Joshs Journey

By ten.tsacmoc@retirwnogard

Published on Dec 27, 2003


just a note this starts immediately after chpt 2 ends

Josh's Journey: Into Paradise

I rocked back on my knees pulling Kel up into my arms, my body still ringing from it's orgasm. I wanted just to hold him. To never let him go. Keep him safe forever.

"Wow." he said. I kissed him softly. He held my head in his hands.

"You need to get going." Kel said softly. "You have work early in the morning." His lips were so close to me. I tried to kiss him again but he leaned back out of range. "You know I am right."

I ground my teeth in frustration. Tova stuck his head between us and licked Kel's face, then mine. Kel tried to push his head away, but Tova only twisted his neck and licked Kel's face again.

"Silly wolf." Kel muttered pushing the huge head away again. Tova laid back down.

"Tomorrow" Kel stopped. "Tomorrow .. Would you like to do lunch?"

"Yes, absolutely." I told him where my work site was. "Just look for the Knightman Construction signs. But don't go past the fences, its a hard hat area. My lunch is at 12 until 1. And I AM paying this time."

"Okay by me. I'll be there twelve o'clock sharp!" He stood up and offered me his hand. I was surprised at how strong he was given his fragile appearance. Kel gestured toward the laundry room and told me to throw my clothes in there and he'd be right back. I was just finishing cleaning up in the bathroom when the door opened a crack and Kel's arm appeared holding a pair of sweat pants.

"Oh for God's sake, I'm not THAT much of a 'prude'!" I said pulling the door open. Kel stood there grinning. He had changed to a pair of sweats and a muscle T. His bony arms and knobby shoulder bones made me get angry all over again. He looked me up and down.

"You're more muscled than I expected. It must be because you're so tall. How tall are you anyway?"

"6'2" I answered. Kel's eyes traveled down and rested on my crotch to the bulge only partly hidden by my shirt.

"I would have been so terribly disappointed if THAT had been out of proportion with the rest of your... mmm... lengthiness." I blushed. He grinned at me.

"Just give me the pants!" I snarled. Kel handed me the sweats laughing at my embarrassment.

"Obviously nothing my size would fit you." he said leaning against the doorframe. "But I remembered those.. Micah left them behind when he moved out. Who knows why I kept a hold of them. I'm just a packrat at heart, I guess. Anyway I think they'll fit, he's about your height."

"Micah?" I asked pulling on the sweats.

"Old lover, well not OLD but former. Oh you know what I mean." Kel's face was sad. "Actually, I threw him out. God, he was great in bed..and out of bed as well... when he was sober. But he's an alcoholic, the black out type. I couldn't cope with him and my own problems at the same time."

"Kel." I wrapped my arms around him. He snuggled up.

"It's okay. He drifts in and out of my life so I suppose sooner or later you will meet him. If you stay around long enough." He bit his lip. "Ouch. Sorry, that didn't come out right."

"No, not quite." I hugged him. "But I understand. And I am not going anywhere.. well not permanently." I brushed the hair back from his face. His right ear lobe was pierced. There was a small diamond earring in it.

We hugged and kissed some more, working our way up the stairs. I collected my gym bag, shoes and keys from the bathroom. At the door, I stopped. My fingers stroked his cheek.

"If you need me .. for ANY reason, call. You have my number. Don't worry about the time."

"Thank you , Josh." Kel's voice was barely above a whisper. I kissed him one last time.

The drive home seemed longer than the drive to Kel's house. And every mile further away stretched longer and longer. My mind whirled like a hurricane trying to deal with everything Kel had told me. I ached for him. I ached for the little boy he had been. I ached for the adult man who rewired half a house to avoid using an extension cord. What had been done to him that would cause him to view them as evil? Or was that just part of the differing rational Kel had talked about? My stomach churned. I pulled over and climbed out of the car. I stared at the sky. And for the first time in years I said a short prayer for the strength to be all I wanted to be for Kel.

Crystal was ecstatic to see me and a little suspicious of the wolf scent. I rubbed her ears and wrestled with her for a few minutes. Mitch watched me and shook his head. He asked how the night went and I told him a little, leaving out the personal details of Kel's childhood.

"You look happy," he said.

"Yes." I agreed.

"Those aren't your sweats, are they?" he grinned.

I blushed "Umm no, Kel lent them to me. My jeans got dirty."

