Joshs Promised Land

By moc.rehtona@29nyllewell

Published on May 29, 2001


Author's Note: What you are about to read is a gay fantasy about a teen, and a preteen character from the TV show "Promised Land" Produced by CBS Productions, in association with MoonWater Productions, Inc. 1996, and created by Mary Williamson. The characters were used without permission of the creators of the show, it does not represent nor imply the true sexual orientation of the actors or the characters they play. If fantasies about fictional characters having a same sex experience offend you, if you are under age or if this type of material is illegal in your area, you should not read any further. This story has been posted at free adult sites featuring gay stories for adult entertainment only and may not be copied electronically nor in any other form for redistribution.

If the subject of teen/boy or boy/boy sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

Note: For the technical tinkletops out there, I know that the ages of the characters may not be accurate. I don't care. It's my story so I have literary license. SO THERE!!

Special thanks to Jay for your encouragment and comments.

Josh's Promised Land by Llewellyn92

Joshua Green was mad, he was angry, livid, pissed off, rageing, any verb you can think of to describe how he felt was inadequate.

It was a year since he last saw Jason.

Chapter 1.

Jason Brown was his best friend. They were born the same day, they lived next door to each other. As there were only eleven kids their age in their town, they had been in the same class in school. Their fathers worked at the same factory and their mothers were teachers at the high school. From the time they could walk they had spent every minute together. They even slept together. They often even went to the bathroom together. They had coined the term "Pee Shooter" as a name for their penises. Penis was too "formal" and other names such as pee-pee or potty were too juvenile.

Summer nights were spent in their tree house. It was their haven from parents and Josh's sister Dinah. The summer they turned 10 they discovered that their pee-shooters were useful for more than peeing. They woke up in the tree house one morning with erections (they had consumed too many soft drinks the night before) and were amused by the sight. Curiosity, being a prerequisite for a boy, got the best of them. They decided to touch each other's. The feelings surprised them. Feelings they had never noticed before coursed through their groins.

They kept fiddling with each other until Jason said, "I gotta pee."

"So do I," said Josh.

They stood in the door of the tree house and tried, but were so hard that even with full bladders they couldn't.

"What should we do Jase?" asked Josh.

"I don't know!" Jason replied desperately.

"Maybe we can 'milk' it out like they milk a cow." said Josh.

"Well, let's try," said Jason, "We've got nothing to loose."

Never having milked a cow, the boys didn't really know the technique, but they did know that the farmer's hand moved up and down the cow's teat. Each started stroking his impossibly hard pee shooter. The feelings surprised and thrilled them.

Josh started to rub his balls, but couldn't find them right a way, they were pulled up so tight that they were actually on either side of his little prick. That little spike measured about 3 inches, and no more than a half inch around. The circumcised head was no bigger than an acorn, but a very hot acorn and just as hard. Now deep purple in color, it usually was the same color as the rest of his body. The slender boy was blond with a page cut, not an ounce of extra fat, but not skinny. Just 70 pounds. He was about 4 feet 6 inches tall. Just an inch taller than Jason.

Jason was just 2 pounds heavier than Josh, so at an inch shorter he appeared fuller figured. He still had a little baby fat, most of it on his belly. It made him look cute, but he hated that Josh was flatter, but try as he might he couldn't do anything about it. He had strawberry blond hair and freckles, a cute button nose and very round face. His little tool was 2 ¾ inches long, a half inch in diameter and just as hard as Josh's. He was not circumcised, and his foreskin was long enough that his little acorn was not visible. Except for color it looked like he was stroking a short fat stalk of asparagus.

They kept stroking their spikes (they were that hard) and started groaning and breathing harder.

Jase said, "Boy, this feels good, I wonder why I never tried this before." Josh didn't say anything, he just sighed in agreement.

Suddenly Josh felt a burning sensation in his little balls. They were pressed so tightly against his groin that they almost hurt. He started to tremble and his knees became weak. He slumped down to his knees, afraid he'd fall out of the door. The burning started to spread down his legs, back to his rump, and up into his stomach. His vision became blurry, and his pee shooter started to pulse. He felt as if he were going to explode. He let go of his penis and it started to jirk uncontrollably. He fell backward onto the blanket on the floor, his hips pumping, his pricklet pulsing, throbbing. He couldn't see or hear anything. The only thing that had meaning at that moment was the sensation between his legs.

As suddenly as it had started it was over. He lay there panting, hopelessly trying to regain his breath. He looked over at Jason.

Jason was also lying on the floor of the tree house, panting. They looked at each other for a few minutes.

Finally Jason said, "Wow!!! What just happened?"

"I don't know," Replied Josh, "But it was sure awesome!!!!!"

"I'm still hard."

"So am I."

"Should we try to pee?"

"Think we can?"

"Let's see."

The two of them shakily got to their knees and aimed out the door. To their relief, the golden streams let loose.

"It sure feels different peeing with a hard pee shooter." said Jase.

"Feels almost as good as what happened when I rubbed it." said Josh.

