By Faye Duncan

Published on Sep 6, 2016




Faye Duncan

f/F Girl Dom

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters or events herein are based on real people, either living or dead. It was produced for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, do not read any further! By reading further, you certify that you have accessed/requested access to this material willfully, and that you are an adult 21 years of age or older. You also certify that to your knowledge, this material does not offend the standards in your area, nor is it in violation of any of local, state, or federal law.

A while back, one of my devoted readers sent me an email after reading Female-Teacher-Addicted-To-A-Cruel-Teen-Girl. Thus began an email correspondence I thought my other readers might like. I have given her the name of my protagonist and her young girl lust interest the name of the powerful teen girl in my story. This should preclude anyone identifying either one.

Julia wrote:

As a teacher, myself, I can relate to much of how your character felt about her young, female student. Luckily, I only became aware of my feelings toward other females later in life. About the same time, I discovered a desire to be dominated, but only by females.

I met a teacher like myself, online. We decided to stimulate each other by sharing very careful, selective flirting, then turn them into little fantasies for each other. Both of us have students very much like the cruel teen girl in your story and we think it would be wonderful to have them dominate us sexually.

As I am a teacher, I can only think what I might have experienced at the hands of a cruel teen girl type student. Since being dominated by women appeals to me, perhaps having some teen queen bee put me through my paces might have been the highlight of my teaching career, even more so since I and my teacher friend both currently have cruel teen girl type students. It's never too late I guess.

I'm not sure I'm quite ready to surrender like the teacher in your story, but I must admit that I felt a bit of a thrill at the idea of being at my female student's demand. I do get wet reading some parts of your story each time I read it.

I read the story again, twice, and here is what I think.

As you know, last year I met another teacher online. Eventually, she admitted to me that she was bisexual and that it was one of her female students that awakened that side of her.

At first I was shocked and repelled. But I liked her and started to look at some of my own female students differently. Not really meaning anything by it, but just a bit of fun. It felt naughty and my teacher friend and I used to share stories about what we were doing.

This year I have a girl in my homeroom who is probably the most sensuous girl in the school. She is the definition of SEXY. Another teacher told me that she is a BAD girl. She isn't the best looking or has the best body, but God! The way she moves and dresses makes it impossible to not think about sex.

While I was reading your story, I was substituting me and my student for the teacher and student in the story. Reading the story is quite helpful to my understand of myself; and also quite yummy. I dream constantly of my student being BAD with me. I want to please her so much I'd get on my knees in front of her if she told me exactly what she wanted me to do.

I understand myself quite well by now and what makes me sexually aroused. But this little story of yours is a bit rough in places. I suspect that parts of it were too much for me.

What I seem to find particularly erotic is girls who have so much power and sexual awareness while still so young. Their female teachers are helpless to stop their desires for these powerful young girls who may have already seduced their submissive mothers.

I admit that I have just discovered this side of me. My only real experience is hetero, but these stories about young girls seem to touch something inside. I see the power my young students discover they have. Mostly they use it on boys in the class, but I see them flirting with the male teachers, too. Most of them don't think of being able to influence females the same way, but I do see some exceptions - that is exciting. There is a group of 3 girls who I see flirting with other young girls and every so often they seem to have some success.

I think I must have a submissive streak. I always thought I wanted to be in charge of relationships, particularly student-teacher relationship. I think that all it would take is for one of them to meet the right kind of woman under the right circumstances, then look out women of the world! I admit that I have begun to wonder what my reaction would be! I don't have the nerve to encourage anything; although I wondered if I had a class with only one on her own (either sub or domme) would I flirt a little bit? Hmmmmm?

Young girls possess so much sexual power, but often it doesn't translate into specific erotic desires to dominate. For many young girls, the desire to break free of adult control is a much stronger motivation, and even stronger is the desire to torment adults for all the restraints they place on the lives of the young girls involved. Then, if they find an adult who is submissive to their sexual power, they are more than gleeful to turn that fact to their cruel advantage. I find that concept so yummy!

If I thought it safe, I would fall for my female student big time and beg her to make me do all those yummy, trampy things I am trying to convince myself I really don't want to do. I am drawn to think about these sorts of relationships because somewhere deep inside, I long for the kind of relationship describes in your stories. Women are so much more intimate together, anyway. And how better to be intimate than to surrender. And who better to surrender to than some aggressive, sure of herself, perhaps even a bit cruel, highly attractive young girl. Is it not so?

