Joshs Journey

By ten.tsacmoc@retirwnogard

Published on Feb 17, 2004


This is dedicated to my Sugah in Ontario, who I am reasonably certain NEVER expected to have an email conversation on the trick or treating behaviors of rural Alberta! Thanks bushels for your help, Sugah!

Josh's Journey: Holi-daze?

The first time I received the anonymous note it was about a week after Kel told me of his time in the mental hospital. I had stopped by the house to grab my mail before going to Kel's. The envelope was a plain white one with a Seattle post mark on it. My name was typed on it: Joshua Sanclere, followed by my address. It was puzzling as no one has called me Joshua since I was very small. It was an odd moment, almost like suddenly remembering that my name really WAS Joshua. And my last name was printed correctly, a feat well out of the abilities of the average junk mailer who sent things to Josh St. Clair or San Clear on a regular basis. It seemed to me that some effort was being made to make it look official. Inside the envelope was a 3X5 card with one word typed on it:


I studied it in bewilderment. There was nothing on the backside, just the one word on the front.

"Beware?" I thought. "Beware of what? The ides of March? Stampeding holiday shoppers? Black ice?" I flipped the card and envelope into the garbage and dismissed it as a stupid prank.

The next note came about a week later. I was home with a head cold. Kel had plans to come over in the afternoon to feed me soup and keep me company. He had just started a new book and was writing furiously, so I hardly saw him even when I was at his house.

Crystal and I went out for the mail. Tucked in between the gas bill and a credit card application was a plain white envelope with Joshua Sanclere typed on the front. Now I was starting to feel really creeped out. I opened the envelope carefully. Inside was another 3X5 card. The same message was typed on it:


I swore loudly. This was getting annoying. And I was getting pissed off.

"What's up?" Mitch asked walking into the kitchen. His blond hair was standing on end. He had worked until closing the night before and then gone out clubbing. He had got home shortly after sunrise pretty drunk, so I was surprised to see him up at 10 am. He went to the cupboard by the dryer and got a bottle of Dewars out and a glass. He poured a couple fingers of scotch into the glass and took a deep drink. He looked at me over the rim.

"Other than you?" I grinned at him. He walked the couple of feet to me and kissed me, flicking his tongue across my lips. I remembered a time when I thought scotch flavoured kisses were sweet tasting and so grown up. I handed him the card. Mitch took it and read what was typed on it. He turned it over.

"What the..?" He said setting his drink on the table.

"Its the second one. Someone is worried that I am not being cautious enough, I guess." I shrugged.

"I don't like it," Mitch growled. "I'm callin Will."

"Will?" I asked puzzled.

"He's a lawyer," Mitch said. "He'll know what to do." He picked up his glass and stalked out of the room.

I knitted my brow trying to remember if I had been told that. I had no idea but I was willing to bet that if I asked Kel he would say " well of course I knew that!" Mitch came back into the kitchen holding the card by a corner. The phone was cradled between his head and shoulder. His other hand held his glass.

"Hey! Yeah.. Really? Well I enjoyed it as well," He glanced at me and blushed. I responded with a sneeze.

I could hear Mitch explaining to Will what he was calling about as I walked to the bathroom to blow my nose. When I returned to the kitchen he was leaning against the counter talking to Will. I tried to take the card from him but he held it up and away from me. Mitch is only an inch or two shorter than me but where I am slender and broad shouldered he is solid and broad shouldered. It was like trying to take the last potato chip away from a bear.

"Uh huh, yeah.. all right. Yes. Will do," he listened some more. "Okay, yes see you tonight." He thumbed the off switch on the phone and looked at me.

"Will says to call the police." I started to protest but Mitch talked over my protests. "Call them and start a paper trail. Halloween is two days away, this could be some weird gay bashing thing."

"That's ridiculous!" I said.

"Is it?! Don't you read the papers, Josh?" He yelled. "Don't you remember what it was like at home?!" He waved his arms wildly, the alcohol in his system accelerating his reactions to borderline hysteria.

I dropped into a chair. "Damn, I thought I left that crap behind." I dropped my head into my hands. Mitch came over and squatted down, he put his arms around me.

"Josh, please call the police. I can't lose you. And neither can Kel."

