Just a Trim

By moc.loa@99weivaeS

Published on Feb 13, 2008


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The week after meeting stock boy Chris at the local Home Outlet was uneventful, but went quickly. At work, things were in `crisis mode' for Jim, and it was early Thursday afternoon before he was able to sit back in his chair, kick his shoes off, and relax a bit. He pulled the piece of paper out of his wallet with Chris's number on it.

Thinking about the interaction they'd had at Home Outlet, he wondered if it would be a good idea to get together, or if he should nix it. As much as he hated to admit it (or realize it, for that matter), the guy had been damn attractive. Those blue eyes had been almost as mesmerizing as Ken's. And that hair! Combed out over his eyes, ears, and collar in the back, with no real part, but silky and shiny (kind of line his own, but more brownish than black), had given him a real boyish look. He hoped Chris hadn't picked up on it when he gave him a double take on noticing him. But then, Chris had a girl friend, so he must be straight. And Chris knew Jim was married, and hence straight. So what would be the harm in getting together? Just a good time with a potential bud. No big deal. And they had both wanted to see that new drama, when the girl friend and wife hadn't interest. So, what the heck?

Jim pulled out his cell phone, and dialed Chris's number expecting voicemail, which he got. "Hi, this is Chris. I can't take your call right now. Leave a message, and I'll get back to you..."

"Hi, Chris, this is Jim, the guy from Home Outlet last week. You pointed me to the correct tubing for my washing machine." Jim said this last part with a bit of a laugh. "Anyway, we had a soda, and said we might get together for that new drama this weekend. Was thinking Saturday, the 6:00 pm showing at the Fremont. If that's ok, just meet me outside it at, say, 5:45? Maybe catch a bite afterwards? Talk to you later. Thanks."

Late that night, while Jim's wife Chris was packing for a business trip the next morning, which would take her out of town that weekend, Jim stepped out on the back patio, and pulled out his cell phone, to check for messages. There was one. He hit the button to retrieve voicemail...

"Hey Jim, this is Chris," the message started. Chris's voice sounded very upbeat, as if he were very happy to have heard from him, and might not have expected the call. "Thanks for your call. Yeah, the 6:00 pm showing sounds great. I have an idea where we might get something afterwards. Or if you do, we can go with that... See you then."

On Saturday afternoon, Jim was doing some chores around the house that Chris had set up for him, when he noticed the time, around 4:00 pm. Perfect timing, he thought. Just time for a shower, and getting dressed, before heading over to the Fremont.

After showering, he shaved, which he hadn't bothered to do that morning, just being around the house. Then he again dried his hair, using Chris's hair dryer, shaking his head occasionally. The hair gained its usual body as it dried, keeping its luster. When he was finished drying, he ran a comb through it. It ran deeply through, since it had been several weeks since his last haircut, and was on the longer side, falling nicely over his ears, and down the back of his neck. When he was finished, he looked into the mirror, and said to himself, "Yup, damn sexy..."

He looked in his closet, found his favorite green plaid shirt, which he put on, followed by a pair of slightly faded jeans, and sneakers. He left the top two button of his shirt unbuttoned, and rolled up his shirt sleeves. It was a warm summer night after all. Wanted to stay cool...

He walked up to the Fremont, right on time, which surprised him a bit, at about 5:45. He saw Chris standing in front. He was wearing a blue denim jacket, slightly faded, and matching jeans, along with an off-white shirt, also with the top two buttons of his shirt undone. He was wearing some rather nice casual shoes. Apparently not having had time to get a haircut, his hair was nicely combed out, with no apparent part, practically into his blue eyes, and also over his ears and collar in the back. There was also a bit of a shine from the lights on the street. Boy, did he look sexy! Jim began to think as he saw him, "Maybe this wasn't such a great idea... Oh well, too late now."

"Nice to see you, Chris," said Jim, walking up to Chris, and giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"Likewise," beamed Chris, with a flick of his head, in an attempt to get some of the hair out of his eyes. Unsuccessful, Chris let it stay.

"Did you get tickets?"

"Yup, we're all set. We can go in, get seats."

They entered the theatre, Jim opening the door for Chris, and again gently putting his hand on his shoulder, to indicate he should enter first.

"A gentleman!" Chris observed softly to Jim, giving him a flick of the eyebrow and wink as he entered. Jim blushed a bit at that, as he looked away with a soft cough.

Inside, they looked around, then at the concession stand, and paused.

"Do you usually get refreshments?" asked Jim. "I don't usually."

"A movie without popcorn?" asked Chris, dubiously. "You're kidding."

Jim looked at Chris. All of a sudden, "Eh," he said, followed by bringing his hand up to Chris's head, giving his hair a healthy tousle. "Go wild, get us some." "Hey," cried Chris, with a laugh, and half-hearted attempt to dodge Jim's hand, after the tousle. "I don't let just anyone do that," he said, admonishing Jim for his apparently spontaneous gesture towards his head.

"Hmm," returned Jim, looking at Chris. "Guess I'm not allowed?"

"I don't know," Chris softly mumbled, with a side glance at Jim.

"Hmm," repeated Jim, with a wink.