With their erect hoses, their streams went higher than usual. They moved so that each's stream mixed and duelled with the other's.

When they were finished, Josh said, "I wonder what it would feel like if I rubbed yours when you rub mine?"

"Let's try." giggled Jase.

They lay back down. After the knee weakening experience of their first orgasms they dared not do it vertically. They took each other's penises in hand and started to stroke.

"Feels good." commented Jase.

"Yeah!!" said Josh.

"Boy do I wanna feel that again!!!"

"Me too!!"

With that they got down to a serious wanking session. They looked at each other dreamily. Jase brought his hand up to his smooth chest and started to rub.

"My tits are hard." he observed.

"So are mine." said Josh.

"Feels good when I rub them."


"You rub my tits, and I'll rub yours." said Jase.


"Man, that feels even better than when I did it."


Wanking with one hand and rubbing nips with the other made them roll onto their sides facing each other, their faces very close. Josh closed his eyes, and Jase moved even closer. Josh's face was so inviting that Jason couldn't resist kissing him. Josh's eyes shot open in surprise!

"Wwwwhat the..." Stuttered Josh.

"I'm sorry!" whined Jase. "I couldn't help it. It just seemed right. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, you just surprised me. Actually I liked it. Do it again!"

They had stopped wanking during this exchange. They moved closer, both with closed eyes. Their lips touched again, a quick peck. Another kiss, this one longer. Josh's arm went over Jason, and pulled him closer. Jason responded in the same way. They pulled tight to each other their pricklets grinding in tune with their lips. After a minute or so they parted.

"I feel funny." said Jason, "My stomach feels weird."

"Me too." said Josh. "I thought kissing was gross."

"Me too." said Jason, "But that was fun in a weird way."

Without another word their lips joined again. It was a hot, passionate kiss. With their top hands they stroked each other's backs. Josh stroked Jason's nips with his other hand while Jason stroked Josh's little pricklet. They certainly would never see each other the same way again. Not only were they best friends, they were now lovers too.

Chapter 2.

The next two years went on much the same as the previous ten, with the momentous addition of mutual masturbation. Their passion for each other grew, and they spent every minute possible with each other. For as long as the weather would allow they slept in the tree house. Winter is a little shorter in North Carolina than further to the north. They would wank at least three times before sleep took them. Sleep would often take them while wanking, and they'd wake with each other's pricklet in hand.

About a month after their 12th birthdays, Jason was surfing the net for a school project. He accidentally found a gay porn site with pictures of men wanking and sucking. He quickly clicked off of the site, not wanting his parents to know he'd found it. The image of two men sucking each other stuck in his brain. It both excited him and repulsed him. Sucking a pea-shooter????? Yuck!!!!

As he thought more about it, he remembered how good his thumb felt and tasted. He'd been a thumb sucker till he started kindergarten. Then peer pressure and taunting induced him to stop. But he still remembered how wonderful it had been.

"A pee-shooter can't be much different from a thumb." he said to himself, "Lets see what happens tonight."

That night they were kissing and wanking when suddenly Jason broke the kiss and reversed his position.

"What are you doing?" asked Josh.

"You'll see." replied Jason.

Without any more warning he went down on Josh. Josh jumped, surprised by the suddenness of the action. Then groaned at the intense feeling he got as a result.

All too soon Jason stopped.

"That was awesome!!!" exclaimed Josh. "What made you think of that."

"I saw it on the Internet."

"You what?"

"I was surfing for my homework, and found it by accident."

"Do it again!!!"

"Only if you do it to me too."

"How does it taste?"

"Like a finger. Almost no taste at all."

"Ok." Josh said with some trepidation.

Jason went down again, and Josh licked the tip of Jason's pricklet.

"Not bad," he thought, "He's right there is no taste."

With that Josh went at it with abandon, sucking just as hard as he was being sucked. The two boys were breathing harder and harder. There was no problem "deep throating" each other as they hadn't done much growing in the penile department. Jason started groaning and gently pushing his hips into Josh's face. This turned Josh on so much that he began to follow suit, pumping in and out of Jason's suctioning mouth. Josh could feel a boiling, burning sensation begin in his balls. It started to spread down his legs and up into his belly. Jason had been quivering and shaking for a few moments, when Josh started to shake uncontrollably. Suddenly Jason let out a deep groan and stiffened like a board. Josh could feel Jason's pricklet pulse, once, twice, 3,4,5,6,7...... It seemed that he wasn't going to stop orgasming. That sent Josh over the edge. His brain started spinning. His body tensed. His little immature balls treed to pump the nonexistent sperm out of his impossibly hard pricklet. He pulsed once, twice, 3,4,........................... He lost count. His orgasm kept going for what seemed for ever.

Finally both of them couldn't take any more and pulled away from each other. They lay there panting for what seemed like hours. They almost swooned in the after glow of what had been the best orgasms of their young lives.

Josh was the first to speak. "Wow!!!!!!!!"

"You can say that again!!!!" said Jason.

"Like wow, that was awesome!!!!" said Josh.

