Joseph's Alter Ego

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 29, 2018



Joseph's Alter Ego

Call me Josephine. My given name is Joseph Altman. I created Josephine at so early an age. I can't remember how or when it happened. At first, she was all in my head, but when I was twelve years old, my folks left me alone for the first time, and Josephine emerged.

I ran to my mother's closet and put on one of her dresses and a pair of her shoes. I was pretty big for my age, and the outfit didn't fit badly at all. I looked in the mirror and I knew that my image was somehow imperfect. I stuffed the bosom with washcloths, stood back in front of the mirror and admired my newly invented breasts.

I found Mom's lipstick and mascara and went about crafting a beautiful woman. Josephine had to be perfect, flawless. I spent two hours parading back and forth in front of my mother's vanity mirror. I could not take my eyes off my creation; the most beautiful woman in the world.

When I figured that my folks would be home shortly, I stripped, cleaned all the makeup off my face, and became Joseph again. I was their perfect little boy. I had spent as many hours creating the little boy as I had spent creating Josephine. Dad and I had no trouble doing man/boy things together.

It was difficult for me to bring Josephine back to life for many years, but I planned her resurrection carefully. I maneuvered my folks into letting me apply to New York University. The university was adjacent to Greenwich Village, and there were any number of drag shows being presented there at any given time.

I was accepted to NYU and spent my freshman year in the dorms. I had a roommate, so Josephine had to remain in a state of suspended animation for a while longer. Josephine may have been in some sort of closet, but Joseph wasn't. I frequented several different gay bars and found that I enjoyed `The Male Room' the most. It catered to a college crowd, but more importantly, it featured a drag show every Saturday night.

I am glad to report I had plenty of sex that year. As pretty as Josephine was, Joseph was more handsome. There is nothing special about being handsome. It's in one's genes. But my dad was terrific. From the time I was a young boy, he took me to his gym and got me a personal trainer. The trainer specialized in growing, maturing, bodies. He obviously did a good job. I was all muscle, at least until I padded myself to create Josephine.

I (Joseph) never had trouble scoring at `The Male Room'. Unfortunately, I had no place to entertain and had to depend on my contacts to provide a space for sex. That situation was solved after my freshman year. I rented a furnished studio apartment, and that ended my problem. Voila!

I went to `The Male Room' the very first weekend I started my sophomore year. I convinced the owner to allow Josephine to perform the following Saturday night. If I had a successful debut, I would have a steady Saturday night gig. My earnings would be tips only. I was satisfied, and I felt so good, I decided to party at the bar.

I had too much to drink, and sometime during the night, I completely blanked out. Don't misunderstand; I didn't say blacked out, I blanked out. Before my brief adventure with amnesia, I do remember meeting Felix. Fortunately, he never got drunk at all, so I'm going to turn this narrative over to him to fill in the blanks.

Hi all, I'm Felix. I'll be honest with you. I went to `The Male Room' that night looking for some action. I was on my second Shirley Temple, when I spotted this terribly drunk, hunk of a man. He was so handsome, and I was so horny, that I couldn't wait to make a play for him. I would never take advantage of anyone who was as drunk as he was. My plan was to take him home, sober him up, and have a glorious sex session.

I went up to him and rubbed my body against his. "Hi handsome," I said, "My name's Felix."

He turned to me and smiled. His smile melted my ability to think straight. Then he said, "I'm Joseph, and you're hot." I melted further. This time it was my heart that turned to mush.

We chatted briefly, and I learned that, like me, he was a student at NYU, but he had his own studio apartment, and I still lived in the dorms. Suddenly, his eyes closed, and he started to fall asleep. He slumped, and I caught him in my arms. I told him that I was taking him home to sleep it off.

"But we haven't seen the dag show yet," he protested, slurring his words.

"I hate drag queens and drag shows," I said. "I wouldn't stay for it if you paid me. C'mon, we're going home. Where do you live?"

He didn't answer me so I reached into his pocket, and pulled out his wallet. He lived very close by, but he was in no condition to walk, so I hailed a cab. When we got to his building, I asked for his key. He still didn't answer me, so I reached into his pocket and found his keys. I found out something else while I was at it. This guy was hung better than most guys I had ever been with.

I dragged him into his apartment where he collapsed on a sleep sofa. There was a nightstand next to the sofa, and a dresser against a wall. In the far corner there was something that resembled a kitchen. I spotted a sink with a cabinet over it. Next to the sink was a miniature stove with two burners, and a small cabinet stood next to the stove. A two-seater table with two chairs completed the kitchen.

On the other wall, I saw two doors. I opened one of them and found a large closet. That surprised me because everything else was so small. The closet had a good blend of masculine and feminine clothing. I had to wonder if Joe was straight, and had a girlfriend. Maybe he was just slumming at the bar. I was really upset.

Behind the other door, I found a bathroom with a commode, a sink, and a stall shower. A small shelf was loaded with both male and female cosmetics. Once again I feared that Joe was straight and that a woman shared the apartment with him. It wasn't much of an apartment, but Joe had everything a student needed.

For one brief moment I considered leaving, but the guy sleeping on the sofa was so handsome, I couldn't do it. I figured that he'd be sober in the morning, and we could play together. At the very least I could open the sleep sofa, undress him, and spend the night cuddled up with Adonis. I chose the latter option.

I somehow managed to undress him all the way to his birthday outfit. Then I sat him on a kitchen chair while I opened the sleep sofa. I was glad to see that there was linen on the bed. I was trying to drag him to the bed when he mumbled that he had to pee. Of course, he did. He had to expel a lot of the booze he had downed. I realized that I had to pee also, but I needed to take care of Joe first. I held him upright facing the commode. I took hold of his cock and aimed it toward the target. It was so big, I wanted to devour it then and there, but I restrained myself.