Such girls enter our lives as we ourselves are girls. They have that self-assurance other girls may lack. They are more attractive than average. Boys naturally gravitate to them, and some girls, too. Other girls wish dreamily to be like them. And if those queen bees deign to give those other, less assured and less attractive girls some attention, especially if that attention is sarcastic, snarky, or bossy, those other girls fall all over themselves for the opportunity to fall into their orbits. The pattern begins well before puberty, and is only accentuated by the sexual dimension that comes with the beginnings of womanhood. The associations, hungers, and passions become magnified unless diverted in some way. They may be sublimated, but they are always there, waiting for a trigger to let them explode into consciousness.

I was always the quiet one in class, and I never joined any clubs or student council or such. My grades were good enough, especially as I matured a bit, but I never felt much of a need to gaggle with other girls. Most of the queen bees were vapid, prevailing on their looks and brassiness alone. Followed around by a pitiful posse of hangers on who wanted, perhaps needed, the attention of the queen bees.

Teachers like me, who feel drawn to young girls, have a difficult time reining in their more erotic desires. And cruel, powerful young girls can sense that, and, if whim takes them, they use it to torment and tease.

The young girls, especially, seem so much more aware of their sexuality that we were at their age. We female teachers have talked among ourselves about this and we believe that movies, rock stars, easily available porn, the Internet, and even advertising all depict women flaunting themselves. Funny, I remember talk when I was growing up about women not being sex objects, but that is what seems to be everywhere these days.

So far, for me, it is pure fantasy. When I ask myself about the reality, I still always come back with "NO".

I can't believe how strong my reaction is at the idea of being 'seduced' by a strong-willed young girl and led into a relationship where my will became secondary to my desire to win her approbation. However, I don't think I want it to be through humiliation and abuse (although, I cannot say that that is true, with 100% confidence, because those possibilities have a very strong impact on me. My fantasies of young attractive teens and myself are similar. I want there to be flirtation and seduction until my desires overcome my resistance. Then I believe I do want to be sexually involved, but I'm not sure how or by what path.

Up until this year I had never had any sexual thoughts about a student. Now, not only do I, but it's about a female student. (And when I am honest with myself, I am looking at all females differently. Sexually.)

There is a very beautifyl, strong-looking, female neighbor that I have heard rumors about. She lives alone, but is never seen with any men and apparently rejects all their attempts. I sometimes find myself fantasizing that she knocks on my door and forces me to obey her sexually.

Any real life liaison with my student would be too dangerous, but if she were a young girl in my neighborhood and wanted to seduce me ... !! Better to keep that thought well hidden.

The first story of this kind that I remember my online teacher friend sharing with me was Little Miss Blair's Shame On Me. At first, I found it too extreme for me, but I was aroused and kept going back. I read a number of Blair's stories and came to really like them.

I must be ready to move to another level of submissiveness because parts of your story really got to me. I already know what I crave, but I'm just not quite ready for it. But soon. And as for pure fantasy, as my dear old grandmother would say, "better a fantasy than a felony." Right? I'm discovering that my female student doesn't want to seduce me, not really. She wants to torment and dominate me. This has nothing to do with moonlight walks and sweet smelling flowers. She wants my TOTAL SUBMISSION to her and also to any of her cute, cruel little girlfriends her whims take it into her head to select. She'll be kissing them passionately in my own bedroom while she contentedly listens to the squishy sounds my tongue makes as I eat them out, one after the other.

Little Miss Blair is an excellent author of the kind of erotica we submissive women get wet reading. I confess that I am clearly ready to move to the next level, and my girl student is just the little devil to take me there.

Wonder how many women have believed, as I do, that "That could never happen to me. I wouldn't let it". Still, imagining a bunch of sexy young girls tormenting me in my bedroom is both frightening and exciting.

I think that I am ready for the next step? How can I tell? I wonder if I am right. It is a pleasure to be able to share thoughts on this. Everyone in my real life only knows my 'straight' (somewhat prudish, they tell me) self. Thinking back, I was always 'cute', then attractive. Never had any problem getting attention or boyfriends and from grade 8 my male teachers, I think, always graded me more leniently than most. Still, you are right that I wasn't one of the aggressive, flamboyant girls. At the time, I told myself that I didn't want to be like that, but I wonder if you are right and I would have welcomed being accepted by them.