Jason said, "I thought it would be good, but that was outta sight. Wanna try it again?"

"I don't think I can. At least not for a while."

"Ok, let's kiss then till we calm down."

They sat up, embraced, and began a passionate kiss. Josh pushed his tongue at Jason's lips, Jason resisted at first then parted them letting Josh's tongue inside his mouth. Their tongues duelled for a few moments then Jase pulled away.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Jason asked.

"I saw it in a movie a while ago, but was afraid to try it. It seemed gross at the time. But after sucking each other's pee-shooters, it didn't seem so gross anymore."

"Do it again."

They came together again in a passionate deep French kiss, trading tongues one to the other. The heat they generated brought them back to full erection. They parted, smiled and without a word laid back down and engulfed each other's little pricks, sucking with wild abandon.

Chapter 3

Within two months of their first oral encounter, puberty hit Josh like a ton of bricks. He shot up 4 inches. He was now 5'1". He started growing in other areas too. His "pricklet" had grown to four inches, it was almost ¾ of an inch in diameter. His balls were now the size of robin's eggs.

Jason on the other hand had only added an inch to his height, and his pricklet measured 3" long and still ½ inch in diameter, and he had nothing more than jelly beans underneath. The changes did not go unnoticed by the less developed of the two. One good thing about being older was that Jason had lost the little pot he had carried for so long, and was now just as slim as his buddy.

One day Josh was particularly horny. He was hard from the time they finished their morning session, even after three orgasms, right through until they retired to the tree house for the night.

"Looks like you've been waiting 'up' for me!" Joked Jason as they undressed.

Josh had a pretty good tent in his boxers. It was obvious that he was ready for the evening's activities.

"Man! I've had this hard on for, like, the whole day!!!!" exclaimed Josh.

"Well, Seeing you has gotten me hard too." said Jason.

Josh looked at Jason with a combination of love and lust, "Commere lover boy!"

They embraced, staring into each other's eyes. Jason tilted his head back as Josh leaned down, planting his burning lips on his buddy's. Tongues darted back and forth, and Josh sucked Jason's into his mouth nearly sucking the breath out of him. Jason started to get dizzy, and finally broke the kiss gasping for air.

"Wow! You sure are hot tonight!!" Jason gasped.

"Let's get to it!!" said Josh.

They slowly sank to their knees, still hugging each other, then got into a 69 position.

Hungrily Josh consumed Jason's rock hard acorn as Jason engulfed Josh's now strawberry sized head. They were soon humping and sucking the offerings each made to the other. Josh could feel the now familiar burning in his groin. It started to grow, but tonight it felt strangely different. He couldn't put it into anything definite, but it did feel a little different.

As the feeling got stronger, he suddenly felt Jason stiffen. Jason's prick began to spasm with the rest of his body.

"Damn him." Josh thought, "Why does he always beat me to the top."

But before he could think of anything else, even before Jason stopped spasming, Josh could feel the sensations in his body peaking.

He shuddered once, twice, then his balls exploded and he felt the sensation of something churning up his prick and spurting from the head.

Jason sputtered and choked and pulled away. Two more spurts of liquid hit Jason in the face as he backed away.

"Eyuckkk!!!! You ... peed in my ... mouth you jerk" he said, spitting between words.

"No I didn't!?" said Josh uncertainly. "At least I didn't mean to ..... if I did."

Josh could feel the tears building in his eyes. He'd never do anything to hurt Jason, and just the thought of possibly peeing in his mouth was getting him very upset.

He thought for a moment then said, "I don't think I could pee when I'm that hard. I know I couldn't when we tried back the first time we jacked off, remember."

Jason nodded, still not convinced.

Then suddenly it hit him. He remembered health class, and what they taught about reproduction.

"That was sperm!!!!!" he said. "I think I just had my first sperm."

"You mean what they taught in health class?"


"I thought you had to have hair down there to make sperm." said Jason.

"I don'know... Look!!!!!! There is a hair down there!!!"

Sure enough there was one faint blond hair just to the left of center above his prick.

"I wonder if that's why I've been so horny today." mused Josh.

"I guess." said Jason.

"What did it taste like?"

"I don't know, kinda salty and sweet and watery."

"You still got some on your face, commere!"

Josh leaned over and licked a rope of the watery ejaculate from his buddy's cheek.

"Yeah, salty, sweet and watery. Doesn't taste too bad though."

Josh leaned back and licked the rest of Jason's face clean then placed a lingering kiss on his lips.

They parted and Josh said, "I could do this all night."

"Me too." said Jason.

They resumed their kiss and started fumbling with each other's pricks. Not long after, they resumed the 69 position. This time Jason was ready. He anticipated Josh's ejaculation, and when he tensed and started pumping, Jason consumed it greedily. Josh secretly was hoping that Jason would pump at least a little spunk into his mouth, but that was not to happen. He was content to bring as much pleasure to his buddy as he could, spunk or not. They brought each other to orgasm again and again. Josh 2 more times and Jason 3.

