Just a Trim

By moc.loa@99weivaeS

Published on Feb 2, 2008


All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.

The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.

No copyright infringement is intended.

Birds chirping. The bright sunshine gently woke Jim from his snooze. He had awakened a half hour before, but it was Saturday, so he had turned over. He had noticed Chris was already out of bed so he had taken the time to luxuriate in the extra space. Sitting up a little with his head against the backboard, he put his hands behind his neck as he glanced out the window. Chris had opened the curtains before going downstairs, as a gentle reminder not to spend the morning in bed. He smiled as he thought of her working away below him. He really admired her passion for her work, and hoped she would get the promotion she was applying for.

As he began remembering some of the things Chris had lined up for him to do that day, Jim got up and proceeded to the bathroom, where he showered and shaved. Looking in the mirror as he finished shaving, he examined the hair on the side of his head. Not bad, he thought, for a man of thirty-two. Not much gray yet. He picked up Chris' hair dryer. He didn't use it often, but at the moment didn't feel like going out with a wet head. He turned it on medium, and blew it through his hair, shaking his head occasionally. As the hair dried, it gained body and kept its usual luster. After a few minutes, it was mostly dry, and he turned off the dryer, and proceeded to comb. With its silkiness, the comb always glided through. But it was getting a bit long, he thought, a good few inches in length.

Jim didn't really mind his hair long, but with its silkiness, he often had to toss his head or run his fingers through it to get some falling locks out of his eyes. It just got to be annoying some times. Still, he realized the chances of his getting a haircut today were probably slim. Chris liked his hair longer. 'What's a guy to do,' he thought with a chuckle. If the wife liked longer hair, the hair stayed longer. Still, it might be worth an attempt, he thought. Wasn't today the day Ken was on duty down at the barber shop?

A couple months back, Jim had met Ken on a visit to the shop. Ken had been new there, and Jim was one of his first customers. They had hit it off from the start, the banter going from sports to politics to other mutual interests. Ken had really seemed to be passionate about things he liked, and 'down home' at the same time. A guy's guy, Jim had thought in amusement. In passing, when Ken had asked a fellow barber for a towel, Jim had thought his co-worker jokingly called him 'handsome'. Most of the barbers in the shop were older, and Ken was in his late twenties. Not that Jim usually noticed these things, but when he had taken a moment, he thought that, yeah, the nickname fit. Ken was handsome, not strikingly movie-star handsome, but what you might call mildly handsome, with blue eyes that had struck Jim when he grinned at him after a humorous quip.

Jim had thought about Ken a few times during the week after that first haircut, and remembered those blue eyes. He had felt a vague uneasiness, something he couldn't really put a finger on. On his next visit to the shop, he had been pleased to see Ken was on duty that day, and had asked for him. Again, they hit it off, getting involved in a heated discussion on one of the political events of the day. Jim had been a bit surprised when in the middle of the discussion, Ken had pulled of the plastic sheet, indicating he had finished the haircut. In spite of himself, Jim had been a bit mesmerized by the guy's charisma...

Now, what really bothered Jim was that, a couple days following the second haircut, he had had a wet dream about Ken. In the dream, Ken was giving him a haircut, but without scissors. Most of the dream had seemed to be in slow motion. From what Jim could remember, Ken had been running his fingers through his hair, talking about something. Jim couldn't remember what Ken had been talking about, but could remember how good Ken's fingers felt running slowly through his hair. As the fingers slowly ran through, Jim felt himself getting slowly weaker, in a pleasurable sort of way.

After a few minutes of this, Ken pulled out a comb and started to slowly run it through Jim's hair. With his hair's usual silkiness, it ran through easily. The strange thing, though, was that it was a little longer than at the start of the dream, as if each run-through with the comb lengthened it a bit! Now it was even fuller, nicely layered on the sides and covering his ears, and falling past his collar in the back. After a final pass-through over his forehead hair, leaving a thick shiny lock falling into his eyes, Ken stepped back, and clearly asked in a gentle way, 'Is that long enough?' When Jim struggled to answer, but couldn't, Ken slowly stepped back behind him, and put his hands on Jim's shoulders with a gentle but firm squeeze, driving Jim to a slightly audible moan and pleasurable release. He woke with a mild start...