A shudder ran down my back. I trembled. Kel! My beautiful, fragile lover. What would he do without me? I wrapped my arms around Mitch ignoring the smell of scotch. He squeezed me.

"Please, Josh? Do it," he whispered into my hair. I nodded.

"Hey! What's going on in here?" My head jerked up at the sound of Kel's voice. "Mitch, I'll have you know I consider copping a feel off of my man a dueling offence!" Kel grinned broadly as he stepped into the kitchen. Tova surged through on his heels. Crystal met him in a frenzy of puppy love.

Mitch stood up blushing. Kel came to me and wrapped his arms around me. His grinned faded as he looked into my eyes.

"Josh? What's wrong?"

Mitch showed him the card and explained what Will had told him. Kel turned pale. His arms tightened around my shoulders.

"Josh, Mitch is right. You need to call the police." Kel's eyes were wide with fear. My fear I can deal with but Kel scared was something I refused to allow to continue.

I sighed and reached for the phone. But instead of calling the police I dialed Alejhandro's office. I was beginning to value his opinion and I would feel much better if he also advised me to call the police.

Trina answered and I asked if Alejhandro was free. She asked me to hold on. A moment later the phone clicked.

"Josh? What's up?" Alejhandro's baritone rumbled in my ear.

"I need some advise.. if that's all right." I said starting to felt a little foolish. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered him.

"Of course amigo, that's what I am here for. Go ahead, justify my existence." He chuckled.

I explained about the two cards and Mitch's concerns and what Will had told him to do. I told him I felt weird calling the police but both Mitch and Kel wanted me to call them. He listened without interrupting until I ran down.

"So what should I do?" I asked finally.

Alejhandro blew out his breath. "Josh, mi amigo, I don't like the anonymous notes at all. Someone is hiding, someone who for whatever reason is unwilling or afraid to confront you. It is most probably a sign of trouble. Perhaps it won't go any further but frequently if a person gets away with small petty stuff they get bolder. And that's when things can get very nasty. At this stage there is probably little the police can do but where its been repeated you have a pattern establishing and half of the work of finding perpetrators of this type is in understanding their pattern of behavior. My advice? Call the police. If nothing else it will make all three of you feel safer, especially Mitch and Kel."

"All right. Thank you, Alejhandro."

"De nada, amigo. Let me know what happens. Are we on for this Friday?" Alejhandro's voice was soft; casual as if he were asking about a lunch date.

"Yes," I answered feeling suddenly much more relaxed.

"Bueno, good. If anything comes up before then, don't hesitate to call. Even if I am not here my service can track me down," Alejhandro's said.

As I hung up the phone I remembered that first night at Kel's. I had told him almost the exact same thing when I left. It felt strange to be on the receiving end instead of the giving end of comfort.

"Okay, you win," I said. "Alejhandro thinks calling the police is a good idea."

Kel let out his breath audibly. I told them what Alejhandro had said about escalation. Kel paled and trembled. I pulled him into my lap and hugged him. I asked Mitch to get me the number for the police department.

Mitch looked up the number and read it out to me. I called and spoke to someone who took the particulars and said an officer would get in touch with me shortly. I hung up the phone and wrapped my arms around Kel feeling cold and shaky. Not from the head cold but from the sudden feeling of being watched and no longer feeling safe in my own home. Kel wrapped his arms around me and held me.

Mitch yawned and excused himself to go back to bed. Kel hopped up when I asked him to, so I could go hug Mitch. We clung to each other for several moments.

"Thanks, friend." I whispered.

"No problem," he said hugging me in return. He finished off the scotch and waved to Kel and headed back to his room. I heard him talking to the canines before his door closed. Tova and Crystal returned to the kitchen.

Kel and I just looked at each other in silence. For several minutes the silence stretched between us like a barrier, then Kel grabbed the belt loops on my pants and pulled me to him. Arms entwined around each other, we took comfort from each other. I really hadn't been scared until Mitch called Will. I hated this feeling. Not the scared part but rather the feeling of loss of control. The feeling that someone else was controlling my actions and decisions for me. That made me want to dare this loser to meet me face to face. I wanted to defy him and his petty tricks.

Kel's arms tightened around me. I stroked his back and he purred like a kitten. I tipped my head to kiss him and jerked my head back in a sneeze. Kel snickered.