Chapter 4

One day Josh was at the library doing research for a school project. He was using the computer to look up some facts when he happened upon a gay web site. He stared at the pictures he saw in awe until he realized that anyone passing the cubicle he was in could see what he was looking at as well as he could. He clicked off of the site as quick as he could. Suddenly it popped back again. He clicked the back button again. The site clicked back on again. He was so flustered he just shut down the computer not even going through the shutdown mode.

He rushed out of the library, and ran all the way to the tree house. He got there panting. He also had a bulge that wouldn't be subdued.

What he had seen both confused and excited him. One man was sticking his prick into the other man's butt!!!!!!!

"Why would he do THAT?" he asked himself. "Well, sucking feels good," he reasoned, "so that must too."

Jason soon joined him.

"I saw something today that looked interesting." he said to Jason.


"I found a picture site that showed a man sticking his prick into another man's butt."


"I saw a picture of a man...."

"I heard you!!!!"

"I wanna try it." Josh said in a small voice. "You can do me first."

They undressed in a hurry. Josh got on his back and pulled is legs up to his chest.

"Get between my legs and try pushing it in." instructed Josh.

"What if it's dirty?" asked Jason.

"Well, you pee through it, crap can't be much dirtier than pee."

"I guess." said Jase. "It's too low, I can't get down that far without lying on you."

"That'd be ok." Josh breathed with a slight sigh.

Jason got into positioned tried pushing in. He didn't get far.

"Try relaxing, I can't get it in."

"Maybe we should try making it slippery."

"Whatta we got in the first aid box."

Being good Scouts they were always prepared.

"There's some ointment in there." said Josh.

"There's also some Vaseline."

"That'd probably be cheaper."

"What should I do?" asked Jase.

"Rub it on your dick, dick-head, Wadda you think." teased Josh. "Maybe you should rub some in my hole too."

"I'm not gonna touch your ass-hole with my hand, you jerk!!!"

"So use a Q-tip or something like that."

They finally got their equipment greased, and Jase tried again. He pushed a bit... no luck.

"Relax more."

"I'm trying to!"

Jase pushed harder. Suddenly the sheathed head of his 3 inches broke through.

"I'm in!!!!!!" he shouted.

"Yeah, I can feel it. Doesn't feel too bad either." Jase pushed some more, and sunk all three inches in to the hilt.

"Now what? he asked.

"Well?!! I think if you move it in and out it'll be like jacking it." Josh replied.

Jason started a slow in and out motion. Rather uneven and jerky until he got the hang of it. Gradually he built up speed. As he built speed his strokes got longer but with only three inches he had to be careful or he'd pull out.

"How's it feel?" asked Josh.

"Cool er HOT!!!" replied Jase. "How 'bout you?"

"Feels gooooood." purred Josh.

Jason picked up speed. He could feel the tension building inside him.

"Fuck!! That feels good." Jase surprised himself with the statement. Some how the dirty talk made it all the better.

Jason's hips were almost a blur he was pounding Josh's ass so hard. He started moaning and groaning, his eyes closed, his mouth agape. His breathing was more of a ragged panting. He shivered and gasped. He drove home his little prick, and stiffened from head to toe. He shuddered. Josh could feel his pricklet pulse and throb in his tight rectum. He squeezed his sphincter, and Jason gasped again and let out a groan that sounded like he was about to die.

Just as suddenly as he tensed, he collapsed on top of Josh. Josh kissed the top of his head. Jason just laid there totally exhausted and just as totally satisfied. As his breathing began to regulate, Jason looked up at Josh. He smiled an ear to ear grin.

"Awesome! Fucking totally AWESOME!!!!!" he hissed.

"I've never seen you cum that hard!" said Josh in admiration.

"You gotta try it!" said Jason.

"Gimme the Vaseline!"

Josh greased his member as they changed places. He placed it at Jason's pucker and started to push.

"Unnnnh!" said Jason.

Josh pushed a little harder.

"Aaaaahhhhh" screamed Jason, "Stoooop."

Josh stopped.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Try it again." said Jason.

Josh pushed again and started to move into his buddy's tight rectum.

"Nooooo!!! Stop." cried Jason, "You're too big!!!!"

Josh pulled back.

"Try it again." said Jason. He wanted his buddy to experience what he just had.

Josh pushed again trying to be as gentle as he could. His lust was strong so it was difficult.

"Unnnnh!! Oh oh oh ...... No ho ho!! I can't take it."

Josh backed off.

"It's ok Jase. If you can't, you can't."

Jase was crying, partially from the pain, but mostly because he couldn't give Josh the pleasure he'd experienced.

"I'm so, so sorry." Jason whimpered.

"It's ok Jase, it's ok. Don't worry about it."

"I want you to feel it! It was so totally awesome."

The tears kept flowing. Josh cradled his buddy's head and brought his lips to Jason's. He gave him a tender kiss.

"It's ok, really. I love you too much to want to hurt you. If you can't, it's ok. I'll wipe it off and you can suck me." said Josh.