But now that the 'new' me has started fantasizing, I admit that the thoughts of dominating another woman or even a younger girl doesn't have quite the eroticism of being seduced and dominated by a young girl. Not sure how much domination I'm ready for, but I enjoy the idea of flirting and being coerced into doing 'naughty' things with a 'sexy' young thing.

I am coming to understand that part of the rush for young dominant girls is the things they will eventually lead women like me into. That being said, they want to lead us into an exploration of our deepest desires that will cause us to surrender totally. I know I look at young girls that way. I know it! I appraise them,. I look at their bodies. I listen to their voices. And when I do these things, images flash through your mind. And I know those images. I know them all too well. And I do not berate myself for having them as some others might do. Soft, smooth, coltish legs. Enticing hair in bangs or pony tails. Sweet swell of young breasts. Long, swan necks. Adorable little faces.

So, I do like the idea of having some sexy, cruel young girls invited into my bedroom and to whom I are enthralled. YES!!! See. I am making progress. I do think I are ready. But I may be incorrect. Only I know whether I have the true hunger to move on. Honestly, I feel so confused that I don't know what I want. But I know how very surprised I am that I have interest. As erotic as I found your stories, the idea of me being involved with such a strong, experienced young girl, feels exciting. I honestly don't know what I want - this is happening to me so quickly. I am very cautious and have no difficulty resisting the many offers I get from men I meet, but I feel so excited when I think of a young girl taking me (figuratively) to new places and new experiences. I just seem to know she will have me experiencing heights of erotic pleasure that I haven't even imagined.

Wow. My heart actually started to go faster when I read your message of agreement. I am nervous, but curious and a little excited at the thought that I really am ready. I am blonde, only 5'4 - and a half! lol, 118 pounds; so, I'm not very imposing! My girl student is a full three inches taller and 20 pounds heavier.

She would teach me to please her. I would ask very diffidently "What do I do?" I admit that I am frightened of the concept of surrendering to her. She seems so strong and confident - it's a bit intimidating. (But I guess that is why I am what I am.)

I am scared, but I find myself continuing to wonder what it would be like to submit to another woman, especially a young girl, and more especially to one of my girl students.

Yes, I do find the idea of submitting to one of my female students intimidating - but exciting. I wish I understood where these feelings of wanting to be controlled by another female come from. I got wet thinking my student would force her teacher's head between her legs. First, she would make me suck on her tongue as she took me. I have a picture of me locked on by her eyes while she told me what she was going to do to me and forced me to obey her knowing how helpless I am to resist.

My goodness. What a feeling. To think that someone as powerful as she is would want me. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have gotten on my knees and begged her to take me. And we both know by now that I am becoming helpless to resist. Isn't that true?

I want to surrender to her more now than ever. I know I get wet thinking about that girl in my class sitting on my desk with her thighs spread wide, no panties, a broad smirk on her face. She knows what I am and what I crave. And so do I. And it makes me so hot wanting her.

This is what she made me do, when I was fantasizing. She made me suck her tongue. She made me swap saliva with her. She made me lick her underarms. She made me lick her nipples. She made me run my tongue inside her belly button. And then she made me get to the good part. I admit that I thought of one particular student, a sexy little girl, coming in and sitting on my desk like that. I did get excited.

I do find it difficult to believe that someone as new as I am, could be aroused so much by these thoughts. I guess I get wet because I am so new and because I see such possibilities for me to really explore my submissive side.

Going to bed horny again. Horny and unhappy. I am a single parent and I have a 13-year-old daughter. Do I have to admit it that I am finding I have certain feelings about my daughter? I am uncomfortable with these feelings that I seem to have uncovered in myself.

I know I want to learn to play with my student, but I am still only learning what to do. When I first discovered I had these feelings, I was very careful to keep my own students out of my fantasies. But then I forced myself to go past that and dream of my female students sitting on my desk and making me suck their toes. I was glad that it was only her toes that they made her teacher suck - it felt safer. But I told myself that soon they would have me sucking other things. That seemed to open a door in my mind that I had kept closed. There is at least one of my female students that I could imagine doing something like that with me. But I never, never included my daughter in any of my thoughts. In fact, I felt more comfortable about my fantasies, because she was never involved. Now I have challenged that notion.