"Good for you!" he said before disappearing into his bedroom.

The next day at work, I was a total klutz and fumble finger. I kept tripping over things. After dropping my equipment for the third time my crew chief Mike pulled me aside.

"Must have been a hell of a night, Josh." He looked exasperated. "You have got to get your mind on work or I will have to send you home." I nodded and promised to get my mind back on work.

At noon Mike yelled at us to get moving so we could get back at the CORRECT time. I hung up my hard hat and pulled the elastic out of my hair shaking it loose. I stuffed the elastic in my pocket.

"What're you doing for lunch, Josh?" my buddy Sam asked. Sam was a shade shorter than me, red headed, with a barrel build. He had been my first friend in Seattle. Sam had taken me under his wing when I first started working for Knightman. He had been the first there to know I was gay and he had informed everyone in the company that if they had problems with it, he was more than willing to straighten them out on the subject.

Sam had started out as a mentor, but somehow he had become something more. We started going to lunch together, catching the occasional movie or basketball game or just a cup of coffee after work. Until much to my own surprise I found myself thinking and reacting to him as a brother. Sam would joke that he was the older brother I never knew I had. I suppose I missed my brothers more than I was willing to admit, even to myself.

"I have an.. umm .. lunch date." I said.

"Uh huh. The same guy you've been mooning about all day?"

I flushed. " Yeah."

"Must be some guy," Sam grinned at me. I grinned back.

"He is. C'mon, walk out with me. I'll intro you to him." Sam walked out to the street with me. I wondered if he could hear my heart beating in anticipation.

Cars lined both sides of the street: a typical Seattle afternoon. And being a construction area there was a cement truck on the sidewalk blocking my view up the street. I suddenly realized I had no idea what Kel would be driving. I looked around in panic. What if he didn't show up? What if he forgot? Or started writing. Or, or, or, I only knew his mind didn't work the same as others and a thousand 'what ifs' swirled through my mind practically paralyzing me. Sam watched me, his keen eyes noting my panic.

I stepped out into the gutter to look around the cement truck. From up the street I heard a shout. I looked up and across the street and saw a leather clad arm waving. Kel checked the road and swung the Phantom out into the lane. He passed us and turned around pulling to a stop double parked. Traffic whipped past him . He flipped up the face shield on his helmet.

"Hi" He said. He looked flushed and his eyes were glittering. "Sorry about that. I got here a little early. There wasn't any place closer to park. My editor has laryngitis." He grinned. "She wasn't in the mood to go on and on as she usually does. So I got away from her office a bit early."

Kel smiled at Sam. I did a quick introduction and they shook hands.

"Nice to meet ya. Any guy that can keep Josh`s mind from being able to totally concentrate on his job has got to be some fellow!" Sam said with a grin. I blushed and Kel laughed.

"Hey!" I protested but Sam just laughed. He punched me on the shoulder.

"I'm off then, Josh. See ya later."

"Later, Sam." He strolled off up the street to his truck.

"How are you?" I asked Kel.

"Very happy." He answered. " I woke up this morning feeling so much `lighter' than I have felt in a long time. And I slept upstairs for the first time since coming home from the hospital. My bed is far more comfortable than the couch downstairs."

"Good." I leaned down to kiss him and bumped my head on the helmet. Kel laughed and I grinned at him ruefully.

"I guess that will have to wait." I said.

"Nah," Kel said tipping his head back til he was looking straight up into the air. I kissed him. His lips were as soft and sweet as I remembered.

"I have an extra helmet but not a jacket that would fit you." Kel said.

"Hang on a sec." I walked the short distance to my car, retrieved my denim jacket and pulled it on over my sweatshirt. When I got back to Kel he was smiling.

"What?" I asked reaching out to touch his cheek. He handed me the helmet. I put it on and buckled the strap.

"Oh nothing." He answered. I nodded. I knew what he meant, I had not been able to stop smiling all day as well. I climbed on the bike behind Kel and wrapped my arms around him. His back was against my chest and again I was getting hard. I slid my butt forward then back to loosen my jeans.

"Comfy?" He asked.

"Yep." I replied.

He started the bike and checked traffic. When it was clear he swung the bike smoothly out into the road and accelerated. The wind blowing past me and the feel of Kel's body in my arms was exhilarating. Kel handled the bike smoothly and with the grace of movement I had seen the day before. My only concern was that the vibration of the engine was doing pleasant and potentially embarrassing things to my semi hard cock. Kel slid through traffic like a snake. He pulled into a parking lot and stopped entirely too soon for my taste.