"Are you sure?" sniffled Jason.

"You know me well enough, I think." said Josh, "I'll always tell you what I think. Not just what you want to hear."

Josh wiped himself off, and Jason sucked him to a very delightful climax.

Chapter 5

It was about a month after their 13th birthdays. The company where their dads worked would have to lay off about half of its work force. About a week later Josh's dad was fired. The only place where he could find similar work was a town about 30 miles away, Chickory Creek.

Josh's dad had grown up there, and still had friends there. They would be moving in two weeks.

Josh was in shock. What should he do. What COULD he do. He was just a kid. Well, it was only 30 miles. They could still get together on weekends he reasoned.

The next 12 days went too fast. Jason and Josh spent every waking hour that they could together. And EVERY sleeping hour. The 13th night, Jason decided he'd try to give Josh another chance to try to fuck him.

"Are you sure?" asked Josh.

"I gotta try. It's the least I can do."

They tried, but it was no use. Jason just couldn't take it no matter what he did. They tried every position they could think of, but he just couldn't relax enough.

They 69ed that night. Josh had 4 orgasms, his last was dry. Jason had 6, he had yet to have a wet one.

The last day Josh had to help with the last of the packing, so he didn't see much of Jason. That night would be their last together. They tried to 69 but their hearts weren't in it. They finally gave up and just cuddled. They cried themselves to sleep.

The next morning was the hardest time the boys had had in their young lives. They weren't sure what to do in front of their families, but when their dads embraced to say good bye. They decided that THAT would be ok. Josh didn't want to let go. He also wanted to plant a fat juicy kiss on his buddy's lips, but that would have been too much. Maybe a quick peck on the cheek? No. So they settled for a bear hug. They parted with tears streaking their cheeks. Then Josh turned and got into the car. He knew he couldn't look back or he'd burst into uncontrollable sobbing. His grandma could see the pain he was in and took his hand in hers.

"It's only 30 miles." she reminded him.

Chapter 6

"Chickory Creek 5 miles." that's what the sign said.

They would be staying with an old family friend, Erasmus, until they got settled. They got to Erasmus' house and were greeted by the elderly gentleman.

"I got supper ready for you." Erasmus said. "Come on in and make yourselves at home. I'll show you where your bedrooms are and then we'll eat."

Erasmus looked at Josh's dad Russell and said, "We gotta talk." To Gramma he said, "Hattie you know the way around. Show them the bedrooms while I talk to Russell."

So Gramma led the way up stairs and they picked out rooms. That done they went back down to the dining room. When they got there, the expression on his dad's face made Josh's blood freeze.

"I don't know how to tell you this guys, I ... I ... I don't have a job. We got a funeral to attend. The guy who hired me died last night, and his partner decided to close down. They ate their dinner in silence.

The next morning was the funeral. It was especially hard on Josh and Dinah. They didn't know anybody and there was only one other kid there. A little redhead about 9 years old. Josh tried to strike up a conversation. Any kid, even a 9 year old was better than nothing.

"Hi." said Josh.

"Hi." said the kid, without much enthusiasm.

"I'm Josh, who are you?" he asked.

"Nathaniel." the redhead snapped. "What's it to you!"

"Sheesh! I was only trying to be friendly." said Josh.

"I got no friends." Nathaniel snapped. "Don't need any."

"Well excuse me. I'm sorry I asked." said Josh, a little peeved.

Nathaniel had red hair as I said before, a round face covered with freckles, pale blue eyes, and a good build, though Josh couldn't tell through the formal clothes he was wearing. He was really a cute kid. He sort of reminded Josh of Jason at that age.

Nathaniel stuck out his tongue, and gave a raspberry (a sort of spitting farting sound with tongue in lips). Then sat down on the steps, folded his arms on his knees and buried his head in his arms. His shoulders shuddered a little from time to time. Josh could see he was crying.

"What's wrong?' asked Josh, putting his hand on Nathaniel's shoulder.

Nathaniel pulled away and sobbed burying his head deeper.

"Well screw you!!" yelled Josh. "You're not worth the trouble."

"Why am I so concerned about this little jerk." Josh asked himself. "I don't know him and probably won't see him again after today."

Just then the church doors opened and Erasmus and Russell came out.

"There you are." said Erasmus. "This is the kid I was telling you about. Nathaniel, meet your uncle Russell. I see you've already met Josh. Josh this is your cousin Nathaniel. He's your uncle Joe's boy."

Cousin? Uncle Joe? Josh's head was reeling. This little jerk was his cousin? He remembered his grandma talking about Joe, but that was a long time ago and his dad got quite upset and ended the conversation before it got started.

Nathaniel was still crying. Erasmus went over to him and knelt in front of him.

"What is it little guy?" he asked.

Nathaniel turned away. Erasmus gently took his chin and turned him back.

"What is it."

Nathaniel looked at the ground. "Nobody wants me." he sobbed. "My mom got rid of me. My dad left me. NOBODY WANTS ME."