When I first read your story, I was shocked and upset. I remembered that I said if I couldn't overcome my resistance to my thoughts, then I was going to stop reading your stories. I thought "Good, because I can't go here." Yet I kept thinking about your story and it arouses me. What kind of mother does that make me? A mother perhaps like so many other mothers. A mother with fantasies about erotic submission to her young daughter. Am I ever, ever going to try to turn fantasy into reality? NO, NO, NO!!! Should I chastise myself for having such fantasies? NO, NO, NO!!!

I wanted to be obedient. That was why I asked my girl student one day after class what I should wear to school the next day so she could tell me. But when I tried to ask her, she told me she didn't think I was worth giving advice to. I was hurt and confused.

Here is my fantasy. I would be invited into her home as a very, very dear friend of her mother's. I'd be invited into her living room and formally introduced to my friend's young daughter. We both would giggle because I already knew her from being in my class. I'd casually kiss her daughter full on the mouth, and I would be reluctant at first, but then I would kiss her open mouthed because I couldn't stop myself. Her mother would be wide-eyed and open-mouthed as she saw me surrendering to her daughter. Then, in front of her mother, my student would remove my top and suggest to her mother that she unhook my bra. She would be tentative at first, but then would do as her daughter asked with a sly, hungry, smile all over her face. Together, mother and daughter would explore my breasts while I just stood there, knowing it was both of their hands that stroked and pinched, and played. Then her mother would look at her daughter and she would nod her permission. And her mother would order me to remove my skirt.

I'm too embarrassed to tell you the rest. I feel so bad. My tongue actually is tingling and my mouth and lips want to kiss each of them, mother and daughter. Please don't tell anyone else that I am admitting these things - only to you.

Reading your story again got me so excited There is a girl, Madison, in one of my classes who we think has two other girls in love with her. They obey everything she tells them - we are pretty sure they do sexual things with her.

If I take her a little farther into my confidence, it wouldn't really be my fault if she did BAD things to me, would it?. I am imagining that and I wonder if she would make me do more? I have to tell you my true feelings, don't I? It is very embarrassing to admit that I feel this way. I think I am about to go off the deep end with Madison!

How little some of us know about ourselves. All these years and I had no idea what was beneath my shy, quiet exterior. Madison is 13. that's such a yummy age for girls. so much power in them and they aim it everywhere. I hunger to hear Madison tell me that I am being her good girl.

I never understood when the sub called her domme 'Mistress', why they did that. I do now. lt feels natural - I keep thinking it when I am typing. So I are willing to surrender to Madison and call her Mistress.

Madison is a well-developed 13 going on 20. I say she's developed. It's all about her legs, and her breasts, and her butt, and her face, and her expression. My barriers seem to be coming down fast - I am so excited.

Madison is almost as tall as I am (5'5 and a half - although I call myself 5'6). She is slim but has a lovely firm butt - as 13 year-olds do. I am a 34b and I think she must be a 32b or even a 34b. She knows she is sexy and wears tight clothes to show her body off. Whenever I tell her to do anything, I am never sure that she will do it. Her expression says "I will do it because I like you, but I know you couldn't make me and other adults have learned about my power. You might, too, someday".

The male teachers give her special privileges and I wonder about a couple of the female teachers. She has so much power and knows it. Madison is just the kind of young girl a woman like me will have yummy little submissive fantasies about. Wouldn't it be fun if she had set her sights on me? She would do things around me to let me know she could refuse to do whatever I said to her in class and I couldn't do anything about it. She would do little things in class to humiliate me, and I would grow hungry for more. I would always know she was using me and laughing at me, even as she drew the web tighter and tighter. And I would fall head over heels for her, and she would know it, and her little friends would know it, and even my daughter would know it.

The fantasy I created for myself was very arousing. I could actually feel myself living it ... and I can feel myself reddening as I admit this ... and wanting it. It was only my daughter that brought the mixed feelings. Exciting, but very guilty and uncomfortable.

Yummy, yummy. I could feel myself losing control to Madison in class and that feeling was arousing. Double yummy. Giving erotic control to my daughter is also an exciting fantasy, but not without guilt. As I fantasize right now about giving control to Madison right in my classroom, I am stroking myself! I am learning that I would enjoy pleasing both Madison and my daughter. Yes, I have made myself want to earn Madison calling me her good girl. I want this!