"Pee," I ordered, and he sure did. I thought he would never stop. I wiped his piss slit with a piece of toilet paper and somehow got him to bed. He was fully asleep in seconds. I undressed, peed forever also, and lay down next to him. I rested against him. Caressing his crack with my hard cock, while my hand encircled his flaccid one.

We both slept like we were in a coma. Neither of us budged until 10 AM the next morning. Thank goodness it was Sunday. Joe was the first to wake up. He was sober now, so I'll let him continue our story.

I woke up and was shocked to see a hunky guy in bed with me. I figured we had sex the evening before, but I couldn't remember anything about it. That really angered me, not the sex, but the fact that I couldn't recall it. I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty, so I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I really stunk, so I showered, peed, shit, and shaved. I think subconsciously, I wanted to smell good for whoever was in my bed.

By the time I vacated the bathroom; the guy was sitting up in bed and smiling at me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You sure forget fast," he said. "I'm Felix."

"Well, Felix," I said, "why don't you freshen up, I'll make us some breakfast, and we'll see where we go from there."

"Back to bed, I hope."

"There's a good possibility of that happening," I smiled back. Our smiles were killing both of us.

I made us bacon and eggs with toast, and during breakfast, Felix filled me in on the events of the night before. I had to apologize for being such a bother. He laid his hand on mine, smiled that damn smile again, and said, "It was no bother at all."

"I don't usually drink that much, but I was celebrating." I tried to explain my awful behavior.

"What were you celebrating?"

"I got a gig at "The Male Room'. I'll be entertaining there every Saturday night if things go in my favor."

Felix looked stunned. "Saturday is drag night," he said. "Are you a drag queen?"

"I prefer female impersonator' or female illusionist', but yes, I am."

"Shit," he said, "I hate drag acts and drag queens. If you weren't so handsome, I'd run out of this place right now."

"Well, Felix, why don't we hit the sack, and see if I can't change your mind."

Felix jumped up, grabbed my hand and ran to my bed with me in tow. We made love all day Sunday. We left no parts of our bodies untouched and unexplored. In fact, we made love every night that week. Since Felix lived in the dorms, he stayed with me all week.

On Saturday afternoon I asked him if he was going to come and see my act that evening. He looked pained, and I could see that he was choosing his words carefully. Finally, he said, "I don't think I will."

"Why not?" I was really hurt.

"Because I love you, dufus. I don't think I could bear to see you garishly made up like some freak of a woman."

"Please come. My sister will be there, and I want you to meet her. It'll be a favor to me."

"Okay, but if you don't see us there when you finish your act, you should know that I took her elsewhere."

"Fair enough."

"How will I know her?"

"She'll be at the bar, and she'll know you. I sent her a picture. She's also tall for a woman; about my height."

"I'll do it, but if I disappear, please don't be upset with me."

"You'd better leave now. It takes me a long time to make up and get ready."

Hi. It's Felix again. I'll tell you what happened that night.

I entered the club and headed for the bar. I spotted her immediately. She looked nothing like her brother. Not only was she tall and tastefully dressed, but she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. If I were straight, I would have dropped Joe immediately in favor of his sister.

She spotted me and waved me over. "Are you Felix?" she asked.

"The one and only," I said gawking stupidly at her. "Joe didn't tell me how beautiful you are. He also didn't tell me your name. I don't want to call you `hey you' all evening."

"We're twins and our folks thoughtlessly named us Joseph and Josephine."

"That's great; so if I accidentally call you Joe, you won't get angry."

Josephine laughed at me, and I bought her a drink. I had two drinks while she nursed the first one. In fact, she drank very little of it. Mainly we talked about Joe; how great a guy he was, and how handsome.

After a while, the drag show started. The first two queens were garishly made up `women', who lip-synced. The first did Barbra and the second did Bette.

As the second performer was finishing her set, Josephine took her cell phone out of her purse. I never heard it ring, but she began to talk to someone.

"I'll be right back," she said. "Joe needs me to help him with his make-up, and to zip up his dress. You stay right here."

The MC then introduced the next act, Josephine. He made it sound like she had just performed for The Queen of England. He asked for a strong round of applause for her premiere performance at `The Male Room'.

Well, out came Josephine; not Joe's twin sister, but my Joe in drag. She had fooled me. She had no exaggerated eyelashes, lipstick, over-rouged cheeks, or costume-like clothes. She was the elegant lady I just had a drink with. I was further impressed that she sang in her own voice. She leaned against the piano and sang in perfect imitation of a cabaret singer. She was sheer elegance.

I couldn't believe that I had been so dumb as not to have recognized Joe. Well, he did refer to himself as an illusionist. If he could fool his lover, he could fool anyone. I was the first audience member to run on stage and stuff a couple of dollars into her bra. All told she sang three songs. When she was done the crowd roared and begged for more. I was certain that Josephine was going to be a regular on Saturday evenings.

She was forced to sing one encore, and when she finished her set, she came over to me and planted a wet one on my lips.

"Give me a tissue," she said. I obliged her and she erased the smeared lipstick from my face.

"Well?" she asked.

"You're amazing but I have one request."

"For you anything."

"I want to sleep with Josephine tonight, so I'll know what it feels like to sleep with a woman."

"I don't think that will work. I still have male parts and equipment."

"I'll pretend. If you can create that great illusion, I can be convinced of it."

Joe/Josephine and I committed to each other that night. I still disliked drag queens in gaudy make-up, but I couldn't get enough of Joe's transformation, and listening to him sing.

I moved in with him as soon as possible, and we shared the rent, which made both our fathers very happy.

What made us happy was making love to each other almost every night for the rest of our lives.

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