"Bruvver, thith ith gedding adoying," I said letting go of Kel. He grinned. Just as I got to the bathroom to blow my nose the phone rang. I heard Kel answer it.

"Hello?" He paused listening. "No, its not. He just stepped out of the room. Oh yes, he'll be back in just a moment if that's all right." Kel called to me, "Josh, its an Officer Morgan." I hurried back to the kitchen. He handed the phone to me.

The police officer was, to my surprise, a woman. She asked me to repeat what I had told the first officer. I told her about the first card and how I had thought it a prank so had thrown it out and not thought of it. But now a week later there was another card. I described the card and envelope to her.

"I wasn't very concerned, but my room mate didn't like it and called his friend who is a lawyer," I explained. "He said I should call the police." I paused. "He thought it could be some weird new kind of.." I paused and swallowed, "gay bashing."

"Well, its not an MO we've identified." Officer Morgan said. "Do you have anyone you suspect?"

"No," I answered. "This is the first time I've been hassled since moving here three years ago."

"Well that says something good for us!" She laughed. "All right, give me your personal information and I'll make a report. I doubt at this point that we'd be able to lift a good set of prints off the card. You and your room mate have probably handled it and messed up all the prints if there were any. But if you get another, don't open it, call me instead, all right?" I murmured an agreement. "Also, without suspects there is little we can do. But again, if it continues or gets worse please call me at this number."

I wrote her name and number on the backside of the gas bill. I told her my full name and birth date. When I told her I was from Alberta, she sighed. She said she had been in Calgary a few years prior and had loved the place. I told her I was raised in a small town quite a bit east of there on the prairie. I hung up the phone feeling oddly safer and more at peace.

Kel and I seemed determined to push the fear away. We talked loudly and quickly with too much laughter in it. Finally Kel looked at me and shook his head. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. We went outside and sat on the stoop. I put my arm around him and he laid his head on my shoulder.

"You WILL be careful, won't you Josh?" He said softly.

"Yes." I answered. My left hand caressed his cheek. "Whoever it is is just a coward. But I'll be careful. I promise."

He sighed and leaned against me. His hand stroked my leg. We stayed that way for a long time. Not talking, just taking comfort from each other. After a long time of silence, Kel asked about the Momma cat and I told him Mitch had been feeding her.

"Got any plans for Halloween?" Kel asked.

"No," I laughed. "I haven't celebrated it since I was about 13. Kaleb and Xan tried to get me to go with them last year, but I declined. Stayed home and handed out treats."

Kel grinned. "I love handing out treats. I never got to go trick or treating, you know. So I make up for it now by giving out the best treats!"

I shivered. There are so many things most people take for granted and trick or treating would be one of them. It was such a ritual of childhood, I couldn't imagine having never done it. I was raised on a ranch, for heaven's sake! And we were driven into town each Halloween to trick or treat!

Kel looked up at me. "Anyway, want to come over and help me hand them out. It'll be fun."

I grinned at him. "Sure why not?"

The rest of the day was anti-climatic. We shared lunch and made love ( with a roll of TP nearby for my nose) several times in the afternoon. In between, Kel told me about his new book, his latest visit to the doctor and a myriad of other little things. He was determined not to ruin the mood by bringing up the notes again. Mitch woke up sometime around 4 and Will showed up shortly after 5. I told Will what Alejhandro and Officer Morgan had said.

Will, I was informed, was a civil attorney, specializing in wills, probate and the like, not in criminal law. But he had talked with a colleague who had also recommended the police but had said the same things as Officer Morgan. True to my prediction when I asked Kel if he knew Will was an attorney he had looked at me funny and said, "Yes, of course I knew that." Sometimes I wondered if I was in a permanent out of the loop pattern!

Conversation throughout dinner centered, naturally enough, on the notes and the implication behind them. Dinner was not the lighthearted meal it had been the last time the four of us were together. The melancholy hanging over the table made me even angrier at the loser who had sent the notes. I resented his/her intrusion into my home and my life. And I was furious at him for upsetting my friends and scaring my lover.