Can a woman be a submissive & want to be dominated, but not want humiliation? Or does it just take longer? Like any well-trained pet of Madison or my own daughter, I will learn to be obedient and affectionate. I'll love every minute of it.

How do I not feel embarrassed when I have to admit that I have feelings that I have believed are wrong for so long? I want to be obedient and have Madison her tell me that I am her good girl, but am having trouble with this. I don't want her to be disappointed with me. I feel embarrassed by having those feelings and confessing them. But that's part of the high. Letting someone else know that I have these sorts of feelings, and not being able to stop having them. That's part of the yummy. Part of my yummy is being able to enjoy these naughty feelings, by telling myself that it makes me Madison's good girl. That sounds so sexy to want to be a strong teen girl's "good girl".

It is sexy to be her good girl. If I could, I'd push away from the computer down to the floor and she would make me lick all the wetness from between her legs, wetness I had caused to be there by my submissiveness to her. My room reeks of woman smell because of her.

I think because I am going directly against what I have believed for most of my adult life (I know that I seem to have these other feelings, but I don't agree with them.) I was using my excitement to excuse my acceptance of these naughty feelings.

I are letting myself be submissive to her because I am not as strong as she is. That lets me excuse myself, because I want to please her so much. I am liking the sound of being her good girl, more and more. It makes me tingle. Yes, I want to be her exciting baby girl. To give my powerful young mistress pleasure.

Before sleeping last night, I was her BAD baby girl and lay in bed with fingers deep inside and whisper over and over, "yes, Madison. yes, Madison". I stroked myself to sleep with that whisper on my breath.

Can I tell you something very, very, naughty? When I wrote about Madison making me get on the floor and lick her sweet wetness from between her legs, I thought of myself begging her and her ordering me to kneel in front of her, she lifted her skirt and I sucked on the delicious place between her legs ... and we weren't alone.

My heart is racing and my fingers are so wet - I'll have to wash my hands carefully.

Such a bad girl. I wanted her to make me serve her. I wanted her to know I belong to her. I wanted to wait for anything she might suggest she do to me. I wanted her to....

Oh, I have to confess that I have been very naughty and put my hand inside my panties after I wrote about what she would make me do.

I know that my teen mistress would be so delicious on my tongue and so warm and wet against my mouth that, after she made me the first time, I would ask her to please let me lick her juices again and again.

"Please, Mistress Madison".

My fingers were wet. I wanted more. I wanted to obey. I wanted to be especially observant of Madison and all her little group of girlfriends. I wanted to pay special attention to her, but not let her suspect I am looking at her that way. She has already taught me to like obeying her. And I love the rewards of thinking about doing so.

I like the good girl that I am learning to want to be for Madison. I will be a good girl for her. I am wearing grey track pants with blue panties. I am thinking of Madison and me with her ordering me to obey her as I slip my hand by the waistband of my pants and cup myself over my blue panties. I will be a good girl and obey her today, when Madison is in my class.

BTW. I am beginning to love Japanese lesbian movies. I get excited when they start kissing and licking each other. I never liked watching any dildo play, before, but I find that I am thinking of strap-ons being used on me, but only in the missionary position - so I can look into my mistress's eyes and have our breasts touch.

(How embarrassing, to find that I am thinking of Madison doing this to me.)

I dream of Madison using a strap- on to make me scream with erotic fulfillment. Madison doing this to me is a very hot idea to me.

I am noticing things I didn't notice before. Madison was wearing a short, tight skirt this morning which shows off her shapely bottom and long, lovely legs. I saw her flirting with the teacher next door (man), but she doesn't bother with the boys who are drooling after her. But she does make an effort for some of the girls. The two girls who go everywhere with her, now that I am looking at things differently, are so obvious about adoring her. Even during class they watch her constantly, to see if they can do anything for her or laugh at her comments. She is so good at controlling them. Knows when to smile or to frown at something they've done. One of her friends is very plain, but smart, the other one, Carol, is gorgeous, from a wealthy family, but not nearly as strong or sensuous as Madison. I imagine them waiting on her hand and foot, when they are away from school. I was even wondering if she had turned her charms on the wealthy girl's parents. The mother is gorgeous, but a little flighty.