Russell knelt down beside Erasmus, "You're my kin," he said, "I want you."

"Why?" asked Nathaniel.

"Because you're MY kin." said Russell.

"What difference does that make?"

"Family's family. That's all there is and you've found one!"

Josh groaned, turned and walked away. "Great," he thought, "A bratty cousin and he's going to live with us. Just what I need."

Russell spent the next two weeks looking for some kind of job, but nothing turned up. After talking with Hattie and his wife Claire, Russell gathered his brood together. He had come to a conclusion.

"Well guys, it seems that there's no work here. I've talked this over with your mom and mine. We're going to do some travelling. You're all good traveling ages and since we don't have a home any more, except for the trailer, we might as well go where the road leads us."

"What about school?" asked Dinah.

"Your mother's a teacher. She'll handle that."

"What about getting mail?" asked Josh.

"Erasmus will receive it and forward it to where ever we are."

"What about beds?" asked Nathaniel. "I only counted five."

"The table makes into one also if we need it. Otherwise momma and I will sleep outside."

"What about seeing our old friends?" asked Josh, quietly. He already knew the answer but had to ask.

"Son, we've told you already, there are phones almost everywhere. If you really need to talk to Jason, we'll work it out. And you do know how to write." replied Russell.

It wasn't fair. Josh didn't need to TALK to Jason, he needed to BE WITH Jason. He needed to be held, cuddled, kissed and be made love to by Jason. And he needed to give those things to Jason in return.

Chapter 7

As you have heard before, Joshua Green was mad, he was angry, livid, pissed off, ragging, any verb you can think of to describe how he felt was inadequate.

Was it really a year? Had they really been on the road for a whole year? Some of it had been really good. They had seen many interesting places. They had visited relatives they didn't even know they had. They had gotten to know Nathaniel, and Josh had to admit that he was really all right. He had some ways that Josh couldn't accept, but his sister had some quirks he hated too.

They were staying in a motel owned by an older woman. At first, when she found out that they were kin to Joe Green, she wanted them to leave. She reluctantly allowed them to stay the night in the parking lot. Russell started fixing things that she couldn't fix herself. At first she didn't want anything from them, but Russell said it was the only way he could pay Joe's debt. Eventually they got her to open up. They learned that she had come into possession of the motel after she had run off with her boyfriend. He had committed a petty theft, and took her with him. They had spent the night at this same motel. She, by this time, had realized that she could not keep running. He left her at the motel with his gun. "For her protection." Realy it was to get rid of the evidence. The owner of the motel was an elderly gentleman with no family. She was too scared to go home, so he let her stay in exchange for cooking for his guests. When he died, he left the motel to her. Nathaniel stole the gun from the office. She informed the family that it was missing, and when Nathaniel turned up missing too, they went searching. They heard a shot, and found Nathaniel lying on his back from the kick of the gun, crying. He had shot the sky. The only thing he could not hurt in his frustration at loosing his father, and not being really accepted by his new family, Especially Josh. The episode with the gun finally brought things into perspective for the owner of the motel. She disposed of it in a well pipe, and closed that chapter in her life for good. Because of the Green's part in resolving her life's problems, she agreed to let them have rooms in return for the help they were giving her fixing the place up.

There was only one room rented at the time, so Josh figured he'd get a room of his own. At last, a room of his own. A chance to be alone, dream of Jason, have a good leisurely jack-off with nobody around.

But NOOOOOOO he had to share a room with Nathaniel. Nathaniel who reminded him daily of Jason. Granted Jason of 4 years ago, but none the less Jason. Josh had secretly begun to lust for the 10-year-old. He hadn't even admitted it to himself, but he was. When Russell and Josh spotted Nathaniel on the ground, they assumed the worst. Josh's heart was in his throat. "NO NO NO!!!" he thought to himself, "He can't be dead!!!" He was so afraid that Nathaniel had done something terrible with the gun, Josh practically hugged him when he found out that Nathaniel was all right. Then he was so mad he didn't want to talk to him. Now he had to sleep in the same room with him.

It was time for bed. Josh had showered and was lying on his bed in his briefs. Nathaniel came out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth, and started to say something.

"Don't!" said Josh. "I don't want to hear a word out of you."


"Nothing! Don't you understand English shit-head?"

"But..." Nathaniel's lips were quavering.

"Shut up!! I don't want to hear a fucking word out of you! You've screwed up my life enough as it is. I have to travel all over this country listening to you yammer about everything. Then you pull this shit with the gun. Scare the shit out of MY parents. That's MY PARENTS got that shit-head? You're not worth the space you take up. So keep out of my life."

Nathaniel quietly got into bed. He started crying softly.

"And none of that crying shit. If you don't stop it, I'll really give you something to cry about." said Josh with such venom that anyone would be scared.

Josh turned out the light. He could still hear an occasional whimper from the other bed. Why had he been so mean? This wasn't the Josh that Jason loved. What had he turned into? Why was he feeling so sorry about making the little twerp cry?

