jordan added. I did not speak and he did not speak again as he undid the cuffs and took off the blindfold. I looked at him as I scuttled out the shed as he called after me, "Stay use the shower." I shook my head ran to my clothes and put them on before heading straight home and straight to the bathroom I then started emptying my pockets as I found a printed piece of paper of a news report of a teacher who had been arrested and prosecuted for sleeping with his male students. I unfortunatly knew the end of this guys story and what had happened in jail to him. The cold sweat it had me in as I sat on the floor of the shower in tears. The water just lukewarm I had gone as full circle as possible I could not stand the thought of submitting to anyone.

Next: Chapter 5

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