I just wondered what it would be like for me to be in the girls' lounge during change of class, to hear all the little girls giggle and laugh, to see them primp in the mirror, to listen to their sweet tinkles.

From refusing to watch porn (not long ago), I have come to enjoy it. Another major change is that I find the idea of one woman entering another woman, in the way that a man would to be a major turn-on (In some cases). I really like missionary position and 'riding' another woman.

I would be so excited to see a 'straight' woman, married, with her own daughter, being seduced by a young girl until she reluctantly (coerced somehow) gets aroused and submits only to find that she is more excited and has more pleasure from being the girl's submissive. The ultimate resistance for her would be when the girl who seduces her puts on her strap on and makes 'straight' beg for more.

I am becoming very addicted to watching lesbian porn videos, fantasizing about myself. (Always seems to be as the one submitting.)

I think Madison's young pussy will be sweet on my tongue when she lets me suck on her. And I'll beg for it. I know the shame I feel, but I would do her bidding with such fervor and zeal. I will enjoy her telling me what to do.

I am having a real conflict in accepting the way Madison is treating me now, but I am going to trust myself to continue down this path because I am drawn more and more to find out if she will do to me what I fantasize.

This is what I was starting to think that I wanted in a one-on-one special relationship with her where I would be safe and cared for. I wanted to be Madison's completely submissive pet, her good girl who would worship her and obey her in every way. I am trying to share what I believe to be the truth about the girl who I want to dominate me. I recognize that coming as far from 'conventional' as I already have, I don't really know where I might end.

I was looking at a teen lesbian video and it made me wonder if Madison and her two adoring girlfriends do that on their sick days? If Madison does, wouldn't I love to see it. Would she be making me do it for her enjoyment? She would be making me obey her, in my own home, with the possibility of my daughter catching us.

I think I am learning that being BAD in obedience to my daughter would be even more exciting than submitting to Madison. I also think my daughter is sexy and would soon be able to control me, and I think I can do it right now and I think that is what I am coming to want.

I am not coming to want it. I DO want it. So I shall put aside my last shreds of self will and surrender to Madison completely. Because I am confused about myself and she seems so strong and self-assured, I like the thought of being controlled by Madison and made to do things for her pleasure.

Today, I shall find the time to complement Madison's pretty friend Carol on how she looks. I shall make sure Madison sees and hears me do it. I made a point of noticing and complimenting Madison's friend Carol on her lovely hair on Monday while Madison was standing with her. Carol is so in love with Madison that she doesn't really care what anyone else things of her I think. I asked Madison if she thought Carol looked pretty and she said that she always thought she looked pretty. Since I have become more interested in Madison, I expected her to react in some way. But she did not. At least, she didn't seem to.

I would like Madison to lay me down on my own bed and make me lick her big, fat strap-on all wet for her, then guide it deep, deep inside my slit. In real life I hate it when people are crude or coarse; yet it seems exciting when I think crude thoughts about Madison.

She is my student. She has controlled me since the beginning of the school year. Three weeks ago, I saw Carol and Madison both at the food court and I knew immediately who was in control. I introduced myself and told her how impressed I was with her control of Carol. She just smiled and I fell in lust with her right that second. She is much younger than any female I have been infatuated with, and much more aluring.

Later, Madison shared Carol with me in one of the stalls in the mall's ladies lounge. First I licked Carol to orgasm, then Madison. I'm sure other women in the ladies heard us, but nobody complained. I suspect they envied me. Now she plays with me in dark, shadowy places, and I long for her as I used to long for my adult girlfriend, whom I have completely dropped.

I always feel helpless around her now. She is so powerful that she just orders Carol and me to follow her into the teachers' lounge after school whenever she feels like it, and we follow. Once we are in the lounge, she tells Carol to stand there and watch how I should be treated. Then, right in front of Carol, she takes control of me and makes me get on my knees. She just lifts Carol's skirt and commands me to lick her until she comes. Then she makes me crawl on my knees to her and when she lifts her dress I have to press my face between her lovely thighs and lick her to climax, too. It is so thrilling for me to taste both of these teen girls at once. I am so afraid another teacher will walk in and find us, but my hunger for these two girls overcomes everything else. I can see that Carol is increasingly jealous of me, and that makes me even wetter.