There were no new notes on the 30th much to the collective relief of everyone. I returned to work on the 30th, feeling much better physically if not emotionally. I was not scared but rather furious. I told Sam about the notes at lunch and he reacted with outrage as well. It would not have been a good moment for someone to stroll up and ask if I'd got anything unusual in my mail lately. There would have been a homicide in the middle of MacDonald's!

The 31rst arrived clear and cold. There was a prediction of rain, but there's ALWAYS a prediction of rain in autumn in Seattle! Halloween turned out to be a lot more fun than I had expected. We had all been walking on eggshells for the prior two days worrying about what might happen. When there was no note both Kel and I were able to relax a bit. I know Kel was scared for what might happen in the evening. He stuck tight as glue to me after I arrived at his house that evening.

Kel teased me into painting my face and letting him braid some of Keeley's feathers into my hair. Looking in the mirror, I had to grin. I wondered what my grandmother would have said if she'd been there. The Indian heritage was NOT a source of pride to her.

"Had I thought of it sooner, I'd have hit Goodwill looking for a fringed suede jacket," he commented as he painted my face. "Josh! Don't wrinkle you nose like that. Now you have dots instead of a stripe on your nose." He sighed and repaired the stripe.

When he finished painting my face, he insisted on taking a couple of pictures. I made faces at him and he doubled over laughing so hard he almost dropped the camera. Kel dressed up as a pirate complete with eye patch, bandana and a fake droopy mustache.

I watched Kel get dressed. His face was flushed and he was obviously as excited as a child. My heart went out to him. So many parts of childhood he had missed out on! I wondered suddenly what kind of father he would be.. and felt another kind of sadness that I would never know the answer to that question.

"You know, winter starts earlier back home," I said leaning back on a pillow. "And really, compared to home, Seattle is tropical. Anyway, the joke runs when picking out a costume you have to make sure its BIG enough to go OVER a snowsuit!"

Kel laughed and I continued, " So, of course, large families do the hand me down routine. Which sometimes leads to confusion... `Are you Rafe or Josh? Jem! I didn't think you were big enough for that costume yet! Come to think of it, this IS the third time I've seen that costume!'" I grinned and Kel laughed some more.

Kel walked past the bed and I grabbed him. I tried to kiss him but he squirmed out of my grasp and danced away.

"Josh, stop you'll smear your makeup!" He got an odd look on his face and he sat down abruptly laughing so hard he started crying.

"What?" I asked. I slid off the bed and crawled over to him.

"Oh my God, Josh! I never thought I'd ever tell YOU that you'd smear your makeup!" he gasped out between peals of laughter. I grinned and laughed.

"You just wait, mister." I growled softly. "After the kids are home getting their sugar coma started.. Look out! I'm going to smear this makeup in places you never thought you'd WEAR makeup!"

Kel grinned, his eyes shimmering. " Sounds fun! My savage lover!"

The whole evening was a riot. Kel and I lugged the TV and VCR out of his room and set it up in the living room. I was somewhat forcibly reminded of Kel's aversion to extension cords when I pulled the TV out from the entertainment center and found the slack on the cord tightly wrapped and electrical taped allowing just enough cord to run from the TV to the plug. The VCR was similarly wrapped and taped. While Kel carried the VCR to the living room I checked the clock on the bedside table: also wrapped and taped. Chills ran down my back. I hurried out to the living room into Kel's company.

Kel gathered up every pillow he could find and threw them on the floor in front of the couch ("Much more comfortable than THAT couch.") with a couple of blankets. We curled up in the pillows and blankets with a large bowl of freshly popped popcorn and watched movies, taking turns answering the door. Crystal and Tova spent most of the evening in the backyard, partly to keep Tova from scaring the kids and partly to keep him from running out when the door opened. Keeley dressed up as a parrot and rode on Kel's shoulder much to the delight of the children trick or treating. The kids would shout at her and Keeley would yell back at them. I had always enjoyed seeing the costumes and watching the kid's excitement but this year it seemed even more enjoyable than ever before.

"Mommy! There's a REAL Indian in there!" I heard one little girl tell her mother in a loud excited voice. "Not just a guy with a headband on! He had war paint on and everything!" I grinned, pleased to have made her evening and glad that she hadn`t noticed I was wearing jeans. When I told Kel he laughed and said I would be the talk of the playground tomorrow. I winked at him and told him it wouldn't be the first time!