Josh closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Sleep wasn't coming. For one thing he had a wicked hard on, and for another he was still feeling sorry for the way he'd treated Nathaniel. Sleep finally did overtake him. His dreams were, as usual, of Jason.

Josh was lying in his bed at home. He was idly stroking his now almost 6" dick (5 7/8"). It was now almost an inch in diameter also. Suddenly Jason appeared out of nowhere. He was naked and he walked over to the bed and climbed on. There was something strange about him. Not really strange but something wasn't right. Jason crawled across the bed seductively. He planted a wet one on Josh's mouth, forcing his tongue between Josh's lips. Josh reciprocated. It was like a movie kiss, but in what movie would you see two 14-year-olds in a passionate lip lock....... That's it that's what was wrong. Jason wasn't 14 he was 10. Suddenly Josh's passion got even stronger.

Jason broke the kiss and whispered, "I've figured it out, lover."

With that he got to his knees and straddled Josh's waist facing his buddy. His little 3 inch pricklet stood straight in the air. Slowly he eased back and sat on Josh's hot throbbing 6" poker. It passed his sphincter and started its journey into his tunnel of love.

Josh shuddered. He'd never felt anything so tight ... yet so hot and inviting.

Jason eased down more and more. Finally he was sitting on Josh's crotch. He could feel Josh's pubic hair tickling his hairless little balls. He eased up again, then back down, settling into a nice easy rhythm.

Jason was rocking back and forth, moving up and down Josh's pole. impaling him self on the down stroke and releasing the hard stick on the up stroke.

Josh knew he wouldn't last long like this.

Up and down, up and down, it was mesmerizing. Suddenly Josh's foggy brain realized that this was too real. This wasn't a dream. He opened his eyes and saw him. Nathaniel was gently moving up and down in front of him. His eyes were closed, and there was an expression of pure joy on his little face. As Josh's eyes focussed better he could see that Nathaniel was naked, his little pricklet impossibly hard. Josh started to say something, but thought the better of it.

This was just too hot. Besides the familiar pressure was building in his groin. His balls had pulled up tight on either side of his dick. His glans was itching and he could feel the warmth spreading throughout his body. His breathing became labored, he started groaning. Somewhere in his brain he could hear a soprano groaning mingling with his own.

Suddenly Josh let out a gasp.

A small voice asked, "Ready?"

"Yeah." was all Josh could say. He erupted, his body rigid. One shot sprayed into Nathaniel's tunnel. Nathaniel squeezed his butt muscles. Josh gasped again. Two more shots. Another squeeze. Three more shots. Another squeeze, this one very tight. Another gasp, another shot. Josh collapsed, as much as someone lying on his back can collapse.

Jason reached up and drew Nathaniel to him. His arms encircled Nathaniel and pulled him tight. Josh lifted his chin, kissed his forehead, his nose, paused then pressed into his lips. Josh felt complete as he slid his tongue into Nathaniel's mouth. He now had the boy penetrated at both ends.

Gradually Josh became aware of a small presence in the space between his groin and his navel. It was hard and was poking into his stomach like a blunt knife. Nathaniel was still hard. This realization caused his own prick to expand again.

Nathaniel smiled, "Dad never did it twice in one night." he said with a wicked little grin.

Jason was thunder struck! "Dad?" he gasped. "You mean Uncle Joe?"

"Yeah. Who else. Not your dad." replied Nathaniel.

"You mean your dad fucked you???"

"Where else do you think I learned how?"

"Well, you sure know what you're doing. That's a fact!" Josh said. "Did you get off?"

"You want me to get off?!??" asked Nathaniel in total disbelief. "I want you in me!!" His eyes began to brim again.

"NO!!! You're wonderful I want to stay in you forever. I was wondering if you came."

"Came where. I'm already here!"

Josh laughed. "You don't know what I'm talking about. Do you?"

Nathaniel shook his head uncertainly.

"Did you get a really strong feeling in your dick, like you wanted to piss or like it exploded?"

"No." Nathaniel said, still not sure what he was being asked. "I don't think so. Why?"

"That's what sex is all about." said Josh, "That special feeling is why we have sex."

"I wondered about that. I know something happens when you push it in and out enough. It happened with my dad, and now with you. I tried to fuck him once when he was asleep, but mine is so small I couldn't get it in."

"You can get off by stroking it with your hand too." said Josh.

"I didn't know that."

"You know how to fuck and not how to jerk-off?" Josh couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I guess."

"When you did it with your dad, what did you do? When did you start?"

"We only did it when he was drunk or stoned and he couldn't find a chick. Then he would call me his little boy pussy. The first time we did it I was just 7. The first few times I didn't like it. It hurt like hell and he would have me lie on my stomach and get on top of me. When he was done he'd usually pass out on top of me and I'd have to stay there until he moved. Sometimes it was a long time."

"He made me stay in the car when he found a chick to fuck, but sometimes I'd look in the window. That's how I got the idea how to make it better for me. I saw him fucking a girl with her on top like I did with you and I thought that looks like fun, and I wouldn't be on the bottom.