Jim walked up to the concession counter with Chris. "Well, since you sprang for the tickets," he said, leaning just slightly towards Chris as he looked in his wallet for money, "I guess popcorn can be on me." After they got popcorn, they proceeded into the theatre.

The theatre was dark, as previews for upcoming attractions had started. They found two seats towards the rear, near the aisle.

"These two ok? whispered Jim, indicating the seats.

"Fine," said Chris. Jim gestured for Chris to go in first. They each sat down, and got settled in preparation for the movie.

The movie started, following the previews, and after the first several minutes, they began to get more comfortable. Chris leaned into, and edged almost imperceptibly towards Jim as the minutes went by. During an intimate scene between the leading actor and actress, with soft mood music in the background, Chris reached over and casually put his hand on Jim's knee. Immediately noticing this, Jim very gently put his hand on Chris's hand. He started to get excited, and not knowing what to do, slowly returned Chris's hand to Chris's knee. Chris gave Jim a quizzical look out of the corner of his eye; Jim just continued to watch the movie.

When the movie ended, Chris seemed tentative, but not wanting to appear obvious, tried to act as if he hadn't made a pass at Jim. The crowd slowly ushered out of the theatre, and onto the sidewalk.

"Beautiful night," said Chris smiling, looking up, putting his hands in his jacket pocket. "What did you think of it?"

Jim shuffled along, gently leaning into Chris as they walked. "I liked it, corny as it was in some places. Guess I'm an old softy when it comes to cliché," he said with a laugh. "You?" he asked, with a glance at Chris.

"I don't know," replied Chris, looking ahead thoughtfully. "Guess I'm into a more modern kind of romance. Seemed a bit slow for me. But overall, I guess, it was ok." They walked on a little further.

"Where did you have in mind, for a bite to eat?" asked Chris.

"There's a small Italian place right around the corner," replied Jim. "Don't remember the name of it, but it's been there for a while. I ate there after a movie here once. It was nice. Does that sound good, or would you like to try somewhere else?

"No, that sounds fine."

They rounded the corner, found the restaurant Jim had mentioned and entered, where the host sat them at a small table, away from the main traffic of the restaurant. After a few minutes, their waiter gave them drinks, and took their order.

"So," said Jim, not sure where to start conversation. There was an awkward pause.

Chris felt awkward himself, looking down. "I guess you're not really into me."

"Excuse me?" asked Jim, a bit puzzled.

"You brushed me off during the move."

"Oh, yeah, that," replied Jim, a little nervously. He proceeded carefully. "I didn't mean to reject you, but I thought we were both straight."

Chris gave a bit of a laugh. "After the way you were flirting with me before the movie? I liked that tousle of the hair." He seemed just slightly annoyed.

"Sorry," replied Jim. "I thought I was just trying to be friendly. Sorry if it came across that I was trying to come onto you. Besides, you have a girl friend, right? You're not straight?"

"I guess I `swing both ways' as the saying goes," replied Chris, a bit derisively. "You've heard about that kind of thing?"

"Yes, I guess I have," said Jim, realizing he was more naïve than he thought, at that moment.

"I'm kind of surprised," continued Chris. "At the store last week," he added, a bit cockily, "I could have sworn you were a bit taken with me. Double take when I offered to help, and then you couldn't keep your hands off of me, when we went to get the soda."

At this, understandably, Jim began to get uncomfortable. "Look," he said, "maybe we should call this an early night. I don't want to get into something."

Chris retreated. "Sorry," he said. "Didn't mean to get angry, but from the start, the first time you came into the store, when you bought the tubing, I noticed you, and found you to be one hell of an attractive guy. Guess I was just mistaken about which way you lean." He then leaned in a little towards Jim, talking more softly. "Do you really mean to say you are completely straight? I'm usually pretty good at reading people."

Jim paused, not knowing what to say. Finally, he figured honesty was the best policy.

"Look, Chris," he said, beginning to look at him, noticing his blue eyes now, and the hair which was distracting him, by almost covering those blue eyes. "Yes, I have had some questions, but I consider myself to be basically straight." Another pause. "You ARE one attractive guy. But I'm married. End of story."

At that point their food came. They started to eat, and for several minutes, continued in silence. Finally, Jim broke the silence.

"How's yours?" he asked, indicating Chris's entrée.

"Oh, fine," replied Chris, coming out of his thoughts. "Yours?" he returned.

"Good," replied Jim.

Chris hesitated, and then added, "Look, I hate the sound of this cliché, but, as the saying goes, can we still be friends?"

Jim hesitated himself. Finally, "I don't know." He looked at Chris. "I have to admit, it might be hard to be `friends' with you. Might be too much feeling there. We'll have to see." Another pause. "I know this is going to sound bad, but the next time I come into Home Outlet, could you let someone else help me, if I need help?"

Chris seemed visibly hurt, though he tried to hide it. "Yeah, sure," he said softly.

"Look, I just need time," said Jim. "Maybe, we can be friends. I don't know. I just need some time."

With that, they continued their meals, mostly in silence. Afterwards, Jim paid their bill, and they left, each going in his own direction.

Reader comments welcome. Please send to seaview99@aol.com.

Next: Chapter 4

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