By about 8:30 pm, the trick or treaters had changed from little kids to teenagers and people suffering from arrested development. Kel turned out the porch light and let the canines in. Kel peeled off the mustache, eye patch and bandana. The glue for the fake mustache left a rough red mark on his upper lip. I pulled into my arms and kissed his lip, tickling his lip with my tongue. Kel sighed and snuggled up into my arms. I held him, just feeling his warmth and content to know he was there. After several minutes he looked up at me, his eyes shining.

"Josh," he paused. "Josh, I want to make love to YOU tonight."

"Of course," I answered." Don't we usually?"

"No, not like that." He shook his head. "You lay back and let me do the work."

"Mmm," I murmured. Kel grinned at me and tipped his head up.

Our lips met and heat flowed down my chest and belly. His tongue stroked my lips and slid between them to tease the roof of my mouth. I shivered feeling my nipples harden. Kel's tongue caressed my tongue. I moaned. He twisted his head pushing deeper till he could stroke the soft pallet at the back of my mouth with his tongue. I moaned and tightened my arms around his waist.

Kel's hands slid up my front. Being shirtless already, I felt every inch of it like tiny sparks of fire. He caressed my belly and up to my pecs. His fingers lightly stroked my chest curving close to but never quite touching my nipples. My head fell backwards, breaking the kiss and I moaned loudly. My hands flexed against his back.

"Kel," I groaned.

Kel grinned. He traced a pattern with his index finger around my pec in ever shrinking circles. I was on fire by now. When he finally brushed the tip of his finger across my nipple I thought my knees would buckle. Kel laughed softly. He brushed my nipple again, softly stroking it with just the tip of his finger. I moaned and shuddered. He looked at me a wicked gleam in his eyes, then leaned forward and lightly bit the nipple.

This time my knees did sag and I would have fallen if Kel hadn't leaned backwards supporting my weight. The shift in weight pulled on my nipple sending waves of pleasure cascading down my belly to my groin. I cried out in pleasure and tightened my grip on his shoulders. Kel nibbled on first one then the other nipple. I moaned and cried out, my head whirling from sensation. Kel's arms around me felt like bands of fire wrapped around my body. I was on fire and no part of my body it seemed was immune to the flame.

Kel eased me down to the floor and I dropped on it pulling him down on top of me. I dragged his head back to my mouth and for a long time we just kissed. Our tongues exploring each other, bodies fused together in yearning. Hands caressing, exploring, teasing each other. Kel broke off the kiss and raised his head. His face was smudged with paint. I reached up and rubbed at a red smear. He grinned.

"Josh," he said softly. "You are the best thing to happen in my life."

Tears sprang up in my eyes and I pulled him down hard into my arms. I was just starting to roll him over when I remembered what he said earlier. 'I want to make love to YOU tonight'. I stopped and just held him loosely. His eyes glittered at me. I stroked his cheek and he sighed.

Kel slid backwards off of me, stroking my cock inside my pants as he moved. I jerked feeling a rush of fire flooding my hypersensitive cock. He stood up and pulled his shirt over his head. It was a little large for him to give that billowing blousy effect usually seen in old pirate movies. He dropped it casually on the floor beside him. I was so hard by now it hurt. I wanted him so bad.

He ran his hand lightly up his chest, his head tipped slightly backwards. I could hear his breathing: ragged and heavy. He looked at me, just the tip of his tongue peeking out between his full lips. I wanted those lips on me, on my chest, my belly, I wanted them on my cock.

"Kel, please." I moaned softly.

Kel laughed a low sensual laugh that sent frissons of pleasure through me. He balanced gracefully, bending his knees and leaning forward. Slowly and precisely he started to unbutton my jeans. His fingers rubbed my cock making my hips buck. With a little help from me he worked my jeans and underwear off. My cock shot straight up, drooling for all it was worth.

Kel grinned. He hurriedly finished undressing himself. His pretty rosy coloured cock stood at attention straining to reach me. I stretched out and cupped it in my hand, sliding my palm along the underside. Kel moaned and shivered. He stepped backwards, his cock slipping out of my hand. I grunted in frustration.