"Mmm, Cisco's." I said.

"Yep, the best." he answered. "Unless you are sick of Mexican two days in a row."

"Never!" I said pulling off my helmet.

Kel laughed and pulled his helmet off. His hair tumbled down around his face framing it like a halo. He ran his fingers through it, pushing it back from his face.

"I need to get this mop cut. It grows so fast."

I brushed my fingers across his cheek. He smiled. "I like it," I said.

We walked up to the restaurant. Before sitting down, I went to the bathroom and washed some of the construction site off of me. When I got back to the table Kel was sipping a drink and reading the menu. I slid into the booth beside him.

"I don't know WHY I look at it," Kel said handing me the menu. " I always order the same thing."

"Crunchy things." I said with a grin.

"Absolutely. But then I do fill up on the chips before the meal." Kel reached for a chip and dunked it liberally in the salsa. I helped myself to the chips as well.

"Salsa isn't as good as yours. This one is thinner." I ate another chip.

"I had a Mexican lover living at the house for awhile. He taught me to make it the way his old abuela made salsa."

"Good thing for me then." I said dipping another chip.

Lunch was delicious as usual. Our server was a cheerful young lady who made sure our drinks were kept full.

"So is Kel short for Kelly?" I asked after eating a few bites.

"Nope, its short for Kelsey. As far as I know its the only battle my mother ever won over my father. He thought it was a girly name. I am afraid I really have to go with him on this one." I started to speak but he held up his hand. "However, if Sebastian was his idea of a good first name, I'm glad Mom won. That's my middle name." He grinned.

"Kelsey Sebastian Kabrey? Ouch. Mine is Mitchell. After my dad. That's another reason Mitch and I became friends."

"Joshua Mitchell Sanclere." Kel rolled the name around his tongue a couple times. "Obviously, your parents are better namers than mine.. or they'd had more practice by the time you came along."

I grinned and kissed him. The booth we were in was off on a side and there were no other people sitting real close. I have never been too concerned about other people's reactions , but I wasn't sure about Kel's.

"Maybe I shouldn't do that in public." I said. Kel's answer was to grab my head and pull it down to his lips. He sucked my lower lip. I was now definitely hard.

"Kel" I groaned. "You have to stop or I am going to get us both arrested."

Kel snickered. He pulled my head closer and nibbled my lip again.

"Oh!" We both jumped and I turned at the sound. Our server was standing by the table blushing furiously. My face felt as hot as her's looked. Kel laughed softly.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I was going to ask if you needed anything more but ummmmm.."

"No," I said. "I think we're about done here. Thanks."

"Oh good," she said. "I mean not good that you were done ummmm.. I meant good that you were done eating. OH!" She blushed brighter red and dug the ticket out of her apron. She handed it to me and took off like a shot. I looked it over and then looked at Kel.

"You ready?"

"Yup." He said taking a last drink of soda. He followed me up front where I paid the bill. Our server came by and I handed her a ten. Her eyes got wide and she stammered out thanks. I smiled at her. Kel and I went out into the afternoon sunshine.

The drive back to work was relaxing. And over far too soon. Kel pulled up onto the sidewalk and stopped by the cement truck. Several of my coworkers were standing around enjoying a smoke. Kel took a deep breath.

"Aaahh." He said.

"You smoke?" I asked in surprise. I pulled the helmet off my head.

"Not anymore. I started in my teens. Quit for awhile." His face had that shadow on it from last night. "Started again in college. I quit again about a year ago. This time I plan to stay quit, but OHHH!! That does smell good and I get to wanting it so much sometimes. But I won`t start again."

"That's great." I said. Kel nodded.

"Wait a minute." He twisted around and opened a saddlebag on the side of the bike. He pulled out my clothes from last night and handed them to me.

"Thanks." I said. "You're very with it today."

Kel's eyes narrowed. "As opposed to what? You mean I am not crying and going to pieces?" He practically spit the last part out.

I stepped backwards. I hadn't seen this before in him.

"Kel, I didn't say anything about crying."

"No, but what.. you didn't think I could get your clothes clean for you today? Did you think they would just lay in there forever?"

"Kel, what the hell? I haven't got your pants cleaned yet. I was just surprised that you got mine ready so quickly."