Chris had stirred when Jim woke up, but went back to sleep without gaining full consciousness. Jim had laid there for a couple minutes, wondering what to make of the dream. Lots of guys probably have wet dreams about other guys some time in their lives, Jim thought. Probably nothing to get unduly concerned about. Still, probably not worth bothering Chris with...

Jim thought it might be worth giving a haircut attempt a shot. He went back to the bedroom, and got on his favorite pair of jeans, and began looking in his dresser drawers for his favorite green plaid shirt. With the sleeves rolled up, Chris often said he looked really sexy in it. Not being able to find it, he went to the top of the stairs.

"Honey?" he called. "Where's my green plaid shirt? Didn't see it in the drawers. Still in the laundry?"

"Uh, no," Chris returned from the downstairs den. "I hung it in the closet, on the left, I think. Let me know if you can't find it."

"Thanks, I'll look," returned Jim.

He returned to the closet, and sure enough, it was right where Chris had said it would be. He put it on, rolling up the sleeves, and leaving the top two buttons undone. He then ran some fingers through his hair, letting some locks fall into his eyes. Yup, he thought with a laugh and glance in the mirror, damn sexy...

He went downstairs and into the kitchen, where he fixed himself a breakfast of cereal, orange juice and coffee. When he was finished, he quickly washed the dishes, and put them away. Well, here goes, he thought. He picked up the car keys from their dish on a credenza in the living room. With them in hand, he stopped at the doorway of the den. Chris was at the computer in the corner by the door, her back to him. "How's it going?" Jim asked, glancing over her shoulder from a few feet behind.

"Pretty good," she returned. "I should be finished with this proposal this morning."

"Great. I can read it if you'd like, just for another viewpoint."

"Sounds good."

Jim paused, and then mumbled, "I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back in an hour." He started down the hall towards the front door.

"Where to?" called Chris, with just enough volume to he couldn't have easily rationalized that he had missed the remark.

He came back to the den doorway, and again paused and mumbled, "Think I'll get a haircut." As he started back down the hall, Chris quickly got up from the computer, came out the door and stepped in front of him. "Not so fast there, mister," she said with a laugh. Jim gave her a sheepish smile.

Chris looked for a moment at his hair. "You can easily stand another half inch or so."

"Come on, honey," Jim whined. "It's getting a lot longer than the other guys at work."

"Yeah, sure," returned Chris. "I saw some of the guys last week, remember? A few of them had hair at least as long as yours, if not longer." She started running a finger up and down one arm, as she started running a few fingers from her other hand through his hair. Jim hated when she did that and they weren't making love, because it always aroused him, and she knew it.

"It's just such a pain, you know? Always falling in my eyes?" he continued. Chris continued running her fingers through his hair, more deeply now.

'Yeah, I know. That's what combs are for," replied Chris in a suggestive tone, as a front lock passed through her fingers and into his eyes. Without fail, Jim was quite aroused now, his mouth opening slightly as he began to look longingly towards her. His free hand caressed her arm. "How about those keys?" she asked softly.

"Aw, hon," he said softly, his mouth inches from hers. She continued running her hand deeply through his hair. He blinked slowly, and moaned as his glance shifted away from her. Her hand ran slowly down the arm of the hand containing the keys, finally reaching the hand. She slowly pulled the keys out of his hand, with a minimal amount of resistance on his part. His hair was much disheveled now, falling into his eyes. Chris reached around his waist to slowly and gently pull his shirt up from his pants at the waist. This was one of Jim's 'zones', so it was more than he could stand, and they sank to the floor and made love right there in the hallway. So much for a haircut this week...

The following week, Chris was out of town on business, so Jim mentioned he might get a 'trim'. Chris had given him a cautionary look, indicating a trim was alright, if it was just that. Jim got dressed again in the same jeans and shirt (again doubly unbuttoned), with his hair nicely combed and just a bit longer now. Still damn sexy he thought, looking in the mirror before he left. When he got to the barber shop, he was glad to see Ken was on duty, and waited to get him. During the haircut, he was amused when one of his fellow barbers jokingly cornered Ken and demanded of Jim, "Don't you think he's handsome?" Jim gave Ken a playfully serious stare, and said, "Come to think of it, yeah!" Ken's blush at that point was priceless. Afterwards, just before he left, Jim asked Ken if he'd like to get together sometime for coffee. After a quick pause, Ken answered in the affirmative, and gave him his card so Jim could call him to set something up.

Reader comments welcome. Please send to seaview99@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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