I think I was about 8 and a half then. He wanted some boy pussy and started to undress me. I took over and started to undress HIM. Then I told him to lie on his back. He was really surprised. He did everything I told him to. I got up and straddled him then eased down on him like I did with you. This time it felt good. I was in control. Usually he'd go as fast as he could. I wanted to get it over with too. But this time it felt so good I wanted it to last longer. I took it slow and easy. It really made me feel good inside, so full and warm."

"Did you ever ask your dad about cumming? Weren't you curious about it?"

"He was always drunk or stoned when we did it. He wouldn't talk about it when he was sober. He pretended it never happened. He was always a lot nicer after we did it. Not that he wasn't nice when he was sober."

"You miss him, don't you." Josh said quietly. " I understand. I miss someone too."

"Jason?" Nathaniel asked.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"You were 'talking' to him in your sleep. You thought I was him when I got on you. But you started calling his name before I got in bed with you. You sounded so desperate I had to do something. Especially with the hard-on you had. I needed someone inside me so much I decided to take a chance."

"I didn't know it till tonight but I fell in love with you the first time I saw you." Josh couldn't believe he was saying that. "You remind me so much of him. In my dream Jason was with me, but it wasn't really Jason. We were born the same day. But the Jason in my dream was 10 like you. You look a lot like him."

"You look a lot like my dad." replied Nathaniel. "I wanted to like you, but I thought that if I let myself like you I'd like my dad less. That's why I did all those bratty things."

"Me too. I thought that if I liked you, I'd like Jason less. I still love Jason a lot, but I think I can love you too."

"NO MORE TALK!!!!!" said Nathaniel.

Nathaniel began a slow rhythmic rocking on Josh's prick. It hadn't subsided at all during the conversation.

"Mind if I jack you while we do this."

"I thought you didn't have to ask. Now shut up."

Nathaniel leaned over and gave Josh a deep wet kiss, still keeping the rhythm going. As Nathaniel sat back up, Josh reached over and started stroking Nathaniel's rigid little pole. Nathaniel sighed. Josh cupped his hand around Nathaniel's 3" pricklet and placed it so that Nathaniel was fucking his hand as he moved his love tunnel over Josh's dick.

"I was ten when I had my first cum." said Josh.

"Shut up." said Nathaniel with a huge grin on his face. "If you say anything else I'll have to kiss you again."

"But..." said Josh, with an equally big smile.

Nathaniel leaned over and planted another kiss on Josh's lips. It didn't last long because the position interfered with the rhythm.

Josh could feel his orgasm beginning to build, but he wanted Nathaniel to cum with him. Nathaniel had picked up the pace as his own body began to respond to the ministrations of Josh's hand.

"Slow down! I want us to cum together. I'll jack you faster. You'll know when it starts. You'll feel like you need to pee and you'll feel a burning in your balls. Your dick head will start to itch."

"Shut up." Nathaniel gasped, his smile replaced with the slack jaw and vacant expression preceding orgasm.

"I feel it." grunted Nathaniel, his voice husky and hard to understand.

From where he lay Josh couldn't see Nathaniel's nuts. He almost couldn't tell there was a sack under his pricklet. His little rod was so stiff it couldn't be bent. The acorn at the end twice the size it was before Josh started jacking him.

Josh's balls were boiling. He wouldn't last long. Suddenly with almost no warning Nathaniel stiffened. His pricklet pulsed in Josh's hand, his sphincter tightened around Josh's prick so tight Josh thought He'd cut it off.

Josh went rigid. His cock erupted in Nathaniel's hole. It was the most exquisite pain/pleasure he had ever experienced. Pain because the hole was so tight, pleasure because of the friction.

Nathaniel wasn't breathing. He just kept spasming over and over again. Each spasm tightened his hole around Josh's dick keeping him exploding. Each pulse of Josh's prick created a similar pulse in Nathaniel's body. For a brief time they were one. To them their orgasm seemed to last for ever. It was so intense and so synchronized that it was one orgasm shared by two bodies.

Suddenly it was over. Nathaniel gasped and started to breath again. He could hardly catch his breath. He collapsed on Josh's stomach, his arms and legs still shaking.

Josh could feel his ribs shaking but it was not from his ragged breathing. He felt a dampness on his chest. It wasn't sweat.

"Nathaniel?" he implored.

Nathaniel looked up, tears staining his cheeks.

"What is it lover?" Josh asked.

" has has ever........lo..loved ... me like that. .............I ...I ...I love you Josh."

"I love you too, twerp." Josh replied with deep, genuine admiration. "We don't need to be alone any more."

"It's going to be hard to make love in the trailer."

"We'll work it out lover."

They entwined each other, Josh still embedded in Nathaniel's butt. They drifted into a deep comfortable sleep. When they dreamed, they dreamed about each other. They dreamed about their other lovers. They dreamed about a foursome.

They dreamed about the future. Not the past.

This is my first attempt at writing. Any and all comments are welcomed. Contact me at < >

Next: Chapter 2

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