There I am, waiting for her, sitting in my living room on my couch, having put my daughter to bed early just in case Madison came to my house early. I know I've been out all evening with another woman, but I still want Madison to come home to me. I know what my girlfriend and I have been doing all evening, and I still can't stand to wait another minute for Madison to get to my house.

She finally does come to my door, very late, smelling of sex and the perfume that Carol wears to school. Her eyes tell me everything I want to know. I open my bath robe and tempt her with my naked body. I didn't get enough from my "friend". I never seem to get enough from her any more.

After a while of pleasuring Madison, I don't care anymore whether my daughter can hear my cries and moans from her bedroom. I just want more and more.

When Madison came to my door and walked arrogantly up to me, she knew I could smell Carol on her body. But I am Madison's baby and I want to stay her baby. I know that I am sexier than Carol is. There are many men and women who want me, but she is the only one who controls me. I see her lips and tongue - I have felt them many times - I will make Madison forget Carol. At least for a while. I always remember that Madison has threatened to bring Carol home to my bed and make me serve her, too.

When I think of her coming in and making me obey her, I get warm. Seeing the bulge under what she is wearing, tells me what is going to happen to me, which gets me wet - and I want her to make me spread my legs wide for her, anticipating her pushing herself deep inside me.

I tremble when I see the lust in her eyes, as I open my robe and flaunt my soft, tight, body at her. I always love to see how wanton I am with her, because I remember how conservative and prudish I was when she came into my life. I know that she will make me obey her, but I don't know what part of my body she will want tonight.

Now I tremble as Madison pushes me onto the couch and sits astride my face. My tongue tastes her juices. I cry a little in ecstasy of her taste, then I beg her to enter me so, so hard with the strap-on she has left by my couch. Madison forced me onto my back and pressed the hardness of her strap-on to my lips with orders to suck my juices from it and think of her sweet pussy while I obey her. And I beg her again and again to spread me once more and plunge her strap-on deep into me. Over and over and over. Making me come uncontrollably.

After I orgasm, I look up adoringly at Madison as she leans over me, her beautiful young breasts pendent against mine. "Do you love me more than Carol, Madison?" I ask. There is so much hope in my eyes as I ask her.

"No," she whispers. Then she giggles. "Do you know that, while I might someday love you, I love Carol even more?" Tiny tears form in my sad eyes. "Yes," I whisper. "Because you love Carol, will I still be under your control Mistress Madison?" "Yes, of course," she sighs an exasperated whisper barely audible. "That's my good girl," she smirks down at me, knowing I am completely hers. Then her young, strong hips thrust forward and I cry out, half in pain and half in pleasure. "Oh yes, Madison. I'm your good girl."

I know that, sometimes, Madison puts me on my back because it underlines my submission to her control and subservience to her desires. Feeling her hovering over me with her luscious breasts touching mine gets me so aroused.

As I lay beneath her, submitting to her powerful will, the feeling that I adore my Mistress and want only to please her, rises through my body. I tingle with anticipation as I feel her wonderful hardness press against me and I know that soon she will be plunging herself deep within me, using me for her pleasure and, incidentally, fueling my physical and psychological hunger for her.

Madison already knows that she is more powerful than I am. When I whisper. I feel a stab of jealousy and sorrow. But, as my eyes produce tears of sadness, I must acknowledge that I already know and recognize that it is probably right that she loves Carol more.

Madison never lets me hide and always forces me to admit that I am totally under her control, when I ask "Because you love Carol more, will I still be under your control?" there is hope in my heart that she will say "Yes!" She says "No".

Then, as she knew I would, in my soft little girl voice I give her the answer I know she wants. "I am Madison's good little girl".

Then, Madison gives me my reward by saying, warmly, "That's my good girl", my heart swells with joy, knowing I have pleased her.

Suddenly, with a thrust of her hips, Madison exercises her right as my Mistress and plunges herself deep inside me until our mounds come together and I feel her hardness filling me. I can't prevent the sharp, involuntary sound, caused by a brief pain, that escapes my lips quickly. A sound that changes immediately to one of pleasure to feel this young girl who is my student using me as she desires.

The moan of animal pleasure I emit is followed by my passionate expression of love.

"Oh yes, Madison. "I'm your good girl."

This work is copyright (c) 2016 by Faye Duncan. You may download and retain a copy for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted. Faye Duncan can be reached at: fayeduncan01@Yahoo.com

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