"Maybe its because I care about you!" He yelled at me.


But Kel didn't answer. He pushed the bike backwards, starting the engine and backed it out into the street. I ran toward him to grab the bike but when he looked up at me there was something 'wild' in his eyes that stopped me. I just stood there in shock as he peeled out and raced off, gunning the engine; narrowly missing hitting an oncoming car.

"Sonofa..What the heck was that all about? " one of my coworkers said from behind me.

"Josh?" It was Sam. "What the hell just happened?"

I looked away up the street. "I'm not sure. But I think I just underestimated his maternal side. And the fierceness of his love."

"Love for you?" Sam asked

"For anything he cares about, Sam." Sam put his arm around me. I leaned against him.

"I better put this stuff in my car. Just a minute." I walked up to the car and put the clothes and Kel's helmet inside. I returned to Sam.

"You want to go? I can cover with Mike."

I shook my head. "No, I need to think for a bit. Figure out how to fix it."

For the rest of the afternoon I turned the conversation around in my head. I finally decided that not only had I underestimated the fierceness Kel put into his love, but I had questioned, albeit unintentionally, his ability to take care of himself and others. A serious issue, I realized with sudden insight, for a mentally ill person struggling to live outside of hospital walls. Especially a person who had just barely finished a month long stay in the hospital behavioral unit. By quitting time I had a plan for getting back into Kel's good graces. But I needed Sam's help.

I stopped at the apartment, took a quick shower and changed out of my work clothes and into a red button down shirt and a clean pair of jeans. I left a note for Mitch telling him where I was going and giving him Kel's number. Crystal came running when I whistled, eager to be going on an adventure. I loaded her into the car careful that she didn't crush the package Sam and I had bought previously. Maybe Kel would be more receptive with her along, he did seem to relate to animals almost as kin. As I drove to Kel's, I thought some more about what Kel had said about mental illness: 'remember that what seems rational to my mind doesn't look rational to you. And things you may find totally rational often won't make a bit of sense to me. That's mental illness.'

My sister had had nightmares and often cried. But she rarely got angry usually she just withdrew into herself. But when she did get angry..look out! It was explosive. Maybe Kel was the same way. I wondered if the rapid mood swing was caused by the manic- depression. I needed to get advice and soon. I didn't want to accidentally hurt Kel. Not when others had hurt him so much. I suddenly wanted my mother. Even if she had no answers for me her calm voice and ability to listen would have made me feel so much better.

The driveway at Kel's was empty. He must have put the bike in the garage. I swallowed nervously wondering if the saw was still in there. I told Crystal to stay in the car and picked up the giant bag of tortilla chips I had decorated with a ribbon and bow. Sam and I had bought them as an apology. Cheaper than flowers and more fun in the long run! Nervously I walked up to the door, trying to juggle the chips. This was a VERY big bag and very awkward. I finally carried it fireman's hold on my shoulder.

I rang the doorbell. My stomach knotted and my heart was beating loud enough to hear inside the house. There was noise and movement on the other side but it didn't open. Tova looked out through the curtains covering the window by the door. He made a woofing kind of noise that raised the hair on my neck. He disappeared back into the house.

"Please Kel," I whispered.

I rang the bell again. And again. After a minute or so it opened. Kel stood in the doorway looking oddly small for a man nearly 6' tall. He had changed into a t-shirt that was at least two sizes to big for him. The discarded shirt of a former lover? He looked like a lost waif.

"Josh!" He looked surprised. His eyes were red.

"May I come in?' I asked. Kel stepped back, holding onto Tova's collar and let me in the house.

Of course," he said. "I was sleeping.. that's why it took so long to answer." He shut the door and studied me curiously.

"Kel." I reached out an touched his jaw with just the tips of my fingers. "I am so sorry. So VERY sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you today. I, obviously, need to choose my words more carefully. Please, Kel. Can you forgive me?"

He smiled tears in his eyes. "Of course, you big lunk. Its me that should be asking for forgiveness. I don't know what came over me this afternoon. I was going nuts thinking that you weren't going to speak to me ever again."

"I won't stop talking to you. I just didn't understand the fierceness of your care for the things you love. Here," I handed him the bag of chips. "Consider this a partial payment on my penance."

He looked at the bag and fingered the bow. Tears ran down his face.

"Oh, you Catholics. Always have to make a production out of everything." He smiled and blinked. "And wherever did you find a bag of chips that BIG?"