Kel knelt between my legs. His hands stroked my thighs. I moaned and shuddered under the touch of those long, delicate fingers. He wrapped his hand around my cock and slid it down to my pubes. Kel ran the fingers of his free hand lightly down then up my bare thighs. I moaned. Slowly he stroked my thighs. Kel continued to stroke my cock. One hand working my cock; one hand teasing my thighs.

"Oh God, Kel!" I groaned.

My body was on fire. Hot lava flowed through my limbs. I thrashed as he stroked my cock. I so wanted to just grab him and roll him over and bury my cock to the hilt in his hot tunnel and only the strongest exercise of self control stopped me from doing just that.

Kel slid down onto his belly and leaned forward. His tongue slid lightly across the tip of my cock. My whole body heaved. Kel's mouth slid down my cock until his nose rubbed the skin of my lower belly. I cried out. My hands gripped the blanket as I twisted in pleasure. He pulled up and slid down: over and over again, faster and faster. His tongue and mouth a hot paradise.

"Oh God, Oh God, Kel. Oh, Godddddd, KEL!" I cried out as my head exploded in a firework of pleasure.

Heat and fire flowed through my body from my cock to the tips of my fingers and toes. Wave after wave of pleasure slammed through me. Kel continued to work my cock. His tongue teasing and stroking it. His fingers stroked my buttocks making me jerk and push deeper into his throat. He pulled up til just the glans was in his mouth. He slipped his fingers into his mouth. His fingers rubbed the head of my cock. I cried out. He sucked on both my cock and his fingers for a minute or two then took his fingers out of his mouth and looked up at me. His eyes were gleaming.

Kel's head slammed down my shaft so fast it felt like I would blast a hole in the back of his skull. I cried out his name. His fingers stroked the crack of my butt. I shivered and raised my butt for him. Slowly and carefully he work first one, then a second finger into my hole. I groaned and shuddered. His fingers caressed my tunnel exploring, looking. My body exploded in feeling and fire as he located my prostate. Firmly he rubbed it and I twisted in pleasure. His mouth tightened on my cock and he continued sucking and rubbing, until my consciousness narrowed to the point that all I could feel was his fingers and mouth. All I knew at that moment was Kel, his touch, his mouth, the softness of his hair as it stroked my thighs and belly.

"Oh God, Oh Kel. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. I .. Oh, KEEEEELLLLLLL!" I screamed. My back arched like it was trying to fold me in half. I twisted stiffly and started shaking as shot after shot of sweet cream sped down his throat. I dropped suddenly deflated. The blanket under me was damp with sweat and cool on my back.

I lay there for a minute my head spinning. When it finally stopped I was aware of a weight and a cold spot on my thigh. I raised up on my elbows and looked down. Kel's head was laying on my thigh. Tears were leaking out of half closed eyes. They ran through a smudge of blue paint giving the tear a crystalline look. I shifted and ran my hand through his curls.

"Kel?" I said softly.

He looked up at me and smiled. I ran my thumb across his cheek brushing off the tear and smearing the paint more. I squirmed downward until his head was on my chest. I hugged him and pulled him up to my mouth, taking a long taste of myself in his mouth. God, I wanted him so bad. He moaned softly into my mouth. I rolled him over and cradled his head in my hands.

"Kel, my beautiful, sweet Kel." I whispered. "Why tears?"

"I don't know." Kel answered. "I've been so scared this week. Scared that something would happen and you'd be taken away from me. I havent been that scared in," he swallowed, "a very long time." His hands gripped my biceps. "I can't live without you. I can't. I can't. I cant!"

"Shhh" I soothed him. "I'm not going anywhere. No one is going to take me away from you. EVER."

I leaned over and kissed him again. The taste of his mouth and the pressure of his cock against my leg started me getting hard again. His hands buried themselves in my hair and pulled my head closer. We devoured each others mouths in a wave of heart exploding passion. Feathers from my hair floated everywhere. I kissed his chin, nose, cheeks and eyes. My lips and tongue caressed his jaw and neck under his chin. He squirmed and moaned, pulling my hair. I worked my way down his neck to the hollow of his collarbone. He groaned and repeated my name over and over.

