Just a Trim

By moc.loa@99weivaeS

Published on Mar 13, 2008


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.  The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.  No copyright infringement is intended.

A month later, Jim had mostly settled into a small one-bedroom apartment, not too far from the house he had shared with Chris. He had found a simply furnished place, since both Chris and he thought it best that he just move basic necessities, i.e., clothes, since neither knew what the near future would hold.

On a Sunday afternoon, after he had finished his chores for the weekend, he lay down on his sofa, and dialed Chris, the stock boy on his cell phone. He was a bit surprised, when Chris picked up.

"Hello? Jim?"

"Hey, Chris. How's it going?"

"Not bad. Yourself?"

"Not too bad, for a Sunday. Kind of surprised I caught you," said Jim. "Thought you might be working. Or out with your girlfriend."

"Yeah...," replied Chris, a bit hesitantly. "I don't know if I told you, I alternate Sundays now. We got a new guy, besides Chad. So between the three of us, we get more off time. Works out nicely."

Jim paused. "I'm not sure how to ask this, but do you think you might like to get together next weekend, maybe Friday night, for dinner?" Another pause. "You know, a date?"

Chris laughed at this. "Uh yeah, sure. I'd like that. Any place in mind?"

"Well, how about the Italian place we went to after the movie? Maybe we can improve a bit on the conversation this time," Jim quipped.

Chris laughed again. "I like your sense of humor."

"Should I pick you up? You can tell I'm new at this."

"No, why don't we just meet there. Less hassle."

"Sounds good," replied Jim. "See you then."

The following Friday, Jim walked up to the restaurant, where he saw Chris standing out front. They were each dressed similarly to how they had been, on the night they saw the movie. Chris turned to see Jim walking up.

"Nice to see you!" beamed Chris. "Glad you called."

"Likewise. Shall we go in?" asked Jim, again with a casual hand on Chris's shoulder, as he opened the door with other.

"Thanks," replied Chris, with a glance at Jim, as he entered the restaurant.

They were shown to a table, a different one than on their first visit, again away from the main traffic of people. After being shown menus, and ordering, they got settled, and more comfortable.

"So, how have you been?" asked Chris.

"Ok, but things have been a bit dicey."


"Yeah," replied Jim. "I talked to my wife about my... feelings? It was kind of rough."

"I'd think it would have been."

"Yes," continued Jim. "After the movie, one night, I had a wet dream about you."

"Really!" exclaimed Chris. "I'm flattered. Can you tell me about it?"

"Well, in a nutshell, I was in Home Outlet, after it closed. I was trying to get out, but there were these two employees right ahead of me, oblivious to me, who locked the door right in front of me. And then, I turned around to see you. You were more handsome than ever." Jim blushed when he said this. "Your hair was kind of long, nicely combed, and you sensed my distraction by it. During all of this, I was getting weaker by the moment, as wet dreams go."

Chris looked at Jim, spellbound.

"I tried to get past you, running back into the store. Of course, this made no sense, but in a wet dream, you go with it."

"Of course!" returned Chris, with a laugh.

"Anyway, as I was trying to run, which I could only do in slow motion, I felt your breath on my neck as you brought your hands gently up my torso, in kind of hug from behind. I kind of felt like a quarterback trying for a touchdown, but with no hope for one." Chris laughed again at this.

"At that point, by body went completely limp. As I fell, well, you know... Then I woke up, to find my wife Chris, in roughly the same position you had been, in the dream. She knew it was a wet dream, and asked for details, but I declined. I was lucky you both had the same name, since I called your name out in the dream."

"Well," said Chris, after he had taken this in. "I wonder if we might try to play out your dream for real some time, you know, just for kicks." He winked at that.

"I don't know," replied Jim, a little embarrassed.

After a bit of a pause, Chris continued. "I should probably tell you, after we saw the movie, I broke up with Sandy, my girlfriend."

"Really," said Jim, with a bit of concern in his voice. "Why?"

"I don't know. After I told you about us, I really began to think I was unfairly leading her on, when I wasn't sure of my own feelings. Or maybe, I began to realize, I was more gay, and less bisexual than I had thought."

"How did she take it?"

"Surprisingly well," replied Chris. "Of course there were tears. But I think she had a feeling all along. Women somehow seem to know."

"Yes," said Jim. "Kind of the way my wife took it."

At that point, their food came. They continued their conversation, along more conventional lines, during the meal. At the end, they got up, and left the restaurant. Walking outside, it was a clear night, with just a hint pleasant coolness in the air.

"Care to go for a walk?" said Chris, softly.

"Sure," said Jim. "Down the boardwalk by the marina?"

"Sounds good," replied Chris. "Romantic," he added, with a wink.

Jim blushed a bit at that. They walked down to the boardwalk, and started strolling slowly along it. By a stroke of luck, there were few people around. Every few steps, they brushed softly up against each other. On one of the brushes, Chris nonchalantly took Jim's hand in his. Jim glanced at Chris. Chris glanced back, with a questioning look, as if to ask if that was ok. Jim then looked forward and up, as if he were trying to exude a bit of confidence, and gently squeezed Chris's hand, as they continued strolling.

"A beautiful night," whispered Chris.

"The best," replied Jim, with a smile.

Jim then guided Chris to the boardwalk railing, where they stood looking out at the marina. Jim looked at Chris. The gentle breeze was blowing locks of hair into Chris's eyes. Jim brought his hand up, to scoot a lock out of Chris's eyes.

"I guess, if we're on a date, I can do that," Jim said softly, with a smile.

"No problem," replied Chris, with a similar smile. "Anytime." Then he paused, reflecting. "Think I should get a haircut? It is getting a bit long."

"I wouldn't," said Jim, looking at Chris's hair. "Looks nice as it is. I like the way it shines in the light. And you keep it nicely combed. Makes you look incredibly sexy." Chris couldn't help but blush at that. Jim ran a few fingers deeply through the hair on the side of Chris's head. Chris didn't seem to mind.

Their faces were about a foot apart now. While Jim was looking at Chris's hair, Chris slowly brought his face closer to Jim's, until they were just several inches apart. Jim, although aware of this now, wasn't sure what to do. Obviously, Chris wanted to kiss him. Going with the moment, Jim looked at him, as if to say, ok, what next? So, Chris moved in, his lips softly touching Jim's, who had tilted his head to make the approach easier. After a few seconds, they pulled back.

"Mm...," said Chris softly. "A good kisser, too."

Jim laughed softly. They pulled in again, their lips softly touching, this time for quite a bit longer than they had the first time. Finally, Jim, beginning to get excited, brought a hand up, placing it on Chris's chest, to gently push him away. They pulled back, each giving a pleasurable moan.

"Whew...," said Jim softly. "You're a pretty good kisser, yourself. I was beginning to get a little excited there. Didn't want to start something we might not be able to finish here."

Chris laughed at that. "Next time," he replied, with a wink.

Jim then brought his hand up, and gently squeezed Chris's shoulder, much as he had the day they met, when they were waiting to get a soda. This time, however, he left his hand there for quite a bit longer. Finally, he let it softly fall down Chris's back, as they pulled away from the boardwalk railing, and slowly walked back towards the restaurant.

When they reached the entrance to the restaurant, Chris spoke first.

"I had fun."

"Me, too."

"Give me a call?" asked Chris.

"I'll be in touch," replied Jim.

With that, they parted.

Reader comments welcome. Please send to seaview99@aol.com

Next: Chapter 8

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