I grinned. "No one and I mean NO ONE dishes guilt like a Catholic mother. Trust me." I paused. "Sam belongs to one of those warehouse shopping thingies. He took me there this afternoon."

"Cool," Kel said.

We both laughed and suddenly Kel was in my arms. His arms were wrapped around my neck His mouth pressed against mine. I opened my mouth and let him in. He turned his head and pushed his tongue deep into my mouth. Passion flowed down my back like fire. I sucked greedily on his tongue. His mouth was as sweet as honey.

The kiss broke off with sigh. Kel leaned his head against my chest. After a minute or two he stepped back and looked up at me. His fingers tangled around the buttons of my shirt.

"Please Josh." He looked down, then up again. "Please, stay with me tonight. I won't expect anything. I just want your company. To feel you by me. Please?"

"Yes. Okay." Kel wrapped himself around my neck again. I just held him. He felt so damned RIGHT in my arms, like he had become an extension of my own body. I was amazed that I could feel so deeply for someone I had only just met. Maybe the ancient Greeks were right. There is another person walking around that together with yourself make one complete entity. Was I lucky enough to find him so early in my life?

I stepped backwards and started to open the door. Kel jumped and grabbed Tova's collar.

"Careful," he said. "He runs if he gets the chance... and chasing a wolf all night through the `burbs isn't what I had planned for the evening."

I grinned at him. Sticking my head out the door, I whistled. Crystal jumped out the open car window and ran up to the door. Her nose and head were racing frantically to take in all the new smells. I glanced back at Kel, who was till holding Tova, and opened the door a bit wider.

"Inside." I told Crystal. She bounded in and proceeded to smother both Kel and Tova with affection. It took several minutes to get both canines settled down. Kel admired her and she admired him back with several wet kisses. He laughed. I was relieved to hear him laugh. This relationship wasn't going to be easy, but I was going to give it my best effort.

Kel threw a quick dinner together. A couple steaks on the barbeque, a salad and of course, chips and salsa! We ate on the patio watching Crystal explore the back yard, Tova not far behind her. Kel pointed at her with a chip.

"I assume she's spayed. Not that it matters: Tova is neutered." He grinned at me. "I know, makes me cringe also, but it takes a lot of the aggressiveness out of male wolves." He dipped another chip in the salsa. I ate another chip liberally smothered in salsa.

"What happened to the Mexican lover?" I asked. "If that's not being too nosy."

Kel shook his head and sighed.

"The second time he put me in the ER I swore out a complaint against him. He did a month jail time for assault and then jumped parole. I was glad he left."

"God damn, Kel!" I sat up straight.

"Well you know, statistically abused children tend to grow up to be either abusers or abused adults. I have, in the past, fallen into the latter category many times." He looked down at the table his index finger scratching at a non-existent stain. I reached over and caressed his hand.

"Not anymore you won't" I said fiercely. He smiled up at me.

By the time we finished eating and put the dishes in the dishwasher it was getting late. The sun was sitting very low on the horizon. Kel checked to make sure there was plenty of water in Tova's dish. He put a second bowl of food on the floor.

"Wolf chow?" I asked.

He grinned. "Purina Dog Chow."

Kel took my hand and led me down the hall, the dog and wolf following at our heels. One of the two doors I had noticed last night was open. The other was firmly shut.

"My room." He said softly. "I apologize for the mess."

Kel's room was fairly large about 20' X 30'. There was a walk-in closet on the far wall. An oak entertainment center, smaller than the one downstairs, was against the wall near the door. Against the wall left of the door was a long dresser. Its top covered in a clutter of papers, books, a wallet, keys and quite a few other things. Between it and the closet was a queen size antique mission street style bed, the wood a warm, satiny honey brown. There was a pile of blankets in the center of the bed. The clothes Kel had been wearing that afternoon were on the floor and another pile of clothes were on what I assumed to be a chair by the closet.

"I'm umm kind of lazy about actually putting things away. Drove Kara nuts." He flushed. "Sorry. I shouldn't talk about her."

I didn't say anything. Kel looked up at me.

"You're not a neat nut, are you?" He asked.

"ME!? You gotta be kidding. I am the original slob!"

Kel laughed. "My kind of man! You should have seen me flying around the house Sunday cleaning everything that didn't get out of my way."