Down across his chest I kissed, taking the time to tease each nipple while Kel twisted and sobbed under me. My lips and tongue explored his body down across the soft hair of his belly to his thick wiry pubic hair. He moaned and tightened his grip on my hair. I raised my head and studied his face. His eyes were slits, his mouth opened just a bit, I could hear his breathing: rough edged and deep.

I leaned down and swallowed his cock. He let out a hoarse scream and bucked his pelvis into my face. I grabbed his hips anchoring them to the floor. He sobbed and cried my name. I pulled up on his cock keeping the pressure firm. Kel went nuts, thrashing and crying, his fists pounded on my shoulders. When I looked down I saw smears of yellow, blue and red.. the remains of my war paint on his hips and groin.

I worked Kel's cock over with my mouth and tongue. He thrashed and sobbed, his hands clawing at my shoulders. Up and down I slid increasing and decreasing the suction. Kel moaned and gasped out my name.

"Josh.. God Josh," he sobbed.

I pulled off of his cock. He cried out in frustration. I rubbed Kel's lips with my fingers until he opened his mouth and let them slide in. He sucked my fingers as deeply as he had sucked my cock. I moaned and my cock jerked in pleasure. I leaned back down to Kel's cock. The glans was a fiery angry colour now. I swallowed it. Kel jerked, his hips slamming up into my face. I pulled my fingers out of his mouth and slowly worked them into his hole. He cried a long keening noise. I shivered in pleasure.

By now Kel was so hard and on edge that it wasn't long before he came. With a long shriek that sounded somewhat like my name he shot down my throat. Shot after shot of sweet cream: I swallowed frantically trying to keep up with the flow.

"Brain tissue?" I thought with a wry grin.

Kel was shaking by the time he finished shooting. I hugged him and rubbed his arms and thighs to calm the spasms. He shuddered and looked up at me. I kissed him softly. Gently I rolled him over spreading his legs with my knee.

My cock was well lubed from precum and slid easily into his hole. Fire ignited in both heads. Heat flowed down my back and thighs. Slowly I started moving. Kel pulled my head down to his. He devoured my mouth like a starving man. Harder and harder I pounded into his tunnel. So hot and tight, he was driving me nuts this time. I half sat up and pulled his legs up so I could pound even deeper. Kel cried out, his body twisting. I dropped back onto him and rolled over onto my back.

Gravity slammed him down harder and I drove even deeper into him holding his hips firmly. He gripped my wrists and babbled in pleasure. I grinned slamming him down as I pushed up into him. He cried out incoherently.

I rolled him over again. It wouldn't be long now before I came. Kel was hard again as well. I gripped his ankles, his legs feeling almost stick like in my large hands, and spread his legs wide, pounding deeper and deeper. Kel's prostate was taking a beating and he was so far gone that the only sound he could make was that odd keen of his. I looked down. The sight of my copper shaft slamming into his rosy pink hole was all it took! I jerked and slammed in harder almost bending Kel in half. As I fell forward I let go of his ankles. My lips found his somehow; our tongues as entwined as our bodies. Kel's fingers dug into my back as he shot again. I filled his insides with my own cream.

I was the first to move. Raising my head, I looked down at him. Kel's eyes were closed, his mouth curled up in a dreamy smile. I traced his lips softly with my fingers. How I loved that face, that soft almost feminine face with the glittery green eyes and full lipped mouth. His skin so soft and creamy, for the first time I realized it was unmarked by any blemish I could see. No freckles, moles, scars, not anything other than smooth pale skin.

He opened his eyes. They gleamed a bright green. Thick dark lashes framed his eyes. I blew a soft breath across them. He smiled and sighed. So pretty, so fragile and so MINE!

"Josh," he said softly. "Happy Halloween." He grinned wickedly.

I laughed and kissed him again. "You were right." I grinned. "You DO give out the best treats!"

Kel laughed and tightened his arms around me. We laid there, together, for sometime. Neither of us feeling the need to move. I could hear Crystal and Tova moving around on the floor nearby. Whiskers, the cat, jumped down from the couch. He butted at Kel and yowled until Kel twisted around and started scratching his ears. I rolled off of Kel and laid beside him, my chin resting on his shoulder. Happiness pulsed through me. This was what I wanted. I was home.

Next: Chapter 11: November Chaos

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