One of the blankets on the bed moved. A brown face peered out. It yawned and shook the blanket off. The biggest Siamese I'd ever seen stretched and yowled for attention.

"Josh, meet Whiskers. He thinks he is in charge around here." Kel scratched the cat's back.

"Doesn't every cat?" I asked. Crystal nosed at the cat who swatted her nose. She growled. I whistled and she ran to me. I scratched her head and told her to lay down. She laid down in front of the closet. Tova laid down by her. Kel looked at them and grinned at me.

"Looks like they have hit it off just fine."

I nodded. "Crystal loves everyone."

"Sort of like her dad?" Kel asked his voice low and sensual. He walked his fingers up the front of my shirt to the top button. I grasped his wrist. The bones were so fragile feeling and again I thought of how frail Kel looked and felt. But I was learning that his inner self was made of iron.

"I'm sorry," he said looking down. "I know I said no strings attached... but God Josh. I want you so bad! I ache to have your body next to mine, on top of me, under me.. hell just against me!"

I cradled his chin in my hand. I had been hard since before we had entered the bedroom. I brushed the hair back from his face. Kel leaned forward and our lips met. Fire ran down my chest to my groin. I moaned and pulled Kel closer. My hands ran down his back and grabbed the t-shirt. I yanked it up tangling us both in it. We both laughed as I worked the t-shirt off of Kel.

Kel stood quietly in front of me, his eyes down cast. He was so thin his skin looked 'stretched' over his bones. His pants, even belted, rode low on his hips revealing jutting hip bones and a fringe of dark brown hair just above the belt. I ran my hand up his chest feeling each and every rib.. and a couple of scars as well. There was a light feathering of dark hair across his pecs except where a nasty scar cut across the upper side of his left one. I ran my finger along it. My stomach roiled in pain. I tipped Kel's head up again. He started to say something but I pressed a finger to his lips.

"Later." I said. "Tell me later. Now will only get me angry and I don't want to be angry now." He swallowed and nodded.

I kissed him again. Kel started to unbutton my shirt. Every time his fingers brushed my chest electrical shocks traveled down it. When he got it open he stepped back and just looked at me. I knew what he was seeing: a smooth, hairless, copper coloured chest and flat stomach. He reached out and laid his hand against my belly. Fire roared out from his touch. I moaned. Kel slid the shirt off my shoulders dropping it to the floor. He put both hands on my chest.

"Josh." he whispered.

I pulled him close, wrapping my arms around him. I tried not to flinch as my fingers encountered the scars on his back. I leaned forward and picked him up. He yelped in surprise. I carried him to the bed and set him on it. He lay back against the pillows watching me through half closed eyes as I kicked off my shoes and peeled out of my jeans. My cock stood up in pleasure at being released. Kel eyed it and ran the tip of his tongue across his lower lip. I crawled onto the bed. Kel lay there looking so delicious I almost came. I crawled up to his lips, sliding my body across his.

"Josh." He groaned. I leaned down and kissed him. He tangled his fingers in my hair. I stretched out and slid my chest across his. Caressing. Teasing. Kel's body arched to meet mine and he moaned in pleasure.

For a long time we just kissed. Tongues exploring each others mouths. Hands caressing each other. My lips moved along his jaw towards his ear. He moaned and his fingers dug into my back. I kissed him down his neck and revisited the hollow of his collarbone. Kel thrashed under me. His hands tightened on my hair and he dragged my head back to his lips. Our tongues coiled around each other and I felt like I was drowning in Kel.

I raised my head panting. Kel's eyes were closed. I kissed his chin and worked my way down his chest to his nipples.

"Josh," he moaned as I sucked on first one then the other. I kissed my way down his belly and teased his belly button with my tongue. He writhed in pleasure. At the top of his jeans I ran my tongue lightly through the fringe of dark hair. I looked up at Kel. His eyes were closed and there was just a tiny curve of a smile on his lips. I reached up and ran my index finger over his lips, down his jaw and his chest to his pants. He moaned softly in pleasure. I rubbed the bulge of his cock with my chin. His body arched slamming his pelvis into my chin. I chuckled.

"You ready?" I asked. "You want me to remove this last barrier between us?"

"Yes, oh please Josh. I want to feel you on my cock." Kel answered in a whispery voice.

"Kel." I turned his head so he could see me. " Kel. You are clean?"

He nodded. "I was as of the test run when I was taken to the hospital. I haven't had sex of any kind in months anyway."

I sat up and unhooked his belt, then his jeans, sliding the zipper down. He moaned and writhed under me. Kel lifted his hips and I pulled his jeans and underwear off. He was so thin his pelvic bones looked like mountain ridges. But his cock was hard and drooling like a faucet. It wasn't a particularly long cock but it was well shaped with a purplish helmet shaped glans and a smooth rosy coloured shaft. A pretty cock for a pretty man. I leaned forward and ran my tongue across the tip. Kel jerked and cried out. I grinned and wrapped my thumb and forefinger around the shaft, sliding them up and down. Kel cried in pleasure. I leaned forward again and engulfed his cock in my mouth.

"JOSH!!!!" He screamed, his hips bucking under me.

I grabbed his hips to anchor them while I slid up and down on his cock. He moaned and thrashed. I let his aching cock slide out of my mouth and he sobbed in frustration.

"Lube?" I asked.

He pointed to the bedside table. I sorted through the jumble of things on the top and found the tube. Under Kel's watchful gaze I smeared lube on a couple fingers then dropped back down between his legs. He lifted his butt and I worked first one finger then another into his hole. He squirmed and moaned in pleasure. I swallowed his cock again. He cried out at the twin sensations of my mouth on his cock and my fingers inside him. His hips started bucking. My nose banged against his pubic bone. It didn't take long before he shot. My mouth filled to overflowing with his thick cream. I swallowed eagerly then slid up his body to his mouth again. He devoured my mouth tasting himself.

"Oh, Josh." He pushed my hair back behind my ears. "Oh God that was great!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." I grinned. Kel raised up on his elbow and looked at me. His hand rested against my chest.

"My turn." He said softly pushing me over onto my back.

I tucked my hands behind my head and watched him. He straddled my waist and leaned forward to kiss me. A long, hard kiss. His lips and tongue explored my face. I sighed in pleasure. He teased my jaw with his tongue. I grabbed his head and pulled him back to my lips. He worked his way down my jaw again taking his time. Kel sucked on the skin on my neck just below the jaw. I moaned. He raised his head.

"Oops," he whispered. "Now you will have to explain to 'the guys' why you are wearing a turtle neck in September."

I chuckled and tried to kiss him. Kel ducked his head and my body exploded. He was sucking on my nipple. Hot lava poured through my body followed by ice cold water. I cried out grabbing his shoulders roughly. He chewed lightly on my nipple. My body twisted. He moved to the other nipple. I thrashed as he nibbled, sucked and teased my nipple. Kel raised his head. His green eyes were iridescent. He smiled a lazy sexy smile. I brushed my fingers across his lips.

He ducked his head again. Tracing a path down my chest to my cock. There was a noisy slurping sound and his hair tickled my belly as he cleaned up the precum. He ran his tongue lightly down my cock. Electricity ran up my belly and down my legs. My hips bucked rubbing my cock along his cheek.

Once again my body exploded as Kel's mouth slid down my cock. All the way down, until I felt his nose against my pubic bones. I groaned and started bucking my hips. He slid up and down on my cock driving me nuts. I grabbed his head pushing him down. Kel's tongue, agile enough in my mouth, was sending out shockwaves of pleasure as it coiled around my cock. I cried out his name and started slamming my hips harder and harder against his face. Between the pressure of his mouth and the action of his tongue it wasn't long before I came. I cried out a long keening cry as I filled his throat and mouth. Kel swallowed every bit and looked up at me. His eyes were glassy. He smiled that lazy smile again. I hooked my hands under his shoulders and propelled him back up to my mouth.

I became conscious of more than just his sweet mouth at the touch of an ice cold nose on my neck. I jerked and Kel tumbled off of me. Crystal licked my jaw. Kel sat up laughing so hard he started coughing. I glared at him. Crystal licked my face again. Then Tova licked me.

Kel managed to get himself under control. He pushed both canines away and leaned over my face again. His lips were so close I could feel his breath.

"Looks like you have lots of love tonight." He said softly. I grinned and kissed him. He sighed in contentment. I pulled him down close. Kel snuggled up. I hooked a blanket with my foot and pulled it up. Kel purred as I tucked it around both of us.

"I love you so much, Josh." He whispered as he drifted off to sleep. I kissed the top of his head.

"I love you too, Kel." He sighed again.

Next: Chapter 4: Making the Pieces Fit

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